creativewriting101 · 1 year
One-Word Prompts
Recently, I’ve been really liking the idea of one-word prompts, so here are some that I’ve seen and/or thought of that I liked:
Alembic - anything that transforms, purifies, or refines.
​​Alluvion - a gradual increase of land on a shore or a river bank by the action of water, whether from natural or artificial causes.
Arboreal - Of or relating to trees; treelike
Bel-esprit - a person of great wit or intellect.
Cause celebre - any controversy that attracts great public attention.
Cordate - heart-shaped.
Eidetic - of, relating to, or constituting visual imagery vividly experienced and readily reproducible with great accuracy and in great detail.
Fantast - A visionary or dreamer
Flocculent - like a clump or tuft of wool.
Paraselene - a bright moonlike spot on a lunar halo; a mock moon.
Lethologica - When you can’t think of the word for something
Mellifluous - A sound that’s pleasing and sweet to hear
Apricity - The warmth of the sun in winter
Retrouvailles - The happiness of meeting again after a long time of being apart
Antediluvian - very old, old-fashioned, or out of date; antiquated
Beneficence - the doing of good; active goodness or kindness; charity
Cryptomnesia - the phenomenon of not recognizing the return of an old memory as a product of memory, but instead regarding it as a new or original thought or idea.
Cupidity - Eager or excessive desire, especially to possess something; greed.
Foible - A minor weakness or failing of character; slight flaw or defect
Girandole - A rotating and radiating firework
Gul - a large octagonal design derived from the shape of a rose, a motif on rugs.
Handsel - a gift or token fore good luck or as an expression of good wishes, as at the beginning of the new year or when entering upon a new situation or enterprise
Humicolous - of or relating to organisms that live in or on soil.
Hydra - A persistent or many-sided problem that presents new obstacles as soon as one aspect is solved.
Infodemic - a massive amount of widely and rapidly circulating information about a particular crisis or controversial issue, consisting of a confusing combination of fact, falsehood, rumor, and opinion.
Integument - A natural covering, as a skin, shell, or rind
Jocular - given to, characterized by, intended for, or suited to be joking or jesting
Lachrymose - suggestive of or tending to cause tears; mournful
Limerence - the state of being obsessively infatuated with someone, usually accompanied by delusions of or a desire for an intense romantic relationship with that person.
Lunisolar - Pertaining to or based upon the relations or joint action of the moon and the sun
Meritocracy - A system in which a person’s progress is based on ability and talent rather than class privilege and wealth.
Neophyte - A beginner of novice
Nescience - Lack of knowledge; ignorance
Proceleusmatic - Inciting, animating, or inspiring
Pulchritudinous - Physically beautiful; comely
Qiviut - the soft, dense, light-brown woolly undercoat of the musk ox, used in making fabrics.
Sartorial - Of or relating to clothing or style or manner of dress
Satori - Sudden enlightenment
Saudade - A deep emotional state of melancholic longing for a person or thing that is absent
Sumpsimus - Adherence to or persistent in using a strictly correct term, holding to a precise practice, etc., as a rejection of an erroneous but more common form.
Sweven - A vision; dream
Tohubohu - Chaos, disorder, confusion
Uitwaaien - the Dutch practice of jogging or walking into the wind, especially in the winter, for the purpose of feeling invigorated while relieving stress and boosting one’s general health.
Vernal - Of or relating to Spring
Vibrissa - one of the stiff, bristly hairs growing about the mouth of certain animals, as a whisker of a cat.
Zeitgeist - The spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time
Amity - friendship; peaceful harmony.
Gazeetter - a geographical dictionary
Anamnesis - the recollection or remembrance of the past; reminiscence.
Ginkgo - a large shade tree native to China, having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy seeds with edible kernels.
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n-i-cooper · 2 years
Scansion explaination
Scansion is the method of determining and graphically representing the metrical pattern of a line of verse. In classical poetry, these patterns are quantitative based on the different lengths of each syllable. There are a lot of rules for scansion, but they help reveal the flow of a piece of poetry.
Metres are a pattern of long and short syllables, grouped together in feet or in lyric lines.
Most common feet in Latin metre:
Anapaest: short - short - long ( u u -- )
Dactyl: long - short - short ( -- u u )
Iambus: short - long ( u -- )
Proceleusmatic: short - short - short - short ( u u u u )
Spondee: long - long ( -- -- )
Tribrach: short - short - short ( u u u )
Trochee: long - short ( -- u )
Longer lines usually have a regular break near the middle, occurring either in the middle of a foot (caesura) or at the end of a foot (diaeresis).
I am quite interested in the lyrical verses specifically: they are divided into feet but they are themselves the unit of scansion and have a fixed number of syllables.
Hendecasyllabic: 11 syllables ( -- -- -- u u // -- u -- u -- -- ), usually a caesura after 5th syllable ( // )
Asclepiads: 12 syllables ( -- -- -- u u -- // -- u u -- u -- ), always a caesura after the 6th syllable ( // )
Glyconic: 8 syllables ( -- -- -- u u -- u -- ), no regular caesura
Alcaic stanza: has four lines, first two have the same pattern ( -- -- u -- -- // -- u u -- u -- ), the third line is ( -- -- u -- -- -- u -- -- ) and the fourth is ( -- u u -- u u -- u -- -- ), the last two don't have a caesura
Saphic stanza: also four lines, first three have the same pattern ( -- u -- -- -- // u u -- u -- -- ), last line is a short Adonic ( -- u u -- -- )
I really enjoy scanning, the systems behind it are something I want to incorporate into the words I am collecting. It would be cool to create poetic lines using the lists I am forming.
D. A. Kidd, "Metres," in Collins Latin Gem Dictionary, edited by G. F. Maine (London; Glasgow: Collins Clear-Type Press, 1961), 24-30.
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Aphorism 154. The Philosophy of Tropical Littorals and Seashores. Satyendra Sunkavally.
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luanne1979 · 4 years
Build Your Vocabulary | Proceleusmatic
Build Your Vocabulary | Proceleusmatic
Word of the Day SATURDAY, MARCH 06, 2021 proceleusmatic [ pros-uh-loos-mat-ik, proh-suh– ]  adjective inciting, animating, or inspiring.  Word of the Day Credit: Dictionary.com  Photo Credit: Giphy.com    
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cricketmuse · 3 years
Word Nerd: January
While some revel in the Christmas season I am all for the New Year. New digits on the paystub, closer to spring, which means closer to June, which means summer break! Celebrating the joy of the new year requires presenting a menu of festive, inspiring words that ring out the gladness of a new, and it’s hoped, better year. proceleusmatic: inciting, animating, or inspiring sweven: a vision;…
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pokegeek151 · 4 years
Word-of-the-day writing challenge - 3/6/21
proceleusmatic. adj. inciting, animating, or inspiring.
Nith caught him before he even left the bakery. She stood in the doorway to the living space, panting heavily from exertion. 
“I am...coming with you,” she huffed.
Heysel stared at her. “What?”
She took a few seconds to catch her breath before continuing. “You’re leaving Skymont. I’m coming with you.”
It was evening, and the bakery was closed in all but name by this point. The entire Lonefield family had slowly gathered when Nith had arrived, and they all watched with various expressions.
Ortzi was distracted by Nith’s general presence; he refused to admit his celebrity crush on the woman who was essentially a princess. Stellara was acting like she wasn’t listening instead of doing her job running the empty store. Lisolette was amused by the contrast between Nith’s urgency and Heysel’s mildly confused calm. And Chemile, sitting across from Calburn’s armchair, watched knowingly. She had seen the way they interacted when Nith came for visits over the past year, and she could already tell how this conversation was going to end.
“I got your letter,” she continued. “At some point, I will complain about the fact that you tried to leave without saying goodbye, but there will be time for that later.”
“You can’t come with me,” he said, though it was clear to anyone who knew what to listen for that he wanted it to be otherwise. “You have duties to attend to here.”
She squared her shoulders. “I can do what I wish. Alben is perfectly capable of running the city without me. I have never really been involved with the legislation anyway.” She paused for a moment. “We will have to stop at the castle beofre we leave. I am not actually packed. I wanted to make sure I stopped you before you got too far.”
Heysel considered arguing, but Nith’s features were set in a glare of determination. He sighed with only a hint of drama. “Fine. I suppose I can figure out how to take care of you on the road.”
Nith’s face split into a massive grin. “Excellent! I will return to the castle now to get ready. Do you anticipate being someplace cold? Or particularly hot? How much equipment should I bring? The artifacts will need added protections if I’m not going to be present to protect them. Oh, and I’ll have to instruct someone from the academy on how to maintain some of my longer experiments.” She smiled guiltily. “This may take a few days,” she said. “I apologize.”
Heysel shook his head. “I’m sure Chemile won’t mind letting me stay just a few more days,” he said, glancing at her.
Chemile smiled. “I don’t know; you’re on thin ice.”
“I could take the princess up on her offer to stay at the castle,” he offered.
Ortzi and Stellara both cried “No!” at the same time, causing Chemile and Lisolette to burst into laughter.
“You’ll have to let him go eventually,” Lisolette warned the grandchildren lightly.
Heysel rolled his eyes.”This is why I was going to slip out in the middle of the night.”
“And deny us a farewell party?” Chemile scolded. “For shame, Heysel. And you call yourself a Lonefield.”
The last time he had left home, only his father had been around, and he wouldn’t have thrown him a party even if he knew Heysel wasn’t coming back. “Yeah,” he said, smiling faintly at his family. “I do.”
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Ruminative reflections on the light-lit littoral of Andhra Pradesh, January 31, 2020.
Nature embodies knowledge;
The sunny, sublime seashore susurrates Science,
produces a pervasive, proceleusmatic peace;
It instructs, inspires, informs, instills, invigorates.
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