#previous elemental masters
get-acronixed-meme · 17 days
MEME HOUR: Elemental Alliance pt. 2
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unknownsigils · 5 months
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living in obscurity
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wyrmswears · 2 months
yknow what, fuck you, [unhumans your previous elemental masters of lightning and ice and makes them best friends^_^]
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Ice is an unspecified eldritch being. He has an uncanny valley effect on humans that unnerves the majority of the team who in turn can't understand how Libber, Garmadon, and Wu don't feel unsettled by him. Eventually, the teams warms up to him, and though no one becomes as close to him as Libber is, everyone knows they can come to him if they want to hex their ex or get a demon exorcised (sometimes these are one and the same).
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Libber is a raijū and though this isn't common knowledge when she joins the elemental masters, news quickly spreads; she isn't great at keeping secrets. She DOES bite and Maya learnt this the hard way.
more art but also cw for death under read more
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writer-room · 11 months
You ever think about how, if we’re looking at the timeline (which is always a horrible thing to do with Ninjago), then its pretty apparent that Garmadon only succumbed to the snake venom like...a decade or so before the main events of the story? And it was least a few months after Lloyd was born if we take a look at the comics? And this guy is, like, two thousand or so years old? Cause I sure think about it.
You ever think about how Garmadon and Wu knew all the previous Elemental Masters? Might’ve been genuine friends with them? Kai and Nya’s parents, Cole’s grandfather, Jay’s mom, the previous Ice Master? Isn’t that wild. Ray and Maya went off the map for ages and were probably assumed dead by everyone until they finally reappeared. Cole’s grandad is who-knows-where but his daughter just straight up died so lets hope nobody learned that was how he had a kid in the first place. Jay’s mom ran with a fancy actor, had a kid, and promptly fucked off into the unknown. The previous Ice Master looked old as hell by the time he came across Zane, so it’s assumed he also disappeared into the ether, gave this kid some powers, and died sometime later. There seems to be a habit of all these guys vanishing into the air, usually with no trace left to find out what happened to them. Isn’t that a little sad?
You ever think about how Garmadon probably met Morro while he was training? The other Masters might’ve met Morro, too? You ever think about that. How Garmadon could’ve been right there with Wu, sitting at the kitchen table, assuring him that Morro was just some angry teenager trying to prove himself, he’d get over it and come home soon enough, and then Wu could make up some bullshit to make him feel better. And then they kept waiting. And waiting. And waiting. By the time Garmadon was worried near to death himself, it was already much, much too late. And they all had to live with that.
I think about it.
#ninjago#lego ninjago#lord garmadon#ninjago wu#sensei wu#master wu#morro#ninjago morro#elemental masters#great devourer venom#ninjago ray#ninjago maya#ninjago coles grandfather#ninjago jays mom#previous master of ice#headcanons#ideas#talk#ninjago zane#jays mom particularly is like. we know cliff gordon is dead#we also know the two of them married but later split bc cliff was a womanizer. so heres my question#whyd she leave jay with cliff? why didnt she try to stay in his life or send letters? is she dead? what killed her? did anyone look for her?#did no one reach out to find her or did she legitimately drop off the map. i like to think she just dropped off somewhere from the others#she just kinda. uprooted and left. and it was like that chapter of her life never happened in the first place#i also think about the ice master picking some random kid in the woods he thought was funky! and coles grandad possibly outliving his kid!#and his grandad also being unable to bear being part of coles life! and just how bloody long garmadon fought to stay good!#how he mightve had a joke with his elemental friends about 'its the venom talking' or just stupid stuff that made him feel a little better#'give into the venom for like a minute to beat this guy up and i'll buy you lunch from the fancy noodle place' 'DEAL'#was morro the baby of the group? did he get teased by the others and cooed at. did they all joke wu was a teenage (1k year old) dad#did wu ever look at pictures of him & morro. look across the monastery to lloyd hanging off kai & swear it was like staring into a mirror
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thefiresofpompeii · 4 months
77 years… he was stuck on earth for 77 fucking years while she stole his tardis and ran away
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miraculousninja-345 · 7 months
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Nai (libber) and Lilly talking about lou
I feel like they'd be friends if they ever met
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sexiestwerewolf · 12 days
if we're being technical here then Lloyd releasing all of the serpentine wasn't the big cataclysm that led to the great devourer being released and if anything it was a good thing he released them bc no species deserves to be starved for decades and imprisoned just bc of the fault of one man painting them as an "evil warmongering species"
it was the fault of the previous elemental masters in not even trying to see if the rumor of the serpentine wanting to attack were true, and then imprisoning their entire species instead of just the Anacondrai who were the ones actively engaging in war. even then I still think they shouldn't have been punished the way they did, and it even shows that the Anacondrai generals were actually decent people who didn't deserve that
pythor probably would've been stopped by his own people had they not been locked away (bc let's face it he would still want to release the great devourer he wasn't wholly acting on revenge since he literally ate his own people I'm pretty sure he was one of those people who just wanted to kill a whole bunch of humans bc he found it insulting that they locked him away and considered them 'less than' him and heavily worshipped the great devourer)
added edit bc I thought of it but I also believe that if Lloyd had the chance to go back to the past he would 100% release the serpentine again but he would probably leave pythor since all of the Anacondrai are dead anyways and he's the only one left and lloyd doesnt want that possibility of the great devourer being released again. he would def release the others though bc he wouldn't believe it was right for them to be kept in tombs
added on edit: I also do know that the Anacondrai were given the same exact lie so they also should've checked it out. tbh if you're both given a false rumor that the other is gonna attack you you're probably gonna assume the worst but I hate war in general and think it's stupid and think they should've still negotiated with eachother
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ambriel-angstwitch · 7 months
Maya: Hey, Whint, have you thought about having children?
Whint: ...
Whint: Does looking over you and the others not seem like I already do? Because I promise you, it sure feels like it.
Maya: But we're not childr-
Whint, already distracted: RAY, PUT THE FIRE BALL DOWN!
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blu3cl0v3rs · 8 months
Dear Tumblr, I have done it.
I finished my first Morrotober prompt!
Here ya go!
Summary: Morro celebrates his birthday with the Masters of Creation and the Spinjitzu Brothers!
Warnings: None
Prompt: Magic | "I wish…"
Extra: This is all non-canon, but I love the thought that Morro knew all of the previous Elemental Masters, so this was made. Also, you can take Garmadon's nickname of "Donnie/'Don" out of my cold, dead, rotting hands, and I named the previous ice elemental Touki.
"I wish…" the young boy trailed off into silence, then flourished his hand to blow out the candles on a cake.
"Happy birthday, Morro!" Maya smothered the now-assumed-to-be 8 year old with kisses to his temple.
"Maya! Stop it, give me a chance to hug the kid," Libber scooped up the scrawny child and spun happily out of the room and into the yard as Morro squealed.
This was the best day of his life! Second to the day Wu adopted him, which was the day they celebrated his birthday, but still! Lily showed up early and took him rock climbing after Sunrise Exercise with Dad and Uncle Donnie, then Touki arrived and told stories of times long past, and then Libber, Ray, and Maya came and they had a picnic in a flower field in full bloom! It looked magical, and they picked a bunch of flowers to turn into flower crowns. Of course, not before Ray dramatically professed his love to Maya with deep red carnations, despite already being engaged. They spent the rest of the afternoon preparing dinner back at the monastery and baking Morro's cake. They had finished dinner and moved onto the cake.
"Soooo, whaddidya wish for, pipsqueak?" Ray leaned on the wind elemental's head from behind after Libber set him down.
"I can't tell you! Uncle 'Don said my wish won't come true if I do!" The boy huffed, moving away from the fire elemental, who collapsed to the monastery floor.
Lily handed a plate with a slice of vanilla cake with pale green frosting and a fork to the youngest. "Here you go, Birthday Boy!"
Morro admired the cake, marveling at the idea of him eating something this perfect.
"Well don't just drool on it! How'd we do? I really hope you like it!" Libber jittered as Lily set a steady hand on her shoulder.
"Libber, relax," she told the lightning elemental.
Morro carefully carved the tip of the slice off, watching as he hesitantly raised the piece to his mouth, and ate it.
It was delicious.
Stars danced in his eyes as he cut off a bigger chunk and shoved it in his mouth, a few stray crumbs falling back to the plate.
"I'll take that as him liking the cake?" Garmadon asked, leaning on one of the wooden pillars holding up the monastery roof.
The boy swallowed, "I love it!" A smile plastered onto his face, a few dollops of frosting sticking to his lips until he licked them off.
"By the way, I was sent to tell you all to clean the mess you made inside."
Oh right, the food fight. Recent memories of being assaulted by peas, bread, and mashed potatoes rose to the surface as Morro shoveled another piece of his slice into his mouth.
The other elementals, except Morro and Ray, entered the building. Ray groaned incoherently, apparently still on the stone ground. Garmadon walked over, tail swishing with over exaggerated annoyance.
"C'mon, you freeloader. You have yet to actually move into your house in Ignacia and mooch off us half the time, the least you could do is clean up the plates," Uncle Donnie nudged the brunette with his foot.
"Fiiiiiiine," the man groaned and hoisted himself up to go inside.
Garmadon strolled over to his nephew, who was rather messily finishing his cake. "Enjoying that, aren't you?"
Morro nodded enthusiastically.
"…say, would you like to see the secret something I've been working on?" Uncle Donnie asked.
The younger looked at his uncle in wonder. "Really?"
'Don held his hand out, palm up, low enough for Morro to view. The elder of the two concentrated as he exhaled. Morro watched in awe as tiny sparks of light ignited and danced around in his palm, swaying and spinning around in perfect sync. They eventually slowed their frolicing and settled, writing out "Happy Birthday" on the dragoni's palm.
Uncle 'Don slowly lifted his hand up to his mouth as he inhaled, then blew the sparks off his hand. The two watched as they restarted their waltz, whirling carelessly until they faded into the starry night sky.
When did it become night?
Morro yawned, relaxing onto the man beside him. Uncle Donnie smells nice, like charcoal and sickly sweet cherry.
"I think your son's finally tired himself out," 'Don said… to someone. Dad, maybe? That sounded right.
Someone warm picked him up, and Morro couldn't find it in him to protest. The scent of Wu's favorite incense and Humili-Tea lingered around this person.
"Good night, my son."
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drunk-on-starlight · 8 months
Ninjago prequel series during serpentine wars when
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get-acronixed-meme · 18 days
MEME HOUR: Elemental Alliance pt. 1
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kassycreations · 2 years
I just like to imagine Ray, Maya, Lily, Libber and Ice all babysitting Morro as Wu goes off to do Spinjitzu Brothers stuff. The Elemental Masters assumed Morro would be well behaved and they thought wrong.
Wu comes home, everything is in fire. Ray is screaming, Maya is crying, Libber is doing both while mourning the loss of her wig, Ice has packed his shit and left and Lily’s tearing apart everything trying to look for the tiny child. Wu tells everyone to shut the fuck up and calmly walks into the monastery while the others follow behind.
They find Morro hiding in one of the many MANY secret hideaways eating a jar of cookies, watching cartoons and wearing Libber’s wig. He had to write and read them all a formal apology but refused to give back the wig.
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spicyicymeloncat · 1 year
Guys what if ex-villain Misako? What if the reason why Lloyd went to Darkly’s isn’t because of Garmadon, it’s because Misako has personal connections. And while she isn’t evil anymore, it would make sense as to why she opted to leave Lloyd, yknow. Like she thought she wouldn’t be a good parent. And also why she dated Garmadon in the first place. Also it makes their relationship so interesting. Rage filled person who is trying to fight the temptation to be evil x seeming innocent secretly devious person. It would be great.
#every Misako post I make gets harder and harder to understand because the misako in my head so far removed from canon#like I usually try and make content as in character as possible but like in canon she kinda has no character#okay for those are confused by my take on Misako here’s a recap#i dislike the writing of Misako but I think she has potential to be really interesting and I’m super invested in my own rewrite of her#this Misako has the personality of an uncle who is a bad influence#like she’s chill and reckless and she cares more about the thrill of adventure instead of safety responsibilities or rules#and then there’s wusako rivalry#no romance just biting#Wu and Misako hate each other and at first it seems like it’s because of their personality differences#but they actually used to be besties but Garmadon secretly caused them to fight and they never got over it#also Misako starts off as basically an absentee parent who left her child to go do archeological to cope with her family issues#but she character develops and decides she does care about Lloyd and whilst she’s nowhere near perfect she’s attempting to be better#like she and Lloyd are still super awkward and she’ll still disappear without a trace but she like brings Lloyd pottery she finds on her#adventures and they write letters#I’ve made headcanons for what the previous elemental masters were like and I included Misako in the gang and in that she’s so much more#chaotic and I tried to imply she might be hiding some insidious#like her being part of a villain organisation secretly and that org is darkly’s#that’s all my Misako lore#ninjago#lego ninjago#Ninjago misako
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aureallegories · 2 years
I have done nothing but think about these two for the past three days
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That's it. There's no other part to this post
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kathaynesart · 2 months
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The eye of the hurricane. I like to think Cassandra sometimes called the brothers by the nicknames their dad used, given they were probably pretty close before his passing.
Man oh man, this one was way messier and off model than my last few updates but whatever, we got to keep this ball rolling! Life's been crazy so I've had to take some unwanted breaks in between updates. Thanks everyone for your patience as always!
One thing I wanted in this flashback was to really get a sense of how the brothers worked as an experienced team with Leo at the helm as a proper leader. It's something we never got to see much of in Rise and I felt it was important to include since half the team is already gone by the time of Replica. Team Dynamics Ted Talk under the cut!
We know from Casey Jr that Leo stressed the importance of listening to your team. A big part of that also means knowing how to communicate with them in general.
With Michelangelo, he keeps it short and succinct, trusting his brother to know what he's doing when in his element. This trust goes a long way with Mikey, having spent years of his youth as the baby striving for the respect he felt he deserved. Leo knows it's best to not bog Mikey down with details, allowing him to improvise as needed. This unspoken freedom has only grown over time as Mikey has dipped deeper into spiritual arts that, frankly, go completely over Leo's head.
The greatest sacrifice Leo has ever made was read Donnie's Big Book of Bad Guy Codes. While he doesn't remember ALL the numbers, he has memorized the ones that matter and it has helped tremendously in avoiding miscommunication with his genius brother. More importantly it silenced any of Donnie's usual belly-aching. As Leo's "twin"/"equal" the two still butt heads from time to time. Donnie respects his brother's authority (mostly) but will still push the boundaries of what he's allowed on a semi-regular basis. Give Donnie an inch and he will take the mile and then find a loop hole that allows him to go twenty miles more. This is partially due to him often being the one left behind at HQ, making the turtle just a TAD stir crazy. Leo does his best to keep him in line regardless.
Big brother Raph will forever and always be big brother to Leo. As such he holds a place of authority in Leo's heart and is someone he still regularly seeks counsel from in both the ways of leadership and more. Raph is always happy to support his younger brother and does a surprisingly good job (albeit after years of practice) of walking the line so as not to step on his brother's toes in the process. At least not since the secret of "the Key" blew up in their faces several years ago. They don't talk about that anymore. Leo is the leader now and he's done a great job in recent years as far as Raph is concerned. He trusts him to make the right call. The two have a close bond and regularly use mind meld to quickly communicate rather than speak ...this will be important to remember for the future.
Hope that overall feeling came through for this group!
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