#priority: eden prime
warrenwoodhouse · 5 months
War Assets - Mass Effect Guide (Mass Effect) (Lists)
Guide by @warrenwoodhouse #warrenwoodhouse
I’ve listed every single War Asset from all three Mass Effect original trilogy games. These assets will help you win the war against the Reaper invasion.
Mass Effect; Legendary Edition: Mass Effect
Complete all Story Missions
Complete all Side Missions
Complete all Personnel Missions
Complete all Misc Missions
Complete all DLC Missions
Collect all Collectibles
Collect all Resources
Complete the game
Mass Effect 2; Legendary Edition: Mass Effect 2
Resources collected during your Mass Effect 1 campaign will carry over into your Mass Effect 2 campaign
Complete all Story Missions
Complete all Side Missions
Complete all N7 Missions
Complete all Loyalty Missions
Complete all Misc Missions
Complete all DLC Missions
Collect all Collectibles
Collect all Resources
Entire Normandy Crew and Shepard survive the assault on the Collector Base
Mass Effect 3; Legendary Edition: Mass Effect 3
Resources collected during your Mass Effect 1 campaign and Mass Effect 2 campaign will carry over into your Mass Effect 3 campaign
Complete all Story Missions
Complete all Side Missions
Complete all N7 Missions
Complete all Loyalty Missions
Complete all Misc Missions
Complete all DLC Missions
Collect all Collectibles
Collect all Resources
Entire Normandy Crew and Shepard survive the Endgame
Acquired EMS Effective Military Strength of 7800 or above
Good Ending: Choose “Destruction” (red) during the final mission “Priority: Citadel: The Return”
Bad Ending: Military Strength of 2000 or less
Alternative Ending: Choose “Synthesis” (blue) during the final mission “Priority: Citadel: The Return”
ME3 War Assets
Assets and resources collected during your campaigns of Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2 will carry over into your Mass Effect 3 campaign
General Oleg Petrovsky: unlocked after completing Omega DLC
Omega Raiding Fleet: unlocked after completing Omega DLC
Omega Eezo Hoard: unlocked after completing Omega DLC
Leviathan Enthrallment Team: unlocked after completing Leviathan DLC
Liquid Assets: add
Vorcha Labor Team: unlocked after completing Omega DLC
Void Devils Fighter Wing: add
Governor Grothan Pazness: add
Citadel Defense Force: add
Batarian Fleet: add
Hanar and Drell Forces: add
Volus Bombing Fleet: add
Spectre Unit: add
Shadow Broker Wet Squad: add
Elcor Flotilla: add
Shadow Broker Support Team: add
Volus Dreadnought Kwunu: add
Rachni Workers: add
Terminus Fleet: add
Husk Neural Map: unlocked after completing Leviathan DLC
Asari Engineers
Asari Cruiser Cybaen
Asari Research Ships
Asari Cruiser Nefrane
Serrice Guard
Armali Sniper Unit
Dr. Jelize
Samara: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Asari Commandos
The Destiny Ascension: Needs to survive during the mission “Priority: Citadel > Save the Council” in Mass Effect 1
Asari Sixth Fleet
Asari Second Fleet
Asari Science Team
Dr. Ann Bryson: unlocked after completing Leviathan DLC
Synthdiamond Heat Sinks: add
Eden Prime Support: unlocked during the mission “Priority: Eden Prime” via From Ashes DLC
Zhu’s Hope Colonists: After saving the colonists during the mission “Priority: Feros” in Mass Effect 1
Mineral Resources: Collected from Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 2
Alliance Frigate Normandy SR-2: unlocked after completing the mission “Priority: Earth”
Diana Allers
Zaeed Massani: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Kasumi Goto: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Alliance Fifth Fleet
Rogue Fighter Pilots
Alliance Sixth Fleet
Communications Arrays
Alliance Naval Exploration Flotilla
Alliance Cruiser Shanghai
Alliance Spec Ops Team Delta
Arcturus First Division
Jack: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Kahlee Sanders
Alliance Third Fleet
Alliance First Fleet
103rd Marine Division
Alliance Engineering Corps
Radiation Shielding Sheath
Jovian Dissertation
Dark Energy Dissertation: Complete the “Conrad Verner” storyline from Mass Effect 1 and Mass Effect 3
Optimized Eezo Capacitors
Haptic Optics Array
Advanced Power Relays
Emergency Fuel Pods
Element Zero Converter
Terminus Freighters
Shadow Broker Starship Tech
Prothean Data Files
ExoGeni Scientists: Save them during the mission “Priority: Feros” in Mass Effect 1
Interferometric Array
Volus Engineering Team
Volus Fabrication Units
Javelin Missile Launchers
Advanced Starship Fuel
Miranda Lawson: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Jacob Taylor: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Dr. Gavin Archer: Survived in the mission “Cerberus Project: Overlord” in Mass Effect 2: Overlord DLC
Dr. Brynn Cole
Ex-Cerberus Scientists
Advanced Fighter Squadron
Cerberus Research Data
Krogan Mercenaries
Clan Urdnot: Cure the Genophage during the mission “Priority: Tuchanka” after completing the missions “Tuchanka: Bomb” and “Tuchanka: Cerberus Base”
Krogan Clans
Krogan First Division
Grunt: Needs to survive the final mission in Mass Effect 2
Urdnot Wrex: Needs to be talked down during the mission “Priority: Virmire” in Mass Effect 1
Geth Corps: Complete the mission “Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons”
Geth Fleet: Complete the mission “Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons”
Geth Prime Platoon: Complete the mission “Rannoch: Geth Fighter Squadrons”
Major Kirrahe: Needs to survive during the mission “Priority: Virmire” in Mass Effect 1
Salarian Third Fleet
Dextro Rations
Turian Spec Ops Team
Turian Engineering Corps
Turian Blackwatch
Turian Seventh Fleet
Turian 43rd Marine Division
Turian Sixth Fleet
Turian 79th Flotilla
Admiral Zaal’Koris
Quarian Civilian Fleet
Quarian Heavy Fleet
Quarian Patrol Fleet
29th April 2024 at 7:22 am: Added the section titled “Changelog”
30th July 2023 at 6:00 am: Moved post to my Tumblr blog from my Fandom Wiki
17th November 2022 at 11:00 am: Created post
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
If you think about it, Commander Shepard’s mission was never defeat the Reapers, it was survive.
Survive Eden Prime against the Geth so they can save the colony. Survive Virmire against Saren so they can save the galaxy. Survive the Citadel so they can stop the Reapers. Survive the Normandy SR-1’s demise. Survive Cerberus long enough to go through the Omega relay. Survive the collectors base to destroy it. Survive the proto-Reaper to destroy it. Survive Priority Earth to get help. Survive long enough to unite the galaxy. Survive returning to Earth to activate the crucible. Survive the crucible.
They ensured every race could survive to fight the reapers. To spit in the face of extinction. Even if it was at the cost of their own survival.
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dragonflight203 · 8 months
Some thoughts as I replay Mass Effect 1:
-Hackett is one of the ones to recommend Shepard as a spectre. No wonder he feels comfortable calling them up for missions through the game. He probably feels Shepard owes them a few.
-One of Joker's first lines is that he doesn't like having spectres on board. That tune changes quite quickly.
-The game eases into aliens. For the few couple of hours the player only interacts with humans and one turian. Another turian is shown in a cutscene. Geth, which are basically advanced robots, are enemies you can kill without guilt. It's not until the citadel that the game really embraces alien diversity. Bioware's wariness on how comfortable players would be about aliens shows very clearly.
-During the Eden Prime drop scene Kaidan is the one to ask about survivors. Of course he is. Kaidan, you paragon.
-Everyone learned about aliens in school. Everyone is an adult. First contact was 30 odd years ago. How exactly did the curriculum get updated so quickly that everyone learned about this in school? Bioware, your timelines make me cry.
-Manuel definitely got hit by the beacon at some point. Interesting that he also saw Saren, but his speech is so confusing no one realizes he's talking about a second turian.
-Nihlus may feel differently about humans than Saren, but he is Saren's student. He skipped all the survivors and made a beeline to the beacon. He's not cruel, but he is efficient. The beacon is the priority.
-Nihlus, we hardly knew ya. Every time I replay it's always surprising how short his screen time is. And those faces when he interacts with Saren... Bioware did a very good job on making him nonhuman but still recognizably expressive. The difference in facial expressions between ME1 and MEA are light years.
-Benezia is clearly used to Saren's tantrums. She dodged like it's something she does on a regular basis.
-Kaidan, about informing the Council about Saren: "Makes sense. They'd probably like to know he's not working for them anymore." Love this man.
-Kaidan only gets migraines. Having experienced one recently, that's a big only. And he's soldier that's frequently in combat. I hope the future has excellent pain killers.
-For this playthrough I'm planning to have Tali and Liara as companions, so I'm skipping everything on the Citadel that isn't necessary or unique to the first visit until I pick them up. It makes the game feel quite different. I usually spend hours on the Citadel during my first visit; this time I'm leaving quite quickly.
-Pallin's skepticism about humanity makes more sense when Harkin is considered. Harkin was the first human in C-Sec, he's corrupt as hell, and humanity did a lot behind the scenes to protect him. Pallin's big on following the law no matter what. No wonder he's not impressed by humanity.
-Anderson has extreme tunnel vision about Saren. From the minute he's mentioned he's convinced Saren's behind it and he's doing it solely out of hatred of humanity. He repeatedly brings this up.
Meanwhile, in the game I get the vibe that Saren doesn't care about humanity too much. He doesn't like them, he might antagonize them if the opportunity comes up, but they're not worth the bother to put actual effort into tormenting. Humanity just isn't that important to him.
-Love those silent interactions between council members where they just look at each other. Again, the difference between ME1 and MEA is stark.
-Going by the Geth core Tali retrieved, Saren considers Eden Prime a victory. The tantrum he threw indicates otherwise. Does he really consider it a victory, or is that just a speech he gave to motivate the Geth?
-At this time, I'm not convinced Anderson believes in the Reapers. He still thinks it's Saren, he just doesn't think it's worth debating Shepard on it.
-I genuinely like Udina as a character. I'd hate to be around him, but he's determined to do a good job, pragmatic, and truly devoted to humanity. Also nice to have someone around who pushes back against Shepard. ME3 wastes him.
-Garrus mentions that he rose in the ranks through C-Sec. What was his actual rank? Detective or the like, I presume. Pallin knows who he is, and that's impressive considering the number of officers there are. Even with Castis as a father.
-Tali mentions Quarian overseers to the Geth when speaking to Shepard. The game definitely pushes the slavery parallels with the Geth, even in ME1. "Overseer" is not the first term I'd use for supervising machinery. Or maybe that's the American cultural bias showing through.
-Everyone info dumps in ME1. Everyone. Enjoyable, but a bit exhausting at the start of the game when it feels continuous.
-Liara in ME1 is a completely different character than in ME2 and ME3. I'm hesitant to consider the change natural growth. It's a shame, because ME1 Liara has quite a bit of potential. They didn't need to rework her character for the later games.
-First time playing on Insanity, and I'm surprised at the lack of trouble I've had so far. Everyone says the battle with the krogan at the end of Therum is difficult, but I only died once. I might regret this later, when I get to the Uncharted worlds...
Edit: Fix spellings
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satashiiwrites · 1 year
Snippet Sunday
Tagged by the ever lovely @monsterrae1 for seven sentence snippet sunday. Thanks for the tag! Tagging @quietborderline @tkwritesdumbassassins @whimsyswastry @missanniewhimsy @outtoshatter @alyxmastershipper with no pressure and anyone else who wants to play along.
Since I yeeted the last part of Sleepless in LA and I’m done with this month’s chapter of Mana’olana…. How about a snippet from the upcoming chapter of The First Spectre which was supposed to be out this month but…. Well it’s not looking promising.
Snippet sunday banner by the ever-talented @radio-chatter.
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Title: The First Spectre, Chapter 2: Eden Prime
Fandom: 911, 911 Lonestar Mass Effect Trilogy/Universe
Pairing: epically long slow burn Buddie (it’s not going to happen for >100k), assume canon 911 relationships will mostly eventually cross over including some Lonestar ones.
Fic Summary:
Thirty years after the mars ruins were discovered leading to the Charon Relay and twenty since the First Contact War, humanity is still striving to take its place amongst the Citadel Council as equals. Commander Evan “Buck” Buckley, the lone survivor of Akuze is nominated to become the first human Spectre.
When his test mission goes sideways, Buck uncovers a much larger threat against all sentient life. Can he convince the Council to prepare for war or will they ignore the dangers that are closing in?
A new cycle has begun. The Reapers are coming.
Tags/warnings: first draft territory. Science fiction AU, this is not a straight up fusion but if you’ve read anything else I’ve done you probably know what you’re in for. There will be character deaths (canon and NON-canon) but I will say Buddie and Christopher are safe as I don’t do letting them die permanently in stories. Space opera type hijinks including military war environment. This is going to be a very, very long fic.
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Buck sees Diaz nod to Jenkins out of the corner of his eye even as Chimney announces they’ve arrived.  “Ground team prepare for insertion.” 
Bobby’s voice comes over the comms.  “Good luck, Buck.  Remember the beacon is your first priority.”
“Roger that. Thank you, Captain,” Buck replies and braces himself. 
The airlock door opens and the pressure of the wind whipping around the Normandy presses against them then equalizes. They’re hovering two meters above the ground so they jump out, the jets in their boots slowing their descent enough that it’s not too rough of a landing but it still jolts Buck’s joints when he hits the ground.   The Normandy pulls away and they get their first look at Eden Prime. 
On the surface, Eden Prime is Earth-like in that there are trees and rock and sparse vegetation that looks like they’re somewhere in the North American Rockies.  A few buildings rise above the tree line in the distance which according to Buck’s helmet HUD is about two kilometers away. They’ve been dropped far enough out from the target to be out of the immediate line of fire. but they’re going in mostly blind other than a map of the colony. 
A quick scan of the LZ shows they are alone so Buck allows his HUD to calibrate to the new environment, getting feedback and intel such as relative direction and environmental feedback. Eden Prime has a breathable atmosphere with a slightly higher percentage level of oxygen to nitrogen but the air pressure difference makes its effects on human physiology negligible.
Wendell, silent until now, starts to head off to the left.  “Where are you going, Spectre?”
“This colony has been hard hit and there’s likely to be hostiles everywhere,” the Turian inclines his head as he checks his rifle.  “It would be best to keep our guard up and I move faster on my own.  I’ll approach from the west and meet you at the beacon.”
Buck knows that he really can’t argue with their appointed babysitter and he’s not against splitting up given they have a lot of ground to cover. “Roger.  We’ll approach the colony from the east.”
“I’ll feed you status updates but let’s keep the radio chatter to a minimum,” the Spectre says as he lopes across the clearing.  With a wave, he disappears into an outcropping of rock. 
“Commander?” Diaz asks, waiting for him to give an order.
“Let’s move out.  PFC Jenkins, stick close—you’re our tour guide.”
“Devon, sir.  It’s Devon.”
Buck doesn’t sigh in frustration but it’s a close call. He can see Diaz’s face though, and the sparkle in his eyes says he’s still laughing at Buck’s predicament. “Move out,” he orders and points to the east. 
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loquaciousquark · 1 year
Wet Friday Stream!
It's raining, I'm home for the day, and I have a cold drink AND a hot drink already at hand. Last time we opened Pandora's Eden Prime's box and discovered there was no hope at the bottom, just Javik. We also finally bought our way out of some truly atrocious weaponry into some slightly more effective guns, though not before dying a whole whole lot on Grissom Academy. Today: Priority Sur'Kesh, random galactical pickups, and more!
Start her up here in about five minutes!
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mephestopheles · 4 months
Just because I keep yelling about the game, here's what I'm doing on this play through.
Male Shepard, spacer background, war hero psych profile. Soldier Class. Casual difficulty to get the hang of things and I'm still dying a lot. I am not used to shooters in general and I have yet to figure out tactics.
Fave team up in mass effect 1 was Tali and Liara, with their biotics and the tech skills maxed they were fantastic and could hold their own in a fight. Thank gods for med-gel.
Garrus got a lot more action in mass effect 2 because of Liara being kind of on the side lines. But Tali still was front and centre.
Mass effect three the trio is back, but I've been picking others to get some new dialogue stuff as well.
Current favourite weapon is the black widow V sniper rifle with upgraded scope and thermal clip for more bullets.
Still haven't found a favourite among the others, but I generally go for either highest damage output or highest capacity.
I've finished every side mission, except for the Eden prime Intel mission in the from ashes dlc (couldn't find the 3rd piece of Intel) so that was locked after finding Javik. And Couldn't find Aria's couch for Harrot in the Omega DLC.
I think I got most of the war assets. Could not get one of them from the Hades Nexus, because the scanner tripped the Reapers, and I didn't have any missions to do to reset it, and I think I'm locked out now as of finishing Cerberus Headquarters.
I'm at work right now so I can't finish it, but I have a decent shot of possibly finishing this game tonight, with only priority earth and the finale left (the finale legit may just be credits and cut scenes I don't know, but I'm going by the ign walkthrough for section names)
Wish me luck. All I want to do is have a nap right now. Woke up way too early this morning and before I could think better of it, I got up and played the Cerberus Headquarters mission.
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edenshomes · 6 months
Experience Luxury in Dubai: Explore the Best Holiday Homes
Are you dreaming of a luxurious holiday experience in Dubai? Look no further than Eden's Homes, your gateway to exquisite holiday rentals in the heart of this vibrant city.
Luxury Defined: Our collection of holiday homes redefine Luxury Holiday Homes Rentals Dubai living. From breathtaking views of the Dubai skyline to exclusive amenities and personalized services, each property is designed to exceed your expectations.
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Exceptional Services: At Eden's Homes, your comfort is our priority. Our dedicated concierge team is available round-the-clock to assist you with everything from restaurant reservations to arranging personalized experiences, ensuring a seamless and memorable stay.
Explore Dubai: From iconic landmarks like the Burj Khalifa and Palm Jumeirah to vibrant shopping malls and world-class dining, Dubai offers a myriad of experiences. Our holiday homes provide the perfect base to explore the city's attractions at your own pace.
Why Choose Us: With Eden's Homes, you're not just booking accommodation; you're unlocking a world of luxury and convenience. Our attention to detail, personalized services, and prime locations make us the preferred choice for discerning travelers.
Book Your Luxury Holiday: Whether you're planning a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a group retreat, Eden's Homes has Luxury Holiday Homes Rentals Dubai the perfect holiday rental for you. Visit our website here to explore our collection and book your dream holiday in Dubai today.
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directsite369 · 8 months
Kohinoor Eden Kalyan, Mumbai
Kohinoor Eden At, KALYAN, (MUMBAI)
Kohinoor Eden in Mumbai's quickest developing suburb - Thane. A low thickness private venture offering elite, extravagance homes enlivened by London residing. With more than adequate green space, a peaceful improvement which is about elite conveniences and extravagance living.
Unveiling the Charm of KOHINOOR EDEN: Your Oasis in Kalyan, Mumbai
In the bustling city of Mumbai, finding the perfect residential haven that offers a balance between modern amenities and serene living can be a challenge. However, KOHINOOR EDEN, nestled in the heart of Kalyan, presents an oasis of tranquility that promises a luxurious lifestyle coupled with urban convenience. Let's embark on a journey to explore the exceptional features and benefits that make KOHINOOR EDEN the ultimate residential choice in Mumbai.
Discovering the Location
A Prime Address in Kalyan
Situated in the vibrant locality of Kalyan, KOHINOOR EDEN enjoys strategic proximity to essential amenities. The project's prime location ensures easy access to schools, hospitals, shopping centers, and entertainment hubs, catering to the diverse needs of its residents.
Connectivity at Its Best
With seamless connectivity to major roadways and public transport, residents of KOHINOOR EDEN experience the convenience of navigating the city effortlessly. The well-planned infrastructure provides easy access to Mumbai's commercial and business districts, making it an ideal choice for professionals.
A Glimpse of Luxury
Modern Architectural Marvel
KOHINOOR EDEN stands as a testament to modern architectural brilliance. The project features an innovative design that harmoniously blends aesthetics with functionality. The thoughtfully designed living spaces maximize natural light and ventilation, creating an ambiance of comfort and well-being.
Amenities Beyond Compare
Embracing a lavish lifestyle, KOHINOOR EDEN offers a plethora of amenities, including a state-of-the-art fitness center, rejuvenating spa, expansive swimming pool, landscaped gardens, and recreational spaces. The project's commitment to luxury ensures that residents can indulge in relaxation and recreation without leaving the premises. Your Dream Home Awaits
Spacious Residences
KOHINOOR EDEN presents an array of spacious and meticulously designed residences to suit various preferences. From cozy apartments to expansive penthouses, every unit is a testament to elegance and functionality. The interiors are adorned with premium finishes and fixtures, creating an aura of sophistication.
Serenity Redefined
In the midst of the city's hustle and bustle, KOHINOOR EDEN offers a haven of tranquility. The thoughtfully landscaped surroundings provide residents with a serene escape where they can unwind and rejuvenate after a long day.
The KOHINOOR EDEN Experience
Security and Privacy
The safety of residents is a top priority at KOHINOOR EDEN. The project is equipped with advanced security systems and round-the-clock surveillance, ensuring a secure and peaceful living environment. Additionally, the well-defined boundaries offer residents the privacy they desire.
Sustainability at its Core
KOHINOOR EDEN is committed to sustainability and eco-friendliness. The project incorporates energy-efficient technologies and practices to reduce its carbon footprint. Residents can take pride in being part of a community that values environmental responsibility.
In the heart of Kalyan, Mumbai, KOHINOOR EDEN stands as an epitome of luxury, comfort, and convenience. With its prime location, modern design, and unparalleled amenities, it offers a lifestyle that caters to the aspirations of urban dwellers. Embrace the tranquility, revel in the opulence, and make KOHINOOR EDEN your forever home.
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kirtijadhav · 1 year
Dosti Reality Launching Dosti Eden Brahmand Ghodbunder: Spacious 2 BHK and 3 BHK Flats in Thane West
Welcome to the world of Dosti Reality, where dreams come alive! We are delighted to announce the much-awaited launch of Dosti Eden Brahmand Ghodbunder - a residential haven nestled in the heart of Thane West. This extraordinary project is designed to elevate your lifestyle with its spacious and luxurious 2 BHK and 3 BHK flats, redefining the essence of modern living. In this article, we proudly present a comprehensive overview of this exceptional residential venture that promises to be your gateway to an unparalleled living experience.
Convenience and connectivity are the hallmarks of Dosti Eden Brahmand Ghodbunder. Situated in the prime locality of Thane West, this residential masterpiece enjoys excellent connectivity to Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, and other major hubs. With proximity to the Eastern Express Highway and Western Express Highway, residents will relish seamless travel to work and leisure destinations alike. Additionally, the upcoming Metro line promises to add another layer of accessibility, making this location an unbeatable choice for homebuyers.
Spacious Living Spaces
At Dosti Eden Brahmand Ghodbunder, we believe in providing ample space for you and your loved ones to flourish. Our 2 BHK flat in thane  and 3 BHK flats are thoughtfully designed to optimize space utilization without compromising on elegance and comfort. Each unit exudes a sense of openness, creating an ambiance that fosters positivity and well-being. The interiors are intricately crafted with modern finishes and premium fittings, showcasing our commitment to delivering excellence.
World-Class Amenities
A home is more than just four walls; it's a lifestyle. At Dosti Eden Thane , we understand the essence of a holistic living experience. Our project boasts a plethora of world-class amenities that cater to your every need. From a fully equipped gymnasium to a serene swimming pool, from landscaped gardens to children's play areas, every aspect is meticulously designed to enrich your life and ensure that you have every comfort at your doorstep.
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Dosti Eden Brahmand Ghodbunder  is more than just a residential property in thane  it is a manifestation of our passion for creating dream homes. With a prime location, spacious living spaces, world-class amenities, sustainability, and a commitment to your safety, we promise an unparalleled living experience that will leave you enamored.
For more details visit our website :- https://www.propmart.co/blog/8-lavish-properties-in-thane/
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wizardbenjamin · 2 years
DreamWizardPlays Ep. 163
#MassEffect Legendary Edition (2021)
[#19] "Priority: Eden Prime"
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Priority: Eden Prime
From the Ashes
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Phos: “Okay, we died again. Because we found the third orb, and we didn’t have you with us, so we died, kaboom, okay, and now we know where all three of them are.”
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Tag Game: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words
I was tagged by @emsondraeling but I’m making a new post because it was getting lengthy.
The implant nestled at the base of Jame's skull is still humming with energy from the fight, biotic energy lacing between her fingers as she flexes her hands.
I’m writing a Mass Effect AU of the Kencyrath, okay, leave me alone.
For a less obscure cast of characters and a much more obscure setting, here is the latest line of my Indexing AU of Vox Machina:
As it stood, they were a Hansel, a Gretel, a Thousandfurs, a Boy Without Fear, and a Pied Piper, driving down the highway eighteen miles over the legal limit with no specific destination in mind, and Vax had decided to add to the chaos by flicking through radio channels at random.
I don’t know anywhere near that many people who write, sooooo @aethersea, @cthulhu-with-a-fez, @viciousmaukeries, @executeness, @editoress, and idk @maelace.  If I tagged anyone who doesn’t write, I’m SO sorry, and to everyone I doubtless missed, please consider yourself tagged anyway, my brain is not working today.
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satashiiwrites · 2 years
Writing Goals 2023
No specific word count goal.  The goal here is to finish at least one (perhaps two) of my longer wips and then clean up a bunch of other wips to clear the slate for new works. Let’s go with finishing 8 fics this year from this list. This is me putting out goalposts for myself (that hopefully I won’t have to move closer). Please note that word totals are for current chapters only and don’t reflect how much I have written past them. I often am nonlinear in how I write then have to fill-in between scenes. 
Year-to-date posted word count: 445,976 words (updated 01.01.2024)
Finished fics:
Fragments and Fractals, 911 one-shot, 6b speculation/coda to lightning strike, first time/get together Buddie with a side of canon whump, written in one go. (1,518 words) Published 04.03.2023.
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me, Wheel of Time Cauthor reworking of Season 1. (35,895 words). Complete as of 22.03.2023.
Sleepless in LA, 911 holiday fic, Alternative Universe/Alternative first meetings. Complete as of 28.04.2023
Suspicions, a Teen Wolf Firefighter!Derek AU story, Sheriff Stilinski POV. Complete as of 20.05.2023
What are the Odds? 911 Buddie ABO kink fic that the muse went rabid on. Complete as of 18.09.2023
Bound by Blood, MReyder Spookyseason creature fic. Vampire/werewolf porn with plot. Complete as of 22.10.2023
Bradley the Damned. Generation Kill AU. Brad/Nate, Ray/Walt. Complete as of 31.10.2023
January writing goals:  priority works: 
Total words published this month: 13,939
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana: Chapter 9 SNAFU  (911, H50, NavySeal!Buck, SWAT) (9,904 words)—posted 22.01.2023
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal, chapter VII, Reyes POV—94 words  (MReyder)
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me, chapter IX Mat—2,041 words (Wheel of Time, Cauthor)—posted 26.01.2023
Mana’olana, Chapter 4, Steve POV—1,994 words (H50 McDanno, season 5 finale fix-it)—posted 26.01.2023
February writing goals: priority works:
Total words published this month: 28,831
Sleepless in LA (911) Valentine’s Day Fic 2023
Chapter 2 (4,782 words)—posted 6.02.2023
Chapter 3 (5,619 words)—posted 8.02.2023
Chapter 4 (3,131 words)—posted 11.02.2023
Chapter 5 (5,027 words)—posted 22.02.2023
Chapter 6 (5,522 words)—posted 23.02.2023
Chapter 7 (4,750 words)—posted 25.02.2023
March writing goals: priority works
Total words published this month: 32,314
Sleepless in LA (911 Valentine’s Day fic 2023–oh the shame….)
Chapter 8 (4,923 words) posted 07.03.2023
Chapter 9 (6,986 words) posted 30.03.2023
Promise Me You Won’t Let Me,
Chapter X (3,071 words) posted 18.03.2023
Chapter XI (4,246 words) posted 21.03.2023
Chapter XII (3,271 words) posted 22.03.2023
Epilogue (727 words) posted 22.03.2023 and COMPLETE
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal chapter VII, Reyes POV (2,947 words)—posted 11.03.2023
Fragments and Fractals, one-shot, Buddie, 6b speculation/coda (1518 words) posted 03.04.2023
The First Spectre, Eventual Buddie slow burn Mass Effect AU, Chapter One: A Milk Run? (4,625 words) posted 09.03.2023
April writing goals: priority works:
Total words posted this month: 33,989
Mana’olana, chapter 5 (3,550 words) —posted 29.04.2023
The First Spectre, Chapter Two: Eden Prime (1,865 words)
Sleepless in LA
Chapter 10 (4,925 words)—posted 02.04.2023
Chapter 11: (4,926 words)—posted 08.04.2023
Chapter 12: Valentine’s Day part 1 (3,343 words)—posted 16.04.2023
Chapter 13: Valentine’s Day part 2 (8,184 words)—posted 18.04.2023
Epilogue (9,061 words)—posted 28.04.2023
May writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 20,708
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, Chapter 10: FUBAR
Buck (3,430 words)—complete and edited 24.05.2023 ✔️
Steve (1,189 words)
Eddie (479 words)
Danny (4,529 words)—complete and edited 30.05.2023 ✔️
Suspicions, Firefighter!Derek verse, one-shot, Sheriff Stillinski (14,764 words)—posted 20.05.2023
Bradley the Damned, Generation Kill AU, BradNate, RayWalt, WIP Big Bang fic
IV (1,365 words)
The First Spectre, Chapter Two: Eden Prime, Part 1 (5,944 words) (april hangover writing)—posted 13.05.2023
June writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 16,143 words
Bradley the Damned, WIP Big Bang fic
IV (2,704 words)—first draft done 11.06.2023 ✔️
V (5,866 words)—first draft done 12.06.2023 ✔️
VI (4,564 words)—first draft done 15.06.2023 ✔️
VII (4,887 words)—first draft done 18.06,2023✔️
VIII (2,485 words)—first draft done 18.06.2023✔️
IX (3,522 words)—first draft done 24.06.2023✔️
X (2,914 words)—first draft done 25.06.2023✔️
XI (2,463 words)—first draft done 29.06.2023✔️
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, chapter 10: FUBAR (hangover may chapter) (12,515 words)—posted 01.06.2023
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
1.01 (1,050 words)—posted 26.06.2023
1.02 Buck (1,127 words)—posted 29.06.2023
1.02 Athena (1,451 words)—posted 29.06.2023
July writing goals:
Total words posted this month: 41,633 words
Scintillation, July Rough Trade project—goal 25,000 words written in July. Sentinel/Guide, MCU. Tony Stark/James “Bucky” Barnes, Erik Killmonger/T’Challa, Tony Stark & Yinsen Ho, one-sided Steve Rogers/James “Bucky” Barnes. Not Steve Rogers friendly at first. Current WC: 24,953/25,000–SO CLOSE!!
Bradley the Damned, WIP Big Bang fic
XII (5,118 words)—first rough draft done 01.07.2023✔️
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book 1) (rewrite)
Prologue (4,129 words)—posted 07.07.2023
Chapter 1 (12,149 words)—posted 15.07.2023
Chapter 2 (6,563 words)—posted 23.07.2023
Chapter 3 (8,844 words)—posted 30.07.2023
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
1.03 Bobby (983 words) posted 03.07.2023
1.04 Hen (1,877 words) posted 7.07.2023
1.05 Karen (1,383 words) posted 08.07.2023
1.06 Bobby (981 words) posted 13.07.2023
1.07 Hen (433 words) posted 14.07.2023
1.08 Karen (1,010 words) posted 14.07.2023
1.09 Buck (595 words) posted 16.07.2023
1.10 Buck (795 words) posted 23.07.2023
2.01 Buck(881 words) posted 23.07.2023
2.02 Eddie (1,010 words) posted 23.07.2023
Words posted this month: 62,996
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book 1) (rewrite)
Chapter 4 (10,905 words) posted 08.08.2023
Chapter 5 (10,251 words) posted 12.08.2023
Chapter 6 (10,572 words) posted 19.08.2023
Chapter 7 (9,739 words) posted 27.08.2023
Bradley the Damned
Chapter IV (2,700 words) posted 08.08.2023
Chapter V (3,522 words) posted 14.08.2023
Chapter VI (5,866 words) posted 22.08.2023
Chapter VII (4,905 words) posted 29.08.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana Chapter 11
Buck (4,250 words) ✔️ rough draft done 08.09.2023
Eddie (2,457 words)✔️rough draft done 24.08.2023
Steve (3,465 words) ✔️ rough draft done 06.09.2023
Danny (2,511 words)
Afterthoughts, a 911 rewatch collection of codas
2.03 Karen (645 words) posted 02.08.2023
What are the Odds?
Chapter 1 (1,655 words) posted 21.08.2023
Chapter 2 (2236 words) posted 28.08.2023
Words posted this month: 77,257
An Andromeda Tale: Arrival in Andromeda (Book ) (rewrite)
Chapter 8 (9,115 words) posted 04.09.2023
Chapter 9 (8,277 words) posted 10.09.2023
Chapter 10 (10,283 words) posted 27.09.2023
Chapter 11 (10,556 words) posted 30.09.2023
Bradley the Damned
Chapter VIII (4,887 words) posted 05.09.2023
Chapter IX (2,485 words) posted 12.09.2023
Chapter X (2,914 words) posted 18.09.2023
Chapter XI (2,463 words) posted 26.09.2023
Alley with a View (Buddie Spooky season 2023 fic)
Chapter 1 (3,174 words) posted 19.09.2023
What are the Odds?
Chapter 3 (2285 words)
Chapter 4 (1897 words) posted 13.09.2023
Chapter 5 (3296 words) posted 17.09.2023–complete
Afterthoughts,a 911 rewatch collection of codas
2.04 Eddie (1,286 words) posted 05.09.2023
2.05 Athena (1,042 words) posted 06.09.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana: Chapter 11: Proof of life (13,297 words) posted 08.09.2023
**update 20/10/2023–cutting expectations for the month due to job search/negotiations creating a black hole of a time suck
Words posted this month: 36,311
Bound by Blood (3,678 words) posted 22.10.2023–COMPLETE
Bradley the Damned
Chapter XII (5,118 words) posted 02.10.2023
Chapter XIII (3.687 words) posted 15.10.2023
Chapter XIV (3,338 words) posted 20.10.2023
Chapter XV (4,877 words) posted 23.10.2023
Chapter XVI/epilogue (2,390 words) posted 31.10.2023
Arrival in Andromeda
Chapter 12 (8,762 words) posted 01.10.2023
Scintillation—chapter 1 (4,461 words) posted 01.10.2023
Words posted this month: 6,720
Choices and Regrets, NaNoWriMo/November Rough Trade. Goal 50k words. 911/Dark Matter (book) fusion/crossover. Buddie.
Current WC: 50,293/50,000
Chapter 1 (6,658 words) posted 05.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 2 (6,486 words) posted 07.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 3 (5,961 words) posted 10.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 4A(6,433words) posted 13.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 4B (3,136 words) posted 15.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 5 (7,880 words) posted 21.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 6 (6,188 words) posted 27.11.2023 ☑️
Chapter 7(7,751 words) posted 30.11.2023 ☑️
Scintillation, chapter 2 (6720 words) posted 01.11.2023
Words posted this month: 75,135
Home Found (Big Moxie Q4 challenge—time travel), Eureka fix-it, Jack Carter/Nathan Stark
Chapter 1 (372 words) posted 01.12.2023
Chapter 2 (2,178 words) posted 15.12.2023
Chapter 3 (1,612 words) posted 16.12.2023
Chapter 4 (2,245 words) posted 17.12.2023
Chapter 5 (2,019 words)
Chapter 6 (2,890 words) posted 22.12.2023
Chapter 7 (3,304 words) posted 29.12.2023
Chapter 8
Arrival in Andromeda
Chapter 13 (11,061 words) posted 03.12.2023
Chapter 14 (11,753 words) posted 06.12.2023
Chapter 15 (13,383 words) posted 14.12.2023
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Scintillation, (4,814 words) Chapter 3 posted 01.12.2023
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana, chapter 12 (9,949 words)
Steve (4,541 words)—complete 24.12.2023
Buck (2,172 words)
Danny (2,144 words)—complete 30.12.2023
Eddie (901 words)
Choices and Regrets
Chapter 1: Are You Happy With Your Life? (6,922 words) posted 15.12.2023
Chapter 2: Cognitive Dissonance (6,527 words) posted 21.12.2023
Chapter 3: Distortions in the Mirror (6,055 words) posted 28.12.2023
All Works in Progress:
Mass Effect/Mass Effect Andromeda MReyder or MShenko
An Andromeda Tale
Reinventing Scott
Bound by Blood complete 22.10.2023
What Happens in Vegas, one shot
To Follow
The Marks We Leave on One Another
Your Guide to Andromeda, one shot
If I See You in My Dreams
Death, Rebirth and the Jackal
Sleepless in LA—complete 28.04.2023
Christmas for Cowboys (aka Christmas fic)
Alley with a View—aka Buddie Rear Window (Halloween 2023 fic)
A New Version of Foreplay
Family, Familia, ‘Ohana
The First Spectre (added March 2023)
An All Time High (added May 2023)
Choices and Regrets—November Rough Trade project (Added August 2023)
Teen Wolf/Sterek
To Catch a Fallen Star
Connie the Librarian one-shot (Firefighter Derek Verse)
Suspiscions—Sheriff Stilinski one-shot (Firefighter Derek Verse)—complete 20.05.2023
Generation Kill
Bradley the Damned complete 31.10.2023
Mayans MC
The Outlaw and the Cartel Boss
Cousin Harvey
Hawaii 5-0
Wheel of Time
Promise Me You Won’t let me—complete 22.03.2023
Scintillation—July Rough Trade. Tony/Bucky, T’Challa/Erik
Home Found—Big Moxie Q4 project (added 20.10.2023)
Reunion (added September 2023)
5 notes · View notes
guiltknight-gaming · 3 years
Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition Episode 131: Priority - Eden Prime
0 notes
minthara · 3 years
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MASS EFFECT 3: LEGENDARY EDITION | (11/?) ↳ Priority: Eden Prime
653 notes · View notes