#problem children uniting for a common cause: anarchy
loominggaia · 3 years
Anonymous asked:
Hade a rough idea for a fan-made Looming Gaia great kingdom based on the current info about the roving bands of violent liberated slaves in Evangline, the Benfreit Imperium. Benfreit takes place a century after the current story, the kingdom is based in the ruins of Evangline and Yerim- mor and is basically the Gaia version of nazi germany. They are the former Fae & Gaian slaves of Evangline, having earned their freedom through bloodshed and are now taking their grief out on their former masters
Benfreit got its start out as the roving bands of escaped slaves, massacring every slave owner and stray human they could find and freeing every slave they encountered to join their ranks. With Folkvars discreet help they managed to organize into a single faction, the Befreits. Together they waged a violent war against Evangline and eventually won, ending the war by storming the capital and murdering queen Indiga and her whole family, parading her corpse around the street for several days.
For their loyality the Benfreits where given the blue valley by Folkvar as reward and to serve as a vassal state, a decision they would later regret. For the first couple years Benfreit was a hellhole to live in, with widespread anarchy, political instability, racial violence and remaining bands of Evanglite loyalist plaguing the region. After a awhile the anarchy was reigned and order was brought to its lands by a very charismatic, very angry elven man, the soon to be King Kaaldor Benfreit.
Kaaldor is a angry, vengeful elven man, having suffered his whole life under Evangline slavery. Having been himself and seen people he loved beaten, tortured and worked to death by human masters over and over again turned him into a radically anti-commoner monster who seeks nothing but revenge against their entire class. He united the Benfreit people under his rule, quelling all the anarchy in the region and silenced all criticism against him.
He achieved total support by playing to the Benfreit peoples already radical hatred of commoners, turning it up to genocidal levels. Having consolidated power, turned the Benfreit commonwealth into a military dictatorship and made the revolutionaries his personal army he set his sights on his true goal, the total eradication/enslavement of all commoners. launching a genocide all throughout the blue valley, all commoners but humans especially where massacred in droves.
By the end of it 2/3rds of all the commoners in the entire blue valley region where killed, with the rest being enslaved. Folkvar took notice to this early and tried to stop it but was unsuccessful, Benfreit becoming defiant and even completely cutting ties with Folkvar. A war broke out which Folkvar surprisingly lost (mostly due to other external problems), forcing them to abandon much of Evangline territory which was scooped up by new Benfreit Imperium, giving them even more power.
Over the following century the Benfreit Imperium would continue to grow in power, eventually taking over all the old territory of Evangline, some of Folkvars old souther border after another war, and even annexing Yermin-Mor, having gotten along with them and sharing a similar grudge against commoners. Their mass killing and enslavement of commoners also continued, with the entirety of the surviving commoners in their territory being brutally enslaved and the old Evangline culture erased.
The culture and set up of the Imperium is a full blown fascist regime. The extremely authoritarian, militaristic, nationalistic, xenophobic, and obsessed with racial purity and Fae/Gaian supremacy. They are a culture of hatred and victim hood, wanting revenge against all commoners for their ancestors enslavement. They believe commoners, humans especially, are Gaia’s biggest mistake, believing their lying, lack of magic, and draw to pollution causing technology is because they are soulless.
Seeing all commoners as Gaia’s soulless bastard children, the imperium claims that all commoners kind is the biggest threat to Gaia and her “pure” children. The imperium proclaims it is their divine duty to eradicate the commoner menace and put them in their “proper” place, that if not stopped commoners will destroy Gaia and all Fae/Gaian kind in their greedy jealousy. No commoner is given any form of freedom under this regime, being either killed or enslaved with extreme fervor.
Commoner slavery is rampant here, and unlike the Evangline kingdom of old, their is next to no legal restrictions as to what one can do to their slaves. Benfreit is firmly allied with Damijani, having a similar history of being Fae enslaved by commoners and obtaining freedom, as well as their authoritarian beliefs. Their also allied with Mogdir, though mogdir likes to keep them at a very long arms length. Their firm enemies with Zareen, Folkvar, and Matuzu.
Their enemies with Folkvar for their betrayal and multiple wars. Enemies with Matuzu for annexing Yermin-mor, taking away a major industrial area alongside the encroachment into their territory. And for both the “demands” Benfreit is making to them, trying to strong arm them into giving up their commoner populations. And of course Benfreit has a special hatred of Zareen, using them alongside what their old Evanglite masters did to them to prove their anti-commoner doctrine.
The imperium alongside Damijani and Mogdir are planning a massive war against zareen, seeking its total destruction. The imperium believing that if it can take down Zareen then it would prove themselves unstoppable in their quest to rid the Gaia of commoners. This is the rough idea for what I can come up with so far, may post a updated version later once it’s ironed out. Also what do you think of this, could a kingdom like this even spring up?
Anon, I just want you to know that when I finished reading this, I actually clapped. This fits in so seamlessly with the existing lore, I could easily see it happening in the series. This would make a really great AU!
Benfreit sounds really interesting, I’d love to know more about their culture. They’ve got some similarities with Etios and Damijana in their history, but this Kaaldor guy obviously cranked shit to 11 and went ham with his manifesto there.
This is just so good, I love it. Every aspect of it just makes sense. Benfreit Anon knows their shit when it comes to LG lore!
I have just one small contribution to make...After they pulled Kaldoor’s charred carcass from his bunker after this great war of world powers, officials noted that he only had one testicle. Did it burn up in the flames? Or was it NEVER THERE?
That’s why the dude really be so mad. B)
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darrowsrising · 4 years
Dumblr lost the Silenius' Stiletto ask, so I'm making a post about it.
Silenius' Stiletto is a concept, mostly a political one - Silenius had to to find a balance between tyranny and anarchy, because once given dominion, his fellow Golds, who fought with him, named him Sovereign and conquered Earth, started to do as they pleased, regardless of the common good (as good as fascists can muster). So he had a galaxy brain moment and decided that he will not be a tyrant, but he also won't allow his ArchGovernors to do as they pleased. It was a dangerous game to play, he couldn't push and pull at the people who put him in charge for too long or too much, but he also couldn't stand and take it, when they stepped out of line. You have to hold ypurself to a sufficient stardard at all time, which is by no means easy.
What Virginia took from Silenius is that balance is key, no matter what system you have. You have to firm and fair, compromising, but unwavering. Again, not easy. It's like walking a tightrope, one mistake and you're done. And that's teh last thing the people need - instability.
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This Lysander's interpretation of Silenius' Stiletto. It's a more practical one, but still close to its original intent - Lysander sees that his presence in the Core is a threat for Atalantia and an opportunity for other ambitious Golds. He will have to choose a side, they'll make him, and whatever side he decides to be on, it will shape and control him. That is why he has to navigate this tightrope, he'll have to do things his way, in a way that is true to his purpose - unite Core and Rim - without causing civil war and without having him killed off.
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Virginia has to navigate her Stiletto daily, though. She has to always find the legal means to move things and not abuse her power. That doesn't stop Dancer from abusing his own powers - Senators have no right to meddle in diplomatic matters, that's the Sovereign's attribute. But she will not do what Dancer did, she will walk the Stiletto and if she wants more decision making power, she will legally gain it. Because that's what a demokratic Sovereign should be like - steady. Because if she does not respect the laws she put in place, she'll slip and then demokracy is in danger. In this particular case - as shown above - Virginia has to navigate the Syndicate and the kidnapping of the children, getting troops to Mercury and finishing this bloody war once and for all, legally, and the people who keep being a burden to those plans. Sevro and Victra negociating without Virginia's consent (they were too stubborn to understand that Virginia too would give anything to save the children, half of Mars was reasonable enough in her opinion, as she understood why the Obsidians wanted a place of their own) was bad enough, but going rogue against thr Syndicate really complicated things.
Virginia is at the end of her Stiletto - she is conquered it, now she has Imperium. Lysander, has barely begun it. He has even more to navigate, starting with his own fucked up brain and beliefs and ending with the Golds who want to use him and discard him at their earliest convenience.
So, in general, the Stiletto means to steadily endure and navigate problems carefully as to not disturb the balance and solve them so that you do not slip and die. Its key is patience. Becayse the more people coerce you in one direction, patiently going your way and dodging them is garanteed to gain you success. But that isn't easy or pleasant. It's a stiletto - it cuts. But the cunning behind is what wins. You walk your way and survive, you manage to shut down the problems and mantain the balance.
Those are my thoughts at least. I wrote way more, but dumblr fucked it. I'll add some more thoughts when I remember the rest. Thank you for waiting, though!
Howl on!
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teatimewithtess · 5 years
Entry 6: Saturday, June 29, 11:33 pm
Recently in one of my past English classes I wrote my own version of A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift; in the original essay, Swift chooses a daring solution to solve Ireland’s problem for bad children, hunger, and poverty: eating babies. Throughout his essay, Swift provides a plentiful amount of evidence and statistics proving that his solution is the one that no one will admit to working because no one has the audacity to propose it. Given any topic, I decided to go with the political anarchy that has divided America completely. I hope you can catch on to the satirical aspects planted throughout my work...enjoy.
A Modest Proposal
For providing the great citizens of the United States of  America with valuable, lawful choices that will aid in the development of one's’ views regarding the evolution of the future.
By Tess Butler
Unfortunately in our world today, frustrated Americans walk a road of hope and opportunity but are selfishly blocked by the doubt and ignorance from current politicians that only worry about how America can help them. From government shutdowns to never-ending debates, the American people cannot move forward, cannot move past these horrible roadblocks that cause the country to come to a halt. There has been bickering since the formation of the United States. George Washington even advised the current colonists to not create political parties because it would cause too much controversy; however, they did not heed his words. It has cost us the devolution of human reasoning in economics and politics. People argue without even obtaining the proper knowledge beforehand in order to propose a respectful argument that may lead to actual solutions. 
There is a constant debate over government, and it might never end. No matter how much all 300 million Americans try, they will never be able to work together in pure bliss, which is an unreasonable expectation anyway. Consequently, we are not using our gifts as homo sapiens, to communicate effectively and productively, but that is a future argument for a new and improved developed America. Every person has different views about each and every subject, so placing all these differentiating views in one enclosed area is not the best idea. Anarchy, protests, war, assassinations, murder, and ostracization are all consequences of opposing views; therefore, people with generally similar views should be together and share their ideas without having to worry about those frightening consequences. With similar people being together, Americans are finally united by the concept of similarity, rather than being forced together by differences. Fortunately, uniting those with common similarities is more realistic than a group of politicians actually working to better the future of the people. People would develop a more effective work ethic and become more united in a common trust of one another. Perhaps finally separating each mindset by our differences would finally allow the American people to prosper and break the bad habits we see too often in history.
As of 2019, 53% of Americans have a high level of discontent with the American economic system, 7% want a communist country, 57% of Democrats view socialism with a positive outlook; these percentages are far too high for America to continue on at its current rate. There are 327,232,426 people that live in America. If I subtract from the equation Alaska and Hawaii, which are not geographically connected to the United States and could be sold to Japan or Canada to gain some revenue, the resulting population would be 325,067,965 people. If I divided the total population into 5 different governing sections, it would equal about 65,000,000 people in each section. Even as the amount of births and deaths continue to fluctuate, it would not affect any aspect of the political districts. Therefore, each person out of the 300,000,000+ population would be finally divided for the better.
Now I will gladly propose my solution for solving differentiating views about government, even if it is denied by the current government itself, to the open minds of society. Out of the 300,000,000 people, each person will have the choice to live in one of five contrasting government sections of the “States of America.”  The five individual sections will be under the control of the following governments: democracy, republic, communism, socialism, and monarchy. The sections will be enclosed by massive Mexico funded walls that are heavily guarded by border police of that specific state; In between each of the central borders, wide channels will be created to further separate each state. Of each section, or state, the maximum population will be 65,000,000. If one might disagree with the government authority that they are born into, once reached the age of 18 they can move to a different state; however, any person can move a total of 2 times. If the population of the desired state has reached its maximum, one must go to their secondary choice. I will now introduce each specific state. State one is called “Calikota”(pronounced as kal-ih-coat-uh); it is under the ruling of a democracy and covers the area of the northern half of California to the border of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Iowa, and Missouri. The democracy is in one of the largest sections geographically because it is still one of the most wanted and popular forms of government. State two is called “Arkwasin”(pronounced as ark-wah-sin) ; it is under the ruling of a socialism and covers the area from Minnesota to Louisiana, bordering Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio. State three is named “South Cosas” (pronounced as south koh-sus); it is a monarchy government and contains the remaining area between Calikota and Arkwasin, which is from southern California to the border of Louisiana. State four is known as “Hiolina” (pronounced he-oh-lee-nuh), which is under the control of a republic government; this state contains the area from Florida to the border of Pennsylvania, including Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio. Finally, state five is “New Sylvinland” (pronounced as new sill-vin-lend) and is under the rule of a communism; the state contains the rest of the area of America, which is from Pennsylvania to Maine. The cheated people of America will finally have a real freedom of choice. There will be one week for choosing the desired state, and if not chosen by the required deadline, will result in a random placement. With desired political views finally fulfilled, Americans have one less problem to worry about: building that wall!
As ridiculous as it may appear, long-lasting problems require long-lasting solutions; even if it means replaying history, such as segregation based on race, and modifying it to our advantage, segregation of political views. However, I advise the people to ponder over the obvious advantages it has on every separate person and every separate thing.
First, it will finally put the phrase so commonly used to a well deserved rest: “Separate but equal.” That ironic mantra was never intended to be taken seriously because of how absurd it was to the realistic world. There is no such thing as “separate but equal”; there never has been and there never will be. So might as well teach the future intelligent and truthful generations the actual truth of the world: nothing is equal.
Secondly, people with higher education will finally have the rightful choice to actually do what they want without having the negative effects of delinquents’ decisions. Because of the accumulated knowledge and intelligence some citizens have attained, they will fortunately choose some of the best states to live in because they understand the definitions and true purposes of each government. And fortunately for them, most people with a simpler or more illiterate mindset will be forced to live in one of five random states, since they never learned a valuable enough work ethic to make deadlines. A win-win situation, as they like to call it.
Thirdly, we can teach the future generations ANOTHER key concept in the development of Americans: opposites do NOT attract. Since each state is separated by government, each person now has a common similarity among one another. We can finally distinguish the 40% of ruined relationships, because of political disagreement, and gladly participate in conversations about how much better one state is compared to another. Even though we already do that in modern America, at least we have support from 64,999,999 other people in the future States of America.
Fourthly, the smaller amount of people will directly relate to a smaller amount of problems. Finally, the president of Calikota will only have to deal with problems from 65,000,000 people instead of 300,000,000. We will gladly make the remaining citizens someone else's problem: an American specialty passed down from generations of success.
Finally, the media will be heavily affected by the dramatic decrease of viewers because of the small amount of democratic watchers. News Stations will now only appeal to that specific state, so citizens of South Cosas, the monarchy, will not be forced to listen to the verbal junk that comes out of every newscasters mouth on Fox News, CNN, etc. The people will receive real news about important topics; only 65 million people have to watch a donkey and an elephant fight.
Now, the current Americans of today withhold too much ignorance and understanding to actually diffuse the political anarchy that they started. If we would have actually listened to one another from the very beginning instead of pursuing our common self-centered ways, America would actually be at ease. Now, if one might despise my ideas I offer them with a solution that might be too difficult to comprehend, especially if one is a politician or works for the government. America has the decision to change its own government. If things are not working well, the power of the democratic government can choose to change to better help the people. Unfortunately, this solution requires many long debates and indecision, which I fear is too much for the modern politician to handle. The politicians that unfortunately run this country are hard-headed and are not open to practical solutions; they tend to draw problems out past the actual deadline.  Political parties will be our demise and ironically we are the only people that can end it. If we do not try to change anything at all, like we have not been the past 200 years, our country might finally cease to exist, respectively, on a worldwide scale. I am sure many Americans are frustrated with the insults and stereotypes we receive from other countries that are actually communicating and succeeding, and to be an American is far more than supporting an elephant or a donkey. Perhaps, in one's views of America, it is not considered American if one does not do things for a resulting positive effect, but instead because one is too greedy and narcissistic to do things for the greater good.
Now, while many people with the education of an elite ivy league school might inspect my idea and announce it preposterous, my modern problem requires a modern solution. Without proposing a solution like this would only continue to hold back America's growth. This proposal might be rejected by the highest authority of America, but is not rejected by the majority. The people of America know what they want, and what they want for this country. This solution shall be proposed to the official government of America after reaching a reasonable amount of signatures, and will continue to grow as awareness is spread. Once the solution is approved and conversed about, it will become in affect the January of the following year. As I watch idly by, in my homeland of Turkey, I will see the States of America beautifully flourish because of a foreigners idea. George Washington would be proud.
- Tesu :)
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laryna6 · 5 years
I was typing a long post re. the clusterfuck that is Ieonar gender... Well, the progressives would say it’s about gender identity, the traditionalists say that they make it not about gender by appropriating rank suffixes as gender pronouns. Which happened because the Mylar (multicultural alliance of formerly persecuted ethnicities) mistook the Ieonar adopting the Teleran common tongue for being victims of cultural imperialism and like. Deciding to politely ignore the Ieonar caste system in hopes it would go away rather than understanding why it exists in a people who will absolutely give you cancer by accident if not properly trained. Even once removed from the context of the Teleran Anarchy Period.
Complicated by the fact that Ieonar are genderfluid normative, and even the people with strong male or female identities never really realize they have them because the norm is just being in whatever body you feel like at the time, so unless one stopped to think about it they wouldn’t regard staying in one kind of body most of the time as more than habit? There’s also no performative gender since gender isn’t a thing, so no one would feel like ‘these coded behaviors feel more or less like who I am.’ 
The tradition-keepers among the Ieonar were aware that gender was a thing among non-Ieonar Telerans, so they weren’t surprised to see it in Mylar cultures. It’s someone appropriating a rank suffix, when those used to be used to determine who lived and who died, that’s You Did Not Just Go There.
The Progressives... there’s a stage in Ieonar child-rearing, from age 10 to 60ish, where children are abandoned in the woods because they need to start learning how to constantly use their powers if they want to become immortal but if they do that among other people they WILL cause cancers and people will die. Obviously because humans don’t want to be alone these ‘children’ normally create their own society and raise each other despite the risk of death, and actually constantly fending off death helps them hone their powers. These found families are important Ieonar social units, ties that persist over centuries. 
Unfortunately a lot of Mylar started adopting these kids, despite Ieonar warnings that ‘you’re probably going to die’ which is okay if the adopted parents make that choice. But like. What if there are any existing children in the household? Are they in a position to give consent to losing their parents/siblings? Without instruction, most of these Ieonar children would die of old age by fifty, with their powers making changes to their body but not being able to do anything to keep these healthy changes. Even once a system was set up for these children to receive instruction, they still reached Ieonar adulthood having experienced one traumatic parental abandonment and then a second loss of an entire family as the Mylar household died, even if whatever Ieonar instructed the child was able to make sure they all died of natural causes. Then entering into a society with no structure for handling their emotional needs because they were supposed to have already developed a support structure during their fifty years of living as a Found Family unit, both receiving emotional support and giving it to younger members. And a reluctance to develop new emotional ties due to two sets of losses. 
Traditional Ieonar society is absolutely screwed up, since it was formed as a coping/survival mechanism for the Teleran Anarchy Period, but the Progressives don’t offer a sane alternative because most Progressives are emotionally fucked up and want to destroy the system that traumatized them without any schema for giving immortals a system that doesn’t just cause them to go insane over centuries from isolation instead of childhood trauma. 
Progressives who attempt to raise their own children tend to do a terrible job no matter how good the Mylar family was, because they weren’t with the Mylar family for the early years that are important to bonding and there’s a very strong social pressure against forming an attachment with your biological child among Ieonar because of the aforementioned Anarchy Period, when a parent’s duty to a child was to get them to a point where they could be handed over to one of the Safe Zones and then contribute to society in keeping that safe zone safe, because if outsiders broke in the children would be slaughtered. They were aware that this was traumatic as hell for the kid, so the idea was to minimize the trauma by minimizing the attachment, fostering emotional connections to children of the same age as a substitute, hopefully causing a natural transition to the found family group. So Progressive parents’ example for how to parent small children is a parenting style based around ensuring the children get their emotional needs met elsewhere, without doing the ‘ensure the child gets their emotional needs met elsewhere’ part because they’re supposed to be meeting their child’s emotional needs. The only preexisting emotional bond between Ieonar blood family in the book is two adepts, one of whom is the other’s granddaughter, and they’re Platonic Life Partners who call each other grandfather/granddaughter because haha funny coincidence that two adepts are that closely related rather than the blood connection or small percentage age difference mattering at all. Jiva being related to Jaret is more a reason for her not to take him in rather than a reason to do so.
The main character’s mother had a traditionalist upbringing with found family group, and while Jiva(properly Jiv) got the same, Jaret was raised by his Mylar father and without that emotional support because she wanted him to feel an emotional connection to family and therefore an obligation to carry on her ideals. Even though the reason she wanted him to oppose the Progressives was that she’d observed how that fucked people up. Jaret has grown up knowing that basically everyone who gives a damn about him does so because of his mother, and that their support of him is because it’s what she wanted/contingent on him being what she wanted. 
One of the bits of feedback I got for the novel was that a reader didn’t find Jaret sympathetic, and that having an ensemble is a way people get around readers maybe not understanding what one kind of character is going through, but Jaret’s isolation is kind of important, since isolation is. A big problem. If he wasn’t so completely bereft of a support network that actually supported HIM he would have someone to go to when he discovered what one of his mother’s found family members had done with forbidden magibiotech instead of questing after a vanished adept. I should probably harken back to the original dream this is all based on and have Larynky be a party member. Replace the undercover Mylar plot tumor I wrote because NaNo and I needed wordcount with an experience of easy comraderie not contingent on meeting expectations with Jiv’s found family?
Or maybe I should just. Make Jiva the main character. 
Actually, that’s a fantastic idea. Jaret comes to understand on an intellectual level that that he’s being raised to be this Great King and now has to do a Hero’s Journey is pretty fucked up, but that’s hard since it has to overcome his lived experience that his life is, well, how his life works. Jiva has her own issues of being the failed/discarded rough draft child supposed to be evidence of her mother’s perfection even though Ieonar traditions actually support her owing her mother absolutely nothing, but her going ‘holy shit what is being done to this kid is wrong’ would help her with ‘what was done to me was also wrong.’ 
Jaret going to Jiva because despite the fact he’s been told he needs to grow up a leader he’s never really been allowed to act on his own and she. Has no reason to help him but like. There is no one that is any better to go to. And her just listening and eventually okay. First thing is, we fake your death by killing your manservant. And it’s half actual plan and half sisterly ‘this one I can kill now, need backup for the others that are going to die.’ But it’s not that he’s her brother that makes her help, but she remembers being a kid who got dropped off in the woods. Not even with parents sticking around to make sure she was handed off to a friend of hers who was her bff until they got brought to the woods, one of her mother’s people did it. And just wandering around and. Eventually making a bed out of leaves because. That’s what you’re supposed to do, right? And wandering around until someone sensed another Ieonar and went to say hi and was like ‘are you camping??? Where are your friends?’ and she was ‘huh?’ 
Jaret going ‘the admiral will let you just take off with your ship? He won’t demand you even provide an explanation for not sticking to the plan?’ because an adult who is both ‘will help’ and ‘does not run his life’ is a new concept. And Jiva is *internal screaming* because dammit this kid is supposedly being raised as a king but the idea that someone would like. Trust his judgment and assume he knows what he’s doing is totally foreign to him. 
And ‘WTF of course you can’t perform master level magic, you’re goddamn thirty, the only thing you’re supposed to be training in right now is Trying Not To Die.’
Now I want a(nother) Mylar-raised character that Jiva is like ‘crap, I can’t ditch them, they will absolutely take it the wrong way.’ ‘Sister Dammit why do I have to handle these balls of issues’ but like. There is no one else. 
Ieonar do have therapy! Traditionally it’s a religious/holy thing and very good at PTSD and grief counseling bc anarchy period. However over the child rearing issue the Necromantic War never ended in that profession - people are legitimately killing each other to this day. 
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dwestfieldblog · 5 years
'Verily a polluted stream is man, One must be an ocean to receive a polluted stream without becoming unclean'. Indeed...November-December '2019'...Anarchy for the UK? Looks as if Boris is working for the other side in a similar way to Trump. Ride the populist wave and spark a gathering civil war. I remember reading some years ago about how the SAS were trained in knowing exactly where to place a small amount of explosive to bring down machinery, rather than a James Bond type explosion. Just set it right and allow the machine to destroy itself through its own natural momentum. Every time these two fat blonde fools open their mouths it reminds me of this. They appear to be helping to destroy it all from the inside...will the constitutions of these two noble (arf) countries survive their egos? The education system is breeding a mass of fools and large parts of social media are indeed being weaponised to stir up emotions, working hard to pull it all down.
A looming election in Britain and a current party in power who has received millions from Russian oligarchs to encourage various unions to split apart. Hexagram 23 is thrown again. The other choices are just as dangerous. Nobody of any use whatsoever to vote for. Don't look back, good days ahead eh? Anyone remember Boris saying in 2018 that Britain was 'truly headed for the status of colony'? Yes Mr Johnson, but not a European one. Meanwhile, onwards...
Children are born with a strong sense of curiosity to explore their senses and ask questions. By the time they leave College and University this often seems to have been reduced to mere drug taking without any actual increase in perception...and the need to join a political or religious group. The leaders of such groups do not encourage the curious in nature, as individuality is less than essential to to a leader who requires obedience and the transference of energy. Stirring up righteous emotions takes the place of both rational thought and instinct...and the inquisitive rebels become fervent drones or else passive without actually being tranquil. Never forget the accurate part in Monty Python's Life of Brian where the gathered mass repeat (apart from one) 'YES, WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS!' Small wonder the butchers smell easy meat on a daily basis...but at least the lambs are ‘’woke’’, eh?
I recently read the long paragraph of topics NOT to be used by comedians in universities in America and Britain. Ready? 'Racism, sexism,classism, ageism, abelism, homophobia, biophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, or anti-religion or anti-atheism; These topics can be 'discussed' but 'in a respectful way'. Comedy kids! The PC snowflake future of these countries will be devoid of humour, only safe jokes on the mundane...and at some point even skits on mass murderers will be banned so as not to cause offence to killers several sandwiches short of a picnic.
P.C quote...'I happen to agree with the P.C. cult about many things. (In fact I only differ with them in not liking their intolerance, their fascist tactics, their introduction of Maoist brainwashing to our groves of Academe, their utter lack of humor, their continuous violations of ordinary common sense, their evident desire to destroy our Constitution and their lack of simple human decency') Robert Anton Wilson Cosmic Trigger Three, Hilaritas Press 1995/2018. Speaking of whom...
'The secret of power and wealth? You know how dumb the average guy is? Well, by mathematical definition, half of them are even dumber than that'. RAW. And therefore simpletons to manipulate for votes, money, sex and power. Endless slogans of 'Vote for me, I appear to share the same prejudices as you and of course I believe our country should rise again'. Etc. And so things will remain, until a few more of us consciously choose to edit less and tune in more, changing reality tunnels into reality labyrinths in good humour, there is unlikely to be the fabled phase transition... but it is coming. May Be. Trust me, I am an almost fully realised lunatic. Those with twofold vision will be unable to stop the wheel of evolution. As above, so below, inward is outward. Non simultaneously apprehended events....
China, seventy years of glorious and highly successful communism, well done to the personality cult of Winnie the Pooh. Took them this long to ban South Park. ARF. Don't forget kids, 'the imposition of order=escalation of chaos. The more laws there are, the more crime there will be.' Tell that to the judge...Remember...'The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. IT WAS THEIR FINAL,MOST ESSENTIAL COMMAND' .1984  
Trump said Greta Thunberg 'seems like a very happy girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!''. She then put that as her description on her facebook page:-) Goddess bless her. Fascinating but not surprising the papers with editors connected financially with concerns that involve oil etc, are writing editorials about how she is being manipulated and that her Asbergers (which she calls a superpower) makes her a loony. Love that she rejected the environmental award. And now she is Time magazine's Person of the Year, Trump will steam all the more and twitter out yet more methane. ('Every time he sits down, his voice gets muffled'.) Eve was the first human to think for herself...and men like you have never forgotten this eh? Grimly amazed to hear his female press secretary Grisham say his former Chief of Staff 'was totally unequipped to handle the genius of our great president'. She wasn't being sarcastic just applying more brown lipstick. North Korean platitudes in the USA. Cheese Boy and the Old Dotard, coming soon to a nightmare near you...
(A day after I wrote that paragraph, Trump did indeed tweet his disgust and jealous sarcasm, whereupon she promptly took his words once more and updated her biography again to 'A teenager working on her anger management problem. Currently chilling and watching a good old fashioned movie with a friend'. Perhaps she reminds him of a similar smart girl who refused his clumsy advances when he was that age and is seeking delayed revenge. Or just trying to make his oil/resource friends laugh.  His gimp master Putin certainly is. 'Condemned to eternal bullshit' to quote Mr John Lydon. Meanwhile away from the chaos, the darkness and the gate of the land of Night and entropy defined as a gradual decline into disorder, some levity is needed to slow the descent into bleakness ...)
Artificial Intelligence is to be given intellectual property rights...is this really a good idea? Discuss between yourself. Being Terminated by a robot is bad enough but being sued by a machine? Or do the Free Laws apply here? Well, when we cannot believe what we see, we see what we can believe. The state is concentric but the individual is eccentric eh? A random shuffle of cut ups, amazing how often they can make coherent sense, depending on what state the brain is in...I used to be a Libertarian but they had too many rules.
Or, as Alien Sex Fiend once said..'Everybody wants what everybody's got and everybody's got what everybody wants,soldier lies bleeding where a church once stood.' I love you cos you got green hair...Live fast, die young and leave a beautiful corpse, like Curt Cobain. I am a work in regress. Conditioned reflexes are built onto the imprints. Imprints are only changed through work or by a shock of one type or another. Bad news for the lazy cowards among us. 'Apothecary, give me something to sweeten my imagination!'  
...Some days later, a new campaign slogan from Boris to 'forge a new Britain'. In the meaning of fakery and counterfeits? I spent five minutes today reading Trump's Twitter account and felt my mind shivering in horror. This man seems to be seriously mentally ill. And suddenly impeachment (albeit a long time coming) is on the table.  Lurve the quote today from a Republican that 'abuse of power is not a crime'. In a democratic country? Could he be dirt on the road by next year? A smear on the wind shield, a nasty smell in the corner of a locked room? Will the Land of the Free (ARF) have a fresh awakening? Delicious to hold this thought for a while.....
One week later...
And so it was that Boris won an outright majority. And that is where we are in Britain, the other choices were so dreadful, we chose the evil of three lessers. You CAN fool most of the people all of the time. Let's keep repeatedly mentioning the millions of pounds donated to his Conservative party by oligarchs, the four jobs he lost because of lying, the children he does not pay child support to, the absolute lack of respect he commands on the world stage, his endless endless mask of buffoonery, avoidance of questions with a charade of good humour, his lack of manners, ridiculous failed projects paid for by public money, his cover ups, Brexit NHS lies and...and... and all of this happened before he was elected prime minister. THAT'S how poor the alternatives were. And his friends who are shorting stocks in order to cash in on Brexit. These businessmen, like those in the apocalyptic religions, looking forward to the End, to be raised higher in the rapture of Big Money. Nice grip on decency and morality to wish for the destruction of your country for the sake of your pockets. Mutton dressed up as a wolf in a judas goat's clothing, bleating,'This is the way, follow me and ignore the rotating knives;...
Wish and hope to be proved wrong, I have no problem whatsoever with being shown I am wrong when I am. I learn something positive about human nature then and my cynicism is overcome for a while. Not sure what we offer the world other than what we already have given and of course, weapons. Our best minds fled to America, Switzerland, New Zealand etc a long time ago. I expect Scotland to rid herself of English bullshit in no short order. Much as the USA, we became united through violence, the force of manipulation and then the desire to be stronger together. If a large part of the kingdom wishes to split in order to maintain previous relations with Europe, who seem to have behaved far better to it than did England, then go for it ye Celts. Looks as if the English really enjoy being told what to do by posh boys with a shaky grasp of morals. Pathetic. If I wasn't a Christian I'd...oh wait, I'm not...
Sick of these alpha male dumb foul-hearted swine equating power with only brute force and see those who care to evolve as weak. Those who believe respect comes only through fear will have a rude awakening, sooner...or much later. 'So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause'.  
And once again for all you Aristotelian black and white types, no I am not a Socialist or a Communist or a Liberal. I just have a deep dislike and mistrust of poncey arrogant lying snobs whose behaviour is far worse than those with a quarter of the education and opportunities they had. Again, perhaps I am wrong and Boris will suddenly rise and show his mettle and be the exact opposite of all he has been and done before. There is a percentage of possibility. My instinct says 'Don't hold yer breath'.  Or...'All things are a coincidence of opposites' Bruno of Nola. So, hope.
Peptides select the reality you experience, so get working on widening the spectra of possibilities and get neurotransmitting all ye psychonauts...at least laugh more...
I am sure it seems lazy just to dump yet another load of favourite quotes in these blogs as ballast,with which to add weight to my rather vague or ranted writings but you deserve some actual mind food during these screeds eh? So...'...brains are made of cells which are made of atoms which are made of electrons which are superimpositions of waves'. And the waves are influenced by...'The hidden variable theory of consciousness asserts (1) there is a sub-quantal level beneath the observational/theoretical structure of ordinary quantum mechanics; (2) events occurring on this sub-quantal level are the elements of sentient being.' Dr. E H Walker and N Herbert. Page 174. I need add nothing to that because it is all there, but...Imagine, if you Will...
And thus...
'We find that our consciousness controls physical events through the laws of quantum mechanics'
'The sum total of all minds is one'. Schroedinger.
'I don't ask that my opinion be made into law'.The republican's favourite hated comedian Bill Maher, speaking about prejudices on weed, sex, comedy, childbirth, books, films etc etc. 'Society runs at the speed of its slowest member'...Thus spake Jim Jeffries, explaining very clearly why various human made laws exist...and why the 'train' of evolution is scarcely moving thanks to all the dead weight it has to pull behind the engine/the first car. (Where within, all the scientists, philosophers, poets and engineers are thinking...; If I just pull out this peg and separate the cars 'Do you know how fast we would be moving?' ) Go for it lucid 3D dreamers...soon.....
An insane God burning its infinite energy on lower things, well why not? It passes eternity in the Akashic hologram eh? 'The hardware remains local, but nobody can localize the software'. Hope this is clear enough.  
'Beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror which we are barely able to endue and we are so awed because it serenely disdains to annihilate us. Rainer Maria Rilke. while listening to Swans from another dimension. I have never read anything from RMR, Kahil Gibran or Rumi that wasn't as magickal as Blake or Yeats. Eternity manifested in the light of day, something infinite behind everything appeared...
Time for us to step back out and away from all the old repeating news. To pay it no mind and certainly no heart. Just let go and leave it behind, allow them to get on with their ruin as we step discreetly to one side. Play your part by standing apart.
A lot of this year has felt pretty foul for various self induced reasons but has been enlightened (literally) considerably by good friends, great books, a couple of summer months on weed, and the beauty, grace, blood and power of PJ Harvey, Thighpaulsanndra, Puscifer, Swans, Killing Joke and the immortal COIL. Readers, I wish you a healthy, good hearted 2020... See you later, perhaps in a fulgurous exhalation conglobed in a cloud by the circumfused humour...
'If you have been on the upside of luck, build longer bridges, not higher fences'  
0 notes
Is This America?
I am angry, but I am also filled with sorrow.
Sorrow over a travel ban based on religious belief, no matter how gymnastically its defenders in the courts and media say it isn’t (though not the administration itself, which gleefully announces its     bigotry)….
Sorrow that we are forcibly taking small children from their mothers and fathers, lying about the rules that allegedly “demand” that we do so, housing these children in cages, denying them human contact, and disappearing them into a bureaucratic black hole from which they may never be reunited with their parents….
Sorrow that one such seven-year-old child died of dehydration and exhaustion in the custody of the US government. I’ve heard all the excuses the administration and its supporters have made for that. But there is no excuse for that….
Sorrow (and my stomach turning) at the sight of US law enforcement agents firing CS gas across the border at indigent, barefoot children, and at the demonization of refugee families fleeing violence and anarchy for which the US bears significant blame in the first place, and at blaming these desperate, ragged people for their own plight and their own suffering….
Sorrow at the vilification of immigrants legal and otherwise full stop, a process grounded in nothing but mindless hate, and a betrayal of the most basic principles this country claims to stand for…..
Sorrow at the obliteration of anything resembling a coherent foreign policy, and as result, the incalculable damage to American security; at the wanton smashing of diplomatic relationships carefuly cultivated over more than seventy years; at the abdication of American leadership, at the abandonment of loyal allies, and at the toadying to dictatorships and police states and the encouragement of despots….
Within that, sorrow at the toleration—and tacit endorsement—of the brutal murder of a journalist, and not just one, in the larger picture. Sorrow at the transformation of the United States into a satellite state of the Russian Federation and the gobsmacking, overt subservience toward its leader….
Sorrow at the absolute celebration of Dickensian greed, the con game perpetrated on the good people of this country, the shameless implementation of a Robin Hood-in-reverse economic policy that mortgages the future of our children and grandchildren for the enrichment of an already obscenely rich few….
Sorrow at the wanton despoiling of our air and water in exchange for mere pieces of silver, and the ostrich-like denial of settled science in order to squeeze out those short term profits, even if it means the destruction of the very planet itself….
Sorrow at the inexplicable elevation of this godawful family—stinking like a fish from the head down—to the very pinnacle of public life, and at the endless Mummers Parade of criminals, grifters, gangsters, and swine they have brought with them and installed in positions of power as public “servants,” very often with the unabashed intention of destroying the very agencies they command. The steady exodus of these same cretins in disgrace—and sometimes in shackles—one after another, speaks to the kind of people this administration attracts….
Sorrow at the underhanded subversion of democracy, a campaign that, as George Packer points out, is perhaps the most dangerous threat of all in that it obliterates our fundamental means of remedying all these other problems….
Sorrow at the steady drumbeat of attacks on the rule of law, on a free press, and on free speech in general. Sorrow at the destruction of truth and objective reality itself as common metrics, and the endorsement of shameless deceit and hypocrisy as the new normal….
Sorrow at the divisiveness roiling our nation, though I continue to reject the wildly disingenuous false equivalence that “both sides are equally to blame.” (Fine people on both sides, you know.) In other words, sorrow at the resurgence of racism, misogyny, bigotry, and xenophobia, and at how eagerly so many of our countrymen have thrilled to this appeal to the basest and most vile human instincts. In so doing they have revealed the ugliest possible face of our country, one that we all wanted to pretend wasn’t there—the racists and bigots included—but that has reared its head with a vengeance, giving the lie to our self-flattering delusions of collective enlightenment.
I say “our” because we as Americans are all culpable. We cannot slough responsibility off on our government, which after all, is supposed to represent the will of the people, even if it pointedly does not at the moment. But even that does not absolve us. These episodes are a permanent stain on the United States of America and on all of us as citizens thereof.
So when I see all this, all I can ask myself is:
Is this America?
There is certainly a dark, Zinn-ish view of our history that betrays no surprise over what we are experiencing, and I concur that it did not spring fully formed like Athena from Zeus’s forehead.
That is precisely what alarms me.
Because, as many wise observers have noted, this poisonous excuse for a president and the havoc he has wreaked is merely a symptom of a deep sickness, not its cause.
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