#prodigy TigerClaw
khlegacynexus · 9 months
Welcome to the last mystic prodigy chapter of 2023
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tmntstorycomp · 4 months
TMNT Story Comp Ultimate Midround Hightime Hell Tournament Round One
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Meet the competitors under the cut!
Hopelessly Surviving Leo from Hopelessly Surviving (belongs to @nights-flying-fox) "HS leo died and came back and I have no doubts that he has the guts to face a bear, he doesnt really have to worry about dying again and I think he would be angry enough to go through with a full fight with it! Hes died before and he was fine, why not fight a bear for the hell of it??"
--- Tigerclaw from Black and Brown Fur AU (belongs to @Ainaro0or) "He is trained for years to be the perfect bounty hunter. Has many experience with wild animals and also he is a tiger. He’s bound to fight a bear at some point bearhanded (heh). The fact that he is also has the honor of being Shredder’s adopted son proof that he is capable of do anything to make his father proud. And i mean, ANYTHING."
--- Vaasvi from But First They Must Catch You (belongs to @mudlarkspur) "Vaasvi is an oc version of Sunita's grand googly. (ey/em/eir) Former battle nexus fighter that participated in fighting British occupation in India before moving to the Hidden City 100+ years ago. Ey's an expert in both kalaripayattu and silambam martial art styles and is a slime yokai with resistance to a lot of damage types. Ey could take a bear in a fight."
--- Raph from Erica (belongs to @13runningsomething) "Given that Raph has Hanahaki from suppressing his anger around his family, I feel like he’d put all his repressed rage into this fight just to keep the flowers at. It might give him enough of an edge to win"
--- Kama Chameleon (belongs to @Oddpocalypse)
"Kama is a prodigy martial artist obsessed with proving she’s the Champion! When the Foot Clan unveils their Ultimate Ninja Showdown, she jumped at the chance to make it big! Unfortunately, the “cash prize” was getting mutated and indoctrinated into the Foot. Fortunately she did get kickass powers and super mutant strength! That’s a plus! I don’t know why she would be near a bear. But she would kick its ass for bragging rights alone. After all, bears can’t maul what they can’t see and aren’t immune to energy projectiles! Get it’s ass girl."
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indieyuugure · 10 months
What are your opinions on Xever Montes’ Mutation to Fish face. I saw some people complaining about him being nerfed. Or complaining about him being a fish, excetra. One of the comments I came across said that they wish he had become something more agile, to fit his fighting style. And I thought occurred to me that it was technically an opportunity to bring in a 2012 version of Overdrive. but they probably didn’t do it because of TigerClaw.
I personally don’t really care about that. And my Tiger Claw is a Good guy. So I decided to utilize the idea of Xever becoming a Rise/Prodigy version of Overdrive
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OOOHHH!! I love this idea! And your design looks so cool! Xever the Jaguar Man!! I gotta remember this one!
Oh, I’ve never heard of that criticism before. I actually didn’t think it to be much of a nerf, since, while yes he has to rely on robot legs to walk around and oxygenated water to keep him breathing, he makes a few references to being strong than before.
I think too with his venomous bite, he’s probably at least equal to his previous form. I do kind of wish he would at least try to use his bite more often, though I do understand the writer’s apprehensions to doing that as Raphael already got bit, so having more characters get bit might seem repetitive and loose it’s gravity. However, Xever perhaps at least trying would seem a little more believable, even if he doesn’t succeed again, but idk, just a personal opinion.
I do agree it would be very cool if Xever was a jaguar. Not exactly sure where he’d come into contact with one of those, but it would be cool to see. I do also agree that having a jaguar and a tiger villain on screen could become confusing.
There’s some what of a rule to designing characters that your characters should be iconic enough that you can tell who it is and tell them apart from the others purely by silhouettes. The turtles scrape this line very close, but with them being different heights and sizes and having different weapons, you can usually see the difference.
Perhaps if they made Xever something more like a cheetah or just a very thin jaguar, they could’ve gotten away with it, as Xever is very thin, and Tiger Claw is very broad, you’d still be able to recognize them as separate characters.
Again though, I don’t know, just some thoughts. I definitely like Xever more as a big cat, though I think I still like his fish design as well. I don’t know who Overdrive is(I’m guessing probably a IDW original?) kinda sounds like a transformer, lol 😂
Good question! :]
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bonefall · 2 years
Any rewrite Ravenpaw crumbs? I'm kind of sad he was gone so quickly in the original books but it's pretty clear why he needed to leave. I loved him showing off the snake he caught from being sent to the death snake rock pile by Tigerclaw.
You may really dig @cryptidclaw's Ravenscourge ideas, I agree with them that I wish the killing of the adder was foreshadowing. Killing the snake of ThunderClan, I like it a lot as a tell of Raven's prodigious skill.
But nay, my rewrite is closer to canon. Ravenpaw has a very simple role; he escapes to the farm and serves as an example of Tigerclaw's danger. How he targets and turns the clan against the weak.
He does get to be with Barley Jr. Though! They are canonically mates and Ravenpaw even asks Barley Senior for his nephew's paw in marriage, a barn cat tradition.
He also probably has more to do with Rileypool and Bellaleaf, either just being heavily involved as a gay uncle or raising them.
I like to think Violet Jr. Is a wandering type so Riley and Bella spent a lot of time with Barley and Raven.
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I was semi-inspired by your stolen TMNT AU where Donatello and Michelangelo (alongside with Miwa, a.k.a Karai) were kidnapped by Shredder at such an early age and was used (exploited) by him to end any means of the Hamato Clan. However— I'd like to point that I 100% doubt that both Donnie and Mikey would gain any sort of positive characteristic, given of Shredder's whole, "if ya' ain't perfect, then don't bother" type of personality.
(This is Human AU btw)
I imagined that, while neither Karai nor Mikey (whose name was changed to Arai or sumn) had any problems keeping up with training, Donnie (name changed to Junko) would face numbers of difficulties. Upon finding out of his intellectual prowers, Shredder wasted no time in pulling him out of their daily practice just so Donnie could dedicate his time to his studies— only allowing him as much as 3 practice per week, and the rest are solely invested to his academics.
Donnie would be waken up at odd hours by consultants after consultants in order to secure that #1 for the next upcoming examination. He was thoroughly isolated that his skin turns pale from the lack of exposure of the sun. Before, he used to attend to the same public school as his siblings— but Shredder pulled Donnie out and enrolled him to a private education instituition that has one too many preassure on him. Donnie was kept as a sort of medic or a doctor of the clan, if not engineers or whatnot.
Karai was able to live up to her 'father's expectations of a kunoichi— she's cunning, smart, and strong enough to overpower a hundred men. However, it is due to these qualities that Shredder pinpointed her as the head of her division at such an early age, thus straining her back with burden after burden. She would often be pushed beyond her limits just to set anew, and was often overworked and injured from a single sparring against Tigerclaw.
Karai is a loving yet a very overprotective older sister who is very adamant on being her little brother's only means of protection. She took their well-beings, safety and happiness very, very seriously that she was willing to take an oath; if even the Shredder himself had hurted them, then she is not hesistant to sit through his execution. I would also like to point out that Karai was over the age of 4 when she was kidnapped— so she already had the sneaky suspicion that Shredder might not be their biological father.
Michelangelo was the invincible child, but he was loved dearly by his two older siblings. Shredder wasn't very fond of him sincr there wasn't a prominent quality that's worth being enhanced and, therefore, deem him as a good for nothing. If Mikey skipped school or went missing during practice, Shredder couldn't care less. He already had two prodigies in his hand.
The plot twist comes around when Mikey would unknowingly hung out with both Leonardo and Raphael at night, unaware of their status as the two living heir of the Hamato Clan. They, along with Karai, even attend to the same school— both completely unaware of each other's identity. It was when Mikey had invited them to pick up Donnie that dejà vu begins to hit.
"Raph... that Donnie... he looked very similar to you"
Also, side not— Donnie would be more and more anxious + nervous, Mikey more rebel and Karai more loving.
Link to stolen tmnt au ask
I mean- you told me being raised by Shredder would give them no positive characteristics, but we’re shown that canon Karai has good characteristics, though she still makes morally gray choices after being reformed since- yk, raised by a revenge-addicted ninja crime boss, and all.
ALSO: “Karai is a loving yet a very overprotective“ sounds like good qualities to me! I like her already. Protect thy brothers. Daddy is a terrible person and they need you 💞🥺
“If even the Shredder himself had hurted them, then she is not hesistant to sit through his execution.” DADDY GETS NO SLACK! HA! TAKE THAT, JERK!
And not to be nitpicky but: “Michelangelo was the invincible child, but he was loved dearly by his two older siblings.” This sounds like Junko also gave him some form of affection, in presents or words of affirmation or something to do with being the genius of the family. And that’s a pretty positive trait as well.
The thing about being raised by someone evil is- you don’t necessarily come out evil because of it. You can still be a good person, maybe because you’re just doing what they want because they say so, or you unconsciously cling to some trait or characteristic that makes you good, even while willing doing the evil things.
(Also, I believe that nobody is pure evil. Some horrible people believe what they’re doing is right, even if it’s clearly not.)
Canon Karai enjoyed her father’s evil empire and the freedom it gave her, but she was visibly disturbed when Tiger Claw insisted upon beating up a blind guy. She seemed to have a code of honor separate from the Foot’s, and that always gave me some respect and affection for her character.
*Don’t mind me just dissecting this AU*
I love the idea of Junko being shoved in private schools and under so much pressure and weight from his dad, but still working hard because he knows what’s required of him and hates to disappoint! (Not strictly said here, so consider it a headcanon). Maybe even with a more difficult load than Karai.
I mean, not only does Shredder expect perfection in schools and such, but he probably looks down on Junko for not being best in a dojo setting as well, even if he’s strictly meant to act as engineer or medic. I’m sure everyone in the Foot has to know how to fight and fight well, and his children are no exception. And with Junko being more mind-oriented at all times and not as adaptable as Karai, he probably doesn’t train as much, and that gets him looked down upon, which the “anxious + nervous” boy probably dreads.
I’m interested in the fact that Shredder didn’t notice Arai/Sumn’s natural, untamed skill- unless you’re removing that canon element? Or maybe he saw how Shredder treats his siblings and purposefully doesn’t make it apparent? Oooh, I love that idea. Boi gotta be sneaky to protect his freedom~
The idea of Arai/Sumn running around with Leo&Raph and nobody, including him, having any idea that he’s vibing with the enemy is awesome. 🤣
Wait, how does the last names of Hamato and Saki not trigger “WAIT A MINUTE”- sus vibes??
“Unaware of their status as heads of the Hamato clan” probably means the clan still exists, right? Like, filled with families and warriors and such, and not just Splinter&Leo&Raph? (I assume Hamato Yoshi is around).
If Shredder knows Yoshi is alive, I have to wonder why he wouldn’t know that he has (adopted?) kids and their names. You’d think he’d slander Leo and Raph’s name just as much as he slanders Yoshi, as they’re being raised by a ‘horrible man who killed his love’, yk?
The idea of Donnie being sickly(you said pale, and lack of vitamins can do that) and isolated immediately caught my interest, bc I love the idea of him completely forgoing him health to do whatever others request of him- because that means someone can step in, and since Karai is the eldest, and possibly Leo assists later, they can tag-team fixing this bad habit and reassuring him that he doesn’t need to be perfect. Shredder is being unfair in his expectations and he does just fine doing his best.
I’m a sucker for that kinda stuff. 🥰🥺
And the whole “someone leads a half-awake child to bed as they mumble stressed nonsense before getting reassured and tucked in” trope but ANYWAY-
I like this idea! It sounds very interesting and I’m so glad to have helped inspire it!! I had a clip idea I was gonna scribble out, but I don’t actually know the characters and didn’t know if you would approve, Anon, and this isn’t my AU so- yeah! Super intriguing idea!
Thank you for telling me about it!!
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khlegacynexus · 9 months
If you love something set it free. If it returns to you it’s yours
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khlegacynexus · 8 months
Table for Humana?!
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khlegacynexus · 6 months
Is this technically a Tournament arc?
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khlegacynexus · 1 year
I’m getting to the part of the Fic In prodigy I’ve been excited to get too!!! Ooof gotta relax and rest for work though
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khlegacynexus · 1 month
Finding Lizzie and Frida
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khlegacynexus · 5 months
Asking some writers/artists I follow:
Is there anything in your fic/comic that you as the author know about, but won't end up in the actual story?
Originally I did want to try and Redeem Draxum but after some feedback that fell through. He would’ve been a more of a regular ally then a family member like in the main show because of the bad blood. He was even supposed to have a TFS!Tien and TFS!Vegeta dynamic with Tiger Claw
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khlegacynexus · 3 months
A very very long time coming
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khlegacynexus · 7 months
Memes Teas and Future Shock
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khlegacynexus · 10 months
Bats Books and Statues Oh my!
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khlegacynexus · 10 months
Baby Sitting Crash course now if you’ll excuse me cleaning Kitchen then Dinner and Shower
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khlegacynexus · 1 year
Just throwing out a bit of Prodigy!TigerClaw lore and how he differs from his counter part in a nutshell. If 2012 TigerClaw is a bad person with a sense of Honor. Then my TigerClaw is a good person whose also a Combat pragmatic. Another words he’s not afraid to be a filthy cheater.
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