#press on dental veneers
mygentledentistau · 3 months
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bronx-ny-dentist · 3 months
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Transformation of a Smile: Everything You Should Know about Veneers Veneers are thin shells of porcelain or composite material that are placed over the front teeth to improve their appearance. This process has become quite popular in cosmetic dentistry, giving patients the opportunity to achieve a beautiful smile without the need for extensive treatment. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about veneers - from the process of creating them to their benefits and possible limitations. Read more: https://www.bloglovin.com/@ameliagrant3/transformation-a-smile-everything-you-should https://www.bronx-ny-dentist.com/dental-veneers/
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parkavenuesmiles · 3 months
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Can You Go Back To Your Normal Teeth After Veneers When seeking the ideal smile, patients frequently think about cosmetic dentistry services. Veneers can dramatically change how you look by hiding flaws in your teeth and giving them a flawless appearance. Read more: https://www.webgov.com/blog/can-you-go-back-to-your-normal-teeth-after-veneers https://www.yonkersdentalspa.com/dental-veneers/
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fleet-off · 8 months
Because it’s come up with both @lu-sn lu and @theflowergirl Lily now, and because my dentist just sent another form letter expressing deep concern for my oral hygiene should I not schedule my biannual teeth cleaning posthaste, have some wacky fic idea-adjacent nonsense:
Vegas does Pete’s dental cleanings for him.
Pete did not particularly go to the dentist before he got the job with the main family, but the main family keeps one on retainer, and Pete hated going to see him. He found it horribly exposing to hold his mouth open like that, and he really did not like how much he wanted to bite down on the dentist’s fingers. He put up with it, because that’s what Petes do, but he always dreaded it.
Neither of them much likes medical professionals at all, actually, but Vegas sees to his own teeth pretty religiously. (He has to, he’s had veneers since he was eighteen. A smooth, even smile can work wonders.)
Vegas likes Pete’s teeth. He likes Pete’s smile, and Pete’s bite, and the specific way Pete chews his food. He wants Pete’s teeth healthy for as long as possible.
At the same time, Pete shouldn’t have to be uncomfortable except in those carefully orchestrated ways Vegas makes him uncomfortable, which are generally to their mutual benefit.
Vegas would not enjoy watching a dentist clean inside Pete’s mouth. (Pete would let him stay in the room, right?) The inside of Pete’s mouth is a sacred sort of place.
…Anyway, Vegas would be very jealous of the scraper tool.
Vegas does know teeth. He’s yanked a lot of them, albeit not for the benefit of the victims’ oral hygiene.
Why shouldn’t he clean Pete’s teeth himself?
note: doing dental work without proper training is a bad idea, but has that ever stopped VegasPete?
also here comes a readmore for non-explicit dentistry-adjacent kink Whoops
The dental mirror arrives in the mail first, and Vegas coaxes Pete into a practice inspection at the kitchen table that very evening. He realizes at once that they’ll need brighter light and a reclining chair—but though the inside of Pete’s mouth is dimly lit, and though his breath persistently fogs the mirror until Vegas thinks to warm it on the inside of his cheek, this first foray is enough to spark a thousand dark ideas in Vegas’s mind.
There is something to seeing the backs of Pete’s teeth—inspecting what is literally hidden behind his smile.
A vulnerability in the pink semicircles of his gums, maybe. The perfect fit of the teeth penetrating that clinging tissue.
Pete’s jaw stretched wide.
The damp heat of his open mouth against Vegas’s fingers, perfectly exposed and made to stay open.
His tongue twitching like its own creature when Vegas presses it down with a gloved finger.
The slow build-up of saliva—throat muscles working to hold down his gag reflex before Vegas taps his chin and lets him swallow.
Pete’s eyes have dilated; sweat shines on his brow, and the mirror begins to fog worse with every warm-shallow breath.
The next time Vegas caresses the tops of his teeth, Pete bites down hard on his fingers.
…They abandon the mirror for other, more familiar pleasures.
Vegas buys a headlamp and a dental loupe online later that night.
To his credit, he does research teeth cleanings at this point. It’s not the equivalent to years of practice and training, but it’s something.
Then the curettes arrive with their fine metal handles and delicately angled hooks on either end; then the sickle-shaped scaler. Vegas has never held either, but they feel familiar in his hands. He’s always had a knack for instruments.
Pete looks at them in his focused grip and shivers.
His hate for dental cleanings may not be such a problem after all.
(Of course, all of this culminates in Macau walking in on them mid-cleaning in the kitchen. Vegas and Pete are actually pretty good about not doing literal sex things where Macau might see. However, many typically non-sexy things have a way of becoming weird sex things when Vegas and Pete do them.
Macau doesn’t know how this is a weird sex thing, but he knows it is.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t quite manage to nope back out before overhearing just how nice Pete’s gums are.)
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noveldivergence · 1 month
Apostate - Chapter One - 4251w
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Apostate is a Lovecraftian crime horror with themes some might find objectionable in later chapters. While nothing more than a description of a dead body is shown in chapter one, please be mindful of triggers listed in my pinned post.
TAG LIST: @lord-fallen @coffeexafterxmidnight @philosophika (please send an ask or dm to be added)
Chapter One
Bell Baylor hated the heat and its miserable twin, humidity. Sweat clung, caul-like, on his forehead as he stood in the field beneath a haint-blue sky. He hated the feeling of the sunscreen he’d smeared on his face as a half-measure, streaking deep into the lines of his face. The sun melted the crust of sunscreen and made it drip down his temples, a mixture of sweat and chemicals colored a bone-bleached white. 
He hated the sound of the cicadas too, screaming their lusty songs from the trees, haunting him since he’d gotten here. He hated the empty creek bed in front of him, all dried up and dead. It had been full of life once. 
So had the man laying in it. Now both man and creek lay empty, dry as a bone in the hot Georgia sun. 
Red clay clung to bone as rust did to iron, and cave-hollow skull sockets stared up at him. Doctors Cargill and Lal had brushed carefully against the ribs as if they’d found a pharaoh’s tomb, but nothing could quite mute the vivid orange tone to the lower half of the body that had sunk into the creekbed. The prickled brush of a heat-dead tree-line a hundred yards away did little to shield them from vivid sky-fire beating down, but flame hadn’t faded traces of mud from bone quite yet. 
‘Found him when the crick dried up,’ the property owner had proudly told the local police. ‘Was making some rounds when a cow got loose and found his hand reaching up out of it. Scared the shit outta me, I’ll tell you that.’
The creek had been deeper once, Bell knew, full of life and death in all its forms--deep enough to cover the body of a fully grown male and get him stuck deep down in the mud and rock and red clay in this part of Georgia. 
But it didn’t make too much sense for the suspected homicide victim to end up in Slaughter County, regardless of what the name of the place may have implied. It was out in the middle of nowhere, at least until the chemical plant had moved in and made it somewhere at last. Bell could imagine the locals kicking and screaming about that the whole time too, from what he’d seen so far. Still, the plastic ID card near the body had read the name plain as day, even through mud streaks and sun-bleaching.
Brandon Severin, 24, male, white, recent fifth-year senior graduate of Georgia State University, disappeared from Atlanta nearly two years prior. Known for party-heavy behavior which delayed his graduation and lost him part of his left pinkie finger in a dazzling display of stupidity at a kegger. 
So much could have stolen the finger on the corpse after death, Bell reminded the over-eager deputy who’d briefed him: fish, frogs, the rush of current. It didn’t have to be Severin’s body, even with the identification card. It might not be. They’d have to wait for dental records, he insisted, even as he eyed the file that listed Severin had veneers.
The smile of them was unnerving even to Bell. They were as bleached-white as the rest of him, with a wrongness none of them would speak aloud. Still, he was sure all of them felt it, even Luther, and Luther wasn’t type to be easily unnerved. 
Supposedly, Severin had gotten a job interview in Savannah that didn’t actually exist. State police couldn’t find proof of it at least. Friends had claimed he’d been depressed, and police theorized he’d gone off to end it with a convenient lie to delay the search for a body or a suicide note. When his car had been found near Lake Lanier, that theory had solidified. While the case was still officially open, the police in Atlanta hadn't seen it as pressing–at least not if the files Bell read on the way over were any indicator. They hadn’t drained that cursed lake before for more urgent cases, more pressing closures. They weren’t ready to drain Lake Lanier for a party boy with a death wish, even if his rich parents were hollering to the news about it.
The creek before Bell didn’t connect to Lake Lanier. Instead, it connected to Lake Troxler, another large man-made lake dug out and filled when the plant moved nearby into Besant. While it lay in roughly equal distance between Atlanta and Savannah, the town was a convenient through point for neither. 
Dr. Lal’s head appeared from behind the shoddy barrier around the creek.
“Agent Baylor? The ribs are the same as New Orleans.”
Bell shared a glance with Luther Tanner, his partner agent in this mess sent with him to the furnace of hell that was Georgia in high summer. He’d hadn’t known the man for too long. In many ways, he was still as much a mystery as Severin and his disappearance and Bonds down in New Orleans. They’d had the case file dropped on their desks four months ago up in Quantico. If it weren’t for the New Orleans case and the nightmares it brought them both, the box of loosely interconnected files probably wouldn’t even exist. Bell wouldn’t have even met the man beside him as more than a passerby in the halls. Just another box shape with steel gray hair, sharp eyes, and ill-fitted suit.
Not that he wasn’t getting there, he reminded himself, save the box-shape that at least implied he was at least fit at one point. 
“We’ll see if we can connect Severin to Bonds.” Luther sighed, and Bell watched as the man’s fingers twitched for a cigarette as he spoke.
How many years had it been since he’d quit smoking, if he quit? Bell had seen the bottom of a nicotine patch on Luther’s arm earlier, the outline still whispering beneath the thinner fabric of a summer shirt. His own father had quit cigarettes when Bell was twenty-four but wore the nicotine patches till he’d died two years ago. Never stopped drinking. No way to know with some people. Addiction was funny like that. It pursued people in funny little ways, all their lives, invisible to the gaze of others. 
Luther met his eyes looking at his twitching fingers and sighed, shaking his head, before stomping off through the field. It would have been a lot more dramatic, if the crunch of the grass wasn’t so quietly pathetic. With a quick glance back into the black, blank eyes-that-should-have-been of their victim, Bell followed through the tall, crackling stalks.
Luther had been on edge since they’d arrived in Besant, Georgia, with this new, familiar slaying; because of New Orleans, Bell had thought, surely.  Luther would want to touch base with him about that, of that he was certain. What had happened in New Orleans kept the wheels of his mind turning constantly since it had happened those months ago, grinding his life to a stop and throwing off sparks like a train with a pulled emergency brake.
Only it wasn’t New Orelans. It was Besant itself.
What had once been a near-ghost town had only gained more people recently with the arrival of the petrochemical plant. Havich Industries had claimed yet more space in the American landscape with its flagship plant deep in the heart of the American South. Bell had heard the Havich family lived out here too. They followed the money.
And a lot of people followed them.
Bell sure had thoughts on that. 
Bastards, the lot of them, like most with ungodly money. If it weren’t for the heat, he’d be breaking out in hives from the sheer obscenity of the building on the ridge pouring out smoke and tainting the beauty of the open sky.
But Luther wasn’t Bell, and obscenity wasn’t why Luther was on edge. 
“You said something about your son living round here?” Bell kept his voice low. He wasn’t sure if Cargill and Lal, the pathologists the Bureau had sent with them, knew much about Agent Tanner, but he was sure that was entirely purposeful on the older man’s part. Hell, he only knew a little. Enough to be dangerous. Luther’s jaw clenched. He talked less about his son than he did his wife, and Bell figured it had to be on purpose. Bell was sure if they weren’t here, weren’t where Calvin was, that he might not even know the young man’s name. 
Luther knew Bell’s sons' names, of course. He knew them before Bell had told him, and he knew Diane’s name too. Luther was that sort of agent.
“I take it that’s an issue.” Bell continued speaking through Luther’s brick-wall silence. He was used to it. If Luther thought he could gain advantage over his curiosity with the tricks of stubborn adolescence, he was wrong.
“It’s not an issue.”
“You sure?”
“It’s not an issue for this case, Baylor.”
Bell paused before nodding, glancing back at the taped off creekbed as he did so. Luther had only started using first names recently, despite all of their work together. He couldn’t find it in himself to be too surprised that he’d slide back to surnames at the first sign of irritation with Bell. He couldn’t even find it in himself to be irritated. His emotional capacity for the day had leaked out his sweat glands with what he was sure was the rest of his brain and insides. He didn’t have time for Luther’s personal problems.
“So.” Bell wiped an errant string of sweat-soaked black hair from his line of sight. “You think the director’s right about this being a serial? Hell of a coincidence if it isn’t, I think. With the way the bones look and all.”
Luther nodded, before cracking a small awkward smile. Bell had learned this was his equivalent of a slap on the arm, all masculine gesturing, all reassurances, all the little things he’d so rarely been included on in life, even at the FBI.
“You ever see the sun a day in your life, or did they bring you out of the basement for this one to fuck with you?”
A glass-breaking laugh cracked from Bell before he could stop it, but thankfully Luther had heard it enough in the last four months that he didn’t wince at the sound like many did. 
“They–,” Bell stammered through laughter, “they thought I needed enrichment outside of my enclosure.”
Luther’s laugh was barkish, bulldog that he was, and his head tossed back with it. A pair of local deputies sent off glances between them and the scene of discovery, but said nothing. Bell wondered if they’d ever had a case involving the FBI. They hadn’t even touched base with the sheriff yet; they’d all got in at 0200 this morning and fallen asleep for a bittersweetly cursed five hours before leaving the air-conditioned oasis of the hotel in the morning for the scene. 
It was more sleep than they got in New Orleans.
 Breaking the moment with a nod, Luther stalked back over to the side of the ditch, craning his neck down about two feet from the edge. He’d fallen in once. Bell didn’t know it for sure in his mind, but he did in his gut, from the way the agent held himself. 
He’d fallen once too, early in his days with the FBI. Stepped wrong off a muddy lick of solid ground into a mass grave near the aptly named Great Dismal Swamp of Virginia. His foot had caved a skull, rotted through with the seep of the bog and face bloated beyond recognition even before his clumsy idiocy. It sounded like the crunch of wet and rotten cabbage being split open. Nearly twenty years on, and he remembered the sound. 
If Luther tripped, it would sound like the crunch of pottery underfoot, shattering so much history of the tomb Severin had fallen silent in. Bell had been lucky back then for dental records and lessons learned. They were lucky here for more than that. He stood by Luther and watched the doctors work with the rest of the forensics team weaving through the area around them like ants to their queens. 
“Chances of finding anything around the area aren't good. Been too long.” Luther gestured at the body, before patting his shirt pocket reflexively. Nonexistent pack, Bell thought before replying.
“What do you think about the ID card?” Luther bit his fingernail, seemingly uncaring of the black build-up beneath them.
“I think we’re either very lucky and our killer is very stupid or–” He gestured at Bell to complete his thought.
“Or the killer left it here on purpose.”
“Or Severin here really did fall into the lake.” There was a dark twinkle of humor to Luther’s eyes. “And went twenty rounds with a gator.”
“I doubt that.” Both men looked down at the bemused face of Dr. Cargill, who stood hands on hips staring up at them with wide brown eyes. “I can’t tell you yet without a full examination, but the wounds look purposeful.”
“Thank you, Rhoda.” Luther smiled a bit ruefully, shaking his head. Bell wondered if Luther’s nature was why he got the social misfits of the agency like himself and Dr. Cargill attached to his cases. He seemed to have a patience for the weird, or at least put up a good facade that he did.
Dr. Cargill hummed and went back to excavating the last bit of the body with Dr. Lal. Bell wondered if she handled the heat better with her shaved head. His own father had gone bald, and while Bell hadn’t seen any signs of that happening in his own life, he was afraid to test fate by taking the razor to it.
“Too much water damage too, before it all turned to clay and red dust.” Dr. Lal didn’t even look up from her work. “I don’t believe you’ll find any DNA or identifiable particulates on the body after the water and heat damage.”
Luther shrugged, turning towards a sound down field. The kick up of that same dried blood dust and the hum of an engine came from a distance. Bell heard Luther huff a small laugh before he realized that whoever was making their way towards them was being escorted by the property’s owner on the back of a UTV. The deputies stood straighter, as it approached.
The sheriff then.
Luther reached a hand into the ditch to help Cargill and Lal up the embankment, while Bell approached the UTV. Sheriff Harlowe was a tall man; his knees folded in an awkward slope towards the footboards of the machine. He looked less like a sheriff, Bell thought, and more like an Appalachian mountain man. He imagined that the sudden increase in population hadn’t done much for the man’s attitude or number of gray beard hairs, but despite that he’d been the sheriff for the past twenty-some-odd years.
He looked it. The thought was uncharitable of Bell, he knew, but the man had the kind of skin that had been tanned and hardened as tough as whitleather. Wrinkles sat like divots in the parts of his face that weren’t concealed by beard or brows or the longish mane of salt-pepper-rust hair that stuck out in wild strands from under his hat. He’d been the sheriff for twenty-some-odd years, yes, but Bell couldn’t tell if he had another twenty in him.
Harlowe’s father was the sheriff before him, he’d been told. Besant, Georgia had been that sort of town once. The wisp of white smoke coming over the hills from the direction of the plant was as much a marker of desolation as it was progress.
“It Severin?”
The sheriff’s voice was roughly chewed gravel sifted through an ashtray. It reminded Bell of his father’s at its root, all Marlboro and masculine posturing. The accent was different, oceans apart, but the core was familiar. Bell wasn’t sure how he felt about that, not yet at least.
“We’re not 100% yet, but the evidence is pointing towards that.” Bell glanced sideways at the property owner, who was eyeing him with an almost affectionate sense of doubt he was sure was reserved for the most well-meaning Northerners. Harlowe gave him a nod, a friendly dismissal abided by. The sheriff waited till the UTV had turned and cleared the area before he turned back to Bell.
“You Tanner or Baylor?”
“Sorry, yes, Agent Bellamy Baylor. Bell or Baylor, either work.”
“Agent Luther Tanner.”
Bell turned slightly, as Luther wiped sweaty hands on trousers and extended one in greeting towards the sheriff. He hadn’t offered his own hand, but then neither had the sheriff. The man seemed skeptical as it was of Luther, who was cut more from the same cloth of machismo. 
“Boone Harlowe. Either name is fine. Ladies?”
“Yes,” Luther nodded towards the two lead analysts they’d brought along. “Dr. Rhoda Cargill and Dr. Bhavani Lal.”
“A pleasure.” Dr. Cargill moved forward for a handshake, which the Sheriff seemed mildly surprised by, but shook her hand nonetheless. Bell wondered if the issue was one of race or gender or even her shaved head and nose ring, settling quickly on the matter of gender, as Harlowe tipped the brim of his hat to Dr. Lal next.
“Nice to meet you, Sheriff.”
“You as well, ma’am. Ma’am. You the uh…”
“Forensic pathologists.” Lal nodded towards Cargill.
“Yes, sir. Dr. Lal and I are leading the investigation into the body itself. Our team is combing the area for any trace evidence. Unfortunately, given the time frame, it’s unlikely there’s anything notable that’s lasted this long.”
“How long y’all think it’s been?”
“We can’t be sure until we’ve gotten him into a lab, but I would estimate he died shortly after his disappearance.” The sheriff nodded, turning from Lal to Cargill.
“Small mercy, I suppose. I’m guessing it’s not a drowning, Doc?”
Dr. Cargill shook her head and released an uncharacteristic sigh. She had a high and breathy voice, and the noise sounded almost musical–a lilting dirge to the deceased.
Bell sighed too, despite himself, glancing back at the creek bed. The skeleton was covered by the rise of the embankment, but he could see it–could see New Orleans–in his mind’s eye. The split of ribs. The wild slices of blade or animal teeth down to bone. The lack of eyes and ears and tongue. There had been flesh left in New Orleans. There had not been enough flesh left in New Orleans.
There were no mercies for Brandon Severin, great or small.
“Taking that as a no, huh Baylor?”
Bell shook his head, snapping back to reality to see the others giving him a concerned glance. He tried for a weak smile, feeling the crust of sunscreen crack in the lines of his forehead. Lal seemed to have a small mercy on him.
“It’s highly unlikely his death was a result of drowning.” Dr. Lal’s tone was as matter-of-fact as if she were describing the shape of the earth. “At least not without multiple major contributing factors that would have resulted in death otherwise.”
Bell had known Bhavani far longer than Luther. He knew less about her than he did of the other agent. He did appreciate her demeanor though, just warm enough to keep her overly clinical speech from making her appear unempathetic. Not that they were in need of warmth here. Since arriving, they’d been suffocating in a sauna of Southern hospitality and politeness, more cloying and clinging than even the sheen of sweat.
“So he was dumped here?” The Sheriff nodded towards the ditch.
“Or the lake, yes, and flowed down here where he got stuck. That seems most likely. There is a massive injury to his chest cavity. Given…prior encounters with a similar case, I would hazard that this was his cause of death.” 
Lal seemed hesitant to give this much information. Too many assumptions.
“Serial killer then?”
There it was.
“Too early to tell,” Luther rebutted quickly. “We’re not ruling anything out, though.”
“It is, then.” Harlowe seemed sure of himself, and Bell sighed.
“It’s complicated.”
“How–” Luther’s firm voice cut the sheriff off.
“It’s complicated. But again, we aren’t ruling anything out.”
A cloud the shape of a file box shadowed Bell’s mind. No need to worry anyone local. Not yet at least, but the sheriff looked as skeptical as Bell felt. And why shouldn’t he? Before the plant had moved in Besant was unincorporated, known for nothing more than a horse breeding facility. Harlowe had the demeanor of a man who had a fine discernment for horse shit, a sommelier of lies that got caught up in good breeding. 
The white smoke lingered above the hillside.
“Woulda hated to see him before he was just a pile of bones,” Harlowe commented from somewhere just behind Bell’s shoulder. His mind had meandered at some point during the muffled conversation. It was wont to do that more and more these days, especially since they’d been called to the Bonds case. He wondered if he should bother worrying about it. It seemed that he had so much to worry over, particularly corpses in creeks and swamps and ditches and run-off trenches.
He’d ruined enough by putting worry off in his life. What was a little more? 
Bell lingered near the back of the group, only vaguely listening to their conversation, instead staring between them, below them, into Severin’s empty eye sockets. Nothing else could be done in the field at this point. They’d have to transport body and earth and particulates alike back to the cold closet of a medical examiner’s office in the local hospital’s basement, hoping all the way that no equipment broke in transportation. Or, he held back a sigh, anything they had to send away for analysis got lost in the mail. It had happened more than he cared to admit. More than the FBI would publicly admit either.
“You’ll have to push the gurney back up towards the gravel road. We ain’t getting the morgue truck down here, not anytime soon, especially with how well it’s holding up. Hey--”
The sheriff had turned a glare to the younger of his deputies.
“No smoking. Dry as kindling out here, you’re gonna light yourself and the whole damn field on fire. Jesus Christ.”
Addiction was funny like that, Bell thought for the second time that day. 
He tamped down a wry smile, even as the young man tried to hide his sins and move to help with the removal of the body. Luther and Harlowe shared glances reserved for men with sons older than Bell’s own, as they helped the doctors back down the embankment. Pathologists lingered like fruit flies, as the choir of cicadas rose their pitch and volume till they were drowning out all else.
He wasn’t sure how he spotted it. The line of beech trees was nearly a hundred yards away, and the malformation was small. Could be a trick of light. Could be any number of things. Something called him still, some strange feeling wriggling in the back of his mind, like the melody of a familiar, forgotten song. He couldn’t place it. He was sure he’d never felt it before. It felt known to him despite that.
Bell looked beyond the others towards the tree line and began walking. Even a hundred yards away in the meandering windbreak of beech trees, the sound of cicadas was overwhelming. It thrummed in cacophony against the internal music of his soul, and were he asked later, he couldn’t tell anyone what compelled him to walk towards the line of bone-white beech trees sticking awkwardly along the boundaries of the field. Not truthfully. Not without sounding insane.
He could claim the carving was visible, just barely from the creek bed. That the sun had crept in and the lighting had been just right to pique Bell’s curiosity. None of that was true. They’d know that. Or would they ask? If it helped, would anyone care? The grass crunched beneath his feet. The corpses of dead cicadas crunched beneath his feet.
The trees grew closer. 
The marking was carved into the tree and partially covered by the clinging corpse of a southern grass cicada. Bell resisted the urge to brush it to the ground, and instead slipped it into a small plastic bag he’d carried in his pocket. He felt dizzy from the heat. The screams of the insects swarmed into the songs of a calliope, and his mind spun in a tortuous carousel race. Why? He bent down and leaned in close, fingers and eyes searching the bark of the tree.
The marking was a rudimentary drawing of a man, arms and legs splayed out in an X-shape and head a simple circle. Above the head were scratched lines not unlike a crown, and the arms and legs ended in similarly scratched claws.
It made him lightheaded in ways he couldn’t understand. The cicadas pressed in, ever present sonic warfare bombarding whatever sense he had that hadn’t already been overtaken by the oppressive heat. The caul of sweat and the shrieking cries of new life overwhelmed him.
Bell’s vision swam. He vaguely registered the crown of the trees filtering out the haint-blue sky. He felt himself falling, falling, falling, and he tried to reach out, to claw towards the tree, but could find no purchase there.
He fell through the veil. 
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discobrainrot · 2 years
11 kim/harry please! >: )) or 58 jean/judit. to give you options
11. Eat Your Heart - Steam Powered Giraffe
So, this fic is very loosely based on this song lmfao. I went in a weird direction, and it's probably too long to be a ficlet, so uhhhh.... it's gonna go under the cut after the first couple of paragraphs!
The first thing Kim notices about Harry is his teeth. It catches him wildly off guard. 
Years of not trusting his vision make it easy to brush it off, at least at first. The detective from the 41st has a habit of standing frustratingly close, and being far-sighted makes it difficult for Kim to take all of him in. That includes the near-nauseating odour that wafts on his temporary partner's breath. It's not just Harry's breath that reeks. He's enshrouded in the scent of alcohol, sweat, vomit, and something coppery that Kim refuses to name. It conjures images of a red-drenched mouth. Something to match his decidedly sharp teeth.
No. It can't be. Kim dismisses the thought as soon as it arrives. There's nothing wrong with the detective's mouth (apart from the fact that he won't close it).
But as the 41st recovers, he smiles more. He cries more, too. Kim would consider him childlike if the situation wasn't so profoundly unsettling. Every grin, every self-satisfied smirk shows a flash of yellowed teeth. Teeth that fit smoothly together as a dog's might. But it's when he sobs that his terrible maw is on full display. There are slight gaps between his incisors and canines, allowing his teeth to interlock and latch. 
After the fourth day in Martinaise, Kim realizes there aren't many small animals around. The ones he and Harry pass by give them a wide berth, their eyes trained on the 41st. 
Not long after that, Kim tries to rationalize what he's seeing. At first, he theorizes that he could have filed his teeth, but it doesn't stick. His canines are too long, and the way they mesh... No, filing is out of the question. They might be some impressive veneers, but they're too natural. Besides, how could he afford that kind of dental work on an RCM officer's salary? He can't even afford to stay at the Whirling-In-Rags.
Even as reasonable theories start to fizzle out, Kim won't allow himself to believe that they're... they're... 
What? Real? No. No, it's out of the question.
And yet, as the days press on, the thought becomes harder to avoid. It's like standing under the red-eyed glare of the ice bear fridge. Tireless pursuit. Unflinching eyes. The way he holds himself. Harrier Du Bois isn't just some kind of animal; he's a predator. 
That's enough to make Kim want to get in his Kineema and drive back to his precinct. Fuck the case. Fuck the pissing contest. There's something wrong with the whole damn thing. He should, but he doesn't. And why? 
Because even a broken clock is right twice a day, and even Kim Kitsuragi feels pity for a kicked dog.
hat's what Harry reminds him of, at any rate. Not only because of his terrible teeth or tendency to pursue but the way he weeps. He cries like a hound waiting for its master. Sometimes it's about a woman. Sometimes it's because the world is just too big to take in all at once. Sometimes Kim swears it's because he doesn't know how to process genuine feelings of joy and instead translates them to tears. It tugs at Kim's heartstrings every time.
He hates it. He loves it.
He'll never say a word.
At least, he doesn't think he will, but the tribunal makes fools of them all. It feels like the events unfold in snapshots. Shots fired. People dead. Mercenaries and Hardie Boys. Harry takes a bullet for Kim. He's moved to a room in the Whirling. Field surgery. Terrible, whimpering sounds bubble out of him like blood. Kim's hands shake. All other thoughts are forgotten.
Until they aren't.
The second day that Harry lies unconscious in his now-cleaned room, Kim watches him sleep. He stirs every now and again but sleeps soundly for the most part. When his breathing finally steadies, so does Kim's. He's going to make it. He's going to make it. 
As he watches Harry sleep, Kim can't help but notice a terribly sharp tooth peek out from his open mouth. His initial curiosities about the detective's physiology seem trivial now, yet... 
Very gently, Kim reaches out and pulls Harry's lip back. He is, just as before, confronted by a set of cruel teeth. He can feel his pulse quicken. This is the closest he's ever gotten to the detective's maw - it's surreal. 
Softly, ever so softly, Kim pulls Harry's cheek to reveal his molars. Are they molars? The teeth he finds are just as sharp as all the others, not meant for grinding so much as tearing. 
All at once, he thinks about how smoothly Harry's teeth might slide through skin. What would his chapped lips look like stained a beautiful sanguine? The desire to keep caressing Harry's face consumes him. After so many days, he's sure that he can push a gloved finger into his mouth. He's sure Harry would let him. Those teeth could tear through the aged leather of his gloves, but Harry would stay still. He'd be such a good boy.
Suddenly, the detective stirs. Kim's hands are pulled back in a heartbeat, and he prays Harry won't remember any of this. If he does, he makes no indication of it.
In the coming days, Harry comes back to himself. 
They solve the case. 
They find the Insulindian Phasmid. 
They're confronted by Harry's colleagues from the 41st. 
Three sets of eyes bore holes into Harry as he stands just behind Kim's shoulder. Once again, he's reminded of a dog. Loyal. Affectionate. Desperate to please. As he stands in front of Harry, all three RCM officers regard him, both aghast and awed. Pride wells in Kim's lungs, and he doesn't question why. After encountering the Phasmid, he's much more willing to believe--
"You've spent the week with him -- on this case. What is your take?" Satellite Officer Vicquemare's question snaps Kim back to reality.
"On the case?" He responds, clearing his throat. Harry tenses behind him.
"On Lieutenant-Yefreitor Du Bois."
"Well…" Kim huffs and feels his lips curl as Harry puts a heavy hand on his shoulder. "He's the most impressive werewolf I've ever worked with."
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What Are the Benefits of Visiting a Dental Clinic in Hari Nagar?
Dental health is addressed by Dentistry at every stage of life. From baby teeth to permanent teeth, children's dental needs differ from those of adults. Qualified family dentists provide complete oral care. Family dentistry is concerned with dental health and oral hygiene, just as general Dentistry. A family dentist, however, emphasizes the special requirements of kids of all ages.
Strong teeth and gums are important for overall health, according to our dental clinic in Hari Nagar. To help you achieve your optimal level of oral health, our team of highly qualified dental specialists is committed to providing you with the most innovative and effective treatments.
We offer a wide range of services, including prosthodontics, periodontics, implantology, endodontics, orthodontics, general dentistry, and oral and maxillofacial surgery. We have the newest equipment and technology at our state-of-the-art facility to ensure that our patients receive the best care possible.
Treatments for Gum disease
Family dentists are aware of how children's teeth develop throughout time as well as the possibility that they may be afraid of the dentist. Family dentists take a soft approach to help kids form lifelong healthy oral hygiene habits and positive connections with routine dental exams. The top dental clinics in Hari Nagar will offer a wide range of services, including more complex procedures like root canals, tooth whitening, and routine checkups and cleanings. 
The following six advantages of having a family dentist are:
1. Easy access
Family dentists may treat patients of all ages for a variety of dental issues, so patients won't need to make many trips to the dentist to provide all members of their family routine checkups. Therefore, oral hygiene and cosmetic needs such as veneers, braces, or implants can be taken care of together.The best dentist in Subhash Nagar also offers emergency procedures, such as extractions, to help patients in taking care of any pressing dental difficulties.
2. Scheduled appointments
Family dentists frequently work with patients to schedule an appointment time that works with their schedules. To better serve their patients' requirements, many family dentists, for instance, are willing to accept late appointments.
3. Identifying oral health issues
Early diagnosis of dental issues is facilitated by routine dental checkups. They conduct exams, X-rays, and computer modelling to provide forecasts on oral health problems. A few conditions that can be identified early on include malocclusion, grinding, and attrition brought on by abnormalities in the jaw.
4. Preventive
A family dentist will advise both adults and children on how to prevent serious and widespread issues like tooth decay. They also give the teeth fluoride and sealant treatments.
5. Medication
Of course, they are also in charge of treating dental issues like crowding, misalignment, and other issues. A committed practice will go through all of the available therapy choices with the patient. They will help create a therapy strategy that meets the needs of the patient.
6. Education and updates
To give the patient the finest dental care possible, family dentists will also educate them on proper toothpaste usage, diet, and other topics. They will provide information on the state of the family's oral health as well as the newest techniques and technology in dentistry that can improve the general dental care of the family.
Every member of our staff is dedicated to offering the greatest patient care and customer service to ensure that every patient leaves our clinic smiling. You don't need to look any further for an excellent facility than the Dental Clinic in Hari Nagar. Our commitment to achieving greatness while simultaneously focusing on the well-being of our patients sets us apart. Schedule a meeting with us now to experience the difference for yourself. When looking for a dentist nearby, patients and their families might benefit from knowing what a family dentist does. In terms of the family's dental hygiene, this is the first step toward early identification, prevention, treatment, education, and convenience.
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sodacitydentistry · 2 months
4 Common Situations Where You Need Emergency Dental Care
Do you know what qualifies as a dental emergency? Understanding what dental situation can be considered an emergency can be detrimental to getting immediate care from an emergency dentist in Columbia.
Here are a few everyday situations that can be considered a dental emergency.
Knocked-out Tooth
If you have a knocked-out tooth, it will be considered a dental emergency. As soon as your tooth is knocked out, locate it immediately and wash it with water. Make sure not to touch the root of the tooth to avoid damage.
Now, you can choose what to do with the tooth. You can place the tooth in the socket and press it gently with a clean cotton cloth. Or you can put the tooth in milk or saline solution. This gives you enough time to get medical attention immediately.
Broken or Cracked Tooth
Did you break or crack your tooth while playing sports or eating? If so, this calls for emergency dental treatment. A chipped or cracked tooth can be saved using a tooth restoration process or simple filling. If you notice swelling, you can use a cold compress.
Neglecting a broken and cracked tooth can result in bigger issues, such as the crack reaching the root of the tooth, causing infection. Hence, don’t ignore chipped or cracked teeth.
Dental Abscess
You might have heard stories of people having severe tooth infections, which caused them other medical issues. This is because they ignored dental abscesses.
A dental abscess is a pus-filled pocket near the root of the tooth caused due to infection. If you notice such a pocket in your mouth, immediately rinse it with salt water and seek medical attention from an emergency dentist Columbia SC. Ignoring dental abscesses can cause other medical issues.
Severe Tooth Ache
If you have a debilitating toothache lasting for a few days, it calls for emergency dental treatment. Severe toothache is a sign of bigger dental issues. Let your dentist diagnose the problem immediately to get care.
In addition to these three situations, if you have gum bleeding, damage to your orthodontic appliance, or mouth injury, it will be a dental emergency.
About Soda City Dentistry:
If you need emergency dental care, Soda City Dentistry is right here to help you. This dental clinic has a separate dental staff for emergency dental care services. In addition to dental emergency care, this dental clinic also provides orthodontic treatments such as Invisalign, veneers Columbia SC, dental crowns, and more.
To get high-quality dental care, visit https://www.sodacitydentistry.com/
Original Source: https://bit.ly/46GcXG3
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sikariatech7 · 5 months
Are veneers covered by insurance
For individuals considering veneers to enhance their smiles, one pressing question often looms large: Are veneers covered by insurance? The answer to this question is not always straightforward, as it depends on various factors, including the type of insurance plan and the reason for seeking veneers. In this blog post, we'll explore the complexities of dental insurance coverage for veneers, providing insights to help individuals navigate this aspect of cosmetic dentistry.
Understanding Veneers and Insurance:
Veneers are thin shells made of porcelain or composite resin that are bonded to the front surface of teeth to improve their appearance. While veneers offer cosmetic benefits, they are typically considered elective procedures rather than medically necessary treatments. As such, dental insurance plans may not always cover the cost of veneers.
Coverage Considerations:
In most cases, dental insurance plans do not provide coverage for veneers because they are considered cosmetic in nature. However, there may be exceptions to this rule. Some insurance plans may offer partial coverage for veneers if they are deemed medically necessary to restore dental function or address structural issues, such as severe tooth decay or damage.
Navigating Insurance Policies:
Determining whether veneers are covered by insurance requires careful review of individual insurance policies. Individuals considering veneers should thoroughly examine their insurance plan documents or consult with their insurance provider to understand their coverage options. Additionally, discussing treatment options with a qualified dentist can help individuals make informed decisions about their dental care.
Alternative Financing Options:
For individuals seeking veneers but lacking insurance coverage, there are alternative financing options available to help manage the cost. Some dental practices offer payment plans or financing options to make veneers more accessible to patients. Additionally, individuals may consider utilizing flexible spending accounts (FSAs) or health savings accounts (HSAs) to cover veneer expenses, as these accounts allow for pre-tax dollars to be used for qualifying medical expenses.
In conclusion, the question of whether veneers are covered by insurance is one that requires careful consideration and exploration of individual insurance policies. While dental insurance may not always provide coverage for veneers, there may be exceptions in certain cases. By understanding coverage options, exploring alternative financing options, and consulting with a dentist, individuals can make informed decisions about pursuing veneers and achieving their desired smile transformation.
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aligndentalcare · 6 months
Different types of dental veneers
A sort of substance called dental veneer is typically applied over the teeth to enhance your mouth's appearance. Your teeth can have their size, colour, and form altered using dental veneers. Dental veneers are used for a variety of purposes, from covering oral injuries to cosmetic purposes.
Dental veneers have the following benefits over other options:
They have a natural appearance.
They repel stains.
They work well for brightening teeth.
It's a rather easy process.
Dental veneers can be created using porcelain-like materials or composite resin materials. 
Dental veneers are frequently utilised to address:
teeth discoloration
fix shattered teeth
Well suited for individuals with spaced teeth
Apt for individuals with crooked teeth
The process begins with a dental appointment where a dentist examines your teeth closely and determines your goals for the surgery. An X-ray would then be taken to determine the inside structure of your teeth.
The various varieties of dental veneers that are typically seen are:
Porcelain veneers
A long-lasting, premium veneer that has a natural appearance. Because porcelain veneers are a tried-and-true method that preserves most of the original tooth structure, they are a reasonably frequent operation that patients undergo. The relatively easy technique is glueing the dental veneer into your mouth and cutting your enamel. The process takes two to three dental appointments to finish.
The veneers will be made by the ceramist in a lab, and the process will require a few weeks. After that, the teeth are fitted with it.
Ceramic veneers
Ceramic veneers, including pressed and stacked varieties Ceramic veneers are distinct from porcelain veneers in that they are more aesthetically pleasing. Although stacked ceramic veneers are more aesthetically pleasing, pressed ceramic veneers are thicker and easier to make than the other type of veneers.
Many people are also aware that porcelain veneers are slightly more durable than ceramic veneers.
Disilicate Lithium
For those who grind their teeth, these veneers are a good option. They are a modern dental veneer made with computer-aided technology that are becoming more and more popular because of its endurance and mechanical strength.
Dental veneer based on zirconia
Dental veneers made of zirconia are incredibly strong and suitable for patients with teeth that are structurally weak. Zirconia-based dental veneers, which are intended to counteract fractures, have become more and more popular recently because of their resilience.
To sum up, a dental veneer typically lasts between seven and fifteen years. Discuss the objectives of the operation with your dentist, and then base your selection on achieving those objectives, your concerns about appearance, and your financial situation.
To know more information, visit: https://www.aligndentalcare.lk/types-of-dental-veneers/
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parkavenuesmiles · 6 months
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Dental Veneers: Debunking 8 Myths and Revealing Facts About Them Modern dentistry provides patients with many options to improve the appearance of their smile and solve dental problems. One of the innovative solutions popular among patients and professionals is veneers, which improve the appearance of teeth and restore lost functions. However, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions that circulate around this technology, creating confusion and misunderstanding. In this article, we'll shed light on eight common myths about veneers and get to the bottom of the facts behind them. Read more: https://otherarticles.com/health/dental-care/272384-dental-veneers-debunking-8-myths-and-revealing-facts-about-them.html https://www.yonkersdentalspa.com/dental-veneers/
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The Evolution of Cosmetic Dentistry: A Journey to Aesthetic Excellence
Introduction: Cosmetic dentistry has come a long way from the days of merely fixing chipped teeth or replacing missing ones. In recent years, the field has undergone a remarkable evolution, embracing advanced technologies and innovative techniques to achieve both functional and aesthetically pleasing results. The journey of cosmetic dentistry is a fascinating exploration of the intersection between science and art, transforming smiles and boosting self-confidence.
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Early Days: Functional Over Aesthetic Historically, dentistry primarily focused on addressing oral health issues and restoring dental function. Aesthetics, though considered, took a backseat to more pressing concerns like cavities, infections, and structural problems. Traditional procedures such as fillings, extractions, and dentures were commonplace, but the emphasis was on practicality rather than appearance.
The Rise of Aesthetic Awareness: As societal awareness of aesthetics and self-image grew, so did the demand for cosmetic dentistry. Patients sought more than just functional repairs; they desired beautiful smiles that complemented their appearance. Dentists began incorporating cosmetic elements into their practices, offering treatments like teeth whitening and veneers to enhance the visual appeal of their patients' smiles.
Technological Advancements: The evolution of cosmetic dentistry owes much to advancements in technology. Digital imaging, computer-aided design (CAD), and three-dimensional printing have revolutionised treatment planning and execution. Dentists can now give patients realistic previews of potential outcomes, allowing for informed decision-making. Additionally, these technologies enable more precise and efficient procedures, minimising discomfort and downtime.
Porcelain Veneers and Crowns: Porcelain veneers and crowns have become integral components of cosmetic dentistry, transforming smiles with unmatched naturalness and durability. These restorations are custom-made to match natural teeth' colour, shape, and size, providing a seamless and aesthetically pleasing result. Whether correcting minor imperfections or completely revamping a smile, veneers and crowns have become go-to solutions for cosmetic dentists.
Orthodontics Beyond Braces: While traditional braces remain effective, advancements in orthodontics have introduced more discreet and convenient alternatives. Invisalign, for instance, utilises clear aligners to straighten teeth without metal brackets and wires. This evolution in orthodontic technology has made teeth straightening more accessible and appealing to a broader demographic.
Teeth Whitening Innovations: Teeth whitening has seen significant innovations, with various in-office and at-home treatments available. Beyond conventional bleaching agents, laser and light-based whitening procedures have gained popularity for achieving faster and more dramatic results. Cosmetic dentistry now offers personalised whitening solutions, taking into account individual preferences and sensitivities.
Smile Design: Smile design has emerged as a cornerstone of modern cosmetic dentistry. Dentists work closely with patients to understand their unique facial features, personality, and desired outcomes. This collaborative approach ensures that cosmetic enhancements are technically proficient and harmonise with the patient's appearance.
Summary: The evolution of cosmetic dentistry reflects a commitment to merging functionality with aesthetics, offering patients healthy and beautiful smiles. As technology advances, the future holds even more promising possibilities for cosmetic dentistry. The journey from functional repairs to aesthetic excellence has transformed the field and empowered individuals to embrace their smiles with confidence and pride. For more information visit dental clinic Newcastle.
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brooks7348 · 10 months
Transforming Smiles: A Comprehensive Guide to Veneers and Dental Care in Geneva
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In the enchanting city of Geneva, where the fusion of tradition and innovation is ever-present, the pursuit of a perfect smile is an artistry embraced by many. This blog embarks on a journey into the realm of veneers, exploring their transformative power in enhancing smiles. As we delve into the world of dental aesthetics, we will also touch upon the significance of emergency dentistry, encapsulated by "dentiste urgence Genève" and "urgence dentaire Genève," along with the vital role of dental clinics.
Unveiling the Magic of Veneers:
Veneers, the unsung heroes of cosmetic dentistry, offer a pathway to radiant smiles. Crafted from thin layers of porcelain or composite material, these custom shells are delicately bonded to the front surface of teeth. The primary keyword, "veneers," encapsulates the transformative power of this dental procedure, promising to correct imperfections, enhance aesthetics, and instill newfound confidence in every smile.
Navigating Emergency Dentistry in Geneva:
In the event of dental emergencies, the secondary keywords "dentiste urgence Genève" and "urgence dentaire Genève" become crucial lifelines. Urgent dentists in Geneva specialize in providing immediate care for pressing dental issues. Whether it's a sudden toothache or a dental trauma, these professionals are equipped to offer swift and effective solutions, emphasizing the importance of immediate care in dental emergencies.
The Role of Dental Clinics in Holistic Care:
While veneers contribute to the aesthetic realm of dentistry, the foundation of comprehensive oral care often begins at dental clinics. These clinics serve as hubs for routine dental check-ups, preventive care, and a variety of dental treatments. Regular visits to a dental clinic contribute significantly to maintaining optimal oral health, preventing minor issues from escalating and providing a canvas for the artistic touch of veneers.
Crafting a Radiant Smile with Veneers
The meticulous process of crafting a radiant smile often involves the precision of veneers. From addressing discoloration and irregularities to reshaping teeth, veneers offer a versatile solution. Skilled dentists in Geneva collaborate with patients, customizing veneers to complement facial features and individual preferences. The result is a seamless, natural-looking smile that radiates confidence.
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The Artistry of Veneers:
Beyond their cosmetic benefits, veneers showcase the artistry of modern dentistry. Advanced techniques in material science and application methods allow dentists to create veneers that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also durable and long-lasting. The artistry lies in the ability to enhance smiles while preserving the natural look and feel of teeth.
In Geneva, the convergence of veneers, emergency dentistry, and the services offered by dental clinics creates a holistic approach to oral health. "Veneers" signify a commitment to the artistry of smile transformation, correcting imperfections and enhancing aesthetics. Urgent dentists provide immediate relief in times of dental crises, emphasizing the importance of swift and effective care.
While veneers address cosmetic concerns, dental clinics contribute to overall well-being through routine check-ups and preventive measures. The combination of these elements creates a comprehensive tapestry of oral care in Geneva, ensuring that residents and visitors alike have access to a spectrum of services tailored to their unique needs.
In the vibrant city of Geneva, veneers emerge as artistic tools, transforming smiles and boosting confidence. The city's commitment to immediate relief in dental emergencies, "dentiste urgence Genève" and "urgence dentaire Genève," ensures a well-rounded approach to oral health. Dental clinics serve as cornerstones of routine care, preventive measures, and a diverse range of treatments.
As Geneva continues to embrace advancements in cosmetic dentistry, individuals can confidently embark on their journey to a radiant smile. The blend of traditional values and modern techniques creates an environment where smiles are not just transformed but crafted with precision and care. In Geneva, the evolution of dental care is not just a progression—it's an artistic endeavor committed to the enduring well-being of every smile.
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expertveneerschicago · 11 months
Crafting Stunning Smiles: Veneers in Chicago and Their Cost Breakdown
The Windy City, with its dazzling skyline and vibrant arts scene, is home to residents who value aesthetics, culture, and personal expression. Within this realm of beauty and elegance, dental aesthetics emerge as a crucial element. Veneers, especially, have taken center stage, offering an instant smile makeover. If you're in Chicago and considering veneers, Expert Veneers Chicago is the place to be. Here's everything you need to know about getting veneers in Chicago and the costs involved. 1. Veneers: The Key to a Perfect Smile Veneers are thin porcelain shells tailored to cover the front surface of teeth, providing an instant upgrade in terms of color, shape, and overall appearance. This cosmetic dental solution has gained immense popularity owing to its durability, natural look, and quick results. Why Opt for Veneers in Chicago at Expert Veneers Chicago? Personalized Treatment: At Expert Veneers Chicago, the focus is on understanding individual aesthetic desires and crafting veneers that align with one's unique personality and needs. Technological Prowess: Employing the latest technology ensures precision, leading to veneers that fit seamlessly and look utterly natural.
Expertise: The "expert" in Expert Veneers Chicago isn't just a title. It's a testament to the clinic's dedication to excellence and the proficiency of its dental team. 2. Veneers Cost in Chicago: Investing in Your Smile While veneers are undeniably transformative, potential patients often have one pressing concern: the cost. Understanding the factors that determine the cost can help you make an informed decision. Components Influencing Veneer Costs at Expert Veneers Chicago: Material Selection: Porcelain veneers, known for their longevity and resemblance to natural teeth, might have a different cost structure compared to composite resin or other materials. Number of Teeth: The total cost is directly proportional to the number of teeth you wish to enhance with veneers. Preparatory Procedures: Some patients might require additional dental work before veneers can be placed, such as teeth cleaning, gum reshaping, or other treatments, which can influence the total cost. Artistry and Expertise: When searching for "Veneers Cost Chicago", remember that you're not just paying for a product but an art. The expertise of the dentist plays a pivotal role in achieving the desired outcome. Why Expert Veneers Chicago Stands Out: Transparent Pricing: No hidden charges or last-minute surprises. Expert Veneers Chicago believes in complete transparency, ensuring patients are well-informed about every cost component. Flexible Payment Options: Understanding that veneers are an investment, the clinic offers various payment plans and financing options, making the process more accessible to all. Unparalleled Quality: The costs are reflective of the clinic's commitment to providing top-notch veneers that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Chicago, a city that celebrates beauty and individuality, deserves dental solutions that echo these values. Expert Veneers Chicago stands tall as a testament to this ethos. For those looking to enhance their smiles with veneers, understanding the costs involved is crucial. However, remember that with veneers, you're not just purchasing a product but investing in expertise, artistry, and a brighter future for your smile. And at Expert Veneers Chicago, every smile is a masterpiece waiting to be crafted.
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informationalblogs · 1 year
Guide To Start The Best Dental Laboratory
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Dental labs are essential to a successful, modern dentistry practice. They are employed in the production or customization of a wide range of items, including bridges, dentures, crowns, and other crucial dental products. For the finest fit and highest quality goods for their patients, prosthodontists prefer to operate their own dental labs. Dental labs can alter the product to best suit the requirements of each patient. By doing this, dental procedures are made safe and effective for the patient. Owning a dental lab gives prosthodontists the freedom to design unique treatment programs and solutions for their patients.
To start a best dental lab for your dental practices, we’re always here to help you. With a comprehensive assortment of dental lab supplies and equipment, alfarsi.me is the Leading Provider for Dental Laboratories in Muscat, Oman. We strive to provide end-to-end solutions to help enhance your lab’s efficiency – with one of the largest selection of lab supplies from leading brands such as GC, Fona, EVE, Renfert, you are sure to find what you need.
Our dental lab materials range include a variety of user-friendly products such as Denture Base Resins, Duplicating Materials, Gypsums, Indirect Composites, Investment & Refractory Materials, Pattern Resins, Porcelain Systems & Accessories, Priming Agents and Separating Agents apart from the full range of materials required for your digital dental lab workflow.
Before choosing the one for your dental lab set up, you’ve to check out some crucial points.
Select the Services You’ll Provide
Dental labs make a variety of different appliances on a dentist’s or clinical dental technician’s prescription, including – crowns, bridges, implants and inlays, orthodontic appliances, gum shields, mouth guards, and so on. The first thing is you must select the services you want to provide your patients. Dentures, crowns, and bridges are the areas of expertise of several labs, while some also offer repair services. So the important part you must decide what services you’re going to provide and based on that choose the right expert for you.
Market Research
Finding out whether there will be a need for the laboratory services you plan to provide is crucial. You will require a “pool” of potential clients to whom you can advertise your services if you intend to target a local market. For instance, your lab must be situated in a town or city with a large number of dental practices that frequently want your services.
Things You Can Invest While Setting Up A Dental Lab
CAD/CAM Blocks: CAD/CAM blocks are used to produce crowns, veneers, inlays, onlays and bridges using a dental milling unit following a digital scan. Whether it is a final or a temporary restoration, computer designed and milled prosthetics provide highly accurate fits, quality esthetics and durability. They also have the advantage of quicker production times and lower costs when compared with traditional metal-based restorations. There are a variety of materials available for CAD/CAM systems in Muscat, Oman including zirconias, lithium silicates, ceramics, resins, waxes and more depending on the indication. Whether you are an expert dental lab technician or a dentist using CAD/CAM system for your chair-side system we have the complete range of CAD/CAM blocks available with us.
Ingots & Porcelain Systems: To meet the high aesthetic demands of the patients, all ceramics and composites can be characterized using the complementary staining. Within our ingots range, we offer High Strength Lithium Disilicate with HDM Technology – . It combines unparalleled strength and exceptional aesthetics Clnitial LiSi Press, provides your laboratory with the strongest, most user friendly, aesthetic, and stable option on the market today.
Investment & Dental Stones
At alfarsi. me you will find vests, casts and liners for the manufacturing of precious, semi-precious metal-based as well as all-ceramic indirect restorations which require high surface precision. On the dental stones range, we offer a comprehensive range from impression-taking to the creation of the model. Our partner GC, Japan offers qualitative gypsum products to reproduce the dentition with high precision and detail. When working with dental stones, precise models can be created, ensuring the optimal fit of your planned restorations. Complementary products are offered to optimize all steps of the registration process.
Other Lab Equipments
We offer Dental Laboratory instruments and equipment that complement our consumable products, making alfarsi.me a total solutions provider for Dental Labs. Our Dental Lab Equipment line features products from Renfert, Germany and include Dental Extractions, Dental Sandblasters, Deflasking chisels, Vacuum mixing units, Trimmers, Dental arch trimmers, Pin drilling unit, Vibrators, Wax technology, Preheating technology, Cleaning and Microscopy products.
Once you’ve considered all of these considerations, selecting a dental laboratory that fits the way your practice operates should be simple. It’s always vital to remember that your laboratory should be able to assist you through thick and thin, which means outstanding products, excellent service, and ease of communication come first.
Alfarsi we are the Best Dental Supplies in Muscat, Oman, we have helped over hundred dentists set-up their own clinics from the ground-up in Oman. Our goal is to offer comprehensive solutions that will increase the effectiveness of your clinic.
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linndentaldongda · 1 year
Răng sứ Veneer Emax là dòng sứ cao cấp và hiện đại, mang đến nhiều ưu điểm vượt trội giúp khách hàng có nụ cười trắng sáng. Đặc điểm nổi bật như thế nào, hiện đại và bền chắc ra sao, hãy cùng theo nha khoa Linn cùng đi tìm hiểu về nguồn gốc cũng như công nghệ sản xuất răng sứ dưới đây.
1/ Răng sứ Veneer Emax sản xuất ở đâu?
Răng sứ Veneer Emax là thuộc dòng sứ không kim loại cao cấp, được nghiên cứu và phát triển bởi tập đoàn nha khoa kỹ thuật số hàng đầu thế giới, sở hữu nhiều loại sứ với công nghệ và cấu tạo nổi bật Siroma - Đức. Sản phẩm đã trở thành vật liệu sứ được ưu ái bởi khách hàng cũng như nhận được đánh giá cao bởi giới chuyên môn ngay từ khi chúng ra đời.
Răng sứ Veneer Emax sản xuất ở đâu?
Có thể nói, đây là sản phẩm mang đến thẩm mỹ tối ưu, đã được du nhập vào Việt Nam, được các nha khoa lớn tin tưởng sử dụng để mang đến nụ cười tự tin cùng với hàm răng chắc bền cho khách hàng.
Răng sứ Veneer Emax có độ thấu quang cao và độ trong mờ như răng thật nhờ cấu tạo 2 lớp: lớp sườn bên trong được làm từ chất liệu sứ cao cấp và bên ngoài là 5 lớp phủ sứ.
2/ Công nghệ sản xuất răng sứ Veneer Emax
Hiện nay, có 2 công nghệ được sử dụng để sản xuất răng sứ Veneer Emax, đó là:
Công nghệ CAD/CAM hay còn được gọi tên là răng sứ Emax Zircad. Răng sứ này được làm từ một loại oxit cao cấp là zirconium. Răng sứ Emax Zircad cso thể được cấu tạo bên trong là lớp Zirconia và bên ngoài là lớp Emax nung ở nhiệt độ cao trong nhiều giờ, hoặc chúng có thể được cấu tạo từ sứ nguyên khối là Zirconia.
Công nghệ thứ 2 là công nghệ nén Press, có tên gọi là răng sứ Emax Press. Chúng được tạo từ khối sườn sứ Lithium Disilicate (LS2), có độ cứng 500MPa.
Khách hàng tại Linn Dental
3/ Răng sứ Veneer Emax có tốt và an toàn không?
Cùng với những chất liệu sứ chế tác ra răng được nghiên cứu, kiểm định, răng sứ Emax hoàn toàn an toàn, tốt, không đem lại cảm giác kích ứng hay những bệnh lý cho răng miệng, phù hợp với cả những khách hàng nhạy cảm nhất.
Bên cạnh đó, răng sứ Veneer Emax được thiết kế bám sát lấy răng, chính xác và có độ sát khít cao, hạn chế tối đa tình trạng khe hở của răng, từ đó không có cơ hội cho thức ăn dính vào, và sẽ không xảy ra được tình trạng hôi miệng.
Răng sứ Veneer Emax còn là sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho khách hàng bởi độ chịu lực lên đến 500MPa, gấp 4 lần răng thật, giúp khách hàng cảm nhận thức ăn như răng thật, có thể ăn nhai bình thường.
Linn Dental Clinic – Tự hào là nha khoa số 1 về dán sứ Veneer
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👨‍⚕️ Linn Dental Clinic – Tự hào là nha khoa số 1 về dán sứ Veneer
❣️ Địa chỉ: 
      CS1: Số nhà 96 phố Trung Phụng, Đống Đa, Hà Nội
      CS2: Nhà phố số SH6-4, khu đô thị Times Garden, Hạ Long, Quảng Ninh
🌐 Website: https://linndentalclinic.com/
☎️ Hotline: 0774 96 96 96
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