#ok gn im going to bed LMAO
pinkibot · 9 months
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dtiys for @andaboop!
He's all rizzed up your honor- 🫣
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I love my brothheeerrr!
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satoruxx · 10 months
i’m probably super late to the party but i’m currently reading the shatter me series and it’s 2 am and i just finished unravel me and i’ve gone through every emotion known to man and i’m losing my mind and i’m a different person now and—
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onepiexe · 2 years
still in my 'thinking abt work the next day stresses me out' phase
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floofeh-purpi · 3 months
Getting isekai'd?! (Part 2)
Sagau! Genshin Fatui x Gn! Reader (ft. Your bsf)
Warnings: Im too lazy to put anything here rn...
『Beloved fluffball/s mentioned below! 💜』
You can tell me if you wanna be tagged in the next part :)
Sidenote: Someone please teach me how links wpek in tumblr plesae 🤠
Part 1 here :>
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The harbingers we're having a meeting with, well, y'know... the usual and boring ass stuff with the Tsaritsa. That is until they were interrupted by a group of fatui agents, who panted as they almost unintentionally broke the door.
"P-pardon us for the interruption. Y-your Majesty." A female agent stammered out. "B-but this is... urgent."
*Insert them telling their surperiors that they spotted someone (you ofc) that looked like their Grace and that the person was with another person and a wolf-looking creature (they dont know its your dog ok 😭🤚) *
"Someone that looks like... Our Grace? Are you certain?"
"Yes. Your Majesty."
"The jacket's nice..." You awkwardly said out of the blue as d/n happily walked around the snowy terrain, his/her paws making a faint yet satistfying crunch on the snow as he/she walked, with a leash much to the poor doggo's dismay (cus bro this huge baby loves running around without a leash)
"Awh, thanks n/n (nickname)" Your bsf answered in a sing-song tone.
"Remember the time we met bro?" (You call your bsf bro regardless of their gender, they dont mind lol)
"Yeh, lol."
♤ (story of when you guys met cus idk what to put here)
You guys met in around 1st year high school when your teacher said that their is an art competition coming up and everyone is to be partnered up with another student in a different section.
Oh, how faith was feeling generous that day, by making the teacher partner you with y/b/f/n... Though, you had to admit, it was kinda awkward at first...
"So like, whats your name bro? You seem cool."
"Name's y/n."
"Ohmigash nice name. My name's y/b/f/n, wanna be friends?"
"Sure brooo"
Just as when as your new friend tried to extend their arm for a handshake, they may have accidentally spilt some paint with their arm. Oops.
"Oh shitttt..." You cursed in your head.
"Oh nah, we is cooked. 😢"
Yeah yall got a not-so-fun scolding for 2 hours by the trainer.
♤ (end of story lmao)
"Yo, I think d/n is thirsty rn..." Your friend pointed at the panting husky. Poor cutie patootie. You thought before you realizing you didnt bring water with you. "Ah damn, I didnt bring water, we gotta go back now. Sorry bud." You apologized to d/n who was still panting. Give him/her water you little shi-
After you guys FINALLY arrived back to your home, you immediatly opened the door and got some water for d/n.
"There y'go, you cutie patootie of a dog." You cooed as you petted d/n, who was drinking water happily.
"Where is this... person, you say?" The Captain crossed his arms.
"We last spotted them near a house, sir. They were with someone else and a creature that appeared to be a wolf of sorts."
"Hm~? A house~?" Columbina asked in her soft, sing-song voice.
"Yes mam."
After that the Tsaritsa ordered everyone, the harbingers included (for you simps), to go to this house and see if its actually their creator or nah.
The end.
Sike bitch.
D/n fell asleep on his/her bed. Bruh.
You guys sat down on the couch, an awkward silence could be felt between you, Though it was cutted off by a knock on your door.
"Ima go get it."
"Bruh sure, ima head into my room if you need me." You gave y/b/f/n a thumbs up before going up the stairs. Unaware of the big surprise thats coming to you. Both of you.
Posted: June 28, 2024. 11:48am.
【Part 3】
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rottmntsimp · 9 months
Donnie x (gn) reader, where the reader is feeling particularly self concious? feeling as tho they don't contribute enough to the team due to not having mystic powers or not knowing how to fight, maybe they feel as tho they get in the way a lot? I know donnie isn't always great with feelings but I feel like he would relate to this problem and would know how to solve it in his own special way?
Much needed reassurance
Donnie x Insecure!Reader
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TW: A bit of cursing (projecting cuz it's just smth i do when feeling a strong emotion lmao), using the lord's name in vain ( bro im atheist idk if this is a tw?), uh light jealousy (APRIL MAH QUEEN <33), mentions of stitching up cuts ig, light angst with fluff end <3 Oh and a pretty rushed ending lmao. Plus some slight ADHD projecting?? [Yes I got this req in September. Shh-] Thanks to @sleepytime-fics for title inspiration <3 /p
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You wince, letting out a hiss, as your cut stung in pain. Peeking out from in between your fingers, you see Donnie’s frown, not processing any of the words he rambled on to you. He let go of your hand, putting down the bandages, before moving onto your face to disinfect the scrapes along the side of your face, making you flinch in pain, listening to him chastise you for how careless you were.
“-I thought I’d told you to stay in corners. They can’t sneak up on you, if your back is against a wall.”
Sinking deeper into the mattress of the bed, you sigh, running a finger over the bandaging on your forearm, only for Donnie to slap your hand away. Rolling your eyes, you let him patch up your face, avoiding eye contact, because you knew as soon as you did, shit would hit the fan.
After what seemed like hours of nonstop admonishing and multiple rolls of bandages (which in all reality was only a few minutes), Donnie finally packs up the first aid kit, having finished patching you up. You stretch a little, before reaching for your phone, which lay on the far end of the mattress. Just as you were about to pick it up, a metal arm suddenly swipes it off of the sheets, holding it up.
As you go to reach for the phone again, he just brings the phone higher up, farther out of your reach.
“So…” the mutant started, busying himself with putting supplies back into the first aid kit. “Leo informed me you, uh…got jumped-”
“Please, don’t remind me-” you sighed, the memory of being unable to defend yourself flashing behind your closed eyelids. Not only had Leo been struggling to take care of his share of the ninjas, he had to make sure you weren’t getting hurt too.
 Opening your eyes once more, you frown at the floor, listening to Donnie go on.
“Scoff,” Donnie scoffs, voicing his actions, “Well, if you let me finish, you would've heard me say ‘-you got jumped, are you feeling ok?’ It’s unlike you to get taken advantage of like this in combat.”
“Stop it,” You mumble, not wanting to hear about how you were unable to help, frustration rising as Donnie went on, not having heard you.
“I mean, it was just a couple of foot ninjas, and statistically speaking, you’ve done better before-”
“Donnie-” You frown, speaking a bit louder, but your words went unheard as Donnie’s rambling went on.
“I’m just thankful Nardo was there for you, don’t tell him I said that though-”
He freezes, facing you as his rambing comes to an abrupt end. Seeing the frown on your face as you shifted in your seat, your head held down, Donnie was riddled with guilt. “Were you,” he clears his throat, “Were you about to say something…?”
That’s all he got in return, before soft mumbles could be heard, “It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve told me, it just won’t get in my head alright? I’m not a ninja, I’ve never gotten training-,” you muttered, as Donnie stopped what he was doing, focusing on your words- “Hell, I don’t even have a proper weapon!” you scoff, gesturing to Donnie’s tech bo, which lay messily on his desk, piles of unorganized blueprints and tech scattered around it. “Even April has one! April!” 
“Well, that is an issue can easily be resolved by simply paying a visit to the local sports store-”
Donnie’s words were cut short by the glare you gave him, as you went on. “But that makes perfect sense, since she’s just…so perfect,” you chuckled dryly, jealousy creeping into your voice, or maybe it was just self-pity.
Running a hand through your hair, you pause to take a deep breath, knowing you’ve already said too much; but fuck it, if you were going to get reprimanded for something out of your control, might as well let out some of those pent up feelings…right?
The only noise that could be heard was the soft whirring of the vents filtering air, and the sound of you guys’ breathing. The silence was eating you up from the inside, uneasiness hanging in the air. After a whole two minutes of silent torture, Donnie lets out a sigh, biting his tongue so that he doesn’t say anything he might regret, before finally speaking again.
“Where…where are you going with this?”
“Fucking christ, Donnie-” you snap, your head in your hands, as you let out a strong exhale. Looking up at him, you took a deep breath, trying to stabilize your voice, as a lump formed in your throat.
You mumbled under your breath, trying not to break down as tears of frustration formed in the corners of your eyes, your vision slowly going blurry. Why? The hell if you knew, all you could process was the fact that you were practically useless, and if that wasn’t enough to make you break down…
“I’m not as strong as you guys and I sure as hell don’t have any mystic powers,” you say, as a tear finally falls. One turns to two, and two turns to four, and before you know it, tears streamed silently down your face, as you tried to stop; but you both knew it was pointless.
Panic flashed behind his eyes as he noticed you crying. What was it you do when people cry? Talk to them? No, no, he was pretty sure you give them space.
“I always need at least two people out with me when I join you guys for patrol, and I always get hurt, and end up being more of a burden than a help…” You clear your throat, cursing at yourself as your voice cracks.
Once again, silence.
Looking down at the floor, you sniffled, using the sleeve of your hoodie to wipe your tears away. White floods your vision, looking up, you see one of Donnie’s mechanical spider arms holding a tissue out in front of you, his eyes averted to the side.
Nodding your thanks, you blow your nose, as quiet ensued once more. You both sat there, your minds occupied by your own racing thoughts respectively.
After what seemed like hours, Donnie spoke up, his voice soft, but firm, as though he were deep in thought, “I…apologize, for not realizing how you felt earlier. I should have been more observant, I should have been able to notice how you felt about all of this much earlier on… I’m sorry for being a terrible partner-”
“Donnie-” You just sigh, the adrenaline from earlier wearing off, as a wave of exhaustion washed over you. “I’m not calling you a bad partner, I’m just saying that…maybe I shouldn’t go out on missions with you guys anymore. I’ll just hold you all back, and-” 
“Hold us back?-” Donnie interrupts, his face going from that of understanding and thoughtful to utterly flabbergasted. Standing up from his seat on the mattress, he has a robotic arm shoot out of his battle shell and yank a chair over, as he took a seat across from your place on the mattress. He faced you, arms crossed, eyebrows furrowed, renewed confusion apparent, “You believe that you’re…holding us back?”
“...Well, yeah-”
“SCOFF! Never have I heard such malarkey- Oh Y/N, you are anything but deadweight!-”
You could only listen as he went on, giving up on trying to get your point across as he never gave you the chance to. Yet despite the affirmations, a nagging feeling stuck in the back of your mind, refusing to leave as he rambled on about your strengths, physically and intellectually.
His voice became nothing but a soft hum in the background, accompanying the buzz of the vents, as you spaced out. Why was he doing this? You aren’t worth the struggle, the effort… He’s always had to help you catch up, get up to speed on things. Homework, fights, hell- even simple things like staying on task, giving you something to do, to think about…
“-And just because you don't have mystic potential, doesn't mean you aren't a valuable asset to our group. There are plenty of other ways you make up for it..."
The nerve of this hypocrite; saying you’re useful while still in doubt of his own abilities.
"I mean," Donnie went on, putting a hand on your shoulder, trying to get you to look at him, "It's not like you're the only human in our little posse. April's our friend too, and she's just as important as the rest of us-"
"She doesn't count-" You snap, your voice raising to a higher volume. Donnie flinched, his hand retracting in shock. Wincing, you mumble a quiet apology, feeling a wave of disappointment and regret wash over you before going on.
"April's been training with you guys since she’s met you, she doesn't count…" You mumbled, trying to keep control of how loud you spoke. “She’s been there since the beginning, basically on you guys’ level. She’s known you all since you were young, grew up with you guys, trained with you guys, fights with you guys…all while kicking ass and looking good…all I do is stand in the back and cheer you guys on…”
“Oh my sweet Y/N,” Donnie sighs, looking up at you again. “What will it take for you to understand that moral support is better than no support whatsoever?” The pleading look in his eyes, the desperation in his voice for you to understand just how valuable you are didn’t go overlooked by you, as you just sighed in response.
“I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, darling. You are as valuable to our bunch as any of us are. Learning to fight takes time, time which you never gave yourself, which I’m gladly willing to change.
“And as for getting hurt…” Donnie put a hand on yours, making you look at him as he let himself smile, “I guess we’ll just have to start training.”
Taglist [ask if you want to be added!]:
@lemme-be-cringe-damnit @sleepytime-fics @ray-of-midnight-storm @hamthepan @charismakat
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fridaynightmassacre · 3 months
ok ok can I ask like a scenario/headcanons of a cute emo boy absolutely d e s t r o y I n g his chubby gn! s/o in bed? Just absolutely freak nasty and telling them how pretty they look and shit? It's 100% fine if you don't want to I'm just clamoring for it since I can't find one irl LMAO! sending all the love!
hello freakanon♡
im High so if this is unorganised or informal I'm sorry
so in my head this is like short and chubby reader and tall and skinny emo
like perfect for size kink.
when yall fucking he's grabbing and slightly kneading them like. idk I got boobs so I call them my second boobs but you know that little pout of fat under your chest. he grabs that instead of your waist. it almost provides more grip and it's so much softer than your waist
I love the trope where lanky guy is stronger than he looks. so he absolutely hooks his hands under your knees and pushes them forward and onto your chest to hit better angles, this makes more blood rush to your face or whatever giving him more chances to call you cute and accuse you of blushing like the fucking asshole he is
missionary. missionary sorry. how else is he supposed to stare directly at your face and fuck you at the same time???
in my head emo guy in this req has longer hair than most. so I like to imagine him tying his hair up before he goes down on you.
tongue piercing(twinnem)!!!!!! uses it at every opportunity. will literally press it into your neck if you make any indication you like it
I feel like he has a weird fetish. not sure what yet but it's definitely like something he gets embarrassed over at first and when you tell him you wanna try you get kissed so hard his teeth cut your lip
no I got it his fetish is for like pubes or body hair so don't shave
it came to me from God
obviously if you don't wanna engage in it fully that's fine but it's his fetish not his kink so on some level your body hairs going to be at the very least aesthetically appealing to him
but feel free to imagine any other fetish or kink the body hair one just felt right for him
if you're also alternative and pierced he probably traces his fingers over your piercings and tells you how pretty they look on you
if not he just does it with your facial features, trying to describe how they all work together to make you so attractive but he IS fr in the middle of thrusting so it's all stuttery and shit
aftercare king
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Hello May I Request a Rottmnt Fluff And Gn Reader like The Boys are a little bit sad for Whatever reason and Reader comforts them with Cuddles (also this is my First time Requesting Something so sorry if it makes no sense)
it makes sense don't worry! btw idk if this is what you asked for but this is what I came up with im so sorry if its not
1 request down like 8 more to go (im going to go crazy but its fine tho)
sad! rottmnt x gn! reader fluff
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he accidentally ripped his favorite teddy bear while sleeping
he was absolutely distraught
hes never been this sad before
he called you at 3am SOBBING
you came over at like 3:12am(on a school night)
he hugged you SO HARD crying about his teddy bear:((
you were scratching under his chin (i think he would like that??) as he was pouting like a baby with tears streaming down his face
you guys were now cuddling his face buried in your chest you can hear him trying not to cry again(I FEEL SO BAD BRO)
you lifted his head up to look at you and you started kissing all over his face and he started giggling like a little girl(goofy)
after your kiss attack all over his face
"i love you so much babe"
"i love you too raphie"
(forget school bruh)
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he got banned from run of the mill(its like his 87th time getting banned)
saying he was sad was an understatement
it was his favorite pizza place...
and all he said was that huesos forehead is as big as the moon
he NEEDED your cuddles
so he portal sworded to your room crying
you were laying on your bed and you hear someone crying and you knew who it was
your himbo boyfriend(IM SORRY LMAO)
he jumped on you
"hey you ok?"
"i got banned from run of the mill"
you were trying so hard to hold in your laughter
"oh really?"
he was hugging you so hard
his face was in your stomach
you just started scratching his head
he started giggling like an idiot
"i love you mi vida"
"i love you to neon leon"
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the purple game 2 got canceled...
he's going through the seven stages of grief in 7 seconds
he would be so devastated
he would lock himself in his lab for days
he won't even go out for flavorless juice or pizza
his "dum dum" brothers need to call you bc of this
"hey donnie?" you knock
no response
"donnie its me 'name'"
the labs doors open
you walk in and hes not there?
you go into his room and there he is just laying on his bed
you walk up to him
no response
"whats wrong?"
"the purple game 2 got canceled"
he's trying so hard not to cry for the 5th time today
you jump up on his bed and you put his head on your lap
he signs
and he looks up at you with his cute doe eyes(i love his eyes man)
"you know i love you right?"
"yes i know. i love you to"
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he broke his skateboard in half
he was so sad:((
he was sobbing for like an hour
not even a hug from his brothers could calm him down
but yours can
he called you crying abt his skateboard
you came over as fast as you could
he was in his room and as SOON as he saw you he RAN into you arms
he was sobbing in your chest
you both walked back to his bed him still sobbing on your chest
you guys are now cuddling him STILL on your chest but not sobbing any more just reduced to some sniffles now
"i love you so much babe"
"i love you too"
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froggibus · 2 years
Daddy Issues - Soldier 76
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Pairing: Soldier 76 x reader
Genre: fluff but its a lil suggestive
Word Count: too many for this prompt 1.5k
Summary: in which your little crush on the Commander doesn't go unnoticed, and he wants to see just how far he can push you
CW: young! Soldier, Overwatch days, reader is shy + gets flustered easily, fainting, teasing, Soldier is a bastard
reader is described GN but is described to be blushing/having red cheeks a lot! i know this description may not fit everyone so i am putting this here to not waste time/ruin the immersion!
ok anyway im too lazy to write today so you guys can have my drafts lmao anyway enjoy <3 i am very down bad for this man anyway
John Francis “Jack” Morrison: super soldier, Overwatch commander, the best of the best, and unfortunately for you, a total DILF. 
The man was gorgeous. Despite working closely with him and Overwatch for years, you still couldn’t even look at him without getting flustered. Stuttered words and red cheeks had become a staple of your conversations with Jack, and all you could do was pray he didn’t notice. 
Unbeknownst to you, it was common knowledge among the other agents of your little crush on the Commander. Jack himself had always found it somewhat cute regardless of the teasing he received from Ana and Reyes, and found himself wondering how much it would take to push you past the breaking point. 
“L/n,” Jack’s voice boomed, “can I talk to you for a second?”
You squeaked, the tips of your ears burning, and approached him. You were painfully aware of the looks the two of you were receiving along the way. 
“W-what’s up?” 
“I was just wondering if you’d be open to taking on a mission next weekend.”
“Oh,” you looked everywhere but his eyes, trying to hide the desperate flush on your face. “I-I can for sure. Who’s all going?”
“It would just be you and I.”
If your face was burning before, it was an inferno now. A mission, all alone with Commander Morrison? 
“Come on, y/n,” he rested a hand on your shoulder. 
His touch on your shoulder and the way he was looking at you sent butterflies to your stomach. You stuttered out a bunch of words that essentially meant ‘yes’, and that was good enough for the Commander. You walked away quickly, covering the lower half of your face with your hand. 
Ana Amari laughed, “come on, Jack. Give y/n a break.”
“Mind your business,” the Commander said, but even he knew he was pushing you a little hard. 
It was the dead of night, and you were yet to sleep. It had been too hot and then too cold, and then your mind could not stop racing. Thoughts of Jack and the mission filled your head. 
As soon as the clock ticked to 2:22am, you found yourself rolling out of bed and slipping your feet into your slippers. You tiptoed your way down the hall, being careful not to wake any of the other agents. You knew how skittish they could be, especially in the dead of night.  
You made it to the kitchen and turned on the kettle, sitting at the counter and waiting for it to boil. Soft footsteps behind you made you whip your head around, your eyes settling on Jack. 
You immediately flushed at what he was wearing. A pair of grey sweatpants, no shirt and bunny slippers. You couldn’t help but look at his bare chest. He was all shredded muscles and perfectly carved abs. Duh, he’s a super soldier, you thought. 
“What are you still doing awake?” He asked, your eyes flicking up to meet his.
“I-I could ask you the same thing.”
He shot a glance at the steaming kettle, “couldn’t sleep, I guess.” 
“Same here,” you nodded, your gaze once again slipping to his bare stomach. 
He smirked, knowing full well where your gaze was. The words tumbled out before he could stop them, “like what you see?”
You instantly hid your face in your hands, trying to avoid looking at him. Jack cursed himself—he was normally so composed, so in control of himself. Yet, he couldn’t stop himself. 
“Jack!” You squealed, voice going up an octave. 
He laughed slightly, “hey, I’m just teasing.”
He wanted to say that he also liked what he saw, but he thought that was a little too far given your current state. Still, he thought you looked gorgeous. In your pyjamas, hair a complete mess, looking all sleepy and cute. 
“S-still,” you mumbled, finally peeling your hands away from your face. You grabbed a mug from the cupboard and set a teabag in it, “I’m too tired for this.”
Jack backed off for now, deciding to give you a reprieve you from his teasing. The image of you all flustered and trying to hide your face was burned into his mind, and it would suffice for tonight. 
Combat training was your favorite part of the week, making every Monday somewhat bearable. Usually, you would pair off with Ana or Angela, given they were around the same skill level as you. 
Today, though, Morrison had claimed you before you could even say anything. As soon as he announced the two of you would be partners, your face was pink tinted and all thoughts left your brain. 
“So, what do you want to work on first?” Jack stretched his shoulders. He was wearing a pair of track pants and a tight blue Overwatch shirt that clung to his abs. 
Memories of the other night in the kitchen filled your brain, setting a fire inside you. “I could use s-self defense practice,” you admitted. 
“Okay, I have a few ideas then.”
Before you knew it, he was positioned behind you, grabbing your hips tightly. He tugged you towards him slightly, your hips slamming against his. You let out a soft whine, instantly pressing a hand over your mouth. 
Jack mumbled in your ear, “too much for you?”
You shook your head quickly, grateful that he couldn’t see how hot and sweaty your face was. “I-I can keep g-going,” your voice was an octave higher. 
You tried to focus on anything but the pressure of his hips against yours, his hard chest on your back, his warm hands on your hips. 
“Okay,” he said and moved an arm up to around your shoulders, and stretched the other around your waist. “So if I were to do this, what would you do?”
He gripped you tight enough to pick you up off of the ground. His touch was so intense it was hard to concentrate, taking you a minute before you could remember the steps. 
You twisted in his grip, ducking under the arm on your shoulder and using it as leverage to turn him around. You held it tightly behind his back. 
“Good, really good,” his praise made you flush, “but you have to be faster than that in the field.”
In an instant, he broke free of your grip and threw you over his shoulder. He tossed you into the ground, cradling the back of your head and the small of your back as he did to break your fall. You landed with a soft groan, Jack on top of you. 
His face was only a few inches from yours, a smirk plastered on his face. Your heart raced in your chest, hammering against your rib cage. The blood rushed to your face. There was no way he didn’t notice how flustered you were. 
“You’re cute when you’re flustered,” he noted. 
Blood roared in your ears. You squeezed your eyes shut and tried to move your hands to cover your face, but he was holding them down.
“Ah, ah, ah,” he tsked. “Why are you trying to hide from me?”
You shook your head, eyes still closed. “I-I’m not.”
“Then why can’t you look at me?” 
“Cause you’re so close to me!” 
He laughed, letting go of your hands, “I thought you’d like this position.”
That was your breaking point. Your heart raced faster, so fast it was almost painful, and your breath caught in your throat. You couldn’t speak, you couldn’t breathe. Your skin was unbearably hot, as if it would melt off your bones any second.
“Y/n?” Jack backed off, “are you okay?”
He blinked at you, waiting for you to respond. When you didn’t, he completely got off of you. You managed to take in one, gasping breath before everything went dark. 
You woke up in the infirmary, a blanket wrapped around you. Your head spun, and when you opened your eyes, there were four Jack’s sitting on the end of your bed. You blinked a few times, and all but one of them disappeared. 
Jack was staring at you with a mix of caution and excitement. “How are you feeling?”
“G-good, I think.”
“Good,” he sighs in relief. “Ana would have killed me if you weren’t.”
“What even happened?”
“You fainted,” he said. “I’ve never seen anyone get so flustered from sparring before.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “you’re a jerk. I know what you’ve been doing—and it’s mean!”
“It’s not my fault you look so cute when you’re embarrassed!”
Your face flushed again, and Jack looked at you cautiously. “You’re not going to faint again, are you?” He asked. 
“I-I don’t think so, why?”
“Because I can’t kiss you if you pass out.”
Your face burned, but your heart still beat normally. “Y-you really want to kiss me?”
He answered by cupping your cheek and closing the distance between the two of you. His lips smashed against yours, sending electric shocks down your spine. You moved against him and tangled a hand in his hair. 
“You’re sure you’re not going to pass out?”
You tugged on his shirt, “shut up,” and kissed him again. 
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hectorthedoggo · 6 months
update number 3. I told the ai a bit of es' lore and they asked about it like ... 5 seconds after I told them and I yelled at es and they started to cry uh whoops lmao
at least its in character (slightly)
ok no more updates im gonna go to bed gn snork miririiri
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aroacesigma · 5 months
YIPPEE ok . funni rhythm game . project sekai. its got miku . the only important background lore here is: there's kind of another world called "sekai" that is made from either strong emotions, or the shared will/dreams/desire/etc of a group. there are 5 units/groups/whatever. 2 of the sekais in the game were made by One Person. one's the clown group dw abt that. but Mafuyu !! fuyu made her own sekai. i thiiiiiink out of her desire to "disappear"?
anyway. mafuyu asahina. silly lil girlie. she is so depressed man. her mother sucks and is constantly pushing her to be the perfect straight-A student and train to be a doctor, and in public fuyu DOES put up that facade (in-game she has two very distinct voices - a more upbeat, happy one, and this very quiet, almost mumbley-one. in lives she'll use her Public Voice when talking to anyone that isn't of her unit)
so ! fuyu. she wants to make music. and train to be a nurse not a doctor. but her mother is super manipulative and controlling (and thats a theme you see across her cards too. in her first event she's literally depicted as a marionette for example) and really has no real control of her life. and then she meets Niigo. because kanade savior complex go brr
so. nightcord at 25:00, or niigo as they're called in the jp fandom, is made up of Kanade Yoisaki, Mizuki Akiyama, Ena Shinonome, and Mafuyu Asahina. they originally only know each other online (kanade finds fuyu thru her music which kanade notes is very dark and depressing, and later resolves to create a piece of music that will make mafuyu smile and bring back some joy into her life. tbh idk abt the other two i uh. am bad at reading lmao) but !! they talk on Nightcord (its discord) until they all meet in the Sekai. which is fucken EMPTY. there is NOTHIN THERE. and its Mafuyu's Sekai. so given the Empty Void that has been remarked upon that it's very easy to get lost and never find your way out .......yeah
so . as the events progress you get to see mafuyu come out of her shell more as she hangs out with niigo. her mom is. Not Happy (when is she ever smh) and in one event her mom even throws out her music equipment and laptop (iirc) claiming that it's a "distraction", and tells her to stop hanging out w/ niigo bc they're "bad influences" (or smth). mafuyu, obv, does Nyat do this and continues talking to the others.
a few events later mafuyu finally reaches her breaking point and stands up to her mother . and then promptly flees to live with kanade after everything she had to deal with. so now kanade & mafuyu live together ! but mafuyu rlly is making progress like despite it all, in newer cards/depictions you can even see light in her eyes !!!
but yeah shes . shes my silly. and so like. Gender to me. her and mizuki (canon transfem/nb person btw. go mizuki go!!!!!!!!) got a duet version of the song "Villain" which is literally abt bein fucken. trans. u can't just put the Canon Transgirl in with the Transmasc Vibes Character in a Song About Being Trans, man /j
i lov her tho shes doin her best. she kind of lost all sense of identity due to having to be what her mother wanted her to be, and niigo is slowly helping her figure out who she is, not who her mother wants her to be. its very nice
compared to the other stories niigo's is. way more deep and intense. but ! they all have their Things :3
anyway yeah im insane abt mafuyu asahina this has been my tedtalk i need to go to bed
OHHH she sounds awesome fuck yeah :) very glad that she is happier these days...love that . i really do need to play project sekai honestly i tried one time but i got too used to the enstars format for rhythym games and i sucked absolute balls at it. anyway gn bff <3
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akiitos · 2 years
HEYOOOOO its 11pm and im planning to do an all nighter so uh
Can I request Toya, Tsukasa, Rui, and Akito with an gn s/o who has a kitten and every night when they go to sleep the readers kitten just like,,,, curls up next to them to sleep? Like Imagine the character going into their s/o's room just to find out that they're sleeping with their kitten curled up next to their stomach, would they act like jealous or smitten(???? Idk) would the character just end up cuddling the reader from behind (HGELP IDK THIS JUST CAME INTO MY MIND)???? Orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr VEJDHSDHHSHD
And no, this wasnt inspired by the fact that my kitten is curled up to a ball next to my stomach with my blanket draped over her (ok it is lmao)
Alsoalso! If it's fine with you, can the kittens name be Koko? (Female btw!)
Okok im gonna go now byebye! Have a great day!! <3333
-ur local cat lover (idk i just wanted to add rhat)
a/n: hiiiiii! im late to this but how dod ur all nighter go aha 😭😭 i ahve tests tmr and i'm quickly writing this rn so ummmm yes anyways thank you, and i hope you had or have a good day too! :) please enjoy, anon!
~ a wonderful sight
~ pjsk males x gn!reader
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@ toya aoyagi
~ he came home pretty later then usual cos of vbs shows and many practices, so he wasn't going to be surprised if he'd see you asleep
~ although, when he opened the door to your bedroom, he saw you and your small cat snuggled up right beside you
~ he literally smiles to himself and quickly gets ready to sleep so he can sleep next to you and your little cat.
~ he'd just try to slide into the bed without disturbing you, and just sleep behind you with his face laid on your shoulder
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@ akito shinonome
~ coming home to see you, is one of the many things he enjoys to do whenever you're with him. but, today he had to help the soccer team with stuf, study for tests with vbs, and practice!
~ so when he came home, he was exhausted and wanted to cuddle you. it was about 6 pm-ish when he finally arrived
~ when he opened your bedroom door, he saw you and your small cat koko right beside you. looks like she beat him to you, hm
~ mans got competition... anyways. he groans to himself while quietly shutting the door and changing into more comfortable clothes.
~ he's sorta jealous i guess, since koko beat him to you already. so he literally tries to hog you and hugs you from behind while you're asleep
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@ rui kamishiro
~ it was night, the usual time that he'd come over to your house. in which he arrived at your house already opening your bedroom door to see you
~ as he slowly opens the door, he sees you asleep looking comfortable as ever. he chuckles to himself and closes the door while observing you with a lovingly gaze
~ totally doesn't tell mizuki about this afterwards lol hahhah anyways. he sees koko, and goes down to pet the cute little cat. even whispering an "i love you"
~ he then lays down next to you, and just falls asleep while literally hugging you. mans in love with you
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@ tsukasa tenma
~ it was a long day for tsukasa, having a show that went really well! he was very tired, and just wanted to go to your house and hang out with you
~ as he dashes to your house with a smile as bright as the sun, he's obviously excited to see you. so when he opens the door to your room, he sees you and koko, snuggled up all together.
~ tsukasa furrows his eyebrows and side-eyes the cat lolollolol
~ he places down his bags and sits down in bed next to you while running his fingers through your hair. after 5 minutes of silence he falls asleep beside you 😭😭 not without kissing your forehead tho!
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l1nghuarchive · 2 years
hello!!! I wish u luck on starting up ur blog! :) being the absolute heizou and kazuha simp I am, may I request them with a sick reader? <3
WEE ONG TYSM FOR REQUESTING AAA YOU DIDNT PUT A GENDER SO I HOPE GN IS OK FOR YOU!! (i wrote this while i was taking the bus home, sorry if there are any spelling errors !)
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Pairing : Kazuha && Heizou x reader
Type : hcs
Warnings : n/a
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• Being the kind hearted person Kazuha is, he'll make sure to take care of you perhaps even stay back behind to take care of you if you are part of the crux!!
• As a wandering samurai, im pretty sure he has to take care of himself a lot before he had met Beidou so he is quite and expert when dealing with simple symptoms of sickness. If it's a high fever, he'll go to Baizhu to get medication and feed it to you! <3
• If you are very conscious about getting him sick even if he says it's okay, he'll write little poems for you and even draw a small doodle of himself as well as leaves! (ps. His drawing skills aren't really good but his words in his poems definitely make up for it!!)
• "Kazuha , these are uh really nice hearts that you drew..!" "My dove, it meant to be leaves.. But if you think it's a heart then it can be as well."
• Kazuha may seem like a rather calm person outside but he is interanally panicking inside if he is doing enough since he is scared that your health would get worse because he isn't taking good care of you.
• If you're symptoms tend to get worse, please reassure him it isn't his fault or he might actually start panicking and trying a bunch of medicine that he learnt on his travels that he thinks might help.
• Overall, Kazuha really someone who would stay by your side even if he isn't a professional doctor he is really genuine of taking care of you <3
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• The best detactive Heizou is almost never called in on a sick day, after all missing one day could mean missing a lot of clues and cases he might find interesting.
• Now when he heard you were unwell, let's just say he doesn't really know how to take care of you </3 and he may or may not have fed you the wrong medicine..
• "Heizou, i think that is the medicine if I'm having if im having problems with.. Releasing gas." "Oh." (you told him that when he just fed you a spoon full of it, you had problems with your stomach a few days later after you got better..)
• Heizou would definitely try to cuddle with you in bed if you are having a headache or having trouble sleeping, of course while you're asleep he might try to think of ways to help you feel better faster. He hates to see you lying in bed all day since he wants you to go on many cases with him all around inazuma!
• He'll try to crack some jokes while you're in bed to keep you entertained while you're recovering. (his jokes are kinda stolen off from google but the fact they are overused makes it funny LMAO)
• Unlike Kazuha who is a wandering Samurai, being a detective requires a lot of time so Heizou always has to leave very early in the morning so he can come back earlier to take care of you though do expect a little note with a few puns and overused jokes next to your nightstand.
• Once you've gotten better, Heizou might have to work extra hours because he did runaway from the tenryou commission to take care of you do if he arrives home late please do welcome him with a hug <3
• Heizou might not be the best at taking care of you but he is willing to sacrifice himself to make sure you're healthy and happy <3
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Tysm for requesting, i hope you liked this and sorry if it is ooc! </3
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reputationvinyls · 1 year
ok im hitting the hay the txt performance was the last thing i cared about seeing before going to bed lmao gn
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donnieluvsthings · 2 years
guyyyssss i didnt know amy shows up in palmtree panic this is gonna mess up my whole fic!!!
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ikyw-t · 2 years
jimmy and kim, kimmy and jimmy........ it's literally just like "it's you and me ! there's nothing like this !" the chokehold these two have on me rn......
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