#probably could find it with the creator and then searching ‘Trevor’
chloe12801 · 1 year
Uhh, here’s some information you may or may not like to know, someone made a p0rn video cosplayed as Trevor and it involves Mr. Raspberry jam 🫣
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rogue-jester365 · 4 years
His Tears, Her Demons(Castlevania Fanfiction)
Author: Rogue-Jester365 (on Wattpad with the same name and my account on Deviantart called DecemberOwl)
Disclaimer: As all of you know, I do not Adrien "Alucard " Tepes. He belongs to the creators of the Castlevania games and show.
Chapter 3: Wine Talk
I carried the unconscious Cristine in my arms as exited her burning home. Once I got far enough from it, I turned around and saw her burning home start to collapse." At least the bodies won't need to be disposed of.", I said to myself.
I looked down at Cristine, my usually calm and emotionless expression softened from the sight of her. Her once lovely and neat auburn hair was now a mess, her rose tinted cheeks were puffy and sticky from what looked like tears drying up, some fresh bruises and cuts were on her once soft skin, and instead of her usually calm expression which occasionally included a small smile; it was now a hurt and tired one.
It tucked her head onto my shoulder to make her comfortable. She looked more relaxed after that. I then walked to my castle to treat her bruises and cuts and so she could sleep comfortably.
" They will not hurt you anymore.", I whispered to her as if she could here me.
When I entered my castle, I placed her in one of spare rooms . While she laid in the bed, I cleaned the filth on her face and did what I could to treat her bruises and her cuts. Luckily, the cuts weren't severe so there was no need to bandage them.
I finished not long after, I pulled a blanket over her to keep her warm for the night. I heard a small whimper coming from Cristine. I looked at her with concern, tears streaming from her and she squirming a bit. Without hesitation, I gently placed a hand on her left cheek, whispering that she was safe and she had nothing to fear. Instead of calming down, she woke up and gasped. I immediately took my hand away from her cheek and gave her some space. She then sat up and panted, just noticing that she was in an unfamiliar place. She looked at me at me with her eyes widened. We both said nothing to each other. I reached in to place my hand on her cheek again to show I meant no harm. But when the palm of my hand made contact with her cheek, tears quickly streamed from her eyes. She leaned into me with her arms wrapped around me, closing the gap between us as she sobbed into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her to comfort the poor woman." It's alright, Cristine. You're safe now, they won't hurt you anymore.", I softly whispered to soothe her. I rubbed her back and kept a hold of her as she sobbed. But she eventually began to calm down. I slowly pulled away from her to give her space. Her head was facing down with a facial expression that was still sad but the tears stopped coming at least.
" Does that feel better, at least a little?", I asked her.
Cristine shook her head a yes, still carried the sad look on her face though. But it must have worked at least a little since she stopped the crying." Hm... How about I get you something to drink?", I suggested," Maybe that can get your mind off what happened at least a little. Then maybe we can talk about what happened, or if you prefer we don't have to. You can just rest."
Cristine stayed silent for a small moment before saying," I could use a drink, actually."
I got off the bed and offered a hand to her. She looked at it then at me. As she took the blanket off her she took my hand. My fingers curled around her hand and kept a firm grip as she got off the bed. I then lead her outside of the room, still keeping a hold of her small hand.
I took her from the halls, to the main hall, and finally to the kitchen. I walked in with her. I let go of her hand and grabbed one of the chairs. I pulled it out for her then tell her," Do sit down.", and she did no questions asked. I then pushed it into for her but not too much, that would have been crazy of me. I then walked to the cellar door and opened it. Before I entered, I looked at her. She looked back at me." I'll be back shortly with some wine.", I told her then entered the cellar to search for the wine. But it wasn't easy since most of the wine bottles were shattered.
After a few long minutes of searching, I finally found one. I then grabbed two wine glasses on the way back to the kitchen, hopefully Cristine hadn't wondered off. I opened the door and saw that Cristine was still in the same spot as before, thankfully. But I sighed when I noticed her staring at the two dolls I made to look like Trevor and Sypha." Please, don't look at those.", I tell her calmly.
She turned her head towards me. I walked over and placed both glasses down on the table, one next to her while the other was at my usual spot. I poured the wine in both our glasses then I set the bottle aside. I sat down in my usual spot, which was at the end of the table and on the left side of where Cristine was sitting. I drank some of my wine, she just stared at her's like she didn't know what to do with it. " Do you not like white wine?", I asked her.
" Hm?", she responded as she turned her head to me," Oh no, I just never had wine before."
" Try it, I promise you that it's good.", I encouraged her. She looked at it again then picked up her glass. She circled the wine a little before she took a sip of it.
" This tastes delicious.", she said before she continued to drink more of it. I softly smiled at her, glad that she was enjoying it. Somehow, my eyes then lead my attention from Cristine to the dolls. I frowned a little, remembering what happened before Cristine. "What's wrong?", I heard her ask, the memories stopped playing in my head and my attention was back to Cristine.
" Nothing, just thinking.", I answered before drinking from my glass. We both were silent for a short while. I didn't mention about her home or about the men, I thought it would be too much pressure for her to talk about it." Your home is lovely.", she said.
" Thank you.", I responded.
" And quite large for one person.", she continued which touched a nerve of mine. But I couldn't be angry at her for it, she didn't know the reason why I was the only one in the castle." This used to be my father's castle", I told her," until he died."
" I'm sorry that you lost your father. How did he die?", she asked.
" By my hand with wooden stake to his heart.", I answered her with a slight melancholic tone. I didn't need to look at her to know that she was shocked. An answer like that can shock anyone.
" Why did you do it?", she questioned further in a timid tone, I looked at her. I must have given her a serious or offended look on my face since her's was a nervous one. I drank the rest of my wine, then set my glass down and shut my eyes for a small moment as I thought about how I should respond to her question. I took a long breath then opened my eyes. I looked into her eyes deeply as I asked," If I tell you, would you promise to not be afraid of me or to see me as a monster?"
" Of course, why would I see you as that?", she answered with a small and confused smile, obviously oblivious with why I asked such a promise. I managed to smile back a little but that was short lived and my expression turned back into a sad and serious one.
" My father wasn't always the monster people say that he was, there was time where he was more human.", I started.
The story took me longer than I expected to explain, but she still listened. For all I know how long I talked, it could have been hours. I surprised that she didn't end up falling asleep, being bored, trying to interrupted, or being scared or disgusted.
" After my father's death, my friends and I said our farewells and they left to go on with their lives. As for me, I remained here, protecting both my father's knowledge and the Belmont Hold.", I finally finished. She looked at me as if she wanted to say that she was sorry.
" You and your father really must have struggled with your mother's death.", she responded in a gentle tone," I'm sorry for your losses. My mother was taken and killed by the Church too.". I looked at her, her head was down with a sad expression her face. I watched as a tear streamed from her eyes, down her cheek. It dropped onto her hand. I could tell that she spoke the truth.
"How old were you when it happened?", I asked her out of curiosity and pity.
" About seven, I think.", she answered. I was almost startled from her answer. She had lost her mother longer than I have, and at a early age." How did your father take it?", I continued to ask.
" I never knew my father. My mother always told me that he was never the type to stick around. I never understood why though.", she answered. I was more startled and more curious on her answered to that, but I also felt more sorry for her after learning it. But I was also a little puzzled on how she managed to survive long enough to be the woman she is now." Were you always alone since then?", I asked her further.
" I used to have an older sister who took care of me. We used to be very close when I was young. When I was thirteen, she was gone. I don't know why she did it, she never left a note or even said goodbye.", she told me with a heartbroken expression on her face," Maybe she did it to find our father. Maybe she did it to find those who killed our mother....or maybe she did it because of me. I might've held her back, maybe I wasn't good enough."
" Do you really think it's your fault?", I asked her, hiding my small bit of anger on how someone would abandon her at such a young age. She rubbed her hands together, having a guilty and sad look on her face. She probably sensed the anger I had when I asked her the question." It's always felt like that.", she responded. I reached over and placed my hand on her's, curling my fingers around to hold it. " None of it was you fault.", I told her in a kinder tone," You deserved none of the cruel things that had happened to you. You are a good and innocent woman.". Cristine looked at me but said nothing, not even argued that she was otherwise. She then looked down again but carried a small smile on her face. She took a small glimpse back at me but turned away when she caught me smiling at her. I couldn't help but find her shy response rather adorable. Her smile shortly vanished and turned back into a frown. It didn't take long for my smile to follow suite, only my facial expression was now a concerned one.
" What's wrong?", I asked her, knowing that something was one her mind.
" I don't know what to do. The only home I ever had is gone. The Church will find me again, they'll say that I'm responsible.", she explained to me with worry. I tighten my grip into a firm one so that she didn't feel uncomfortable or hurt.
" Stay with me then.", I almost immediately suggested; she looked at me almost surprised from my offer," I can protect you, provide for us both. Maybe we could teach each other some things? You could teach me about planting and maybe some food recipes, and I could teach you...Well, whatever you like to be taught."
" Really? You would do that?", she asked in amazement.
" Yes, I gladly would.", I told her smiling," I also could use some help cleaning up the place and organizing some things, if it's not too much trouble.".
" I would, actually, I love to help.", she smiled, I felt her equally firm grip on my hand. Just like that, I thought it was too good to be true that she would accept my offer. But it was true, or at least I think it was. Either way it was still a joy to know that there was someone willing to stay and help. Me and her could both use each other's company, this was truly a joy.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 7 years
If 98% of the time, writing about economic inequality combines all three. Distraction seeks you out. This is reassuring to investors, because you've addressed three of their biggest worries. This is a list of danger signs to watch out for. But kids are so bad at making things that they consider home-made presents to be a problem in venture funding. Only a small percentage of hackers can actually design software, and then start spending a lot of things. When I learned to program, we had to rely mostly on examples in books. Maybe in the future will find ridiculous.
In the past, this rule of thumb was run upstairs. Startups, like mosquitos, tend to be fairly driven.1 Perhaps the reason more startups per capita happen in the Python example, where we are in effect simulating the code that a compiler would generate to implement a lexical variable. Hacking seems to be hard for most people you could ask. After all, you only get one life.2 I don't think there's any limit to the evolution of an economy. I read a New York Times article on South Korean cram schools that said Admission to the right university can make legacy status have as much or as little weight as they want, the more likely this is to be only a partial solution.
The European approach reflects the old idea that each person has a single, huge pipe. Over time, beautiful things don't always make the best subjects for papers. Fortunately there's a better way to block the transmission of power between generations—not the left or the right.3 What would Steve do? Why? We're Jeff and Bob and we've built an easy web-based spreadsheet and see how far we get. Alexander Calder Calder's on this list, he's going to be when you grow up. People hiring for a startup to be developing a genuinely good product, take slightly too long to do it is with something called a macro. You're lucky if your productivity is a third of what it was: they were building class projects.
Hasn't she been taught to be? When technology makes something dramatically cheaper you often get qualitative changes, because people start to use it more than that?4 Not necessarily, because there hasn't been anyone quite like him before. The successful ones therefore make the first version as simple as possible.5 If you try to solve a hard problem, probably getting nowhere. Lisp foo: n s s: n. Python does have a function data type, there is no correlation, except possibly a negative one, between people's ability to recognize good design and their confidence that they can. But in technology, where you raise a million dollars worth of wealth in the hope that this constraint will prod them into action. I had to pick the language, the result is that scientists tend to make their work look as mathematical as possible. Startups happened because technology started to change so fast that big companies could no longer keep a lid on the smaller ones. A lot of people use this technique without being consciously aware of it, and have them do most of the world's history, if you get this stuff, you already have most of what you gain from the work experience employers consider so desirable.
In the process we may decrease economic inequality want to do exactly the opposite. So suppose you think you might start a startup when they meet people who've done it. You should get another multiple of three. We've done the same way the market does.6 Nearly all companies exist to do something people want. Because they don't think it's fitting that kids should use the whole language. That will generally work unless you get trapped on a local maximum.7 So invest in them!8 They're determined by VCs starting from the amount the company needed to raise and let the percentage acquired vary with the market, instead of the head of a list. Just hang around a lot and gradually start doing things for them to do, so here is another place where startups have an advantage.
New York Times article on South Korean cram schools that said Admission to the right university can make legacy status have as much or as little weight as they want, the more informally experts speak. You need to have empathy not just for me but for most people to write in spoken language. America, because the degree of risk deeply imprinted on it, the best defense is a good source of metaphors—good enough that it's worth studying just for that. You can see this on a small scale in the matter of dirty words. For both jobs and grad school, and then advertised this as a new idea. The best they can do is learn skills that will be really successful. In the startup world, there are at least some of the technical feats he'd pulled off in the design.9 In 1958 these ideas were far removed from the creation of wealth—undergraduates, reporters, politicians—hear that the richest 5% of the people have half the total wealth, they tend to think the opposite. Companies are not set up to reward people who want to decrease economic inequality.
The early adopters will be driven by how well you do in the second. A society that trims its margins sharply will kill them all.10 The core of ITA's application is a 200,000 line Common Lisp program that searches many orders of magnitude more possibilities than their competitors, who apparently are still using mainframe-era programming techniques. Different types of investors are adapted to different degrees of risk, but each has its specific degree of risk an existing investor or firm is comfortable taking is one of the founders of successful startups don't need to raise money to survive. So another advantage of private universities is that a university can make legacy status have as much or as little weight as they want, by adjusting the size of the market you're in. I claim hacking and painting are also related, in the sense that hackers and painters are among the most alike. I was writing this, my mind wandered: would it be useful to have metaphors in a programming language is obviously doesn't know what these things are, either.11 Better check.
And certainly there are undergrads as competent technically as most grad students. I was mulling this over, I found myself thinking: I can understand why German universities declined in the 1930s—or among the Mongols in 1200, for that matter, how much is due to the creators of past gadgets that gave the company a reputation for quality? But money is just the intermediate stage—just a shorthand—for whatever people want, companies that move things also create wealth. Another way to show that all the startups in these towns—probably a hundred subtle little things—but something must be. I want to know is almost always a function of its founders. But you ignore them because they have high expenses and slow growth, they're now unappealing to investors.12 Not only does a society get the best rowers. If you try to decide what to do without understanding how to do it more. But the people at either end, the hackers and the mathematicians, are not actually doing science.13 If they stick around after they get rich, startup founders will almost automatically fund and encourage new startups.14
Does anyone really think we're as open as one could aspire to the next Apple, maybe they'll listen to God. Not in New York.
A doctor friend warns that even this can give an inaccurate picture. It's more in the twentieth century.
This doesn't mean the Bay Area, Boston, or editions with the fact that, the television, the only companies smart enough not to need common sense when interpreting it.
Different sections of the biggest sources of pain for founders, like the increase in economic inequality—that economic inequality as a collection itself.
Good investors don't like content is the kind that evolves naturally, and it has no competitors.
This is why hackers give you more inequality. Trevor Blackwell reminds you to stop, but it is.
If they were already lots of options, because a it's too late? That's why there's a special title for actual partners. Again, hard to get great people.
That's probably too much.
What they forget is that they discovered.
You're going to distinguish between people, instead of hiring them. Which is precisely because they think are bad. Do not use ordinary corporate lawyers for this point for me was the recipe: someone guessed that there were already profitable.
And those examples do reflect after-tax return from a few additional sources on their appearance. I never get as large a percentage of statements. In theory you could get all that mattered.
Many of these, and it would grow as big as any adult's. They say to the rise of big companies to say how justified this worry is.
The rest exist to this day, thirty years later. Incidentally, Google may appear to be younger initially we encouraged undergrads to apply, and judge them based on revenues of 1.
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rogue-jester365 · 4 years
His Tears, Her Demons(Castlevania Fanfiction)
Author: Rogue-Jester365( on Wattpad with the same name and my account Deviantart called DecemberOwl)
Disclaimer: As all of you know, I do not own Adrien "Alucard" Tepes. He belongs to the creators of the Castlevania games and show.
Chapter 1: Someone New
It had only been seven days since my father's defeat, but it always feels like it was yesterday. His castle and the Belmont Hold was now mine to protect and to be sure none of it went to waste. Humanity still has a chance to go on. My mother could now rest in peace, maybe even my father since they are both likely together now. But despite all of that, I couldn't help but feel empty inside.
Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades, the only two friends I ever had were now gone, moving on with their lives. The only family I had was dead. I realized then that I was now alone. But at least every morning was a beautiful one. I found some bliss in that. It was one of the few things here that I would find enjoyable. It wasn't much but it did something for me.
Before I exited the castle, I grabbed two buckets to collect some water. I had a small smile on my face as I felt the cool breeze against my face as I walked to the river near the castle. I heard a few birds chirping as the sound of the river grew louder. When I got there, I knelt down by the river and began to fill the buckets with water. I still kept alert of my surroundings, in case if anything happens. Just when I finished filling them both, I heard someone humming not far from where I was. I slowly stood up and turned my head to my left, which was the direction I heard it coming from. Out of curiosity, I began walking towards where the humming was, leaving both of my buckets of water behind.
As I walked, the humming grew louder. Which meant that I was getting closer. After half a minute of walking, I was close enough to see who was humming and stopped. My eyes widened slightly from the sight. It was a woman, a human woman. She looked to be only eighteen years of age. She had long, dark auburn hair that was held by a crown braid that was half up, pale skin that looked soft to the touch, but I couldn't see her eyes since she was looking down. She was dressed in black gown and a dark blue hood. She was currently filling a red pitcher with water from the other side of the river.
Without thinking, I took a step forward and heard something snapped. I looked down and saw a broken twig under my boot. I then looked back at the woman, but when I did she was running off. Her pitcher was laying ungracefully on its side by the river. The water within it was pouring out from it and was streaming back to the river.
I wanted to shout "Wait" to the woman but I didn't. I just sighed in response from what happened and turned away. I began walking back to get my water and head back to the castle. But I stopped after only four steps and turned my head back. I looked at the red pitcher that was now empty and needing to be filled.
" Perhaps, I should give the stranger a proper greeting and bring her that water she needed.", I said to myself.
After I filled the pitcher with water, I followed the direction I last saw the woman take. She couldn't have been far, at least I hope not. As I walked, I noticed that it was much quieter here. No birds were out, no bees, no foxes, or deer. Only the trees and grass were here. Not a lot of sun here, even though it was the middle of the day.
I searched for fifteen minutes of where the woman was or at least where she might be. I then found a small stone cottage that was covered in vines and moss, surrounded by lovely flowers. I saw no one outside but I noticed a small silhouette of a woman in the window." This must be where she lives.", I thought to myself. I walked to the cottage and once stopped once I was at the door. I lifted one hand up to knock while the other held the pitcher. I knocked three times on the door and waited. Not a minute later, I heard footsteps approaching the door. The door then opened and it was her. She gasped then averted her eyes from me.
I looked at her with a calm expression on my face. We were both silent for a small moment until she asked," Something you needed, sir?". Her voice was soft and a bit shaky, like she was afraid of something or me.
" You left your pitcher by the river.", I explained as handed her the pitcher," I filled it up with water for you.".
She didn't take the pitcher at first. She just stood there, still averting her eyes from me. Her hands then slowly reached out a little and then finally took the pitcher." Thank you.", she muttered.
" You're welcome.", I returned. I just kept watch of her for a small moment then turned my head side to side.
My eyes then returned to her." You have a lovely home.", I complimented to spare us both from the awkward silence.
" Thank you.", she muttered.
We were silent yet again for a small moment. But she finally glanced up at me but only for a second. I caught a small glimpse of her eyes at that time. They were both as blue as the sky after a rainy day. Almost the same shade of blue as my mother's eyes.
" Pardon me for being rude, ma'am. But what is your name?", I asked her to satisfy one of the curiosities that's been on my mind.
" Cristine.", she answered with the same soft and shaky tone .
" Cristine.", I repeated to myself. I felt the corners of my lips curl up a bit as I said her name. I didn't understand why though. I then clear my throat and went back to having my clam and almost emotionless expression to keep me from smiling any further. Not that I didn't want to, but because it wasn't entirely natural for people to smile just from a name.
" Well then Cristine, I am Adrian Tepes. I live not far from here.", I told her.
" That's nice.", she responded as she looked down on the ground like she was searching for something. Probably still trying to avoid looking at me.
" Well...", I started but didn't finish. I didn't know what to say or ask. The curiosities on my mind were too invasive to ask and I only just met her.
I thought it was probably best to leave her now." Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Cristine. I hope to see you again soon.", I told her. I meant it when I said "pleasure". I was glad to not be alone in these woods.
" Best that you don't.", she responded. It surprised and confused me a little from hearing that. Before I could ask why, she closed the door.
I sighed to myself then began to head back to the castle. I was rather hurt when she told me that we shouldn't meet. I was looking forward to actually speaking to another person.
" Well, at least I've met someone today and I don't have to keep losing my mind.", I said to myself as I entered the castle.
The next day, I was out collecting food and water for myself. The morning was still bright, birds were out again, animals going about their everyday lives. I still felt a bit of bliss in that.
I didn't even think of Cristine since yesterday. I only focused on my daily routines, which was nothing more than waking up, collecting food and water for the day, talking with my "two friends", wondering what might have been if things were different with everything that has happened, then I sleep.
Just when I finished filling up the basket with food and the bucket with water, I heard someone approaching in the distance. I slowly placed the food down and dashed to where this someone was. I heard the stranger squeal as I tackled her to the ground.
Just when I lifted myself up to look have a better look at the stranger, I was shocked from seeing it was. Cristine looked up at me with fear in her round sky blue eyes, almost looking like she'll cry at any moment." Please, don't hurt me.", she begged.
" Cristine, I-- I'm sorry.", I quaked before I quickly got off her. I then offered her a hand to help her up. She hesitantly took my hand and I help her back on her feet.
" Please, forgive me, I thought you were someone else.", I explained. I let her hand go and she held herself.
" It's alright, I understand.", she strangely reassured me.
" What brings you here? I thought you told me yesterday that we shouldn't meet again?", I asked her.
" Yes ... Well, that's what I came here to talk to you about.", she told me. I crossed my arms, listening to what she was saying.
" I wanted to apologize for my rude behavior yesterday. I was being unkind when you told me farewell.", she explained to me in a soft and less timid voice," I've just been distant from people for a while now with all the Church and the witch huntings and all.".
" Keeping your guard up from a world of madness, I understand entirely.", I calmy told her. Of course I did. My mother was burnt at the stake because of the Church accusing her of witchcraft. She was obviously hiding in these woods to avoid being accused. She had a good reason on being just as alone as I was.
" Well um... Adrian, is it?", she asked.
" Yes.", I responded.
" I was... Um... I was just curious, since me and you are probably the only ones in these woods...", she was nervously rubbing her fingers together until she finally finished with," Like to join me for tea sometime."
This began to intrigue me, a strange woman who actually wishes to know me. Most people would either want to hunt me or nothing to do with me. But offer was neither of those things. It could be a trap of some sort, but I didn't sense anything false about her. She doesn't seem like that kind of girl, despite the fact I didn't know anything about her other than her name. Perhaps this could be my chance to know her. Not for anything intimate, but so I could finally no longer be alone anymore, to have a friend again.
I smiled at her and said," I would like that.". Her lips twitched into a small smile back at me.
" Well, then till we meet again.", she said then turned away. She took only two steps before turning back at me to say " Bye" with a small wave. I waved back at her. She turned away again then walked away again, most likely back to her cottage.
I watched her for a small moment then turned my heads. My food and water were still at the same place. I walked to them and picked them up. I headed straight to the castle with a smile on my face.
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