#priyanka maheswaren
katlimeart · 2 years
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Made in 2019
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Steven Universe
1 + 2. Barb (Barbara Miller)
3 + 4. Dr Priyanka Maheswaran
5 - 10. Vidalia
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growing-gems · 9 months
Pinned Post!
18+ Only
multi-muse kink blog based around Steven Universe characters! All muses 18+
more under the cut
feel free to ask about anything not on the list. Open to try anything
yes - large/huge assets, general expansion (breast/ass/dick/balls/belly p much anything), muscle, chubby, size difference, smothering, lactation, sweat, clothes entrapment, futa.
okay - vore/feedism, fat (in context of kink)
no - scat/piss, gas, feet, incest, pedophilia
feel free to suggest any we forgot/neglect (all in no particular order)
Gems - Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Peridot, Lapis, Jasper, Bismuth, Spinel, Rhodonite, Padparadscha, Rutiles, Aquamarine, Blue Diamond, Yellow Diamond, White Diamond, Rose Quartz, Sardonyx, Sugalite, Sunstone, Smokey Quartz, Rainbow 1 & 2, Malachite, Holly Blue Agate, Snowflake Obsidian, Little Larimar
Humans - Steven Universe, Nora Universe, Connie Maheswaren, Priyanka Maheswaren, Vidalia, J-10
all muses have an exaggerated body shape based on mun's headcanons, but can always work off of anything! Just make sure to specify if need be. And we welcome asks for descriptions!
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pinksdiamonds · 5 years
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gemi-fool · 4 years
a journey starts, a journey ends
jam buds week day 6: journeys end
(ao3 will be added in rb)
Steven sat in what used to be the Bubble Room, now empty. Every single corrupted Gem they’d found had been healed. Every bubble had been popped. The Gems were still working to track down some that were missing, but out of the ones they’d already found, no one was left behind.
He heard the Temple door opening, turning back to see the Gems walking in with Connie.
“We thought you’d be in here,” Garnet said simply. Connie walked over and sat beside him, the Gems following suit.
“You got all of them,” Connie smiled. “All of the corruptions you and the Gems found, you healed them! All of them!”
Steven smiled, nodding. “We got all of them.”
“We should celebrate,” Pearl said. “You should celebrate, Steven. If it weren’t for you, stars, who knows if this ever would’ve happened!”
“C’mon, man!” Amethyst said. “We can order pizza! Or cake! Or anything!”
“And my parents said I can stay the night,” Connie said.
Steven thought for a second. “Yeah. Yeah! We should celebrate!” He stood. “An actual celebration for the start of Era 3!”
Connie and the Gems stood beside him.
“I’ll order the pizza,” Garnet said.
They headed out of the Bubble Room, into the beach house (which the B-Team was going to help rebuild), and outside into-
Steven stared, before a smile slowly formed on his face.
Healed Gems stood along the beach, all talking amongst themselves before they noticed Steven and the others watching.
Then it was a sea of Gems shouting Steven’s name, shouting thank yous, shouting praises.
One journey was over.
Steven was standing across from the Diamond’s thrones in the ballroom.
“Gems deserve a say in how they’re ruled,” he stated. “The Diamond Authority-- well, it isn’t that? Gems should be able to vote on who their leader is, and they should get to have other choices than the Diamonds.”
White stared down at him. Steven still wasn’t used to it. He was barely 15, he still looked like a little kid, but he’d stepped up to do what he did best: fix things. This was just on a larger scale.
“Pi-- Steven,” she said. (At least he hadn’t had to correct her this time.) “This is how our society has worked for thousands of years! Is changing it now really necessary?”
“Yes!” Steven said. “Yes it is! Because things are already changing!” He took a deep breath. “Gems have free will. If you’re going to give them more freedom-- they deserve freedom to choose, too.”
“She does have a point, White,” Blue said.
“He,” Steven corrected.
“He does have a point. Sorry, Steven.”
“He does, but… How would we even set that up?” Yellow asked.
“Well, Dad tried explaining it to me when I was younger, and it was kind of confusing? But the way it works on Earth-- or, in America, at least, is basically, each state has a certain amount of votes? Everyone votes, and then whatever the majority voted for is what they vote for, and whatever or whoever gets the most votes wins or… something like that.” Steven shrugged. “But it doesn’t have to be that? It can just be majority of everyone.”
Yellow nodded slowly. “I see.”
“But I just don’t understand how any Gem would be better at running the Empire than us!” White said. “We’ve been doing it since the Empire began.”
“I could probably think of a few better candidates,” Steven mumbled.
“Nothing, nothing-- They can learn. The foundation’s already there, I mean-- Gems with any political experience can probably work with it.”
Steven’s phone beeped. He pulled it out of his pocket-- he was supposed to head back to Beach City soon.
“Aw, crap. I have to go.”
“Steven, we’ll talk to White,” Yellow said. “Your body needs food and rest. Go get it. We can sort this out ourselves.”
Blue nodded. “I like this voting idea. Thank you for showing it to us, Steven.”
Steven nodded. He stepped onto the warp pad, warping back home. He walked into his room and down the stairs, finding Connie sitting on the couch.
She looked up at the sound of his footsteps. “Hey, Steven! How’d it go?”
He sighed, sitting on the couch and slumping down it, ending up with most of his body not even on the couch. “It was tiring,” he said, before sitting himself back up. “But Blue and Yellow liked the voting thing.”
“So the Empire is going to become a democracy?”
“Hopefully! White wasn’t really into the idea,” he said. “She still thinks they’re the only ones really fit to run the Empire.”
Connie nodded. “Yeah, I’m not really surprised.”
“So…” Steven said. “Where do you want to go for dinner?”
“Well, I know you like Fish Stew Pizza,” Connie replied.
“Yeah, but we can go anywhere! We just have to call Lion!”
“Hm… Well, there’s a new burger place in Ocean Town?”
“Yeah! That sounds great!” Steven near-shouted. “Hold on, let me call Lion.”
Steven found out the next day that White had been convinced. They were going to instate democracy.
Another journey was over.
Steven patted Lion awake.
“C’mon, bud, I promised Connie we could hang out at her place,” he whined. “C’mon, get up!”
Lion yawned, grumbling a bit, but stood up. Steven hopped on his back. He roared a portal into existence, and next thing Steven knew they were outside of Connie’s house.
He walked up to the door and knocked.
“Coming!” he heard Connie yell.
She opened the door, and paused for a second, staring.
“Steven! You-- you grew!”
“Yeah!” Steven said. “And it’s not forced this time! I grew!”
“You do age,” she said with a smile, stepping out in front of him. “Aw, come on, you’re taller than me!”
Another answer.
Another journey was over.
Steven looked up at the hill behind the Temple from the beach. The grass and flowers had finally regrown.
He walked through the town, stopping for bits from Beach Citywalk Fries. The town had been repaired.
He could see Little Homeworld from here. They were almost done building it, including fixing the damage from Spinel.
Connie had gotten to go to space camp, in the end. After Spinel left.
Spinel was in Homeworld, with the Diamonds. She could heal. She was safe.
Another journey was over.
Steven laid on the top of his car, staring up at space above him. Sadie and Shep’s song played from his car radio. No one else was around.
He wondered if Lars and the Off-Colors were in the section of space he could see right now.
Everyone was leaving, it felt like. He hated people leaving. He hated saying goodbye. He was all about change but-- this was a kind of change he didn’t like.
He had quit Little Homeschool to avoid graduations. To avoid this.
He went to text Connie.
Another journey was over.
Steven was so used to saying, pretending, and thinking nothing was wrong.
Adverse childhood experiences. Childhood trauma. Dr. Maheswaren telling him all of this. Connie saying that them being there was making things worse.
Something was wrong. He couldn’t think that it wasn’t anymore.
Another journey was over.
Steven wasn’t sure how long he’d spent sobbing into Lion’s mane, but eventually the Cluster had put everyone back down on shore, gave a thumbs-up, and had gone back into its bubble. The Diamonds and Spinel had left. Steven had gone inside, thought about taking a shower, then thought about the shards and the diamond essences and my diamond and decided not to, and got dressed. Bismuth and Peridot went straight to work fixing the front of the house, that was him, that was his fault.
Connie sat with him in his room after he got dressed.
“Steven,” she said, softly. “It’s gonna be okay.”
He blinked back the tears that were welling up, that threatened to spill out of his eyes again, he was definitely dehydrated.
“It’s not,” he whispered.
“I know it feels like that,” she said. “But it will be, because we-- your dad, the Gems, and I-- we’re not going to let you keep doing it alone. You’re not going to go through this alone, Steven.”
And he didn’t feel like he deserved it, but he knew they would anyways. He was done travelling alone.
Another journey was over.
Just a little time, just a little something else instead.
Steven waved goodbye to the Gems, to Dad, to Connie teary-eyed as he drove away. The residents of Beach City held up signs, waving goodbye as he drove through the streets of the town.
Just a little time, just a little something up ahead. I’m dreaming of…
Another journey was over, but only so a new one could start.
Steven set down another stack of boxes, Connie carrying in two more behind him. Rings shined on each of their left hands.
He’d finally found where he wanted to settle down-- and it wasn’t too far from Beach City, in Empire, a little past Empire City.
Connie pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Alright, those are the last ones,” she said. “I’ll order takeout while you start putting things away.”
He nodded, pressing a kiss to her lips (it sparkled just the tiniest bit). “Alright, babe,” he said.
His final journey was over.
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introvert-celeste · 6 years
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The Maheswaren’s look like they’ve seen shit. They’ve just accepted everything that’s happened since Connie became friends with Steven and a wedding between two alien rock lesbians is one of the less weird things they’ve encountered. They’re just going along with it.
Connie: Hey mom, Steven’s mom’s are having a wedding!
Priyanka, with a faraway look in her eyes: Which ones?
Connie: Ruby and Sapphire, of course! They make Garnet.
Doug, who hasn’t slept in two days: Oh...Garnet is actually two...moms
Connie: Garnet’s a fusion, dad. She’s her own gem, just like Ruby and Sapphire! They’re gonna form her after they exchange the rings!
Priyanka, burying her face in her hands: So she’s three moms. Okay.
Connie:...Kind of, I guess...Anyway! I have to go help Steven set up. The wedding’s tomorrow and you’re both invited!
Priyanka and Doug, resigned to their fate: Okay, sweetie.
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edithvanhopper · 4 years
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Priyanka Diamond from Jungle Moon episode, a character that I feel was left really underappreciated. This is literally Tired Mom Energy²
Trying out new brushes and coloring style. I’m still learning. No hate pls. 
Follow me on my instagram  ;)
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petitprincess1 · 4 years
Y'all remember in Growing Pains when Dr. Maheshwaran was showing Steven's x-rays and showed that his gem basically healed himself from all injuries that he got throughout the years?
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Y'all also remember in Change Your Mind when Steven's gem was removed, he was basically dying possibly from all those injuries that were no longer healed?
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Yeah, me neither.
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tiny-smallest · 5 years
not normal
Rating: G Characters: Greg, Steven, Dr. Maheswaren Warnings: none Description: Aftermath of Growing Pains.
Greg wanted a family with Rose so much, and he knew that in doing this very normal thing, he and Rose would be creating something extraordinary, something unlike anything to exist before. Being the parent of a half-human, half-gem hybrid wouldn’t be easy, would be fraught with the weird and the confusing, but Greg was ready for that. He wanted a child, and he knew before they were born he would love them with everything in him.
What Greg was most certainly not ready for, as no parent ever is, were the signs, years later, that something was very, very wrong with his son.
Also on AO3!
Greg knew when they started this that they would be creating the most abnormal thing in the galaxy. A one of a kind. He was prepared for that, prepared to deal with whatever challenges came with raising a half-alien child.
And wasn't it the most normal thing in the world, too, to want a family? A million billion couples on this planet all had this moment when they looked at the love of their life and felt I want to start a family with you, only you in the recesses of their soul, and then they went and did it.
Why should he and Rose be any different? Why couldn't they have that normalcy? The first several months were a happy, tearful blur of buying baby clothes, picking out names, finding a bassinet. A stroller. Greg would curl up with his wife at night, like every other night, and his head would find her belly, and she (as she never needed sleep and therefore was often awake) would stroke his hair as he listened to their baby move around inside of her.
When she did fall asleep, as inactivity and the sound of the waves tended to lull her eventually, he would whisper to the new life forming under his head, telling his future baby secrets he’d never even told Rose, promising that he’d be a better man, a better father, than his own parents had been. He wouldn’t always get it right, he’d mess up, but by god, he would analyze every single moment his parents made him feel lesser and he would do better. He would try, try so hard, even when the fear of failure crushed his lungs. Because you, Steven or Nora? You will be worth all that and more.
He would wake in the soft golden rays of early morning with his head pillowed on Rose’s belly to find Rose smiling at him, eyes twinkling, and they would have a good giggle over how excited and anxious and happy they were to be parents. We’re going to be parents. We’re going to be parents!
Sometimes Greg understood why the normalcy of earth captured this glorious space goddess so. It was hard not to, when he felt high 24/7 over this most normal of human feats, when he would catch himself openly belting out songs at the car wash, when he would hum as he crossed off days on the calendar, when he would tell random strangers as he washed their cars Hey, I’m going to be a father!
Of course... at this time, neither of them knew what this attempt at the most abnormal, normal thing in the world would mean for their lives, how it would end hers and rip a hole in his that would never heal.
When she was gone, Greg clung to that tiny shred of normalcy that reared up now and again. Taking Steven in a stroller on the boardwalk, chuckling and agreeing with old ladies who cooed how cute he was, daring to whisper as the tides of grief slowly let him without sobbing that of course his baby was beautiful; he looked so much like his mommy.
Taking Steven to get ice cream, pizza. An occasional rare treat of spending money at the arcade. Tooth fairy money, Santa, teaching him to ride a bike.
Little bits of normalcy among the heart-straining stress of begging for shelter in winter and trying to make cents stretch into dollars and seeking a babysitter who wouldn't blab to the whole world that his child wasn't fully human.
Those moments were everything. The air in his oxygen tank. Steven running up to him with an armload of arcade tickets and a grin that stretched from ear to ear to show off his missing front teeth could sustain him through weeks of irate customers and scant tips and hot, dirty, often thankless work.
And when the house was finished and Steven moved in with the gems, Greg could breathe a little easier--Steven finally, finally had a consistent roof over his head--but at the same time would find his chest randomly constricting when he would wake in his van and automatically reach around next to him and find nothing but mattress.
Still... those little bits of normalcy, they remained his liferaft in a sea of uncertainty. Steven coming by the car wash to laugh and play and sometimes work with him. Meeting up on the boardwalk. Meeting up at the beach, spreading a blanket out on the sand for a jam session together. Steven was maybe fifteen minutes away by foot, and Greg milked that for all it was worth anytime Steven chose to spend his time with him.
And when at last the world was safe from the diamonds once and for all, normal changed, stabilized. Once the whole Spinel situation was set straight, everything seemed to settle.
Steven was safe, busy, happy. Greg let him talk about the school and felt pride beyond measure at the big ideas his boy had. He cautioned him, Don't run yourself ragged, and Steven laughed and said no, don't worry, he'd be fine.
Bluebird interrupted their normal for a few days and... well if he were being honest, in a way, forever, at least for him.
The short hair still stung unbelievably.
But everyone was safe and sound and so Greg fixed the shorn hair and frightened, angry thoughts and renewed grief over realizing he was yet another modicum away from the man Rose had fallen in love with, and he returned to his car wash to smile at people going by and write music and occasionally help someone who needed a wash.
Being Sadie and Shep's manager was Steven's idea, a sudden, glorious lightbulb moment over dinner together at Fish Stew Pizza. And Greg couldn't pretend his heart didn't jump with excitement. He loved Sadie. Working with her was a dream. Shep seemed like a nice young person. Managing the Suspects had been an incredible blur of excitement and joy, surrounded by hopeful, excitable young people and music. He remembered the way Sadie had smiled at him, all bright and eager, and told him he was the best manager ever.
Suck it, Marty, a small bit of him that had never grown up crowed. This was what music was all about. This was what being a manager was all about. Nurturing and encouraging young musicians in their craft, protecting them from those who would take advantage of them, helping them smooth out their rough edges and bring joy to others through their music.
To do that with a group that would be going touring? And with a kid he already knew, to boot, so he wouldn't have to get to know everyone all over again? Oh god. His heart screamed in delight at the idea.
But above all else, above everything, he was a father, and so despite the rush of excitement and joy and being flattered beyond belief, he hesitated.
Steven all but begged him to go. You want this, he pleaded, you want this so much. You'd be great, Dad, and Sadie and Shep and their friends could use your help. I'll be fine!
So he let his son talk him into a change in normal.
The tour was wild fun; Greg had never completely forgotten the thrill of exploration, of seeing the country he lived in. Big cities and bright lights and miles of country road. Mountains, lakes, rivers, skyscrapers, concert halls. The kids were a dream. And aside from a few people trying to slip them rotten deals and one very unpleasant encounter at a concert, everything went smoothly.
It took a bit of getting used to, for his contact with Steven to be limited to phone calls, but eventually even that sting became normal. Not completely gone, but it hurt less than before. He made sure to call his son once a day even if only to leave an 'I love you' on his voicemail, and not more than an hour or two later he would find a heart emoji and then a 'love you too, best manager dad' in his texts.
Sometimes they'd be able to reschedule their daily call, sometimes not. It made sense. They were both busy people, after all. Steven hadn't talked about the school in awhile except to mention the first class graduated, but he had to imagine that the next quarter was quite a job to wrangle down.
Sometimes he worried. Steven was homeschooled. Steven was seventeen. Should he really be doing this?
But Steven was growing up. He needed to trust his son to make his own choices, didn't he? Greg never belonged in this part of his son's world. He was just... an old, fat, failed musician. He wasn't extraordinary enough to fit. If he tried to insert himself in it, he'd just break everything.
Steven's trust probably being the first thing.
So he swallowed down his worries and indulged in sharing silly stories and listening to Steven complain that quartzes didn't know the meaning of the word casual and for that matter neither did rubies, and they would laugh. Greg would ask Steven how he was doing and Steven would assure him he was fine. His tales of gem shenanigans on the boardwalk felt authentic. Greg believed him.
The call would last as long as either could make it, and end with I love yous, and Greg would hang up feeling a little melancholy that he was not there to see it all himself, but mostly good, because this new normal was full of so much wonder, and Steven was so, so happy for him, and he was so, so happy for himself, and it wouldn’t be forever, anyway. Home would still be there when the tour ended and oh, the stories he’d have for his son!
Sadie and Shep were such big hits among the indie crowd. Greg's pride swelled at the multitude of cheering and applause. They showed him their new idea and he gasped with delight.
The tour was extended.
Steven called him earlier than planned--they were still on the bus--but Greg answered anyway, eager to talk to his son.
All too soon he lost reception. He huffed at the phone, but oh well. Later. He couldn't leave it at that, even if Steven had said he didn't need to talk about it. At the very least his son deserved a proper goodbye exchange, not being cut off like that.
When his phone rang again later, he expected it to be Steven.
It was not Steven, and the world went cold.
He couldn't get to the hospital fast enough. Even a warp wouldn't have taken him there fast enough. He needed to be there five minutes ago, three hours ago, yesterday, weeks ago-
Steven, a glowing pink giant, stuttering to explain what was happening. Weeping the most heartbreaking thing Greg thought he'd ever heard his child say. He hugged his finger, desperately wishing he could wrap himself around his son and never let go, stymieing the tears that threatened to well over only because Steven needed a steady rock right now.
Steven begged to go home. Greg was happy to oblige.
As they left out the back, Dr. Maheswaran waved her fingers a little to get his attention. Greg looked over, Steven oblivious as he put his shoulder into moving the door.
I need to talk to you later, she mouthed, face grim, eyes hard. For the third time that day, Greg felt his heart stutter in his chest. He nodded solemnly at the doctor, and followed Steven out.
He drove Steven home, allowing the tense ride to pass in silence, with just a few gentle pats to his back now and again at a stoplight. Steven was ashamed and humiliated and probably feeling trapped even in the confines of the familiar van. Home first. Conversation second. He didn't want Steven to feel stuck when they spoke.
Right now he just had to focus on the road through the pounding in his heart.
Steven froze as Greg nudged the screen door closed behind them and it took all of three seconds to see why. The freezer door lay on the floor.
"... We'll take care of that later," Greg decided. He turned to go upstairs and as he did the panic on Steven's face grew tenfold. Was he just that upset about the freezer?
The answer that awaited him at the top of the stairs was a definite no.
Greg stood there frozen at the sight of Steven's room. Oh god.
"I'm sorry."
He jolted and turned, finding Steven behind him, shrinking into himself. Greg shook his head, shoving every other thought away as an automatic "shhhh; it's okay" left his mouth.
He peered a little closer at his boy.
"When did you last shower?" he asked softly, gently.
"... Yesterday," he admitted, voice still a near whisper. "Morning."
"Okay. Why don't you grab some clean pajamas and go take a nice, hot shower." He drew his fingers through Steven's curls. "It'll help. Believe me."
Something in Steven's face relaxed a little. He walked past his father, dug through his dresser, and went back down the stairs.
Greg waited until he heard the water before taking a deep breath and getting to work.
He mopped ice cream up from the floor. Threw all the clothes in the hamper, started a load of laundry. He picked up the spilled cheese puffs balls and threw the ones on the floor away, twisting the cap on the jar and returning it to the kitchen. He emptied the freezer of what had gone bad while the freezer door wasn't secure. He threw away the bag of chips. He took the whole lot of garbage out to the curb all the way down the beach.
He straightened a few knickknacks on Steven's shelf.
My baby, my baby, my baby, every fiber of his being wailed in every heartbeat.
Connie hadn't walked away from their friendship. Connie hadn't even said she'd never date him.
All Connie had done was reject a marriage proposal at fifteen.
And yet, Steven spiraled down as if Connie had severed ties, had told him she had no feelings of that sort for him.
This wasn't normal. This wasn't normal.
I think I’ve seen the world almost end so many times now that everything that goes wrong feels that extreme. I should be feeling so good these days. How do I move on from all the stuff I’ve been through? How do I live life if it always feels like I’m about to die?
He had to choke back a sob- if he started crying now, he wouldn’t stop, and Steven loved taking long showers, but he couldn’t risk it.
What is wrong with my baby? What happened to my baby?
Steven emerged from his shower during the second load of laundry, going pink with shame. Greg didn't think twice before grabbing him in a tight hug, squeezing as if he could somehow wring the agony right out of him. Steven hesitated only a moment before clinging like he was a little boy again, burying his face in his father's shoulder. His body gave a great shudder.
Greg kissed his temple. "It'll be okay, schtu-ball," he murmured. "You go ahead and cry. It's okay. Dad's here."
Steven cried for twenty minutes before pulling back, his face wet with tears and snot, his skin thankfully no longer glowing. Greg guided him to the bathroom, gently instructed him to splash some cold water on his face, and while Steven did that, he started hot chocolate.
A long talk later and Steven was settling into bed, in his now clean room, his face pinched with exhaustion but eyes softened with gratitude and love.
"I love you, dad," he croaked. Greg tucked him in, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
"I love you too, always," he murmured. "You get some sleep, little man. I'll be right downstairs if you need me."
"A-are you sure? I won't- be offended if you wanna go sleep in the van or-"
"Right downstairs," he promised. "Goodnight, Steven."
Something flashed across his son's face, too brief to understand it. And then it was gone, Steven giving him a smile that mostly reached his eyes. "Goodnight, Dad."
Greg squeezed his hand one last time, turned out the light, grabbed the empty mug, and went downstairs, checking his phone instinctively.
Ah. Right. He thumbed over the lock screen (Steven of yesteryear, still with the tiny body that didn’t fit his actual age, all bright bubbly smiles and playing his guitar with a rockstar’s flourish) and brought up the last number to call him, selecting the call option as he set the mug down on the counter to be cleaned later.
"Dr. Maheswaran?"
"Mr. Universe." Her voice was a little stiff. Greg stepped out onto the porch. "We have a lot to talk about. I'll get right to the point: I took some x-rays of your son while he was here."
What she had to say about them chilled the spring air to winter.
After the new episodes I talked with my girlfriend and together we realized:
-whether he’s sixteen like the show states or seventeen like the timeline should suggest, Steven’s a minor; patient confidentiality doesn’t apply -despite this whole thing obviously being off-the-record (and therefore, she could ignore the law that probably demands she inform Steven’s father) there’s no way Dr. Maheswaran would do that -Dr. Maheswaran said in the episode itself “I’ll need to talk to your father.” -she said it about the fact that Steven’s never been to a doctor, but the state of Steven’s mind and the physical proof of his skeleton are probably more pressing matters -the next episode is called Mr. Universe and one of the leaks reveals what might happen in it and I’m betting this episode is the setup to that -I'm like 90% sure most of the traumatic stuff Steven has been through is stuff he's never shared with his father, and I further bet that Greg's unfortunately failed attempt to have his panic attack out of his son's sight at the beginning of Full Disclosure is the root of that (it may have been played mildly for laughs but Greg's panic attack is what sets up the entire plot of the episode if you pay attention closely enough, because it's this panic attack that slaps Steven with the realization of how serious this all is and how easily Connie could be hurt or killed and how easily HE can be hurt or killed) -the room is filthy at the start of the episode but by the time Greg’s putting him to bed and finishing up their talk, it’s clean -there’s no way Greg involves Steven in the cleaning process when his son is this obviously unwell -there’s also no way Greg doesn’t look at Steven’s room and not feel every parental instinct he has light itself on fire for reasons I hope I articulated well enough in the fic itself
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suau-reshuffled · 3 years
Connie jumped at the ringing of the doorbell. Priyanka was saddened, whatever her daughter had seen, it had really shaken her. Worse, Priyanka didn't even know what to do for her daughter for this, not so soon. If the problem persists without getting better, Priyanka was going to get her daughter into therapy, but doing that too early could make things worse.
It had only been a day or two, and Connie had been getting better, if slowly. She probably wouldn't need therapy, just support, but Priyanka was pained watching her daughter struggle through this.
Priyanka got up from her chair, and walked to the door. It was early, and the sun was rising, so it is a little odd that someone was ringing their bell.
Opening the door, Priyanka was at first confused. She didn't see anyone at eye level with herself. When she looked down, thinking it might have been a package of some form, she got her answer.
A familiar short, red figure filled her vision. Ruby, if Priyanka remembered correctly. The Gem didn't seem to register that she was there.
"Hello?" Priyanka asked eloquently.
The figure at her door turned upward in slight surprise, then seemed to blink it out of their eyes.
"Um, Hi Mrs. Maheswaren! I... uh, sorry. It's been a bit of a day. How is... How is Connie doing" The red Gem stuttered as she spoke, seemingly because of stress rather than a speech impediment.
"Oh, she's getting better. Would you like to come inside?" Priyanka said, noticing now that the Gem had a different outfit on then when she last saw her.
"That would be nice, thank you..." The Gem commented sorrowfully, before trailing off when she saw Connie.
Priyanka went to the kitchen to make some tea. She wasn't sure if it would help the Gems nerves, but it sure would help hers.
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oforangeandblack · 4 years
The ambulance ride to the hospital was relatively uneventful, even if Steven was slightly panicked.
The ER was interesting, mainly because one of the doctors actually recognized the Girl. Apparently she was the daughter of one of the doctors.
Steven kept close by, extending his aura onto the girl just a little. Not enough to be visible, but enough to smooth her passage through the world enough that blockages couldn't form in her bloodstream. Steven may not have been Rose when it came to healing, but he was long ways ahead of the Crystal Gems when it came to keeping someone alive.
Spreading his field out like this also had the added effect of no one questioning his right to be there, so long as he didn't get in their way. They'd just except that he was supposed to be in the room unless they had a specific reason to think otherwise.
A woman came into the room, given her choice of attire, some type of Doctor. A Doctor Maheswaren if the label on the coat was to be believed.
Her mannerisms changed when she spotted the girl, taking on a more parental stance. Given the similarities between the two of them looks wise, Steven made an educated guess that this was the girls mother.
"Well Hello!" Steven said with a calculatedly welcoming smile. "I take it your this Girl's mother?"
That... was not quite how Steven wanted it to come out. It sounded too 1800s, so out of a date by over 100 years.
The woman looked at him and nodded.
"Yes, I am Doctor Maheswaren. You must be Steven, thank you for bringing Connie here"
The woman seemed to be in slight shock, just given the blocky manner of speech. she probably needed to sit down. Steven offered her a chair as the doctor in charge of The ER came in.
"Ah, Priyanka, you're here. And I see you met Steven. Well, I'll be happy to inform that Connie seems to be recovering. You can take her home at will. You know the deal, no sports, get plenty of rest, and try not to get hit in the head again" The doctor gave a wink, these two know each other well enough to joke around about things like this.
Doctor Maheswaren choose to take the day off to take care of her daughter, and offered to take Steven home. Steven, said he'd just run. He could nearly feel them assuming exercise reasons, rather than him just simply being able to run faster than most cars (not having to deal with wind resistance has a few advantages).
Steven had a feeling, an little aching in the back of his mind, that he was going to see those two again. He may not be Garnet when it came to predicting the future, but when you've been around as long as Steven, you begin to notice patterns. And coincidences simply not being is one such observation he's made in the last millennia or two.
Next time on Orange Steven AU: Steven sees Connie reading again, but without her glasses.
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growing-gems · 6 months
Bunny suit for Priyanka and Connie.
"Damn mom, how can I compete with you?"
"Hush child, this is hardly a competition.."
The older Maheswaren pulled the suit up over her breasts some while the younger one watched.
".. I will say it does show off well.."
"Oh so what happened to it being competition?"
0 notes
moonlightstars16 · 4 years
A Calm And Quiet Day
30 Days Connverse Challenge
Day 26 ~ Doctor Visits
Ever since Connie took Steven to see Dr. Maheswaren(aka her mom), she had become his personal GP. It wasn't that hard to fit him into her schedule since a couple of other doctors took off some of her work load, and picked up the slack on there end.  So while he was doing therapy sessions, he also was doing regular check-ups. In fact he was thankful her mom was able to help him understand more of the physical side of himself.
Pearl taught him the basics of human and gem 'anatomy' and biology but separate. Dr Maheswaren did her best to figure out how both sides worked and affected one another. It wasn't that difficult to understand, however she was very thorough on the details. Besides they had grown an interesting doctor-patient and friendly relationship.
At times he was nervous since he is dating her only daughter. Sometimes he was more worried about her than her own dad. However she was very understanding about the entire ordeal. In fact she was nonchalantly seemed to be more than happy with the arrangement. Steven could've swore she mumbled comments like how cute the couple was or how much he respected and made Connie happy. But he never pressed it.
"I see you have control of your pink glow?" Priyanka spoke while writing on her clipboard. At first the sound of her pen scratching against the paper was nerve wracking. Now he enjoyed the sound. Sitting on the bench with hands in his lap. Breathing in deep to calm himself. The night before he had a very bad...episode, for lack of a better term, and couldn't go back to sleep. Speaking with his therapist on video call, he felt a bit better about it.
"Somewhat, I can keep it from happening unless it's when I have a really bad...night."
"Well that's a good start as I've said previously. Have you experienced any other swelling or similar symptoms?"
"Nope, all that is gone."
"Good" Her hospital pager beeped and while sighing answered it. "We'll have to finish up for today. Apparently my services are needed right now." She was a doctor, confidentiality is something she had to abide to. It's like Connie when she swore her dedication to her sword training. Her mom swore her life to keep that rule kept. "My apologies."
"It's cool Dr Maheswaren, I understand. Thanks for seeing me today anyways." Steven gave a small smile whilst standing, slipping into his jacket.
"Before you go," Steven paused, hand on the door handle and turned to face his G.P. "Are you and my daughter going to do anything else for today?"
"Oh? Well not that I'm aware off honestly. I thought she had to study for her upcoming test."
"She is but she was planning on taking this day off. I'm sorry I thought it was going to be spent with you."
"Well if anything we might just hang around Beach City for a bit. Nothing to out of the ordinary. That is if she texts me."
"Yes... well I also wanted to invite you to dinner tonight as well."
"Oh! T-that's great, I'll be there! Seven?"
"Eight but if you bring that infamous board game I'm sure my husband would be over the moon to play a round with you until I got home."
"He really does love it." Steven chuckled before opening the door. Every once and awhile he would come over to there place for dinner. It felt nice being apart of a normal family for once in his life. Not that he hated let alone despised eating with the gems. But this made him feel more human. Something he had been wanting for a long time. "Have a nice day Dr Maheswaren!"
"You too Steven, see you later." Walking out of the hospital, hands in his pockets he breathed out trying not to think about his nightmare. Easier said than done but it was better to avoid the issue and let it go. Looking up he smiled with a content sigh . There was Connie Sitting on the front part of his car with a smile and a book. Looking up she jumped and book-marked her page before closing up the pages. Running she slightly leapt into his arms and hugged him tightly.
"Hey! How did it go?!"
"Good, but we had to cut it short since she was needed elsewhere."
"That only means we get to spend more time together!...If you want to of course."
"Yeah about that, your mom thought we had something planned today. Telling me that you cleared an entire day away from studying?" Connie frowned slightly in confusion.
"What do you mean? Don't you remember the texts?"
"Huh? What texts?" Sighing she pulled out her phone and showed him the long list of messages they sent since he woke up last night. "After trying everything I could to help, I told you I would clear my schedule so we can relax and enjoy the beautiful day. Take your mind of things and from what happened."
"We...texted a lot last night..." Slowly it all came back to him. The multiple phone calls ending with no reply and finally trying to calm himself with writing it all out. He was remembering that part of the night vividly. "I'm sorry I don't know why I forgot."
"Well what matters now is that I'm here for you. Okay?" Pulling him close she pecked his cheek with her lips before embracing him tight.
"Okay..." He mumbled holding onto her as the memories came back. Tears brimmed and glazed over his eyes as he blinked them away and breathed in deeply.
They spent the entire day just doing the simple things. Walking on the beach, listening to music while laying on the grass, eating at Fish-Stew Pizza, playing his old video games on mute (the arcade did not help since the loud noises was something they were avoiding.) and just enjoying a quiet day. Later that night they had also a pleasant evening with her parents. Enjoyable and relaxing all at once.
It was a great day for them both.
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Steven's Google search history
how to remove gems
gem surgery removal
can a baby be 1/4 gem
surgery booking
priyanka maheswaren surgery
failed proposal compilation
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introvert-celeste · 6 years
Since no one else is gonna point this out...
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Connie is wearing her dad's jacket again ^.^
Although, now that I look at it, it looks too small to be his...headcanon that Doug and Connie have matching bomber jackets!
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Greetings Mr and Mrs Maheswaren do not be alarmed, despite their appearance they have no intention of harming you or your daughter. In fact her abduction was a complete misunderstanding.
Doug: Oh. Well, this changes everything. Darling, please stop fighting that… (at Steven) What’s her name?
Steven: Spinel.
Doug: Please stop fighting that Spinel! They don’t mean any harm! Also, I think that the neighbors are calling the police.
Priyanka and Spinel keep fighting.
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c-atm · 5 years
Fighting Flirty: Character Select Pt2
Steven stood in front of the Maheswaran household, waiting for Connie to come down. He wasn't alone though as Priyanka and Doug stood waiting with him, still wearing their sleepwear,robes and slippers; wanting to see the two off.
"So Empire for the whole day, huh? That's quite a trip. What are you planning to do? Take in the sights?" Priyanka inquired with a smirk, a very Connie-esque one.
"Maybe, the main thing is costume shopping, but depending on how long that take we might just take food breaks." Steven shrugged shoulders with a slightly mischievous smirk.
"I heard you two are coming to the party though...What's that about? You're getting dressed up?"
Doug smirked confidently with a slight nod causing Steven smile starred eye.
"Yes, Yes! What your gonna go as, Huh?" .
Doug smirked as he pulled his wife close to him, getting a squeak out of the doctor. "Should we tell, my master?"
Priyanka gulped and bit her lip a bit at her husband before stealing a quick peck and wrapping her hands behind his neck. She spoke in a slight sultry tone. "Stop Durga..We'll kill the boy."  
Steven was indeed red face, but also smirking at the two. "Don't mind me. I'll just turn around."
"Good man." Doug called before turning his wife a very lecherous smirk on his face. "Now master 'Integra', I believe I deserve a bite."
"Ahem! Can't wait to I leave the house, I swear that trip did wonders for you two."
The trio turned to see Connie standing in the doorway, overnight bag on her shoulders, arms folded under her breast with a joy filled smile on her face.
The husband and wife looked at each other before turning to the result of their love.  "It really did."
“You see what I have to deal with Steven. Love struck teenagers, both of them.” The younger Maheswaren joked before giving her parents a tight hug.
“Before you go, Steven come talk with me a moment. “
Steven arched an eyebrow as he walked with Doug to his car, with the women looking on. Priyanka looked over at her daughter, giving her a once over, unnoticeably.
A form accentuating cobalt halter sweater dress, a black short bomber jacket, and a pair of brown knee high boots. Hair, mostly flowing down except  for a small pink star hair clip in the middle and a small bang. A small smile came to the mother's face at the little bit of onyx eye shadow and the small bit of lip balm. Her daughter has grown into a beautiful woman in love. The look in her daughter's eyes says everything about her feelings.
“You’ve chosen well, Kahanni.”  
Connie looked back at her mother with a blush. “Thanks Mom.”
“Just...be safe.”
Connie is bright red at the accusation “What?.. Wait me and Stev-”
“Empire could be tough..Even for heroes like you two.”Priyanka smirked at her daughter. “What about you and Steven, though?”
Connie pouted red face. “That was mean.”
Priyanka chuckled. “Yeah, I know...You’re not coming back tonight.”
Connie realized it wasn’t a question. “Yeah. I might stay by-”
The prideful smile the older maheswaran gave her stopped her in her tracks and caused her to look away.
“I’m protected...Just in case”
Priyanka chuckled as she kissed her daughters temple. “That’s my girl...Good luck.”
“Thanks mom..” She arched an eyebrow at her mother before continuing. “You’re actually handling the implications pretty well...Thought you be more against the idea.”
  “Well..You look at him the same way I look at your father after 20 years of marriage. Besides he already considers us family and vice versa..” Priyanka rubbed her chin as she got a cheeky grin on her face. “ Though you two always were lovestruck.”
Connie looked scandalized at her mother, but before she can say anything to defend herself.
“Yo Heart berry, we’re ready?”
Connie looked forward and saw Steven waiting by the donadi, looking a bit red but proud. Connie felt a small push on her back making her take a few steps forward. She turned to see Piyansk finger waving at her daughter. Connie for her gave her mom a confidant look  before heading to the car. As she did her dad stopped her by holding her shoulders. Pride shining in his eyes.
"Look at you, My swashbuckling sword swinger....Good looking kid."
She shrugged playfully, a snarky grin on her face "Well, I take after mom."
He jokingly rubs his chin. "True..So when should you be back around these parts?"
"I mean.. We should back in town tonight. If everything goes according to plan."
Doug looked at his daughter with a smirk before giving her a hug. "Have fun..Be safe.. Watch out and take care of each other...We trust you two."
She returned the hug with a smile. "Of course...Love you Daddy."
"Love you too, Kahanni." He gives her a kiss on the top of her head before  opening the car for her, exchanging a look of understanding with the hybrid.
Steven got in the car as Connie place on her seat belt and a black blanket from the back over her.  Steven looked over her and already saw that she was more sleepy than she let on.
"Hey Berry."
"Hey yourself, Mister.. You're  looking nice"
Steven was dressed in a black turtleneck, under a pink vest with a star on its back, black jeans; a pair of size 15 pink and black sneakers. He had his hair in a ponytail, except for one single curly strand that felt in front of his face. She found herself giggling at how handsome he was.
"Wanted to compliment you, beauty berry."
Connie just shook her head at the sly teasing.
"You look tired, too excited to sleep."
Connie groaned in sleepiness as she sent a small glare at Steven. "Did you tell Peridot about today, cause she gave me a job of taking pictures and sending them to her for those spheres."
"Yeah..We're gonna talk about that, but for now..Let's headout Connie. "
Connie gulped at the low tone of his voice, there was a bit of mischief there. She turned to wave at her parents as they pulled off and quickly  turned around as her father was already carrying her mother in..with that look on his face.
'Go dad'. Connie thought as she leaned back in the passenger seat getting all comfy. She turned to her companion who gave her a half smile.
"So..What is it, huh?* She pokes his cheeks playfully.
" Why you never told me about that incident?"
"It's not much to tell, the first run with the Cospheres ..Name pending...had complications, we looked at it and fixed it."
Connie's nonchalant attitude cause a small chuckle from the boys lips. "Complications, huh? You're certainly tough. I would think fighting a possessed costume would be more than a complications."
Connie sighed as she felt a bit bashful. "Magical infused AI ...Not po-
Steven smirk stopped her in her tracks.
"I'm not gonna save any face this ride, right?,"
Steven shook his head. "You, Bismuth, and Pearl, got beaten up..By a coat rack!!."
Steven chuckled at her exclaim as a slightly somber look took over.
“I am a little mad that you got hurt and didn't tell me..”
Connie looked at her biscuit accusingly. “Well it wasn't that bad. We were fighting a real life fighting game character, basically. A nice impromptu sparring session."
Steven looked at his Berry and kissed his teeth. "I don't like the idea of you hiding things like that from me."
Connie blushed shamefully "Wasn't trying to hide it. Just didn't think too much of it."
Steven said nothing as he continued to drive, he did smile a bit when she gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
“Besides you were flaring that day...Me getting beat up by a coat rack is funny. You, having having a random purple spot and spike, not funny."
Steven arched an eyebrow and chuckled. "I thought it was a mannequin."
Connie laid back into the chair with the blanket and closed her eyes. "Doesn't matter, we won. Wake me up when we get there, Mister."
Steven nodded as he exited  Delmarva limits.
It was three hours and fifteen before Connie stirred into consciousness. She stretched with a yawn as she looked around and realized...
She was not in the car with Steven, but in a king size bed inside of a hotel room, with Steven. His head was on her lap and his arms around her waist holding her close. Connie couldn’t help the smile that enveloped her face as she toyed with his hair.
“Mmmh Heart Berry.”
Conie giggled at his moans, wondering what he could be dreaming about. She took notice of her surroundings and she concluded that they weren't just in a room, but the bedroom of a suite; a quite large one too.
The walls were painted white with a flat screen embedded in the northern wall, a dresser and mirror on the east wall and the door to the bathroom on the west wall. She looked up and saw a mirror looking back, causing her to blush at their reflection.
“Oh my. That’s bold...Bathroom.”
Connie slowly and carefully pulled herself out of the big man hold, feeling colder than before, She walked into the bathroom. Her jaw dropped.
Porcelain tiles, a dual sink, a beautifully large mirror with fluorescent lights,a shower with a cylinder head and...
“A jacuzzi tub..Yeah, we’re staying tonight.”
Connie giggled to herself before closing the door lightly as to not wake her slumbering snoring companion. Who unnoticed to her, was smirking to himself.
'Good looking out Daddio.' was his last thought before falling back to sleep.
It's a half hour when he wakes up, his head against something warm. A feminine melody in his ear, and someone messing with his hair  He opens his eyes and see cobalt colored wool.
"Hey Gamy..That's my stomach you're staring at."
"Oh really..."
Connie laughed as Steven grabbed her by the waist and nuzzled closer to her mid, the feeling causing her to nearly burst into hysterics.That soon became  couple like wrestling. Laughing at each other's antics and pinning each other to the bed just for it to be overturned.
After a few minutes, Connie was victorious as she straddled the big man's  waist just below his gem. Her hands on his chest. His hands on her thighs slightly under her dress. Both panting with disheveled hair.  His looking more normal..Hers out of place with a half bang covering her right eye.
"Hey, Mister." Her breathy tone and bitten lips. She could feel his reaction under her and how his half lidded eyes displayed a tug load if excitement..She tries to stop the thoughts running through her mind but…
"Sup, Heart Berry". His husk fueled voice caused it.. The slight increase grip of his shirt. The increased pressure from her thigh, the instinctive humm of love and lust. She looked so delectable right now. On top, a victorious warrior.
"I guess you win."
She nodded, a smug smile on her face. "I beat a diamond. I think I earned a reward."
"Oh, and what pray tell can this diamond do for you, human paragon?"
Connie chortle before beckoning him to sit up with flex of her index finger. He does obediently, a boyish trouble maker grin plastered on his face. She for her part, locks her arms over his shoulders before placing her forehead  to his. A devilish smile on her face.
"As the old saying goes.."What you promise. You must perform."
Steven looks at her from the side for a moment. It when she licks her teeth with a click, his eyes widen before he mimics her smile.
"Really, Heart Berry?"  
"Umm-hmm." She plays with his hair as her smile becomes even more impish.
He licks his teeth, changing from his canines to the fangs he showed off as his tongue passes. Connie, reached to touch them and shivered a bit..They were the real thing.
"You having second thoughts?" He smiled but his tone was a bit uncertain. Connie shook her head, her black eyes embers of emotion for him.
"Smile bright for me, Biscuit."
Steven gave her what she wanted and placed his fangs on display. The look of amazement in his berry's eyes made him feel great pride and love from  her actions.
Connie was truly stunned at his transformation. She was afraid to touch them. 'They looked sharp but was a bit dull at the point, so they won't break the skin... Ok.'
That's when Connie surprised him by kissing said fangs, small pecks, enough to get his attention so he'll wrestle her under him.
He lowered his face to hers. Her breath became anxious anticipation surged through her. He grin became a bit hungry for her as he inched closer.  He bit her lips. They interlaced their fingers as foreheads touched.
"So Berry, What was you want me to do again."
She whimpered at the husk in his voice, but refused to give in..not until she got what she wanted.
"Sink them innnnn"
Steven let loose a snarl at her beckoning as he kissed the back of Connie ear and down her collarbone. She loved the tingles of it, but she wanted the real thing.
Steven chuckled against her and prepared to do just that….
Both turned to Steven phone on the side table ,Peridot name flashing.  He just remembered he told her to call to wake him up.
"No!" Connie shook her head. Pleading him not to answer.
With a heavy sigh Steven, reached for the phone and to both their dismay, got off Connie.
"Hey Peridot."
With a glare that would shatter white she got up and walked to the bathroom..Stating she needed a shower
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