#probs bc when i play cd i never go back to the present after breaking capsules in the past lmao i just get the act done asap
donnieluvsthings · 2 years
guyyyssss i didnt know amy shows up in palmtree panic this is gonna mess up my whole fic!!!
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Taylor Swift - Fearless Album Song Ranking
For this album ranking, I decided to split the album up into tiers based on which songs I would put near one another to help decide where they line up. I wrote about the songs in reverse order (from what you will read it) and I help explain why I rank each song the way I do. (I don’t make as much sense on the higher ranked songs)
Tier 1: 
I hate when people have singles as their fav song, and it hasn’t always been this way, but these songs have tested time, I love when she performs them, the music videos bring back so many memories, and even just my own discovery of the song they are amazing.
Love Story
Ok, maybe I'm biased atm bc I haven’t stopped listening to Love Story recently because of the video of Shawn at her show. But… it’s so good. The more I like a song the more difficult it becomes to explain why. I’ve always loved the story of Romeo and Juliet. The instrumentation is beautiful. The music video. Ugh I can’t, everything about this song is great. Never stop believing in love, it might not be like the storybooks but that doesn’t mean portions can’t be, or maybe, maybe, it can be even better than you imagined?
Ugh. This song is everything. This song is what I want in a first love, there are so many small things that I love about this song, the rain on the pavement, have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE petrichor? This song makes me think of a running on a spiral staircase in a long dress. Capture it. Remember it. Fearless.  Fearless and Speak Now were really important albums to me, in part because they motivated me to live that way.
You Belong With Me
The thing that’s funny about this album is I think it has some of the most memorable music videos, and yet at the same time, I am able to remember my own visuals (or at least some) of the album before the video came out. That’s the one downside of music videos is sometimes I think our minds can be flooded by an artists visuals and forget our own. This is such a fun song, the music video is amazing. Now I’m thinking of Taylor walking back to the stage from the B-stage during Speak Now Tour.
White Horse
I received this album as a Christmas present, per typical, after everyone opened their presents my family goes its separate ways and mulls over their gifts. I put this album and listened to this song on the stereo. I remember acting out each of these songs, but I can vividly remember portions of this song, being on the stairs (I still sort of do this when I’m listening to music - like I’ll make up a music video in my mind, or a dance routine, pretend I’m on stage)
Tier 2:
This song is difficult to listen to, at one point I made the connection to the lyrics it feels like I just lost a friend, and I’ve never been the same. I’ve been through many ups and downs with these friends, these friends I also went through loving Taylor together, that slowly faded and I guess so did our friendship. Sometimes it feels like it's in flames even though one of them I haven’t talked to in a year. The tricky thing is that we're still family friends so it’s likely I’ll see them again and that’s rough. (I can’t continue, but I have come to the realization that it wasn’t just their fault, and I probably hurt them along the way, and I think that was important).(ugh now I’m finishing the song because sometimes I just wish there were answers, but like the song says wishing there was a clean break)
You’re Not Sorry
This song is a song to have a break down to. I know I have before. wow. Lol lyrically I didn’t think tier two had any similarities but wow they do and I don’t want to go any more in depth than I did in my description for breathe.
Tier 3:
Ahhh fifteen. I love the storytelling in this song. This song has been through a lot. This song was one of the first songs I heard before it was on the internet, oh the days when she had unreleased songs that she would play. This song came out at a time where I got to live listening to this on my first day of high school, the day I turned fifteen, and to hear it in concert when I was fifteen. "Dancing around the room when the night ends” what a beautiful lyric. lol still waiting for that first kiss tho 7 years later.
At one point I this was my favorite song off of the album. Oh, and did I love singing the hallelujahs at the end. I was so proud of Taylor for this being an Olympic song.
Forever & Always
I mean… if you aren’t thinking of Joe when you are listening to this song you are doing it wrong. It was iconic, at the same time I wonder if she regrets outing him. But I’m glad that out of all her exes it was him, he took it like a sport, I mean yes he has a song too, but I think they would both be over that at this point. Also, this song was clearly written out of rage and in her later albums we see how much she cared about him. I never thought about this before but I wonder if Joe was her first love, I know she was with people in high school, but (Lol when you contradict this with her feeling invisible in her first album I always find it funny, because in my last review I mentioned that I never really felt alone or like an outsider but I’ve never even been asked out). I love the visuals that come to mind when I think of this song. Additionally, I think of the red chairs and better than revenge.
Hey Stephen
Hey Stephen used to be one of my top songs off of this album. It makes me think of her jumping on the bed like in the booklet… It’s a really sweet song. But sonically, it doesn’t stand out like it use to. If I had a crush I would probably be eating up this song.
Tier 4:
 I feel like with every album there are similar sounding songs found in the meat of the album that tends to get forgotten over time…for fearless it’s these next two songs. I like both of these songs but sometimes I forget about them. One thing that I love about these songs is they are the ones that you could scream, yell and cry to. It brings an additional dimension besides a fairytale that may or may not come true and the ramifications of that.
The Way I Loved You
This song is ranked higher because socially it gives more of a punch. I like the dimension of who he appears to be versus what is actually happening behind the scenes when it’s just the two of them. But also her liking the turbulence of the relationship because there was intensity maybe there was fighting but there was also a passion. Now it clean cut and they’re going through the ropes but it’s not what she loves about him.
Tell Me Why
I received Fearless as a Christmas gift the year it came out and I always remember having this song stuck in my head during the car ride home from my grandmas, but because it was a cd (and if I had an iPod at that time I probs couldn’t transfer the songs till I got home) I couldn’t listen to it. I was stating some of the lyrics to my mom and I remember her being surprised by the intensity of the song. I also really like the visuals in the album booklet for this song. That was one thing I always loved about her albums.
The Best Day
This has always been my least favorite song on the album, you’ll find a theme of my lower ranked songs because I feel like they have this same style to them. This song is important though, it is very sweet, very personal. It gives us as fans an insight into Taylor’s life, but more importantly, it’s Taylor giving her heart and her thanks to her Mom.
I didn't include deluxe songs in this ranking because they came out months later and I view them as a separate entity. I don’t listen to them as often since they’re not connected with my original album but I think all of the songs would rank in the second tier.
1. Love Story
2. Fearless
3. You Belong With Me
4. White Horse
5. Breathe
6. You’re Not Sorry
7. Fifteen 
8. Change
9. Forever and Always
10. Hey Stephen
11.The Way I Loved You
12. Tell Me Why
13. The Best Day
Album Ranking Masterlist 
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