#pro healthy shipping
uglynavel · 6 months
I've only recently started shipping Zutara (I've mainly been a zukka/meiko shipper) and I gotta say y'all are the strongest warriors. I don't know how you all have stayed sane all these years with the majority of the fandom harassing you and actually calling y'all stupid for thinking two fictional characters had chemistry
Literally like every other post in this tag is people being vile and hateful towards y'all
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puppycharmz · 8 months
(not) friendly reminder proshippers aren't welcome to this blog <3
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aleksanderscult · 5 months
What do you think are fundamental differences between Aleksander and Kaz? On an even playing field i.e. comparing a young Aleksander to a young Kaz and the very old Aleksander to your interpretation of what a very old Kaz would be like.
I haven't read the SoC duology but from the few things I know about Kaz, the most important difference between them is the matter of selfishness. Aleksander is selfless in comparison to Kaz and has a more important goal than gaining money. He tried to save a group of people and a country from various enemies for hundreds of years while Kaz always is on the look out for the next job that will fill his wallet.
Both of them had a childhood that shaped them to the men that they eventually became. Kaz lost the only family he got while Aleksander was living on the run with his mother (and Baghra was not a pleasant, immortal companion to have). The environment they grew up in formed their future plans but in different ways:
- Kaz grew up among thieves, street magicians and crookers and ever since his brother died he had nothing left to lose. His feud with Pekka Rollins gave him a lifelong grudge that became an essential part of his character.
- Aleksander grew up with his mother travelling from place to place, never safe because of their powers. Just like Kaz, his incident with Annika shaped him to the man we came to know in the trilogy but unlike the former, he decided to act on a larger scale because he was a witness to the Grisha persecution.
So even though both were scarred because of their childhood they decided to take different actions in the future.
Now, as we've seen with Aleksander in his later years, he was still fixed on his goal but he had grown bitter with life and more apathetic in comparison to his younger self. He was a pragmatic and action-oriented person that craved companionship and when he had his chance to have that he behaved with panic at first and then with gestures that showed that he no longer had an idea how to go for it in a normal way.
With Kaz we see the opposite. In the beginning he's distant and cold with his friends, behaving in a business-like manner but as his own story progresses he tries to become more open, especially with Inej. He tries to find his footing in being more empathetic for her sake and I believe in the future he will succeed. He won't be as closed off as he was the first time he was introduced to us. But he has a long way until then (it's the trauma he has to get past you know).
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misssakurapetal28 · 6 months
Glimmadora reminds me of Kataraang tbh
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wontbyers · 1 month
Mood: I feel like indulging in Mileven in a way that I think neither Bylers nor Milevens will understand/appreciate.
(I'm so past the point of having any doubt about Byler being endgame that I feel safe to enjoy some Mileven content in a non-canon ship way, since I've always been a multi-shipper at heart. Their past relationship had its moments and I wanna appreciate what they meant to each other even if they don't end up together.)
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operativenightingale · 5 months
as someone who only really ships the idea and the chemistry of calzona, and really really really should know better, is there anyone that ships them that isn't overly indulgent towards arizona and doesn't seem to blame callie for not bringing the moon down for her or something, even at her own expense, especially at her own expense?
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alilloserboy · 4 months
y’know, since I’m already kinda pissed off and ranting, FUCK YOU PROSHIPPERS!!! I do not give a RATS. ASS about your DOGSHIT arguments!!
There are many different studies out there about how sexual fantasies affect real life, so don’t act like they don’t have this link. You can look into the whole ‘going down the rabbit hole’ thing, because I don’t wanna make this post paragraphs long.
anyway, proshippers can fuck off. (Also, pls don’t tell proshippers to kys! Most of them are minors anyway.)
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cookie-dough-writes · 7 months
I was never really around for old fandom culture but Oh my god I feel like we need to bring some of that attitude back. Bring back the word squick, I BEG. Some times in life people indulge in questionable stuff which might make you yourself uncomfortable, that's great, it's good to know what you don't like, but some times you just have to move on. You don't need to send a paragraph to someone explainging ummm their [harmless] take was totally wrong or that they're an evil person for making something a bit questionable.
It's good practice to breathe and move on. You need to pick your battles. Telling someone to kill themself over a POST ONLINE, no matter how dodgy, just is not constructive and rarely blows off steam. Just breathe, and move on.
#its as simple as that#and tbh if some 16 year old likes bakudeku despite all the reasons of why people hate it. who cares.#guilty pleasure.#also also side note can i just mention how some people see red whenever they hear like#for example selfcest?#its literally just#probably talking to the void right now#some people get so so tense about like#small things#saving this for the tags because its delicate but some people need to just stick their head above water for a bit#I dont use terms like pro ship or anti or anti anti or whatever#because the whole debate is way bigger than those 3 terms and it feels like everyone has a different interpretation of them#okay so#some times people will enjoy questionable things. thats a given#some times that might be something simple like yandere aus and some times itll be something as complex as toxic ships.#and now let me clarify. because whenever i try and verbalise it i feel like im walking on eggshells#i am not condoning anything specifically#but i used the word complex for a reason. because quite usually there is in fact complexities to when people find things like that indulgen#so MOST of the time everyone is better off if you just go oh. squick. and move on#squicks can range from things like “i cannot see how that ship would be healthy at all. that is not pleasurable to me” to “hm no i dont lik#how this character is written by this personohh haha what if this character met another dimension version and they kissed and made out a lit#metaphor"#and people used to be chill about it but now people go crazy and i wonder if its purely just because it has cest as a suffix#same with oh what was it#objectophilia? which is literally just attraction to inanimate objects. pretty neutral right. but then when looking into it a ton of people#ALSO go crazy and ive literally seen people argue like 12 year olds that because it ends in philia its bad and distgusting and evil#???#are we just not using common sense anymore. or.#sorry im sleep deprived and im just so so tired of seeing people argue instead of living#can we all just love each other and live parralell to people we do not like
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just-bee-lieve · 2 years
Oh if you're looking for mob psycho art requests mmmmm...how about some Kageyama brothers spending time together?
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i have SO many ideas for these two, but here’s this :^))
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 8 months
I see a lot of people asking how to make friends and there's a great little piece of advice in the movie Mr Magoriums Wonder Emporium.
So in the movie the kid goes up to one of the adults(its been awhile since I've seen it so I can't remember exactly which one) and asks how to make friends with the finance guy or whatever he does and they tell him to just say hi.
So the answer to any how do I make friends question is:
Just say hi
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proshipaes · 1 year
I just went into a ship tag and saw an anti post a multi-point list about how they aren't a pro shippers despite defending four problematic ships lmaoooo
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poor kataang gets flax for being 'underdeveloped'as if thats a fact and not just some opinion with zero proof outside of fanon wank/ its one of the best written friends-something more realtionship ive' seen on tv yes even more than kim x ron and sam x danny got nothing on it.. honestly i dont get the hate kataras feelings for aang were supppper obvious.
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its one of the only healthy ships i have and yet its treated like TRASH but its cute oh well thats the lost of butthurt haters.
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autismsasuke · 1 year
went through the main sasuke tag. never again.
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to be clear im not a "pro-ship" or an "anti-ship". im a 20yo who goes outside
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burning-thistles-bt · 2 years
Wait, are you a pro-shipper?
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astrito · 1 year
It's funny to think of Mercer being inmature and Kira being the opposite, when in retrospect it is very much the other way around.
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