#priscilla's marriage proposal
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manhwa-animated-cover · 4 months
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java-lava · 8 months
I’m a sane person (mostly) but will go absolutely FERAL over guys with long hair. (But like, in this way)
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Edit; I forgot to add Aether but he absolutely counts
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eternal-love · 4 months
Austin and Me
“Fairytale wedding”
“Wife to the ‘king’. Icon to the world. Destined for more.”
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Summary: At 18 years old, she fell in love with Austin, at 20 years old, she became his wife, by 22, she was his doll. In which Cynthia’s life changed drastically after falling head over heels with a man that promised her the moon and the stars. She takes us down the memory lane of what could’ve been— the perfect marriage.
Inspired by the book: Elvis and me by Priscilla Presley.
I do not condemn any of the portrayals I decide to do about certain people, it’s just fanfiction. And it would be divided in parts.
English isn’t my first language so I’m trying my best!
Part 1, Part 2
Weddings are supposed to be big and beautiful days for the bride to celebrate her upcoming life, well mine wasn’t. Being pregnant before marriage was a huge no with my parents, so I was terrified to tell them. I was 20! I wasn’t even out of their house yet. I had to tell Austin first, but I was terrified, what if he didn’t want to have a baby? He was 27.
At first he was perplexed, he blinked a thousand times more than I’ve ever seen anyone in my life. I was ready for him to shout and blame me but he didn’t.
“I’m gonna be a daddy…” Austin muttered under his breath before a smile appeared on his face. He grabbed me and kissed me all over the face. “We’re gettin’ married, baby!”
I was giggling excitedly, it was the weirdest thing I’ve ever lived. Ever since I was a young girl, I’ve always dreamed of having a romantic proposal— not this. But I read the room and un destroys that he was short on money. We thrifted my rings that same night, to me it was beautiful.
I waited a while before telling my parents, we were having dinner at him. My mom and dad sat besides each other in front of me, meanwhile my younger sister and brother sat on each side of me. I had kept my hand hidden and kept trying to use my left hand but the excitement got to me.
“I’m getting married.” I said nervously as I showed off my ring.
“You’re what?” My mother put her utensils down slowly, so did my dad.
“Austin… proposed.” I stuttered once again. “I said yes.”
“You do know what this means, do you, Cynthia?” My father said sternly as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“I know…” I knew he wanted me out of the house as soon as the wedding took place, I would only be able to visit home and never stay here again, just like my older sister did. “I’ll be out of the house once the reception is done.”
After dinner I was in my room, dreading the decision I made hours ago, was I even ready to be married? I loved Austin but to spend all my life with him. Soon enough my mom and younger sister were there with me, laying in bed, talking to each other.
“Y te juro que el me hablo pero bien lindo, ¿cómo lo iba a rechazar? (And I swear he talked to me sweetly, how could I reject him?)” I groaned to my mother, my little sister giggled.
“Yo se, yo se (I know, I know).” My mother rubbed my head softly. At the end of the day, I’d only have my mother to cry to.
“Can I be a bridesmaid?” My 12 year old sister asked excitedly, the same exact excitement I felt when my older sister got married and I had the privilege of being one of her bridesmaids.
“Of course.” I told her with a big smile.
I always wanted to have a big wedding, like the ones of fairytales. With the big dress and big wedding, I tried to tell Austin that but he was quick to always shut down my wishes.
“Baby, a big wedding it’s just too much work for the both of us. And I ain’t going to risk our baby.” Austin said as he placed his hand on my lower stomach.
“I know I just— I’ve always dreamed of my wedding being big and beautiful.” I said softly as I then pressed my lips together.
“Now— what happened to the twinkle in your eyes?” Austin rubbed my cheek softly. “All that matter is that we’ll be husband and wife, and that we’ll have a small baby with us…”
He made me feel as if wanting a big wedding was just a silly and egoistic wish, how dare I want to stress myself planning wedding and harming his baby on the process?
We looked through a bunch of salons for the reception and we ended up finding one we both liked. It was pretty and small, to keep it private like Austin wanted. I already had on mind how I wanted to look that day, my mind was all over Priscilla Presley’s wedding look. I wanted that bouffant and a similar dress, I was already skinny but with the pregnancy— I looked bloated. I needed a vintage wedding dress and so I went on the look out for one. Austin had bought himself a nice tuxedo, he had recently dyed his hair black because of a Broadway play he was doing.
The day of the actual wedding, I was excited beyond belief. I woke up at 4 AM, so did my mother and sisters. I did my makeup on my own but my room was a mess, my older sister, Jackie and my younger sister, Pattie, we’re getting ready there with me. I did my usual glam— just this time I added three pairs of falsies, Jackie helped me do my hair that day, she helped me tease it into a bouffant, then my mother helped me put on my veil. I would be lying if I said my father didn’t cry, it was the first time I saw him cry in all my life, he just hugged me tight.
The wedding was quick, we said our vows but the good part would be the reception. As we entered the salon, the guests were already there as ‘Venus’ by Frankie Avalon played on the background, I felt so— lucky. I was marrying who I thought was the love of my life.
“I’m so happy, baby.” Austin said as we sat at our table, he was squeezing my hand.
“Me too.” I whispered back to him.
My dad ended up accepting Austin as my husband, as he watched how Austin handled me so tenderly, how his big hands cupped my face, how his hand wandered around my waist as we talked to guests, how he kissed my cheeks countless of times.
“My little girl’s gonna be a good wife.” *My dad told Austin as they shook hands. Then my dad walked up to me and hugged me again, crying again as he took a step back to watch me. “Mija, tú sabes que tu mamá y yo siempre vamos a estar para lo que tú necesites (Mija, you know that your mama and I will always be here whenever you need us.)” My father said sweetly.
I cried a lot that day too, I never wanted to stop living with my family, we were very close, but I was maturing and growing up, I was starting my own family and I had to be strong.
Austin and I got married on February 12th, 2018, while I was one month into my pregnancy. We went back to his house, he carried me bridal style and laid me on the bed, he got on top of me, he kissed me.
“My wife.” He whispered softly before kissing me passionately.
It’s not like it would be my first time with him— but it felt magical. I don’t know why I felt so taken care of. I was scared, I never knew you could have sex while being pregnant, but he told me he had been doing his research. He made sweet love to me that night.
I was now Mrs. Butler— it had a nice ring to it.
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I know some of y’all might not like Austin on this fanfic! He might be an asshole half the time.
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quinloki · 6 months
So i read a lot of revenge isekai types and some are more satisfying than others. Idk what type of plot points you like besides revenge but right now I’m enjoying:
- I’ve become a true villainess
- I’ll be Queen in this life
- JK Haru is a sex worker in another world (gets kinda dark tho)
- The one within the villainess
Sadly none of them are done so I haven’t gotten to see the good revenge yet just leading to it 😭
Do you have any recs >> I’m always looking for more to read
I am USELESS with titles, but the ones I've enjoyed are
Priscilla's Marriage Proposal - done, but I still have a few chapters left to read. It's a delight, not too heavy, but just really well-done.
Iris: the Lady and Her Smartphone - was a lot more and a lot better than i expected, given the title. It's really well done too.
The Villainess turns the Hourglass - a didn't thikn I was going to like it, but I did \o/ Great characterizations and I love the main lady.
Daisy: How to Become the Duke's Fiancee - a favorite, but man I have a LOT of catching up to do. An art/style change put a lot of people off, but the story's been too good so far.
I'll have to check out the others. Really for a good revenge I just need a "treated unjustly" and goes back in time to at least get their proper due.
Honorable mention to I Dream of Health, Wealth, and a Long Life - idk if it's strictly a revenge story, but there's elements in it and I've really enjoyed it too =3
(Also not a revenge story at all, but 50 Tea Recipes From the Duchess is worth a mention Every Time because it is really JUST THAT GOOD in my opinion.)
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doll-elvis · 1 year
Do you think he ever came close to marrying another woman before or after Priscilla?
this is such a great question, thank you <3!!!
and I am thrilled to say that we have quotes directly from the source because Elvis has actually talked about this in a few interviews himself 😫
to start I would say Dixie Locke is probably the closest he came to actually marrying a woman before Priscilla came along
And in these quotes he is referring to her:
In his July 1972 interview Elvis said “I got out of school, I was driving a truck. I was dating a girl and waiting for her to get out of school so we could get married”
And then in his press conference on September 22, 1958 Elvis said “I suppose the closest that I ever came to getting married was just before I started singing. In fact, my first record saved my neck”
Lastly in his March 24, 1956 interview with RCB he said “The longest I ever went with one girl was about a year and a half. I see her every once in a while. In fact I only broke up with her when I started singing”
The Colonel was very adamant that Elvis stay unwed and he didn’t even want the fans to know that he had a steady girl, like June Juanico references in her book, Elvis had to tell the press that he had several girls and that none of them were particularly special so that to his fans he remained “available”
June Juanico is another girl that I believe he pictured himself marrying (I just wish they would have stayed together, she was perfect for him 😭)
Anita Wood of course was in the running for marriage also and in one of Elvis’ letters to her he wrote “I guarantee when I marry, it will be Miss “Little Presley” Wood” however I don’t know how much intention he actually had when saying that, and I personally don’t believe, whether he met Priscilla or not, that he would have ever married Anita. I think their relationship was extremely fragile after the army and not just because of the other women
this is from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia”
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Now for post divorce- it would have to be Ginger Alden as he proposed to her. However, do I believe that had he not passed away that they would have gotten married? Probably not or at least not as soon as Elvis said they would. I can’t speak for Elvis but I believe the ring was more of his way to ensure that Ginger was his, as he did not want her to go back to her previous relationship and he was intent on having the son that he wanted, and Ginger was the woman he wanted to have the child with. Simply I think he believed a ring would make her stay and forget about the other guy she saw before him even if he never really intended on getting married
this is from Larry Geller’s book “If I can dream”
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As for Linda Thompson, who was his longest lasting relationship post-Priscilla, I don’t believe he ever intended on marrying her and I think that had to do with his views on marriage souring significantly after the divorce. And towards the end of their relationship especially, when Linda was at the age where she was ready for marriage and a family, I think it had fizzled out to more of a close friendship than a romantic partnership
this is from “Elvis: What happened”
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this is from “Elvis and the Memphis Mafia”
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and lastly this excerpt is from Ginger Alden’s book
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trilliannnn · 7 months
Grooming.... let's talk about it:
Let's start back in 1919. Charlie Chaplin, who would become one of the most famous and celebrated movie stars of all time, was 29 when he married 16 year old aspiring actress Mildred Harris. Their marriage only lasted 2 years. In 1924, Chaplin repeated the pattern with another 16 year old, Lita Gray. He met Lita when she was just 6 and began taking her on dates around the age of 12.
1954 -- Sam Cooke meets a 12-year old Aretha Franklin and brings her to his hotel room. Before her father interrupted, Aretha said the conversation "took another turn."
In 1957, 23 year old Jerry Lee Lewis married his cousin, 13 year old Myra Brown. She still believed in Santa.
Also in 1957, 16 year old Anna Mae Bullock met 24 year old Ike Turner. He quickly took her into his band, helped make her a star, and began to treat the newly christened "Tina" as if he owned her. They married 6 years later. Tina once wrote that she was afraid not to accept his proposal.
In 1959, Elvis Presley met his future wife. He was 25 and she was 14. They stayed in touch via phone and letters for the next 2 1/2 years. At that time, Elvis took her on a drug romp to Vegas, followed by moving her into his Graceland mansion. They didn't marry until 1967. While both parties claimed that Priscilla was a virgin on her wedding night, biographer Susan Finstad makes a strong case that this could not be true. Priscilla herself has admitted that she & Elvis slept in the same bed and that Elvis "taught (her) other ways to please him." Elvis reportedly had a predeliction for 14 year old girls, both before and after his marriage to Priscilla.
Chuck Berry was arrested and found guilty of transporting an underage girl across state lines for immoral purposes, spending two years in jail in 1960.
In 1969, Sable Starr, queen of the so-called "baby groupies", had a brief relationship with Iggy Pop. She was 13. He later wrote a song about it. Starr had sexual relationships with many other band members, including encouters with David Bowie, Mick Jagger, and Rod Stewart.
It's 1972 and Rock stars are still having sex with little girls and everyone knows it, but no one does anything about it. Lori Mattix tells of losing her virginity at age 14 to David Bowie. She went on to start "dating" Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page that same year, a relationsihp that began when Page's manager kidnapped her and brought her to Jimmy's hotel room. Page kept Lori essentially locked up in his house for most of their 18 months together. The "baby groupie" also reports a sexual relationship with Mick Jagger when she was just 17.
In 1973, married singer Marvin Gaye met and pursued 17 year old Janis Hunter. He wrote "Let's Get it On" as a tribute to his lust for her. Marvin took his teen date to dinner shortly after they met, where he bribed the waiter to bring her alcohol, then had sex with her later that night. They had a baby by the time she was 18, and married in 1977. The marriage lasted just 3 years.
In 1975, Steven Tyler purchased the guardianship of a 16 year old girl (Julia Holcomb) from her mother when he was 27 so that he could legally take her with him across state lines while he was on tour.
In 1978, Ted Nugent also purchases the guardianship of a teenager from her parents. He was 30, Pele Massa was 17. Years later, Ted reportedly received oral sex from a 12 year old Courtney Love.
March 10, 1977. One of the most well-known cases. Director Roman Polanski drugs and rapes 13 year old Samantha Gailey. Allowed to plead guilty to a lesser charge, Polanski nevertheless fled to France before sentencing and remains exiled from the United States. He has not been exiled, however, from Hollywood and continues to make movies and win awards to this day.
Eagles drummer and vocalist Don Henley was arrested in 1980 in Los Angeles after paramedics were called to his home to save a naked 16-year-old girl who was overdosing on cocaine and Quaaludes.
Colored over as a a "grand romance" and a "decades long relationship", Celine Dion was 12 years old when 38 year old Rene Angelil became her manager. They went public with their relationship when she was 19.
n 1984, Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman started dating Mandy Smith. She was 13. Although they did not marry until she was 18, Mandy says she was 14 when they first had sex. Mr. Wyman has never been investigated, much less prosecuted.
Red Hot Chili Peppers' lead Anthony Kiedis readily admits to having sex with a 14 year old girl when he was 23. According to him, once he confirmed her age he "had sex with her again." In 1986, the 24-year old musician began dating 16 year old Ione Skye.
In 1990, 16 year old Mayte Garcia's mother sent a video of her belly-dancing to Prince. He arranged to meet her, confirmed she was 16 and a year later moved her into his house. When she was 19, he initiated a sexual relationshi by informing her it was time to go on birth control. They married when she was 22 and he was 37. Before Mayte, Prince met "Anna Fantastic" when she was 15. At 17, she moved into his compound where they had a two year long relationship.
In 1991, 32 year old director Luc Besson met and eventually married model Maïwenn Le Besco when she was 15. Their relationship inspired his movie Léon: The Professional (1994), which followed an emotional relationship between an adult man and a young girl.
In 1993, Jerry Seinfeld picked up a high school student in a public park. He was 39 and she was 17. He and Shoshanna Lonstein dated for four years -- through her college years.
Also in 1993, MC Ren of N.W.A. was accused of raping and impregnating a 16 year old girl in the group's tour bus. The case never went to trial, however a paternity test showed that he was the father of the girl's baby.
Noted pedophile R Kelley secretly married R&B singer Aaliyah in 1994 when she was 15 and he was 27. They met when she was 12 and he later helped write and produce her first album -- "Age Ain't Nothing but a Number."
In 1995, teen star Brandy (age 16) started dating 21-year-old Boyz II Men member Wanya Morris. Keeping their relationship under wraps due to her age proved too stressful for the couple and they broke up soon after.
In 1997, Woody Allen should have become notorious when he married his de facto step-daughter. Though she was 21 at the time of the wedding, the two met when she 8. No matter the spin, the facts are stark. This wasn't the only time Allen dated a much younger woman. Actress Babi Christina Engelhardt began a years-long love affair with Allen when she was 16 and he was 41. When Allen was 42, he romanced 17-year-old actress and high school senior Stacey Nelkin.
It's the early-mid 2000s and "That 70s Show" actor, Wilmer Valderrama, continues to date teenage girls in an effort to deny that he is now over 30. He dated 16-year-old Mandy Moore despite being four years her senior. At age 24, Valderrama dated 17-year-old Lindsay Lohan though they kept the relationship a secret until her 18th birthday in 2004. In 2010, the 30-year-old began dating 17-year-old Demi Lovato.
In 2001, Fast & Furious star Paul Walker (28 at the time) was dating 16-year old Aubrianna Atwell. This was not Paul's last time to date a teenager. His girlfriend at the time of his death, Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell, was 23 to his 40. They met when she was 16.
Back in 2004, 26 year old Joel Madden and Hilary Duff did the familiar dance of being "just friends" until her 18th birthday in 2006. When asked about whether she was intimate with Madden or not in a 2015 interview with Cosmopolitan, Duff stated, "I had a 26-year-old boyfriend. So everyone can make their own assumptions about what I was doing."
In 2005, clean cut TV heartthrob Chad Michael Murray begins dating a girl in high school. They get engaged when she turns 18 and Murray calls her a "little sweetheart" and says they have been together "for awhile."
Similarly, in 2006, co-stars Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia began dating. She was 17. He was 12 years her senior.
Actor Doug Hutchison married 16-year-old Courtney Stodden in 2011, when he was 51 years old. The dysfunctional pair became famous as reality stars, with Courtney undergoing extensive plastic surgery to maintain their image.
Rapper Tyga and Kylie Jenner began "hanging out" an awful lot beginning in 2014 when she was 16 and he was 24. They dated on and off after that, though they became a lot more openly "on" after her 18th birthday in 2016.
In late 2018, 44 year old Leonardo DiCaprio publicly reveals that he is dating 21 year old model Camilla Morrone. It's not the age gap that puts Leo on our list, it's the fact that he's known Camilla since she was 11.
2018 -- 14 year old Millie Bobby Brown innocently revealed that rapper, Drake, age 31, has been close friends with her, for the last year giving her advice about boys. He texts her, "I miss you." This is the same Drake who has, more than once, skated around that "just friends until she turns 18" line -- most recently with 18 year old model Bella Harris.
Guys, this isn't a friendship. This is GROOMING. No one will stop it. They'll "date." He'll have sex with her, probably in a couple of years. No one will care because he's a man and a star.
Make them care. No free passes. No 2nd chances. A ruined career is the least they deserve. It's not cute. THIS IS NOT OK.
~ Verity Violet
Ez nagy valószínűséggel mind igaz. :(
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manyfandomocs · 19 days
Fandom: Bridgerton + FC: Alisha Boe
Yes yes
Priscilla Barrington (Benedict Bridgerton ship)
There were few girls on the market as free as Miss Priscilla Barrington, parents who came into society recently and so she didn't grow up as restricted as some of the other young ladies this season. And as such, she has different ways of charming the young suitors, which seems to be not trying much. She will say yes to a suitor for a dance, and she hasn't rejected any callers as of yet, but her focus doesn't seem to be going for a proposal by the end of the season. Perhaps another who has rejected the thoughts of marriage thus far will change her mind as well as his own, if Benedict Bridgerton is up for the task
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Send me a fandom / love interest / faceclaim (one or all of those) and I’ll make a plot bunny
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cherchersketch · 1 year
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Priscilla’s Marriage Proposal
Sometimes it’s nice to just switch off my brain and read about a lovey-dovey couple overcoming plot elements together but also, slight TW for the ML’s backstory
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Summary Everything went to shit because of the ~evil stepmother~. So after 15 years of struggling, our main girl somehow finds a way to go back in time. What’s the best way to avoid an arranged marriage? Arrange your own marriage first of course. Checkmate!
Tropes   - died and came back to life X years before FOR REVENGE   - a couple that fights together stays together (but sorry to their single subordinates)   - just throw all these asshole family members away
FL - Countess Priscilla Mortia
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 - yes my dear I’ve loved you even though you can’t remember (because that future was erased)  - gaslight gatekeep GIRLBOSS
ML - Kian Lustin
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 - ah yes just a humble mercenary knight no secret backstory here  - yes my dear I’ve loved you since before you even remember  - you know it’s time to get *~serious~* when he ties up his hair  - technically the “lady” of the house since Priscilla inherited the actual noble title XD 
Rating: I enjoyed my time reading this Status (as of 23 Jan 2023) Ongoing. Just when you think it’s ending, there’s actually SO MUCH MORE PLOT to go~ Though it seems to be the final arc right now.
Same Same but Different   - I was tricked into this Fake Marriage   - Royal Marriage    -  Another Typical Romance Fantasy
full rec list
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cloudberry-sims · 2 years
A Decade Through Time: The Alderberg Legacy: Year 1608
Two wedding bells & four dying breaths.  
From the Beginning I Currently
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While their father rebuilt their whom, the Alderberg children lived a somewhat normal life with their great-aunt Anne and her family. 
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Lucy and James had taken a great liking to Grace , who was only 3 months younger then Lucy and 9 months older then James. They enjoyed playing games together and where starting to act more like siblings then distant cousins.
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Caleb , however , didn’t like being at their aunties. It was boring and he missed their father , whom would visit weekly , yet it was still not enough for the 9 year old boy. 
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Geoff tried to consul him , telling him to be a bit patient and understanding towards Griffyn, that it won’t be much longer.  
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And he was right that it wouldn’t be much longer ,because 1 month later Griffyn was done with the house. 
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It wasn't as lavage like the Horthalls or the Friswell home. 
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But it felt like a home , a brand new home for what he hopes a brand new start for him and his children. 
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Although he was happy to have Marion , Caleb , Lucy and James back , Griffyn started to realize quickly a problem. 
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Now that Priscilla was gone , he was the only adult in the house doing the cooking , cleaning and childcare. 
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He had barely time for it with how his craftsmanship had been in high demand in town and it didn’t help that the rumors around the villages was starting to get to him. 
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It had been a whole year since the woodcarver and carpenter, Griffyn Alderberg , had lost his wife , Priscilla. Many families with daughters had been eyeing the position of the new Alderberg wife, knowing how much wealth Griffyn had accumulated over the years of hard work and the lovely renovation to his home. 
Many had the view point of it being unnatural for a man with such a big and young brood not to remarry quickly. 
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He had married Priscilla out of obligation to his maternal family, though he grew to love her very dearly over the 10 years of marriage. 
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Now that he was a widower , it was by his own choice if he wishes to remarry, yet he felt another obligation for his children sake.He still had to work on his commissions and Marion was still too young to do the same type of  household work Priscilla once did.
He decided to hire help. A specific woman in fact.  
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According to the village, a woman named Helewis Maycot was looking for any work she could find.
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 She had recently been widowed and decided to move away to start a new. She even sold her hair to gain coin.
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By the rumors , Mrs Maycott could be spotted fishing at dawn. 
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They talked and Griffyn decided to hire the woman to be his house help for 5 years, during those 5 years he would shelter, feed and dress Helewis until she either marries or wish for employment else were. A very generous offer.  
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At first , life with Helewis was strictly platonic. She did all duties Priscilla once did in the house. She cleaned -
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She cooked all the meals in the house-  
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Took care of the little ones , she had even started to form a special bond with little James , whom started to call her “momma” , which she tried to stop by asking him to call her “auntie” instead. 
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One day , Marion asked if Helewis had children ,which had caught her off guard. 
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Griffyn could see how sad she looked when she said no , that the watcher never blessed her or her former husband with any and removed herself from the room. 
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They talked , and Griffyn found out more about Helewis life before coming to Outland, and it was not a happy one. 
She lost her husband to a long term illness and was kicked out from their home as they didn’t have any children. 
She sold her hair to earn money to leave , as nobody wanted a “barren , poverty-stricken woman” as a wife. 
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When the tears started to from in her eyes , Griffyn just held her . This poor woman had so much love in her heart , and to be treated so badly made him wanting to protect her.  
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Around  2 months later  , Griffyn proposed marriage. It came out of the blue and took Helewis by surprise , but she accepted it non the less. 
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Helewis’s transition from helping hand to stepmother surprisingly went well. 
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The children had all grown found of her over the course of 3 months and saw her as family. Although they still missed their mother and always will , they were just happy that their father had found someones as lovely as Helewis. 
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Church bells ring for joy and sorrow. While the Alderbergs celebrated a marriage , the Horthalls lamented a death. 
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The youngest Horthall brother , Arthur , had contracted measles at the tender age of 6 and was found by his mother and older brothers in his bed.
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It was a devastating loss for Barbara and the boys, Arthur had been such a sweet brother and companion. They would cherish his memory until their own deaths... 
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It was not just Arthur who died during the first quarter, the only apothecary and healer in Outland, Ralph Calott, passed away at age 30  due to typhoid fever  , after getting contracted by a contaminated water. His wife Ursula and sister Magdalene were present for his passing.
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Ursula may not have loved Ralph in a romantic way, but she had learned to think of him as a close and dear friend. He was the father of her only child and she will love him for that, always and forever. 
But now, she and Maggie can finally be together , at least more openly in their own home.  
Sadly, more deaths would come in 1608. 
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During the second quarter of the year Magery Rookwood found her youngest daughter, Winifred, dead in her crib, dying after contracting whooping cough. 
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Winifred’s death affected Margery , so much so that she cried in her husbands’ arms, it was the first time she ever seeked out comfort with Lambert through their nearly decade long marriage. 
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It was during this time, in the Alderberg home, when the new Mrs. Alderberg, to her ultimate surprise , found out she was pregnant. 
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Everyone in her old village thought she was unable to have children, even she, so to find out that she was 3 months pregnant was a blessing from the watcher. A difficult blessing , but a blessing none-the less. 
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Griffyn was shocked , excited and worried , but mostly happy. He cannot wait to meet his new son or daughter. 
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As the second quarter of 1608 continued forward , something very interesting happened to the now 18 year old Geoffrey Mildmay a misty fall morning. 
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He was just walking through the village , heading towards the herb garden when a distressed yet beautiful girl went up to him , asking him if had any coin or food for her to eat. 
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Her eyes , big and brown , was filled with fright and worry. Geoff didn’t have any coin or food to give , so he took her home to his aunt and uncle where she found shelter. 
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Her name was Parnell Martin , she was around the same age as Geoff, but that was all they found out. She didn’t want to tell them about why she was so distressed , which both Geoff and the Kelloggs respected , after all everyone was entitled to their secrets. It didn’t take long for Parnell to form her own special place in their little household. 
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Parnell and Geoff spent a lot of time together , either helping Mark with the pigs or hanging out together. 
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It was just a matter of time before feelings started to grow between them , much to Geoff’s aunt and uncles delight. 
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Church bells once again rang across Outland for Geoffrey and now Parnell Mildmay.
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As a wedding gift Anne gave Parnell one of a dress , which she ones had for her own wedding, just died a dark red. 
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The Kelloggs were happy to see the boy they raised from the age of 6 to finally becoming a man , with a lovely wife and what they hope would be a bright , happy future. 
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By the end of the second quarter , Jasper Horthall celebrated his 13th birthday in peace and quite. 
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The future leading merchant of Outland had no rush to inherit his father’s and grandfather’s responsibilities from his mother. No , he enjoyed the lazy days outdoors , fishing or swimming a lake or by the sea, where he felt most comfortable. 
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His brother Francis saw no appeal for the outdoors , but that was because he was bad at fishing, Jasper would say. 
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On a gloomy day during the last quarter of the year, Helewis Alderberg went into labor for the first time in her life, yet all was in vain, as her long-awaited baby was a stillborn son. 
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Before taking the baby to be buried, Helewis asked if he could be named Warin and Griffyn accepted, not knowing Warin was the name of her first husband.
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 She had seen her baby as a brand-new start from her previous life, but now that he was dead he would be a remainder - that she wasn’t created for childbearing, just like her cruel former-brother-in-law said.
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To end the year on a more cheerful note , Hester Calott , the daughter of the late Ralph Calott celebrated her 6th birthday running outside chasing her best friend Dash. 
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She was a wild child and very tomboyish , but Ursula wouldn’t have her any other way. She would often run into the apothecary which her mother and aunt now ran.  
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 Not too often though , if she did she would find out about her mother and aunt romantic feelings for each other, and they were not ready to tell her yet. 
BTW , if you guys are wondering if Helewis look familiar , she is actually Disa  Agnardotter! I was stuck in cas and just decided to reuse some of my previous CAS sims. 
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divineharc · 1 year
thinking about how priscilla wouldve had numerous marriage proposals back in the days of rome. she was powerful and associated with the oldest family of rome, so it makes sense that there were those who sought that power. not that she married ANY of them, she often laughed in their faces. she might be married throughout history for stability and money, but for love? that's super rare, hardly ever done until the modern era 1900s and onwards
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blueflannelsuit · 2 years
Might fuck around and do something productive later...posting Part 2 of the King of the Hill - The Secret History mashup aka Francis Forever, to the void.
Camilla upon noticing Charles follow Francis into the bathroom during the funeral.
Ah, leave it to a man to turn God’s house into a love shack.
Priscilla recounting how Francis asked her to marry him.
'I surely am not unfond of you, Priscilla, I tell you what.' What kind of marriage proposal is that?
Francis after his family forces him to apologize to Priscilla for trying to un-alive himself.
Priscilla, I know we’ve had our differences, but I was kinda hoping we could make up and not get married.
Francis explaining to Richard why Charles put Richard and only Richard on blast and then shot him in that hotel room.
Honey, friendship is about trust, and you, well you betrayed him. It was like a knife in his heart when you stuck that fork in his back.
Francis playing some word association game at that weird Swiss boarding school.
Happiness. Happ-i-ness. Ha-penis. Penis. I did it!
Francis's response whenever Grandfather Abernathy asks him why he doesn't date one of the nice girls at church.
Oh, I am more familiar with sinners than saints, my dear. And sinners always look good.
Francis after he claiming to Richard that he's having a heart attack for the 6th time and realizing that Richard no longer believes him.
Are you taking me to the vet?
Francis explaining why he never visited Richard in the hospital.
I was getting ready but I worked up an appetite looking for dress pants, so I ordered asparagus, and that ate up a chunk of time.
Henry asking Francis about a Hampden party he went to with just Richard and Bunny.
Henry: Hey Francis. How was the party today? Did Bunny do his famous flamingo? That's when he stands on one leg, that's not easy to do, even sober. Francis: No, all he did was fall flat on his face and embarrass himself, and us by association. We didn't even get a turn at the coke mirror.
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ilybutilovememore · 1 month
Taken from a fb post- the rap beef has everybody talking about it again which is good but lest we forget the history and this is only a sample!
“When are people going to stop idolizing hollywierd
Let's start back in 1919. Charlie Chaplin, who would become one of the most famous and celebrated movie stars of all time, was 29 when he married 16 year old aspiring actress Mildred Harris. Their marriage only lasted 2 years. In 1924, Chaplin repeated the pattern with another 16 year old, Lita Gray. He met Lita when she was just 6 and began taking her on dates around the age of 12.
1954 -- Sam Cooke meets a 12-year old Aretha Franklin and brings her to his hotel room. Before her father interrupted, Aretha said the conversation "took another turn."
In 1957, 23 year old Jerry Lee Lewis married his cousin, 13 year old Myra Brown. She still believed in Santa.
Also in 1957, 16 year old Anna Mae Bullock met 24 year old Ike Turner. He quickly took her into his band, helped make her a star, and began to treat the newly christened "Tina" as if he owned her. They married 6 years later. Tina once wrote that she was afraid not to accept his proposal.
In 1959, Elvis Presley met his future wife. He was 25 and she was 14. They stayed in touch via phone and letters for the next 2 1/2 years. At that time, Elvis took her on a drug romp to Vegas, followed by moving her into his Graceland mansion. They didn't marry until 1967. While both parties claimed that Priscilla was a virgin on her wedding night, biographer Susan Finstad makes a strong case that this could not be true. Priscilla herself has admitted that she & Elvis slept in the same bed and that Elvis "taught (her) other ways to please him." Elvis reportedly had a predeliction for 14 year old girls, both before and after his marriage to Priscilla.
Chuck Berry was arrested and found guilty of transporting an underage girl across state lines for immoral purposes, spending two years in jail in 1960.
In 1969, Sable Starr, queen of the so-called "baby groupies", had a brief relationship with Iggy Pop. She was 13. He later wrote a song about it. Starr had sexual relationships with many other band members, including encouters with David Bowie, Mick Jagger, and Rod Stewart.
It's 1972 and Rock stars are stil having sex with little girls and everyone knows it, but no one does anything about it. Lori Mattix tells of losing her virginity at age 14 to David Bowie. She went on to start "dating" Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page that same year, a relationsihp that began when Page's manager kidnapped her and brought her to Jimmy's hotel room. Page kept Lori essentially locked up in his house for most of their 18 months together. The "baby groupie" also reports a sexual relationship with Mick Jagger when she was just 17.
In 1973, married singer Marvin Gaye met and pursued 17 year old Janis Hunter. He wrote "Let's Get it On" as a tribute to his lust for her. Marvin took his teen date to dinner shortly after they met, where he bribed the waiter to bring her alcohol, then had sex with her later that night. They had a baby by the time she was 18, and married in 1977. The marriage lasted just 3 years.
In 1975, Steven Tyler purchased the guardianship of a 16 year old girl (Julia Holcomb) from her mother when he was 27 so that he could legally take her with him across state lines while he was on tour.
In 1978, Ted Nugent also purchases the guardianship of a teenager from her parents. He was 30, Pele Massa was 17. Years later, Ted reportedly received oral sex from a 12 year old Courtney Love.
March 10, 1977. One of the most well-known cases. Director Roman Polanski drugs and rapes 13 year old Samantha Gailey. Allowed to plead guilty to a lesser charge, Polanski nevertheless fled to France before sentencing and remains exiled from the United States. He has not been exiled, however, from Hollywood and continues to make movies and win awards to this day.
Eagles drummer and vocalist Don Henley was arrested in 1980 in Los Angeles after paramedics were called to his home to save a naked 16-year-old girl who was overdosing on cocaine and Quaaludes.
Colored over as a a "grand romance" and a "decades long relationship", Celine Dion was 12 years old when 38 year old Rene Angelil became her manager. They went public with their relationship when she was 19.
In 1984, Rolling Stones bassist Bill Wyman started dating Mandy Smith. She was 13. Although they did not marry until she was 18, Mandy says she was 14 when they first had sex. Mr. Wyman has never been investigated, much less prosecuted.
Red Hot Chili Peppers' lead Anthony Kiedis readily admits to having sex with a 14 year old girl when he was 23. According to him, once he confirmed her age he "had sex with her again." In 1986, the 24-year old musician began dating 16 year old Ione Skye.
In 1990, 16 year old Mayte Garcia's mother sent a video of her belly-dancing to Prince. He arranged to meet her, confirmed she was 16 and a year later moved her into his house. When she was 19, he initiated a sexual relationshi by informing her it was time to go on birth control. They married when she was 22 and he was 37. Before Mayte, Prince met "Anna Fantastic" when she was 15. At 17, she moved into his compound where they had a two year long relationship.
In 1991, 32 year old director Luc Besson met and eventually married model Maïwenn Le Besco when she was 15. Their relationship inspired his movie Léon: The Professional (1994), which followed an emotional relationship between an adult man and a young girl.
In 1993, Jerry Seinfeld picked up a high school student in a public park. He was 39 and she was 17. He and Shoshanna Lonstein dated for four years -- through her college years.
Also in 1993, MC Ren of N.W.A. was accused of raping and impregnating a 16 year old girl in the group's tour bus. The case never went to trial, however a paternity test showed that he was the father of the girl's baby.
Noted pedophile R Kelley secretly married R&B singer Aaliyah in 1994 when she was 15 and he was 27. They met when she was 12 and he later helped write and produce her first album -- "Age Ain't Nothing but a Number."
In 1995, teen star Brandy (age 16) started dating 21-year-old Boyz II Men member Wanya Morris. Keeping their relationship under wraps due to her age proved too stressful for the couple and they broke up soon after.
In 1997, Woody Allen should have become notorious when he married his de facto step-daughter. Though she was 21 at the time of the wedding, the two met when she 8. No matter the spin, the facts are stark. This wasn't the only time Allen dated a much younger woman. Actress Babi Christina Engelhardt began a years-long love affair with Allen when she was 16 and he was 41. When Allen was 42, he romanced 17-year-old actress and high school senior Stacey Nelkin.
It's the early-mid 2000s and "That 70s Show" actor, Wilmer Valderrama, continues to date teenage girls in an effort to deny that he is now over 30. He dated 16-year-old Mandy Moore despite being four years her senior. At age 24, Valderrama dated 17-year-old Lindsay Lohan though they kept the relationship a secret until her 18th birthday in 2004. In 2010, the 30-year-old began dating 17-year-old Demi Lovato.
In 2001, Fast & Furious star Paul Walker (28 at the time) was dating 16-year old Aubrianna Atwell. This was not Paul's last time to date a teenager. His girlfriend at the time of his death, Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell, was 23 to his 40. They met when she was 16.
Back in 2004, 26 year old Joel Madden and Hilary Duff did the familiar dance of being "just friends" until her 18th birthday in 2006. When asked about whether she was intimate with Madden or not in a 2015 interview with Cosmopolitan, Duff stated, "I had a 26-year-old boyfriend. So everyone can make their own assumptions about what I was doing."
In 2005, clean cut TV heartthrob Chad Michael Murray begins dating a girl in high school. They get engaged when she turns 18 and Murray calls her a "little sweetheart" and says they have been together "for awhile."
Similarly, in 2006, co-stars Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia began dating. She was 17. He was 12 years her senior.
Actor Doug Hutchison married 16-year-old Courtney Stodden in 2011, when he was 51 years old. The dysfunctional pair became famous as reality stars, with Courtney undergoing extensive plastic surgery to maintain their image.
Rapper Tyga and Kylie Jenner began "hanging out" an awful lot beginning in 2014 when she was 16 and he was 24. They dated on and off after that, though they became a lot more openly "on" after her 18th birthday in 2016.
In late 2018, 44 year old Leonardo DiCaprio publicly reveals that he is dating 21 year old model Camilla Morrone. It's not the age gap that puts Leo on our list, it's the fact that he's known Camilla since she was 11.
2018 -- 14 year old Millie Bobby Brown innocently revealed that rapper, Drake, age 31, has been close friends with her, for the last year giving her advice about boys. He texts her, "I miss you." This is the same Drake who has, more than once, skated around that "just friends until she turns 18" line -- most recently with 18 year old model Bella Harris.
Guys, this isn't a friendship. This is GROOMING. No one will stop it. They'll "date." He'll have sex with her, probably in a couple of years. No one will care because he's a man and a star.
Make them care. No free passes. No 2nd chances. A ruined career is the least they deserve. It's not cute. THIS IS NOT OK.”
~ Verity Violet
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remember-comics · 1 year
Badass Female Lead/Love Struck Male Lead
•Beware of the Villainess
•Priscilla’s Marriage Proposal
•The Villain Discovered my Identity
•Light and Shadow
•Crimson Karma
•I’ll Marry Him!
•Doctor Elise (Queen with a Scalpel)
•The Abandoned Empress
•A Capable Maid
•A Villainess for the Tyrant
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