#program: never enough
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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I was *not* longing, I swear.
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sincerely-sofie · 25 days
*Skitters up to you on all fours and drops this in your lap, then scrambles up the walls and onto the ceiling and immediately falls asleep*
Comic time! Lucky wakes up in the middle of the night and has a chat with Sen in this one.
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#ah yes. the struggle of seeing yourself as a machine incapable of truly having an emotional connection with others#no matter how deeply you long for such things#whilst simultaneously seeing that deep longing within you as a mistake. a flaw. an imperfection#you were made to be absolute and impartial#to be biased in favor of your charges beyond that which your ‘programming’ dictates is shameful#you are broken. you are flawed. you want and you want and you want and you’ve never stopped /wanting./#you aren’t supposed to worry or care or love. you weren’t made for it.#and if you were not made for it then you simply cannot worry or care or love.#these /things/ that haunt you and make you inefficient are not emotions.#they are your imperfections; flaws in your make; symbols of your failures to live up to your purpose#you are broken. you are flawed. and you want so deeply that you can scarcely keep the longing inside you#such a failure you are; to not only survive the fall of the metropolis you were built to give your life to defend#but also to stoop to and revel in such indulgent imperfections as these false emotions the moment your makers are gone to dust#Fun Fact! Sen doesn’t require sleep#and spends every evening standing outside of Sharpedo Bluff / whatever campsite the gang have set up to guard the entrance.#she doesn't stay inside at night because it wasn't something done in the metropolis she hails from.#sentries are meant to watch over their charges. they are not meant to indulge in the pleasant and dry warmth of their homes.#Kip hears about this eventually (he thought it was just Sen not trusting people enough to sleep around them) and FLIPS OUT#“PLEASE would you come inside IT'S LITERALLY HAILING”#Sen is taking so much hail damage and has the gall to look at him and say “You should return to your home. the weather is unfavorable”#Kip just screams into his hands because he might have found someone even worse at self-care than Twig#And with that#it is beddy-bye time for Sofie :)#the present is a gift au#pmd oc#pmd ocs#pokemon mystery dungeon#pokémon mystery dungeon#pmd explorers#pmd eos
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sevenfactorial · 1 year
Any algorithm can be a black box algorithm if you're too lazy to read the documentation
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
Every so often someone will tag a post of mine with "hope this is okay to reblog"--which like, I appreciate the consideration certainly, but for me personally every post of mine is rebloggable. This is the Reblog Posts website to me. Sometimes I'll post the most deeply personal thing completely beneath a readmore and inevitably one or two people will reblog it, and I'll be like "yeah okay. sure. have fun with that"
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mintmatcha · 2 years
best friends little brother choso, who spreads your legs as far as possible and eats you out with his entire mouth, full tongue licking up your cunt.... teasing your asshole every now and again...
when you cum and weakly try to pull him away, he wraps an arm under your ass and holds you flat against him, your weak cries only spurring him on further, burying his nose further into your skin as if he can’t possibly get enough--
“Cho- I-- I came, you can stop-”
“Don’t wanna,” he nips the crease of your thigh. his face is smeared with your cum, thin and glossy all the way up his cheeks, “I wanna keep tasting you.”
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mueritos · 8 months
being in a social work masters program as a marginalized person who is ages ahead in theory and experience in comparison to your (white, privileged, rich) cohort is a fucking minefield. solidarity for all and every other marginalized person in these fucking micro aggressive and liberal ass social work programs.
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my-beloved-lakes · 5 months
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Eliot and the stray cat he said they weren't keeping. (Click for better quality)
(Ficlet below the cut)
Eliot glanced up from his book when he heard Parker come in, then did a double take.
She was standing in the doorway, holding a cat. It was scrawny and wet and covered in mud.
"Look what I found in the alley." She said, her voice was sad and sympathetic, but underneath that there was a hint of excitement. "She needs a home."
Oh no. Eliot thought.
"We are not keeping the cat, Parker." He said firmly.
"Woah, who put you in charge?" Hardison asked indignantly.
"We can't have a cat running around here." Eliot insisted. “Not with how often we’re out of town.”
Parker looked disappointed.
"We'd Give the damn thing abandonment issues." Eliot muttered under his breath
"Well, we can at least give her a bath and some food." Hardison said.
Eliot's expression softened.
"It can spend the night. We'll give it a blanket to sleep on and leave it in the bathroom where it can't get into anything." Eliot said. "I'll take it to the shelter tomorrow."
"Shelter's closed over the weekend. Won't open again till Monday." Hardison pointed out.
Eliot groaned. "So we're stuck with it for the next 3 days?"
"Yup." Hardison said smugly.
"What should we call her?" Parker asked.
"No. No. We're not naming it. It'll just make it harder to say goodbye when the time comes."
"Aww, come on, can't we keep her? She needs a home and family to love her." Parker insisted. "And just look how cute she is!"
"They'll find it a good home at the shelter." Eliot said.
"Well, I guess I better go to the store and get some cat chow so she can have something to eat while she's here." Hardison said. "You two can handle giving her a bath while I'm gone."
Eliot rolled his eyes and got up to help Parker clean the cat off.
"Get a wet washcloth." He said. "I'll hold it still while you get as much of the mud off as you can."
Parker gently handed the cat to Eliot and ran to the other room. The cat let out a quiet broken meow that was barely more than a squeak as she passed it to Eliot. It clung to Eliot's arm with its claws, and he could feel the thing trembling. He wondered if it was cold or just scared.
Parker came back a minute later with a washcloth soaked in warm water. Eliot held the cat out so Parker could wipe away  all the mud but after a while Eliot realized the washcloth wasn't going to be enough to get the cat clean. He sighed.
"It's gonna need a real bath." He said. “We’ll take it to the bathroom and do it in the tub.”
"She's not gonna like that." Parker pointed out.
The cat didn't mind nearly as much as Eliot expected. Or at least she didn't show it, maybe she was too exhausted or too scared to struggle. Her ears were pinned back in discomfort but she didn't put up a fight. She just sat in the tub, still clinging to Eliot's arm with her front paws as Parker rubbed soap into her fur. When Parker was done lathering the cat with soap Eliot helped rinse all the soap off, running his free hand over the cat's whole body as Parker poured warm water over it.
As Eliot ran his fingers through the cat's wet fur, he could feel scars. Most were old and long since healed up, but a few were more recent, still scabbed with blood.
"She's had a hard life, hasn't she." Parker said. "No family to love her, having to fight to survive."
"Yeah, seems like she has." Eliot said.
She's trying to guilt me into keeping it.
"She's old too." Parker pointed out. "Older animals are less likely to get adopted, you know."
Eliot sighed and shook his head.
I'm not going to let her guilt me into this. He told himself.
She was right though. The cat was old. Now that all the mud was gone, he could see that her face was covered in gray hairs.  The rest of her was a dusty brown color with tabby stripes. She was a cute cat, he had to admit. She reminded him of the cat he had as a kid.
Eliot shook his head.
Can't let myself get attached. He reminded himself.
He grabbed a dry towel and gently rubbed as much of the water off as he could. Then he set the cat down on the ground.
"Do we really have to lock her in here?" Parker asked.
"She can wander around the back rooms until we go to bed." Eliot said reluctantly. "As long as we keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't get into anything."
Parker's face lit up and she opened the bathroom door. No sooner had she done so, the cat scampered out of the bathroom into the livingroom and darted under the couch.
When Hardison got home, he found the cat wandering around, cautiously smelling everything. Parker was watching the cat intently and Eliot had his face in a book, paying no attention to the cat whatsoever, or at least pretending not to pay any attention. 
"So I see the cat isn't actually staying in the bathroom then." Hardison said with a sly smile. 
"She'll be put in there when we go to bed." Eliot said. "She's just hanging out out here while we can keep an eye on her."
Hardison smiled and poured a little food into the new bowl he had bought for the cat and when he looked up, he caught a dirty look from Eliot.
"You bought the cat a new food bowl?"
"Yeah." Hardison shrugged.
"Damnit Hardison."
"She needs a dish!"
"The cat is not staying." Eliot insisted.
Hardison just rolled his eyes and set the bowl on the ground next to his feet.
The cat snuck cautiously up, but didn't come close enough to eat.
"Oops, excuse me little lady." Hardison said and backed away from the food bowl.
As soon as the cat decided Hardison was a safe distance away, she darted forward and began scarfing down the food, making happy little meows as she ate.
Parker and Hardison both chuckled at the muffled meows coming from the cat.
"I don't think I've ever heard a cat do that." Hardison mused.
I have. Once. Eliot thought, then quickly dismissed the thought.
As soon as the cat was done eating Parker tried to creep closer to pet her, but the cat darted away and sat down, wrapped her tail around her feet and stared at Parker.
"Aww it's okay little kitty." Parker promised. "I'm not gonna hurt you."
Parker sat down on the ground and scooted closer, but the cat moved away again.
"Parker, leave the cat alone." Eliot said without glancing up from his book. "She'll come to you when she's ready."
Parker reluctantly got up and settled herself on the couch between Eliot and Hardison.
Hardison stretched and yawned.
"Welp, I think it's time for me to get to bed." He said and got up from the couch. "Want me to put the cat up?" 
"Nah, I got it." Eliot shrugged.
"Okay, night night." Hardison said and made his way up the stairs.
Parker got up to follow him.
"Good night, Eliot." She said.
"I really want to keep the cat." Parker said as she climbed into bed next to Hardison.
"Oh babe, we're keeping the cat." Hardison said definitely.
"But Eliot was very clear that he doesn't want to keep her. I know he's not the boss of us, but I feel like we should respect his opinion, right?"
Hardison wrapped his arms around Parker and pulled her close.
"Parker let me let you in on a little secret that Eliot would probably kill me for telling you. He'd never admit it, but he loves that cat already. He's growing more and more attached to her every second. We just have to pretend like we don't notice it for a while, let him think he’s got us fooled. Before ya know it, he’ll cave and let us keep her."
Parker smiled and snuggled in closer to Hardison.
“I think we should call her Snickers.” Parker said
“I like Snickers.” hardison mumbled sleepily. “But don’t tell Eliot till he’s agreed to keep her.”
Parker woke up again in the middle of the night and wondered if Eliot was still awake. She carefully slipped out of Hardison’s arm and crept down the stairs. She found Eliot curled up, sound asleep on the couch. The cat was curled up in the curve of Eliot's stomach, nestled into a pile of blankets, purring loudly. 
So the cat’s not staying in the bathroom after all.
She smiled and crept back to the bedroom, nudged Hardison awake and motioned for him to follow her. Together they crept back to the living room.
Hardison chuckled quietly to himself when he saw Eliot asleep with the cat.
"What'd I tell you? He's in love with the cat already."
Monday rolled around, but Eliot didn’t seem to be in any hurry to take the cat to the shelter.
"Ya gonna take the cat today?" Hardison asked. 
He already knew the answer was no. Eliot was completely and thoroughly attached.
"If I find the time." Eliot shrugged. "Kinda busy today, though."
Hardison and Parker shot each other knowing smiles.
"Well, I can take her if you want." Hardison offered, knowing full well Eliot wouldn't accept it.
"No, I'll do it as soon as I'm not busy."
When evening rolled around the cat was still wandering around the back rooms of the brewpub, but Eliot's day had proven to be much less busy than he said. He had worked out a little, gone over the brewpub menu to make a few revisions and taken one client meeting, but all of that took less than half the day.
There should have been plenty of time to take the cat to the shelter. Hardison noted smugly to himself. But he doesn't want to say goodbye.
Tuesday really was a busy day. They spent the whole day planning, and executing a heist and by the time they got home, the shelter was closed for the evening.
Eliot grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and pressed it to his aching shoulder. Then he slumped down onto the couch with a sigh and leaned his head against the back, closing his eyes.
The fight he had with the security guards hadn't been particularly rough, but one of them had managed to wrench his shoulder pretty bad. he had popped a couple painkillers on the way home, but it was still aching.
He looked up when he heard a tiny squeak from the cat as she jumped onto the opposite end of the couch and made her way over to him.
The cat never seemed to meow properly. It always came out more like a raspy squeak, as if she had lost her voice. He was reminded once again of the cat he had as a kid, the only other cat he had ever known who had a meow like that.
She rubbed her head against his leg and walked in circles across his lap a few times before laying down and curling up on his lap, purring softly. Eliot scratched behind her ears, and she started purring louder.
Damnit. He thought. She's not going anywhere, is she? We're stuck with her now.
Wednesday morning, Eliot woke to find the cat wasn't asleep next to him like she had been when he fell asleep. He got up and wandered into the next room where he  found Parker, but the cat wasn't there. Neither was Hardison.
"Where's Hardison?" Eliot asked.
"Oh, He figured since we’re keeping the cat, it was probably time to take her to the vet and get her checked up. Ya know, make sure she doesn't have any illnesses or anything we need to know about. The only available time they had was first thing in the morning."
"Woah, we never agreed to keep..." Eliot trailed off and gave in, shaking his head. "Well make sure he knows to get a litter box while he's out."
Parker smiled and nodded.
"Damn cat." Eliot muttered fondly to himself as he set to work making breakfast.
“Also, we’re calling her Snickers.” Parker added.
Eliot smiled. He liked that name, mostly because Parker was the one who came up with it, but he liked it all the same.
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kicktwine · 2 years
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made a ninjago oc but all it wants to do is party
its name is WULFTRAX (all caps) and it’s playing this with zane extra info belooowww
pronouns: IT'S PRONOUNCED WOLF TRACKS LITTLE MAN (it/he/they) species: WULFTRAX. digital? like, it HAS skin, and a skeleton, presumably, just… not a human head. likes: game, rave dislikes: no rave wants: to party character motivation: biggest loudest party backstory: we think it came from prime empire, but that’s all we got. maybe an unused rhythm game dj…? strengths: WULFTRAX does everything at 100%, and it doesn’t tend to stick around after a fight. it isn't fighting to win, it's fighting to go hogwild. on its back are one to six doc ock-like arms made of wire and interwoven with the stuff in season 9 that triggered everyone’s elemental powers. weaknesses: can only attack on the beat, will only fight if there’s music. it’s actually not that strong, its robot arms and machinery do all the fighting. it prefers to fight/party using someone else — elementals party pretty hard, all their colors and glowing and exploding is its favorite. alignment: very chaotic neutral. it does things on impulse and regardless of morals. he doesn’t seem to want to hurt anyone, just wants to party, and if hurting someone is how you gotta party, shrug! you can sway him pretty easily with the promise of a better rave. it’s not that clever, there is no scheming with this thing, but it does somehow get a lot of machinery and builds massive batteries and speakers and light shows
it also yells like everything it says due to the speakers in its mouth. its favorite people to mess with are kai, jay and lloyd. they have the shiniest explodiest powers, and are more split-second competitive.
#WULFTRAX#my art#‘I have made an oc to help/be friends with the ninja’ I have made an oc to fight them. I have made an oc to pummel them#people have done this before HAHDIDBDHDH except WULFTRAX is 1) a horrible fighter and 2) stupid#ninjago#ninjago oc#honestly it’s definitely someone you could/should use as a henchman. He won’t even realize. He will also destroy your lair#and then go OH MY BAD DUDE and that’s the end of that topic. Now it’s in your fridge#the second two images — it wanted to play DDR with jay and then went BRO YOU WANNA HELP WITH THIS SET so now Zane tricked it into -#bargaining to let jay out of the battery and it immediately agreed and then said WE’RE PLAYING OSU and didn’t leave room for argument so#now zane is playing a rhythm game he’s never played to let jay AND KAI out of the batteries and stop the rest of them from dying in#human osu! which was going to be its dance floor (it forgot people die when they’re hit by lightning)#And ALSO now they should probably stop it from holding the most dangerous rave#if the stuff they have is enough to send an elemental into superpowered overdrive it’s probably not healthy for a regular dude#as a meta note.#it’s obsessed w thrillseeking and adrenaline because he’s been alone for so so long that any new sensations are obsession-worthy#obsessed with feeling things and being real. doesn’t know how to regulate its obsession with something bc it has no sense of moderation#its primary purpose is to make big noise big party like programmed into it is its DJ sets. So now it makes the biggest loudest brightest#sets not understanding that this much noise/power can hurt someone or itself bc hurt is in fact an interesting sensation to it#it doesn’t KNOW this or underSTAND it. And it wouldn’t listen if told. BUT! that’s its pathology#IT HAS NO CONCEPT OF DEATH THERE IS NO THIS IS TOO DANGEROUS. THERE IS ONLY DA PORTY#it and porty mk would be besties#rule of cool with this thing. its cars are big its sets are big its music is loud and it’s got a giant flamethrower and a piano to drop#It broke from its programming but that doesn’t mean it broke from its programming yfeel#hrmmm.... yes........ self indulgent shiny loud digital dogmanthing#ill tag three of em theyre getting situations#kai smith#zane julien#jay walker
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meggannn · 4 months
there are two wolves inside you. one wolf was really looking forward to persona 3 reload because everyone says good things about the original and the trailers for the remake look fun, and that wolf is glad atlus is removing old transphobic scenes and adding in gay options to their latest releases and wants to support that. the other wolf has been hearing how unique the femc was, was upset that atlus isn't including her in the remake, still waited to see if she might be added later, but now that it's been leaked there is dlc planned to include other old p3 content but not her, is now disillusioned the series will ever have a female protagonist and that wolf isn't interested in p3r at all anymore.
there's also a third secret wolf that just bought persona 5 strikers and persona 5 tactica because they were on sale and is now feeling :|
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why-the-heck-not · 7 months
what the fuck, I miss math courses?? why??? they’re always a misery, why do I crave misery ???
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pancakeke · 5 months
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I am willing to bet that new version of this software would actually make it significantly more difficult for me to do what I want
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primrosebow · 3 months
so sorry for spam liking your posts 😭
i’m just going absolutely feral over the food you have provided. this is fuckin amazing, and you’re doing such a good job! hope you’re having a great day <3
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AWRHHRHRHFHF OMG THANK YOU‼️‼️‼️🗣📢 I'll try to get some stuff out today. I was just very busy with being alive haha X-)) actually, spam liking my posts brings me unreal joy like "OH MY GOD SOMEONE IS WITNESSING.. SOMEONE IS PERCEIVINGGG!!!!" like yes that's my goal. I need to feed my people.
For tonight we have...
Lucifer (the art is basically done)
Adam (if I have the patience)
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cc-kote · 6 months
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I’m Christian btw. I was raised Baptist. Do you guys remember when government officials, spokesmen and etc were calling Critical Race Theory, LGBT friendly laws and whatever else a “war on Christians”. I remember and I laughed. Christianity is one of the most widespread religions in the world. There is no war, just old people who don’t want to change and use the words of our father in the name of their hate.
Did you know that there was a large Palestinian Christian population. It gotten to the point that mass baptisms are happening just to ensure that if and when they die they will be accepted into heaven. Can you imagine preparing for your child’s death before they are able to open their eyes. But oh! I forgot condemning Israel is “anti-Christian”. Now there is an actual war and you are all silent.
I pray you will be as kind as your God.
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skybristle · 2 months
A gradient map is a set of colours set as an images' value scale - so instead of black, grey, white, it turns to whatever colours you set!
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So then it'll turn this, into,
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Hope this helps :)
OH THATS COOL !!!! thank you for explaining :] teehee i was just curious i don't think they come in my art program but it'd be fun to experiment with
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ssstupid-sssnake · 6 months
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gift for @rozex21 ! magical sssibling trio my beloved
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