#pro Stormpilot
rae-gar-targaryen · 5 years
Dear Star Wars "Fans":
Your ceaseless complaining wears thin. If you're so negative about the new movies, shhhhhhhhhhhut the fuck up & don't go. Whining doesn't keep them from being made.
Cling to the ones you like and let everyone else enjoy things, you absolute weiners. You'd be surprised how easy it is to ignore "new" developments you don't like when you rewatch your old favorites. Almost like it has no impact on your life.
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jaykidding12-blog · 6 years
Me: trying to look up gifs for the last Jedi .
*sees nothing but reylo posts*
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pencilscratchins · 3 years
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rey may have been luke’s last student but poe carries his legacy on in a different way. [ID: two panel digital comic of Poe Dameron from star wars. Panel 1: A black speech bubble in the corner says: “I had goals of course: I remember I used to tell my mom-“ the text is cut off by a young Poe speaking, his arms held by his mother. He says “Mama, I want to be just like Mr. Skywalker!” Panel 2: present day, adult Poe says wryly to an amused Finn, “I meant gay,” Finn responds, “ah.” Poe: “and I succeeded,” Finn: “Sure did.” /END ID]
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bubbly-alchemist · 2 years
Okay so, I want to be clear that FinnPoe is like in my top 10 list of Star Wars couples. They are canon in my heart and soul. I will go down with that ship.
It has come to my attention Lego: Star Wars made FinnPoe canon...but Lego: Star Wars is not canon in it of itself, it’s a self referential parody. Even though some might argue it’s canon divergent or canon adjacent, regardless. It’s still a heavily comedic focused view on Star Wars. Which is absolutely great and I’m here for it. I love the Lego games and shorts. I know it’s aimed at children, most of Star Wars is so don’t @ me please. 😅 I just found this news…
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I guess I’ll count it as a win for FinnPoe shippers like myself? Albeit a little bit back handed? 🤷‍♀️ Like “We want to apologize, we didn’t make this official when we should have, and instead queer baited you, but here you go! :) ” But also at least it’s acknowledged? I don’t know. It’s like back peddling and being like “No, no we respected this all along!” 🤨 Huh…that’s odd.
Maybe I’m just too cynical at this point because deep down I’m still big mad about John and Oscar being thrown under the bus in the Sequel Trilogy. For one thing Finn should’ve been revealed as force sensitive outright, they clearly advertised the hell out of him with Anakin’s lightsaber for Force Awakens…but anyways. They then shoehorned in female love interests for them both. Not saying neither of them can still be attracted to men regardless. I’m bisexual, I know this is possible personally! I’m here for a bi Finn or bi Poe or both! Or even Pan! Sure why not! But it still felt like the heteronormative censorship like “Oh uhhh we can’t show that, that’s inappropriate and we won’t make money in homophobic countries.” Even the entire cast agreed their chemistry was top tier.
But I also know someone out there is gonna be all offended that two Lego characters that represent male Star Wars characters are in love and exposed to the children’s eyeballs. The homophobes will be out there going, “Ohhhhh noooo! The humanity! 😟 Think about the children!”
🤦‍♀️ It is not the “LGBTQ+ agenda” to show heavily graphic, sexual content to your children, relax, Karen. Two boys kissing is no different than a girl kissing a boy. Explaining how mommy and daddy love each other in an age appropriate way is no different than some other kid who has two mommies or two daddies. There’s a right and a wrong way to explain things to certain age groups. But completely separating love and sexual desire does not apply to everyone. But these are, typically, the same people that say being asexual is not real. Which…it absolutely is real. So on one hand we have, don’t talk about sex around the children which, fair I get it. But on the other hand society encourages or make fun of kids for having a “girlfriend/boyfriend” like “Oooooh Jimmy has a girlfriend.” And Jimmy is literally 5 years old.
I’ve even seen toxic masculine men be like “Can’t men just be friends anymore without them having to be f&$%ing each other.” Ah yes, because every man on screen ever f#%^s each other. Calm down.
It’s so contradictory and hypocritical.
In closing on this rant, FinnPoe, always.
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lovepoison9 · 7 years
Pros of popular SW ships becoming canon in the next episode
Pros of FinnRey being canon 
-an interracial couple -strong tag team from the light side 
-strong empowering female character dating a strong welded man who both respect each other 
-too much fluff overload!!!!!!
-light side X light side 
Pros of FinnPoe being canon 
-an interracial GAY couple -sharing clothing 
-doors opening for more Disney movies to have a wider diverse cast and character relationships
-mutual love, respect and wanting the other to be safe 
-hot shot pilot X defective stormtrooper who can actually shoot 
Pros of Reylo being canon 
-Kylo getting a redemption arch and paying for his sins
-the strongest tag team ever created 
-proof that no matter what people can be shown love and given the opportunity to right their wrong 
-light side X dark side = grey Jedi babies
-Anti Reylo shippers never getting over it and everyone else having to deal with their crap for the rest of the trilogy 
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nicnacsnonsense · 4 years
In Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker (baby spoilers sort of, I guess) there is a point when our protagonists are all sinking into sci-fi quicksand, and right before they all “die” Finn shouts to Rey that there is something he needs to tell her. They go under, emerge into an underground cave system, and Finn brushes his comment off. Later Poe brings it up again, snippily asking what is was Finn wanted to tell Rey, and Finn puts it off again. After that the moment is never brought up again and there is no resolution for what it was Finn wanted to tell Rey. So let’s take a look at some theories and the pros and cons of each.
JJ Abrams theory – Finn is Force-sensitive
Officially endorsed by the film’s director
It makes sense that this would be a secret Finn would want to go to Rey with first before talking to his other friends
This might sort of tie in with his later assertion that is was the Force that triggered his heel face turn at the beginning of TFA
Tying it into that “the Force made me do it” moment honestly raises more questions than it answers, but if you don’t tie it in there is zero pay-off for it
Why would Finn feel like being Force-sensitive is a secret he needs to share carefully?
Doesn’t really make sense as a secret that you desperately want to tell someone before you both die
Finn being Force-sensitive is a secret? Did we not all already just assume and know that? Was it just me?
My youngest brother’s theory (okay, this one is definitely a spoiler, but honestly it was a dumb twist) – Finn knew Rey was a Palpatine
Ties into the main reveal of the movie
It is absolutely something Finn would want to discuss with Rey first before deciding if he is going to tell anyone else
It is confirmed that Leia already knew, so it isn’t impossible that Finn could have also known somehow
While not impossible it is very improbable Finn would have known and the movie never even gives the smallest hint that he does
Also doesn’t really make sense as a secret that you desperately want to tell someone before you both die
My other brother and fandom in general’s theory – Finn loves Rey
Representation: Interracial relationship
This is the go-to “I have to tell you something before we both die” secret
It makes sense as a secret Finn would want to tell Rey first
It is consistent with a number of other moments in the movie which align with romantic love tropes
There is no pay-off to this
It’s pretty cliché
It conflicts with the Reylo leanings the story seems to be going for
My theory – Finn loves Poe
Oscar Isaac approved (presumably)
Representation: Gay interracial relationship between two POC
While “mysterious girl from Poe’s past” and “also an ex-Stormtrooper girl” are still very flat characters, this removes the distinct taint of “no homo” from them
Finn wants to discuss this with Rey first, both to get her opinion on how their mutual friend will react if Finn confesses romantic feelings for him and because the friendship the three of them share is the most important thing to him and he doesn’t want to pursue a relationship with Poe if that would make Rey feel uncomfortable or left out to the point of compromising that friendship
As they’re sinking in the quicksand, Finn’s brain flicks the “I’m about to die, I need to confess my love first” switch, but then stumbles over “I need to talk to Rey first” resulting in Finn trying to make a dying confession of love for Poe to Rey. It was a high-stress moment, okay?
When Finn finally does get around to talking to Rey about it she’s confused because she thought the two of them were already dating? They chalk the confusion up to Rey not being particularly socialized in her formative years, what with growing up as a scavenger, but come to the agreement that Rey would be very happy for Finn and Poe if they got together and that Poe would be receptive to Finn’s confession
Finn tells Poe he loves him, which Poe is thrilled by at first, only to become confused, because he also thought they were already dating, they were just taking it slow because that was what Finn wanted. Turns out Rey isn’t the only one who had a traumatic childhood resulting in a poor ability to read social cues, Finn
This explains why Poe was so pissy during the follow up scene – he thought his boyfriend was about to make a dying confession (of love?) to someone else. Poe acknowledges that he sometimes get frustrated by the slow pace their relationship is taking (though as it turns out that was at least in part due to only one of them thinking they were in a relationship), but he also knows that’s on him, not Finn and apologizes for taking it out on him. Ultimately Poe would never want Finn to do anything he doesn’t want to do or go at a pace he feels uncomfortable with
The two of them discuss things. They discuss what misconceptions about relationships Finn developed growing up as a child soldier and about where each of them is at emotionally. They come to a consensus about where there relationship is at now, how they want to move forward, and where they eventually hope to end up
Finn’s past as a Stormtrooper is now brought back in a way that is meaningful to his character and affects his decisions and perceptions about the world
Finn’s conversation with Rey emphasizes the importance of friendship rather than making it subordinate to romantic relationships
Poe is a good boyfriend who isn’t perfect, but is willing to acknowledge when he messes up and is always doing his best to be understanding and supportive
Emphasizes the importance of good communication in a relationship, especially when two people come from different cultural backgrounds and/or one person has abuse or other types of trauma in their past
Representation: Healthy relationship dynamics
Disney and JJ Abrams are a bunch of cowards
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calamity-queen · 5 years
If you’re a Reylo fan, please reblog!
I want to meet more Reylo fans and Reylo-positive blogs! Even better if you like stormpilot too!
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queen-gi-gi · 7 years
Kylo: *offers hand*
My husband: *gasps*
Me: The reylos are gonna have a fit.
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d8rkmessngr · 4 years
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I’m finding as my fics get longer, my descriptions (adjectives) for my characters--whether fic or pro--gets repetitive.
In outside works, there’s often a need to develop a character right down to the physical attributes as well. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of character profiles to help us bring a character fully formed.
Whereas in fanfic, there’s a bypass to description as we already have the image firmly set in the readers’ minds.
And here lies the problem.
In books, an adjective often gets repeated throughout the pages in a sort of literary attachment. Example: His bulk was able to navigate around the crowd with the ease of a lithe dancer.
The word bulk would be used maybe a half dozen more times throughout the book. And it’s more of a recap of how the character looks.
In fanfic, however, I’m finding the opposite often applies. Well, at least for me. For a work that average 5K-34K (sigh, happens more than you think), using the same adjective again and again to associate with a character gets annoying, repettive, to the point it may push the reader to go ‘all right, we get it, Poe’s dark eyes. He has dark eyes. We all Googled this man a gazillion times already.’
So I cast the net out to you, dear Stormpilot writers. What’s your favorite adjectives or descriptions for Finn or Poe? Mind you, it means gazing at their images for inspiration.
Tough mission. LOL.
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padme-amitabha · 3 years
Why do people accuse John Boyega of queer baiting by supporting Stormpilot but not Oscar Isaac? He’s been the most vocal Pro-Stormpilot person I’ve ever seen (not that that’s bad). Did I miss something? Did Boyega say or do something? Did Isaac stop? Or does everyone just... have it out for John Boyega? (I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised. They’ve had it out for him since day one, but there must be SOME other reason)
Most of the Reylos hate him so John is just an easy target. 
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the JB situation
ok so I was a fan of john for ages. I fully stanned the whole star wars cast for years and the sequals are some of my favourite things of all time. I've also been a fan of reylo for ages too (not to mention stormpilot). these ships and these films make me so happy and have been a crutch for me for a long time but now since JB has been attacking reylos and the rest of his fans followed suit I've been avoiding this fanbase more and more.
despite all of this I am still a fan of reylo and I just want to enjoy this fanbase. I want to thank all the pro reylo account s and the people who don't ship reylo but are still being kind to those who do. to all the people attacking reylos, I need to you remember that this is a fictional ship what you are doing is affecting real people.
tl; dr - stop attacking people based on fictional relationships. please.
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landspeeding · 4 years
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A LONG TIME AGO, IN A GALAXY FAR, FAR AWAY….. this server’s mission is to encourage connections, inspire writing, and promote positivity throughout the community.
          - star wars canons/ocs, canons/ocs with sw verses, and multimuses are allowed.           - homophobia, racism, sexism, transphobia, etc. will not be tolerated.           - you are not obligated to follow everyone (your selectivity is valid).           - subposting and passive aggressive behavior are prohibited.           - no ship wars and/or character bashing. this server contains pro-reylo content,             so please do not request an invite if you are anti-reylo or have it blacklisted.          - to join, please inbox @landspeeding​.           - have fun! make new friends! write rad plots!
         - have an active rp blog within star wars / with a sw verse. if you are a new sw blog, you must provide another url that we can browse. we will not be accepting blogs with barely established writing or interactions for safety reasons.          - have your name and age easily located (18+ only).          - not be involved in callout culture or dash drama (server prohibited). this does not include legitimate callouts for rpc safety. however if you are prone to passive aggressive ooc posts, outwardly ‘hating’ and disliking a ship (ie reylo, stormpilot, etc.), or gossiping about other sw rpc writers, this is not the server for you. if said behavior manifests once you are accepted into the group, you will be warned or banned.         - enjoy star wars. like all of you, we love a good star war. no bashing of anyone’s opinion of the new movie, the last jedi, the prequels, etc. everyone has their opinions, and you must be willing to be respectful of others. blatant disrespect will receive a warning, then ban.
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lsreina · 7 years
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#maythe4thbewithyou, unless you support H.R. 1628 & the discriminatory "religious freedom" EO. in which case, fuck you. here's some #finnpoe.
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Did you see the leaks pic? crylo ren with blue lightsaber and some pro reddits confirmed re/ylo bullsht . Now I'm worried for this December
Warning: tros leakes ahead
I’ve seen the picture but I’ve also seen this https://www.mediafire.com/file/wqlqlozmzmxq8pk/TROS_Story_Summary-Reshoots_and_Edits.pdf/file and it seems A LOT more legit to me and the picture also fits perfectly in it. R*ylo isn’t happening, if anything they’re gonna touch hands again and look at each other a few times and she’s gonna try and save him but in the end he will die thanks to iconic sith lord Palpatine and the evil will be defeated. Sadly Finnrey won’t happen and neither will Stormpilot but yeah at least we won’t have r*ylo
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kyloexogol · 4 years
This is a pro stormpilot and also pro Bernie sanders blog
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hypexion · 4 years
The Rise of Skywalker Thoughts
Lots of good lasersword fights and space battles. The Rise of Skywalker fills the screen with visually impressively conflict, and what more would you want from a Star Wars film?
A coherent, engaging plot, you say? Oh.
Oh no.
Spoilers under the cut.
The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many plot developments some would consider... unnatural.
Emperor Palpatine is back, and is secretly behind everything! Attentive viewers may notice that this makes absolutely no sense, and unlike everything else in the film, goes completely unexplained. Honestly, it would have worked far better if the opening crawl didn’t just go “Palps is back, yo“ in favour of the return of the ONE TRUE EMPEROR being an actual plot twist. The same probably holds for the “Rey Palpatine“ stuff, where it being revealed at the climax of the film would have worked more effectively than Kylo Ren just saying it. But that would have required the Palpatine stuff to have been in the script from the beggining, and I strongly suspect it was added later.
Of course, “Rey Palpatine“ is dumb for thematic reasons, with the plot contortions to walk back the interesting stuff from The Last Jedi being a secondary concern. “I made Snoke, literally, in a vat“ is just the first of many attempts to undermine everything that happened previously, and it’s just... not great. There’s some really dire stuff in here, and I don’t really feel like going over all of it. But “They sold you to protect you“ wins the award for actual worse line.
Outside of the big main plot things, the rest of The Rise of Skywalker is basically just a jumbled checklist of things. It’s Lando! It’s the Knights Who Don’t Do Renything! General Hux is now a spy, and is now dead! Behold Rose Tico’s minute of screentime! Richard E. Grant! THE FINAL ORDER!
But to be fair, none of the above really matters while watching. It’s a mess, but it’s a visually appealing mess, and while it moves a little too fast, only the dumbest of the dumb moments really fails to land. If it had been a stand-alone film, The Rise of Skywalker would have been perfectly fine.
However, it is impossible for The Rise of Skywalker to stand alone. No one-off film could be The Rise of Skywalker, because this isn’t just any film, it’s Star Wars Nine: The Twelfth Star Wars. The ultimate, most damning criticism I can give The Rise of Skywalker is that is was made for the Internet. Anyone with a passing knowledge of the online reaction to The Last Jedi can see how it affected The Rise of Skywalker. From the reveal of Rey’s forbidden origin, to the need to explain everything that happens, this is a film designed to pre-emptively avoid backlash. Which obviously failed. The only way to save The Rise of Skywalker is to hope in a time machine and actually plan out the new trilogy before making it.
There is one more place I wish to venture before the end. A place more volatile than politics, more corruptive that the Dark Side itself. I talk, of course, of shippping, wherein you decide which characters should kiss, and then argue with people who disagree.
It’s impressive that The Rise of Skywalker found a way to upset both pro-Reylo and anti-Reylo people. Rey and Ben kiss. Then Ben dies. Then everyone is upset. As someone mostly indifferent to Ship Wars, the moment didn’t really feel earned, perhaps because it felt like Rey and Kylo Ben had the least chemistry between them of all characters.
Ironically, the characters with the most chemistry and longest general relationship, Finn and Poe, do not kiss. Many fingers have been pointed as to why this didn’t happen, and my personal suspicion is it was mainly another Internet-appeasement move. The two non-white male leads ending up in a romantic relationship would have caused... a reaction, and The Rise of Skywalker generally attempts to avoid being to controversial. All the build up is basically there, but it seems the people in charge were not ready for the power of Stormpilot. ( It’s still not as bad as how The Crimes of Grindelwald handles the Dumbledore/Grindelwald stuff, but that bar is so low as to be embedded in the ground.)
Anyhow, the film ends, with some level of abruptness. I feel like I’m the only person who is basically okay with “Rey Skywalker“, but that’s probably selection bias. It’s not the best way it could have ended, but honestly, it could have been far worse. I found it a fairly positive end note, overall. At least she didn’t say she way Rey Dumbledore!
Ultimately, The Rise of Skywalker is the final, disappointing end to a year with a lot of disappointing ends. Sure, Endgame was mostly fine, but the charred corpse of Game of Thrones lies nearby. Tangled amongst it’s misfired build-up and controversial follow-up is War of the Spark, and I’m sure there are many more. Yet while it stumbled across the finish line, The Rise of Skywalker had just enough good stuff to be okay. Only okay. Which is, in the end, the ultimate tragic fate of Star Wars.
Except that Star Wars is never going to end. It’s a cultural juggernaut, and one less than amazing film won’t slow it down. Unlike Darth Plagueis the Wise, Star Wars is a franchise that can save itself from death.
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