#pregnant inquisitor
somethingblu3 · 8 months
Little Moments Of Doubt
Repost Read on AO3 here.
18+ minors dni.
Fandom: Dragon Age, Dragon Age Inquisition.
Cullen has a moment of doubt about Kendra's pregnancy. cheesiness abound.
TW: Pregnancy, Pregnancy Doubt, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnancy Regret, Implied/Referenced Abortion/ Pregnant Inquisitor, Implied Breeding Kink, Mentions of no Condom Sex, Reiljious Guilt/Trauma,
Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x Original Female Character (Kendra Lavellan)
Word Count: 943
Divider Credit: cherienymphe.
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“This was a mistake,” Cullen said firmly “I’m sorry”
“Cullen” Kendra stressed.
He was having one of those moods again. Those moods where everything was wrong and it was all his fault yet Kendra knew it was the furthest from the truth.
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have indulged in my fantasies I-” He stuttered.
Kendra’s heart ached. Cullen had repressed his feelings from the moment she knew him. It took him almost two years to finally accept his feelings for her. And when he finally did a sense of relief washed over them. Their friends, especially Dorian, had known it for years, yet Cullen’s fear held him back like it did now. It held him back in the bedroom too Kendra was certain that during their cuddle sessions after sex, he was praying to Andraste begging her to forgive him of his sins. It was all quite sad really. Their session last month went further than they typically went but Kendra didn’t mind - she wanted it. Creators she craved all of him inside of her burying deep inside her sweet cunt. During Dirty talk Cullen let slip that he wanted her to feel his flesh. He wanted her to feel his seed growing inside of her until she was ready to burst with child and Kendra happily indulged.
When he got up this morning for his run her handprints and bitemarks were still fresh she couldn’t help but smile at her handywork she had never experienced that level of lovemaking it was intense yet also just as passionate at the same time. She knew that it would be a while until she experienced that again him inside of her with no restrictions no condoms just flesh on flesh as The Creators had intended. He was hard at first Kendra was almost worried that he wasn’t going to fit in despite being average-sized but in the end, they finally got there.. She knew that the next time he would be on a work trip when she would be all alone stuck in their apartment that would be her masturbation material. She smirked as her eyes caught a glimpse of the still cum-stained Dildo Cullen had used on her last night. Kendra was still in the early stages of her pregnancy yet they had already needed to be more creative with positions.
Plus Cullen wouldn’t stop treating her like a delicate little flower and it was frustrating her to no end. Of course, it was nice that he cared but at the same time, she wasn’t a doll she wasn’t going to break under his touch no matter how much he had seemed to believe that. She was always aware that through each session she could have possibly ended up pregnant there was always a chance even with birth control.
While the thought of pregnancy scared her to death she also knew that Cullen would be a great father no matter what even if he didn’t quite believe it himself that was what gave her a sense of peace at night. Kendra lowered her head. She didn’t want to press any longer she knew that if she gave the option of terminating the pregnancy Cullen would say yes but then in the morning he would regret it in a heartbeat.
“Cullen…Go to sleep you’ll feel better about this in the morning” She tried to calm him.
“But what if I don’t? What if I wake up and I still feel the same way about this?” He paused and waved his hand down at her pregnant belly which wasn’t even showing yet but she couldn’t even fit into her favorite pair of jeans.
“We’re not ready to be parents Ken. We’re drowning in debt. And what if we mess up? Mess up like my Dad did. I would never forgive myself and you know that” He wailed
Kendra pulled Cullen closer even as he wallowed her fingers intertwined in his blond locks.
“Look we’ll get through this,” She said softly as she kissed his forehead gently.
“How are you so optimistic about this?” Cullen asked as he looked up at her.
Amazement sparkled in his eyes.
“You're the one who’ll actually have to give birth” He reminded her.
Kendra smiled “I’m optimistic because I know whatever The Creators have planned for us we can face it we always have. I’m lucky remember?” She asked as he tugged at her necklace with her thumb twirling around Cullen’s lucky gold coin the one that he had given to her at the lake.
“Maker your such a cheeseball” Cullen complained as he shook his head.
"There's nothing wrong about being cheesy every now and then" Kendra teased as she witnessed a soft smile grow over his lips.
“Speaking of Chese do we still have any of that Brie left Alistair bought us from Val Royeaux?” Kendra asked.
Cheese had been her first and strongest craving so far and she blamed Alistair almost entirely.
Cullen’s cheeks turned a deep shade of red “About that-”
“Cullen” Kendra whined as she swatted him gently.
Cullen got up from the bed and kissed her right cheek pulling back with a smile.
“Don’t worry dear why don’t I go to the corner shop and get you some more while I clear this head of mine?” He asked
“Alright then. I love you” She sighed as she slithered back under the warm covers.
“I love you too. The both of you my tiny little cheeseballs” Cullen murmured as he placed his hand on her stomach ever so gently.
Fine. Kendra reminded herself as her breathing slowed and sleep overtook her. They would be fine.
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lordofthemushrooms · 6 days
Thinking about Solas still visiting Lavellan in her dreams even though it is so so so painful to see her and not stay. Even though he has to go months between doing it to keep himself from going back on his plan. Even though she doesn’t know it’s really him. She thinks she’s just dreaming about him because she misses him, not because he’s really there.
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freshmangojuice · 1 month
The fact that in Dear Dave, Lister says "If [Hayley Summers] had my kids..." implying an assumption that she would have twins. And accounting for Jim and Bexley being twins. AND how in BTE the figures representing Lister and Kochanski as a family have two kids...
Do we think Lister has a predisposition to father twins?
Y'all what if Lister himself was a twin, but two babies weren't viable in the artificial incubation system they had on Starbug?
AND what if THIS GUY from Inquisition...
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... Is the twin that wasn't born???
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thebluestmage · 2 years
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playin thru dragon aggy inquisition and loving my travelyan
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maxim-a · 2 years
will never forgive or forget the massive fandom meltdown over dorian being revealed as gay bc a ton of straight people already had baby daddy headcanons before sexualities were even announced yet
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viiisenyas · 2 years
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It’s actually six lines, but ehehe 
Thanks for the tag @psalacanthea! Here’s a little snippet of a later chapter called Mutiny for my DA rewrite :)
tagging with no pressure: @oxygenforthewicked​, @inquisimer​, @imperatrixvini​, && @nosunshineintherain​
She stirred awake as she felt the gentle movement within her abdomen, and exhaled softly. Valeriana shifted her weight and leaned back against the pillar. She hadn’t realised that she’d fallen asleep so soon after nightfall, though she found herself more fatigued as of late.
The mage clutched the worn blanket tighter around her shoulders, and shivered as a chilly gust of wind whipped through the cargo hold. 
She placed her hand over her growing womb before she felt the unborn babe pressing against her palm, and she gasped in surprise. Her son had been moving more often, and her heart swelled with joy for the first time since she left Kinloch Hold.
“What is it?” Garrett’s voice came from beside her, “Is something wrong?”
Hawke moved closer towards her, and she didn’t miss the way his brow furrowed with concern.
Valeriana met his gaze and smiled softly, shaking her head in reply. She gently grasped his wrist and moved his palm to her belly. “Do you feel that?”
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arlathen · 1 year
speaking of couslands i have long had a scene in me mind where elise is w alistair during in hushed whispers and she and amadea meet and it's just delightful.
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shivunin · 6 months
Dragon Age Fic Recs
In honor of the Just Leave a Comment Fest, and with no particular theme, here are a few of my favorite Dragon Age Fics:
(If you wrote one of these fics and want me to tag your blog, please let me know and I'm happy to do so!)
**Always check the tags before jumping in; this list is no exception.**
be my mirror by ella_vellan: (T; 5,798) Alistair & Morrigan. Alistair meets Kieran for the first time in Orlais. The dialogue in this feels so well-paced and authentic, and it really navigates a fraught situation with grace. One of those fics that feels bittersweet in the most cathartic way. 
a gentle, beating heart by rynleaf: (M; 5,115 Words) Warden/Zevran. The Warden finds out she is pregnant sometime after Origins and puts off telling Zevran. The epistolary pieces of this frame the underlying story so well, and the flow of the fic itself is extremely well-paced.
A Man’s Word is His Bond by howlsmovinglibrary: (M; 35,135 Words/9 chapters) Zevran/Warden Soulmate AU. Honestly? This Surana cracks me up and I adore this fic. She is just having absolutely none of his nonsense. No thank you. Also, the implications of a soulmate-identifying mark are really well-explored here.
Dragon Age II:
see me bare my teeth for you by calypsid: (T; 2,978 Words) Fenris/Hawke vampire AU. This one has really good pacing and Fenris’s POV is really effective. Would absolutely read way more about the dynamic between this Hawke and Fenris. 
to hold you by the edges by vesperics: (T; 4,059 Words) Fenris/Hawke wound-tending set sometime in Act 1. I am a sucker for wound-tending anything, but I really enjoyed the way this fic explores Hawke and Fenris’s early dynamic and the way she navigates his boundaries about magical healing. 
River Stone by loquaciousquark: (M; 45,633 Words) Fenris/Hawke. Hawke is captured and subjected to a botched Rite of Tranquility. Hawke survives by pretending it worked while Fenris tries to find her. The pain in this fic is so delicately and thoughtfully depicted; it might be my favorite hurt/comfort fic ever. There is an art to writing something that hurts like this while still making the catharsis of resolution feel earned, and this author absolutely knows how to do it right. 
Portrait of a Man by Dulcidyne: (T; 3,136 Words) Cullen/Inquisitor. Cullen sits for a portrait. Love the dynamic of person vs. role here, and the idea of how someone is depicted potentially outliving who they actually are. A fic I would hug if I could. 
Truth-Telling by todisturbtheuniverse: (M; 3,988 Words; CW: Fantasy Racism) Adaar/Josephine. Adaar tells several stories about how she lost her horn, but saves the truth for Josie. There are so many great pieces in this about the faces shown to people we trust vs. people who pry for information. Love the almost-but-not-quite together state of their relationship here, too. Yearning, my beloved. 
Port in the Storm by kvella: (E; 89,445 Words/19 Chapters) After nearly hooking up, Cullen and Josephine navigate their tensions while trying to build a memorial for Haven. A lovely slow burn! Characterization is enjoyable and consistent, smut is well-written, and the tension is palpable. The sections involving Josie’s family were some of my favorites.
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jessicas-pi · 7 months
ok look i need to elaborate on the Satine Accidentally Creates A Mandalorian Empire (also adopts people) AU because once i start talking i can't stop.
This all starts because Satine isn't searched thoroughly enough when she's captured by Death Watch. Because a pacifist Duchess wouldn't carry any weapons, right?
Wrong! Just because she's a pacifist doesn't mean she won't defend herself, remember? It just so happens that she carries a deactivator pistol, which shoots energy blasts capable of taking out droids, and it also just so happens that Death Watch's new leader is part droid.
Satine disables Maul's legs moments before she would have been impaled.
Bo-Katan tries not to cackle as she informs Satine that she is technically the new owner of the Darksaber. In any other situation, Bo would be furious, but the irony of it is just too much.
Anyway, time skip ahead. Satine is trying to maintain Mandalore's neutrality in the war while also keeping the Nite Owls on a metaphorical backpack leash and negotiating with the remaining Mauldalorians. She refuses to carry the Darksaber, so Bo puts it in storage with Satine's old armor. (The Ahsoka-on-Mandalore arc doesn't happen, FYI.) Then, they get news of the whole Empire deal. The Death Watch Mandalorians try to throw a party at the news of Order 66.
Then Obi-Wan shows up on their doorstep with a heavily pregnant senator and a little girl.
Padme is brought to a medcenter for treatment, and with better care, she survives the birth of her children.
But more important than that is Reva Sevander.
Because in this universe, Obi-Wan sensed one single light in the darkness of the temple, and lifted the trembling girl from the pile of bodies she'd hidden herself in. Obi-Wan takes her to Mandalore along with Padme. A Mandalorian doctor treats her wounds as she breaks down, sobbing out the truth of what happened.
Soon enough, rumors are flying from Mandalorian to Mandalorian, murmuring that the Jedi children were slaughtered too.
Some warrior Mandalorians hate Jedi more than they love children. Most of them love children more than they hate Jedi.
They nearly start another civil war over which one of the clans should be allowed to adopt the jet'ika girl. Finally, Satine steps in, proclaiming that this fighting is only hurting Initiate Sevander, and that the child will be Satine's personal ward.
Word gets out.
Vader sends his first Inquisitor on a mission to kill the Initiate and any Mandalorians who dare to defy the Empire's orders.
Bo-Katan sends the Inquisitor back in several pieces.
(The Empire decides to hold off on attacking Mandalore just yet.)
Anyway, Vader isn't the only one to hear about Satine adopting a Jedi girl. Word spreads to others.
Ahsoka comes first, dragging a tied-up clone Captain and demanding the use of a medcenter immediately. A few weeks later, Kelleran Beq and Grogu arrive. Caleb Dume follows, too weary to be afraid of what could happen to him.
Mandalore--which is nearly next door to Dathomir--picks up a distress signal that nobody else could have. Bo-Katan and squad of Nite Owls (including their newest recruit, Ahsoka) investigate, and they bring home a ragged Jedi and a little girl. Satine, who will never regret helping the Jedi but has been getting severe stress headaches at the number of floating objects in her life, nearly breaks down in tears when she hears the Dathomirian child excitedly discussing the undead with their newest Jedi rescue, a redhead boy who won't explain why he refuses to take off his gloves. She didn't sign up for this she didn't sign up for this she didn't sign up for this--
It doesn't stop her from taking in each new Jet'ika they find. The Sundari palace is full of younglings, and while Bo-Katan complains about it frequently, she's having so much fun as the wine aunt to two dozen miniature Jedi (and she even encourages her Nite Owls to listen for rumors of surviving Jedi and rescue them).
(Ahsoka becomes the unofficial go-to babysitter for Sabine and Tristan, and while I'm not a fan of Force-sensitive Sabine in canon, the hilarity of it in this AU is too much to pass up because imagine Ursa's face when Ahsoka breaks it to her that so um just FYI your daughter has space magic.)
Okay, enough about the Jedi (for now.) On to the war against the Empire!
So, Satine has been facing a lot of moral dilemmas, including what do you do when your enemies are evil and they're attacking your borders and they really can't be reasoned with? and she's solved most of them by giving Bo-Katan begrudging permission to "handle it." She's made it very clear that civilian casualties are absolutely unacceptable, and Bo-Katan huffs and says fiiiiine.
But then a nearby planet besieged by the Empire sends a plea for help. What can Satine do? Refusing goes against everything she stands for, but this would be a counterattack by Mandalore, not just self-defense!
In the end, there's no other answer. She sends the Nite Owls (and a Jedi who volunteered) to help the people and hopes that will be the end of it. She has her hands full already just trying to protect Mandalore!
But it happens again. And again. Satine still refuses to start a war against the Empire.
That changes when Sundari itself is full-on attacked.
Now, here's the thing about Satine.
She wasn't always peaceful.
It was the aftermath of the civil war--the destruction, the death, the needless suffering without a purpose, the fighting that she had been a part of--that made her a pacifist.
But when she runs to the palace window to look out at the city, listens to the bombs falling and the frantic comms from Bo-Katan's forces about the losing battle and the dying civilians, sees the Jedi rushing to shelter their children because one reason the Empire is here is to kill them, Satine remembers why she fought.
She spent fifteen years rebuilding Mandalore to be a peaceful, thriving society that no longer destroyed itself, and now someone else has come to burn it to the ground.
"Bring me my armor," she commands in a low, cold voice. "And the Darksaber."
The Empire is about to find out what happens when a pacifist goes to war.
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your-nanas-house · 2 months
ᥴꪖꪑꫀ𝕣ꪮꪀ ꪑꪮꪀꪖᧁꫝꪖꪀ
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Being pregnant with Cameron Monaghan’s baby 
Cinnamon roll Cam Cam
Disturbed sleep
Just a dream
My fault 
No happy ending
Fiction is what I hope
Quick smut stories
My safe space 
On the dark side
Little Inquisitor
Cheesy LoVe
Quick smut stories
Those yellow eyes
It’s too late
After a bottle of wine
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theheraldsrest · 9 months
Wills and Wonts
(TBA) DA Companions
(TBA) DA2 Companions:
-Gruff Reader confesses crush to Varric
DAI Companions and Advisors:
-Compliments Before/After Romancing
-(Romanced) Cullen, Blackwall, or The Iron Bull seeing The Inquisitor come back after a long journey
-Companions receiving/giving gifts
-(Romanced) Companions being asked to hold something for Inquisitor, then the Inquisitor holds their hand
-(CONTINUED)Non-romanced Companions being asked to hold something for the Inquisitor, then the Inquisitor holds their hand
-Companions reacting to Inquisitor jumping off the balcony at Skyhold
-Companions in a snowball fight
-Varric, Cullen and Solas comforting Lavellan!Inquisitor after they wake in a panic from nightmares
-Companions reacting to an Inquisitor who touches very casually
-Inquisitor bringing back a dragon egg and claiming it as their own child
-Companions (+Scout Harding and Varric) when they realized they were in love
-(Romanced) Companions reacting to Asexual Inquisitor
-Companions asked to watch over your drink
-(Romanced) Companions with a Flirtatious Inquisitor (booty grabs)
-Companions react to a Blind Inquisitor
-(Romanced) Companions proposing to the Inquisitor
-Companions reacting to an Inquisitor who covers their burn marks
-(Romanced) Companions walking in on the Inquisitor changing
-(Platonic and Romanced) Companions (+ Varric) reacting to an exhausted Inquisitor falling asleep
-Companions reacting to Sub-Human Species
-(Platonic and Romanced) Companions reacting to Female!Inquisitor saying she's pregnant
-(Romanced) Companions react to Inquisitor's awkward flirting attempts
-Companions (Romanced Dorian) react to the Male!Inquisitor adopting a child
-Companions reacting to Inquisitor's trained mounts
-(Romanced) Companions react to a drunk Inquisitor celebrating their victory against a dragon
-Companions (+Scout Harding and Krem) react to a rubix cube
-(Platonic and Romanced) Companions reacting to a very loquacious Elf!Inquisitor being silenced
-Companions react to the Inquisitor flying
-Companions react to Teen!Inquisitor
-(Romanced) Companions switching bodies with Inquisitor
-Companions react to Inquisitor losing their arm
-Companions being Competent, Badass, or Admirable
-(Romanced) Companions reacting to the Inquisitor's death
-Companions react to Inquisitor hiding their newest injuries
-Companions react to Mute/Deaf!Inquisitor
-Companions react to Mage!Lavellan!Inquisitor coming out as Trans(Male)
-Companions reacting to sick Mage!Trevelyan!Inquisitor
-(Romanced) Companions reacting to Secret Baby Nug/Mabari Pup
-Companions react to Inquisitor dating Yvette (Josephine’s Sister)
-Companions (+Romanced) reacting to Inquisitor turned into a cat
-(Romanced) Companions react to Inquisitor walking in on Companions Changing
-Companions react to Inquisitor drawing/sketching them
-Josephine and Fem!Lavellan Headcanons
-Josephine romance with Genderfluid/Non-Binary Inquisitor Headcanons
-Krem Romance Headcanons
Companion Conversations:
-Sera and Dorian are friends
-Mass Effect: Inquisition
-NSFW Alphabet for Blackwall
-NSFW Alphabet for Varric
-NSFW Alphabet for Cullen
-NSFW Alphabet for Solas
-NSFW Alphabet for The Iron Bull
-(SLIGHT NSFW)(Romanced) Companions reacting to Inquisitor being extremely flirtatious and wanting some "alone time"
-(SLIGHT NSFW)(Romanced) Companions reacting to Chubby Inquisitor with their first time
-(SLIGHT NSFW)(Romanced) Bull, Cullen, Blackwall and Dorian reacting to Inquisitor flirting
-Lex and Cabot Inquisitor Introductions
-The Inquisition was your family
-Solas is an Egg
-Cabot questions (Leliana)
-Solas Holmes
-No one likes the The Royal Court
-What goes through Lex's head when writing NSFW
-Lex answering asks
-Cole appreciation post
-Predictions for DA4
-Lex regretting the blog
-Lex remembers we have a blog
-Lex remembers we have a blog Part 2
-Lex remembers we have a blog Part 3, electric boogaloo
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kittyit · 9 months
Silencing Women's Speech from Max Dashu, feminist scholar and runner of the Suppressed Histories Archive
LIVE EVENT, Friday, September 15th 2023 at 12 PM PST (3 PM EST)
A Sumerian law called for crushing a woman's mouth with a brick, for "disrespecting" a man. Ancient and medieval conventions ordered women to keep silent. The European witch hunts targeted women; the accusation that a woman could magically harm others from afar, by her evil thoughts, and thus deserved to be hounded, beaten, tortured, killed, or shunned. Coercing speech in the torture trials. Scoring aboon the breath: cutting a woman's face "above the mouth," so drawing her blood would break her spells.
The Witch's bridle / Scold's bridle / branks: headcages with a metal gag, for public humiliation, and also Schandmasken: "shame masks." "Swimming the witch," "ducking the scold" (epithet for an outspoken woman). Women Possessed; exorcism as a rite of male domination. Witch accusations by possessed children in the Salem hunts.
Imprisoned women who wrote or embroidered appeals for justice. Testimony of abused women from mental prisons, workhouses, and enslavement. Acts of speech as madness; inquisitors are replaced by psychiatrists, with their own forms of torture: ice baths, immobilization, insulin shock, electroshock.
Gagging, bridling, or torturing a woman's tongue in the anti-suffragist backlash. Men's words in women's mouths: media elevating select women to voice patriarchal views. Male domination of public discussions. Attacks on female journalists, internet influencers, members of parliament. Physical attacks on women who say No. Chup raho: "Be quiet."
New Left attacks on women's speech, igniting an explosion of female protest in the 2nd Wave. Rightwing backlash gains ground: Limbaugh invents the "feminazi," followed 30 years later by self-styled antifascists calling feminists "Nazis." Resurgence of witch hunt memes: "Burn TERFs," "punch TERFs," along with rape and death threats, directed at female targets, with impunity.
Threat from the far right and christian nationalists, who want women barefoot and pregnant, and back in the home, but are trying to turn feminist concerns into a wedge issue. Their long game leads to a fascist Gilead.
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imdoingaokay · 1 year
R!DAI Companions + Advisors with an Inquisitor that wants a baby (and/or is pregnant)
Hey guys, I'm alive. This is something I've had for a while, and it's also the longest post I've made. So... yeah. Sorry I don't post all that much, I promise I'm trying.
Anyways, enjoy this self-indulgent fluff piece that I've been working on.
This had every companion, romanced except for Cole, Leliana, and Vivienne (so that means you get romanced Varric in this, you're welcome.)
HEAVY SPOILERS AHEAD! And slight NSFW, nothing too bad, just Bull being sex-positive.
It started innocently enough, the Inquisitor would wander around Skyhold, visiting their friends and lover, just to check in (or give their lover a smooch.) Then a squeal of delight was heard, probably by everyone from Undercroft to the Rookery, that came from the Inquisitor. What they were squealing and cooing about? A baby. A chubby, chortling baby a pilgrim had brought to Skyhold that the Inquisitor had practically stumbled into. The Inquisitor was so enamored with the child, that they ended up spending the rest of the day wandering around Skyhold with the little one.
Then it got worse.
Parents, unable to resist the temptation of the Inquisitor offering to take their little ones for a stroll while they got some well-deserved rest, happily gave the Inquisitor their children. The children that did get babysat by the Inquisitor had far more fun than expected, walking along the battlements, eating a meal or two curated by the Inquisitor, and even being told stories of their exploits. The children of Skyhold grew to adore the Inquisitor, and the Inquisitor adored them in turn.
Soon enough, The Inquisitor became often sidetracked while on missions (more so than usual.) They would stop in their tracks to hold up a trinket or a flower and smile to themselves, telling their companions how they intended to give whatever they held to a specific child. By the time the mission was over, the Inquisitor had lined their pockets with various items to give to the children. 
All of this led to the Inquisitor’s friends and/or lover asking “why?” To which the Inquisitor looked them dead in the eye and shrugged.
“I want a baby of my own.”
Blackwall/Thom Rainier: 
Platonic: Blackwall shrugs, he gets it. The kids are cute. And it’s far more healthy for the Inquisitor to spend time taking care of other people’s children rather than go out and just… have one. 
Not like he wouldn’t mind, Uncle Rainier sounds like a nice title, right? Hopefully, The Inquisitor wants a hand-carved cradle when they have their child.
Romanced: He goes “Uh… is that… something you… want to do… now?” Rainer never truly saw himself settling down officially. He didn’t think he truly deserved that. But the idea of having a few kids? With the woman he loves? Top-tier fantasy in his book. And now with his true identity out of the way, he feels a little better about his future. Especially with his lover.
He needs to hear his lover say “not right now” because he would be more than happy to give his Inquisitor a few kids, and he wouldn’t have the mental strength to say no if they asked. 
Now if his lover does, by some chance, get pregnant. He’s over the moon. He fights harder, and faster, always eager to end Corypheus and retire. He’s such a sappy guy too, always wanting to stay as close as possible to his lover. So one should expect him to personally request that he be sent out all the time with The Inquisitor. That man has a nursery ready to go by the time The Inquisitor’s ready to give birth. He carves a cradle, high chairs, and everything the baby could need. He’s willing to build a palace with his two bare hands for his family.
Platonic: She gets it. Kids are super cute, why not have a few? If she didn’t become a seeker, she knows she would have a few of her own, whether she wanted to or not. But hopefully, the Inquisitor isn’t planning on having any now. Like… now, now. Because the Inquisition still needs them, she still needs them.
If The Inquisitor ends up pregnant or their partner ends up pregnant, she gets furious. She chews them out a little, claiming how immature they are for bringing a child into the world when the world is in so much turmoil. 
She calms later, especially when the child is born, recognizing the love The Inquisitor and their partner show for the child. She doesn’t apologize, as she’s still pissed, but she does adore the child.
Romanced: “Oh.” She says before her face goes completely red. She’ll have to pull them aside and talk about their future together. She’s honestly flattered when the Inquisitor claims they want to have children with her. She’d be a liar if she said she didn’t want kids of her own, especially with the Inquisitor, but the both of them ought to know that they can’t… not yet… anyways. But once all the rifts are closed and they have some more time for themselves, then… then, yeah. Yeah, she would like that.
Maker, help her if she ends up pregnant, she’ll be extremely stressed, for both her and her lover’s sake. One should expect her to refuse to go out on missions until the baby is born, and expect her to be furious when her lover goes too.
Cole: He understands, mainly because he read the Inquisitor’s mind, but he understands deeper than that. He thinks the Inquisitor would be an excellent parent, especially with how they treat him (if high affinity.) He holds a great deal of respect for them, and he knows that their heart is full of a very fluffy, wholesome type of love. One that Cole is more than happy to reciprocate. 
If the Inquisitor does end up having children, Cole is a very willing babysitter, as he doesn’t sleep and he’s able to tell what exactly a baby wants.
Cullen Rutherford: 
Platonic: Cullen furrows his brow before his gaze softens. He understands, he does. The thought of a little house, a family dog, and the sounds of little feet pittering against the floorboards, it’s nice. But that life is… unachievable, especially for a man like him. A man who is so busy, who has no right to live such a dreamy life. But The Inquisitor? They deserve that. They truly do.
He doesn’t need to ask if they mean right then and there, he knows what they mean and that they don’t intend on bringing in a child just yet.
“You would be wonderful.” He says, placing a comforting hand on their shoulder
If the Inquisitor ever ends up pregnant, Cullen won’t be able to stay very calm at all. He encourages the Inquisitor to stay behind in Skyhold but gives up when the Inquisitor becomes stubborn. He eventually has to turn to Leliana or Cassandra for help.
Romanced: It’s a simple desire, to have children. And Cullen’s had it every once in a while, like when he was in Kirkwall and saw a small child toddle towards another templar. He watched his colleague’s wife follow after the child, about to scold the babe for interrupting their father in the middle of work. The templar, instead, scooped the child up in his arms and showered the child’s pudgy face in kisses. That domestic bliss was something Cullen found himself longing for. But he was too busy, life was too busy. And then The Chantry exploded, and he was in The Inquisition… he couldn’t think about that. Not until he met his Inquisitor. Now he imagines what life will be like after the pair are finished. If The Inquisitor has already affirmed that they aren’t leaving him, Cullen’s willing to have a family with The Inquisitor, as long as the two are finished with Corypheus first.
But if life finds a way… he’s happy and nervous. He begs his lover to stay behind in Skyhold, terrified of the billion things that could go wrong. Of course, rifts must be closed, so, against his better judgment, he lets her go.
His dreams get progressively worse when she’s away, it was always like that… but the dreams are worse when she’s pregnant. It gets to a point where he goes weeks without sleep, aside from the occasional nap that he gets jolted up from. The second his lover is back, Cullen whisks her away from the War Room and ushers her back to her quarters, where he has a healer check on her and the baby. Once he is certain she is fine, and the sun has gone down, Cullen lays down next to his lover and passes out into a dreamless slumber.
Dorian Pavus: 
Platonic: “Oh that is hilarious.” He laughs before his smile falls, “Wait you’re serious?”
He listens to his friend, but worriedly reminds them how dangerous it is to bring a child into the world, especially with the Inquisitor in such a highly scrutinized role.
If the Inquisitor assures him that they don’t plan on having kids just yet, he’s relieved, but secretly disappointed. He does like babies… when they’re not puking or pooping.
Now if the Inquisitor is planning on having a child or is already pregnant, he’s ecstatic. He’s all over that and can’t wait until the baby comes. The man buys cribs, toys, parenting books, and much more. Don’t be surprised if he gets a “world’s best uncle” wine glass or something.
Romanced: He jokes, “We could just adopt, I’m sure there are plenty of little Tevinter babies that need two insanely beautiful fathers.”
Now, he is joking, but he’s secretly terrified. But not because he’s worried he’ll be a lousy father or anything, he knows he’ll be different from his father. But, the thought of having kids is something he always knew he was going to do. And then everything happened with his father and his Amatus, and now he feels like… he has a choice? He can say no. He can say yes. He can adopt, or have a surrogate. He doesn’t have to fit into the status quo anymore.
But what if something happens? What if something goes wrong? What if he isn’t able to provide for his child the way they deserve?
It takes some talking down from his Amatus for him to truly relax. The two will need to speak about what they both plan future-wise. And while Dorian may not follow the same ideals as most of Tevinter, he still plans on putting a ring on it before they have kids. After all, they have to have some decorum. But, he also wants to get married because he does love his Amatus and marriage just makes things feel more official.
Iron Bull: 
Platonic: He likes kids, so he gets it, too. He may not outright encourage it, but he assures the Inquisitor how great of a parent they’ll be. Now, if the Inquisitor does end up pregnant, he’s overjoyed… on their behalf… not, like, because he wants to be called an uncle or something… (he wants to be called “uncle” very badly)
He makes the kid an honorary member of the Chargers and attempts to make the little one a onesie that has an embroidered “Bull’s Chargers” lettering on the front.
It takes him all of the pregnancy, but once the baby is born the child has a lovely little onesie that looks incredible. He won’t admit it, but that embroidery took way too long than anyone expected.
Romanced: “We can make that work.” He smiles. Honestly, he assumes that The Inquisitor might have some sort of kink. He’s more than happy to oblige. If the Inquisitor doesn’t clarify what they desire, claiming that they want a baby, Bull watches them closer. He notices small things that make him draw his conclusions. The way his lover holds a small child, how they speak to them, and how sad they look when they have to hand over the child to their parents at the end of the day. He will bring it up in the next few days, and eventually ask them if they want to be parents together, once everything is handled. He wouldn’t mind a kid or two, if his kadan wants it, Bull knows his kadan would be one hell of a parent.
Maker help him if The Inquisitor ends up pregnant, he’s so happy he can’t bother himself by being nervous. Just kidding, he’s super nervous. The Qun doesn’t have fathers, how the hell is he supposed to be there for his kid when he has no idea what kids need?
He needs constant reassurance and ends up going to Krem for advice on taking care of children. Krem had siblings, so he should know… right?
He has his game face on by the time The Inquisitor has the baby, Bull read every single book on childbirth, so he’s basically an expert. He’s all about that counter pressure and breathing techniques, so much so that the midwives are impressed themselves.
Josephine Montilyet: 
Platonic: She sighs, one of those dreamy sighs, “Oh I completely understand, well… a little bit. I’m sure having children is much different from having siblings, so I’m certain it’s better.” 
She knows the Inquisitor isn’t going just to waltz off and get pregnant or get someone else pregnant. But she does clarify if they want a child right then and there. If they say that they intend to have a child as soon as possible, she may faint.
She’s stressed if the Inquisitor or their partner ends up with a child, and gently encourages the pair to get maybe married. Less of a reputation sting that way. If they refuse, she mentally prepares herself for questions from nobles and a few Orlesian nobles who were interested in The Inquisitor themselves.
Romanced: She smiles, “I would… like that.” She says. She’s come from a big family, Josephine would be a liar if she said she didn't want to have a big family of their own. But then she proceeds to clarify “not right now.”
“I do think about children, but you and I both know what a terrible idea it would be to bring them into their lives now." She also clarifies that she intends to cross a few relationship milestones too.
Leliana: A decade younger, Leliana would’ve been right next to The Inquisitor, cooing over the children they affectionately spoke so much about. But Leliana was older… and admittedly more cynical now. It didn’t help that Leliana was now a spymaster in the Inquisition.
“I… understand, but do try to resist any temptation that points you towards… having any children at the moment.” She says plainly.
Maker helps Leliana if The Inquisitor has children with their partner. She’ll end up frustratingly baby-proofing the entirety of Skyhold.
She’s happy when she finally meets the baby, and she can’t help but soften for a little while as she gazes down at the newborn. Her faith somehow returns and any doubts she had over the Maker disappear, as if there was no Maker, how could something so perfect exist? At least, she thinks that until someone looks at her, then she’s all business again.
Platonic: Not interested, or at least, the statement doesn’t faze her. Why would such a badass want little kids? Snotty… annoying… chubby cheeked… super cute- okay, she gets it.
She tells her friend they would probably be a good parent, but would also totally not believe the Inquisitor if they were pregnant or got their partner pregnant. It would only be until she saw The Inquisitor or their partner’s bump that she would accept that maybe they were having a baby.
She loves the kid like a sibling and often offers to make cookies for the baby, not realizing that the baby cannot have solid food for the first few months. She counts down the days when she can goof around with the kid on her own, whenever that might be.
Romanced: Laughs for a while, only to pause when she sees the serious look on her lover’s face. 
“You’re serious? You want…” She thinks for a moment before laughing again, “Yeah… I’d want that too! We’d be great mums!” She giggles.
She’s super on board, and would be the “fun mom.” This means The Inquisitor would be the one that would have to discipline the children. But aside from that, Sera’s all over having kids.
Platonic: High approval Solas would approve, he would nod and tell The Inquisitor that they would be an excellent parent, that they have the wisdom and patience that would be fit for a parent. He advises them to wait, first, as having a child while Corypheus is still at large is a terrible idea.
Low approval, he kind of just nods. He tells them that they should wait if they intend to have a child, as it’s a bad idea. He doesn’t do much else, no encouragement, just a simple shrug, and sigh. He doesn’t care.
Regardless of approval, if the Inquisitor or their partner ends up pregnant, and Solas is still there, he sort of freaks out. His main concern is the mark and its effect on the child, but once that’s ruled out, he still feels guilty. Hopefully, he leaves before the child is born. Because he cracks when he sees them for the first time. Does he really have it in him to end the world when someone as pure and untouched as that child exists? 
It takes some deliberation, but he does. And he leaves, praying he never meets the child ever again.
Romanced: He pauses, were they… serious?
Solas can’t help himself but imagine a life with his vhenan, away from responsibilities, with a few children surrounding the pair. He’d be a liar if that lovely thought didn’t cross his mind when he would steal gazes at his vhenan, but… that’s all it was… right? A thought.
He claims that his vhenan would be an excellent parent, but also ensures that he doesn’t want children, not before Corypheus is defeated. But maybe it’s an accident. He breaks his rule of not sleeping with Lavellan under false pretenses. Once his vhenan is pregnant, his actions depend on The Inquisitor’s dialogue choices. If The Inquisitor were to drink from the Well of Sorrows and then affirm Solas’ choice of fixing the past, he would leave. Not without incredible pain, but he leaves. But if by some chance, by some sliver of a chance, Lavellan says the right things, Solas stays. He hates himself for it, so he promises himself he’ll stay until the birth. Then he looks at his child and weeps. Like if he was platonic, Solas is thrown into turmoil, how could he destroy the world of a child? His child? So he resolves to stay and give up on his mission.
On another note, if he leaves, and Lavellan sees him in Trespasser, he’s more willing to take his vhenan and his child with him.
Varric Tethras: 
Platonic: Varric laughs, “Now that would be a twist… The great Inquisitor, changing diapers in between closing rifts and demon fights.” He smiles to himself. 
As a dwarf, their fertility is comparatively lower than the other races, and honestly, he never thought of himself as a parent, at least, not until he met and started parenting Cole. Of course, he doubts he’ll ever have his own family, Bianca and he, it would never work out. But he can understand the desire. 
He laughs so hard he cries if The Inquisitor or their partner ends up with a kid, like, hunched over, can’t breathe laughing. 
He’s nervous for The Inquisitor, though, he knows how hard it is to be a parent, but having a kid while they’re so… important? It’s a recipe for disaster.
Might end up writing the kid out of the story if The Inquisitor requests, maybe The Inquisitor doesn’t want anyone knowing they potentially had a child out of wedlock.
Romanced: Varric doesn’t laugh, he just smiles. He hadn’t started thinking about having a family until he and The Inquistor started going out officially. He nods, 
“I’d like that too.” He says, and the pair might find themselves discussing their future more often. Names for future children, where they’d live, does the Inqusitor want a dog?
He reminds his lover that Dwarves aren’t known for their fertility, but reminds his lover that “they can still try” and winks at his lover. 
Varric is so caught up in the feeling of being loved so freely, that he sometimes forgets that there’s an evil, red-lyrium magister that wants to rip his lover apart piece by piece. It get’s him nervous, but he’s confident in their shared abilities. And damnit, he loves The Inquisitor, he’s not giving up on them.
He’s speechless if his lover comes up to him and confesses that they’re pregnant, like… actually speechless. He opens his mouth to say something before closing it. Then he just smiles and throws his arms around his lover and says that he loves them. He’s happy to be a dad… he’s happy to have a family, he’s happy to have something he never thought would be his.
Vivienne: She doesn’t laugh, at all. She’s kind of pissed.
“You aren’t planning on bringing in a child now? Not here, right?” She has to clarify.
She thinks the Inquisitor and their partner will be wonderful parents, but they shouldn’t have kids right then. They need to wait. 
If the Inquisitor ends up pregnant/getting someone else pregnant, she scolds them fairly harshly, not to be mean or anything, she’s just upset with how “careless” they could be. If the Inquisitor tells her off or, Maker forbid, starts crying, she’ll feel bad. She doesn’t apologize, however, she knows that having a child while the world is still basically in peril and you’re the main person preventing utter chaos is one of the worst things you can do. 
However, the second the child comes into the world, she’s all over them. She isn’t obvious and wouldn’t be caught dead with the kid on her own, but she can’t help but smile when she sees them all swaddled or when they look so chubby she just wants to eat them up. Only when she sees what a wonderful parent the Inquisitor is, she apologizes for being harsh. She does it in her way, so the Inquisitor shouldn’t expect an “I’m sorry” or anything, but they will get some sort of comment on how she may or may not have been wrong to judge them. Regardless, the Inquisitor better take what they can get.
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sansaorgana · 2 years
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GIFS: (x) // (x) // (x)
PAIRING — Darth Vader (and kinda Anakin Skywalker) x fem!Dark Jedi!Reader
SUMMARY — When the Grand Inquisitor finally finds Obi–Wan Kenobi, you are the first one to know. As the Deputy Commander of the Imperial Forces you pay your old Master a visit but you don’t want to fight him. Actually, Obi–Wan Kenobi might be your only hope to save your daughter from the Emperor.
AUTHOR’S NOTE — Honestly, I usually don’t like angst but this idea has just been occupying my mind for way too long... I just had to finally write it down. Reader is not described in any way physically, I just found that gif of Jodie Comer to fit the vibe and honestly, it inspired me to start writing, therefore I decided to include it. Also, Reader and Vader are like... together but not really. No romance between them anymore surely.
WARNINGS — angst, mentions of getting pregnant with the help of the Force, Reader is not a good person, canon is changed a lot
WORD COUNT — 3,550
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When Darth Vader was about to enter his private quarters, he could sense someone else’s presence inside. He was more intrigued than angry – after all, he didn’t expect any average member of the crew to enter his private quarters. For that, they were too terrified of him.
The doors opened with a loud whoosh noise and he walked inside before taking a long breath.
“Darth Vader,” a familiar voice greeted him and he turned around to finally see the person through his lenses.
She was sitting on his throne so casually. Looked like a natural, he had to admit. Her legs were crossed and she had a faint smirk on her face because she had known perfectly well that she was teasing him by sitting there.
No matter how many years would pass, deep down inside she was still the same girl he had met all those years ago at the Jedi Temple.
“Deputy Commander (Y/L/N),” he greeted her, pretending that he wasn’t bothered by her occupying his throne.
Because why would he be, to be honest?
“I was visited by the Grand Inquisitor this morning,” she started. “Top secret information he had for me, I was the first one to find out and I promised to deliver the news to you personally. The Emperor doesn’t know yet.”
Darth Vader didn’t say anything, only let out another long and loud breath.
“We’ve found Kenobi,” she lowered her voice.
The remaining muscles of his face twitched at that but of course she couldn’t see that through the helmet.
“I’ve decided I will go,” she stood up from the throne to approach him.
“No. It must be me,” he shook his head. “Where?” He repeated the question.
“You haven’t fully recovered after the previous fight,” she reminded him of the week before. He had come back with his suit damaged, almost dead inside of it. “I will go,” she faced him and looked up to stare deep into the two black holes that were his lenses.
“Bring him to me alive,” he only said.
He couldn’t see her properly once the vision was disturbed but every time she stood so close, he could feel the pain, almost physical one. She was so beautiful despite getting older and she was a constant reminder of the life they could have had. But now, he couldn’t even touch her properly.
“I am the only person on this ship who isn’t here out of fear. And the only one who doesn’t secretly wish you to die. I’m the only one you can trust,” she whispered and placed her hand on his glove to squeeze his hand but it wasn’t his real hand. It was just a mechno–arm. For her, it was an illusion but for him it was nothing but another reminder that she was so close… yet so far away.
“If I don’t come back,” she smiled softly, “he’s on Tatooine.”
She gave him a few seconds to process that information but he didn’t answer, so she only nodded and left his quarters while putting the hood of her cape on her head.
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When you landed your ship in the desert and got out of it while following the tracker, you couldn’t believe that you would actually meet Obi–Wan Kenobi. He was too powerful to be found so easily, you thought.
Unless… Unless he wanted to be found for some odd reason.
However, if he wanted to lure anyone, it would be Vader himself or the Grand Inquisitor. He would never expect you and you couldn’t blame him.
You were never being sent off to such missions. Vader was keeping you at one of his palaces or on the ships most of the time. You were surprised that he had allowed you to go on Tatooine so easily, without his usual rants about your safety.
But Kenobi was a job he wouldn’t trust anyone else with and Kenobi was the most important job for the both of you and it was kept a secret even from the Emperor himself.
The tracker started to beep more frequently and you furrowed your brows while looking around. You were in the middle of the desert, there was nothing there except for huge rocks. But when you pointed the tracker at them, it started to signalize that the target had been inside.
You turned the tracker off and climbed on the rocks, a little bit more clumsily than you would like to admit. Years of no actual experience in combat made you weaker, though.
You feared Obi–Wan but you hoped he would be as rusty as you were.
When you were finally at the top of the rocks, you noticed that there was actually an entrance leading inside. You took a deep breath in and activated your lightsaber to use it as a flashlight.
The red glow of your weapon brightened the dark path between the rocks. It was like a maze leading to the pitch black cave.
You froze and looked around. You could sense someone but you couldn’t see them until you heard the familiar sound of the activated lightsaber and the blue light appeared on the other side of the cave.
“Obi–Wan,” you greeted him.
“(Y/N),” he hummed. “I’ve been expecting him to come here personally.”
“I am not here to fight, Obi–Wan,” you turned your lightsaber off and took the hood off of your head.
He froze for a few seconds and contemplated all the possibilities. Of course you could had been lying to him. It could had been a trap. But looking into your eyes – the eyes of his old friend – made him turn off his lightsaber as well.
The darkness didn’t last for long, though. Kenobi moved one of the smaller rocks aside and the pleasant and warm sunlight was allowed to get inside. You chuckled at that “innovative” window of his “home”.
“Please, take a seat,” he offered you a wooden chair and you sat down on it, playing with your hands on your lap like a padawan being scolded by their Master.
“Why Tatooine, Obi–Wan?” you asked.
“To understand him better,” he admitted and sat next to you.
You could take a better look at his face. He still looked the same. Older and more tired but it was still your Obi–Wan. Your Master.
When he had presented Anakin Skywalker to the Jedi Council, they insisted that instead of teaching the boy, he should had taken you in as his padawan. In the end, they had allowed him to keep two apprentices. After all, he was a living legend. A man who had defeated a Sith before even becoming a Jedi Knight.
How ironic it was that he had raised people like you and Anakin.
“Sounds like you’re obsessed,” you smirked.
“Aren’t you two obssessed with me, too? The Inquisitors are looking for me all over the galaxy.”
“They’ve found you,” you pointed out. “Why? I know a man like you must want to be found in order to make it possible.”
“I’m getting older. I have no purpose anymore. I wanted the last meeting and he didn’t even come personally,” Obi–Wan sneered.
“So I don’t count, Master?” you teased. “You didn’t want to say goodbye to me?”
“You’re not like him, (Y/N). You’ve never been,” Kenobi sighed. “Why did you go with him?”
“I love Anakin…” your eyes widened at that question like the answer hadn’t been obvious.
“But he’s not. He’s not Anakin, is he?” Obi–Wan’s voice cracked. “Why did you join Darth Vader?”
You sighed and didn’t answer for a moment. Then, you decided to tell him the truth. He was your Master. Your friend, your brother, your father. He was your Obi–Wan.
And you were the prodigal daughter.
“Because the Jedi were right,” you said suddenly and Kenobi furrowed his brow, surprised. “Love is a stupid thing. An awful one and there is no cure for that.”
“I’m sorry…” was all he could say.
“I won’t leave him. I will always follow wherever he goes. We are no longer… lovers… but the bond is strong. We are partners. We are… We are one,” you sniffled your tears back.
“So that is why he’s sent you to kill me. It’s like he’s here himself,” Obi–Wan nodded with a sad ghost of a smile.
“No,” you shook your head. “We don’t want to kill you. Not anymore,” you swallowed thickly.
You knew that being force sensitive prevented the Emperor from getting inside your head but you still feared him nevertheless. What you were about to do was treason.
“Because of Shmi,” you whispered almost inaudibly.
“Shmi? Anakin’s mother?” Obi–Wan looked absolutely puzzled.
“Our daughter.”
Long and awkward silence occurred between you two. You looked down to focus on your own fingers while playing with them nervously.
“You have a daughter with… With him?” Kenobi swallowed thickly. “How? I’ve seen holograms of what he’s become.”
“When I joined Ana…” you stopped and closed your eyes for a moment to take a deep breath in. “Vader,” you fixed yourself. “When I joined Vader, the Emperor hated me. He didn’t want me by his side. He said I would only weaken his apprentice,” you wiped a few tears that had escaped your eyes. “He was trying to get rid of me… Kill me, I mean by that.”
“Kill you…?”
“He hoped that the grief would make Vader easier to control but when he witnessed his anger after I had almost died… He quickly realized that by keeping me alive, he can control him even better. I am kept a hostage, Obi–Wan. The most protected woman in the galaxy… for a reason. Vader does anything The Emperor wants because he doesn’t want me to be killed. Do you understand now?”
“I do,” Kenobi nodded, his voice filled with so much pain, sadness and sympathy for your situation that you reached your hand out and squeezed his.
You both felt the bolt of electricity going through your bodies after that. It had been ten years since you saw him for the last time and you both hadn’t touched many people since then. You assumed he was a hermit, meanwhile touching Darth Vader’s suit hardly counted as touching a human being.
The only person you had been really touching was your daughter.
“Anakin could defeat the Emperor,” you continued and looked deep into your Master’s eyes, “Vader cannot. The Emperor is disappointed in his apprentice. You’ve crippled him and he lost a great amount of power,” you gritted your teeth.
Everyone thought it was Vader that had wanted Obi–Wan’s death the most but it was not true. For many years you had wanted it just as much. You would never forgive him for what he had done to the man you once loved.
“So, now, Vader is no longer the apprentice Palpatine hoped for. The only person in the whole galaxy as powerful as Anakin used to be, would be his…”
“His child,” Obi–Wan’s eyes widened.
“Suddenly, the Emperor started to like me more. He found the purpose for me,” you snorted. “You see, Vader didn’t want that because he had known why Palpatine wanted us to have a child. He wants to raise the greatest and the most powerful Sith Lord that has ever existed. I became pregnant with the help of the Force.”
“The Force?” Obi–Wan asked to make sure. It wasn’t new to him, of course, he had known about Anakin’s mother after all.
“When two parents are force sensitive, it’s not that difficult. Not for a Sith Lord anyway,” you shrugged your arms. “Shmi is a normal child, just like any other. I named her after Anakin’s mother and… She is our highest priority, Obi–Wan. On the day she was born, I could sense Anakin again somewhere in that awful suit of Darth Vader. He doesn’t want Shmi to become the Emperor’s next apprentice but she’s growing older day by day… Now she’s always by our side, Palpatine allowed us to raise her. But soon, he’s going to take her away from us. And once she’s trained, he’s going to kill Vader and me because he won’t need us anymore,” you explained. “Obi–Wan, you said your life had no purpose. I want to give one to you,” you squeezed his hand harder.
“What purpose, (Y/N)? What do you want from me? How could I possibly help you?” he didn’t understand what role he would play in this messed-up scenario.
“Protect my daughter,” you swallowed thickly, waiting for his reaction but there was none except for pure confusion. “The Rebels are attacking us more boldly these days. Their main target is Vader. They’re attacking our ships but wherever he is, I am… and so is Shmi. If the attacks don’t stop, Palpatine will have an excuse to take her from us in order to protect her. That will be the last time I’ll see my daughter unless he’ll send her to kill us personally. But Obi–Wan… I am the one who trains her how to use a lightsaber and the Force like you were once teaching me. I spend every day with her, she’s all I have… And there is… There is no darkness in her heart, she’s so forthright and passionate… She’s so like Anakin,” you burst into tears and took your hand away to hide your face with it.
Kenobi stood up and approached you to caress your trembling shoulders before crouching down and holding your wrists in order to move them away and look deep into your eyes.
“I know you’ve loved Anakin. I know you’ve loved me. Can you love our daughter now?” you sniffled, begging him shamelessly like every mother would beg for her child.
“What can I do for her?”
“I know you have friends amongst the Rebels. Please, tell them not to hurt her. I know they have a lot of resentment in their heart. I know that Vader’s responsible for many children’s deaths so I don’t expect them to show mercy but they will listen to you, I know they will… And Obi–Wan, if something happens to us, promise me, you will take care of her…”
He hesitated with his answer, still looking at you and silently crying. It was painful for him to see and hear what a mess your life had been now. As the man who had once called himself your Master, he felt guilty for that.
“She’s more powerful than Anakin was,” you whispered. “I’ve never been a powerful Jedi but I am force sensitive. She’s a mix of us both, therefore she’s even more powerful than he was.”
“You were a great Jedi, (Y/N),” Obi–Wan’s voice cracked as he caressed your face to wipe the tears. “You were my girl, remember?” he reminded you and your lower lip trembled.
“If Shmi becomes a Sith Lord, it will be over. You can’t let Palpatine win,” you sobbed.
“I will contact my friends and inform them about a special child on every Vader’s ship,” Obi–Wan nodded his head and you put your arms around his neck to hug him, crying out of relief.
When you finally calmed yourself down and wiped away all of your tears, you stood up and fixed the robe nonchalantly.
“We don’t talk about it, of course, but as I’ve mentioned, Vader and I have a bond… I know what he’s secretly planning to do,” you looked at Kenobi, still crouching down by the chair. “What I’m saying is, overthrowing the Emperor is not an easy task. We can end up dead soon.”
“I will take care of your daughter. I promise you, I will find her and keep her away from him if something happens,” Kenobi stood up as well, his voice as sure and confident as ever.
“Thank you, Obi–Wan Kenobi. You are my only hope,” you whispered before turning around and disappearing once again in the dark tunnel to go back to your ship.
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“Deputy Commander, I swear…” the Grand Inquisitor’s voice cracked as his eyes widened out of fear.
“Kenobi is not on Tatooine,” you pointed your finger at the man as other ship crew members watched the scene, terrified. “You should be grateful it was me going there and not Darth Vader himself, you incompetent imbecile. How could a man like you get such a responsible position when you can’t even check the information you have been given by some cheap informants?! And you dare to come to the Deputy Commander of the Imperial Forces, hoping for what? A medal?! Next time you feel like impressing me, you better do your job properly!” you finished as your eyes filled with rage.
“I… I… I promise it won’t happen again, Deputy Commander. I will find Kenobi, I…”
“No,” you cut him off. “Do not waste your time on looking for him anymore. The chase after that old man is gone. I am sick of Kenobi and so is Darth Vader. Soon, Grand Inquisitor, your job will no longer be needed. We’ll see how you’re going to handle that,” you smirked and crossed your arms. “Now, I want you to leave my presence.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he nodded his head and left the deck as fast as possible.
“What is going on here?” the robotic voice interrupted you all. Everyone turned around to face the tall figure in a black suit. “Deputy Commander?”
“Kenobi is not on Tatooine. I have just disciplined the Grand Inquisitor for repeating incorrect information to me, Darth Vader,” you straightened your posture and approached him.
He nodded at that as all the ship crew members went back to their duties, trying their hardest to stay as invisible as possible.
“Deputy Commander,” one of the droids walked up to you. “Miss Shmi is about to finish her training.”
“Thank you,” you nodded at him. “Come with me,” you mouthed out to Vader’s face before turning around to enter the elevator.
Darth Vader followed you in silence as you patiently waited for the door to close.
“He said he would protect her,” you whispered once you were alone.
“Do you trust him?” he let out a robotic question and a loud breath before a short silence occurred.
“He’s the only one we can trust in the whole galaxy. He’s the only one out there who still loves us a bit,” you answered and that was when the door opened and you found yourself in your private quarters.
Shmi was running around after a Marksman-H training remote with her blue lightsaber and a training helmet on. She was giggling and jumping around the room, blocking every single blast.
You watched her for a while until she eventually let out a scream and twisted the lightsaber behind her back a few times before cutting the remote in half.
After that, she turned her weapon off and got rid of her helmet, visibly proud of herself.
“Mom! Dad!” she yelled at the sight of you and ran into your arms. “Have you seen what I did?!” she asked, making puppy eyes.
“That was incredible, sweetheart,” you cracked a smile and caressed her hair.
“Daddy, one day I’m going to be as good as you are!” she gave Vader a wide smile, showing off her teeth with a few of them recently missing.
Your heart squeezed in your chest.
When you had told him that you were the only person on this ship who was not scared of him, you lied. Sometimes you were. It was hard not to be when you couldn’t even read the expression on his face or look into his eyes, especially when he was angry.
The only person who truly wasn’t scared of Darth Vader even a little bit was his daughter. For her, his unusual look was completely normal because she had never known any other.
“Good job,” he said and for a brief moment, instead of hearing a cold, robotic sound, you heard Anakin’s voice.
You saw Anakin, in fact. You saw his face and the scar on it, his hair and his hand being placed on Shmi’s shoulder as she giggled. It was nothing but a short vision but it broke your heart. Each vision like that was breaking your heart more and more.
You were sure there had been nothing left inside your chest but then another vision would come and break you even more. It was an endless cycle.
Shmi ran away to change her clothes before dinner and you looked at Vader. He froze and hadn’t moved a bit from the moment she touched him. After sensing your gaze on him, though, he eventually turned his head around. You faced his black helmet and the emptiness of his lenses.
If only you two had left the Jedi Order to live on some nice planet together and raise your children like you had proposed back then…
But what was the point of considering what–ifs?
Your reality was the man in front of you… That creature.
Those short visions where you could see Anakin in him again, they were heart-wrenching. You would spend yet another night reliving this moment a hundred times.
“A-Anakin…” you whispered and ran after Shmi, wiping your tears away and leaving him alone in an empty training room.
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persephoneggsy · 8 days
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My canon worldstate for Dragon Age
template here, by @omgkalyppso
ages are as of 9:52 Dragon, which I'm fairly certain is the start date of The Veilguard (but I may be mistaken).
I changed the template a bit since I wasn't really sure how to word "origin" for all three girls, so I changed it to class/specialization.
Lots of misc. information under the cut bc I can't help myself:
I forgot to put it in her actual sheet because I just assumed everyone would assume this, but Fiora is married to Alistair and they rule Ferelden together.
Fiora did the ritual with Morrigan and Alistair. Her reasoning was that it would be easier for Alistair if she was there (and it was), but she was also harboring a crush on Morrigan she knew wouldn't go anywhere, so this was as close as she would get. Alistair was also aware of this, and fine with it. They already had a threesome with Isabela, after all.
Fiora's mabari is named Jorah. In universe I pretend it's the name of a storybook hero she likes. Out of universe he's named for Jorah Mormont from Game of Thrones, which I was obsessed with at the time lol.
Marian really only ever traveled with Fenris, Merrill, Carver, and Sebastian. In Act 1, before Sebastian was available, she used Isabela. She's on lukewarm to awful terms with everyone else. She kicked Anders out fairly early in Act 2.
Varric's nickname for her is "Needles" - small, sharp, and related to both sewing and healing. I wanted to use Stitches but one of Bull’s Chargers already has that name lol.
The ‘small’ part comes from the fact that Marian is 5'2'' - making her the second shortest in the DA2 group aside from Varric, the actual dwarf.
Marian's mabari is named Brick, because she found him abadoned in a pile of bricks near an unfinished house by Lothering. Out of universe, he's named for Brick from the Borderlands series, who I've always thought looked like if a mabari was human.
Hildegarde's hair was originally a chestnut brown, but interacting directly with the orb/going physically through the Fade changed it to white. She doesn't realize this until someone points it out to her fter she's named Herald of Andraste. Her eyes, already green, become a more vivid shade matching that of the Rifts. She hates these changes.
Varric's nickname for her is Bunny - she's very skittish and anxious, plus the white hair.
The mabari that Cullen finds in Orlais is named Lapin. The Orlesian who owned him named him that, so it's what he responds to. Cullen finds it amusing that Lapin means "rabbit", the animal people tend to associate with Hildegarde. He jokes that surely it was a sign from the Maker that Cullen and Hilde were meant to take him in.
Hildegarde reforms the Inquisition as Divine Victoria's peacekeeping force. She serves as Vivienne's right hand woman, dividing her time between that and helping Cullen run his clinic for lyrium-addicted templars. They live in Val Royeaux, but own homes in the now peaceful Emerald Graves and Emprise du Lion.
By the time of DA: The Veilguard, they all have children. Fiora and Alistair have a daughter named Bryce (7 years old); Marian and Sebastian have twins, Davinia and Dominic (10 years old) and Marian is currently pregnant with their third child; Hildegarde and Cullen have two children, a son named Ethan (6 years old) and a daughter named Hannelore (4 years old). They'll have three more kids after The Veilguard's story (as long as BioWare doesn't kill the Inquisitor...).
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The Way He Looks at You Series I:IX
Act I: The Way He Looks at You Chapter 9: The Way He Comforts You
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Chapter Summary
The end of your first night with Cal doesn't go as expected. Rating: 18+ Words: 2.6K
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Cal finally pulls himself from your body and you collapse exhausted on the bed. A pillow flies from its location at the headboard into Cal’s hand and he places it to the side of your body. He helps move you so that you are laying on your back; the pillow resting under your lower back.
“I’m not done with you yet.” He says, spreading your legs wider.
You comply, too tired to do anything but allow him to move you as he sees fit. “Cal, what if I end up pregnant? And it’s not…” You don’t finish the sentence.
Cal gives you a sympathetic look. You understand what he isn’t saying and you feel sick at the prospect. “Did you determine if it’s a possibility?” He asks in an even tone.
You shake your head, “I don’t know, it’s been maybe a week since my last cycle, so it’s possible, but I’m not sure.” Tears prick your eyes.
“You’ve taken a risk. Considering my role in the galaxy, I won’t be able to spare your pain if a child, the wrong child, grows in you.” He says, his eyes hard.
You nod and a couple tears fall from your eyes, you reach to wipe them away.
“However, I will do everything in my power to lower the odds of the worst-case scenario.” He says looking down at your stomach.
Cal appears to be lost in thought for a moment. You don’t know for sure but it seems likely he is playing out potential futures in his mind. “So if I leave, you’ll monitor me until you know for sure.”
Cal’s eyes meet yours again, “Yes, there are three potential outcomes, all of which require my presence until we know. You may still leave, but you won’t be free of me.”
You are quiet for a moment, completely horrified. Quickly you have to sit up as tears stream down your face. You aren’t even really sure what you are crying about. The fear of having a child, losing the promise of potential freedom, the knowledge that you may have to watch a baby, your baby, die. This isn’t how you wanted things to go tonight. You wanted to act on desire, not have such heavy weights placed on your shoulders.
Cal moves out from between your legs, allowing you a moment to be with your emotions. He moves to sit next to you and wraps a muscular arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. His other hand reaches out behind both of you and he is suddenly holding an extra blanket. He wraps it around your naked bodies. You lean your head against Cal and allow the tears to fall, every painful thought floods your mind.
In your childhood home a decade prior, your father is pulling the grate off the vent, stuffing you inside and pleading for you to stay quiet. You are crying and hitting him, trying to stop him from saving you, you don’t want to be left alone. Your mother is clinging to your brother in the center of the room, hugging him tight against her chest. Whispering something against the top of his head as she repeatedly presses kisses to his hair. There is the sound of pounding on the front door and yelling outside.
You keep fighting back, preventing your father from placing the grate back on to conceal you. Through tears you beg your father to allow you to all flee the home together, he just keeps shaking his head and telling you to be brave and stay quiet. He tells you to wait until dawn the next morning to leave your hiding place. You cry and beg but finally allow the grate to be placed to hide you.
The front door explodes open, falling off its hinges and your father races away from you, charging forwards to protect your mother and brother. He throws himself in front of the two smaller people on the floor trying to argue with the Grand Inquisitor but his words fall on deaf ears. You shove your fist into your mouth to muffle the sounds of horror trying to escape your lips.
In a flash of red your father’s head is rolling across the floor of the small room, his body falling to the ground. You hear screaming; you think it is your mother and brother, but it may also be you. The Grand Inquisitor kicks your father’s body to the side and reaches to pull your younger brother from your mother’s arms. She screams and fights back. Your brother looks like a doll being fought over. He has completely shut down, already knowing his fate.
The Grand Inquisitor finally pulls him away from your mother. There is so much screaming. You aren’t sure how it happened but your brother is lying lifeless on the floor next to your father. Your bladder gives out. You hear a wicked laugh that is cut short as your mother fights back. She stops moving suddenly with a lightsaber sticking out of her back. She is looking at you, and you hold your breath, trying to keep quiet as you watch the life drain out of her eyes.
Everything is silent. The only sound is your heartbeat in your ears. You aren’t breathing.
The Grand Inquisitor leaves after looking over his work. The storm troopers comb through the rest of the house, taking what they want but not finding you. You breathe in a slow and shallow manner as they work, not wanting to be the next victim. An hour passes before you allow yourself to breathe normally, but you quickly lose control of the breath as you sob. The violence of the cries causes you to vomit all over yourself.
You stayed in the vent, covered in your filth, sobbing, and staring at the bodies of your family for hours. When dawn arrived you finally left your hiding spot, honoring your father’s last wishes. You run to your family and lie with them, crying, but tears stopped falling long ago. Allowing yourself about an hour of mourning before turning to go to your shared room. You trash your clothes, clean yourself and change. You pack a bag full of everything you think you might need and head out into the world, completely alone for the first time in your life.
Cal is making soft noises, trying to calm you down. He is squeezing you tight against him, shushing quietly and murmuring reassuring words against your hair. You continue to cry, your body shakes every time you inhale.
You remember spending many nights sleeping alone in alleys, starving on the streets. Surviving in the freezing temperatures and icy rain, dehydrated and barely able to keep consciousness. Then you remember a kind person who took you in, provided you food and shelter. You ended up telling them what happened to your family, and they informed you of the Rebellion. Taking you with them to meet others who found themselves displaced by the cruelness of the Empire. You learned to pilot after a few years of earning your keep. Over the next five years, you became the capable woman that captured Theo’s heart.
Then your thoughts shift to Theo, and the pain of losing the relationship that had meant everything to you. Losing the almost family you had built, and maybe you were still building without his knowledge. You realize you will have to watch as another of your flesh and blood will lose their life in front of you, by a horrible red lightsaber. More sobs rack your body.
“Kill me, I don’t want to live anymore. I can’t watch it happen again. I’d rather die too, before knowing.” You say between great heaves.
Cal doesn’t respond, instead continuing to soothe you by rocking you gently. You collapse further against him, completely unable to hold your own body weight. Unable to do anything but cry and cry until there is nothing left. You are so completely exhausted by everything that has happened that you end up falling asleep in Cal’s arms.
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You wake hours later tucked comfortably into the spacious bed. Unable to see past your blurry vision, you rub the sleep from your overly dry eyes. The sun is high in the sky, showing you slept right through the agreed upon deadline. You wonder briefly if that means that you no longer have the option to choose.
Stretching you find you are wearing a black slightly oversized shirt, it smells clean and you hope you didn’t leak bodily fluids all over the bottom hem. You reach down to feel and find that you are relatively clean down there, Cal must have cleaned you up before dressing you for bed. Sitting up you see three large glasses of water and a note on the bedside table. You pick up the note first.
I will be back later this afternoon. PLEASE do not leave these quarters. We will discuss things upon my return. Help yourself to anything that you need in my absence.
I don’t want to see a drop of water left in the glasses; you need to rehydrate.
-13th Br Cal
You smile at the note, specifically the sign off. Too thirsty to ignore the water and you grab one glass, chugging the contents. You reach for the next and can only drink half of it before setting it down. You realize you need a bathroom and likely a shower so you get up and head for the nearest door, happy to find a luxurious en suite.
Your family wasn’t poor, but you had nothing this nice. The bathroom is large, and the shower is open to the rest of the room, however potted plants provide a border around the designated showering space. Large green leaves and beautiful flowers decorate the area, feeling like a paradise tucked in the icy heart of the Empire. The plants appear to come from many parts of the galaxy and you wonder exactly where Cal collected them.
You see your dress folded and resting on the counter next to the sink, some spare toiletries are lying nearby, obviously awaiting your use. There is another note laying on top of your dress.
The dress is optional. My closet is open to you if you want to cover up more. Naked is okay too.
You snort at the last part and decide to head towards the doors at the back of the bathroom to look for the closet. The first door opens to a toilet, which you pause your exploration to use. You notice traces of blood and you aren’t sure what it means, but you hope it is just from the rough portion of last night.
You exit the small room and head towards the second door, opening into a large walk-in closet. There is a significant lack of color in the hung clothing but you search through the endless black garments. You find one of his black tank tops and take it to change into. You take some black lounge pants but they are too big; figuring you can roll the waist and legs to better fit you.
Heading back into the bathroom you place the new clothes on the counter and turn on the shower. Hot steam fills the room and you comb your hair and brush your teeth. You remove the sleep shirt and take the spare soap before heading into the lovely water.
It’s been so long since you’ve enjoyed hot running water, you mostly stand there, relaxing your body. Finally, you clean yourself with the soap but linger in the warmth before shutting the water off and wrapping yourself in a couple nearby towels.
You comb your hair again and dress, the tank top fits well enough and you have to roll both ends of the sweats multiple times to get them to fit. Finally, you feel comfortable and clean. You head back into the bedroom and make the bed, then chug the rest of the second glass of water. Picking up the third and taking it with you towards the front of Cal’s quarters.
There was a kitchen that you had spotted when you entered and you head towards it to find some food. You find something substantial and sit down to eat. You can only focus on eating since it has been almost a full day since your last meal. Once the meal is complete, you chug the remaining glass of water and then look around.
You aren’t entirely sure what to do now that you have covered your basic needs. So you decide to snoop, unable to fully give up your old Rebel ways. How often does anyone really get to peer behind the curtain of the Inquisitors?
There were a couple doors in the hallways leading to Cal’s bedroom so you start with the door on the right. It is an office, a desk with various pieces of tech probably containing secrets and plans of the Empire. Resisting with all your might to look through them. There is probably tons of information that could help the Rebellion. However, Cal can read your mind, and he would never let you leave if you knew the information contained within.
So you walk away from the desk, instead heading towards the shelves lining the walls. Memorabilia covers them, likely from his travels through the galaxy. You didn’t take Cal as a sentimental man, but he likes to collect items for his home. He didn’t stop at collecting plants. There are small artifacts: stone carvings, pieces of pottery, and other trinkets.
Most of it means very little to you, but you find yourself drawn to another table, a workstation. Lots of pieces of scrap metal and tools lay about. There is a deactivated small red and white droid sitting beneath the table. You can’t imagine why he would have a droid here, maybe he was using it for parts.
After a bit more admiration of the keepsakes, you leave the room, closing the door behind you. You head towards the other door and find the room empty, just a bedroom, but no bed or any other furniture. Searching the room to be sure it isn’t a cover up for something else. The room is very much just an empty room.
You head back towards the living room and sit on the couch. No longer having a task, you finally allow yourself to think. It seems you still have a choice to make about leaving, but you aren’t sure what would be best. If you leave, those in the Rebellion will be in danger, however staying would mean joining the Empire. Being okay with the atrocities they commit. An act of sacrifice to save others who can continue to fight against the Empire.
The sound of a lock opening startles you, but you relax when Cal walks through the front door, dressed entirely in his Inquisitor uniform. The uniform causes a minor panic but you try to remind yourself that he won’t hurt you, at least, not now.
A smile breaks his stern expression when he sees you seated on the couch wearing his clothes. “You’re up, did you drink the water?”
You glance towards the empty glass on the kitchen counter, he follows your gaze and nods. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay, just drained after everything yesterday.” You say, giving a small smile.
Cal removes his boots and the outer layer of armor of his uniform, then walks to sit beside you. “We have much to discuss, if you are ready.”
You take a deep breath, “I’m ready.”
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Next Chapter: The Way He Commands You
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