#fire emblem inspired au idea
teecupangel · 10 months
*raises hand* I'm very interested in any FE x AC crossover ideas you have
I've personally had a couple of thoughts about dropping Desmond into fates because I think him playing off of Saizo would be funny
From @a-faint-hope
Thanks and I would be interested in your FE x AC crossover ideas.
First of all, here’s an AC AU idea based on the Engage rings system.
Okay, I have 2 sorta kinda vague ideas:
One is an actual crossover set in Fodlan, specifically during Three Hopes. This one came to me when I was playing the demo for Three Hopes. So a bit of a ‘sidenote’, Three Hopes started its marketing during the time I’m super into AC (still am, still here) so whenever I would talk about Shez to my FE friends, I keep typing Shay instead. It got so bad that I honestly couldn’t remember Shez’s name for a while and I just kept typing it as Shay.
How about a Three Hope scenario where Shay Cormac wakes up in the middle of nowhere and a person that calls themselves Arval can talk to them ‘telepathically’, telling him that they were connected by something that Arval themselves do not know what. Only that they woke up because they felt Shay. Shay looks around and… it was a battlefield.
He had woken up in a battlefield.
Left with no idea of what was happening and where he was, Shay travels to find more information, forming a sort of alliance with Arval as both of them need information to know why Shay is here in this strange land and why Arval has woken up inside Shay.
During their travels, Shay helps out three students who were running from bandits and is taken in by the Church of Seiros where he becomes an instructor. Shay knows that the woman called Lady Rhea is trying to keep him in check and close to find out who he truly is and where he came from.
For now, they give him the position of being one of the instructors and he gets to choose which ‘house’ he’d be the professor of.
Thinking of it for a while, Shay decides to pick Black Eagle because…
The young heir to the Adestrian Empire, Edelgard, reminded him so much of Haytham Kenway.
Shay’s appearance changes a lot of things, mainly because of his Eagle Vision. He realizes where the bandits hideout is and Edelgard’s ‘suggestions’ led them to the right direction (with Shay suspecting that Edelgard knows more than she’s letting on) and they manage to save Monica before the ritual, whatever that is.
Because of Monica’s survival and Edelgard taking in Shay’s inclusion to her plans, the whole thing goes very similar to Three Hopes’ prologue and Edelgard requests that Shay becomes one of her ‘vassals’ and help her rid Fodlan of its corruption and give way to real peace, not this fake peace that the three nations were pretending they had under the iron grip of the Church.
Shay, not having any other options and also thinking of the Black Eagle (especially Edelgard who always seemed lonely in Shay’s eyes) as his responsibility and having become close to them, agrees and becomes part of the Adrestian Empire’s army.
During the war phase, they learned that Jeralt’s Mercenary, the most powerful mercenary group in all of Fodlan, had been hired by the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus who, at the moment, is keeping Archbishop Rhea and her closest ‘confidants’ safe and giving them sanctuary. Apparently, the one who suggested that King Dimitri buy Jeralt’s Mercenary group was no one other than the Ashen Demon themselves, Byleth. But… that sounds more like a rumor at the moment.
As if that wasn’t enough, Shay realized that a certain group from House Riegan… wore white, had access to actual Hidden Blades (forged in materials found in this world) and… they call their leader ‘mentor’.
That’s as far as I got.
The main idea is:
Shay stays with Edelgard because Edelgard reminded him of Haytham Kenway and he thinks of the Black Eagle students as like siblings/children he couldn’t help but care for. He’s especially fond of Petra who may or may not have been getting one-on-one lessons from Shay to be more… Assassin-y.
Byleth may or may not have memories of the events of both Three Hopes and Three Houses. By the time Shay first sees them, they already have light green hair. (Byleth’s gender in this one is also a “???” as I usually write female!Byleth but, for this one, who knows?). Of course, I won’t deny that Byleth coming to Faerghus is absolutely because of Dimileth XD
The Almyra section has actually been done by the time the war phase starts as a man known as the ‘mentor’ had recruited people in Almyra (both local Almyrans, immigrants and even foreigners) and created a Brotherhood. Almyra is stable at the moment politically and the king of Almyra had requested that the mentor lend a hand on Leicester Alliance as part of their ‘tentative’ alliance with the Roundtable of Leicester Alliance. The mentor takes no orders from the Alliance but he and Claude are ‘friendly’ enough that he will listen to Claude’s plans but he’ll do whatever he wants in the end. No one know where the mentor came from although Claude is friendly enough to call him by his name… ‘Desmond’.
My other AC x FE idea is actually… uuuhh… AC characters set in an FE type of scenario?
The plot’s very barebone and might sound familiar:
Desmond wakes up in a place he doesn’t recognize and people he knew starts popping up but… they’re the same people he knew. They have the same name and looks the same and have similar personalities, only… ‘tweaked’ to the setting where magic is real and there are dragons (“They’re called wyverns”, yeah okay) and apparently Desmond was found in an underground temple where the ‘hope of the world’ is meant to be.
Because this world is currently in war with an unknown force that destroys everything in its path with an army of unknown origins and the nations of the world are trying to find a solution to this problem. The enemy army itself seemed to be made up of statues with glowing white light.
Desmond and his group are attacked and he realized that the statues all have the glow of a POE… and their armor and weaponry… looked very similar for some reason.
They are saved by the prince of the nearest country and… things spiral from there.
Main idea:
Desmond gets to be the Avatar of this scenario. He starts of with the class that has a proficiency with swords (A), dagger (A), and bow (A).
Rebecca is one of the two people who finds Desmond. She’d probably be either a tank type or a monk type.
Shaun is obviously the other one and he’d be a tome type (if Rebecca is a tank, he would also have access to staves).
Now, for the other nations and their ‘playable characters’:
Altaïr would be the Lord of his nation although he’s technically just a prince when he meets (rescue?) Desmond. He has proficiency in Daggers (A), Sword (S) and Tomes (S) and his Lord class would be a Flying Unit (I’m thinking an actual Eagle because Griffin Knights are mostly known as non-magical units).
Malik and Kadar would be his vassals and they share the same class but with different proficiency (with Kadar having Staves while Malik has Tomes) aka: they’re the Abel and Cain archetype of this idea.
Kadar would be the first actual dedicated healer that the party would get if Shaun doesn’t have Staff proficiency.
(If they get promoted, they’d get flying classes which will become the Pegasus Sisters archetype with Altaïr XD)
Ezio would be the next Lord that they’d encounter although he’s just the second son of one of the nobles in their kingdom. He has proficiency in Bow (A), Lance (S) and Staves (S) and his Lord class will be a Ground Unit (look, there’s too many sword proficiency going around. We need to have the Weapon Triangle here XD)
Claudia would be one of his vassals. Not sure what her proficiency would be but one of them has to be Dagger.
Not sure on who his other vassal would be. Machiavelli being a magic type would be a good choice. La Volpe or Yusuf being Thief type classes would be good too. An absolutely left field would be Lo Sparviero taking the Aptitude trait (kinda like Donnel/Mozu/Jean).
Ratonhnhaké:ton would be the third Lord that Desmond recruits and he’s the clan mother’s grandson. He has proficiency in Bow (S), Axe (S) and Dagger (A) and his Lord class will be a Cavalry Unit (Either a wolf or a bear).
Aveline would be one of his vassals and she would have three possible classes to change into.
Kanen'tó:kon would be his other vassal and he’d be a tank unit.
Other than them… uuuhhh… possible other characters:
Haytham Kenway with Shay Cormac and Charles Lee (otherwise, they’d be reoccurring enemy units)
Edward Kenway with Adéwalé and Edward Thatch (Mary Read, Anne Bonny and Calico Jack are also with him though). They’ll be encountered on a ship stage, of course.
Arno Dorian with Pierre and Leon. If we don’t give Ezio Lo Sparviero as his vassal, Leon will have the Aptitude trait and be our Donnel/Mozu/Jean. Pierre might betray the party, maybe?
Henry Green with the Frye Twins. Jacob is a melee unit while Evie is a magic unit.
Aya with Bayek and Apollodorus under the command of their ruler Cleopatra. They’d be encountered as enemies first because of an order from Cleopatra. Bayek has the hero class (sword and shield), Aya is on the thief class line and Apollodorus would either be a tank or a lance type class.
Kassandra would be all on her own for some reason. She seems to have more idea than she lets on. If left up to me, I’ll make her miserable and turn her into a Tiki archetype XD
Eivor with Hytham and Randvi. They’re all looking for Basim and Sigurd (the ruler of their nation) who went missing some time ago. Eivor and Randvi would be the Axe-Bros archetype. XD
I was thinking of who the Jagen would be and all I can think of is Bill. He’ll be the overpowered promoted unit who would soon fall behind due to stat allocation and growth rates. To hammer it in, he will also be the “soon to be dead parental figure” Cornelius archetype as well. XD
Dropping Desmond into Fates would be fun too. A Desmond in Hoshido versus Corrin in Nohr would be the ‘easy’ choice or… you know… Corrin finds Desmond sleeping in Valla after she chose the Revelations route? I like the idea of Desmond acting like Corrin and Azura’s big brother because, holy shit, they’re too young to be in this kind of fucked up situation! Honestly, I can just see Desmond casually talking to Saizo while Saizo’s in his entire serious glory XD
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kiose · 1 year
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Maybe one day... and THAT day is TODAY
A little flashback for the Football League AU If ya dream big you too, like RD, can make it to the big leagues 💪 (Thank ya to all the peeps leaving nice comments and tags for the AU, I’m glad to see I’m not the only one having fun :P)
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darkflierazura · 1 year
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Some misc Soren doodles while I brain rot and wait for his brave alt in Feh.
I finally have gotten to play bloodborne : ) : ) : )
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cartoonnonsensegirl · 7 months
Imagine if FE3H used classic orchestra pieces (including the most memed ones) for the BGM instead of an original score.
Here are my ideas:
Edelgard/Black Eagles: Gustav Holst's "Mars, the Bringer of War"
Dimitri/Blue Lions: Edvard Grieg's "In the Hall of the Mountain King"
Claude/Golden Deer: Edvard Grieg's "Morning Mood"
I'm also trying to think of classical pieces for the other characters, and pivotal plot points. I was thinking "Flight of the Bumblebee" for Ferdinand, "Night on Bald Mountain" anytime something villainous happens, and maybe the "1812 Overture" whenever there's a victory for the good guys (any route). Maybe "Aquarium" from the Carnival of the Animals for Flayn...suggestions are welcome!
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finn0la · 1 year
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i rewatched mad max fury road, so here's a post-apocalyptic AU. more thoughts/info under the cut :P
design stuff:
nami is inspired by a mix of furiosa and her beta design where she had a prosthetic arm and an axe. she was my favorite to draw 100%
second favorite to draw was law, mostly because of the beak mask and his ribcage top.
law's tattoo is. different! from normal, and i had no reason whatsoever to do that, but you can thank this post anyway <3
i had a hard time deciding on what luffy's weapon of choice would be but i settled on a bastardization of the gauntlets in fire emblem.
luffy's little coat thing is basically ripped 1:1 from his outfit in the 3d2y movie because i just think it's cute tbh
au stuff:
i feel like this au would be able to work fairly similarly to canon, just with a desert instead of an ocean.
in the place of ships they'd just have tricked out cars/war rigs like in mad max. franky and usopp maintain the sunny still of course.
the details of the apocalypse itself are kinda irrelevant, but in my head it's probably something similar to whatever the world government pulled during the void century. either way it happened LONG before any of the current characters were born.
the warlords can pretty easily translate over, as can the emperors, into. well. warlords! except the former work with the remaining government to some extent.
the government does still exist, but they kinda don't have a lot of control over the open desert, especially far away from settlements. army enforcers still patrol around, though.
part of me wants to still call the marines 'the marines' because i think it's funny in a desert! unless i can think of a better name that's probably what i'll go with.
next up will most likely be sanji, robin, zoro + a bonus worst generation member (i'm leaning towards kid). i also want to do an ASL piece at some point. hopefully i have time to draw them all because i have SOOOO many ideas...if anyone else has thoughts or ideas of their own, PLEASE let me know in the tags/comments!! i absolutely love reading them. <3
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dois-funnyzone · 1 month
fire emblem three houses/byleth eisner enjoyers i need some assistance
i feel like there's a small group of people who headcanon or depict the two versions of byleth as two separate entities that coexist with one another. siblings, even. that's cool!! i do that with robin and corrin, and i wanna extend a similar treatment to the byleths, but not sure how to go about it
for one, i always struggled with coming up with a separate name for them. i know the two genders have a different name in japanese, but it always sounded awkward in english. was wondering if anyone had any alternative approaches to naming them
also, just wondering how three house's plot would be affected if there were two byleths. mainly, for people that think about this sort of thing, how do people rewrite three house's story or byleth's character (if at all) to accommodate the two? (i realize the 'what if the byleths were siblings' concept is probably just a cute doodle idea and not a deep rewrite project like i'm trying to set out to do but i might as well ask anyway)
been thinking of just making one of them Normal without any crest or Sothis shenanigans. that's sort of how i approach my robin siblings au where one of them is just a guy while the other is the vessel as seen in the original game.
BASICALLY i wanna see if i can get some ideas and inspiration from other creatives that like to depict the byleths as two separate characters. i don't really plan on making any sort of work based on my findings, it's mainly an itch i wanna scratch since again i've given a similar treatment to the past avatar characters.
many thanks to those who wish to contribute ^^
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mochipicchu776 · 4 months
1am thoughts about a fic in progress and why it is the way it is in case anyone was wondering.
Ok I know no one was wondering but I just wanted to share this tidbit with anyone who wants to read my ramblings.
A few months ago, I wrote the first few chapters of a Crimson Flower Dimileth fic heavily inspired by offering boxes (saisen) found at Shinto and Buddhist shrines.
Irl at these shrines, it is common to toss coins into the box as an offering to the gods, usually in small humble amounts, so anyone rich or poor will be able to grant an offering.
The most popular choice is the five cent coin, a round coin with a circular cutout in the center.
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五円 Go-en (five yen) is a humble choice but also is popular because it is a play on words of 御縁 Go-en, which is a phenomenon believed as the unseen connection that binds someone together. Upon offering the coin, it establishes a respectful relationship to the diety of the shrine.
Wake up babe, here's where we get to the part about Fire Emblem.
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In my fic, the diety is not just Sothis, but "The Grim Dragon," the Nabatean god of the underworld.
The Blaiddyd crest has always had a very eerie connotation, whether in the form of Dimitri's ghosts (depending on your hc), or the original owner of the Crest stone, who's name we only know as the Grim Dragon Sign from the crest signs bought with renown in NG+.
After hearing Claude and Annette's A support, the "Creepy Creeps" in Annette's song are actually the dead, extending their reach from the underworld to try to return to the land of the living. Apparently, these are old Kingdom myths, but in my fic, they are reality.
The dead residing in Fharghus are sent to the underworld, and after the Battle of Tailtean Plains in CF, Dimitri is killed and bound to the afterlife ruled by the Grim Dragon. Distraught by the death of her old love, after Edelgard had spared Claude, Byleth suspected Edelgard had him killed out of jealousy, not for political reasons.
Jaded, Byleth mourns Dimitri's death at his grave, the very spot he perished. When Linhardt can't stand her moping around any longer, he tells her of the old Fharghan myth, sparking an idea to bring him back.
She figures with the power of the Goddess (she still has it at this point), she can establish a connection to the realm of death to the realm of life, by planting a blessed tree. The roots take hold and the Grim Dragon demands a hefty offering for the soul of his kin. Coins such as the five cent coin, are granted through an offering box.
Like all dragons, they are greedy, always demanding more for their hoard. I'd say more but that's for the next chapter to explain.
Before Byleth can offer enough to satisfy the dragon, Edelgard catches wind and has her killed by her ex-lover, Jeritza. Unable to finish her task, Byleth's body is dragged off the property to prevent her from joining Dimitri in the afterlife. (I'm being very mean to El in this one but I swear it's for plot reasons).
Thousands of years go by, and everyone has reincarnated into a Modern AU Fodlan run by the Empire, where the tales of old Fharghus is frowned upon, and the practices of the natives are seen as taboo.
We are always connected by the threads that bind us. It may stretch, tangle, but will never break.
Anyways! I've had to table the third chapter of my fic for other projects, but once my collab and yandere fic are completed, I will go straight back to it.
I've done my best to take obscure Fodlan lore and mix it with bits of the real world culture it was created by.
Oh, and modern AU Jeritza is in it and he owns a cozy cafe 🥰
I hope that if you read this far and are wondering what coins had to do with a small FE fic, uhhhhhhh well I wasn't sure where I was ever going to have to opportunity to share the inspiration so here it is.
Please enjoy.
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phierie · 2 years
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in every fandom there comes a time when you have to ask yourself, ok but what classes would these characters be if they were in D&D
overlong headcanons/design notes under the cut:
I based this AU off my rudimentary knowledge of D&D and it’s classes, but I’m taking creative liberties and it can be thought of as just a general fantasy rpg-style thing. Ended up being a mix match of comics and MCU but it’s an AU so hey it’s fine right lol
KAMALA - Sorcerer/Monk
Arguably one of the hardest to actually decide a class for?? I’m imagining her powers here as more akin to those she has in the MCU show; they’re something innate to her, passed down through her bloodline (and possibly unlocked by some event or heirloom as in the case of the TV show). I think the way she fights would be something closer to a monk, though? After awakening her powers, she journeys around helping people in the same way as she becomes Ms Marvel, both on her own and with the party. 
Kamala’s design is based pretty much entirely off the Mystic Marvel design (originally I believe from Champions, also in the Avengers game)! I saw this design and my brain instantly went brrrr because it basically combines my two fave marvel heroes (Dr Strange and Kamala)!! I changed a few parts of the design, and simplified the shirt a bit. I think it suits Kamala well for a fantasy AU - even in the main comics she wears an outfit that’s comfy and easy to move in!
NAKIA- Sorcerer/Cleric
Since Nakia is the only sensible one here, it made sense for her to be the (begrudging, probably) healer. I think it suits her personality well too though! I’m imagining here that her powers are innate (like a sorcerer), but she just uses healing magic the most (like a cleric). More similar perhaps to something like the cleric class in Fire Emblem Awakening, where clerics are often religious but their powers aren’t something directly conferred by the gods. 
Nakia’s design is based entirely off of her Storm Sage look in Ms Marvel (2015) #38 (aka the one where the gang gets isekai’d) Once again simplified it a little and softened some of the shapes (since it’s more of a villain look in the comic, but she’s obvs a good guy here) 
BRUNO - Wizard/Artificer
Bruno’s outfit is also partly inspired by #38 (esp for colour scheme), but I mainly just did my own thing for what I thought he should look like in a fantasy AU ahahah. Gave him a long coat because if there’s one thing I love more than wizards, it’s wizards with long coats lmao
To me the D&D wizard class is much more the ‘study and research’ side of magic so it think it works well for the scientifically inclined Bruno. The thirst for knowledge and hubris (all the benchmarks of a good wizard character, really) are also very fitting for him, I think..!!
He’s a natural prodigy of magic and manages to get accepted to a prestigious and exclusive magic school but is kicked out after The Accident. Leaves to find somewhere else that’s willing to teach him since he can’t accept the idea of not learning magic. Meets Kwezi and the rest plays out much as it does in the comics
His prosthetics are powered with some kind of Magical Rock (call it a magic substitute for vibranium), and made by Kwezi. I’m undecided whether they’re grafted onto his arm/leg or it’s a whole Full Metal Alchemist situation but maybe a bit of both? The arm also acts as a conduit of sorts for casting his own magic (hence where the artificer class comes in). As he makes all sorts of stuff for Kamala in the comics/show I think him having the ability to craft magical items also fits well. Probably learns that magic from Kwezi. Which brings us to...
KWEZI - Artificer
Another magical prodigy, but I see Kwezi as more of a support type to Bruno’s spellcaster. The embodiment of chaotic good. I think he’d be mainly a crafter of magical items (sort of like Olruggio in Witch Hat Atelier?) 
His background in this AU is the same as in the comics, and him and Bruno go adventuring a bit themselves before joining up with Kamala and co eventually. I think he’d be pretty sheltered when it comes to travelling outside fantasy-Wakanda, especially compared to Bruno, so hijinks ensue. (Side note, but I absolutely adore that contrast when it comes to Kwezi & Bruno’s dynamic, I’m so in love with them both)
The green cloak-wrap is inspired by his formal outfit in Ms Marvel (2015) #30, and the harem pants are from #29. I think comfy, practical clothes suit Kwezi, and I like that the colour scheme for him is a nice contrast with Bruno! 
KAREEM - Rogue
Probably the easiest class to decide on because really what else could it be?? I’m undecided on whether Kareem should have his origin from the MCU show or the comics for this AU - personally I prefer comics but I do think a secret society sort of thing would work well for a fantasy AU so I’m leaning a bit more towards that perhaps.
His design is a mix of MCU, comics and my own take on it to make it a little more fantasy/rogue-like.  
KAMRAN - Sorcerer
Probably the only one here (except maybe Kareem) who’s primarily based off his MCU appearance rather than the comics. I see him as being initially a bit more of a bad guy than in the show though, a sort of misguided villain who eventually ends up joining the party (see: Zuko in ATLA)
He’s grown up with the Clandestines (probably some kind of cult here) and he generally believes in their mission, so it takes a little more for him to turn on them. As a sorcerer his powers manifest suddenly and he doesn’t understand how to control them at first. The Clandestines probably want him to use his powers to their ends, and that, along with run-ins with Kamala gets him questioning whether he should continue to follow them or turn away from the only family he’s ever known...
Kamran’s design was probably the hardest to figure out, since he only really has appearances in regular clothes, and no canon alternate designs to work off of (like Nakia/Bruno/Zoe). In the end I was thinking of the Clandestines and what they might wear in such a setting? The blue colour scheme is based off the jacket he wears in ep 6 (probably his most iconic MCU look) and also his coat/scarf look in Ms Marvel (2014) #13. I don’t think I captured Kamran’s likeness very well here but his outfit actually turned out to be one of my faves, so swings and roundabouts hahah
ZOE - Fighter
I’m imagining Zoe in this AU is the daughter of some lowly noble family (a big shot in the town that her and the gang are from, not so much elsewhere). After a run in with some bandits where she’s saved by Kamala, she resolves that she needs to get stronger. Not the strongest nor the most skillful fighter, but she’s trying her best!!
Zoe’s design is inspired by her fantasy look in #38 (the pink tunic in particular), but I changed and added some details to it. Her cloak I swapped out for the pink scarf, as inspired by her stint as Ms Marvel!
BECKY - Paladin-->Warlock & JOSH - ???
The actual bad guys of this AU ahahah. I’m imagining here that the events of Civil War II play out pretty much the same in this AU as in the comics. Becky starts out as a paladin with generally good intentions, but when she crosses a line she gets disowned (is that the right word?? probably not) by her god. Unable to deal with it, she turns instead to darker powers, making a pact and becoming a warlock. 
I haven’t really thought about what class Josh would be... maybe a fighter as well (to match Zoe?), but I’m imagining him as a sort of mysterious Black Knight type figure, hence the you haven’t unlocked this character yet question marks lmao
Their designs are based entirely off their lockdown/discord appearances, just adapted into fantasy-armour style. I think the designs carried over really well, actually (definitely helped by the excellent colour schemes!)
And there you have it LOL I have no idea if I’m gonna do anything more with this AU but just wanted to share the brainrot, so if you got this far THANKS..... any thoughts/suggestions for other characters I should add are always welcome!!
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genshinemblem564 · 11 months
Crossover Ideas
These are ideas I've had, but can't think of anything beyond the concept, so I'm posting them for anyone who wants them.
• Shin Megami Tensei/Persona x Sagau
Imagine everyone's surprise if they saw you commanding demons in combat. Said demons seem to lack a demonic presence and are not scared by Chongyun's presence.
Imposter au
Commanding demons only solidifies the idea that you are something to be slain in the name of their god, summoning other worldly gods doesn't help as, unless you talk about them enough while playing, no one knows who they are.
•Monster Hunter x Genshin Impact
I'm not sure what spurred this thought. I probably just thought it'd be cool. Yes, this does include Monster Hunter Stories, so the monsters are able to be tamed.
• Kingdom Hearts x Genshin Impact
The whole idea behind traveling to other worlds just instantly reminded me of Kingdom Hearts.
•Fire Emblem x Monster Hunter/Stories
This one was inspired by that TikTok trend of the two last games you played, and this was the result.
It's probably because Fodlan already has monsters, but every time I think about this, it's always Three Houses.
• Genshin Impact x Super Smash Bros.
I haven't put much thought into this, literally popped into my head as I was writing this.
• MHA x Dragon Ball
I know I'm not the first to think of this, but I always get a chuckle out of the idea. Imagine All For One grabbing a saiyan expecting to become even more powerful only to be confused as saiyan blood isn't considered a quirk.
Note: Due to my mindset, my works need to have some kind of narrative. It doesn't need to be an overarching story, but it needs something, so these will most likely never find any substance on my page as original stories are not my strong suit. These are free to anyone who wants them.
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mikaharuka · 9 months
Ktêma es Aieí - Official Post
Woohoo! Here's another AU entry for my Winter Light Verse!
This was one of two fics I wrote for the AU exchange! Beyond that, I wrote for my friend Annie (@udaberriwrites)! She's always been very supportive and enthusiastic about the Verse! I was very lucky to be able to write my world and rarepair for the AU exchange, for her!
This idea's kind of interesting - see, I was originally considering this concept for Apricity, but eventually decided against it for other plot and theme reasons. Then Annie told me that she loves time travel AUs, we entered and got matched on the exchange, and I was given an amazing opportunity to revisit my original idea! If you are familiar with Apricity and the Verse, you'll likely recognize some similarities!
You can think of it as an alternate version of Apricity with time travel!
[As a side note, the other fic I wrote was Melle et Felle, for the Fire Emblem Awakening fandom. You can find that post over here!]
Title: Ktêma es Aieí [a time travel AU of Apricity/Winter Light]
Fandom: Twilight, Life and Death
Ship: Carlisle Cullen/Beau Swan, Mike Newton & Beau Swan
Rating: Teen
Category: M/M
Word Count: 7.6k words over 4 chapters (complete)
Chapter 1 - Crimson Winds [Aír], (2157 words) Chapter 2 - Cerulean Terrain [Gí], (1665 words) Chapter 3 - Emerald Blaze [Pýr], (1676 words) Chapter 4 - Saffron Cascade [Ýdor], (2154 words)
Summary: “We’re stupidly lucky that our actual existence hasn’t been extinguished by your libido.” Or rather, how Beau's endless pining and horny energy might have saved his timeline.
Notes: You can read this without reading canon or Apricity. However, this fic takes place in the Winter Light Verse, a world that differs notably from canon. For this fic, you don't need to know anything, but a few notes are listed in the A/Ns for an easy reference.
Also, this fic was written for the AU Exchange and is a time-travel AU retelling of Apricity, featuring various hijinks and ancient Greece! I was heavily inspired by the myth of Apollo and Hyacinthus with this!
(fandom-blind friendly by default, Apricity-blind friendly too)
You may be interested? @mrsmungus, @udaberriwrites, @magma-saarebas19, @aislinnstanaka, @lena-hills, @bees-and-sunshine @bleepbloopbotz, @sliebman10, @axolotlsupremacyowo, @0nelittlebirdtoldme, @kayedium-writes, @hylianjo
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azxremoon · 1 year
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what i do and don’t write for requests may contradict the type of content i write for myself.
please come to me if you have questions, concerns, or don’t understand something. i’m always happy to resolve any issues.
though i have a wp acc, i’ll be posting my writing on my fledgling ao3 under the same handle.
requests are done for fun, not obligation! they are not the primary focus in my life or my blog.
please check my pinned post for my writing status before requesting.
thirsts and suggestions are always accepted! i’d love to hear your ideas and thoughts, if you’re willing to share <3
i have no set schedule or consistency, and fics are published when they are completed.
if you don’t see a character you like on my list, feel free to ask about them!
regarding fire emblem, please specify whether the reader is the protagonist (byleth / corrin / robin) if it isn’t clear.
requesting while they’re closed or they break a rule will result in the ask itself being deleted.
code geass : lelouch vi britannia, suzaku kururugi, euphemia li britannia, jeremiah gottwald, cc.
final fantasy : cloud strife, tifa lockhart, reno, rude, tseng, sephiroth, genesis rhapsodos, angeal hewley, zack fair, noctis lucis caelum, prompto argentum, gladiolus amicitia, ignis scientia, lunafreya nox fleuret, ardyn izunia, nyx ulric.
fire emblem : corrin, chrom, robin, grima, lucina, henry, tharja, ryoma, takumi, xander, leo, camilla, azura, jakob, byleth, sothis, rhea, seteth, blue lions, golden deer, black eagles.
jojo’s bizarre adventure : jonathan joestar, dio / dio brando, joseph joestar, giorno giovanna, bruno bucciarati, leone abbacchio, guido mista, jolyne kujo, foo fighters, narciso anasui.
jujutsu kaisen : satoru gojo, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, maki zenin, toge inumaki, yuta okkotsu, aoi todo.
legend of zelda : tp + botw/totk link, totk ganon, botw + totk zelda, rauru, sonia, sidon, revali, mipha.
nier : 2b, 9s, a2, brother nier, kaine.
persona 5 : akira kurusu, goro akechi, ann takamaki, ryuji sakamoto, yusuke kitagawa, “kasumi” yoshizawa, takuto maruki, sae niijima.
yu-gi-oh! : yugi muto, seto kaiba, joey wheeler, jaden yuki, jesse anderson, yubel, chazz princeton, aster phoenix.
headcanons and short drabbles only.
spoilers are a-ok!!
character x reader only.
platonic, familial, and romantic relationships are accepted, but must be specified.
alternate universes—modern, childhood, college / university, soulmate, fantasy, yandere, ask for more prior to requesting.
aus of characters inspired by specific vocaloid songs, such as cendrillon and cantarella. bonus points if it is from the evillious chronicles.
polyamorous relationships, unrequited love, various tropes.
fluff, angst, comfort fluff, hurt / comfort, hurt / no comfort.
dark content—such as major character death, yandere, etc.
oneshots (for reqs only)
readers with specific race, culture, disabilities, illnesses, or gender identity to avoid misrepresentation.
explicit n///sfw, non-con, fetishes, k///inks.
miscarriages or dark / triggering matters relating to pregnancy.
anything relating to harming oneself in any form.
original characters x canon.
canon x canon.
cheating (on reader, or by reader)
the reader is always gender neutral or female with ambiguous anatomy, unless stated otherwise.
reader will use she / her or they / them, but also may be written in the second person.
appearance, race, and culture are always excluded to include everyone.
the reader can be personalized by the requester, from vague personality descriptors to accessories.
the reader can be inspired by characters of other media, but i must know and be familiar of them.
accepted personalization examples are, but not limited to: a shy!reader, stand user!reader, phantom thief!reader, introverted!reader, idol!reader, reader who wears glasses, tall / short!reader.
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runicmagitek · 7 months
stole this from @wingsyouburn because why not! Not going to tag anyone, but if you'd like to fill this out yourself, consider yourself tagged!!
How many works do you have on AO3? 384 :')
What's your total AO3 word count? 1,836,435
What fandoms do you write for? Yes.
Ok but real answer? Current active ones are FF, Fire Emblem, and 13 Sentinels. I'll bounce around tho, depending on what inspires me. Like I always dip in and out of any video game fandom.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1) Sweet Dreams (Witch from Mercury, sulemio) 2) Finally, Beautiful Stranger (FFVII, aerti) 3) Wings of Valor and Compassion (Overwatch, pharmercy) 4) Give Them Something to Talk About (TLOU2, Dina/Ellie) 5) No Safety in Desire (BotW, Urbosa/Zelda)
It does please me that my top fics are all femslash HSKDJAJD
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I definitely try my best to!! Unless it's very rude or makes me uncomfortable in some way, then I either don't comment on those specific bits or just ignore it altogether. I've had a handful of people make very backhanded remarks and I try to give them the benefit of the doubt, but it's really awkward when an absolute stranger treats me with too much familiarity just bc we share the same ship.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably Limbo? It does not have a happy ending and ends on a very horrifying note. What Becomes of Practice also comes to mind, seeing that the main character goes through hell and ends up dying, though IS reunited with her father in the afterlife 😭
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? God I really don't know. I'm more of an angst writer, so a lot of those happy endings are prefaced with a lot of pain lolsob so I feel pretty much any of my angst with a happy ending fics can qualify for this!! Tho I have received a ton of comments about how fluffy and cozy Finally, Beautiful Stranger's ending was, so I'll pick that one!!
Do you get hate on fics? Not regularly, but it has happened. I've gotten "ew this is gross" remarks on just writing about gay people. I've gotten weird comments about a brief nightmare scene in a fix-it fic, despite tagging for it, bc "she's suffered enough, why would you do this". And more recently, I've gotten some "this doesn't make sense, why would this character ever be depressed/angry" bc I guess female characters who are conveyed as bubbly in the source material aren't allowed to experience any range emotion outside of that and shame on me for wanting to explore darker themes, like recovering from trauma and depression. Bonus points when the male pov character does way more fucked up stuff and no readers call him out on it (sorry, I'm still very bitter about this)
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Hell yeah! All my smut, even my attempts at pwp, always incorporate feelings and more often than not gain a plot along the way. I can't help it. I love the build-up and tension leading to the main event. I need to give my readers blue balls, I guess fjlahdskdh
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Not really. I'm more of an AU person than anything. Even going through my fics, the only proper crossover I've written was If You Had Life Eternal, but even that is like, reimagining Warcraft characters in the Diablo universe and that's kinda it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? SADLY YES >:/ thankfully, it was removed from FFN, but I really hated that someone copy-pasted my fic and just changed the character names to fit their ship.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I have!! Several times!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope. The closest I've come is like, sharing ideas on a single continuity with someone else and then writing it out on my own. I do like collaborative stuff with people I trust, but I don't want to co-write anything lolsob
What's your all-time favorite ship? EVER????? It varies from fandom to fandom, even year to year. Celes/Setzer will always have a special place in my heart, even if I don't write for them as often anymore. But right now, keinatsu is dominating my life and I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? God, so many. I have my one Setzer fic that I posted the first chapter, managed to write the second one two years later, and then…. did fuck all with it. Also remembering the Darill/Maria/Setzer longfic I wrote and even did an initial editing pass, but that's now rotting on my laptop. It got a bit too personal at one point and I don't know if I'll ever share it :/ oh and that one Overwatch longfic I got 80k~ into and then abandoned bc the fandom was shitty and I didn't want to invest any more time in it
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, describing scenery, evoking all kinds of emotions.
What are your writing weaknesses? jfc I'm incapable of shutting up and keeping things short
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I guess it depends? Like I used French in Darkness/Starlight for Jidoorian and the only times Setzer spoke in that was when he was open about his feelings, but didn't want Celes to know. But if the reader translated those parts, they could get more insight as to where his headspace was at. But normally, I would want things written out in a way that's understandable to the audience. If there's a phrase or whatever in a different language, I try to italicize it, but that's it.
First fandom you wrote for? Vividly remember writing about my self-insert OC in a post-canon FFVII/Sailor Moon crossover that lived in spiral-bound notebooks at the age of 11. But the first fandom I actually posted something for online was Metal Gear Solid back in like… 2001???? It was forever ago lolsob
Favorite fic you've ever written? This changes over time, but I'm still very proud of What Leads You Here. I put a lot of work into it and am so happy I could share it with the fandom and even happier that a ton of folks enjoyed it!!
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mannatea · 9 months
Manna's Winter 'Fic Requests 2023 ❄
It's been many years since I've done this, but I thought I'd get something up and going early enough to give me plenty of time to write and edit.
It works like this: you fill out the Google Form linked below and I will try to write you a 'fic before the end of the year based on the prompt you give me. The story I write may be any length unless specified otherwise (i.e., drabble length, flash fiction, 50 sentences, whatever).
You do not need to be a "mutual" to request fic; however, I would ask that you be at least somewhat familiar with my writing.
You can request anonymously if you prefer.
If there is something you really do not want to see in your fic for any reason: tell me. I have no desire to write something that might hurt or upset you.
DO NOT ask for ships I don't like or would never normally write. If you're uncertain please feel free to send me an ask, but in most cases just don't break up my OTP lol.
Prompts can be almost anything. I like to think I'm pretty creative with even one-word prompts, but if you're short on ideas the good old "5 times" format is a classic.
You may request AUs! Just keep in mind that if you choose an AU that would typically be relegated to "longfic territory" (mail order bride AU, declining Tethe'alla, etc) that what I write for it will probably be more of a snapshot in that AU rather than something to cover the scope of the entire thing, so if there's a particular element of that AU you would like to see me explore, please state it!
You may request a rewrite of an old story if there is one you remember from pre-2014 and would like to see revived. (If you don't remember the title just remind me what it was about.)
YOU MAY MAKE MULTIPLE REQUESTS. In fact, I prefer that people do this because it ups the chances I'll find inspiration.
You may not request longfic, but you can specify other parameters that are related to length (e.g., flash fiction, a story that covers a month with one sentence per day, etc).
Tales of Symphonia (ships)
Fire Emblem 7
When Calls the Heart (Seasons 1 - 5 preferred) (ships)
^Those are the three fandoms I'm most likely to be able to write for currently, as I have the broadest familiarity with them.
I might be able to manage other fandoms I've written for in the past, but I want to be up-front in admitting I'm not always very good at jumping back into old fandoms to write something fresh. That said, it never hurts to try, so if you're desperate for a cutesy fic about an eevee who wants a thunder stone for Christmas, by all means, send it.
If you are curious about what characters or pairings I would be most likely to write for a certain fandom, or if I'd be willing to write for that fandom at all, please feel free to send me an ask, message me here or on Discord, or comment directly on this post!
✨Final Instructions:
Please fill out the form to the best of your ability.
I included a rating preference so please use it. If you're submitting multiple prompts at once you can specify this with your individual prompts if you prefer.
I also included a squick/trigger section, so if anything bothers you that has even a small chance of showing up in my writing, I am BEGGING YOU TO SAY SO. (And don't worry about me, very little distresses me.)
I will not write gore, torture, genderbends, de-aging, or infidelity.
Reminder that you can request multiple things.
Read everything?
Well then, it's time!
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House Isekai: A "brief" Summary
TLDR: It is a Fire Emblem: Three Houses crossover with a bunch of different games/animes that spiralled into a coherent story, focusing on character interactions and action.
So throughout the og blog and this one, i've made several references of House Isekai, but never went too in depth of what it actually was.
That changes today, since I'm in the mood to write for it, and luckily, most of the things I write for are already part of this blog, so you'll have some understanding of who everyone is!
That being said, it dramatically helps if you've played/watched Fire Emblem: Three Houses, since 3H is the media that connects all of these series together.
If you haven't, I have one meme to say to you.
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As for the full story of this series inception, it's under the cut!
For those unfamilliar with Three Houses, Byleth (the player) is chosen to become a professor for one of three classes, The Black Eagles, Blue Lions, and Golden Deer. Eventually, a war breaks out that pitches each country the classes are from against one another.
Your character had the power of God, Sothis, infused into you, and you were the deciding factor in the nation you chose winning the war.
A very important bit is that thanks to Sothis, Byleth was able to turn back time. Gameplay wise this just meant you could rewind a turn to play it out differently, and strangely enough, no story consequence came out of this. But we'll come back to this.
Before House Isekai, I had written several other AU's for 3H, Red vs Blue, Monster Hunter, Rune Factory 4, Warhammer 40,000, and most famously, a Child Byleth AU. While it was fun, and Child Byleth had a lot of things written for it, they didn't explode into their own universe.
House Isekai spawned because of anon asking what would happen if the Konosuba gang was in Three Houses, which brings us here!
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The original House Isekai consisted of 8 groups from different series:
Persona 3
Persona 4
Persona 5
Trails of Cold Steel
The whole premise was that these groups dropped in out of nowhere, and it kept happening so often, that all the offworlders formed their own House and was a fourth class besides the Black Eagles, Golden Deers, and Blue Lions.
Byleth, alongside many colorful characters, became the staff of House Isekai.
It was mostly jokey/fun ideas of how these characters could interact the ones from 3H and each other, spawning other joke au's like Animal Crossing, Subnautica, ETC. This continued on about a year or so.
But then a lot of people were wondering how House Isekai would handle the timeskip. The original plan was to write that, but honestly it would've been an absolute curbstomp and a Golden Ending to the original 3H plot. However, I felt like that wasn't really fitting since it was intentionally impossible to get a happy ending for everyone.
But then, I got an idea.
Earlier before the crossover existed, I had written an evil Byleth storyline where he became the villain that the three nations had to fight. In that story, Byleth had rewinded time to go through all the routes in the game, and decided that becoming the evil was the only way to stop the wars.
That story ended with Byleth dying, and the three nations achieving peace.
It was here I thought, "why don't I expand on this even more?" And decided to make House Isekai part of that storyline, birthing House Isekai: Shadowbringers. (I was also playing FFXIV at the time, so to say I was inspired by it would be an understatement. I straight up stole a lot from FFXIV LMAO)
Now, instead of losing, Byleth accidentally won and doomed the entire world into a slow death. To fix his mistakes, he created "The Zanado Tower", and with the help of Sothis, reversed time to where even he would forget what happened. But this fucked up dramatically due to reversing time too much at this point, breaking reality, and what led to each group showing up.
Every group showed up one at a time with Byleth, and went to the endgame with him before time reset by itself, doing the whole process again but with another group. The only catch, is that Byleth remembered each loop.
With the final loop, every group showed up at once creating House Isekai and the "golden ending". Only for that Golden Ending to show signs that time was about to reset, which led to the discovery of the Zanado Tower.
Deciding to try again, Byleth and Sothis reset time manually while inside there, causing it to catastrophically malfunction. They then realized they were still there, and found out they had accidentally created another copy of Byleth, where events were playing out normally for him with no knowledge of any time loop beforehand.
To MASSIVELY gloss over the story, Shadowbringers concluded with both Byleth's dying in a duel to the death, and with the cycle broken, time began to flow normally, leaving House Isekai without their professor.
Using the tower, each group said farewell. There is no memory wipe, everyone keeps their knowledge of their time with House Isekai and went to continue their adventures at home.
Thus leading us to: House Isekai: A Realm Reborn, which is where the storyline is currently at.
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Including cameos from the original House Isekai, it was now led by Byleth's Mother, and included:
Trails of Cold Steel III
Genshin Impact
Halo 3: ODST
Warhammer 40,000
and 3H Original Characters
This formed the new and current House Isekai.
Two years after Shadowbringers, Sitri calls for aid and Towa, Kazuma, Rean, and Aigis answer, with everyone else dropping out of nowhere similar to the old house.
The Main threat this story is remnants of 3H villains, and Separatists of the Empire nation (Black Eagles).
And that's it. As for actual content, while the character interactions were very fun, in my opinion, I needlessly rushed it, and the quality is not at all what I wanted the end result to be like it was in my head.
But if there's one thing I am proud of still, is taking the ungodly amount of characters and forming meaningful relationships with one another in a way that made sense for everyone, and still kept in character. The Character interactions were the best part of House Isekai.
Which brings me to the next topic!
With a cast this big, there were bound to be the ones who were most famous and constantly asked for/in the most imagines.
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In no particular order:
Sara Valestein, Towa Herschel, Rean Schwarzer (Trails of Cold Steel),
Aqua, Kazuma (Konosuba),
Akira Kurusu, Yu Narukami (Persona),
Megumi "Megu-nee" (School-Live!),
and Doomguy (DOOM), were the most famous.
Whether it be solely for their personalities, the way they interacted in-House/ with 3H characters, they were always a blast for me to write and everyone loved them.
Funnily enough, Aqua, who is the most annoying to me and everyone scored number one in a best girl poll, followed by Laura of Cold Steel, and Kasumi of Persona 5.
It was also thanks to House Isekai I introduced MANY people to the respective series, Cold Steel and School-Live! being the lesser knowns brought to the limelight.
I actually once overtook the 3H imagines tag with Megumi with her being recommended and that's the funniest thing in the world to me still.
Towa was the mascot of House Isekai, old and new, and given the chance, the mascot of Genshingorls.
AND NOW that's the """"""brief"""""" history of House Isekai covered, both in-lore and meta.
So, What do you guys think?
Feel free to request anything from House Isekai since this is my legacy, and I know some folks have been DYING for me to continue while I've been writing Genshin over here.
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findroleplay · 11 months
21+ years old female writer here looking for more canon x canon ship plots 😽 since making multiple ads is quite draining, i'll list my fandoms below and the ships i'm looking for, with the character i'd like to play in bold:
genshin impact - zhongli/xiao: my love for those two is like. immense. i would love to do a plot where we explore their relationship from the beginning, after zhongli has taken xiao in and the war is still waging on. i headcanon zhongli as more ruthless and cold back then but he would still show a softer side to xiao. <3 - ayato/itto: i won't lie, i mostly want to do nsfw with those two. i think the idea of ayato somehow manipulating itto into being in a friends with benefits type of relationship with him is very fun, but even more so if one of them ends catching feelings down the line.
jojo's bizarre adventures - caesar/joseph: it's 2023 and i still haven't stopped thinking about them!! i'll take anything. but especially a fix-it au where caesar lives and he, jojo and suzie end up in a messy poly. also a modern au sounds fun as well!
honkai star rail - jing yuan/blade: look i know that the game is still rather new and their actual lore hasn't even officially dropped yet (soon though!!) but i'm insane for those two. i'll take anything here. maybe play around with the info we have about their past together?
fire emblem: three houses - dimitri/sylvain (tbh i can play either): i have an embarrassing amount of ideas for those two so to any dimivain shippers out there, please hit me up. there's an au i would really like to do as well but i won't spill the beans here cause this ad is already big enough as is.
so sorry about this behemot, but hopefully i can find some roleplayer partners through it. now about me: i write anywhere from two to like... 10+ paragraphs if i'm really inspired. but as long as i'm not hit with a one liner, it's cool. i'm relatively free until the 25th, but after that my activity might drop because of work. no big deal, i try to reply as soon as i'm able. i do like to write smut and i prefer a partner that does as well. also more used to writing tops, but i don't mind switching depending on the ship. i only write on discord! if interested, interact with this and i'll come to you (:
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serenescribe · 11 months
writing requests are closed! (8/8)
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since i've hit a bit of a rut in writing (as well as wanting to try my hand at shorter fics), i've decided to open requests!
feel free to suggest ideas of your own, or you can send in prompts if i happen to reblog any! (see: #prompts)
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rules and info: ✤ — please be patient! sometimes i can write fast. other times i grapple with inspiration. that, and i might be busy in real life, which might impede things ;u; ✤ — also, politeness is very appreciated and makes me more inclined to write a request o7 ✤ — i may not get to all requests; the best way to know if i'm planning to work on yours is to check back here. also, i may not write everything in the order i receive them. inspiration is fickle, after all! ✤ — i write: god, i don't know. a lot of things? my forte is angst and dark content though, but i can dabble in other stuff, including ships, maybe. ✤ — i don't write: nsfw (not confident in it + would not want to write it publicly), canon x reader (i support it! just not interested in writing it myself ;;) ✤ — currently implementing a hard cap of 8 requests at any one time or else i might stress myself out from pressure weeps
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fandoms i write for: ✤ — twisted wonderland (particularly diasomnia, and especially silver and lilia!) ✤ — fire emblem (mainly awakening second gen) ✤ — tbh i'm extremely multifandom so if you've seen me write for something before (or seen me reblog on my main), feel free to request something!
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request queue: ✤ — olivebranch311's request (snow queen au) ✤ — one-word prompt: "ring" ✤ — kami-kun1003's request (👻) ✤ — olivebranch311's request 2 (jellyfish mer silver) ✤ — kage-kitsune-no-yami's request (kidnapping attempt) ✤ — olivebranch311's request 3 (monster under the bed) ✤ — oddberryshortcake's request (post ch7) ✤ — violetlunette's request (back in time au)
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