#press Ctrl+slash
abhiimpact1 · 5 months
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gopalhaloo · 2 years
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ethicalpolice · 10 months
Basic Linux Commands
When you hear of Linux, most people think of a complex operating system that is only used by programmers. But it’s not as weird as it sounds.
When running a Linux OS, you need to use a shell—an interface that allows you access to the resources of the operating system. The shell is a program that receives commands from the user and gives them to the OS to process and displays the output. The shell of Linux is its core component. Its distros come from the GUI (Graphical User Interface), but essentially, Linux has a CLI (Command-Line Interface). To open the terminal, press Ctrl+Alt+T in Ubuntu, or press Alt+F2, type gnome-terminal, and press Enter. In Raspberry Pi, type lxterminal.
Shell is the user interface responsible for handling all CLI typed commands. Reads and interprets commands and instructs the operating system to execute tasks as requested. In other words, a shell is a user interface that controls the CLI and functions as a man-in-the-middle interface that links users to the operating system.
And if you’re thinking of using Linux, knowing primary command lines is going a long way. Here is a list of basic Linux commands:
pwd-Use the pwd command to find the direction of the actual working directory (folder) you are in. The command returns an absolute (full) path, which is essentially the path of all directories beginning with the forward slash (/). The/home/username is an example of an utter road.
cd-Use the cd command to browse through Linux files and folders. It needs either the full path or the directory name, depending on the current working directory you’re in. Let’s assume you’re in/home/username/Documents and you want to go to Images, the Documents subdirectory. To do this, simply type the following command: cd Images. Know, this command is case sensitive, and you have to type the folder name exactly as it is.
ls-Use the “ls” command to know which files are in the directory you are in. You can see all the secret files using the command “ls-a.” If you want to know the contents of other folders, type ls, and then the directory path. For example, enter ls/home/username/Documents to display the contents of the Documents.
mkdir & rmdir-Use the mkdir command to build a new directory—if you type mkdir Music, a directory called Music will be formed. Use this Linux simple command mkdir Music/Newfile to create a new directory within another directory. Use the choice p(parents) to create a guide between two existing directories. For example, a new “2020” file will be generated by mkdir-p Music/2020/Newfile.
rm-Use rm to remove files and folders. Using “rm-r” to uninstall the directory. Deletes both the folder and the files that it holds by using just the rm button.
touch-The touch command is used to construct a file. It may be anything from an empty text file to an open zip file. “Touch new.txt” for example.
locate-You can use this command to locate a file, much like the Windows search command. What’s more, using the-i argument along with this command will make it case-insensitive, so you can scan for a file even if you don’t know its exact name. To check for a file containing two or more words, use an asterisk (*). For example, locate-i school*note will search for any file that contains the names “school” and “note” whether it is a case or case.
man & –help – Use the man button to know more about the command and how to use it. Shows the man pages of the command. For example, “man cd” shows the cd command manual pages. Typing the name of the command and the argument allows you to see how the command can be used (e.g., cd-help).
cp – Use the cp command to copy files from the current directory to another directory.
mv – Use the mv command to transfer files around the command line. We may also use the command mv to rename a file. For example, if we want to change the name of the file “text” to “new,” we can use “mv text new.” It takes the two arguments, much like the command cp.
Here are a few more complicated commands that should prove very useful:
cat – One of the most commonly used commands in Linux is cat – (short for concatenate). Used to list a file’s contents on the standard output. To run this command, type cat, followed by a file name and an extension of that file. Cat file.txt, for example.
diff- The diff command, short for difference, compares the contents of two files line by line. It will output the lines that do not fit after evaluating the files. Programmers also use this order instead of rewriting the entire source code when they need to make program alterations.
job-Job command shows all current employment along with their status. A work is simply a mechanism triggered by the shell.
find – Similar to the locate command, you can also use find to scan for files and folders. The difference is that you use the find command to locate files inside a directory. For example, find/home/-name notes.txt can search for a file called notes.txt in the home directory and its subdirectories.
echo – The “echo” command lets us transfer some data usually text, to a file. For example, if you want to build a new text file or add a text file, you just need to type “echo hello, my name is alok >> new.txt.”
grep – Another simple Linux command that is certainly useful for daily use is grep. It helps you to browse through all the text in a given file.
head – The head command is used to display the first rows of any text file. By default, the first 10 lines will be shown, but you can change that number to your taste.
tail – This one has a similar feature to the head command, but instead of displaying the first lines, the tail command shows the last ten lines of the text file.
ping – Using ping to verify your link to your server. Ping is a computer network management software utility used to measure the accessibility of an Internet Protocol (IP) network host.
kill -If you have a non-responsive program, you can terminate it manually by using the kill button. Sends an essential signal to the misbehaviour app and instructs the app to release itself. There are a total of sixty-four signals that you can use but people typically only use two signals: SIGTERM (15)-requests a program to stop running and give it some time to save all of its development. If you do not mention a signal when entering the kill command, this signal will be used. There’s also SIGKILL (9)-forces programs to stop immediately. Unsaved progress is going to be lost.
Basic Linux commands allow users to quickly and easily perform tasks. It might take a while to learn some of the simple commands, but with plenty of practice, nothing is impossible. In the end, it would undoubtedly be helpful for you to learn and master these simple Linux commands.
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labwork360 · 2 years
Genetic Testing - Helps Diagnose Risk of Genetically Caused Diseases To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash. 🟢Genetic factors may increase the risk of certain diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Discussing the risk factors of diseases due to medical or genetic history can help avoid the diseases. Genetic Testing - Helps Diagnose Risk of Genetically Caused Diseases Turn on screen reader support Mesum Ali has joined the document.
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linuxdemy · 2 years
Basic LINUX commands
When you hear of Linux, most people think of a complex operating system that is only used by programmers. But it’s not as weird as it sounds.
When running a Linux OS, you need to use a shell—an interface that allows you access to the resources of the operating system. The shell is a program that receives commands from the user and gives them to the OS to process and displays the output. The shell of Linux is its core component. Its distros come from the GUI (Graphical User Interface), but essentially, Linux has a CLI (Command-Line Interface). To open the terminal, press Ctrl+Alt+T in Ubuntu, or press Alt+F2, type gnome-terminal, and press Enter. In Raspberry Pi, type lxterminal.
Shell is the user interface responsible for handling all CLI typed commands. Reads and interprets commands and instructs the operating system to execute tasks as requested. In other words, a shell is a user interface that controls the CLI and functions as a man-in-the-middle interface that links users to the operating system.
And if you’re thinking of using Linux, knowing primary command lines is going a long way. Here is a list of basic Linux commands:
pwd-Use the pwd command to find the direction of the actual working directory (folder) you are in. The command returns an absolute (full) path, which is essentially the path of all directories beginning with the forward slash (/). The/home/username is an example of an utter road.
cd-Use the cd command to browse through Linux files and folders. It needs either the full path or the directory name, depending on the current working directory you’re in. Let’s assume you’re in/home/username/Documents and you want to go to Images, the Documents subdirectory. To do this, simply type the following command: cd Images. Know, this command is case sensitive, and you have to type the folder name exactly as it is.
ls-Use the “ls” command to know which files are in the directory you are in. You can see all the secret files using the command “ls-a.” If you want to know the contents of other folders, type ls, and then the directory path. For example, enter ls/home/username/Documents to display the contents of the Documents.
mkdir & rmdir-Use the mkdir command to build a new directory—if you type mkdir Music, a directory called Music will be formed. Use this Linux simple command mkdir Music/Newfile to create a new directory within another directory. Use the choice p(parents) to create a guide between two existing directories. For example, a new “2020” file will be generated by mkdir-p Music/2020/Newfile.
rm-Use rm to remove files and folders. Using “rm-r” to uninstall the directory. Deletes both the folder and the files that it holds by using just the rm button.
touch-The touch command is used to construct a file. It may be anything from an empty text file to an open zip file. “Touch new.txt” for example.
locate-You can use this command to locate a file, much like the Windows search command. What’s more, using the-i argument along with this command will make it case-insensitive, so you can scan for a file even if you don’t know its exact name. To check for a file containing two or more words, use an asterisk (*). For example, locate-i school*note will search for any file that contains the names “school” and “note” whether it is a case or case.
man & –help – Use the man button to know more about the command and how to use it. Shows the man pages of the command. For example, “man cd” shows the cd command manual pages. Typing the name of the command and the argument allows you to see how the command can be used (e.g., cd-help).
cp – Use the cp command to copy files from the current directory to another directory.
mv – Use the mv command to transfer files around the command line. We may also use the command mv to rename a file. For example, if we want to change the name of the file “text” to “new,” we can use “mv text new.” It takes the two arguments, much like the command cp.
Here are a few more complicated commands that should prove very useful:
cat – One of the most commonly used commands in Linux is cat – (short for concatenate). Used to list a file’s contents on the standard output. To run this command, type cat, followed by a file name and an extension of that file. Cat file.txt, for example.
diff- The diff command, short for difference, compares the contents of two files line by line. It will output the lines that do not fit after evaluating the files. Programmers also use this order instead of rewriting the entire source code when they need to make program alterations.
job-Job command shows all current employment along with their status. A work is simply a mechanism triggered by the shell.
find – Similar to the locate command, you can also use find to scan for files and folders. The difference is that you use the find command to locate files inside a directory. For example, find/home/-name notes.txt can search for a file called notes.txt in the home directory and its subdirectories.
echo – The “echo” command lets us transfer some data usually text, to a file. For example, if you want to build a new text file or add a text file, you just need to type “echo hello, my name is alok >> new.txt.”
grep – Another simple Linux command that is certainly useful for daily use is grep. It helps you to browse through all the text in a given file.
head – The head command is used to display the first rows of any text file. By default, the first 10 lines will be shown, but you can change that number to your taste.
tail – This one has a similar feature to the head command, but instead of displaying the first lines, the tail command shows the last ten lines of the text file.
ping – Using ping to verify your link to your server. Ping is a computer network management software utility used to measure the accessibility of an Internet Protocol (IP) network host.
kill -If you have a non-responsive program, you can terminate it manually by using the kill button. Sends an essential signal to the misbehaviour app and instructs the app to release itself. There are a total of sixty-four signals that you can use but people typically only use two signals: SIGTERM (15)-requests a program to stop running and give it some time to save all of its development. If you do not mention a signal when entering the kill command, this signal will be used. There’s also SIGKILL (9)-forces programs to stop immediately. Unsaved progress is going to be lost.
Basic Linux commands allow users to quickly and easily perform tasks. It might take a while to learn some of the simple commands, but with plenty of practice, nothing is impossible. In the end, it would undoubtedly be helpful for you to learn and master these simple Linux commands.
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missamyrisa2 · 3 years
Story Archive: Snowed In
Sorry for the continued pause on the tickle teases. I've been busy with work and life, so here is another story from the vault. I wrote this for Taxwaxus many years ago. He had drawn a piece of art where three girls are tickling a boy and a girl in a dorm room. I had reached out to gush over the art because I found it so perfectly teasy and playful, and eventually our discussion turned into me naming the characters in the piece, describing their backgrounds, and finally writing a story to accompany the art. I had intended to write a part 2 and we had scoped out an outline but I lost my notes and never picked the project back up.
Anyway, this is a longform tickle tale and contains ffff/m & fff/fm scenes of tickling and teasing. It's more foot-focused compared to my usual belly and midsection style.
Ctrl+Shift+Delete, followed by the Enter key. These keystrokes could have saved Mike Dussell from a night he’d rather forget, and while he would never fail to remember the maneuver to wipe out his browsing history again, his story would never pass out of existence. It was nearing the end of the fall semester when the whole ordeal began. Mike was idling away his time in the computer lab, waiting for his friend Teddy to show up.
He had discrete porn browsing down to a science. Launch an excessively large document, plug in a tiny USB webcam, position the camera feed in the bottom corner of the taskbar, and open two browsers at the bottom of the screen – one set on library site, the other free to roam the image boards. Upon seeing any activity in the camera, a quick alt+tab flipped him back to the library, and the document remained in the background. Mike probably wouldn’t go to such drastic measures if he were watching vanilla sex acts, but as it was, he couldn’t get enough of tickle fetish art and video.
Today he happened on a sizeable collection of college-aged girls getting worked over by an older cougar-type lady. He perused a series of still shots, seeing the woman spread her experienced and well-manicured hands all over the helpless naked skin of the girls, who were bound standing in a long line. Pressing his luck, Mike opened one of the clips, and was immediately hard. The buxom woman expertly spidered her fingernails in tender armpits, traced ribcages, poked navels, and playfully flicked nipples all with a graceful smile on her face and teasing taunts emerging from her supple lips.
Mike growled to himself as he caught an eyeful of three figures approaching in the camera feed. He quickly switched browsers, and roughly shifted his position to push his throbbing member down.
“Hey it’s that kid who lives in the computer lab!” a shrill voice spoke. Mike rolled his eyes and turned around to see Kaysie St. Bernard, her perfectly trimmed jet black hair falling over her cold assessing blue eyes. Mike never regarded himself as someone who would hurt anyone, but he dreamed of yanking Kaysie down by her bangs on a regular basis. “Doesn’t he have a dorm?”
“Well, I-“ He murmured, trying to avoid Kaysie's typical outfit trap: a tightly fitted shirt under her jacket hugged her considerable bosom, adorned with two perfectly placed images of peaches under a bright text proclaiming the fruit's name. Below, the shirt was cropped enough to expose a slash of skin including the bottom of her navel. Anyone foolish enough to stare at either end of this top would be on the receiving end of a tongue lashing, and she always got her pound of figurative flesh.
“I think he just likes to pretend he has friends.” Trista Pires cut him off, one hand on her hip, the other casually flinging aside her long cherry blonde locks. She dressed more conservatively than her leader, though certainly flaunted her wealth with a gorgeous crimson sweater and designer jeans. “Like maybe this is the epitome of his social life.”
Mike blushed and tried to formulate some sort of retort, mumbling as Jessica Zangara leaned down. The girly girl and her floral dress with a floral perfume scrambled Mike's senses. Of the three, he found Jessica by far the most attractive - a fact all three of them knew and exploited regularly. “What are you always typing about anyway, Mike? It’s the end of the semester.”
He instinctively grabbed her hands as she went for the mouse, shoving her back. Kaysie laughed and moved in, her intuition for catching someone in a compromising position kicking into full gear.
“What, was it a loooove note? I bet you’re writing your thoughts and feelings for your blog aren’t you?”
“No…I don’t HAVE a blog!” He started thrashing his arms around, trying to keep the three girls from getting to the computer.
“mikeshikes.blogspot.com?” Kaysie continued, laughing as he got more defensive.
“How did you…hey!” He yelled, frantically trying to close his stack of browser windows.
“‘No one really knows the pain I have inside. I’ve wandered all alone for all my life’” Trista quoted, sending the two other girls into hysterics. Mike managed to close off the browsers, and relaxed slightly as they peered over his work.
“Wow, it really is research. And the dweeb was so scared we’d see!” Jessica cackled.
Trista ruffled Mike’s curly dark hair as the group started walking away. “It’s probably his porn. Some schematic of a particle accelerator!” He didn’t bother to respond as they laughed and strolled away, his face burning with embarrassment.
Kaysie, who always had to have the last word, turned and added “make sure you blog about this tonight, dork!” As their laughter faded, Mike considered resuming his adventure with the tanned tickler and her ticklees, but decided to cut his losses and quickly packed up before the trio returned with more oh-so-witty commentary.
As Mike scurried out of the building and into the blustering cold, Kaysie halted her pace, a squeak emanating from the soles of her designer boots. “Hold on ladies. I just had a thought…” She padded back into the deserted lab, and sat at the still-warm chair Mike had vacated. As she launched the Internet browser, and pulled up a list of recently closed tabs, Kaysie’s lips spread into a delighted grin.
“What, Kace?” Trista asked, peering at the screen.
“Oh, you’re never going to believe this…”
* * * *
Mike breathed a sigh of relief as he walked into the student union. He had never been so close to being caught, and cursed his overconfidence. He didn’t understand the compulsion to look at tickle porn when there was a threat of being caught, and yet he could never resist the opportunity. As these thoughts rolled around in his head, Mike picked out an empty table in the cafeteria and shrank against the plastic seat.
“Dude? What the hell?” Teddy called from the entrance, spotting his friend. Mike felt the temperature rise in his forehead as he quickly crafted an excuse for ditching Teddy.
“Oh, sorry. I forgot I had to…” Mike’s back suddenly went stiff. He felt a great weight shift in his stomach, and nearly passed out. With fuzziness creeping into his vision, Mike’s mind flew away from the cafeteria, back to the computer lab across campus, and to his workstation, where he could clearly see a browser being opened, and all his history retrieved.
“Yo. Mike.” Teddy snapped his fingers in front of his friend. A few bystanders couldn’t help but take in the scene, as Mike sat dumbfounded. And just when he felt some semblance of control return, Mike watched as Kaysie, Trista, and Jessica entered the building.
Teddy shook his friend, the crowd growing with each passing moment. “Dude! Are you all right? You go all Helen Keller on me?” Mike shook his head and stood up. They were giggling and looking in his direction. He knew he was caught, and his mind raced to search for an exit.
As the three girls approached, they shot Mike and his cohort a look of disgust and moved on to another table, removing their winter coats. Mike felt the blood return to his face. They knew, but were silently disdainful of his secret. He could handle that – it’s not as though they care for him to begin with, or that he had a crush on any of them.
Once Mike felt he was in the clear, he reassembled his composure and sat down. The crowd dispersed as he carried on the usual conversations with his friend, discussing school politics and Fortnite strategies. When he went to the food line for a late lunch though, Mike would soon come to realize that his nightmare was just beginning.
He sensed someone was standing close, watching his choices as he carefully selected between the overcooked unidentifiable meats and dried-to-a-crisp salad.
“See anything that…tickles your fancy?” He heard with a sultry giggle. He turned to see Kaysie beaming at him.
“I know I did. This lettuce always feathers up my throat, but I think I like it.” Trista said as she approached behind Kaysie. Mike felt his cheeks ignite.
“Hey, Tris, I meant to ask. What is your favorite song?” Kaysie continued,  following behind Mike.
“Um…it would have to be…Carly Simon’s Are you Ticklish.” The way Trista slowly and deliberately said the word tickalish made Mike shudder with pleasure. When he realized the affect their words was having on his manhood, he quickly set his tray down on a table, turned to face an unoccupied corner of the cafeteria, and tucked his hardness up into his beltline.
“Well, are you? Are you ti-cka-lish?” Kaysie asked, giggling incessantly. Mike scurried away and plopped back onto his seat, praying no one saw what just transpired. Teddy looked at his friend, then to the group of girls.
“Yeah, I know man, they’re terrible. Just last week they tried to make fun of Adventure Time.”
Mike blinked slowly and took a deep breath. They knew, and they weren’t going to let it go. He decided he would have to become invisible for the remainder of the semester. Then who knows? Maybe he’d transfer. But he couldn’t bear being away from Laura. Mike scratched his head and decided at once that he’d find away. He wouldn’t be scared off by three petty girls.
* * * *
Try as he might, Mr. Dussell could not avoid the tormenting trio in the ensuing days. He figured that one of them must have either figured out his schedule, or was friends with someone who knew it. They appeared at every turn, trying (and usually succeeding) to set him off. In psychology, Jessica broached the subject of fetishes when the professor started an open discussion forum.
“I’ve been reading a bit about podophilia, and was considering doing my research paper on its inclusion in mainstream media. It’s an intense sexual attraction to feet or shoes. The points of attraction can include the toes, arches, soles, pedicured feet, foot jewelry, foot odors, and such. The most notable television foot fetishist was probably Al Bundy…”
“Mike, are you alright? You look flushed.” His particularly attractive young female professor asked, cutting off Jessica’s diatribe, who grinned sweetly at Mike from across the room. He shifted his position to hide his erection, hoping no one could see it. And that’s mostly how the last few days of the semester went. Sometimes Kaysie would pass by him, and murmur “tickle…” in a darkly erotic tone, other times the girls would talk about celebrity feet while in his vicinity.
During a particularly agonizing break, Trista sat at Mike’s table, pulled off her boots and asked Mike if she liked her new stripe-y socks. When he froze, mouth agape, she propped her leg up on the table and came within inches of his face, her scent wafting into his nostrils. “What, do my feet smell or something?”
Mike felt lightheaded, the smell of her perfumed feet mixed with perspiration mixed with the fibers of her sock forming a dizzying orgiastic cocktail. She wiggled her toes, and pressed one foot ever closer. At this, Mike stumbled off his chair and walked off, holding his books strategically over his crotch. The two other girls rolled in laughter from a nearby table, walking over to high-five Trista.
On the last day of the semester, their efforts culminated in a particularly fiendish trap. Mike haphazardly navigated his Biology final, not only because his mind was in a cat-like state of readiness, but also because his seat happened to be right behind Laura’s. The object of his affections, Laura concentrated on the exam, her tiny perfect feet idly hooked around the legs of the seat, showing off a cute pair of black pumps.
Near the end of the test, she removed one shoe to scratch an itch, and he caught an eyeful of her fresh toenail varnish – an unbearably cute light red. It may have been his surging arousal, but Mike could swear he smelled the acetone of freshly used nail polish as he stealthily gazed at her petite toes. Once Laura finished, Mike abruptly concluded his own work and handed it in, moving quickly to catch up with her.
As he stepped from the room, a pit once again formed in the depths of Mike’s stomach. The three wenches were waiting in the Science building’s lounge. While Trista and Jessica occupied two chairs, Kaysie sat on a sofa, and right next to her was Laura. Mike felt sweat prickling in his temples, trying to decipher the scene before him and discern whether she knew his secret.
“Let’s ask Mike. He’s in the know, right? Hey Mike!”Kaysie called, sounded disgustingly sweet. Mike reluctantly stepped to the group, and noticed Kaysie was slipping one of Laura’s shoes off. “We keep telling Laura that guys love when girls wear heels, especially when it makes them taller than their man. She says it makes their guys uncomfortable and…what’d you say Laura?”
“Emasculated.” Laura interjected, smiling softly.
“Right! So, what do you think Mike?” Kaysie asked, gesturing to Laura’s bare foot. “Here, you stand next to him. You’re taller than he is in these.” She continued, grinning at Mike. He froze, his mind flooding with unerotic images…furniture, trees, spiders, hairy moles, star-faced moles…he was in the clear, until his mind’s eye broke its concentration and he envisioned Laura’s toes slowly touching his leg…drawing up, up, and down, and up to his face and…
“Hold still, you spaz!” Trista interjected, nudging Mike against Laura’s back. He felt her tiny frame bumping against his, and gasped softly. The three girls watched intently. “So, how does it feel? Mike?”
“I…uh…” Laura turned her head curiously as he mumbled. “Um…” Trista elbowed him playfully in the ribs, and Mike squealed out. Laura burst out laughing, and turned around.
“Oh my gosh. That was hilarious! Are you ticklish, Mike?”
“No! I um. I have to go!” He said, stumbling away.
“Uh-huh. What do you think girls?”
“I think he’s super ticklish!” Jessica piped in, moving towards Mike. He looked around quickly, and realized the four ladies were closing in fast. Mike attempted a dive between Kaysie and Laura, but they were ready. Two sets of hands caught his sides, and his momentum fell, dropping him to the floor. The skilled touch Kaysie’s black nails set his nerves alight, and Laura’s tender grip put his arousal level into overdrive.
A young man thrashing on the floor at the hands of two giggling girls drew a crowd in record time. Cell phones blinked to life and captured photos and videos. Trista and Jessica egged them on, calling out “get him behind the knees!” “I swear I’ve never seen a guy so ticklish!” Mike rolled back and forth, kicking his feet as he tried to push away from them, keeping his midsection flat against the floor.
He tried to defend against their attack, blindly swatting his hands back, but their deft fingers easily dodged him, and continued stroking and squeezing his sides, occasionally detouring to poke his ribs or bury their fingers behind his knees. His face melted with blushes realizing how many smirking faces behind recording phones were pointed at this scene.
“Tickle, tickle, tickle!” Kaysie teased, nearly falling back as he rolled against her. She played up the action, shrieking and laughing. “Woooo! We’ve got a live one here!” She smile and relented as a professor approached, tapping Laura on the shoulder.
Mike slowly registered that the room had fallen silent, and turned his head. Looming above was a cross-armed Dr. Peckinroth, his Biology instructor. She sighed heavily and put an aged hand through her long silver hair. “Mr. Dussell. Ms. Alt. Ms. St. Bernard…could you at least try to act like you are responsible adults, and not sophomoric children?” Laura turned bright red and Kaysie smirked as they stood up and stepped back. Mike didn’t move from his position.
“Mr. Dussel...” The agitated professor said. “That means get up!” She wedged her shoe’s toe under his arm and lifted. Mike reluctantly stood up, and tried to hurry from the lounge. Every one gathered there, including Laura, got an eyeful of the big boner straining against his khaki pants, the tip awkwardly poking to one side. Mike’s face deepened to a beet red as he stumbled around, trying to find his way through the crowd. Laura turned a similar shade, and backed off in the opposite direction, moving for the women’s restroom.
Kaysie balked at Mike as he walked past, her face twisted up as she feigned surprise. “That turned you on? What a perv!” Laughter echoed throughout the room as Mike hurried out, his face on fire. He couldn’t help but catch eyes with people who kept looking down at his tent, their eyebrows popping up left and right. Near the door, a group of goths pointed and laughed, an especially curvy girl calling out to him:
“Hey, you want me to take care of that for you?” She asked, making a squeezing motion with her ring-laden hand.
“Don’t do it man, she’ll bite it off.” A guy with gauged ears said, snapping his jaws at Mike. He made a mocking laughter sound at them, and shoved the door open, stomping off into the snowy yard towards his dorm building.
Sadly, this would not be the height of Mike’s torment. There was much still in store for the poor guy this night, as Kaysie and her gang had attained a wicked streak that simply couldn’t be satiated.
* * * *
“Due to blizzard conditions, the city has declared a level 3 snow emergency, which means all roads are closed to non-essential personnel. Those travelling on the roads may subject themselves to citation or arrest. For those students remaining on campus, you are not to leave your dormitories. Staff will be posted at each building to ensure the safety of all students.”
* * * *
Mike sighed and relaxed on his bed, idly flipping through TV stations. With the Internet down and all his friends already off-campus, he found himself incredibly bored. The only other person on his floor still around was the bizarre pasty-faced kid who couldn’t be peeled away from Minecraft. Mike really didn’t want to see what happened when the game was no longer available.
His hands gravitated downwards as he thought of Laura. Her soft hands touching his sides. A slow removal of her shoes, his tongue lapping up the little beads of sweat between each toe. Watching as the cougar woman from his videos tickled Laura’s feet, then shoved her own in Laura’s face. He drew a finger lightly over his own sole, the only place he could self-tickle, and writhed in pleasure.
Jumping up in his bed and quickly tucking up his erection, Mike called out to whoever knocked on his door. “Yeah, it’s open.” The door clicked softly and swung ajar, revealing three grinning faces.
“Michael. We’ve come to play.”
Kaysie, Trista, and Jessica stepped in, each of them dressed in their pajamas, and carrying shopping bags from the local salon. Just when Mike stood up, he saw that Jessica was dragging Laura in by an elbow.
“It turns out…” Kaysie said, pushing Mike back down onto his bed. “Our little miss Laura has quite the crush on you.” Mike looked as though someone had just thrown a bucket of red paint over his face. Laura wasn’t fairing any better as she looked down at the floor. “We were planning to come visit you already Mike, but Trista decided we should stop by Laura’s cushy RA’s room.”
“After all,” Trista started in, twirling Laura’s thick hair around an index finger. “Miss authority had said she was going to ‘take care’ of us, watch us like a hawk. I figured we could repay the favor. She was all by her lonesome. So we gave her a nice pedicure and had a girls’ night.”
“They t-tickled me!!” Laura cried out. Jessica laughed and snatched Laura by the arms. Bewildered, Mike stood up and went for his cell phone.
“You’re crazy! Get out of my room, I’m calling campus security.”
With lightning-quick reflexes, Kaysie grabbed his phone and tossed it to Jessica. Trista joined the ringleader, and the two of them again put Mike on the bed.
“Now, now. Don’t be a grumpy gus. We’re taking care of you kids tonight. And your babysitters have decided that you two need to embrace your mutual love.” Kaysie said, pinching Mike and Laura’s cheeks. “What’s the matter? Don’t you like her?” She asked, as Mike stared downward.
“Maybe he needs a little…motivation?” Trista mused, shutting the door and climbing onto the bed.
“Yes, I think you’re right, Tris.” Kaysie beamed at Mike and sat behind him. “Now, if you would just cooperate with me…” She said, as her fingers slipped under his shirt and began stroking wildly over his sides.
“AHHH-Stop!!” Mike shouted, flopping on his bed as she tickled merrily. He tried to get away, and found Trista attacking his underarms, wiggling her thumbs over the tender area. Through a blur of motion, Mike could see Jessica had started tickling Laura, locking her arms down with her knees in a schoolgirl pin, and freely running her hands all over Laura’s tummy.
Trista taunted Mike as she moved her hands down, catching his feet and stroking his soles through his socks, up and down. “Tickle tickle toesies! Coochie coo!” Mike kicked helplessly, and by the time he realized Kaysie was shifting her legs, he found his arms pinned down as she sat on his legs, his head resting on her bosom.
Jessica tormented Laura, waving her fingers slowly in the air as her hands descended gradually. “Where’s it gonna goooo…I think it’s gonna beeeeee…your ribbies!!” Laura bucked as Jessica ran tapered digits over her upper chest, trying to fend her attacker off to no avail.
Trista continued her work on Mike’s soles, tracing every turn and curve before hooking her fingers into his socks and tugging them down slowly. “Wow. Just look at these hideous beasts.” She remarked, poking his naked sole. “Ew. Girls, we have to do something about this.”
Kaysie continued lightly dancing her nails on Mike’s midsection as she leaned in. “How about a pedi?” she asked, looking down at Mike’s face.
“No! I don’t want that! Get off my feet!” He kicked, as Trista locked her hands onto his ankles, lifting his feet for everyone’s inspection.
“Yes, I think that’s what he needs. A good pedicure!” Trista giggled as she went for the bags she brought to Mike’s room, retrieving all her home salon tools. Kaysie didn’t move from her spot, and continued a light tickle torment of Mike’s upperbody as Trista prepared. Jessica let up from Laura, looking over to Trista.
“I want to do one of his feet too! Hmm…here, Tris, hold her for a sec.” Trista stepped over and held Laura’s arms down, as Jessica retrieved a wide white belt from her bag, and bound up Laura’s arms behind her back. She then pulled out a black belt, secured Laura’s legs, and lastly retrieved some white string and wound it around Laura’s two big toes. “There, all wrapped up nice and neat.”
The two girls left Laura to lay on the bed, watching helplessly as they prepped Mike’s pedicure. He kicked at them, but was unable to resist as they soaked his feet, making sure to stroke the instep and sole playfully. They worked to trim and shape his nails, remarking how they would get them good and girly for his first date with Laura.
He writhed as they applied the cuticle remover, and moaned in pain when they began pulling the skin off. “Don’t be a baby.” Kaysie taunted, lightly squeezing his sides. After another soak, he thought they were nearly done, and when they began scrubbing with pumice stones, he howled with laughter. The two girls locked his ankles under one arm, and scrubbed away with their free hands.
“NOOOOHAHAHAHAHA!” He yelled, unable to break their grip.
“What? Does this tickle?” Trista asked, slowing slightly.
“Yes!! Stop!” He shouted, trying to pull his arms out from under Kaysie.
“Well, that’s why I’m doing it! Ticka-ticka-ticka!!” Trista cackled, and resumed her work. When the two girls finally finished, he felt like his feet were throbbing. As they soaked him once more, they couldn’t resist tickling his newly polished skin a little longer. At last, they dried him off and looked like they were finished. Until of course, Jessica retrieved a bottle of nail polish and waved it back and forth.
“Hope you like pink.” She said, opening the bottle and starting on his big toe. Laura watched silently, her face still burning red as the girls gave Mike a bright coat of pink paint to each nail. When the forced pedicure ended, Trista and Jessica stood up to admire their handiwork.
Mike didn’t even know what to say. These girls had hounded him all week, and now held him prisoner as they tickled him and humiliated him in front of his crush. Kaysie, on the other hand, knew exactly what to say. “I think it’s time we inspected surprise you’re holding down below. What do you think, girls?”
“I think he wants to show it off to Laura.” Trista replied, smiling evilly and rubbing her hands together. She went in for his pants, pushing his legs down as he tried to keep them up. Carefully undoing the button and tugging them down, Trista laughed as his hardness was revealed, straining his red boxer shorts to the max.
“Oh my. You really liked that pedicure, didn’t you?” She balked, lightly flicking the tip of his tent.
“Just let me go…” Mike mumbled, trying again to escape Kaysie’s pin.
“What, right when things are getting hot? Jessica, could you get me the…hmm?” Kaysie said as she nodded to her cohort. “And…maybe a box of tissues?”
Laura had just about gotten her hands free when Jessica returned to the bed, tossing a fluffy feather toy to Kaysie. “No no missie! What kind of babysitters would we be if you ran off and hurt yourself?” She fixed Laura’s bonds, and patted her prisoner on the head.
Mustering all her courage, Laura turned to Jessica and spat “You…you…bitch!”
“Temper, temper, miss RA” Trista said, jabbing Laura in the ribs. “What’s that you say?” Laura giggled and squirmed, eyes shooting daggers. “She says stop tickling me Trista! Ha ha.” While Trista and Jessica delighted in making Laura squirm and scream, Kaysie fluttered her toy over Mike’s tent while lightly tracing his soft sides with her free hand.
“Ladies…I think Laura shouldn’t miss this show.”
“What ARE we thinking? Of course, she needs to see her man!” Trista exclaimed, sitting herself down and pulling Laura’s feet into her lap.
Jessica pursed her lips, reached into her bag, and retrieved a set of nylons. She wound them up into a makeshift gag and worked it into Laura’s mouth. “Much better.” Jessica then climbed behind her captive and, lowering her lips to Laura’s ear, she whispered with a lick, “there’s no escape for you now, little girl.”
Kaysie let the feathery puff come ever closer to Mike’s manhood, which was now awkwardly poking out of the door on his boxers. “I think your penis is ticklish…and I think you like me tickling it, don’t you? Or maybe you just like showing off for Laura.” She said, ever so lightly dusting the sensitive tip of his rock-hard member.  He moaned softly, then gasped as he felt two feet sliding up his body.
Trista grinned at Mike as she again put her striped socks up to his face, and began tickling Laura’s toes, who laughed heavily through her gag. Jessica took that as her cue to attack, drawing her fingertips all along the insides of Laura’s underarms. “My, my, you both are having quite a first date, aren’t you?” Kaysie chuckled, dipping her instrument’s tip along the underside of Mike’s cock.
Mike breathed deep, taking a breath of Trista’s socks, his face alight with shame, yet his manhood told another story. The sight of Laura gagged, squirming, and barefoot was almost too much in itself. Kaysie kept him right on the brink, teasing his shaft elegantly while letting the tips of her nails glide all over his midsection. He arched his lower body, trying to touch the feather more, but she always kept it right on the edge.
“I wonder if we can make him cum just by doing this!” Trista mused aloud, pressing her toes to his cheeks.
“That would be like, so amazing.” Jessica added. She held Laura tight against her chest, working an index finger deep into the girl’s armpits. Laura squeaked through her gag, and wriggled her legs, trying to pull away from Trista’s tickly fingers.
“mmmmpph!! Mmm!!”
“You’re right Laura! I bet we could do it with the help of your cute little toes!” Trista exclaimed, and pulled Laura’s legs over to Mike’s quivering shaft. “Do you like that? Huh? Her feet riiiight up near your penis?”
Kaysie laughed, delighting in the way he shrank against her, yet kept twisting his body to get closer to Laura’s feet. She dusted his dick heavily now, pushing it along further and further, and her fingers slipped up under his shirt to tease his nipples.
“I know what he needs.” Trista and Jessica worked together to shift Laura’s body, and as the latter repositioned herself to start tickling Laura’s ribs, the former placed the girl’s feet on either side of Mike’s manhood, the string between her toes keeping her feet right next to his shaft. “How about…this?” Trista continued, forcing Laura’s toes to rub up on his cock.
Mike threw his head back and moaned deep, begging softly for release. “Please let me cum…please…”
“First…smile, sweeties!” Trista cried, holding up her cell phone as she snapped a video of them. Mike barely registered what she was doing, and continued begging. Laura’s face turned an even deeper shade of red at the sight of Trista recording. An instant later, she was smiling despite her situation as Jessica attacked her sides with renewed fervor.
As a result of tickling, Laura’s feet danced around Mike’s hardness. Sensing his release, Kaysie went all out with her tool, running it up and down the erection, and under Laura’s soles. Trista held the feet tight and urged Mike along. “Are you gonna cum? Is someone gonna cum for us? You know you wanna…” Mike arched hard and began moaning so loud that even the only other resident on the floor heard him.
I'm gonna...I'm gonna cuuuuuum!!
The three girls couldn’t stop giggling as Mike’s cock exploded, with wave after wave of the milky liquid spurting into the air and down onto Laura’s feet. His eyes rolled back in his head as the last drops dribbled out, his seed spilled all over his crush’s toes. Laura writhed in her bondage, eyes wide.
“Well, that was quite a show Mike.” Kaysie giggled, at last releasing him. The girls stood up and looked over at the couple. “See you lovebirds tomorrow.”
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sibyl-of-space · 3 years
Weird feelings readmore time! :)
A few months ago I bought a 4-track tape recorder off eBay. I don’t remember exactly what combination of motivations led me to this purchase, but I think it involved mostly the following:
- hipster appeal - desire to record samples on tape for that “vintage” sound to use in compositions - a toy to play with - learn more about analog audio signals
I bought the cheapest one on eBay, which was cheap because it was broken - the seller said the playback on it wasn’t working. I was 50-50 between “it probably works and they just aren’t using it right” and “it could be legitimately broken but maybe the fix is easy” - either way, at the time, it seemed worth it to purchase.
For the record: it was broken, and the fix is.. well, maybe not “easy” as it involves totally opening it up and soldering new capacitors on the board, but well-documented. And as luck would have it, we did a lesson on soldering in my recording class, and my professor agreed to meet with me outside of class to help me do the repair on this board. So the fix was doable.
As of today, the TASCAM MF-P01 belonging to Yours Truly is back in full working order! I’ve just spent a couple hours playing with it. And, well, the thoughts and feelings I have about that are what prompted this Big Long Readmore About My Feelings.
I’ve been searching for a while for a music-equivalent “sketchbook” - I have a sketchbook for visual art, and I like it because something about the physicality of a book makes it easy to pick up and feel like I’m really making something, and I like markers because they force me to commit to my decisions, and I like that the book is There and it’s Mine and I don’t have to share any of it if I don’t want to.
(I am constantly, constantly torn by the desire-slash-need to Share Everything In It, but I fight that desire and remind myself that it is very very important to have spaces for my art that is just between me and the paper, to be bad and embarrassing and experimental - with absolutely NO external judgement.)
I think this 4-track - or rather, the tape inside it - may be the musical sketchbook I’m looking for. Maybe that’s premature; maybe several different things fill that niche. But I think it’s a distinct possibility.
I started recording bad, unpolished takes of my Pollyanna arrangement for cello/piano, one part at a time. I recorded the melody and then two accompaniment lines and panned those to the left and right. I listened back to it, and boy are there wrong notes and is the quality not good (my mic+room are not ideal for recording cello lol); but, that... that is a private, physical, stereo recording I made just dicking around. That’s a musical doodle, isn’t it? And if I like it I can keep this tape forever, I can even digitize it to TRULY keep it, but if it sucks and I can do better then I can record over it. It’s both the end result and the process, both a tool to practice and a preservation of my attempts if I like them enough to keep.
The thing about doing takes and comping in a DAW on a computer, is that if you record over a take, but find that you liked the other one better, ctrl+z is right there. Even if you overwrite a file in the session, your computer is probably still storing it in temp until you reboot or quit the program.
But on a tape, if you record over something, it’s gone.
I really love that aspect of intentionality. I love that it forces me to commit to decisions, like drawing in marker on a page. I love that it makes me a little more accepting of errors, because if the overall take was good, I’m not going to ruin it to fix one wrong note. And there is just something really, really satisfying about playing into a microphone, and then pressing rewind and hearing the WHHRRRRRR of the tape spinning and then pressing play, hearing that satisfying CLICK and then hearing the music you just made played back, sounding a little better and a little softer than you feared it would. It’s not going to win a Grammy, but who cares, because right now the only person in the entire world who CAN hear it is ME, because it is sitting in front of me on a physical cassette that I alone own.
I talked to my lesson teacher today about what it might look like for me to create a music work of my own, for me, not video game music for once but just... MY music. I’m still thinking about this, because it could mean a lot of things. But maybe it means playing my cello into a TASCAM 4-Track and then panning it and recording the next part on the next channel.
I’m not certain. Will I get really into mixing on this, dumping multiple channels onto one for more overdubbing, trying to fast forward and slow down and manipulate the playback speed for effects? Or will it just be a practice tool to play around on cello some? Will I lose interest in it entirely after a certain amount of time, or will I double down and it will lead me down a path in music and creativity that I hadn’t considered before?
I have no idea. I’m feeling slightly melancholy because part of me is afraid this is just the 437243098th “THIS WILL DEFINITELY FIX MY PROBLEMS” ““solution”“ to my process as a composer, and in the end nothing has fundamentally changed. I’m slightly afraid that this energy could be spent focusing on something I already use and making those tools easier for me.
But screw that, I just spent a couple hours with my cello and a tape recorder and I enjoyed it, so there is absolutely no weight to the claim that time was wasted.
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archonssun · 4 years
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WARNINGS: spoilers for chp 137 of the manga
notes: So, funny story: as I was getting ready to transfer this from the google doc to Tumblr, i accidently hit ctrl+v instead of ctrl+c and I lost everything 😃 then I accidentally hit the back button on the browser instead of undo and i legit had to dig around in order to get it back. Even then, a lot was lost.
So, I hope you enjoy this story cuz it shaved off approximately seven years off my life trying to get it here (i think my heart actually stopped at one point TT^TT)
As a kid, you had enjoyed Halloween. It had just meant more time you were able to spend with your friends. As you grew older, you participated less and less, your jujutsu training taking priority. You didn’t know you’d never be that kid again.
Now, at 17, you absolutely loathed the day. For the rest of your life, it would remind you of what -- no, who you almost lost.
Mechanical whirring filled the otherwise silent room. Inumaki Toge had been carefully deposited on one of the beds and they had hooked him up to various machines. It reminded you of the Kyoto Sister School Event when Toge had used his Cursed Speech even when he was well past his limits, but this time it was so much worse.
Your upper body was flopped onto the bed, head resting atop your arms and your (e/c) eyes trained on what remains of your lover’s left arm.
It hurt you to see Toge like this. He had always been the brighter-spirited one out of the two of you, always sharing jokes and witty one-liners to lighten any mood. Yet he was now silent, the incessant beeping coming from the machine at his bedside being the only indication he was even still alive. Your fingers moved towards the hand resting on his stomach, tears falling from your eyes as your fingers laced with his.
“I’m so sorry, Toge,” you sniffled, your grip on his hand tightening slightly as your other hand traced the snake and fangs seal on either side of his mouth. The pristine white bed sheets drank up your tears as they fell and the sheet covering Toge shifted with each breath he managed to pull in. “Why did it have to be you? Why did it have to happen to you? Why did it happen there?”
You wanted to hate Itadori, you really did. But you knew the only one responsible for what happened was Sukuna. It was his fault Toge was like this, it was his fault that so many lives had been lost in Shibuya.
Your breath caught in your throat and your head shot up when Toge’s voice reached your ears. You were sure you had imagined it, but as you fell into Toge’s gentle brown eyes you felt the tears fall even harder. You buried your face against his chest, your hand letting go of his hand as you hugged the boy tightly. You sobbed against him, his hand running through your hair.
“You’re alive! You’re awake!” You cried, a giant smile on your face when Toge hummed. His arm wrapped around your back to keep you close to him as he pressed kisses to your face, his lips catching the tears before they could fall onto the sheets.
An inquisitive hum vibrated in Toge’s throat suddenly, making you jump when his fingers shakily tracing the new scars on your face. You helped Toge sit up, propping him against the pillows at his back as he studied the marks. One had come from a blade-like appendage slashing across the bridge of your nose, and the other had been caused by the hook-like claws of a curse that had caught your bottom lip. As his fingers touched the scar at your lip, you brought your hand to his and pressed a kiss to his fingertips. You had such a sad smile on your face that he felt his own eyes begin to sting.
Toge slipped his hand from yours, his fingers gently cradling the back of your head as he rested his forehead against yours. He caught and held your attention with his gentle eyes, a loving look making them shine brightly. You understood what he meant, even with no words being spoken: I love you. I’m glad you’re alive.
You gave a firm nod, sniffling as you wiped at your eyes, “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Toge.” You managed to press a kiss to his lips, a smile tugging at your lips when he hummed. “I love you.”
Let me know if you wanna be added to the tag list for Jujutsu Kaisen!!!
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bvccy · 3 years
Omgggg literally
Self indulgence is ok. But like you said (with the courage I lack, bc I wished I had said it earlier), they don't need to post it!!
I have some self indulgent fics that I plan and write for myself. Whils still try to make a faithful representation of Bucky, the theme is not something people would associate with him or a theme they'd read it for fun.
Fanfic, more than ever IMO, is now rebranding porn into words with character from popular fandoms and acting as if it's good????
Like, yeah, you do you... But why??
I think people should get into the habit - which is not spoken about anywhere - of writing something, only to delete it.
I've done it, I've written parts of fics to get it out of my system and then ctrl+a backspace. It feels a bit painful, like it's a waste to write all of that down without showing it to anyone, but it can be cathartic.
It's actually a method of therapy, or a strategy to deal with traumas. You write something down, like an idea or an event that happened, and you tie it to a balloon and watch it fly away, or you burn it. It is a practice that helps you heal.
But when people write something down, and then they say "well it's just my way to process these fears or anxieties", and then they share it with other people, instead of getting rid of that negativity you're just spreading it around. It's the equivalent of, instead of blowing your nose when you have a cold, sneezing on other people deliberately. "Well, I'm just trying to get rid of the virus."
So yeah, I think this is a thing people should practice, but I doubt it will ever catch on because it is painful to delete your own work.
I wouldn't really say fanfic is normalising harmful and pornographic notions now more than ever, though. I've read really bad stuff in fics as long ago as 2005, stuff I don't even see very often in fics these days. So many fics with fisting, underage, watersports, and all within het (greater chance to see them in slash recently), whereas now you're hard-pressed to find any like that (you might, but you need to actively look for them). I'd argue things are milder now, at least in the fandoms I read.
But for sure there is a general feeling of "[flaming room] This is fine" for stuff that does not belong in what should be stories about characters loving or cherishing each other, or even "fooling around". A lot of gross stuff is passed around as normal, where it never was and never will be 🤷‍♀️
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wadey-wilson · 5 years
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In this tutorial, I’ll try to show you the basics of making a gif. Of course, there are many ways for this joyful and absolutely not stressful part-time hobby slash addiction, but this is how I’ve been doing it for a couple of months now, and it’s worked out pretty well so far. I’ve learned a couple of tricks, created my own shortcuts, and at this point it’s just something that comes naturally.
I use Photoshop CS5 Portable (you can get it here)
for taking caps, I’m using KMPLayer (get the verison, the .23 one is screwed up - you can get it here)
please, like / reblog if you find this useful
feel free to hit me up with any questions.
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1. Don’t beat your laptop with a baseball bat. Yet. Use your chair.
1.1. Videos/clips/movies.
I explained that part in this tutorial. What I want to add is that if you want the highest quality of a trailer, get QuickTime, wait a day or two after it comes out, and get the trailer here.
Find a trailer you’re interested in, play it, choose the highest quality option, press ctrl+shift+i, and you’ll get this:
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Click anywhere on that html codes and press ctrl+f. This will show up:
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Put that brandy away. Search for ‘source’, find this:
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Clink on the blue link using the right-click of your mouse, choose open in new tab, and a download window should show up.
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Save the video where you want to.
You can use videos from YT or movies you have on your computer or get those movies. Those movies also should be in the best quality possible. I suggest the ones with quality of 1080p and bit rate at least 6 Mb/s for best gifs.
In this tutorial I’ll be using the trailer of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Because all my movies are on another disk and I, uh...
2. KMPlayer + taking caps.
Before you open a video and take caps, I suggest you create a folder that’s easy to find and use on your desktop. I have one called ‘CAPS’.
- Open your video in KMPlayer. Pause it because this version of KMPlayer stinks and you have to pause the clip in order to start taking caps. So pause it and press ctrl+g. When the caps window shows up, set it to those (red) options and choose your folder (yellow) where your caps will be stored. You have to choose that one thing every time you open that window. [Sorry for the language, but it doesn’t matter. Just choose them settings.)
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- Play the video & make sure your caps window is somewhere on the side like this:
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Find the part that you want to gif. You can pause before it, press start on the caps window and then play the video or just start taking caps while the video is playing. I’ll do it using the first way.
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click ‘start’ on the caps:
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and then play the video until I get the caps I want and click stop on the caps window first, the video second.
Close that thing if you have what you want.
- Open your CAPS folder.
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Get rid off the caps you don’t need. They’re trash and should be treated as such. 
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If you’re giffing more than one scene, you can sort them caps to folders. I have 10 folders named from 1 to 10 where I sort mine. And because for now I’m making just one, I’ll move those caps to folder ‘1′ on my desktop.
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Time to make a gif. You good out there? If the answer is no, take Vicodin. No worries, when you’re done learning the basics, you’ll make gifs with Britney Spears playing in the background. Now shhh, focus.
3. Photoshop, aka that scary part.
- When you install it, you’ll get a folder, and in that folder there’s the app.
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- Open that thing (and maybe copy on your desktop).
What you need is the layers window, the actions window, the adjustments window, the characters window, the animation window, the paragraph window, the history window... It... It sounds horrifying, I know, but cool your pits. It’s just this:
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If you’re not laughing, take another Vicodin. Use this if those windows aren’t on display automatically:
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And sort them. Now, I use my own keyboard shortcut for gifs. I suggest you do the same. Trust me, you don’t want to do this:
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every time you make a gif. As you can see, I use alt+ctrl+p. You can set your shortcuts using the ‘Edit’ window at the bottom of which you’ll find the ‘Keyboard Shortcuts’ thingy. Then it’s a bit of digging but it all makes sense, ok? Ok. Yeah, no, it’s a lot of digging but I believe in you.
So you load them files, and this shows up:
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so choose your folder where your caps are, and click OK. Ta-dah:
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- This is the ‘make gif’ part. Click this:
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so you can get this
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at the bottom. I have this whole process made into an action, and if you want it in an action too, at this point you should click this:
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and choose ‘New Action’. Name it. Click record.
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and now 1)
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2) take Tylenol
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(you should be here now:)
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7) (right-click mouse)
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8) stop the action recording here:
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And this is how you should be looking right now:
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Oops, not this. This:
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Fine? Fine. Go smoke a cigarette.
You back? K.
- Dimensions. Very important. Like, 10/10 important. Don’t cross the 3Mb size.
Fitting into the tungler dimensions means your gifs will be posted in the highest quality. This is a visual of those dimensions (depending on how many gifs per row):
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If you don’t do that, your gifs will look like blurred filmography of Zack Snyder’s.
I’m gonna make a 253px gif so it won’t stretch in that post. Gifs over I think 268px stretch on normal posts as in posts and look ugly.
So that brings us to the next steps.
- Cutting, resizing. Easy. Don’t panic.
choose that tool:
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set your... this:
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(make sure it’s ‘cm’, otherwise you’re screwed) and crop, baby, crop. I suggest the biggest area you can, of course without the black parts.
Also, depending on gifs, the dimensions can be different. For my 540px gifs I use 5x2 or 2x1 or 16x9. For my 268px gifs I use 11x7, 11x8, 5x3, 1x1. For the 177/8/7px ones, I usually use 3x5 or something. Just make it look nice. Not too thin, not too high.
Ok, so I’m cropping.
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And now resizing. Crtl+alt+i.
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Make sure this thingy looks like that:
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My width will be 253px, you make it 268, alright? Or something. Just don’t cross 540px. And put that beer away.
So I have this now:
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Doesn’t look appealing, huh? Yeah.
Also click ctrl+’-’/’+’ to zoom in/out the gif. 
- Sharpening.
Some people use actions, some do their own thing, I use an action. I’m lazy. And I don’t look forward to just... You know. Clicking a lot. So I use this action. Download it, make sure you like or rb that post, and upload the action using this:
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Find your action. Load. Choose it, click play.
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So this is how the gif looks without:
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and with the sharpening:
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Magic, I know. Okay, you can have that beer. Or no, don’t mix alcohol with pills.
- Coloring.
This is the fun part. That’s where vodka comes in. The part with 390248 times you get frustrated and your laptop is in danger because it can never know when it will join the doves behind your window in a short fly. Anyhoo.
Start from brightness. This is one little trick I learned. You can use these options:
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I start off with doing something else. I choose the first option, aka Brightness/Contrast, and when it appears on my layers window, I choose the ‘screen’ option.
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So I’ve gone from this
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to this
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It’s clean. It’s cute. Brightens the whole gif.
Of course, you can do it traditionally and/or adjust the opacity of that ‘screen’ layer. I think I’m gonna brighten it just a tiny bit more and add some contrast.
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Now cooolors. I’ll make a standard gif, nothing crazy. You can go crazy if you want to, just don’t make someone’s skin orange. It just... doesn’t look good, kay?
Those are my options:
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And this is the result:
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Save your gif using this (once again you can see my shortcut)
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and your settings should look like this:
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Click save, name the gif, save it wherever you want. And it’s done.
As a bonus we’ll go through...
4. Text on gif.
I use Arial Rounded MT Bold. You can use Calibri, it’s the one I used to use.
Choose this:
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Click on the gif. Write your text. It looks like crap.
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No worries. Choose the text (ctrl+a). Choose your character window. And manipulate until you get the result you’re happy with. Change the size of the font, the distance between letters and paragraphs (and choose the paragraph window to make the text centered).
My options:
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and result:
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Doesn’t look nice, we want it nice and clean and all that jazz. So. Back to the layers window. Choose that text layer and find this button
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and choose drop shadow. When a window pops up, choose those settings (those are the ones I use:)
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Then go to Stroke on your left and set it like this:
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And click ok, and that’s the result:
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- create shortcuts. saves time, - make gif actions. saves time, - make sure you use the tumblr dimensions, - don’t do orange faces, ok? - when setting the text on your gif, you can do this little trick so it’s in the center:
x if my gif is 253x wide, the center is in 126,5, I make it 126px. 
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(make sure to write that ‘px’). click twice on your text layer, and this is the middle of that layer:
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while moving that layer you should be able to see that tiny square and it’s the center of your text. Set it on the guide and you’re done. It’s centered.
- use these
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to cut your gif. - play with the opacity and layer settings. for example, if you use color selection or saturation, you can set the layer’s option to ‘color’ and have it 70% opacity. - you can save the text layer only and reuse it by using ctrl+shit+s and saving it as psd
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and then just open it again anytime with ctrl+o and duplicate it to the gif. - have fun with it. don’t throw your laptop out of your balcony, they’re expensive.
If you have any questions or want me to make a different tutorial on coloring or something, don’t be scared, I don’t bite (for real, I have braces, biting hurts).
I hope I helped and making gifs doesn’t look like magic to you anymore.
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officegetsetup · 6 years
4 Different Methods to Resolve Dates Formatted as Text in Excel
MS Office suite is the most helpful software suite for each and every device users to create docs, design PPT, prepare excel sheets, handle emails and many more things. You can simply download the complete MS Office suite setup at Office.com/setup.
Sometimes when you copy data to Excel from other applications then there are possibilities that the dates will come in text format, which means they’re not useful to you in formulas or PivotTables. There are many methods to resolve the dates and the way you prefer will depend partially on their format and partially based on your choice for a formula or non-formula solution. Also, you can often warn that a number or date is wrongly formatted as text as it is aligned to the left. The default text alignment is left and numbers/dates are always aligned right. You can also get the support from MS Office suite team at office.com/setup.
4 ways to resolve this problem are:
1.      VALUE Function
2.      DATEVALUE Function
3.      Find & Replace
4.      Text to Columns
5.      VALUE & SUBSTITUTE Functions
6.      Error Checking
1. VALUE Function:
Function Syntax: =VALUE(text), Here the ‘text’ is the text to the cell holding your date text string.
The VALUE function was introduced in Excel for adaptability with other spreadsheet applications, and it's helpful. It can transform any text string that seems like a number into a number, so it’s helpful for resolving any number, not only dates.
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          But if your text isn’t in a form understood by Excel it will give the #VALUE! error. Or Excel will show the serial number for the date, so you have to format the date cell with a date format so it will become date.
2. DATEVALUE Function:
Function Syntax: =DATEVALUE(date_text), here ‘date_text’ is the text to the cell holding the date text string.
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        DATEVALUE is same as the VALUE function but it only changes a text string that seems like a date to a date serial number. DATEVALUE can’t work with any old text string that appears to seem like a number, for that you require the VALUE function. If still you are not fixing it then contact the MS Office support team at office.com/setup or go for other method.
3. Find & Replace:
VALUE and DATEVALUE are not useful if your dates have decimal places or hyphen as separators like 1.01.2014, then Find & Replace is the best option. By using “Find and Replace” to replace the decimal/hyphen with a forward slash turns the text string to an Excel serial number. To do Find & Replace:
·         Choose all the dates you need to resolve
·         Press CTRL+H keys together which open the Find & Replace dialog box
·         Now add the decimal place (.) or hyphen (-) in the “Find what” area and a forward slash (/) in the "Replace with" area and click on “Replace All”.
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  Excel should recognize that your text is a number now and automatically, its format as a date.
4. Text to Columns:
 Text to Column is one of the handiest tools for resolving data copied from other systems. So let's fix his issue:
If your dates are text formats then you can use Text to Columns to immediately reformat them all. Just choose your dates in column A > Data tab of the ribbon > Text to Columns to open the Window:
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    ·         In the window, select ‘Delimited’ and uncheck all Delimiters
·         Select 'Date' from the 'Column Data Format' and take your date format from the drop-down list and click on finish button.
    So you could have also applied Text to Columns to get the dates we saw at with VALUE and DATEVALUE that held hyphens/decimal place delimiters.
Hope using the above methods you can resolve the issue but if you are not able to do it then contact the MS Office expert at Www.office.com/setup.
Click Here :- Office.Com/Myaccount
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labwork360 · 2 years
Hormonal Imbalance Affects Mental & Physical Health
September 22, 2022
Hormonal Imbalance Effect On Women Heal, pinterest keyword pinterest keyword 100% 10 F12 Hormonal imbalance affects the health & fitness of women but there are ways to help prevent it such as diet plans, exercising & sleeping well. To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash Hormonal imbalance affects the health & fitness of women but there are ways to help prevent it such as diet plans, exercising & sleeping well. Turn on screen reader support
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fire extinguisher west palm beach
The advantage of using Preventive Fire to factory install a fire suppression system is that pre-piped systems require less installation time, include an application for permits and performing puff testing, Alarms for Fire Prevention and they are much more professional looking and aesthetically pleasing. To enable screen reader support, press Ctrl+Alt+Z To learn about keyboard shortcuts, press Ctrl+slash
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winportables · 2 years
PortableTextWorx is a global text manipulator designed to provide you with numerous text manipulation features for use in any text editor you like. It includes a universal context menu and custom toolbars that can be opened using hotkeys. First, select your text, then call the menu, then the function you want to run on that text. Default global hotkeys (but you can customize them)win + K to show the menuwin + shift + K to toggle the toolbar After you have the menu open (or when you press a toolbar button):hold Shift to reverse the effect (in many cases)Hold control to work the effect on each line of the selection.Hold control + Shift to do both For example, if you want to enclose a word in double quotes, simply select the text and then select the function from the menu.To remove the double quotes, hold down the Shift key when you select the function.To enclose each line in double quotes, hold control when you select the function.To remove the double quotes from each line, hold down Ctrl + Shift when you select the function. Features of TextWorx: Universal context menu for text editors.Use the menu or the toolbar; both are fully customizableOver 150 commands, many are exclusive to TextWorxFully customizable global hotkeys for menu, toolbar and for ANY commandModify single words or multiple lines.Comment and uncomment code easily.Quickly create ordered/unordered HTML lists and insert HTML tags.Number and renumber lines (with padding and custom numeric parameters).Classify lines.Insert text snippets and default characters.Insert the date in multiple modes.Convert forward slashes quickly.Toolbar buttons to cut, copy, and paste using two clipboardsPaste as text and send selection to NotepadFind and replace various criteria, eg: replace all state abbreviations with their names (and vice versa). 7/8/8.1/10English availableSize: 5.89MB 
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thelazyhub · 2 years
Ultimate Keyboard Shortcut Guide for Microsoft Teams - Windows & Mac
Ultimate Keyboard Shortcut Guide for Microsoft Teams – Windows & Mac
List of Keyboard Shortcut Guide for Microsoft Teams   Windows General To do this In the Desktop app, press In the Web app, press Show keyboard shortcuts. Ctrl+Period (.) Ctrl+Period (.) Go to Search. Ctrl+E No shortcut Show commands. Ctrl+Slash (/) Ctrl+Slash (/) Open filter. Ctrl+Shift+F Ctrl+Shift+F Go to a specific team or channel. Ctrl+G Ctrl+Shift+G Open apps…
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tech2cool · 3 years
Asus ROG Strix Scope Cherry MX RGB Wired Mechanical Gaming Keyboard
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Vendor: Asus Type: Keyboards Price: 185.98
Review Highlights 
Aura Sync RGB LED technology for personalization
Cherry MX switches, optimal actuation and responsiveness
1000 Hz USB report rate
Cherry MX Blue Switch
Strong tactile feedback, audible click
Actuation: 50 g
Tactile force: 60 g
Key-travel distance: 2.2 mm to actuate, 4 mm to bottom
Cherry MX Red Switch
Linear response without audible click
Actuation: 45 g
Tactile force: NA
Key-travel distance: 2 mm to actuate, 4 mm to bottom
USB 2.0 connectivity
Good for FPS games, 2 x wider, ergonomic Xccurate Ctrl key means fewer missed clicks for greater FPS precision
Quick-toggle switch, shift between function and media key input
4 silver-hued keycaps for easy identification of the WASD control group, includes a keycap-puller tool
Stealth key, tap to hide all apps and mute audio for instant privacy; tap again to play on
Dual-Textured, aluminum faceplate with iconic ROG slash aesthetic
Macros, management and memory
Map command sequences to selected keys
Adjust settings with enhanced Armoury II software
Onboard Memory, save upto 6 profiles, including upto 5 custom schemes
100% Anti-Ghosting and N-Key Rollover
On-the-Fly macro recordings
Windows Lock key, disable the Windows key with a single press
Cable routing, grooves on the underside for tidier cable management.
Two-year Singapore return-to-base (customer carry-in) limited hardware warranty
from Tech2Cool https://ift.tt/HK04QS1
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