#probably lake
nymphacae · 1 year
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i was planning on making this a print if people are interested! The Gang's All Here
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03owlyn · 1 month
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Rereading @rosemaidenvixen 's sunshine au gave me inspiration. This fanfic is amazing. I reread it every few months and impatiently wait for new chapters.
I'm not good with describing my feelings and thoughts
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kiramarien · 9 months
If I got a nickel every time a cartoon I love
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based on a book
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based on mythology
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about a teenage boy
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who stumbles upon an ancient artifact that gives him powers
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that's being sought by this cocky guy with daddy issues
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who's right arm is mechanical some of the time
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and his Dad is this massive guy with big horns (and sometimes glowy blue eye(s))
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who's being manipulated by a powerful woman
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that he freed from her centuries old prison
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who may have had noble ambitions in the past, but now has been consumed by power
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and the woman possesses a young girl in order to get what she wants
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and sacrifices the lives of her minions in order to unleash her ultimate weapon ->
(Dozens of Gum Gums) (Spider Queen, Huntsman, Syntax, Goliath, Not- Mayor) You know what I'm talking about :(
and she's got this indentured servant *cough Slave cough* (with pretty gold eyes 😘)
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who she refers to as "Her Champion"
who travels using shadows (I could not find a single picture of Angor Rot using his shadow staff)
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who was really sweet and kind in his past but then... well... stuff happened
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and has lost his right eye
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and he's been killed before
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but the big bad restores him back to life so she can use him
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and he gets a redemption arc at the end of season three
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and the main character doesn't have a bio Dad, but he attracts plenty of father figures throughout the course of the show
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and he gains a non-human form that makes him even more powerful
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and him and the others gain an armor upgrade at the same time
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and the girl of the team has short black hair with dyed stripes
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and you know the guy with daddy issues who wanted to steal his artifact in the beginning? He becomes one of the protagonist's closest friends
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and there's this gentle giant character
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who becomes one of my most beloved characters of all time 💕💕💕
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and he has a history of violence and trauma
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and has now vowed to be a devote pacifist
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but breaks his vow in order to protect the people he loves (with angry glowy eyes to boot)
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and has a deep love for cats (yes, I did just do that)
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...then I would have two nickels.
Which isn't very much, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
(That last drawing was made by @jezfez81. Thank you for letting me use it!)
What the heck happened?!?! This was just supposed to be a comparison between Sandy and AAARRRGGHH!!! Where did all these comparisons come from?!?!?!?!?! WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?!?!?!?!?!?
(this took way too long to make, please give it some love :3 )
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hobnob-moth · 4 months
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Wait… aren’t directors usually supposed to be the silent voice in stories? -Jesse
Oh, tons of directors are in their own work. Hitchcock, Harold Ramis, Mel Brooks, M Night. Shyamalan, Uhh ███ ████. -Emily
Who? -Jesse
Had a silly idea pop into my head when I heard the dlc for Alan Wake 2 would have Jesse in it, and the idea kept tormenting me enough to finish this drawing. I wanted to work in something with The Director vs a director, but wasn’t able to make it concise enough to fit sadly.
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glass--beach · 2 months
when we were on tour a sound guy from one of the previous shows had gifted me a ton of shrooms and when the rest of the band found out they made me “get rid” of them bc they were (rightfully) scared to take controlled substances across state lines. so while staying in michigan i split them with my friends in our touring party & also had pretty much a full bottle of wine (shared two different bottles with my friend over a real good conversation) & then somebody put on the movie Blackberry. i remember watching it and being like “wow i see colors” and someone else said “yeah it’s a tv of course there’s colors”. i remember obnoxiously talking over it when the Slint and The Strokes songs came on. eventually all the shaky cam just made me feel ill and i could not get past the fact that it was just a flat screen with images on it so i decided to go jump in a lake to experience something real and jumped up and landed in a way where i rolled my ankle & it was aching for pretty much the whole rest of the tour. and then nobody would let me outside to jump in the lake, my bf had to restrain me from it til we went to bed.
so that’s my review of Blackberry
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discodrift · 5 months
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How did anyone even manage to fight this guy, bro went around looking like a kicked puppy 24/7. I bet someone had a moral dilemma for about 5 seconds wondering if they are going to have to beat up the personification of a wet kitten (only to have said kitten kick their ass immediately after lol)
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I'm rewatching Trollhunters in the background right now, and the disfunctional mother son relationship between Jim and his mom is making me crazy.
Like, he's taking care of the household and his mother for years as a teenager and before probably. She is sometimes giving half hearted comments about him not having to do so much, but very obviously she's not gonna make him stop do all the cooking and cleaning. Y'know. Both because they've been living like this for years, and because it's obviously also very comfortable to have someone do all the house work.
Then Strickler comes into the picture, and if we ignore the whole Troll and changeling side of the story, Barabara gets very offended cause Jim doesn't want her to meet him privately. Again, ignoring the whole magic and trolls stuff, STRICKLER IS JIMS TEACHER. If Jim hadn't figured out that Strickler was a changeling he probably wouldn't have a problem with it, but the fact that he does, no matter the reason, should be enough for Barbara to put a stop to the relationship. Her child is clearly uncomfortable with her seeing/dating that guy, for whatever reason, and even clearly vocalized it. But she doesn't care about, or rather, she tells Jim that she "wouldn't expect something like that" from him. Obviously not, cause she may see him like her child/teenager he is, BUT DOESN'T TREAT HIM LIKE ONE.
And then Jim, unknowingly to Barbara, becomes the Trollhunter, and his behavior changes. He's suddenly doing reckless stuff, sneaking out, getting bruises, landing in detention and even at the police station, barely avoiding a police report. What does she do? Asking him what's going on? If everything's alright at school? If he has any other problems? Maybe trying to lower his workload around the house, which again, he's doing most of that as a teenager and longer probably.
Nah. She doesn't do anything until he lands in the hospital. Except for again, dismissing him rather negatively at the one topic he's openly expressing any negative opinions about (Strickler). And after he lands in the hospital she now starts not asking questions, but demanding answers. Demanding answers from a teenager in a difficult situation who is also now acting much more like a teenager than he ever did before, from her point of view at least. Except she obviously doesn't know how to deal with a teenager, cause she has never had to raise or live with a teenager. She instead lived with a child pretending to be an adult for years, that was partly much more of an adult than she was, who did way to much work even before Jim became the Trollhunter. So she throws punishments at him and grounds him, but does he listen?
No. Cause why should he? Not only is he dealing with things much more important than being grounded, yknow, saving the world, he's trying to protect her from the sheer knowledge of the supernatural and physically protecting her from getting harmed. And again, for the majority of the time since his dad left he pretended to be an adult. He was and is the main adult in the household, dealing with important things she doesn't even know about.
The only one's treating Jim like a teenager are teachers, other children and Blinky and Aaargh sort of when they're not in the middle of Troll business. Strickler, in the first episodes where Jim doesn't know about his true identity, is much more of a parental figure to Jim (also after his redemption later on tbh) than his mother.
In summary: Barbara is treating her son like an adult, almost like a partner, instead of a child/teenager. And when that isn't possible anymore she doesn't know how to properly treat him. She also doesn't really care that her son is uncomfortable with her being around Strickler, or Strickler in general. And it takes Blinky telling her (when Jim is 16) that Jim might be affected by his father leaving when he was five years old.
Jim meanwhile is treating his mother more like a child/teenager instead of the adult and MOTHER that she is. Seeing her as his responsibility. Cooking for her. Cleaning for her. Telling her to rest and take breaks.
They obviously love each other other. And their relationship might not be toxic, but it's very much disfunctional. In a way that is mostly negative for Jim.
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cyberstockh0lm · 29 days
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Working on turning Moonwood mill into a big trailer park
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sunshine-zenith · 3 months
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Henry is a Boyfriend Hoodie Thief your honor
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sigmastolen · 2 months
cats merch idea that nobody will make: ballerina music boxes, but with victoria (white cat solo) and mistoffelees (turns obvi, the part where he flips his hands out during the brass blare). the victoria one would play the slow theme from the white cat solo. in my heart i want the misto music to be from the turns in the dance break but i don't think that would translate very well to a music box; realistically it would be a phrase of the "magical mister mistoffelees" chorus
you could probably make ones with other cats who have characteristic poses/music but i don't think it would translate as perfectly, you know?
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hpandcarbs · 8 months
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Okay but this moment between Austin and Apollo is actually hurting me so much like…. These poor demigod CHILDREN are constantly fighting and constantly in danger because of their godly parents and yet they barely see or hear from them at all but still they love their parents and they’re proud of them and it just is so heartbreaking
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six-demon-bag · 14 days
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ifbrd · 1 month
I’ve wanted to draw this for years:
What the Gravity Falls fandom seems to think a Pines family trip to the Oregon Coast would be like:
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Vs, what it would actually be like (source: I’ve lived in Oregon my whole life, the following is what I experience when I have a “beach day”) :
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loverofpiggies · 15 days
can we see more of your comic with Winter King being:
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Hey! I do my best to update as often as I can, and thank you so much for reading it! I appreciate the heck outta all the reblogs and comments and all that!
Updates might have to slow down a bit though, I do all the writing, drawing, coloring- the whole process is me! And doing as much as I've done for the last month has been a bit insane so I'm trying to have a better comic/life balance. That, and work balance. Comics are my passion but they unfortunately do not pay my mortgage!
Don't you worry though! It'll update soon, I'm working on coloring page 4 of the chapter, but YEAH I definitely have to slow down from my insane pace a bit.
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The reveal of the new ikevil villains' curses has made me realize that the only thing I know even remotely about Swan Lake is the "How to offend women in 5 syllables or less" clip from The Swan Princess
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alicentflorent · 2 months
Imagine how free Alicent felt going out in nature alone though? Camping out in a simple tent, eating food that had been foraged or hunted, stripping down and going for a swim in the lake which is something she probably hasnt done since she was a child and there’s no city noise or duties for her to attend do she can just sit amongst the trees and be at peace with only the sounds of nature for company. She spent years locked in the castle forced to “perform her duty to her husband” nightly and produce heirs, raise her children with no support system, care for her husband as he got sicker and sicker and did her duty as queen consort and acting regent, sacrificing parts of herself to survive life at court but now she’s finally free.
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