#prof bre
topguncortez · 2 years
the way that my english prof makes me want to risk it all. HOMIE SHOWED UP TO CLASS ON HALLOWEEN DRESSED AS AN AVIATOR (blegh fuck the navy no hate but we only have like two in my air force-army-marines-coast guard fam) AND THEN
he's really pushing me to my limits. like??? yes sir you wear cowboy boots to class everyday and have a stetson signed by george strait and i wanna climb you like a tree
(horny bre rants coming to a theatre near you soon)
Honestly, if you're trying to decide to smash or pass. . . I gotta say smash
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actual-trend · 2 years
Plano de Contas Contábil
O Plano de Contas Contábil é um document o ess en cial para qual quer em p resa que des e ja real iz ar su as opera ç õ es de form a prof ission al e e f icient e .
É um document o que cont é m to d as as inform a ç õ es so bre os dad os finance i ros da organ iza ç ão , for ne cend o u ma vis ão g eral da cont abil id ade da em p resa . O Plan o de Cont as Cont á bil p ode a jud ar a em p resa a redu z ir cust os , mel hor ar o contro le de ca ix a e a ument ar a e f ici ê nc ia oper ac ional .
O Plano de Contas Contábil é a base de to dos os relat ó ri os finance i ros , po is ele é us ado para class ific ar to dos os lan ç ament os cont á be is e regist rar as trans a ç õ es finance ir as da em p resa . Ele é divid ido em se ç õ es , com o at iv os , pass iv os , rece itas , desp es as , pat rim ô n io l í qu ido e out ros .
C ada se ç ão cont é m cont as es pec í f icas de ac ord o com a nature za de c ada trans a ç ão . Os relat ó ri os finance i ros s ão ger ados a part ir do Plan o de Cont as Cont á bil , que for ne ce inform a ç õ es so bre os at iv os , pass iv os , rece itas , desp es as e pat rim ô n io l í qu ido da organ iza ç ão .
Um Plano de Contas Contábil be m des en vol vid o t amb é m p ode ser us ado para o tim iz ar o flux o de ca ix a da em p resa . Ele a jud a a control ar os pag ament os , control ar a liqu ide z da em p resa , g eren ci ar o r isco finance iro e plane jar as finan ç as da em p resa .
Ele t amb é m é ú til para ident ific ar qu ais cont as de ve m ser pag as , qu ando e com o . O Plan o de Cont as Cont á bil é ess en cial para que a em p resa al c ance se us obj et iv os finance i ros .
Ele é um document o important e para control ar e anal is ar as finan ç as da em p resa e for ne cer inform a ç õ es prec is as so bre su a cont abil id ade . Ele p ode a jud ar a em p resa a to mar dec is õ es finance ir as m ais ac ert adas e a ument ar a e f ici ê nc ia oper ac ional .
O que é um plano de contas contábil?
Um plano de contas contábil é um conjunto de contas, ou rubricas, que serve para classificar todas as informações financeiras e contábeis de uma empresa.
É um dos principais instrumentos de controle financeiro e contábil, e sua utilização é fundamental para que os gestores possam acompanhar adequadamente as finanças da organização.
Um plano de contas contábil permite que uma empresa faça uma análise contábil precisa dos seus resultados, do seu ativo, do seu passivo, dos seus lucros e das suas despesas.
Além disso, ele pode fornecer aos gestores indicadores de gestão importantes, como a rentabilidade dos produtos, os custos unitários, a gestão de pedidos , a gestão de estoque, entre outros. Portanto, o plano de contas contábil é uma ferramenta essencial na administração financeira de uma empresa.
Tipos de planos de contas contábil
Um plano de contas contábil é uma estrutura que organiza e identifica, de maneira hierarquizada, as contas e os saldos, sejam de débito ou crédito, de acordo com as normas e princípios contábeis. É uma ferramenta necessária para a elaboração e análise das demonstrações contábeis e para a realização de auditorias. Além disso, essa estrutura de contas é exigida pelo Sped Contábil , que é a Escrituração Contábil Digital, e é obrigatória para as empresas que se enquadram na Lei Geral das Micro e Pequenas Empresas. O plano de contas contábil possui como característica a hierarquização das contas em grupos, classes e contas, e é responsável por gerenciar os saldos de ativos, passivos, receitas e despesas.
Diferença do plano de contas contábil e gerencial
O Plano de Contas é um instrumento essencial para que as empresas possam registrar corretamente as suas operações contábeis. Ele pode ser dividido em dois tipos principais: o Plano de Contas Contábil e o Plano de Contas Gerencial.
O Plano de Contas Contábil é responsável por registrar, controlar e classificar as operações contábeis da empresa de forma a permitir que sejam feitos os balanços patrimoniais e a elaboração dos relatórios contábeis. Ele é composto por contas classificadas de acordo com a natureza das operações efetuadas pela empresa, permitindo ao contador a análise da saúde financeira da organização.
Já o Plano de Contas Gerencial tem como objetivo principal auxiliar na tomada de decisões estratégicas, fornecendo informações relevantes para orientar os administradores das empresas. Ele é composto por contas específicas para cada departamento ou setor, auxiliando os gestores a identificar os custos e gastos, bem como os lucros e as rentabilidades geradas por cada área.
Diferentemente do Plano de Contas Contábil que é obrigatório para empresas que seguem a Lei das Sociedades por Ações (Lei nº 6.404/1976), o Plano de Contas Gerencial é adotado a critério da empresa. No entanto, a sua utilização é extremamente importante para que a organização possa obter informações relevantes para a tomada de decisões estratégicas.
O post Plano de Contas Contábil apareceu primeiro em Actual Trend .
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proffessorbre · 5 years
Hello there! My name is Professor Breanna, but you can call me Bre. I am a pokemon researcher, and I specialize in how pokemon battle. Not just moves, but how they interact within, before, and after a battle. I travel to the big competitive events and research how the fights go. Though, the small bush rumbles are entertaining as well.
Even though i travel a ton, i love recieving emails from you guys! My inbox will always be open and Ill try to get back to ya whenever I can! Well, the tournaments about to start. Better go to my seat and enjoy!
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neobisexual · 3 years
i am so sick of being fucking insane
#sitting on the floor crying hallucinating out of my mind#incapable of standing up and walking without getting nauseous because im in severe sertraline withdrawl#because ive been too fucked up to call my doctor and get my prescription renewed#i cant even make my eyes focus right#om the bright side i can tell when something’s a hallucination if it stays still and isnt blurry 😎 mental health win#also my prof emailed me like. good job for getting your paper done!! i believe in you!! you doing okay?#and i cried because shes so nice to me even though i blow off her class and ignore her emails and she still checks on me#going to go hold the jacket that lady at the crash gave me and pretend it was from my mom and she cares abt me lol#my dad told her today theyre going to get divorced and its all my fault because im evil and fucked up and ruining their marriage#LOL also i was talking to my friend the other day like. man idk if im going to make it thru this shit really sucks rn#and they go ‘yeah it’d be kind of reasonable to kill yourself at this point’. well thanks bestie at least you’re honest.#today was talking to myself like yeah shit sucks but i eont kill myself because. uh. and then realized i couldnt think of a single reason#also found out one of my boys sexually assaulted a girl like. held her down and jerked off on her until he finished. straight up evil.#and idek what to do with that information. like he was 15 and was drugged out of his mind for 3+ years previous on mostly prescription stuff#but also no matter how fucked up he was at the time thats uhhh evil.#and i need yo dump my other boy because i do not have feelings for him anymore but idk how because hes sweet and i dont want to hurt him#but oh my god. i do not like him nor do i love him. and i shouldnt stay with him.#hiii. tldr i need to be back in therapy or kill myself because ill bre on a waitlist for at least another 5 months
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pega-chan · 3 years
Bima S - first impressions (S1EP01 review)
alright so i've gone through the first episode. i think a considerable amount of stuff happens but there are also stuff i'm not too impressed by.
The Plot
this pilot episode dropped me in the middle of the action. so this apparently evil-looking guy was activating a huge gun called a Solar Grabber that opens portals with this glowing cube thing (called a "Matrix")?? and to do that he transferred this older guy's soul into a teen boy, and somehow this actives the gun.
and while he was doing all this in is miserable little lab a radio news broadcast announces that on that day 17 years ago, some vigilante named "Eagle" had turned evil and caused an explosion that injured and even killed people. no one knows what's become of the guy, and following his disappearance, people have increasingly been reported missing. the victims were described as having similar specific features: men ranging from 20-30 years old with a strong body. there were no witnesses around when they were kidnapped, and it is assumed that they have turned into some kind of creature named "Growlers". the radio announcer mentioned that without Eagle they haven't had any protection from Growlers. aside from that, this scientist named Dr. Bre (which is revealed to be the evil guy who owns this lab) who was appointed to find a cure to use on the Growlers, went MIA as well. Dr. Bre proceeds to scoff and call himself a genius and boast about how people will bow to him after his plan is carried out.
then this anthro talking raccoon/fox creature in glasses and a lab coat named Prof T invades his lab and distracts him by telling him off for illegal activity while his other two teammates on the field, two anthro peacocks named Nadra and Rama, rescue the teen boy and steal the Matrix. the three hightail it back to their spaceship, where their fourth operative is waiting—this white blond girl who i know is named Aurora bc i saw her promo pictures. Rama, who's being chased by these zombie thingies, was the last to get onboard.
Dr. Bre manages to hook a bomb on the underside of their ship as they're flying away, and when they enter this interdimensional space when using a portal to go to another planet named Eidos, it detonates and shatters the Matrix. the shards of the Matrix all fly into different portals and are now scattered across the galaxy, congratulations.
bc the bomb exploded the door of their ship, the teen guy slides out overboard and tumbles through the sky, proceeding to wake up just as he crash-landed on this girl's house. the girl—who i know is Ve, bc i saw her promo pictures—was being threatened by this group of green-skinned hulky creatures called the Gomo (they look a lot like goblins) to hand over her peice of land to them, and this guy falls from the sky and smashes her nice treehouse to bits :(
anyway the teen guy finally wakes up and introduces himself as Satria, magically heals his broken arm, then walks away as if he just didn't destroy private property. obviously this girl is livid and tells him to fix things, and the best he can come up with is to fight a physical brawl with the Gomo. and so he does, except halfway he literally glitches and starts hearing memories of this woman yelling at someone not to take away her husband and child. then the older guy's consciousness takes over Satria and realises he's not in his old body. then after some more glitching Satria transforms into this super saiyan suit and takes out everyone with a display of lightning powers. Prof T and co. appear at the scene and are surprised to see him powered up, calling him "Eagle". after that Satria collapses and the his consciousness comes back, only to see the spaceship gang getting captured by the Gomo before fainting.
i really thought they could've excecuted this pilot a little better. it's a lot to take in so i had to watch it twice, and i didn't make the connection between the radio news and Dr. Bre until i took a minute to absorb it. also i have no idea what he was planning to do with that Solar Grabber. what it DID do was shoot up into the sky and caused the sky to redden and create a tornado around its beam. i'm going to assume it's a portal, but a portal to where? who knows. when Nadra tampered with the machine feeding the gun power, it malfunctioned and created little black holes around her.
also Prof T mentioned that transferring souls was illegal and against the regulations set by something called the "United Stars" (? honestly i might've heard wrong, either bc of his pronounciation or the sound mixing). i assume i'll meet that organisation later.
also, the way Prof T and crew manage their team is so weird. i can understand sending Rama bc he can operate Bre's computers, but Prof T and Nadra are the pilots. Nadra's only job was to get the matrix, and that was as easy as ripping it out of the machine, no tech involved. Aurora didn't even DO anything, she was just waiting at their ship. why not send HER to get the matrix, and station Nadra at the ship so they can lift off immediately for a quick getaway?
also that situation with Ve and the Gomo makes zero sense. why challenge the Gomo to combat? is that how Gomo tradition goes? am i supposed to know why Satria can fight? he's one of the guys Bre kidnapped so obviously he's from Earth, and not an explorer or anything. how did he know what the Gomo are? did he learn martial arts to fend off Growlers on Earth? what time period is this set in anyway?
many of the terms being set and referred to in english seems pretty sus to me. it seems like they wrote the script in english then translated it to indonesian. usually, english terms in foreign shows are translated to indonesian in the local dubs. plus all the text shown in Bre's computers are in english. even the TITLE of the episodes are all in english. foreign properties have titles in english but indonesian episode descriptions. either they're being ~fancy~ by using a foreign language, or they plan to market this show abroad. which. why. making it have some local flavour, esoecially since they're currently advertising it domestically, would be a better idea and a more effective way to connect with the domestic audience. they do claim to be making this show in the tokusatsu genre but with indonesian aspects. where are all the indonesian aspects?
none of them made an impression on me. the peacocks i found quite annoying bc of the sound they make, which is a squawk put through an automated voice modifier. Prof T is the most tolerable so far. Dr. Bre is just obnoxious. and i don't like just how SLOW they react. it might just be the animation, but then again, Aurora and Nadra see Rama running up to them dragging an unconscious Satria and didn't even get off the ship and onto the ramp to help him up. just stood there, screamed at the Growlers and half-heartedly hold out a hand. DO SOMETHING GODDAMMIT.
the character designs don't stand out a lot to me either, i feel like most of them (sans the peacocks, who are obviously very colourful) have really dull colour palettes and a messy outfit design. like wtf is Aurora wearing. their clothing pieces just clash
and like real talk why do most of the humans in this so far look white?
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are these not just. the Whitest Faces Ever. for local animation i expected character design to look a little more local too. the only person who looks even remotely indonesian is Ve:
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and even then, she has blue eyes. i'm not ruling out the fact that intergalactic explorers encounter different races but like, don't we have enough caucasians in the media anyway? disappointing.
the way Aurora and Ve are introduced dissatisfy me. like their names aren't even mentioned once in the episode (i think the Gomo said something akin to Ve's title, but it's hard to make out) so anyone going in without seeing the promos would just know them as the blonde one and the one fighting over her land ownership. at least mention their names. and have Aurora do something useful, bc she impresses me the least so far.
as for the voice cast, they sound like very typical voices for each character but you know. the voices suit them. i see our voiceover industry still hasn't bothered to let new talent audition and just call in already established VAs to voice in everything again. /s
Editing & Animation
these REALLY could be better. the local animation industry is young, and it's not that advanced yet so i can forgive the less polished animation—the first animated IPs are bound to be bad, you don't get anywhere without making mistakes. but after being spoiled with the likes of Nussa i think we definitely could do better! Bima S is made by MNC animation, who worked on Zak Storm, and that had great animation:
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the stuff that throws me off is that there are clearly leather textures on Bre's overcoat when the camera zooms in but then when it pans out to a bust shot of him suddenly the coat's surface is just plain?? not even a hint of texture, like what is up with that. and i feel like the clothes should be more detailed, especially Aurora's, like wtf are those stark white boots.
and as i mentioned earlier, they're animated to react slowly so action scenes really drag on and it irks me. i have this same problem with a lot of indonesian kids' movies and i don't like how i have to encounter it here. instead of gasping when someone falls, they wait one second to stare, and THEN gasp. i just—sjxbjd
some of the visual cues aren't delivered that clearly either. when Satria gets up with a limp arm, twists it a few times and then seems alright, i was confused by what happened until Ve says something about his arm healing so fast. then i realised i was looking at Satria with a broken arm. that needs some work.
i'm not the only one to notice this, but i felt the episode was really empty and it took me half the episode to figure out why—the sound effects are so minimal. they're overpowered by the voice audio and some actions don't even get sound effects, and it's bugging me so much. like i see the space ship reeling through the sky post-explosion, and there's no air-whooshing or broken machine sounds, just silence. i'm so tempted just to take this footage and add the effects myself. argh
and now to my biggest pet peeve: the dialogue! i have so many problems with our local voiceover industry, and the biggest one is that scriptwriters don't know how to write believable dialogue. they're always too formal, and it makes the VAs' acting sound stilted. and when it comes to dubbing foreign stuff, they always have a "translate literally" policy, which limits the kind of dialogue they can use. and they often misunderstand idioms in English and translate them literally so it sounds weird. for Bima S, it sounds like they use half-formal and half-casual. they don't use proper grammar all the time, but the acting still sounds stilted bc the VAs are so used to formal dialogue. and some of it is still formal dialogue so it doesn't flow as nicely as it should. wanna know MY standard for good voiceover dialogue? see: the Nussa animated series.
i know this seems like i'm complaining a lot, but tbh i'm really happy there's a local animated series for older audiences like this one. i hope the story (and animation) gets better from here, and i hope they can finally polish the animation style in season 2. here's to watching the rest of the show.
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Feeling ko talaga di ko kakayanin yung ngayong sem. I mean triple o ×100 siguro pag bre-breakdown ko ngayon sem dahil nasa amin lahat ng superior na profs huhu
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tiadash · 6 years
You and I
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  Somethings I need to clarify before you start reading,this fanfic is based of the children's song :
Vrapcici-Ti i Ja
,it's a Russerb based fanfic(Russia x fem.Serbia) ,let me clarify i'm not Russian so the sentences might be wrong,but I tried my best to accurately translate them. The picture was drawn by my good friend @chick-hicks ,and thanks for my friend @ask-aph-kosovo
-thank you both so much,go check out their blogs!.
The characters(by name):
Ivan/Mr.Braginsky  -Russia
Vesna- Serbia
Ms.Irina - Ukraine
And lastly ,I suggest listening to this while you read :
Vrapčići - Ti i ja (karaoke)
Hope ya`ll enjoy!
School is a really interesting place when you think about it,you start of as everyone else does,at the beginning you hardly do anything,but you do a lot of very important things without even realizing it,not academically, of course-you`re just a kid, but rather socially. Think about it,we all meet our best friends at school ,we all go around and play with other kids ,and some of us meet our first crushes.
When the school bell rings I `d be the first one at school I hurried out to see those two blue eyes And then on the other hand ,they are the professors and profs. Then on the seventh heaven there would be me
It`s Vesna`s first day of going to elementary school,she joined the first grade just like most of her peers and she was very exited about it.
Now she was a first grader,and was feeling pretty proud of herself ,her mom  braided her long brown hair, dressed her up all nice in a red shirt,a blue skirt and white shoes. The only thing bugging the little brunette that day was that she was running late for school,what a day to oversleep !
Vesna ran out of her house and grabbed her bag,almost tripping as she ran in a haste ,after running for 30 minutes and she finally got to her school. But,to Vesna`s frustration she wasn't sure where to go ,she even wasn't sure how she was going to explain this to her parents'
Mum is gonna kill me,oh no no no no...'
as she got in the school she ran around trying to find her class room. But as she finds out,luck was not on her side that day. While she was running around the halls, a group of six graders were smoking by the windows,next to a
don't smoke
sign . Vesna being too much in a panic and distracted didn'
t notice the small group.She ran straight into them ,realizing that she made a mistake.
Vesna tried to stop herself but before she could properly react she stumbled into a very tall ashen blond boy,making her fall down and making him turn around. Vesna almost began to cry out of fear as she apologized profusely "
m so sowwy, I didn't mean to! Please don`t hu-'' but to her shock and unfinished please the older boy confusingly smiled at her and picked her up.
Oh,hello! Are you lost,little one? Don'
t be scared ,I won`t hurt you,my name is Ivan,do you want to be friends, yes?'' -he said it so casually that it made the other kids around him cringe,she wasn't the only kid who got offered that on the first day,already they felt sorry for the little clumsy girl. Vesna taken aback by his lack of anger, feeling relived immediately  Vesna happily beamed '' Um...Yes! I wanna be your fwend!''
When those words left her lips the older kids all boggled at her,even the older blond boy who was holding her small frame did a double-take after hearing her words . Ivan put Vesna down ,not really sure of what he just heard''
...You do?...''
he asked uncertainly ,unknown to her, this was the first time anyone answered
to his question.
Vesna smiled brightly and answered with a sweetly childish voice'' Yes, bre ! I don`t have friends yet,but you`re nice and didn't yell at me! My name is Vesna!'' all the things she said made Ivan blush just out of pure shock,to his sudden embarrassment it didn't help that she was a child saying that to him,a teenager. A second didn't pass and already the other kids couldn't contain their laughter. ''
Kesesese~ Ivan's got a girlfriend!
'' one said ''
I didn't know you liked them young,dude!''
Ohoho! This is interesting,no? '
Ivan just stood there ,a blushing mess, Vesna didn't understand their teases, she was looking at the older boy so much that she started smiling like duff ,but quickly her smile disappeared as she remembered why she was even running.
'' Oh I forgot! I`m late! ...Goodbye Ivan! '' she didn't waste a second as she was back to running through the halls ,leaving the group of six graders to tease their flustered friend eventually Vesna found her classroom . She didn't even realize the impact of her words,but how could she? She was just a kid.
All A's and C's B's or D's I would give everything to love and so much more But she teases me and looking at my friend and doesn't give me a dime of attention You and me, you and me we would be a real great pair you and me, you and me Look at me at least once
After that strange encounter a couple of months had past,but even still, Vesna could not stop thinking about the older boy.Every thought was about him,how he smiled ,how kind he was-Oh how she idolized him '...He is  ...so kind...so pretty... so very nice...' especially in class,who even needs to learn the alphabet while there are more important things to know? A little grin had formed on Vesna's lips. ' Like Ivan!' Well...Vesna's mother first of thought so '' Vesna ! You are in the first grade-Why are you bringing me D's and C's!?''but her shortly-lived  grin disappeared as she  was back explaining the situation to her mother. '' But mama....! You don't understand....I told you!-I don't need school! I'm in lov-''but her explanation was cut short as she saw her mother taking of her shoes,something she did when she was about to beat her with it” No boys until you graduate !You need to study! I don’t want to see these grades-Was I clear!?Vesna!’’ when the shoe had been taken off  Vesna sprinted back to her room,ignoring the loud protests coming from her mother. The very next day was special ,Vesna was planning on  confessing  her feelings to Ivan. She had asked her teacher Ms. Irina on how to impress Ivan,seeing as how so, her teacher was Ivan’s older sister,so she gave a lot of  supporting ideas . The little brunette had spent the whole class drawing a sunflower,at Ms.Irena’s suggestion and support ,Vesna had finally mustered up the courage to confess .
But she  was still very shy’’ What do I do?! Miss Irina said that he likes the Sun and sunflowers ...’’  Vesna thought as she was walking through the empty halls ,she glanced at her drawing. A big Sun and a smiling sunflower  in the middle,she even got a big gold star on the back by her teacher for it. She hid the work of art behind her back as she approached the small group of teenagers ,conveniently for her,at the same place she had encountered them on her first day , by the don’t smoke sign.  The group quickly noticed her and  were already giving her strange looks. Vesna’s heart pumped so much that she was beginning to think that this was a big  mistake ‘Where is he? I shouldn't have come I should have just studied like the others-’ but her  doubtful thoughts disappeared as soon as she recognized him,he was actually sticking out like a sore thumb in the crowd.
Vesna quickly puffed her chest and walked up to  him “ This is for you Ivan!’’ she extended her arms up and handed him her drawing. Ivan ,now extremely confused became just as much flustered when he saw what she had given him “Eh?!’’ on the top of the page were badly spelled words ‘ You and I would make a great pair’(written like this ‘You and I wood maiyk a greet pear’). Vesna was expecting Ivan to be happy and maybe even accept her confession but the moment the other kids started to laugh at him,especially at her was the moment Ivan’s smile vanished. He looked at her ,at first a bit sadly,but then he began to chant a strange sound,something like:
’Kolkolkol-’which made the other kids around him immediately shut up. He looked down at her,an intimidating aura forming around him ‘‘What is this?... What is the meaning of this?’’ he moved closer but the little girl did not move from her spot ‘‘We don’t want kids who don’t play nice,right-?’’
She interrupted ’’But I like you! Don’t you like me?!’’ he stopped “It isn't nice to lie,little one.’’ Vesna denied it ‘‘ I like-no I love you! I’m not a liar!’’ as the L word was uttered the other teenagers continued to laugh and tease their friend. Did she do something ? Why was he looking down on her,so casually cruel ,with so much anger,what happened to that sweet smile that greeted Vesna on her first day of school?Even when he was picking on some of her friends he was more amused than this! She asked,unsure of what is currently happening around her.
’’W-what did I do wrong?I thought you wanted to be my friend…’’she was begging to tear up as she heard the words that were uttered from his lips,the way he was speaking sounded eerie as he was forcing those words out. ‘’I don’t want little bratty girl as my friend!’’ He was so upset that he crumbled up her drawing “ Go home and study ! Don’t waste your or mine time with these things!’’ and by the end of his statement she was already crying her eyes out. Vesna ,completely ashamed,ran back to her classroom,refusing to speak to anyone for the rest of the day. Well ,today was a failure but as she calmed down she thought ‘Who cares about the stupid grades...wait...no.’ another thought popped into her mind ‘ Maybe if I learned Russian he would like me better?...’she sighed,repeating the words her father would say when he was in trouble with her mother “ The things I do for love....’’ she said aloud and went to sleep. * He has  blue  eyes, a curl  on  the top of  his head he’s likeable and cute and has a freckled nose for him  I would give it all oh  only if I knew that I was worth to him at least a bit * However,despite Vesna's determination, it was clear as day that Ivan and his  rejection had taken it’s toll on her. While the other kids were learning  or playing games  she was sitting by herself ,every recess  she would have just sat by the window,staring through it and in all honesty  it was beginning to scare the hell out of her teacher and peers.She had been  so cheery thus far,but unknown to the rest of them,she felt broken. Is this what love feels like? ‘ Everyone says the that it feels so nice?...’then why,why does it hurt so much?  Her eyes started to tear up as she remembered how he smiled at her the first time’Why does my heart hurt when I think about him?’ Vesna placed a hand on her chest and sighed,  at the ripe age of 7 she had learned of heartbreak and concluded that life wasn't fair.  This idea of hers was only reinforced and some of her friends came into the classroom whining to their teacher. Two boys came in ,as soon as they stepped in they started to cry and complain  ‘Oh ...those are my buddies!’ Vesna thought as she looked at the scene in front of her. A   shaggy blond ,pale , red-eyed boy stood with a frown crying his eyes out,next to him also teary-eyes ,stood a slightly taller  boy with dark hair and  green eyes .
Miss Irina confronted the two boys ,getting down to their level and listening to their problems. But when Vesna heard what they were complaining about she wanted to slap them silly.  It turns out Ivan wanted to be friends with them,not their exact words but to her it was the same,and yet they had the audacity to decline?!
‘Those tattling traitors!’ She wanted to get up and knock some sense into them ‘ “Staring down with  ‘creepy purple eyes’ ?!’’ ‘ He has beautiful violet eyes!’ Vesna’s thoughts began to wander ‘ And a pretty big nose,silky hair..and a curl when the wind blows...he he~’ a sad smile was making it’s way to her face. Her tears had completely   dried up,she looked through the window like she always does,not really paying  attention to her friends anymore.
She saw him,again,with those kids who laugh at him. She might have been young but she saw that that  wasn't fair. And like before,she sighed again ‘ They’re so lucky...I wish I was worth to him at least a bit ,like , like they are to him-...!’but,without regard to her wishful thinking the bell rang,signifying the school day’s end. Grabbing her bag she stood up and went through the door’’ Already? Oh sweet!’’,but,what she failed to realize when she was by the window were two sad violet orbs looking  directly at her  from a far ,as she went so did they. * But when the school bell rings I ‘d be the first one at school I’d hurry out to see those two blue eye And then on the other hand ,they are professors and profs. Then on the seventh heaven there would be me * Some years had passed and Vesna was in her final year of high school ,now, being a senior she was more then ever motivated on finishing the school year with an 4.0 GPA.There was just one problem... Russian  ,her problem was Russian. For the past 3 years she had been the best in her class ,if she wasn't raised to act humble she would even brag ,for sure! But this year was different,the sweet old lady  that was teaching her class had decided to retire and a younger teacher came as her replacement.He was tall and handsome,a bit strange ,but still ,despite the friendly apperance he was extremely strict,well...at least to her.
She still wonders why though,she had the best marks in his class yet he still always had a comment about her work,he couldn't just give her some praise  like he did with the other kids when they got something right. It was always “Oh ! I am sure you will do better next time,yes,don’t worry!’’ however,now that she thinks about it,the kids might of just been too scared to even concentrate on work.Something she didn't understand even now ,she wasn't scared of him,maybe that got his attention?
She was more annoyed every time she heard his “professional opinion” ‘’Really Vesna,getting cocky ,I see?You made a  real obvious mistake,so young lady, you better start working harder!’’ and with a  little sickening  smile,she could swear that he was smirking every time  she made a mistake! Vesna could swear that she did it right but he always found something,even when she didn't write anything it’s like he added a mistake just to correct her. That’s what she thought anyway,she finished the test he gave her,then placed her head on the table and closed her eyes.
‘ Come on ‘Zvonko Spasiću’ ,just ring already...!’she was beginning to doze off ,finally relaxing after a while,that is,until a hand slammed itself right next to her head making her  look up in shock. She saw her teacher, Mr.Braginsky’s ever so cheerful face ,looking  down at her  ’’ No sleeping! “
Oh, how she wanted to scream at him but she concluded that would get her ass expelled so she  just frowned and explained ‘‘ I wasn't sleeping...I did my test already! ‘’  Mr.Braginsky raised his eyebrow in amusement “Really now ,sunflower,you did?’’ he took her test before she could think of a witty comeback. Not even 10 seconds after looking at her paper he smiled and put it behind his back “ Not good,you failed the test.’’
Not a second passed and she was beaming with anger,she stood up to face him,her rebellious  side coming out’’ What?! You didn't even look at my test,how could you know! I studied - I know I did it right ! Look at it agai-’’
He interrupted as if he knew what she was going to say “ No you did not. And  if you came to me and told me what you didn't know I could explain it to you,but here you are,arguing with the teacher! After school detention Vesna,don’t be late!’’ he said strictly and went back to his desk,taking her paper with him . To say Vesna was speechless was an understatement,she sat down and stared blankly at the wall ‘...Old man telling me  I have detention,more mrš’...!’ all she wanted was to have good grades and to  go to a nice college afterwards,was that too mush to ask? Was this God’s way of punishing her for something? Yeah ,she was left to ponder that for the rest of the day.
She got up and was always the first kid in school,when the bell rang she would be there ,and yet ,the first thing she would see was her Russian teacher. His purple eyes  infuriated her each morning ,greeting her with the usual .
‘’Доброе утро, Весна!’’ he always said,well if today he gives her a bad mark she will give him a piece of mind,at this point she could care less about her grade,just about his ‘‘special’’ treatment of her. *
You and I, you and I we would be a great pair you and I, you and I Look at me at least once * No getting out of it now,it’s the end of the day,Vesna was heading to her Russian teacher’s classroom ‘ Great....just great!’ as the other kids could go and have  a nice weekend she had to spend  her Friday in detention . She knocked and a familiar voice answered ’’Oткрыт!’’ Swallowing the lump in her throat Vesna  opened the door and went inside. She sat in the first row,looking at her teacher Mr. Braginsky who smiled at her in a nice and strangely calm manner  “ So glad you came Vesna! Usually,my pupils run away so I have to get them myself! Hahah~Thank you for saving me the trouble.’’ he said casually joking a bit. Vesna laughed  a little nervously ,what kind of a smile was that? She looked at him
’Well that’s a new  one....’Vesna sighed quietly and asked:
“Mr.Braginsky  I-’’ he chuckled loudly,interrupting her he said “ Oh,heh don’t use those pleasantries ,sunflower. You can call me Ivan!’’
Vesna was looking at him,not really sure if he was joking or not “ O-ok?...Ivan...I-I was wondering-’’  he laughed again cutting her off  “ You are so cute when you stutter,and  to think you sounded so angry with me today!’’
While he was smiling and laughing like he was having the time of his life, Vesna was looking at him extremely perplexed,Ivan noticed this  and smiled even more “ Oh sorry,I cut you off-what were you going to say,dear?’’ -Wow a new pet name? Was she dreaming or what? Why was he so nice all of a sudden? Vesna narrowed her brows .
“ I know that I studied for today’s test,why did I not pass it?’’  What he said next made her blood boil “You did  pass,without a mistake ,in fact.’’ . She wanted to get out of her seat and strangle this man,he made a complete fool out of her in front of her whole class! She was gonna give him a piece of her mind!
However “...W-what?....’’she stuttered out the word, sounding like she was about to cry. Ivan stretched his hand and patted her head “You did an excellent job ,sunflower!’’ Vesna was honestly muddle-headed at the moment ,if she did such an excellent job why did he say she failed? Vesna  looking utterly upset frowned and moved her head back.
“ Then why am I here!? I don’t understand...Why are you petting me? “ to this Ivan winked at her “How else was I going to get you to stay after school  on a Friday night ?-Hmm? Don’t worry , my sunflower,parents get notified when their kids get detention.’’ He was positively going to kill her ,Vesna thought ‘ Well,today’s the day I die.’ she mentally laughed ,as she honest to God thought. But ,instead of that,he put a crumbled up piece of paper on her desk and said “Tell me what you see,in Russian,dear.’’
The brunette looked down at the crumbled up piece of paper,it looked  like an old children’s drawing “  Это цветок...подсолнух, я думаю? ’’ Ivan smiled and nodded “And?’’ it was bit hard to distinguish the figures,but Vesna tried “За ним солнце?’’  Ivan clapped and laughed “Yes it is!’’ . This was  getting ridiculous ,he was making fun of her,yes! That’s it,why else would he  be asking these stupid questions and showing her bad kid’s art?
Ivan asked in a sing-song voice “ Do you know the artist?’’ how the hell would she know? She doesn't exactly hang out with kindergarteners in her spare time “Я не знаю!’’
Ivan grinned and explained “ She was a cute little girl,how I heard,very lazy in school but outside was very stubborn,she gave that to me but...I wasn't ready for it and I hurt her. You see it’s crumbled up,yes? Well I did that,I was ashamed ,but I realized something...’’ Ivan stood up from his seat “ She was just a little girl,she didn't know any better,what she gave me was really sweet and I hurt her,I did not even realize I that cruel!’’
His little story made Vesna feel a little sorry for him,this man who had been tormenting her since the beginning of the school year had opened up to her,yet it was extremely uncomfortable. She wanted to say  something but he continued,making his way to her “I will give you a question,you have to read it aloud and answer the question; if you answer correctly you will pass my class,deal? ’’
This sounded sketchy as hell but seeing as he was the only teacher she was having problems with she agreed “Я понимаю!’’ he brightly smiled and took a note out of his pocket, wrote down something and gave it to her.  She  quietly read it  ,then looked at him “...? Я не понимаю, что это?’’ . Ivan sighed and sat next to her,making Vesna flinch as he repeated what he wrote “ Mы были бы  крутой парой,не так ли?’’
Something about the way he looked at her , how happily  he said it,  was eerily familiar to her “Да? Эй...!?’’
A truly cheerful smile,which she rarely saw from him and a longing look in his eyes were all it took for her to connect all the dots ’Wait...No..no...no it can’t be him!’She gazed at him,becoming shy on the spot  “I-I-Ivan...?!’’ she asked bewildered as she looked away,losing the courage to even look him in the eyes,what kind of trickery is this?  He looked at her,not really happy she didn't properly answer.
The older blond put his arm around the younger brunette’s shoulder and made her turn to face him.She just blushed and  silently looked at him . The next thing he asked ‘opened a new page’ in their book ’’Эй , Весна, мои подсолнухи ... Посмотри на меня хотя бы один раз!’’ ______ Zvonko Spasiću- A name for the ringing bell ( a nickname literally meaning`saving bell`) Доброе утро, Весна- Good morning,Vesna! Oткрыт!- it`s open! Это цветок...подсолнух, я думаю? - It's a flower...sunflower,I think? За ним солнце?- Behind it is the sun? Я не знаю!- I don't know ! Я понимаю! - I understand! Я не понимаю, что это?- I don' understand,what is it? Mы были бы  крутой парой,не так ли?- We would be a great pair ,would we not? Да? Эй...!?- Yes?Hey...!? Эй , Весна, мои подсолнухи ... Посмотри на меня хотя бы один раз! - Hey ,Vesna,my sunflower...Look at me at least once!
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yes-bernie-stuff · 3 years
Job a per­du sa famille et ses biens en un seul jour. Pour­tant, avec le recul, il dira : « Quand il m’au­ra mis à l’épreuve, j’en sor­ti­rai pur comme l’or ». Il faut bien plus de chaleur pour pro­duire de l’or que de l’é­tain. Alors lequel des deux voulez-vous être ? Pour prof­iter de la béné­dic­tion que Dieu vous réserve, vous devez pass­er des tests. Au tout début de la télé, les pro­grammes étaient régulière­ment inter­rom­pus par des écrans tests d’urgence. C’est un peu comme ce qui arrive dans la vie : imprévus, con­trar­iétés qui sem­blent tou­jours arriv­er au pire moment. Mais con­traire­ment aux tests de télévi­sion, ceux de la vie ne durent pas trente sec­on­des, puis dis­parais­sent. Non, ils peu­vent dur­er des semaines, des années et, dans cer­tains cas, toute une vie. Et vous risquez alors de ne jamais bien les com­pren­dre. Cepen­dant, vous pou­vez con­trôler un point : la façon dont vous y répon­dez. En réal­ité ces tests sont une part ines­timable, essen­tielle, inté­grante de votre crois­sance spir­ituelle. Sans eux, vous ne grandi­rez jamais et ne mûrirez jamais autant que néces­saire. Et c’est la façon dont vous les gérez qui donne valeur à votre témoignage. Paul écrit : « Car tout cela arrive à cause de vous, afin que la grâce, en se mul­ti­pli­ant, fasse abon­der, à la gloire de Dieu, les actions de grâces d’un plus grand nom­bre. C’est pourquoi nous ne per­dons pas courage. Et même lorsque notre homme extérieur se détru­it, notre homme intérieur se renou­velle de jour en jour » (2Co 4.15–16). En résumé : par cette épreuve vous aurez la grâce.
B365 — Plan de lecture
Deutéronome 25-27, Marc 14.27-52
Prière du jour
Merci Seigneur pour la grâce qui suit mes épreuves.
The Word for Today écrit par Bob et Debby Gass © UCB UK 2021
Parole du jour
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womenofcolor15 · 5 years
Nope, This Isn't Face App Trickery! Rihanna Found Her Mini Doppelgänger Whose Mom Now Wants To Cash In
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There's a little girl out here with Rihanna's whole face. Even she couldn't believe it. More about her mini-me and how she wants to work with the superstar inside...
Nope! This isn't the "young" option on the now trending (again) Face App.
Rihanna has a mini doppelgänger that has the Internet losing their minds! When the photo of the girl popped up on RiRi's timeline, even she had to repost the picture. She put it up on her Instagram page (with 73.4 million followers)saying, "almost drop my phone. how?"
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                  almost drop my phone. how?
A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 23, 2019 at 12:31pm PDT
  Rih's comments were quickly flooded with fans and celebs who were all shocked at the uncanny resemblance. The little girl is 7-year-old Ala'a, who appears to be an aspiring model.
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                  : @guardian34 : @nissedenise
A post shared by Ala’a Skyy (@iambriakay_) on Jul 24, 2019 at 3:07pm PDT
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                  I was born for this @guardian34 @nissedenise
A post shared by Ala’a Skyy (@iambriakay_) on Jul 24, 2019 at 3:10pm PDT
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                  Dear daughter, Today my heart is so full of love and gratitude. My mind feels enlightened and my love feels strengthened. I smile at the little things and cherish each moment of happiness. You broke my barrier into motherhood. You were the light I never knew I needed. You were my first introduction into the true meaning of selfless, unconditional love. You unknowingly challenged me to be better, encouraged me to fight harder and at times annoyingly forced me to become a more patient. Your life has given me breath in so many ways. You have taught me the importance of self reflection and reminded me that how I see myself will influence how you see yourself. The thought of you influences every decision I make. The moment you were born as we made our first introduction face to face, I vowed to give you all of me. I vow to show you the strength of womanhood. I vow to expose you to the power you innately possess. I vow to endlessly encourage you to seek knowledge and empower your mind. I vow to remind you always that true beauty is measured from within. I vow to always remind you to love yourself first. I vow to share with you all of the lessons I have learned but also allow you to make your own mistakes. I vow to be the place you can come to feel uplifted and protected. I vow to be there for you always, through it all. Thank you for always loving me so unconditionally, even when I am not in the best of moods. Thank you for those unexpected kisses and hugs from behind. Thank you for exceeding every expectation I’ve ever had of having a child. Thank you for just being you. Thank you for gifting me as your mother. Happy Birthday Honeyy B
A post shared by Ala’a Skyy (@iambriakay_) on Jun 20, 2019 at 8:14pm PDT
  Ala'a's mother, Bre, spoke with The Blast and told them she "would love to work with the Fenty Beauty founder if the opportunity arises."
We're not sure how many followers Ala'a had before RiRi's repost, but she's up to 64,000 followers now. We noticed the IG account appeared to be her mother's at first as there were tons of pictures of her mother on the account with pictures of Ala'a scattered throughout. Now, the account only has pictures up of the little girl and her mother has erased all of her own pictures and selfies. Looks like she's setting her up for business opportunities if they do present themselves.
In other news...
  .@FentyBeauty is coming to Hong Kong, Macau, Seoul and Jeju in September! pic.twitter.com/hYW4T6p4Ej
— Rihanna (@rihanna) July 19, 2019
Rihanna's Fenty Beauty empire is expanding! The BOMB makeup line will be arriving in Hong Kong, Macau, Seoul and Jeju in September. Nice!
“I created Fenty Beauty because I wanted to make a beauty brand that is inclusive for people everywhere,” the Grammy Award winner said in a statement. “I want everyone to feel beautiful, recognized and empowered, no matter their ethnicity, culture, skin tone or style."
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                  When I launched @fentybeauty in 2017, it was important to me to make sure it was available globally so everyone had access to it. And now we are continuing to expand our Fenty Beauty family to Hong Kong, Macau, Seoul and Jeju in September! We will be available in Hong Kong & Macau at T Galleria by @dfsofficial, @sephorahk, @harveynicholshk, @beautybazaarhk, and @beautyavenuehk. In Seoul, you can find us in Duty Free locations at @lottedutyfree, @shinsegaedutyfree, and in Jeju at the @shilladfs_en
A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 18, 2019 at 4:58pm PDT
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                  August Issue @HarpersBazaarCN on stands July 15th! @kimmiekyees @priscillaono @yusefhairnyc @chenman Chief Editors: @shasimona Visual Direction: @mumoodsight #harpersbazaarCHINA
A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 9, 2019 at 3:19am PDT
  The magazine cover slayer worked her magic on the front and inside the August issue of Harper's Bazzar China. And she killed, of course.
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                  @yusefhairnyc coming through with this hair for @harpersbazaarcn shot by @chenman
A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 9, 2019 at 4:04pm PDT
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                  #HarpersBazaarChina @harpersbazaarcn shot by the lovely @chenman
A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 9, 2019 at 10:37am PDT
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A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 10, 2019 at 5:58am PDT
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                  @harpersbazaarcn by @chenman
A post shared by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on Jul 9, 2019 at 10:41am PDT
  What can't she do?!
  Photos: Featureflash Photo Agency / Shutterstock.com/iambriakay_
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2019/07/24/nope-this-isnt-face-app-trickey-rihanna-found-her-mini-doppelg%C3%A4nger-who-now-wants-to-prof
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pangeanews · 5 years
“Questo è un germoglio del cervello”: abbiamo preso la Storia a morsi (e sepolto Dio) traducendo Emily Dickinson. Ovvero, un esempio di come si può fare scuola intorno a una poesia
Dunque è possibile. La poesia salva. Mica troppo. Bastano due ore. Tre, diciamo. Tre ore strappate a morsi dalla Storia, poste sulla schiena. Come un vanto, una bandiera, un piccolo Everest sulla spalla destra.
Il gioco nasce per complicità con Silvia Bre, la poetessa. Più tardi, le scrivo. “Oggi un piccolo miracolo. Con gli studenti. Entriamo nella Dickinson: per capire la nostra lingua, dico loro. Giocatela, slogatela, pigliatela a colpi di lingua – poi sarà lei, l’irrimediabile, che ad Amherst ha fatto palestra di Palestina, a ridurre in vetro il vostro parlare e a fare una buca nel luogo più distante del cranio, quella Scizia dell’incerto e dell’ingenuo, dell’intuito, dell’intontito. Poi ci siamo aiutati con le tue parole, come di chi, nel bosco, sa da che lato togliere la cute dagli alberi, e berne, fino al filtro sotterraneo e che direzione dall’astrolabio dell’inverno prendono, predati, i lupi. Così questa bestia maniaca del linguaggio si è rivolta a tutti, ha deciso di mangiare dalle mani aperte di tutti, ciascuno con la sua semenza”. Lei risponde sempre nel modo esatto, e usa Wittgenstein, questa volta, il significato è l’uso. E non c’è altro che questa parola come zappa, come sedia, come stazione – mai come stato. Direi, dialogando con Luca, dopo, di sostituire la parola filologia con fisiologia. Fisiologia del linguaggio.
Dunque, oggi si gioca a fare la Dickinson, a tradurla. Dico agli studenti. Sono pochi, si tratta di una lezione laterale, ‘di recupero’, tre ore una infilzata all’altra. Cerchiamo di capire l’italiano attraversando la sua lingua, dico. Secondo me è più facile: capire se stessi lasciando che un altro ci dica, conoscere il proprio linguaggio traducendo quello di un altro. Per me, almeno, è stato così. Dico grazie all’ebraico antico che mi ha dato questo italiano. Giocare Emily è plausibile. Lo dice anche Silvia, che mi scrive, dichiarandola: “Le parole, ma soprattutto le frasi, sono slogate tra loro, assemblabili a scelta come un lego che fa proliferare i significati in infiorescenze abnormi che poi arrivano, in una paradossale precisione, a toccare gli infiniti”.
La poesia che scelgo è la 945 del canone dickensiano. Questo è il testo in inglese:
This is a Blossom of the Brain – A small –  italic Seed Lodged by Design or Happening The Spirit fructified –
Shy as the Wind of his Chambers Swift as a Freshet’s Tongue So of the Flower of the Soul It’s process is unknown –
When it is found, a few rejoice The Wise convey it Home Carefully cherishing the spot If other Flower become –
When it is lost, that Day shall be The Funeral of God, Upon his Breast, a closing Soul The Flower of our Lord –
Questa è la versione di Silvio Raffo, accolta nel ‘Meridiano’ Mondadori che raduna Tutte le poesie della Dickinson:
Questo è un germoglio del cervello – piccolo seme in corsivo – deposto dal caso o da precisa volontà – che lo spirito ha fruttificato –
Timido come il vento nelle sue stanze, agile come lingua di torrente, perché segreto fiore dell’anima matura.
Pochi, quando lo trovano, gioiscono lo porta a casa il saggio curando attento il luogo se venga un altro fiore.
Quando si perde, è quel giorno il funerale di Dio, sopra il suo petto un’anima che muore è il fiore di nostro Signore.
Questa è la traduzione di Amelia Rosselli – anch’essa accolta nel ‘Meridiano’, tra le Versioni d’autore – a cui ho chiesto a Silvia Bre di confrontarsi.
Questo è uno Sbocciare del Cervello Un piccolo – Seme corsivo Abitato dal Calcolo o dal Caso Che lo Spirito fruttificò –
Timido quanto il Vento nelle sue Stanze Veloce come la Lingua d’un Ruscello Così per il Fiore dell’Anima Il suo sviluppo è sconosciuto.
Quando è scoperto, alcuni gioiscono I Saggi lo convogliano a Casa Attentamente, teneramente curando Se altri Fiori succedessero.
Quando è perduto, quel giorno sarà Il Funerale di Dio, Sul suo Petto, un’Anima richiusa Fiore di nostro Dio.
La versione di Silvia Bre, che ricalco, è radunata in Questa parola fidata. Terza centuria, di prossima pubblicazione per Einaudi.
Questo è un germoglio del cervello – un piccolo – seme in corsivo piantato di proposito o dal caso e reso fruttuoso dallo Spirito –
Timido come il vento con le sue stanze svelto come una lingua di torrente cosí è il fiore dell’anima il suo processo è ignoto –
Quando viene trovato, alcuni esultano i saggi lo portano a casa sorvegliando con amore il punto capitasse mai un altro fiore –
Quando va perso, quel giorno sarà il funerale di Dio, sul suo petto, un’anima che si chiude il fiore del Signore nostro –
Abbiamo dedicato, insieme, tre ore a Emily Dickinson, con l’assonanza di una preghiera. L’acuto di questa poesia, poi, è così bello: coltivalo, il seme della poesia, del pensare, dagli lo sbocciare. Altrimenti sarà come seppellire Dio.
Ci sono delle delicatezze di Silvia, nel tradurre, bellissime. A proposito della timidezza del seme (Timido come…) ad esempio. Mi scrive. “Noi ci sentiamo sorpresi quando siamo invasi da quel seme nuovo e strano che troviamo in noi a un certo punto. Ma forse anche quel seme, quella fiamma di luce che entra nel nostro buio, quel vento che va a girare in quelle stanze, proverà il suo sgomento”.
Ho detto agli studenti di non badare alla correttezza (per quella, ci sono i grandi: Raffo, Rosselli, Bre e i tanti altri, nobili, traduttori di ED), ma alla spensieratezza linguistica. Sono venute fuori diverse soluzioni interessanti. Questa, di Giulia, ad esempio: “Questa è la nascita dell’intelligenza/ un piccolo seme in corsivo/ incastrato tra progettazione e compimento/ lo Spirito che dona i suoi frutti”. Questo è l’incipit di Giorgia: “Così la Mente fiorisce/ Un piccolo Seme, in corsivo/ Piantato di proposito o per caso/ Lo Spirito lo ha fatto divenire un frutto”. Più esplicito il primo verso secondo Sara (“Questo è il Seme dell’Idea”, buona anche questa versione del sesto verso: “Veloce come una Lingua Straripante”). Molto buona, odorando l’italiano, la versione di Giorgia L., che comincia così:
Ecco il Germoglio dell’Animo Un Seme – esile ma pregiato Nato per Fato o per Caso Dall’Ingegno nutrito –
Timido come la Brezza al mattino Repentino come un Torrente in piena Del Fiore della Mente Il processo è ignoto
Mi pare bella anche la soluzione di Ombretta (“Le idee nascono timorose come il vento nei suoi spazi,/ rapide come la lingua di un ruscello./ Così è il prodotto dell’anima./ Come ci si arriva non si sa./ Quando si trova, alcuni si rallegrano,/ i saggi ne fanno tesoro”); mi piace che Martina abbia tradotto così l’ultimo distico della penultima quartina: “in adorazione di quel luogo/ nella speranza di un altro Fiore”. Mi piace proprio la parola adorazione. Mi piace che Giacomo, in una rigorosa cerca della musicalità, abbia tradotto “Così è il fiorire dell’anima:/ alieno, spiazzante”. Mi piace che Giulia M. abbia tradotto in questo modo gli ultimi due versi: “Sul suo petto, un’anima che perisce/ Il Fiore del Creatore”. Aurora, invece, trova questa risposta, interessante: “Come per la Fioritura dell’Anima/ il suo processo è un mistero”. Tutti insieme facciamo una versione straordinaria, dico. Ed esulto, un tot, perché, penso, questo è fare scuola: ripetere, con la nostra gola, le parole alte di un morto, insieme, facendoci accordare da un sapiente – Silvia Bre – che conosce per reciproca stima chi fa le funzioni del prof – io – ma non sa chi siano gli studenti. In questo circuito di ascolto, di fedeltà, di azzardo, senza altro scopo che percorrere, si fa scuola, adagiandosi, con carnale perizia, nella poesia.
L’unica interpretazione è dare avvio alla fisiologia del linguaggio, ascolto di una parola che spezziamo come il pane – e ha suono, non fuori, ma dentro, una pioggia di aghi nel giorno.
Infine, ripeto Silvia: “il finale è così elastico da prestarsi a varie letture, tutte compresenti, e riassumibili così (lo dico naturalmente in favore dei tuoi studenti che lo possono ricostruire sul testo): se cogliere il germoglio di una poesia (o della poesia) e averne cura è annuncio di un processo misterioso ma pieno di gioia, la perdita, l’ignoranza di questo evento determina l’oscuramento di un’anima che si chiude come un fiore che diventa il fiore funebre posato sul petto di Dio, anche lui trascinato verso la negazione causata dalla negazione della poesia”. (d.b.)
Ovviamente, al giogo del gioco mi sono messo anche io. La mia versione, imberbe:
Questa è una Fioritura del Cranio – Piccolo – Seme a uncino Conficcato da Disegno o Avvento Frutto dello Spirito –
Vergogna come Vento nelle sue Vastità Rapace come il Verbo dei Fiumi Del Fiore dell’Anima È enigmatico il salto.
Quando è scoperto, allegria a brandelli Il Sapiente lo porta a Casa Cura accurata al covo Se Fiore diventa altro –
Quando è perduto, è il Giorno La Sepoltura di Dio, Sul suo Costato, Anima scostolata Il Fiore del nostro Padrone.
L'articolo “Questo è un germoglio del cervello”: abbiamo preso la Storia a morsi (e sepolto Dio) traducendo Emily Dickinson. Ovvero, un esempio di come si può fare scuola intorno a una poesia proviene da Pangea.
from pangea.news http://bit.ly/30htJZO
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