#pressdelt mxtx
pressdelt · 1 year
"Wei Wuxian!" Jiang Cheng exclaimed as he stomped into the room. "where's Jin Ling? I've been trying to contact him for hours!"
Sprawling on the sofa, Wei Wuxian averted his gaze from his phone to his brother lazily. "A-Ling?" he stretched his sore muscles as he continued the sentence, "Well if you, as his uncle, don't know where he is, then why would I?"
"You're his uncle too!"
Wei Wuxian yawned as he scratched his nape. "Yeah, yeah that's right. Hold on then, I'll try to message him."
After he sent the message, Wei Wuxian turned his head to Jiang Cheng, who was looking at him half-expectantly. They sat silently for a few minutes before the purple-attired man sighed and spoke up, "Well? I see that he won't reply to you eithe-"
A loud notification ding interrupted Jiang Cheng mid-sentence. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Jin Ling replying to his brother's message in just a few minutes, a record time for him who always replies late to Jiang Cheng.
"Ah, A-Ling said that he's with A-Yuan and he'd be back home at dinner time," Wei Wuxian then continue typing on his phone.
Jiang Cheng gapes, "How... how did you manage to get a reply from him?"
"Roblox. I messaged him on Roblox, he's always online there."
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pressdelt · 2 years
the first time luo binghe and shen qingqiu sleep together, binghe would wake up numerous times in the middle of the night. the smallest movement sqq make would alert him immediately. the very first time was when sqq snuggled on his chest, lbh's mouth was wide open because
"shizun is snuggling my chest omgggg he looks like a cat, thats so cutee"
hes moving.
look, five years of sleeping with the corpse of his loved one fucked with his head. he would automatically expect sqq to not move at all. he would expect qingqiu to stay quiet every time binghe tell him about his day at night. he would expect qingqiu to stay quiet when he kisses his forehead as a morning greeting.
to see his beloved alive, breathing, and well, warms his heart so much that he thought he could explode from happiness.
on some nights, binghe would insist to sleep with his head on top of qingqiu's torso, to listen to his husband's heartbeat which would lull him into sleep. sqq would agree on this at first, but he would grow embarrassed of it and smack lbh's head, telling him to get off of him. with the reasoning of "you're heavy, give this master some room to breathe." luckily the room was dark, so binghe wouldnt notice his shizun blushing like a madman.
luo binghe and shen qingqiu got the happy ending they deserve. they're both a little messed up, but at least they have each other.
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pressdelt · 2 years
mobei jun and shang qinghua have been together for such a long time, mbj could just stare at sqh and sqh would be like "oh yes my king, we forgot to take out the trash today" or something
it has gotten to the point where they can have a full conversation without mbj saying anything
for example,
one morning sqh comes running to mbj. upon seeing his arrival, mbj tilts his head and stares at sqh. "my king, i got new clothes! do you like it?" sqh asks. mbj looks at him up and down then says, "mn." 
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pressdelt · 11 months
my girlfriend asked me which mxtx series is my favorite and i had to sit down for like half an hour trying to figure shit out in my head
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pressdelt · 1 year
Waking Up The Yiling Patriarch
In the Cloud Recesses
"Wei Ying, it's time to wake up." Lan Wangji said as he shook his husband's body gently. Instead of opening his eyes, Wei Wuxian turned his back to Lan Wangji.
"Aiya, it's so early. Let me sleep in a little bit." He grumbled while covering his yawn with his hand. Lan Wangji sighed, what shall he do with his lazy husband…
"Rule number 16, do not rise after 5AM."
Wei Wuxian turned around and hit his husband's chest. "Hangguang Jun is such a meanie… Give me one moment to wake up."
Lan Wangji stared blankly at his lover, knowing surely that he wasn't gonna wake up anytime soon. He watched as Wei Wuxian started to snore softly, yep definitely not getting up.
"Come, I'll prepare your bath water." Hangguang Jun tugged at his headband that was tied around his husband's wrist from the previous night's activity, then carried him to the bathroom.
Just a normal morning for both of them.
In Lotus Pier
Jiang Cheng slammed his brother's door open. "Wei Wuxian! I swear if you're still asleep-"
Disappointment washed over his face, soon replaced by anger. "It's seven in the morning, wake the hell up!" He yelled as he forcefully yanked Wei Wuxian's blanket off of him. "What would your husband think if he sees you lazing around like this?!"
"NO! No no no no!! I don't want to get up yet!!" The half-asleep Yiling Patriarch fought back by pulling his blanket away from Jiang Cheng, resulting in a blanket tug of war. "Besides, Lan Zhan already knows I like sleeping in!"
After a minute of hearing his brother whine, Jiang Cheng let the blanket go. "You whiny little-- Okay, that's it!" Jiang Cheng tossed the fabric to Wei Wuxian's face. "I give up. Do whatever you like!" He left the room with the stomps of his feet.
Without a care in the world, Wei Wuxian continued to snuggle back into his pillow as he heard Jiang Cheng screaming outside his room. Just as soon as he started to drift off to sleep, someone peeked into his room.
"Xianxian, it's nearing breakfast time."
Upon hearing his big sister's gentle voice, Wei Wuxian cracked open his eyelids slightly. "Ah shijie, can't I sleep in for a couple more hours?" He fake-yawned to emphasize his sleepiness.
"I'll eat all your portion of the food!" Jiang Cheng yelled from a distance. Hearing this, Wei Wuxian jolted up awake.
"No! No don't you dare!!" He yelled as he pounced at Jiang Cheng to stop him from getting his hands on his meal. The younger screamed at the action, resulting in them trying to pull each other's hair off.
Jiang Yanli hid her laughter with her sleeves. "Alright, settle down. You know naughty boys wouldn't get breakfast~~"
This sentence immediately got her brothers sat nicely in their chairs, waiting for their share of the meal.
"You're already adults, aren't you two ashamed of bickering every day?"
"He started it first shijie!" Both of the brothers said in unison while pointing at each other.
Thus, the breakfast was filled with laughter and constant arguments from the brothers.
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pressdelt · 2 years
remember that the mark on binghe's forehead glows? just imagine qingqiu trying to sleep at night but binghe's shiny forehead keeps him awake lol
eventually, sqq gets so restless that he covers lbh’s forehead with a bandage or something. lbh wakes up from all the forehead-bandaging, he then cries “does shizun not love this disciple anymore??”
shen qingqiu is tired.
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pressdelt · 2 years
it's so funny how whenever shen qingqiu look at the girls, it's not because he's attracted to them, but because he's trying to get them for luo binghe. but little does he know that his white lotus was only interested in him, and he's seething in jealousy every time sqq look at the girls.
sqq inner monologue: "hmm ning yingying would be a suitable wife for binghe, how do i get them to be closer and develop romantic relationship? liu mingyan is great too, but they're in different peaks. let me see what i can do to bring her and binghe together."
lbh in the background, gripping on his clothes in anger: "why does shizun look at the girls so often? is he interested in them? am i not enough? how can i drive them away from him? IT SHOULD'VE BEEN ME!! NOT THEM!!!"
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pressdelt · 2 years
imagine the things lan wangji had to go through for him to take a-yuan under his wing... imagine seeing wangji go to the burial mounds to find wuxian's body, but came back with a child instead. a child from the Wen clan, a public enemy. imagine how hard it was for him to keep a-yuan in the clan and raised him into a great disciple...
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pressdelt · 2 years
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help him.
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pressdelt · 2 years
every time you open a chapter in svsss, boss music would play. but with faint clown music in the background. then itd gradually get louder and louder until it echoes in your eardrums.
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pressdelt · 2 years
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i just wanted to draw teen huaisang tbh, then it somehow ended up with teen gusu trio + teen wangji lmao
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pressdelt · 1 year
i didnt expect there to be THIS much fic under this tag. hell, i didnt even know this tag existed.
im going to feast like a king.
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pressdelt · 2 years
i took a nap, my mom woke me up and apparently i said "shang qinghua wouldnt like being woken up" to her while i was half asleep.
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pressdelt · 2 years
every time i hate myself, i would just think "wei wuxian wouldnt be happy about this..."
it worked until i realize that wwx probably hated himself too so i just laugh about it now
i would think things like "oh wwx would want me to brush my teeth", "wwx would want me to not be so hard on myself", "wwx would want me to take a rest", etc etc
i swear he's like co-parenting me or something
i think its because i saw this post in the past and i was never the same man i used to be
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pressdelt · 2 years
wangxian wouldn't have happened if jin guangshan kept it in his pants
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pressdelt · 2 years
why pay for therapy when mdzs q is free?
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