#privateer chevalier
wordycheeseblob · 1 year
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Clavis: someone caused enough damage as is. The crew is upset.
Chevalier: who?
Clavis: It's the people working on this vessel, but that's not important right now.
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solomons-poison · 1 year
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Please this man is so awkward, I can't stop wheezing 😭 and then Sariel wondering if Chev being so extra nice to us is an ill omen akskskks. I love him more than I can express, his awkwardness warms my heart, honestly
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ikeromantic · 6 months
His Touch
How the IkePri guys show affection through touches . . . headcanon ofc.
His touch is sure and possessive. There is a false confidence in his rough handling. He knows he lacks practice and a gentle hand, but this does not deter him. He will learn you until his touch is the only thing you crave. Until his hands memorize the map of your body, and his lips have claimed every peak and valley.
Playful, progressive, experimental . . . Clavis' touch is all that and more. You are the material and the result, a means and an end. He loves to toy with you, his touches carnal and teasing. Adventurous. There is never a dull moment. And the more he tries, the more he wants to try. He will push the boundaries of pleasure and find new ways to make you sigh or scream.
He touches you with practised hands. A man that calculates the value and impact of every touch. Nokto knows you in ways you do not know yourself. Despite the depth and breadth of his knowledge, love is new to him. And so, even with all his experience, he is often surprised. Not by your reaction, but his own.
His touch is unpracticed but confident. A simple certainty, both gentle and protective. Though his size makes him sometimes cautious, he trusts himself with you. He is encompassing in his affection, and even the lightest caress will often lead to being hugged, lifted, held. He wants to hold you close, all of you to all of him.
His touch is passionate and sweet. A burst of fire that warms without burning. He values every brush of his skin against yours. Holding hands under the table, letting his knee rest against your leg, a kiss on the cheek in passing. Leon is unreserved in his affection and it shows in the way he reaches for you.
Jin's touch is the essence of adoration and desire. Though he is an experienced lover, his previous encounters were practical, a pleasurable transaction. In short, nothing like the love he shares with you. This shows in the intimacy he shares. From his possessive arm around your waist to the less-than-chaste kiss goodbye before he goes about his business. If he could, he would never let go.
His touch is that of an artist with his most valued treasure. Gentle yet desperate, eager to hold and love. You are his favorite thing. He wants to show you off, his arm linked in yours, a partner. He wants to treat you with gifts and treats, his touch joyful and creative. He wants to be the only one you see, greedy and wracked with desire.
He touches you with a sense of awe. You are the unexpected future. A world he did not believe existed for him. He lives in you, through you, beside you. His touch is almost worshipful. When you are with him, anything is possible. His touch is a fevered need to know you are there. That you will always be there. And to remind you that he is still here, because of you.
His touch is the devil's. Wicked and wonderful, a lover with experience. Disciplined and cool, he keeps his passionate side well hidden in public view. From the outside, it would be easy to dismiss the brush of a kiss to your cheek, the hand on your back, the momentary press of his side to yours. But these are all promises of more, when the moment is right. In private, he is still disciplined but far from cool. His love is a flame that burns and warms.
There is only one word for his touch. Devotion. All of him is yours. Every touch is a surrender to you, and a claim. What you take, you give. He wants to be everything for you. A caretaker. Protector. Friend. Lover. Confidant. His hand on your shoulder, his lips to your ear, his eyes always on you.
Keith's touch is cautious, at times reserved. You are a precious creature, a wonder that he is only beginning to explore. Even after years together, there is a sense of wonder in him at every kiss and embrace. He is exultant and protective, his fingers twined with yours. His kisses always begin gently, but may not end that way. His touch is kind, unpracticed, authentic and genuine and overflowing with love.
Wicked Keith
His touch is playful, taunting you with unexpected sensations. The sharp nip of his teeth, the caress of his tongue instead of a chaste kiss. He thrills with your reactions, and always seeks some new way to excite you. His hands are possessive, and whenever possible, he will hold onto you. He is fierce and wild, a proud creature that has claimed you for his own, and this shows in everything he does - from the way his hand settles around your shoulders to the press of his lips to yours.
Silvio is a practiced lover, a man of wealth and experience. His touch is an adventure, an exploration of you. You are his discovery, a strange and lovely creature that passed his careful defenses and now that you are within the walls of his heart, he will never let you go. While his words are sometimes brash, his touch never is. He is a thoughtful lover, an affectionate friend. His hand rests on the small of your back, or holds your hand as if you were a delicate flower he is afraid he might crush. His kiss is like the ocean, calm upon the surface and churning with deep currents beneath.
His touch is that of the conqueror, one that revels in the delight of what he unexpectedly won. Possessive, an arrogance that belies the desperation and uncertainty beneath. A lonely creature that has found you, and will never let you go. You are both the entertainment and the entertained. In possessing you, he is possessed. His touch is needy, hungry, and eager, though he would never admit it. His kisses are fevered passion hidden behind a calculating veneer.
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bihanspookies · 3 months
Can you please write NSFW headcanons with our gilf Victor Chevalier?
Gif credit @eurodynamic
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• This guy??? This GILF??? Treats you like absolute royalty. I know these are supposed to be nsfw hc’s but this must be said. Treats you to the fanciest dinners, the most expensive clothes, beautiful jewelry (even if you don’t wear he’d get you a pricey watch or brooch).
• Victor has money, we all know this. Which means he’s going to buy you the fanciest and most expensive toys to keep you occupied when he’s not around.
• He’s very confident in his skills in the bedroom don’t get me wrong, but for the times he’s not with you he wants to make sure you’re being satisfied.
• When he IS with you, he won’t use toys bc again…. He knows what he’s doing lmao. He’d only use them if you specifically asked.
• Personally I feel like he’d be open to using toys on himself, but again only if you brought it up. Use that vibrator on him! Put those nipple clamps! Bc I know Victors freaky ass is into a little pain!
• I think he’d like very minor masochism. Yes he can be dominating but he loves when you take control every now and then. ESP if you’re sitting on his chest, raking your nails down his torso and leaving bright red lines and denying him any sort of touch on his cock? He lives for it.
• He’d have that charming yet smug smirk as he looks up at you with those pretty blue eyes, challenging and almost daring you to go a little harder. Not too hard though, he wants that perfect mix of pain and pleasure.
• Yes he will say the most sinful shit in French and even if you don’t speak it at all you WILL understand what he’s saying bc he does it as he talks.
• He’s got the perfect tone for dirty talk bc it’s kinda raspy and will shiver your timbers yfm.
• Likes to choke but just enough to feel pressure around your neck. He likes to keep his thumb on your pulse so he can feel how it speeds up as he fucks you.
• Missionary man, doggy man, against the wall man, shower man. His favorite is when he puts on of your legs over his shoulder so he can hit deeper.
• Hair long enough to grab/fist? He’s yanking to keep you from looking away.
• No hair/not long enough? He’s gripping your jaw or neck instead.
• He will slap your ass hard enough to make it red.
• He wouldn’t be into public public sex but he likes to have in open places if that makes sense. Aka on top of his building on the helicopter pad after he set up a nice romantic dinner for y’all two, on his yacht, on his private beach, the balcony of your hotel room that’s on the top floor.
• He makes sure you cum at least twice before he even thinks about himself finishing. He wants to satisfy you and make sure you’re being taken care of.
• I think he’d like finishing on your stomach and chest, but his second fav is cumming all over your cunt/cock.
• He’s not opposed to finishing inside you but after making sure it’s okay with you like 5 times.
• Oral oral oral, he loves making you fall apart with his tongue. He is a SERVICE DOM‼️
• He could spend hours between your legs and be there for so long that you get fucking chaffed from his beard 💀
• Aftercare KING. Makes sure you’re okay after finishing, gives you some comforting touches and gets up to start a bath with the nicest oils and bath salts.
• He’ll carry you if you need it and will wash you but more than likely you’ll go one more round while bathing.
• Victor Chevalier may be old but he definitely 100% still has the stamina and endurance to fuck you silly.
• Victor would get off on watching his subordinates fuck you and commanding them on how to touch you and treat you. He’s not a jealous man so he’d be all for watching the way you come apart on his soldiers cocks.
• Strokes himself as he watches and keeps a watchful eye to make sure you’re okay.
• He secretly loves when they cum all over you but will cause a scene if anyone finishes inside you.
• In the end he knows you’ll always come back to him 💕
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floydsteeth · 4 months
Ok so I finally finished asking my mum about the characters fashion I'll ask my aunt about it another time, first I'd like to state that unlike my aunt who does fashion history as a job(there's probably an actual name to the job I just don't know it) this is just a hobby for my mum, also that both of them specialize in women's fashion
here's what my mum had to say on each of them
Sariel- mostly modern (boots, pants, belts) slightly 17hundrends, the knotwork on his jacket(?) Seems military inspired
Jin- looks like he's wearing jeans, good shoes, late Victorian and his shirt & tie looks 1920s
Chevalier- modern take on cavalier(16 hundreds)
Gilbert-"oooh oh no it's really looking like a nazi uniform, but his cane is gorgeous" that's all my mum wanted to say about him
Clavis- regency (purple jacket) white jacket looks like a great coat (still worn today most common in late 16 to early 17 hundreds) pants look like modern dress pants
Silvio- buccaneers (16&17 hundreds privateer) shirt regency, "those boots are just a mess"
Leon- "he looks like captain Harlock from albator", modern dress pants, military inspired, jacket looks modern
Keith- Spencer(a type of women's jacket during regency) modern pants looks like it had a fake fall front, looks militarily inspired, waistcoat looks modern
Rio- outfit one(commoner) "can be anywhere from modern to Victorian, so just generic"
outfit two(attendant) Victorian evening wear "oh that's a gorgeous tail coat!"
Outfit three (prince) button up looks Victorian enough, modern dress pants with a fall front, the tail of his jacket look like court wear from Louis the 14th, looks like he's wearing a jabot (necktie(not a modern one though))
Yves- waistcoat 1870s evening wear, modern pinstripe dress pants, look like cavalier boots but too short, Italian Renaissance linen shirt
Licht- modern pants, military inspired "its a mess"
Nokto- fancy trench coat, sleeveless tail coat??? Modern waiste coat, 1970s button up shirt & tie, modern dress pants, modern shoes
Luke- looks like he's dressed in knit fabrics (modern) pants look like jeans
Overall she said that all of them look to be wearing modern pants
I hope you guys don't mind being tagged @fang-and-feather @lorei-writes @sh0jun
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Jean-Baptiste Bessières
"Jean-Bap is the closest thing we have to a cool brooding white haired anime pretty boy here, okay? He knew the powdered hair look was a classic that made him Look Good and didn’t give into the mainstream when everyone else ditched the floppy locks and pomade. And he was a regular ice queen who still had a reputation for kindness and passion, a real kuudere as the animeheads would put it, you know in private when that ice is melted he’s got some real fire going on. He’s got genuine chivalry and politeness going on unlike a bunch of these other rough losers, and Napoleon himself compared him to the good knight Chevalier de Bayard. So vote for our sexy ice queen JB!”
Elizabeth Alexeievna
a. “Pushkin had a crush on her. She was called Psyche to Alexander's Cupid and, according to the Romanovs themselves, the most beautiful (and the most unhappy) of Russian Empresses. Noted at the Congress of Vienna for her beauty and elegance, and habitually referred to as an angel.”
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randonauticrap · 4 months
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Pairing ~ Chevalier Michel x F!Reader (Chevalier POV)
Word Count ~ 534
Author's Note ~ Happy birthday to my dear friend @aquagirl1978 !
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Love. For someone like me, it was a pointless emotion; something royals should not - could not - possess or indulge in. Love toppled kingdoms and ripped apart the very fabric of what a monarchy existed to do: keep its country safe and prosperous. Difficult decisions had to be made in order to achieve this ideal, and love was far too flimsy a notion to entertain in the face of edicts resulting in death. So why, then, was she so important to me? Why did it matter where she was at any given hour of the day? Why did it matter what books she read, or how often she took glances at my foolish brother? Why did it matter that she came to see me in my private library? Why did it matter when she stood by my decisions? They were obviously the best decisions in the room, of course anyone with half a mind inclined to reason would listen. But for some reason, I felt a puff of air in my chest when she agreed without hesitation. Perhaps it is because she would never do so out of fear or subjugation. When she felt differently, she would fight me on it, and despite myself, I would smile when she did. 
Love. It was something I didn’t believe in. I didn’t believe in it, nor did I understand it. It was a mystery veiled within the yellowed pages of my dearest novels, flipped through once, twice, thrice before I would set it down in frustration, only to pick it back up again within the hour. It was something that held no purpose for me, no semblance of necessity to validate its existence. And yet, it did exist. My older brother was proof. The endless recounted tales of ardor in the scrolls that littered my library were proof. This vexing woman that captivated my every minute morsel of attention was proof; far more proof than I had ever bargained for, and something I didn’t expect. It appeared right before my eyes in the tender visage of a woman that by all rights I should disregard without a second glance. So why didn’t I? Why didn’t I leave her behind? 
Love. It was something I had no choice but to succumb to. Before she could even prove its value, it had me in its clutches; having stalked me from the shadows more expertly than any trained assassin, taking its chance to pounce upon me and claim me for its own in the form of tender smiles, light touches, and her presence in every room. Where before there was only ice, only solitude, only duty, she supplemented warmth, companionship, and meaning. My heart began to beat for the first time since I very first opened my eyes, and it beat solely for her. My vocabulary for love was wide, but the language itself had evaded me for so long that my proclamations were often lost in translation. But she understood me anyway. She remained by my side despite any justification she could give for abandoning me, a mere beast in the guise of a lover.
Love. It was you. And because it was you, it is now also me.
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chirp-a-chirp · 7 months
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Clavis Lelouch • Clavis x Emma • Tags: Fluff; Crack; Pranks; Mischief; Cat-puns • Word Count: ~1900 • Triggers: None • Brief appearances by Chevalier, Cyran, and Sariel
Title: Cat-astrophe
Description: It’s Clavis. Of course there’s chaos! This time, in feline form 😸
For @katriniac as a part of the Ikemen Prince Exchange hosted by @ikemenlibrary and @saeyoungs-sunflower 😊
Cat-inspired Clavis drawing (aka Catvis) done by @aide-falls
“This doesn’t look like a good idea.”
“You’re right, my dear. It’s a perfectly wicked one!” Clavis flicked a finger at the glass bottle he was holding. The bottle contained a light purple liquid that bubbled and fizzled like champagne. It appeared benign, even pleasant looking, until one looked directly above at the ceiling and the soot that covered it. Emma opened a window to let out the plumes of smoke that lingered.
“Most liquids don’t spontaneously burst into flames.” Emma coughed pointedly, moving her hands in a fanning motion to push the smoke outside.
“Unless Licht is cooking, haha!”
“Will you tell me what it is you’re trying to make at least?”
Clavis put down the bottle. “And where would the fun in that be?” He smirked, a look of utter delight on his face. “I DO have the antidote to this—well, most of it.” Clavis gestured to a second glass bottle with a light bluish tint to it. Emma’s eyes widened.
“Could it be that my lovely lover is worried for me?” Clavis tweaked Emma’s nose playfully. “It’s not as if this liquid will make me disappear or anything!” His eyes flashed, with a hint of challenge to them. “And even if it did, I’m sure you’d find me.”
The next day, Clavis was gone.
His disappearance had not been noticed until late morning, when a terrified palace butler was forced to wake up Chevalier instead of Clavis. None of the princes seemed particularly bothered at this development. As Emma made inquiries, their reactions were varied—relief from Yves (Licht and I can have a tea party uninterrupted!); mockery laced with pity from Nokto (you’re getting a day off from him; isn’t that a good thing?); and the equivalent of a princely shrug from Leon (I haven’t seen smoke since yesterday, so I’m sure he’s fine.). But, they all agreed on one thing—they hadn’t seen Clavis.
Emma entered Chevalier’s private library hoping he’d know what was going on. She placed a rare romance book from Jade on a side table near where Chevalier sat reading. There was an approving nod as elegant fingers picked up the book. He offered a rather unusual hint.
“My fool of a brother lost one of his nine lives today.”
Emma tilted her head. “Can you elaborate on that?”
“Do you have the next installment of this book?”
“It won’t be published until next month!”
“Then our conversation ends now, Simpleton.” The corner of Chevalier’s mouth lifted as he placed the book in his lap. As Emma left the room, she heard Chevalier say one more thing.
“He’s not complicated. He needs something from you, but cannot bring himself to admit it.”
Chevalier’s words echoed in Emma’s head as she headed toward Clavis’ bedroom. She took out a key from her dress pocket, heart lurching at the breach of privacy.
The room was virtually the same as it was when she was with Clavis yesterday. Emma knew he saw this place as a shrine to his failures, a testament to mediocrity. But, she saw much more—it was a place of studiousness, ingenuity, and childish delight. Books on law, pharmacology, science, and philosophy were neatly arranged on his bookshelf. One of the middle shelves held a cup with the phrase #1 worst emblazoned on it—a gag gift Emma had bought Clavis when they first became a couple. She grabbed a book at random and noted with a smile that the book was highlighted in numerous colors, with notes in the margins about various herbs that could be used for different smoke traps.
Emma placed the book back on the shelf and glanced at various pieces of paper attached to the wall above his writing desk. The papers contained lists with the number of traps discovered by other people. Various palace staff and princes had tick marks next to their names, each tick mark indicating a trap they had fallen into. Yves encompassed one entire sheet of paper by himself, and to Emma’s surprise, Chevalier had one mark next to his name. She’d have to ask Clavis about THAT story.
But Emma had to find him first. She sat at his desk chair, feeling lonely. She looked down at her hands—Clavis had held her hand so often in their adventures; she now felt empty without it.
I know you feel like you’re not enough Clavis. But you are. Where are you?
Emma turned her head at the sound. A beautiful long-haired cat emerged from behind Clavis’ couch. Its paws, the tip of its tail, and its chest were light grey while the rest of its body was purple. The cat’s eyes were golden and sparkling with mischief.
“Are you lost little one?” The cat jumped in Emma’s lap, nesting between her thighs as if it thought it belonged there. “You’re not the only one who likes that spot. Though your touch is gentler.” Emma chuckled, scratching the cat behind its ears. She then noticed the cat wore a dark purple necktie that looked remarkably familiar. Embedded in the center of the necktie was a tag containing a name—Catvis.
Catvis leaped onto the desk, its tail bristling (Emma corrected herself…the cat was decidedly male). He pushed a drawer open with a paw and fished out a gold-chained necklace with his teeth. The necklace held two golden medallions—one reading “Catvis” and the other “Accomplice”. Emma swore she saw the cat smirk as he dropped the necklace in her lap.
A notion so absurd it bordered on ludicrous flitted into Emma’s head. She reached out her hand and patted the cat on his head. “Clavis, is that you?”
The cat practically pranced with joy. He head butted Emma’s hand, leaning into her touch, before jumping deftly onto her lap again, exposing his belly.
Emma shook her head in disbelief. “The things you do for attention are ridiculous Clavis.” The cat nipped Emma’s finger, causing her to pull her hand away. “Oh, excuse me. Do you prefer to be called Catvis while in this form?” Emma’s words were dripping in sarcasm, but the cat purred contently and licked the finger he bit.
Emma recalled the pharmacology book she glanced at earlier. “You were working on a polymorph potion, weren’t you?” Catvis beamed and extended his body so that he was standing on Emma’s lap, his front paws on her shoulders. He rubbed both sides of her cheeks affectionately.
“You really are ridiculous. Ridiculously amazing.” Catvis blinked, not expecting to hear that. “A polymorph potion has never been successfully made until now. A mere Chevalier would not—could not—think to do this.” Emma blushed at her words—expressing her honest feelings was easier with him in this form.
Catvis nuzzled against Emma’s face. He craved this attention, this affirmation. Needed it. Emma’s heart trembled at the realization. She held him in that standing pose in her lap for a while, letting her guard down. After a while, her eyes drifted to the bottle of blue liquid Clavis mentioned yesterday on a table. “We have to change you back eventually, you know. What ingredient is missing from your antidote?”
Catvis jumped back on the desk, finding a pen and fitting it into his mouth. With his head at an incredibly awkward angle, he wrote out two words on a piece of paper: Black rawhide.
“Wow, I can READ this!” Apparently, Clavis’ eighth wonder was legible handwriting without opposable thumbs. “There’s no rawhide here, so we’ll have to look for it. Come here, let me carry you as we search for some.”
Catvis went back to Emma’s lap, his head pushing the necklace into her hand. “I am NOT wearing a cat collar.” Catvis pouted. Emma felt a pang of guilt at his expression. “Well, maybe just this ONCE.”
A few moments later, Emma came out of the bedroom, with Catvis perched on her shoulders. As Emma walked down the palace stairs, she spied a familiar plume of fiery red hair.
“My Lady!” Cyran ran to Emma. “What news of our missing charge?”
“You’re not going to believe this.”
“Try me. Nothing about him surprises me anyone.”
“You MAY want to reconsider that statement.” Emma turned her shoulder and gestured to Catvis.
“I didn’t know you owned a cat.” Cyran sniffed loudly.
“WE own a cat. A very naughty one at that.” Emma smirked and bopped Catvis on his nose.
“I’m highly allergic to cats. Especially naughty ones.” Cyran’s eyes watered. “So, no, I do NOT own a cat.”
Emma gestured to the “Catvis” button on her feline companion. “Actually, we do. Clavis created a polymorph potion and here are the results of THAT.” Catvis grinned broadly—it was a grin Cyran knew all too well.
Catvis’ ears twitched at a sound down a nearby hallway. He jumped off of Emma’s shoulders and sprinted away.
“Catvis, wait!” Emma began running after him, but Cyran erupted into a violent coughing fit, one so strong it made his cheeks blaze as red as his hair. A maid was tasked with fetching him a glass of water as Emma slapped his back.
“I-I’m fine!” Cyran collected his breath. “Were you serious when you said that cat was—“ A shriek from the maid carrying Cyran’s water interrupted the conversation. A furry purple and grey blur darted past her. Catvis ran up the stairs, carrying a black rawhide whip in his mouth. The whip crackled in the air as Catvis flew past Emma and Cyran. Sariel came bounding from the hallway, violet eyes narrowed with rage. “It is enough to have one Hellcat among us. I did not think we had a second living in the palace.”
Emma looked apologetically at Cyran, her hand pointing at Sariel. “Cyran, can you handle this?”
“I…do not get paid enough for these shenanigans, My Lady.” AAAAAAA-CHO!
“At least you get paid.”
With a piece of Sariel’s whip, the antidote was now complete and consumed by Catvis (he lapped the potion from Emma’s #1 worst cup). The antidote would take a few hours to be effective, so Emma laid down on Clavis’ couch, a blanket covering her legs and Catvis perched in his proper spot—between Emma’s thighs.
Emma couldn’t remember falling asleep, but she must have done so, for she woke up to the pre-dawn hours to a heavier weight on her body and something touching her face. Emma’s eyes slowly opened as she felt an arm—a human arm!—encircle her waist, and roaming hands caressing over her clothes.
“Ah, you’re awake my lovely lover. How wonderful.” Alluring golden eyes shone brightly in the darkened room as Clavis’ lips traced a trail down Emma’s neck.
“Hmmm,” Emma’s fingers carded through Clavis’ hair.
“Are you so delighted you’re at a loss for words? Cat got your tongue?” There was a purr to his voice as Clavis leaned forward and presented a cheek to be kissed.
A cheek was not enough. Emma pulled Clavis down for a kiss, her lips capturing his. “You’re an absolute cat-astrophe, darling.” As she pulled away, Emma’s quiet laughter tickled Clavis’ ear.
“But you’re my cat-astrophe. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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callsigns-haze · 4 months
Pretty like a crime
Chapter 6
Pairing: Agent Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Singlemom! Agent Y/n 'Cobra' Y/l/n
Summary: Cobra is finally back on the agency and is finally back in the job. With Kai at home she has to jumble being a mother and a agent. She's sent to her first U.C mission but never thought that she would meet a blonde, green eyed Texan...
Warning: Mentions of gun use, ptsd, mentions of death, mentions of shooting, flirting, mentions of abuse, description of dead body, death, blood, undercover work, alcohol use, smut, kissing
Prologue/ Part 1/ Part 2/Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5
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"Oh who is she?" You ask one of three of your brothers in-law. It was his own engagement party but the most lively thing here was the alcohol.
This place was full of snobs and people from the news. A Chevalier getting married is a big deal and you remember it quite well.
"She's dad's new lawyer or something." Joris spat each word out in hatred. She didn't seem bad, she seemed quite sweet, honestly.
Joris never accepts people well, it was a quite long bit till he started to warm up to you. This was his party after all so I guess unwanted guests from his point of view were annoying.
"Well Matt sadly can't defend you a lot or me either." There was some stupid rule that if there was a law case you couldn't interact with it if it involves a family member or relation but Matthew is still your parents lawyer due to prior signed contracts.
"I don't like her already," Joris snarled with his nostrils flaring as he put on his sunglasses. Anger issues is the definition of this man, mad as hell. You wrap your arm around his shoulder and whisper in his ear. "Truly I don't either."
He smiles at you while whispering back, "Well, at least we're on the same page of action."
Getting trusted by the Chevalier family was quite impossible if you were a total outsider. Your family knew them through business which quickly led you into Etienne's circle of trust but with this chick it will be different.
"Just play you like her, I'll do the rest." That's the last thing he tells you before he wanders into the crowd. What did you get yourself into…
"He's over there," Jake whispers to you as the two of you sit in two red velvety seats in the top private room of the opera. The guy you need is right there in front of you looking back and taking a glance at you. He knows who the two of you are, or at least your undercover characters.
"He's looking at us," Jake mumbles into your neck as you look into those clear green eyes. "I'm going to sit in your lap and whatever you need to tell me, kiss it into me." Usually you'd never say this but the two of you are pretending to be a sex full couple and right now, it was not giving what it was meant to be giving.
You get up from your seat and swing your leg over Jake's sitting figure so that when you sink down you're facing Jake this time. The second you lower yourself, Jake begins to attack your neck with kisses and love bites.
You let out a groan… That wasn't supposed to happen, your full focus was meant to be on the outcome of this mission but yet Jake's delicate lips upon your skin played a quite different role in this game.
"How do we act," Jake asks you while licking up your neck as you put your lips to his. So passionate and full of emotion. You didn't know what has got into you. Since you were a young child, when brought to the opera you could always fall asleep, let here you were so alive and awake.
"The longer we sit it's not gonna work on him, full contact straight away," you respond. You sink into his lap more though. You've melted into Jake's touch, it was like free sailing on an ocean free from storm so mesmerized in the moment that you didn't notice the time passing and that the guy you needed was tapping you on the shoulder.
"Y/N, stop moving your head," Anne laughed as you cocked your head from side to side. For a thirteen year old, you sure were stubborn. Tonight, your parents are holding an annual gala which means you had to be prepared like a jewel for the show.
"But I don't want some hair due," you groan, slouching your shoulders in the chair. Anne had patients with you, for all you were just a kid but she understands that you don't like the whole concept of being rich and looking it.
"You know, kiddo. Once you get there, you'll be so mesmerized in the moment you won't notice it pass, trust me there."
"Sir, Adanson," you say turning around in Jake's lap. You see this undercover wasn't a act like this was some sort of Shakespeare play but a game where the second he turns to you you blow of his damn head.
For years you've been hunting this man down and have been getting nowhere. For years you've chased after him, through continents, countries, capitals, towns and cities but all it took was to lure him into your reach and distract him with a inexistent personality.
"You have a lot of balls coming down here," Jake comments, tilting his head to the left as Adanson stares at him in disbelief. Nobody speaks to a man like that in such a way that he was standing his ground in his face that Jake was a different man with no threat on his life.
"Pardon?" Adanson asked in disbelief. No one ever tried to talk to him in such way, nobody ever wanted to mess with such man, let here the two of you where.
"You have no balls, walking up to two gods and thinking some manners are a shit that can protect you," you snap as the standing man growls at you, you were getting on his nerves. As you were planning to.
"Do you know who your talking to?" Wow, he thinks that kind of speech will scare you? A speech about a snob kissing his own damn ass.
"Oh, yes I do and I don't care."
With that you give your signal to Jake which represents the start of the fight. You pull out your gun and aim it directly at two of men. Jake throws himself at which causes you to be left with the sidemen.
"So we meet again." One of then howls at you. You've caught many men over the years so recognising these was impossible. You try to shoot him but he grabs your wrist, spinning you, causing you to scream horror in pain.
He swung you round, throwing you against the wall as you hit of one of the carved pillars. Damn the world is spinning or at least it's messed up, because now you see three of the same man rather than one.
You have very little energy but once the world stops spinning it's when you'll manage to get up straight. He wants the satisfaction, the pain of you getting back up since he doesn't attack but instead he waits, which gives you an advantage.
You run at him, the jump you take would most likely be compared to a leprechauns, and kick the bodyguard straight into the king's jewels where the sun doesn't shine. To this he hurls over and groans. You don't hesitate like he did to you, you ram him with your fists as he kept going backwards until he reaches the railing to which you respond, "Bon voyage!" As he falls to his death.
"Whose next boys?"
"Mr. Adanson, you in this case have NO right to a lawyer or to remain silent. Each question asked will b answered and no proper trial shall be held. The evidence of all your crimes is here and your name is written all over it, have a nice time behind bars."
You don't know who that officer was saying all those words, but you loved the guy, putting Adanson in his place was your dream for years now. Finally fighting out the justice and beating the hell outta that guy as well.
Jake wraps his arm around you as the sight is full of police and Agents. His touch is comfort, which you lean into with a smile as he says, "Let's go to the hotel, I think we both have enough for one messed up night."
You two turn, still with each others touch. The things you did together this night will never be forgotten by either. You sat in his lap and let him place his lips upon your body, wherever he wished. That will never be forgotten.
Even though both of you had enough for one night, the evening was still quite young.
"Come on, you guys really believe she should be trusted! We don't know the whore!" Joris shouts out quite frustrated. This was probably one of the dumbest things to possibly do, meet up without Etienne and Pene. If either find out you all might as well leave the planet.
"Joris, why the hell do you always judge people before you know them," Matthew sighs back into his chair looking at his younger brother Romain to help him in this unwinnable arguement. Usually he'd look at you to help him out since Joris trusts you a slightly listens but while they sit at the table, you stand staring out the big glass window looking down upon the big sea at view.
"Matt! The bitch appeared a week ago and now apparently she's in his 'circle of trust'!" I mean you could sorta understand the frustration that Joris had. You guys had no clue where Olivia came from but her backstory did check out so that at least could be slightly trusted but the rest, it could all be faked.
"Y/n, can't your Justin or whatever his name is friend, help us out?" Matthew rolled his eyes at that. He despised Justin more than anything. He hated his guts, name style, EVERYTHING. Technically to you Justin wasn't even a friend anymore, he stopped being that a long time back, now he's just an acquaintance. You turn around and stare at the three brothers out of four quite intensely, truly you were flaming at his idea.
"There is NO way on god's green earth that you'll drag me down into this. I've done things to people that I should be long hung for, for this family. You guys are lucky that. I even agreed to coming because once Etienne finds out we'll already be dead."
Romain finally speaks up and announces, "She's right. Let's give her a shot."
You knew you couldn't call in your car or in the house where the family was so you had to go out, out as far as possible. You go down to the beach to call her and once you do you only leave on message, "Olivia, they're onto you."
You always told yourself that adults do things that they regret but this now is not one of those situations
Jake unlocks the door, closes it, and places his items on the kitchen counter before approaching you two. As he scoops you up, he starts kissing you and forcing you to wrap your legs around his body. You can feel his delicate tongue pleading for admittance, which you allow. The kiss was ravenous, and even though he probed every corner of your mouth, it was insufficient.
He drags you into the master bedroom and lays you on the bed, then removes all of his belongings. Looking at his physique made you wetter; he had a mysterious effect on you.
After that, he lowers himself and kisses your jawline, neck, and chest. You groan at the slightest brush of his soft lips against your skin. He aids you in removing your garments, leaving you just in your pants, which he then removes.
He started sucking on your sensitive nipples. Swirling his tongue and blowing air on them, he knew it would drive you insane, arching your back and making you moan out in agony as your desire for him was unbearable. "Jake hurry" you say getting impatient, "how bad do you need me" he declares in a raspy voice looking towards you from smothering your chest.
"Really bad, Jakey," you remark once again, leaning your back to him. He hovers above you, holding his erect member and rubs it against your highly wet region, causing you to gasp. He begins to put it in with gentle strokes. Before he eventually says it all, you let out small whispers.
As you hold his arms, he places the top of his head against the curve of your neck. Returning to your lips, he runs his hand up your thighs, stroking the aching area. You arch your back in want for him as you feel yourself becoming moist. You grab hold of his hair as he starts sucking on your stiff nipples.
He groans with pleasure as he swirls the tip of his tongue around you. He kicks your pants to the side, inserting a pair of fingers and pounding in and out.
You whimpered and bit your bottom lip. He lifts his head to your ear and whispers, "I love to hear your purrs," in a deep rich voice that sends shivers down your spine. He pulls his two fingers out of you and licks the come off his fingers. "You taste heavenly," he adds, his eyes blazing with passion. You felt yourself on his tongue after slamming his lips into yours.
"Fuck me please," you beg, barely breaking free from the kiss, as he pulls you off the sink and flips you around, bending you over on the bathroom counter. Pulling his trousers down, he reveals his firm member. He teases you by rubbing it on your soaking wet area before carefully applying it. You moan with delight as he fully invests himself in you. He begins with small strokes and gradually increases his pace.
"Holy Shit, fuck," you gasp, as he rubs your throbbing area with his left hand and pounds you from behind. He takes his right hand and wraps it over your neck, allowing you to arch your back little more. As his strokes increase quicker and harder, your moans become uncontrollable.
You can only blurt out "I'm gonna cum" between moans. He pounds you harder while softly tightening his grasp on your neck, never missing your g-spot. As you get closer to your climax, your walls tighten.
You give out a loud gasp as you approach your peak, prompting him to halt his strokes. He unlocks your throat and emerges from within you. He turns you around and gently kisses you.
Guess he finally worked the charm.
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eventinelysplayground · 5 months
A Promise Between Brothers.
Jin and Chevalier have a conversation one night that ends with an emotional promise. This is from an idea I had awhile back and I just finally got around to writing it out. I wanted to explore the relationship between Jin and Chevalier a bit more as throughout the routes they seem to have an interesting relationship with eachother. Not exactly close but not one of hatred or fear like practically everyone else seems to have with Chevalier. WC approx 1050 and shoutout to @aquagirl1978 for helping me out with my question.
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Prince Chevalier was done with work for the day and headed for his private library. When he opened the door he was greeted by what had become a familiar sight this past week.
“You're here again?”
Emma jumped a bit at Chevalier's voice and quickly looked around her. Clearly she had lost track of time while reading.
“I'm so sorry Prince Chevalier I didn't realize it was so late!”
“I'll just put this away and then…”
“There's no need. Your presence is not completely intolerable.”
“Thank you, I think.”
Emma returned her attention to the book in her lap and Chevalier walked over to the shelves choosing a book at random. Chevalier had intended to leave however he paused momentarily, it was clear Emma's thoughts were now distracted and he stared at her briefly before speaking.
“He is not upset for why you believe he is, not really.”
Chevalier watched the different thoughts playing out across Emma's face and he sighed in agitation. He turned and left his private library behind walking through the halls until he came to a stop in front of a door he rarely entered.
Jin sat at the desk in their faction office going over yet another stack of paperwork. He'd never been the biggest fan of paperwork and since he'd been crowned king there was even more of it. Lately though he found himself not minding it so much, it gave him an excuse to be by himself and think and drink.
Jin had just poured himself another glass of whiskey and picked up an agricultural report when the office door swung open.
“Chevalier? Don't see you around here much.”
Jin watched as Chevalier closed the door and strode up to the front of the desk.
“Must be something big to bring you here, I know you don't like to waste time so what's up.”
“She was in my library again.”
“Sorry Emma's been disturbing you, I can talk to her about…”
“Her presence in my library is not the issue but a consequence of it.”
“Then what is the issue?”
Jin picked up his whiskey glass taking a small sip while Chevalier just studied him in silence.
“Unlike our brother I am not a fool. It's clear your impending departure and the recent news of her being with child has gotten the better of you."
Jin blinked at Chevalier then rubbed the back of his neck while sighing.
“I should have guessed you'd have figured out what was going on, do me a favor and don't say anything alright.”
Jin leaned forward resting his elbows on the desk and bringing his forehead to his clasped hands.
“History was already repeating itself but now... Our wedding is eleven weeks out, Leon and Clavis are leaving in a week for Jade and a few days after Nokto and I are heading to Benitoite and none of us will be back for almost a month. I had planned to take Emma with me but I can't now.”
Jin picked up his glass of whiskey and downed it in one go before pouring himself another one.
“Given what happened in the past and the current circumstances it is not foolish for you to be concerned.”
“If I'm being honest it's way past concern at this point.”
Jin absently twirled his glass looking off into the distance.
“I used to have bad dreams a lot. They were all from my past, mostly about before I came to the palace. The worst ones were about how my mom used to struggle and when she was sick and I couldn't afford to get her the medicine she needed. I hadn't had any though in a long time but they started up again the night Emma told me she was carrying our child.”
Jin took a big sip of whiskey.
“This time though instead of me and my mom it's Emma and our child in the dreams. It's her I see worrying about having enough of everything, of skipping meals so our child can eat of her getting sick and dying and our kid being so full of anger and sadness like I used to be. I was so sure I was careful too but I guess my luck finally ran out after all these years. I just wish it could have held out until the wedding, once we're married that's it she's protected as my wife and as queen. Instead though I have to leave her here alone and defenseless and it scares the hell out of me."
“That is where your miscalculation is, she is not alone or defenseless. Do you truly believe any of us are that useless or incompetent?”
Jin just stared at Chevalier in silence.
“When the previous King was gone the responsibility of protecting your mother should have been taken over by his useless brothers, however they decided to forgo the duty they had to their King and brother in that matter. They lacked the basic awareness and intellect to assess the likely outcomes of the situation and caused harm through it.
Our uncles may have been house broken beasts who failed to support their brother and let the court ministers order them around but we are not. Four eyes would never let it get to that point to begin with but if the ministers tried to work around him the rest of us would not hesitate to bare our fangs at them. Jin, myself and the others will keep her safe until you have returned. In fact watching over her will be a simple task.”
Jin was overcome with emotion, not that he'd admit it. He had never had the same issues with Chevalier that their brothers did not really but that didn't mean they were close either. Hearing him use his name wasn't even what mattered, it was his declaration that he would protect Emma for him. As Chevalier turned to leave, Jin called after him.
“Well your private library is certainly big enough to keep her entertained while I'm gone. Thanks Chevalier.”
“If you truly wish to thank me you and Black can procure some rare books for me while you are gone.”
Jin shook his head and chuckled.
“Just give Luke a list for us and we'll get it done.”
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vivelareine · 3 months
this is a bit of a random question and i apologise if it’s insensitive, you don’t have to answer this!!!
but recently i’ve seen a lot of people call Marie Antoinette racist? at first i thought it was someone just hating her and or, making stuff up but the more i look a lot of people are saying it but i can’t really seem to find anything where it says she IS racist.
so i guess my question is, has she really said anything like that? or is it just rumours about her? am i missing something?
again sorry if this is a bit stupid. you don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to but i thought itd be good to ask as i’ve learned a majority of history from your blog. thanks :)
My main guess would be people who watched the "Chevalier" film and thought it was historically accurate. I've seen a few people on various social media implying she was a "fake ally" to Bologne and citing the film's events as facts.
What little we do know about Marie Antoinette in relation to racism is that she:
supported Joseph Bologne; played privately with him and supported him publicly in a massive way in the 1780s, despite the Opera scandal which involved women of the opera using racism to ensure he didn't get the position
did not at least personally choose the normal aristocratic route of putting a trafficked child "gifted" to her into slavery (in all but name) by dressing him up exotically and making him a servant. Instead, the child Amilcar was baptised, she had servants in her household be his godparents, she sent him to school, etc. The revolutionaries, when considering a petition for Amilcar's care after Marie Antoinette's death, even noted that she committed an "unusual act of humanity" that was contrary to what aristocrats usually did.
There were at least some of these enslaved "Exoticized" servants at Versailles, as we see them in 2 portraits of her at the hunt, but it's unclear how many there were, and what Marie Antoinette's involvement with them was. It is possible they were part of the king's household retinue for hunting, or that they were represented in the hunting portraits as a means of "prestige."
We have nothing directly written by Marie Antoinette that suggests she was any more racist than the typical person in her time. We do have some evidence that suggests she was more tolerant than others, in her support of Joseph Bologne and treatment of Amilcar which was considered by revolutionaries to be an unusual act of humanity.
Race in 18th century France is a complicated situation, though. For instance, at the same time that Marie Antoinette is supporting Joseph Bologne, laws are passing under Louis XVI that require black people to register to the government, laws that limit the amount of black people in mainland France, etc. We have no evidence to show either way how Marie Antoinette felt about any of that.
All we have is knowing that she extended her personal kindness and sympathy towards two individuals who were not always treated well, although I say her treatment of Amilcar is more notable given how popular Bologne was among the aristocracy anyway.
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scummy-writes · 9 months
Haste is what drives you towards the library. The feel of a thousand eyes upon you itch across your skin, keeps your guard up firm, a deep ache settling into your body. You've felt like this for hours, carrying the weight of paranoia, until you've finally hit a breaking point, seeking refuge in desperate places.
Chevalier's private library.
It's not wise, but your options are limited. It being close was an unfortunate circumstance, and you're praying that you'll be greeted by nothing but dust as you open the door.
It takes a few rapid blinks to ensure no tears have been shed. And then the knot in your stomach begins to unfurl, slowly.
With a deep, steadying breath, you nod towards Chevalier, shutting the door behind you with a gentle click before brisky turning to walk towards the other end of the quiet room. It's not dust here, but in the end, everyone has said Chevalier has cared little about feelings. You couldn't fathom a reason for him caring about yours now.
You're scared he can tell, of course, but at the same time you know he knows. There was none of your usual fumbling, and you're stiff as a board, barely able to vocalize without an embarrassing rasp.
And in that moment, you're thankful. Thankful he just doesn't care enough to ask. The trek through the hallways was torturous enough, you knew if he had spoken to you, that you'd burst into tears on the spot.
Instead, you're granted the small space to breathe. Able to be nestled among the shelves, on a ledge at the little nook you've claimed in his library. Sure, your breath hitches and you have to wipe away the burning tears welling up, but your sore, overtightened muscles begin to ease.
Another deep breath, through your stuffy nose this time, and the comforting smell of well-loved pages welcome you again. The rapid beating of your heart begins to slow, and that knot inside of you gives way just a bit more.
You're unsure how long you rest there. Eyes closed, trying to quell the racing thoughts in your mind, before a new floral scent becomes present.
And you open your eyes to see Chevalier looking down at you, that unreadable expression of his present.
"You were in the gardens earlier…"
He doesn't respond to your quiet observation. Instead, he wordlessly hands you a book you haven't seen before.
As you gaze at the purple cover, enjoying the filigree around it's edges, he leaves you alone again.
… Chevalier 'speak' was a language you were still learning, but it was clear he wanted the sniffling to stop, unless you had a good reason for it.
But for your over-rubbed eyes, reading was the last thing you wanted to do. You hadn't even calmed your mind yet, how were you supposed to-
"It's not one you've read before."
You blink at him, skittish that he's been paying more attention to you than you believed.
"Y-you're right… I've never even heard of the title."
Silence. But when you continue to trace the pads of your finger on the filigree, he continues.
"The Dog will be here soon."
Rio? When you've been avoiding him the most today? You treasured his friendship, but when he notices you're upset, he crowds you to the point of suffocating.
"He won't stay long."
The sigh that escapes you goes unnoticed, and you're back to instinctively bringing your knees to your chest.
It's on your fourth try of slowly counting your breaths when knocking against the door startles you. As Chevalier said, Rio peeks his head in and the moment he spots you, gives you a pitying smile.
Suddenly, you want to be Chevalier- able to ignore everyone without guilt. You don't want to even look at Rio for long, lest tears start to form again.
However, Rio doesn't say a word.
Instead, gentle rattles of a teacup and saucer catch your attention, and you watch with big eyes as he sets a teaset on Chevalier's side table, and pours you a cup.
The look in his eyes speak for him once he sets it beside you: imploring, begging for any indication of what's wrong with you today. It's too much that you glance away again, fiddling with the book once more. And blessedly, Rio leaves you be.
It takes so much for your numb body to reach out towards the teacup left behind, hand shaking. You're fighting not to curl up again, to stay firm in your shell, and thankfully you manage to gingerly sip the tea, feeling the warmth cascade down your sore throat.
After a few sips, feeling just a tad more stable, you manage to finally open the book, trying to take in the words with your weary eyes.
Soon, it's only the warmth of something new around your shoulders that breaks your focus from the words in your lap, echos of the fantasy world fading as you look up to Chevalier: his cloak his missing from his shoulders, and it takes you a moment longer than you'd like to realize it's what is laden on your frame.
He doesn't look you in the eye until his stiff hands finish securing it, pausing long enough to let out a sigh.
"Leave it in here once you've gone."
There's not even a chance to question him about it- he leaves you there, surrounded by his books, tea, and his warmth encompassing your body.
And its there, when you're finally truly alone, that you realize your shoulders have relaxed thanks to the tea and cloak coaxing you. That your puffy eyes were relieved to focused on anything else than grief. That your mind had been absorbed in the book he has lent you, long enough to make what you were upset about be taken away from the forefront of your mind.
In the silence, relief finally floods from you, and you carefully keep from spilling all over the novel.
Not tagging anyone for this one, sorry! This is one of those random venty drabbles, I don't feel keen on tagging people for them. This is a rough and odd drabble.
Before any... comments... in case its not clear somehow, I do think Chevalier cares about certain people's feelings. I think if you've had little time to learn about him much paat the brutal way of how he cuts to the chase, however, that you may hope the rumors are true so that he will finally not ask you about your feelings when you don't want him to.
If you believe this is ooc, I kindly do not want to hear it. I don't plan to make a habit of writing Chevalier. Thank you!
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solomons-poison · 10 months
Ok I made it Worse but baby fever is now transferred to Chev...
Chevalier with a daughter:
Chev having a lil baby girl
For the most part, everything about his daughter resembles you. Same nose shape, same laugh, same smile, same love of books even (that's partially his fault, he will admit to that)
Honestly it relieves him to know how much she resembles you
Except for her eyes
They're the same frozen-ocean, cold blue eyes as his. She even glares at people the exact same way
It unnerves her uncles a little bit if they accidentally upset her and get the Glare
Everyone is quick to fold to her whims. Tbh Sariel doesn't mind it, so long as she's level headed like her dad, that's all he asks
Clavis is her favorite uncle. Chev is... distraught, at first. However, although he would never say so in words (because it's unnecessary), he trusts his daughter implicitly in the hands of his fool of a brother.
After a long trip to outer territories or visiting other countries, Chev isn't truly home until he's seen both you and his daughter.
Daddy-daughter sword fight bonding ⚔️
Late night snack making. If you're up, you might scold them for being up late, but Chev just gives her a Look.
She sleeps like a log, and also is not a morning person, much like her father. When she's little, she sleeps with Chev and they can be found bundled in the blankets together, fast asleep. Double the glare if you try to wake them up.
Chev will do her hair along with yours if you want to, or sometimes just as a quiet bonding moment.
You might catch him reading to her in his private library, though beware his anger if you interrupt his story 😬
Chev is so so soft with her as a baby. He's uncomfortable holding her alone for a long time, between lack of experience, but also knowing his hands have killed and will kill again if needed. With plenty of your reassurance, it eventually gets easier for him.
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yuurei20 · 5 months
Trey Info Compilation part 17: Rook
Rook refers to Trey as “Chevalier des Roses,” but this nickname apparently did not appear until their second year when Riddle enrolled at NRC, as, “One must have a roi—a king—to be a chevalier, or a knight.”
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Trey does not like this nickname and often asks Rook to stop using it, which Rook tends to ignore.
Rook seems very fond of Trey (“All Rook did was sing praises about your smooth workflow,” says a Science club student), and when Sebek calls Rook creepy for bursting into song during Spectral Soiree Trey explains, “The random singing isn’t all that uncommon, actually. He does that sometimes during club meetings.”
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When Sebek prepares to attack Rook for being suspiciously calm Trey defends Rook, explaining “Okay, sure, Rook’s a little weird. It’s hard to tell what he’s thinking, and sometimes he does that thing where he looks at the sky and smiles…but he’s not a bad guy.”
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Rook wins Sebek over by telling a story ostensibly from his childhood, which Trey does not believe saying, “You just can’t get enough of these elaborate jokes, can you?…Just don’t go overboard with our remarkably gullible freshman, okay?”
When Sebek tries to pressure Rook into sharing personal stories from his childhood Trey comes to Rook’s rescue, pretending to see a ghost behind a pillar.
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Trey explains, “I just figured you wouldn’t want people prying into your private life. I’ve noticed you tend to steer clear of that kind of stuff when we talk at club meetings. But I’m sorry if I read too much into it and overstepped.”
Ever sensitive to embarrassing situations, in a science club-based vignette, Trey asks Rook to not talk to the plants while they’re watering them, saying, “you are your eccentricities.”
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Rook gives Trey “a fancy feathered cap” for his birthday, but Trey cannot figure out what he is supposed to wear it with.
Trey says Rook roped him into researching classic vampire moves for Halloween, but while he pretended to be scared, Rook was not convinced.
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Trey says that if he had to pick someone to take with him to a deserted island, it would be Rook.
During Beanfest Rook gives a long monologue about how it was that he knew where to wait out in order to meet with Trey, explaining, “You strive to achieve exceptional marks in any situation that could reflect upon your dorm and its housewarden, the Roi de Roses. Moreso in exams or extracurriculars—any occasion with discernible outcomes for all dorms involved. But you don’t like drawing attention to yourself…You weren’t likely to take an aggressive stance. You are not a proactive man when it comes to events such as the one we find ourselves in today…and indeed, the Trey Clover I know wouldn’t go out of his way to seek out and and farmers for a chance in the spotlight...you would hunker down in territory familiar to you, behind natural fortifications, and wait out the enemy for a spell.”
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When looking for people amongst the school third-year students that he thinks are the most approachable, Trey chooses Rook and Vil.
After Rook gives a dramatic description of his plans for post-NRC, Trey responds without acknowledging the curious way in which Rook expresses himself. Cater observes, "Rook's hype didn't even faze you at all" and Trey explains, "I'm used to it."
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Biden should support the UAW
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On September 22, I'm (virtually) presenting at the DIG Festival in Modena, Italy. That night, I'll be in person at LA's Book Soup for the launch of Justin C Key's "The World Wasn’t Ready for You." On September 27, I'll be at Chevalier's Books in Los Angeles with Brian Merchant for a joint launch for my new book The Internet Con and his new book, Blood in the Machine.
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The UAW are on strike against the Big Three automakers. Biden should be roaring his full-throated support for the strike. Doing so would be both just and shrewd. But instead, the White House is waffling…and if recent history is any indication, they might actually come out against the strike.
The Biden administration is a mix of appointees from the party's left Sanders/Warren wing, and the corporatist, "Third Way" wing associated with Clinton and Obama, which has been ascendant since the Reagan years. The neoliberal wing presided over NAFTA, the foreclosure crisis, charter schools and the bailout for the bankers – but not the people. They voted for the war in Iraq, supported NSA mass-surveillance, failed to use their majorities to codify abortion rights, and waved through mega-merger after mega-merger.
By contrast, the left wing of the party has consistently fought monopoly, war, spying, privatized education and elite impunity – but forever in the shadow of the triangulation wing, who hate the left far more than they hate Republicans. But with the Sanders campaign, the party's left became a force that the party could no longer ignore.
That led to the Biden administration's chimeric approach to key personnel. On the one hand, you have key positions being filled by ghouls who cheered on mass foreclosures under Obama:
And on the other, you have shrewd tacticians who are revolutionizing labor law enforcement in America, delivering real, material benefits for American workers:
Progressives in the Biden administration have often delivered the goods, but they're all-too-often hamstrung by the corporate cheerleaders the party's right wing secured – think of Lina Khan losing her bid to block the Microsoft/Activision merger thanks to a Biden-appointed, big-money-loving judge:
These self-immolating own-goals are especially visible when it comes to strikes. The Biden admin intervened to clobber railway workers, who were fighting some of the country's cruelest, most reckless monopolists, whose greed threatens the nation:
The White House didn't have the power to block the Teamsters threat of an historic strike against UPS, but it publicly sided with UPS bosses, fretting about "the economy" while the workers were trying to win a living wage and air conditioning for the roasting ovens they spend all day in.
Now, with the UAW on strike against the monopolistic auto-makers – who received repeated billions in public funds, gave their top execs massive raises, shipped jobs offshore, and used public money to lobby against transit and decarbonization – Biden is sitting on the sidelines, failing to champion the workers' cause.
Writing in his newsletter, labor reporter Hamilton Nolan makes the case that the White House should – must! – stand behind the autoworkers:
Nolan points out that workers who strike without the support of the government have historically lost their battles. When workers win labor fights, it's typically by first winning political ones, dragging the government to the table to back them. Biden's failure to support workers isn't "neutral" – it's siding with the bosses.
Today, union support is at historic highs not seen in generations. The hot labor summer wasn't a moment, it was a turning point. Backing labor isn't just the moral thing to do, it's also the right political move:
Biden is already partway there. He rejected the Clinton/Obama position that workers would have to vote for Democrats because "we are your only choice." Maybe he did that out of personal conviction, but it's also no longer politically possible for Democrats to turn out worker votes while screwing over workers.
The faux-populism of the Republicans' Trump wing has killed that strategy. As Naomi Klein writes in her new book Doppelganger, Steve Bannon's tactical genius is to zero in on the areas where Democrats have failed key blocks and offer faux-populist promises to deliver for those voters:
When Democrats fail to bat for workers, they don't just lose worker votes – they send voters to the Republicans. As Nolan writes, "working people know that the class war is real. They are living it. Make the Democratic Party the party that is theirs! Stop equivocating! Draw a line in the sand and stand on the right side of it and make that your message!"
The GOP and Democrats are "sorting themselves around the issue of inequality, because inequality is the issue that defines our time, and that fuels all the other issues that people perceive as a decline in the quality of their own lives." If the Democrats have a future, they need to be on the right side of that issue.
Biden should have allowed a railroad strike. He should have cheered the Teamsters. He should be on the side of the autoworkers. These aren't "isolated squabbles," they're "critical battles in the larger class war." Every union victory transfers funds from the ruling class to the working class, and erodes the power of the wealthy to corrupt our politics.
When Democrats have held legislative majorities, they've refused to use them to strengthen labor law to address inequality and the corruption it engenders. Striking workers are achieving the gains that Democrats couldn't or wouldn't take for themselves. As Nolan writes:
Democratic politicians should be sending the unions thank you notes when they undertake these hard strikes, because the unions are doing the work that the Democrats have failed to accomplish with legislation for the past half fucking century. Say thank you! Say you support the workers! They are striking because the one party that was responsible for ensuring that the rich didn’t take all the money away from the middle class has thoroughly and completely failed to do so.
Republican's can't win elections by fighting on the class war. Democrats should acknowledge that this is the defining issue of our day and lean into it.
Whose fault is a strike at the railroads, or at UPS, or in Hollywood, or at the auto companies? It is the fault of the greedy fuckers who took all the workers’ money for years and years. It is the fault of the executives and investors and corporate boards that treated the people who do the work like shit. When the workers, at great personal risk, strike to take back a measure of what is theirs, they are the right side. There is no winning the class war without accepting this premise.
Autoworkers' strikes have been rare for a half-century, but in their heyday, they Got Shit Done. Writing in The American Prospect, Harold Meyerson tells the tale of the 1945/46 GM strike:
In that strike, the UAW made history: they didn't just demand higher wages for workers, but they also demanded that GM finance these wages with lower profits, not higher prices. This demand was so popular that Harry Truman – hardly a socialist! – stepped in and demanded that GM turn over its books so he could determine whether they could afford to pay a living wage without hiking prices.
Truman released the figures proving that higher wages didn't have to come with higher prices. GM caved. Workers got their raise. Truman touched the "third rail of American capitalism" – co-determination, the idea that workers should have a say in how their employers ran their businesses.
Co-determination is common in other countries – notably Germany – but American capitalists are violently allergic to the idea. The GM strike of 45/6 didn't lead to co-determination, but it did effectively create the American middle-class. The UAW's contract included cost-of-living allowances, wage hikes that tracked gains in national productivity, health care and a defined-benefits pension.
These provisions were quickly replicated in contracts with other automakers, and then across the entire manufacturing sector. Non-union employers were pressured to match them in order to attract talent. The UAW strike of 45/6 set in motion the entire period of postwar prosperity.
As Meyerson points out, today's press coverage of the UAW strike of 2023 is full of hand-wringing about what a work-stoppage will do to the economy. This is short-sighted indeed: when the UAW prevails against the automakers, they will rescue both the economy and the Democratic party from the neo-feudal Gilded Age the country's ultrawealthy are creating around us:
There's a name for a political strategy that seeks to win votes by making voters' lives better – it's called "deliverism." It's the one thing the Trump Republican's won't and can't do – they can talk about bringing back jobs or making life better for American workers, but all they can deliver is cruelty to disfavored minorities and tax-breaks for the ultra-rich:
Deliverism is how the Democrats can win the commanding majorities to deliver the major transformations America and the world need to address the climate emergency and dismantle our new oligarchy. Letting the party's right wing dominate turns the Democrats into caffeine-free Republicans.
When the Dems allowed the Child Tax Credit to lapse – because Joe Manchin insisted that poor people would spend the money on drugs – they killed a program that had done more to lift Americans out of poverty than anything else. Today, American poverty is skyrocketing:
Four million children have fallen back into poverty since the Dems allowed the Child Tax Credit to lapse. The rate of child poverty in America has doubled over the past year.
The triangulators on the party's right insist that they are the adults in the room, realists who don't let sentiment interfere with good politics. They're lying. You don't get working parents to vote Democrat by letting their children starve.
America's workers can defeat its oligarchs. They did it before. Biden says he's a union man. It's time for him to prove it. He should be on TV every night, pounding a podium and demanding that the Big Three give in to their workers. If he doesn't, he's handing the country to Trump.
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116 notes · View notes
yukina-otome · 2 years
-Chevalier liked Mc from the very first time he met her and kept falling more and more in love with her through the course of his route. This was revealed during his dramatic ending.
-MC and chevalier spends time every day together after his work. They usually spend it reading books in his private library, the rose garden or even his or her room.
-When reading together MC often sits on Chevalier's lap.
-MC got her own bookcase in Chevalier's library. He gave it to her as a christmas present during their very first christmas spent together.
-Chevalier likes to watch MC's face expressions. Even when they are on a date or reading books he always watches her.
-Speaking of dates, they'v been on numerous town date (some not yet released in the english version) during all these dates they always held hands so i'd like to think they like holding hands.
-Chevalier knows how to tie MC's hair. This was shown on the summer event that will soon be released in the english version.
-Chevalier said on numerous occasion that he would never forgive himself if he ever hurts MC.
-Chevalier gets grumpy when apart from MC. This was shown on two occasions: The growing desire event and the 1st anniversary event. The second was not released on the eng app yet.
-For his birthday, MC always makes a cake for Chevalier and he eats it all with a soft human smile on his face.
-Speaking of cakes, Chevalier told MC on the valentines event that he didnt eat a lot of sweets during his childhood because he was not a normal child that adult would offer him sweets. Because of that MC has been baking for Chevalier often and they would eat it together after his work with some tea.
-I noticed that whenever Chevalier gifted a dress to MC, it was yellow or gold. So i came to the conclusion that this was the color he liked the most on her.
-Chevalier only ever got on his knees for one person and that was MC when he proposed to her.
-Despite being the richest of the rhodolite princes, chevalier does not spend on himself a lot. But i noticed he likes buying stuff for MC, like when he bought her a beautiful but very expensive hairpin that she saw when they were on a town date at the marquis territory or during his second birthday story when he bought her an expensive painting because she said she loved it.
That's all i can think of for now. Please feel free to reblog with your own.
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