#princess unipeg
teentitansheadcanons · 4 months
6882. Since Starfire and Raven didn’t spend their childhoods on Earth, they tend to be clueless to certain pop culture references.
Submitted by princess-unipeg
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eroticfriendfictions · 6 months
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Mr.Frond’s unseen posters
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What do you think they’ll do next season? Think they’ll finally age up the characters? Even by one year?
In terms of actual years? I kinda doubt so. Even though we already got 3 birthdays within the show tbh, and that's already pretty cool of 'em
In terms of character growth? Absolutely. They do it more and more every season and it's nuts. Look at how the kids acted in early seasons and how they act now. They're definitely growing.
As for the rest... Man, I don't know, but the latest season went HARD on quality content, both visually and emotionally, so I can't wait to see what they have in store next
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bbraespam · 15 days
Raven said that it took her a whole year to stop hating Beast Boy? I mean do you suppose it means the team knew each other between the events on Go! and Nevermore? I mean in Raven’s mindscape she actually believed Beast Boy didn’t like her and vice versa.
Actually, I thought things went pretty well. Took me a year to stop hating Beast Boy. -Raven to Terra in Titan Rising
What happened between Go! and Divide and Conquer is a question that will live in my brain for all time, so let's talk about it!
So, my interpretation of Raven's line there is that it places Nevermore approximately a year after the events of Go!. (And I recommend taking a look through my Beast Boy vs Creepy tag for an idea of my thesis here. (mobile link))
In Go!, Raven and Beast Boy get along surprisingly well for how we see them by Divide and Conquer. What I think happened is this:
Beast Boy's discomfort over Raven's dark energy powers came up at least once again, probably more, and Raven interpreted this as Beast Boy rejecting her as creepy. So she started icing him out, and taking any of his attempts at humor towards her as him being fake. In return, Beast Boy got frustrated because he does tentatively like her as a person and has been trying to befriend her, but at the same time is unsettled by her powers that he doesn't understand (in that scene, if he was really truly scared of/didn't trust her, he wouldn't be literally reaching out).
That's why by Nevermore (about a year after they initially met) they're both operating under the erroneous assumption that the other one doesn't like them. I think Raven later framing that period as "hating Beast Boy" is a bit of a defense mechanism over how rejected she felt. After all, she was plenty nice to him whenever he was real with her and wasn't putting on that jokester front.
To answer the other part of your question, which sounds like it's about how long the Titans have been a team pre-Season 1? I'd put it at only a couple months since they've officially been in the tower and operating as a team. The early episodes of S1 feel like they've been a group for long enough to be mostly comfortable working together as an established team, but not long enough to really know each other on a personal level yet—Robin and Cyborg already have a coordinated move, but either the team's never gone out to pizza together or haven't yet gone enough that anyone knows each other's orders or Star's gotten a look at the menu.
(a couple extra thoughts under the cut)
For ideas about how the team formed:
After Go! they seem to be at least temporarily separating. It feels easy to assume that some of them started using that communicator to call each other up post-Go! once they ran into trouble they couldn't handle alone (was it Beast Boy, who was really hurting for friends and somewhere to belong? Cyborg, who wanted to keep his neighborhood safe? Star, who'd just gotten a taste of niceness and liked it? Raven, who wanted to do some good for the world before her father showed up? Robin... I think is least likely, despite him having a hand in making the communicators. He'd be there if asked in a heartbeat, but I see him having trouble admitting he needed help)
After a few times it becomes clear that not only could they do some real good together, but most of them could use some housing help. (After all, the only one who seems to be native to Jump City is Cyborg, and maybe even that is somewhere he moved away from his dad post-accident? Everyone else seems to have just drifted into town). So forming a team and moving in together is a perfect solution for everyone. (Maybe the city asks them formally to stick around? is there even a mayor here who's running this town shh not important)
Nevermore's narrative function
One interesting thing I didn't fully notice until just now looking at the episode list, but Season 1 uses the plot of character-disagrees-with-Raven-and-they-learn-to-understand-each-other as great excuses for displaying the characters of (almost*) each of the main cast, in Nevermore, Switched, and Car Trouble. (Notable because not every pair on the team gets an episode focused on their relationship, only sooort of BB & Star in Forces of Nature, and Cyborg & Robin in D&C, but those plots are much less focused on the characters opening up to each other than the Raven ones.)
(*Robin's the only one who doesn't get one, which I think is due to this being his season. Every "Robin" ep in S1 needs to advance the overarching plot, which doesn't really leave time for Robin-and-Raven-have-a-wacky-self-contained-adventure. It also just doesn't seem necessary, since he gets plenty of time for both his character and relationships in those episodes.)
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spongebob-connoisseur · 8 months
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SpongeBob and Patrick eating ice cream
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muppet-facts · 8 months
Trick or Treat!
Treat! Abby and a Unicorn from Sesame Street issue 3.
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lakesparkles · 3 months
You know what bothers me the most about Bojack Horseman’s ending. We never get to see what happened to Penny and Hollyhock. We don’t even get to see any cameos or anything they are just out of the show like that. I mean what’s the aftermath like for the both of them?
I guess this is one of the consequences of the show focusing so much on Bojack, in the end we mostly know things related to him. The Hollyhock one I even like because we felt exactly like he did. She never talked to him again and it was simply that.
But I also wish we could've seen Penny again :( Did she ever appear again after Good Damage?
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cursed-princess-club · 5 months
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We Stan the Princess who bit the horrid king and I knew the biting part would happen.
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Look what I found on Instagram!
woah that’s so cool and cute!!! malaysia is lucky to get those toys 😄
thank you! very cute and spooky
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yahoo201027 · 29 days
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Kima’s native heritage
E.P’s native heritage
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What are your thoughts on how King Allfire and Queen Griddle got married?
I always had the feeling it was an arranged marriage. It doesn't seem to be loving with Griddle willing to flirt elsewhere and cheat if she could and Allfire simply not caring for most part and cringing at the very idea of being intimate with her or partaking with her hobbies (essentially a Boomer comic marriage just without the hate), but they still seem to be close enough to enjoy little walks together and him be gallant to her and among othr things she does her job of a king's queen pretty seriously in trying to marry off his daughter, teach her how to be a real Lady and shaking him off when he acts a little stupid or balless instead of a King because she knows image and people understanding his laws matter pretty much. Add to that Griddle seems to still be in loce with her late husband Sir Herman in the way she talks about him and has tears just thinking about him going missing so shr might have never moved on (and tried to by getting married again and being promiscuous but it doesn't heal her heart... oof I made myself sad)
So not loving but working, therefore arranged. Plus both are widowed single royal parents (I mean it's never said for Allfire but we guess so) and back then a king and a princess couldn't stay widowed for too long because marriages were business contracts for alliances, especially because in tradition a mother figure had to care for a father's child and a father figure had to provide fot a mother and her child
So I always saw a still grieving King Allfire having to rise a newborn Princess Flame alone being advised to remarry to consolidate the alliances of the just as new Camelhot now whatever alliance was with his late wife's family couldn't work anymore and a still grieving Princess Griddle rising a toddler Sir Blaze alone being told by her mother Queen Mammoth a mother princess couldn't stay unmarried for the sake of both her son and her kingdom. So both were looking for a new engagement at the same time, found each other's advert (with how wacky this universe is I bet royals look for spouses through the papers too lmao) and because they were just what they were looking for got married with no other reason except maybe lust/physical attraction (Allfire was canonically a buff looker when he was young and we KNOW how Griddle is into "beefcakes" plus he was famous among kings for pulling Excaliburn and we know she loves prestige ; and with how she loves to tale care of herself and acts like she isn't old we can imagine she too was beautiful and Allfire didn't mind at all) but that aside no feeling, and they just grew to tolerate each other as they aged together because they had a deal
Also personnal headcanon that King Allfire had met Sir Herman before and the 2 hated each other due to clashing personalities and styles (hence why unlike Griddle who became a mom to Flame Allfire never loved Blaze and gave him daddy issues, reminded him too much of his father to bond with) so Allfire also had an extra petty motivation that felt like flipping the bird at his grave like "I'm fucking your wife whatcha gonna do" XD
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shirohibiki · 4 months
Do you remember when you drew out someone’s SpongeBob seal persona?
hi there!! why yes, yes i do! :D that was ages ago haha!
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eroticfriendfictions · 7 months
What should Bob’s Burgers bring back?
Dramatic zooms
Sexy music when something suggestive happens
Characters talking/shouting over each other
Remember in Mutiny on the Windbreaker when they get home and there's meat everywhere and Bob says, "I'm not dealing with this right now . . . Or maybe ever," and then the episode ends without anyone stating a lesson or moral to the story? More endings like that.
Tina and Jimmy Jr. kissing with tongue
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bloggingboutburgers · 2 years
I really hated that Stacy B. character. I would have done worse then throw her phone at the bonfire. Poor Judy. Abandoned by the girl she thought of as a friend and abandoned by her mother, the only female figure she had in her life. No wonder she still has her imaginary friend. Makes me glad she got new friends and new female role models in Honeybee and her boss Allison.
(Sorry I'm replying so late aaaa TwT) ...Huh. Now that you mention it I never did think about how little of a fellow female presence Judy has in her life. I guess I figured, the rest of the family is fantastic to her, and her mom sounded shitty, and Stacy B. definitely was shown on screen to be shitty too, so, better off without 'em... But yeah, that also explains a bit more why she has Alanis Morissette as her own personal imaginary friend in the skies huh. Either way, all those kids, Judy included, wound up super well adjusted without a mom, so it WAS most likely for the best that she left after all – considering the way she scarred Beef she might've scarred them just as much if she stayed and kept her shitty ways on.
I do have mixed feelings towards Allison (she can be very irresponsible if the writers decide for her to be so) but I am absolutely glad Honeybee is in their lives now. She fits the family like a glove and I'd love to see her interact with Judy more some time.
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mandareeboo · 2 years
What are your thoughts on how Pauline’s victims are doing?
Uhhhhh gone? I think they're gone. Courtney says that you lose yourself after enough time "behind stage", and Jennifer- only missing for a year- seemed pretty damn close. She couldn't communicate properly, she couldn't express her emotions, she could only do what she'd done her whole life; ask if someone wanted pictures or autographs. The other hosts are either dead after Pauline left them or comatose.
And we know Jennifer was a short-term possession- Barborah worked for Pauline for, what was it, fifteen years- and it's impossible for us to tell how much of that she was possessed, but she did say Pauline stole her youth, so I'm guessing 5-10 of those years. I'm more curious how she stayed cognoscente so long.
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SpongeBob decorating Squidward’s hospital room
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