fisbred · 11 months
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ⓘ⠀about me ! by wawanluvr
wawanluvr, but call me chive or anything you like! i prefer to go by they/them, but i'm ok with anything as well! ind/eng.
this blog mostly reblogs about x reader. i'm okay with female reader, but much prefer gn/male reader! :D
ⓘ⠀fandom(s) : atelier of witch hat, genshin impact, undertale/deltarune, omori, honkai star rail. ⓘ⠀before you follow : ship(s) : (genshin impact) chiscara, haiscara, kazuscara, lumiscara, aescara, monascara, kavehtham. (omori) heromari. favorite/comfort char(s) : - ⓘ⠀don't follow if : if you're racist, pro-shipper, pedophilia, shipping scarahida please leave, hating straight ship. (adding more in future)
masterlist | rules + request/ask
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jileyjen · 1 year
About me layout!
(japanese name) ☆ ͡ ݂ carrd in proggres ⊹ 𓈒 ۫ ィ ִ ꕤ ˚ ݂ ֹ ۟ ׅ ͡ ☆ ͡ ݂ ۫ have a nice day! • ˖ ˚ ˳⊹ (name) 🠢 ・・(pronounce) 𖥻 ִ ۫ ּ 𓏲 :˖ 𖥻 𓂃 ࣪˖ 𖦹 lets be strangers again ᰍ 𖦆 ꧇ (age)ᶻ z⠀𝘇⠀𐰁
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jesuscrab · 2 years
can't find it anymore but i saw a post like "pathologic wasn't even that hard" and god thanks for that post. the main reason why so little patho players finished the first day isin't becuse it's some super hardcore game, it's becuse it doesnt teach you one of it's most important mechanics - journal and letters system - which makes it impossible to complete, since you litterally don't know what are you supposed to be doing.
Combined with the fact that the first day of the game posseses the unique feature of not allowing you to proggres if you don't compelte the main quest, which again, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT IS BECUSE THE GAME DOESNT TELL YOU WHAT BUTTON TO PRESS TO CHECK YOUR QUESTS.
Like, there are obviously features of patho that are deliberte mechanics that are hard. But so much of it is just the result of low budget slavjank. And in my humble opinion, the marketing and framing of patho as some hardcore survival horror is a real dissarvice to the game as a whole, becuse it's much much more then that
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rofifahs-blog · 20 days
kudu mlaku selow tapi ndelok waktu sing terus berjalan dan kesempatan garap sing urung mesti Ono, Mneh kanca kanca sing proggres garape ceto genahe wkwkwk rasane wkwkwk ngne iki coro simulasi seko op yo, Gusti Allah meh maringi opo kuliah kok sambinane ngne men🤣😂 Ya Allah Mugo" anak anak ya Munggah kabeh, genah Kabeh masio tak sambi" kyk ngne iki 😂🤣 Ra bakal kuat ancen nyonggo anak akihe ngne. anak kandung siji wae urung karuan iso, meneh anak ketemu gede wkwkw. kne" mung iso ngusahani dengan pantauan langsng yang hanya beberapa jam sehari, sisone sing pas gak adepan, jelas kuasane Gusti ape ngarahno anak anak kui nk ndi🙃 weslah iling" falanuhyiyannahu hayatan thoyyibah... 😂😅🥰
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nerdlady · 3 months
Sejak tau hamil aku sudah banyak belajar persiapan menjalani kehamilan yang sehat, minim keluhan hingga menyusui sampai belajar parenting selama 4th belakangan ini, sampai aku punya banyaak banget buku catatan pelajaran+ evaluasinya wkwke
Sekarang udah saatnya masuk happy mom era ga sih ? 🙂
Rasanya udah lebih ringan jadi ortu, anakku tiba-tiba udah mulai mau tidur sendiri, mau coba berpakaian sendiri... ilmu udah ada tinggal hari hari implementasinya aja...((Aja 🤣🙂🐰))
Perjalanan jadi orang tua memang tak selalu mudah. Ada kalanya aku merasa ragu dan cemas. Tapi, ilmu yang telah kupelajari menjadi kompas yang menuntun langkahku.
Lalu sejak awal tahun lalu aku niatkan belajar inner healing dan ternyata juga kebuka banget jalannya, its still on proggres tho,
Mungkin kalau orang denial nganggap ini sesuatu ilmu yang ngawang-ngawang, tapi kalau kamu ngerasain sendiri beeghhhhhh mengorek luka lama yg udah korengan, lalu di sembuhin lg tuh... Prosesnya pedih bgt pedihhh 🤣 tapi harus banget dijalani, karena biar bisa menerapkan ilmu parenting dg baik.. ya kan ?
Sekarang ini meniatkan diri untuk mulai terjun belajar ilmu agama, buat bekel di akhirat, dan buat bekel ngedidik anak juga :') aaaa aaaa mulai ngembeng 🙂
Bukakan jalannya ya Rabb 💛
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shel0vesme · 1 year
also, i knew i said i wasn’t gonna drink anymore but idk man..... it was so much fun HAHAHAHA, like i’m not gonna get wasted every single weekend thats for sure but like getting happy once a moth when i go to the club woulnd’t hurt anyone.....
plus i’m in that age where i can literally do ANYTHING and go feral and ITS GOING TO BE OKAY, in twenty years from now i’m not gonna be able to go to the club one night and then go on a morning hike the next morning, or pull an all.nighter with my best friens, ykwim????? THIS IS THE YEARS TO DO THAT!!! fuck influencers who tolds us we have to be healthy all the time, yes, you can be healthy in many other ways!!!!!!! youre not gonna miss out on so many memories just because it doesnt fit your aesthetic or its going to ‘ruin your progress’. proggres is never ruined, progress isn’t linear. 
plus i have been doing like 10 months of “detox” (not drinking every fucking weekend like most of my friends are), and im not gonna do it anymore, but im not gonna restric it 100% either, i also discovered its not as fun as you think, not having any control over your body, but at a certain level its really fun and also just going out, living the night life..... i can be spiritual 5 days a week but let me go feral the other 2 ones HHAHAHAHA THIS IS THE TIME TO DO THAT!!!!! I HAVE TO BE ENJOYING MY TEEN LIFE AND THATS BASICALLY HOW YOU DO IT!!!! ZERO RESPOSABILITIES AND 100 OF ENERGY!!!!! but also i need to be taking care of myself so i can be doind that for a loooooong time.
anyways i understand myself in my head lol thanks
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arcade-game-ark · 2 years
work progress
so far i gave made some running sprites and have yet to add it to my game here is some of the proggres
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I have slightly improve the walk animation in the game as it dose not work that much as you can see so I reversed it so the tail dose not revers back and I might add more movement to the body and head
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Kinda wishing there was Banana Fish the Musical
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mnicholasm · 7 years
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Body progress...it's a lifestyle, not just for the summer. Thanks @noahwright88 for being my accountability partner. Push one another and see what amazing things happen. #bodyunderconstruction #striveforgreatness #proggres #youareyourowncompetition #betteryourself #lifestyle #bodyby24 #muscle #sexy #menstagram #fitmen #menofinstagram #menofig @noahwright88 #igdaily #menwithmuscles #lifestyle #behappy #loveyourself #upliftothers #pushoneanother #instadaily #iphonesia #shotbyiphone #iphone (at West Hollywood, California)
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berniesrevolution · 6 years
A pair of Brooklyn progressive state Senate Democratic candidates is set to announce on Thursday they will back each other’s bids.
The two 20-someting first-time candidates are Julia Salazar and Ross Barkan.
Salazar, 27 and a self-described democratic socialist, is running a primary challenge against longtime incumbent Sen. Martin Dilan in north Brooklyn. Barkan, 28, of Bay Ridge, is in a Democratic primary against Andrew Gounardes to see who will take on veteran GOP Sen. Martin Golden.in south Brooklyn.
Both have said if elected they will focus on such issues as tenant protections and affordable housing.
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(Political journalist Ross Barkan is seeking nomination to run against veteran Brooklyn Republican state Sen. Martin Golden.)
“To beat the reactionary Republican agenda in New York and across the country, we need Democrats with real political vision,” Salazar said. “Ross Barkan is exactly the kind of new voice we need in politics.”
(Continue Reading)
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hazumio · 3 years
Kenalan sama diri sendiri
Udah pernah kenalan sama diri sendiri belum?
Kalau iya sampai dimana kita mengenal diri kita sendiri? Jangan-jangan selama ini kita hanya hidup sebagai seorang denialist. Orang yang menganggap dirinya A, ternyata B.
Dalam surat Al-Balad ayat 4 Allah bilang bahwa manusia itu diciptakan dalam keadaan kabad, para ulama tafsir menafsirkan kata kabad dengan 2 arti, pertama tegak lurus, kedua susah payah. 
Tegak lurus maksudnya kita diciptakan dengan sempurna badan kita tegak dan lurus, susah payah maksudnya manusia diciptakan dalam keadaan susah payah, mulai dari perjalanan untuk menikah bapak dan ibu kita, saat ibu kita mengandung kita, melahirkan kita, dan membesarkan kita. 
Sampai itu kita hidup belajar merangkak, berjalan, berbicara, sekolah dan seterusnya, mencari nafkah, menghidupi diri sendiri, berhadapan sama manusia lain, dst. Semua manusia hidup dengan keadaan susah payah, gak ada 1 pun manusia yang gak mengalami susah payah. Nah ini salah satu sunnatullah yang seharusnya kita terima, memang seperti ini hidup ini. 
Belum lagi ditambah ayat-ayat soal dunia penuh dengan kesenangan yang menipu. 
Bahkan tidak sedikit dari kita yang terkadang menjadi jumawa dengan diri sendiri karena kelebihan-kelebihan yang dimiliki padahal kita ini diciptakan dari sesuatu yang amat sangat hina, setetes cairan yang kalau ketempel di pakaian pasti tuh orang malu. 
Kenalan sama diri sendiri bukan perkara mudah, kalau kita berhasil kenalan dengan diri kita sendiri, insecure yang ada dalam diri kita tidak akan membawa kita pada kejumudan dan depressi melainkan akan membawa pada kebaikan.
Nah pertanyaannya gimana cara kita ngenal diri kita sendiri? 
pertama tanamkan dalam diri gak ada manusia yang sempurna, even ourself, akuilah kelemahan kita, tabiat jelek kita, sifat kita dst. yang merupakan akumulasi dari pendidikan orangtua kita maupun lingkunga, dan kitapun gak bisa nuntut orangtua kita agar ngedidik kita supaya gak punya mental ilness dsj, kadang harus kita yang memperbaiki jelenya sifat kita itu, hitung-hitung ujian kehidupan yang bentuknya ke diri sendiri. 
Setelah mengetahui kelemahan kita, carilah kelebihan kita, gak perlu yang mewah-mewah soal kelebihan, kadang kelebihan kita sama dengan orang lain, yaiyalah kan kita bukan nabi dan rasul. Hadueh. Jadi wajar aja kalau ada orang lain yang punya kelebihan serupa dengan kita.
Contoh paling kecil kemampuan nyetir mobil dan motor, entah kenapa banyak orang menganggap ini kelebihan sepele, padahal ini merupakan skill kehidupan yang gak semua orang miliki, kalau kita punya ya itu kelebihan yang Allah berikan. 
Gimana orang mau ngehargai kita? kalau kita saja gak mampu menghargai diri kita sendiri.
Setelah mengetahui kelebihan dan kekurangan, yang harus kita miliki adalah tujuan hidup yang benar. Karena kelebihan dan kekurangan kita itu akan kita pakai untuk mejalani hidup ini. 
Contoh ya saya punya kekurangan soal terrible at comforting someone, serius, saya kalau ngomong sama orang kadang menurut saya bahasa saya biasa aja, orang lain ternyata udah tersinggung parahnya kalau dia gak ngomong dia tersinggung dengan kata-kata saya dan langsung marah saya akan menganggap aneh ‘masa gitu doang marah’ karena ada tujuan dalam setiap komunikasi saya ke orang jadi kalau dia ngasih kesempatan saya untuk mintaa maaf saya akan perbaiki kesalahan saya itu.
Kenapa saya mau cape-cape memperbaiki kesalahan? ya kenapa tidak? toh kalau itu untuk proggres kita menjadi lebih baik dalam kacamata syariat, ya diperbaiki aja. Hidup jangan dibikin ribet karena gak dibikin ribet aja udah ribet. 
Kenalan sama diri sendiri itu gak mudah, apalagi ditengah-tengah jaman kek sekarang yang banyak menggembar gemborkan self love dan self reward, halah. Apa manfaatnya mencintai diri sendiri yang amburadul, changes yourself dude bukan untuk nyenengin diri sendiri apalagi orang lain tapi untuk ridho Allah. Karena sebaik-baiknya self love adalah menjalankan apa yang Allah perintahkan dan menjauhi apa yang Allah larang, kenapa? karena self rewardnya ridho Allah yang bisa membawa kita ketempat gak ada rasa lain yang kita rasakan selain bahagia, yaitu Surga Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala
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allu-lumin · 3 years
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Proggres of my humanized kuromi drawing :)
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shukuchiisms · 7 years
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youthartwork · 3 years
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Work In Proggres. #yaartworkgallery #music #dj #djlife #djpain #albumcovers #albumcoverartwork #album #albumdesigner #albumcover #albumcoverdesign #mixtapecovers #mixtapecoverart #mixtapedesigns #mixtape #mixtapedesigner https://www.instagram.com/p/CUC3yWZlLL2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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just-some-gt-trash · 5 years
The prompt list was made by @hiddendreamer67
AN: sorry for the delay! Half of my proggres was erased and I suffered :’) but here it is!
Tw: being called it/that, humiliation, heartbreak.
Prince and the pauper au
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Patton couldn't stop looking at his ring, he had seem some thousands of times, but never thought he'll be able to use one, much less one as fancy as this.
Since the proposal, Patton started to act a little more like himself while he was around Logan, his heart kept speaking louder than his head and he fell in love with the prince more everyday.
He lowered his hand as he thought about Roman, he had been on his head less and less, but he still remembered he was the one Logan loved.
The borrower was also worried about Thomas, he hadn't appeared since the day he arrived here, Patton managed to keep going with the lie by himself, but he was still worried.
Someone knocked in the door “Come in” the door was opened and a maid peeked her head into the room “Prince Roman, your presence is required in the throne room”
“I’ll be there in a moment, thank you” The maid got out of the room and closed the door behind her, Patton took a deep breath as he prepared to get into his role again, he stood up and got out of the room.
He walked to the throne room and got inside closing the door behind him, in there, King Emile and Remy, Dee and Logan could be seen.
“Oh look, here he is” Dee said gesturing to Patton “The impostor”
The borrower got speechless, there was no way for him to know the truth right? “What?” He asked.
Emile sighed “Darling, Dee is saying that you’re not the real Roman”
“Which of course” interrupted Logan “is not remotely possible”
De smirked “your highness” he said turning to Emile “I suppose you’re aware of my interest in magic”
“I am” The king rubbed his forehead “you asked for supplies and a place to practice a few years ago”
“Well, there are a lot of types of magic, one of which can make a person look and sound like another one, and it can be easily undone by this” he reached into his cape and got a bottle full of a white sparkly liquid “this potion can erase the effects of any kind of curse or spell on someone if they drink it”
Logan groaned “this is ridiculous”
The advisor walked to Patton “Prince Roman, or whatever your name is, would you mind to prove your honesty to us?”
“There’s nothing to prove here!” Logan walked to his fiancé’s side and took his arm “you don’t have to do this”
“He’s right, you don’t have to do it, but I’ll tell you what, is you drink it and nothing happens, you can fire me, I myself will walk out of the castle and you’ll never see me again, you don’t have nothing to fear if there’s nothing to hide”
The prince rolled his eyes “fine, if that is going to end this madness”
Patton gulped looking at the potion, he knew that everything would be ruined if he drank it, he would shrink back to his normal size and who knows what are they going to do to him afterwards.
King Emile will be devastated knowing his son’s still missing, king Remy will be so mad that he’ll cancel the wedding and the alliance definitely, Dee will be so proud he was right that he’ll have enough courage to proceed with whatever evil plan he had, and Logan... god Logan will hate him, they’ve been trough a lot in the last days and he kept lying to him, even if his love was real.
He took a deep breath and grabbed the bottle, glancing one last time at everyone in the room, stopping when he got to Logan, he looked at his ring for a moment before returning his sight to him and muttering “I’m sorry” before drinking the potion.
Logan’s expression changed from an annoyed one to a worried one, he tried to stop Patton but it was too late, he was only able to grab the bottle before the other one let go of it.
A gasp was made by most of the people in the room as Patton shrank, he had his eyes closed, but he could feel the wig and his ring weren’t shrinking with him, when he opened his eyes, he was under the wig and everything was dark, it’s cover was lifted and he could see Dee’s gigantic face in front of him.
“Wow, this is not what I was expecting” he reached and grabbed Patton from the back of his shirt “But it works” he whispered to the borrower “Gentlemen, it seems I’ve made a mistake, this was not costume magic, but a size changing one” he lifted Patton close to his face “this right here, is a borrower, an almost unknown magical creature” Dee huffed trying to hold back a laugh “I wouldn’t say magical actually, the only thing that makes their existence so unbelievable, is their minuscule size, as why does he look like the prince, no idea, but he clearly did all of this to take the throne” he got closer to the king as he spoke “your highness” he handed Patton to Emile.
“N-No! That wasn’t why I did it” he looked up at the king “I-I swear I was just trying to help Roman! Protect the prince from him!” Patton turned to Dee and pointed at them.
“For the love of god!” King Remy walked to Emile “It doesn’t matter what he was trying to do, we’ve been fooled! You were just playing with us and you know what? We are out of this alliance! And this is over!” He screamed walking away.
”Remy wait” Emile stood up with the borrower still on his hand and grabbed Remy's arm with the other one ”I had no idea I promise, Roman ran away and then he used it to take his place and I-”
The king got his arm out of Emile's grasp ”And you weren't going to tell us that either?! What else are you hiding from us?!” He took a deep breath before continuing ”I just can't trust you anymore Emile” he turned and continued his way to the door ”Go get your stuff hun, we're going back home” he said to Logan before walking out.
The prince glanced at Patton briefly, he picked up his ring and followed his father.
Emile breathed sadly as he managed to hold back his tears ”Dee, take this liar to the guards, make sure they find a cage for it and leave it in the dungeon” he said handing Patton back to his advisor.
Dee smirked and took the borrower ”With pleasure” he walked out of the room and to the dungeon ”I don't know how you discovered me, but staying in a cage will keep you out of the way” he whispered to Patton, they got to the dungeon and Dee gave him to one of the guards ”Keep him locked, direct orders from the king” the guard nodded and walked away with the borrower in hand.
King Remy closed the door of the carriage ”Can you believe it? You almost married that?”
Logan couldn't stop looking at the ring he had given to the borrower, everything was connecting in his head, he knew Roman acted different that usual, and he was being honest when he proposed, he liked that attitude ”Unbelievable father” he answered.
The carriage started to move, and Logan felt like he left behind part of his heart.
To be continued...
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drawing-with-metal · 6 years
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Some sort of proggres on my most recent drawing
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