vintagerpg · 1 year
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For a guy who has never played nor run a merchant-based RPG campaign, I sure do love a merchant RPG sourcebook. This is Far Trader (1999), a mercantile campaign frame for GURPS Traveller. It’s pretty great!
There is a density of information here that is a little alarming and, compared to other mercantile sourcebooks I have known and loved, it feels far more complete. Surprising no-one, probably, I am not the most economics-minded person, so I never really noticed how broadly drawn something like Dark Sun’s Dune Trader is until I peeped this. In comparison, Dune Trader is like “get a wagon, go places.” No wonder I never played a mercantile RPG, you need a book like this to know what to do!
There is a bunch of mechanical stuff that is good and supports the idea of a commerce-based RPG — character templates, new skills and such — but it’s the chapters on the interstellar economy that seems the most important, as they really lay out a gamified explanation of trade mechanisms and finance in a way that showcases how this sort of campaign can be fun and exciting to play. Maybe. Turns out there is a fair bit of bookkeeping, which is not my kind of fun. But these chapters kind of equip you to be able to handwave the numbers and make abstract profits and loss feel like they have weight. This stuff would put me to sleep in the real world, but in space, with laser guns and clear rules on how to defraud banks? Sign me up. RPGs are weird.
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fatehbaz · 1 year
Sheetal Chhabria sets her finger on the core of a shared problem that her book Making the Modern Slum: The Power of Capital in Colonial Bombay, Yahia Shawkat’s Egypt’s Housing Crisis: Shaping the Urban Space and my own Possessing the City: Property and Politics in Delhi 1911-1947 are outlining. The settings and periods are diverse and the particular histories diverge. But, in each of our work, we point to both the commodification of shelter and the paradoxical histories of efforts to oppose or mitigate that commodification. The Housing Question – how to provide decent and dignified shelter to every human – seems to be hummed to a drearily repetitive tune (with a few varying notes) in the Global South. Indeed, many of the same problems are reproduced in the Global North as well.
The stubbornness with which mass housing initiatives are reinserted into commodity circuits is a key lesson in all three works. This despite a related phenomenon that Chhabria points to the sheer variety of ways in which housing has been used by the state to ‘manage populations’. Chhabria and Shawkat both refer, for instance, to moments in which housing has been utilized as a tool to ensure the immobilization of working populations. Much like in a prison, to use housing as a way to prevent or restrict the mobility of working people.
Part of the reason for this is that Chhabria’s work on Bombay culminates at a point of unique labor mobility: the migration away from the city of much of Bombay’s mill labor force in the wake of the late nineteenth century plague epidemic. [...] But it was also a project of housing in which luring workers back to the city and holding them there was an essential component. The Bombay Improvement Trust (BIT), whose trajectory from inception to failure Chhabria meticulously chronicles, bears the marks of exactly such an origin point. The BIT was in the final reckoning a mix of welfarism, state-subsidy for financial speculation, attempts to signal a more sanitary city and immobilising labour. [...] However, this limited decommodification of shelter was a mere sub-theme among the other agenda of the BIT.
Crucially, Chhabria points out, Indian elites and the colonial state joined in their appreciation of the opportunities for profit-making and governing on the cheap, while solving labor supply problems through the BIT’s housing initiatives.
In Shawkat’s Egypt too, both in the late nineteenth century and in the present, the ‘izba recurs as a form of housing designed to immobilize labor – converting peasants more fully into workers. [...]
The slum must also [...] be an active source of a reserve army of labor. [...] Here the establishment of a Delhi Improvement Trust (in 1937, nearly 40 years after the BIT) was initiated by a piece of bad press. [...] The DIT’s major success was in [...] (something that Chhabria points out happened in Bombay too) participating in a round of speculative development in the Delhi countryside. [...] These and myriad other pathways have tended to return housing – even housing built at subsidized rates for the city’s working poor – to circuits of accumulation and profit.
Shawkat [...] is clear-sighted about the terminal point – decommodified housing. Any intermediate position, he argues, would prove unstable and return housing to the circuits of capital circulation. [...] As I have been pointing out, each of our three works provides templates by which waves of partial decommodification are clawed back into circuits of profit and loss.
How, then, could a more permanent extrication of shelter from commodification be achieved? The unsuccessful efforts to decommodify housing in colonial Delhi illustrate some potential pitfalls. [...] The weakness of struggles to decommodify housing in Delhi meant that even housing for Partition refugees would become the launchpad for what is today India’s largest private real estate firm -- Delhi Land and Finance. [...]
The Housing Question, cannot be separated from the much broader question of power. Mobilizations from below which are committed to a vision of broad human emancipation are the only viable way forward. Neither a brilliant urban plan nor the temporarily persuaded ear of a state official can achieve the decommodification of shelter that Shawkat calls for. [...] Stubbornly enough, [...] at the heart of it tends to lie a nexus between industrialists, richer traders, real estate speculators, and the state. Yes, temporary relief might be won [...]. But, as the history of the return of housing to circuits of commodity demonstrates, [...] the battle to provide shelter as a right is first about building [...] [movements] that can fight and win a broad decommodification of everyday life.
Text by: Anish Vanaik. “Shelter as Capital: Housing and Commodification: Lessons from the Global South.” Borderlines [open-access site mentored by editors of Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East]. Published online: 18 February 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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tesadoraofphaedra · 3 months
you know when all you want in your life is a simple basic template to fill your stupid profit/loss numbers to renew the forking resident permit and every ........... WEBSITE (derogatory) makes you register and give your email and makes you download a whole thing to connect to all the other imaginable accountant softwares and apps
have a single little basic template to fill with my stupid little fingers?
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Navigating Real-Time Operations: The Power of Operational Dashboards
Operational dashboards are dynamic visual interfaces that provide real-time insights into an organization's day-to-day activities and performance. These dashboards are particularly valuable for monitoring short-term operations at lower managerial levels, and they find application across various departments. They stand as the most prevalent tools in the realm of business intelligence.
Typically, operational dashboards are characterized by their comprehensive nature, offering junior managers detailed information necessary to respond to market dynamics promptly. They also serve to alert upper management about emerging trends or issues before they escalate. These dashboards primarily cater to the needs of managers and supervisors, enabling them to oversee ongoing activities and make rapid decisions based on the presented information. Operational dashboards often employ graphical representations like graphs, charts, and tables and can be customized to display information pertinent to the specific user.
Examples of data typically showcased on an operational dashboard include:
Sales figures
Production metrics
Inventory levels
Service levels
Employee performance metrics
Machine or equipment performance data
Customer service metrics
Website or social media analytics
It is crucial to emphasize that operational dashboards are distinct from other dashboard types, such as strategic and analytical dashboards. These different dashboards serve varied purposes and audiences and contain dissimilar datasets and metrics. Here are a couple of examples. 
Below, you can see a Revenue overview dashboard for QuickBooks. It provides month-by-month overviews of invoices, products, customers, profit and loss. Such a dashboard can be used on a daily basis and help monitor and manage operating activities. 
This data visualization is connected to a data automation solution, Coupler.io. It automatically transfers fresh data from QuickBooks to the dashboard, making it auto-updating. Such a live dashboard can be an important instrument for enabling informed decision-making.
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This Revenue overview dashboard is available as a free template. Open it and check the Readme tab to see how to use it.
Here’s another example of an operational dashboard, the Facebook Ads dashboard. It allows ad managers to closely track their ad performance. This dashboard is also powered by Coupler.io, so it depicts ad data in near real-time. This allows marketers to quickly define what works and what doesn’t and make adjustments on the go.
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Facebook Ads dashboard is available as a free template. You can grab it and quickly get a copy of this dashboard with your data. In conclusion, operational dashboards are indispensable tools for organizations seeking to thrive in a dynamic business landscape. These real-time visual displays offer invaluable insights into day-to-day operations, equipping managers and supervisors with the information to make swift, informed decisions. As the most widely used business intelligence instruments, operational dashboards empower businesses to adapt to market changes, identify emerging trends, and maintain a competitive edge. Their versatility and capacity to monitor a wide range of metrics make them an essential asset for managing the intricacies of modern operations.
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accomparison · 1 year
FreshBooks vs Xero: Which Online Accounting Software is Best for Your Business?
Are you tired of the hassle that comes with traditional accounting methods? It's no secret that manual bookkeeping can be a daunting task for business owners. Fortunately, in today's digital age, there are online accounting software options available to help simplify your financial management. Two popular choices are FreshBooks and Xero. Both offer innovative features to streamline your accounting processes, but which one is the best fit for your business?
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In this blog post, we'll compare FreshBooks vs Xero and help you determine which option is right for you!
What is FreshBooks?
FreshBooks is a cloud-based accounting software designed for small business owners who want to manage their finances efficiently. The platform offers features such as invoicing, time tracking, expense management, and project management all in one place.
One of the standout benefits of FreshBooks is its user-friendly interface. Even if you're not an accounting expert, you can easily navigate through the system without feeling overwhelmed. Another great feature is that it integrates seamlessly with other popular apps such as Stripe, PayPal, and G Suite.
Moreover, FreshBooks has an excellent invoicing system that allows users to create customized invoices quickly and effectively. You can send professional-looking invoices via email or snail mail and even set up recurring billing for your regular clients.
Another benefit of using FreshBooks is its mobile app compatibility. With just a few clicks on your smartphone or tablet screen, you can track your billable hours or expenses while on-the-go.
FreshBooks provides affordable pricing plans for small businesses seeking easy-to-use tools like time tracking and automated invoicing paired with strong customer support options including phone numbers available during extended hours which are key criteria areas when choosing an online accounting software.
What is Xero?
Xero is an online accounting software that was created to help small business owners manage their finances more easily. It was founded in New Zealand in 2006 and has since grown to become a popular choice for businesses around the world.
One of the main features of Xero is its cloud-based platform, which allows users to access their financial information from anywhere with an internet connection. This means that business owners can log in and check their accounts on-the-go or collaborate with team members remotely.
Another advantage of Xero is its user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for non-accountants to use. The software offers a range of tools and integrations designed specifically for small businesses, such as invoicing, expense tracking, payroll management and inventory management.
In addition, Xero provides real-time reporting and insights into your business's financial health. This enables you to make informed decisions based on up-to-date data.
Xero is a powerful tool for managing your business's finances efficiently while saving time and effort.
The Pros and Cons of FreshBooks
FreshBooks is an online accounting software designed for small businesses and freelancers. Here are the pros and cons of using FreshBooks.
Firstly, FreshBooks offers a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate through the different features of the platform. The dashboard provides a clear overview of your business finances with charts and graphs that show important financial data such as revenue, expenses, profit, and loss.
Secondly, FreshBooks allows you to create professional-looking invoices quickly without much effort. You can customize your invoice templates with your brand logo, colors, and messaging to match your company's branding.
Thirdly, FreshBooks integrates seamlessly with other applications like PayPal or Stripe which assists in making payments effortless. This integration saves time for users who don't want to manually input payments one by one into their system.
One major disadvantage of using FreshBooks is its limited reporting options compared to other accounting software available on the market. Users have reported difficulties when trying to generate customized reports which limits analysis capabilities.
Secondly, while there are mobile apps available for both iOS and Android devices users complain about stability issues on older phones or tablets due to slow loading times or crashing problems during use
Lastly - pricing - some people may find that FreshBooks is more expensive than alternative solutions especially if they require multiple user accounts or plan add-ons such as payroll services etc
Despite these drawbacks many businesses still see positive results from implementing this solution depending on their specific needs so consider all factors before choosing what best suits yours!
The Pros and Cons of Xero
Xero is one of the most popular online accounting software for small businesses. It offers a wide range of features to manage finances, such as invoicing, inventory management, bank reconciliation and expense tracking. Here are some pros and cons of using Xero:
User-friendly interface: Xero has an easy-to-use dashboard that displays all your financial information in one place.
Integration with third-party apps: You can integrate Xero with over 800 third-party apps including Shopify, PayPal and Stripe.
Mobile app: The mobile app allows you to access your financial data from anywhere at any time.
Limited customer support options: Compared to other software providers, Xero's customer support options are limited.
Pricey plans for larger sized businesses: While the basic plan is affordable for small-sized businesses, the higher-tiered plans can be pricey for larger-sized businesses.
Limited customization options: Customization options on invoices and reports are limited compared to some competitors.
Xero is a great option for small businesses looking for an easy-to-use accounting software with strong integrations capabilities.
Which Online Accounting Software is Best for Your Business?
When it comes to choosing the best online accounting software for your business, there are a number of factors you should consider. Both FreshBooks and Xero offer unique features that can benefit different types of businesses.
For small businesses with basic accounting needs, FreshBooks may be the better option as it is easy to use and has a simple interface. However, if you need more advanced features such as inventory management or multi-currency support, then Xero may be the way to go.
In terms of pricing, both FreshBooks and Xero offer affordable options with various pricing plans depending on your business needs. It's important to compare these plans carefully before making a decision.
Another important factor is integrations - both FreshBooks and Xero integrate with many popular apps like PayPal and Shopify. However, if you already use other cloud-based software in your business operations, check which ones are compatible before making a final choice.
Ultimately, the best online accounting software for your business will depend on your unique needs and budget. Take time to research each option carefully before making an informed decision that suits your organization’s specific requirements.
After weighing the benefits and drawbacks of FreshBooks and Xero, it's clear that both online accounting software options have their strengths. FreshBooks is an excellent option for small business owners who prioritize ease-of-use and invoicing capabilities. Meanwhile, Xero offers more advanced features suitable for medium-sized businesses in need of more sophisticated bookkeeping tools.
Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific business needs and priorities. Consider factors such as budget, company size, required features, industry-specific requirements when choosing between FreshBooks vs Xero online accounting platforms.
Regardless of which one you choose to implement into your business operations - either FreshBooks or Xero - rest assured knowing that both offer significant value to entrepreneurs seeking to manage their finances with ease while growing their companies at the same time!
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slinkywhat · 1 year
Opportunity Cost & AI
[An off-the-cuff essay no one asked for but I word-vomited anyway because I am exhausted]
I literally started a Python coding course on Friday so that I can ask ChatGPT or other AI tools to write me scripts to execute basic, tedious tasks that currently take up an absurd amount of my time.
I work a highly-paid role that’s supposed to be very strategic, but I’m easily spending 40-60% of my time executing repetitive, tactical tasks across multiple, disparate systems because my company (and every company prior—it’s not unique to this place) won’t pay for productivity software, automation plug-ins for our project management software, actual project managers, or additional junior headcount, our third-party agency partners don't have access to work inside internal systems, etc. etc. etc.
People spend more than half their day doing busywork, according to survey of 10,000 plus workers | CNBC, 2022
“The amount of time office workers have to spend doing their primary job duties decreased in 2016, from 46% to 39%. When asked what gets in the way of work the most, workers say wasteful meetings (59%) and excessive emails (43%) are the biggest offenders.” U.S. State of Enterprise Work Report | Workfront, 2016-2017
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If you take just my salary and calculate the opportunity cost there, it more than justifies the cost of at least one or two these tools—then multiply that by all of the other employees in the company with the same or similar barriers to actual productivity and it’s literally a no-brainer.
opportunity cost (noun) • the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen; can be implicit (intangible) or explicit (tangible, dollar amounts); often calculated as the difference between the return on investment (ROI) between the most profitable business decision and the current/chosen one.
Alas, almost every company I’ve been at or heard about from others is short-sighted when it comes to realizing opportunity cost—whether from the ROI on investments like software, ongoing training, professional development, employee satisfaction and retention, systems maintenance and technological upgrades, user experience, or bare minimum marketing strategies—because they “cost money.”
I’ve never understood this, because humans have an inherent loss-aversion cognitive bias—psychologically, we’re twice as motivated by avoiding potential loss than we are by pursuing potential gain, and we’re more likely to take risks to prevent loss. I suppose the problem is that the culture of busywork is so ingrained that it’s perceived as the baseline, where “increased” productivity is viewed as a potential gain, rather than decreased productivity as a major loss.
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Hasn’t anyone ever heard of short-term pain for long-term gain?
So, please hit me up if you have ideas on how to leverage ChatGPT and other tools to do things like batch cloning Jira tickets and generating documentation from templates; managing an overflowing email inbox; logging system data into disparate, static spreadsheets instead of intelligent, connected systems; manually searching old Jira tickets to append implementation dates to that data; finding and replacing duplicative instances of copy that aren’t using global elements/a single database source for management; pulling, consolidating, and analyzing reports from multiple disconnected systems; etc.
I’m really, really tired of spending my time and energy on easily automated work that does not challenge me or contribute to my sense of pride or satisfaction in my work, but does radically waste my time and my employer’s money.
Let’s help each other automate some shit and work smarter, not harder. It’s 2023 and we have not made all of these technological advancements just to ignore them and perpetuate the arbitrary 40-hour work week.
If we can spend half the time or less to reach our goals at work, then we can actually focus on the strategic parts of our roles to move the needle and invest more time in ourselves. We have the tools to be able to spend more of our time on personal passions and pursuits, family and friends, travel, leisure, hobbies, community engagement, volunteering, political activism, exercise and health, financial planning and management, home improvement, or whatever is currently being neglected or would improve our quality of life, happiness, and in return, our contributions to our workplaces.
Automation is the future. Contrary to much of the fear-mongering around the topic of work automation, four out of five knowledge workers see it as a chance to rethink work in new and exciting ways. Sixty-nine percent believe work automation will give them back time to perform their primary job duties better. The only hesitation that exists seems to lie in how much of work will ultimately be done by machines and how much will still require the human touch.” The State of Enterprise Work, U.S. Edition | Workfront, 2017 - 2018
It’s literally a win-win—except, perhaps, for the politicians and systems of power that seek to limit our financial flexibility, ability to organize, and the security to push for change.
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P.S. Call and email your representatives—repeatedly—and tell them you will donate, campaign, and vote for their opponents in the next election if they do not vote NO on The Restrict Act.
More reading for the nerds:
“Digital workers won’t settle for bad tech - Nearly half of workers say they’re likely to leave their current job if they’re unhappy or frustrated with workplace tech. (49%)” The 2021 State of Work — How Covid-19 changed digital work. | Adobe Experience Cloud, 2022
“Wasteful practices and tools—namely email and meetings—continue to thwart worker productivity. As in years past, poorly used meetings and email topped the list of things that keep knowledge workers from getting work done, with U.S. workers having an average of 199 unopened emails in their inboxes at any given time. This report certainly makes the case that email has reached the limits of its effectiveness as a work management tool.” The State of Enterprise Work, U.S. Edition | Workfront, 2017 - 2018
Why Busywork Is Making Your Employees Spend Less Time Doing Their Actual Jobs | Inc., 2016
Opportunity Cost: Missing the Mark on Motivation for Two Types of Employees | Maxim Kind, LinkedIn, 2018
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Best Accounting & Billing Software in Lucknow
Managing finances efficiently is crucial for businesses of all sizes. To help businesses streamline their financial processes, SigmaIT Software Designers Pvt. Ltd. in Lucknow offers state-of-the-art accounting and billing software. This software is designed to simplify the management of invoices, expenses, taxes, and more, helping companies stay organized and compliant with financial regulations.
Key Features of SigmaIT's Accounting & Billing Software -
SigmaIT’s accounting and billing software is packed with features tailored to meet the needs of modern businesses. Here’s a closer look at what makes it the best option in Lucknow:
Invoicing & Billing: SigmaIT’s software makes invoicing easy and efficient. It allows businesses to create, send, and track invoices with just a few clicks. Customizable invoice templates ensure that businesses can maintain their brand identity while also handling billing professionally. Automated billing reminders and recurring invoices help reduce the burden on the finance team.
Expense Tracking: The software provides a robust expense tracking system that allows businesses to log and categorize expenses in real-time. With the ability to attach receipts and generate detailed reports, this feature simplifies expense management and ensures that businesses have a clear overview of their spending patterns.
Tax Management: Keeping up with tax regulations can be complex, but SigmaIT’s accounting software simplifies the process. It automatically calculates tax on invoices and expenses, ensuring businesses remain compliant with the latest tax laws. The software is also equipped to handle GST, making it ideal for businesses operating in India.
Financial Reporting: One of the most critical aspects of any accounting software is its ability to generate insightful reports. SigmaIT’s solution offers real-time financial reporting that provides a clear picture of a company’s financial health. Businesses can generate profit and loss statements, balance sheets, cash flow reports, and other financial documents instantly.
Inventory Management: For businesses that manage products, SigmaIT’s software integrates inventory management with accounting. This feature allows users to track stock levels, monitor inventory movement, and automatically update accounts as products are sold or purchased. This integration ensures accurate financial records while minimizing manual data entry.
Multi-User Access: SigmaIT’s accounting and billing software supports multi-user access, allowing different team members to work on the platform simultaneously. Business owners can assign specific roles and permissions to employees, ensuring that sensitive financial data remains secure while improving collaboration.
Payment Gateway Integration: To streamline the payment collection process, the software integrates with multiple payment gateways, allowing businesses to accept payments directly from customers through their invoices. This feature speeds up the payment process and reduces manual reconciliation.
Cloud-Based Accessibility: SigmaIT offers a cloud-based version of its software, allowing businesses to access their financial data from anywhere, at any time. This flexibility is ideal for remote teams or businesses with multiple locations, ensuring that all financial information is always up-to-date and easily accessible.
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Benefits of Using SigmaIT’s Accounting & Billing Software -
Time-Saving: Automating routine tasks such as invoicing, tax calculation, and reporting saves businesses a significant amount of time. This allows business owners and financial teams to focus on more strategic aspects of the business.
Accuracy: Manual accounting is prone to errors, but SigmaIT’s software minimizes the risk of mistakes by automating key processes like tax calculation and report generation. This leads to more accurate financial records and better decision-making.
Cost-Effective: While the software offers premium features, it is priced affordably, making it accessible for small businesses and startups. Its ability to streamline processes also leads to long-term savings by reducing the need for extensive manual bookkeeping.
User-Friendly Interface: The software is designed with ease of use in mind. Even for non-technical users, the intuitive interface ensures that businesses can manage their finances without requiring extensive training or technical expertise.
Compliance with Financial Regulations: Staying compliant with ever-changing financial regulations is a challenge for many businesses. SigmaIT’s accounting and billing software is designed to help businesses meet legal requirements, particularly in relation to GST and other tax obligations in India.
Why Choose SigmaIT for Your Accounting & Billing Needs? -
SigmaIT Software Designers Pvt. Ltd. is a trusted name in the IT industry in Lucknow, known for delivering innovative and reliable software solutions. Here’s why their accounting and billing software stands out:
Custom Solutions: SigmaIT understands that every business has unique needs. They offer tailored solutions to ensure that their software fits perfectly with the specific requirements of each client.
Excellent Support: SigmaIT offers round-the-clock customer support to ensure that any issues are resolved quickly. Their team is always available to assist with technical queries, software updates, or any troubleshooting needed.
Scalability: As businesses grow, their software needs may change. SigmaIT’s accounting and billing software is scalable, allowing businesses to add more features or users as their operations expand.
Conclusion -
In a business environment where financial management is key to success, having the right tools is crucial. SigmaIT Software Designers Pvt. Ltd. offers the best accounting and billing software in Lucknow, providing businesses with an efficient, accurate, and cost-effective way to manage their finances. From invoicing and tax management to real-time financial reporting, SigmaIT’s software is an all-in-one solution for businesses looking to streamline their accounting processes.
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leeonline · 11 days
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Profit and Loss Xls Spreadsheet
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graphypixllc · 13 days
Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template
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Unlocking Success: The Ultimate Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template
In the competitive world of business, a compelling and well-structured presentation can be the key to unlocking doors to investment, partnerships, and growth opportunities. Whether you're pitching to investors, presenting to potential clients, or aligning your team on strategic goals, a robust business plan is crucial. But how do you make sure your business plan stands out? Enter the Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template—a powerful tool designed to streamline the presentation of your business ideas and strategies.
What is a Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template?
A Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template is a pre-designed set of slides tailored to help you convey your business strategy in a clear, engaging, and professional manner. These templates often come with pre-set layouts, color schemes, and content placeholders, making it easier to focus on your message rather than on design elements.
Why Use a Template?
1. Professionalism and Consistency: A well-designed template ensures that your presentation maintains a consistent look and feel throughout. This consistency helps in reinforcing your brand and makes your presentation appear polished and credible. Professionalism can significantly impact how your audience perceives your business, setting a positive tone from the start.
2. Time Efficiency: Crafting a presentation from scratch can be time-consuming. A template saves you valuable time by providing a structured format where you can simply insert your content. This efficiency allows you to focus more on refining your business plan rather than spending hours on design.
3. Focus on Content: With a template, the design and layout aspects are already handled. This lets you concentrate on developing and presenting your content. Your energy can be directed towards articulating your business model, market research, financial projections, and other key elements without getting bogged down by the design process.
4. Customization: While templates offer a structured format, they are also highly customizable. You can adjust colors, fonts, and layouts to match your brand’s identity or personal preferences. This flexibility ensures that while your presentation is structured, it remains unique to your business.
Key Elements to Include in Your Business Plan Presentation Template
Title Slide:
Business name, logo, and tagline
Presenter’s name and date
Executive Summary:
Brief overview of your business
Key objectives and goals
Business Description:
Company history, mission, and vision
Products or services offered
Market Analysis:
Industry overview
Target market and customer segments
Competitive analysis
Marketing and Sales Strategy:
Marketing plan
Sales strategy and channels
Customer acquisition and retention plans
Operational Plan:
Business operations and processes
Location, facilities, and technology
Team and management structure
Financial Projections:
Revenue and expense forecasts
Profit and loss statements
Cash flow analysis
Funding Requirements:
Capital needed
Use of funds
Investment opportunities and potential returns
Conclusion and Next Steps:
Summary of key points
Call to action or next steps
Contact information
Best Practices for Using a Business Plan PowerPoint Template
1. Keep It Simple: Avoid cluttering slides with too much text or too many graphics. Stick to the key points and use bullet points, charts, and visuals to support your message.
2. Tell a Story: Structure your presentation in a way that tells a compelling story. Start with the problem your business solves, and guide your audience through your solution, market potential, and financial outlook.
3. Use High-Quality Visuals: Incorporate high-quality images, graphs, and charts to make your points clearer and more impactful. Visuals can help in breaking down complex information and keeping your audience engaged.
4. Practice Your Delivery: A great template supports a great presentation, but your delivery is key. Practice speaking clearly and confidently, and ensure that you can navigate through your slides smoothly.
A Business Plan PowerPoint Presentation Template is more than just a design aid—it’s a strategic tool that can enhance the way you present your business ideas. By using a template, you not only save time and ensure professionalism but also provide a clear, engaging, and structured presentation that can captivate your audience. Remember, a well-prepared presentation is a powerful step towards making your business vision a reality. So, equip yourself with a top-notch template and take your business plan presentation to new heights!
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sigmaitsoftware25 · 1 month
Best Accounting & Billing Software Development in Lucknow
In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficient financial management is essential for success. To meet this need, businesses are increasingly turning to customized accounting and billing software that can streamline operations and improve accuracy. In Lucknow, SigmaIT Software Designers Pvt. Ltd. has emerged as a leader in developing the Best Accounting and Billing Software in Lucknow tailored to the unique needs of businesses across various industries.
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Why SigmaIT Software Designers Pvt. Ltd.? -
1. Expertise in Software Development: SigmaIT Software Designers Pvt. Ltd. boasts a team of experienced developers who specialize in creating robust accounting and billing software. With deep expertise in software development and a thorough understanding of financial processes, SigmaIT delivers solutions that are not only functional but also user-friendly and scalable. Their software is designed to grow with your business, providing the flexibility to adapt to changing needs.
2. Customized Solutions: Every business has unique accounting and billing requirements, and SigmaIT understands that a one-size-fits-all solution is not always effective. That’s why they offer customized software development services, ensuring that the software aligns perfectly with your specific business processes. Whether you need a basic invoicing system or a comprehensive accounting solution with multi-currency support, SigmaIT tailors the software to meet your exact needs.
3. Comprehensive Features: SigmaIT’s accounting and billing software is packed with features designed to simplify financial management. Some of the key features include:
Invoicing: Create, send, and manage invoices with ease. The software allows for customizable invoice templates, automated reminders, and payment tracking.
Expense Management: Track expenses in real-time, categorize them, and generate detailed reports to monitor spending.
Financial Reporting: Generate accurate financial reports such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow reports, providing valuable insights into your business’s financial health.
GST Compliance: Ensure compliance with GST regulations with automated tax calculations and GST return filing capabilities.
Multi-User Access: Provide different levels of access to multiple users, ensuring that team members can collaborate effectively while maintaining data security.
Integration Capabilities: SigmaIT’s software can be seamlessly integrated with other business systems such as CRM and ERP, allowing for streamlined operations and data consistency.
4. User-Friendly Interface: One of the hallmarks of SigmaIT’s software solutions is their user-friendly interface. The software is designed with the end-user in mind, making it easy for even non-technical users to navigate and operate. This intuitive design reduces the learning curve, allowing businesses to start using the software efficiently right from the start.
5. Focus on Security: In an era where data breaches are a significant concern, SigmaIT places a strong emphasis on security. Their accounting and billing software is equipped with robust security features, including data encryption, secure login protocols, and regular security updates. This ensures that your financial data is protected from unauthorized access and potential threats.
6. Excellent Support and Maintenance: SigmaIT Software Designers Pvt. Ltd. is committed to providing ongoing support and maintenance for their software solutions. Whether it’s troubleshooting issues, providing updates, or offering training sessions, SigmaIT’s dedicated support team is always ready to assist. This ensures that your software remains up-to-date and continues to perform optimally.
7. Proven Track Record: With a portfolio of successful projects and a reputation for delivering high-quality software, SigmaIT has established itself as a trusted name in the software development industry. Their clients range from small businesses to large enterprises, and they have consistently received positive feedback for their accounting and billing solutions.
8. Competitive Pricing: SigmaIT offers its software development services at competitive prices, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes. They provide transparent pricing structures with no hidden costs, ensuring that you get the best value for your investment.
Conclusion -
SigmaIT Software Designers Pvt. Ltd. is the best choice for accounting and billing software development in Lucknow. With their expertise, commitment to customization, and focus on user experience, they deliver software solutions that simplify financial management and help businesses achieve their goals. Whether you are a small business owner looking for a simple invoicing tool or a large enterprise in need of a comprehensive accounting system, SigmaIT has the skills and experience to deliver a solution that meets your needs.
For businesses in Lucknow and beyond, SigmaIT Software Designers Pvt. Ltd. is the go-to partner for reliable, efficient, and secure accounting and billing software development.
Contact Information - 
Phone - 9956973891
Address - 617, NEW -B, Vijay Khand, Ujariyaon, Vijay Khand 2, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226010
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jeamsrodrigo · 2 months
Imagine making $1000 daily without leaving your home! In this video I will share 11 proven…
Imagine making $1,000+ daily without leaving your home! In this video, I will share 11 proven business ideas that can help you earn over $1,000 daily from the comfort of your home. I’ll guide you through each step-by-step process for FREE. By the end of this video, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to start your own successful home-based business. Let’s dive right in! #sidehustle #onlinebusiness #makemoneyonline ✅ 30 Day free trial - Start Creating for Free with Printify: https://try.printify.com/mwc60aiaeg3m ✅ Create a Brand New Store with Sellify: https://get.sellfy.com/9sz5ghbkyaur ✅ Get 50% off With my TubeBuddy link - https://www.tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=AshrafBWF ============================= 🔔 Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ============================= 👉 Faceless YouTube Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvA9f1p6mEk 👉 Ebook Selling Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJT_Bm7ME7Y 👉 Make Money with Pinterest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWU53KkxduY 👉 How to Make Money with Etsy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHIC1JBA5nU ============================= ✅ About Ashraf Ali. Welcome to Ashraf Ali’s channel, your go-to place for discovering simple and effective ways to make money online. Get into business and finance with me as we explore proven strategies to grow your wealth. My videos discuss debunking money myths, fostering ethical wealth-building, and empowering you to take charge of your financial future. Join me on this journey to financial freedom, one video at a time. Subscribe now and start transforming your financial life today! 🔔 Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ⚠️Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. All content on my channel is my personal opinion. I am NOT a lawyer or financial advisor. I do not have any professional licenses. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Ashraf Ali. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Ashraf Ali ### Chapters 00:00 - **Make $1,000+ Daily from Home** 00:35 - **Joshua Mayo’s Success Story** 01:04 - **Print on Demand Candles** 01:51 - **Motivational Posters** 02:19 - **Simplify Finances with Found** 02:38 - **Profitable Stained Glass Designs** 03:00 - **Sell Digital Printables** 03:23 - **Spreadsheet Templates for Profit** 03:45 - **Branded Drop Shipping** 04:08 - **Custom Flip Flops** 04:26 - **Medium Content Books on Amazon** 04:48 - **Build WordPress Websites** 05:12 - **Create and Sell Online Courses** 05:33 - **Earn $2,329 Daily with Two Apps** Explore a simple method to earn $2,329 daily using just two apps. Click the link to learn more. 11 Proven Ways to Make $1,000+ Per Day Without Leaving Your Home! published first on https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/ Imagine making $1,000+ daily without leaving your home! In this video, I will share 11 proven… published first on https://ashrafbwf.tumblr.com/
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frankhardin · 2 months
11 Proven Ways to Make $1000 Per Day Without Leaving Your Home!
Imagine making $1,000+ daily without leaving your home! In this video, I will share 11 proven business ideas that can help you earn over $1,000 daily from the comfort of your home. I’ll guide you through each step-by-step process for FREE. By the end of this video, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to start your own successful home-based business. Let’s dive right in! #sidehustle #onlinebusiness #makemoneyonline 30 Day free trial – Start Creating for Free with Printify: https://try.printify.com/mwc60aiaeg3m Create a Brand New Store with Sellify: https://get.sellfy.com/9sz5ghbkyaur Get 50% off With my TubeBuddy link – https://www.tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=AshrafBWF ============================= Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ============================= Faceless YouTube Strategy: Ebook Selling Strategy: Make Money with Pinterest: How to Make Money with Etsy: ============================= About Ashraf Ali. Welcome to Ashraf Ali’s channel, your go-to place for discovering simple and effective ways to make money online. Get into business and finance with me as we explore proven strategies to grow your wealth. My videos discuss debunking money myths, fostering ethical wealth-building, and empowering you to take charge of your financial future. Join me on this journey to financial freedom, one video at a time. Subscribe now and start transforming your financial life today! Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. All content on my channel is my personal opinion. I am NOT a lawyer or financial advisor. I do not have any professional licenses. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Ashraf Ali. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Ashraf Ali ### Chapters 00:00 – **Make $1,000+ Daily from Home** 00:35 – **Joshua Mayo’s Success Story** 01:04 – **Print on Demand Candles** 01:51 – **Motivational Posters** 02:19 – **Simplify Finances with Found** 02:38 – **Profitable Stained Glass Designs** 03:00 – **Sell Digital Printables** 03:23 – **Spreadsheet Templates for Profit** 03:45 – **Branded Drop Shipping** 04:08 – **Custom Flip Flops** 04:26 – **Medium Content Books on Amazon** 04:48 – **Build WordPress Websites** 05:12 – **Create and Sell Online Courses** 05:33 – **Earn $2,329 Daily with Two Apps** Explore a simple method to earn $2,329 daily using just two apps. Click the link to learn more. 11 Proven Ways to Make $1,000+ Per Day Without Leaving Your Home! published first on https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/ 11 Proven Ways to Make $1,000+ Per Day Without Leaving Your Home! published first on https://ashrafbwf.wordpress.com/
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tharmanwilliamson · 2 months
11 Proven Ways to Make $1000 Per Day Without Leaving Your Home!
Imagine making $1,000+ daily without leaving your home! In this video, I will share 11 proven business ideas that can help you earn over $1,000 daily from the comfort of your home. I’ll guide you through each step-by-step process for FREE. By the end of this video, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to start your own successful home-based business. Let’s dive right in! #sidehustle #onlinebusiness #makemoneyonline 30 Day free trial – Start Creating for Free with Printify: https://try.printify.com/mwc60aiaeg3m Create a Brand New Store with Sellify: https://get.sellfy.com/9sz5ghbkyaur Get 50% off With my TubeBuddy link – https://www.tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=AshrafBWF ============================= Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ============================= Faceless YouTube Strategy: Ebook Selling Strategy: Make Money with Pinterest: How to Make Money with Etsy: ============================= About Ashraf Ali. Welcome to Ashraf Ali’s channel, your go-to place for discovering simple and effective ways to make money online. Get into business and finance with me as we explore proven strategies to grow your wealth. My videos discuss debunking money myths, fostering ethical wealth-building, and empowering you to take charge of your financial future. Join me on this journey to financial freedom, one video at a time. Subscribe now and start transforming your financial life today! Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. All content on my channel is my personal opinion. I am NOT a lawyer or financial advisor. I do not have any professional licenses. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Ashraf Ali. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Ashraf Ali ### Chapters 00:00 – **Make $1,000+ Daily from Home** 00:35 – **Joshua Mayo’s Success Story** 01:04 – **Print on Demand Candles** 01:51 – **Motivational Posters** 02:19 – **Simplify Finances with Found** 02:38 – **Profitable Stained Glass Designs** 03:00 – **Sell Digital Printables** 03:23 – **Spreadsheet Templates for Profit** 03:45 – **Branded Drop Shipping** 04:08 – **Custom Flip Flops** 04:26 – **Medium Content Books on Amazon** 04:48 – **Build WordPress Websites** 05:12 – **Create and Sell Online Courses** 05:33 – **Earn $2,329 Daily with Two Apps** Explore a simple method to earn $2,329 daily using just two apps. Click the link to learn more. 11 Proven Ways to Make $1,000+ Per Day Without Leaving Your Home! published first on https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/ 11 Proven Ways to Make $1,000+ Per Day Without Leaving Your Home! published first on https://ashrafbwf.wordpress.com/
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amandadenisa · 2 months
11 Proven Ways to Make $1000 Per Day Without Leaving Your Home!
Imagine making $1,000+ daily without leaving your home! In this video, I will share 11 proven business ideas that can help you earn over $1,000 daily from the comfort of your home. I'll guide you through each step-by-step process for FREE. By the end of this video, you'll have all the knowledge you need to start your own successful home-based business. Let's dive right in! #sidehustle #onlinebusiness #makemoneyonline ✅ 30 Day free trial - Start Creating for Free with Printify: https://try.printify.com/mwc60aiaeg3m ✅ Create a Brand New Store with Sellify: https://get.sellfy.com/9sz5ghbkyaur ✅ Get 50% off With my TubeBuddy link - https://www.tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=AshrafBWF ============================= 🔔 Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ============================= 👉 Faceless YouTube Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvA9f1p6mEk 👉 Ebook Selling Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJT_Bm7ME7Y 👉 Make Money with Pinterest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWU53KkxduY 👉 How to Make Money with Etsy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHIC1JBA5nU ============================= ✅ About Ashraf Ali. Welcome to Ashraf Ali's channel, your go-to place for discovering simple and effective ways to make money online. Get into business and finance with me as we explore proven strategies to grow your wealth. My videos discuss debunking money myths, fostering ethical wealth-building, and empowering you to take charge of your financial future. Join me on this journey to financial freedom, one video at a time. Subscribe now and start transforming your financial life today! 🔔 Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ⚠️Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. All content on my channel is my personal opinion. I am NOT a lawyer or financial advisor. I do not have any professional licenses. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Ashraf Ali. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Ashraf Ali ### Chapters 00:00 - **Make $1,000+ Daily from Home** 00:35 - **Joshua Mayo's Success Story** 01:04 - **Print on Demand Candles** 01:51 - **Motivational Posters** 02:19 - **Simplify Finances with Found** 02:38 - **Profitable Stained Glass Designs** 03:00 - **Sell Digital Printables** 03:23 - **Spreadsheet Templates for Profit** 03:45 - **Branded Drop Shipping** 04:08 - **Custom Flip Flops** 04:26 - **Medium Content Books on Amazon** 04:48 - **Build WordPress Websites** 05:12 - **Create and Sell Online Courses** 05:33 - **Earn $2,329 Daily with Two Apps** Explore a simple method to earn $2,329 daily using just two apps. Click the link to learn more. 11 Proven Ways to Make $1,000+ Per Day Without Leaving Your Home! published first on https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/ 11 Proven Ways to Make $1,000+ Per Day Without Leaving Your Home! published first on https://ashrafbwf.blogspot.com/
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ashrafbwf · 2 months
Imagine making $1,000+ daily without leaving your home! In this video, I will share 11 proven business ideas that can help you earn over $1,000 daily from the comfort of your home. I'll guide you through each step-by-step process for FREE. By the end of this video, you'll have all the knowledge you need to start your own successful home-based business. Let's dive right in! #sidehustle #onlinebusiness #makemoneyonline ✅ 30 Day free trial - Start Creating for Free with Printify: https://try.printify.com/mwc60aiaeg3m ✅ Create a Brand New Store with Sellify: https://get.sellfy.com/9sz5ghbkyaur ✅ Get 50% off With my TubeBuddy link - https://www.tubebuddy.com/pricing?a=AshrafBWF ============================= 🔔 Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ============================= 👉 Faceless YouTube Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvA9f1p6mEk 👉 Ebook Selling Strategy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJT_Bm7ME7Y 👉 Make Money with Pinterest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWU53KkxduY 👉 How to Make Money with Etsy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHIC1JBA5nU ============================= ✅ About Ashraf Ali. Welcome to Ashraf Ali's channel, your go-to place for discovering simple and effective ways to make money online. Get into business and finance with me as we explore proven strategies to grow your wealth. My videos discuss debunking money myths, fostering ethical wealth-building, and empowering you to take charge of your financial future. Join me on this journey to financial freedom, one video at a time. Subscribe now and start transforming your financial life today! 🔔 Want to master the art of making money online and take control of your financial future? Subscribe now and start your journey to financial freedom! https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ⚠️Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. All content on my channel is my personal opinion. I am NOT a lawyer or financial advisor. I do not have any professional licenses. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Ashraf Ali. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Ashraf Ali ### Chapters 00:00 - **Make $1,000+ Daily from Home** 00:35 - **Joshua Mayo's Success Story** 01:04 - **Print on Demand Candles** 01:51 - **Motivational Posters** 02:19 - **Simplify Finances with Found** 02:38 - **Profitable Stained Glass Designs** 03:00 - **Sell Digital Printables** 03:23 - **Spreadsheet Templates for Profit** 03:45 - **Branded Drop Shipping** 04:08 - **Custom Flip Flops** 04:26 - **Medium Content Books on Amazon** 04:48 - **Build WordPress Websites** 05:12 - **Create and Sell Online Courses** 05:33 - **Earn $2,329 Daily with Two Apps** Explore a simple method to earn $2,329 daily using just two apps. Click the link to learn more. 11 Proven Ways to Make $1,000+ Per Day Without Leaving Your Home! published first on https://www.youtube.com/@AshrafBWF/
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funwithfilmora · 2 months
Make Money with Filmora: Take advantage of Local Opportunities
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV-aztbJ9WQ Learn how to harness the power of video editing to make money from Local Opportunities 👉 Filmora Screen Recorder https://shorturl.at/OMRoz 👉 Creating Intro Videos with Filmora and Templates | Easy Tutorial! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFErzIOO7MY 👉 How to Use Filmora's FREE AI Music Generator for Your Videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6Ui0uKS-7M 👉 Filmora 13: How to Add Eye-Catching Animated Subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZhJksJRGMc 👉 Creating Stunning Videos with Filmora Text to Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kC3fBjJ6vo 👉 Logo Animation Made Easy in Filmora | Step-by-Step Guide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51qnTJfc9To 👉 Filmora Tutorial: Creating YouTube Shorts From Widescreen Video Made Easy https://youtu.be/LFFDZswNIpg Disclaimer: this video is to help you with your video editing and give you ideas of how you could make money from your skills. It cannot guarantee an income. ✅ Subscribe To The Channel Fun with Filmora To Create Amazing Videos With Wondershare Filmora Video Editing Software: https://www.youtube.com/@funwithfilmora ✅ Wondershare Filmora links: 👉 Learn more in the Creator Hub: https://bit.ly/3ssiU9V 👉 Download and try Filmora 13: https://bit.ly/3UyXMKk 👉 Expand your creativity with creative assets in Filmora: https://bit.ly/3SLP1MK ✅ Stay Connected With Me. 👉 Website: https://funwithfilmora.co.uk/ ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists: 👉 Ways To Make Money With Filmora: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt5FyPoxYDE1Yn-_qQvwNnQ0i9ZIWBHCV 👉 Tutorials: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt5FyPoxYDE3v8kU94PE26eGvX0yhbIP3 👉 Creating Intros & Outros That Wow Your Audience in Filmora: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt5FyPoxYDE0VK8brlxXYPYL-ABsuUh-R 👉 Creative Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLt5FyPoxYDE2WFeMnYyMmOxt_-vt42SZj 👉 Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/@funwithfilmora/shorts ============================= ✅ About Fun with Filmora. Fun with Filmora is about creating videos with the easy-to-use yet powerful Wondershare Filmora video editing software and having fun at the same time. I will show creative videos edited with Filmora and tutorials on how to use this amazing piece of software. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Subscribe To The Channel Fun with Filmora To Create Amazing Videos With Wondershare Filmora Video Editing Software: https://www.youtube.com/@funwithfilmora ================================= #Filmoraformobile #WondershareFilmora #FilmoraCreatorHub #FilmoraCertifiedCreative #Filmora #Filmora13 Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred by you acting or not acting as a result of listening to any of our publications. For all videos on my channel: This information is for general & educational purposes only. Always consult with an attorney, CPA, or financial professional for advice based on your specific situation Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use. Affiliate Links: If this page contains affiliate links and you choose to purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. via https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDiv61hEGgjC1JWO79J02Fg July 28, 2024 at 06:00PM
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