#pretend this isn't 87 years late.
florbelles · 1 year
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for @unholymilf xx
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graces5169 · 1 year
300 prompts, categories and character descriptions.
Leave however many prompts you want with the genre of writing and any necessary character descriptions and any extra detail needed. :) (make sure you also leave
character x reader so I know who I'm writing about)
¡Prompts! (From Pinterest)
1. Why did you leave me
2. Am I that useless to you
3. I hate you
4. I love you
5. Can you hug me
6. Do I mean anything to you
7. Please stop your hurting me
8. Don't look at me
9. You disappoint me
10. I am (so) proud of you
11. Can I sleep beside/with you tonight
12. I'm scared
13. Can I hug you
14. Please hold me
15. Your hands are shaking
16. Stay by my side it doesn't have to be forever
17. Promise you'll return alive
18. I've always hated you
19. I've always loved you
20. Your safe now I've got you
21. Your the only one I trust to do this
22. Your too good for me
23. You've got to be kidding me
24. Have you lost your damn mind
25. Please don't leave me
26. Why don't you come over here and make me
27. Are you jealous
28. I almost lost you
29. Wanna bet
30. Looks like we'll be trapped a while
31. Just once
32. Shut up
33. It's not what it looks like
34. Sometimes it's hard to keep pretending
35. And if I don't
36. I can't help but stare
37. Make me
38. Can't you pretend you love me just once
39. Is your ego really that big
40. Come dance with me
41. Just shut up for one minute
Original/ (not off Pinterest)
42. What are you afraid of
43. Just love me damnit
44. I'm broken and unfixable
45. She's mine
46. I suggest you back off
47. Fuck off mate
48. I'm not watching you mope around like a loser
49. I'm trying to break up with you
50. Did you ever care
51. I was a fucking game
52. Im not your toy
53. She's so annoying
54. Your nothing but a stupid mudblood
55. You tried to kill me
56. I could've killed her
57. Im a monster
58. I hate myself to
59. How'd you do that
60. She never smiles anymore
61. She only smiles when he's around
62. I'd rather date Sirius
63. This time your 'prank' went to far
64. Just my parents
65. You don't deserve this
66. They don't deserve you
67. You have a beautiful voice
68. She's stunning
69. I have to go I'm sorry
70. I can't do this
71. Are we just friends
72. You could never hurt me
73. Your a wolf
74. Are you serious
75. I'd never date you
76. I don't believe you darling
77. You're cheating on me
78. It's over
79. Im pretty sure I'm drunk but you're really hot
80. We can't do this
81. Im sorry
82. It's better this way
83. "Fuck you!" "When?"
84. Im going
85. Im stopping at nothing to get her back
86. Because I'm in love with you god damnit
87. It's too late for me
88. I fancy you
89. Would you fancy a date day at hogsmade this Saturday
(From Pinterest)
90. Im tired of being your secret
91. Who did this to you
92. You are not fine
93. I thought you hated me
94. Im not leaving you
95. I don't owe you an explanation
96. I thought pushing her away was for the better
97. Nobody wants me
98. I want an answer goddamnit
99. No one's ever done that to me before
100. This feels nice
101. I haven't been hugged in years
102. Im pathetic
103. Im not happy here
104. I want my best friend back
105. Go away
106. If he can't see how amazing you are that's his loss
107. What are you smiling about
108. What's in it for me
109. Do you ever stop talking
110. Isn't this what you wanted
111. She's better off
112. Can I hold your hand
113. You can't do that shit
114. You can borrow mine
115. I'll wait
116. He hit me
117. Your one of them
118. I like your scars
119. Don't fall asleep on me
120. Can I date your brother
121. Your a deatheater
122. Don't make me say something I'll regret
123. Can I braid your hair
124. Your really pretty
125. Let me help you
126. You stubborn arse
127. Your in love with her
128. Stay I need you more than you know
129. Your killing me here
130. Tell me I'm wrong
131. I'd be lying to you
132. Lie to me
133. Prove it
134. I'll never get another chance to say this
135. I never stood a chance did I
136. Tell me again
137. This is why we can't have nice things
138. Do you regret it
139. I'm not going anywhere
140. Another nightmare
141. You've thought about it haven't you
142. We need to talk about last night
143. We were drunk we can just put it behind us
144. You were my biggest mistake
145. Are you drunk
146. What happens if I do this
147. I can't have you
148. Just for tonight
149. Be mine for just one night
150. She was crying because of you
151. We're not just friends and you fucking know it
152. You could die and I couldn't care less
153. I never cared
154. Please don't cry I can't stand to see you cry
155. Walk out that door and were through
156. Yell, scream, shout, say something
157. I can't breathe
158. I hate how much I love you
159. Where do you think your going
160. I'm not letting you walk at night alone three miles back
161. I need time and space
162. Run away like you always do you fucking coward
163. You can keep pretending it didn't happen all you want but guess what it fucking did
164. Can't we just be friends again
165. Stop acting like your okay cause I know your not
166. Just talk to me
167. Bite me
168. If you insist
169. I think I'm in love with you and that scares the shit out of me
170. I think your just afraid to be happy
171. I'm afraid I'll hurt her
172. Why are you so nice to me
173. Choose me
174. Shut up and kiss me
175. Your blushing
176. Is that my shirt
177. This is awkward
178. Please come home I miss you
179. It won't happen again
180. I don't see a future with you
181. Why are you helping a monster
182. Stay the fuck back
183. Please pull the trigger
184. Leave! I don't fucking care
185. I can't save us
186. So save yourself
187. Why didn't you tell me how bad it got
188. I never said I wanted a relationship with you so why are you crying
189. I deserve more than this
190. I'm not anyones favorite person
191. I just want to be wanted I'm tired of being needed for everything
192. I know! But you didn't have to use her like that
193. We can start over, please I'll do anything
194. Everything can be perfect so please don't leave
195. I guess we just weren't meant to be
196. You're always leaving me
197. Stop lying
198. If you die I'll go out of my fucking head
199. Your cute when your mad
200. And Your adopted
201. You gave us quite a scare
202. We can work it out
203. You're overreacting
204. You're all I have left
205. I don't care what they think
206. It's me
207. You make me feel safe
208. You guys read my diary what are you five
209. I don't recognize you anymore
210. You make me sick
211. Sorry can't fix what you've done
212. Do you really have feelings for me
213. Don't look at me like that
214. Give me a break
215. It's not a party without alcohol
216. Truth or dare
217. It's six in the morning your not having anymore firewhiskey
218. Your drive me fucking crazy
219. I'm dangerous please stay back
220. Did you hit your head as a kid
221. She's not yours anymore
222. She's deaf dumbass
223. I'm sorry for my brother he's an asshole
224. Oi, fuck off please
225. "I could kiss you right now." "Do it then"
226. What are you doing to me
227. Just admit I'm right
228. He's hot
229. Your my brother I'll always care for you
230. I'm personally offended I didn't get picked to be your fake date
231. They don't love me they're not that stupid
232. We'll what can I say I'm badass
233. Do I get bonus points if I act like I care
234. Excuse me I have to go make a scene
235. I'm gonna need therapy after this
236. Do your parents realize they're living proof that two wrongs don't make a right
237. I'm going on a date
238. Will you be my girlfriend
239. Would you rather kiss me or Lilly
240. Your bloody obsessed
241. She looks so perfect
242. You look beautiful
243. I wanna become an animagus
244. Stop coming back
245. Do you love him
246. I can't love you
247. You made me better
248. You ate my leftovers
249. Just get it over with
250. Were best when we're together don't you think
251. Can I kiss you
252. If I kiss you It's gonna change everything
253. Fuck it
254. I'm pretty sure I just made a fool of myself
255. Can you stop ignoring me
256. I'm friends with a bunch of two year olds
257. Hug me
258. Oh deer
259. Chocolate, old books and rain
260. Cologne, wet dog and leather
261. Cologne, broom polish and fresh cut grass
262. Are you hitting on me
263. This was fun, we should do it again
264. You owe me
265. I swear I'm gonna slit his fucking throat
266. Did you just kiss me
267. Huh ironic isn't it I'm a lone wolf
268. You hooked up
269. You kissed her
270. Teach me
271. What are we
272. What if I do
273. I want you to be happy
274. I think your beautiful
275. Why do you have scars
276. Shut up before you wake them
277. This is why we don't listen to you
278. What do you mean maybe
279. Hey whose side are you on
280. It's okay you didn't know
281. At least my parents are still alive
282. That wasn't love it was a perfect illusion
283. She makes my heart beat at a million miles per second
284. I'm not in the mood to fight with you tonight
285. Come stay with me
286. Don't call me love
287. I always keep my promises
288. Revenge is my best work
289. Why are you up
290. He's amazing
291. She's not going with you
292. I wasn't lying when I told you I loved you
293. Why are you scared
294. Why aren't you scared of me
295. If your a monster for what you've done than I'm the fucking devil
296. You fucking traitor
297. I'll always love you
298. I will never leave you no matter what happens between us I'll always be there
299. Please stop
300. I fucking love you thats why
Genre/ type of story
Friends to lovers
Enemies to lovers
Angst with a happy ending
Angst with a sad ending
Fluff to angst
Angst to fluff
+ more
No smut
Character x reader
Sirius black and reader
James potter and reader
Remus lupin and reader
Lilly Evans and reader
Regulus black and reader
Marlene McKinnon and reader
Characters house
Any added features
Hair color
Eye color
Relationship status with parents and other characters
Any important details.
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asphalt-cocktail · 4 years
Hear me out..kay?
'70s John Lennon with younger female home assistant reader getting into a lil dispute because John thinks he let himself go after the Beatles broke up, but the reader believes otherwise and it ends up in the two of them having passionate/slightly rough sex because he's more or so angry with himself than anything? And the two of them are really close too, like John allows her to watch Julian and Sean when he's at the studio or on business trips?? And the two boys genuinely like her???
(a universe where he isn't married to yoko ((no hate intended)) and is single and happy that way..)
Oh my god, I love this idea! 70s john is so pretty. I love how he looks as he gets older. it’s like fine wine. Some of the ages might not add up but we’ll call this an AU for the sake of consistency!
Warnings: Some smudges of angst, smut, insecurities, language
Also it got WAY longe than I expected so i got a little carried away. 
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As John slept, he dreamt he sat perched on a throne made bones. It overlooked a high cliff that faced the ocean where the wind burned his face and he could hear seagulls screaming in the background.
He was alone. For once he wished he had the screaming crowds and bandmates calling his name. But only the shrieking gulls filled his ears.
The dream seemed to go on for two lifetimes and the atmosphere felt staticky as the waves repeatedly crashed against the shores and hit the rocks. At times he could feel the soft kiss of saltwater sprinkling against his face.
He blinked for the first time in what felt like ages and suddenly his throne of bones began to collapse, he grasped at them panicked as he desperately tried to prevent himself from falling. Just as his footing slipped John shot up in his bed breathing heavily. He blinked to clear the bleariness that had settled from sleep and palmed his bedside table for his glasses and crudely wiped them on his sheets to clear the fingerprints before slipping them on. 
Suddenly the room was clear, and the sound of gulls was replaced with Sean’s squealing laughter. It helped John feel grounded in his brief moment of panic. He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes, Christ, what did he have to do today again? John ran his fingers through is knotted hair and slipped out of his bed. Right, he had to do several interviews to promote his new album and single that was just released then he had a dinner party. He grimaced at the thought of having to sit for several hours with a group of yuppies and pretend to enjoy their conversation.
As John walked through is bedroom he slipped on a pair of slippers and his dressing gown before stopping in front of his full length mirror. He gave his belly a firm pat, he’d lost a significant amount of weight in the last five years, mostly from depression, but it was still a small victory in his eyes. Atleast he had that going for him.
The bedroom door open and John found himself lured to the kitchen by the smell of syrup and pancakes. He flashed you a tight-lipped smile, “You’re early.” He greeted you.
You shrugged your shoulders, not looking up from the batter as you poured it into the skillet, “I know I thought my exam was going to take much longer than it did.” You said sheepishly. John had been gracious enough to accept you as his assistant and sometimes nanny. He was nice and the job helped you learn a lot about public relations and management, which is what you had hoped to do after you’d graduated from university. 
“Do you want some pancakes? Sean helped with them.” You said waving the ladle towards John.
He shrugged, still groggy from sleep. He really didn’t want any, but the way Sean stared at him with his big black eyes begging changed his mind. He sighed after his idle moment in thought and nodded his head, “I suppose I should see what the little chief has made for us.” He smiled and ruffled the kid’s hair.
After breakfast John rushed to get ready, “And you’re okay with taking Julian to piano lessons? Remember Sean still needs to finish that cough medicine from his cold earlier last week, and they can’t stay up past-” he rushed out his of things that he now only worried about due to having children.
You placed your hand on John’s arm and gave him a look, “John I’ve worked with you for almost three years, I think I can handle a day of babysitting. Julian will get to piano lesson on time and Sean will get his medicine; and don’t worry I won’t give them any sugar past 6pm.” John chose to ignore the little wink you gave Julian and Sean from the other side of the room.
He let out a sigh and his shoulders relaxed, “I know, I just” Worry I’m not good enough, his intrusive thoughts echoed in his mind and he shook his head before sharply inhaling, “I just worry about them, you know how it is.” You didn’t, you weren’t a parent. But you understood a little bit with where he was coming from.
You gave John a sympathetic nod and patted his shoulder, “Go on, you’re going to be late for the interview.” You said and turned him, pushing him towards the door.
A small smile settled on John’s face, it didn’t matter if he left for 8 hours or a full week, he still gave you the same reminders and the same list when Yoko or Cynthia couldn’t take the kids. John rushed out the door and you turned towards the boys and grinned at them. They were both nice, Julian had a wee bit of an attitude, but you chocked it up to him being in double digits while Sean was a curious and surprisingly even-tempered boy.
You made sure Julian got to and from piano lessons okay and wrestled with Sean to take the last dose of his medication, bribing him with some cookies. The remainder of the afternoon and evening you watched a movie with them, walked in the park, and drew pictures of the cats.
At lunch time John called to check in on the boys and to let you know it was going to be a late night, after reassuring him everything was fine you resumed your conversation with Sean about some fabulous story he was making up.
John sat at the dinner party, poking at his food and listening to his scientist friend tell them about a fancy new machine they got at work. The autoclave used immense amounts of heat and pressure to sterilize items, nothing survived the autoclave. In that moment John decided he saw some of his own likeness in the machine. As the voices turned to mumbles and John fell deep into thought he found that his own heart was harsh an inhospitable, much like the machine. That was why he was mostly alone in his 17-room apartment in New York City. His two wives couldn’t even make his home their home, and when he received a phone call from Cynthia or Yoko saying they were coming to pick the children up or to send them home on the morrows next fight he couldn’t say it struck him by surprise.
As the evening grew late you put Sean to bed and then an hour later you sent Sean to bed, much to your surprise neither of the boys fought with you tonight over why it was unfair they had different bedtimes or how they should be allowed to stay up later because it was summertime.
Infomercials from the television droned in your ears and lulled you to sleep as you sprawled out on the couch. A hand touching your shoulder caused you to jump and you blinked before John came into focus, “I’m home, you can stay the night in the guest room. It’s too late for you to go home alone.” He said kindly.
You rubbed your eyes and groggily sat up, “How did the meetings go today?” You asked after a deep yawn.
John’s face scrunched up, the way it did when he was frustrated and deep in thought, “It was alright.” He shrugged.
“What do you mean alright? You just released a new single, no one had an opinion on it?” You asked as you made your way through one of the many long hallways that made up his Dakota apartment.
John followed you, hoping for conversation and company, “I don’t know, I must have termites in me brain or something.” He frowned leaning against the door of the bathroom and watching you rummage through the cabinet for your spare toothbrush. Your movements moved on memory and you pushed aside the antacids and ibuprofen to get to the toothbrush you kept in the back of the medicine cabinet. The familiarity in your actions made John feel comforted.
“what do you mean?” You asked before you began brushing your teeth. You watched as John shifted, leaning against the door jam. He felt uncomfortable. You could tell.
He looked away from you, “I’m washed up I suppose.” He dug his shoe into the grout of the bathroom tile, “No one wants to listen to a former Beatle without the other three.” John wanted to open up to you but his body felt like an unstable bag of foam and bones and his ability to speak clearly vanished.
You spat out your toothpaste and wiped the remainder off with the towel that hung on the wall, “Oh come off it,” You scolded him, “You don’t mean that do you?”
Now it was your turn to follow John as he walked through the house, kicking his shoes off and tossing his jacket to the side, “That’s how it seems.” He chewed on the inside of his cheek, “Every time I talk to one of these hokey television people, they just rub it in me face how successful Paul or George are doing.” He frowned, “And I’m just sitting here, a one hit wonder. No songs in the last five years.” He tugged open the door to his wardrobe and pulled out sleeping cloths and tossed them onto the bed, “Paul’s got his 87 children, and his new better band. What do I have?” His cheeks started turning red and his thick brows furrowed.
You listened to him complain about his imperfections, he obviously needed to get them off his chest, “John,” You said softly interrupting his monologue, “You don’t mean that.” You bluntly said.
John looked away from you and huffed loudly, “First I get called the fat Beatle, then I get torn to shreds for saying one thing about Christianity and now I can’t even write a damn song anymore.” He angrily pulled his shirt over his head, “If I can’t even write a damn song what use am I?” He continued to mumble to himself and tug the thin and worn sleep shirt over his head and stuck his arms through the hole.
You walked forward and boldly grabbed John’s wrist as he reached for his lounge pants, “Stop it,” You said in the same tone of voice you used to scold one of the children, “I don’t want to hear you say bad things about yourself that aren’t true.” Your brows knit together as John turned to look at you.
His eyes narrowed to little slits as he studied your face. John felt as though the throne of fame he once sat upon was now crumbling, much like in his dream “You’re just an assistant, you don’t know anything.” He said coldly and shrugged you off.
You know he didn’t mean it, but the words stung, “Yeah, I’m just your assistant who watches your kids, and takes them to piano lessons, and does your laundry, and brings you take away when you are too sad to leave your room.” You shot back.
Your words hit John like a 10-ton truck, and he looked at you shocked, none of his assistants had ever been this bold before. They all cowered beneath the mighty John Lennon, but you were different. Your tongue was just as sharp as his, and he hated to admit it; but he liked the way your brows furrowed, and your eyes ignited with fire every time you argued back at him. He wanted to get a rise out of you, so he pushed you, “I pay you for it, don’t go around thinking you’re special. I could post your job in the paper and have hundreds of college kids lining up to work for me.” He hissed stepping towards you.
You were backed into a wall, literally and figuratively, you felt at a loss for words. John was right and you both knew it, what was the worst that could happen if you pushed back a bit? “Do it, I dare you.” You scoffed and moved to push past him, “Surprised anyone would like to work for a washed-up Beatle.” You mumbled under your breath knowing that he would hear you.
John brought his arm up and pushed you back into your spot between the wall and pushed his lips against yours. It was hard and messy; your teeth clicked together, and your noses knocked. It took a moment for you to realize what was happening until John roughly shoved his knee between your legs. You let out a whimper feeling him pull away and start leaving hot open-mouthed kisses along your jaw and trailing down to your neck. Your chest heaved against him and you swallowed thickly, and you desperately tried to focus as he continued to latch onto your neck, sucking and biting at the sensitive skin, “John.” You whined and ground yourself against his thigh.
He loved how you practically purred his name as you spoke. John’s hands pushed down on your hips, helping you as you slid against his thigh with wanton need. Your breathy sighs sent a shiver that crept down his spine and settled in his belly, “We can stop, just say it and I’ll stop.” He said rubbing his nose along your jaw.
You swallowed thickly, “Please don’t,” You didn’t want to go back now.
John pulled away and pulled you by your wrist before pushing you back onto the bed. You bounced back against the plush large mattress and laid against the pillows and watched as John knelt between your legs. He rubbed his hands along your thighs and kissed you’re the skin that had become exposed from your shirt riding up and pushed it up more. He sucked and left kitten licks as he exposed more of you stomach and chest, kissing between your breasts and sucking at the soft skin on the sides.
John peeled your shirt off and in one swift movement your breasts were exposed and your top and underclothes tossed aside. He dove against your neck again, deepening the marks he’d already left prior and adding new ones, nipping at the skin and inhaling your scent. You reached your fingers and laced them in his soft long hair. You’d always wondered how it felt and how it smelt. You found yourself burying your nose into the side of his head and breathing deeply. He smelled like stale smoke, the gum he always chewed as a nervous habit, and like his eucalyptus shampoo. It made your brain feel dizzy.
Your legs wrapped around John’s narrow hips and pulled him flush against you. He groaned feeling your heat against his awakening erection and ground against you. he felt like he was 18 again, sneaking home some blurry faced bird through the back door at Mimi’s after coming home too late. But this felt better, it wasn’t some random company for the night; it was you.
The assistant he hired on a whim because he needed someone to watch Sean while he flew to LA for recording, the same person who folded his laundry, the first person he told of his divorce from Yoko. Even in his dream as he stood alone on the edge of the cliff as his throne collapsed, he knew if he called your name you would come.
Now, here he was; swallowing your moans eagerly in his mouth and listening as you left ragged breathy gasps in his ear as he ground against you. His hands fumbled with the buttons on your pants before he finally gave up and pulled them open, the small button popping off and bouncing to the other side of the room. John kissed your hips and along the lower half of your stomach and it twitched.
You squirmed, looking down and seeing his intently focused face as he yanked down your underwear and jeans and carelessly tossed them aside. You suddenly became aware of your nakedness as you stared down at John, fully clothed in a loose sleep shirt and the pants he wore today. Your eyes trailed his body and you sat up, tugging at his shirt. Your movements were hesitant and less confident than his. John’s hands guided his shirt up and he tugged it off, throwing it to join the rest of your discarded cloths and you ran a hand along his chest. Admiring the freckles and imperfections that made him distinctly human. He pulled back and shrugged his pants off and resumed his spot between your legs, pushing you back down.
John kissed the sides of your knees and made his way up your thighs, “Is this okay?” He murmured.
You shivered feeling his lips moving against your legs and nodded your head, urging him to continue. The pit of nervousness that settled in your belly violently vanished as you felt John’s hot tongue swipe between your folds and lap at you, “Jesus Christ,” You gasped out.
You could feel John smirk as he hooked his arms under your legs and pulled you close. He spread you apart, groaning and rubbing your clit with his thumb, “Has anyone ever done this to you before?” He asked glancing up at you.
You swallowed thickly and shook your head, “N-no,” You choked out.
John hummed acknowledging your answer and licked at your core again, taking his time to trace lazy shapes around the bundle of nerves. It sent a tingle that rang through your whole body, from the tips of your toes to your fingers and you desperately reached for John’s hair to keep him in place.
Your toes curled and you pressed John’s face closer against you and bucked your hips, grinding against his face. He groaned and pressed back, pulling you closer against his face. The plug between your brain and mouth disconnected and your mind felt like it was swimming. The string in your stomach tightened as you continued to grind against John’s tongue as he lapped at you. Your soft breathy sighs climbed in pitch before it snapped and your hips squirmed against him. John firmly held you down and he harshly rubbed your clit. The burning sensation caused your toes to curl, your eyes to blissfully shut, and made your legs shake. Your hips tried to jerk away from his hand, but he held you down, watching you writhe, jaw hanging slightly ajar.
“St-op” You choked out and gripped his wrist, letting out a sob as he pushed you to your peak once again. Your chest heaved and your legs shook as it washed through you. You curled into yourself and your face scrunched up.
John left you no room to breathe as he pulled your face close to his and captured your mouth in an open mouth. His tongue explored your mouth and you could taste yourself. You gripped at his forearms and pulled him back down, thumbing his briefs and tugging them down. John smiled against your mouth as he wiggled out of them, twisting his legs and shifting before he finally gave up and broke your kiss for a moment to tug them the rest of the way down.
You reached to kiss him and frowned as he pulled away, settling between your legs and rubbing his cock teasingly between your wet folds before he pushed in. You gasped, feeling John stretch you as his pelvis pushed against the back of your legs. He sat there for a moment and his face reached up and cupped yours as he hovered just inches away from your face.
You brought your hand up and placed it on John’s, his thumb traced your bottom lip and he slowly moved his hip, pushing deep inside you. Your mouth fell open and you let out a soft moan. John eagerly took the opportunity to slip his thumb into your mouth and pushed harder into you as your lips wrapped around it.
John’s hands gripped your hips as his picked-up speed, pulling them against him and making your skin slap together. He fell over you and you wrapped your arms around him pulling his body close to yours. His head fell next to your shoulder and he messily kissed up your shoulder and up to the side of your mouth before you captured his. Your kiss lacked tact and was only motivated by wanton need for each other. Your teeth clanked harshly together, and you clung to John as though he would vanish from you in an instant.
John broke the kiss and latched onto your neck once again, nipping at the skin and leaving a lingering and dull pain as he continued his trail before settling near your ear. John’s grunts and soft breathy sighs were perhaps the best sound’s you’d ever heard. In that moment you didn’t care that your bodies stuck together with sweat, or that your head kept bumping against the headboard.
You found yourself reaching for John and whimpering as he pulled away and hooked his arms under your knees and brought them up, leaning onto you and pushing deeper inside you. Your back arched off the mattress as he pulled back and began to slowly rut deep inside you.
John clenched his teeth together and hissed, feeling your walls twitching around him as he continued his languid pace, “Please,” You said softly, your brows knit together and your eyes looking helplessly up at him.
His lips spread into a knowing smirk, “Please what?” His voice sounded ragged and strained as he continued to tease you.
“More please,” You barely recognized the whiny tone of your voice.
“Yeah?” He asked and harshly snapped his hips against yours, “Like that?” He asked snapping them again. The headboard lightly tapped the wall as John’s thrusts grew harder and faster while your staccato moans followed jointly. John watched you, your mouth hanging open and skin shiny from the combination of his and your sweat that coated your body. He felt more human in this moment than he’d felt in a long time.
John’s brows knit together, and his thighs clenched, he didn’t want this to end. You pulled his arms and pulled him close to you, not caring if it seemed like you were being clingy, “Come inside me,” You breathed out next to his ear.
John’s body seized up and he huffed out a shaky haggard breath before he came, holding you close against his body and riding out the high that fogged over his senses.
For a moment he laid on top of you, softening inside you but enjoying the intimate closeness the two of you shared in your post coital haze. John kissed your shoulder before pulling back and kissing your lips. He pulled back and the two of you smiled at each other.
You couldn’t help but turn your head and breath out a small laugh before John rolled over to your side. The two of you laid on top of his wrinkled duvet staring at each other. You pursed your lips and remembered what you said earlier, “I didn’t mean it, what I said.” You said sheepishly looking away.
John’s expression was soft as he looked at you, “I’m sorry for what I said, I didn’t mean it either.” He said his arm now resting on your shoulder. He pulled you against his bare chest and you pushed your knee between his legs, entangling your bodies together as John held you. 
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