#ah yes let me turn this dark fact into fluff
pressdelt · 2 years
the first time luo binghe and shen qingqiu sleep together, binghe would wake up numerous times in the middle of the night. the smallest movement sqq make would alert him immediately. the very first time was when sqq snuggled on his chest, lbh's mouth was wide open because
"shizun is snuggling my chest omgggg he looks like a cat, thats so cutee"
hes moving.
look, five years of sleeping with the corpse of his loved one fucked with his head. he would automatically expect sqq to not move at all. he would expect qingqiu to stay quiet every time binghe tell him about his day at night. he would expect qingqiu to stay quiet when he kisses his forehead as a morning greeting.
to see his beloved alive, breathing, and well, warms his heart so much that he thought he could explode from happiness.
on some nights, binghe would insist to sleep with his head on top of qingqiu's torso, to listen to his husband's heartbeat which would lull him into sleep. sqq would agree on this at first, but he would grow embarrassed of it and smack lbh's head, telling him to get off of him. with the reasoning of "you're heavy, give this master some room to breathe." luckily the room was dark, so binghe wouldnt notice his shizun blushing like a madman.
luo binghe and shen qingqiu got the happy ending they deserve. they're both a little messed up, but at least they have each other.
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oceansssblue · 5 months
Hi Sky!!!!! I saw your message!!! I'd love to help you out! How about a little Hunter and female reader drabble ;) Perhaps with the prompt 'nightmares'.
Hullo love! I seem to be in a Hunter streak lately, so we'll finish with this little drabble before switching to some other sexy clone.
Hope you like it, xx.
Hunter's six sense, as Omega often called it, woke him up in the middle of the night. He yawned in silence, blinking slowly; wondering at first what could have have happened to interrupt his slumber. He proped himself on his elbows and scanned the rest of the bunk room with his eyes; quickly noticing your bunk empty, bedsheets ruffled up as if you had left the room in a hassle, perhaps needing some air outside of the very manly smelling bedroom.
Hunter hummed distractedly and decided to go find your whereabouts; directing his sleepy, naked feet through the corridor towards the cockpit. He knew you came here to sit down and lose yourself to your thoughts and the stars when your mind felt too active; to try to center yourself and process your feelings and thoughts. To compartimentalise.
He came to a stop as soon as he saw you; observing you in the quiet of the night. You were, in fact, cuddled up in Tech's pilot chair; chin resting on top of your knees and eyes far away from the present reality of the Marauder. Hunter knew you were far, far away.
He resumed his steps and padded over to you; his voice finally annoucing his presence, voice raspy and deep with sleep.
"What are you thinking of this time, cyare?" he asked you, coming to a stop a meter away from you.
You turned towards him; eyes quickly scanning his comfortable thin pijamas –a set of deep blue shirt and low waist pants– and the sleepyness of his face. The lack of his red bandana was noticable –his hair falling freely and slightly tangled towards his shoulders–; giving his overall appearance a soft, safe look.
You pull up a small smile on your face, barely a tug of your lips; lingering sadness hiding from him.
"Do I have to be thinking on something specific?"
Hunter stays in silence, and then slowly makes himself a spot on the co-pilot chair next to you. His eyes are gentle and patient. Ah, there's no hiding away from Hunter.
You smile while redirecting your face towards the stars you can see through the Marauders front window and stay quiet for quite the time. Hunter doesn't say a word; nor interrupts.
"I was thinking of my sibling" you finally say, and you know he's paying attention without having to look back at him.
"Nightmares?" Is his only cautious word.
You shrug your shoulders and hum distractedly, eyes still lost on the stars in front of you.
"Yes, at first. It's what woke me up, and why I came here" you pause and quietly hum again. "It's not what I was thinking when you got here, though".
"What was that?"
You smile to the stars.
"I was imagining a conversation in my mind. Of what I think he'd have said of my intervention on our last mission, if he had saw that" You chuckle, finally turning to look back towards him.
Hunters lips turn up into a tiny nostalgic smile.
"Do you often do that? Speak with him like that, in your imagination?"
It's a private question; but you have full trust on Hunter. He's always been special to you.
"Sometimes" you confirm. "I know it might be weird, but it helps me feel him closer. Or even process his death better, even if it might look like the opposite".
Hunter gently places his hand on your shoulder. It's warm. It's him.
"I think it's sweet" he answers. "And if it makes you feel better, I see no problem with it".
You smile at him again. It's a bit less melancholic now, more sincere. More happy, eyes slightly sparkling in the darkness. More alive. Present.
"Thank you, Hunter".
He nods and slowly stands back up. He offers you a hand.
"Come on, cyare. Let's get some sleep back".
You glance one last time at the stars, breathe in and smile. You stand up, and slide your hand against his, letting him gently tug you towards the bunk room again.
He's the first to lay down in bed; helping you find a comfortable spot besides him afterwards. You both hug each other softly in bed, relishing in the safety of each others warm embrace.
Kind, polite, reserved, firm Hunter is always that for you; safe.
Tara! Really short but I feel it's quite intense at the same time. A bittersweet feeling. Heavy feels but warmth and understanding, and support.
Again, hope you've liked it!
Stay tunned like always my guys, more to come!
Back to my general masterlist here:
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luvistqrzzz · 1 year
me personally i think you need to write something sunoo
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you're the one i want at the end of the day
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01:54 sunoo x f.reader genre: timestamp, f2l, fluff wc: 0.9k warnings: being drunk, profanity, one kiss
summary: when a piggy back ride home leads you to another destination
an: the fact that i had this in my draft for ages and was thinking when to post it😭😭... TYSM for reuquesting this luv🫶🫶 hope you enjoy this <3... i wrote this in a whim one day so excuse me if this isnt that good :/
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'Sunoo-ahhhh', You slurred as the said boy dragged you out of Jay’s front door.
Jake, Jay's roommate who was leaning against the door frame, made a disgusted face, 'Fuck, get her out of her. How is she so wasted?'
Turning towards Jake, you raised an accusatory finger at him, 'Yah! I am not… Wasted!'
'Sure you aren't, Y/N', Sunoo whisper screamed. 'Now, let's go.'
After somehow managing to pull a drunk girl out of the house, he sat down on the curb beside you who was swaying slightly before you plopped your head down on Sunoo's shoulder.
The boy stiffened for a fraction of a section, feeling you so close before relaxing again. He was glad that it was 1 o'clock in the morning and the dim street light hid his blushing cheeks. 
He put an arm around you, slightly shaking you, 'Y/Nie, get up, we need to get to the apartment.'
You pulled your head up. 'Nope! I won't. I like it here, with you.' You giggled, snuggling closer to your roommate plus best friend.
Sunoo couldn't help the butterflies filling his stomach, this was so unlike you. Alcohol and its effects. 'We are sitting on a curb', he sighed, making you stand up with him.
You whined a bit before Sunoo pulled up behind him in a piggy back style. 'You have left me no choice, Y/L/N Y/N.'
Thankfully the apartment was just a few blocks from Jay’s place. 
Walking down an empty road in a cool summer night, Sunoo felt a calming silence settle between the two of you.
He turned his head back to find your head on his shoulder, looking up towards the starry night sky. He felt a funny little happiness in him at the sight of your beautiful drunken face staring into the dark abyss. 
'It's so pretty', you mumbled innocently, having sobered up a bit.
Sunoo nodded but you continued, 'I can count 1, 2, 3… 14, 15 and yes, 16!' You exclaimed looking at Sunoo. 'My 16th star, you.'
He chuckled at your antics, his heart doing a little leap, 'Y/N, you aren't in your right mind.'
What were you even implying? Sunoo didn't want his mind to run into false assumptions but the way you looked at his and pressed your cheek against his, he almost wished you felt the same. Almost.
'I am, Kim Sunoo! You are prettier than those stars, you know.'
'Oh really?!' He continued walking.
'Did you also know?' You whispered into his ear, giggling. 'That I like you Kim Sunoo so so much! Oops! That was a secret.' You whimpered, I don't think you like me back, though.'
Sunoo couldn't even control his beating heart and the way his stomach was jumping at each of your words. Were you being real? No no, these must be your drunken words.
But a small voice inside his head spoke, Aren't drunken words sober thoughts…?
You couldn't possibly like him… right?
Well, wrong because the poor red haired boy didn't know how hopelessly in love you were with him, how he was the literal sunshine of your life and how you would give anything to make him feel happy.
Sunoo stopped in his tracks as you whispered, 'I really mean it, Sunoo-ah. I might be a bit drunk but- Ouch!' You yelped as he suddenly dropped his arms causing you to tightly grip on to his shoulders with your feet dangling. Being short definitely had its disadvantages.
You grimaced, placing your feet on the ground. Your head spun a little as you tried to position yourself but you were a lot more sober than the past five minutes, thanks to your sudden words.
The boy before turned around to face you, 'Did you…' He began, however interrupted by you.
'At least give me a warning before dropping me off like that!' You huffed, turning your gaze away from his, shy from your sudden earlier confession.
However, you had to admit that it was long coming. You just needed the push of liquid courage. 
Sunoo moved closer to you, taking your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him. You felt your cheeks burn up at the sudden contact.
'Did you…' he continued, 'Mean what you said two minutes back?'
You looked down at your feet, fidgeting, 'Would you hate me if I said I did? Would you sto-'.
No, you couldn't continue because in the next moment you saw Sunoo step closer to you, taking your face in his hands and met eyes with you, they held this intensity in them, saying something. 'No', he breathed out. 'I wouldn't hate you. I could never hate you, Y/N. I- i like you too.'
You almost couldn't help the smile forming as you closed the distance. Sunoo tensed a bit before melting into the kiss and pulling you by the waist.
When he finally broke the kiss, you looked up towards his bright eyes before you both bursted into a fit of giggles.
'Do you think the convenience store will still be open now?' You wondered.
Sunoo frowned, 'Why do you ask?!'
You smiled, taking his hand, before replying, 'I wanna sober up.'
'... And maybe have a late night picnic at the park beside it with my boyfriend!'
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permanent taglist - open send an ask to be added - @rikizm @str0l0gy
feedbacks and reblogs are appreciated!
work belongs to @/luvistqrzzz do not copy repost or translate my work
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hgranger93493 · 2 years
Love me when I wake up
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Summary: You, Dean and Sam go on a hunt not too far away from bunker and feelings are revealed.
Warnings: A little angst, threats to harm one self, fluff, some scary themes.
Pairings: Dean x reader
Wordcount: 6400
You stirred lightly blinking open your eyes knowing you woke up before your alarm went off. Again. You grabbed your phone from the side table and yup, you were right. Two minutes before your alarm would go off. You disabled your alarm, tossed the phone back on the side table and turned back and stared at the ceiling thinking how sleep after sleep your life was the same. Same old bed, same old dark room, same old cold bunker, same old day-after-day wishing Dean was yours. You sighed.
You slowly got up from the bed stretching your toes and cracking a few knuckles. You were never a morning person, but you made it your discipline to stick to a routine when you first moved to the bunker. You finished your morning routine and walked into the kitchen. Sam was already up and back from his run. You rolled your eyes almost jealous how he was able to go run so early in the morning. You walked over to the coffee machine to turn it on with a grunt. This old damn machine. You need to get a new one.
“Well good morning sunshine! You know I don’t bite if you greet me in the morning, right?”
You grunted a little “Shut up Sam. You drink your green juice and don’t bother me till I have finished my first cup of coffee.”
Sam chuckled a little and proceeded to start making the breakfast for all. You perked up a little when Dean slowly walked in to the kitchen. He was in his robe and those damn short shorts. His fluffy hair sticking in all directions and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a small frown on his lips. Anyone who saw him now would never believe he hunts monsters for a living and that he is the big scary Dean Winchester that the hunter world fears.
You giggled a little at his antics and that made Sam turnaround. He gave you a knowing look. He knew you always were a little happier when Dean was around and he knew why. He just played dumb hoping you would tell Dean how you feel sooner than later.
“Ah! Fresh hot coffee. Thanks sweetheart.” Dean spoke as he poured himself a cup of coffee.
“You know Dean, I could have made the coffee. Not Y/N. Where is my thank you?”
“Dude, I know for a fact you didn’t make the coffee. For one you prefer drinking water. And B, you make the stupid green stuff in the morning, not coffee.” He turned to you with a smile “So thanks sweetheart.”
You blushed a little covering your face with the cup and mumbled “Not a problem Dean.”
Sam smirked and you knew he caught you blushing. You just prayed that Dean didn’t see you blush. You cleared your throat and looked at Sam and asked “So anything that caught your attention in the news?”
“Actually yes, let us finish breakfast and I’ll grab my laptop.” Dean looked at you with an expression that said “Really?” You shrugged your shoulders a little and replied “Sorry.” You guys just got back from a hunt, but you cannot afford to take a day off, right?
After the three of you scarfed down the breakfast and Sam got his laptop. You were nursing your third cup of coffee when Sam started speaking.
“So, get this, there is a town not far from here. Colby. Missing persons. Three students who attend the Colby Community College. They are a part of an astronomy observatory club and were not heard of after attending a star party that was set up in one of the open fields a little far away from the town.”
“Star Party? What is that? A rave with drugs?” Dean asked.
You giggled and replied “No Dean. Star parties are a gathering when students, mostly astronomy amateurs, get together and do a little star gazing. Observe different objects in the sky.”
Dean was proud of her. She is a little know-it-all, but it made his heart swell when she explained things to him without mocking him. “Now how do you know that little missy?”
“I took a couple of Astronomy classes in college for my science electives and we used to have star parties all the time. It was fun way to get some extra credit and observe planets and stars even closer.”
“That sounds fun. Maybe you can take me to one someday.” Dean replied with a big smile on his face.
“Absolutely Dean! I can look up astronomy clubs in Lebanon and see if they have star parties open to public.”
Sam cleared his throat and said “If you both are done planning your date, can we get back to the case?” He knew what he was doing.
Your face flushed and you were thoroughly embarrassed.
“Shut up Sammy. It is not a date.” Dean replied immediately in a sharp tone.
Well, that hurt.
Sam felt bad and changed the topic. “Okay. So the local police say that all the equipment and the set up was still there and there was no trace of the three students the next day. No fingerprints. No blood. Nothing that indicates foul play at the site. If it was robbery gone bad, why would they leave the expensive telescopes, laptops and the students’ wallets there. This was about a week ago and they still haven’t had any new developments in the case. The victims’ parents are very concerned. They took to media and released statements asking for the safe return of their children.”
This made you sad. Parents should never experience the loss of their children.
“Were there any missing persons in the past in the area or are these the first?” Dean asked.
“There were three missing people about 18 years ago. The case turned cold after a year when the investigation leads nowhere. There are rumors that this could be related since there are so many connections. Three victims. Same age group. Missing near one of the open fields.”
“Well, that is good enough for me. Lets roll. Meet me in the garage in 30 mins.”
A little after the three of you were on the road. You had your nose buried in a book sitting in the backseat. You did not see the green eyes look at you from time to time in the rear-view mirror. Dean was always mesmerized by you. Especially when you were lost in a deep thought or reading a book. You would nibble a little on your lower lip and that certainly did things to him. He hoped it was him biting your lips and..
Someone clearing their throat snapped him out of his fantasy. He turned his head and saw Sam looking at him with a teasing smile. He knew he was caught.
“Shut up..” he grumbled lowly not to catch your attention.
Two hours later you reached Colby. Dean drove to one of the motels in the town and Sam went to check in and get the keys. In the meantime, you and Dean got your bags out and scouted out the locations to go to for the interviews. Sam and Dean got a room with two beds and you got another room with a single bed. You all quickly changed into your FBI suites and headed out. Dean and you dropped Sam off at the police station and drove to the community college. It was fast and easy to locate the astronomy club and you were talking to one the club members, Sara. She was visibly distraught not knowing what happened to her friends.
“Sara, do you know anyone who wanted to harm them?”
Sara sniffled and replied “No, they were all very friendly and nice people. The four of us got our acceptance letters from KSU not long ago. We wanted to finish this semester and start our fall in KSU.” She started sobbing at this point. You sat a little closer to her wrapped your arm around her shoulder to calm her down.
Dean was glad you were here. He would have not known what to do with a crying teenager.
“It is going to be okay Sara. Can I get a signup sheet for this star party?”
“There isn’t one. This wasn’t scheduled for a class or by the university. Somebody from town requested to have this setup.”
You and Dean looked at each other immediately knowing something was up.
“Do you know who is it?”
“No, it was setup in the last minute. Cindy, Matt and Steve are the usual organizers. They wanted to make some extra cash to help with the new semester and scheduled it.”
You knew immediately that this was a set up.
“Sara do the police know about this?”
“Yes, I told them when they interviewed me. I even called them up twice to ask if they figured out who set this up, but they said they spoke to them and they are ruled out as persons of interest.”
You called bullshit. Something was not right. You gave Dean another look and gave him a quick head nod knowing you need to talk to Sam.
“Thanks Sara. One of our partners is with the police now and interviewing them. We will figure out soon. Is there anything else we need to know?”
Sara looked down a little and shook her head.
“Sara, it is okay. You don’t have to hide anything from us.” Sara looked at Dean and you immediately understood. “Dean, would you mind giving us a minute? I’ll meet you in the car.”
Dean understood that Sara felt more comfortable talking to you. I mean who wouldn’t? Sara barely knows you both and she already feels safe enough to talk to you.
“Of course. I’ll be in the car.” He looked and you and you assured him with a smile that you will be fine. He walked over to the car and waited for you while shooting a quick text to Sam telling him about the interview with Sara and some things not adding up.
He looked up from his phone when his passenger door opened and you stepped in. You had a sad smile on your face and Dean frowned a little.
“Everything okay? Is it okay to ask what Sara wanted to talk to you in private?”
You turned and looked at him with the same sad smile and replied “Yeah, it just made sense why she is taking this pretty hard. Cindy and her have recently started dating and she is worried that she will never see the love of her life again. She was practically pleading me not to give up on this case since there weren’t any new leads. I told her not a chance in hell. I would be worried just the same if the person I love went missing.” You looked deeply into Dean eyes when you said that. After a few moments you realized what you said and the air got thicker suddenly. You cleared your throat and looked elsewhere and said “Have you talked to Sam? Any news from him?”
Dean dropped his gaze to his phone and said “Yeah, I texted him. Let’s pick him up from the police station and go back to the motel.”
After 30 minutes the three of you were back at the motel in your room sitting around the table eating and researching.
“We need to figure out who have requested to set up the private star party in the last minute. And why they were ruled out as a person of interest.” You spoke up munching on the fries.
“I asked for the list of people interviewed and there was never a mention about interviewing a person who set up the private star party. The list just included students, friends, few professors and the families.”
“That does not sound right. Sara said she was told that they interviewed the person who requested this and ruled them out as a suspect. Something does not add up. Either Sara is lying or someone at the station is not telling us everything. Why don’t you and Dean go back to the station and ask them about this and I’ll research a little more on the similar missing persons case from 18 years back. There must be a connection between these two.”
Dean straightened up a little and said “No way you are staying here by yourself. I’ll stay with you. Sam can go back to the station.”
“Don’t be ridiculous Dean. I am a big girl. I can defend myself. I am not going anywhere, just staying in my room doing research. I should be fine. Besides you both should go to the station this time. Use a little intimidation if you must and find out what is going on. I took Sara’s number earlier. I’ll give her a call as well.”
Dean reluctantly left you alone in the motel and drove to the station with Sam.
“She’ll be fine Dean. We will check in with her from time to time. Don’t worry.” Sam assured him.
“Yeah..” Dean mumbled, but something was telling him to turnaround the car and drive back to the motel. He decided to quickly finish up at the station and go back instead of facing your wrath for not listening to you. You might be tiny, but boy you were feisty.
Meanwhile, you continued doing research. There was not a lot of information about the case from 18 years ago on the internet. But you found an article where the assigned detective declared it as a cold case only after a year. That is not a long time for a case to get cold. You dialed the number that Sara gave you and it kept going to voicemail. It was getting dark outside and you didn’t like this. You tried a couple more times and decided to track her phone when she didn’t answer. After a few minutes you traced her phone to a location away from the town. Almost close to the site where Cindy, Matt and Steve went missing. You had to go there. You wanted to call Dean and tell him, but you knew he was going to drop everything and come back. You couldn’t risk that. You needed them to interview the policemen who are working on this case and find out what they are hiding. Against your better judgement you left a note for Dean and Sam about what you found and hot wired one of the cars in the parking lot and drove to where Sara’s phone last pinged.
After a few hours at the station
What was supposed to be a quick chat turned into few hours. Dean and Sam very quickly found out that the captain was hiding something. He seemed nervous when they grilled him about who set up the private party and why they were ruled out. They spoke again with all the detectives involved and the findings of the case. None revealed who requested the private party. They seemed covering for their captain. They drove back to the motel only to find your room empty. Dean immediately started calling your phone and his worst nightmare came true. You phone was going to voicemail. Sam found the note you left and Dean was angry at this point. Angry at him for leaving you alone and angry at you for leaving and not checking with them.
“Dean I’m tracing her phone. Give me a few minutes we will find her.” Dean was pacing around the room still trying to get in contact with you. Meanwhile Sam continued the research where you left off. He made a connection. The current captain was the one hired 18 years ago to investigate the case. He was a new detective on the force back then. He recognized him from the pictures in the old article. It confirmed his suspicions that the Captain was hiding something and interfering with the current investigation. If he could have guessed, soon this would be declared a cold case too. His laptop finally pinged with your phone’s location. It matched the location you left for Sara. So, you did reach to the place.
“Dean I found here phone. She is at the same place as Sara’s.”
“Damn it!” Dean yelled and threw the tv remote against the wall.
Sam flinched a little. He knew how much Dean cared about you. How much he is already blaming himself.
“Let’s go Sam. She better not be hurt.”
A few hours before
You parked the car you borrowed a little further away from the location where Sara’s phone pinged. It was a warehouse. You should have known nothing good comes out of this. Your hands were itching to call Dean and let him know, but your thoughts were thrown out the window when you heard someone scream. You rushed into the warehouse with your gun and no rational thoughts. You couldn’t afford to. It was apparent the warehouse was abandoned. It smelled of mold. You slowly made your way with your gun drawn and cautious. You knew back of your mind you were in for a talking from Dean and Sam for being this reckless. You heard the scream again and you turned around and ran towards the imminent danger. You quickly spotted a few old hospital beds and there were people on the beds connected to some sort if an IV bag. You soon realized they were blood bags and the people on the beds were the missing persons. You ran to them and started to check the pulse for all three. Luckily, they all had a pulse, but it was very faint. Now it was time to call Dean and Sam. You turned your phone on about to call Dean when everything went black.
You woke up with a gasp and your eyes wide open. You were lying down in the most comfortable bed and everything around you were so bright. You were breathing deep and quick trying to figure out where you were. You wanted to get up, but found yourself pinned down. You followed the hand to see to whose it was. You gasped and your eyes were as wide as saucers.
It was Dean.
He had his arm wrapped around you and was sleeping with a soft smile on his face. You couldn’t stop staring at his face. His fluffy hair, those freckles dusted cheeks, no worry lines on his forehead, his soft lashes long and thick gently caressing his freckles and god those sinful lips. They were pink and full and so kissable. He never looked more peaceful. You were dismissed from your thoughts when he gently spoke up.
“It is rude to stare you know” Ah! He sounded so beautiful even though he sounded husky.  
You didn’t know what to say. On one hand you were embarrassed that you were caught and on the other utterly confused why you were in the same bed as a very tempting, yet very naked Dean. Before you could say anything, Dean leaned over and planted a soft kiss on your lips.
“Good morning baby. Did you sleep well?” he asked. You still don’t know what is happening. You still couldn’t answer him and kept opening and closing your mouth like a fish. Dean laughed a little and hovered over you planting another kiss and saying “Never seen you speechless in the mornings. You okay babe? Need me to wake you up my way?” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. At the same time, you felt something hard rub against your thigh. You jolted out of your trance squeaking “No!” and quickly pushed Dean aside and jumped out of the bed. Then the cold hit you and it was only then you realized how naked you were. You grabbed the throw from the nearby chair and covered your body.
Dean looked hurt for a second and confused. He furrowed his brows slightly and pulled a bed sheet around his waist and sat up on the bed on his knees facing you.
“You okay honey? You look like you have seen a ghost.” You knew this was too good to be real. Your hunter mode kicked in and said “Where am I? Why are we in the same bed Dean?”
Dean furrowed his brows further. “What do you mean where you are babe? We are in our home. In Lawrence. And why wouldn’t we be in the same bed? That is what married people do. Are you okay Y/N/N? You are scaring me.”
Married? MARRIED?
You started pacing around the room. What does Dean mean we are married? You were trying to recollect the last thing you remembered. You were on a hunt with Sam and Dean. You had to find Sara and drove to the warehouse. You heard a scream. You found the missing people and you were about to call Dean and everything went blank. And then you woke up here. Naked. In bed. With Dean and you were married to him. What is going on?
You closed your eyes thinking it was a dream. You pinched yourself quickly to wake up. You opened your eyes only to see a pair of very worried green eyes staring back at you.
“Sweetheart, please sit down. Let me get you some water. Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream?” Dean asked worried.
You sat down in the accent chair close by and brought your left hand to your head while holding the throw to cover your modesty with your right. That is when something cold touched your face. You looked down and saw a gold band on your finger. You felt dizzy with everything going around you. Then a warm hand was placed on your cheek.
Dean had some pants on now while crouching to your level and held a glass of water to your mouth. You gulped a little all the while staring at him. He put the glass down and now held your face in both of his hands and rubbing your cheeks softly with his thumbs.
“Are you feeling better now sweetheart?” he asked with a smile.
You knew right away what was happening. You just knew. All of this is something you think about before going to sleep every night. Sometimes when you were lucky you would even dream about this. Your perfect life with Dean. You and him married. Waking up with kisses from him. This bedroom of your dreams, with so much light. No longer the dark cold bunker room.
It was a Djinn.
You are currently being drained out of your blood as you were playing house with Dean. It was only fair that you played along till you found a way to get out of this nightmare. Or was it a blessing? You shook your head and looked at Dean.
“Sorry baby. I think it was a bad dream and I was still having the after effects of it for a second.”
“Are you sure sweetheart?”
“Yeah, I am sure Dean.”
Dean pulled you in for a kiss. You eyes closed as you were savoring this moment. Guess you don’t have morning breath in a djinn’s dream apparently.
You pulled back and smiled at him. He pulled you up walked you to the bed and slowly took the throw away from your body and you let him. You stood there naked in front of him a little nervous, but more content. Dean brought one of his shirts and helped you in it. He pulled the covers back and you both got back into the bed.
“Well as much as I like seeing you in your birthday suite we need to cover up. They will be marching in here any time soon.”
You looked at him with a quizzical look. Even before you could ask him about what he was talking about the door of the bedroom opened a little forcefully than needed and you heard giggles.
“Daddy daddy! Can we make pancakes today? Pleeeeease?” a little girl maybe 3 years old, with hair almost identical to yours jumped on Dean and asked him with big bright green eyes.
“Mommy, Grandpa said he will come over and take us for donuts” a boy who was a copy of dean looked over at you calmly explaining the breakfast options. He was no older than 8. He slowly crawled up the bed and lied down between you and Dean and opened a comic book and started reading.
“Nooo! I want chocolate chip pancakes. Pleeeeease?” said the little girl again.
At this point you stopped being shocked. I mean this is what Djinns do right. Show you what you always wanted. You just had to play along. You cannot panic again. Not in front of these two beautiful, innocent kids.
“Diana, grandpa John wants to take you, Dax and your cousins out for donuts today. We talked about this last night, right?” Dean spoke to your daughter. Your daughter? That was so weird to think, yet so satisfying.
“But but��I dreamt about choco chip pancakes. Can I get them?”
Dean sighed. You knew he would very easily give into your daughter’s commands.
You spoke up softly “Baby how about you get donuts with grandpa and we can have pancakes for lunch? You don’t wanna make grandpa sad right?” You nodded your head.
Diana got up from Dean, crossed over your son and planted herself on you with a huff.
“Baby be careful with mommy. You can’t jump on her like you do on me. We talked about this.”
You waved a hand and dismissed Dean saying you were ok.
She thought over for a few seconds about your offer and spoke up. “Okay. But I want extra chocolate chips in my pancakes” she agreed. You slowly wrapped you arm around her tiny body and brought her closer to your face. “Okay fine. But only this one time” you said and planted a kiss on her forehead. Diana did a little dance and blew a raspberry at Dax knowing she won and giggled.
Dax, even though he was a kid seemed very mature for his age. He just rolled his eyes at his sister’s antics and went back to reading his comic. Batman. You wouldn’t have expected anything else.
After Diana talking non stop about her dream and few other things Dean got the kids up from the bed and took them to get them ready for their grandpa to pick up. Wow, John was alive? Dean told you stories about his dad and how he missed him. You read John’s journal. Even though it was supposed to be your perfect dream you were glad this Dean was reunited with his father.
You were alone now and this was the perfect opportunity. With Dean busy with the kids you sprinted towards the kitchen downstairs. You remember when Dean told you about the time he was taken by a djinn and what he had to do to “wake” himself up. You knew what you had to do. You had to kill yourself in the dream to wake up. You wanted to wait till Dean sent the kids away. If you had enough time, you would somehow convince Dean to go with the kids, but that would be suspicious. Not sure how much the djinn was reading your thoughts already so, you had to act fast. After the kids were ready you heard a honk from outside. The kids waved a quick bye to you and Dean walked them out of the house. This is it.
You were going to do think quick and fast. You convinced yourself repeatedly that this is a dream. You had to. Because all of this was too tempting. Even if you had the perfect Dean here, he wasn’t your Dean. You needed to get to him. You took a sharp knife from the kitchen and rushed to the bedroom upstairs. You took a deep breath and was ready to do the deed.
“Y/N! Stop!” You quickly turned around and there was Dean with fear in his eyes looking at the knife.
“Baby whatever it is. Let’s talk. Please don’t harm yourself” Dean was trying to convince you in a calm voice, but his voice breaking at the end.
You looked at Dean mortified. How do you tell him that this is all a dream? How can you look into those beautiful eyes and break his heart. But you had no time.
“Dean. This is not real. You are not real. The kids are not real. This is a dream Dean. I need to wake up. This is the only way. Please don’t stop me” you said backing away from him. Dean took slow and cautious steps towards you with both his hands raised to show you he means no harm.
“Baby it is real. Everything is real Y/N. You and I are married and we have two beautiful kids. How can you look at their faces and say they are not real! Please put down the knife and let’s talk.” He had tears in his eyes at this point. He was hurting. You couldn’t bear to see him cry, even if it was not your Dean.
“No Dean. Stay back. I need to do this. Because the real you is waiting for me. I need to go to my Dean. Please don’t come any closer.” You had tears in your eyes as well.
“Please don’t hurt the baby Y/N. If you fear having the baby we can talk. We have two beautiful kids and you always wanted a third. Please don’t harm him” Dean begged.
The air got knocked out of your lungs. You looked down at your tummy. There wasn’t a visible bump, but then again you knew this was the djinn talking. He was taking advantage of your vulnerability. You shook your head and dismissed his words and turned the knife over and plunged it to your heart.
Dean screamed and came rushing towards you. He took you in his arms and held your head closer to his chest. You were hurting. Both physically and mentally.
Dean started talking.
“Why baby? Why?” Dean kept chanting over and over again while holding you and crying.
“Just….just..” You wanted to say something to him.
“What is it baby? Tell me?”
You coughed a little and whispered your final words to him.
“Just love me when I wake up. Love me when I wake up, Dean.”
-------- End of dream sequence
And you did wake up.
In front of you was Dean. His hand on your cheek hovering over you just like in the dream, but the only difference is he was worried and you were lying in the most uncomfortable bed. The springs were poking you a little from below, it was dark and smelled like mold. You knew immediately you were back in the warehouse. You wanted to say something, but you couldn’t.
“Oh sweetheart. You are safe.” Dean smiled a little and assured you and himself. “Sammy! She is awake! Call Cas now.” Everything that happened next was a blur. Dean picking you up and taking you to the car. You heard police sirens in the distance. Dean holding you to his chest and chanting “You are safe” repeatedly. Going back to the motel room. Somebody other than Dean touching your forehead. You feeling warm and dozing off to sleep.
You woke slowly. You knew right away you were back in the bunker. The bed feels a little different, the room a little warmer, not pitch dark. You looked to your right and it was like déjà vu. You saw Dean’s sleeping face again. Only this time he had his worry lines back. His freckles were a little lighter. Lashes still the same and those sinful lips even more kissable. He draped his arm around you and you could feel his breath tickling your face with every exhale. You were praying you weren’t back in the dream and realized you were in Dean’s room. As you were processing what happened Dean’s eyes slowly opened.
He smiled a little and said “Do you always stare at me when I am not looking?”
“You wish” you replied groggily. He pulled you closer to him and planted a kiss on your temple.
“Is this, okay?”
“What? You crushing me under you?”
Dean chuckled a little. “Yeah.”
“I don’t mind. But what prompted this?”
Dean sighed.
“Do you want to hear the story now or after breakfast? Or maybe dinner? I lost track of time”
“I woke up from a djinn’s dream Dean. You know how it is. Tell me. What happened? Is Sam okay? Did you guys find Sara? What about the others? I felt a pulse on all three…”
Dean interrupted you “Okay okay…one question at a time sweetheart”
“Okay, just tell me.”
“Sam is fine. We found Sara in the warehouse. All the kidnapped victims are fine. They are in the hospital, but Cas used some of his mojo to help them a little after he healed you. After you very recklessly took off to the warehouse, we are going have a long chat about that by the way, we found your note and the research and it confirmed that the two kidnappings were linked. The Captain was the link between these. I tried calling you and of course it went to voicemail. We traced your phone and rushed over to the warehouse. We found you and the others right away and knew it was a djinn. Sam and I quickly took off the needles and tried to wake you up. We were then attacked by not one but two djinns. A mother and son. We knocked them out and had to run back to the impala to get the silver knife and lamb’s blood. There we saw the captain’s car. He was distraught and broke down in front of us and spilled everything. He is not a djinn, but he married one. They gave birth to their son who also turned out to be a djinn. When they first moved to the town 18 years ago the captain’s wife was pregnant and she needed a lot of blood to survive after the labor. So, they kidnapped and killed the three poor victims back then. Him being the chief detective on the case was able to move the suspicion away from his wife. Now the kid grew up and on his 18th birthday he found out he was cursed to be a djinn as well. The mom was the one who arranged the private star party and lured these three college kids to their secret hideout and well…the rest you know. The things people do for love, right? The captain was ready to confess and surrender himself for the murder and kidnappings. We put him in cuffs and rushed inside to take care of the mom and the son. The mom woke up and she begged to spare her son’s life. I told her I couldn’t do that, but promised her that we can give them both painless deaths cause this wouldn’t end with this kidnapping. And then um…she then asked me if I wanted to know what you are dreaming about.”
 You were shocked a bit. Did you want Dean to know? Were you ready to tell him?
“What did you say Dean?”
“I told her I wouldn’t want to know. That it was your dream and it was private. Whatever it maybe”
You were relieved, but disappointed a little too. You wish somehow Dean knew what you dreamed about and why.
“I was about to take care of the mom when she said I was in your dreams and you were happy with me. She offered if I wanted to join you and have a peaceful life. No hunting. No gore.”
You looked at him expectantly. “I said no.”
It hurt. You didn’t know why. Of course you didn’t want him to be put under a spell and have his blood drained.
“I told her I would rather have the real you. A life with the real you.”
You looked up at him smiling and tears in your eyes.
“Yes sweetheart.” Dean kissed you on the temple assuring you.
“I then tried waking you up. You were still a bit under the spell, but we were able to successfully wake you up. Please never scare me like that again sweetheart.”
“I promise.”
“You know what you said when you woke up?”
You didn’t remember much. You were hoping you didn’t say something stupid.
“No. What did I say?”
“Love me when I wake up, Dean.”
You remembered now. You somehow wanted to tell Dean, any Dean what you always wanted. And you did. You closed your eyes and the tears spilled out.
“Y/N. Sweetheart. Please look at me.”
You shook your head no and turned your face away. Your insecurities and your over thinking were winning. Maybe Dean didn’t want to be with you like the way you want. Love? Could Dean do love?
Dean gently turned you face back to him.
“Look at me sweetheart. Please”
You opened your eyes and saw him smiling a teary smile.
“Do you love me sweetheart? I need to know”
All you could do was shake you head yes. Dean smile got a lot bigger and hovered over you.
“Can I please kiss you baby?”
You smiled wider and shook your head yes again. Dean crashed his lips to yours and held your face in his hands like you were something so fragile. Just like in the dream, but this was very much real.
“God! I wanted to kiss you for so long”
“Yeah really. Every time you laugh at my jokes or when you read a book and you are deep in thought and nibble on your bottom lip, every time you patch me up, every time you were on the receiving end of my anger, every time of every day.”
You just laughed at his confession and your heart swelled with happiness. You pulled him closer and deepened the kiss.
“I love you, Dean.”
“I love you too baby. And I will always love you when you wake up. Always.”
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dracofancier · 2 years
Just Draco // Draco Malfoy x Reader
Summary: You are sad and just want some time alone to yourself, but just like that an unexpected person gives you comfort.
Warnings: Language, Fluff
A/N: This is my first Harry Potter Story I post here. I hope you like it!
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Alone and in thought, you stand on the astronomy tower. A few silent tears run down your cheeks, but you don't care right now. Today is your 17th birthday, but instead of feeling joy, you only feel sadness and betrayal.
How can one do this to someone? Even if it is not their birthday.
Suddenly you hear a throat clearing behind you. You quickly wipe away your tears and turn around. When you realise who it is, you roll your eyes and lean over the railing again. "What are you doing up here, Y/L/N?" asks Malfoy, taking a step towards you.
"Thinking" is all you say. "I see, and all alone in the dark?" You sigh loudly but don't answer Draco. "Well, have fun," he says then, turning around. "You can stay if you want," you say quickly but are surprised at yourself. Why are you doing this? You and Draco are not friends. Quite the opposite, in fact.
You don't look at him because you expect him not to stay when you're here anyway, but to your renewed surprise, you spot him in the corner of your eye, leaning against the railing as well, but at a healthy distance from you.
For a while, you both stand there silently. As you look up at the sky, you notice that it has begun to snow lightly. You rub your arms, for, in your hurt, you have not remembered to take your coat.
"Didn't you bring a coat?" Malfoy asks you, and you look at him and shake your head before looking down at the land again.
Suddenly, you feel his coat over your shoulders and look irritated at him. Draco, however, doesn't let on and leans a little closer to the railing beside you again.
"How come you're up here alone on your birthday? Sad, to say the least. Where's Goldstein?" Draco then asks, and you notice your eyes start to burn again. Anthony Goldstein. Your boyfriend. Well, at least he was until today.
"If he's smart, he'll stay as far away from me as possible," you mutter, which is why Draco is now looking at you in surprise. "Trouble in paradise?" Now you look at him. "Like you care, Malfoy."
You hear Draco sigh, "You're right. I don't care. But it would still do you good to talk about it. So let's just pretend we're both just Draco and Y/N. Not Draco Malfoy and Y/N Y/L/N." Again you look at him. "Are you serious?" you ask doubtfully, but Draco nods. "I am. No one should be alone on their birthday, let alone sad."
"How do you know it's my birthday?" you ask, and he holds your gaze for a moment. Then he shrugs and looks down. "I picked it up somewhere." You're not sure whether to believe him, but leave it at that.
"But now tell me, what happened?" he asks, and you take a deep breath.
"He cheated on me. With Domenica McGuilly, that Hufflepuff bitch. And I caught him red-handed," you say directly. Tears burn in your eyes again as you think of how you ran into the interstitial to pick up Anthony and found him with her.
"And from the looks of it, it wasn't the first time," you grumble. "Ah yes, the perfect Goldstein. Who would have thought," Draco mutters to himself. "I mean, our relationship hasn't been what I would have wanted it to be for a long time, but…. But for him to do something like this? And on my birthday. He could have waited until tomorrow for all I care and dump me like any normal person, but no? He has to humiliate me, too. Merlin, how could I have been so stupid?" You rub your face.
"Hey, come on. It's not your fault he's such a fucking asshole," Draco says, and you look at him.
"Is it really that hard to find a decent young man?" you ask then, and now the tears run down your cheeks harder.
"Hey," Draco tries to reassure you, putting his hands on your shoulders, so you look at him. "Listen to me, will you? Goldstein is an idiot. He doesn't deserve you." He wipes the tears from your cheeks with his thumb. "You are a strong, beautiful young woman. Any man should be honoured that you even speak to them. Always remember that."
With wide eyes, you look at the blonde head. "Who are you, and what have you done with Draco Malfoy?" you ask, almost laughing. "I'm just Draco, as agreed, love."
A last tear runs down your cheek, and Draco puts his hand there and wipes it away, but he keeps his hand on your cheek. "You're worth more than you want to admit, Y/N," he whispers. Then he leans down and carefully places his lips on yours.
At first you are completely caught off guard, but then you return the kiss. He is hesitant, almost questioning, but you put your hands around his neck and pull him a little closer. It is so very different from Anthony, but that suits you just fine.
Suddenly, as if you only now realise what you are doing, you open your eyes and move a few centimetres away from him. "We… I… This is wrong," you mutter, but the tip of your nose is still touching his. "Just Y/N and Draco, remember," he whispers against your lips and it takes no more convincing for you.
Once again your lips are on his and you gently nudge your tongue against his mouth, which he is only too happy to open for you. You explore each other's mouths with your tongues, and let them caress each other tenderly.
It's incredible, if someone had told you this morning that you'd be snogging Draco Malfoy tonight, you would have laughed at them and wondered how anyone could come up with something so banal and stupid.
"Would you like to go somewhere warmer?" you then ask, surprised at how quickly those words came out of your mouth. Draco smirks mischievously. "Ah yes, so I'm your rebound, am I?" You consider for a moment. "Only Draco is my rebound. Tomorrow, after all, you'll be Draco Malfoy again." "When you're right, you're right," he smiles.
Later, as you walk through the castle towards the common room, a smile graces your face. You run your fingertips over your lips and your heart warms at the thought that they were still on Draco's just now.
At least you have to admit that firstly, it was worth it and secondly, the rumours don't do him justice by a long shot. And these are already hard to believe, how good he is supposed to be.
As you open the bedroom door, Hermione immediately comes rushing towards you. "Y/N, where have you been? How are you? Oh, I'm so sorry!" she babbles immediately, but you wave it off. "I was at the astronomy tower. I needed some time to myself." "Totally understandable. Agh, Anthony is such a-!" "It's alright Hermione. I don't want to talk about it anymore today."
Hermione nods as you change to go to bed. "I guess you were lucky no one else was there. The place is very popular," she says then, slipping under her covers as well. "Oh there was only Draco." "Malfoy? Oh my god, you poor thing!" You smile.
"Malfoy was gone quickly, don't worry." There was just Draco.
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Hours in the Moonlight: Guileful Nightfall - 2. An Oddity
Summary: Warm, welcoming, and friendly. They certainly weren’t words that came to mind when you imagined a vampire clan, but they did fit your initial interactions with the Scarabia clan. That didn’t make it any less odd though, and it left you wondering what you should expect from your time evaluating them.
Series Type: Gender-neutral reader/ Vampire AU/ series/ romantic/ angst/ angst with comfort/ fluff/ sfw/ platonic interactions too!
Trigger Warning: Vampire
Word Count: 1503
Hours in the Moonlight Master-List
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Sam waltzed up to the main doorway, two glass double doors etched with an intricate water lotus design, without a care in the world before politely knocking and waiting. 
I shifted awkwardly as I waited next to him until a young man appeared at the door and let us in.
He smiled warmly as he tilted his head full of fluffy, purple locks, his gaze resting heavily on me even as he spoke to Sam, “Ah, Mr. Sam, please come in! Who’s your guest?” 
Sam smiled at the boy, ever-charming as he slipped through the door and gestured to me with one hand, “This is Y/n. They’re working with me. Is Kalim in? We need to speak with him.”
The young man nodded, seemingly unconcerned with the fact that two people from the head-vampire were here as he gestured up a staircase that led out of the lavishly decorated lobby that looked like something out of a movie set for a Bollywood movie, “Of course! He’s with Jamil right now, but he can go ahead and see you.”
We trailed along behind him, and I glanced awkwardly over at Sam, who didn’t seem to be finding anything odd despite how out of my depth I felt.
I’d been expecting a more cold reception like what we’d received at the Savanaclaw clan. But instead, everyone here seemed happy and utterly welcoming.
They regarded us with friendly curiosity, though I couldn’t deny that a few of the stares lingered on me a little bit too long for my taste.
I could hear cheery laughter echoing down the hallway in the direction that the young man led us, and Sam leaned over towards me, his voice dropping to a whisper, “Brace yourself, Little Imp.”
Startled, I looked over his way only for him to lean away as our guide came to a halt in front of a door, “Clan Leader?” 
The young man called into the room, and the laughter trailed off only to be followed by a joyful call of the name I assumed belonged to the young man in front of us, “Bakkar! I told you, just call me Kalim.”
It was a joyful tone that had me looking towards Sam yet again with steadily growing confusion as the young man in front of us laughed good-naturedly, “Of course. You have some visitors, though. Mr. Sam has come.”
The moment the young man stepped to the side, another, white-haired fellow with bright red eyes appeared. A brilliant smile on his tanned face as he looked between the two of us, “Sam! Come in, what do you need?”
I blinked at the young man, startled by how purely cheerful he was as I followed Sam into the room, waving awkwardly at ‘Bakkar’ as he walked off with a polite smile and nod of his head. 
I hurriedly turned my attention to the people remaining in the room as Sam began to speak, gesturing to me with a smile, “This is Y/n L/n. You may remember them from the ball?”
I could now see a secondary man as well. One with an impressively attractive face and long hair who gazed at me with a pointed expression before nodding and speaking in an impressively even-sounding voice, “The new Hunter. Yes.”
Sam nodded as the first one smilingly looked my way. As if the news that I was a vampire hunter was no more distressing than the idea of me being a baker. 
Definitely different from the reactions that my identity as the Hunter had gotten up until now.
Sam continued though, casually introducing me to the two men as he gestured first to the cheerful white-haired one and then to the taller, dark haired one, “This is Kalim and Jamil. They’re the founders of this clan.”
I nodded, smiling awkwardly at the first young man, whose grin only seemed to spread more when I smiled at him as Sam continued, “Y/n works under Crowley, and they’re going to be coming by every day so they can evaluate the Scarabia clan.”
At odds with the personification of sunshine that was eagerly nodding along to Sam’s words, the longer haired one, Jamil, frowned, “Why are we being evaluated? Is something going on?”
His gaze darted warily between me and Sam, and I glanced over only to see Sam looking at me with a smile. Apparently leaving it up to me to handle the rest of the explanation.
I stepped forward, doing my best to sum up the situation in a way that was as untroubling as possible: “Crowley is concerned about the recent surge in insane vampires, so he’s having me evaluate all of the clans. It’s no real cause for concern. I’m just going to look for any clues as to what might be going on.”
The one frowned, obviously ready to say something only for the happier one, Kalim, to spring forward, “Of course! If it’ll make your job any easier, you can even stay here while you check everything out! We’re having a feast tonight after all!”
I blinked in silent surprise at his words and Sam laughed, patting me on the shoulder, “Well, you three get it all sorted out. I’ve got to go, so it's in your hands Y/n.”
I turned, barely keeping myself from gaping like a fish out of water as Sam walked out of the room with a relaxed wave tossed over his shoulder as he abandoned me to one impressively extroverted persona and his wary companion.
I felt a hand tap my shoulder, and I twisted to see Kalim smiling at me, “Don’t worry, Y/n. You’ll like it here! Jamil’s a great cook, and everyone here is nice.”
He beamed at me like a tiny sun as his companion gave a sigh of long-suffering, “Kalim, they haven’t agreed to stay here yet.”
I watched as Kalim blinked slightly before letting out a carefree laugh that had me smiling slightly despite myself, “That’s right. You really ought to stay for supper though. It’s bound to be delicious with Jamil handling everything.”
I faltered slightly at his second mention of a feast. What would a vampire feast even be? The very idea of one called to mind the image of a gothic atmosphere with candles and goblets filled with blood, but somehow, even though I’d only just met him, I couldn’t picture Kalim in such a place.
Jamil shook his head with a sigh before looking my way as he crossed his arms, “Since you’re going to be evaluating us, I’ll show you around the clan. You can decide what you want to do about staying during the tour. Kalim-”
I watched the shorter man perk up almost immediately at the sound of his name, reminding me distinctly of a puppy in the way he looked towards the other man with sparkling eyes.
“Stay here,” Despite the blunt tone Jamil delivered his orders in, Kalim seemed unbothered. Chuckling slightly before nodding. Saying he’d be waiting for us to get back as if nothing could ever dampen his spirit.
But even then I found myself growing still more confused. So far, the Scarabia clan was wildly different from what I’d seen of the other clans. 
They were welcoming, warm, and beyond friendly, and, despite being the supposed leader of the clan, Kalim did not seem to be in charge. Rather, Jamil seemed to be the one making decisions and issuing orders.
I followed Jamil out of the room though, waving back at Kalim when he waved at me cheerfully, beaming all the while and making me wish ever so slightly that he were my guide rather than Jamil, who, at the very least, seemed like a better fit for what I’d expected since he seemed at least slightly wary.
I truly didn’t know what to make of Kalim, who hadn’t been phased by the fact I was the local Hunter, though. 
While it was a nice change of pace for him to have been so unbothered by it, it was also very strange. After all, while I didn’t necessarily like it, it did make more sense to avoid and be wary of someone who essentially amounted to being an executioner.
Especially when said executioner had been sent in to evaluate your clan.
It was fairly obvious that Crowley meant this as some sort of warning to the clans. Like he was telling them that if they were discovered to be the root of the insanity issue, they should know what to expect.
But at least now I sort of knew what Sam had meant when he told me to brace myself. It wasn’t what I’d expected by any means. In fact, rather than a warning about aggression or something like that, it had been a heads-up to brace myself for what might be the most confusing clan I dealt with.
Because while this was really only the third clan I’d interacted with, something told me that this sort of welcome was an oddity.
If you would like to read more:
Next: Coming Soon
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depressopax · 25 days
Hello!! I cannot get enough of your Dale Cooper fics and i was wondering if could request a little something? I was thinking either they/them or ftm reader (your choice) that is sharing a bed with Cooper at the Great Northern. They are partners who have been pining after each other for a while now, and reader ends up having a wet dream while laying next to him. Maybe Cooper wakes them up and as they are fumble around trying to apologize, he confesses his crush? It could lead to soft smut or even something more desperate between the two.
Im just spitballing here, i just can't stop thinking about Dale sitting all flustered next to his partner in bed😭
Thank you!!!
Hi there anon! Thank you for your request, and I'm sorry it took me so long to write this! It's been a while, but if you see this - I hope you like it! Have a good day <3
Pairing: Dale Cooper x gender neutral reader Genre: Smut & fluff Warning(s): Smut BUT with plot, cuss words, Dale being a slut for reader, sexual tension. Reader is gender-neutral (they/them pronouns!) Words: 1.6k Summary: Dale’s reaction to reader having a wet dream about him. English is not my main language, if I make any spelling mistakes please let me know so I can improve my writing! <3 || AO3 link || Masterlist || Request ||
Dreams come true
Fandom - Twin Peaks
Dale Cooper x gn!reader
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He’s just lying there on the double bed, afraid to move a muscle in case you wake up. It feels like the moans are filling the room. It’s hard to do anything - think, move, fall back asleep. He’s relieved the room is so dark and hides the fact he’s a blushing mess. 
“Dale…” you murmur, your sleepy voice laced in arousal. In the dream, you’re making out. He’s touching you in all the right places, causing your body to arch up into his palm, desperate for more. More, Dale… 
Whilst you’re in pure heaven, the sleep occupied by the wet dream, Cooper feels like he’s stuck in a nightmare. You’re dreaming of him and moaning his name. He’s the reason you’re visibly turned on right now, and it drives him crazy.  Yet, there’s nothing he can do, but listen… 
His mind is torn between Just wake them up - and let them dream for a bit more… 
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Yesterday, the two of you arrived at the Town of Twin Peaks. Entering the Great Northern caused you to gasp, never having been at a fancy hotel like this before - for free. Being a special agent has it’s perks sometimes. Dale chuckled.
“Hey… You’re gonna catch flies if you keep your mouth open like that.” 
You were quick to close your mouth, which you had not realized was hanging open from awe. 
“Shut up, Coop.” you had replied with a grin, nudging him to the side. Finding the reception desk took a while, both of you were too impressed with the hotel, and even got lost whilst exploring the big lobby. The receptionist greeted you with a kind smile and Cooper talked for the both of you.
You are co-workers, both part of the FBI and currently working on the complex Laura Palmer case. 
“Ah, Mr. Cooper. I’m very sorry, but it seems like the booking is for one room only.” Your heart had stopped momentarily. “We are very sorry, and will fix you another room by tomorrow. Would sharing rooms be okay for the two of you, only for tonight?” 
Dale looked at you, and if you saw it right, he was flustered too. 
“Yea. That’s fine.” you had replied, with a dry voice.
Next shock came once settled in the fancy room, decorated with dark tree furnitures, red rugs and armchairs, and a king sized bed in the middle. Double bed. 
“I uhh… I can sleep on the floor, if you want.” Dale offered. There was nothing more you wanted than to tell him it was ok, and that you could share bed. But the look on his face, and the confusing feelings within you made you answer without thinking twice: “Yea. That’d be great.” 
“So.. Let’s leave the bags here and head down to the police station, yea?” Dale desperately tried changing subjects, something you were relieved over.
“Yes, let’s go.”
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By the end of the day, and after dinner at a cozy café called Double R Diner, you arrived at the hotel room. 
“That was some damn good coffee!” 
You couldn’t help but find Dale’s enthusiasm adorable, loving the way his dark eyes light up whenever he speaks about something he’s passionate about. 
“You and your coffee.” you shook your head and he chuckled.
“I don’t know… You seemed to like it, too! And I’m not forgiving you for stealing a bite of my cherry pie!”
“It was your second slice! And I didn’t know you’d return from the bathroom so damn quickly!”
“I caught you red handed!”
“What are you gonna do about it, Coop?” you cooed. His face heated up and he let out a nervous laughter. 
“That’s the question, huh?” He swallowed hard. Fuck, why do they make me so nervous? His gaze landed on the smile on your lips. God, their lips look so soft. 
“Coop?” your voice woke him from the trance. 
“Sorry. I’m tired.” his hands were shaking as he unlocked the door to the hotel room, and he hoped you didn't notice. But you did. 
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So came the night. You sat up in bed and watched Dale twist and turn on the couch, with a blanket thrown over him. 
“Hmm?” He looked at you, trying to not look down at that adorable pajamas you were wearing. Be a gentleman. He thought, whilst fighting the complicated feelings within. 
“Are you alright over there?”
“Yea.” A fake smile. The bed looks so comfortable. 
You sighed.
“Dale. This is ridiculous. We’re both grown-ups. I’m sure we can share a bed.” 
His heart skipped a beat. Shit, shit, shit. 
“I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” 
“You could never make me uncomfortable.” And you meant it. Besides, the thought of sleeping next to him made your body heat up. As he finally climbed up in the king sized bed next to you, both your hearts beat in union, unaware of the effect you had on each other. 
“Big day ahead of us tomorrow.”
“Yea. This case is tricky.” Dale frowned.
“Nothing we can’t solve. Together.”
The last part almost came out like a whisper. Dale smiled in reply. 
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Only two hours later, he lies wide awake. So much for a good night's sleep. He clutches the blanket tighter around him, as if trying to hide the growing erection from his own gaze. Just wake them up. 
“Fuck…” you murmur, and turn around in sleep. You turn sideways, now facing him. Oh god. Your lips slightly parted, soft moans escaping your mouth. Dale stares in awe. He feels like a fucking creep, but oh, you look so damn beautiful. The blanket covering your body moves with the rise and falls of your chest. His gaze wanders down. He wonders if you’re wet, from thinking of him. If the blanket makes your body warm and sweaty. He wonders… He sits up quickly. I can’t do this. Fuck. 
Dale thinks he’s being quiet, that you’re a heavy sleeper. But the sound of him moving makes you blink your eyes open. 
“Coop?” your voice is hoarse from sleep, confusion lacing it. 
He sits on the side of the bed, his feets on the floor, and hands resting in his lap. 
What is… You blush up. Shit. The dream. Wet dream. Did he hear it? You feel like sinking into the floor from humiliation. Fuck fuck, fuck! 
Dale doesn’t turn around, despite hearing your voice. So soft, so sleepy. 
“I’m sorry…” you whisper. Covering your face in your palms, you try gathering your thoughts. Your body still feels warm, sweaty and tingly, down there. Fuck. “Sorry.” 
You repeat, and this time, Dale turns around. A twinge of anxiety courses through him when he sees you. You look so embarrassed, so guilty.
“Hey… Hey…” 
His voice is soft now. He turns his body around to face you. He hopes you won’t notice the bulge through the thin fabric of his pajama pants. With a gentle yet firm movement, he grabs your hands and pulls them away, revealing your red face to him. His soft brown eyes gazes into yours and it feels like the world stops spinning. He’s so damn beautiful. You wish you could trace your fingers over that sharp jawline, and feel his lips all over you. 
“Don’t say sorry. Alright? You have nothing to be sorry about, dear.”
You believe him. He’s always honest, even when you wish he weren’t. But this time, it feels good. The only sound in the room is the ticking clock on the wall, and the mangled breaths from you and Dale. 
“You’re beautiful.” he murmurs. The shock on your face quickly turns into admiration.
“So are you.” 
“And… I’m honored to be part of your dreams. Especially those dreams.” he chuckles, and a smile spreads across your face. It warms his heart. “I like you, a lot.”
“Dale, I swear to god… If I’m still dreaming-”
His lips press against yours. They feel soft and smooth - perfect - against yours. Like they were meant to be together. 
“You’re not dreaming.” to prove his point further, he pinches your cheek. You giggle and pinch his nose back. “...And I’m not dreaming either. That’s good.” 
You lean forward again, feeling his smile against your lips as you kiss again. This time, you slip your tongue in his mouth. A muffled moan escapes his lips, and you feel more hot and bothered than before. This isn’t a dream. It was, but now it’s reality. You cup Dale’s face and bring him down with you when lying in bed. He props himself up, on top of you, one elbow on each side of you.
“I like you too, by the way.” you whisper. Dale looks at you with heavy lid eyes. He looks so damn dreamy. 
“I’m glad.” The next kiss is more demanding, and he presses his body down against yours. Now, you feel the bulge press against your lower abdomen, and it makes you gasp. 
“Sorry…” he whispers.
“Don’t say sorry, alright?” You say, repeating his words. He chuckles and looks at you with admiration. But he also looks shy.
“Can I touch you?” he asks hoarsely, almost pleading to feel you. All of you.
He pulls the covers from your body, and his hands explore your body, the touch feather light. Everywhere. Every inch. When his hand slides into your pants, and down to your groin, you moan his name softly. 
“Dale…” you gasp.
“I’m here, dear. And I’m not going anywhere.” 
With that, he trails wet kisses down your body, and everything else fades. Only this time, it’s real.
Some dreams do come true.
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ANDDDD there we go! My first fic in like two months YAY Thank you all for supporting me and for waking my account up from the dead with your kind words and fun requests LOL <3 If you liked this, feel free to reblog and comment! Love y'all
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dualityvn · 1 year
out of spite I will ask for a Tenebris fluff prompt, he deserves it and knowing there isn't one hurts me ~🎶
A Storm (GN!MC x Tenebris)
"There's going to be a storm tonight," you say absent mindedly as you stare at the weather forecast on your phone.
"Uh, for fuck's sake." Tenebris doesn't sound particularly thrilled by the news.
"Did you have plans to go outside?"
"No... I'll just..."
Tenebris' features start to shrink until Keith blinks in surprise at bring thrown into control all of a sudden. You look back at him with the same amount of confusion.
"Did something happen?" he asks.
"I just said there'd be a storm tonight."
"Ah. That's why then. He's not a fan of them. Don't worry, it wasn't anything you said."
With that reassurance from Keith, you spend the rest of the evening with him. But you also take note of this new fact you've learned about Tenebris.
Your nonhuman boyfriend doesn't show up again. You go to sleep with Keith at your side. By then, the thunders can already be heard approaching in the distance. Sleep overtakes you before the rain reaches your window.
Someone shakes you awake. The room is still dark and droplets make loud tapping sounds against the window. Occasionally, thunder roars menacingly. You turn over and look up at the person who woke you up. You can't yet tell which of the two it is.
"What...?" you mumble sleepily.
"Keith won't wake up and switch with me." It's Tenebris' voice.
You rub your eyes, trying to get your half asleep brain to process information. "Why are you trying to switch? It's the middle of the night."
"I don't wanna be here now. At least not alone! Don't go back to sleep."
The urgency in his voice forces away your drowsiness. You've never heard him like this before, his voice cracking and quivering. His grip on your arm is firm, like he's worried you'll run off.
"Are you scared?" you ask.
He doesn't answer.
The thunder is even louder now. You feel Tenebris jump before he quickly presses himself against you. His heart is going a hundred miles per hour. You can feel it beating as his chest presses against your arm.
You take a moment to adjust your position and then pull him closer. "It's okay. I'm here." Your fingers find the side of his face. They carress it for a moment before diving into his locks. "Do you wanna go to the kitchen and make some hot chocolate? Or maybe play a game?"
He shakes his head. "Don't let go."
"I won't. I'll stay with you until it's over."
The air he lets out as he sighs tickles your neck. Lightning strikes and soon after, the thunder follows, louder. He jumps again, his grip tightens.
"I hate this," he mumbles.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I would've stayed up with you if I knew you were scared."
"Usually, if I switch with Keith, I don't have to deal with it. And... I didn't want you to see me like this either."
You begin to rub circles against his back. His shoulders relax a little. When thunder strikes this time, he tenses up again, but doesn't jump.
"It's okay to not act tough all the time. I won't think less of you if you do."
"Even when it's over something dumb like a storm?"
He nuzzles into you. "You'd better not be lying."
The two of you continue talking. You change the topic to something light-hearted. Tenebris gets caught up in it, as you'd hoped. Gradually, you feel his heartbeat slow down against your chest. He becomes less and less tense. By the time the storm is nearing its end, he's asleep again.
You begin to drift off yourself, still holding him tight against you. But not before you hear him mumble in his sleep. Something that sounds like "Thank you."
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tingerines · 2 years
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Pairing: Ace x GN!Reader Genre: Fluff
Beep, beep. Beep, beep. Beep, beep.
You turn over in your half-awake state, one eye peeling open with much effort after having been woken up in the midst of a deep sleep. The room is dark, save for the crack of light coming from where your phone now silently lays face down beside your head.
You prop yourself up on a forearm after a moment of contemplation. Maybe it was something important or an emergency, considering how late the caller decided to ring you up.
But upon further inspection, you see that you have a missed call from none other than your best friend, Ace. And not just one or two calls either.
No wonder you woke up. Your phone must have been ringing for at least two minutes straight.
You squint your eyes against the bright light of your phone when another call goes through. Your index finger quickly slides the small switch on the side to silent before your ringtone could blast through the quiet ambiance of your room again.
“Hello? Ace, are you okay?” you press the phone to your ear and ask before your friend could speak.
“Were you asleep?” Ace’s hushed voice asks when he takes notice of how hoarse yours sounds. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“Don’t lie. Yes, you did,” you chuckle at his statement with a shake of your head. Actions speak louder than words, especially when over a handful of missed calls means he was definitely trying to get your attention. “But it’s fine, I don’t mind. Are you okay though?”
“Yeah, I’m okay,” Ace confirms.
There’s a long pause before either of you speaks again.
You readjust your position under the warmth of your thick comforter and lay on your side so your head could hold your phone in place against the pillow.
You could hear Ace’s gentle breathing coming from the other line as if he had fallen asleep. The sound is comforting. Something you’ve grown accustomed to after months of falling asleep on the phone together.
“Oh, sorry—”
“Sorry, go ah—”
You let out short bursts of giggles upon interrupting each other.
“No, I’m sorry. You go first. Are you finally going to tell me why you’re calling at this ungodly hour?” there’s a playful tone to your voice, one that lets Ace know that you’re not actually upset that he woke you up in the middle of the night. It’s always nice to hear from him; especially when he lives halfway across Twisted Wonderland for work now.
“First of all, you’re usually up at this time,” Ace snorts and you can practically see him rolling his eyes. “Second of all, I missed my best friend. We haven’t talked all week.”
“And that’s because you were busy celebrating the holidays with your family, remember?” you roll over in bed, shifting again until you’re sitting up with your back pressed against the pillow.
Then you’re met with silence. Mostly because Ace knows that you’re right and has no rebuttal for the fact.
You take the opportunity to press the speakers button and place your phone on your lap before your gaze trails towards the large window beside you. It’s nearly a full moon tonight, the opened curtains allowing the beautiful orb to cast gentle moonlight into your room.
“You’re not doing anything right now, right?” Ace questions as if he hadn’t just woken you up mere minutes before. “That means you can sleep in later so come meet me outside.”
You snort and shake your head, “yeah, let me just walk about a thousand miles to see you real quick. I’ll see you real soon.”
“Ha, ha, very funny,” Ace fake laughs into the phone. “I mean it: I’m outside your apartment complex right now.”
“You what?” you immediately sit up straight, your eyes scanning what little of the outside world you could see from your third-level room in search of Ace. “I swear to God if you’re just joking…”
“I’m not. I even brought snacks,” Ace laughs, a genuine one that sounds like bells delightfully ringing in your ears, and you can hear the rustling of plastic bags accompanying it. “So come outside. I’ll wait for you.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” you grab your phone and kick the comforter off.
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yusume-the-writer · 9 months
Conversations about a stormy night
Carpaccio Luo-Yang x Kianna Komori(Oc)
Both the request and the Oc were made by @nunezs-stuff , I hope you like it and have a good day
Warning: if you don't like Oc x Canon I recommend you pass this post, Mashle manga spoiler
Genre: Comfort, Fluff and can be seen as romantic or platonic
Summary: Carpaccio Luo-Yang with a problem sleeping decided to walk in the corridors of Easton to get tired, but during the walk he meets Kianna who was in the same situation
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Carpaccio couldn't sleep, so he decided to walk the halls of Easton
Even if it was after hours and he didn't know where to go, he didn't expect to meet anyone at this time.
Now Carpaccio was in a hallway with large windows that showed the weather outside.
The weather could be said to be sad, a big storm was passing and you couldn't see the stars
But that wasn't what caught his attention, but rather the short girl with short brown hair, wearing pink pajamas with puffy sleeves, holding a candle and facing the rain.
It was Kianna Komori
"Kianna?" Carpaccio says as him gets closer to the short girl, taking herself out of her thoughts.
Kianna turns around and faces Carpaccio, it looks like her eyes show surprise when she sees the boy
"Carpaccio, what are you doing here?" Kianna says in her low voice so as not to create an echo and warns others about them
"I couldn't sleep" Carpaccio says then her lifeless burgundy eyes stare into Kianna's lifeless brown eyes "And you?" Carpaccio asks.
"Ah! I couldn't sleep either, so I decided to walk a little" Kianna says while breaking eye contact and looking at the window to hide her embarrassment "I just stopped on the way and decided to watch the rain" She says while turning her body and start facing the rain again
Carpaccio then does the same and faces the rain alongside Kianna.
Silence would be around them if it weren't for the rain drums beating on the window.
"Do you like the rain?" Carpaccio asks, breaking the silence and without moving his eyes waiting Kianna answer.
Without taking her eyes off the window, Kianna responds "Yes, it reminds me of when my sister and I would tell horror stories to pass the time" remembering her older sister Kianna smiles with her eyes closed
"Do you like the rain too Carpaccio?" Kianna says after opening her eyes and continuing to face the rain and listens to its melody
"Not a lot, Sometimes it gets in my way, but I can still do my research" Carpaccio says and remembers when he was doing research during a storm and the dormitory prefect found him and forcibly carried him into the school
"Do you still research even about the rain ? How incredible!" Kianna says with a tone of amusement in her voice "I don't play in the rain because of getting dirty" Kianna goes on to answer a question that Carpaccio hasn't asked yet
That was a fact no one could take away from Kianna, her disgust at getting dirty
"Anyway, what about tea" Carpaccio asks Kianna, he knows Kianna likes tea parties
"I'd love to, let's go then" Kianna says in a cheerful voice
"Come on, I'll lead the way to the kitchen" Kianna says as she turns and heads towards the dorm kitchen with Carpaccio following her
The cup had a yellowish orange color, and a pleasant smell as if comforting the two teenagers who couldn't sleep.
On the table there was only the pot of chamomile tea and a set of candles that Kianna brought so it wouldn't be dark.
Carpaccio takes the cup to his lips and takes a sip "It's good" he says as he takes the cup from his lips
It was warm, it was pleasant to drink
"Chamomile teas are the most recommended for people to drink when they can't sleep" Kianna says as she smiles at Carpaccio
"Oh, I see" Carpaccio says as soon as she finishes the cup from her lips and sees Kianna take a sip from her cup
'And a nice silence to be present with' was something Kianna thought about as she closed her eyes
As soon as she takes the cup from her lips, she stares into the liquid and sees her reflection.
Kianna remembers the times when she and her sister would play tea parties with their dolls, those were good times
Kianna was surprised to remember this memory, but she was happy about it
'Yui and Carpaccio maybe would get along really well' She thinks as she smiles as she looks at her reflection in the liquid and goes back to drinking
"What time should it be?" Carpaccio think out loud as soon as you finish drinking your cup and look around for a clock
"It must be much later than it should be" Kianna says as she finishes drinking her cup and puts it on her plate, making a slight noise
"Hm, we'd better go back to our rooms before anyone sees us" She continues as she stands up lightly without making any noise
"Yeah, I'll wash the cups" Carpaccio says and unlike Kianna, when she got up from the chair, you could hear the wood creaking on the floor.
Carpaccio fulfilling his words, he takes the cups and washes them while Kianna takes the candles from the table
Once finished, Carpaccio turns and heads towards Kianna who was waiting for him at the kitchen door with the candle set.
So the two leave the kitchen, leaving only the two cups and the teapot used for tea as the only witnesses of this encounter with the candles.
"Thank you so much for accompanying me here, Carpaccio ," Kianna says as she and Mash stand at the crossroads of the women's and men's dorms.
"Say, maybe we could have a tea party" Carpaccio says
"It would be a great idea, but for now be careful not to make any noise when opening the door" Kianna says while warning him about the door
"I'm not a child " Carpaccio says
"Heh~ Well, good night Carpaccio"
"Good night Kianna"
So Carpaccio and Kianna separate and go to their respective rooms, now with no problems sleeping.
During this farewell the storm had passed and showed the stars shining high above accompanied by the moon, it seems that this sweet moment calmed the sadness in the sky
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
Someone Close By
TW: references to a difficult past, blood and burning mentions (nothing happens they're used in conversation, it's mostly just fluff)
Note: Villain is referred to as 'Tiger' once. Also, I am incredibly tight on time, n I just found this in my drafts, I will get to the asks, I just have 16 million hw assignments to do 😣
One of the most annoying things about Villain was his stupid habit of throwing out a cryptic "You'll see," when anyone asked why he was doing something. He responded casually and automatically, with a languid gaze. And it was infuriating.
So when Hero had asked another question, she was quick to add a "Don't say it. Don't you dare say it."
"You'll see," he replied, tone lazy and offhand, maybe even a little self-satisfied.
She slammed one of her fists on his desk. "Why can't you just answer the question like a normal person?"
"Show, do not tell." He shrugged at her nonchalantly.
"You- you suck at writing," she accused, wagging a finger at him. Anything to gnaw at his ridiculously inflated ego.
"Hmm, tragic." The sarcasm lined his tone, like a thin, sheer veil draped over an otherwise emotionless attitude. The more striking irony was the fact that he complained about being assigned essays for school and his piss-poor writing skills on the daily. Bringing it up wouldn't affect him, she learned. Not after that reaction.
"You're incredibly dense, you know," she breathed out, frustrated, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Mhm. And yet here you are, wasting your time conversing with someone as incredibly dense as me." He spoke with a hint of amusement, more self-satisfied than anything, his eyes still fixed on his computer screen.
"Sometimes," she attested through gritted teeth, "you have to force yourself to endure what you don't really enjoy in the slightest, for a greater benefit."
"Ah," he concluded, some sort of finality to his tone, "so you admit that you have to put up with however I behave." The corner of his lip twitched up only slightly, the ghost of a smile gracing his lips. Unlike how she'd anticipated, it hadn't seemed so ill-fitting on a normally emotionless visage.
"I could still break your nose," she threatened, letting her shadow fall over his seated form.
He only raised an eyebrow in response, the dirt-eating smirk still visible on his lips.
"You know, you seriously need to relax." He continued typing with his left hand, and he let the cool fingers of his right hand stroke up and down her arm, almost soothingly.
At that, she froze. "Y-you don't like. .  .you don't like touching people."
"True that," he admitted. "Does it make you uncomfortable?"
"No," she replied, before she could stop herself, and her face burned with an emotion she couldn't discern.
"Ah well, I remember you saying a touch could be calming?" At this point, he just sounded uncertain, a little confused if you will, every trace of the smug know-it-all from before vanishing.
"Yes, but I thought you were doing this to mess with me? Annoy me?"
This time, he finally met her gaze, lowering his hand to the desk again. "No. I think I've done enough of that."
She would rather be burned alive than to admit her arm felt cold where his hand had just touched. "That you have," she replied, rolling her eyes and earning a snort from him.
"It was reflexive. But I wasn't joking. You really do need to relax."
He was right, and she hated it. But she'd always been so tense; she couldn't even tell what being normal felt like to her. She didn't know it was so obvious that he could read it off her like a magazine.
"Do you want to watch a movie? I could use a break."
"You and a break? Don't you have a bad relationship with those? You never get tired," she mocked, smirking.
He turned around in his chair, "Not tired, just bored. Not doing something that important anyway."
Liar. He was both bored and tired, if the dark circles under his eyes and the way he seemed to slump, trying to let the tight line of his shoulders fade. He slowly ran a hand through his hair, a common tell for when he was exhausted. Except he hadn't known she could tell.
So, they found themselves sprawled out on the living room couch, the lights dimmed and a bowl of salted caramel popcorn resting on Tiger's lap.
He may have pretended to be a health nut, but deep down, he was a major sweet tooth. The movie playing on the flatscreen TV was terribly violent, gunshots and a ridiculous amount of blood featured in every scene or the other. It was definitely NOT the kind of movie one would relax to. Yet here they were, Villain was leaning back, one leg crossed over the other, and Hero had unclenched her jaw, her shoulders more slack now.
To the film's credit, there were a few light-hearted moments, mostly dark humour, enough to draw a laugh even out of him.
"He's not going to kill him," she said, completely certain.
"There would be no point of all this then. He's definitely going to kill him," he countered through a mouthful of popcorn.
And sure enough, he did not kill him.
"No way!" he protested.
"I've seen enough movies to read between the lines, kitty cat." She let a smug grin dance across her face.
The nerve of her. "Alright, Steven Spielberg, I get it," he huffed out.
The movie wasn't over yet. This was only half of it. Again, she found the fingers of his right hand running up and down her arm, his left currently sticky with caramel and tiny bits of popcorn alike.
The touch was relaxing, even with his calloused fingertips. Maybe even more so. "Do you want me to change the movie?" he asked softly, reaching for the remote.
He must've taken notice of how the line of her shoulders went taut only slightly. A scene in the movie where an older sibling took the pain to save the younger ones. The way it was acted out hit a little too close to home. "No. I'm fine really, and besides there's not much time left, and I wanna know what happens."
"Anytime you want me to change, just say it." And he continued caressing the skin of her arm absentmindedly. If she focused on that, then whatever the movie dished out wouldn't matter.
There was much worse she'd lived through, much more provocative to her triggers. At least right now, she had the comfort of someone close by.
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cocktails and confessions
warnings: explicit language, joking sexual references, hardly edited
genre: fluff
pairing: fem barty crouch jr x fem evan rosier
word count: 645
a/n: i saw a post with ‘i love you’ responses and there was ‘i know’ and i was just like that’s so barty coded so i needed to write it
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Evan has her hand wrapped tightly around her drink, although it’s still mostly full. She has to tell Barty how she feels… but does she? The voice of reason says yes, she really does but she chooses to ignore it, instead ogling Barty from across the room, how her dark hair is slipping from her bun and the way she danced and her little black dress.
Eventually, she stops dancing and begins heading over to where Evan and Regulus are. Regulus gives Evan a meaningful look then leaves, that bastard, giving some excuse like seeing James. Regulus’ girlfriend was at the party as well, and they’d been giving each other heart eyes the whole time. 
As Barty neared Evan, her heart beat raced, hands clammy and clutching her drink even tighter. She attempts composure, leaning slightly against the wall. Barty walks up, being her usual self and smirking. 
“What’s up your ass? You look like someone died,” She says, subtle as ever. Evan rolls her eyes. “Nothing, asshole.” 
Barty just laughs, the sound clear and pretty. 
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you.” Evan seizes the opportunity. Barty gives her a nod, the only response. “I- ah… I love you.” Evan stutters out. Way to go, Evan. Literally no lead up? Wow.
“I know.” Barty responds, smiling, her dimples showing. She then walks away. 
Like, what the fuck does that mean?
Shit. You couldn’t have screwed that up more, Evan, the voice in her head told her. She told it to shut up.
However, as soon as Evan walks into the corridor, slightly heartbroken but still in denial, a hand clamps over her mouth, spinning her around to the wall. She faces Barty, her face face smiling. “Took you long enough,” she comments. Evan rolls her eyes yet again. 
“What, were you waiting for me?” Evan quirks an eyebrow at the shorter girl, smiling as Barty turns slightly pink and looks away. 
“…of course not.” If she hadn’t said that sounding so flustered it might have worked, but it was just cute now. 
“Mhmm, I totally believe you.” Evan says sarcastically. Barty is still blushing and Evan has to restrain herself from running her fingers across her cheeks.
As Barty finally makes eye contact, Evan notices the position she’s in, noting it. She places both her hands on either side of the shorter girl, effectively pinning her against the wall. Evan smiles, raising a cocky eyebrow.
Barty seems flustered by this move as well, but she tries to cover for it with a grin. Evan, leaning closer to her, whispers in her ear; “We all know you’re blushing, it’s cute how you try to disguise it though.” 
This; in fact; only makes Barty more red. Evan leans down even closer, faces almost touching. Barty’s eyes widen. “Hmm, where’s the cocky girl from the party?” Evan teases. Barty can’t seem to answer.
A moment later, Barty closes the gap between them tentatively, kissing her softly. As Evan reciprocates, it becomes heated, a frantic press of lips. Evan explored the shorter girls’ mouth, her tongue mapping out the inside. 
Evan eventually removes her lips from the other girls’ mouth and instead begins sucking on her neck, leaving marks that were sure to show in the morning. Barty throws her head back, lightly whimpering at the biting and aggression of Evan’s mouth.
Evan pulls Barty’s legs up, wrapping them around her waist, Barty throwing her arms around Evan’s neck and tangling her hands through her hair as Evan continued sucking her neck.
In what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes later, Regulus walked out, drink in hand. Evan quickly let Barty drop to the floor, straightening her shirt and hair.
Regulus rolls her eyes at Evan then says, “Get a room, you two. We’re in public.”
“As if you aren’t fucking your girlfriend every other minute,” Evan retorts.
Regulus turns red.
Eventually, she and Barty walk back into the party.
That night they make it official.
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humanoidalien27 · 2 years
The last chapter 😭 I can't believe it's finished. It's also the longest chapter. (I didn't feel like splitting it up. 😂)
Content warning: fluff and goofing off, please enjoy
Chapter 17
A fresh start
Summer passed by quickly. Fig couldn't stay long, he was only there a few days before he got a bit restless and went back to his professor duties, not that he didn't send owls every once in a while.
Elizabeth, after giving names on the dark wizards she knew was guilty of the unforgivable curses, along side proof and names, was given a pardon. Not that they didn't threaten they'd watch her closely.
It turned out Sara was in fact a squib, but Elizabeth was friends with her sister before her parents decided she wasn't pureblood enough.
Sara admitted to having been shocked to receive Elizabeth's letter, but quickly found you before anything could happen.
Your wizard father was put in Azkaban, probably near Ominis's parent's cell. And though the rest of the Gaunts we're furious about the fact that Ominis was involved in the capture, they didn't retaliate and merely informed him that they don't consider him family anymore.
Not that it bothered him, he could live his life without them. Having the imagined protection of the Ministry and Hogwart's teachers had it's benefits.
The Sallow twins grew closer than you'd ever seen, Anne looked as healthy as Sebastian and though she did still miss her uncle at times, she couldn't forgive him for what he put her brother through.
They were finally getting back to how they used to be, you could tell by the way Sebastian and Ominis smiled.
There were a couple times when you felt like a fourth wheel and stepped back to let them have their time, but as if sensing your mood shift, Ominis would always bring you back into it or move closer to tell you embarrassing stories about them until they'd over hear and scold him.
The relationship between you and Ominis only grew stronger as the summer went on, even if he was embarrassed often by Sebastian teasing you two about it.
Anne squeaked happily, pulling you out of your daydream, as she practically raced through Diagon Alley with Sebastian in tow.
"They're going to be up to no good before we even reach the school gates," Ominis mumbled from beside you.
"At least they keep it interesting," you replied, bumping his shoulder with yours.
"Too interesting sometimes."
"Oh, my goodness they're cute!" Your mom said moving to the animal shop after giving you and Ominis a heart attack.
Elizabeth chuckled as she moved over to keep her from buying all of the animals she saw.
"So, did you get everything you needed for this year?" You asked, already pulling your list from your pocket to check it again.
"Yes, I managed to grab everything while Sebastian and Anne dragged me around as if we haven't been here a hundred times."
Smiling, you glanced his way, seeing him focusing like he was trying to find them in the large crowd.
"They went into the joke shop," you mentioned, earning a heavy sigh.
"I swear, I'm going to need to tie them to something," he mumbled, getting you to laugh.
"Tie bells to them so they sound like reindeer as they run."
He snickered, before his hand slipped into yours, pulling you further into the crowd.
"Where are we going?"
He didn't answer, too busy keeping from colliding into people, at least until we ended up finding Professor Fig.
"Ah, I thought that was you," Ominis teased as Fig chuckled.
"Just getting some last minute things before the start of term," he mentioned, smiling at both of you. "Anything I should know about?"
Nodding you motioned behind you. "I'd avoid Sebastian and Anne, they're in Zonko's and who knows what they have up their sleeves now."
He hummed in thought for a second, before he nodded. "An excellent idea, though I am in a little rush, but it was good to see you both."
You cocked your head as he moved passed you. "Do you get the feeling that everyone is purposely avoiding us?"
Shaking his head, he turned towards you. "I'm sure they're just busy and excited. It's only a few days before we go back to Hogwarts."
Settling for that being the reason, you smiled. "Anne was pretty enthusiastic to be in her robes again, she went to sleep smiling."
Ominis chuckled. "She does know she has extensive exams because she missed them last year."
"Ah, let her enjoy it before you crush her with homework," you teased, squeezing his hand.
"For Merlin's sake, it's like you're married and talking about your child."
You looked over seeing Sebastian staring at you two in disbelief as Anne whacked him on the shoulder. "Forgive my bone-headed brother, he's never had a girlfriend and doesn't understand the concept."
"I beg your pardon, I've had girlfriends before."
Ominis's brows bunched. "I'm quite sure your longest lasting relationship, outside of the three of us, is with Madam Scribner."
You and Anne completely lost it as Sebastian pouted for a second before pulling Ominis away, complaining about how he was supposed to be on his side.
"Man, that was a good one," you whispered, wiping a tear from the corner of your eye.
"You rubbed off on him," she teased, before she looped an arm through yours and began down the street.
"I'm pretty sure he's had that before I came into the picture, but I'm more concerned about what you and Sebastian are planning."
She fixed her expression to look innocent. "We're not planning anything, we're just getting a few things to make life at school interesting."
Snickering, you nodded. "You two are going to get enough detentions that you'll still be there long after you graduate, aren't you?"
She grinned, unabashed. "The two of us? You and Ominis are part of this too. I mean, it's not going to be as eventful as your last year, but we'll make do."
Laughing, she bumped into you playfully. "I never really thanked you for watching out for the both of them. You and Ominis are practically tied at the hip lately." She was satisfied with you blushing, so she pressed on. "I don't know where'd Sebastian and I would be if you hadn't found out the truth and convinced me to come back. So, thank you. And for taking that curse out also. I think Sebastian and I would be dead right now if it wasn't for you."
"No, you two are stronger and smarter than you think. I'm sure Sebastian would have found another way to help you."
She smiled as she patted my wrist. "Seeing as you're not going to accept my compliments," she said, narrowing her eyes teasingly. "Just know that we really do appreciate what you've done for us."
"Well, to be fair. If it wasn't for either of them, I'm pretty sure things would have ended up differently too."
She smiled as our attention was drawn to the chaos of the crowd, just staring as people went by.
Getting all of your things together was your top priority. You didn't want to lose anything or leave it behind.
"Hey," Sebastian called, poking his head into the room. "Your moms want you for a second."
He left before you could answer, so you stood up and headed to the kitchen after putting your folded robes in the trunk.
Your moms weren't to be found, instead, Ominis was in the kitchen.
"Do you happen to know where my moms are? Sebastian said they were looking for me."
He smiled as he moved closer. It took you a moment to register the cloth in his hand.
"What are you doing?" You asked as he moved to stand in front of you.
"It's a surprise," he answered, while his fingers brushed over your skin to find your temples, the last thing you saw was a peaceful expression on his face. "My job is to make sure the surprise isn't ruined as I bring you there."
He carefully tied the blindfold, forcing your body to use your other senses to track him.
The soft sound of his clothes as he moved or the light tap of his shoes as he shifted.
It all drowned out instantly as his fingers dragged along the back of your jaw bone, shooting tingles over your skin.
You weren't quite sure what he was doing, but it had your heart racing, something he felt as his pinky rested against your pulse.
He chuckled, sending a puff of air over your lips, which didn't help calm your mind or heart.
When his lips pressed into yours, it felt stronger than it had the first time, maybe because you were blindfolded?
"Happy early birthday," he whispered softly, still close enough to cascade breath over your skin.
You stood dumbfounded as he pulled back and trailed his hands down your arm to grab yours. Signaling he was ready to lead you wherever you were going.
You can't believe you forgot your own birthday. You knew it was on the first day of term, but you'd been so wrapped up in how excited Anne and Sebastian were, that you didn't even think about what else it was.
"Now, this gives a new meaning to the blind leading the blind," you teased, hoping to hide that you forgot it, getting a laugh.
"There's no need to be nervous, I won't let you walk into a wall."
You found it hard to believe him when he sounded way too amused at the idea.
As soon as you felt him tug your hand, you immediately grabbed onto his with your other as he snickered.
He lead you outside, making sure you were careful going down the stairs and through some kind of fabric curtains, before you could hear a bunch of people shifting around nearby.
Ominis let go of your hand, moving behind you to untie your blindfold.
You had to blink to adjust to the light, but once you did, you saw a large tent full of your Hogwarts friends, Deek, Professors Fig, Weasley, Garlick, Hecat and Ronen. The words Happy birthday were hanging like lights as everyone held their wands up to form them and in the center was a cake in the shape of an old pocket watch your dad used to have, which you hadn't seen in years.
"Happy birthday!" Everyone cheered, though Professor Weasley added a bit about making this year less adventurous than the last.
Imelda snickered, but said nothing as the letters popped like fireworks and ended up dusting the cake with rainbow sprinkles, which would turn colors every so often.
"You completely forgot about your birthday, didn't you?" Your mom asked, smiling as she hugged you from the side.
"A little," you admitted, getting a few laughs, before Everett started making a ruckus about the broom races.
"It definitely feels like Hogwarts," you laughed as Imelda was red in the face.
Once things began to wind down, most of the students left with their families, leaving you, Ominis, the Sallow twins, your moms and Fig.
"You never told me the day the dragon attacked was your birthday."
You smiled as you propped your aching feet up on the legs of the table. "Going to Hogwarts was always something I dreamt about, so that letter was the best present I could have asked for."
"What a way to soil the day though," Anne whispered. "Is that why you've sort of adopted Professor Fig as a father figure?"
You glared as Fig's eyes widened, though there was a small smile as you threw some wrapping paper at her. "I told you that in confidence."
"She's worse than Sebastian with secrets, unless they're her own."
That earned him the wrapping paper to the chest, but he merely laughed.
She shrugged as Sebastian gave her a playful push.
"We have one more present for you," your mom said walking over with Elizabeth following. "It's from both of us."
You carefully opened it as you heard something rattling inside.
You tipped the box over your hand and our slipped the pocket watch, making you try to hold back tears as your eyes snapped to your moms.
"Elizabeth found it after I mentioned it a few weeks ago. I know David would want you to have it."
"David?" Ominis asked.
You nodded, knowing he wouldn't be able to see it. "My dad."
His brows pinched when he heard you trying to hold back tears.
"They're happy tears Ominis," Anne informed quickly.
He still scooted close and rested his hand against your back.
"Thank you," you choked out, clasping the watch between your hands. "This is...more than I could ask for."
Your moms' smiled as they squished you into a hug while you accidentally dampened their hair.
"Making the birthday girl cry," Sebastian teased, getting whacked by his sister. "What?"
"Oh shush."
Your moms' pulled back, both smiling sadly as you wiped at your eyes with the back of your hands.
"You okay?" Ominis asked, rubbing your back gently.
"Yeah, I didn't think I was going to see this ever again."
You slipped it into your pocket so you wouldn't lose it as Sara looked to Professor Fig. "Are you staying the night?"
"It was my hope to bring them to school properly this time, without any dragons."
Everyone chuckled as you cleared away the remaining streaks from your cheeks.
"That sounds lovely," Elizabeth smiled. "You're welcome to stay."
"That's kind of you, thank you."
Sara clapped, drawing everyone's attention. "Okay, time to clean up. I'll wash the dishes, twins can you bring them in?" They nodded, already standing. "Elizabeth, will you ready Eleazar's room?"
"And me?" Ominis asked after a moment of silence.
"You're distracting the birthday girl so she doesn't try to help," Anne replied gathering dishes.
They moved from the tent as your eyes turned to Ominis. "You were saddled with babysitting."
He chuckled, shaking his head as he moved his arm over the back of your chair while leaning in.
"How are you doing?"
Smiling while resting your head against his temple carefully, calmed the burning emotions inside. "I'm fine Ominis. It's been a wonderful night."
"I'm glad, we were trying very hard to keep the preparations from you. Knowing how curious you are, we had to get creative."
Chuckling, you squeezed his hand. You had noticed they were acting strange in town, but you weren't going to tell him that.
After a few moments, you felt him press into your head further.
"You're falling asleep, aren't you?"
"No," he replied, though it came out in a low whisper.
Chuckling, you pulled back, making him almost fall into you completely. "Come on, I don't think I'll be able to carry you."
Figuring you were right, he stood up, stifling a yawn with the back of his hand.
You two earned a few snickers as you passed the twins, not that they would say anything out loud and you were too tired to care.
The both of you started to get ready for bed, though once he'd brushed his teeth he left the bathroom to change his clothes, while you quickly showered and changed into your night clothes.
When you walked out into the room, seeing he was sitting in the chair beside the bed, but asleep.
Shaking your head, you moved over and gently shook his shoulder.
"I'm awake," he mumbled, softly sighing, but didn't move to get up.
You tugged on his wrist, but he still didn't budge.
Smirking, you tried to pull him up to his feet, but without help he just ended up flopping against the cushions.
He mumbled out a complaint as he sat up again.
If you could just get him into the bed, you could inform the twins and switch rooms.
This time, when you pulled his arm, he stood up.
You pulled the blankets back, before you sat him down on the bed.
He mumbled something about not needing help as he laid down, but you still pulled the blankets over him and set his wand on the nightstand.
Hearing him sigh as he settled in made you smile, before you shut the light off and headed from the room, running into the twins as you closed the door.
"Put him to bed?" Sebastian asked.
"He didn't even notice he fell asleep in the wrong room," you admitted, scratching your arm awkwardly. "We might have to switch rooms tonight."
"Nuh uh, I just got my pillow the way I like it," Sebastian remarked giving an exaggerated level of sass before heading off to his room.
"He's impossible."
Anne clapped you on the shoulder. "Yes, but we can get revenge on him later." She moved to head after him. "Goodnight."
Realizing they were leaving you to return to share a bed with Ominis, made your heart race at the mere thought.
"Even if I can't, I can sleep on the couch or the floor," you rationalize as you moved opened the door as carefully as possible.
You stood, paced and fretted at the foot of the bed, trying to think of pros and cons of this idea.
You wouldn't mind sharing a bed with him, but when he woke up, would he be upset? Or what if your parents found you? It wouldn't look as innocent as it was.
"Sebastian, can you stop pacing and go to sleep?"
You froze mid-step, looking his way. You didn't realize you were waking him up.
Sighing, your curiosity won and you climbed under the blankets. Even if you kept to the edge, you could feel the dip in the bed and you couldn't seem to trick yourself into believing it was Anne.
Just when you were about to tell yourself you were about to try sleeping on the couch, Ominis rolled over against your back, with his arm going over your side.
Worried you'd breath too loud and wake him, you tried to silence it only to feel like you were suffocating.
His arm tightened as you inhaled sharply.
You had no idea how he couldn't hear your heart practically exploding or slept with a face full of your hair, but if he did this to Sebastian before, he was probably used to it.
Your nerves sent butterflies to go crazy in your chest as you could hear his shallow breathing nearly beside your ear.
It didn't take long before the sound pulled you into a peaceful rest.
As you opened your eyes, the sun burnt at them, forcing you to close them for a second before shielding them, seeing the spot beside you was empty.
Yawning, you sat up and moved to go to the bathroom.
Your mind had forgotten about sharing a bed as your excitement to be heading back to school pushed to the forefront.
You practically danced into the kitchen seeing Anne and Sebastian already at the table.
"Morning," you called, moving to the table.
"Morning," Anne replied, sounding amused which made you look up seeing Sebastian staring at you.
"There's nothing on my face Sebastian, I already looked in the mirror."
He looked unperturbed by your annoyance, but perhaps he was used to your back and forth.
"You're as beautiful on the outside as you are inside," he whispered, still wide eyed.
You froze, before you looked to Anne who was also staring at him. Curious, you reach over and took his cup, sniffing it for any signs of spiking, but it smelt like tea. "Well, you're not drunk, but Ominis will be upset you took some of his tea."
Anne snickered, moving her hand to cover her mouth.
She shook her head as you glanced back at Sebastian, who was still staring.
"What's the matter with you this morning?"
It was making you very uncomfortable, he knew you were with Ominis and this was only making things weird.
He blinked as if finally realizing what he was doing and cleared his throat about to explain, but laughter erupted from behind you, getting you to look over, startling as you saw Sebastian.
"Man, your face was priceless," he laughed as he walked over and sat beside Anne, after pointing at a strategically placed mirror.
Your eyes danced between both Sebastians' until the answer came to you.
Polyjuice potion.
"Ominis?" Seeing Sebastian look at you the way he did, made you uneasy. "I'm not kissing you while you look like that."
"Hey, what's wrong with my face?" Sebastian asked with a piece of toast stuffed against his cheek so he could talk.
"Everything," you fired back, earning a flat glance before he rolled his eyes. "So, why'd you polyjuice yourself?"
"It was my idea actually," Sebastian said quickly. "He kept asking me what you looked like and he wouldn't take a Mongrel for an answer."
"You've been cooking a polyjuice potion for a month here?"
He shrugged like it was no big deal. "Why do you think I was persistent you didn't sleep in our room last night? It also gave Ominis butterflies when he found out he slept in the same room as you."
Immediately, Ominis blushed and glared at his doppelganger.
Ignoring Sebastian, you looked at Ominis. "How long ago did you drink that stuff?"
"It should wear off in the next forty minutes," he admitted, his eyes dancing over your features as if trying to commit them to memory.
You glanced between the three of them and shook your head. "Now you're triplets."
Anne laughed. "One Sebastian is enough. I doubt we could handle two."
You nodded as Sebastian tossed a piece of crust at his sister.
She snickered as she looked between us with mischief in her face. "You know what we should do once we get back to Hogwarts?" She paused for effect. "We should try becoming animagi."
The real Sebastian's face lit up as you and Ominis locked gazes, though you smiled. "It definitely feels like this year is going to be as eventful as the last."
"We try to live up to expectations," Anne teased as you heard your parents heading out of their room, with Professor Fig's voice mingling in.
"Well, something to look forward to," you whispered, getting Ominis to sigh playfully dramatic, but nod before anyone could see.
Link to the master post, here. This story is called the Pureblood Muggle.
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britishassistant · 2 years
Poor Yuuya, he’s an easy target for anyone to pick on. I imagine Yuu or Yuuken standing up for him when the boss’s boss is to harsh on him and helping him bulid more confidence in his abilities.
Thank you for the ask, dear anon!
Yuuya can’t help startling at the sound of that voice.
Oh please, what does he think he’s done wrong now, please let it be a little thing, please let it be over with quickly—
“Where are your talking points for the report on Leviathan?!” The man thunders, face so dark a red it’s practically purple. “I told you to have them on my desk two hours ago!!”
No he hadn’t. But if Yuuya points that out, or the fact that even if he tried his best to compile his findings the man will scold him for somehow not being able to read the supervillain’s mind, it’ll just lead to more screaming, and Yuuya potentially losing his job.
Better to keep his head down, keep apologizing.
“Y-yes, I, I’m sorry, sir, sorry—”
“Sorry doesn’t finish reports, Kuroki!” The man bellows, a vein throbbing. “I swear, I’m beginning to wonder if you’re serious about wanting to keep this position—!”
Yuuken is big, looms over Yuuya and their boss’s boss easily. It’s sorta intimidating at times, even when Enma doesn’t mean to. Right now though, Yuuya somehow feels a little safer than he did a moment ago.
“W-what is it, Enma?!” The man’s stutter is audible and from the way his lip curls, he hates that it is. “Can’t you see I’m busy?!”
“Just wanted to check that Yuuya was ready for the Gracey-Asim engagement interview.” Yuuken says, face practically a stone wall. “You’ve assigned it to us on the roster, for 4pm?”
Yuuya feels a rush of hope go through him. If their boss gets distracted berating them about what to and not to do on this new assignment, he’ll probably forget entirely about the arbitrary deadline he “forgot” to notify Yuuya for the Leviathan report. Nice one, Yuuken!
“That can wait, Enma!” The two of them share a grimace as the tyrant that runs their news station blusters on. “It’s a fluff piece about the youngest of the Graceys and the eldest branch Asim finding ‘twue wuv’, our viewers aren’t going to care about it beyond a good gossip! I assigned you and Kuroki to this purely because neither of you have a record of causing incidents with our more distinguished guests, unlike Radcliffe. But if Kuroki can’t even hand in a simple report on the actions of a notorious supervillain which actually affects people’s insipid little lives, then maybe he’s not fit for—!!”
“Ah—excuse me, sorry!” Yuu pokes their head in, a wide customer-service smile on their lips, waving a sheaf of papers above their head. “The Leviathan report, right? I accidentally picked it up earlier when I was grabbing the notes Yuuya helped me with for the Champion follow-up. I’m sorry for the confusion, it’s my fault.”
Their boss’s boss snatches the papers offered. The papers that seem to have a much higher page count than what Yuuya’s currently got on his computer.
“Hmph.” The man shoots a disgusted glare between the two of them. “Don’t let this happen again, Radcliffe. You’re causing enough problems for the station as it is.”
And with that, he dumps the papers on the desk, turns, and strides out without a backwards word of apology to Yuuya.
The three of them all deflate in unison once he’s out of the room, shooting small, tired grins at each other.
“Wait a minute,” Yuuya pulls the report towards him, flipping through it to check he’s not going crazy. “Sorry, Yuu, but what…?”
The report has at least seven extra pages stapled to its original length, somehow detailing a new plan Leviathan’s got in the works about infiltrating the beauty industry using eel slime…?
“Poison Queen enjoys talking about new skincare routines he’s discovered, if you can get him onto the topic,” Yuu shrugs in reply to his questioning stare, as if this is totally unremarkable information that anyone could get if they wanted. “And Azul can never resist bragging if he thinks he’s getting away with something.”
They rub the back of their neck with a sigh. “Honestly, I’m just glad you set the document to be open for editing—I don’t know what I would’ve done if not. I still owe Tsunotaro from the last emergency kidnapping, and I don’t have enough tuna to bribe Grim, so.”
“…You’re kinda scary sometimes, Radcliffe.” Is all Yuuya can say to that.
Yuu sputters. “Wh—hey! How, how am I scary?!”
“Listen to what you just said.” Yuuken advises. “Then ask the question again.”
Yuu’s mouth opens for a beat, a finger raised in rebuttal.
They slowly close it again.
“Okay, you know what, fair.” They lean against Yuuya’s desk. “So you stealing my cameraman from me to go interview Jawad al-Asim and…Leota Gracey?”
“Megami Gracey.” He corrects on autopilot. “Do you remember, the half-sister they found living downtown after her mom died, maybe, ten years back? There was some scandal about the mom’s involvement in some criminal activity that influenced the original custody ruling. Ken Gracey made a huge deal about ‘bringing his rightful daughter home’, nobody was talking about anything else for weeks.”
Yuu and Yuuken stare blankly at him.
“O-or not?” Yuuya ventures nervously. “Have you…didn’t you guys hear about this when you were kids too?”
“First I’ve heard of it.” Yuuken shrugs.
“Yeah, me too. But I did grow up out in the sticks, so.” Yuu seesaws a hand back and forth, before their face grows solemn. “But that doesn’t answer my question, Kuroki.”
Yuu looms over him, hands splayed flat on the desk as they stare him dead in the eye.
“What are your intentions towards my cameraman?”
“He’s obviously going to besmirch my honor, Yuu.” Yuuken deadpans, only a small twitch by his mouth betraying his amusement. “Ravish me senseless. I’ll never be fit for marriage after he’s done with me.”
“How could you, Yuuya?! Yuuken’s so innocent!” Yuu splays themself against him, one hand dramatically thrown over their forehead. “Will no one be spared your wicked wiles?!”
Yuuya can feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. “Wh—ho—we—I’m not—!! Enma! We’re going to be late for our interview!”
Yuuken doesn’t even bother to hide his chuckling as he helps Yuuya gather his notes and follows him out of the office, the jerk. “Lead on, Yuuya.”
“Have him home by eight, Kuroki!” Yuu calls after him, because they’re the worst. “I’ll know if you stop for any canoodling!”
Yuuya sticks his tongue out at them over his shoulder, which just cracks them up more. Why, oh why, do all his coworkers have to be so crazy?! His boss is normal, but so far she’s the only one! Wait, does that mean he’s somehow weird too?!
Still, he sighs, as he makes a few last minute notes in the passenger seat while Yuuken loads up the gear they’ll need in the company van and straps himself into the driver’s seat. At least it’s a simple, uncomplicated, un-supervillain-related assignment. The chances of things going off the rails are at an all time low, even for him.
Yuuya rallies. Interviewing a rich girl about her upcoming engagement. What could go wrong?
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igglemouse · 2 years
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Episode 10 ~ Hematophagy
I’ve come to find out that Jana is all business. She wasn’t much of a fan of talking about fluff but she did seem excited about becoming a ‘Queen’ as she put it. 
“This is a small town but will make for an excellent base. We could take over this town you know? Make thralls of the leaders here and other civilians so that we know who comes in and who comes out,” she says, her scheming putting a smile on my lips and doing a little more than that. There is nothing more attractive than a woman that knows what she wants.
“I was thinking the same thing. Eventually, that is the goal. Perhaps it is something you can handle?”
“I definitely think it is something I can handle!” 
That really did excite her. You see, while yes I do want multiple wives because I am a man of power and that thought excites me but it is also because I hope to depend on them for different tasks. Jana moves in large social circles, she won’t be here a lot of the time but she’ll be out and about and representing the Tourneau clan when we are married. She’s a politician at heart, just an undead one.
“As for Tabitha,” I start, speaking my next thought aloud. “She’ll be more about handling this lair, managing it, I think she’ll be good at that.”
“Do you think she’ll accept the gift?”
“I know she will,” and that is a fact. I sense a darkness there in Tabitha, that has to be true since she is so drawn to this cold heart of mines. “If not, she’ll come around and when she does I think she’ll be able to help finally complete this lair of ours and she’ll do well with the farm.”
“I see,” Jana was impressed, I could tell it by the look on her face. “You know, the ancient vampire Dracul had three wives, it worked out well for him and I sense it might work out well for you. Who will be the third?”
“Hmmm,” now that is a question I can’t yet finish. It would have been Luna but she’s gone now. I wish that Violante would take up that mantle but she’d sooner see me dead. The only other woman that could fill that void that I know is Athena, the fairy, but I wonder if she can even be turned and I do not think she is a big fan of mines. “We’ll see, I’m sure some one will fill that role.”
“And if I’m handling clan business and Tabitha is handling domestic business what would your third handle?”
“Ah, well, her task would be something more personal, I think, and it would be no ‘small’ task. Let’s just say, she’d be more focused on keeping me happy.” You all can imagine what that might mean....
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mediocre-daydreams · 2 years
𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞. 𝐚𝐬 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚 𝐦𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
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remus lupin x animagus!reader
𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝: 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚢, 𝚒 𝚏𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠
summary: remus craves your touch and he knows you’d do anything for him, which is why he refuses to be with you. your affection spark nasty rumors from the slytherins.
notes: angst, fluff, a few slut shaming comments (will be expanded upon in later chapters), tw//the slug club :/
w/c: 5.7k
as if you were a mythical thing, like you were a trophy or a champion ring; if there was one prize, i'd cheat to win.
you and the girls had nice, established saturday mornings. dorcas, the natural early bird, woke up at seven without fail. lily, the overachiever, followed at seven thirty. mary began to stir around eight, and lily and dorcas would shake you and marlene awake no later than eight thirty.
you’d get ready together—you and marlene were always sluggish and slow in the mornings—and head down for breakfast around nine twenty. you always had a coffee, marlene and dorcas shared a pot of chamomile, lily liked earl grey, and mary liked experimenting with flavors. (she was currently enjoying matcha.)
marlene and dorcas would most likely sneak off somewhere, leaving you, lily, and mary to entertain yourselves. if the day was nice, you’d kill a few hours by the black lake. if the weather was poor, you’d get a head start on homework or wander the common room. you liked your saturday routine.
today was very different.
“mr. lupin is not taking visitors at this time, thank you very much,” madam promfrey quipped, sounding not at all apologetic. “please return at…” she checked her wristwatch. “this evening. preferably tomorrow afternoon.”
james batted his eyelashes. “c’mon, madam pomfrey. we’re regulars! you can’t make an exception for your favorite patients?”
madam pomfrey narrowed her eyes at him. “yes, because treating reckless quidditch players after every match is my favorite passtime.” she sighed, turning her head to hide how her lips quirked upwards. “fine, you may have ten- twenty minutes. but i’m being very generous, and reserve the right to kick you out at any time. alright?”
you and the marauders nodded enthusiastically. madam pomfrey waved you over to a curtain-covered bed, where remus’ hoarse grumbles could be heard.
“lukewarm water… can’t even read… so behind on potions… complete fool…”
“moony!” peter exclaimed, whipping away the curtain and jumping into a starfish-like position in front of remus, who jumped.
“pe- wormtail?” he stammered. “prongs? padfoot? hopper?”
“gee, don’t look so happy to see us. you might overexert yourself,” you teased, taking a seat at the edge of the bed. you took his hand, which was cold and beginning to crack from dryness. you frowned, glancing over at madam pomfrey, who looked busy shuffling through loose parchment.
“how are you?” james whispered. “after… y’know.”
remus snorted. “y’don’t have to whisper. pomfrey knows.”
“ah, forgot about that.” james scratched his jaw. “my question still stands, though. how y’feeling?”
“as well as one can feel after breaking most of their bones and transforming into a class five monster, i suppose.” remus licked his chapped lips. his undereyes were dark—an unusual sight—and his voice raspy from all the howling he’d done last night. he didn’t seem tired in the sleepy way; rather, worn down. “i’m just sick of this stupid bed. i’m fine. i’ve done this my whole life. i hate being here while everyone treats me like porcelain; like they pity me. and it’s boring.”
sirius furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “i don’t pity you, moony. in fact, i take great pleasure in kicking you when you’re already down. for example,” sirius cleared his throat dramatically, “let’s discuss last night, shall we?”
you glanced around the room. “muffliato,” you murmured. “yeah, we were right. i wouldn’t trust sirius with any secrets.”
sirius glared at you and returned to his story. “apparently, my kisses are not appreciated by a certain rabbit, but snot is fine? i see how it is.”
you looked at your feet. remus became defensive. “i do not have snot!”
james looked at sirius knowingly. “yes, you do. it was dripping out of your nose, mate. you fell asleep and i swear, there was a puddle of wet stuff underneath you. horrid, i tell you.” james pretended to shiver.
remus quickly changed the subject. “how’d you all leave in time?”
“peter,” you all chorused. you tilted your head towards the bashful boy. “again, peter’s the most responsible one when you’re not here. he bit us until we woke up and we snuck out before sunrise. you were already asleep then.”
“wait, so did you four get any sleep last night?”
james pursed his lips. “hopper did… and- and sirius power-napped?”
remus looked at you all disappointedly. peter jumped in. “in my defense, i was a rat surrounded by giants! excluding you, hopper. it’s not exactly easy to fall asleep knowing you could be accidentally trampled and killed!”
you pointed at peter in agreement. “see? see? nobody’s scared of you, moony. we’re scared of james’ nonexistent coordination.”
remus cracked a smile.
james was offended. “excuse me? you’re talking to the best chaser in gryffindor history, here! i’ve got a bloody plaque and everything!”
as peter and sirius laughed, you turned to remus and the two of you exchanged a quiet moment. “how are you, really?” you mouthed.
“‘m alright, i promise,” remus’ lips twitched before falling into a frown. he winced. it seemed as if the corners of his mouth were beginning to bleed.
you gasped. “merlin, you’re bleeding! let me get some salve or something, stay right there.”
remus chuckled. “i’m not going anywhere, don’t worry.”
you hurried over to madam pomfrey, practically sliding on the tiled floor in your frenzy. “madam pomfrey, do you have any salve? remus’ hands are all cracked and his lips are beginning to bleed,” you huffed.
madam pomfrey blinked at you and remained silent for a second, before shaking her head clear and digging through a messy medicine cabinet. she held up a small jar labelled “BALM” and placed it in your hand. “it’s my own recipe. very effective.”
you thanked her graciously, and as you rushed back to remus, you could feel her eyes on your back, almost like she was judging you.
“rem, you’re bleeding! did you not notice?” you gushed, unscrewing the “balm” and sticking two fingers into it, scoping out a generous amount of the thick paste and grabbing remus’ hand.
remus’ chest shook with laughter as he watched you fret over him with more care than he’d give to himself. you kneeled down beside him, laying his hand on top of his leg gently, so you could rub the salve into his broken skin.
“rem, i’m serious. why don’t-”
“no, i’m sirius,” sirius interjected, laughing at his own wit. peter chuckled weakly. james didn’t speak, too busy watching you and remus interact.
“-why don’t you take care of yourself more? look, your skin is all dry and cracked. do you have eczema?”
“what’s eczema?” james’ head perked up. “is it a disease? is it contagious?”
peter sighed. “no, it’s a skin condition. it’s when you have dry patches or rashes and no, james, it’s not contagious.”
james sighed in relief.
you and remus were still in your quiet bubble. “i dunno, hopper,” remus mumbled, his eyes fixed on your careful fingers as they moved across the palms of his hands in small swirls, like young, sprightly dancers across an old theater’s well-worn stage. “all the little stuff was kinda forgotten after… y’know. i got bitten. eczema was the least of my worries.” remus laughed dryly, coughing slightly from the effort.
“have you had water? remus, you’ve got to take better care of yourself,” you chided. there was a glass of water on the table beside him, and you adjusted the straw so remus could drink while lying down. remus waved your hand away, pushing himself up into a seated position, much to your disapproval. he looked you firmly in the eye as he took the straw out of the cup, and made a big show of drinking normally.
you bit back a smile at his stubbornness. remus smiled too, the corners of his mouth stretching and pulling too tightly. you placed your hands on remus’ cheeks, willing them into a loose position. going back for more balm, you rubbed your fingers together so the heat of your hands would melt the paste into something thin enough to spread.
“i- i’m going to touch your lips now, if that’s okay,” you breathed, suddenly hyperaware of your compromised position. you were eye level with his chest. “is this alright?” you murmured, sitting yourself on the edge of his bed once more and turning your torso in line with his. you were now eye level, so you could reach the skin on his face more easily.
“yeah, i- it’s okay,” remus dipped his head in affirmation, swallowing thickly. you watched, mesmerized, as his adam’s apple bobbed, and you had to tear your gaze away in favor of the salve on your hand.
“okay, just- um, sit still, please.” your finger was wobbly as it inched closer to remus’ face, and you prayed he wouldn’t notice. you found yourself leaning closer, your free hand coming up to cup his jaw; you felt the growing stubble scratch your palm. oh, how torturous it was to be so close to him, to run your fingers over the lips you’d desperately craved for three years, only to stop yourself from kissing him. he was hurt, and all you could think about was your unrealistic indulgences. you knew remus would never be so selfish.
remus had closed his eyes. you felt like you were taking advantage of him, in some way, by slowing down the movement of your fingers so you could take a couple more seconds to memorize his face. the cluster of freckles under his eyes, the little bump on his nose, the curve of his eyebrows that seemed to twitch with each of your touches, the scars across his cheek that you longed to touch and worship and love…
“okay! okay, i’m all done!” you blurted. you’d recoiled as soon as you found your thoughts drifting into dangerous territory. you smiled awkwardly at him. “sorry about that.” your face scrunched.
remus’ eyes seemed to bore into yours, like he knew what you were thinking. wordlessly, he smoothed out the anxious wrinkles on your face, a content calmness washing over his face as soon as he saw you untense. you prayed that he couldn’t feel your face burning up.
“you could give madam pomfrey a run for her money.” sirius broke the silence, making both you and remus jump.
peter glanced over his shoulder and found madam ponfrey deeply invested in her work. “it’s definitely been more than 20 minutes. y’reckon we should just stay until she kicks us out?”
“duh.” james rolled his eyes. “that way, evans won’t force me to do my homework.”
remus looked much better by monday. you would occasionally glance over at him, but only because you were worried about his dry skin. you’d convinced madam pomfrey to let you take the rest of the balm, and now you would force remus to apply it at least three times a day. he didn’t object, much to your surprise.
“can you drop it?” reamus threw an arm over his eyes as peter and james prattled on about the importance of stretching and peter’s father’s muggle pilates class that had done wonders for his flexibility. after seeing remus bedridden from a transformation, their concern and caring nature only multiplied.
“okay, but get this. muggles go to this person called a chiropractor, and they pay the chiropracter to break their bones!” james’ eyes were wide with wonder.
“no, james. they crack their bones,” peter corrected.
“i know! that’s wild, right? i think it could be good for you.” james patted remus on the shoulder. “if not, you should look into cupping therapy. it’s an asian practice; it’s worked for centuries! oh! oh! or, you could-”
remus groaned. “seriously, i’m fine. thanks, though.”
you sat on his bed beside him; the two of you preferred watching peter and james’ antics from a distance. you moved closer to remus, the mattress shifting under your weight.
“hey, i know you’re kind of sick of us worrying about you, but will you at least let me do the balm for you? it’s just that i-”
“yes, yes, please do.” remus interrupted. his eyes widened as if he hadn’t meant to say anything. “i mean, yes, that’s okay. i’m okay with that.”
you tried to hide your giddiness as you pulled the balm from the pocket of your robes (you’d taken to carrying it around wherever you went) and followed the routine you and remus had fallen into. he’d hold out his hand, you’d take it and apply the balm, and he’d squeeze your hand and you’d probably look up at him, all flustered, and he’d probably look down at you, all flustered, and you’d probably stay there for a moment before letting go of each others’ hands, all flustered.
you hated how much of an effect he had on you. you prided yourself on being collected and consistent and confident, but he seemed to shatter every one of your walls with just one look. and you hated yourself for never being able to stick around whenever he saw past one of your acts. when he’d ask you what was wrong, or if you were okay, or if you needed to talk, you’d always plaster this stupid smile on and brush him off.
but sometimes you weren’t okay. sometimes, your mind raced with thoughts of the war, and concerns about remus’ lycanthropy, and what would happen to him as not only a half-blood but a werewolf, and what would happen to you as a muggle born, and what would happen to the two of you if you ended up tog-
you didn’t want to burden remus with such things, so you didn’t. you didn’t want to burden anyone with such trivial worries, so you didn’t. that was something you liked about yourself: you cared about your friends enough to make sure they didn’t have to fall into your pits of distress because you never tied them down with anchors. you made sure that they could sail freely.
so there went the routine. you dropped remus’ hand and busied yourself with screwing the cap back on, and you could feel remus’ eyes on the crown of your head as you ducked down and tried to avoid his gaze.
“what’re you two up to now?” sirius leaned on the doorframe, taking in the scene before him. 
“you’re back!” you jumped from remus’ bed and ran towards sirius, enveloping him into a big hug. sirius laughed, reciprocating. he lifted you from the ground and swayed you back and forth enthusiastically, much to your glee.
“i’m back!” he boomed. “good godric, i think i’d rather kiss my mother than take another detention with binns.”
“you’re back,” remus grumbled, suddenly sullen. peter and sirius exchanged the same knowing look that they had been for weeks now.
peter waggled his eyebrows at sirius, and james, for once, caught on. james stifled a laugh. “i never noticed, but you and padfoot look really good together,” he commented nonchalantly.
“yeah?” sirius raised a brow. “d’you think so, dove?” he lowered you to the ground and looked down at you questioningly.
“erm, what?” you smiled thinly. “like, as a couple?”
“yeah,” peter agreed, “i could totally see it. you’re both… uh…” peter struggled to find traits that the two of you had in common. you and sirius more so balanced each other out rather than complimented each other.
“you’re both beautiful!” janes shouted. “suuuper handsome. real lookers, you two.”
remus turned away from james and peter’s terrible matchmaking and settled for shuffling his feet back and forth on the floor. he tried not to tap; you always knew something was up when he tapped. he wasn’t in the mood to be interrogated.
“thanks, james.” you squinted. “are you guys okay? you’re being really weird.”
“all good!” james fumbled. “i just got excited about… the two of you, s’all.”
“oh, i know! you’re both really stubborn,” peter blurted.
you looked at sirius, confused. sirius shrugged.
“alright, you’ve officially lost it. sirius and i?” you wrinkled your nose at him.
sirius laughed in agreement. “we’d never work. i’m too ravishingly gorgeous and effortlessly charismatic for hopper. she’d blind herself trying to admire my radiance, and we don’t want that, do we?”
“for your information, sirius, i’m way out of your league. resort to your flowery language if you must, but i don’t need to prove my worth. it speaks for itself,” you humphed, sticking your chin up theatrically. 
remus grinned, hiding it under his tilted face.
“alright, i’m officially done here. goodbye, marauders!” you called from over your shoulder as you scurried down the spiral staircase.
“goodbye marauder, singular!” james shouted after you.
peter looked at remus smugly. “y’good, moony? or is your skin acting up? should we apply some more balm for you?”
“yeah, y’look a little off, mate. s’everything alright?” james pitched in.
“i’m fine,” remus snapped. 
“are you sure? you seem… upset,” sirius probed, inching closer.
“i’m not upset!” remus insisted. “i’m completely fine, see?” he lifted his head up and it was comically obvious that he was upset. his eyebrows were pinched and his cheeks slightly flushed.
“okay, okay! you’re not upset. would you say that you’re… jealous?” sirius grinned.
“i don’t know what you mean.”
“oh c’mon,” james whined, throwing himself backwards onto remus’ bed. “we all know you like her.”
“i- i don’t know who you’re talking about,” remus stammered.
peter clicked his tongue. “has anyone told you you’re a shit liar, moony?”
“oh, sod off, would’ya?”
“moony’s jealous! moony’s jealous!” james and sirius cheered, watching as remus’ ears began to turn red. “oooo, you so like her,” james teased.
“i do not!”
sirius shook his finger at remus. “aha! so there is a her!”
“no! i mean, i just-”
“mate, she obviously likes you back. she’s confessed her love to you at least twice now. i dunno what you’re doing, but whatever it is, stop.” peter crossed his arms, disappointed at his friend.
remus tilted his head back and stared at the ceiling. “it doesn’t matter if she likes me back, i don’t want to be with her.”
“why?” james yelled, absolutely horrified.
“that makes no sense!” sirius gasped, baffled.
“you dimwit!” peter scoffed.
“because she’s… she’s her, and i’m me!” remus snarled, whipping his head around to face his three meddlesome friends. “don’t you understand? i’m- i’m going to spend the rest of my life trapped by this damn condition and she’s been through one transformation with me and- and do you see how much she’s been struggling? she’s not been sleeping or eating properly; she’s constantly chasing me and she won’t let me bloody help her. i just know she’d spend the rest of her life trying to fix me but i can’t be fixed and i won’t let her waste her life tied down by someone like me!”
the marauders were silent.
“what do you mean, ‘someone like you?’” sirius croaked.
remus exhaled shakily. “a monster, sirius. she deserves so much more than a monster.”
monday potions with the slytherins was surprisingly your favorite class. you were good at potions, and as long as you sat near the front, you wouldn’t have to deal with the nastier specimens. today was no exception. you and lily—the two of you were almost always partners—were all the way up front, and early as well.
there were still a few minutes until class started and slughorn had not yet arrived. you and lily were sifting through your satchels for quills and parchment while you chatted.
“so where were you last saturday?” lily smoothed out her parchment with concentration.
“uh, mo- remus had a cold, so i went to check on him,” you lied smoothly.
“oh, remus had a cold, now did he?” lily didn’t look at you, but you could hear the teasing in her voice.
“yes, remus had a cold. and being the considerate and polite friend that i am, i went to check on him,” you stated plainly.
lily hummed questioningly. “let’s say i believe you—in terms of the friend bit, i mean. why haven’t i seen you all weekend? surely, you haven’t been sleeping over in the hospital wing. and you don’t seem very sick to me.”
“i-” you coughed. “i’ve been… busy.”
it was a flimsy lie, and you both knew it. lily sighed, tutting at your secretive behavior. “alright then, whatever you say. now, i have to fill you in on-”
“look, there’s two of ‘em!” mulciber’s crass voice interrupted you and lily’s peaceful conversation.
you rolled your eyes, resigning yourself to lining up your quill and parchment so they were perfectly parallel.
“the prude and the slut!” somebody laughed, their identity lost underneath the layer of chittering students who began to flood into the classroom.
you looked over at lily, examining her reaction. her eyebrows, thin and straight, twitched noticably. you watched as she pursed her lips momentarily before pulling them into a strained smile. “like i was saying, i’ve got to fill you in on mary’s minstrations at lunch.”
you smiled warmly at her. lily wore her heart on her sleeve unabashedly, and you were always better at hiding your feelings. that’s why people flocked to you for comfort, you assumed.
“hello, lovely ladies!” sirius suavely sat behind you, resting his elbows on the desk and propping his head up. “what a beautiful morning it is, but not quite as beautiful as you two,” he flirted.
you pinched his cheek. “hey, gorgeous,” you purred, looking him up and down. “i could say the same to you.”
remus slid into the seat beside sirius, smiling stiffly at you and raising his hand in greeting.
“oh! hi, remus!” you were caught off guard and your voice was pitched higher than normal. you cleared your throat. “i mean, hi.”
remus looked around nervously. “yeah. hi.”
“GOOD MORNING!” slughorn boomed, somehow even more passionate than usual. there were a few murmurs of “good morning” and other halfhearted greetings, though slughorn wasn’t at all put off by the lack of enthusiasm.
“is it just me, or has he lost it?” you heard james whisper to peter from beside you. 
“has he ever had it?” peter rebuked, making you chuckle under your breath. lily looked over at you questioningly. you waved it off.
“as you all know, your o.w.l.s. are coming up, which is why the rest of our classes this year will be dedicated to content review.”
the class groaned.
“however!” slughorn beamed. “this year’s examinations will focus primarily on brewing and less on history, which means i will be making all essays worth a quarter less.
“instead, we will be focusing on more challenging in-class potions in partners. now, i understand that you’ve all been allowed to choose partners in the past; however, to ensure that your brewing capabilities are not dependent on a certain partner,” slughorn looked at avery and crouch in the back, “i will be randomly assigning different partners for each class.
“today, we will be brewing the wit-sharpening potion—godric knows some of you need it,” slughorn muttered, “and these will be the pairs:
“evans and pettigrew, potter and crouch…” james’ head fell to his hands in defeat.
“longbottom and mckinnon, y/n and snape…”
the four marauders and whipped their heads to you in mortification. lily saw their expressions and rolled her eyes. she patted your arm reassuringly. “aw, sev’s not so bad. he’s great at potions; you’ll be such a fantastic team!”
you smiled painfully at lily, nodding along. “yeah, i bet. thanks, lily.”
“…let’s get moving, folks! the group with the best potion will be exempt from the 3 page essay for homework.”
your eyes widened. you really wanted that exemption.
“severus!” you called out meekly. “hey, it’s good to see you… again.” the last time you’d seen snape was when he’d come looking for lily only to walk in on a conversation which mainly consisted of you airing out your distaste for the boy.
“do not call me severus.”
“a- alright then!” you tried your best to be optimistic. “shall i get the ingredients, or would you like to?”
“i’ll get them,” snape scowled. he dropped his voice to a bitter hiss.“i can’t deal with another incompetant muggle-born messing things up.”
you raised your eyebrows but remained silent. there was a time and place for picking fights, and it would do no good to sacrifice your potions grade over some carbon copy blood supremacist. plus, a bad grade would only fuel the misconception that muggle-borns were less capable.
snape returned, handling the ingredients like they were precious. “you can boil the water.” snape didn’t spare you a glance before beginning to cut up the ginger root. his cuts were slow and measuredd; snape sat back and examined his work smugly. when you glanced over at his handiwork, you scoffed. 
“it doesn’t matter how carefully you cut the ginger,” you sighed in disapproval, “if the pieces aren’t even.” you held up the two slices he’d cut, holding them in the air next to each other. “see, this one has a bump, which probably adds two or three grams. just because they’re the same length doesn’t mean they’re the same volume.”
snape narrowed his eyes at you. “do you really think i would’ve missed that? you’re not better than me. keep your little comments to yourself.”
you glared at him. “sure. why don’t you run and grab a scale, snape, and we’ll inspect your work.”
you were right: snape had cut the ginger pieces unevenly. you didn’t bother rubbing it in, knowing that just being proven wrong was a blow to his ego enough.
snape dropped the trimmed pieces into the cauldron and the two of you admired the nice green that the potion changed to. snape, who liked to remain emotionless, seemed to be surprised. you cheered internally. last class, slughorn had told snape his potion coloration was slightly dull. if it hadn’t been for your advice, this potion would’ve ended up the same way.
“armadillo bile,” you read off from the blackboard. “you can do that, if you want. i’ll prepare the scarab beetles.”
snape agreed, much to your surprise. you could hear snide comments from the back of the room emerge and snape’s willing compliance.
“taking orders from a mudblood, is he?”
“he’s such a humiliation.”
“dear salazar, bella would throw a fit if she was here.”
you paid them no mind. in fact, you found yourself enjoying the slytherins’ belittling of snape. they truly were gryffindor’s opposites; no loyalty to their follow housemates.
grinding the scarab beetles turned out to be an effective stress reliever. you fell into a comfortable rhythm with old mortar and pestle, almost missing the look remus flashed at you.
you caught his eye before he could look away, and remus mouthed, “how’s it going?”
you gave him an exaggerated look of distress in response. he covered his mouth, but you watched as his eyes turned into little crescent moons, indicating his laughter. you bit back a smile.
“quit whoring around with the half-blood,” snape spat. he eyed the powdered beetle shells disdainfully, and snatched the mortar from your hands. “merlin, you’re useless.”
you let snape sprinkle in the powder and from the corner of your eye, watched as he added more armadillo bile. you were reoccupied with watching the back of remus’ head as he bent over his steaming cauldron. remus waved a hand in front of his face to fan the steam from his eyes. his partner, mary, was giggling. their hands brushed as they both reached for more ginger root, and you found yourself tensing up.
“since you’re so particular about it, why don’t you cut up the rest of the ginger?” snape jeered, sliding the knife towards your side of the desk. you barely looked up before you began to cut. you could feel snape’s watchful gaze boring holes into your hands as he searched for any reason to ridicule you, but your hands were steady. you were confident in your potion-making abilities, and it showed.
“here,” you held out four nearly identical slices of ginger root to snape, and he picked them up from your palms delicately as if the slightest touch or brush over your skin would burn him like acid.
the potion turned a pale, buttery yellow. focused, deliberate clockwise spins of snape’s wand began to reveal a pigmented buttercup color. you tapped snape’s shoulder and he recoiled, but allowed you to take over the mixing. a couple more stirs and you were left with a rich ochre potion, which had reached a consistent temperature without much bubbling.
“this is wonderful; truly fantastic work!” slughorn commended, clapping his hands together. “you should be very proud of yourselves.” in your potion-brewing haze, you hadn’t realized that slughorn had already reviewed most of the class’ potions. james and barty crouch sat in front of a cauldron that seemed to be hissing, while frank and marlene high fived each other, satisfied with their average outcome.
“you may be dismissed! the two of you,” slughorn waved at you and snape, “please stay back. and miss evans, i’d like to speak to you as well. you’re not in trouble, don’t worry,” he chortled.
lily hurried to your side, taking your hand and squeezing it reassuringly. she seemed pleased to see snape and smiled at him kindly. snape nodded his head in response, his oily hair falling from where it’d been tucked behind his ear. he pushed it out of his face bashfully.
“as fifth year students, i’d like to invite you to what i call ‘the slug club.’ it’s named after me, see?” slughorn pointed at himself jovially. “i invite the most promising fifth, sixth, and seventh year students, and i’d like you all to attend. the three of you have demonstrated incredible ability in my classroom.
“now, i’m hosting the first slug club event of the year this sunday at eight in the spare room across from my office. it’s an important meeting; you’ll introduce yourselves and get to know each other. dinner will be served as well, so there’s no excuses! i expect to see you all there.” slughorn patted his belly happily and made his way back to his desk, excusing the three of you as he squeezed through the rows of tables.
lily was sprightly as she manuevered easily through the desks. you patted your satchel, making sure you’d packed everything up. snape, who was always in a rush to get out of the classroom, lingered.
you paid him no mind as you buttoned everything up and tightened your straps, slinging your bag over your shoulder. it clanked as it hit corners and sides of tables—fifth year textbooks were much thicker and heavier than the years before.
you could feel snape’s gloomy presence behind you, trailing along like the stubborn smell of smoke. he was going down the same row of tables you were, most likely to bother you. he was so close that you could feel his sticky breath on your neck; he smelled of salty sardines and wilted cabbage. you shuddered.
snape cleared his throat ostentatiously, and before you could move aside like any decent person would do, he shoved past you proudly. his bag, heavy laden with textbooks and other snape-y evil contraptions, hit your hip. the bag bounced off of your body and flapped open—he’d forgotten to fasten it—and out fell a small book. it thudded on the ground, but somehow, snape didn’t seem to notice. you didn’t think much of it; you weren’t inclined to chase him down and return it.
curious, you slipped it into your bag for further investigation.
the marauders were waiting for you outside the classroom. “what was that, thumper?” james slung an arm around your shoulder, leaning his body weight on you until your knees buckled. the two of you wobbled before james grabbed onto remus’ forearm and grounded himself.
“slughorn invited me to ‘the slug club. it’s for promising students,” you sneered mockingly. “please, what’s so promising about me? i’ve got a couple major felonies under my belt that i’ve yet to be prosecuted for?”
sirius laughed. “godric, i love you. where’ve you been all my life?”
“in the library, with remus.” you snuck a glance at the tall, brown haired boy to find him smiling down at you, eyes darting across your face.
“ugh, you two are so infuriating.” peter kicked his satchel, which had been lying on the ground, in annoyance.
“because,” peter droned, as if it was obvious, “you’re so perfect for each other. the two of you must be the smartest, stupidest blokes i’ve ever met.”
“that’s quite the oxymoron,” remus noted.
“see?” peter pointed. “proves my point!”
“i don’t understand why you haven’t just ki-”
lily saved you from a very awkward conversation. “y/n, babe!” she skipped towards you, elated. “you’re going to slughorn’s event, right? sev promised to be my date, and i think you should find someone too. it’ll be a blast!”
james sputtered. “sev? what the bloody hell is ‘sev?’” 
lily stared at him judgememntally. “…severus? sev, severus?”
sirius’ jaw dropped. “your date is snivellus?”
lily scowled. “how many times have i told you not to call him that? he’s not so bad—babe, tell them! he was nice during potions today, right?”
you stretched your lips into a thin, pained smile. “yeah, he was… civil.” you thought​​ that was a bit too generous.
“see?” lily sighed happily. “i don’t understand why you can’t give him a chance. he’s very nice once you get to know him, i promise.”
you nodded slowly, unconvinced. you looked at remus, who looked at james and sirius, who looked completely outraged.
“evans, please, don’t go with him. hey- hey! you could go with me! mcgonagall told me slughorn invited me too, during transfiguration. ditch snivellus, we’d have a much better time together,” james winked.
lily wrinkled her nose. “you’re rancid, potter.” she turned to you and her expression softened. “bye, y/n. see you later!”
“wait,” james paused, “you don’t have a date, right? will you be my date to slughorn’s… thing? pleaaaase, thumper?”
you grabbed james by the shoulders (which was admittedly a bit difficult, because he was much taller than you) and shook him. “no need to beg, prongs. i’m all yours.”
remus began tapping his foot.
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@im-a-slut-for-fluff @bambamwolf87 @yourallihave @cowboibeepbeep @liszblog @springflwer07 @getawayfrommewerewolf @ilovehotdads69 @soumya-13 @emmaev @urgrandadsashes @girl-ln-green @vilentia @bibli0thecary @khayhuij @summer-noir
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