#princess tutu spoilers
hellspawnmotel · 1 year
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even after settling down, theyre pretty cautious.....
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.......it doesnt last long
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feenixmork · 1 year
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thealphaaxolotl · 4 months
Princess Tutu is the best anime because where else is a joke about an electric eel a major piece of foreshadowing
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I am once again going to talk too much about Rebellion
and how people don’t understand Homura. Here I would like to address the reasons why people call Homura evil/the antagonist, which is usually their reason for disliking Rebellion. My blog has basically morphed into an obsessive discussion on why that movie is my favorite and elevates the story, so I’ve covered a lot of these topics before, but I hope to make things more comprehensive here.
I’ve seen some people call Homura “corrupted” by the part of her that is a witch. Two thoughts on that:
Rebellion goes out of its way to show you that witches are not inherently evil. They have experienced serious pain and are spreading that pain before Madoka’s sacrifice. However, if this meant that witches were inherently evil, then why are Sayaka and Nagisa not? They are still witches- that’s why their witch forms are still a part of them.
Also, in Rebellion, Sayaka warns Madoka’s essence to not fear Homura, as “she’s the one who’s most hurt”.
I think that people misunderstand the theme of what a witch is overall. A witch is an inevitable reality of magical girls because being a girl in a patriarchal/Kyubey system is CRUSHING. The transformation into a witch is a coming-of-age step into womanhood. It comes from the culmination of mistreatments and systemic oppression girls inevitably become overwhelmed by. This isn’t to say that all women are forever overwhelmed, but it is an unpleasant reality that most women become awoken to. Think of the resolution of the Barbie movie, for instance, where (BARBIE SPOILERS) the characters need to “wake up” the others to the suffocating reality of living in a patriarchy. Same principle, honestly.
I also think that people sometimes interpret the Christian imagery in a stereotypical “good vs evil” way than looking at the situation, especially when it comes to Homura’s demon label and Madoka’s sacrifice.
I’ve talked about this a lot so I won’t go into too much detail, but I believe that the series is going out of its way to create its themes around the dark reality of the self-sacrificing nature of girls. For a brief recap:
Making wishes for someone else is considered taboo
Madoka mattered as a girl. Throughout all iterations of pmmm and its sequels, Madoka laments on the tragedy of magical girls vanishing from the world without anyone knowing and says in Rebellion that she would never want to go anywhere where she couldn’t be around her friends and family. Her mom had plans for them when Madoka grew up, her brother remembers her, and it drives Homura insane that she’s the only person who remembers the other timeline. Madoka was always worried that she wasn’t good enough at anything to have a place in the world and I truly have a hard time believing that this series is saying that young girls who don’t feel they have value anywhere else are best served to sacrifice themselves into oblivion. That’s basically been the history of women, forever.
Homura calls herself a demon because, “[Madoka] was sacred as a god and I couldn’t help but pull her from heaven and undermine her.” Throughout the Wraith Cycle, Homura commits herself to honoring Madoka’s sacrifice and new world order, so the phrase “and I couldn’t help but pull her from heaven undermine her” is, I think, more of a reflection of her self-loathing for going against Madoka’s wish and less of a true admission of evil, because I don’t think that Madoka’s erasure from the world was ever an okay thing. I think people get too hung up on “demon-bad” without thinking of the nuances of the imagery. I don’t believe that Madoka’s godhood is inherently good, and I don’t believe Homura’s demonhood is inherently bad. I think that Madoka’s godhood is more an alignment with self-sacrifice, and Homura’s demonhood is an alignment with desire, and I think that too much of either is a bad thing. It’s why they both needed to come together to eviscerate the Kyubeys.
I think that the label of “demon” makes Homura irredeemable to people and I think that people are deeply unforgiving of the not so pretty things that make us human. I’ve seen that a lot of what I assume are younger users are completely unforgiving to girl characters who go through things and make mistakes. I’m not even talking about Azula defenders (though I think there is a nuanced conversation there) but the Catra-type haters. As others have pointed out, ya’ll about women’s wrongs until a girl suffers a time loop to try to save the love of her life (who, lest we forget, begs Homura to shoot her in one timeline) and her friends and almost loses her mind by being the only person to remember the love of her life in the timeline that ya’ll think was the good one. I even hesitate to call it “toxic yuri” until the last movie comes out. Now, this isn’t to say that Homura has made no mistakes. I think the fact that her rewriting of the world to include the Kyubeys is going to be a BIG mistake on her part, and she did pull the identity of Madoka away from the Law of the Cycle against her wishes. But I think that to take everything Homura has done to try to save Madoka and even give Madoka the power to become the Law of the Cycle and say that she is irredeemable or toxic because she is traumatized…. It’s heartbreaking to me.
Moreover, this perception of Homura as irredeemable flies in the face of all this Christian imagery. Throughout the entirety of Rebellion’s ending (and as you’ll see further down) Madoka assures Homura that she loves her no matter what, that she is always there for her. Madoka in her fullness can see in intimate detail what Homura endured for her- literal YEARS of suffering yet never giving up- do you really think Goddess Madoka can’t and shouldn’t forgive Homura? Are the “good” guys in Christianity not all about forgiveness?
And finally, the real reason I made this long ass post: Homura and Rue from Princess Tutu are parallels. For those who don’t know: in Princess Tutu, the character Rue transforms into an “evil” persona- Princess Kraehe, daughter of the Crow. While Rue is convinced that she is now an agent of evil, the main character Ahiru/Duck insists that she is not. Also important to note is Rue may not rewrite the universe, but objectively commits more women’s wrongs than Homura. She rips the shards of emotion from her lover’s breast and tries to sacrifice innocent people’s hearts to her father, but the story does not paint her as condemned or irredeemable. She’s been lied to, groomed, and traumatized. She’s not an evil person, she’s a girl trying to navigate horrible circumstances, like Homura. Rebellion creates these parallels because Homura is forgivable and it wants you to know that.
So anyway, first parallel is the outfit. Demon Homura is SOOOOO inspired by Kraehe it HURTS:
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And finally, Rebellion went so hard to reference this scene:
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PLEASE put on sound they translate it differently but here she says "homura chan is homura chan"
so yeah if you stuck around thanks! love u muah
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pastelalleycat · 4 months
what's funny to me about princess tutu is that drosselmeyer is so darn invested in his story to the point he cheats death to finish it.... and enchants a whole town so he can make it a high school au complete with third wheels, disney channel drama, and throw himself in as a self-insert.
and somehow it works.
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clambrulee · 9 months
As much as I love the hcs about Fakir turning Ahiru back into a human, maybe it’s better that that’s left to the fic writers. It works as an au/alternate ending to feed the need for shipping content that doesn’t exist, but I feel like if it actually became canon it would lessen the impact of Ahiru learning to accept her true self. Maybe the audience didn’t get the exact ending they wanted but that’s not the story the creators set out to tell and the ending we did get is more powerful because it’s not perfect. Ahiru and Fakir can never be lovers but that’s okay because they’ll always be dear friends and Fakir will continue to look after Ahiru even though their relationship will never be the same. And that’s beautiful in its own way.
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astertiae · 2 years
Also I am Constantly thinking about the roles that names play in Princess Tutu! Mytho meaning lore, but he invokes “Siegfried” when he swears to rescue Rue. That Kraehe is based on Krähe meaning “crow,” but Rue chose her own name, and so she’s Rue and that’s how Duck sees her and how Mytho sees her. Rue also meaning “to regret.” Duck’s fate was sealed when she never chose another name for herself - she was always meant to return to the form of a duck. I love love love storytelling via naming!!!
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pebble-person · 2 years
I've been talking with friends about the clear influences that Princess Tutu had on Pearl's design and character. Everyone says that Duck/Tutu probably had the strongest impact, but I raise you this image:
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That's some Pearl-ass shit right there
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rnm-magic-space-xsd · 2 years
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thealphaaxolotl · 4 months
I still love the buildup of Princess Tutu being fated never to be with the one she loves on every rewatch because it’s true, but the story is wrong about who that person is
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yume-holic · 9 months
I got spoiled soo badddd and about a thing that I wanted to happen but thought it wouldn't happen because of shojo rules/tropes (fakir x tutu) man!!! I'm between happy and pissed (at myself ofc) I would have loved to see the reveal on my own 😭
I just wanted to see cute fanart :'D
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pastelalleycat · 1 year
i sped up the last episode of princess tutu and it has no right to be this goshdarn FUNNY
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rinmemesuoka · 2 years
one thing is i did go into princess tutu under the impression that fakir was The Love Interest (not TOTALLY wrong but also not completely correct) so I was incredibly thrown by his behavior in s1 like excuse me this is the guy in all that fluffy fanart hello?????
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