t100fic-for-blm · 3 years
Cake Tasting AU
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ship: harke
writer: any
moodboard: @princesshedas
Harper is thrilled when she realizes that her favorite bakery chef is hosting an exclusive cake tasting for Valentine’s Day until she realizes that it’s for couples who are engaged. Luckily her best friend Clarke has a sweet tooth and is more than willing to play loving, doting fiance right?
Interested in prompting the initiative with this fic?
Submit your prompt request via the google form here, which will guide you step-by-step through the process of submitting a prompt. Don’t forget to tell us the prompt title when you submit!
Check out more of our prompt ideas here ❣️
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heartbellamy · 3 years
What show/book/movie etc. was your comfort and/or escape this year?
ohh that’s a good one!
book: sadly i haven’t done much book reading, my add was out the roof this year so i struggled with reading new books 😭 read a lot of fic though!
show: not the 100 😂 this one definitely goes to julie and the phantoms! i watched it after t100 and it was everything i needed, found family, happy moments, upbeat songs, the works!
movie: either enola holmes or the old guard, they were pretty different plot wise but i enjoyed them both!
thanks for the ask, happy new year!
end of 2020 fandom asks
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eastwesthomeisbest · 3 years
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My gift for @princesshedas ​as Bellarke Secret Santa @bellarke-secretsanta
Prompt: Graphics- Hades and Persephone (Clarke as Hades, Bellamy as Persephone)
Hope you like it! Happy Holidays!
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mobi-on-a-mission · 3 years
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memori. 4.5k. oneshot. rated M. warning for violence
It was always like this. They came for him again, pried him off the cold floor of his cell. He thrashed and pulled, trying to shake them off. There were two men, one at each arm, each one covered in face tattoos and muscles. They towered above him, and when he thrashed they didn’t so much as budge. It was no use. Murphy wasn’t strong enough to fight them off.
Murphy was captured by Sangeda for questioning about the thief he'd been running around with. Emori just hoped she could save him in time.
Written for @redstorms through @t100fic-for-blm. Thank you to @princesshedas for making the moodboard!
Link in the reblog!
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burninghoneyatdusk · 3 years
This or that?
tagged by: @together-is-my-favourite-place. thanks love! 💛💛💛
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without socks // fruit or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // dc or marvel // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields // sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweaters // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops // glass or stone // dark or light // photos or paintings // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats // poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
tagging: @stealing-jasons-job | @animmortalist | @sparklyfairymira | @poppykru | @franklyineedcoffee | @writetheniteaway | @infp-with-all-the-feelings | @bookwormforalways | @ninappon | @hopskipaway | @excuseyouclarke | @pawprinterfanfic | @eyessharpweaponshot | @icantloseyou-too | @nakey-cats-take-bathsss | @princesshedas | @underbellamy | @helloeurydice | @brimay
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klarkegriffin · 3 years
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t100fic-for-blm · 3 years
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Love at First Bite
a linctavia fic written for @1munequita by penguinofprose for @t100fic-for-blm
Moodboard by @princesshedas
In which Lincoln is a vampire, he meets Octavia, and the rest is history.
ao3 link in reblog
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t100fic-for-blm · 3 years
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Black History Month Celebration: Miles "Zeke" Shaw by @princesshedas
Salvation comes from faith and good works. What you do, not what you say.
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t100fic-for-blm · 3 years
Seeking Black Writers & Creators in t100 Fandom
t100 Fic for Black Lives Matter initiative is seeking Black fic writers and creators in the t100 fandom to be featured during Black History Month!
Please reach out to us if you're interested in having your work promoted on our social media accounts. This would likely include a short interview about your work, as well as your work posted via our accounts for up to a week (with credit of course!)
Please note you do not need to join the initiative in order to be featured, but you are certainly welcome to!
As this blog cannot accept DMs, please reach out to one of our mods if you’re interested! You can also DM our main account on twitter or IG.
@burninghoneyatdusk | @poppykru | @queenemori | @writetheniteaway | @stealing-jasons-job | @sparklyfairymira | @mobi-on-a-mission | @broashwhat | @princesshedas | @bellarkestitchdelena
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t100fic-for-blm · 3 years
Weekly Creator Spotlight 🎨
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Part one of Leah’s gifset series of soft moments of t100
Every Wednesday, t100 Fic for BLM is chatting with one of our creators accepting prompts via the initiative!
This week we’re chatting with @braveprincess​! You can check out Leah’s work here.
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Leah’s wellarke moodboard
1. Where do you get your inspiration for art?
Kind of everywhere. I like making moodboards because they remind of the collage art I used to be obsessed with making.
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Leah’s moodboard for @princesshedas’s bellarke prompt, wreck my plans (that’s my man). This prompt has already been prompted via our initiative!
2. What’s your favorite part of the creation process?
Searching for and choosing the photos. It can be difficult to find what I’m looking for if my idea is very specific. Sometimes I’ll be set on finding a certain type of photo and my brain will be like CHALLENGE ACCEPTED, so its fun. I’m really particular about the photos I choose and how they’re arranged. The look needs to feel balanced or I won’t be happy with it.
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Leah’s Vampire!Clarke moodboard
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Leah’s roarke moodboard
3. Do you have a favorite piece you’ve done?
I did a Clarke Griffin moodboard series a while back and my Vampire!Clarke one is a particular favorite of mine because I feel like it turned out really nice, along with the Wellarke and Roarke ones I made. But my most recent favorite I’ve made is one for the notion board for the prompt Lynn wrote titled ‘wreck my plans (that’s my man).’
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Leah’s moodboard for @bellarkestitchdelena’s bellarke fic You Were Right. This fic was prompted via our initiative.
4. What was the most difficult piece to create?
Canon moodboards are always especially difficult since the show’s setting is so specific. The one I’m most proud of is the one I made for Hannah’s fic, “You Were Right.”
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Part two of Leah’s gifset series of soft moments of t100
5. What’s a piece that you would love someone to prompt you?
I love making moodboards and I welcome any prompt honestly. But I actually started a gif series of soft moments from the show a while back that I only made a couple of posts for and would love any ideas/prompts to add on to that.
You can prompt any of our amazing creators via this google form. We accept prompts for all t100 ships and characters and you can check out a full list of our participating content creators here.
Not sure what to prompt us? Check out all of our fic and fanart prompts here.
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t100fic-for-blm · 3 years
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Black History Month Celebration: Thelonious Jaha by @princesshedas
Good can come out of even the darkest acts.
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eastwesthomeisbest · 3 years
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Bonus gift for @princesshedas ​as Bellarke Secret Santa @bellarke-secretsanta
Inspired by prompt: Bellarke - Touches (or hugs)
Happy Holidays!
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heartbellamy · 3 years
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tagged by @bookwormforalways and @infp-with-all-the-feelings to make this fun lil gal here! thanks lovelies! 💙
ngl, i think i just wanted to be a she-ra character y’all
tagging/sending some love to: @iheartbookbran @princesshedas @searamour @songbirds-poet @nathanmillers @starkzmalik & whoever else sees this and wants to join in!
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