#prince vlad rp
"It appears 'valentines Day' has dawned on this day, I wish you—all a Happy Valentines Day"
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Send in a '❤️' to ask "will you be my valentine", or "🌹" to gift him flowers or "🩸" to gift him your blood".
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starlytenight · 2 years
What do you think of the headcanon that Meta is the demon beast prince
Aka nightmare son/creation
If i recall correctly you did a joke hint with vlad in some the firsts chapers, so im curious
I think it's an interesting theory actually!
A fun fact for you. Vladimir is actually based on this theory. For a long story short, I originally made Vlad as a joke and someone I was hanging with at the time was playing their version of MK for rp shenanigans so I made Vlad as like a very chaotic "Meta Knight" dialed to 11 with cheek, sass, spite, venom, and all that fun shit that a Demon Beast would delight in. It's why it's a bigger in-joke for me and my friends that my Meta and Vlad are practically brother-like, haha!
I even remember being like "isn't it popular to think Meta is like Nightmare's son and also Vampire!Meta? I'm gonna make a gremlin based on that." And thus... Vladimir was born. And I got attached to this meme-lord.
But yeah, I think it's a fun theory! I just personally don't use it for my own things but I see the appeal. It can add a whole new layer to his character if done well and again, is a pretty fun idea.
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sepulchrypha · 4 years
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What if we were both terrible evil ghosts....and we worked together 😳😳😳?
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onexeyedxtwin · 3 years
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Speaking of Vlad’s devotion to Velvet, let’s talk about that for a second? Now you’re all aware of the whole prince thing with Vlad right? Him admiring fairytale princes slaying the dragon and saving others from the darkness, aspiring to be one himself. But I think there’s more to it than just that. For example, There’s him technically being a literal prince, at least when it comes to Bendo. Think about it. Everyone in that studio answers to him, except for  Henry Clyde Allison & Tom but that’s a different story. The whole slogan of the studio is “Beware the Ink Demon. He may consider himself a god, but a king is a very close second. And while Vlad is no where near as powerful as Bendo, he still does have his uncle’s ink in him thanks to Clyde. So in both metaphorical and literal cases, Vlad’s a prince. No argument there. In his own ideology, the way he presents himself and in his own twisted bloodline. 
But getting back to the more metaphorical side of things, he may see himself as the prince who slays the dragon and saves the day, but in reality he’s more like a prince that’s been locked in a tower. That tower being the past. That tower being the lurking shadow of Joey Drew that haunts not only him but his family to this day. Those six years in the studio where the worst of his fucking life, hands down. And the nightmares, the trauma, the darkness that studio caused him still lurks because he simply can’t let go of the past. Hard to when it’s still part of your present. And the worst part is, the ones you you trusted the most either can’t stop it by themselves, or can stop they just don’t want to. It’s a vicious cycle that’ll never end. 
So who’s the one who saves the prince? Who’s the one that frees him from the darkness that consumes him? Who’s the knight on a white horse that whisk Vlad away from the tower and rides him back to his castle so they can live out their happily ever after? Easy. Velvet.
Velvet came into Vlad’s life and was like a beam of light for the young hellhound. The aspirations of opening a tailor shop and traveling the world, his kindness, his soft and warm nature. It was a breath of fresh air that Vlad thought was never possible. And being with Velvet made Vlad realize... there’s more to life than Joey Drew Studios for him. Most of his youth has been lamenting the past so much he forgot the main reason why his parents fought so hard to escape. Freedom. It’s meeting Velvet that inspires Vlad to live his own life. Even if his uncle continues to blanket the world around him in darkness, as long as he has Velvet, there will aways be a light. And Vlad, is willing to die for that light. 
When the time comes, Vlad will take his knight and his white horse and abandon the twisted throne that his uncle sat on for green pastures. He will get his happy ending. He’s earned that much. 
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"Alucard -they call me...Ah,a cute song ....I miss you mother,father..."😭
*The feelings of sadness overwhelm the lonely dhampir, when he hears this song.*
-Adrian Fahrenheit Țepeș/Alucard
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priincevlad · 6 years
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                                    Do you think you are ALIVE because you can fight?
                                                                     You are alive because of what I did to SAVE you!
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vampyrasa · 3 years
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here you can find a few notes regarding my portrayal of  𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚃  𝙳𝚁𝙰𝙲𝚄𝙻𝙰  that i consider to be especially important. these may be what are most overlooked or forgotten in threads, or just things that i personally think are important to differentiate him from the canon that currently exists.   do not reblog this or i will physically explode.
        my portrayal is not vl*d the impaler.  this decision came after months of speaking to romanian and hungarian writers in and outside of the rp community who expressed incredibly displeasure toward the books, movies and other media that consistently portray a folk hero as an evil and malevolent vampire.  while my count does still take the titular name (which can be read about here), he is not at all related to the historic figure. he is not a prince, he was never voivode, and is originally from (and rules) in transylvania, was adopted, etc.  his crown/throne as boyar is illegitimate and was won through despotism. at most, he would have been a lord or very possibly a vicomte before his parent’s death.
        my portrayal does not like being called ‘’vlad’’. this dimunitive is his least favorite, despite it being used by comrades and friends for well over a decade. he has always been fond of his full name, vladislav (rather than the hungarian form, vladislaus), and what few dimunitives were used by members of his immediate family; vladik, volodya (volodislava) and the most common: vadya. 
        while bram stoker decided to ignore the russian and greek folklore that involved vampires being unable to go into sunlight, i have adopted it.  i’m very fond of the idea of them being averse to light and photosensitive. he will be burned if he steps into sunlight, especially during the summer months - this can be negated if he wears protective coverings, but he will lose most of his powers during the daytime as book canon decrees. 
          his castle is located directly on the border between transylvania and bucovina, hidden in the mountainous forests to the southeast of the borgo pass. this was not the castle he grew up in, but rather the place of his exile when his vampiric resurrection came to light. hence why it received the name castle dracula rather than the castle where his parents raised him near alba iulia.  before modern day, it appears that everyone in and around bistritz knows that he is a vampire. it’s not a secret until around the 1920s and beyond. 
          this character is both intensely manipulative and seductive.  he will come off as flirtatious if only to charm his way into your character’s good graces. his intentions are always bad.  usually to get a willing blood donor, or to kill the character in question - do not forget that he is a villain.  that said, i am not averse to him gaining actual friendships and/or romantic relationships.  i greatly enjoy when two characters click despite his atrocious personality.
         my portrayal of the count is a cold, malevolent and irredeemable villain. you will never, ever find me writing a redemption arc on this blog. despite me liking him as a character, i will always recognize the awful shit he’s done. from human extinction as a primary goal to his aggressive spread of vampirism, these are and will always be frequent topics concerning his behavior. i recognize that he has had a terrible life, but i also recognize that he is taking that fact out on the literal whole population of humanity. 
         he is incredibly strong.  he also possesses the ‘usual’ vampiric powers.  increased speed (though not to s. meyer’s extent), prodigious strength,  panther-like reflexes (book-canon) and the ability to turn into a bat at will. this portrayal will also acknowledge his lycanthropy, which allows him to transform at will into a hulking black wolf- and his ability to turn to mist to travel through small spaces.  that said, his weaknesses are also greatly acknowledged here. roses, silver of any kind, religious items (they do not hurt him, but calm him, see below...) wooden stakes, sunlight, etc. 
         my portrayal is not hurt by symbols of christianity, nor is the count a catholic.  he was originally raised in the know of the secret solomonari beliefs, worshipping zalmoxis as the dacians once did. it wasn’t until he entered his early teen years that his family converted to eastern orthodoxy. specifically hungarian eastern orthodoxy whilst continuing to practice their pagan beliefs and traditions in secret.  that said, he has a very strained relationship with God and Christ, being that he has actually been to hell. 
       the count has been alive for nearly 1,600 years.  his ‘physical’ birth date is 1432, but whilst in hell (mentioned above) time did not progress. he spent a little over one thousand years in the pits of hell being tortured for the sins he committed in the many battles across eastern europe.  he was assassinated after being pardoned for heresy on orthodox easter day of 1466. 
       my portrayal created vampires through this means. of course, when i say ‘vampire’ i mean the eastern european variety we see portrayed in a lot of media- moroi, strigoi, stryzga, verdilak, the ones clearly inspired by dracula.  he drank the blood of the devil when he sold his soul, thus creating what he is- and the beginning of ‘bloodletting’ that can turn one into a vampire. while trapped in stasis-hell enduring torture for a thousand years, the demons who fed off of him transferred this blood from their other victims, creating and spreading these vampires as far back as 3000 years prior to the common era.  in this way, he is sort of like the adam to (slavonic) vampire kind.  he has ever been a mythological figure.  and most people - and possibly even vampires - likely believe he is just a book figure or a media joke that does not exist.  but they know of him.  he is just as much a legendary figure as baba yaga, dimna juda or koschei the deathless.
       mina is not his reincarnated wife.  he was married to the duchess yelizaveta of volhynia.  i will never go that route. not only is it disrespectful to both women, it’s a notorious cop out of the wrongs committed by the count in the book, as well as his psychic link to mina murray- i do believe this could be written out in very interesting and thought-provoking ways, and i am not against shipping the two with extreme care and plotting beforehand.   along with this, my portrayal does not link vampirism and sex and never will, especially given that one of the adjacent female characters exclusively feeds on children throughout the book. while he and his partners may enjoy vampirism during sex, it is still just a means to feed and occasionally to infect.
      lastly  -  the count is a solomonari.  he was trained for seven years to utilize sorcerery and perform great feats of magick using king solomon’s knowledge. he also has ties to dragons known as balauri or zmei- each that have three fire-breathing heads.  
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Send a "🦇" to have him bite you
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crown-queen-bambee · 4 years
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Monarch Magazine - Henry-Lebeau Royal Family
This issue of Monarch Magazine we continue with part 2 about one of France greatest monarchies. In this part we talk about when the structure of the monarchy changed. The Lebeau Royal Family has been around for centuries. Ruling over Rouen later on Reims, Tours, Dijon, Avignon and Nice of France. Now they would be expanding to the Caribbean.
After many years of men ruling the Lebeau Monarchy. It would now be a changed. King Jarred and Queen Antoinette couldn't have anymore babies after the birth of their only child; Princess Babette. Which now brought on a new era of leadership. She became the first woman in line of succession of the Lebeau Throne. This made her the most sought after Princess in all of France. She always is beautiful, smart and great at combat. With her father being one of the greatest war heroes in France history. He taught her everything he knows. King Jarred did arranged for his daughter to married his friend/ally son. But Princess Babette was not going for it. She wanted to marry who she wanted. He fought her own it. But then realize her happiness matters most to him. King Jarred broke off the Engagement which cause the two kingdoms to part ways unfortunately ending the long friendship.
It was said that Princess Babette was interested in Prince YoonJi of Bordeaux (King Johnathan's grandfather) but the Prince Father was not having that and truthfully King Jarred would like to have Princess Babette marry black. At the time picking a spouse was very important. Most families wanted to stay in their own race.
Luckily Princess Babette found love. She met Prince Isareal of St.Lucia; Duke of St.Croix. They fell in love almost instantly. Their engagement was big news. Prince Isareal is in line to be King while Princess Babette is in line to be Queen. That meant the two royal families will rule over parts of France and the Caribbean. After marriage; the two stepped up as King and Queen of St.Lucia and Rouen; Duke and Duchess of St.Croix and Tours. Since now marrying King Isareal, the families created two lines of succession. Queen Babette wanted the next heir to the Rouen throne to be a woman. The heir for the Henry Throne will be a man. The two shortly after had their first son; Prince Metro then Prince Vlad the ll (Named after King Isareal's Father; King Vlad the l).
Their first son Prince Metro had alot fallen on to his hands. As next to be King....he had also produce the next heiress to the next Queen of Rouen; Princess Bambette (Bambee). While producing an heir for his line of succession Prince Jarrod. But a threat caused a shift in plans.
Follow my Royal RP on Instagram: crown_queen_bambee
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iincantatorum · 5 years
//so some of you remember Declan Grimhilde, and that I kind of put a pause on rping him at a time i was a lil stressed out but... 
nowadays I have a LOT of muse for him, like how I have muse for Delia, his half sister. it got to a point that i rped him a lot and did so much for him that i didn’t know what else to rp him but now that i have met new rpers i’d love to bring him out again...
also I want to add two more brothers to the Grimhilde Clan, 
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name: Heinrich van der Wald age: 36 fc: pa.ul w.esl.ey species: human associations: half brother to declan grimhilde, from his father’s side. before the evil queen had an affair with the royal hunter, he had another family with a son of his own. as a child, heinrich could vaguely remember how the evil queen would use her spells to lure him out, to share her vision for the kingdom of the black forest. he remembers being attached to her as his own mother had passed away from an illness not too long ago. he couldn’t move into the palace after the secret of declan’s true father came out, which led him to never really knowing his half brother in his infancy. it wasn’t until his stepmom, the evil queen, had taken him in for reasons he had yet to this day to know, did he see how spoiled declan truly was. he was the royal hunter, much like his own father once was, but also assigned to protect declan with his life. perhaps she believed that since they were half brothers, he’d take care of declan the best? blood relations mattered, to the queen.
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name: Vlad Grimhilde age: 23 fc: bea.u mir.choff species: human-demon hybrid associations: just like delia, he is the son of the horned king and the evil queen, and the youngest of the bunch. however he is friendlier to delia and even though he did not spend much time with her. he is more connected to his demon side and knows one day he will be taking over the horned king’s regime. vlad tends to shift between his human look and demonic look often, but is a prankster by nature and tends to gain enjoyment out of scaring the wits out of people. despite his chaotic nature, his intention does not seem to be evil- which upsets his father because he thinks it’s important to be as such. vlad helps delia deal with her issues of not being accepted by her mother and tends to redirect her into teaching him what his father taught him. because delia won’t be taking over any kingdom, she is not being taught anything directly- so the most she knows how to hone her powers is through vlad. he managed to train himself out of being an incubus, as he is more powerful than he lets people on, more powerful than others could ever think he is.
And finally, this is not an addition, but here’s Declan if some of you don’t know him: 
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name: Declan Grimhilde Age: 28 fc: nic.o tor.torel.la
declan as he usually goes by, is the eldest child borne to the evil queen. he’s charming, charismatic, and overall the nicest man anyone could ever possibly meet. that is, unless you’re one of the royal children born to snow white, or you just happen to get on his bad side. he’s not exactly looking to take over the throne or anything, though he definitely wouldn’t be against it if the crown ended up in his possession. his mother kept him under her wing, and he grew up as almost a prince would. he can easily kill anyone, and would do it without little prodding. he had been told by the evil queen to woo one of the girls, though that part of the plan has always been stuffed away in the back of his mind.
he had gotten his chance to permanently get rid of the eldest child of snow, but when he thought he had killed him, the boy came back to life just a few days later thanks to the Blue Fairy. declan went back home thinking he had finally won, just to hear that he was right back where he started. this infuriated him more, forcing him to shut himself away and figure out the perfect, fool-proof way of getting his vengeance.
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(Open Rp, NSFW Rp) Romance, Spring, Royalty, And Hellsing Au in" The Tales of the Widowed Queen"
Long Ago, Saphira was a Young Girl In chains while her Kind Sold Her to the Turkish Territory. The High Kitsunes and The Turks agree that the Turks can take Saphira to the Sultan, So They Took her By chains and Journey back to the Kingdom there the Sultan is pleased of seeing young Half Breed Kitsune such Beautiful and young. When She sees This Young Boy,, His Hair is Black as raven and his eyes are Blue as the sea, She sees him holding a cross but then She sees the Sultan grabbing him, Readying to Rape this Boy but then suddenly Before he Did to the young boy, Something snapped inside her,, as the Cold Wind blew out the candles and fires as Darkness came, Saphira's eyes turns blood red and her Birthmark grew red too. She Let out a Demonic Screech and her Claws grew Sharp, Then She charged at the Sultan and attack him as her Claws tearing His flesh up to shreds and blood Splattered all over the walls, Then Saphira Bit him by the neck and Tear his throat up. His screams began to Die out with a gurgling of his Own Blood, Then She Pierced his back through to his chest and then Ripping his heart out and began to eat it. The guards didn't see it but their so afraid of the creature,, but One of them light the flame up and she turns to the guards. Then She attacks the guards, Doing the same thing and as she was Done Slaughtering the guards. She turns around and looked at the boy with a cross and she said "Are you alright Sir?" She sees the Shock of that Boy's face as she is covered in blood. Then he Nodded, She then began to Grabbed one of the lanterns from the outside room and started the fire as she turns and offer Him a hand and said "Come please.. we must escape from this Place." When he Holds her hand, She use her spell to teleport her and the boy out far from the Turkish kingdom as it was gone into Flames, She then Runs with him into the woods  and then She stopped right next to the old oak tree and she said, "That was Close....We're safe for now.. I'm Saphira Lorraina Fox By the way, Whats yours?" She asked sweetly, then This Boy is Prince Vlad Dracula The Third. She is amazed that He is a Prince, So She asked where is he Come from, Then he told here where he was from and then she said "Well I'll take you home safe, that way.. I will protect you,, after all I'm just...a Half breed Kitsune..." She lower her fox ears fearing that he wouldn't like her but he didn't, he was so grateful that She saved his life. So 2 days later, Saphira Finally Brought him home to his family. His father was Suprised that the Kitsune just killed the Sultan and saving His own sons life, So he grant saphira to stay in his own kingdom. Saphira was So happy that she has a home, But when His father sees her birthmark and he knew that She's a lost princess of saukutopia and so He decided to keep it in the secret. Then time went by, She and the Prince began to grow from friendship to being together as a Couple, Then One Cold Winter Night His father was in his own deathbed. He Wished to Speak to his son alone, When his Subjects left and as The Prince was Now much Older as age of 25. So The King Said to his Son, "My Son, You will be king with in 2 months...and also You will Marry the One who saved your life...but... I discovered about Your Savior...you See...She Is the Lost Princess Of Saukutopia... Don't tell her that she is a lost princess...She needs to Know by herself..... She's real good for you to be marry with,,, I love you my son... I must..go.. The heaven,,,awaits...." With his final breath, he Died Slowly to his own death. His Mother gave him Her grandmothers ring that it was made of Pure silver with a Blue Diamond along with Ruby, When she said that this ring belongs to her grandmother and a mother before her. He Nodded and accepted the ring..then Time pass again, Saphira and Dracula III is Now married... and he Is crowned King after marriage... then 6 months later,, the Turkish army was invaded His homeland... So he sended saphira away to keep her safe and sound. But During saphira's Journey, She smells a smoke coming from the Kingdom. She began to Ride to her horse to get him out of there but when she did, it was too late as she has to reach out to him...but when she sees the executioner Raising the axe while dracula III was lowering the head and licking the blood.. The executioner Chopped his head off... as Dracula's head fell beneath her feet... She was in tears and shocked But then Something dark began to Swirling around her like a black Tornado, Then She Forms into a Biggest and most dangerous monsters that no man ever been seen in their lives... Then with One swipe and destroyed the whole turkish nation, there was no survivors...after the Destruction of the kingdom, She buried her beloved husband and left one red glass slippers for the hope that he'll be coming back to seek her and reunite as man and wife... but.. centuries later Saphira was riding her horse alone while wearing a lovely white cloak and got on the hills but then she sees one police girl being chase by the ghouls whom was been control by a vampire priest...She then pulls out a bow and arrow but suddenly She sees the man in red name alucard...She made a halt and then the vampire priest said "Who the hell are you!?" then alucard said......
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dxmnedbloodlxst · 5 years
LEGAL NAME: Count Vladislav Dracula Tepes ALIAS[ES]: Dracula, Vampire King, Lord of Darkness, Prince of Hell, Hellspawn, Demon, Monster, Vladislav, Vlad the Impaler, Vlad
AGE: Over 1,000 years, But appears to be in his early to mid forties GENDER | SPECIES: Male | Ancient Vampire PLACE OF BIRTH: Singisoara, Romania CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Castlevania SPOKEN LANGUAGES: English, Demonic Tongues OCCUPATION: Evil overload over all the puny humans of Romania. CRIMINAL RECORD: Existing DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: Occasionally | Only for the aesthetic | No LIKE[S]: Darkness, music (his own, especially), the color red, fresh blood, making people scream and run in terror, his long library and every book in it, The very few people he can call real friends, his son Alucard DISLIKE[S]: Sunlight, Garlic, Holy symbols or objects, poorly written books or music, Belmonts FEAR[S]: That one day his son Alucard may be killed brutally and without remorse, destroying the only living part of his family. 
PERSONALITY TRAITS: Sulking, dark, ominous, intimidating, god-complex, hot headed, regal, talented, scholar, kind (for those fortunate enough to see it), jealous, overprotective.
{ P H Y S I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N }
HAIR COLOR: Can be changed at will, currently white
HEIGHT: Can be changed at will, likes to stand normally at 7′0″
{ F A M I L Y   I N F O R M A T I O N }
SIBLING[S]: None PARENT[S]: Long deceased bu now CHILDREN: Alucard Tepes PETS[S]: Swarms of bats/rats, Wolfmen, and army of the undead that he can summon at will
{ R E L A T I O N S H I P   I N F O R M A T I O N }
Tagged by: Myself
Tagging: @demons-and-science @ask-charming-soldier @booregaurd @a-modern-belmont @belovedbelmont @tiny-tepes @thedemonicpunks @musesarcade @stage-select-rp @mastersofdarkness @bxllis-perennis
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deathlygaze · 5 years
👀⌨💡✍ excuse me while I spam you (violetrxven)
Mun talks shit about Vlad // @violetrxven // accepting
👀Favorite thing about the muse’s appearance?
His eyes. I love them. So pale, alluring and yet it holds something very dark. Is it weird that I stared at them for too long and was hypnotized and felt scared? yeah. it was a strange day.....
⌨ What’s a situation you’ve always wanted to RP with the muse?
I dooooo want to rp the time after he obtained his abilities. A bloody crown on his head as he is lost in thought but....that’s impossible when that was like ceeeenturies ago hehhehe. Unless your muse is immortal and such. But probs between the time of that and the current time he is in.
💡 What inspires you to write the muse?
  Oh baby. The dark stuff. He just makes me expand my creative ability and such. But I just love the fact that he was confirmed to be a prince in the lore. like......i felt it you know? I felt that he was super involved and was royal before the lore change. So that inspired me a lot but i was scared to express it as I worried about what people would think. I RAMBLED I’M SORRY AHHHH
But yeah the dark stuff and also being able to add humour when he has that side in his voice lines.
✍ Favorite thing about writing the muse?
Believe it or not I love writing his abilities. It is super fun to write and expand on. 
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count-v-dracula · 3 years
Repost, don’t reblog! Tag 6 muns you would like to get to know better when done!
Name: Stephanie/Steph Age: 26 Faceclaim: Uhmm, I don’t do those for my own face XD Pronouns: she/her Height: 5′4″ (I’m so damn short) Birthday: Nov. 28th Aesthetics: purring kitties, the smell of old books, houseplants, a piano, wavy window glass, denim jackets, boots, owls, twinkle lights, candles, old sheet music of classical pieces, cat eye sunglasses, petrichor 
Favourite muse(s) you’ve written: This guy. And probably Disn.ey’s Hades. Both have similar energy and attitudes: snarky, proud, confident, selfish. But my son here is so passionate, unlike the Hades I wrote. I was NEVER able to write “darker” muses before. Hades was my introduction (then I wrote Mother Goth.el and Cru.ella) Now? HA. I can never go back to the goody two shoes “hero” or “neutral” types muses. Nothing wrong with them at all (I used to write the “hero” type), but I’ve found the type I fully enjoy writing.
What are your favourite aspects of your current muse: Oof. Let’s see. I love writing his different timelines. I have his human/prince verse that I so enjoy writing so I can explore him as a human. I also love the one AU verse I have where he never obtains his brides, so he’s 100% shippable then and it’s before the events of Van He.lsing (which cannot happen if he never has his brides). I love writing him as a father. I love writing him as a bitter, grudge-holding, God-hating vampire. I love writing him when he is so terribly in love and he doesn’t realize how good he has it. I love writing him as the best friend of some muses on here. I love writing him in general if you haven’t noticed because I love his character so so much.
What’s your biggest inspiration when it comes to writing: Music and my rp partners!!! I have a playlist on YT of like 300 songs and ambience type videos that I use with different types of threads and verses. Also, my rp partners are so wonderful that I can bounce right off them with ease. And Richard Rox.burgh. Dude is awesome. I love reading and watching his interviews (some of them I’ve had to really dig for, but he is very insightful).
Favourite types of threads: ANGST. I know, I’m terrible - *sarcastic sigh*. And really anything e m o t i o n a l for the mun and/or muse. Lord knows he needs to tap into his emotions more often, even though he does not experience them as when he was mortal (I have it all headcannoned, and I take Richard’s analogy of the ‘phantom limb’ 100% Vlad made a deal with Satan, do you really think Satan is gonna play nice?)
Biggest struggle in regards to your current muse: I don’t struggle with him, I am the problem most of the time XD I’m so drained of mental energy because of the line of work I’m in. Often the muse wants to come out and play, and I just can’t at the end of a workday. I want to write but I cannot do it. I think ya’ll know what I mean lol.
tagged by: @norringtxn (thanks Lina <3) tagging: @fanatiquee @deromanum @astridnorddottir @wingsandcoffins @qceensofkings @caravaggiovagabond
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lesdenouements-a · 7 years
One of my biggest >.> face things about Dracula Untold is that the Turks all referred to Vlad as Lord Impaler.
No one called him that until after he was dead. And now I see people use that shit in fanfic and RP and I just >.> no. Vlad never heard a soul call him “tepes”.
Urgh. Whatever. I’m getting cheese fries. It’s not even my biggest beef with that movie, that would be the fact that they set it in Transylvania and Vlad was prince of Wallachia. But you know. No biggie.
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