#professor saizo
voloslobotomyservice · 9 months
I saw someone post a list of all their video game “husbands” and I wanted to give it a try:
Akechi Mitsuhide from Samurai Love Ballad: Party (SLBP)
Date Masamune from SLBP
Katakura Kojuro from SLBP
Sakakibara Yasumasa from SLBP
Jumin Han from Mystic Messenger
Zen from Mystic Messenger
Julian from The Arcana
Chrom from Fire Emblem: Awakening (FE:A)
Frederick from FE:A
Lon’qu from FE:A
Stahl from FE:A
Saizo from FE:F
Ryoma from FE:F
Xander from FE:F
Dimitri from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (FE:3H)
Claude from FE:3H
Sylvain from FE:3H
That Guy Guarding the Door from FE:3H (greetings professor! nothing to report!)
Gale from Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)
Dammon from BG3
Wyll from BG3
Rolan from BG3
Rugan from BG3
Harper Branthos from BG3
I’m probably missing some from SLBP considering it’s been over four years since I played. But yeah. I may have a problem.
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teecupangel · 1 year
*raises hand* I'm very interested in any FE x AC crossover ideas you have
I've personally had a couple of thoughts about dropping Desmond into fates because I think him playing off of Saizo would be funny
From @a-faint-hope
Thanks and I would be interested in your FE x AC crossover ideas.
First of all, here’s an AC AU idea based on the Engage rings system.
Okay, I have 2 sorta kinda vague ideas:
One is an actual crossover set in Fodlan, specifically during Three Hopes. This one came to me when I was playing the demo for Three Hopes. So a bit of a ‘sidenote’, Three Hopes started its marketing during the time I’m super into AC (still am, still here) so whenever I would talk about Shez to my FE friends, I keep typing Shay instead. It got so bad that I honestly couldn’t remember Shez’s name for a while and I just kept typing it as Shay.
How about a Three Hope scenario where Shay Cormac wakes up in the middle of nowhere and a person that calls themselves Arval can talk to them ‘telepathically’, telling him that they were connected by something that Arval themselves do not know what. Only that they woke up because they felt Shay. Shay looks around and… it was a battlefield.
He had woken up in a battlefield.
Left with no idea of what was happening and where he was, Shay travels to find more information, forming a sort of alliance with Arval as both of them need information to know why Shay is here in this strange land and why Arval has woken up inside Shay.
During their travels, Shay helps out three students who were running from bandits and is taken in by the Church of Seiros where he becomes an instructor. Shay knows that the woman called Lady Rhea is trying to keep him in check and close to find out who he truly is and where he came from.
For now, they give him the position of being one of the instructors and he gets to choose which ‘house’ he’d be the professor of.
Thinking of it for a while, Shay decides to pick Black Eagle because…
The young heir to the Adestrian Empire, Edelgard, reminded him so much of Haytham Kenway.
Shay’s appearance changes a lot of things, mainly because of his Eagle Vision. He realizes where the bandits hideout is and Edelgard’s ‘suggestions’ led them to the right direction (with Shay suspecting that Edelgard knows more than she’s letting on) and they manage to save Monica before the ritual, whatever that is.
Because of Monica’s survival and Edelgard taking in Shay’s inclusion to her plans, the whole thing goes very similar to Three Hopes’ prologue and Edelgard requests that Shay becomes one of her ‘vassals’ and help her rid Fodlan of its corruption and give way to real peace, not this fake peace that the three nations were pretending they had under the iron grip of the Church.
Shay, not having any other options and also thinking of the Black Eagle (especially Edelgard who always seemed lonely in Shay’s eyes) as his responsibility and having become close to them, agrees and becomes part of the Adrestian Empire’s army.
During the war phase, they learned that Jeralt’s Mercenary, the most powerful mercenary group in all of Fodlan, had been hired by the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus who, at the moment, is keeping Archbishop Rhea and her closest ‘confidants’ safe and giving them sanctuary. Apparently, the one who suggested that King Dimitri buy Jeralt’s Mercenary group was no one other than the Ashen Demon themselves, Byleth. But… that sounds more like a rumor at the moment.
As if that wasn’t enough, Shay realized that a certain group from House Riegan… wore white, had access to actual Hidden Blades (forged in materials found in this world) and… they call their leader ‘mentor’.
That’s as far as I got.
The main idea is:
Shay stays with Edelgard because Edelgard reminded him of Haytham Kenway and he thinks of the Black Eagle students as like siblings/children he couldn’t help but care for. He’s especially fond of Petra who may or may not have been getting one-on-one lessons from Shay to be more… Assassin-y.
Byleth may or may not have memories of the events of both Three Hopes and Three Houses. By the time Shay first sees them, they already have light green hair. (Byleth’s gender in this one is also a “???” as I usually write female!Byleth but, for this one, who knows?). Of course, I won’t deny that Byleth coming to Faerghus is absolutely because of Dimileth XD
The Almyra section has actually been done by the time the war phase starts as a man known as the ‘mentor’ had recruited people in Almyra (both local Almyrans, immigrants and even foreigners) and created a Brotherhood. Almyra is stable at the moment politically and the king of Almyra had requested that the mentor lend a hand on Leicester Alliance as part of their ‘tentative’ alliance with the Roundtable of Leicester Alliance. The mentor takes no orders from the Alliance but he and Claude are ‘friendly’ enough that he will listen to Claude’s plans but he’ll do whatever he wants in the end. No one know where the mentor came from although Claude is friendly enough to call him by his name… ‘Desmond’.
My other AC x FE idea is actually… uuuhh… AC characters set in an FE type of scenario?
The plot’s very barebone and might sound familiar:
Desmond wakes up in a place he doesn’t recognize and people he knew starts popping up but… they’re the same people he knew. They have the same name and looks the same and have similar personalities, only… ‘tweaked’ to the setting where magic is real and there are dragons (“They’re called wyverns”, yeah okay) and apparently Desmond was found in an underground temple where the ‘hope of the world’ is meant to be.
Because this world is currently in war with an unknown force that destroys everything in its path with an army of unknown origins and the nations of the world are trying to find a solution to this problem. The enemy army itself seemed to be made up of statues with glowing white light.
Desmond and his group are attacked and he realized that the statues all have the glow of a POE… and their armor and weaponry… looked very similar for some reason.
They are saved by the prince of the nearest country and… things spiral from there.
Main idea:
Desmond gets to be the Avatar of this scenario. He starts of with the class that has a proficiency with swords (A), dagger (A), and bow (A).
Rebecca is one of the two people who finds Desmond. She’d probably be either a tank type or a monk type.
Shaun is obviously the other one and he’d be a tome type (if Rebecca is a tank, he would also have access to staves).
Now, for the other nations and their ‘playable characters’:
Altaïr would be the Lord of his nation although he’s technically just a prince when he meets (rescue?) Desmond. He has proficiency in Daggers (A), Sword (S) and Tomes (S) and his Lord class would be a Flying Unit (I’m thinking an actual Eagle because Griffin Knights are mostly known as non-magical units).
Malik and Kadar would be his vassals and they share the same class but with different proficiency (with Kadar having Staves while Malik has Tomes) aka: they’re the Abel and Cain archetype of this idea.
Kadar would be the first actual dedicated healer that the party would get if Shaun doesn’t have Staff proficiency.
(If they get promoted, they’d get flying classes which will become the Pegasus Sisters archetype with Altaïr XD)
Ezio would be the next Lord that they’d encounter although he’s just the second son of one of the nobles in their kingdom. He has proficiency in Bow (A), Lance (S) and Staves (S) and his Lord class will be a Ground Unit (look, there’s too many sword proficiency going around. We need to have the Weapon Triangle here XD)
Claudia would be one of his vassals. Not sure what her proficiency would be but one of them has to be Dagger.
Not sure on who his other vassal would be. Machiavelli being a magic type would be a good choice. La Volpe or Yusuf being Thief type classes would be good too. An absolutely left field would be Lo Sparviero taking the Aptitude trait (kinda like Donnel/Mozu/Jean).
Ratonhnhaké:ton would be the third Lord that Desmond recruits and he’s the clan mother’s grandson. He has proficiency in Bow (S), Axe (S) and Dagger (A) and his Lord class will be a Cavalry Unit (Either a wolf or a bear).
Aveline would be one of his vassals and she would have three possible classes to change into.
Kanen'tó:kon would be his other vassal and he’d be a tank unit.
Other than them… uuuhhh… possible other characters:
Haytham Kenway with Shay Cormac and Charles Lee (otherwise, they’d be reoccurring enemy units)
Edward Kenway with Adéwalé and Edward Thatch (Mary Read, Anne Bonny and Calico Jack are also with him though). They’ll be encountered on a ship stage, of course.
Arno Dorian with Pierre and Leon. If we don’t give Ezio Lo Sparviero as his vassal, Leon will have the Aptitude trait and be our Donnel/Mozu/Jean. Pierre might betray the party, maybe?
Henry Green with the Frye Twins. Jacob is a melee unit while Evie is a magic unit.
Aya with Bayek and Apollodorus under the command of their ruler Cleopatra. They’d be encountered as enemies first because of an order from Cleopatra. Bayek has the hero class (sword and shield), Aya is on the thief class line and Apollodorus would either be a tank or a lance type class.
Kassandra would be all on her own for some reason. She seems to have more idea than she lets on. If left up to me, I’ll make her miserable and turn her into a Tiki archetype XD
Eivor with Hytham and Randvi. They’re all looking for Basim and Sigurd (the ruler of their nation) who went missing some time ago. Eivor and Randvi would be the Axe-Bros archetype. XD
I was thinking of who the Jagen would be and all I can think of is Bill. He’ll be the overpowered promoted unit who would soon fall behind due to stat allocation and growth rates. To hammer it in, he will also be the “soon to be dead parental figure” Cornelius archetype as well. XD
Dropping Desmond into Fates would be fun too. A Desmond in Hoshido versus Corrin in Nohr would be the ‘easy’ choice or… you know… Corrin finds Desmond sleeping in Valla after she chose the Revelations route? I like the idea of Desmond acting like Corrin and Azura’s big brother because, holy shit, they’re too young to be in this kind of fucked up situation! Honestly, I can just see Desmond casually talking to Saizo while Saizo’s in his entire serious glory XD
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
Episode 73 - Marowak's Bone Club
Last week before the Pokemon League begins, and training has been a total bust. Ash goes crawling to Professor Oak for any last-second cramming tips he might have. His response is not promising: "Hell are you still doing here!? You know you have to physically be at Indigo Plateau next week, right? Gary already left some time ago!"
So I guess training's over and it's time to cross Victory Road.
Along the way, he's challenged by a Trainer named Saizo/Otoshi. (They changed his Japanese name to another Japanese name. Okay, localizers.) Without revealing how many badges he has, Otoshi challenges Ash to a serious wager; A Pokemon match for all the Badges the other has. (This is definitely a trick.)
The battle begins with Bulbasaur vs. Marowak. This is good for Ash according to Type Chart because Marowak is weak to Grass. But the Type Chart isn't everything. As a fully evolved Pokemon, Marowak has a strong edge, particularly in physical stats and HP, to compensate for that disadvantage. Worse, Bulbasaur's Poison Typing neutralizes their Grass resistance to Ground, so the advantage is fairly minor.
Otoshi also makes use of more advanced tactics. Ash foregoes status moves to try and muscle his way to victory via Vine Whip. But Otoshi spends a set-up turn for Focus Energy before coming in with Bone Club. One good, solid crit with vastly superior Physical stats settles the match.
With his back against the wall, Ash sends out Pikachu. This should be a terrible idea but yet again, Pikachu's unique ability to ignore Type Immunity allows him to take down Marowak with a Thundershock. (I'm surprised that in nine generations of games, they've never just gone ahead and made "Ignores Ground Immunity to Electric" an Ability that Pikachu can have. There are similar Abilities out there.)
Otoshi concedes immediately and confesses that he has no Badges and was trying to rip off Ash's. He did put in the work and collect eight Badges, but he fell for an old-school Team Rocket pifall and had them stolen.
(I love how, even when they screw off to go rob someone else, Jessie and James still wind up going the same way as Ash. They really are just cursed to forever be in each other's lives.)
Marowak briefly has a crisis of faith with regards to being Otoshi's partner, but then just sort of gets over it and comes back. Jessie betrays James and tries to take the Badges for herself so she can enter the League. And we find out that James plays the Pokemon TCG to try and understand the game rules better, which is probably his problem right there. Very different ruleset.
But ultimately, retrieving Otoshi's Badges proves from these three lunkheads proves about as simple an affair as usual. And then it's off to Indigo Plateau!
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thatlongspringnight · 7 years
Missed you more (Saizo/MC drabble)
Tagging: @han-pan @frywen-babbles and for @jemchew (in honor of the current ES story) 
I hope you like it, darling! <3
The pattering of the rain on your windows used to sooth you. You sighed, staring out into the bleak mid afternoon, the pale light of the cloud covered sun casting a glow into your bedroom.
Now, now it whipped you into a frenzy, an anxiety that you weren’t used to settling into your veins, pumping ice where there used to be blood.
You’d had a fight last night. Verbal and harsh, then cold as you bit the tears back till you tasted blood as dark as his eyes.
Over something stupid, something inconsequential.
You turned the ring on your finger, an anxious movement.
He hated the rain.
The thought swirled, danced a dark tune, in your head. He hated the rain, and maybe now you hated it too. Hated being away from him.
Worried for him.
You rose to your feet, the energy inside of you threatening to burst and overwhelm, stronger than the storm outside, a raging flood.
Yukimura had called, Saizo had come to his apartment, spent the night, but hadn’t come up to the university.
No sign of him since he had left that morning.
And now it was raining.
You hadn’t even realized you were at the door till your hand touched the handle, a jolt of electricity bringing you back to your body.
For a moment you let reason flood through you. He was probably fine, he probably had gotten a hotel room, he probably-
It wasn’t good enough.
You threw open the door, coming face to face with the man you were looking for. He looked at you, surprise in those eyes of his, like dried blood. He was soaked to the bone, his cheeks flushed.
“Saizo!” You reached for him, all but pulling him out of the rain and into the apartment.
“You weren’t supposed to be home yet, Little lady.” His tone was kind, if not a little clouded. You reached up, pressing a hand against his cheek. You saw the goosebumps irrupt on his skin as you pulled away.
He was burning up.
“I’ve been calling you all morning.” You bit back the words. Your anger had drained hours ago.
“Phone’s dead.” He managed, letting you lead him to the bedroom. You make quick work of his shirt, throwing the dripping clothing into the bin before  handing him a pair of his pajamas.
“Change.” You tried to be short.
You walked to the bathroom, pulling out a towel, coming back to find him in warm, dry clothes.
A rattled cough left his lips as you tossed the towel over his head, doing your best to dry him off.
“Where’ve you been?” You whispered, feeling his hands catch your wrists, dragging them away. He looked up at you, his skin more pale than you could ever remember seeing it.
“I was writing.”
“I was thinking, so I was writing.” He seemed tired. “Of what to say.”
“What to say?” Your hands rested on his cheeks, his too-warm skin almost uncomfortable.
“To you, little lady. Then it started to rain. But I wasn’t done.” Damn him, damn him and his reasons. You couldn’t have been mad at him even if you wanted to.
“The rain always makes you sick.” 
“It does.” He nodded. 
“You’re just a little dumb aren’t you?” You teased, a soft effort. An equally soft smile graced his face.
“Dear oh dear, that’s my line, isn’t it?”
“It is.” You tugged him up, walking him to the bed. “But you can remember that after you sleep off that fever.” You turned away, you needed to get him medicine, or-
“Where’re going?” His hand gripped at yours.
“To get you medicine.”
“I’ll feel better if you’re here.” You looked down at him, resolve crumbling. You had barely slept a wink last night, and he obviously wasn’t much better.
“Okay.” You crawled into bed, turning to face him.
“You were waiting for me at the door.” He brushed the hair back from your face, pulling you close so he could bury his face in the crook of your neck. “Did you really miss me that much?”
Saizo…” You brushed your hands through his damp hair. “More than I could explain.”
“Even still, little lady.” His voice was tired, fading. “I know I missed you more.”
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swindlez · 6 years
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this show makes me wish id watched more than nickelodeon as a kid
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lydskisses · 4 years
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Headcanon that these boys form an unlikely group of friends in university because they sat in the same row during university induction like what happened to me and my group of girlfriends 😂
Theo is 500% done and ready to go to the Art dept to fetch Arthur by the ear, who is probably still flirting with his new lit professor.
I figured Theo would probably be doing a general art degree with a specialisation in museum studies and curatorial practices. Shinonome would be doing a cyber security degree and Ieyasu a Japanese history degree with a focus on the Sengoku Era. Yukimura loves sports and kids so he took a Physical Education and Sports Science degree, with plans to be a teacher in the future. Saizo.....he’s best friends with Yuki but nobody has yet figured out what he’s studying....4 years later they’ll probably realise he’s not actually an undergrad of the school lol.
Ieyasu takes tips from shinonome on how to control his permanent fluffy bed head. And I foresee my 2 fave blondies being BFFs cos they enjoy each other’s humour and the peace during study sessions.
Theo is the latest dollie in my collection with a few more boys planned! Check out my other dollie pics under the lydskisses_dolls tag!
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flatsuke · 5 years
Just for fun: Fire Emblem Three Houses x SLBP AU
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I thought I couldn’t get any more self-indulgent than I already am, but I played myself. To anyone out there who plays FE3H and SLBP, bless you
Disclaimer: Please do not take this seriously. This is not meant to be historically accurate or canonically accurate whatsoever. I used a lot of creative liberties here.
AU where an unknown mercenary, MC, becomes a professor in The Officers Academy, an elite facility that trains students in the ways of magic, weapons, and special skills. The students are divided into three houses based on each sector of Japan (the Owari Empire, the Kingdom of Oshu, and the Mikawa Alliance). The Officers Academy is located in neutral territory, sponsored by the Holy Temple, the country’s national religion. MC has to choose which house she will head. 
During one of the missions with her students, MC gets into an accident that puts her in a comatose-like sleep that not even the best healers can break. She wakes up five years later only to find out that the three sectors and the Holy Temple are at war with each other, all led by the heads of the respective Houses. 
MC is conflicted; she has to support one house, but at the cost of destroying the others. Gone are the carefree, halcyon days at the Academy, and only war and tragedy await them.
(I named the three houses after the festival stalls in SLBP lol)
Divine Rule House: Composed of students from the Owari Empire. The Empire is the biggest sector in terms of land area and population, and they’re the most powerful by far. Still, there are rumors that the Temple and the Empire are on bad terms, and House Oda (the current head) seems to have its misgivings with the Temple.
House Colors: Red and Black
Oda Nobunaga (House Leader)
Akechi Mitsuhide
Fujibayashi Sakuya
Toyotomi Hideyoshi
Maeda Toshiie
Ishida Mitsunari
Narukami Kyoichiro
Snow Country House: Composed of students from the Kingdom of Oshu. Since Japan’s founding, Oshu has always existed independently from the rest of the country, choosing to govern itself. Echigo became a part of the Kingdom when House Uesugi lost to House Date during their last civil war. Currently, Oshu has the best relationship with the Temple.
House Colors: Blue and Green
Date Masamune (House Leader)
Katakura Kojuro
Date Shigezane
Fujibayashi Genya
Uesugi Kenshin
Kakizaki Kageie
Kirigakure Hotaru
Golden Light House: Composed of students from the Mikawa Alliance. The Alliance is the smallest sector in the map since it was the most recently formed. Things are tense in the Alliance because House Tokugawa (the current head) entered a treaty with House Takeda to end their civil war, and their current relationship with each other is shaky at best.
House Colors: Gold and Silver
Tokugawa Ieyasu (House Leader)
Ii Toramatsu
Hattori Hanzo
Sanada Yukimura
Kirigakure Saizo
Sanada Nobuyuki
Sarutobi Sasuke
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toconquerfate · 4 years
cont from here
She was sure she must look silly right now.  Sixteen years old and dancing on the feet of her older brother who was a professor here.  There were probably still some people here who didn’t know they were related.  Well, no.  That probably wasn’t true.  Not with the way she bellowed “big brother!” any time she saw him on campus.  But it didn’t really matter how silly and juvenile she appeared, she was having fun now!
Elise wasn’t sure at first if she should even tell Xander about her botched attempts to befriend Hubert, but maybe getting it off of her chest a little might bring the evening back to magical status.  “Well, you know that one spooky boy in the Black Eagles?”  He was a boy, right?  Students here were supposed to be kids?  He looked a lot more like a fully grown man, but he was probably a kid.  “I just wanted to be his friend but he was mean to me and I didn’t even get a stamp from him and he made me sad!”
Oh, he hadn’t realized how much he’d missed such silly little things like dancing with his sister- he’d hardly had a chance since... since his coronation. That made him almost wince, though he managed to restrain it. Every day he spent here away from his royal duties reminded him of all that which he’d forced himself to forget in the face of what he felt was required of him as king. Reminded him that taking care of himself while helping Nohr was still allowed. Still, his own issues weren’t important- he could speak with Mozu later about things to help himself come to terms with himself and what he’d need to do upon his eventual return to Nohr.
He frowned when she spoke about Hubert- because it was definitely the potential-assassin-retainer to the leader of the Eagles that Elise was speaking of. “Elise,” he started, voice gentle, “It’s important to keep in mind that some people, despite all your efforts, might not be looking for friendship.” He thought back on their allies in the war. “From what I’ve gathered about him-” he said, adding an unnecessary spin to their dance in an attempt to make her smile, “-he is rather like Saizo- King Ryoma’s male retainer. From what I remember, he was always... frosty towards you as well. It does not justify being rude to you, of course, but-” another silly, unnecessary spin, “-it does explain it.” He gave a brief sympathetic smile. “I’m still sorry he made you sad, though.” A pause. “Would you like me to give you a stamp to help make up for it?”
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saizoswifey · 5 years
Hi there! In one of your translations of Saizo’s act 2, shortly after Momochi asks teen Saizo if he would’ve killed his best friend if he knew the real betrayal reasons, the jp version said he wouldn’t. But the English version, it said he would. Do you know if this change was on purpose?
Hey dear! 
Okay, this is so interesting and I’m super glad you brought it up because I’ve actually been thinking about this so much since reading the EN route. 
That’s right. I’m back at it again with another god damn Saizo lecture broken down with bullet points and long comparisons like I'm teaching a friggin college course on the man hahah strap on in for some more Professor Wifey’s Saizology. 
So I don’t have any SS of this scene from Tenka unfortunately. So I can’t even double check to see what it says. That post you are referring to was based on translations I had done almost 2 years ago and logged away in my google drive. And regarding your question, there are some explanations as to why. 
The first is that I could have mistranslated that line. (it’s happened to me before! It will definitely happen again! pfft) I remember Momochi being a bit difficult for me to understand in some parts and I specifically remember going over and over those 3-4 slides in particular because it was such an important part and also because the way he (dingle bells) speaks and refers to people was odd and new to me so I was trying to grasp exactly what was being said about whom. 
If I mistranslated, it’s because of the wording he uses. To me, it truly sounded like ‘if you knew about it would you have listened to me?’ and Saizo said ‘no.’ The syntax is wonky to me.
And to me, it made sense in the end that Saizo wouldn’t have followed orders had he known. That would have been proof of his heart...The thing Momochi was trying to kill? I mean, if Saizo would have just killed Sanochika for any reason just because Momochi said to, then...why would Momochi need to go through all of the trouble with this plan? It’s so extra why wouldn’t he have just been like yeahhh Saizo you guys are getting too close you need to end him he’s weak and therefore weakening you. And according to the English version, Saizo says he’d just agree and do it. Sooooo....idk man. I’m glad you mentioned it because as I read in English I was also saying wait, what?? when that happened. Then my mind went into overdrive haha. 
If I WAS correct, (and I’m not holding my breath but hey, for 2yrs ago I think I got everything else pretty spot on aside from the fancy localization and tweaks they do to make it read smoother, so I'm not going to doubt myself too much haha!) then basically we have two sort of different versions of Saizo, honestly. 
That scene as I said was pretty damn important to building who Saizo is, where he was and how much he’s changed since then. Both are pretty impactful either which way you look at it, I guess. 
The Saizo that said No (JP)
would establish a Saizo that abides by the policy and moral code that he won’t just go around killing people for no reason. *(And sidenote buuuut: he’s stated in several other stories that he has a policy against killing people for any type of reason other than to fulfill his orders from Iga.)
would establish that although he will not enjoy having to end someone emotionally close to him, it’s not against his moral code and his intense loyalty to Iga will outweigh any other justification for not doing it (not killing, that is)
would establish that he’s always had a heart and morals but the chains of Iga were the last thing keeping him from fulfilling a life of no bloodshed
would establish that therefore the most difficult thing to overcome would be to finally break the bonds with Momochi, the person he trusted implicitly at one time, the person he had been devoted to and blindly followed orders from for his entire life. 
would establish that it was more focused on Saizo’s personal journey to break this way of life he had always entrusted and fell back on as a fail safe. In a sense, he could always hide behind Iga and not take responsibility for his actions. This was him finally taking responsibility for what he had done, deciding he did not want to use Iga as a scapegoat anymore, he did not want to continue taking lives on command, and therefore he had to face them and seize control back. 
The Saizo that said Yes (EN) 
(I also want to highlight here that the answer Saizo gives in English is that he would “more than likely obey.” Not a 100% yes. Saizo is the type to try and deny the humanity in him until he gets up to that moment and time and time again he ends up acting with humanity instead of the way he had predicted he would handle it. He struggled like hell even thinking he was guilty. We will never know canonically, so I will let you form your own opinions on what you think he would have done! )
would establish that Saizo has almost no moral code or policy to speak of. He will follow orders regardless and will kill even his best friend if told that’s what he needs to do. 
would establish that despite being obviously traumatized by what he had done to Sanochika, in almost any other instance it's not a case of moral grappling but rather just killing as a means to an end, no matter who or what circumstances. There’s less thought process involved. It’s detached.  
would establish that if this is the case, Saizo’s biggest obstacle is, in fact, himself, not Iga. 
would establish and imply that BECAUSE he has gone through life not really bothered by the way he lives, ONLY haunted by that one single incident, that the main focus of Saizo’s personal journey has not been about how devoted to Iga he is and how difficult it is to break free. His personal journey’s actual main focus has been about him learning to appreciate life (INCLUDING his own) and trying to overcome his own thought process to see the world in a new way. To grapple with the way he sees himself after MC helps him discover his moral compass. Grapple with the ways in which he starts to change, and the fact that he doesn’t understand the way his mind and heart work now. 
would establish that it’s not Iga that Saizo needed to be rid of in the end. He could have always left Iga, if he really wanted to. He had Yukimura!, and later and for a while, he had MC too. It was Saizo’s old self that he needed to defeat. Momochi manipulated him, terribly, but it wasn’t until Saizo was tired of being complacent in his own way of life that he was able to change it all for good. And he truly needed MC and Yukimura for that. 
And lastly, I believe these two versions of Saizo are actually synonymous, they’re the same Saizo. All of these aspects are present in this character that we read in event stories and main routes. Which is why I enjoy him so much. The layers are incredible. 
However, the ‘why’ on the importance of this line, then, is because of the fact that it comes from how Saizo actually views himself. Whether he said yes or no, that was his own thought on the matter. Which is why it changes his personal conflict/journey and not the character. 
So if they were to change it from one to the other, I think by looking above you can see that the JP Saizo would be a bit more tortured, passive, with a lack of control, an outer conflict he has to resolve. The EN Saizo comes off as more of a gritty character, cold and heartless, an internal struggle focus. Which I guess could be different enough to warrant a change between platforms? Though I really doubt anyone but me would sit here and contemplate all of what you just read, if you just read it. Lol. 
Either way, even if it’s a simple translation error and nothing more, it’s kind of interesting to dive into how one minor change such as that could create such different takes. 
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imagined-comfort · 5 years
Update: Current Requests!
Hello Loves! Here’s what I currently have in the inbox for requests; in the order to be answered:
Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek AOS) - Comfort - You’re worried about your low libido/greysexuality causing rifts in your intimate relationship. And you fear you’ll end up alone.
Saizo (Samurai Love Ballad Party) - Comfort - You’ve been having a hard time and feel like you can’t progress. Your family has taken notice and have told you to hurry up. You want to get away from your family but you can’t yet. TW: Suicide Mention
Lightning (FFXIII) - Comfort/Advice - You’re moving, and your anxiety is on edge. Your Mom has just given you advice of ‘Shut up and suck it up’ but you don’t think that’s working. You’re looking for advice on how to relax in a tense situation.
Noctis - Comfort - You suffer from severe depressive disorder, and anxiety and can see progress, but you’re parents keep saying you haven’t. They make you feel like a burden, and you need some comfort and hugs. 
Prompto and Ignis - Comfort - This year has been hard, you’ve done things you never wanted to do to get by. You’ve taken solace in sleep and your imagination - but your thoughts are grimsley. You had planned to end your life by your birthday if nothing changed, and you just need a plan for something else. TW: Suicide Mention
Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) - Comfort - You and your spouse are having job/money trouble, and you feel like an unlovable failure that can’t function like an adult. 
Ignis - Comfort - University has started again, and your professor has already piled on reading. And it feels daunting at all you must get done by Thursday.
I should have these completed for you in the next few days.
As always, thank you for your patience!
Much Love! ~Admin Manda
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axlolot · 6 years
but I’m serious, can you imagine how breathtakingly sexy he would be!??? i’m sweating just thinking about it fuuu
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For the ages, it’s:
25: Niles
24: Reina, Shura
23: Saizo, Orochi
22: Kagero, Azama, Helbindi
21: Benny, Setsuna, Kaze, Manon (Summoner)
20: Xander, Odin, Charlotte, Nyx, Ryoma, Bruno
19: Camilla, Jakob, Arthur, Selena, Silas, Mozu, Rinkah, Anna, Hrid
18: Felicia, Flora, Laslow, Hinoka, Azura, Oboro, Kaden, Gunnthra, Laegjarn
17: Leo, Corrin (F), Keaton, Scarlet, Kamui (M), Subaki, Alfonse
16: Effie, Beruka, Takumi, Hinata, Fjorm, Laevatein
15: Elise, Peri, Sakura, Sharena, Siegbert, Ignatius
14: Hana, Hayato, Veronica, Shiro
13: Shigure, Caeldori, Rhajat
12: Ylgr, Kiragi, Mitama
11: Percy, Velouria
9: Hisame, Soleil
8: Selkie
7: Kana (F), Naka (M) -> twins
6: Dwyer, Sophie, Nina
5: Ophelia, Forrest
4: Asugi, Midori
As for the professors, you have Mikoto (37) taking care of the beginners, Henriette (41) of the intermediates, Gustav (46) of the superiors and Izana (36) (also director of the institute) of the superiors +.
The beginner class is around one hour and a half of practice, in this case on saturday mornings. By practice this is really just merely games and stretching.
The intermediate class is taking the level a little higher, we are at two hours per week of practice separated into classes of one hour (three if necessary, regarding if they notice some have potential; it can also be the case if the class needs more practice in general (in regard to the maybe small representation they could do at the end of the year)). [the one hour class more is to teach better the ones who can maybe become professionals]
The superior class is at three hours per week, cut into two classes of one hour and a half. This class is mostly for those who intend to take dance seriously (in their case they’ll have one hour more of practice and their classes are separated into two classes of one hour and a half for one and two hours and a half for the other). But it’s really not meant to discriminate anyone, once they think they have the sufficient knowledge, they send them to the class above. [the one hour class more is for those who couldn’t/can’t become professionals but want to keep in shape]
The superior + class obliges between six and eight hours of practice per week, separated as they wish in the week, as well as up to two (necessary) hours more of practice on sunday noon. This is not the elite class, but just that they had too many capacities to stay in the superior class. 90% of this class aims to be a professional dancer, petit rat de l’opéra or else, the 10% are just the ones who didn’t give up and stayed for their friends. They are Izana’s pride though.
The classes planning is made regarding the majority for the intermediate, superior and superior +.
The evolution between classes is based on: the capacities sure, if they want to take dance as a serious project, if they want to take a more advanced class, if they are ready for that. The same is done regarding the added hour of practice for some.
The main aim of the place is not to build them into perfect classic dancers but into people who believe in themselves, are proud of themselves and who will develop capacities that will be useful to them later in their life. But if they see one pupil is particularly promising, they will lead him to more places more adapted to them.
The beginner class (4 to 10) is really just to open their little mind to creativity. It is just games and stretching. 100% fun. Mikoto is here to make sure everything goes smoothily for each of them.
The intermediate class (10 to 14) will be less fun, but will find the middle between fun and practice. For them, dance will start to get serious, and they will learn the basics more then play. 50% practice and 50% fun. Henriette is not so strict and will make sure they enjoy themselves while they work (but Gustav isn’t far since you can see around this age who can have the potential (or so I found) like I said, the institute/academy isn’t made for professionals). [the one hour more is special training for the ‘special’ ones, for example Saizo, Kamui and Reina took this special class, and this class is supervised by Gustav]
The superior class (14 to 17) is serious. They will start to get to create a project and learn how to work as a group, taking into account the boons and banes of each of them. 75% practice, 25% fun. Gustav is the most strict of all, and he takes this role very seriously.
The superior + (17 +) is more free than the superior class. It is 95% practice and 5% fun but they are doing what they love so it’s really just 20% practice and 80% fun. Izana leads them and makes sure they don’t forget the basics, but let them organize their representations as they wish.
There isn’t much difference between the superior and superior +, they almost share one big room.
The plot is: Kamui, Reina and Saizo are professionals. Izana chose the theme of their representation: Swan Lake (not so original I know, and it may change as well lololol depends on my mood). He’ll spend the following weeks choosing who will play which role, yet despite the fact Niles and Manon practiced more and more together, he chose Nyx (probably the greatest dancer of the group). After that I have no idea what will happen pahahaha. Manon will be the one announcing the news. Maybe there’ll be something like she helps him rehearse or something.
The thing is that I wanted to make like, someone is managing an instagram account of their institute (Manon), and you could have a glimpse of everything. Something like @/fatesandheroesballet, since there are only characters from these two worlds/games.
There’ll be a little side story about Nina joining the beginner class and she’ll be like her mentor or something, but Nina is a big fan of Kamui so she’ll help her met him. And Niles and Manon will just love her so much like she’s adorable and is my cute girl, how can you not ADORE her I mean!?
Niles, Manon, Saizo, Kagero, Azama, Orochi, Reina, Shura are basically the one for whom the superior + class was made. So all of them basically have known each other for 10 years or so. Later joined Charlotte, Nyx, Xander, Camilla, Ryoma, Bruno and Hrid. And then Azura, Kamui and Corrin.
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samurailovewriter · 6 years
College SLBP AU P3
Hi...remember when we had that fanfic of the samurai lords in college? Well...we finally have an update! We did Yukimura/Saizo here and the Oshu boys here. And now we’ve got Nobunaga and Mitsuhide before they hit that big college party. Enjoy! 
A Mother Hen and her Chick
In a university classroom a group of students are assembled listening to Nobunaga speak. Gathered for a club meeting, the organization facilitates cross-cultural exchange as it connects local and international students. Nobunaga is the President with Mitsuhide as his VP. Every member is attentive to every word he says while Mitsuhide takes notes.
“That’s all.” As the meeting adjourned and members began to get up and talk amongst themselves Nobunaga added, “And don’t forget to pay dues by next meeting.”
Mitsuhide gathered up his things and was just about to go talk with Nobunaga, but when he looked up he was already gone. “Damn it,” he sighed. He dashed out the classroom without even noticing that Yua, the club’s Historian, was just about to ask him something. He ran down the empty hall knowing it was too late, he would have to catch Nobunaga when he couldn’t run away. He let out a sigh.
“Can’t find him?” Yua asked, she had followed Mitsuhide down the hall.
“He’ll turn up I’m sure,” he responded with a weak smile. “We seem to have this exchange all too often,” he chuckled.
She laughed too, as they began to walk together to their respective homes. They often walked back home together whether it was after a meeting or class, although Yua’s apartment was slightly out of the way for Mitsuhide, he never minds. The walk to her apartment passed by a beautiful park and as they approached her place their pace slowed. On their walks they talked about anything and everything, and Nobunaga of course.
“He likes to get involved haha,” she laughed, “that’s not so bad.”
“It could get him into trouble.”
Just as Mitsuhide was finished his sentence they heard a sneeze…from above. They looked up and found Nobunaga sitting in a tree.
“Nobunaga! What are you doing there!? And where were you after the meeting? I told you we had things to discuss for next week,” Mitsuhide began, “Will you get down from that tree now? Why are you even over in this area?”
“Just. Enjoying the view,” he said looking between Yua and Mitsuhide causing her to blush and look away from Mitsuhide.
Also blushing he tried to get back on subject, “Were you up here the whole time?”
“No, office hours. This professor is so tedious. So what if I’m not at every class? My grades show it doesn’t matter.”
“Enough of that, come down. Our guest speaker next we-”
“Later.” Nobunaga cut him off definitively, he had quickly descended and moved towards Yua.
“You will be coming to my party, right?” He suddenly took her hand in his.
Not knowing what to do or what to say she looked towards Mitsuhide whose face carried a shocked expression. She blushed even more, “Um…will you be there Mitsuhide?”
“Of course,” Nobunaga replied turning with a smirk at Mitsuhide still holding her hand.
She wasn’t sure about the party before but by being put on the spot so suddenly and knowing at least Mitsuhide would be there she decided, “Um uh...yes! I’ll be there.”
“Great, see you later.” He turned back to Yua and smiled, then made his way back to his house through the park. Still shocked Mitsuhide stared at Yua.
She turned back towards him, “I-I’ll see you there.”
He nodded then ran after Nobunaga. “What was that!? What about Masuyo?”
“What? You wanted to know if she was coming right? Now you know. Did I do anything wrong?”
Although he was frustrated by with Nobunaga, Mitsuhide was glad to know Yua was coming to the party…he was hoping she was.
It’s the day before the party and Nobunaga sits at the kitchen table snacking on some sweets as Masuyo, his girlfriend, walks in carrying several bags and followed by Mitsuhide also carrying bags.
“Thank you Mitsuhide, you can put those down on the counter,” after she put down her bags she turned to Nobunaga, “What was this I hear about you and Yua?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Nobunaga tried to get up, but she blocked him hands on hips.
“Mitsuhide told me you made her feel uncomfortable. You forced her to come to the party?” Nobunaga shot a glare at Mitsuhide who only gave him back a passive look.
“That’s not true, I-”
“And that you may have been were flirting with her!? Really it’s one thing to…” As her voice crescendoed Mitsuhide slipped away up to his own room. He lived with Nobunaga and Masuyo, along with a few other roommates in a large house. Everyone in the household knew that if Masuyo was ever mad at Nobunaga to steer clear.  
“It’s just the way you went about it. You have to consider how she felt about it. And Mitsuhide, we all know he likes her,” said Masuyo.
“Alright, alright. I know. I’m sorry, okay,” he took her shoulders.
“And I know you weren’t really flirting with her…”
“Don’t be stupid. I was just, trying to light a fire under him.”
“I know.” She dug into one of the bags she brought in. “Help me put up these decorations.” They shared a look that said this fight was over. As they went about putting up streamers and blowing up balloons she asked,
“Do you think it worked? Is he going to go for it?”
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myotomespace · 7 years
50 More Interesting Questions
Rules: fill this out and tag at least one person you’d like to know more about! Or just fill it out! Or don’t! Answer only some of them! Make up your own questions! “What kind of requirement is that”, you ask? A reasonable one! Who am I to tell you what to do? Anything goes!
tagged by @o0w0o :3
i’ll be tagging from the start because i want them to know about me (because i consider you my friends ^^ ) : @dreamsinparadise @mellifluoussanctuary @tentori21 @nikkihime @o0w0o …
if other people want to become my friends too i absolutely don’t mind (i’m just extremly shy i can hardly start conversations lol …) 
it’s long so i’ll put it under the cut (i had to use my laptop for Tumblr to actually accept the lenth…wtf are you doing Tumblr…)
1. What kind of food can’t you stand?: when you find something that looks disgusting and not edible tell me…you can safely count that into the list of food i can’t stand.
2. If you could choose one minor inconvenience to never have to deal with again, what would you pick?: hair…. I’m sure most girls know what i mean because it’s really annoying.
3. Have you got any useless talents?: my lack of talents ?…
4. If you could be really really good at one thing, what would it be?: DRAWING… i wish i could draw … that’ll save me alot of trouble…
5. Name a few people you think are extremely good-looking: from real people none.
6. What was your favorite way to pass the time as a kid?: i don’t remember .w. …
7. What is something you’re proud of?: i don’t think i ever did something that i could be proud of.
8. What’s one character flaw in people that you just can’t tolerate?:empty pretty words… if you don’t mean something then don’t say it !
9. Do you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower?:i consider myself the neutral loner… but if i’m forced then … follower leading others is a pain.
10. What kind of student are/were you?:the normal average loner student who sits at the end of the class near the window who doesn’t say or do anything unless the professor decides otherwise.
11. Butterfly effect question! Has there ever been a seemingly minor decision you’ve made (at the time) that ended up having a profound influence on your life?: making friends that clearly are only after me because of what i can offer them and then betraying me and my trust when my period of usefulness has ended… that pushed me to the red line of almost creating a double personality which is still till now in progress…
12. Name your most irrational fear/aversion: I HATE BUGS… I DON’T SCREAM ALL THE TIME WHEN I SEE THEM BUT I CAN’T STAND THEM (i once needed to use my uncle’s bathroom but inside there were 3 FLYING COCKROACHES…. I just got out before even entering)
13. Are there any fictional characters you find especially relatable?: Saizo and Masa… My personality is a mix of parts of theirs… i feel like if i add a bit of yasu into that mix i’ll be fine dealing with anything coming my way…
14. If you drink, what kind of drunk are you? Alternatively, what sort of person are you at parties?:i don’t drink so i guess we’ll never know… and i freaking hate parties… loud noise, loud people, and clearly some people who can’t help interfering or forcing what i don’t want on me.
15. Do you fall in love easily? Or does it usually take a long time for you to trust someone?: i don’t fall in love…and i learned to not trust people… if you want it you have to deserve it.
16. Would you rather have one close friend or 100 casual friends?: one close friend… isn’t that the obvious choice anyway ?
17. Do you consider yourself to be more of a slob or a neat-freak?: in between i think…
18. Describe a place (imaginary or real) that you would find incredibly cozy: that background with the cherry tree we see in Saizo’s routes…
19. Do you have kids? If not, do you want them someday?:i don’t have… i wont have… and i don’t even want to marry… (people around me keep telling me « you have to be like this or that so you can marry » it’s really annoying… well guess what i wont freaking marry you can count on that)
20. What was your favorite book as a child?: i don’t remember .w. …
21. Name one thing you just don’t get what all the hype is about: hmm, depends on my mood… lol
22. Name one thing that you think is tragically underrated: i don’t know… i don’t care about ratings… if i like something than that’s it…
23. If you had to be glued to a person for a month, real or fictional (who you have never met), who would you choose?: that would be SAIZO… but i have a complaint about the duration… i want to be with Saizo all the time, not glued but just with him…
24. What’s something you’d like the chance to do someday?:GOING TO JAPAN !!!
25. Do you typically speak your mind when you have a controversial opinion? Or do generally prefer to not rock the boat?: i don’t speak my mind… i mind my own business.
26. What’s the dumbest fad you’ve been caught up in?:do falling unceremoniously from the stairs of my school count ?… i was in a hurry ok…and the person in front of me just abruptly stopped out of nowhere which made me miss my step… that was so embarrassing omg…
27. What’s something you thought was cool as a kid/adolescent, but now cringe at yourself for?: i don’t know… XD
28. What’s a trait you consider to be very admirable?: acceptance… accepting people as they are…
29. Is there a particular kind of item people always tend to give you as gifts? (For instance, people always get you things with ducks on them because you like ducks, etc.): i never received a gift… so i won’t know
30. Do you speak multiple languages? Which ones?:i do, leaving my mother language out (which i hate for no reason…) i speak French and English… now self-learning japanese when i have free time.
31. Would you rather live in the big city or the countryside?: countryside… i want PEACE AND QUIET.
32. Has there ever been something you were certain you’d hate, but ended up loving?: yes… though i don’t remember what it was exactly._. …
33. Do you mind being the center of attention, or do you prefer the spotlight to be on someone else?: definitely AND ABSOLUTELY NOT !  
34. Favorite holiday?: most of them
35. Are you a more go-with-the-flow type of person, or do you need to have things planned meticulously?: go with the flow xD
36. Is there something you loved so much you wish you could forget it and experience it all over again? (A tv show, book, series–anything.):i don’t want to forget it … but i want to experience it all over again.
37. What hobbies do you have?: OTOME … also cooking sweets which my mother doesn’t let me do…
38. If you could have a superpower, but it was only mildly useful, what ability would you want to have?: INVISIBILITY !! Don’t ask me why… i could spend days telling the reasons…
39. Something people are always surprised to learn about you: i don’t know… even mother doesn’t exactly know me… they only know what i want them to know…
40. Something that took you way too long to figure out: that if i want to survive in my society… i have to be always alone, indifferent and not trusting and to not freaking share my excessive kindness and sensitivity with people… because it hurts so much later…
41. Worst injury you’ve had?: i was once furious because of my professor at that time… after lunch at home father forced me to go cut a watermelon which I didn’t want to do… and because of my anger i ended up cutting deep into the skin between my thumb and index finger of my right hand… it hurt so much… and it took me a month to completely heal…
42. Any morbid fascinations?: i am not answering this
43. Describe your sense of humor:i don’t think i have it… probably sarcasm… but only inside my head.
44. If you had to be born in another era/place, which would you choose?:as long as it’s in slbp world, i don’t care :D
45. Something you are irredeemably bad at:DRAWING… which is annoying because i can’t get my OC drawn D : … and i can’t pay for a commission too TwT… oh well as long as i can imagine it in my head then it’s fine.
46. Something that sucked but you’re glad you went through: changing town every 3 or 4 years since i was a kid… thank god we don’t have to anymore…
47. Would you rather have a really godawful ugly tattoo in a place that is only slightly inconvenient to conceal with clothing (upper arm, thigh, etc.), or the coolest, most beautiful tattoo ever in the middle of your face? (Neither tattoo can be removed or concealed with makeup, and the ugly tattoo will deeply offend anyone who sees it.): both are HELL NO when i want one i’ll get it done where i want it and unless i’m certain it’ll turn out GOOD i’m doing anything… on the other hand i want to stay natural.
48. Are you more of an optimist or a pessimist?: PESSIMIST TO A FAULT…
49. What would be the most flattering compliment someone could give you?: unless you absolutely mean it then don’t even think about saying it… because you are deceiving no one…
50. Something you feel people often misunderstand about you: everything about me… people paint me in the color they want to see me in… not that i actually do something to correct it… if people really want to understand me they’ll figure it out by themselves.
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pikespendragon67 · 7 years
Late Birthday Present for writer-of-worlds!
Beginning Commentary: SO, my writing friend, @writer-of-worlds, had a birthday in April. I, however, was too caught up with schoolwork to do anything for them at that time. But now I have a few days off before summer school, I decided to make up for that. Happy late birthday~!
This is a modern AU I came up with a while ago…which was developed because I thought Kaze would look nice in a short-sleeved dress shirt and glasses. If this is interesting enough, I can elaborate more on this.
“You know, Kaze, you seem to be quite distracted today,” the older man with his teal hair in a messy ponytail commented, placing a pile of books down on the closest surface he could approach.
The younger man with the clean-cut yet still relatively long (for a man, that is) green hair, aged to be around his college years, blinked and freed himself from his daydreaming pose.
“Ah, my apologies, Sir,” Kaze quickly spoke, immediately snapping his attention to his boss. “I won’t let it happen again.”
“Come now, Kaze. I may be your employer, but I’ve also known you since you were a boy. If something troubles you, I’m open to chat with you. I’ve yet to reach the level of heartless CEO, after all.”
True, Yukimura’s book shop was still in its mom-and-pop phase of business; he only managed to open it around four years ago. How it was being slightly successful in the digital area is up to anyone’s guess, though.
“Very well,” Kaze sighed. “Corrin’s birthday is soon approaching and I still have no idea what to do for her. I tried buying tickets for one of her favorite bands, but they sold out the second they were released to the general public.”
“Ah, I see. Are there any other performances she might be interested in?”
“Unfortunately, no. …Unless she were somehow into polka music.”
Yukimura chuckled slightly before clearing his throat.
“And I’m certain you’re far past the phase of giving each other gift cards, correct?”
“If it were just a gift card, I feel she’d think I would break up with her. No, I want this to be special, Sir. We’ve been together for a few months now, with this being the first birthday of hers where we’re a couple.”
“In that case, don’t go too overboard so that you don’t scare her off. If you show too much dedication, she’ll think you’re obsessed with her. I’d say hold off on the very expensive gifts after a few years have passed, such as jewelry.”
“Well noted. Do you have any other suggestions?”
“Hm… How about a trip to the observatory run by Professor Izana? I’ve heard he’s quite a romantic, so a tale such as yours could easily get you in.”
Now it was Kaze’s turn to chuckle, a warm smile staying on his face afterward.
“That might actually work. Thank you so very much.”
“Not a problem. …Though, could you please return to work? I know this might be a slow day, but I still want us to be ready for customers.”
“Yes, Sir.”
Once work had finished, Kaze returned to his apartment complex building. Before he entered his own, though, a thought occurred to him.
Would the observatory be enough for her? I feel she should also get a material gift. …But what?
Kaze thinned his lips, but then decided to go three doors down to hear other opinions on the matter.
He gently knocked on the door, to which he was greeted by his four-year-old nephew Asugi.
“Hi, Uncle Kaze!” Asugi exclaimed.
Kaze smiled and got to the boy’s eye level, soon ruffling his black hair.
“Hello to you, too, Asugi.”
“Asugi, I told you not to open the door without asking who’s at it!” A woman with her long, black hair in a ponytail and bangs covering her face gently scolded him.
“I’m sorry, Mom…” Asugi pouted.
She sighed, but then paid attention to the man in question. “Oh, hello Kaze. Saizo won’t be home from the restaurant until later tonight.”
“Sorry to bother you, Kagero. I was actually hoping you could help me come up with a present for Corrin’s birthday.”
“Get her a bunch of candy!” Asugi exclaimed.
“Now now, we don’t want her to get cavities like you would,” Kagero smiled. “How about you go play in your room while I help your uncle?”
“Okay, but I hope I get candy for my birthday.”
With that, the boy closed the door, and Kagero offered Kaze a place to sit on the couch.
“Can I get you anything?” She asked in the small kitchen.
“No thank you, I’m fine,” Kaze replied.
And so, they sat opposite of each other.
“So, what do you need my help in?” Kagero asked.
“Has Corrin told you about anything she’s had her eye on? I assume Orochi must gossip about these sorts of things and you are her closest friend.”
“Then why not approach her?”
“She drains too much energy from me, if I’m being honest…”
“Yes, she does tend to do that. Let’s see… I believe last Tuesday she told me that she saw Corrin walk into Oboro’s boutique during her lunch break.”
“Interesting. …It’s not too expensive there, correct?”
Kagero held a laugh in.
“Fear not, Kaze. I’m sure you can afford her wares on your salary. After all, you don’t have to buy her a complete outfit.”
“Ah…yes. Good to know…”
“…You were planning on that, weren’t you?”
“N-no, of course not.”
He soon looked away from her to hide his embarrassment.
Kaze made note to thank his lucky stars, as the observatory was only fifteen minutes away from town. Professor Izana, although busy with his work, was surprisingly approachable and…quite eccentric.
He’s almost an exact clone of Orochi… Kaze remarked to himself.
As he told his story the good astronomer, Izana looked at him as if he were telling the juiciest gossip, and gasped at the end. He wholeheartedly agreed that Corrin should be treated to a night under the stars, and told Kaze he would clear everything up by next Saturday.
Kaze thanked him, but before he could leave, Izana asked him to go over whether he wanted a laser show or not.
At first, Kaze was confused as he entered the boutique. It was clearly made for women, and he had no idea which item Corrin solely focused on. What if he got her something she would think was ugly by accident? He was half tempted to call Kagero and ask her to go with him so she could give him her input, or to at least get Orochi’s number so he could talk with her about this.
The store’s owner, Oboro, herself eventually walked out to see what was wrong, and he explained his woes to the blue haired woman. She snickered, saying that men tended to be clueless about these sorts of things, but still offered her help. Oboro apparently recalled Corrin looking at a new black and white scarf, but told her that she couldn’t afford it yet.
Ah, now I see. This would match with her hair and favorite headband, Kaze thought.
Fortunately, Kaze actually had the money to purchase said scarf.
Corrin was the kind of girl who preferred sleeping in on the weekend, which made being a light sleeper sensitive to light and sound quite annoying. Such as the case when her phone buzzed on the nearby nightstand. She groaned and pulled her sheets over her head, further messing up her long, white hair, until she remembered:
OH, RIGHT! Today’s my birthday!
Birthday texts began flooding since last night at midnight, with the first sender being her mother of all people. With all the texts, though, Kaze had yet to message her. She was starting to get worried until she got a buzz.
you are free tonight yes?
Corrin squeaked. He was always so formal with her and she thought it was adorable.
yep~! ;3
Perfect. i’ll pick you up at 6. :-)
She had to remember that her cousin and roommate, Azura, was sleeping in the next room and to prevent screaming on the top of her lungs, she buried her head in her pillow and squealed. Corrin couldn’t really explain why she was as excitable as she was now. Normally, she felt more of a mature bond with her boyfriend of seven months, as she did her best to act her age around him, but today she felt like a high schooler all over again.
Azura had given Corrin an iTunes gift card for $50 along with a cute little card with an iguana on it before she had to head off for rehearsals. She received a Facetime chat with her “siblings” (family friend’s children) all the way in Nohr (in order: Xander, Camilla, Leo, and Elise) all wishing her a happy birthday before Xander had to leave for a business meeting. A few hours after breakfast and a quick shower, her stepsiblings of Hoshido (in order: Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura) had coerced her to eating lunch with them and spending most of the afternoon in the local square.
“We wanted to plan a surprise party, but our restaurant has another party planned tonight,” Corrin’s red-headed older sister Hinoka sighed.
“Yes, one of our shareholders Anna decided to have a family reunion,” the man with the long, spiky black hair named Ryoma added.
“Nothing wrong with that, I’m glad I can spend time with you at all!” Corrin smiled.
Ryoma gave Corrin a commissioned painting of flowers, saying that Kagero had quite an eye when she was serious about her artwork. Hinoka presented a model aircraft, which at first confused everyone until Corrin told them that the two of them bonded over flight shows. Takumi did his best to act like he didn’t care when he gave his older half-sister a copy of the fourth book in The Illusionary Mages saga, one of their favorite series. And Sakura timidly gave Corrin a little pink plush dragon.
After doing some window shopping, Corrin had returned home to relax and continue reading birthday messages as she snacked away on her hidden junk food stash. Azura was a complete health nut, so she had to make sure she wouldn’t get any crazy ideas.
…Speaking of crazy ideas…
babe are we going to a fancy restaurant tonight? Corrin typed.
After a few minutes, a response appeared.
oh no i’m sorry :-(
Whew, I can eat before we go, then.
dont worry i still love you <3 we can hang out after this?
i would like that very much :-)
Corrin laughed to herself, he started typing with emoticons not too long after the two started dating and even after all this time, he was still doing the basics. She couldn’t wait to see how he would react to emojis.
A knock on the door was soon to be heard, and after doing some last minute touch-ups, Corrin took a deep breath and opened the door.
“HEY!” She exclaimed, soon launching herself into her boyfriend’s arms. Fortunately, Kaze was grounded well enough to not fall backward in this surprise attack.
“Happy birthday, dear,” Kaze said after sharing a short kiss and pressing his forehead against hers. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yep, let me just lock the door behind me. So, what do you have planned for tonight, hm?”
“That’s a surprise.”
“Ooh, this is gonna be good.”
Corrin bounced a little, which Kaze found utterly adorable.
Kaze once again made note to thank his lucky stars, as his roommate Silas had agreed to let him borrow the car for this occasion. Silas was a pleasant guy in general, but he was serious about his car. One time, someone scratched it and it took all of Silas’ willpower not to yell at the one responsible.
“Saizo wanted me to tell you happy birthday as well, as he’s busy at the restaurant tonight,” Kaze said as he opened Corrin’s door for her.
“Ah, okay. For a second there I thought he disliked me,” Corrin joked. “After all, Kagero and Asugi actually sent me a video with him not there.”
“He’s never been one for celebrations, if I’m to be honest.”
Because it was her birthday, Kaze allowed Corrin to listen to her favorite station. However, he still preferred a quiet car so he could focus more and be able to speak clearly without talking over whatever music Corrin was listening to.
“We’re heading out of town?” Corrin asked. “Oh gosh, oh gosh.”
Kaze chuckled a bit.
“Don’t worry, dear, I’m not planning anything malicious.”
“Kaze, you’re too sweet to do anything malicious. I’m just getting excited is all.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Plus you have to remember I’ve been taking that self-defense class.”
“I remember, poor Jakob had his back out for nearly three days when you demonstrated your prowess to me.”
Kaze made sure to park a little distance away from the observatory, as he wanted to surprise Corrin as much as he could. He wanted to have her eyes closed until they approached it, but anyone could see the observatory nearly a mile away with how big it was.
“I haven’t seen this place before,” Corrin said. “Is it new?”
Whew, the surprise isn’t completely ruined.
“It is for you,” Kaze smiled, once again opening Corrin’s door for her and holding his hand out for her to hold onto.
They approached the normal-looking doorway and into a slightly dark hallway. Kaze made sure to help Corrin up a spiral staircase, and they soon approached Professor Izana standing in front of his desk and a telescope.
“Welcome, welcome! I’m Professor Izana, but please call me Izana!” He eagerly shook Corrin’s hand.
“Oh, hello. I’m Corrin,” she laughed awkwardly. “Nice to meet you.”
“Very lovely to meet you, as well. Your boyfriend here wanted to make tonight extra special, so you must be quite the special little lady.”
“Uh, thank you…”
Kaze cleared his throat.
“Oh, right! We’re in for a real treat tonight, so please, head back downstairs and follow the light filled hallway to find your seats.”
“He sure is spontaneous,” Corrin whispered.
“Indeed,” Kaze remarked quietly. “Still a nice fellow, though. I promise.”
The two found their seats, which Corrin remarked was like a movie theater, and the dome ceiling slowly opened itself up. Corrin gasped as the night sky revealed itself, a very nice shade of navy blue mixed with a few lighter shades, clear of any clouds, and thanks to the lack of city lights, the stars could actually be seen.
“There’s so many,” Corrin said under her breath.
“Beautiful, aren’t they?” Kaze grinned as he held onto Corrin’s hand.
“They’re incredible!”
Corrin gasped once more when she noticed a shooting star. The first shooting star of that night, as it were.
“A meteor shower?! I can’t believe that the sky decided to give me a meteor shower for my birthday!”
Kaze was stunned, he certainly hadn’t planned for that to happen. He looked over to the window above him and noticed Izana giving him a thumb’s up.
Is this a special effect, then? Kaze thought.
“Oh, Kaze, this is wonderful!” Corrin exclaimed, soon wrapping her arms around Kaze’s shoulders and kissing his cheek in rapid succession.
“Well, I actually had another gift that I found the other day…” Kaze said as he tried to reach for the gift. Corrin halted after he spoke, and he managed to give her a small pink box with a black ribbon tied on it.
Corrin once again gasped (this must be a new record) as the black and white scarf appeared.
“OH MY… HOW DID YOU KNOW!?” Corrin squeaked.
“Let’s just say I had a friend to help.” Kaze pressed a small kiss on Corrin’s cheek this time. “Happy birthday, my love.”
Corrin felt like her heart could burst right out of her chest with how sweet Kaze was being. She immediately stood out of her seat and sat right on Kaze’s lap to wrap her arms around his shoulders once more and kiss him this time on the lips. …And repeated that action for a few minutes or so.
“Well now I have to find a way to make your birthday as special as this one,” Corrin spoke as she attempted to catch her breath.
“Honestly, you don’t have to…” Kaze blushed.
“But babe, you’re always such a sweetheart to me! Can’t I be a sweetheart to you?”
She gave him a big pair of puppy dog eyes and an overdramatic quivering lip. Kaze couldn’t help himself from laughing softly.
“Alright, I’ll let you do that. But just to let you know, I’ve always thought you were a sweetheart.”
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minnimay17 · 7 years
Soul mates ( part 3 )
It was reflex when she pulled the unfamiliar arm off her shoulder only to let go a second later recognizing the yelp. “That's some strength you got there doll” he whistled shaking out his arm. “You’re lucky I realized it was you Date, do you need something?” (mc) asked him amused. “I can't walk a friend to class without wanting something?” he asked cheekily. "No” she replied simply. “That hurts doll…” he pouted. “But is it a lie?” she asked voice amused. “Not entirely…. It's about mMsa, he seems to get along well with you and-” he was cut off. “Masamune and I are just friends, besides he likes another girl” she told him seriously as they sat down for class. “Who?” he asked eyes wide. “None of you or Katakura’s business. When he is ready to make a move he’ll make it. You two need to worry about your own love life….or lack there of.“ (mc) told him firmly. "Ouch doll, that's below the belt” he murmured softly as the professor started talking. He didn't like it, seeing her walking with Date shigezane chatting. He was unabashedly flirting with her and she was letting him. The guy was a player he knew she had more sense than that. He watched as they disappeared into class before yukimura dragged him to his own. “What's gotten into you saizo?” he asked as they sat. “Nothing dear” he told him simply and looked out the window as the lecture began. After class she met up with them thankfully alone. “Hey (mc), you're good at math right?” yukimura asked as they sat at a bench during a break between classes. “Sure, what you got?” she asked sitting next to him as he pulled out his books. Saizo’s eyes narrowed. Not even a blush and they were practically almost touching. He wasn't sure he liked how used to her he was becoming and he wasn't quite sure why…. “Oh wow it looks so simple when you do it! I think I got it now thanks (mc)” yukimura stated smiling back at her. "Anytime” she replied simply blinking when she heard saizo mutter about something but when she looked at him his expression was normal with no trace of irritation to be found. “I better head for my next class” she told them looking at her watch. “Want me to walk you?” yukimura offered oblivious to saizo’s mood. “You'll be late for your class if you do that dear, leave the little lady to me” Saizo told him suddenly by her side. “Alright then, catch you later” yukimura answered smiling. ��What is your problem? ” (mc) asked him as soon as they were out of earshot. “Why would there be a problem?” he countered dodging the question. “You're acting like you did when hotaru refused to let go of me when I saved him from those bullies when we were kids” she replied frowning. “Look at that, your class little lady, I'll see you later.” he informed her before walking off. She swore sometimes she just wanted to strangle him, he was the most annoying guy she knew. She took it back, there was no way in hell Saizo was more annoying than the guy she ended up sitting by. If he called her a succubus one more time she was bashing his girly face into his desk….repeatedly...preferably against the corner. “You sat next to me ass, next time get to class earlier for a different seat” she growled at him as class ended. She was so exhausted by the time she got home it wasn't funny. Why were most of her problems men, she wasn't even dating one and they caused her nothing but headaches. She needed more girl friends like...well maybe not exactly like Yuki. Glancing up she looked at the calendar two more days till the festival. She couldn't decide if she was nervous or excited more,Saizo had never seen her all dressed up. Knowing him tho he probably wouldn't say a thing. Maybe she shouldn't do it after all... @demon-princess-anastasia @kitty-kat-ty @annamreed @otomefromtheheart @tearscrime @carinecaldre69 @suzunesays @honeybeelily @eneri0114 @kiniloves @frywen-babbles @thedreamingotaku @dragon-princess-of-yonezawa @you-mass-effect-my-dragon-age @lexiauteur
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nobuyukia · 8 years
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Samurai Love Ballad Party College AU : Professor Ieyasu
The Kai Dorm The Rapidash of Kai
“I’m late!” Yukimura huffed, grabbing a box of cereal.
“Who do you have first today?” Saizo yawned pulling out a bowl for himself.
“Professor Tokugawa.”
“Don’t worry dear. I have your funeral costs covered.”
“You’re five minutes late.”
No one in the lecture hall met his eyes, as he bolted through the door, only the cheery looking blonde teacher. They were all staring ahead at the projector. “This feels so weird.” a chill pulsed through the young Sanada’s body.
“He’s smiling.” Yukimura thought. “He can’t be as bad as....”
“Do you want me to fail you ?” the lecturer asked still smiling brightly like a child who got his favourite toy. This man’s toy seemed to be his students’ misery.
“Then join us but don’t sit at the back..or I’ll fail you.”
“Don’t answer me as “Ok.”. It’s yes Dr. Tokugawa or I’ll fail you again.”
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