#professional repair
sophblogsnthings · 1 year
I Dropped My Mobile Phone In Water — Here’s What To Do
Oops! I Dropped My Mobile Phone in Water — Here’s What to Do
Introduction: We’ve all been there — that heart-stopping moment when your beloved mobile phone takes an unexpected dive into a pool, sink, or any water source. The toilet is the most common. This blog will tell you what to do if you have dropped your mobile phone in water. Fear not! While water damage can be quite a nuisance, acting swiftly and following the right steps can significantly increase your chances of saving your device. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the immediate actions to take if you find yourself in this unfortunate situation.
Retrieve the Phone Quickly: The first thing you need to do is retrieve your phone from the water as quickly as possible. The longer it stays submerged, the greater the chance of water seeping into critical components. Be cautious and don’t panic — a steady hand will help prevent unnecessary mishaps.
Power Off Immediately: If your phone is still on, power it off immediately. Press and hold the power button until the device shuts down. This helps reduce the risk of short circuits that can occur when water comes into contact with active electronics.
Remove External Accessories and SIM Card: Take off any external accessories, such as cases and screen protectors. Additionally, remove the SIM card and any memory cards. These removable components can be salvaged even if the phone itself is beyond repair.
Dry the Surface: Gently pat the phone dry using a clean, lint-free cloth. Make sure to get into all the crevices, ports, and buttons. Avoid excessive rubbing, as this can push water deeper into the device.
Do Not Use Heat Sources: Contrary to popular belief, using a hairdryer, oven, or microwave to dry your phone can cause more harm than good. Excessive heat can damage internal components and worsen the water damage. Stick to natural drying methods.
Rice Is Not the Best Solution: While the rice method is commonly suggested, it’s not the most effective solution. Silica gel packets or dedicated moisture-absorbing products work better for drawing out moisture. Place your phone in a container filled with these packets and seal it tightly for 24–48 hours.
Avoid Shaking the Phone: Shaking your phone might seem like a good way to dislodge water droplets, but it can actually drive moisture further into delicate areas. Instead, gently tap the phone against your palm with the charging port facing downward to encourage water to drain out.
Seek Professional Help: If your phone shows no signs of life or exhibits unusual behaviour after the drying period, it’s time to consult a professional technician like Repair Not Replace. Whether you need an iPhone, Samsung, or iPad repair we can help. Even if it is okay, the impurities in the water can build up if they are not cleaned off and cause corrosion which will then cause a short circuit, this can happen straight away or take longer, so if you have an expensive phone you should consider a water damage service. Trying to power on a water-damaged phone can lead to irreversible damage, so it’s best to let a trained expert assess the situation. Call us at 0800 047 2047. Do not charge your device; putting power through it can cause more damage.
Accidentally dropping your mobile phone in water can be a stressful experience, but there’s hope for recovery if you act promptly and follow the right steps. Remember, the key is to act quickly, power off your device, remove external components, and employ proper drying techniques. While success isn’t guaranteed, taking these measures can greatly improve your chances of saving your precious gadget from the jaws of water damage.
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maythray · 10 months
genuinely so upset that you cant take out your phones battery easily anymore. you should be able to..
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Humanity's biggest fan!
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Humanity loves you too, silly telephone !
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hidefdoritos · 7 months
Today's Mending
It was another day in quarantine, but I feel like a human again, which was a blessing. So I sat up at the machine and tried to make some progress.
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The machine gave me all sorts of trouble today, no matter how I fiddled with the tension and needle. The stitch lengths were twelve kinds of inconsistent and as skippy as a Labrador in a mud puddle.
I posted on Facebook, and a friend's grandma reminded me to unscrew the bottom plate and have a look at the insides.
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Bleagh. Look at all that lint!
Anyway, turns out the feed dogs are a lot more consistent when they aren't fighting with felt compacted underneath them. I got the straps sewn up in short order, learned how to do that neat little x-box thing, and finished off the miniskirt tote bag!
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I had a couple mending commissions that got procrastinated for ages because I needed to find patches and thread that matched. They took just a few minutes each when I actually got to them. Guess that's always the case.
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My friend Isaiah had done a good job mending these, but all he had was light turquoise thread, and he was a bit self-conscious about having such a visible crotch mend. I put a patch of jersey under, just for stability's sake, and machined overtop in the closest thread I had.
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My roommate's partner's pet got ahold of some jeans and tore a raggedy hole in the important part. I trimmed down the edges, found my closest fabric, and machined all around the edges with my closest thread. The mend is still visible, but he usually wears flannels so it shouldn't be obvious. And, as I told him, "If someone does notice, you're legally allowed to kick them."
The final three projects were all for me. First up were these work pants. A couple years ago I started doing the DIY ripstop but didn't finish (time? thread? machine issues? ADHD? idk). I just had the vertical threads. They wore on each other as I walked and started tearing out really quickly. I unpicked all that old thread a while back and re-did the vertical threads, then got sidetracked (yes, again.) So today I did the rest of the ripstop. There!
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I also did all the ripstop for these black summer shorts.
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Finally, my Christmas break project was adding cargo pockets to all my pants. These less-used jeans have had pockets cut out and pinned on since then, so today I dug out fun aquamarine thread and sewed them down.
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I spent the end of the day messing around with my new pillowcases, but I'll drop those when they're done. :) And, most importantly, I slept in, ate well, took my meds, didn't berate myself for lack of progress, and took a nap. All in all, a really good sick day!
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hegodamask · 2 years
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Thinking about Syril doing his own tailoring.... how did he learn? Did Eedy teach him or did he teach himself? Has he been sewing since he was a kid? What do sewing kits even look like in the gffa? Does he go fabric shopping? Does he genuinely enjoy doing it or is it just a necessity to him? I’m fascinated. 
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somerandomgal19 · 9 months
Moonbury fucking sucks, I don’t just mean because they were an ass to me and never really personally apologised.
The people claim to be family but they are all fucking disconnected. They leave their non-chemist related damages untouched for years. The mayor claims to have his town’s best interest at heart but doesn’t notice that the rangers have had outdated equipment for years or that his chief of police is overworked. All of their structural problems like the landslide, cart and geyser bridge could be fixed if they just talked to each like the family they claimed to be but they use me as a messenger pigeon instead while complaining about the dwindling materials. The system where I need POLITICAL APPROVAL TO HELP? BUT NO ONE ELSE? The carpenter and blacksmith’s working equipment being SHIT.
How has this town functioned without me?
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ellisnyeland · 4 months
Hey I'm trying to react professionally on Twitter but REACTOR MAGAZINE (FORMERLY TOR) JUST POSTED A VERY VERY POSITIVE REVIEW OF "REPAIR TECH" which will be free to read in July btw
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frigginconfused · 5 months
A vent post/condensed list of my grievances regarding the state of my current place of living. Well, partially to vent and partially as a cathartic way to keep tabs.
Either way, there is no amount of commission I could do to improve this. I have lived here for maybe two months, and all of this was found out through experience and not actually looking for problems. To preface, I know the question. Why didn't you get a home inspection? Well, you see, had I been involved in the buying process I would have.
It was heated with open flame gas heaters
Undisclosed roaches
Stove top is rusted so bad there's a line on one side that's just missing (not entirely sure if the oven works actually)
Two windows lead nowhere
One window shattered
One window removed and replaced with ply board. There is a window ac unit caulked into it.
That window ac unit does not have a filter… only old dish towels stuffed into it…
Something also lives in that window ac unit.
water pours into the garage when it rains
It looked like a junkyard (we had to rent a dumpster and even that wasn't enough)
There's a blanket hung on the wall, it's hiding a giant spot… I don't know what the spot is.
the furnace is all sealed off, including the vents
the wiring is ALL fucked (and might also all be piggybacked)
there is a circuit breaker AND a fuse box
A single bad outlet may have taken out the power in 2/3 of the house
I don't think under the trailer is insulated at all… There is a fan that leads under it to move warm air down there, intended to keep the pipes from freezing.
The bathroom floor is not secured, and boards are popping up
There is no ventilation in the bathroom and the walls have pieces taken out
pretty sure one of the pieces is screwed in over where the ventilation used to be
there is a draft in the bathroom so bad, that on windy days it blows the bathroom cabinet under the sink open
the toilet is less than two inches away from the claw foot tub
why is there a claw foot tub in a trailer… the step up into it is too high for my mother and there is no grab bar for safety
There is at least one hole in the roof that I suspect an animal lives in
While writing this list I was informed it was indeed a bad outlet which has since been replaced, but also “It is replaced, but the wires are too short and not attached very good” so we cannot use
I also don't think they understand that this is an active fire hazard
I don't have a bedroom, I have a bed in the living room
There are three doors that lead outside. One is the front door. The other two are held closed with boards. (honorary mention the door that leads to the garage, who's handle came off in my hand)
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carniecarnage · 16 days
small talking to myself kinda post pay no mind
#I’ve been wondering a lot about myself and my place in things again lately#Been thinking about my identity and who I want to present as and how I act#Someone who I used to consider my best friend broke me down so miserably that I’ve grown to hate myself for everything-#that they would shit on me for.#It makes me think about when I was like that to someone I cared about#And it makes me really fucking sad#I’m proud to say I’m not that person anymore but knowing I invited it back into my life-#through another person that I continuously made excuses for#It’s like I felt obligated to be miserable as some stupid egotistic self righteous karma#And I truly hate that. I hate that I let it go on for so long because I hated myself too much to change it#It’s okay now but I still reflect on it often#I’m constantly wondering if I’ll go back to being shitty or if I’m letting myself be abused again#It’s messed with my view of myself. My view of my looks. Of my gender. Of my trauma#Of my humor. Of my tastes. Literally everything#I haven’t been able to repair my trust with myself enough to trust others and it fuckin blows man#It sounds stupid saying it out loud I guess#But I can’t keep bottling it or I might implode#I think that things will be fine with time and continued effort#Just need to spend some time really thinking about where I want to be in the future#I think I want to start therapy but voluntarily this time#Maybe a professional will be able to help me sort it out#vent#rant
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caterjunes · 1 month
basement flooded last night (again! i rly feel like the prev owners fully lied about how often this happens) so i got to spend the Whole day dealing with that
chest & throat hurt, had a couple coughing bouts this evening. i took a Good covid test the other day bc my throat was sore & it came back negative but. i'm worried.
still tired from PT, have not really given myself/had an opportunity to properly rest (i was planning on it today but then basement flood!)
the rest of our house is a mess again
i saw a video of an ancient hairless ferret and it reminded me so much of peach bellini that i sobbed for ten minutes straight
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umilily · 2 months
only i would suffer through hours on the phone with my health insurance and all that fun stuff just for the dentist to find out there's absolutely nothing wrong with my teeth.
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lwcina · 2 months
my landlord kinda sucks........
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thethingything · 3 months
okay we need to get ready for bed so we can wake up on time for our appointment later because we have to go to a hospital in another city for it and weirdly I'm not as anxious as I thought I'd be at the moment but it is only the consultation and not the actual surgery so y'know
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gar-a-ash · 5 months
Nick Hodgens workshop in less than two weeks! When I initially signed up I was a bit scared for her because I am not experienced in protection work and I'm super nervous about being judged but in the six months since I've gotten over those nerves and have instead gotten excited lmao. I think she's going to surprise me, she's been doing amazing things lately and I am super happy with her. Just have to remember to let it flow off me if she does embarrass me a bit (tbh she could never be as bad as Reese and that's probably helping a lot).
I do have to reevaluate my goals though a bit since she's changed a lot since then. Still have to work on confidence building with strangers but it's in a different way now lmao.
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sweetdreamspootypie · 8 months
The piercers keep reminding and recommending that I don't sleep on my side for at least another 3 months
But (to use the Tumblr phrase) I sleep like a rotisserie chicken
They suggest using like an airplane travel pillow thing but I still can't really see how that will help
We've managed to save the helix pericing but the lobe one healed over in like. Less than 12 hours. So I have to wait a couple weeks to heal fully and then repierce and start from scratch on that one.
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mystacoceti · 6 months
the two guys at work who are having company-altering beef could probably work it out if they actually spoke to each other to clear up some misunderstandings and apologize for the things they did say and do to each other but instead they'd rather be like "no. it's all good. I'm over it now. I just won't ever speak to him again not even to ask simple work-related questions"
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