spanky606 · 5 years
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@Regran_ed from @freedom_faction - The world appears to be slowly awakening to the disaster that governments have caused and funded by theft over the course of human history. The #French revolts, which began over an increase in the petrol tax, left 133 people injured and over 400 arrested after the people rose up finally realizing that all taxation is theft. As governments across the globe increasingly enslave the tax cattle, more and more are waking up to the violence and horrific atrocities committed in the name of government with funds stolen from innocent people. #Paris was only the latest example of people beginning to realize they are enslaved to the political elites and are finally demanding their freedom and refusing to be stolen from any longer. #French #PresidentEmmanuelMacron was chairing an urgent security meeting today following the violence by anti-government protesters in the streets of the French capital, according to a report by The Evening Standard. The protest against rising taxes and the high cost of living forced by government regulations turned into a riot in the French capital, as activists wearing yellow jackets torched cars, smashed windows, looted shops, and tagged the Arc de Triomphe with multi-colored graffiti. The violence is certainly unacceptable, however, people seem to be at the beginning stages of the realization that government is not a solution, and is actually a problem. Macron has already vowed that those responsible for the violence will pay for their actions in the streets of Paris. A government spokesman, Benjamin Griveaux, said that Saturday’s violence was due to people who hijacked the protest, people who came “to loot, break and hit police forces.” When he was asked why thousands of French police could not prevent the damage, especially to the nation’s Arc de Triomphe monument, Griveaux said: “Yesterday we made a choice … to protect people before material goods.” 🖐🏾More in comments👇🏾 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq8upV7nHJO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=x5jy2y9e80hr
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worldnewsapp · 4 years
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#French #PrimeMinister #EdouardPhilippe handed in his and his government’s #resignation to #PresidentEmmanuelMacron on Friday morning, and it was accepted, the #Elysée announced. This is a developing story. Click the link in our bio for the latest updates. ------------------------------------------------------------- Follow us to stay informed with the latest #BreakingNews & #Updates from around the #world @world_news_app Stay informed with all the latest technology news, AI, ML, IoT, Science & more from around the world. Get our Tech News app from: bit.ly/techfind Get our World News Pro App (AD-FREE) for all the latest news & more from all around the world at: bit.ly/WNProFB Get our free World News App for all the latest news & more from all around the world at: bit.ly/WorldNewsFB or link in bio ------------------------------------------------------------- Reposted from @euronews.tv #WorldNewsApp #WorldNews #localnews #internationalnews #france🇫🇷 #france #frenchpolitics #parisfrance #FrenchPresident #emanuel #emanuelmacron #Macron (at France) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCLzRTgheR5/?igshid=1f0ih2omjyfdy
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informationpalace · 4 years
Mute VE Day across Europe due to Virus Lockdowns
European leaders are conducting quiet commemorations on the continent to mark the end of World War II, as coronavirus lockdowns prevent people from celebrating VE Day.  
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Friday's European celebrations stood in direct contrast to how millions of its people poured into the streets 75 years ago, waving banners, flashing signs of triumph and joyfully dancing because the bloodshed on their continent had ended. In Britain Street parties have been banned this year. In France, at the top of a nearly empty Champs-Elysees Road, President Emmanuel Macron laid a wreath on the Arc de Triomphe monument, with the countries remaining under a tight lockdown until Monday. A day ago, Macron talked to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin, who had to postpone his own massive Victory Day parade in Moscow scheduled for Saturday. According to a statement, Macron said the pandemic "makes the construction of peace and stability on the continent and in the rest of the world more necessary than ever." At almost 26,000 confirmed deaths from the virus, France is among the top five most badly affected nations in the world. Britain, with more than 30 thousand confirmed deaths, is second only to the US, where almost 76 thousand people have died of the virus. Russia has recorded only 1625 deaths but more than 10,000 infections leap every day. Experts believe all of these statistics-especially the death toll in Russia-understate the true impact of coronavirus. In Germany, President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Chancellor Angela Merkel were to lay wreaths at the memorial for victims of war and abuse in Berlin, along with the heads of parliament and the Supreme Court. The low-key ceremony replaces a larger event with 1600 guests that Steinmeier had intended to lead outside of Berlin's Reichstag parliament building. On the 75th anniversary of the surrender of Nazi Germany to Allied powers in Europe in 1945, Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres cautioned that the coronavirus pandemic was unleashing "a tsunami of hate and xenophobia, scapegoating and scare-mongering" and called for "an all-out effort to end hate speech globally." A silent VE day will be celebrated in Europe due to coronavirus. Do not forget leaving your valuable comment on this piece of writing and sharing with your near and dear ones. To keep yourself up-to-date with Information Palace, put your email in the space given below and Subscribe. Furthermore, if you yearn to know about the Ariana Grande boyfriend, view our construct, ‘Ariana Grande Confirms Her Relationship with Dalton Gomez to World.’ Read the full article
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billysigudla · 4 years
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The nation of #France has gone into complete lockdown, as their #PresidentEmmanuelMacron suspends rent, tax, water, electricity, and gas payments. Citizens must remain at home unless they are shopping for food or pharmaceuticals, going to essential work, or exercising alone. (at Germiston, Gauteng, South Africa) https://www.instagram.com/p/B93X7VjjUXA/?igshid=vpq5mtk5vypu
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the24times · 4 years
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भारत ने इस्लामी चरमपंथ पर फ्रांस के राष्ट्रपति एमेनुअल मैक्रों के कड़े रुख के बाद उन पर व्यक्तिगत हमलों की कड़ी निंदा करते हुए इसे अंतरराष्ट्रीय विमर्श के सबसे बुनियादी मानकों का उल्लंघन बताया। विदेश मंत्रालय ने कड़े शब्दों में जारी एक बयान में बर्बर आतंकवादी हमले की भी निंदा की, जिसमें फ्रांस के एक शिक्षक की बेरहमी से हत्या कर दी गई थी। मंत्रालय ने कहा कि आतंकवाद को किसी भी वजह से और किसी भी परिस्थिति में सही नहीं ठहराया जा सकता।  इस बीच ट्विटर पर #India Stands With France ट्रेंड हो रहा है। #IndiastandswithFrance #foreignMinistry #Terroristattack #Teachermurder #PresidentEmmanuelMacron #The24Times #राष्ट्रपतिइमैनुएलमैक्रों #विदेशमंत्रालय #भारतफ्रांस — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/3kzAzU5
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paperchaserdotcom · 6 years
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President Emmanuel Macron on Monday lauded as a hero a migrant from Mali who scaled an apartment building to save a child dangling from a balcony, and rewarded the young man’s bravery with an offer of French citizenship and a job as a firefighter. “Bravo,” Macron said to 22-year-old Mamoudou Gassama during a meeting in a gilded room of the presidential Elysee Palace where Gassama also received a gold medal from the French state for “courage and devotion.” Gassama climbed five stories up the apartment building, moving from balcony to balcony, and whisked a 4-year-old boy to safety on Saturday night as a crowd below screamed. His actions went viral on social media, where he was dubbed “Spiderman” Gassama said he has authorization to stay legally in Italy, which is where he landed in Europe in 2014 after a more than a year in Libya and a trip across the Mediterranean Sea. He came to France in September to join his older brother, who has lived in France for decades. Dressed in tattered blue jeans and white shirt, the young man recounted for the president what took place after he and some friends saw a young child hanging from a fifth-floor balcony. “I ran. I crossed the street to save him,” Gassama told Macron. He said he didn’t think twice. “When I started to climb, it gave me courage to keep climbing.” God “helped me,” too, he said. “Thank God I saved him.” #hero #savior #spiderman #frenchspiderman #france #presidentemmanuelmacron #emmanuelmacron #mamoudougassama #mamoudougassamaisahero #childsaved #kid #balcony #paris #rescue #deathdefying #frenchcitizenship #mali #migrant #god #jesus — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2IQRliB
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gazetawyborcza · 7 years
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Partia prezydenta Macrona wygrała wybory parlamentarne we Francji. Wedle sondażu exit poll REM zdobyła 355 mandatów w 577-osobowym Zgromadzeniu Narodowym. Czy opozycja przeniesie się teraz na ulice? Skrajna lewica pod wodzą Jean-Luca Mélenchona znalazła się na czwartym miejscu z 30 miejscami, a skrajnie prawicowy Front Narodowy Marine Le Pen może liczyć na 8 miejsc. Krytycy twierdzą, że Emmanuel Macron będzie teraz miał zbyt dużą władzę w swoich rękach. W mediach społecznościowych przezywany jest złośliwie „Kim Dżong Macronem”. Ale zarówno rządząca przez ostatnich pięć lat Partia Socjalistyczna, jak i będący przed nią u władzy konserwatyści, również mieli swojego prezydenta i większość bezwzględną w parlamencie. Więcej: http://wybr.cz/4o9 Fot. AP Photo/Thibault Camus #francja #wybory #parlament #REM #macron #zwyciestwo #PresidentEmmanuelMacron #voting #finalround #parliamentaryelections, #France #proEuropeanagenda
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spanky606 · 5 years
@Regran_ed from @freedom_faction - Thoughts? #Paris is burning. David Vives reports for The Epoch Times that #antigovernmentprotests in #France are growing ever larger as an estimated 125,000 yellow-vested demonstrators in Paris took to the streets yesterday, despite Prime Minister Edouard Philippe’s concession last Wednesday to scrap the #taxhike. The 4-week long protests, dubbed the #YellowVestmovement because of the #yellowvests worn by the protesters as a symbol, began online in May 2018 as a protest against a gas tax hike (of about 25 cents a gallon) and metamorphosed into street riots against high taxes, eroding living standards, and what many see as the government’s indifference to the concerns of France’s regions and ordinary people. The movement has spread beyond France to #Belgium. Note: Since 2008, all motorists in France are required by law to have high-visibility yellow vests in their vehicles when driving, as a safety measure should the driver be required to exit the vehicle on the roadside. In Paris, a ring of steel of trucks and reinforced metal barriers surrounded #PresidentEmmanuelMacron’s #ElyseePalace, although Macron himself has gone AWOL, unseen in public all last week. More than 1,200 people were arrested before the Saturday protest began in an effort to mitigate violence as much as possible. The December 1 riots had damaged the Arc de Triomphe and injured 130 people. Police also confiscated from protesters anything that could be used as protection such as helmets, protective glasses, and cartridges of saline solution for the eyes. Saturday’s Yellow Vest crowd was overwhelmingly male, a mix of those with financial grievances and apparently experienced vandals, who tore steadily through some of Paris’ wealthiest neighborhoods, smashing and burning. Demonstrations have been taking place elsewhere in France as well. Police and protesters clashed in the southern cities of #Marseille and #Toulouse... 🖐🏾More in comments👇🏾#VivaLaRevolution #EuropeanUnion #EuropeanArmy - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BrOMzmyH1bl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s0no454hy184
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spanky606 · 5 years
@Regran_ed from @freedom_faction - Thoughts? Ever since the May 1968 protests that paralysed #France and precipitated the demise of its war hero Charles de Gaulle, French governments have been terrified by the prospect of facing a #unitedfront of workers and student protests. While French universities are largely quiet nowadays, the prospect of a two-pronged offensive edged nearer to reality last week when high-school pupils seized on the momentum from the so-called #YellowVestmovement to vent their anger at #PresidentEmmanuelMacron’s educational reforms. Up to 300 French high schools, known as lycées, were barricaded every day last week, amid scenes of vandalism, bins set on fire and violent clashes between police and students. The tense standoff made international headlines on Thursday when video footage posted on social media showed #riotpolice in a #Paris suburb forcing dozens of students to kneel down in rows, their hands on their heads. On Monday, France’s education ministry said the number of affected schools had fallen to 120, only a third of which were fully blocked. But with student unions calling for a “#BlackTuesday” in lycées across the country on December 11, the relative calm could prove to be merely a lull before the storm. Hands off ‘le bac’ High-school students have been angered by #PresidentMacron's plans to change the end-of-school exam, known as the baccalaureate or ‘bac’, and replace the broad subject areas pupils currently choose from – science, literature or social sciences – with more specific courses. They demand the repeal of a reform, passed last year, which introduces stricter selection criteria for university. Critics say the government’s moves breed inequality between rich schools and poorer, peripheral ones. They also oppose plans for a national civic service for French youths, due to be rolled out in 2026. “We will continue protesting until our demands are met,” Jules Spector, head of the FIDL union, told FRANCE 24. “The government has made no gestures towards us,” he added. “On the contrary, it is obvious they are waiting for the end of term to slow down our movement.” 🖐🏾More in comments👇🏾#YellowVest - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/BrP_iUTHs1d/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10yxrwrrse67e
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spanky606 · 5 years
@Regran_ed from @freedom_faction - Thoughts? With his popularity rating at record lows (recent polls put it at around 26%, on par with #Hollande), his capital city burning and the #populists he defeated during his stunning electoral victory last year making serious electoral inroads, #French #PresidentEmmanuelMacron finally caved, and on Tuesday ordered a six month suspension of planned ‘#fueltaxes’ which spurred widespread and destructive protests across #France over the past three weeks. After reportedly weighing declaring a #stateofemergency that would have cleared the way for an unprecedented crackdown on dissent, Macron decided that such measures would only intensify the popular opposition to his government. And according to Reuters, Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has declared a suspension of the staggeringly unpopular tax. “No tax deserves to endanger the security of the nation,” Philippe said in a televised address, who on Monday held separate meetings with opposition party leaders, in which they demanded the scrapping of the planned increase in fuel taxes. The same day striking students closed down 100 high schools and rising fuel shortages were reported in some parts of the country. A freeze of planned fuel tax increases was one of a number of measures called for in an editorial by 10 self-proclaimed gilets jaunes representatives published on Sunday in the Le Journal du Dimanche newspaper. They also demanded the holding of countrywide consultations over taxes. The decision marked the first time that Macron has backed down from implementing an unpopular policy in his 18-month presidency as a result of the furious public response, and is set to unleash even more protests as the emboldened French people now realize that taking to the streets will results in success. 🖐🏾More in comments👇🏾#ViveLaRevoluion #YellowJackets #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq-jgCrHFzT/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hsj63q7gz206
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