#pro hamas terrorist pigs
tojisun · 4 months
I just saw the video of the man holding the body of the beheaded baby 🧍🏻‍♀️ that shit is so horrible
I hope every single person that supports Israel goes to the deepest parts of hell and suffers unimaginable pain
And my apologist too
Fucking pigs
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All Israelis needs to commit actually omgg
full agree. israel has always been and continues to be a terrorist state, and fuck them and fuck people who continue to call this a conflict or remain ‘neutral’ because there is no neutrality—there should be no neutrality—in the face of genocide. being pro-palestine is also not antisemitism and im so so tired of seeing these arguments circulate
“hamas is at fault.” israel has always been and continues to be a terrorist state. 75 years of nakba. oct 2023, netanyahu rejected ceasefire. feb 2024, he rejected ceasefire and calls for peace talks with hamas. may 2024, operation in rafah. safezones were crossed; bombs dropped on civilians, including white phosphorus bombs that “cause deep and severe burns, penetrating even through bone.” drones were used to shoot at civilians. women raped. children raped. captured palestinians forced in concentration camps.
this scale of atrocity only ends with a permanent ceasefire AND the complete liberation of palestine. fuck people who still dont get it.
here is link that has a template email that you can send to a rep (USA) or mp (UK) for demands of ceasefire.
i saw a post going around that said that the coherence/length of calls and emails do not matter because the reps/mps look at the number and frequency that the demand is being made (basically, how many are they getting is what matters). so please please do this.
here is a masterlist of where to donate. here is a link that asks for you to click which is then converted to a donation (pls set up alarms because you can do these everyday!) here is a masterlist for all aid (including congo, sudan, haiti, hawai’i, etc.)
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spot-the-antisemitism · 2 months
Tankie Baeddel whose URL is blood libel is harrasing Jumblr
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So the URL is based on the belief that Starbucks has the blood of palestinean babies in it.
She's a trans woman and Marxist-Leninist so already a tankie, so why is she a Baeddel? Surely not because she's a TIRF or a trans woman that's like saying all lesbians are terfs. Patience my dear
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Pro Malcolm X _ supporter of NOI corruption of Islam and antisemitism and the nonblack idea that he was uwu IRL Magneto but black and not Jewish
Pro revolution _ tankie
Abolishment of Men- this is baeddel rhetoric. To be spared the glorious revolution all men must transition to being women or be given the guillotine
Refutation - Calling out of people saying my blorbo is a murderous dictator that killed more people than Stalin
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"Hi yes Jews are capitalist pigs and we should kill them all"
What about the Jewish women? OH wait you think it's ok to correctively rape them since you support october 7th. Likely you hope that the Jewish women will all convert to Maoist atheism and become your lesbian harem
(This is what imperialist conquerers did to women of conquered nations after their men but go on dress up your colonialist genocidal revenge phatasies up as justice)
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Stop projecting your revenge phatasies agaisnt the white man onto Hamas terrorists. Rape is not resitance no matter how much you want it to be
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What does this Baedell tankie think of this excellent advice?
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Crying screaming and throwing up that nonwhite trans women can do harm.
typical rad fem tankie. I hope they blood your pathetic troll ass and the fascist leopards you throw your lot in with eat your face
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bsof-maarav · 4 months
Things I saw on my way to shul this Shabbat:
A house with tons of pro-Hamas signs in the window right next to a house with one huge sign that said "You Need Jesus"
A series of telephone poles covered in pro-Hamas posters, but one was torn one down and in the white residue it left behind, someone wrote Bring Them Home Now
Pieces left behind of stickers about antisemitism that had been torn down, with just a few words left readable, pleas for recognition that Israelis and Jews are human
The poster that's been up since October on a public electrical box that says "The world stands with Palestine" (which always makes me roll my eyes and think, yes, Jews know the world stands with whoever would like to eliminate us, this isn't news) was updated to also say Fuck Israel
The "Viva Palestina" sign depicting a terrorist with a gun that's been in the window of one house since October was updated to add more names of murderous terrorists that the homeowner wished to honor with a special shout-out
The huge banner outside of a church saying "Love demands a permanent ceasefire now!" with an image of a dove carrying an olive branch apparently offended the local bird population who didn't want their image associated with this message so they pooped all over it
Many, many signs campaigning for a candidate for city council who says she is a "recovering Zionist" who did "ancestral healing" so that she no longer feels a stake in the ancestral homeland full of refugees and can now be a Good Jew (her campaign slogan is about her compassion and integrity which is rich when you consider she's part of the mob screaming at Shoah survivors in city council meetings that they're lying and works with a white supremacist guy who literally calls Jews "zios" and pigs)
The most gorgeously lush and varied flower gardens that you could ever imagine gracing every sidewalk
Flowering trees everywhere
Birds, bees, butterflies, well fed squirrels, and prosperous housecats of all kinds
Gorgeous period architecture, much of it beautifully preserved
A homeless person under a freeway overpass, trying to snuggle into a comfortable position on the cement, in the exact place that another homeless person was recently found dead
Multimillion dollar houses in one of the wealthiest areas of a country that never gets bombed, covered in signs advocating their support for Israel to keep being bombed and terrorized
On a street full of houses with pro-Hamas placards, one solitary house with a mezuzah and a sign on its door saying שלום
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marstonie · 7 months
MY THOUGHTS — i beg to read to the end. saying that zionism and israeli jews are epitomizing "white supremacy" has to be the worst fucking opinion i have ever had to witness. god, you fucking antisemitic pigs are unbearable. yes, antisemitic, not antizionist — believe me. if you would just spend one serious minute of your life to indulge yourself in the history of israel, in the history of HOW it came to be, and especially WHY it came to be, all of you naive, ignorant people would see pretty clearly that this isn’t an aggressive, "settler colonialist" (😭) state, but it’s the reaction to thousands of years of opression, to an ACTUAL genocide of over 6 million jews, to the fact that no place on earth wanted to harbour them in safety — so first question, where else to go? and please enlighten me, after you’ve spent actual time reading in a history book or attending a real school, how israel was the initial aggressor in this conflict? how jewish people back then were doing something bad or fundamentally different than what every single group of people had done in the history of humanity — to migrate and to settle. do we want to go over the settler history of arab states and nations together? do you want to enlighten me, what makes the arabs settling good, and the jewish settling evil? do you care to provide any information that isn’t solely based on bias or — how do i say — hatred for jews? one pattern i have been very much observant of, is that the majority of the pro-palestine movement is uneducated, and refuses to use any actual historic facts or historic depth as backup for their cries to eradicate the only safe home that jewish people have on this messed up world. and i, too, believe the expansion politics of israel to be wrong, and strongly believe that palestine should exist in a free, individual state — however, the pro-palestine movement is calling for palestine to demolish the jewish state. to eradicate and murder millions of israeli jews. they are saying things like "resistance isn’t terror", and believe this is a cry for peace — when the hamas terrorists raped women, murdered children, beat teenagers and elderly in blood and kidnapped hundreds — terror remains TERROR. you can acknowledge this terror, and still call for palestine to be free! i AM calling for palestine to be free! yet, i am asking you, how do you expect to have diplomacy, when the leading political force of gaza is currently, a terror organization. tell me, how? but you won’t want to tell me, because to you, the murder and rape of jewish, innocent people is resistance. i hope you fake and disgusting activists choke. i am a shockingly pacifist person, but this bullshit makes me feel rage and sadness beyond words. i hope you all wake up from this disgusting lunacy, and turn to actual activism, turn to actual advocacy for peace. i will always be advocating for peace and the freedom of both these states. you guys are doing neither.
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Reposting this here so pro genocide people can see israel is a fucking apartheid terrorist fake state. I've seen to many people saying it isn't an apartheid or fascist... like I'm a South African I think I know what apartheid is. And consistently its been supporting and committing warcrimes and genocide so I don't know how you can delude yourself in such an alternate reality where Israel is in the right. There is no chosen people, God loves everybody and he isn't a real estate agent. They are using religion as an shield against any criticisms. No government is above criticism, period. Especially those that consistently ignores international law and does present day colonialism.
This doesn't mention the crimes against palestines much either since pro genocide peeps seem to not think of them as human and seem to think israel is justified as if they aren't after land and resources like any colony.
Reminder: palestine≠hamas, israel≠jews, and antizionism≠antisemitism.
Arabic and Hebrew are both Semitic languages so if you're against Palestinians ur antisemitic, racist and a fascist pig. Bye
Credit:@nicgford on tiktok
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creepingsharia · 4 years
Joe Biden’s Biggest Fundraisers are Tied to Islamic Terrorists
The Iran Lobby, the Pakistan Lobby, and the Muslim Brotherhood are funding Biden.
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by Daniel Greenfield
Joe Biden had spent the entire election hiding the names of his bundlers, the big money fundraisers who fueled his campaign, until releasing them right before Election Day.
What did he have to hide?
The list of bundlers who managed to raise at least $100,000 for Biden includes some of the usual Democrat politicians and big party donors, along with some other names.
Like that of Jamal Abdi.
Abdi is the executive director of NIAC Action and the former policy director of the National Iranian American Council, often referred to as the Iran Lobby.
NIAC Action is the lobbying arm of NIAC and despite claiming to represent the Persian diaspora in America, Iranian-Americans have accused it of echoing the talking points of Iran’s regime. Members of the democratic opposition to the Islamist regime have even helped spread the #niaclobbies4mullahs hashtag across Twitter which was tweeted as much as 300,000 times.
“The NIAC pretends to support the interests of Iranians who reside in the US but, in practice, it aims to protect the interests of the Islamic Republic,” Shervan Fashandi, a member of the opposition to the regime, has said.
Earlier this year, Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Tom Cotton had sent a letter to the Justice Department urging an investigation of NIAC and NIAC Action for violating FARA by lobbying for a foreign country without officially registering as foreign agents. The letter noted that "NIAC's relationship with the Iranian regime and its role amplifying regime propaganda in the United States have been the subject of discussion in Washington D.C. for years."
Iran is an Islamic terror state responsible for the murder of Americans around the world.
Joe Biden is no stranger to the Iran Lobby. He had celebrated the Islamic takeover of Iran. During the Iran Hostage Crisis, opposed the rescue of American hostages, and called for an end to pro-democracy broadcasts into Iran and for admitting the terror state into the WTO.
Early in the century, he had also raised sizable amounts of money and headlined an event for the American Iranian Council whose founder had run for the presidency of Iran.
After September 11, Biden suggested, “this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran.”
In 2007, Biden warned that if President Bush took action to stop Iran, he would impeach him.
A year later, he told Israelis that they would have to accept Iran’s nuclear program.
A spokesman for the Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran warned that Biden's campaigns "have been financed by Islamic charities of the Iranian regime based in California."
Now, as America struggled with the pandemic, Biden hurried to propose a plan, not to help Americans, but to help Iran, to “streamline channels for banking” and weaken US sanctions.
NIAC Action endorsed Biden and appears to have raised a lot of money for him. What does NIAC expect in return? In its official endorsement, NIAC claimed that Biden had made an "ironclad commitment" to return to the Iran Deal. That would allow Iran to continue developing its nuclear program and provide it with an ongoing cash flow for international terrorism.
An article co-written by Abdi, one of Biden's biggest fundraisers, warned that "the U.S. has less leverage to secure concessions from Tehran given its own diminished credibility and Iran’s increasing nuclear leverage".
All of this comes as the FBI noted that Iranian hackers were targeting government websites in “an intentional effort to influence and interfere with the 2020 U.S. presidential election.”
Its hackers also sent threatening fake "Pro-Trump" emails to voters in Florida, among other states, warning, "You will vote for Trump on Election Day or we will come after you."
The move was transparently meant by the Iranians to aid the Biden-Harris campaign.
Had President Trump been the beneficiary of $100,000 or more in cash, a turnout operation, hacking attacks, and other forms of election interference from the networks around an enemy state, we would be hearing about it. Since all this is benefiting Biden, the story is being buried.
But Abdi isn’t the only troubling name on the list of Biden’s biggest bundlers.
One of them is Ijaz Ahmad.
Ahmad is the head of the American-Pakistani Political Action Committee (APPAC) who had boasted of being recognized by Pakistan's foreign ministry as the "true face of Pakistan".
APPAC is militantly opposed to India's attempts to stop Pakistani terrorism and Biden has been happy to pander to it, attacking India and expressing support for Islamic claims to Kashmir.
“We warmly welcome Mr. Biden’s policy declaration in support of people in occupied Kashmir,” Ahmad declared.
“Never before we have had so many Muslims in a position of influence in a presidential campaign,” Biden said, and quoted a Hadith.
APPAC noted that it had raised $320,000 for Biden, including $120,000 from Ahmad.
Tahir Javed, a candidate endorsed by APPAC, is also listed as a Biden bundler. As is Asif Mahmood, who ran for lieutenant governor in California, raising $1 million for the race, then for state insurance commissioner, before being appointed by Newsom to the Medical Board.
Pakistan is an Islamic terror state and an enemy of the United States, which harbored Osama bin Laden. The Bin Laden raid that Biden opposed targeted a Pakistani military town.
It’s deeply troubling that Biden doesn’t seem to have learned anything from that experience.
Another Islamic lobby member in the six figure Biden fundraiser club is Wa’el Alzayat, the head of Emgage. It’s been noted that Emgage is part of a network of Muslim Brotherhood organizations, and various figures in Emgage have connections to Islamic terrorist groups.
Another Biden bundler is Amed Khan, a member of an advisory council for the International Crisis Group founded by George Soros. In an editorial for the Quincy Institute, an anti-war group funded by Soros, Khan blamed the refugee problem on America's attacks on the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, and on sanctions on the narcosocialist Maduro regime in Venezuela.
Another of the bundlers on the list is Hady Amr, Obama's Deputy Special Envoy for Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations, who has co-authored articles calling for a Hamas deal.
Amr had been the founding director of the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar. The Islamic terror state of Qatar has dominated Brookings and is a major backer of the Brotherhood and Hamas.
But the most striking bundler on the six figure list may be Mohamed Soltan.
Soltan is the son of Muslim Brotherhood cleric Salah Soltan. Salah had claimed in television appearances that people from all over the world “thirst for the blood of the Jews, and predicted, “One of these days, the U.S. will suffer more deaths than all those killed in this third Gaza holocaust. This will happen soon.”
Mohammed Soltan claimed that he was tortured by Egypt’s new government which had removed the brutal Muslim Brotherhood regime from power. While it's not certain that the Mohammed Soltan on the Biden bundler list is the same man, Soltan lives in Fairfax, Virginia.
While Soltan has denied that he’s affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood, he served as president of the Muslim Student Association at Ohio State. The MSA was set up by Muslim Brotherhood members. He was also a speaker at an American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) conference. The AMP has been linked to the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, a terror arm of the Brotherhood.
Soltan has posted messages praising the Brotherhood and Hamas, describing the "Ikhwan" or Brotherhood as the "school that breeds amazing freedom fighters" like a Hamas leader.
In a tweet to the IDF spokesperson, Soltan declared that the terrorists were lions that would "annihilate u Zionist pigs".
A video shows him leading the "Khaybar" chant calling for the murder of Jews.
Joe Biden had tweeted support for Soltan by name and the Islamist supporter had thanked him personally after the Obama administration helped him escape Egyptian justice.
It’s understandable why the Biden campaign didn’t want Americans seeing a list of its top bundlers until now. The list contains disturbing names, lobbyists, and figures linked to Islamic terrorist organizations and regimes from Iran to Pakistan to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The presence of so many Islamist bundlers testifies not only to their determination to buy influence in a Biden administration, but Biden’s eagerness to sell out America. These donations are the culmination of decades of Biden’s pandering to Iran, to Pakistan, and to the Muslim Brotherhood. These are the numbers in cold hard cash for which Biden is betraying America.
The bundler list shows that Biden will aid Iran, Pakistan, and the Muslim Brotherhood. Islamic terrorists will thrive and Americans, and free people around the world, will die at their hands.
The Biden campaign is funded by supporters of Islamic terrorism because it supports terror.
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The Times of London revealed that a leader of Britain’s largest Muslim charity had posted a string of antisemitic and pro-Hamas posts on Facebook. The revelation forced Heshmat Khalifa, a trustee and director of Islamic Relief Worldwide, to step down. In Facebook posts he referred to Jews as the “grandchildren of monkeys and pigs” and called Egypt’s president a “Zionist pimp.” Islamic Relief's £570 million income over the past five years included contributions from the United Nations, the European Commission and the British taxpayer. Khalifa wrote on social media that Hamas is “the purest resistance movement in modern history”. He added that declaring its armed wing a terrorist organisation was a “shameful disgrace to all Muslims.” Many of his antisemitic insults were aimed at Egypt's president Al Sisi. Khalifa called the Muslim president a “pimp son of the Jews”, a “Zionist pig”, a “Zionist traitor” and a “Zionist criminal”. Khalifa deleted the posts after the Times informed him that they would be writing about them. Like most antisemites nowadays, he denied he was a Jew-hater. He told The Times that his comments were “my expressions of frustration with the political regime, rather than beliefs that I hold”. He said: “I did not intend to insult the Jewish community and neither do I hold views which are antisemitic. I have dedicated much of my life’s work to promoting tolerance and freedom of religion and beliefs.” How that translates to calling Jews the descendants of apes and pigs is unclear. The British-based Muslims Against Antisemitism denounced the posts, calling them "appalling antisemitism" and saying "These precise comments are more widespread than thought, and we will continue to work to reduce antisemitism, inspire Muslims to stand up against it, and support those who do."
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baptonbooks · 7 years
Cuddly Old Jeremy Corbyn: Terrorist-friendly, Jew-hating, totalitarian enemy of liberty
Let me begin with a word to our friends overseas, who have been so assiduous on social media in ‘boosting’ every pro-Corbyn screed: If it’s not your country, your opinions are perhaps interesting, but assuredly immaterial.
Now. To the matter at hand.
I am not particularly fond of Mrs May. She’s as Wet as the hoodie-and-husky-cuddling Call-Me-Dave. She’s not the Second Coming of Mrs T; she’s Francis Pym in drag.
Jeremy Corbyn, however, is a shit of the first water who ought not to be trusted with the duties of a parish councillor.
Let’s look at his friends, shall we, and the policies and tendencies which unite them.
Save in the conventional phrases of the House, nine in ten of the Parliamentary Labour Party do not consider him their Right Honourable Friend (or for that matter, right, or honourable). That is why his Shadow Cabinet would be his Cabinet if the country were ever so debased as to give that ghastly little man a majority. No one else should serve under the bugger.
This is so, because the PLP are decent human beings in the main, and are HM Loyal Opposition.
Kindly Old Uncle Jezza, however....
Who are his friends? Well, Hamas, of course, and Hezbollah. The Provos of old, whom he invited – they wearing their masks as ‘politicians’ – to take tea with him on the House terrace whilst their hands were yet imbrued with the blood and C4 of Brighton, where they had just attempted to assassinate the Prime Minister. And of course, two years after, he was agitating for the Brighton bomber Magee to escape the ‘injustice’ of being tried for his crimes. And then there were his pet causes, Botmeh and Alami, innocent lambs guilty of nothing save car-bombing the Israeli Embassy in London.
Then again, what can one expect of a man whose choice for Chancellor would be a pro-IRA Marxist who wishes to honour the IRA’s ‘armed struggle’ as having brought peace in Ireland, North and South, by ‘bombs and bullets’; who regrets that the Prime Minister was not assassinated at Brighton; who, with Mr Corbyn, petitioned to have the Tamil Tigers de-listed as being a terrorist organisation; and who signed a letter two years ago – and has lied about it ever since – calling for completely disarming the police and shutting down the Security Service (known to most as MI5 and to some of us as Box 500).
But Master Jeremy has his friends, with whom he agrees on most things. Such as al-Muhajiroun, under the gentle care of Omar Bakri Muhammad and Anjem Choudary: a group supported by Khuram Butt, late – very much late – of Borough Market. They were a prominent contingent in a group he addressed in 2002, to the outrage even of the Weekly Worker. It was a rally. The  al-Muhajiroun lot were the ones shouting, to no pushback whatever by Mr Corbyn, ‘Gas Tel Aviv’.
But then, Mr Corbyn is the man who, if PM, should entrust the Home Office, and the security of the nation, to his former mistress, Diane Abbott. (They chose the GDR – East Germany – for their dirty weekends, where even the cupids were Stasi.) Ms Abbott, the thickest female MP since Red Ellen Wilkinson, who was thick as pig-shit, should make a lovely Secretary of State for Home Affairs, in charge of policing and internal security. After all, if you cannot trust a woman who has had to apologise to the House for failing to declare an interest, whose views on Ireland and The Troubles were that ‘every defeat of the British state is a victory for all of us. A defeat in Northern Ireland would be a defeat indeed’, who wished to disband Five and Special Branch at that time, and who voted against proscribing al-Qaida, well, who can you trust to keep Britain safe?
Our Jezza trusts her, and surely his judgement is notable? After all, this is a man who stayed on as a paid broadcaster for Iran’s Press TV even after its right to broadcast was pulled by Ofcom for gleefully recording the torture of a dissident Iranian journalist; a man who was a regular Press TV pundit not only on his own programme but as a guest on his mate George Galloway’s.
But perhaps it won’t matter. After all, Jeremy says we’d face no threats at all if we simply had his friends. Hamas. Hezbollah. Assad – whom he voted against stopping – and Putin, whose Ukrainian … adventures … he winks at. Every dictator in South America. And Iran, of course, on whom he has always wished to lift sanctions. (Sanctions are for Israel.)
Perhaps that’s why he believes in unilateral nuclear disarmament for the UK, in letting his friends know the UK will never fight back, and in concentrating the only ‘cuts’ and ‘austerity’ of a Corbyn government upon HM Forces and the MoD. After all, even Putin’s land grabs are the fault only of Nato; and peace in the Middle East wants only that Israel unilaterally disarm.
For of course, not just everyone is or can be Jeremy’s friend. He has unfriends as well. Nato. Israel. The Falklands. The Royal Navy, RAF, and Army. The security services and intelligence community. The political traditions and heirs of Attlee, Ernie Bevin, Gaitskell, Foot, Kinnock, and even Benn. The PLP (172-40 at last count, when he lost the PLP’s vote of confidence in 2016: which creates an interesting constitutional wrinkle, in that, should Labour, per impossibile, win a majority in the House, its party leader could not command enough members to form a government).
And of course, as chosen enemies, he always has the Jews.
But he’s working on these things. The Lawley Lenin is smiling his inscrutable smile as the entryist tactics of his Militant youth are being trotted out – ‘Trot’ is an apt verb, here – to deselect his enemies in the PLP, at the hands of his idolaters. And as for the Jews.... Well. He commissioned a ‘report’ on the systemic Jew-hatred in the Labour party. And – in a display of the most blatant ermine-lined bribery since Maundy Gregory was flogging peerages for cash down (cheques payable to D Lloyd George, please, and leave them open, no need to cross them) – got the whitewash he wished, from La Chakrabarti. After which he equated Israel with Daesh and went back to huddling with Holocaust deniers and blood-libel spreaders.
Jeremy Corbyn’s friends shape Jeremy Corbyn’s policies and views. And by a curious coincidence, all his friends happen to be enemies or antagonists of Crown, country, and liberty. (And generally Jew-haters and terrorism-apologists into the bargain.) And, curiously, when Britain is threatened, it is always, in Mr Corbyn’s view, Britain’s fault, and the workings of karma. This may be why he has a Shadow Defence Secretary who – despite her having a Lieutenant-General for a brother-in-law – knows nothing about the Forces save that they ought not to be allowed a nuclear deterrent (not that Jeremy would allow its use even potentially as a deterrent), and a Shadow Foreign Secretary who’s only in it for her expenses.
Politics in this country having become Americanised, there shall no doubt be cries, at this point, in the veriest tones of Lady Bracknell, asking, ‘Do I impugn his patriotism?’: to which the answer is of course no.
I don’t question Mr Corbyn’s patriotism. I question his loyalty. And I’d not trust him with 20p, let alone No. 10.
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oldguardaudio · 5 years
Joan Swirsky -> The groveling Jewish lefties
By Joan Swirsky
Joan Swirsky Paintings http://www.joanswirsky.com/art.htm
Joan Swirsky at HoaxAndChange.com
September 23, 2019 Not long ago, I received a lengthy e-mail – “Why We Must Renew Our Commitment to the Civil Rights Movement” – from a woman named Melanie Roth Gorelick, who identified herself as Senior Vice President of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA).
Honestly, I thought it was one of the preposterous spoofs of that satirical publication, The Onion.
But no… it was the real thing.
In short, Ms. Gorelick recommended that Jews concentrate their attention not on the pandemic of anti-Semitism and violent acts against Jews throughout the world and in the United States of America, but instead on those poor oppressed blacks who have never had it better in the good ole U.S.A., thanks to President Trump!
While Ms. Gorelick briefly mentioned that there is an “increase in anti-Semitism and hate crimes” in America, her entire discourse was devoted to a plea for the Jewish community (2.8 percent of the U.S. population) to turn their impassioned efforts and energies to supporting the cause of blacks in the U.S. (14 percent of the U.S. population), who she claimed still experience grave discrimination.
This in spite of the fact that since President Trump was elected, blacks have never experienced a higher degree of employment, independence, wealth, homeownership, and freedom from discrimination in the history of our country!
Not to omit the president’s First Step Act that gives black prisoners serving lengthy sentences the first chance at freedom for relatively minor offenses that they’ve ever been offered in their lives – an opportunity never proposed by all those empathic and caring Democrats who would have kept them in prison for the rest of their lives!
Jews by the thousands are fleeing from France because of both violent physical and verbal attacks on them by Muslims that go unaddressed by the powers-that-be.
Jews have been relentlessly assaulted, raped, and terrorized in Sweden by Muslims who go unindicted.
Jews have been driven to hide in their basements in the United Kingdom as anti-Semitism is at an all-time high.
Jews have been vilified in Ireland, which passed a law to support the Boycott-Divest-Sanction (BDS) movement to strangle Israel economically.
In far-away New Zealand, the official government website published a fact sheet with a map of the Middle East that showed a fictional place called “Palestine” – but not the authentic, 71-year-old State of Israel.
Anti-Semitic attacks in Germany – yes, Hitler’s and now Angela Merkel’s Germany – have risen by a whopping 20 percent! The country is now what writer Dogan Akman calls an anti-Semitic terrorist state.
Jews in the United States have been mass-murdered in a synagogue, terrorized on college campuses, and spat on by the entire Democrat Party whose members supported the virulent anti-Semitic racism spewed forth from the Jew-and-Israel-hating Democrat Representatives Ilhan Omar (MN), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), and Ayanna Pressley (MA). In fact, recently the execrable Ms. Omar mourned the death of the Muslim Brotherhood tyrant who called Jews “apes and pigs.”
Here, in repulsive detail, is just a small sample of the rancid hatred of these Sludge Sisters that Joel B. Pollak of Breitbart.com spells out.
And not long ago, Bernie Sanders, the Brooklyn-born Jewish senator from Vermont who is running for president again in 2020, told his Socialist/Communist followers: “Our policy cannot be pro-Israel.”
Then there is presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), who recently said she would push to end the Israeli government’s “occupation” of the West Bank and Gaza (which it obtained in the course of defending itself during the 1967 x-day war). Not to omit that the senator’s “Director of Progressive Partnerships” is Max Berger, co-founder of the extreme Israel-hating group “If Not Now,” the goal of which is to “end support for the occupation” – meaning to get rid of the Jews and Israel itself.
And let’s not forget the Trenton, NJ, Democrat councilwoman Robin Vaughn, who defended a colleague’s use of the expression “Jew her down,” insisting that it’s a verb that refers to negotiating.
Or the non-stop assaults on Jews in Brooklyn. Or the relentless calls for Jewish genocide by U.S. imams.
Or, as writer Jonathan Tobin points out, that the Jewish community’s Reform movement – to its everlasting shame – launched a political war on President Trump right in time for the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Apparently, Ms. Gorelick and others at the Jewish Council for Public Affairs think the organization should ignore these dire facts and stick to its 1960’s retro agenda of helping the blacks who Regressives believe cannot help themselves.
This is clearly an admission that the people who are traditionally known to be the “best friends” of blacks – i.e., Democrat politicians who depend on Jewish votes and prostitute themselves for the money Jewish voters send them – have all utterly failed to improve the poverty, illiteracy, high crime rate, single-mother rate, and rat-infested cities they have controlled for the past 60 years.
The widespread Jew-hatred exists because in the back of the minds of all people who consider themselves oppressed is the question – Why are those damned Jews so tiny in number but so much better off than I am?
To me, the answer is simple: Too many have bought the sweetened – but toxic – Kool-Aid that Democrats have sold them that has proved to be their undoing.
Think about it: Why, as documented scrupulously by Robert B. Charles, a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell and teacher at Harvard University, are the 25 worst cities in the U.S. led by Democrats? And why do the top-ten “most dangerous cities” in America, according to Forbes, all have Democrat mayors?
For all her social-justice posturing, I wonder which black “leaders” Ms. Gorelick hopes to recruit to her mission. Let’s speculate on potential candidates.
“Reverend” Al Sharpton, famous for creating the gigantic race-based Tawana Brawley hoax, for which he was never indicted; fomenting antisemitic race riots in Brooklyn, NY; instigating the deadly boycott of the Jewish-owned Freddy’s Fashion Mart, in 1995 and his effusive praise of notorious anti-Semites like the former Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammed, as well as Malcolm X, Louis Farrakhan, and Khalid Abdul Muhammad. On and on, to this day! In fact, here is a mountain of evidence about other hateful acts of his to convince you never to enlist him in your ridiculous goal!
“Reverend” Jesse Jackson, who snidely called NY City “Hymietown,” then denied it, then admitted it, but still couldn’t bring himself to condemn the Nation of Islam’s radical leader Louis Farrakhan, an aggressive anti-Semite, and old Jackson ally.
Barack Obama, a heavyweight anti-Semite – see here and here and here and here, and that’s the shortlist as well.
“Reverend” Jeremiah Wright, in whose pew Mr. Obama sat for 20 years, who married Mr. Obama and his America-loathing wife Michelle, and who regularly spewed virulent anti-American and anti-Semitic “sermons” – which both Obamas mysteriously never heard!
How about the newly-elected congresswomen I referred to earlier:
Ilhan Omar (D-MN): says Israel has “hypnotized the world” and “I pray that Allah awaken the people and help them see [its] evil doings….”
Rashida Tlaib (D-MI): ardent supporter of the BDS movement who accuses American Jews of “dual loyalty” to both the U.S. and Israel and supports a global economic, academic and cultural boycott against Israel.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY): supports BDS and falsely and maliciously condemns Israel for committing a “massacre” against Gaza “protesters” when in fact the Arabs (who call themselves “Palestinians”) were violent rioters trying to infiltrate Israel to murder Jews.
Or maybe Ms. Gorelick would like to recruit the famous actor Danny Glover to her virtue-signaling mission – he who recently called for a cultural boycott of Israel.
And let’s not forget former President Jimmy Carter, 95 on Oct. 1st, a life member of the Hate the Jews and Israel Club – who endorsed Hamas and laid a wreath on Yasir Arafat’s tomb.
Or how about the people I listed in a 2008 Canada Free Press article who either staffed Barack Obama’s administration or acted as his advisors or fundraisers, Jew and Israel haters all: General Merrill “Tony” McPeak, Samantha Power, Robert Malley, John Kerry, Rashid Khalidi, Anthony “Tony” Lake, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Lee Hamilton, James (“F… the Jews”) Baker, on and on.
What do all of the above candidates to help Ms. Gorelick have in common? They are all Democrats!
Aha…is that what her plan is really all about and why she launched it in this presidential campaign season––to convince the American public that Democrats are really not the racists they have been for their entire 190-year history?
Does she hope that Americans will forget that Democrats opposed the abolition of slavery, created the Ku Klux Klan and the Jim Crow laws, and steadfastly voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Acts of 1968, and the Equal Opportunity Act of 1972?
Does she believe that Americans will erase from their minds the ugly history of Democrat suppression of blacks, as documented so scrupulously by Bill Federer of American Minute?
Or is it because Ms. Gorelick wishes that Americans will strike from their memories the facts American Spectator’s Dan Flynn documents about Democrats’ oh-so-cozy and obsequious relationship to the Klan? This includes:
In the 1980s, Democrat Senator Joe Biden voted to elect Robert Byrd (D-WVA), a former Exalted Cyclops of the Klan, as the leader of their party in the Senate;
In the 1970s, a Democrat Congress named the Old Senate Office Building in honor of Richard Russell, a staunch segregationist from Georgia;
In the late 1930s, Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt nominated Hugo Black, also a former Klansman, to the U.S. Supreme Court, where he served for decades.
In 1924, Democrats rejected a measure to formally condemn the Ku Klux Klan at their national convention.
Liberal Jews – by and large raised in America and spared the 5,000-year history of searing hatred, slavery, oppression, and mass murder – have been drawn to leftist politics because it deludes them into thinking that if they are good enough and generous enough and even agree with their enemies enough, all their virtuous acts will somehow, magically, exempt them from the oppression and hatred their ancestors experienced.
And that by subscribing to and acting on the concept of Tikkun Olam – repair of the world – they will fit in and be appreciated, admired, liked, and accepted.
But as writer Jonathan Neumann explains in “Liberal Jews Are Destroying Their Own Religion,” the phrase Tikkun Olam was lifted “out of context” from a Jewish prayer before WWII to mean social justice and popularized in the 1970s and 1980s by radicals like Michael Lerner, who founded the extreme left-wing magazine, Tikkun.
“Since then,” Neumann continues, Jews “have been led to believe that the purpose of the Jews in the world is to campaign for higher taxes, sexual permissiveness, reduced military spending, illegal immigration, opposition to fracking, the banishment of religion from the public square and every other liberal cause under the sun – all in the name of God. But the truth is that Tikkun Olam and its leftist politics have no basis in Judaism.
“Tikkun Olam is not Judaism at all but a distinct religion [which] teaches that the Jewish People is an outdated and chauvinistic relic, with no need for a nation-state of its own in its ancient homeland. Consequently, Jewish social justice activists help to defame Israel and weaken America’s bond with the Jewish State.”
The alternative, says Neumann, author of “To Heal the World? How the Jewish Left Corrupts Judaism and Endangers Israel, is “a new generation of traditionalist Jews, proud of their heritage and jealous to preserve it. These Jews know that their ancestors did not live to worship a political party nor die for faddish causes. It’s time American Jewry repaired itself instead of the world.”
To which I say, Here, Here!
But will the leftist Jews of the world wake up and smell the coffee? Realize that the people they’re fighting for loathing them? Reclaim their own glorious heritage and start to fight on behalf of their DNA brethren?
Where there’s life, there’s hope!
Joan Swirsky -> The groveling Jewish lefties Joan Swirsky -> The groveling Jewish lefties By Joan Swirsky September 23, 2019 Not long ago, I received a lengthy e-mail – "Why We Must Renew Our Commitment to the Civil Rights Movement" – from a woman named Melanie Roth Gorelick, who identified herself as Senior Vice President of the 
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Florida: Terror-Inciting Muslim Leader Finally Removed From Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade Board
A second anti-crime group breaks ties with the pro-Hamas social media terrorist.
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By Joe Kaufman
Effective on the date of November 28, 2019, South Florida Muslim leader Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout was removed from the Board of Directors of Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade County. This was just one day after this author's video aired on Facebook calling for Zakkout's removal and just months after another anti-crime group, Citizens' Crime Watch, cut ties with him, a measure which was also initiated by this author. Zakkout's numerous extremist and bigoted activities warranted such actions.
Zakkout has promoted Holocaust denial. In February 2016, Zakkout circulated a report claiming that "the Holocaust was faked." It begins: "The alleged ‘Holocaust' of ‘6 million Jews' at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity." It was produced by The Realist Report, an anti-Jew, anti-black, anti-gay independent media outlet, which describes Hitler as "the greatest leader in modern Western history." Zakkout posted the following about the report: "100% pure, unadulterated truth… Hard to argue with this. After all, you can't deny something if it never happened, can you?"
Zakkout has memorialized dead/assassinated terrorist icons from al-Qaeda and Hamas. In March 2016, Zakkout posted onto his Facebook page a graphic containing the images of several deceased terrorist leaders. They included Osama bin Laden, al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarzawi, Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin, and Hamas bomb maker Yahya Ayyash.
Zakkout has threatened his fellow Muslims with death. In February 2015, over a graphic of deceased Hamas founders Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, he wrote, "It is an obligation to kill those who left our religion. It is an obligation to kill those who fight our religion and to intimidate our enemies and the enemies of the religion."
Zakkout has organized pro-Hamas rallies. In July 2014, Zakkout led a pro-Hamas rally outside the Israeli Consulate in downtown Miami, where his rally goers repeatedly shouted, "We are Hamas" and "Let's go Hamas." Zakkout is shown on video from the rally smiling, as the crowd makes these chants. Above photos from the event, Zakkout wrote, "Thank God, every day we conquer the American Jews like our conquests over the Jews of Israel!"
Zakkout has frequently referred to Jews as "monkeys and pigs." In November 2017, he posted a video onto social media with a message in Arabic saying, "Spread the video to beat the fucking Jews."
Zakkout has been a leader in a Hamas-related charity. In August 2000, Zakkout became the Vice President of the now-defunct Health Resource Center for Palestine (HRCP). At the time, the Secretary and Treasurer of HRCP was Syed Khawer Ahmad, a then-web developer for Hamas, who had designed and maintained the first website for the Islamic Association, al-Jamia al-Islamiya, the Gaza-based parent organization of Hamas.
Zakkout, who is originally from Gaza, has fully embraced Hamas. In August 2014, Zakkout declared, "Hamas is in my heart and on my head." Last April, he tweeted that "Israel doesn't exist."
Zakkout has praised white supremacist leader and former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke. In February 2016, Zakkout wrote of Duke, "I respect him for his honesty!" In October 2015, Zakkout referred to Duke as "David Duke, a man to believe in." In July 2010, Zakkout's organization, the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), was condemned by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for posting what the ADL called a "venomous" anti-Semitic video, featuring Duke, on AMANA's official website. AMANA's site, as well, has labeled Jews and Christians "enemies of Allah."
Zakkout has not stopped, even after his removal from Crime Stoppers. This month, Zakkout posted a video promoting numerous Palestinian terrorists, including dead Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Commander Baha Abu al-Ata, dead Hamas bomb maker Mohiyedine Sharif, and imprisoned Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) Secretary General Ahmad Sa'adat. In December, Zakkout posted: a picture once again memorializing Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin; a graphic calling for the unity of all the Palestinian terrorist factions; and a photo quoting notorious self-hating anti-Semite Jew, Hajo Meyer, with the caption, "Jew don't say?"
The removal document (Articles of Amendment), regarding Zakkout's board status, was signed by Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade County's Executive Director Suzette Rice, someone who previously told this author of her reluctance to take such action. It was posted onto Crime Stoppers' Florida corporation page, on December 3rd.
Besides Zakkout, the status of two other Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers board members, Vice President Dahwood Akhtar and Director Lorena Zapustas, changed, as well, as the two swapped positions, with Zapustas now serving as VP and Akhtar becoming a Director. It is unknown by this author whether or not this further change had anything to do with Zakkout's removal.
While this author has been unrelentingly critical of Crime Stoppers, because of the group's (now past) association with Zakkout, today, Crime Stoppers has taken a big step in regaining its credibility and restoring its once-sullied reputation. Hopefully, the nation's top community-based anti-crime operation will maintain its integrity and place its mission above the type of political correctness that leads to the embrace of and hesitation to part with someone like a Zakkout.
Crime Stoppers should be commended for finally doing the right thing.
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creepingsharia · 5 years
Crime Stoppers Of Miami-Dade County Has Islamic Terror Supporter on Their Board
Crime Stoppers board member Sofian Zakkout posted several social media messages supporting designated Islamic terrorists, including a memorial video for a fallen Hamas commander.
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by Joe Kaufman
On Tuesday, November 12th, Israel sent a missile into the Gaza home of senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commander Baha Abu al-Ata, killing him and his wife. The assassination was soon met with hundreds of rockets fired into Israel by PIJ operatives. This same day, Sofian Abdelaziz Zakkout, board member of Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade County, posted a graphic onto Facebook calling on all Palestinian terrorist factions to unify against Israel. The next day, Zakkout posted a memorial video for a fallen Hamas commander. Why does Crime Stoppers continue to associate with a known terrorist supporter, Zakkout?
Besides his involvement with Crime Stoppers, Sofian Zakkout is the founder and President of the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA). AMANA's history is filled with vitriol against and bigotry towards others. The group's targets have included Jews, Christians and homosexuals. In July 2010, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) condemned AMANA for featuring what the ADL called a "venomous" anti-Semitic video on the AMANA website. The video was produced by and featured white supremacist and former Ku Klux Klan (KKK) Grand Wizard David Duke. Zakkout, himself, has praised Duke as "David Duke, a man to believe in!"
The terror unity graphic Zakkout posted, on the day of Israel's conflict with PIJ, depicts five interlocked hands, each stamped with the logo of a different Palestinian terrorist faction, all surrounding a map of Israel draped in a Palestinian flag. The factions include four groups designated by the United States as terrorist organizations: Hamas, PIJ, the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). The fifth group, Fatah, is the main division of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), which has also been named a terrorist group by the US.
The Hamas commander Zakkout memorialized, the following day, is Shaher Mahmoud Muhammad al-Madhoun a.k.a. Abu Abdallah. Al-Madhoun was shot dead (along with dozens of others) by an Israeli soldier, in May 2018, while attempting to cross the Gaza border into Israeli territory, an event staged by Hamas. A number of photos exist of al-Madhoun brandishing a rifle, while dressed in Hamas military fatigues.
Support for Palestinian terror is a constant theme with Zakkout. In August 2014, Zakkout declared, "Hamas is in my heart and on my head." In July 2014, Zakkout led a pro-Hamas rally outside the Israeli Consulate in downtown Miami. On video footage from the event, Zakkout is seen smiling broadly as his rally goers repeatedly shouted, "We are Hamas." They also chanted, "Let's go Hamas" and "Hamas kicked your ass." Above photos from the event, Zakkout wrote, "Thank God, every day we conquer the American Jews, like our conquests over the Jews of Israel!"
Regarding Jews, Zakkout has repeatedly referred to them as "monkeys and pigs." In February 2016, Zakkout promoted on social media a report titled ‘How the Holocaust was faked.' It begins: "The alleged ‘Holocaust' of ‘6 million Jews' at the hands of Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany during WWII is the biggest lie ever foisted upon humanity." The piece was produced by The Realist Report, an anti-Jew, anti-black, anti-gay independent media outlet, which describes Hitler as "the greatest leader in modern Western history."
Zakkout has, as well, threatened his fellow Muslims with death. In February 2015, over a graphic of deceased Hamas founders Ahmed Yassin and Abdel Aziz al-Rantisi, he wrote, "It is an obligation to kill those who left our religion. It is an obligation to kill those who fight our religion and to intimidate our enemies and the enemies of the religion."
When it comes to terror, Zakkout is not just a supporter of Palestinian-based terrorist groups. He also has an affinity for al-Qaeda. In March 2016, Zakkout posted onto his Facebook page a graphic memorializing deceased icons of terror that included Osama bin Laden, bin Laden's mentor Abdullah Azzam, and al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
With all of the documented information and damning evidence against Zakkout, one has to ask how a well-known anti-crime group like Crime Stoppers could continue to associate with this dangerous man. Holocaust denial, threatening fellow Muslims with violence, support for Hamas and al-Qaeda, praise for David Duke – any one of these things should disqualify Zakkout's membership in such an organization, let alone sitting on its Board of Directors.
As long as Sofian Zakkout is a part of Crime Stoppers, the group's credibility will and must continue to be questioned. How can you call yourself a legitimate organization, when you have a proven supporter of terror and bigotry in your leadership?
If you wish to contact the following Crime Stoppers representatives to discuss the matter of Sofian Zakkout, this author implores you to do so. Please be respectful in any and all communications with them.
Barb Bergin, Crime Stoppers USA Chairman, [email protected]
Mike Blatman, Crime Stoppers USA Vice Chairman, [email protected]
Chuck Curtis, Crime Stoppers USA Secretary, [email protected]
Dan Edwards, Crime Stoppers USA Treasurer, [email protected]
Heather Ramos, Crime Stoppers USA Florida Regional Director, [email protected]
Carleen Vincent-Robinson, Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade County President, [email protected]
Suzette Rice, Crime Stoppers of Miami-Dade County Executive Director, [email protected]
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creepingsharia · 15 years
Bay Ridge, Brooklyn: ‘Little Palestine’
February 5, 2010
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Where have all the Tony Manero’s gone?
After the disruption of a late-2009 terror plot by an Afghani Muslim, we posted on the origin of the plot – the Flushing area of Queens, N.Y. and its conversion by Afghani immigrants into Little Kabul .
More recently, in a Global Post article, author Matt Beynon Rees introduces readers to his latest work of fiction set in the Brooklyn, New York neighborhood of Bay Ridge.
Thirty-some years ago, Bay Ridge was the setting of another tale many will recall, that of Tony Manero and Saturday Night Fever. Today, as Rees and others note, Bay Ridge – an area that was once a first line of defense against the Redcoats – has been transformed into “Little Palestine.”
In “The Fourth Assassin,” Omar Yussef comes to New York for a U.N. conference. He visits the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, which these days is becoming known as “Little Palestine” because of the steady influx of immigrants from the West Bank.
Little Palestine isn’t a community of Palestinian intellectual emigres of the kind that emerged in most major Western capitals during the 1970s. It’s a new wave of mostly young men who come to drive taxis and work several jobs, until they can afford to bring their families over to join them. Theirs is the typical American immigrant story, in fact. Except for the FBI investigations.
Except also for the, not-so-typical of other American immigrants, intolerance of non-Muslims, particularly Jews. In Bay Ridge, ‘Palestinian’ Muslims protest the existence of the state of Israel, chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” A chant shouted by Muslims that calls for the elimination of Israel to be replaced with an Islamic state.
Except also that Muslim computer hackers deface Bay Ridge synagogue websites with Hamas propaganda, and that a majority of Bay Ridge Muslims believe, according to a lawyer for one of Little Palestine’s own convicted Islamic terrorist, that 9/11 was staged by the U.S. government.
  In 2006 Shahawar Matin Siraj a Bay Ridge resident, was convicted and sentenced to a minimum of 30 years in a plot to bomb the Herald Square subway station in Manhattan.
Siraj’s defense maintained that his views that the United States government was involved in the 9-11 attacks were “community-based notions” held among many Bay Ridge muslims.
“In fact, in that entire Muslim community in Bay Ridge, the thought that the American government was responsible for bringing down the towers on 9-11 was common,” said one of Siraj’s attorneys, Martin Stolar. (Bay Ridge man guilty in terror bomb plot)
Ten years earlier, at a location shown in Rees’ video:
The Islamic Center of Bay Ridge spawned a killer of a young yeshiva student in Ari Halberstam in 1994.
“…On March 1, in 1994, Baz opened fire on a white van carrying rabbinical students, including Halberstam, onto the Brooklyn Bridge and that on March 5 Halberstam died from the shots. It was an act of terrorism that shocked the city as few events have.”
Ten days after the shooting,… “the Hamas movement in Gaza released a communique praising Rashid Baz’s attack on the van,” declaring him a martyr. http://www.nysun.com/article/28767?access=695821
Several years before that, another Islamic terrorist, the Blind Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and linked to the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane, made Bay Ridge his home:
He first took up residence in a house in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, then settled in an apartment across the Hudson in Jersey City, New Jersey.
More recently, the message has been clear:
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An anti-Semitic pamphleteer who terrorized Cobble Hill and Boerum Hill last week brought his hateful message to Bay Ridge overnight…
The objectionable offender scrawled the words “KILL JEWS” in thick black marker on dozens of fliers and dropped the slips of paper on Third Avenue between 75th and 95th streets just two days after Yom Kippur…
These hateful messages found in Bay Ridge…seem to have been scribbled on the backs of sheets of paper that contain printed information about taxi cab regulations, witnesses said.
As Jihad Watch notes:
Now what population in New York City contains a significant number of people who are cab drivers, and a significant number of people who want to see another genocide against Jews?
Despite Rees’ sympathetic tone, the FBI has good reason to be interested in Bay Ridge, as the supremacist Islamic sentiment is obvious:
On Memorial Day, patriotic residents of Senator Street between Fifth and Sixth avenues in Bay Ridge awoke to see the letters PLO painted on a garage, four trees, and a van. Only the houses on the block that displayed the American flag were attacked.
Police have charged a 12-year-old boy with a Memorial Day graffiti attack in which the acronym for the Palestinian Liberation Organization was written on the homes of some Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, residents who were displaying American flags.
A police spokesman, Detective John Sweeney, described the boy only as “male, 12-years-old, Arabic.”
That’s just the tip of the iceberg, and it’s not limited to Bay Ridge. It’s all over Brooklyn, including a Muslim youth gang named after the PLO.
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Image taken at a pro-Palestinian rally in Bay Ridge
MySpace, the popular social networking Web site, is also comprised of groups of like-minded members. One group, titled “PLO,” has many New Jersey and Brooklyn members.
“Dis is the Real PLO mafia No Fags All Green oLive Gangstas U kno how we do IF u aint Green U aint Mean,” the MySpace PLO introduction states (sic!).
One Brooklyn member promised to devote his life “to the holy war and crushing the Zionist pigs.”
Of course, none of these jihadi “pranks” are worthy of major media news and one has to wonder how much Hamas activity takes place in Little Palestine. But back to Rees’ fictional tale:
These days Little Palestine is dotted with basement mosques, Arab restaurants and boutiques selling slinky headscarves for religious Muslim women who want to observe the signs of their faith while also highlighting their beauty.
But the novel also takes Omar to Atlantic Avenue and Coney Island — iconic areas of Brooklyn we might be more accustomed to seeing in traditional thrillers, though they now have strong Arab presences. I put those locations into my novel so that readers would understand that the politics of the Middle East can’t be isolated. You can take the N train from Times Square and get off in Palestine.
Will anyone document Saturday Night Jihad in the 2010 version of Bay Ridge? No doubt, 2001 Odyssey, the famed discotheque featured in Saturday Night Fever, would find it tough going in Little Palestine. Especially after it was turned into a gay club years later, before shutting down for good.
Just like in Big ‘Palestine’, they are firing rockets, of a different sort, in ‘Little Palestine.’
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Sign that was located on the Brooklyn side of The Verrazano Narrows Bridge featured in opening of Welcome Back Kotter
On September 18, 2014 ISIS graffiti appeared on a house in Brooklyn, New York. The graffiti which appeared in three separate writings near each other read ‘ISIS is here’, ‘28 days’, and ‘9/11 is an inside job’. As reported in Home Reporter, A runner in Shore Road Park who saw the graffiti on the park house at 79th street said
“I was obviously upset,” .. adding, “I’m sure it was some stupid punks in the neighborhood.” “Local restaurateur Roger Desmond, who was out walking with his wife, agreed. “It sent a chill down our spine,”….. “You watch it on the six o’clock news, then you see it in Bay Ridge. “
Social Media Bias is Real. Please Click & Share.
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