#preston vance imagine
grizzledyoungimpact · 2 years
Pairing: Preston Vance/Anna Jay Quote: What does a girl know about swords anyways? Verse: Gladiator
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Preston Vance was proud to say that he was a member of a group like The Order.
The Order were a small group of gladiators who had been picked by a former gladiator himself, picked because of their skill in the arena. While their former dominus, master had passed, Preston took pride in knowing that he was the last man to be handpicked. The ludus had turned from just the Order, young men looking to prove themselves, into a family. Former primus palus Nicolas Dansereau, who the rest of the Order affectionately called the Evil One, had taken the role of the leader and offered a choice: stay with the family in the role that most suited them or leave with a sum of coin to make their own lives.
Preston had chosen to stay with the family in his role as a fighter.
After all, battle was all that Preston knew. He had sworn his oath, his Sacramentum, to the Order and he intended to keep it until death. There were very few men who could best Preston when he had his sword and even fewer who could beat him with a trident. Preston would confidently say that he was the strongest man to serve in the Order.
But the rest of the Order knew better.
Most would expect it to be Stuart Grayson. Stuart was a beast of the arena, a man who didn’t need a weapon to cause harm. But, even Stuart knew the truth. Stuart regarded only one member as his true equal: the Order’s only female member, Anna. She was truly the last member of the Order that their former dominus had brought into the fold, which made Preston curious. Had his work not been enough? Had he made his dominus so unproud that he felt the need to bring in a woman?
And so Preston avoided her. When training, he would make sure to do it before the others awakened. It was his time for quiet contemplation. The sun rose over the dirt patch where he found himself hacking and slashing at the wooden dummy used for training. Again and again, Preston pressed forward, a growl in his throat, face under his helmet scrunched into a snarl. He barely removed the helm these days, not recognizing himself outside of battle. A final thrust of the sword in hand in an upward motion accompanied a primal scream as Preston lowered himself to a knee.
“Try a real opponent,” came the feminine but firm voice from the entrance of the training grounds.
Preston stood with a hiss, “You. What are you doing here?”
“I’m a fighter, the same as you,” Anna crossed to the rack of weapons, testing the weight of a spear in her hands before placing it back on the rack. Instead, her hand went to a pugio, a small dagger, which Anna tossed into the air once before catching it. Anna gave a wry grin, “It might be small, but size means nothing. A much stronger weapon, say…a sword for instance…it could fall just as easily.”
“What does a girl know about swords anyways?” Preston tucked his sword into its scabbard, a smirk across his lips. “You know nothing about the fight.”
“I have as much of a knowledge as you do. I was chosen the same as you!” Anna shoved Preston, harder than the young man expected her to. She didn’t seem to back down, even as Preston towered over her. “I can fight the same as you. Better, even, seeing as I don’t actively avoid you as you do to me.”
“You are mistaken,” Preston protested as he moved to pass her. When she moved to cut off his path yet again, Preston crossed thick arms over a broad chest. His chest bore a tally, the ten marks that marked his first ten wins in the arena, right above his heart so that he would never forget. “I do not avoid you. You simply aren’t worth my time. Go back to training with Grayson.”
“Avoiding me won’t stop the truth,” Anna called after Preston as he moved past her yet again, “I was chosen to be in the Order because of my skill. Same as you. It’ll be a nagging thought in the back of your mind, just as it is to mine. You will always wonder who the stronger of us is. Until you fight me, it will plague you.”
Preston spun on his heel, turning to face the petite woman. Was she right? Would he never know peace until he fought her? “When the others have awoken, when they can witness how soundly I have bested you, I will fight you. You have until this afternoon, Anna. Do not forget.”
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wardlowsbabydoll · 2 years
Hide and Seek- Dark Order
Dark Order x Fem! Reader
Behold an intrusive thought from a Yandere A-Z prompt list I found.
Warning for Dubious Content
Read at your own caution
Word Count: 713
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I couldn’t think of anything else other than to run. Run to safety. Run to a nearby gas station or police station, I just needed to run. It was their fault I escaped, they left the bathroom window unlocked. I didn’t know if that was a test or not but I dared to take a chance. I knew they could kill me, they had killed everyone else.
            I could hear the leaves crunching behind me, they were getting closer. I could hear my blood rushing in my ears, I could feel myself slowing down and getting tired. I could most likely outrun Uno, but if I knew them, they would’ve sent Ten after me, he’s the strongest of them. Anna’s the fastest so it would be all too easy for her to catch up to me.
            I let out a squeal when I tripped over an exposed tree root and groaned when I tried to get up and my ankle twinged. This wasn’t good. Not at all. Without question they would find me now. I managed to drag myself behind a tree before trying to steady my breathing. My panting would surely give me away.
            The footsteps got impossibly closer and I put my hand over my mouth as if to silence my breathing. Then it got quiet, too quiet. “Here kitty, kitty.” A voice cooed. Anna. She was always the smartest of the lot, and I knew she would be the one to catch up first. “Here kitty, kitty.” She called again, this time her voice was closer. Too close for comfort. I placed my other hand over my heart as if to silence the pounding beat that I’m sure everyone could hear. “Come on kitten, that wasn’t very nice. We’ve been so good to you and this is how you repay us? By running away?” Her voice was way too close now, she was within feet of me and I could feel myself trying to mold into the tree, hoping she would turn and leave.
            It got quiet again, the kind of quiet that you can hear a pin drop, the kind of quiet that you could hear the thrumming of a rapid heartbeat. I couldn’t help the shriek that rose out of my throat when someone yanked me from the side. Even in the darkness, and even though he wore a mask, I could see the unforgiving eyes of Ten. I was right, they sent their smartest and strongest after me, knowing they would catch me. Anna’s silhouette was soon in my line of vision and there was no mistaking the smirk that was on her face.
            “Silly little kitten, making us chase you. You know we like games, this one might be our favorite yet now. But you cheated, Kitten,” I swallowed slightly, I knew they didn’t like cheaters, especially during a game. “And cheaters never win.” Ten said in that deep baritone voice that made me shiver. He rarely spoke but when he did, I was certain to send a shiver down my spine.
            Ten tried to move me again but I let out a small yell when my ankle twinged again, the pain much sharper than the last.
            Anna opened her mouth to say something else but I quickly muttered “yellow” and the atmosphere shifted entirely. “What happened?” Anna immediately asked as she put her hands on my cheeks. “I tripped over a fucking tree root, I think I messed up my ankle.” Preston without question, hoisted me completely into his arms as if I weighed nothing. “We’ll put some ice on it back home. I’ll go ahead and let the others know we’ll pick this up another time.” My girlfriend said but before she could leave I grabbed her hand.
            “Sorry we couldn’t finish the scene.” I said, disappointedly. This was our first time trying this kind of kink and mother nature ruined it. “Don’t apologize, Princess. It happens, we’ll try again once you’re all healed up.” Preston said as we could see the lights of the house getting closer. I didn’t say anything but just snuggled deeper into Preston’s chest as we went back home, and prayed for the healing process to be quick.
            We had way too much fun to not try that again.
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deepdisireslonging · 10 months
In the current feud, MJF and the Reader stand on opposite sides. But when the Reader finds out that night that Max’s hotel room is next to hers, she takes it upon herself to finally find a way to shut him up.
Pairing: MJF x Valet!Reader
Warnings/Promises: language, scarf bondage, SMUT, oral (male receiving), implied further smut
Word Count: 3160
Note: This thing was 1500 words before I even started writing the smut. It was the inspiration for this Summer Song-Fic Playlist, and quite possibly my favorite of the set. I reallllly hope you guys like this one. If you do, please let me know with comments and reblogs 😊 Happy reading!
“STFU” by Kailee Morgue
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How many times were you going to face off against this man in the ring? Despite it being your client’s time, Preston Vance’s time, MJF sauntered down the ramp like every second of AEW was dedicated to him. The light reflecting off the heavyweight championship irritated Vance, making him turn away from the ramp with a growl. You did your best to keep your cool. But the second you lifted the mic to your lips-
“Shut the hell up, bitch. No one wants to hear you speak.”
You sputtered for a second before shooting back, “if they don’t want to hear me speak, then they sure as hell don’t want to hear you. Why don’t you go back to your cushy champion’s lounge and leave us alone. We’ll notify you when it’s time to for you to sweat.”
Max stepped into the ring and placed his hand mockingly on his chest. “That’s so considerate of you, Y/N. Do you let your client know when he’s allowed to take a shit, too?”
Vance surged forward, but you caught him with your hand on his chest. 
“He is allowed to do what he likes. I just do the paperwork. And what he wants… is to beat you to a bloody pulp. Can’t say I blame him. It’s about time someone took that scarf of yours and shut you up with it.” When Max stepped forward, you stepped into his path. “Goodness, if that’s all it takes to launch you into action, why is this title shot taking so long?”
“As if you could step up to the challenge. You couldn’t handle a man like me.”
“Maybe I could. But that’s not my job.” You nodded back. “That is his pleasure. We named the challenge. You name the time and place.”
“For fuck’s-“ Vance reached past you, but Max swatted his hand away and spun behind you both so he was out of reach. 
“Alright. So you want a title match? ‘Kay.” He leaned against the ropes, casual as a Saturday afternoon. “I really wished I cared enough about your career, buddy, I really do. But that’s not the case. So, here’s what you’re gonna do.” He pointed at Vance, “you’re gonna get lost, and you,” he pointed at you, “you’re gonna take that pretty, breakable face, and doubly get lost.” You stomped over, ready to retort, but he grabbed your mic and tossed it over his shoulder. “You won’t be needing this while Daddy talks.”
He continued to monologue to your face, but you were too busy imagining ways to get him to shut up to listen properly. Something delicious came to mind, but you pushed it out of the way. He let his glance slide off into the crowd to insult them, and you struck. You snatched his mic. 
“My turn.”
When he tried to take it back, you tripped him. He grasped the middle rope to pull himself up, but you made him freeze.
“Sit your ass down. You are nowhere near enough Daddy to handle me, and we are going to settle this title shot business tonight.” 
Max was aghast. You’d actually knocked him over. And always so full of spunk. How he’d love to fill that smart mouth of yours with- hmm. Again, he reached for the middle rope to pull himself up. A small gasp escaped him when your heel came into contact with his shoulder. 
“Who gave you permission to get up? And another thing-“
You missed the intrigued smile that tugged at his lips. But it snapped away into a frown when you dropped the bomb you promised Preston Vance when he hired you. “That title shot? It’s next week. You’ve been slacking as champion, Maxwell, and Tony Khan agreed to this challenge on your behalf.” You grinned. 
Max sneered. “Are you done?”
Tilting your head, you thought for a second. “Yes. See you next week.” Satisfied with the disgust in his face, you dropped the mic into his lap. You turned and led your client out of the ring, who was grinning ear to ear. Everything was going according to plan. Next week, he’d have to hold up his end of the dream. 
Arriving at the hotel was a disaster. You’d booked one further out than your roster-mates usually chose. But who was there, on his phone while the elevator doors closed? One Maxwell Jacob Friedman. When you got off the same elevator a few minutes later, you groaned. His room was next to yours. 
He was walking slow. More interested in his phone than what was going on around him. Or who was around. 
The earlier idea from your battle of wits popped into your head again. It set a fire in your belly. Fuck it. Biting your lip, you quietly rolled your suitcase down the hallway. 
He was just unlocking his door when you tugged on an edge of his scarf from behind. Without looking back, he said, “get lost, ring rat.”
“I’m here to answer your open challenge.”
Shocked, he turned around. Mouth open, you did what you’d always wanted to see someone do: use his own scarf as a gag. He fell back into the door, opening it. Your surge forward to maintain the silence pushed his and your luggage into the room in a heap. He struggled a bit, but eventually you had him pinned to the inside of the door, leaving both of you breathing heavily. 
You couldn’t read what he thought about the situation. 
It cut into your usual nerves of steel. 
“Are-“ you wet your lips. “Are you willing to let me try and… handle you, as you put it?”
Suddenly the silence was sharp. 
Then his eyes glittered with the challenge. He reached back… and locked the door. 
Your grin matched his enthusiasm. Maintaining your control of his mouth and movements with the scarf, you walked him back into the room. He sat on the edge of the bed with your guidance. You glanced over your shoulder, eyeing the desk chair. Narrow back, thin legs, large seat. More of the plan slithered into your mind. Max followed your gaze, and took his chance. 
He pushed down the scarf and spun your back into his front, pinning your arms down with the scarf. He ran his nose along the shell of your ear. “How do you know I’m going to end up in that seat instead of you?”
“Because I know this.” Twisting, you mouthed at the underside of his jaw, making it fall open. As you further kissed along his throat, you loosened his hold. Finally, after using your ankle to drag the chair into place, you nipped at his jugular. Shocked and taken by surprise, he groaned. You pushed him into the seat and nosed along his forehead, gently holding his wrists to your waist. “It works on every guy.”
“Says the man who’s claimed to have banged every beautiful woman from the east to the west coast. Now,” you slid into his lap, kissing him deeply while lightly pushing his arms behind him, “less talking. More fucking.” From here, you were able to tie his wrists behind the chair. Then you frowned. “Damn. Your mouth is still free.”
“I’m sure I can put it to use.” His big brown eyes made your knees weak. They looked so eager. But you had other plans. 
“I’d rather you didn’t have the chance.” You glanced at his bag. “Got any back-up scarves?”
“What kind of champion do you take me for? ‘Course I do. Just in case some fan gets grabby. They’ll be in the front pocket.”
But you were already moving. He had four. Three cashmeres ones, and a thin summer silk. More than enough. 
The first went around his mouth, of course. 
The second and third went around his ankles. Just tight enough to hold them to the chair legs, but loose enough so you could watch him squirm. 
The fourth, the silk one, you held up in front of his eyes. If you were going to lose your resolve, it would be because of those eager eyes. “May I?”
After a pause to watch you, he nodded. He watched as you slid the smooth fabric between your fingers. Around your wrists. And up your chest to circle your neck before you finally reached out to wrap it over his eyes. He tried to mumble something behind his gag, but you ignored it.
A grunt of surprise followed your hands toying with the buttons on his shirt. One by one, you released each until his chest was bare. Only one more button to go. His hips thrust into the air as you flicked open the button on his slacks. From there, you could pull the bottom hem free, leaving the shirt open like curtains on a window to a gorgeous view. His pants you would have to leave mostly intact. And not just because he was already tied to the chair. From the size of the bulge straining the fabric, you’d be lucky to get his cock out into the open.
In the meantime, you teased your nails down his abs. Up and around his pecs. Up to this throat to drag one finger across his Adam’s apple. Max shuddered with each movement. Straining against the scarves, he rolled his hips up, searching for the apex of our thighs. But you dismounted his lap.
You caught a finger in the top of his blindfold and tugged it down so he could see you. ‘Still doin’ okay there, champ?” When he nodded, you replaced the scarf and continued your plan.
His muscles flexed under touch as you slid your hands down his arms from behind. You stepped away. Max froze. Listening for your next move. What he heard was the soft whisper of fabric falling to the floor. He flinched when your hands landed on his knees.
“So sensitive. Responsive.” You slid your hand up to palm over his still-clothed bulge. “Bet you wish you could see me. Naked, on my knees for you.” It made you smile when he groaned low. “Are you ready so see, well, feel how well I can handle a man like you?” Leaning forward, you hummed against the wet spot on his pants. “Seems like it.” Deftly, you finally helped his cock out into the open. While not overly long, it’s thickness made your mouth water. You teased the slightest touch of your lips across the length.
Max’s breath stuttered as you began. As much as you wanted to take this slow, teasing him for as long as possible… your arousal didn’t want to wait. Your lips parted during their paths up and down his cock. Mouthing gently over the head, you were rewarded with the taste of his precum. You bobbed to lick his from base to tip, smiling against his length when it twitched with the sensation. You took a deep breath. Max’s stomach tensed in preparation. Doing your best, you took him as deeply into your mouth as you could. The first pass didn’t make it all the way down. You opened your mouth wider. The second pass traveled a little bit further, bumping the back of your throat. From there, you found your rhythm. One of your hands found it's place at the base of Max’s cock; it squeezed and twisted in time with your mouth. The other found your own slick. If this continued how you wanted, you were going to need some prep. While your mouth sucked and hollowed around him, you worked over your sex with rubbing your clit and scissoring open your slit. It heightened your pleasure, passing it to Max with your hums and sighs. Above you, Max panted and moaned around the scarf. His thighs tensed and flexed on either side of you.
With your grip at the base of his cock, he wasn’t able to thrust. He wanted to. Tried to. But your grip and control was too much. Eventually, he gave in to taking what you gave. His moans pitched and whined as you worked him towards release. You looked up. When his chest was heaving and his mouth was slack around the gag, you teased him further.
You pulled away before he could cum. He struggled against the scarves, thrusting the air. Behind the gag, he grumbled. 
“What was that?” You licked and kissed your way up his torso to his face, mouthing over the thick fabric. “Did you say something?” You tugged the scarf out of the way.
“One of these days,” he panted, “I’m gonna fill that smart mouth of yours.”
“Hmm. That’ll be the day. If I tell you I’m on the pill… are you open to filling something else?”
His head cocked to the side and his cock twitched against your thigh. “You need me that badly, baby?”
“Maybe. How badly do you need to cum?” You lightly gripped his cock, thumbing over the head. His hips pushed up. You nuzzled into his neck. “Do you need it that badly, baby?”
“Yes. Please- let me out of here so I can really-“ He growled as you silenced him again.
You sat on his lap and pressed your chest into his. He shuddered as you trailed your nails up his sides. You made sure that he could feel your hands as they moved to your breasts. While you kneaded, your knuckles caught on his nipples.
“I had a thought while your cock was down my throat.” Slowly, you began to roll your hips. Your slick coated his hard shaft. “I should have left my lipstick on from earlier. Then I could have left lipstick kisses at the base of your cock for you to admire. When I untie you, of course.” You smiled and ran your nose along Max’s cheek as he groaned something. “Ready for your main event?”
He nodded enthusiastically.
Gripping his cock, you teased the head at your clit. It was mostly for your benefit, but Max’s moans and stuttering breath were a good sign, too. You gave it one last squeeze before sinking onto it. It stretched you, making you groan aloud. Your head fell forward to rest on Max’s shoulder. His hips flinched. Wanting to thrust. After you acclimated to his size, you nipped at his collarbone and started to move. He did so good, letting you take the reins. And you told him as much. You praised his ability to fill you. To rile you up so you had to take chances into your own hands. He flushed under your praise about the sounds that made it through the scarf-gag. Words failed you and you dug your nails into his shoulders, grounding you while your pleasure soared. Max continued to pant and groan. His mumbling made your skin prickle. Soon, his hips found an opening in your rhythm and began to move in time. You sighed his name, tightening your walls around him.
His moaning behind the gag grew frantic. You tugged it down. “Need- need to see you.”
You tugged it back up. You thought about taking a minute to compose yourself before allowing it, but your release was so close. Pushing the fabric up his forehead, you didn’t care what he saw. How your mouth had fallen open to pant. How your own eyes were closed due to the onslaught of pleasure. The way your body bounced at a frantic pace, chasing what you both needed. His eyes could have it all. If only he’d keep moving like that so you could cum.
He did. Max moved as desperately as you did. When your bounces became erratic, nearly failing to hold you up, his thrusts made up the difference. You ended up collapsing on his lap. His length speared deep into you, and still he continued to thrust and whine until your body shuddered all over. He followed soon after, filling you with his heated release and practically melting into the chair.
You felt marvelous. And by the way Max’s chest was heaving, and how he was smiling behind the gag, so did he. Gingerly, you stood, sliding off him. He groaned, relaxing into the chair. You tugged the blindfold back down, and kissed over each eye.
“You feel good?”
“Good.” After one lasting kiss on his forehead, you walked away. His brows scrunched, listening for you. You leaned against the doorframe into the bathroom to watch what he would do. For the first minute, he chuckled, believing you’d come back. But as time stretched, he began wiggling. Murmuring your name behind the scarf. The pleading got louder, even though you knew he hadn’t heard the water start yet. 
On tip-toes, you walked behind him. Max jumped when your arms slid down his chest from behind. 
“Just kidding.” 
You undid the scarves, leaving the one in his mouth for last. He yanked it out. 
“This bitch just had you begging a few minutes ago.” You chucked his chin, kissing his cheek. “Be nice.” You took a few steps towards the bathroom before tossing over your shoulder, “well, are going to join me?”
With a smile, he shed his clothes while you started the water. “I should tease you in the ring more often.”
“I don’t think my client would like that.”
He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling your lower back into his already swelling cock. “Any more than if he finds out we sept together?”
“What people don’t know won’t kill them.”
“Maybe they should know-“
You reached back and slapped the side of his thigh. “But it might kill you. Kiss and tell and these little clandestine meetings will stop.” Before you could wriggle away, he held you close. 
“There’s more clandestine meetings available?” His voice was tinged with careful confusion. 
You licked your lips. “I don’t know. Do you want there to be more?” As his hands slid up and down your arms, you leaned back into his touch. He hummed into your hair. Tilting our head, you kissed the underside of his jaw. “Would you like more of being tied up? More of me taking care of you as you deserve?”
Max spun you around just in time to feel his length twitch against your thigh. His Adam apple bobbed. “I could get used to it.”
“Good.” You turned to slide your hands behind the nape of his neck. “I always love finding ways to make you shut up.”
“Feeling’s mutual.” Before you could figure out what he was doing, he shoved you into the shower and turned the knob. You squawked as you were hit with cold water before he adjusted it for heat. “You know what would be fun right now?” 
“If you’d shut the fuck up and stopped making so much noise.”
“You ass-“ He silenced you with a deep kiss. And with another round of passion. This time with him in control.
Other MJF Fics:
A Tease of the Worst Kind (S, Ficlet)
Finish Me (S, Ficlet)
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writtingrose · 2 years
hello again since you answered my ask yesterday and no longer do Preston Vance can I please have the headcanon of proposing to you with a ring or necklace that are inside the bath bombs with Buddy Mathews then.
You sure can hon! I hope you like it. xx
NOTE: His real name is used once
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Y/N hummed to herself as she walked into the bedroom, completely unaware of him in the bathroom.
Instead, her mind was focused on the facetime date she thought they were about to have
As far as she knew, Buddy was still on the road after a delayed flight. He’d have to spend the night and catch a flight the next morning. 
She’d been gutted but understood, after all it wasn’t the first time a flight messed up their plans.
She checked the time on her phone before throwing it on the bed and began to strip.
 She pulled her shirt over her head as she stepped into the bathroom, facing the mirror to brush her hair.
Buddy smiled at her through the mirror from where he sat in the bath. Candles glowed and flickered on the tub and bubbles gathered around him.
She jumped as he chuckled, a hand covering her heart.
“Join me, love.” He smiled and tossed the bath bomb in his hand 
A bottle of her favorite wine sat on the side of the tub, and she couldn’t help but smile as she nodded. 
“I thought you were still in New York?”
He shook his head as he watched her clothes hit the ground piece by piece
“I wanted to surprise you.”
She laughed as she turned to step into the bath, settling with her back against his chest.
“It definitely worked.”
Buddy chuckled as he sat the bath bomb in the water before reaching for the bottle of wine.
“Have a glass with me. We’re celebrating.” 
He refrained from following the sentence with I hope as he poured two glasses. 
Buddy nodded as she took her glass and wrapped his free hand around her.
“Need you to watch that bath bomb. Let me know when it’s all gone.”
She raised an eyebrow but nodded.
Several minutes go by as they sit in the flickering candlelight, Y/N obediently watching the bomb dissolve. All the while, Buddy is watching over her shoulder, heart thumping in his chest as the water turns a soft blue.
 Just as she opens her mouth to tell him something is floating; he reaches out to grab it.
“I know this isn’t how it’s usually done but I also know you love your baths.” He takes a deep breath as she squeezes the plastic orb in his fingers before it softly pops open. “I wanted this to be extra special.”
Y/N began to question him but stopped as the candlelight flickered off the diamond ring now held in his hand.
“I want to spend my life with you, Y/N. You’re the one constant I have, and I can’t imagine losing that.” His free hand squeezed her hip as he pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder. “Marry me? Be my Mrs. Adams?”
Tears gathered in her eyes as she nodded and held her hand up shakily, letting him slide the band into place. 
“You make me so happy.”
A half laugh half sob left her throat as she turned in his arms, now straddling him before cupping his cheeks to kiss him. “You make me happy too, Matthew.“
Tag List:  @josiewrites @wardlow @omg-im-such-a-masochist @sxmmarie @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @abadamn @new-zealand-chic @shortyiceheart @alanangels @sophiewolfheart-blog @shayscorpio @lghockey @theworldofotps @kcloveswrestling @itjazzbicch @bestkaistes @sophiewolfheart-blog
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pepsi-maxwell · 1 year
So…why Preston Vance in the last fic?
I’m not complaining! It was super hot, but he feels like such a random choice, and I’m nosy af
so full disclosure i have zero attachment to vance. imo he's tv-attractive and that's about it
sometimes my brain just. sees patterns and extrapolates and goes "hey what if we imagine this incredibly specific missing scene type of scenario--"
so the whole dynamite segment where mjf pays money to rush and LFI to break bryan's arm, and he's doing his whole fake nice schtick with rush right up until he leaves, looks preston up and down and says "perro" like an insult? the fact that vance is now calling himself a dog? well, my brain perks up.
and then in the following rampage, where rush had his match with christopher daniels, and vance rubbed some of the briefcase money on his face? i'm still thinking about max insulting vance and calling him a dog, but now money's involved, and the neurons are firing and wondering "well, what SORT of things would max be buying with that money--"
and then a couple hours later i have 2000 words of puppy play crackship fic based off a single second of on-screen interaction and please vinny can we stop reading porn into everything (no we cannot)
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silverxxs-world · 5 months
Pres10 vs 🍊
No more comedy bullshit please orange
Oh god Roddy don’t flirt to hard you’ll scare off Vance
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They are going to get hit I can see it
And a lariat
And an orange punch
“I was shot by rifle fire”
“I was given a 5% chance to live”
“Good thing math wasn’t my best subject”
Oh god I see some comedy bullshit in picture and picture
Roddy is in love with Preston
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Oh shit not anymore
Someone needs to take this title off of orange
I vote hook or danhausen or Trent
Or imagine Chuck Taylor comes back just to take the belt
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plentyoffandoms · 2 years
Ménage à Trois (18+)
Wardlow x f/Reader x Pres10 Vance
Warnings: Some swearing. Descriptive sexual acts. Anal, threesome, oral, fluids, double penetraton. Minors do not read.
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Wardlow Masterlist ♡ Pres10 Vance Masterlist
Summary: f/Reader is a new wrestler at AEW. Two men want her, but she can't pick between them. They come to an agreement.
Cody - Pres10 ☆ Mike - Wardlow ☆ Stephanie - Red Velvet
My mind couldn't wrap around what these two men just told me. I blinked up at them a couple of times and they both just looked down at me.
"Sorry can you repeat what you just said Cody?" I asked him.
"I said, we know you can't pick between the two of us and we don't want to ruin our friendship with one another, so how about you have both of us?"
Yes, that is what I thought he said but I just had to make sure.
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"And how did you two come to this decision?"
"Remember the first day we met you?" Mike asked.
I nodded my head yes and he continued to talk.
"We wanted to get to know you from that day on, and we told one another that we wouldn't fall for you and well.. we both did. Then we both started to ask you out and you told us that you didn't want to come between us, so the two of us talked it over and here we are."
Never in my life did I think these two men would share a woman, but people can suprise you.
I remember the first day I met them. Tony Khan was introducing me to some people as I was making my AEW debut the next day. My first match was against Skye Blue and she seemed nice enough.
Mike and Cody were eating lunch when the three of us were introduced. The two of them stood up and introduced themselves and I tried to stay composed as best as I could.
These two men I have dreamt about in more ways than one and I was not about to make a fool of myself meeting them for the first time.
We shook hands and I almost whimpered at the fact that both of their hands literally engulfed my hand.
Tony and I left them alone and as I went to be introduced to more people. What I didn't know was that Mike and Cody were watching me as I walked away.
They told me later on that they love the view of my ass and they can stare at it all the damn time.
"So what do you think YN?" Cody asked me.
I already know my answer but I truly had to wrap my head around all of this. They literally bombarded me with this the moment I stepped into the gym.
I am not awake enough for this.
"Can I think on this?"
"Of course." They both said.
I practically ran out of the room, not really wanting to workout anymore. How can I work out when I have this big decision to make?
It has been a few days since they asked me and I ment to tell them my answer but my schedule has just been hectic and this isn't just something I want to text them.
So after four days of them patiently waiting for me to tell them my answer, I finally had time to meet up with them.
They insisted we go to dinner for this. They already know I am going to say yes. They are making this as our first real date and I am beyond excited.
The three of us are staying in the same hotel but different floors. I asked for my own room when we got here because I do have problems sleeping and I don't want to disturb anyone else.
I met them at the restaurant that is in the hotel. The two men stood up as I approached and told me how beautiful I looked.
My body started to heat up and I had to will myself to calm down.
The waiter came and took our drink order orders and gave us time to look over the menu.
Well I started too, but Mike and Cody had other ideas.
"YN?" I looked up at Cody.
"You two want my answer I am taking it?" They nodded their heads yes.
"Yes. I agree to being with both of you but we need to figure out how this going to work. I don't want any jealousy if I am spending time with the other person."
Throughout our evening we discussed how this is going to work. No jealousy. Assigned date nights for each of them and also a night or two where the three of us go out for a date.
Sleeping arrangements is where it will get tricky. We are on the road most of the time.
"Cody and I can be assigned rooms with one another. You keep getting your own room. We know how much you like to be by yourself some days."
"And the sex?" I asked them.
"It will be up to you YN. You can have us one at a time, or both. You can even lay in bed and masturbate if you want too. In the end, it is all up to you."
The images of the two of them taking me at the same time had me closing my eyes and clenching my thighs together to try and stop the throbbing that has started between my legs.
"Okay, this sounds good to me. Do you have any questions or requests from me?"
Any questions that they had for me I answered. Requests for simple enough. They both wanted to see how this will work before telling anyone. I agreed to that as well.
It has been almost a month since the three of us started our relationship and our secret came out earlier than we intended.
What happened was Mike kissed me just as he was about to walk out for his match and Britt saw. She questioned if we were together and I said yes.
Kris saw Cody kiss me before he put his mask on his face. She didn't ask any questions but shortly after that happened, Britt came out of no where with a few others and demanded to know why I am cheating on Mike.
"I'm not."
"Bullshit YN. I saw you the other day and Kris saw you earlier. Now why are you cheating on him?" Britt asked me once more.
"It is complicated and you guys will not understand." I tried to walk through them but they just stood shoulder to shoulder, like a damn wall.
"Try us." Jade said.
So I explained to them our relationship. I explained the whole dynamic.
"I don't believe it." Tay said.
"It's true. Just ask them." And by some miracle, Mike came walking down the hall.
The poor guy had no idea what the hell happened. One minute he was talking with Johnny and then Johnny was pushed aside and Mike was surrounded by all the woman bombarding him with question after question.
He looked at me and he knew by the look on my face that I told them. Once they calmed down he told them exactly what I said.
For once, these women had nothing to say. Jade and Tay kept looking between the two of us. They finally left us alone and I explained to Mike what happened and how this came about.
"We weren't careful but it is better for it to be out." He said to me.
The two of us told Cody that our secret was out and he seemed okay with that. He isn't really one for keeping secrets so this is wonderful news for him.
Our friends and coworkers slowly got used to the idea of the three of us being in a relationship with one another.
They kept their questions pretty clean until one night Britt, Kris, Stephanie and I went out for dinner.
After a few drinks, the questions started coming.
"So who has the bigger dick?" Kris asked me just as I was about to take a bite of my food.
"I am not answering that."
"Oh come on. You know about our men." Stephanie said.
"I never asked questions. You guys just gave up that information." I pointed out.
"So? Who cares if we did. Inquiring minds want to know." Kris said once more.
"They are about equal in size and length from what I have seen and felt." No point on fighting with them.
"Do you only do one at a time of have they teamed up yet?" Britt asked as she leaned back in her chair, swirling her wine glass slightly.
"One at a time. I have thought about them taking me at the same time but I am pretty fucking sure they will break me and I won't be able to walk or I will die from the pleasure."
The three of them laughed so loud the whole restaurant was looking at us.
"What a way to go YN." Krist said as she raised her glass at me.
It has been a few days since I had dinner with the girls and their talk about Cody and Mike doing me at the same time has not left my mind.
So after much consideration, I decided to sit them both down and talk to them. I had them come to my room after I just had a shower and I was ready for bed.
But I knew I had to talk to them and now they are sitting on my bed, with me pacing infront of them.
"Is everything okay YN? You seem nervous." Mike said.
"I just want to ask you two something and I don't know how you are going to take it."
"Hey, come here pretty girl." Cody said as he reached out and stopped me from pacing. He had me stand between his legs and I couldn't look at him in the face.
"I want you both at the same time." I said so soft that neither one of them heard what I said.
"Pardon?" Cody asked. Mike looked on just as confused as Cody.
"I want you both at the same time." I said louder, with more confidence.
"Are you sure?" Mike asked as he placed his hand on my cheek.
I turned my head to look at him. I kissed his palm. "I have more than sure. I want you both, at the same time. Even if it is only the one time, I just want to try it."
Mike closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"I am willing to do this. You Cody?". I turned to look at Cody who didn't answer Mike.
"Are you okay?" I asked him. Cody didn't say anything but as I looked into his eyes, I noticed that his breathing has picked up slightly and his arms got tighter around me.
"Yes." He breathed out. Before I could any thing else, his lips crashed into mine. His one moved to my ass and gripped it tightly.
His other hand was holding the back of my head as the two of us made out. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Mike palming himself through his sweat pants.
I needed to breath, so I tapped Cody twice on the shoulder. He pulled his lips away from mine but started to kiss and bite down my neck.
I was trying to catch my breath but Mike stood up and leaned down to kiss me. His hands roaming over my chest.
"You have too many clothes on YN." Mike said against my lips. That was like a cue for the both of them as they ripped my nightshirt into pieces.
Fuck that was hot.
"Need you both naked." I panted as their hands and mouths were doing a number on my body.
Mike pulled away first and I watched with greedy eyes as he took off his clothes and shoes.
Cody was still leaving marks all over my neck and chest now.
I felt the bed dip as Mike got in and crawled to the middle of the bed. His back against the headboard, his massive legs spread and his hand stroking his cock, his eyes focused on Cody and I.
"Come on man, share her." Mike said. Cody let go of me and I crawled on the bed towards Mike, my mouth practically watering at taking him in my mouth.
I settled between his spread legs and I moved his hand away from his cock, but Mike was not having any of that. He gripped my chin in his hand.
I whined at the roughness but I love it when he is in this mood. "Cody and I are in the ones in charge tonight baby girl. Your safe word will be Potato and if your mouth is busy, snap your fingers for us love. You understand?"
I couldn't really move my head but I try to say yes and that was good enough for Mike.
"Good, now stick out your tongue." I did as he asked and he slapped his cock against it a few times before he slowly started to push in my mouth. The two of us moaning as Mike went further down my throat, until my face was against his pubic hair.
Mike had his hands tangled in my hair as he slowly started to thrust into my mouth.
"You gonna join us or what?" Mike groaned out as he started to thrust a little bit faster.
I felt the bed dip behind me and I went to move so I was sitting on my heels but Cody had a different idea.
He got behind me and I felt his breath against my wet pussy. I felt my body shudder slightly as he inserted two of his fingers in my dripping pussy.
I moaned around Mike's cock as I felt Cody's thick fingers start thrusting in and out, fast. Cody had his hand on the middle of my back so he can keep me in place as I started to move my hips.
Mike didn't let up as he continued to fuck my throat. The groans leaving his mouth were loud and every single time he let out a loud one, I would clench my pussy around Cody's fingers.
Cody was kneading and smacking my ass and I knew I was going to have problems sitting after this.
I felt Cody's breath once more and as he started to eat me out. I squealed around Mike's cock as Cody continued to eat me out like I am his favoutie meal.
Mike pulled my head off of his cock and I was gasping for air. One long string of my saliva was connected to the tip of his cock.
"You doing so well YN." Mike said as he kissed me. I whimpered at the slight praise.
Cody pulled his head away from my pussy and got beside Mike, leaning against the headboard, stroking his cock.
"Come here pretty girl and sit on my lap." Cody said to me.
I didn't move fast enough for the two of them so Mike literally picked me up and placed me on Cody's lap, being careful of his cock.
But Cody placed his hands on my hips and lifted me so I am hovering over his cock.
He slowly sit me down on him. Making sure to slowly enter me. Even after all the sex I have had with the two of them, I still need them to be slow at first.
The two of us moaning as I settle onto his lap, him completely buried inside of me. I'm not going to last long. Not by a long shot.
"Ride me YN. You want to cum, work for it."
I didn't have to be told twice. I placed my hands on Cody's chest and started to bounce. My body shivering at the sensation of feeling him inside of me.
Mike got up and went in the inside pocket of my luggage. I knew what he was grabbing and he placed the half empty bottle of lube on the bedside table.
Mike was standing next to the bed, hand stroking his cock once more, groaning and grunting.
His hands were in my hair once more as he tugged my head back. "Tongue out baby."
I did as he asked once more. Mike spit in my mouth and I swallowed. Cody groaned at the filthy act that just happened.
My two men looked at one another and it was like they were silently communicating. Cody lifted me off of his lap and I cried out at the loss of his dick.
He put me on my hand and knees and I stayed in that position. I jumped slightly when I felt Mike's lubed up fingers as they worked their way into my ass.
I tried to relax as we have done anal before but my mind went crazy with the image of these two men filling me at the same time.
"Relax YN." Mike said as he slowly started to push into my ass. He had to stop a few times as I whimpered out in pain, but once he was all the way in, he kissed my shoulders.
"You're taking me so well YN. I can stay in your ass all day." He started to thrust into me, gently at first but then faster and I was moaning his name over and over again.
But then he did something that shocked me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me while still buried in my ass.
He turned us so we were facing Cody and Cody entered my pussy in one thrust.
My head flung back against Mike's chest, practically screaming at how full I am.
The two men started to move and it was like they have done this before. They moved almost perfectly in sync with one another.
One pulled out while the other one thrust in. Over and over again. My mind was filled with so much pleasure that I couldn't even think as the two of them made me cum over and over again.
My body was practically limp as they continued to fuck me at the same time but I knew they were close.
Cody was thrusting into me faster and harder and Mike kept muttering in my ear he was gonna cum.
With a shout of my name, Mike came buried in my ass and Cody followed not that far after.
The two of them were kissing where ever they could reach as the kept telling me how I took them so well and how proud they were of me.
They pulled out of me and I moaned at the feeling of being empty and our combined juices flowing out if me.
Cody placed me on the bed while Mike went to grab some towels to clean us up.
Once we clean, my two men snuggled up with me. I was almost out cold when they both whispered how much they love me.
I fell asleep, thinking of new ideas for the three of us to do in the bedroom together.
Tag List: if you would like to be added, please let me know. @lghockey @wwenhlimagines @hungmanhorsecarriage @ecarroll1978 @anaeve @crowleysqueenofhell @thenerdybaker523 @wardlow
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itjazzbicch · 3 years
Special Recruit
Pairing: Alan "5" Angels x Preston "10" Vance x Fem Reader
Summary: Alan is determined to get a new recruit for the dark order, wanting it to be the reader, who needs some convincing in order to join. Bringing along 10, they know the perfect way to convince her to join...
Warnings: SMUT!! (18+ ONLY)
Requested by: @do-number43 (I hope you enjoy it!)
Word Count: 1233
Tag List: @demonqueen29 @jessiebean00 @new-zealand-chic  @crowleysqueenofhell @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @thatpanpal @hungmanhorsecarriage @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @linziland13 @xxx-jazz-xxx @writtingrose
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"Guys," I sighed, sitting back in my chair, not even out of my boots yet, "I have too much on my plate for you two to hit me with this."
"Joining the Dark Order will help clean off that plate!" Alan argued, trying to convince me to join the Dark Order for what seemed like the millionth time, having Preston for backup this time.
"For example, those Elite losers who keep messing with you," Preston brought up, catching my eye while flexing those massive biceps, "Could squash them with ease."
"Wouldn't that be nice," I whispered under my breath, Alan hearing, arousing my curiosity when he stood above me, smiling:
"See? Give me one good reason why you shouldn't join the Dark order. Just one."
I saw the game Alan was playing, having the advantage because I couldn't give him a reason not to join. Clicking my tongue and turning away made him chuckle:
"Still not convinced I see," Preston sighed, taking a step closer when Alan observed:
"I get it, Y/N. You're stressed, but now that I think about it-"
That smirk on his face showed the naughty thoughts in his mind, taking my mind into that land too when my eyes fell, seeing his thumb on his waistband, showing off his defined V-line.
"Allow us to get rid of that stress," He offered, Preston supporting, having me ready to drool when he showed off his v-line too, taking my hand, letting my hand slide up along that mountain of a body he had.
Every muscle was rock hard and defined, blood running hot. He didn't need to guide my hand anymore, my hand moving on its own, squeezing his pec.
They had me.
Preston was beaming with confidence, taking my hand to stand me up, pulling me in for a kiss, taking both of my hands and placing them on his chest, flexing his pecs and cooing, "Just think of having all of this with you all the time."
That was a very pleasant thought, Alan giving me more to think about, up against my back, keeping me sandwiched, able to feel his hard-on against my ass, hot kisses along my neck:
"Whenever you want it, however you want it."
"You boys letting me take the lead?" I wanted to assure, smiling against Preston's lips, unable to stop touching and feeling him, fingertip along his inner hip.
"Take the lead," Alan allowed, and I started with Preston, yanking his hit tights and commanding:
"You. Pants. Off. Now."
No rebuttals, kicking off his boots, Alan making sure the rush from it was more intense for me, still kissing my neck, hand slipping into my shorts and finding my clit, shaking in his arms, body trying to curl from the nerves.
"That turns you on, huh?" Alan whispered, eyes finding a fully nude Preston on the couch, "Made you wet real fast."
"Mhm, Alan," I whined, huffing, "Alright. Your turn."
"Yes ma'am," He chuckled, letting me go, turning around so I could see those skinny jeans drop, leaving me with a droolish smile, the sight of his cock having me admit:
"Damn the two of you are too fucking hot."
"Hope you can handle the heat," Preston smirked, giving me a light spank, "It's your turn."
"Since you two were so kind to me," I giggled, throwing off my top first, letting Alan enjoy the front view, bending over perfectly to let Preston see my shorts disappear, not waiting to grab me by the hips and pull me back onto him.
I had my moment and they surely took their chance, a wet kiss from Alan smacking right into me. Preston's hands were so large, able to hold my entire breast in each hand, squeezing and teasing my nipples.
Alan kept my attention, kissing down his stomach while I stroked his cock softly, feeling it grow rock-hard; Preston let him have a better position, also getting a loud moan out of me by picking me up by the hips, slouching down, lining his cock up with my entrance and sitting me down slowly, inch by inch.
Moaning with my mouth wide open, Alan took an invitation, slapping his cock against my mouth softly, being playful:
"Don't forget about me."
"Keep being a good girl. You can handle us," Preston encouraged, hands guiding my hips back, rocking me on his cock, sliding deeper and deeper.
"A very good girl," Alan cooed, biting his lip while my mouth closed around his cock, "Giving me even better reasons to recruit you."
The pleasure was too good on both ends; Alan wasn't too rough but was thrusting his cock down my throat, holding my head in place while Preston picked up his hips, strong thrusts on top of throwing myself back, cock buried deep and over-sensitizing my sweet spot.
After so much, I had to pull away from Alan, choking, "I'm sorry. It's just that I'm gonna cum."
"Don't be sorry," He chuckled, observing closely, "Cum for him."
"I'm so close," I whined, gasping for air because Preston was determined, picking me up and slamming his hips back into mine, the collision hard, about ruining my sweet spot, only a few of those needed to make me gush all around him, "Okay, okay. I need a second, Oh my god!"
I leaned back against him, being eased into more bliss with his kisses, giggling:
"You two are something else."
"I didn't even get to show you what I'm truly capable of," Alan noted; Preston gave him a hand, pushing my lower half out further, legs hooked over his thighs and open wide, still laying against him while Alan took his stance.
"Got damn," Alan murmured, seeing my dripping cunt, walls squeezing him hard when he slowly slide his cock in, "Think you can come for me like that?"
"Gotta put in the work," I teased, that attitude being knocked out of me with a thrust.
"I always put in the work," He informed, doing just that.
Preston had to hold me in place to keep me from sliding, kisses and squeezes helping me feel not too overwhelmed, but Alan's immense pleasure was inevitable, starting out slow, speed increasing with every thrust till he was bottoming me out.
"Alan!" I whined, smiling, "Keep it just like that."
"You gonna cum for me too?" He panted, proud and working even harder when I nodded, being to gasp and grip onto Preston hard, unable to speak but moans explained it all, "Oh fuck, you are so damn tight."
I guided Preston's hands to my breasts, trying to distract myself from the burn of my nerves, but he added to it, hips jerking up hard and gushing just as hard as before, barely able to breathe, managing a smirk when I heard Alan whisper:
"Made a mess, girl. Fucking beautiful."
They made sure I wasn't done just yet. Alan withdrawing made me gasp from how hard my walls were clenching, Preston feeling for himself when he slipped in a finger slowly, chuckling, "Man, can just barely take my finger."
"Another great reason to join the Dark Order, am I right or am I wrong?" Alan brought up, proud and so was Preston, keeping me in an embrace because of my shaking.
"You two have a very nice form of persuasion," I admitted, "Maybe the Dark Order is right for me."
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hikarus-shida · 3 years
PRESTON VANCE: Dating Preston Vance Headcanon
preston vance x dating preston! headcanon
genre: fluff
warnings: none
requested by: anon (hope you enjoy!)
tag list: @cutierocker202 @bec0m @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @elitehunter
headcanons masterlist
*i do not own this gif!*
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Preston definitely is a great boyfriend! Flowers, chocolates and candies, anything you desired always given to you or sent to you unexpectedly. He would spoil you to no end, materialistically and with the little things. Preston would enjoy seeing the smile on your face and the blush that appeared on your face whenever he’d give you a gift.
Preston was kind of a shy guy when he first courted you, which was super out of the ordinary considering his confidence. He thought you were the one for him almost immediately and needed to know you. It took a bit of pushing from some friends from The Dark Order, as well as from Amanda and -1, for him to finally talk to you.
When he asked you out, Preston swore that he almost passed out when you said yes. Having you finally become his significant other was all he wanted and needed, when he finally got it, he couldn’t believe it.
As a boyfriend, not only is he the type to spoil you, but he’s also the type to be really big on cuddling. Preston’s a total softy and has no shame in it. He would reach for you when you were far away, pull you close to him, constantly ask for cuddles, and keep his hands on you. Even you kissing him on the cheek would make him blush and send him over the edge, his love for you made him feel so fuzzy inside.
Since you two were together, the two of you would binge tv shows. Preston tried very hard to get you into Friends and you’d watch episodes with him, but it was definitely something you wouldn’t watch if he wasn’t around. Preston, on the other hand, could watch anything.
Just like watching anything, Preston could and would eat anything. When neither of you felt like cooking, you would get take out and the variety was endless since Preston wasn’t a picky eater. Because of that, his taste in food would also influence you to try new things!
When Preston would be away, he couldn’t let you stay home alone, even if you had other obligations like work or school. He always wanted you around and hated when he wasn’t with you; you were like his good luck charm. He’d always pay for your flight and beg you to take time off, which you couldn’t resist because of his puppy dog eyes. If you couldn’t get time off, the two of you would have to resort to long distance communication and Preston would hate it, but knew he had to deal with it because seeing you in person would make everything better again.
Seeing him after a long time would sometimes feel like he never left. Every time Preston came back from being on the road, it was almost like regularly scheduled programming had never stopped. The touches and kisses were always so much more sweeter and full of passion though every single time.
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Preston Vance~Asking You Out
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•Preston had been checking you out backstage for weeks before you even took notice of him.
•Sure you had seen him before but you were new and with all the masks going on you couldn't quite tell the Dark Order apart just then.
•After those mentioned few weeks you noticed the Dark Order more and more around you. Like they seemed to be always around.
•Or sometimes just Preston alone who was standing at a drinks machine quickly looking away when you looked over.
• Until one day he suprisingly didn't look away.
•"Dude", John Silver hit him in the chest, "You can't just stare at her like that." "She'll think you're a psychopath", Alan Angels added.
• Overall it took Preston about 2 months until he found the courage in him to talk to you.
•(he later admitted Negative One gave him pep talks on more than one occasion that always ended with the sentence "I don't know what your problem is she's just a girl.")
•By the time he finally asked you on a date you simply answered "I thought you would never ask."
•You could never understand how such a big man whose simple presence would intimidate his rivals could be so unsure when it came to you.
• The first date was simple. You grabbed some burgers and talked. You didn't want it to end.
• But many followed and you quickly became a couple.
• It also didn't take him long to pop the question...
•"Wanna join the Dark Order ?" (what were you thinking he was going to ask huh?)
• Hugs from him are the best cuz he's so big. It makes you feel real petite and loved all around.
• He also likes to lift you up A LOT.
• He's also big on holding hands, now that you're finally together he would rather have his bones broken than to not have you close.
• Also likes to carry you at home from room to room just because he can.
• Way more romantic than you think cuz again he doesn't take it for granted that you settled with him.
• Still you better don't get near when he's in training mode cuz one or two times fists were flying everyhwere and he hit you by mistake which made him apologise and feel bad for a whole week.
• The guy just has a big impact...and an even bigger heart.
• He'll protect and defend you come what may.
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 1 year
This is my Main Masterlist that shows all the fics I have written for the following AEW and NJPW wrestlers. I ONLY write for the following AEW and NJPW wrestlers. Feel free to leave requests in my inbox!
RULES FOR REQUESTS: I do not write about the following under any circumstance
Any and all forms of pedophilia, rape, incest
Daddy kink/ dd/g
Characters must be 18+
Group sex of any kind
Only (wrestler) X fem reader (head cannons and imagines can be gender neutral)
These are my personal rules, I do not write about these certain things as I am either uncomfortable doing so.
I will delete any requests I am uncomfortable making!
Rules will be updated if needed
If you have any questions feel free to send a message!
✉️: Request 💎: Personal fav ❤️‍🔥:18+/warnings of any kind
Note: wrestlers with more than 5 fics will have their own master-list that you can find below!
“Hangman” Adam Page
Pregnancy headcanons ✉️
Texas Death Match ✉️💎
The Dark Side Of The Moon 💎❤️‍🔥
Billy Gunn Masterlist
Click on the link to view all the Billy Gunn Fics!
Blackpool Combat Club
Fine Print ✉️
Single Mother
Cash Wheeler Masterlist
Click on the link to view all Cash Wheeler fics!
Christian Cage  Masterlist
Click on the link to view all Christian Cage fics!
Chuck Taylor
Enough 💎
Pregnancy headcanons ✉️
Sub Headcannons ✉️❤️‍🔥
Birthday Blues
CM PUNK Masterlist
Click on the link above to view all CM Punk Fics!
David Finlay 
Pregnancy Headcannons
Dream Girl ✉️
Hate Fuck ❤️‍🔥
Beach Days
Drilla Moloney
Zen ✉️❤️‍🔥💎
El Phantasmo Masterlist
Click on the link to view all ELP fics!
Elite Masterlist 
Click on the link to view all Elite fics!
Kenny Omega Masterlist
Click on the link to view all Kenny Omega fics!
Nick Jackson
The Final Show ✉️❤️‍🔥💎
Falling In Love
Pregnancy Headcannons
You scared me
Nic Nemeth
Bundle Of Joy
Pregnancy Headcannons
Matt Jackson
Tumblr Girls 💎
Out of my league ✉️💎
NSFW Alphabet ✉️❤️‍🔥
The Final Show ✉️❤️‍🔥💎
Pregnancy Headcannons
Malakai Black
I do not write about HOB but I accidentally wrote this filthy SMUT with Malakai! Enjoy it because it's the only one lol
Saviour ✉️❤️‍🔥💎
MJF Masterlist
Click on the link to view all MJF fics!
Jay White Masterlist
Click on the link to view all Jay White fics!
Jon Moxley
Coming Soon
Nsfw Alphabet ❤️‍🔥
Preston Vance
Nsfw Alphabet ❤️‍🔥
Samoa Joe 
NSFW Alphabet  ❤️‍🔥
Pregnancy Headcannons
Swerve Strickland 
Leather And Lace ✉️❤️‍🔥💎
Pregnancy Headcannons
Swerve When I Ride ✉️❤️‍🔥
Wardlow Masterlist
Click on the link to view all Wardlow fics
Zack Sabre Jr
Black Widow ✉️
Tokyo Disney ✉️
Forbidden Love ✉️
Pregnancy Headcannos
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wrestlingisfake · 2 years
AEW Fake Rankings, March 17
Men's singles division - babyfaces
CM Punk
Adam Page (AEW men's world champion)
Eddie Kingston
Sammy Guevara
Keith Lee
Swerve Strickland
Christian Cage
Wheeler YUTA
Men's singles division - heels
Chris Jericho
Adam Cole
Scorpio Sky (AEW TNT champion)
Andrade El Idolo
Ricky Starks (FTW champion)
Daniel Garcia
Powerhouse Hobbs
Ethan Page
QT Marshall
Unranked: Cezar Bononi*, Erick Redbeard*, Fuego Del Sol, Jake Hager, Lee Moriarty, Nick Comoroto, Tony Nese
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
Six months ago it felt like AEW had a lot of big names from WWE coming in, and I was curious how that would shake out. Interestingly, quite a few of those big names have moved into the tag division, so there's way more room now than I expected for the talent that came up through the minor leagues.
Even so, it's unmistakable that CM Punk and Chris Jericho are the stars of the show right now. Adam Page may be the top champion, but to truly be taken seriously as the top dog he's going to have to put the title up against one of them, and my guess is it'll be Punk. As for Jericho, he's already put over Kingston, but I think his first one-on-one loss with this new heel run will be where he really gives someone the rub. Could be Eddie again, or perhaps Guevara.
Men's tag team division - babyfaces
Jon Moxley (GCW world champion) & Bryan Danielson
The Hardys - Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy
Darby Allin & Sting
Luchasaurus & Jungle Boy (AEW tag team champions)
Penta Obscuro & PAC
Santana & Ortiz
Top Flight - Dante Martin & Darius Martin
Alex Reynolds & John Silver
Chuck Taylor & Trent Beretta
Varsity Blonds - Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison
Men's tag team division - heels
The Young Bucks - Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson
reDRagon - Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly
FTR - Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood (AAA tag team champions)
Malakai Black & Brody King & Buddy Matthews
2point0 - Matt Menard & Angelo Parker
The Acclaimed - Max Caster & Anthony Bowens
Private Party - Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy
The Butcher & The Blade
Colten Gunn & Austin Gunn
Unranked: Alan Angels & Preston Vance, Anthony Henry* & JD Drake*, Bear Boulder & Bear Bronson, Brock Anderson & Lee Johnson, Evil Uno & Stu Grayson, Peter Avalon & Ryan Nemeth*
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
AEW helpfully got nearly every tag team booked in a couple of battle royales recently, which showed off the division in full force. But all of those teams have been overshadowed by three supergroups: Moxley-Danielson, Allin-Sting, and the reunited Hardys. Any of these teams would have to be considered heavy favorites against Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus, but none of them have gotten in line for a title shot yet. I'm real curious how AEW will keep them all from crowding out the rest of the field.
The heel side is a little light right now, and it may get lighter if the FTR storyline actually leads to a face turn. We should probably see a face team turn heel before too long. Mox and Bryan already seem kind of heelish, but nobody's going to boo them right now and AEW seems to accept that, so we'll see if that leads anywhere. It feels like something's up with the Dark Order, or at least with Alex Reynolds, but I can't imagine all three of its teams (Reynolds-Silver, Uno-Grayson, Angels-Vance) going heel.
Women's singles division - babyfaces
Thunder Rosa (AEW women's world champion)
Kris Statlander
Tay Conti
Red Velvet
Mercedes Martinez
Women's singles division - heels
Britt Baker
Jade Cargill (AEW TBS champion)
Serena Deeb
Leyla Hirsch
Jamie Hayter
The Bunny
Unranked: Angelica Risk*, Kayla Sparks*, Leila Grey*
* Not listed on AEW's official roster
There's still a lot of work to be done here, to get more women on TV regularly. It's a positive sign that we've been seeing two non-title storylines (Deeb vs. Hikaru Shida, Hirsch vs. Statlander & Velvet) in addition to Baker vs. Rosa and Cargill's winning streak. That's a good demonstration that creating more spots for the women isn't just a matter of rolling out new championships. At the same time, though, it's kind of absurd that Nyla Rose and Ruby Soho haven't been on TV in a month. It's also perplexing to me that a lot of top female talent that WWE cut last year hasn't shown up in AEW yet.
No TV matches in 30 days: Aaron Solo, Abadon, Anna Jay, AQA, Brandon Cutler, Colt Cabana, Diamante*, Emi Sakura, Frankie Kazarian, Jack Evans, Jay Lethal, Jora Johl*, Josh Woods* (ROH pure champion), Kiera Hogan*, KiLynn King*, Lance Archer, Luther, Marina Shafir*, Matt Sydal, Michael Nakazawa, Nyla Rose, Ruby Soho, Serpentico, Shawn Dean, Skye Blue, Sonny Kiss
* Not listed on AEW's official roster, but won at least one AEW match
Fans have been increasingly frustrated that a lot of wrestlers have been "demoted" to Dark and Elevation, the Youtube shows. Thing is, as long as AEW produces these shows, there will always be lower-tier talent that primarily appears on them. The only question is which wrestlers should be considered "lower-tier."
Archer, Lethal, Nyla, and Ruby are obviously just simmering and racking up wins to build to a TV push later. Cutler, Cabana, Diamante, Sakura, Kazarian, Evans, Luther, Sydal, Nakazawa, Serpentico, and Dean seem to be positioned as journeymen who are there to do reps with the developing talent. The rest are presumably considered "in development," for better or worse.
No AEW matches in 30 days: Anthony Greene*, Anthony Ogogo, Dustin Rhodes, Billy Gunn, Hikaru Shida, Joey Janela, Julia Hart*, Leva Bates, Megan Bayne*, Penelope Ford, Shawn Spears, Zack Clayton*
* Not listed on AEW's official roster, but won at least one AEW match
Here's the group that isn't even wrestling on Youtube. Spears and Shida have been appearing on TV recently, so that's fine. Rhodes and Gunn are basically player-coaches so I don't expect them to be around much. I expect Ogogo has travel issues getting into and out of the UK. Janela is planning to leave when his contract expires. Bates has reportedly taken on more of a backstage role, although she did return to the ring not that long ago. Greene, Bayne, and Clayton each have wins in AEW, which generally signals plans for a continuing relationship, but that's not a guarantee.
So of this group, the only ones I'm really scratching my head about are Penelope Ford and Julia Hart. But for all I know they could both be injured or taking time off.
No AEW matches in 2022: Angelico, Arjun Singh*, Brian Cage, Danhausen, Marko Stunt, Paige Vanzant, Ryo Mizunami*, Yuka Sakazaki
* Not listed on AEW's official roster, but won at least one AEW match
Angelico has appeared on Dark recently. Cage has (unexpectedly) had his contract extended, so I figure he'll be returning soon. Danhausen appears to be walking around okay after breaking his leg in October, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's cleared to wrestle. Vanzant just signed so I expect her in-ring debut within a few weeks. Marko is reportedly already out of the company, but AEW still lists him on their website roster. I keep thinking Mizunami and Sakazaki are gone for good, but they still manage to get back to the US once in a while.
Part-time/semi-retired: Christopher Daniels, Mark Henry, Paul Wight, Rebel, William Regal
Regal is listed on the official roster with a win-loss record, just like Sting, Henry, and Wight. That suggests that they expect Regal to have a match someday, although Henry's been here for nearly a year and still hasn't. I really can't imagine Regal working a match in 2022, but then again I didn't think I'd be seeing Sting doing big table spots either.
Jake Atlas (left knee - ACL tear)
Kenny Omega (various injuries)
Kip Sabian (shoulder - undisclosed injury)
Miro (right thigh - hamstring injury)
Orange Cassidy (left arm - unspecified injury)
Rey Fenix (left elbow - dislocation)
Riho (right arm - unspecified injury)
I haven't seen any updates on any of these injuries, except that Omega reports that his recovery is taking longer than he planned. Sabian has been appearing for weeks in the audience with a box on his head, so I assume that means he's about to return, but he sure is taking his time with that. I predict Miro to return without warning, when we all least expect it. I also predict Orange will be on TV with that sling for months, and then one day they'll do a gag where he admits he forgot to take the sling off, and he's been medically cleared for weeks.
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writtingrose · 3 years
Read the rules for requesting pinned to the top of my page before you send them in. The more detail you can provide the better.
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hellopopculture · 2 years
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Top 20 Wrestlers of 2021 (Part 3)
Description: 2021 was one of the strangest years in recent memory as far as Pro Wrestling is concerned. The pandemic era in general has seen a lot of changes and to a certain degree the business and the products produced in it have not completely gotten back to normal. If you had told me in 2019 we would have Bryan Danielson & CM Punk at the same company and a heel Roman Reigns would be one of the most over guys in the WWE, I would've argued it down, I wouldn't have been able to fathom it but here we are.
14. Sammy Guevara-In 2021, Sammy became the 2nd of the 4 pillars to win a championship. The same TNT Championship that Darby Allin (another of the 4 pillars) won from Cody Rhodes. That also made him the only member of the Inner Circle to win a championship beside Jericho himself. He's had some amazing bouts with the likes of Bobby Fish & Jay Lethal but ultimately his reign was cut short by Cody Rhodes at the close of the year. Sammy is one of the best high flyers in the company. For people who like that style of wrestling but don't like "spots for the sake of spots" or the lack of ring psychology that some times comes with it, Sammy is one of those that can be acrobatic but not waste any movement. Everything he does in the context of the match is for a reason. He's been putting on great matches since AEW started and it’s fitting that he would clash with Cody again because they had the first match in Dynamite history but with TNT kind of being a "Television Title", I think he's perfect to carry it because he's a "must-see" performer. As we speak he won his title back from Cody and later dropped it to Scorpio Sky, but I think the moment he beat Miro for it initially put him right where he needed to be. The young boy from The Inner Circle was spreading his wings.
13. Darby Allin-With Each passing year, Darby Allin continues to get more and more over as a babyface. His size and his disregard for his own well-being in the context of the match makes him a natural underdog. He may not be in the same class physically as many of his opponents but he's willing to go places his opponents aren't willing to, to win the match. I think that's what endears him to the AEW audience. He has always seemed to be the exact anti-thesis to MJF who is more of a "only fight if I have to; i'm the most important thing here" type of character. CM Punk saw that in Darby when he arrived in AEW and so did Sting, who would become his manager.
Darby had a busy 2021 as it started with him as TNT Champion which carried over from 2020. He scored some notable defeats over the likes of Brian Cage, Scorpio Sky, John Silver, Preston Vance & Jungle Boy but his reign would be cut off by Miro in the Spring at Double or Nothing.
CM Punk came back to Pro Wrestling on Rampage in August and picked Darby as his opponent for All Out. Punk seems to have taken interest in him because of their similarities and allied with him after their match. Out of the 4 pillars, he and MJF seem to have grown the most over a short period of time and had the most success, and I imagine 2022 is going to be a bigger year.
12. Jonathan Gresham-"The Octopus", since making Ring of Honor his home in 2017, has become part of the "Best in the World" conversation. He's not at the very head of it but he's definitely on the radar. He was kind of the face of the "ROH Pure Tournament" in 2020 so nobody was surprised when he won it. He was already a holding the tag team titles with Jay Lethal so winning the Pure title made him a double champion. Gresham, along with Rhett Titus, Tracy Williams, and of course, Jay Lethal formed a faction called "The Foundation", but as Ring of Honor got ready to close it's doors, he would find himself across from Lethal challenging for the Ring of Honor World Championship.
Gresham is the current ROH World Champion and he continues to defend that title in promotions like Impact & GCW. He also has his own promotion called Terminus where alot of his co-workers from ROH perform while the company is on hiatus. Ring of Honor has a lot of work to do when they return but I think they are safe with him taking over for Lethal as the face of the company. Jay Lethal moved on and signed with AEW.
11. WALTER/Gunther-WALTER should actually be higher on this list but he's built most of his career at WWE on a brand that pretty much nobody watches. Even WWE's diehard fans, for the most part completely ignore it unless it's for their bigger matches and their rare Takeover events. WALTER was one of only four NXT UK Champions. He held the title for a whopping 870 days, which is unheard of for a reign in this era of Pro Wrestling and especially at WWE. He had incredible matches with the likes of Ilja Dragonov, A-Kid, Tommaso Ciampa, and Rampage Brown but he just hasn't been able to garner the attention that other dominant champions receive.
He was moved to NXT 2.0 and had his name changed after almost his entire Imperium stable was released from the company and he would later turn up on Smackdown in 2022. For now what they can't take away from him was his historic reign as NXT UK Champion and throwing that brand on his back. While he may not have been mentioned in the same circles as some of the bigger stars in the company, he is one of the few things that people who didn't watch NXT UK would tune in from time to time for.
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radbeetle · 4 years
OC Interview
tagged like a zillion years ago (... no? wait? it’s only been a month? oh god. what is time.) by @marvilus73​ and you know what i am too tired to tag anyone else. if you see this and wanna do it, go for it.
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name ➔ Katherine. Katherine Vance.
are you single ➔ .... Oh, um, that's - that's where we're starting this? Uh, no, no. I'm not.
are you happy ➔ I... try to be. It's hard, sometimes. It's hard a lot.
are you angry ➔ Sometimes.
are your parents still married ➔ Well, uh. They - they were. They're gone now, though. It's been a long time.
birthplace ➔ Here, in Boston. I don't really think there's anything else to it.
hair color ➔ Red?
eye color ➔ Questionable. Um, blue. But like, blue-grey. More towards grey. Not very exciting.
birthday ➔ September 13th, 2052. That's, uh. I'd say it's a long story but it's not that long. Just weird. (She pauses for a few moments.) Did you know that was a friday?
mood ➔ Variable?
gender ➔ ... uh. complicated.
summer or winter ➔ Well - neither of them, really. I like fall or spring better. Um. Winter is okay but I don't like dealing with the snow and ice. I - I guess summer is my choice. More things I like to do in summer, even if I hate really hot days.
morning or afternoon ➔ Afternoon. Never been a morning person.
are you in love ➔ Given that i'm not single, I'd sure hope so. (She considers this statement for a moment with a frown.) Er, the answer is yes, definitely.
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ I'm not sure? That's... well, it's not fair for me to speak about other people. It might be true for them? Love is... complicated. I'd be lying, though, if I didn't say there was something at first sight.
who ended your last relationship ➔ There's no answer for this, uh, because there was no 'last relationship'.
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I don't think so? Um, not that I know of, I suppose. I hope not.
are you afraid of commitments ➔ Maybe just... in general? Not specifically about relationships though. There's not been many opportunities, though.
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ (it takes her a moment of thought to answer this) Oh - yeah, yeah definitely.
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ I doubt it.
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ No? I can't say I can imagine how that would happen.
love or lust ➔ The first one - love - definitely.
lemonade or iced tea ➔ Oh, lemonade. Never did like tea, iced or not. Pink lemonade is even better.
cats or dogs ➔ Oh, they're both nice. I guess dogs, because that's the one I actually have?
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ A few best friends. I've never really had many friends of any type, honestly.
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ A night in. I don't think the idea of a wild night out has ever really appealed to me. That's uh, it just sounds like a lot.
day or night ➔ Night. If given the chance i'd rather sleep in until the afternoon and stay up most of the night.
been caught sneaking out ➔ Can't get caught doing something you've never actually done.
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ Unfortunately, yes.
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ Yeah. Not often, but yeah.
wanted to disappear ➔ Every day of my life, just about.
smile or eyes ➔ Do I have to choose? Um. I don't know, I guess... smile. It's a hard choice.
shorter or taller ➔ I don't know. It's not anything I've ever really taken notice of? Not specifically. But, mm, a lot of people are shorter than me, uh, and especially now, I've realized.
intelligence or attraction ➔ Uh. I- I guess intelligence, but I dunno. Attraction - like, from me? Because that's not something that's happened enough for me to judge. So I guess yeah, intelligence.
hook-up or relationship ➔... none of these are very easy to answer but I guess relationship, 'cause I've had one of those and no hook-ups.
do you and your family get along ➔ Yeah. We did, when they were still around.
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ (She laughs, sudden and rough) I'd say that's an understatement. It wasn't always, though.
have you ever ran away from home ➔ No. Maybe considered it once or twice, but... not seriously.
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ Oh, no. Never happened.
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ No? I mean, I've been mad at them, or upset, but if you hate someone, they're not really your friend, are they?
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ Yeah. I mean... if someone's a bad friend, I don't really want to hang around them. Especially not now. That could end up hazardous.
who is your best friend ➔ Gosh, uh. Well, Nick. But usually when people ask these questions they mean, like, aside from the person you love. I've got... I'm lucky enough to have a few really good friends, but... Preston is pretty important. We've both been through a lot and, really, I'd do just about anything for him.
who knows everything about you ➔ Nick. There's a lot I just don't talk about. There's a lot people don't know and. It's not like I'm trying to hide anything. It's not like I've done anything awful. There's just... no point in talking about it. It's not like anyone else out there would understand.
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
Just One Look
Pres10 Vance x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Also the photos is just to show the outfit, not what I am picturing the reader to look like. Please imagine your gorgeous self in one these dresses or even in a dress you may want to wear for this.
Do you know how hard it is to find a photo of this man in a suit! Almost impossible. Just imagine him without the Belt.
Main Masterlist ♡ AEW Masterlist ♡ Pres10 Vance Masterlist
Summary: - Pres10 falls for Brodie Lee's cousin.
Pres10 Vance POV:
Alex, John and I were running late to get to Amanda's house as we promised to take Brodie and his cousin to Disney World.
Amanda has to take Nolan to the Doctor office for his checkup so the three of us offered to take Brodie off her hands.
"Just text Amanda saying we are just around the corner." John said to us.
"Does anyone know about this cousin?" Alex asked us.
"All Brodie told me was that her name is Y/N." I told them as we pulled infront their building.
As the three of us got out of the car, the front door opened and out came Brodie.
"You're late." He said, glaring at the three of us.
"Sorry, got stuck in some traffic. Let's get going. Go and grab your cousin."
At that moment Amanda walked out with Nolan in her arms and my breath got caught in my throat at the woman who walked out with the two of them.
"Brodie...who is that?" I asked him.
"Y/N." Was all he said.
"That is Y/N?" I was expecting someone closer to his age.
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"Yeah, that is my cousin Y/N. Actually my Dad's youngest cousin, but still my cousin."
"Brodie, remember to listen to them. Have fun. Thanks again you guys." Amanda said to us.
"No problem. You know we will do anything for you guys." John said.
"Oh yes, this is Y/N. She is John's cousin and I spending a few days with us." We each shook her hand.
"Sorry about intruding, Brodie insisted I join even though I told him it was okay."
"We don't mind. Let's get going." Alex said and the five of us got in my car.
Brodie insisted that Y/N sit up front with me and I raised my eyebrow at the young boy, who just smiled at me.
We spent the day at Disney World and it was so much fun except for the fact that Brodie insisted on Y/N and I going on rides together. I mean, is he trying to be my wing man?
At one point it was just Brodie and I as he was too small to go on a few rides so we were all taking turns sitting one out.
"What are you up too Brodie?"
"Brodie, come on."
"Fine. I just want you and Y/N to be friends. I don't want her to leave and if you two spent time together and got to know one another, then maybe she won't leave."
"You know she will be back right?" I said to him.
"I know, but I just like spending time with her and Mom isn't lonely when she is there."
"Have you tried to talk to her about this?"
"Y/N still has to leave. She already made plans to meet up with her own friends."
We didn't get to finish the conversation when the other came back.
"Who is ready to go? Amanda wants us for dinner if you three would like to come." Y/N said.
"Alex and I already told Marc we would meet up with up. Can you drop us off Cody?" John asked me.
I said sure. I got asked to dinner as well but I didn't feel like going.
I dropped the two of them off at the hotel and drove to where Brodie has been staying.
Amanda was pleased that I was staying for dinner.
"I just ordered pizza, but need someone to go and get it."
"I'll grab it for you Amanda. Anyone want to come with me?" Y/N asked as she stood up.
"Cody will go." Brodie said as he started to try and push me out of my seat.
"Brodie, Cody will go if he wants too."
"No worries Amanda. I'll go."
It was kind of awkward in the car but Y/N asked about my parents and I couldn't stop talking about them.
"Wait, you grew up in Michigan?" She couldn't help but laugh at me.
"And what is wrong with Michigan?"
"Nothing is wrong, I am just a Notre Dame kind of girl. I bleed the blue and gold."
I pretend to gag and Y/N couldn't help but laugh at me.
"Brodie was right, you are funny."
We picked up our pizza order and were driving back.
"Tell me about yourself Y/N."
Y/N told me about growing up. Her childhood, her family, her friends.
"Got a special someone?"
"No, kind of hard to date once they find out I am related to someone famous, it was always about them trying to meet John."
We got back to the building and I grabbed her hand in mine. "I know we just met, but want to go on a date with me?" I was actually nervous.
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Lord kill me now. I should of never admitted to Brodie that I find Cody cute, but that kid can get anything out of me.
I looked at him holding my hand and I would seriously love to go on a date with him.
"Cody, I would love too...but I leave in the morning. I am flying out to California to go and see some friends."
I watched the smile disappear from his face and he nodded his head in understanding.
"But I can come back after. I just planned on going home but I can just come back here. I am only gone until next weekend."
"We will be in New Orleans."
"Then I will fly there. We can have our date on Saturday. I know you are busy, so I will make the reservations and everything. Look hand me your phone."
Cody unlocked his phone and handed it to me. I put my number in and text myself. "You now have my number and can text me or call me anytime. But we should get this food up there." I said as I handed him back his phone.
The next morning I was up early and sadly saying goodbye to Brodie, Nolan and Amanda.
Brodie didn't want to let me go. "Brodie, I have to leave. My taxi is here. I will be back before you know it."
"You promise?" Was what he mumbled.
"Of course. I am only gone for a week and I promise to be back." That seemed to make him let me go.
As I was sitting in the taxi I felt guilty about not telling him I was meeting up with Cody in New Orleans.
The week flew by and I was now on my way to my hotel to change and to meet Cody at NOLA Caye, which is a restaurant I have been wanting to try for some time.
I was nervous as I sat in the uber. Cody and I have been texting and calling each other all week and we were both looking forward to this date.
Just before I walked into the restaurant, I smoothed down my dress. I changed atleast four times before picking the dress I am wearing.
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I told the hostess my name as the reservation was under it and I was taken straight to my table where Cody was already waiting.
He stood up and I got a good look look at him. He doesn't wear suits often and you can tell, but he looked so handsome.
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I said thank you to the hostess as Cody pulled out my chair for me.
"Such a gentleman." I teased.
He laughed nervously.
"Are you nervous Mr. Vance?"
"I am and I haven't been this nervous to go out with someone since high school."
"No need to be nervous Cody. I am just Y/N L/N."
"I know, I just really like you and I have enjoyed our conversations this past week and getting to know you."
"Well don't think as this as a date. Just think about it as two people meeting up after a week apart and catching up."
Cody started to relax the moment our food came and by the end of the dessert, it was like we have known each other for ages.
As we were waiting for the bill, which I tried to pay half for but he threw his credit card down on the table so fast I asked him which city they are hitting next.
"We are going to New York if you want to come along."
"I would like that. When can I see you next?" I am a straight forward person as I don't want to play any games.
"Tomorrow for lunch? I'll pick the place this time."
"I would like that Cody."
Our first date ended with him kissing me and I enjoyed every single moment of it but it sadly ended as my uber came.
The next day we met at Turkey and the Wolf and I enjoyed it.
"When do you think would be a good time to tell Brodie that we have been on a few dates?" I asked him as ate a fry.
"I will tell him tonight. I usually call him before the show if they don't come."
"Yeah, might be a good idea since they are flying to New York."
"What are we going to say this is? Just two people casually dating or.."
Cody reached across the table and grabbed my hands in his. "How about boyfriend and girlfriend?"
"I would like that Cody."
We finished our date as he had to leave to get to the match on time. I hated to leave him but I had to catch my flight back to Florida.
I am a teacher throughout the year and I enjoy my summers off. Sometimes I work, but this year I decided to just travel.
Once I was off the plane and in a taxi heading back to Amanda, I had a few missed calls from her but I figured I would just talk to her once I am there.
I knock on the door and Amanda opened it, glaring playfully at me. "Well, are you going to let me in?"
"That depends, when were you going to tell me you were dating Cody?" I rolled my eyes at her as I walked past her.
"He literally just asked me to be his girlfriend today. We have been on two dates and I was going to tell you when I saw you."
"Well...Good. I am happy for you two." Amanda said as she pulled me into a hug.
"Y/N!" I heard the excited voice of Brodie and the happy laugh from Nolan.
I spent the rest of the night watching movies with them and it made me sad at some points just because John wasn't here with us.
Once the boys were in bed, it was just Amanda and I.
"You know Amanda, I don't know how you do it."
"Do what?" She asked me as she sat down next to me on the couch.
"Just stay so strong. I look at Brodie and all I see is John."
She took a deep breath. "Some days it is harder than others but I have to remind myself that John is always with us. The AEW family have been there since day one. Cody has become like a big brother to the boys. Other members of the Dark Order love to have them around as do the other wrestlers. I know I can call anyone at a moments notice and they will and have dropped what they are doing to be there for us."
I couldn't help but look over at the photo of John that is on the mantle and smile. She is right, he is always with us
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Pres10 Vance POV:
Today was the first time Y/N will be seeing me wrestle and I am very nervous.
"What is up with you?" John asked me.
See I haven't told anyone I was dating Y/N. I just didn't want to deal with the teasing.
"Remember Y/N?"
"Of course."
"Well, you know how when we were in New Orleans and I said I was meeting up with someone."
"No way, Y/N?"
"Yeah, been dating ever since."
"Is that why you are acting so weird?"
"Yes, this is all new to us and I don't want to mess it up."
"Just go out there and do what you do." John said to me.
When I walked out there with the Dark Order beside me, I noticed her in the crowd and I couldn't help but smile which I hid quickly.
My match was against Austin Gunn and it was close but I made him tap out.
We were the main event and the Dark Order joined me once more, including Brodie as Negative One.
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I was getting my lip stiched up when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Not as bad as it looks Cody?"
"No, but have to be careful with it for a few days. I missed you though."
"I missed you too sweetheart." I said as she kissed my cheek.
After I was stitched up, Y/N helped clean off the blood on my chest on face.
"You know most women would of run by now."
"I am not like most women." Was her reply.
And she wasn't.
She was there through it all. Y/N was the first one by my side when I hurt my hand and through recovery.
Y/N is full of surprises. She surprised me with a trip to Mexico and that is where I proposed to her.
A year later we got married with all our friends and family there, and I had Brodie as my best man.
I guess he really was the best wing man because with out him, I would of never met Y/N.
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