#and WATCHING someone play it is fun and playing the good future of every act is fun. but actually trying to get the good ending????
yoonsenji · 10 months
Summary: their voice line! // part 2.
" She's mine, not yours "
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Part 1 =
Genshin impact₊˚.༄
Character: Freminet, Zhongli, Furina, Heizou.
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//Freminet ★
•CHAT: You.
" She told me that crying is a great way of getting rid of bad feelings, I have never been told such things... All my emotions pour out right infront of her, she didn't make fun of me... I feel much better after that, hence whenever I need someone she's the only one I can go to "
•CHAT: about 'Father' from you.
" I always believed that 'father' was somehow always right, but yet she prove me wrong most the time... She told me to do whatever I feel like, from that day my way of seeing 'father' change... "
•CHAT: Crush.
" Well... I like this one person... They're kind towards me... I feel safe around them, they're very supportive of my decision, around them... I can feel my confidence good up "
•CHAT: When it Rains.
" I don't enjoy when it rains... But, she told me to enjoy every moment of it tho, although I found it weird to enjoy watching rains... I guess some people have weird hobbies? "
•CHAT: Ocean water.
" You never know how deep those ocean water are... Do you? But if you don't take a chance you'll never be able to experiance the joy of the ocean water. That's what she told me... The first person to ever encourage me even when I fail over and over, it was her "
•CHAT: Special person.
" She's the type of person to encourage me and stay by my side even when I fail multiple times... Have anyone done that for you? To stay by yourside and encourage you to do what you love... Maybe that's why I always desire to be by her side. "
•CHAT: Comfort area.
" She doesn't force me to do anything unlike others who tried to 'help' me by forcing me out my comfort area... She... She tried to pull me out slowly and if she realised I don't feel comfortable she just stop. I just wish people respect my decision just like how she always did "
• CHAT: Crying.
" 'Father' doesn't allowed children to cry 'father' say's that crying is the product of weakness and emotions. I used to cry under the water so the ocean could cry with me... But, now I got someone... Someone who understands my feelings and cry with me "
• CHAT: feelings (Jealousy).
" whenever I see her close with Lyney I have a nasty feelings coming from my heart, Lyney and I are opposite of eachother... I'm afraid she'll fine someone better. But, I know that I'll never be able to find anyone better than her. "
• CHAT: Midnight.
" During midnight she would take me to her spot and we both would sit down and watch the ocean and the moon... She would told me everything about her day and stories, I often fall asleep but in the morning she always disappear, her jacket on me to protect me from the coldness of the night... Or it's either that she would be beside me sleeping as well... "
• CHAT: Pers.
" Pers is like a family to me... Often her and pers would play together, it's actually my first time seeing pers get along with anyone else but me "
• CHAT: Future.
" Why should I tell you...? Fine... I do plan on getting married one day... You don't need to know to who! It's a private matter "
" I could tell that freminet like her alot! Although I'm a bit jealous of how good looking she is and how she acted towards my brother, guess luck run in the family! "
" Freminet like her I could tell... Anyone with brain could tell, those two are always by eachother side, it's weird to see them not by eachother side at this point "
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• CHAT: Lover.
" Being so straight forward about my personal life I see... Since you have been honest to me I shall return the favour by being honest as well. I do not have a lover, although I am indeed fascinated by someone, well... I can't tell you their name, afterall I have already honestly answer one of your question "
• CHAT: Scents.
" You have good sense of smelling, one lady told me that this scent can increase the change of receiving love or complement from your significant other. It's a type of trick used by many sellers to sell their product, although I did indeed recieved a complement from them... I guess a lie can turn into truth as well "
• CHAT: the past.
" Although the memories I have shared with those who have long gone left this world will still be cherished by me, the memories I spend with her will forever be in my mind, I simply couldn't go a day without thinking about those memories. Still, I will continue to cherish the new memories I have create with her, promising to make them better each time I create a memory especially with them "
• CHAT: Life.
" For God like us life goes slowly for mortal like you life is fast... It isn't the smartest to simply spend your life lazily, so... Before you die you should find someone that you can cherish forever, spend the rest of your life with... Oh me? I have already found that person long ago, although I am not sure if they share the same feeling as I do for them "
• CHAT: Liyue.
" Liyue is the land of contract where contract is value and if you made one you cannot betrayed your own word... It's easy, although I do not remember making any contract with her, she have been staying by my side for years always accompanying me... It's fascinating on how one doesn't need contract to stay loyal to another individual "
• CHAT: Fate.
" War is apart of fate... No matter how much blood have to be shed you cannot out do fate it's self. If one fate is to die there is no escape, which is why I always have a close eyes on her... I'll do anything in my power to make sure that fate like that never cross her path "
• CHAT: love.
" I have once saw two old couple walking down the road of Liyue. I have seen them together when they were both youthful, such nice story... I wonder if mine will end like those two, inlove with eachother till death? Or a heartbroken love story? "
• CHAT: Future.
" I prefer to live in the present than the future nor the past, although the future will always appear the past is forever lost... I'm very careful around her I do not wish to make any problem to turn our relationship sour anytime soon, afterall one sour memory can ruin all of them "
• CHAT: Special time.
" Every time a full moon is present she'll force me to accompany her to watch the moon, I do think that it's beautiful but I simply can't even stare at it when she's around. It is as if my eyes are only set on her... I wish those memories would last forever "
• CHAT: Life of regret.
" One day she'll leave me... She's just a mortal with short life spam, unlike me... I just can't bear the fact that I'll have to be alone once again. Even the thought of her not by my side pain my heart... But, there is nothing I could possibly do to prevent such future "
" Ah! The lady of Gold! I always see her with Zhongli smiling and giggling... They remind me of my parents being together, although both of them do not interact much when I'm around... Shame I wanted to atleast know more about their relationship! "
Hu Tao-
" Mister Zhongli and her are the best together! She's very supportive of us and our work. Oh god! I'm so happy to talk about her! Although mister Zhongli is a bit shy they both seem to get along just fine! I bet they will be in love very very soon! "
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• CHAT: Lover.
" Hmm... Oh her? mon amour she always attend every trail! I love talking to her about anything! Always interesting and super fun to... I wonder if she would like to join my tea party again... It's not like she could reject such offer "
• CHAT: Trail.
" Whenever she talk in trail it's like a story unfolding it's self! Her voice is very calming and it feels like she's simply telling a tail...! Although she also lost some trail even a fail victory should be celebrated! "
• CHAT: Rain.
" It's raining again? Seriously? Ohhh... I wish she was here! Neuvillette doesn't allow me to visit when it rain since I might get sick... Who care? I'm the hydro archo, no sickness will ever seperate me from her! Although maybe the coldness might... Heh "
• CHAT: Performance.
" I only perform as a form of entertainment... And she would watch and correct my movements sometimes... Afterall I make no mistake that often! I should invite you when I get the chance! "
• CHAT: Water.
" I can't even think of being without her... All those years I spend without her was dark and lonely... The light of my life is her, I rather not go back to what I used to be... Afterall would you rather have a God that is nothing without the love of her life or A God with someone to love...? "
• CHAT: Order.
" I don't understand! I get that neuvillette is all about law but why can't I see her?! That's just talking control over my life! Ugh! It's not like I won't come back for years... Anyway I'm seeing her anyway one way or another! "
• CHAT: Sunny.
" So hot... Even water can dissolve at this point... Oh no! My love! She might melt if I'm not there... Ughhhh! Such an urgent matter! Tell neuvillette that I the archon is out to aid her people from melting like ice cream! "
• CHAT: Fatui.
" It's better to not keep such negative thoughts in head but... Fortunately for me... My dear can beat up any fatui! Afterall she's a fine fighter and lover... Even that girl would be on her knee upon seeing my love! I'm so lucky! See how strong she is? Do not mess with me, cause she say my pain is her's so mess with me you mess with her! "
• CHAT: Eyes.
" I was a bit unwell about how different my eyes are... Although I get praise for it, if felt as people were talking badly about it... Until she told me how unique it was... For the pass two hour she continued to praise me especially my eyes... I guess I'm special afterall! "
• CHAT: Tea party.
" The party is only held when I feel like it... Cake and tea any dessert you want I have it... From Liyue and also sumeru oh and I also have some from Inazuma... Although don't expect it to be good... How I get it? My darling always bring some back for me! Just for me! I guess I'm her favourite afterall! "
• CHAT: Hydro vision.
" If only neuvillette agree with me she would have a hydro vision already... I even send Letter to other archon not to grand my love any vision cause I want her to have hydro vision just like me... A soulmate should have same vision! But Neuvillette wouldn't agree with me! Saying she's not worthy something something... Ugh! Talking about it make me want to burst out... Just wait... She'll receive that hydro vision one day... "
" I like her... Everyone around her are comfortable, if only furina stop pampering her with everything... She have been arguing with me to give her a vision yet I can't just agree... It's well known that the hydro archon favour her so it's unfair if she receives a hydro vision... I just know that furina will give her one anyway... Atleast she handle furina without any problem, other than that... I have nothing to say about her "
" The soft spot of the archon... Inorder to hurt the archon directly you just need to hurt the girl, although it is hard to capture her she's quite strong herself. But it won't be long till I get her, I'll take the gnosis and she'll be long gone... Afterall I can't have her following after me, a problem should be solved before it becomes to big to handle "
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• CHAT: Lover.
" Hm... Her? Isn't she just pretty? The first time I met her was like straight up from a romantic novel... Such girl like her approaching me is unbelievable... Although I won't like any competition so... Promise not to fall for her as well "
• CHAT: comission.
" Um... Well, the comission... It can be quite annoying but I always enjoy them since she would always be my partner! Inorder to make things fun you need the person you love the most to join you and things will get better. Am I right traveller? "
• CHAT: Justice.
" Justice is very important afterall how can I blindly let the law be destroyed infront of me right? Although... I might have made some expectations doesn't mean you are included traveller "
• CHAT: You.
" I can't stop thinking about them once again... Even at work they fill my mind which frustrate me at some point but... Their soft smile and touch I do miss it dearly, ugh! It's happening again. Quick traveller help me think of something else! "
• CHAT: kissing.
" At time I would hold hand with her but... Kissing? You must be joking, holding hand and cuddling I can understand but kissing her like nothing is wrong is just weird... You can't just kiss without thinking. I want this to be perfect for her, just like how things should be... "
• CHAT: Fish.
" Traveller! Would you like to go and catch some unique dish later? But they have to be alive tho... My love wanted to have a pet bug I think they're to lazy for energetic animals so a fish shall do it... So? Up for it? It can be our little hangout day to get to know each better? "
• CHAT: People.
" Most people think we're dating and each time I can't help but blush a little... But, unfortunately that isn't the care but I wish it was... I'm sure those rumours will be true in some week or years but just wait I'll get to confess one day! "
• CHAT: Sudden encounter.
" Whenever I encountered them suddenly my heart skip a beat... That should be a bad thing but I like the feeling. One time, I hide behind someone else when i suddenly see them, it was embarassing but... I just can't help it "
• CHAT: Assistant.
" Sometimes she wouldn't join me at work and talk about how good of a partner we were... I can't help but think that she secretly like me and I'd hinting that I should confess. Especially when she hold my hand at work, she definitely like me! "
• CHAT: Hair.
" I always enjoy it when she brush my hair or play with my hair, put me at ease but I always hate it when she stop... Everyday she would do my hair it doesn't matter how ugly it look I will always proudly walk around with it no matter what. Afterall would you make fun of the work of your lover? "
" Hm... I remember her and Heizou being extremely close together. I did bring it up one time only for Heizou to go red as a tomato... Guess you can say he did harbour feeling for the girl "
" Ah! Her! Heizou and her are like bestfriend! Although most say they're in love I bet they are just so close that some people lost their mind! Although I do see them together always doesn't mean they're in love right? "
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Hello dear how are you?! First of all thank you for your hard work!! If it's alright for you may I ask dating hc of young high school time gojo x (fem)reader? How would he act around the person he loves and is he a Heartbreaker? Please take your time.thank you!
I'm good! Hope you are well aswell <33
Highschool Gojo X Reader hcs
Gojo who is a 'what he wants he gets' type of person, so when he sees something or someone he wants he has to have it. His cocky nature would thrive in his high school years. He walks through the corridors sliding his sunglasses down his nose to give the girls a peek of his eyes and smirking at how flustered they all get.
Gojo who always has a new girl at his side with pride thinking that they'll be the 'special' one. Gojo doesn't pay too much mind to them, to him it's just a bit of fun and he has no interest in protecting their feelings. His 'heartbreaker' reputation doesn't bother him at all, instead, he sees it as a way to just get more girls.
Gojo who can't help but feel offended as you just roll your eyes at him and scoff as he flashes a charming smile at you. He doesn't pay too much mind to what others think of him yet his ego is hit every time you scoff at him.
Gojo who can't stop watching as you giggle at a joke his best friend Geto told you. His eyes are attached to the way your plump lips move and your eyes sparkle as you look up at him. Gojo's only broken out of his trance by the blonde girl who sits at his side rubbing his arms up and down.
Gojo who can't hold back and gets up from his seat with the girl and strolls over to you. 'Heyy look who it is, my two favorite people' He says throwing an arm around his best friend. 'Gojo what do you want' you say rolling your eyes at him.
Gojo who after failing at winning you over with charm he opts for a different tac-tic. He becomes more invested in his relationships and being more affectionate within school hoping you would notice and be jealous.
Gojo who doesn't realize how much his change in behavior affected you. He doesn't notice how you stare as he hugs a girl around the waist, or how you play with your fingers as you see him pull a girl into a storage room.
Gojo who can feel you stare at him during training, and decides to confront you later that day at a small party. Gojo stands at your side as you watch everyone dance around. 'you know you could just keep a picture' he says looking down at you. 'shut up Gojo'
Gojo who managed to kiss you that night and from then on he's been inseparable from you. He was never too fond of the girls who threw themselves at him but you, you made him feel giddy inside. And when you were too far away he felt sick, so he made sure to keep you close.
Gojo who is all for the little things. He remembers your favorite flowers and makes sure to buy you a bouquet at least once a week, he remembers your coffee order and favorite food. Gojo loves kissing you, from kissing your knuckles to showering your face with them. He just can't help himself.
Gojo who is obsessed when in love. The thought of you plagues his mind and he feels a hole in his heart when you're not near. He can be a little possessive when you talk to other guys but with a strong hand wrapping around you and pulling you into his lap he is a happy man.
Gojo who although is still in high school enjoys cuddling with you and planning out your future. He knows a lot of his is destined because of his six eyes but he can't help but fantasize about a simple domestic life with you.
Gojo who as soon as you mention being jealous of some girl he spoke to, blocked all his ex-girls and girl friends from his phone. He has you as his lock screen and has you and Geto stared as his favorites in his contacts.
Gojo who loves to show you off to others. From talking about you when he and Geto are together, to showing random strangers photos he has of you on his phone. He just can't get enough.
Gojo who spoils you like crazy. He's buying anything you say you like and point out at the shopping mall. Gojo takes you out to fancy restaurants and luxury vacations just to see you smile.
Gojo who although hates seeing you cry, is more than happy to take care of you. His first response is 'Who hurt you? I'll kill them' but quickly he's cuddling you in his arms and kissing your forehead telling you your okay. He also makes sure to run a hot bath and order your favorite takeout.
Gojo who wouldn't let anything hurt you and vows to protect you for life. He's always worrying about you even in the smallest of situations. For example, when the coffee cup is too hot and burns your hand, he is all over you for the rest of the day making sure you're okay.
Gojo who was the first to say 'I love you'. He made it a big deal, with rose petals, candles, and a fancy dinner. That night was the first time you had sex and he couldn't help but repeat 'I love you' over and over again.
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wonwooslibrary · 8 months
svt as boyfriends ♡ seungkwan edition
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member: seungkwan x gn!reader genre: fluff, bullet points, established relationship word count: 834 summary: seungkwan's boyfriend things <3 warnings: mentions of kissing & mentions of food author's note: today is a sad day :( happy moonbin day & i hope he is resting in peace. in honor of moonbin day and woozi releasing what kind of future, here is some small seungkwan things to cheer everyone up. please take care of yourself!
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He is the soft and cuddly teddy bear boyfriend and I love him for it 
There is this one guy on TikTok who like…gets dressed in front of the camera and shows his outfits as a plus-size man and istg that is Seungkwan’s vibe and !!! 
He also gives coffee dates and light academia and book boyfriends 
Quality Time 
Loves scrolling through social media with you before bed 
Dates! Oh gosh he loves taking you out and getting boba or ice cream :3 
Seungkwan’s definitely a big fan of watching a series with you too - like you would go to Netflix or something and find something you both want to watch but haven’t started yet and it becomes YOUR show 
Prefers to go out and explore with you rather than stay in (he’s an extrovert, what can I say?)
Loves teaching you things he loves! Like, for example, he would try to teach you a Wonder Girls dance and you guys would have so much fun with it 
Also loves being with you in moments of sadness - you’re his person and you make him feel strong, so he’s not ashamed to be with you and cry around you
At first, he would be super embarrassed to meet your friends, but after a while, they’d love him and he would be more comfortable around them
Words of Affirmation
Is always saying stuff like “You worked so hard!” or “I’m so happy that you are the one I get to spend my life with” 
I feel like he is very picky with his nicknames…like he would never use food related ones like “cutie pie” because they are overused, but he would love something like “sweetheart” brb sobbing 
Seems to enjoy receiving compliments too! Like you tell him that you loved the singing cover that he did and he’ll scream 
Also uses songs and lyrics as a way to express his love for you! Nothing fits more than music 
Was really shy when you first got together and would blush any time you spoke to him or even looked in his direction
Totally keeps a photo of you guys as his lockscreen on his phone, but one that he edits with cute stickers (aka he always places his phone screen-up so if someone asks about it he can talk about how much he loves you) 
Physical Touch
He is a clingy bf but in the way that if he has the chance to cozy up with you under a soft blanket with a movie playing in the background, he totally would go for it 
Loves when you play with his hair, but always manages to mess yours up and then feel super bad about it 
If he wants a kiss or something and you say no, he’ll be really pouty and sad about it until you agree, but of course with that look on his face, you can’t say no for too long! 
At the beginning of your relationship, he would try to hold your hand but get embarrassed but you love it 
Rests his head on your shoulder a lot :( 
Man survives on back rubs and hugs 
Acts of Service 
Loves turning on the shower or setting up a cozy bath for you <3 
Always offers you his coat when you go on walks together because he is afraid of you getting sick 
If you’re in pain or sick he’ll always do small things like brushing or tying your hair up, tying your shoes or even zipping your coat up 
Asks if you’re drinking water and making sure to eat throughout the day because it makes him sad when you forget and then are living off of snacks 
Likes making you calming tea before bed and makes sure that you take your vitamins/medication every morning/night
In the winter, he’d always shovel or clean off your car for you, so you don’t have to get up early and do it because he knows how much rest you need :((( 
Always sends good morning and good night texts when you are apart, just to let you know that he is thinking about you 
Gift Giving 
LOVES giving you his hoodies, as it makes him feel warm on the inside he’s so cute 
Also loves the idea of having those matching hoodies or phone cases, but when you tell him that those are too embarrassing, he’ll settle for something small like just wearing the same colors scheme or having matching bear keychains 
Makes you playlists when he finds a lot of songs that: he wants to show you, reminds him of you, or makes him feel strong emotions 
If he goes on any trip without you, he’ll always bring you back something cute, like a seashell or a snowglobe
Goes all out for your birthday or holidays that you celebrate - he is not afraid to spend hundreds of dollars on squishmallows if that is what you like 
He’s a simp when it comes to gift giving
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Exo as husbands pls
Enjoy :)
Exo as husbands
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The proud husband
To put it simply, this man would do anything for you
If you need something, he will get it
If you’re hungry, he will cook
If you’re tired, he will be your mattress
The moment you became his wife, he sole purpose was you
Likes to talk about you to Exo-l's
As he is the leader of the group, you have become a older sibling type figure to the fans
Which he loves
Date nights together consist of old movies on the sofa with a bottle of red
Likes to sit and reminisce over your wedding photo's
He would just be an amazing husband
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The cute husband
He's just a squishy squish
He doesn't really act any different as a husband to when he was your boyfriend
He still teases you
Plus will do anything to put a smile on your face
He will happily do all the cleaning
Because according to him, you do it wrong
As we know, Xiumin likes to drink so I think dates would be a karaoke bar, with you both drunkenly screaming Whitney Houston's 'I will always love you' into a microphone/empty bottle
Always makes you breakfast in bed
You are literally his best friend and being with you is his favourite pastime
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The crazy husband
I wouldn't know whether to say Congrats or good luck
He is a tornado with a beautiful voice and handsome face
But still a tornado
He is also a clingy boy
So expect lots of cuddles/headlocks
Knows how to cheer you up when you're not feeling so great
Expect lots of butterfly kisses to the face
Loves to go long drives with you, just listening to music and talking about life
He's just your number one fan and will make sure you always have a smile on your face
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The protective husband
If you're going out with friends or at a work event, he will be your personal taxi driver
Always making sure you're ok
Also the type to tease you, in a loving way though
Likes to take you on spontaneous dates
He loves to stroke your hair whilst you sleep and looks lovingly at his wedding ring
It fills him with a sense of pride when he does
Loves how your lips feel against his skin
Can’t actually go a whole day without a kiss from you
Marriage with Chanyeol would be filled with loving moments
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The attentive husband
Actions speak louder than words
Kyungsoo's love language is his actions
He will always make sure you have eaten or that you are hydrated
At first it confused you, like you have managed to survive this long
Then the reality hits you, he’s trying to take care of you
Listens intently to whatever you have to say
Has had the same background on his phone for years and it’s from the day you met
Can’t stand to see you sad
It breaks him inside
Will provide advise whenever you need it
Though he doesn’t always say it, you’re everything to him
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The affectionate husband
He kisses you and holds you any chance he gets
He knew you were his before marriage
But now it’s like official and legal
So he has to show you every chance he can that he loves you
Expect to come home and find the lights dimmed and candles lit
The faint sound of your wedding song playing in the background
Kai would take your hand and pull you close to dance with you
Why am I giggling and kicking my feet rn
He likes to watch the stars with you
Whilst talking about your future
He will do anything to show you how real and unwavering his love is
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The Impulsive husband
You only have yourself to blame for this
You knew what you were getting into and you’re not getting any sympathy from me
You’re now married to someone who I can only imagine has a circus living inside his head
He’s always down to do something fun
Your dates consist of paint-balling and silent discos
Always knows how to cheer you up when you’re having a bad day
I can imagine him being quite a heated kisser
He doesn’t like to sleep alone so he wraps his entire body round you like an octopus
He’s like the worst nurse when you feel sick
But you appreciate the effort
I don’t know why but Sehun just gives me feral vibes
Like it wouldn’t shock me if he lived wild in the jungle like Tarzan
But being with you gives him the sense of home he’s always wanted
You are his world
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The doting husband
Be prepared to be treated like a queen
He has waited for the moment to call you his wife
Now that it’s official he can’t wait to be the husband he has always dreamed of being
Expect long talks into the night
He plans he whole future around you
You’re literally his one and only
Constantly sends pictures to the exo group chat of your travels as a married couple
Wants to show you off every chance he gets
Will sit and write songs about you
Every fibre of his being is you and your happiness
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darklcy · 8 months
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☆ 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧! 𝐀𝐎𝐓 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 ☆
this has been in the drafts for a long, long time and i haven’t posted aot in a while, so enjoy :) | also i feel like some of these may be ooc but this was fun to write! just keep in mind this is how i think they’d act in a modern setting, ofc minus the war & trauma
attack on titan masterlist
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skips class to vape
smokes to thundercat & nirvana
flannels flannels flannels
naturally you steal them. acts coy when you do.
“you didn’t steal it, i just let you wear it and didn’t say anything when you went home with it.”
i feel like he’d be into meditating. idk why. like someone said he should do it so now he does a quick 5-min guided meditation every morning
showers with his chain on and gets green neck
doodles on his converse and yours
writes “hi :)” on your homework, journals, notes, etc during class
has a minecraft server w jean, connie and armin
claims he’s not scared of games like outlast or silent hill but everyone knows he’s lying
ends up hiding behind you in haunted houses
LOVES DRIVE THRUS/FAST FOOD. sonic & in n out specifically
toddler sense of humor, like finds things falling over funny (y’all remember the video of the piece of bread falling over-)
doesn’t know how to work pinterest
leans over people’s shoulders to look at their phones
tried getting his cartilage pierced but it got infected
has a few tattoos on his wrists and bicep
will bite you impulsively
you mean my bf
so this boy DOES know how to work pinterest, and has so many boards
one of them is filled w future pets he wants & another one includes house ideas with you :3
is the best language learner and knows french, spanish, and german
can’t watch gory shows like squid game or the walking dead, but enjoys psychological horrors like black swan
has a billion playlists with like 6 songs each
your playlist is titled “lovey” bc i said so
has maybe one lobe piercing. but only one
he goes so hard to TV girl and mac demarco, but also loves singers like sza & jack stauber
downloaded bumble only for the fun of it once but immediately deleted it when someone liked him
bounces his leg and picks his nails
best. skin. ever. has a good skin care regime
drives a silver toyota prius 
super into journaling & drawing :>
such a gentle bf, but lives for gossip
you text him, “you will NOT believe what i just heard.” and he drops everything he’s doing to respond
coffee dates!!!
you two have a stardew farm together with a dog and a bunch of chickens and cows
his favorite character is crobus
i love him very much
hardcore alison from breakfast club vibes
secretly into girl kpop groups
but loves hardcore women, like björk & poppy
definitely owns a lot of platform shoes: has like three pairs of demonias
shaves her brows to draw them on 
loves online shopping from aliexpress & etsy
into weird chunky jewelry!! has a necklace with a heavy cat pendant & a pair of eyeball earrings
loves to do your makeup! if you don’t wear a lot daily, she’ll do something for special outings like concerts or even for fun she’ll ask you to let her do it :3
has a tiktok specifically for ootds
favorite foods include spicy ramen, mediterranean meals & ice cream
i feel like she’d be in art class! she’d draw you random portraits or cute versions of you two to put in her scrapbook
oh yeah i also feel like she’d have a scrapbook!!! and keeps a lot of mementos from your dates/hangouts
when you come over, you, her and eren play mario kart
no doubt a spiritual girly: maybe not super into spells but has a tarot deck and a few oracle decks as well as a beautiful incense burner
you two go to goth clubs cuz yeah
her lipstick gets on you all the time
dressed up as lydia deetz one year for halloween
makes rings and necklaces and gives them to you, and she debates on opening an etsy shop
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— hope you enjoyed!
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i9messi · 1 year
Barça's golden girl — Pedri González
You're a Barça femeni's player and Pedri has a big crush on you.
Word count — 1,3k
pedri's masterlist
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Pedri had a huge crush on you. Something that grew every time he saw you in the matches or when you crossed paths somewhere. His teammates always made fun of him, the spaniard was a calm boy but it was bothering him that the guys were always making jokes about you and him.
You were a player of the Barcelona women’s team, you played as a striker and you had a promising future in football. At your young age you had an important career and had gained some recognition. Pedri had met you as soon as you entered the club and from that moment on, it was as if he could not take his eyes off you.
Today you were in a celebration in which both were. Pedri looked at you from a distance, while Gavi tried to encourage him to come to talk to you. For the younger it was easy and simple but for Pedri things were not. How could he muster the courage to speak to you, if every time your eyes met his eyes his brain stopped and no words came out of his mouth?
However, your friend was standing next to you and she did notice the looks Pedri was giving you.
"Hey, someone is looking at you. Don’t look but he’s right behind you- I SAID DON’T LOOK."
You turned around and saw that Pedri was accompanied by Pablo Gavi. The one your friend was referring to was Pedri González. Barça number 8. Your eyes met at the distance and you returned to your friend.
"I think someone has a crush." your friend pointed.
"Pedri with a crush on me? What do you say?"
"I’ve heard some things," your friend commented and came up to whisper in your ear, "they say that Pedri has been going to the barça's femini matches because he has an interest in a player. I didn’t know they talked about you, not until now. Now I see it likely, because he’s been watching you since we got here."
"He’s not interested in me. He’s only been to one game this season, and Lewandowski and Gavi were there too." you pointed out, not completely believing what she was saying.
"Well, the rumors are about Pedri and a player. I’m sure that’s you."
You thought it for a while, until you shared a look with Pedri again. Your eyes joined again and there was a strange electricity that shook your body. To be honest, you had found Pedri attractive from the first moment you had met, but you had been so focused on the sport that you had not had much time for the boys. Besides, you didn’t realize Pedri had second thoughts about you either.
"Oh my god, you like him too!" your friend yelled a little and you asked her to lower her voice.
"What, how’d you notice?"
"Because you’re blushing and you can’t stop looking at him." she explained and didn’t take long to grab your arm. "Let’s talk to him."
"What? No. I don’t know what to say."
The girl ignored you and approached you to the player. Once you stood in front of him and Gavi, you greeted them as if nothing was going on and you saw that the younger one was sneakily elbowing Pedri. It was very obvious.
"Hey. It’s nice to see you." you said to Pedri, realizing that you were already nervous with his presence.
"Oh, hi. I didn’t know you noticed me."
Well, he had basically been looking at you from a distance for the last half hour but Pedri preferred to act out. Internally he was happy that you had approached him, because he had a hard time gathering the courage to get close to you. Araujo arrived a few seconds later and greeted you cheerfully, not before saying hi to your friend as well.
"Hello, Golden girl. I’ve heard a lot about you."
"Good things, I hope." You raised an eyebrow, not knowing what to expect.
"Ask Pedri, he won’t stop talking about how beautiful and good a player you are." Gavi added, totally exposing his friend without any modesty.
"Oye, tío!"
Pedri complained about what Gavi said and you froze. You used to take compliments well, but you didn’t expect it to come from a player like Pedri and someone you thought was handsome too.
Araujo laughed and looked at you. "Are you single, Golden girl?"
"Oh, shut up." Pedri complained again.
"I’m single because no one’s asked me out yet." You admitted, looking at Pedri. Gavi elbowed him again.
Pedri cleared her throat, "I’ll go get a drink, anyone want something?"
"She will accompany you!" Your friend again pushed you to Pedri and after what she said, you went with him in search of a glass of water.
"So, everything is alright?" You asked as you waited for the drinks. Pedri hadn’t looked you in the eye yet.
"Sorry about what just happened, the guys can be a little intense sometimes. But they were telling the truth anyways, you’re a really good player and you’re also beautiful, just... I don’t want you to think I'm some kind of weirdo."
"It's okay, Pedri. Thank you for that. I also think you are a very good player and you are also handsome."
The footballer's cheeks turned red and he mentally celebrated what you had said. Flirting wasn’t hard for him, but you intimidated him a little and he didn’t feel ready to tell you something that would embarrass him. However, it was the first time you spoke in person and he didn’t want to waste that moment and the fact that you were alone. If he thought about it too much, he was going to regret it, so he had the courage to speak again.
Pedri ran his hand through his hair, "Well, I’m going to regret it forever if I don’t ask. Do you want to hang out with me someday?"
You couldn’t believe what Pedri was telling you. He was inviting you on a date. Your friend’s words resounded in your mind, maybe she was right and you hadn’t noticed the truth.
"Sure. Do you want me to give you my number so we can talk later?"
"Your number..." Pedri almost choked on his own saliva. "Of course I want your number. Oh, that sounded a little stalker."
You let out a laugh, he was unintentionally funny.
"It's fine, Pedri. We can go on a date tomorrow. I'm free." you let him know. "Well, only if you want"
"Of course I want to, tomorrow is our date then."
You both remained silent for a moment, until he decided to arm himself and finally tell the truth. Well, half the truth at least.
"I’m going to be honest with you, before anyone tells you. I have a little crush on you, it’s a silly and stupid thing."
He lied a little, not admitting that his crush was much bigger. He didn’t want you to run away from him now that he finally had the courage to take a step with you, after so long.
"Funny thing is that I also have a crush on you, Pedri."
Pedri celebrated it like a goal. You saw how his face lit up and you felt your heart beat a little faster. You hoped the sound of your heart would not be heard by Pedri, because it was shameful.
When the two returned with your friends, Pedri was smiling like the Cheshire cat and your friends looked at you with smiles. It was easy to understand what had happened moments ago.
"I better be the first one you invite to your wedding!" Gavi joked.
"So...are you finally going on a date or...?" Araujo asked, looking at the two of you with his eyes narrowed.
"Shut up, both of you."
Pedri was blushed. Damn, you were blushed too.
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some midge/susie thoughts (and a few other things!) on the final episode:
that scene in the restaurant was just gorgeous, god damn. susie explaining her past with hedy, so poignant and beautifully acted (DAMN, we are losing one of the great tv performances with alex borstein as susie!) and even though it was just one monologue it painted such a rich picture that it told you all you needed to know.
and midge being like “i know exactly what she saw in you” and then saying she thinks susie will fall in love again and susie asking her “were you ever a blonde”??? like, the underlying vibe of susie being like “i’m in love with you and it’s dumb and i’m dumb and it will never go anywhere and i’m resigned to that, i’ve always been resigned to that, i can’t believe i fell for another impossible rich girl” but midge being like “uh actually maybe it’s not so dumb because i completely adore you and you’re my #1 life partner and the only one who truly understands this fire of ambition that drives me at my core* because you feel that way too” felt so tantalizingly just around the corner. it felt just like how i always imagined romantic feelings between them would bloom if they ever did, so it was surreal and dreamy to feel like i was watching a tiny bit of that unfold onscreen before my eyes.
(* i mean, lenny also understands it, but he was like her handsome man comic fairy godmother more than ever destined to be an everyday presence in her life.)
and midge saying in her standup that she doesn’t think she’s gonna have a permanent life partner-y relationship with a man anymore? and then she doesn’t? HELLOOOOOOO!
that shot of susie putting her hand to her heart and her and midge gazing at each other after midge’s standup ............ gorgeous!! gorgeous!!!!!
them as old ladies calling each other to watch jeopardy on vhs together and press play at the exact same time! midge being all fancy and susie being a bird hippie! midge sending susie a bird! susie naming the bird “whore”! making each other laugh so, so much, calling back to midge wanting to marry someone who makes her laugh!!!!! bro, i can’t believe i just watched midge and susie do grace and frankie romance.
45 YEARS TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this just felt very “if i want to make this romantic then i can because it’s all there” and i’m so pleased and pleasantly surprised. i think they really (deliberately?) leaned into the subtext in these last episodes to very wonderful and rich effect.
also, this episode was just so, so charming and fun! i was surprised that we didn’t get more flashforwards with all the other characters, but actually i like the idea of just having those moments as sort of snapshots of future life rather than definitively told stories. and all the supporting characters really got moments to shine and it was delightful and warm. (and imogene was there! in her black beret! imogene!)
also, moishe and shirley in the shower, lololololololol!!! that was incredible. i wish that would happen to all my otps who need some epiphany time.
and abe and rose trying to summon the cab was a beautifully choreographed exercise in silliness that really just felt so ASP in the best way.
joel was very, very sweet in this episode. good on you, joel!
i am sad that we didn’t get to see midge & susie’s makeup scene from the 90s!!! but also: how fun to imagine in fanfic. in my fanfic they kiss and no one can stop me.
no other show will ever play this much barbra streisand in the soundtrack and that makes me sad. :’( every single time i heard her wonderful voice bless a montage on this show my heart soared.
i loved this season and I LOVE THIS SHOW! what a great show to have five seasons of to rewatch forever, knowing that midge and susie will be together for the rest of their lives (w/ one tragic five year blip) living complicatedly & soulmates-ily ever after! beautiful work, palladinos! thank you and goodnight!
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vivi-miya · 4 months
i’m only human can’t you see?
summary: because you’re the chosen to the chosen one, with voice so powerful it made his cock stand.
never be like you - flume
tags: enemies to lovers, academic rivals, college/university au, office au, mommy kink undertones, breeding kink, office sex, spanking, nipple play, sexual tension, gojo’s naughty imagination p in v, fem! reader, no beta we die like jjk men
gojo satoru shaked the world with his birth that his whole clan celebrated the emergence of the next head possessing the favor of gods with his ocean blue eyes and snow mane.
being the moisture to their drought became the answer to their declining power in the corporate world that everyone tried to rival for the last decades. so every vassals—board of directors—are immensed in joy for their future leader that is not even ripe yet to be in position of pulling their descending morals.
naturally, it's only just to have everything what he requests because he's a miracle baby to a couple who keeps on trying to conceive. especially since he's a boy and the sole heir to own it all. from the constant pressure that the media named them in tabloids after tabloids, they want nothing but to catch their child's indifferent tastes and appear perfect in the eyes of the public.
with the boy in present, of course everyone tried to appease his tantrums and respond to his whims just to be graced with his good side. going as far as to act all mutt-like running at his beck and call twenty four-seven. it's kind of exhilarating, he can say.
at first, gojo satoru likes that. he lives off with the idea that he holds so much power with just his appearance alone. he doesn't speak yet, but everyone wants their name to be uttered at least once in the gojo family dinner.
he can't even hold a pencil properly and everyone expects their name to be written in their company records. so the fun slowly turns into disdain that quickly turned into disgust.
how appalling.
it's shifting into something mad, it's making his head burn in fury. with the constant urge to attend this martial arts school, violin practice this, calligraphy that, horse riding, and some uptight nouveau shits to attend to with sticks far up their asses, just being an elementary made it easier for gojo satoru to realize that the world is a clock.
it's constantly running and everyone plays the role of a cog, or at least the hands and number in display. as for him? he'll never be the same. he refused to be the subject of anyone's expectations to their fast-paced attitude.
he's born to be a clocksmith, why would he succumb to the likes of someone miniscule to bring him down? because of that, gojo satoru in elementary silently starts a rebellion inside his heart.
years passed, his highschool days came. it become a little better, a little endurable for him. because he have suguru and shoko now. the pillar to his strongest, the support to the chosen one.
he never felt like spending his days contemplating his purpose inside a huge stuffy room. he don't entertain himself with every tabloid that speaks badly about him anymore. he finally have the memories he desperately dream of from all of the movies he binge watched alone.
he may not entirely free but at least he could roam the streets a little frequent, a little late. went inside a convenience store just to buy all of the sweets his handmaids hid from him and ignore the lessons his parents kept on pushing him into.
gojo satoru could finally laugh and break free from his self-sabotaging rebellion, even for a moment.
at least that's what he thinks because he may went a little overboard. and he knows he went a little off the road but will he fix his attitude? nope. will he make everyone adjust to him like the spoiled manchild that he is? yes.
gojo satoru at twenty is a business management major with a sexy body and a face you wanna sit on—everybody is dying to get inside his pants or marry him. who wouldn't? a newly appointed ceo with genes to make you a fucking hotshot? of course everybody wants him. it's high, it's a compliment. there's everything in him that the world has to offer, it's a big win.
and he thinks that too, until he tried to run for the school president with the opponent being you.
gojo satoru is high up on his horse that his parents refused to climb and knock some sense into their only child, too scared to lose all favor from their moron of a son. perhaps a form of his upbringing or solely based on his narcissistic attitude, he don't know you exists and neither do you to him.
yet the idea of anyone not knowing who is the strongest infuriates him more than being an election rival does. you're not even required to memorize all of the names of every wannabe famous and real populars, so what got his panties in a twist? why do you get into his nerves?
with that, he set his very own goal—to remove you from the position's sight and ingrain his name into your dna. so that you won't be all silly smiles pretending that you're sorry for bumping into him when the school committee just announced him as your rival. if he successfully made you lose your position, then maybe, maybe he'll have the answer his heart seeks.
you may be acting dumb or genuinely have no idea who he is made it clear that it's the first sense swipe from his foggy brain in years. no one dared to cross his crown when they're usually busy kissing his ass, men and women alike.
finally, someone who refused to acknowledge the presence of the chosen one. suguru teased his friend.
maybe in that predicament you're the chosen one for the chosen one and he doesn't like that. he's petty and he wants to start a one-sided beef that his friend knows it's useless because you have the crowd's good graces on your side. he's not only just the apple of the eye of the gods, you are many. and many is you.
his plan commenced with a little digging first, he doesn't care if it's undermine or not. he's like a crazy stalker trying to breath your air with the exasperating information about your background. you didn't even came from a good family, your surname's not sublime. your mom's dead and your father is a deadbeat. you have little siblings to support and an eldest sister at that.
beauty with an attitude. the smart cookie with a spanky demeanor he desperately wanna break whenever he sees your sarcastic smirk from a mile away.
how come you have the time to maintain that straight a's after mothering your younger siblings? do you even work or is there someone supporting you financially? maybe you're a hoe? nah, he bet you're a virgin with how uptight you are.
what's your secret? what makes you higher than him? what makes you more favourable? what makes you the number one to his two in tests and first to every events you participate in? where do you get the time to burn and support everyone?
the more gojo satoru thinks, the more he observes you, and the more he realizes a lot of things that he's glad he only knows about.
he's elated to know your nape is ticklish, to know that you're a great cook and someone who has a very hot commanding voice. his heart is pumping at the fact that you're stricter that he thought.
maybe he's crazy? did he finally lose all his marbles? why is his pants tightening at the sight of your sweaty appearance? seriously, you're giving concrete demands to your org members and he's nothing but a dead weight to his own, star-strucked gazing at you.
his change bothered everyone, thinking you'll finally lose your cool. he's extra annoying to you, double the attention seeking tendencies. he wanna rise a reaction, he wants something. and you know about that, yet you're not giving it to him. what's even the purpose of annoying in the first place? 'cause he completely forgot about it.
he's a slave to technology and to his libido. that his search engine consists of porn commanding women ordering him to obey.
ah, what did you do to him?
why is he fucking his fist at the picture of you in a polo shirt full of mud and sweat from the intramural race? why is he moaning your name when you just got into his nerve? he don't even know what's hotter! the idea of obeying your orders or you, obeying his.
he desperately wants control, he desperately needs his title of the chosen one back. the name became dull after he realize that there's a few that managed to shake his carefree attitude and give him the ick just by defying his nature.
fine, if he can't control you in college then he'll gladly do that now.
how the odds still favors him even after during your prime in college. how the universe shifted you both as the secretary to his ceo. how he'll finally able to shoot his shot after letting you get away because he let his pride win.
but he'll accept you as you are, he'll gladly accept how you act all bossy when he's higher by order. he'll let you run your smart mouth again and again and again to scold him like you always does.
because this blue-eyed king missed you.
he missed your frown, your sardonic smile. the comebacks he thinks you practice because it burns like hell everytime. the food he tried when he once visited your home, witnessing your first cry because your father embarrassed you in front of your classmates, including him. he missed your uptightness, the curve of your ass, your subtle scent, and your hot palm that once tried to tease his dick.
if you even as went far as to rub his rod, you're probably the next mrs. gojo, carrying his babe. thank yourself for not letting your attitude win and palm him further during that one night in a college party suguru threw. thank him that he still has an ounce of respect to your begging body that he stopped himself from bending you over and fucking you full of his cum.
thank the universe for letting your forget what you fucking did. if you ever make him remember any of that, he'll do all of things he's been imagining since day one. because he doesn't forget and he find it a little bad that he didn't push his luck with persuasion.
your crying face is a beauty he'll never have the guts to erase in his mind that makes him feel bad that he's not sorry for having the thoughts.
carry on with nagging, ms. smart mouth. you'll never know that you're moaning his name as your skirt bunches around you waist, buttons undone and pussy wetter than ever.
did you see it coming as you always does with your data? do you have any of the idea how his fist fucking made him spent so much that he tried to look for where you are after graduation? the ladies are never you, the body is never yours. so once he feel your pussy, there's no going back.
because you're the chosen to the chosen one, with voice so powerful it made his cock stand. he have to let your pussy know that the next shape it will take is the curve of his dick. so he inserted three, bringing you to the seventh heaven with every prod of his fingers on your g-spot.
yes, moan his name! call him sir and submit yourself to him. there's nothing more hotter than having your tongue out, completely fucked out of your mind.
that night inside his office changed everything. you'll never gonna able to look at him the same way after his long and deft fingers went inside your slit without remembering how he fingered you facing the floor to ceiling glass of the high rise building, risking an audience to look your way.
how his fingers played with your nipples and breast it became too sore to wear a bra. how he'll always let you remember what you do to him by his finger of a come hit her motion.
and he'll never make you forget how hard he became after pretending to kneel infront of him, arching your back for his eyes to feast, teasing him with that smile that got him hook, line and sinker just to pull out a pen that rolled under his desk. you're always a tease and thinks you'll not gonna change anytime soon.
fuck. fuck. fuck.
at least let him have a good night's sleep and don't go ringing his apartment on a friday night, wearing nothing but a see-through lingerie under that coat.
don't push his button when he's respectfully asking you to leave. because once his temper snap, you'll never leave his apartment until you're sore and aching for his whole.
don't pretend and act you're tipsy when he knows you're not one to drink. all this mixed signals is sending his mind to overdrive.
fuck consequences, you're an adult. you know what you're going through when you signed up to show in his apartment, seducing the blue-eyed young man. you know his sanity is barely hanging by a thread when you unwrapped yourself to him like present his parents won't be able to give him.
so when he snapped and claim your lips, kiss him back with the same fervor. show him that you're craving him the way he does. don't make it one sided and hurt his feelings because it's you who he's been dreaming of. it's you. not the company, nor the other beautiful ladies or the world who loves to kiss his ass.
it's you. his own mind machine who fucks him up everytime in office. you, his school rival who won every single thing he's second to. it's you, the overachieving eldest daughter that catered your sibling's needs. you, the strength to his strongest.
and he's not gonna able to see the other end of the red string when it's tied to your pinky. his destined, his beloved. accept his flaws as he is, and he'll worship you the way you deserve.
so when you went down on your knees, brought his hand to guide your hair in a pony, he finally lose the control his libido is fighting with. you suck so fucking good, your mouth is so warm. it's heaven and hell in one body. he like you better when you're this silent, taking all of his inside your mouth than running them, making his ears bleed.
he moans when you snaked your hands, massaging his balls. god, fuck. you're a good giver and good givers deserves a prize.
after stilling your head, releasing all of his cum in your mouth, you swallowed it, letting him know that you're his good girl.
he's glad you're still the same responsive woman he likes to tease in college. other people might think you're unbothered by his antics, but in every behind the libraries scenario, there you are, trying to resist his rippling muscles and whispers on your nape.
he knows your shudders and sensitive spot. how your body writhe while he licks a stripe from your ears to your bare shoulder. how you trash under him when he started to suck on your nipple. you're a moaner. he's glad that it's not happening inside his office like before. because now, he doesn't have to hold your sultry moans back. you are loud and that's a music to his ears as he nibble on your breast alternately.
“damn, you're all over me,”
he teases as he propped you against his chest, fucking your slit with three of his fingers. his other one is busy twisting pulling your nipples. he'll never get tired of giving you service if it's a key to the gates of your orgasm and submission.
but all fun has come to an end when he sheathed his cock inside your pussy while you're about come down from your high, prompting another strong orgasm from you. ah, just when he thinks nothing catches you off guard, he's wrong. his cock is answer to your wetness—the place where you're weak at.
“what? i can't hear you, baby? you need to be louder hahaha.”
still going with his ministrations, he's been edging you after fucking your pussy full force and toying your clit. you can't take it anymore. fuck pride, you need to fucking come on his dick.
so when he felt you squirt on him, his cum followed suit, plugging you full and round for months to come. he'll make sure this will not be the last time as he imagine how white suits you the best.
“can't wait for our little ones.”
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himbofan · 2 years
haikyuu!! boys finding out you're a big 'ol nerd
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hello i once again return with some headcanons no one asked for B)
what if some nerdy boys found out that you were also a nerd?? I feel like when I tell people I like manga or video games it somehow changes their perspective of me so I tried writing it :)
cw: fluff, mention of bugs, gn reader
characters: kenma, tendou, tsukishima
wc: 700+
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kozume kenma
when he hears you’re a gamer, he lights up so fast; like a cat when you open a can of food
if you’re talking to someone else, he’ll pretend he didn’t overhear, but really he’s hanging on to every word you say
if you’re talking to him, he’ll begin asking you your favorite games with a sparkle in his eye
if you ask to swap friend codes he’ll gladly oblige
once you accept his friend request he’s immediately scanning through your library to see what you’ve played
if he sees that you play a lot of games that he plays as well, he’ll get butterflies 💕
in the future he’ll definitely be more open and trusting towards you, since you’re a fellow nerd
will send you video game news and announcements through text, asking if you’re going to get the new game or whatever
he definitely loves it when you send memes or geek out about a game, no matter how much you may spam him he’s reading all of it!!
if you ask him to put his minecraft bed next to yours (even as a joke) he might malfunction for a bit
congrats you now have a high level friend that can carry you on all the hard bosses 
he’s also the type to give you a bunch of high level items and money when you play an online game together (because he's absolutely enamored 😳)
kuroo points it out and is totally dramatic about it
“damn, you’ve never given me that much stuff when I play. I almost feel hurt, do you like them more than me now?”
“no comment.”
tendou satori
if you tell him you read shounen jump he’ll probably fall in love on the spot
ok maybe not that fast, but he’s definitely excited to finally have someone to talk to about weekly chapters
he’ll ask to swap numbers too so you can send each other memes and theories about the mangas being serialized
sends a “good morning!” and “goodnight!” everyday to you with a meme or cool fanart related to the manga you’ve been discussing
he absolutely loves it when you ramble about characters, storytelling techniques, how the good the anime adaption is, and other extremely niche nerdy details
if you cry when your favorite character dies, he’ll think it’s so cute and endearing
he’ll tease you at first, but will comfort you nonetheless without being condescending or judging you
he will subtly try to act like characters that you simp for
tendou worries that your reputation might take a hit if you’re seen hanging out with him all the time, so he asks you if it’s okay
“of course it’s fine, talking to you makes my day more fun! plus, who else would I cry to about fictional characters?” 
he’s frozen for a moment before bursting out into laughter with heated cheeks
if he hadn’t fallen for you already, he definitely knew this was the final nail in the coffin 💘
tsukishima kei
ok i’m imagining a gecko or bug that accidentally got into the classroom and no one wants to touch it because they think it’s gross
tsukishima would, but he doesn’t want to attract any unnecessary attention so he just sits back and watches his classmates scramble about
until you show up and gracefully scoop up the lil guy with tenderness and adoration, carefully heading towards the door to release it outside 
he probably already thought you were cute, but now he has a reason to talk to you that doesn’t seem forced
he stops you before you get out the door, asking to see the creature in your hands 
you ask if he wants to hold it, he’s a little surprised but will say yes
when your hand brushes his, adrenaline explodes in his body but he makes no outward indication about how nervous he really is 
you excitedly ask if he likes creatures too, which leads to a wonderful conversation about how bugs and stuff are actually really cool
until you both remember that he still has a bug in his hands that needs to be outside 
you continue chatting while heading towards the door and it might seem like he’s not listening; responding with one word answers and nods, but he’s just trying to keep his cool
if you exchange numbers, he’ll send you pictures of bugs or reptiles he finds outside that he thinks you might like 
if you have any pets that require tanks (fish, bugs, reptiles, amphibians etc) he’ll subtly ask to come over so he can check them out
“hey, we should study at your place sometime.”
“you know you can just ask me if you wanna see my pets lol”
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ilovewriting06 · 8 months
Always Been His
A/N: This is part two of this fic and it was requested by @allisonargent144.
Everyone was sitting around Derek's loft for pack night, a new tradition to build up everyone's connection and trust with the others of the pack. Originally, Chris and I weren't going to be a part of it but Allison started dating Scott and joined the pack so Chris and I decided to join too. The pack is mostly teenagers who got the bite for different reasons, except for Scott, Allison, and Stiles. Maybe, Lydia, but she hasn't officially joined the pack yet, but I have a feeling she will soon enough.
Scott was forced to take the bite, Allison joined for love, and Stiles, sweet baby Stiles did it out of loyalty. Out of everyone in the pack, other than Allison, Stiles has to be my favorite. I'm sarcastic by nature and Chris isn't so it's fun to be able to banter with someone. I feel like I've adopted him and Scott as my sons since they're at my house more than they are their own.
Scott and Allison are always, 'studying,' or watching movies and Stiles is dragged along because Scott doesn't have a car to drive. After realizing Stiles literally sat at our dining room table and did schoolwork or research while his two best friends did fun stuff I took pity on the boy and kept him company, that's how I figured out he's the brains of the pack.
I'm also trying to set him up with Lydia, his long term crush, and it's become my mission to get them together so Stiles is no longer the third wheel and actually has some happiness. He's also surprisingly good with children. After I gave birth to Aria, he was a huge help, he won't change diapers but that's about the only thing he won't do. Even Chris likes him and Scott, he just won't admit it.
In my opinion Scott and Allison are absolutely adorable. He adores her and treats her like a princess and Allison loves him more than most people would think possible at her age. In some ways they remind me of Chris and I when we were in high school.
The first time Chris met Scott as Allison's boyfriend it was a bit rocky and Scott looked like he was going to shit himself at any given moment, I have to hand it to him though, I was impressed at how well he handled it.
Chris pulled every page out of every book he's got and was impressed but also annoyed that Scott handled it all so well. Do you want a drink? Oh no sir, I don't drink. You want a smoke? No thank you, I never want to smoke, the smell makes me sick. Do you want to have sex with my daughter? Uh, I feel like that's a trick question, sir. I say yes, I'm dead, I say no and you'll think I don't want her or something. I'll just say that at the moment no, in the future, probably.
I almost jumped across the table to give him a hug but I was too busy gloating to Chris about how I was right and the boy really was a sweetheart. After Scott left and Allison had went to bed I asked Chris what he thought, he answered by saying, and I quote, "She could do worse." In Chris talk that means, 'I like him, he's a good kid'.
Similar to Stiles, Scott isn't afraid to help with Aria, in fact he adores her. I think him and Stiles both secretly wanted a younger sibling and when Aria was born they adopted her as their sister. I can't complain because between the armory in our garage, Scott's fangs and claws, and Stiles' bat, Aria is one safe little girl.
I hum and rock Aria to sleep as I watch the kids play a game of Monopoly, a little worried a fight's about to break loose because Isaac is convinced Stiles is cheating and Stiles keeps responding with, "Dude! If I was cheating I'd be in charge of the money because I could skim off of it without anyone noticing." Or, my personal favorite, "Oh my god, stop acting like a little bitch because you can't manage your money. There's a reason I have cool flannels and a jeep and you have ugly ass scarves and a bike. Suck it up and pay up, you're on Boardwalk and I own that shit, gimme."
I snort at the last one as Chris bites back a laugh and leans over, "I see why you like him, he's sassy. Do you want anything to drink?"
I nod, "Yeah, a water please." He nods and heads towards the kitchen as I smirk when I notice the small, yet noticeable look Lydia throws Stiles when the latter rips the money out of Isaac's hand with a, "Thank you! Now, go back to Baltic Avenue. Bastard. I swear those scarves stop your brain from functioning sometimes."
I look up in confusion when the door to the loft open's but before I can turn around a voice I wished I'd never hear again speaks, "Nephew, I didn't know you were having friend's over."
Derek roles his eyes from his spot on the couch, "Makes sense since you weren't invited."
I bite back a noise of amusement hoping he doesn't notice me but my luck sucks and he's standing in front of me before Chris can get back to me, "Well, hello Darling, it's good to see you."
I roll my eyes as Chris comes to stand by me, "Wish I could say the same."
He rolls his eyes before sneering at Chris and looking back at me, "I see you still associate with the enemy."
I scowl and tuck Aria closer to my chest feeling the need to protect her, "He's only the enemy because he got what you wanted, and I have to say, I am so glad I never wasted a second on you."
He growls and Chris steps a little closer and I notice Derek stand from the corner of my eye. I glance at Aria when she makes a discontented noise and I glare at Peter, "I swear, if you wake her up..." I leave the threat hang in the air which makes Peter growl louder, and that one does wake Aria, and boy does she wake up with a start.
I get off the couch as Aria starts screaming throwing one last glare at Peter before walking away so I have enough space to walk around. However, once again I'm cut off by Peter materializing out of fucking nowhere. I groan as Aria keeps crying, "Peter, leave me and my family alone. I have two kids, four if you count the two stragglers Allison brought home, and I'd really like for them to remain safe, and to be honest, I'm terrified you'll hurt one of them to get to me. So, please leave."
Aria seems to start crying louder and I can faintly hear Peter ranting and raving but I'm to busy trying to soothe my baby to pay attention but I do hear the word divorce, which makes me roll my eyes. I finally zone in when Derek roars at him, "Get out, Peter! You aren't welcome here when they're here. You have an unhealthy obsession with her and it has to stop! She's married, with kids!"
Chris comes to stand in front of me as Peter's eyes glow blue before he growls at Derek, "I can make them all disappear, and I'll do it too if it means I get her!"
I squeeze Aria even tighter to me as Chris pushes me back slightly but it's all for nothing when Derek swings and knocks Peter out with one punch. He stands above his mentally deranged uncle as his eyes remain red, "You guys should go. I don't know what I'm going to do with him but I don't want to take the chance that he'll wake up when you guys are still here."
I nod before grabbing Chris's hand, "Come on Chris. Let's get the kid's home. At that Allison jumps up followed by Scott and Stiles. I glance at them before sighing, "Boys, you should probably go home."
Stiles scoffs, "Hell no Mrs. A. He just threatened you and Aria, besides Scott will be able to sense him if he's close to the house."
I glance at Chris and he nods and I smile, "Okay, you two can come stay over but Scott, you don't go into Allison's room unless Stiles is with you or the door is open."
They all nod in agreement before following us out the door.
It's well past midnight when Derek texts that Peter won't be an issue anymore and I'm not interested in what that means but I trust Derek enough to believe we've seen the last of Peter. I slowly get off the couch and tiptoe over the bodies on the floor that accumulated throughout the evening.
As I grab a glass of water I feel arms circle my waist as I look at the mass of teenagers sprawled across the living room floor. I lean into the solid chest behind me as I whisper, "I feel like we've adopted six extra kids, and I can't really be mad about it. They're all good kids, they all just have a few flaws, but hey, so do we."
Chris chuckles as he places a kiss on the top of my head, "Yeah, they're good kids. I can't believe I'm saying this but I feel safer with all of them around." I nod in agreement before excitedly whispering, "Did you see Stiles and Lydia?"
He shakes his head and buries his head in my neck, "You're ridiculous."
I roll my eyes continuing to smile, "But Chris, they're cuddling!"
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bionicle-ramblings · 4 months
This is based off of conversations I've had with @chancetimespace about the cat au posts I did a while back. Just want to first say thanks for putting up with the nonsense that is the Cat AU in the first place because my goodness is it fun to imagine the faves as cats
TW for animal endangerment, toxic family relationships
Also canon characters will either be represented as humans or animals, and not just limited to house cats, you'll see what I mean
I'm saying it now, please bear with me because this is a bit of a crack AU that started from free serotionin posts that spiraled into something fun with, again, thanks to @chancetimespace so please bear with me in this😅🙏
There will also be some retconning from this point on
With all that said, ONWARD!!!
So narratively speaking, and, as previously mentioned, retconning previous posts for the sake of a cohesive story, you, the reader, are in a moderately sized family with a fair number of cousins, some aunts, and some uncles, all of whom are present for the reading of a will, as an older relative has passed away. Where everyone gets a sum of money and maybe an heirloom, you get something that surprises everyone: the house the relative was living in. A few cousins ask to read the will themselves, thinking there was a mistake, but no. You get the house, the land it's on, and the 'assets' connected to the house. Your older cousin, wealthy, totally not shady cousin Teridax, explains that the assets are actually seven cats, specifically 6 house cats and a puma. Many of the family members try talking you out of taking the deal, as you can barely afford to take care of yourself, but when they're asked, the dead relative's children refuse to talk you out of it. Two are unable to, as they want to honor their parent, and the third(We'll call them Three for simplicity's sake) needs an extra set of hands to help care for the 7 cats and does agree to stop by to help you out and keep you company
So, yeah. That house and the seven cats in it are yours and you move in, and Teridax joins in helping, but also reminds you that this isn't house-sitting. You own the house and SEVEN cats now. Three tells him to budge off and you are just happy to have a house to own and not a place to rent every month
You walk in and are greeted by Three's friend and the relative's neighbor, who had heard a lot about you and is a surprising ball of energy fire someone rumored to have six dogs and the kittens
Also greeting you, the real stars of the show, are four of the seven cats(Listing they're madness and breeds so you can imagine them better. Some are switched around from the original posts): Nokama, who is a Russian blue with a heavy emphasis on blue thanks to a color mutation(play along), Matau, a genet that's steadily losing the green dye job a previous owner gave him before he wound up with your relative, Vakama, an Abyssinian with a nice red coat(that's what my sources say), and Lhikan, who, as mentioned previously, is a puma and was the relative's service animal before they died
As you walk in and the four greet you, Vakama watches you and stays close, as does Lhikan. When you ask, the neighor admits that Vakama tends to "act strange" after he has moments where he starts panting and has to lay down or just stands on his hind legs. They call it his seeing the future, but you have admittedly never been the superstitious type.
As you move in, with help from the neighbor, Three, and Teridax, you see the cats don't trust Teridax, most of all Lhikan, but you also see old momentos from your relative and the other three cats: Whenua, a black cat that keeps trying to open your boxes and see what's inside since it's been a while since he's seen you, Onewa, a Siamese cat that kinda wants nothing to do with you, and Nuju, a short haired Persian that's happy to supervise your move in and greet you from a distance.
After a bit of a long day, and some chill time, Teridax passive-aggressively threatens you because you got the house when it was meant to go to him, but Three reminds him that he is wealthy beyond reason and is very doesn't need the house, and Three can very easily ensure he isn't allowed anywhere near the house if he tries something, as he has tried poisoning Lhikan before. Teridax apologizes for what he sees as his own act of mercy to an animal, but ultimately leaves, wishing you all
Once he's gone, the cats kinda swarm you because you love her now and you're eating some ramen that smells really good. Matau is ESPECIALLY a nightmare because he's playing it cute and whips out the show stopper: Imitating a car alarm
Later that night, Whenua's looking through the contents of cabinets your relative had and looking through what you have, taking inventory and 'asking' you what's what. It's kind of a long night, but you eventually go to bed, as Lhikan won't let you stay up any later than you already have
As you settle in, you see him essentially gather the other cats to lay in bed with you, even watch out for any that decide to sleep close to your head
There is a packet explaining how to care for the cats, and you're more than thankful for it because you essentially konk out from a long day of moving. You were planning on sleeping on the couch, but Lhikan "encouraged" you to go sleep properly on a bed. You sleep surrounded and covered by cats, though you still see Vakama watching you woke you nod off and ultimately fall asleep
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nugulover69 · 18 days
I too am a member of the Taiya-hater club and every episode I question why I'm not dropping this show until they show me scraps of Mira or Agent Shirabe or the Three Idiots, but I think from now on I'll be fastforwarding through new eps just for them. My only sentai are Zenkai and halfway through Donbros so being forced to watch Boonboom Red as the main character is like beibg fed cardboard after a pizza.
Oh man. if your only sentai experience is zenkai and donbros, two very experimental and Not A Typical Sentai sentais, yeah boonboom must hit a real sour note since its a return to basics lol
I personally wouldn't call it bad so far, a solid B+ imo, but Taiya is def the weakest character, and his blandness is only more evident whenever an episode is focused on him
I can suggest some good sentais that are more typical in structure for you to watch in the future:
Gokaiger- the core team is phenomenal here, bursting with personality and incredible chemistry between each of them. this IS an anniversary sentai, meaning past rangers are constantly showing up to be apart of the plot, but you do NOT need to have seen their shows to get the gist and have a fun time. you're following the gokaigers and their character arcs are always the main focus. plus they're aliens (space pirates even) that don't know jackshit abt Earth, so you and them are on the same level of knowledge lol
Idk why folks don't recommend this as a starter sentai more often. it was my first ever sentai and I picked the next sentais I watched based on how entertained I was by a past characters appearance. its how I watched go-onger and carranger (and liveman but I don't wanna talk abt that)
Also Marvelous is best red. this is an objective fact we as a community all agree on, even if he's not our own personal favorite red
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Speaking of go-on
Go-onger- the canon, main strength of this team is their stupidity. VERY CARTOONY, heavy on hijinks, light on serious plot (it was written by a veteran kids anime writer and boy can you tell). if you like loud genki kinda assholeish shonen protags than you'll love the red Sosuke. if you don't...perhaps skip this one lol. Sosuke is a biiiig make or break of someone's enjoyment of go-on. the villains are great tho, very team rocket, kinda like the Sanseaters in boonboom
(and its a much better car sentai. Speedor is there all the time. boonboom only has Speedor for one episode. I rest my case)
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Zyuohger- if you need an animal sentai under your belt, this is the best one. the red, Yamato, does get more focus than the rest of the team (many more power ups as well) but he's a likeable character played by a guy who can actually act. GREAT VILLAINS, they evolve over time as well and I can't say much w/o spoiling things, but I'll just say Genis caused his own demise
Also I haven't seen donbros but I know the donbros sixth is deranged, so if you need more deranged sixths in your life you should watch zyuoh for Misao
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Gekiranger- if you really love serialized story telling and characters growing and changing and all that, I cannot recommend geki enough. in a lot of sentai, the weapons are usually just found or given, which isn't inherently a bad thing but I can see why someone wouldn't care for that. every weapon and power up the gekis get is always earned thru them overcoming some obstacle, literal or figurative, so its that much more rewarding when the new Marketable Touy is used
Also they're kung fu fighting cats. did I mention they're kung fu fighting cats. the red was raised in the woods and literally acts like a feral animal most of the time. he does mellow out over the course of the show, but honestly if someone doesn't like Jan from the jump I don't trust them (he has CRAZY yaois with the main villain Leo btw)
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cup-of-hot-worm-milk · 5 months
Likes, dislikes, and some general thoughts.
TL;DR spoiler free review: I give this season a 6.5/10. It’s not bad but compared to the previous season, it certainly felt like a downgrade. Some of the editing choices felt poor, a few characters that had felt layered and realistic had lost their substance,  a couple of interesting plot beats and character arcs were either rushed or solved with very little satisfaction and pay off, and I can’t help but feel a lot of the drama had become far too unrealistic by the end of the season. I had some fun watching the teenage hijinks, and there are stand out scenes/storylines that had me invested from start to finish, but overall I can’t say that this season lived up to its predecessor or my expectations.
Longer rant under the cut! SPOILERS AHEAD!
I’ll start with what I liked and enjoyed (in no particular order):
Cash owns my heart now and forever. Season one had already solidified him as my favourite character, and watching him go through his asexual journey, trying to navigate his relationship with Darren while setting boundaries was… Ugh, so fucking good. I’ve had my own share of relationship anxiety, fearing that because I had no interest in sexual activities that I would be hurting my future partner. Dusty’s whole talk with Cash felt so reminiscent of things people would say to me when I tried to talk to them about my own sexuality. I was so ecstatic when Cash told him to fuck off, because no, asexuals are not robbing their partners of anything. Our sexuality and boundaries in relationships are not problematic or abusive; no person should ever feel like their worth in a relationship is based on whether or not they have sex with their partner. Anyone who says otherwise can fuck right off. I was crying during Cash’s talk with his Nan. 10/10 best storyline.
Quinni not masking was so cathartic. Neurotypicals really don’t understand the stress and mental gymnastics we have to go through every fucking day just so we fit in. It’s so fucking hard and watching her be herself fully was just amazing. Slay honestly.
All of the Australian pop culture references. So good. Chinese succulent meal. The reference to Scomo shitting himself at the McDonalds. Cash not registering to vote and his friends getting mad at him even though our voting is so shit and never taken seriously (I along with several people I know have written shit on our ballots and have never gotten in trouble ever). THE NUTBUSH. Woodsy’s little jab at Pavlova being from Aotearoa (New Zealand) and not Australia. Ugh, so good. Finally, references I understand /hj.
Amerie and Harper being best friends… Their protectiveness for each other… My heart.
The class camp made me so nostalgic. Can’t speak for every Aussie, but my camp did have the boys sneaking in beer. Although, we all got too scared so we all just had a sip before pouring it all out before we could get caught. We didn’t even get buzzed, lol. Also, the class getting high on shrooms together, oml. 
Malakai and Amerie… Ugh, those two… So messy and complicated and I love them.
Props to HBH finally making an authentic (albeit toxic) love triangle. Only took a while but we got one.
Woodsy helping Harper with driving lessons… My heart.
Quinni being so hyperfixated that she survived her snakebite. She’s just like me fr. I also loved the editing changing when it was her perspective. This is her world and we’re just living in it.
Idk his name but whoever played Chook was genuinely terrifying. 10/10, I wanted to smash his face in every time he came on screen. Truly phenomenal acting.
Actually, I’ll give a round of applause to the entire cast. All of them did stella jobs.
And now… the dislikes (again, no particular order):
Spider’s arc. I know some people like him, but as someone who went to school with, and got bullied by dickheads like him, I could not get behind his whole redemption storyline. I really didn’t like how they blamed his misogyny and arrogance on his toxic mother - it felt like they were saying that men are only sexist assholes because feminists obsess over profiling them all as rapists and abusers which is so fucked on so many levels. It just felt like they were given excuses for his behaviour and how it isn’t really his fault, it’s because of his mothers abuse and I am so fucking over that theme. Abuse does not justify shitty behaviours from ANYONE. It can apply context, sure, but I am not going to excuse someone for being a fuckwit just because they have a shitty homelife. I was abused! I had hurt people around me to cope! That doesn’t make it okay! 
Also… People like Spider are more likely to be misogynistic because of a sexist environment - not because of crazed misandrists believing all men are rapists. I think it would've been much more believable if instead, Spider hadn’t had a father or a close male role model to grow up with and became very insecure about his perception of masculinity and manliness, so he used society and social media as learning tools to form his personality and unfortunately internalised a lot of misogyny.
The conclusion of Spider’s redemption also felt way too rushed. He only stops joining Voss because the man slipped up while ranting and because he got slapped in the face. In season one, it really looked like they were going to explore how Spider’s insecurities around vulnerability and masculinity made him put up a front to shield himself. During his relationship with Missy, some points almost felt like they were going to full dive into exploring it but then they backed out, or they wouldn’t let the scenes room to breathe before rushing into the solution. I would’ve liked it more if Spider had time to really grapple with his worldviews and how hurtful he was being, and working on distancing himself from sexist ideals. It would’ve felt a lot more authentic imo.
And I really was not on board with Missy x Spider. I don’t know, it didn’t feel like an authentic attraction, just more like the writers somehow needed someone to jumpstart Spider’s redemption journey while also providing a convenient romantic love interest. Maybe it could have worked if they two were given more time to develop an understanding companionship and Missy wasn’t into him while he was still a fucking dickhead? Maybe they could’ve had the whole rival's sexual tension thing work if it was given way more focus instead of just “Boy see Girl doing something sexy and fall in love”? I don’t know, romance and sexual interest isn’t really my expertise, so maybe it’s just a me thing.
Rowan’s whole character was a huge miss for me, holy shit. It’s 2024, STOP MAKING MENTAL ILLNESS A FUCKING VILLAINOUS TRAIT. I don’t even know what the fuck his mental illness was supposed to be. I work in youth counseling and psychology, and none of his symptoms feel authentic. Was it psychosis?? Was he supposed to have borderline personality disorder??? Untreated PTSD with severe hallucination and dissociation symptoms??? Type 1 bipolar going through a severe mania episode?? FUCKING WHAT DID HE EVEN HAVE??? For a show that handled autism so beautifully in these seasons, they dropped the ball so horribly with Rowan. Bad character, bad execution, bad storyline, bad everything. Do your fucking research on mental disorders instead of just writing “obsessive and crazy” hbh writers, fucking hell.
Also, why did he need to have this whole dumb past connection with Amerie? Why did Amerie suddenly have a backstory of being a major cunt and bully? Why was none of her shitty behaviour talked about in season one? You’d think when her classmates were ostracizing her for the sex wall and getting everyone involuntarily sent to SLT’s, they would’ve brought up this shit. Spider and Harper had their personal reasons to dislike her but no one else brought up anything. Why not just have it that in the earlier episodes, Bird Psycho was spreading baseless rumours and misinformation? Then have people divided on whether or not they would believe Amerie when she went to disprove them? You can even have others making shit up to add to the situation for more drama.
Sasha and Zoe… Oof, bad execution all around for those two.
Sasha… Oof. Thought her storyline was going to deal with her hypocrisy around activism and being a sjw invested in identity politics. Maybe some exploration on how applying moralism to activism is never a good thing EVER and that you shouldn’t care about oppression just because it makes you look like a better person - you should care about it because oppression is fucking disgusting and needs to be eradicated. Should’ve known they would’ve just made her into a bad joke. Pouring one out for the missed opportunity.
I really thought that Zoe’s character was going to explore sexual insecurities and how everyone has a different approach to sex. Examining the difference between sexual pleasure and sexual intimacy. Maybe even some discussion on how it’s okay to have sex simply just to explore your own preferences and likes, and how no one - especially women  - should ever be slut-shamed for liking sex. But nope, she was a really bad celibacy joke and a plot point for Darren. Yikes.
Speaking of Darren, my fashionable child, look how they massacred you. What was their whole deal with Quinni this season? Did they suddenly forget about her autism? Did they suddenly stop caring about her difficulties with masking? Season 1 Darren “You’re my too much” would NEVER have fucking told Quinni that the world couldn’t play be her rules. Season 1 Quinni panicking in the bathroom at a party? Oh, no, Amerie don’t touch her, that’s not how we help Quinni. We help Quinni by providing a quiet and safe space and reminding her that she is in charge of what we do next. Season 1 Quinni becoming non-verbal due to a meltdown because Sasha was being bigoted? Nope, Sasha you don’t get to talk to Quinni, no one forces Quinni to talk, she will do it when she is ready. Wtf happened Darren? It really just felt like the writers were trying to make drama between them both and decided to butcher Darren’s character to do so. Just… oof. Very bad.
Harper’s trauma being forgotten about or developed after two episodes… What. Nothing about her relationship with her dad, nothing about her relationship with using sex as a coping mechanic, nothing about her PTSD, absolutely fucking NOTHING. Why? She just felt like she was there for other characters to develop off of.
Also, Ant and Harper felt really rushed. I would’ve liked it way more if Ant actually went and befriended some girls before he got into a relationship with Harper, or even if the both of them became friends before they developed a romantic relationship but they really weren’t given room to breathe.
Also also, Ant accomplished nothing?? I don’t remember one significant thing he did this season that gave more insight into his character or that wasn’t just to uplift other character’s developments. It sucks because last season alluded to some religious trauma that I thought we were going to get to explore more. He needs so much more substance than just “haha, funny guy” imo.
Missy and Malakai deserved more to their stories than just relationship drama. Where was their Indigenous culture? Where was Malakai’s ‘gone my country’ story element that helped him last season? We rarely ever get Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander actors able to show their culture even in Australian media, so last season when they brought it up I was so happy but now… No mention of it? Nothing? I loved their friendship and their scenes together but God, I wish they happened more outside of their romantic relationships.
Amerie’s pregnancy storyline felt super rushed. Really wish it had more time to breathe, and to stress the importance of contraception and abortion rights. It all began and ended within one episode… Really felt like it deserved just a little bit more time, y’know? Especially in this day and age. It kind of just felt like last minute drama. Maybe more will come out of it because Amerie told Quinni? I hope the fuck not though because I really do not want Quinni’s character slaughtered.
Cash… Showing Chook… Where he lived… Cash is not fucking stupid. What the fuck was that. Making drama for the sake of elevating the story I guess.
Harper’s and Amerie’s dumb fight in the last episode that was really there so Rowan could have a mental breakdown. Yikes.
Wasn’t a big fan of some of the music choices. Few great songs, few iconic songs (Untouched by the Veronicas my beloved), but overall some pretty dodgy choices. I like BLACKPINK, don’t get me wrong, but they’re not that popular in Australia? And The Cranberries are amazing but again, not really an Australian favourite? Idk, just felt like they were picking from the Top 500 Charts.
Okay, the whole fire thing was really fucking stupid. In 2019-2020, NSW had massive out-of-control bushfires that ravaged the country. We have incredibly intense fire-safety because out country is so fucking flammable. Our sprinklers don’t run on electricity - the heat melts the protective plug on the sprinkler, and then water is released from where it’s stored in the pipes. We have fire blankets and extinguishers. The school would’ve been doused. And by the way, there is no such thing as only two teachers chaperoning formal. Not for 25< kids. And the cohort teachers would’ve been invited to go anyways?? And if a crazed man with fire did appear out on the oval, the students would’ve legally had to evacuate to another safe place. Cops and the firefighters would’ve been called immediately. All of the last episode was just such unbelievable bullshit, oml.
“Oh but the school is really sketchy” Idgaf, that whole fire thing was so stupid.
The afl over nrl holy shit. Like, as a queenslander, that shit really fucking hurt to see, I am so sorry sydney goers.
Alright some general thoughts:
Much of the drama in this season just didn’t feel authentic. Most characters were forced to make stupid or unrealistic choices so that drama could happen rather than just allowing the plot to naturally allow for intriguing stories to unfold. I felt like this season was forcing everyone to be involved in something tremendous at every single point, only then to become overwhelmed with how to finish or solve the issues so it was quickly given a bandaid or ignored in favour of moving onto something else.
The first season had the main issues of separating Amerie from her classmates, of people trying to navigate relationships with all the messiness of being a teenager, and of dealing with things that you don’t know how to solve. Characters were given time to be emotional, to make mistakes but not be villainized for them. Scenes and problems were given room to breathe, there was time for all of the story beats to develop and come together.
This season felt more akin to something I’d see in Riverdale or Pretty Little Liars. Over dramatised problems and a mystery that involved pretty shitty characterisation to pull off.
I still like Heartbreak High, and if there is a third season, I’ll definitely give it a watch, but overall, I’m not very enthusiastic about season 2.
One other thing is more related to the backlash I’ve seen from two of the main characters, Malakai and Missy. Some people are infuriated that these two bisexuals have ended the season in a straight-passing relationship and… Okay. I’m not going to sugarcoat any of this; stop being biphobic cunts. You complaining about these two characters ending up with an opposite-sex partner is biphobic. Bisexuals aren’t limited to only ever being in same-sex relationships, fuck off.
Okay, now I’m done.
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unavailable-fan · 8 months
Just some thoughts on why it's extremely entertaining to watch Bucchigiri?! at least for me and at least now (with 3 ep out)
Obviously the designs, backgrounds, animation, voice acting and music is really good. It's fun enough to watch even without trying to piece together all the details of possible plot development or characterization. The world is bizarre and you never know what will happen, but it's also silly in a way what can remind of silly stuff irl(yes, playing baseball with a basketball, that brings some memories).
Even though the plot isn't clear at all now, i'm still curious about what might happen in the future episodes, cause there's more to each character than i thought at first and in each episode lots of stuff happens. It's both good and bad, but for me it's incredibly interesting, cause it's hard to predict what will actually happen.
And insane details what make no sense at first but then you wake up at 3am realizing "oh, that's what it meant", probably. It just works for some people, but will not work for others, obviously. And i'm in a group who's puzzle-solving and eccentric-fashion-loving parts of the brain just got activated by this show. Kinda spoilers and wild theories, thoughts, observations and bad attempts at analyzing ahead
Right now i think we've been introduced to most main characters, and show may probably continue with awful interactions between them. Awful cause, well, each of these characters wants something different from others, sometimes something completely opposite (like with Senya and Arajin, one wants to fight but has no interest in other stuff, like romance, and the other doesn't want to get anywhere near fights and just wants some romance in his life; similar with Jin siblings, Zabu and Matakara and Arajin and Mahoro in that order, and different gangs). And when there are these dialogue lines and scenes, what kinda feel like they're supposed to make more sense later (like with how Zabu tells where's no "fair" and "unfair" in fights; how Arajin actively avoids talking with Matakara, but is still clearly worried about him, and how quickly his usual commically-happy-and-invincible attitude changes when anyone is hurt; and various comments about gangs' lore in background dialogue; and the fact what there should be a second genie somewhere). It's fascinating if you love digging into every plot detail like there's some big conspiracy behind it. This research activity can be fun on its own, and it's increasingly hard to stumble upon anything what really makes you wonder what is even going on. That is not for everyone, and that's ok. But i won't be able to shut up when i have so many theories about what could happen, or why characters act like they do, because it's fun. First episode is a series of wild events what occurred because characters either ignored something or tried to make something worse for someone because of a personal want. And it just spirals from there. It may be not about how good and right can these characters be, but the opposite, how bad can it get and how can they change it. Everyone is a bit dumb and a bit mean and a bit stubborn, and it's interesting, cause everyone also has something or someone they care about. It's like billiards but with abstract concepts of characters' motivation instead of balls. It will be sad if we just return to typical plot development, though it's not clear what genre are we even watching at the moment. But this will be later, and now i'm having fun with this show, and that's already good.
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bubbleonice · 1 year
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce:
So. What’s up with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelch. Is this true love, a fling, a flirt, a karmic situation or pr? Let’s dive into the cards and see what we get.
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Travis Kelch:
Not afraid: he is definetely not afraid to let everyone see himself with Taylor Swift. In fact, he feels quite honoured. Feels good to be associated with Taylor. All is good and all is well. He’s enjoying himself. Byt he is also cautious with taking bite-size steps. He enjoys the ride but he is not about to jump into any hasty conclusions here. They are not getting married and having kids in the near future, this is the start of a trial periode. He is seeing her and he is having the time of his life. Intergrity: he wanted this, he has manifesting this to happen. He has manifested love with his actions. Not holding back. Give your relationship a chance: he might even want to give this relationship a serious try and work on their partnership. BUT. Reconciliation: I see someone wants reconciliation. It may mean someone wants it, or there will be a reconciliation with an old flame. Maybe him going back to his ex or her going back to a previous lover. Or it can also be an ex wanting this to happen. Doesn’t neccesarily mean it will happen. But someone from the past is definetley watching them. 4 of wands reversed feeling a sense of loneliness and left out. Maybe her success will somehow make him feel like he is left in the shadow of her eventually. The attention will always be mostly on her and not as much on him. And that can be a challenge. 3 of pentacles. There we have this third person again who is not invited into this relationship. This person will be making things hard for them. I pulled a lover’s oracle card for him and it says: look inside yourself, examine what is causing you to feel this way. I feel up til a certain point he will start to get cold feet and feel very insecure about this relationship because of the power she withholds. And that might be the changing point when he makes a choice that will be crucial to their relationship.
Have Fun: she is all about having fun nowadays. She is living her life to the fullest. In every way. This is no different. Travis is fun. She enjoys it. But is she serious about it? Turn on the light. She is not afraid of the light. She has no problem being seen with him. She is not hiding it. She is very open about it, but yet she is not publicly that this is my man. Compassion: Taylor is a very compassionate person. She is all abojt demonstrating the language of the heart by actively sharing and living love. The more love you give the more you recieve. That is her mentality. This could be the one: at the same time she also feels that he might just be the one. He is the kind of romantic partner she seeks. Yet the cards urges her to pay attention to the red flags. Signs are cautioning her. She needs to take care and think this through and not make hasty decisions about this one. Cause eventhough he might act as a page of cups, who represents the unexpected inspiration that comes to us from the unconscious, perhaps in ways that we may not truly understand. The Page of Cups upright is a messenger and brings good news about the emotional aspects of your life. Some common messages that result from this card are possible romantic proposals, new relationships. The card also represents your inner child, with the need to play, dream, and have a little fun. So don’t take things too seriously when this card appears. Enjoy and have fun, but don’t fall head over heels. The sun: feeling joyful and empowered. The Sun in tarot also signifies truth, so it is sure to shine down on any lies or deception in your life. Another, more general meaning of the Sun tarot card is that you have this warm and joyful aura that attracts people around you. Your spirit shines brightly that it is hard for people to avoid you. And that brings me back to Taylor is all about having fun and taking actions through love and heart actions. I pulled a card from the lover’s oracle for her as well and it says: deep in your heart, you already know the answer. Do what feels right. Taylor knows already what she is seeking. Is this the man she wants or is this just a flirt. Time will tell. But be assure Taylor already knows.
I hope you enjoy this reading. And please keep in mind that this is done for entertainment purposes only. I use tarotcards and oracle cards actively in my readings, as well as my intuition. Energies come and go, what is relevant for today’s reading might change in a few weeks time. But some aspects will always remain constant and the same. Thank you.❤️
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halfagone · 1 year
Got it, thank you! What’s been on my mind lately is the whole Danny x Kara thing (honestly surprised it got as many votes as it did tbh). I’d love to see someone expand on this idea in the future with its own story or something along those lines, as I got the inspiration for the idea from seeing you doing Danny x Cass in your Lex Luthor story. So I suppose my full prompt would be a story where Kara actually meets Ellie first, as I think those two could have a lot in common with being in the shadow of another hero from their family. Maybe Kara can even act like an older sister to Ellie. Then, it eventually leads to Kara meeting Danny though Ellie, whether it be due to Ellie destabilizing and calling Danny for help or even having Ellie play matchmaker and purposely introduce the two, the romance starting from there. I think it would be fun to see!
Ooh, yes~! What fun! I've been watching different animated versions/renditions of Kara in preparation for an upcoming scene... That shall be the most I share on that subject. Hehehe~
(Now, this isn't super refined or edited, or put into my regular prose, but I hope you like it anyways.)
I can imagine many possibilities for how Ellie and Kara could meet up or run into each other. I've always imagined that Kara takes care of more intergalactic threats, but Earth is still her new home, and she doesn't want to be away from it for long if she can help it. Not to mention she does have a civilian life she has to keep up.
So much like her cousin, Kara takes care to settle and assist in domestic issues, like wrangling forest fires or assisting natural disaster relief efforts, maybe even taking care of the occasional megalomaniac, as any good Super does. She's fairly popular, and the public might always be happy to see a fresh face, but it's hard to push out the occasional remark from the crowd that she can't help but overhear about how they prefer Clark or one of the Superboys. If there's anything Kara has to say about Earth it's that she's not fond of the misogyny. But she doesn't let that deter her, although sometimes she finds she just needs to stretch her legs and take a flight around the planet before she ends up punching some creep who's gawking at her legs a little too much to be brushed off as a mistake.
And it's here that she starts running into a younger girl with bright white hair and illuminating green eyes. Kara is of course startled when she first spots her, it's always a surprise to see someone outside of the hero community flying around, for business or pleasure. Kara tries to approach, cautious as always, but the girl seems to startle at that too. So Kara tries to back off a little, and just waves at her in a friendly manner. The girl waves back, shy and unsure, and she quickly zips away again. Kara doesn't chase after her, but she does mentally log the instance. The girl didn't act hostile in any way, and while Kara doesn't know who she is, she also doesn't know every hero or meta in the world. She resolves to keep the instance in mind for the future, but she mostly brushes it off in the meantime.
But their run-ins keep happening, either as Kara is rushing to another rescue or even taking a lovely little flight as the sun sets. They never actually introduce themselves, but she finds that their waves of greeting become warmer and warmer over time, with the white-haired girl often eagerly waving at her first. Kara is always happy to wave back, a smile on her face. She finds her run-ins with the strange girl to be some of her favorite parts of any flight, and she occasionally gets disappointed when they don't bump into each other.
One day Kara is sitting on a seastack out in some archipelago she unfortunately doesn't remember the name of, and the other girl hesitantly approaches her, face burrow slightly in the collar of the hoodie thrown over a hazmat suit design. The girl introduces herself as Ellie, and Kara returns the greeting with her own name. (She knows better than to give her civilian name, even though that name has far less meaning to her than her birth name.)
They talk. A lot. Often times about absolutely nothing and sometimes about quintessential 'girl' stuff as some of the girls in her class would call it. Kara doesn't really get it entirely, but she has to admit there are just some experiences that she would never share with clark even if she'd blabber all about it to the wonderful Ma Kent. Whenever they bump into each other now, they always make sure to stop and chat. Unless Kara is rushing off to an emergency, of course.
At some point, Ellie tells Kara about her brother. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that they have a complicated relationship. But the most that Kara can carefully needle out of Ellie is that there's a few years age gap between them that usually wouldn't be a problem for most families, but Ellie's family definitely isn't like most families. She speaks highly of her brother, even if it's in that begruding, whiny way that she'll hear Tim or Damian complain about their siblings to Kal's kids.
They're close, but their living situations mean they don't get to see each other face to face very often, and they find themselves communicating primarily over the phone. Kara figures it's not ideal, but there are plenty children from divorced parents that often have the same struggles. Kara only ever hears about a father figure, a pretty damn bad one too, and she doesn't really feel like she has the right to ask about the mother.
She learns that Ellie has many powers, although she gets to see very few of them in action. (The question of why Ellie has no heartbeat is always on Kara's tongue, but she refrains from asking every time.) Ellie isn't really interested in being a hero, and Kara always tells her that she's not wrong for not wanting that. Being a hero is a lot of work and responsibility, no one should have to carry that weight on their shoulders if they don't want to.
Ellie always looks at Kara with stars in her eyes, and Kara tries not to preen with pride. Ellie's compliments have always felt different, more personal, than any accolades she receives from the adoring public.
Eventually, Kara has to inform Ellie that she has an upcoming mission in space, so they won't be able to meet up for a while. When Ellie learns of this, she instantly blabbers about her brother's love for space and astronomy and "You two should totally meet! He'd love to hear you talk anything about space!"
Somehow Kara gets roped into doing just that. She doesn't know what compels her to agree to a meeting with Ellie's brother, Danny. But there's no going back now, and she wonders if she should feel more self-conscious about what this means for her relationship with Ellie. But then Ellie shows up at their meeting spot, brother in tow, and everything settles.
Kara wouldn't call it an instant click, not like the romcoms and romantic Earth fairytales would describe it, but it- settles. That's perhaps the only way Kara can describe the way she slowly eases into conversation. There are some awkward bumps, and the occasional uncertain silence, but Danny is eager and curious and snarky, and well. He's pretty cute too.
So if she tucks some hair behind her ear and laughs at some joke Danny says then that's nobody's business but her own.
Ellie had been so excited for two of her favorite people in the world to meet. But then she started to notice the blushes on their faces and she realizes with dawning horror that she might have just created a monster.
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