#programmable analog blocks
futureelectronic985 · 2 years
https://www.futureelectronics.com/m/infineon. The PSoC portfolio by Infineon consists of several families of Arm Cortex-M0 and Cortex-M0+ microcontrollers. Most devices in the portfolio include Infineon's CapSense technology for capacitive-sensing applications. https://youtu.be/M_n9JZgSGL0
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nostalgebraist · 5 months
information flow in transformers
In machine learning, the transformer architecture is a very commonly used type of neural network model. Many of the well-known neural nets introduced in the last few years use this architecture, including GPT-2, GPT-3, and GPT-4.
This post is about the way that computation is structured inside of a transformer.
Internally, these models pass information around in a constrained way that feels strange and limited at first glance.
Specifically, inside the "program" implemented by a transformer, each segment of "code" can only access a subset of the program's "state." If the program computes a value, and writes it into the state, that doesn't make value available to any block of code that might run after the write; instead, only some operations can access the value, while others are prohibited from seeing it.
This sounds vaguely like the kind of constraint that human programmers often put on themselves: "separation of concerns," "no global variables," "your function should only take the inputs it needs," that sort of thing.
However, the apparent analogy is misleading. The transformer constraints don't look much like anything that a human programmer would write, at least under normal circumstances. And the rationale behind them is very different from "modularity" or "separation of concerns."
(Domain experts know all about this already -- this is a pedagogical post for everyone else.)
1. setting the stage
For concreteness, let's think about a transformer that is a causal language model.
So, something like GPT-3, or the model that wrote text for @nostalgebraist-autoresponder.
Roughly speaking, this model's input is a sequence of words, like ["Fido", "is", "a", "dog"].
Since the model needs to know the order the words come in, we'll include an integer offset alongside each word, specifying the position of this element in the sequence. So, in full, our example input is
[ ("Fido", 0), ("is", 1), ("a", 2), ("dog", 3), ]
The model itself -- the neural network -- can be viewed as a single long function, which operates on a single element of the sequence. Its task is to output the next element.
Let's call the function f. If f does its job perfectly, then when applied to our example sequence, we will have
f("Fido", 0) = "is" f("is", 1) = "a" f("a", 2) = "dog"
(Note: I've omitted the index from the output type, since it's always obvious what the next index is. Also, in reality the output type is a probability distribution over words, not just a word; the goal is to put high probability on the next word. I'm ignoring this to simplify exposition.)
You may have noticed something: as written, this seems impossible!
Like, how is the function supposed to know that after ("a", 2), the next word is "dog"!? The word "a" could be followed by all sorts of things.
What makes "dog" likely, in this case, is the fact that we're talking about someone named "Fido."
That information isn't contained in ("a", 2). To do the right thing here, you need info from the whole sequence thus far -- from "Fido is a", as opposed to just "a".
How can f get this information, if its input is just a single word and an index?
This is possible because f isn't a pure function. The program has an internal state, which f can access and modify.
But f doesn't just have arbitrary read/write access to the state. Its access is constrained, in a very specific sort of way.
2. transformer-style programming
Let's get more specific about the program state.
The state consists of a series of distinct "memory regions" or "blocks," which have an order assigned to them.
Let's use the notation memory_i for these. The first block is memory_0, the second is memory_1, and so on.
In practice, a small transformer might have around 10 of these blocks, while a very large one might have 100 or more.
Each block contains a separate data-storage "cell" for each offset in the sequence.
For example, memory_0 contains a cell for position 0 ("Fido" in our example text), and a cell for position 1 ("is"), and so on. Meanwhile, memory_1 contains its own, distinct cells for each of these positions. And so does memory_2, etc.
So the overall layout looks like:
memory_0: [cell 0, cell 1, ...] memory_1: [cell 0, cell 1, ...] [...]
Our function f can interact with this program state. But it must do so in a way that conforms to a set of rules.
Here are the rules:
The function can only interact with the blocks by using a specific instruction.
This instruction is an "atomic write+read". It writes data to a block, then reads data from that block for f to use.
When the instruction writes data, it goes in the cell specified in the function offset argument. That is, the "i" in f(..., i).
When the instruction reads data, the data comes from all cells up to and including the offset argument.
The function must call the instruction exactly once for each block.
These calls must happen in order. For example, you can't do the call for memory_1 until you've done the one for memory_0.
Here's some pseudo-code, showing a generic computation of this kind:
f(x, i) { calculate some things using x and i; // next 2 lines are a single instruction write to memory_0 at position i; z0 = read from memory_0 at positions 0...i; calculate some things using x, i, and z0; // next 2 lines are a single instruction write to memory_1 at position i; z1 = read from memory_1 at positions 0...i; calculate some things using x, i, z0, and z1; [etc.] }
The rules impose a tradeoff between the amount of processing required to produce a value, and how early the value can be accessed within the function body.
Consider the moment when data is written to memory_0. This happens before anything is read (even from memory_0 itself).
So the data in memory_0 has been computed only on the basis of individual inputs like ("a," 2). It can't leverage any information about multiple words and how they relate to one another.
But just after the write to memory_0, there's a read from memory_0. This read pulls in data computed by f when it ran on all the earlier words in the sequence.
If we're processing ("a", 2) in our example, then this is the point where our code is first able to access facts like "the word 'Fido' appeared earlier in the text."
However, we still know less than we might prefer.
Recall that memory_0 gets written before anything gets read. The data living there only reflects what f knows before it can see all the other words, while it still only has access to the one word that appeared in its input.
The data we've just read does not contain a holistic, "fully processed" representation of the whole sequence so far ("Fido is a"). Instead, it contains:
a representation of ("Fido", 0) alone, computed in ignorance of the rest of the text
a representation of ("is", 1) alone, computed in ignorance of the rest of the text
a representation of ("a", 2) alone, computed in ignorance of the rest of the text
Now, once we get to memory_1, we will no longer face this problem. Stuff in memory_1 gets computed with the benefit of whatever was in memory_0. The step that computes it can "see all the words at once."
Nonetheless, the whole function is affected by a generalized version of the same quirk.
All else being equal, data stored in later blocks ought to be more useful. Suppose for instance that
memory_4 gets read/written 20% of the way through the function body, and
memory_16 gets read/written 80% of the way through the function body
Here, strictly more computation can be leveraged to produce the data in memory_16. Calculations which are simple enough to fit in the program, but too complex to fit in just 20% of the program, can be stored in memory_16 but not in memory_4.
All else being equal, then, we'd prefer to read from memory_16 rather than memory_4 if possible.
But in fact, we can only read from memory_16 once -- at a point 80% of the way through the code, when the read/write happens for that block.
The general picture looks like:
The early parts of the function can see and leverage what got computed earlier in the sequence -- by the same early parts of the function. This data is relatively "weak," since not much computation went into it. But, by the same token, we have plenty of time to further process it.
The late parts of the function can see and leverage what got computed earlier in the sequence -- by the same late parts of the function. This data is relatively "strong," since lots of computation went into it. But, by the same token, we don't have much time left to further process it.
3. why?
There are multiple ways you can "run" the program specified by f.
Here's one way, which is used when generating text, and which matches popular intuitions about how language models work:
First, we run f("Fido", 0) from start to end. The function returns "is." As a side effect, it populates cell 0 of every memory block.
Next, we run f("is", 1) from start to end. The function returns "a." As a side effect, it populates cell 1 of every memory block.
If we're running the code like this, the constraints described earlier feel weird and pointlessly restrictive.
By the time we're running f("is", 1), we've already populated some data into every memory block, all the way up to memory_16 or whatever.
This data is already there, and contains lots of useful insights.
And yet, during the function call f("is", 1), we "forget about" this data -- only to progressively remember it again, block by block. The early parts of this call have only memory_0 to play with, and then memory_1, etc. Only at the end do we allow access to the juicy, extensively processed results that occupy the final blocks.
Why? Why not just let this call read memory_16 immediately, on the first line of code? The data is sitting there, ready to be used!
Why? Because the constraint enables a second way of running this program.
The second way is equivalent to the first, in the sense of producing the same outputs. But instead of processing one word at a time, it processes a whole sequence of words, in parallel.
Here's how it works:
In parallel, run f("Fido", 0) and f("is", 1) and f("a", 2), up until the first write+read instruction. You can do this because the functions are causally independent of one another, up to this point. We now have 3 copies of f, each at the same "line of code": the first write+read instruction.
Perform the write part of the instruction for all the copies, in parallel. This populates cells 0, 1 and 2 of memory_0.
Perform the read part of the instruction for all the copies, in parallel. Each copy of f receives some of the data just written to memory_0, covering offsets up to its own. For instance, f("is", 1) gets data from cells 0 and 1.
In parallel, continue running the 3 copies of f, covering the code between the first write+read instruction and the second.
Perform the second write. This populates cells 0, 1 and 2 of memory_1.
Perform the second read.
Repeat like this until done.
Observe that mode of operation only works if you have a complete input sequence ready before you run anything.
(You can't parallelize over later positions in the sequence if you don't know, yet, what words they contain.)
So, this won't work when the model is generating text, word by word.
But it will work if you have a bunch of texts, and you want to process those texts with the model, for the sake of updating the model so it does a better job of predicting them.
This is called "training," and it's how neural nets get made in the first place. In our programming analogy, it's how the code inside the function body gets written.
The fact that we can train in parallel over the sequence is a huge deal, and probably accounts for most (or even all) of the benefit that transformers have over earlier architectures like RNNs.
Accelerators like GPUs are really good at doing the kinds of calculations that happen inside neural nets, in parallel.
So if you can make your training process more parallel, you can effectively multiply the computing power available to it, for free. (I'm omitting many caveats here -- see this great post for details.)
Transformer training isn't maximally parallel. It's still sequential in one "dimension," namely the layers, which correspond to our write+read steps here. You can't parallelize those.
But it is, at least, parallel along some dimension, namely the sequence dimension.
The older RNN architecture, by contrast, was inherently sequential along both these dimensions. Training an RNN is, effectively, a nested for loop. But training a transformer is just a regular, single for loop.
4. tying it together
The "magical" thing about this setup is that both ways of running the model do the same thing. You are, literally, doing the same exact computation. The function can't tell whether it is being run one way or the other.
This is crucial, because we want the training process -- which uses the parallel mode -- to teach the model how to perform generation, which uses the sequential mode. Since both modes look the same from the model's perspective, this works.
This constraint -- that the code can run in parallel over the sequence, and that this must do the same thing as running it sequentially -- is the reason for everything else we noted above.
Earlier, we asked: why can't we allow later (in the sequence) invocations of f to read earlier data out of blocks like memory_16 immediately, on "the first line of code"?
And the answer is: because that would break parallelism. You'd have to run f("Fido", 0) all the way through before even starting to run f("is", 1).
By structuring the computation in this specific way, we provide the model with the benefits of recurrence -- writing things down at earlier positions, accessing them at later positions, and writing further things down which can be accessed even later -- while breaking the sequential dependencies that would ordinarily prevent a recurrent calculation from being executed in parallel.
In other words, we've found a way to create an iterative function that takes its own outputs as input -- and does so repeatedly, producing longer and longer outputs to be read off by its next invocation -- with the property that this iteration can be run in parallel.
We can run the first 10% of every iteration -- of f() and f(f()) and f(f(f())) and so on -- at the same time, before we know what will happen in the later stages of any iteration.
The call f(f()) uses all the information handed to it by f() -- eventually. But it cannot make any requests for information that would leave itself idling, waiting for f() to fully complete.
Whenever f(f()) needs a value computed by f(), it is always the value that f() -- running alongside f(f()), simultaneously -- has just written down, a mere moment ago.
No dead time, no idling, no waiting-for-the-other-guy-to-finish.
The "memory blocks" here correspond to what are called "keys and values" in usual transformer lingo.
If you've heard the term "KV cache," it refers to the contents of the memory blocks during generation, when we're running in "sequential mode."
Usually, during generation, one keeps this state in memory and appends a new cell to each block whenever a new token is generated (and, as a result, the sequence gets longer by 1).
This is called "caching" to contrast it with the worse approach of throwing away the block contents after each generated token, and then re-generating them by running f on the whole sequence so far (not just the latest token). And then having to do that over and over, once per generated token.
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revoevokukil · 2 months
When we talk about Ciri, we don't talk much about her own latent ability to see/predict the future, and what it could imply. It's Sunday morning; time for a tea cup theory sesh.
So, coming off Dune - a clear influence on some storylines and characters in the Witcher - could Ciri's capacity for prescience (foresight, prophecy, visions) have blocked her choices and actions from being accurately predicted and seen by someone like Avallac'h who - as an Aen Saevherne - otherwise has abilities almost identical to Kwisatz Haderach?
Was Ciri's escape from Tir ná Lia a certainty or a probability?
It's noted in Dune, how prescients are more or less blind to the movements of other figures with foresight, because people with oracular powers act on the information from the future and actively alter the future this way (disrupting the ability of other prescients to accurately predict the future). They stand "outside" the vision in lieu of an inherent ability to introduce variance in it.
A clairvoyant can't even necessarily see the definite future, but they can see Time so totally (the "when" is not a place), all its possibilities included, that they can create the future; matching, at that, with their goals. They are like ultra-heavy bodies in a field, warping it around themselves. However, if there are those standing outside of the vision, then dictating the future is not entirely possible, for there will always be unknown agentic elements that can turn the tides.
Ciri would be such an element in Avallac'h's and the prescient elves' prophecies and vision of time eternal.
I am pointing to this lore crossover, because let's face it, the Bene Gesserit and later Leto II's breeding programmes are exactly the kind of thing that was done in regard to Hen Ichaer, the Elder Blood, among elves. Breed prescient beings capable of seeing the past, present, and future (i.e. time total; the now) AND moving themselves in time and space (that's the Aen Saevherne) AND from time to time get a Chosen One for whom it's possible to open the Great Gate of Time (that's Lara's would-be child or Ciri's children). Secondly, Ciri, the child of destiny and hope, is so because of a kind of 'uncertainty field' that surrounds her -> she is, arguably, the most agentic, free will-questing character in the tale. The story ends up being about (ensuring) her ability to choose - to doom, to save, to act as she wills regardless of her parentage, powerful actors' manipulations, or the world's expectations.
(Sure, The Witcher is reeeeeaalllly loose with its causal structure (things go the way they go because magic aka "the will of the author, who plays within folklore tropes and story analogues", mostly); it has nothing on Dune in this regard. We can have a classical mechanics Ciri, a quantum-Ciri, or a magical/literary-Ciri. But the ambiguity allows for crossover-theories like this one, so that's fine by me.)
At Tir ná Lia, Ciri has visions of a future where things unfold without her interference: Yennefer drowns, Geralt freezes to death. It's not conscious foretelling, it's inherent to her thanks to her genes. Genes of elven Sages, who see past, present & future - total time.
Considering the aim of the Golden Path then, an analogy: one hypothetical result of the mutations introduced into Elder Blood via mixing human genes with elven ones results in Laplace's demons (Sages) creating a mutation in their own genotype down the road that even the demons themselves can no longer predict.
Making Ciri a Child of Hope in the sense of a truly free, indeterminant wild card, the nature of whom enables uncertainty in the outcomes of the fates of others connected to her choices. Because she herself remains elusive to actors who've a hand in tracing the blueprint of the universe, an act which in itself creates a future that cannot be avoided. The mutant Ciri is a genuine child surprise.
"A universe of surprises is what I pray for!" - Leto II
Analogously to Dune, where the end goal of the Golden Path is for humanity to be rendered undetectable by prescient beings and given a chance to survive by remaining outside of the constraints of a deterministic universe. By, what looks like, evolving a free will.
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that-one-lotr-orc · 11 months
One post gotta be the first
So, for me Reddit finally died. As a programmer who is generally in favour of making stuff available for as many people as possible, they did right by that for many years. Giving everyone who wanted that access to it was generous of them, and made it a very fun platform. Random bots everywhere, apps catered to whatever preference people had, even -dare I say it- the tiniest bit of the wild-west-internet that once existed. But they got to greedy, flew to close to the sun, whatever analogy you want to have for it. I don't fault them wanting to make money off that, hosting is expensive, but the way they lied to everyone, attacked the Apollo developer for outing their lies, "riding the storm until it died out", it was too much.
So now I'm here, hopelessly lost in land I only got glimpses of on r/tumblr. I don't even know why I write this. I doubt many people will read it, or even see it. It's my first Tumblr post, and it probably will be very rambly, incoherent, and missing any kind of red line. The shortest answer to "Why I wrote this?" is probably "Because some google doc in '#tumblr help'" told me to post stuff!".
And I'm bad at posting stuff. I never done it. In the olden days, when forums were all around, I was a lurker. I'd read about everything, posted when I actually had something relevant to say, and shut up otherwise. I was known within the communities, generally active in the adjacent msn/skype groups, but not on the main spam threads in the forum.
When the forums began to die out, I got on Reddit. My account is 11 years old now, I've been using it almost hourly over the last 6 years, and it has a grand total of 9 posts. There's a bit more comments in that, but it's probably basically nothing compared to the average comments per hour spend on other accounts.
Why do I tell this? Because I might change that here. I've been lurking around Tumblr for the last few weeks, and the interaction and people are way different than I'm used to. Honestly, it's refreshing, and nice to see. But entering a new environment, one has to adept.
And I've been stuck too long in my old habits! I am often hesitant to contribute to anything, because I never did. I don't write, because I never wrote. But having a new environment, new people, new interest around me makes me wanna try out new stuff. And who knows? Maybe I'll like it, maybe I'll find people who like what I write, and I'll have more stuff to interact with.
And maybe I don't. Maybe I'll feel too unsure, too self-conscious, to change my lurking habits. I'm fine with that. I got other places to interact about my passions. Most of them are through Discord-groups nowadays, others through the few still-existing actual forums out there, but they still exist.
That's my last thing. I don't know what I even write about. Some of my interest are too different from the usual Tumblr-niches to have any kind of following. While typing this I had a look at the "enlisted game" tag, which has a grand total of 1 active poster. I had some looks at the different Magic the Gathering tags, but (as I expected), most of the people in there are about more about the lore of the game than I do. That's fine, I got my spike-talking places, and I will probably lurk those tags anyway.
The one place I'll probably feel most comfortable is the Brandon Sanderson-aligned tags. I'll be there, maybe even contributing, once I finished the last books (or I find the appropriate tags to block, I probably gotta look into that).
That uncertainty makes me circle back to a point a made a few paragraphs ago. I can explore, I can try out new stuff. Maybe I'll try to add to some of the punk tags here, maybe I'll hop onto some of the computer science tags and see if I can wordvomit there, maybe I'll go to something completely new! I can go exploring again, discovering things I never saw before, and that makes me eager.
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Chapter 5 is programmed, and we're getting ready to recruit some beta testers. The Captain is talking with one of the programmers to see how many we need. So far, we have one for testing the PC version. It feels like we're halfway done...
Because of this, The Captain is contemplating on getting the PDF walkthroughs ready. It will cure the writer's block she has of the scene she has to write about Bob's backstory and his powers.
Speaking of writing, she is starting to work in the newly written scene into the Charlie and Ollie routes. The scene for Charlie's route will need a little more tweaking since it will have more romance elements. After that, she will move on to the Bob scene. It's taking a little while for her to gather her thoughts on it because she has to make sure there are no unanswered questions that the players will have.
When she last spoke to a writing group that she belongs to, The Captain mentioned George RR Martin's analogy that there are 2 types of writers: Architects and Gardeners. The Captain and TDSP crew are pretty much gardeners. That's why it's taking us so long to write the story.
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chemvewor · 2 years
Analog to digital converter datasheet
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Analog to digital converter datasheet serial#
Analog to digital converter datasheet download#
Analog to digital converter datasheet download#
You can download ADS1256IDBR datasheet from the link given below: TI is helping more than 100,000 customers transform the future, today. By employing the world's brightest minds, TI creates innovations that shape the future of technology. Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) is a global semiconductor design and manufacturing company that develops analog ICs and embedded processors. Interlead flash shall not exceed 0.25 mm per side.ĪDS1256IDBR Specification Product Attribute This dimension does not include interlead flash.Mold flash, protrusions, or gate burrs shall notexceed 0.15 mm per side. This dimension does not include mold flash, protrusions, or gate burrs.This drawing is subject to change without notice.Dimensioning and tolerancingper ASME Y14.5M. Any dimensions in parenthesis are for reference only. All linear dimensions are in millimeters.The following diagram shows the ADS1256IDBR package. The following figure shows the block diagram of ADS1256IDBR. Īnalog Input Effective Impedances with Buffer Off The following are the circuit diagrams of ADS1256IDBR. The following are ADS1256IDBR Symbol, Footprint, and 3D Model. The following figure is the diagram of ADS1256IDBR pinout.
Analog to digital converter datasheet serial#
5V Tolerant SPI™-Compatible Serial Interface.Self and System Calibration for All PGA Settings.Low-Noise PGA: 27nV Input-Referred Noise.− Eight Single-Ended Inputs (ADS1256 only) − Four Differential Inputs (ADS1256 only) Flexible Input Multiplexer with Sensor Detect.One-Shot Conversions with Single-Cycle Settling.− 18.6 Bits Noise-Free (21.3 Effective Bits) at 1.45kHz This blog will introduce ADS1256IDBR systematically from its features, pinout to its specifications, applications, also including ADS1256IDBR datasheet and so much more. The converters offer fast channel cycling for measuring multiplexed inputs and can also perform one-shot conversions that settle in just a single cycle. The programmable filter allows the user to optimize between a resolution of up to 23 bits noise-free and a data rate of up to 30k samples per second (SPS). The selectable input buffer greatly increases the input impedance and the low-noise programmable gain amplifier (PGA) provides gains from 1 to 64 in binary steps. A flexible input multiplexer handles differential or single-ended signals and includes circuitry to verify the integrity of the external sensor connected to the inputs. The converter is comprised of a 4th-order, delta-sigma(ΔΣ) modulator followed by a programmable digital filter. They provide complete high-resolution measurement solutions for the most demanding applications. We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose.The ADS1255 and ADS1256 are extremely low-noise, 24-bit analog-to-digital (A/D) converters. We will use this information to make the website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. Targeting/Profiling Cookies: These cookies record your visit to our website and/or your use of the services, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. Loss of the information in these cookies may make our services less functional, but would not prevent the website from working. This enables us to personalize our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region). Functionality Cookies: These cookies are used to recognize you when you return to our website. This helps us to improve the way the website works, for example, by ensuring that users are easily finding what they are looking for. Analytics/Performance Cookies: These cookies allow us to carry out web analytics or other forms of audience measuring such as recognizing and counting the number of visitors and seeing how visitors move around our website. They either serve the sole purpose of carrying out network transmissions or are strictly necessary to provide an online service explicitly requested by you. The cookies we use can be categorized as follows: Strictly Necessary Cookies: These are cookies that are required for the operation of or specific functionality offered.
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tototavros · 2 years
on monads and monad explanations (not my comments)
The best explanation for “monad” is I’ve heard is that they’re “programmable semicolons”. You can say “imagine there’s something like C# using block, but where the semicolon does some useful stuff, allowing you to chain statements in a natural way, perhaps a ‘write-file’ context where every statement is a file writing operation”. That’s going to make the concept easy to understand. You can give more examples like the Maybe monad or a list monad. There’s so much of an aura around this word that when people actually learn it, they’re surprised how simple it is.
I’m certain it fits into a broader category theory / functional programming structure in a nice way. But that’s not quite relevant to a basic understanding of the concept that may help people see mundane code differently.
The programmable semicolon analogy isn’t too far off, but I don’t think it gives the right intuition to an outsider. Here’s my attempt at an explanation of what people probably mean by “programmable semicolon”.
Imagine a sequence of statements in an imperative program, each line defining a new variable. Now mentally transform that body of code so that the first line doesn’t define a new variable, instead the value assigned to that variable gets passed to a new function containing the rest of the statements and you just return whatever that function returns. Now do this for all the lines so that there are no variable definitions, but N nested function calls. When you think of a sequence of statements like this, the variable assignment + the semicolon becomes a special syntax that means this nested function call thingie. Now the monad abstraction allows you to customise how those arguments get passed to those nested “rest of the body” functions. So for instance, if you’re talking about the monad instance for lists, every line defines a list shaped value and instead of passing the whole list to “the rest” function, you call “the rest” with each element in the list separately. Each “rest” call will return a list and you return all those resulting lists after concatenating them.
I don’t think this explanation is necessarily a good introduction to monads, but I hope it demystifies what a “programmable semicolon” might mean. And what exactly the monad abstraction allows you to customise. 
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delvenservices · 1 month
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Rockwell Automation Inc.
Siemens AG
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Yokogawa Electric Corporation
Endress+Hauser AG
General Electric
GLC Controls Inc.
Industrial Controls Market Recent Developments:
In July 2022, IBM acquired Databand.ai, a leading provider of data observability software that helps organizations fix issues with their data, including errors, pipeline failures, and poor quality, before it impacts their bottom line.
In July 2022, Sap acquired Askdata to strengthen its ability to help organizations take better-informed decisions by leveraging AI-driven natural language searches. Users are empowered to search, interact, and collaborate on live data to maximize business insights.
Make an Inquiry Before Buying at: https://www.delvens.com/Inquire-before-buying/industrial-controls-market
Industrial controls systems refer to various automation devices, machines and equipment used in industry. They are developed to better control and monitor industrial processes and automate tasks to increase efficiency and reliability while improving quality. These systems include a variety of controls systems such as supervisory control and data acquisition or SCADA, programmable logic controllers or PLCs, and distributed controls systems or DCS.
They can help automate processes, critical infrastructure or remote monitoring and management. They also help collect data from remote devices, monitor the operation of distributed factories, and perform automated electromechanical processes. Rapid adoption of cloud-based services and growing automation trends in industry are important factors for the global industry. Market dominance. Automation helps industries achieve better accuracy and quality while reducing costs.
Growth is driven by the demand for intelligent controls systems and automation in various industries, mass production in industry and the adoption of industrial controls systems in various end-uses such as automotive and mining, as well as increasing R&D investments. in the industrial control market. However, increasing cyber-attacks, lack of authentication procedures, lack of experienced professionals and awareness of industrial security solutions are restraining the growth of the industrial controls market. In addition, the deployment of a smart grid to protect critical infrastructure against cyber-attacks and cloud computing for industrial controls systems creates lucrative opportunities for the industrial surveillance market.
Scope of the Industrial Controls Market Report:
The Industrial Controls Market is segmented into various segments such as type, component, End user and region:
Based on type
Distributed control system (DCS)
Supervisory control & data acquisition system (SCADA)
Manufacturing execution system (MES)
Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
Human Machine Interface (HMI)
Based on the component
Modular terminal blocks
Relays & optocouplers
Surge protectors
Marking systems
Ferulles cable lugs
Enclosure products
PCB connectors and terminals
Heavy duty connectors
Analog signal conditioner
Electronic housings
Power supplies
Industrial ethernet
Remote IO
Based on the End user
Electronics & semiconductors
Oil and Gas
Chemical and Petrochemical
Life Sciences
Food and Beverage
Based on Application
Oil & Gas
Electrical Power
Based on Network
Communication Router
Remote Access Points
Based on region
Asia Pacific
North America
South America
Middle East & Africa
Industrial Controls Market Regional Analysis:
North America to Dominate the Market
North America is on the brink of the fourth industrial revolution. The data generated is  used  for high-volume production, while  the data is integrated into various production systems throughout the supply chain.  The region is also one of the world's largest automotive markets, with more than 13 major automotive manufacturers operating. The automobile industry was one of the largest income generators in the region. Due to significant adoption of industrial control systems and automation technologies in the automotive industry, the region offers a huge opportunity for market growth.
Several key vendors operating in the country are launching new upgrades to support the growth of smart factories along with the development of industrial control systems. Such technological development indicates regional growth in the studied market.
Direct Purchase of the Industrial Controls Market Research Report at: https://www.delvens.com/checkout/industrial-controls-market
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pujacontrol · 2 months
Industrial PLC Programming
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Introduction to Industrial PLC Programming
Industrial Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) play a pivotal role in automating processes across various industries. These programmable devices execute specific tasks in response to inputs and produce outputs, thereby controlling machinery and processes in manufacturing plants, factories, and other industrial settings.
Importance of PLC Programming in Industrial Automation
PLC programming is essential for streamlining operations, improving efficiency, and ensuring precision in industrial processes. By programming PLCs, engineers can automate repetitive tasks, monitor equipment performance, and implement complex control algorithms to optimize production.
Components of Industrial PLC Systems
Industrial PLC systems comprise hardware and software components. The hardware includes the PLC itself, along with input and output modules, sensors, actuators, and communication interfaces. The software encompasses programming tools, such as ladder logic editors, function block editors, and other programming languages.
PLC Hardware
The hardware components of a PLC system provide the physical interface between the control system and the machinery it controls. These components include the CPU (Central Processing Unit), memory modules, digital and analog input/output modules, power supply units, and communication modules.
PLC Software
PLC software enables engineers to develop and deploy control logic for industrial processes. Common programming languages used in PLC programming include ladder logic, function block diagrams, structured text, sequential function charts, and instruction lists.
Basic Concepts of PLC Programming
Understanding fundamental concepts is crucial for mastering PLC programming.
Input and Output (I/O) Modules
I/O modules serve as the interface between the PLC and external devices such as sensors, switches, actuators, and motors. Inputs receive signals from sensors or switches, while outputs send signals to actuators or motors to control their operation.
Ladder Logic Programming
Ladder logic is a graphical programming language commonly used in PLC programming. It represents logic functions and control sequences using rungs and contacts resembling electrical relay circuits.
Function Block Diagram (FBD)
Function block diagrams provide a visual representation of control logic using interconnected function blocks. Each block represents a specific function or operation, facilitating modular programming and code reuse.
Advanced PLC Programming Techniques
Beyond basic programming concepts, advanced techniques offer greater flexibility and scalability in PLC programming.
Sequential Function Chart (SFC)
SFC programming allows engineers to design complex control sequences using state-based logic. It breaks down processes into discrete steps or states, transitioning between them based on predefined conditions.
Structured Text (ST)
Structured text is a high-level programming language resembling Pascal or C, suitable for implementing complex algorithms and mathematical calculations in PLC programs.
Instruction List (IL)
Instruction list programming involves writing PLC programs using mnemonic codes corresponding to specific instructions executed by the PLC processor. It offers a low-level approach to programming and is commonly used for performance-critical applications.
Industrial Applications of PLC Programming
PLC programming finds extensive use in various industrial applications, including:
Manufacturing Automation: PLCs control assembly lines, robotic arms, conveyors, and other machinery in manufacturing plants to optimize production processes.
Process Control: PLCs regulate parameters such as temperature, pressure, flow rate, and level in industrial processes such as chemical manufacturing, water treatment, and HVAC systems.
Robotics: PLCs coordinate the motion and operation of industrial robots for tasks such as material handling, welding, painting, and assembly.
Challenges and Considerations in Industrial PLC Programming
While PLC programming offers numerous benefits, engineers must address several challenges and considerations:
Safety Concerns
Ensuring the safety of personnel and equipment is paramount in industrial automation. Engineers must implement appropriate safety measures and fail-safe mechanisms in PLC programs to prevent accidents and hazardous situations.
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
Regular maintenance and timely troubleshooting are essential for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of PLC systems. Engineers must possess strong troubleshooting skills and diagnostic capabilities to identify and rectify faults promptly.
Cybersecurity Risks
As industrial systems become increasingly interconnected and digitized, cybersecurity threats pose a significant concern. Protecting PLCs from unauthorized access, malware, and cyberattacks requires robust security measures and adherence to industry standards and best practices.
Future Trends in Industrial PLC Programming
The future of PLC programming is shaped by emerging technologies and trends that offer new opportunities and challenges:
Internet of Things (IoT) Integration
Integrating PLCs with IoT platforms enables real-time monitoring, remote access, and data analytics, enhancing operational efficiency and predictive maintenance capabilities.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Applying machine learning algorithms and AI techniques to PLC programming enables adaptive control, anomaly detection, and predictive optimization, paving the way for autonomous industrial systems.
Industrial PLC programming plays a vital role in driving automation, efficiency, and innovation across diverse industries. By mastering PLC programming techniques and embracing emerging technologies, engineers can unlock new possibilities and propel industrial automation into the future. If you want to read more blogs related these type of topics so visit here👉PujaControls
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hydralisk98 · 2 months
Φlaumen Cooperative (Lisp-y style guide ref, part 1...)
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Reads as Pflaumen, loosely inspired onto the eponymous information technology firm within Machinegames' Wolfenstein franchise (reference page card below...) & plenty of historically-informed inspirations like DEC, Symbolics, Konrad Zuse KG, KDE E.V, etc.
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Essentially, I build my way towards a small creative business to call my very own (with major technological & culturally-driven aspects), which is also related to personal worldbuilding projects & manifestation goals of mine.
Some reference pictures
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Keywords dump
Groovy soft natural retro grunge warm natural filmic comfort, tramway at dusk from mesas to the ocean far away, distant future LISP DIY copyleft cartoons, symbolic CAS LISP Gruvbox poetic devkit, soft-rounded bold geometric shape language, fontmap vector prefab modules, slice-of-life cozy rollerwave cartoons, communal retrofuturistic optimism, Bauhaus, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, "Gruvbox Light Medium + OldBook Light Academia" mashup, seventies toon cel, copyleft GLOSS data transparency movement, soviet-bloc indie shareware culture, Nintendo 64 console with 64DD expansion cartridge, SEGA Dreamcast, DEC Alpha, Sanyo 3DO TRY, Nuon, Ouya, Commodore PETSCII CBM-II, Commodore Amiga 3000+4000, bronze-age historical time period, Chronokinesis, True Polymorph, lunarpunk mysticism, Teslafunk, Solarpunk, Cyberfunk, syndicalism, georgism, ecology, harmonious innovation, progressives, seventies rollerwave futurism, filmic, OGG container format, OGV, OPUS, Vorbis, OpenEXR, Animated SVG, CSS3 animations, PK3/ZIP file archives, USD format, harsh raster XY plotters & printers, selectric typewriters, comforting Shoshone music / songs / hymns; "Soyuzmultfilm", "Helluva Boss", "The Powerpuff Girls Z", "The Powerpuff Girls", "Jet Set Radio", "Newgrounds", "Jin-Roh The Wolf Brigade", "Android Arts", "Nicky Case", "Jucika", Nintendo 64 with N64DD module, SEGA Dreamcast, Sanyo 3DO, Nuon, Ouya, DEC Alpha, Commodore 64, DECmate II, DECmate III, Intersil 6100 & 6120 lineups, PETSCII, OpenXanadu web, IBM Z/16 Linux One mainframe, OpenPOWER, Libre GLOSS data-transparent Apple Silicon M3 system, RTTY protocols, Minitel / Videotex services, hard-copy terminals, Typex, Telex Teleprinters (read-only & Read/Write), block data terminals, explorable explainers, federated ActivityPub RSS feeds, SPARC Voyager, Xerox Daybreak, R2E Micral Portal, libre bio-modding & cyberware, Pflaumen, Utalics, Lambda Star, Lambda Nova, Wyatt, Sass, MathML, XML+XSL, OpenREXX, PDP-8/e, PDP-12, PDP-15, ALGOL68, LISP 1.5, Steel Bank Common Lisp, Trial Engine, GNU Hurd, Linux, Macroware, SoundTracker, Multi-Agent Simulations, Mixtapes, Android Clades/Classes (Robots, Droids, Synthetics), Open Virtual Worlds, "Rogue Servitors"; "Liberty" caucus within "Union Party", Al-Gore (2000), Trump + Michelle Oprah (2004), Theodore Roosevelt (1912), Charles Hugues (1916), Progressives party since ~1910-1915, Pedro II of Brazil + Haile Selassie equivalent figure during the later 19th century, political split around 2024-2025, female programmers still in charge, gender inclusivity, major 3D, animation & game engine-y frameworks abundant in Common LISP (Trial Engine + AutoLISP as copyleft GLOSS / open source licensed software); Rust red dark grunge wood, translucid glass, matte plastics, fuzzy wool, forest flora, ocean water, arcade cabinets, hyper mall shops & stores, conversation pits, wax cylinder records, 45rpm autoplay mini-vinyl records, datasettes, cassettes, analog Laserdiscs, DECtape, MiniDiscs, programmable androids, retro unit record equipment, mainframes, LTO tape cartridges, amber earmuffs, black spirals-pattern balls, black matte libstick, cloven hoof shoes;
Implicitly includes this blog's archives, especially what deemed relevant under the "maskoch", "maskutchew" & "16^12" hashtags;
Additional detailwork
GRUB 2 Bootloader custom theme, custom global theme with window decorations / Plasma styles / application styles combo, splash-screen / lock screens / login screens, vector-based wallpapers + icons & animated? cursors, 3x4 (soft, medium, hard; dark Gruvbox-alike, light Gruvbox-esque, warm olive green & warm rust orange-red variations), ;
OS: TuxedoOS (will diversify drastically soon, seriously)
DE: KDE/Plasma & KDE/Liquid
WM: KWin
Terminal: Konsole
Shell: Fish shell, with Bash as fallback
Fonts: Cascadia Code & Cascadia Mono
PlasmaStyle: Daisy (+ Old Plastics?), Breeze
Cursor: Simp1e-Gruvbox-Light
ColorScheme: WarmColorsLight
Icons: Gruvbox Plus Dark
Web Browsers: Librewolf, Firefox...
Dotfiles: Not yet anywhere near ready at this time.
More to come relatively soon...
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Mamba Explained
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mamba-explained/
Mamba Explained
The State Space Model taking on Transformers
Right now, AI is eating the world.
And by AI, I mean Transformers. Practically all the big breakthroughs in AI over the last few years are due to Transformers.
Mamba, however, is one of an alternative class of models called State Space Models (SSMs). Importantly, for the first time, Mamba promises similar performance (and crucially similar scaling laws) as the Transformer whilst being feasible at long sequence lengths (say 1 million tokens). To achieve this long context, the Mamba authors remove the “quadratic bottleneck” in the Attention Mechanism. Mamba also runs fast – like “up to 5x faster than Transformer fast”1.
Mamba performs similarly (or slightly better than) other Language Models on The Pile (source)
Gu and Dao, the Mamba authors write:
Mamba enjoys fast inference and linear scaling in sequence length, and its performance improves on real data up to million-length sequences. As a general sequence model backbone, Mamba achieves state-of-the-art performance across several modalities such as language, audio, and genomics. On language modelling, our Mamba-3B model outperforms Transformers of the same size and matches Transformers twice its size, both in pretraining and downstream evaluation.
Here we’ll discuss:
The advantages (and disadvantages) of Mamba (🐍) vs Transformers (🤖),
Analogies and intuitions for thinking about Mamba, and
What Mamba means for Interpretability, AI Safety and Applications.
Problems with Transformers – Maybe Attention Isn’t All You Need
We’re very much in the Transformer-era of history. ML used to be about detecting cats and dogs. Now, with Transformers, we’re generating human-like poetry, coding better than the median competitive programmer, and solving the protein folding problem.
But Transformers have one core problem. In a transformer, every token can look back at every previous token when making predictions. For this lookback, we cache detailed information about each token in the so-called KV cache.
When using the Attention Mechanism, information from all previous tokens can be passed to the current token
This pairwise communication means a forward pass is O(n²) time complexity in training (the dreaded quadratic bottleneck), and each new token generated autoregressively takes O(n) time. In other words, as the context size increases, the model gets slower.
To add insult to injury, storing this key-value (KV) cache requires O(n) space.  Consequently, the dreaded CUDA out-of-memory (OOM) error becomes a significant threat as the memory footprint expands. If space were the only concern, we might consider adding more GPUs; however, with latency increasing quadratically, simply adding more compute might not be a viable solution.
On the margin, we can mitigate the quadratic bottleneck with techniques like Sliding Window Attention or clever CUDA optimisations like FlashAttention. But ultimately, for super long context windows (like a chatbot which remembers every conversation you’ve shared), we need a different approach.
Foundation Model Backbones
Fundamentally, all good ML architecture backbones have components for two important operations:
Communication between tokens
Computation within a token
The Transformer Block
In transformers, this is Attention (communication) and MLPs (computation). We improve transformers by optimising these two operations2.
We would like to substitute the Attention component3 with an alternative mechanism for facilitating inter-token communication. Specifically, Mamba employs a Control Theory-inspired State Space Model, or SSM, for Communication purposes while retaining Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)-style projections for Computation.
The Mamba Block
Like a Transformer made up of stacked transformer blocks, Mamba is made up of stacked Mamba blocks as above.
We would like to understand and motivate the choice of the SSM for sequence transformations.
Motivating Mamba – A Throwback to Temple Run
Imagine we’re building a Temple Run agent4. It chooses if the runner should move left or right at any time.
To successfully pick the correct direction, we need information about our surroundings. Let’s call the collection of relevant information the state. Here the state likely includes your current position and velocity, the position of the nearest obstacle, weather conditions, etc.
Claim 1: if you know the current state of the world and how the world is evolving, then you can use this to determine the direction to move.
Note that you don’t need to look at the whole screen all the time. You can figure out what will happen to most of the screen by noting that as you run, the obstacles move down the screen. You only need to look at the top of the screen to understand the new information and then simulate the rest.
This lends itself to a natural formulation. Let h be the hidden state, relevant knowledge about the world. Also let x be the input, the observation that you get each time. h’ then represents the derivative of the hidden state, i.e. how the state is evolving. We’re trying to predict y, the optimal next move (right or left).
Now, Claim 1 states that from the hidden state h, h’, and the new observation x, you can figure out y.
More concretely, h, the state, can be represented as a differential equation (Eq 1a):
$h’(t) = mathbfAh(t) + mathbfBx(t)$
Knowing h allows you to determine your next move y (Eq 1b):
$y(t) = mathbfCh(t) + mathbfDx(t)$
The system’s evolution is determined by its current state and newly acquired observations. A small new observation is enough, as the majority of the state can be inferred by applying known state dynamics to its previous state. That is, most of the screen isn’t new, it’s just a continuation of the previous state’s natural downward trajectory. A full understanding of the state would enable optimal selection of the subsequent action, denoted as y.
You can learn a lot about the system dynamics by observing the top of the screen. For instance, increased velocity of this upper section suggests an acceleration of the rest of the screen as well, so we can infer that the game is speeding up5. In this way, even if we start off knowing nothing about the game and only have limited observations, it becomes possible to gain a holistic understanding of the screen dynamics fairly rapidly.
What’s the State?
Here, state refers to the variables that, when combined with the input variables, fully determine the future system behaviour. In theory, once we have the state, there’s nothing else we need to know about the past to predict the future. With this choice of state, the system is converted to a Markov Decision Process. Ideally, the state is a fairly small amount of information which captures the essential properties of the system. That is, the state is a compression of the past6.
Discretisation – How To Deal With Living in a Quantised World
Okay, great! So, given some state and input observation, we have an autoregressive-style system to determine the next action. Amazing!
In practice though, there’s a little snag here. We’re modelling time as continuous. But in real life, we get new inputs and take new actions at discrete time steps7.
We would like to convert this continuous-time differential equation into a discrete-time difference equation. This conversion process is known as discretisation. Discretisation is a well-studied problem in the literature. Mamba uses the Zero-Order Hold (ZOH) discretisation8. To give an idea of what’s happening morally, consider a naive first-order approximation9.
From Equation 1a, we have
$h’(t) = mathbfAh(t) + mathbfBx(t)$
And for small ∆,
$h’(t) approx frach(t+Delta) – h(t)Delta$
by the definition of the derivative.
We let:
$h_t = h(t)$
$h_t+1 = h(t + Delta)$
and substitute into Equation 1a giving:
$h_t+1 – h_t approx Delta (mathbfAh_t + mathbfBx_t)$ $Rightarrow h_t+1 approx (I + Delta mathbfA)h_t + (Delta mathbfB)x_t$
Hence, after renaming the coefficients and relabelling indices, we have the discrete representations:
The Discretised Version of the SSM Equation
If you’ve ever looked at an RNN before10 and this feels familiar – trust your instincts:
We have some input x, which is combined with the previous hidden state by some transform to give the new hidden state. Then we use the hidden state to calculate the output at each time step.
Understanding the SSM Matrices
Now, we can interpret the A, B, C, D matrices more intuitively:
A is the transition state matrix. It shows how you transition the current state into the next state. It asks “How should I forget the less relevant parts of the state over time?”
B is mapping the new input into the state, asking “What part of my new input should I remember?”11
C is mapping the state to the output of the SSM. It asks, “How can I use the state to make a good next prediction?”12
D is how the new input passes through to the output. It’s a kind of modified skip connection that asks “How can I use the new input in my prediction?”
Visual Representation of The SSM Equations
Additionally, ∆ has a nice interpretation – it’s the step size, or what we might call the linger time or the dwell time. For large ∆, you focus more on that token; for small ∆, you skip past the token immediately and don’t include it much in the next state.
And that’s it! That’s the SSM, our ~drop-in replacement for Attention (Communication) in the Mamba block. The Computation in the Mamba architecture comes from regular linear projections, non-linearities, and local convolutions.
Okay great, that’s the theory – but does this work? Well…
Effectiveness vs Efficiency: Attention is Focus, Selectivity is Prioritisation
At WWDC ‘97, Steve Jobs famously noted that “focusing is about saying no”. Focus is ruthless prioritisation. It’s common to think about Attention positively as choosing what to notice. In the Steve Jobs sense, we might instead frame Attention negatively as choosing what to discard.
There’s a classic intuition pump in Machine Learning known as the Cocktail Party Problem13. Imagine a party with dozens of simultaneous loud conversations:
How do we recognise what one person is saying when others are talking at the same time?14
The brain solves this problem by focusing your “attention” on a particular stimulus and hence drowning out all other sounds as much as possible.
Transformers use Dot-Product Attention to focus on the most relevant tokens. A big reason Attention is so great is that you have the potential to look back at everything that ever happened in its context. This is like photographic memory when done right.15
Transformers (🤖) are extremely effective. But they aren’t very efficient. They store everything from the past so that they can look back at tokens with theoretically perfect recall.
Traditional RNNs (🔁) are the opposite – they forget a lot, only recalling a small amount in their hidden state and discarding the rest. They are very efficient – their state is small. Yet they are less effective as discarded information cannot be recovered.
We’d like something closer to the Pareto frontier of the effectiveness/efficiency tradeoff. Something that’s more effective than traditional RNNs and more efficient than transformers.
The Mamba Architecture seems to offer a solution which pushes out the Pareto frontier of effectiveness/efficiency.
SSMs are as efficient as RNNs, but we might wonder how effective they are. After all, it seems like they would have a hard time discarding only unnecessary information and keeping everything relevant. If each token is being processed the same way, applying the same A and B matrices as if in a factory assembly line for tokens, there is no context-dependence. We would like the forgetting and remembering matrices (A and B respectively) to vary and dynamically adapt to inputs.
The Selection Mechanism
Selectivity allows each token to be transformed into the state in a way that is unique to its own needs. Selectivity is what takes us from vanilla SSM models (applying the same A (forgetting) and B (remembering) matrices to every input) to Mamba, the Selective State Space Model.
In regular SSMs, A, B, C and D are learned matrices – that is
$mathbfA = mathbfA_theta$ etc. (where θ represents the learned parameters)
With the Selection Mechanism in Mamba, A, B, C and D are also functions of x. That is $mathbfA = mathbfA_theta(x)$ etc; the matrices are context dependent rather than static.
Mamba (right) differs from traditional SSMs by allowing A,B,C matrices to be selective i.e. context dependent (source)
Making A and B functions of x allows us to get the best of both worlds:
We’re selective about what we include in the state, which improves effectiveness vs traditional SSMs.
Yet, since the state size is bounded, we improve on efficiency relative to the Transformer. We have O(1), not O(n) space and O(n) not O(n²) time requirements.
The Mamba paper authors write:
The efficiency vs. effectiveness tradeoff of sequence models is characterized by how well they compress their state: efficient models must have a small state, while effective models must have a state that contains all necessary information from the context. In turn, we propose that a fundamental principle for building sequence models is selectivity: or the context-aware ability to focus on or filter out inputs into a sequential state. In particular, a selection mechanism controls how information propagates or interacts along the sequence dimension.
Humans (mostly) don’t have photographic memory for everything they experience within a lifetime – or even within a day! There’s just way too much information to retain it all. Subconsciously, we select what to remember by choosing to forget, throwing away most information as we encounter it. Transformers (🤖) decide what to focus on at recall time. Humans (🧑) also decide what to throw away at memory-making time. Humans filter out information early and often.
If we had infinite capacity for memorisation, it’s clear the transformer approach is better than the human approach – it truly is more effective. But it’s less efficient – transformers have to store so much information about the past that might not be relevant. Transformers (🤖) only decide what’s relevant at recall time. The innovation of Mamba (🐍) is allowing the model better ways of forgetting earlier – it’s focusing by choosing what to discard using Selectivity, throwing away less relevant information at memory-making time16.
The Problems of Selectivity
Applying the Selection Mechanism does have its gotchas though. Non-selective SSMs (i.e. A,B not dependent on x) are fast to compute in training. This is because the component of
Yt which depends on xi can be expressed as a linear map, i.e. a single matrix that can be precomputed!
For example (ignoring the D component, the skip connection):
$$y_2 = mathbfCmathbfBx_2 + mathbfCmathbfAmathbfBx_1 + mathbfCmathbfAmathbfAmathbfBx_0$$
If we’re paying attention, we might spot something even better here – this expression can be written as a convolution. Hence we can apply the Fast Fourier Transform and the Convolution Theorem to compute this very efficiently on hardware as in Equation 3 below.
We can calculate Equation 2, the SSM equations, efficiently in the Convolutional Form, Equation 3.
Unfortunately, with the Selection Mechanism, we lose the convolutional form. Much attention is given to making Mamba efficient on modern GPU hardware using similar hardware optimisation tricks to Tri Dao’s Flash Attention17. With the hardware optimisations, Mamba is able to run faster than comparably sized Transformers.
Machine Learning for Political Economists – How Large Should The State Be?
The Mamba authors write, “the efficiency vs. effectiveness tradeoff of sequence models is characterised by how well they compress their state”. In other words, like in political economy18, the fundamental problem is how to manage the state.
🔁 Traditional RNNs are anarchic
They have a small, minimal state. The size of the state is bounded. The compression of state is poor.
🤖 Transformers are communist
They have a maximally large state. The “state” is just a cache of the entire history with no compression. Every context token is treated equally until recall time.
🐍Mamba has a compressed state
…but it’s selective about what goes in. Mamba says we can get away with a small state if the state is well focused and effective19.
Language Models and State Size
The upshot is that state representation is critical. A smaller state is more efficient; a larger state is more effective. The key is to selectively and dynamically compress data into the state. Mamba’s Selection Mechanism allows for context-dependent reasoning, focusing and ignoring. For both performance and interpretability, understanding the state seems to be very useful.
Information Flow in Transformer vs Mamba
How do Transformers know anything? At initialization, a transformer isn’t very smart. It learns in two ways:
Training data (Pretraining, SFT, RLHF etc)
In context-data
Training Data
Models learn from their training data. This is a kind of lossy compression of input data into the weights. We can think of the effect of pretraining data on the transformer kinda like the effect of your ancestor’s experiences on your genetics – you can’t recall their experiences, you just have vague instincts about them20.
In Context-Data
Transformers use their context as short-term memory, which they can recall with ~perfect fidelity. So we get In-Context Learning, e.g. using induction heads to solve the Indirect Object Identification task, or computing Linear Regression.
Note that Transformers don’t filter their context at all until recall time. So if we have a bunch of information we think might be useful to the Transformer, we filter it outside the Transformer (using Information Retrieval strategies) and then stuff the results into the prompt. This process is known as Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG determines relevant information for the context window of a transformer. A human with the internet is kinda like a RAG system – you still have to know what to search but whatever you retrieve is as salient as short-term memory to you.
Information Flow for Mamba
Training Data acts similarly for Mamba. However, the lines are slightly blurred for in-context data and retrieval. In-context data for Mamba is compressed/filtered similar to retrieval data for transformers. This in-context data is also accessible for look-up like for transformers (although with somewhat lower fidelity).
Transformer context is to Mamba states what short-term is to long-term memory. Mamba doesn’t just have “RAM”, it has a hard drive21 22.
Swapping States as a New Prompting Paradigm
Currently, we often use RAG to give a transformer contextual information.
With Mamba-like models, you could instead imagine having a library of states created by running the model over specialised data. States could be shared kinda like LoRAs for image models.
For example, I could do inference on 20 physics textbooks and, say, 100 physics questions and answers. Then I have a state which I can give to you. Now you don’t need to add any few-shot examples; you just simply ask your question. The in-context learning is in the state.
In other words, you can drag and drop downloaded states into your model, like literal plug-in cartridges. And note that “training” a state doesn’t require any backprop. It’s more like a highly specialised one-pass fixed-size compression algorithm. This is unlimited in-context learning applied at inference time for zero-compute or latency23.
The structure of an effective LLM call goes from…
System Prompt
Few shot-examples
…for Transformers, to simply…
Inputted state (with problem context, initial instructions, textbooks, and few-shot examples)
Short question
…for Mamba.
This is cheaper and faster than few-shot prompting (as the state is infinitely reusable without inference cost). It’s also MUCH cheaper than finetuning and doesn’t require any gradient updates. We could imagine retrieving states in addition to context.
Mamba & Mechanistic Interpretability
Transformer interpretability typically involves:
understanding token relationships via attention,
understanding circuits, and
using Dictionary Learning for unfolding MLPs.
Most of the ablations that we would like to do for Mamba are still valid, but understanding token communication (1) is now more nuanced. All information moves between tokens via hidden states instead of the Attention Mechanism which can “teleport” information from one sequence position to another.
For understanding in-context learning (ICL) tasks with Mamba, we will look to intervene on the SSM state. A classic task in-context learning task is Indirect Object Identification in which a model has to finish a paragraph like:
Then, Shelby and Emma had a lot of fun at the school. [Shelby/Emma] gave an apple to [BLANK]
The model is expected to fill in the blank with the name that is not repeated in the paragraph. In the chart below we can see that information is passed from the [Shelby/Emma] position to the final position via the hidden state (see the two blue lines in the top chart).
Since it’s hypothesised that much of In-Context Learning in Transformers is downstream of more primitive sequence position operations (like Induction Heads), Mamba being able to complete this task suggests a more general In-Context Learning ability.
What’s Next for Mamba & SSMs?
Mamba-like models are likely to excel in scenarios requiring extremely long context and long-term memory. Examples include:
Processing DNA
Generating (or reasoning over) video
Writing novels
An illustrative example is agents with long-term goals.
Suppose you have an agent interacting with the world. Eventually, its experiences become too much for the context window of a transformer. The agent then has to compress or summarise its experiences into some more compact representation.
But how do you decide what information is the most useful as a summary? If the task is language, LLMs are actually fairly good at summaries – okay, yeah, you’ll lose some information, but the most important stuff can be retained.
However, for other disciplines, it might not be clear how to summarise. For example, what’s the best way to summarise a 2 hour movie?24. Could the model itself learn to do this naturally rather than a hacky workaround like trying to describe the aesthetics of the movie in text?
This is what Mamba allows. Actual long-term memory. A real state where the model learns to keep what’s important. Prediction is compression – learning what’s useful to predict what’s coming next inevitably leads to building a useful compression of the previous tokens.
The implications for Assistants are clear:
Your chatbot co-evolves with you. It remembers.
The film HER is looking better and better as time goes on 😳
Agents & AI Safety
One reason for positive updates in existential risk from AGI is Language Models. Previously, Deep-RL agents trained via self-play looked set to be the first AGIs. Language models are inherently much safer since they aren’t trained with long-term goals25.
The potential for long-term sequence reasoning here brings back the importance of agent-based AI safety. Few agent worries are relevant to Transformers with an 8k context window. Many are relevant to systems with impressive long-term memories and possible instrumental goals.
The Best Collab Since Taco Bell & KFC: 🤖 x 🐍
The Mamba authors show that there’s value in combining Mamba’s long context with the Transformer’s high fidelity over short sequences. For example, if you’re making long videos, you likely can’t fit a whole movie into a Transformer’s context for attention26. You could imagine having Attention look at the most recent frames for short-term fluidity and an SSM for long-term narrative consistency27.
This isn’t the end for Transformers. Their high effectiveness is exactly what’s needed for many tasks. But now Transformers aren’t the only option. Other architectures are genuinely feasible.
So we’re not in the post-Transformer era. But for the first time, we’re living in the post-only-Transformers era28. And this blows the possibilities wide open for sequence modelling with extreme context lengths and native long-term memory.
Two ML researchers, Sasha Rush (HuggingFace, Annotated Transformer, Cornell Professor) and Jonathan Frankle (Lottery Ticket Hypothesis, MosaicML, Harvard Professor), currently have a bet here.
Currently Transformers are far and away in the lead. With 3 years left, there’s now a research direction with a fighting chance.
All that remains to ask is: Is Attention All We Need?
1. see Figure 8 in the Mamba paper. 2. And scaling up with massive compute. 3. More specifically the scaled dot-product Attention popularised by Transformers 4. For people who don’t see Temple Run as the cultural cornerstone it is 🤣 Temple Run was an iPhone game from 2011 similar to Subway Surfer 5. Here we assume the environment is sufficiently smooth. 6. One pretty important constraint for this to be efficient is that we don’t allow the individual elements of the state vector to interact with each other directly. We’ll use a combination of the state dimensions to determine the output but we don’t e.g. allow the velocity of the runner and the direction of the closest obstacle (or whatever else was in our state) to directly interact. This helps with efficient computation and we achieve this practically by constraining A to be a diagonal matrix. 7. Concretely consider the case of Language Models – each token is a discrete step 8. ZOH also has nice properties for the initialisations – we want A_bar to be close to the identity so that the state can be mostly maintained from timestep to timestep if desired. ZOH gives A_bar as an exponential so any diagonal element initialisations close to zero give values close to 1 9. This is known as the Euler discretisation in the literature 10. It’s wild to note that some readers might not have, we’re so far into the age of Attention that RNNs have been forgotten! 11. B is like the Query (Q) matrix for Transformers. 12. C is like the Output (O) matrix for Transformers. 13. Non-alcoholic options also available! 14. Especially as all voices roughly occupy the same space on the audio frequency spectrum Intuitively this seems really hard! 15. Note that photographic memory doesn’t necessarily imply perfect inferences from that memory! 16. To be clear, if you have a short sequence, then a transformer should theoretically be a better approach. If you can store the whole context, then why not!? If you have enough memory for a high-resolution image, why compress it into a JPEG? But Mamba-style architectures are likely to hugely outperform with long-range sequences. 17. More details are available for engineers interested in CUDA programming – Tri’s talk, Mamba paper section 3.3.2, and the official CUDA code are good resources for understanding the Hardware-Aware Scan 18. or in Object Oriented Programming 19. Implications to actual Political Economy are left to the reader but maybe Gu and Dao accidentally solved politics!? 20. This isn’t a perfect analogy as human evolution follows a genetic algorithm rather than SGD. 21. Albeit a pretty weird hard drive at that – it morphs over time rather than being a fixed representation. 22. As a backronym, I’ve started calling the hidden_state the state space dimension (or selective state dimension) which shortens to SSD, a nice reminder for what this object represents – the long-term memory of the system. 23. I’m thinking about this similarly to the relationship between harmlessness finetuning and activation steering. State swapping, like activation steering, is an inference time intervention giving comparable results to its train time analogue. 24. This is a very non-trivial problem! How do human brains represent a movie internally? It’s not a series of the most salient frames, nor is it a text summary of the colours, nor is it a purely vibes-based summary if you can memorise some lines of the film. 25. They’re also safer since they inherently understand (though don’t necessarily embody) human values. It’s not all clear that how to teach an RL agent human morality. 26. Note that typically an image (i.e. a single frame) counts as >196 tokens, and movies are typically 24 fps so you’ll fill a 32k context window in 7 seconds 🤯 27. Another possibility that I’m excited about is applying optimisation pressure to the state itself as well as the output to have models that respect particular use cases. 28. This is slightly hyperbolic, the TS-Mixer for time series, Gradient Boosting Trees for tabular data and Graph Neural Networks for weather prediction exist and are currently used, but these aren’t at the core of AI
Author Bio
Kola Ayonrinde is a Research Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer with a flair for writing. He integrates technology and creativity, focusing on applying machine learning in innovative ways and exploring the societal impacts of tech advancements.
This post was originally posted on Kola’s personal blog.
Thanks to Gonçalo for reading an early draft, Jaden for the nnsight library used for the Interpretability analysis and Tessa for Mamba patching visualisations.Also see: Mamba paper, Mamba Python code, Annotated S4, Nathan Labenz podcast
For attribution in academic contexts or books, please cite this work as
Kola Ayonrinde, "Mamba Explained," The Gradient, 2024
@article{Ayonrinde2024mamba, author = Kola Ayonrinde, title = Mamba Explained, journal = The Gradient, year = 2024, howpublished = urlhttps://thegradient.pub/mamba-explained,
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teardownit · 3 months
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Sometimes, when making your own devices on microcontrollers, there is a need to display huge amounts of information on a display and to use a bigger screen for ease of perception. Unfortunately, there are no ready-made and budget-friendly solutions for this task on the market. LCD displays with the ability to connect to a microcontroller are usually tiny and pricy.
But at the same time, there is a wide selection of legacy LCD monitors with a VGA interface. Models with a diagonal of 15 to 19 inches can be purchased in perfect working condition for a very low price, or one can even get one for free. This especially applies to monitors with a 4:3 aspect ratio. In addition, such models are usually quite reliable.
Most older monitors only have a VGA connector for connecting to a computer. Sometimes there is an additional DVI port (on more expensive models). The HDMI connector is more common on modern devices.
Thus, with a probability close to 100%, we'll get just a VGA on an older monitor. In order to display an image on such a monitor, it is enough to work with only five signals: analog R (red), G (green), and B (blue), responsible for the brightness of each color component, as well as digital HS (horizontal sync) and VS (vertical sync), providing synchronization. Analogue signal levels should range from 0 to 0.7 V, where 0 V corresponds to no light at all and 0.7 V to maximum brightness. Digital signals HS and VS are short pulses with a TTL level of negative polarity. The timings of these signals can be found, for example, here: http://tinyvga.com/vga-timing/640x480@60Hz.
Typically, special controllers, or FPGAs, are used to generate video signals, and many FPGA development boards are already equipped with a VGA connector. However, FPGAs are often expensive and require many additional components. I was looking for a simpler and cheaper solution. As a result, the decision was made to use CPLD. CPLDs have fewer available logic gates (LEs) than FPGAs but are less expensive. For example, the MAX II Altera EPM240 development board is sold on Aliexpress: https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804686276488.html for only $8.12 (excluding shipping), and the kit even includes a programmer. The chips themselves can be purchased for $1.6–2.1 (for nice knockoffs).
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Plain text mode was chosen for implementation because it is easier for a slow microcontroller but at the same time quite informative. Some graphics elements can be implemented using pseudo-graphics symbols, as was often done in the days of DOS. The introduction of a graphics mode would require transferring a large amount of data from the microcontroller and additional efforts to create it, which is not always possible, especially for weak cores.
CPLD has a built-in Flash ROM (User Flash Memory block, UFM), which can be used as a character ROM. However, its capacity is very limited—only 8 kbit, or 1 KB. This amount of storage is only sufficient for characters with a resolution of 5×7 pixels, and only if we discard non-displayable, insignificant, and visually identical characters from the ASCII table. In addition, the use of UFM will require the use of logic gates (LE), of which there are already a few. Despite the attractiveness of this option, I had to abandon it and use an external ROM chip, which can be salvaged from an old motherboard. Choosing a microchip with a supply voltage of 3.3 V will eliminate problems with matching voltage levels for the CPLD. The capacity of such ROMs is quite large: 2, 4, or 8 Mbit, or at least 256 to 1024 KB, which allows one to store a large number of different fonts with a decent resolution of 8x16 pixels.
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To store the screen image, you will also need a RAM chip. Let's estimate the approximate size required for this. If we plan on using an 8×16 pixel font on a screen with a resolution of 640×480 pixels, we will end up with 80 characters per line and 30 lines on the screen. Thus, saving the screen image will require 80 × 30 = 2400 bytes. This number is somewhat inconvenient because it is just slightly larger than the nearest power of two, 2048. The memory use in this case is inefficient—only 58%, since the next power of two is 4096. By the way, this is exactly why text mode with 80×25 symbols became popular since there are 5 fewer lines on the screen. In this case, only 2000 bytes of memory are needed, which easily fits into 2 KB.
However, modern memory chips have significant storage sizes, and saving memory is not so critical nowadays. Moreover, one can deliberately choose to waste memory in order to simplify the decryption logic and save CPLD logic elements. Then you will need at least 4096 bytes (2^12, 12 address bits), which can be divided as follows: 5 address bits are allocated to the row address on the screen (30 of 32 will be used) and 7 bits to the column or position address characters in the string (80 out of 128 will be used).
4096 bytes are required only for storing ASCII symbols. The same amount of memory will be taken by the symbol attribute page. Attributes must include character color (3 bits), background color (3 bits), underline, and blinking. So, a memory of at least 8 KB is required.
Of the most affordable options, the best one is static RAM (used as cache memory), also salvaged from old devices or motherboards. It should be noted that this memory can only operate at 5 V. However. If it is a CMOS-type memory, it can take 3.3 V, but this will require timing correction.
So, we got the following diagram:.
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The circuit includes only three microchips and a minimum number of external components. Using the aforementioned Altera EPM240 development board as a base, all you need are ROM chips, RAM chips, and a DSUB header with five resistors. Connecting signals to the CPLD is just an approximation, since almost all of its pins are equivalent (with the exception of Global CLK, one of which requires connecting a signal from a clock generator). When the chip is repeatedly reprogrammed for a new device, almost all of its signals can be reassigned. Currently, the device is assembled on a breadboard and can be left aside.
The device communicates with the microcontroller via a parallel 8-bit interface (in the diagram, signals with the HOST prefix), which is logically almost identical to the widely used display interface on the 1602 and similar controllers. The only difference is the addition of a BUSY signal directed from the device to the microcontroller. Its necessity is due to the fact that access to the RAM chip is provided only during the backward sweep period. The rest of the time, the chip is busy (pun intended) executing CPLD logic. The BUSY signal also acts like an interrupt request (IRQ) function. When it's changed, the controller can automatically start writing to the screen buffer.
Interface description:
DATA[7:0] – eight bits of data, unidirectional port, intended exclusively for writing to the device
CS – chip select; 0 for chip is selected, 1 for chip is not selected. On the positive edge of the CS signal, the data is latched for writing.
AD – address/data, during a write operation: 0 – data is being transferred; 1 – address is being transferred.
BUSY – device busy state; 0 – free; 1 – busy. If the device is busy, the write operation to RAM is ignored. Writing is only possible to the address register.
RESET – device reset. 0 – reset; 1 – work. A hard reset can be used to turn off the screen immediately. When this signal is activated, the image output to the monitor stops. Resetting does not affect the contents of the RAM chip.
Writing data from the microcontroller to RAM is possible only during the backward sweep of the frame scan, when the RAM chip is not occupied by the CPLD logic. This time interval is 1.440 milliseconds. Despite the significant duration of this interval, when using slow microcontrollers, there may not be enough time to completely rewrite the entire memory space. For example, an AVR microcontroller, when operating at a frequency of 11.0592 MHz, is capable of recording only three full-screen lines with all the attributes. If one does not update the attributes (as is usually the case in real-life applications, attributes are written once when the program starts), then six full rows can be written in this time. Perhaps optimizing the code and rewriting it in assembly language can significantly speed up the process of updating data. Otherwise, it may take from 5 cycles (if updating only the data) to 15 cycles (if updating the attributes) to completely rewrite the screen. At 60 fps, it will take 1/12 to 1/4 of a second. Those who have ever worked on IBM PC/XT or IBM PC/AT computers with processor clock speeds around 4 to 12 MHz may notice the experience of refreshing the screen to be familiar.
If you don’t want to wait for the next vertical pulse and want to record all the data at once, you can use the RESET signal. When activated, the internal logic of the CPLD stops and is disconnected from the RAM chip, allowing the microcontroller to directly access the memory. Registers for working with RAM are not affected by the reset signal.
In general, the write operations are as follows: you need to wait until the BUSY signal becomes zero, then put the desired data on the data bus, set the data type (address or data) AD, and set the CS signal first to 0, then to 1. When this signal changes from 0 to 1, the data is stored in memory. During a vertical pulse, the RAM chip is directly connected to the microcontroller's HOST signals, so maintaining the timings during writes becomes the responsibility of the microcontroller. However, since static RAM is a fairly fast device and typically has timings significantly smaller than the maximum speed of an average microcontroller driving its I/O lines, this task is not difficult.
The RAM chip D43256BGU-70LL is connected to the CPLD's output pins, with the lines having a 'RAM' prefix on the diagram. These signals include an 8-bit bidirectional data bus and a 13-bit address bus. Of the control signals, only the WE signal is used. Since there is only one chip on the RAM bus and both buses (address and data) are completely under its control, the OE and CS signals are not used, equal 0, and connected to GND.
The SST49LF002A ROM chip is connected similarly (signals with the 'ROM' prefix), except that the data bus in this case is unidirectional. The OE and WE signals of this IC are also not used and are directly connected to 0 (GND) and 1 (VCC), respectively.
Jumpers are connected to the available CPLD pins to select the current font. Since the ROM chip is large enough, it allows one to store several different fonts, including national alphabets, and switch to them by installing jumpers.
The DSUB VGA port is connected to the CPLD using only 5 resistors. Resistors in the HS and VS circuits are primarily for protection and can be ditched. Resistors in circuits R, G, and B are selected in such a way that, together with the input resistance of the monitor (75 Ohms), they form a voltage divider that reduces the voltage at the monitor input to 0.7 V.
The power leads are shunted with ceramic capacitors, and the clock signal with a frequency of 50 MHz from a crystal is supplied to the GCLK0 pin. These parts were on the breadboard originally.
A resistor, a capacitor, and a button are connected to the RESET signal, forming it. However, if the signal is generated by a microcontroller, these components are redundant.
After creating the main part of the CPLD operating logic, it became clear that the number of logic elements (LEs) used was slightly over half of the available ones. In this regard, the idea arose to complexify the logic and add more features. First of all, the number of colors can be increased to 16 by adding three additional CPLD pins and three resistors. This won't significantly complicate the scheme, but it will add eight more colors. In this case, the RAM page with attributes will have to be completely devoted to color, and another page with attributes will have to be added, increasing the RAM address bus by 1 bit. In the second page of attributes, you can implement font selection, underlining, character and background flickering, and so on.
The new scheme looks similar to the previous one.
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As the number of colors increases, the question is: which palette to choose? With only 8 colors, there is no such question; all colors are different combinations of the three primary colors: red, green, and blue (2^3 = 8). When there are more colors, different options are possible. For example, the 16-color EGA palette: https://moddingwiki.shikadi.net/wiki/EGA_Palette:
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As can be seen from the presented palette, the 4th bit in the color number stands for brightness. However, the halves of the table are not evenly separated by brightness. The first half is set to 2/3 brightness (byte AAH = 170 = 2/3 × 256). In the second half, another 1/3 of brightness is added (byte 55H = 85 = 1/3 × 256), and the colors in this part are called "bright."
Interestingly, color No. 6 (yellow/brown) in this scheme deviates from the expected AAAA00 and is specifically set to AA5500. This was done to replace the unattractive, dirty yellow color with the more appealing brown. This is a known feature of EGA video cards and monitors. Some monitors took this into account, while others did not implement this feature in order to simplify the circuit. Some models added a BROWN ADJ knob so that the user could set the desired shade of that color. That is why the color in the table is indicated as yellow/brown.
Nonlinear separation by brightness level automatically leads to two shades of gray showing up: light gray and dark gray, which are widely used.
In the 16-color VGA palette: https://lospec.com/palette-list/microsoft-vga, the situation is slightly different: the colors are divided exactly in two halves by brightness (80H = 128 = 1/2 × 256):
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There is also a noticeable outlier in this palette: light gray (С0С0С0), which should be black, duplicating an existing color. Additionally, this color swapped places with the dark gray color (808080). This was done intentionally to ensure compatibility between the VGA and EGA 16-color palettes, making them almost identical.
In our case, when the R, G, and B signals are generated in hardware using resistors, it is more convenient to use the EGA palette. So, it is necessary to make a software correction only for one color, No. 6. All other colors are generated automatically. Switching to the VGA palette would require not only a program change but also an additional group of resistors to be added to create the light gray color (C0C0C0). The resistors should be picked so that one group provides a brightness level of 1/3, the second is 2/3, and together they provide full brightness. By simple calculations using Ohm's law, we get the following values: 390 Ohms and 750 Ohms.
The signal generation logic for a static image like the one with test color bars is quite simple. However, if it is necessary to generate a dynamic image, the task becomes more complicated. It is necessary to organize a logical interface with RAM and ROM. At the same time, data exchange should occur not just quickly but lightning-fast! Let's first evaluate whether the selected chips can keep up with operating like this.
So, the resolution is 640x480. Pixel output frequency is 25 MHz (the standard specifies 25.175 MHz, but rounding to 25 MHz is acceptable since VGA, like many other analog standards, allows a significant spread of parameters). The frame refresh rate is 60 Hz (actually 59.5 Hz), and the line refresh rate is 31.46875 kHz (actually 31.25 kHz). Thus, the output time of one pixel is 40 ns, and the output time of an 8-bit character is 320 ns. During this time, the ASCII code of the character (one byte), the color code (one byte), and the attributes (one byte) should be read from RAM, and then, using the ASCII code as an address, we should read the bit mask of the character from ROM. Only then will the CPLD logic have all the necessary information to begin imaging.
According to the technical description (datasheet), for the selected D43256BGU-70LL chip, a full read cycle takes 70 ns. Considering the use of the chip at reduced voltage, the read cycle takes longer—let's say, 100 ns. Thus, in 320 ns, we will have enough time to read three bytes from RAM: ASCII code, color code, and character attributes. Great. The situation with ROM is more complicated: the address is written to it in two steps—in rows and columns—and, according to the manual, the read cycle takes 270 ns. Not the highest speed, but within the required 320 ns, even with time to spare.
The problem is that we can't start issuing the ROM address until we know at least the ASCII code, which takes 100 ns. This sums up to 370 ns. What saves us is the fact that each RAM or ROM read cycle individually fits within the allowed interval, and we can simply spend two additional cycles reading data. To add these two loops during data preparation, it is necessary to shift the character display area, creating an additional blanking area 2 characters wide at the beginning of the line and reducing the same area at the end of the line by 2 characters. This is quite simple to do: we simply shift the horizontal blanking pulse by 640 ns (accordingly, the horizontal sync pulse also shifts). From the monitor's point of view, there is no difference.
To better understand when and what to write and read, it is handy to create a timing diagram. At the beginning, all the timings were in my head, but creating a paper diagram and giving it another look allowed me to significantly optimize read cycles and even reduce the number of registers used.
The cycle begins by setting the RAM address of the ASCII character byte on the bus. After 80 ns, the requested byte appears on the RAM data bus, which is instantly used to generate the byte read address from the character generator ROM. At the 100 ns mark, we set the address of the symbol attributes byte to the RAM address bus. At 140 ns (60 ns after setting the address), we latch the first part of the ROM address. After another 60 ns, we set the second part of the address on the ROM address bus. At this point, there should be a byte of data on the RAM data bus with character attributes, where 5 bits correspond to the font and are included in the second part of the ROM address. The remaining 3 bits of data are stored in temporary register 2. After another 60 ns, we latch the second part of the ROM address. Data will appear on the ROM data bus 120 ns after this event, already during the second cycle. To prevent loop intersections, we write this data to temporary register 1 at 80 ns. And finally, at 300 ns, all the prepared data is written to the working registers. The character bitmask from temporary register 1 is copied into the rom_reg register, and the stored attribute bits are applied to the color byte that has been read at that time.
Thus, by the end of the second loop, all the data will be ready for outputting the symbol.
Writing data from the microcontroller to RAM is carried out as follows. We wait until the BUSY signal becomes zero, after which we set the starting addresses in the registers where data will be written. Typically, this is address 0, corresponding to the start of the data page, but a random address can also be chosen if only a few bytes need to be changed. Then we record the data. After each byte is written, the address is automatically incremented. When the edge of the screen is reached (the 80th character in a line), the address of the character position in the line is automatically reset to zero, and the line address is incremented by 1. After the entire page of data is written, the address is automatically adjusted to the attribute page entries and then the color page entries. After writing all three pages, the address is also automatically reset, and the process begins again with writing to the data page. Thus, the start address is set only once, and then only data is written. This saves a few microseconds on address setting and simplifies the code when all data can be transferred in one cycle.
Data format for writing data (AD=0):
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The data page stores ASCII character codes.
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The attributes page stores symbol attributes. The lower two bits are responsible for the hardware-driven blinking of a character or background, and the third bit is for the underline. The upper 5 bits select the font. Accordingly, you can display characters from different fonts mixed in any combination. 5 digits for selecting the font allow one to store 32 different fonts, which can include any symbols of national alphabets as well as tiles for displaying an image.
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The color page contains the character color and the background color. Color can be anything from the 16-color palette.
There are three address registers. The choice of which particular one to write to is defined by the most significant bits of the data byte. If the most significant bit [7] is 0, then the position register in the row (column) is written. If it is 1, then the line number register (line) and RAM page number register (ASCII code, attributes, or color) are written. If the three most significant bits are equal to 1, then a special control register is written, bits [4] and [3] of which determine the position of the hardware-generated line when the underscore bit is turned on, and bits [2–0] are reserved for future settings.
Data format for writing address (AD = 1):
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A register stores the position in a string.
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The register stores the line number and page selection.
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If you set an address outside the range of 0-79 for a column and 0-29 for a row, then data will begin to be written to the shadow memory area, which is not displayed on the screen. There is nothing wrong with this; after passing the address 127, the data will again be written to the visible area.
Internal CPLD registers (some):
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The register contains the current horizontal scan position. It is clocked at a frequency of 50 MHz, which is two times the required 25 MHz, so the least significant bit (tact bit) is not used. Accordingly, bits 1 to 3 indicate the position within the character, and bits 4 to 10 indicate the position of the character in the string. When the value reaches 1600, the register is reset to zero, and the value in the vreg register is increased by 1.
The register contains the current vertical scan position. Clocked from the hreg register. Bits 0 to 3 indicate the line within the character, and bits 4 to 8 indicate the line on the screen. Bit 9 is not used. When the value reaches 525, the register is reset to zero.
The registers contain the current address value for accessing RAM (16 KB in total). The lower 7 bits are the character address in the line (column), then 5 bits are the line address, and 2 bits are the page address (ASCII code, attributes, or color). There are two of these registers: one for internal use by the CPLD logic, and the second is controlled externally by the microcontroller.
The ROM address register is written in two stages. It contains the character string address, the character's ASCII code, and the font address. These addresses are located in such a way that one can flash standard DOS *.fnt font files into the ROM without any additional processing, just one after another. You can combine several fonts into one file for firmware using any file editing program. Just make sure that the fonts have a resolution of 8x16.
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Color output register. This register is connected directly to the CPLD pins, supplying the R, G, and B signals to the monitor. The lower 3 bits provide a signal with 2/3 of a brightness level (they must be connected to 390 Ohm resistors); the highest ones provide a signal with a brightness level of 1/3 (they must be connected to 750 Ohm resistors).
Photos to illustrate:
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draegerit · 4 months
Calliope Mini 3 Tutorial: 360° Servomotor mit MakeCode programmieren
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In diesem Beitrag möchte ich dir zeigen, wie du einen 360° Servomotor am Calliope Mini 3 mit MakeCode programmieren kannst. Das Onlinetool MakeCode macht es gerade Anfänger leicht in die Programmierung zu starten und schnell Ziele zu erreichen. https://youtu.be/RT3YceZkWiw
Bezug eines 360° Servomotors
Auf der Plattform ebay.de bekommst du recht günstig die Servomotoren mit 360° Drehung in unterschiedlichen Leistungsstärken. Ich habe mich für einen einfachen, kleinen Servomotor entschieden, welcher lediglich 8 € inkl. Versand gekostet hat. Wenn du mehr sparen möchtest, dann empfehle ich dir die Plattform aliexpress.com
Anschluss des Servomotors an den Calliope Mini 3
Der Servomotor benötigt eine Spannung von 4,8V bis maximal 6V. Jedoch liefert der Calliope Mini 3 lediglich 3,3V über die Pins, d.h. wir benötigen eine externe Stromversorgung, welche uns die Spannung für den Servomotor liefert.
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Schaltung - Calliope Mini 3 mit 360° Servomotor In meinem Fall nutze ich ein Expansionsboard mit einem LiPo-Akku vom Typ 18650. Dieses kleine Board liefert wie eine Powerbank 5V und kann über einen extra Mikro-USB Anschluss geladen werden.
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LiPo Batterie 18650 mit Expansionboard für 5V und 3V Der Calliope Mini 3 verfügt über zwei Taster (A & B) und ein Touch-Feld (das Logo auf der Rückseite) diese drei Sensoren möchte ich nutzen um den Servomotor vorwärts, rückwärts und auch zu stoppen. Hier das Pinout der Pinleiste des Calliope Mini 3.
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Pinout der Buchsenleiste am Calliope Mini 3 Nachfolgend findest du eine kleine Tabelle, wie die Schaltung aufgebaut wird. BauteilCalliope Mini 3ext. Spannungsversorgungext. SpannungsversorgungGNDGND360° ServomotorDATAP0VCC5VGNDGND
Programmieren des 360° Servomotors am Calliope Mini 3 mit MakeCode
Kommen wir nun dazu und erstellen das kleine Programm zum steuern des 360° Servomotors in MakeCode. Der Vorteil von MakeCode ist wie bereits erwähnt, dass du den Code mit Blöcken erstellst und so keine Zeile umständlichen Code schreiben musst. Zum steuern des Servomotors benötigen wir eine Erweiterung, diese heißt "ContinuousServo" und diese kannst du dir recht einfach über den Menüpunkt Erweiterungen (1) laden. Danach suchst du nach "servo" (2) und wählst aus den Suchergebnissen "continuous-servo" (3) aus.
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Diese Bibliothek liefert dir alle Bausteine zum steuern des Servomotors. Du kannst bestimmten, in welche Richtung der Servo sich drehen soll (spin one way, spin other way) und an welchem Pin dieser angeschlossen ist. Zum stoppen des Servomotors nutzt du den Block "tun off motor". Zusätzlich kannst du auch bestimmen, mit welcher Geschwindigkeit dieser Motor sich drehen soll.
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Wie erwähnt möchte ich die beiden Taster A & B nutzen, um den Servo vorwärts bzw. rückwärts laufen zu lassen. Das Logo auf der Rückseite des Calliope Mini ist ein kapazitiver Touch Sensor und kann ebenso als Taster verwendet werden und dient in meinem Code zum Stoppen des Sensors.
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Programm in MakeCode zum steuern eines 360° Servomotors am Calliope Mini 3 Nachfolgend den Code zum Importieren in MakeCode. Programm - Calliope Mini 3 mit 360° ServomotorHerunterladen
Erweitern der Schaltung zum Regeln der Geschwindigkeit
Die verwendete Bibliothek erlaubt es auch, die Geschwindigkeit des Servomotors zu regeln. Der Calliope Mini 3 hat mehrere analoge Pins (P0, P1, P2, C4, C10, C16, C18), an welche wir jeweils einen Drehpoti anschließen können, somit können wir theoretisch die Vorwärts-Rückwärtsbewegung separat steuern. Exkurs - Drehpotentiometer auslesen Zunächst möchte ich dir kurz erläutern, wie du einen Drehpotentiometer am Calliope Mini 3 auslesen kannst. Ein Drehpotentiometer ist ein Bauteil mit variablem Widerstand, diesen Widerstand veränderst du durch das Drehen eines kleinen Rades. Es gibt diese Bauteile in unterschiedliche Arten und Ausführen und auch Größen. Ich empfehle dir ein Drehpotentiometer mit Grove Schnittstelle. Es gibt aber auch Drehpotis für welche du zusätzlich ein kleines Breadboard benötigst.
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verschiedene Drehpotentiometer Ein Drehpotentiometer wird an einen analogen Pin angeschlossen und liefert einen Wert zwischen 0 und 1023 bzw. es wird ein Wert abgelesen. Mit diesem Bauteil können wir nun zum Beispiel die Helligkeit einer LED regeln oder auch wie hier die Geschwindigkeit eines Motors. In den meisten Fällen müssen wir jedoch den gelesenen Wert auf eine andere Range von Werten mappen. Das bedeutet, dass wir im Fall der Helligkeit einer LED die Range des Drehpotis von 0 bis 1023 auf 0 bis 255 und im Fall unseres Servomotors auf 0 bis 100 mappen müssen. Das geht in MakeCode mit dem Baustein "verteile" aus dem Eintrag "Mathematik".
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Ein Drehpotentiometer zum Regeln der Geschwindigkeit für Vorwärts- / Rückwärtsdrehung Der Calliope Mini 3 hat am Anschluss A1 und Pin C16 einen analogen Eingang, an diese Schnittstelle können wir einen Grove Drehpotentiometer anschließen.
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Pinout der Grove Schnittstellen am Calliope Mini 3
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Schaltung - Calliope Mini 3 mit 360° Servomotor & Drehpotentiometer Das Programm habe ich etwas anders aufgebaut als zuvor, denn wir möchten ja den Drehpotentiometer auch nutzen, wenn sich der Servo gerade dreht.
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Programm zum steuern der Geschwindigkeit eines 360° Servomotors mit einem Drehpotentiometer Hier der Code zum Download und importieren in MakeCode. Programm zum steuern der Geschwindigkeit eines 360 Grad Servomotors am Calliope Mini 3 mit einem DrehpotentiometerHerunterladen Read the full article
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spacenutspod · 5 months
Research engineer Christine Gregg inspects a Mobile Metamaterial Internal Co-Integrator (MMIC-I) builder robot. These simple robots are part of a hardware and software system NASA researchers are developing to autonomously build and maintain high-performance large space structures comprised of building blocks. MMIC-I works by climbing though the interior space of building blocks and bolting them to the rest of the structure during a build or unbolting during disassembly.NASA/Dominic Hart If they build it, we will go – for the long-term. Future long-duration and deep-space exploration missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond will require a way to build large-scale infrastructure, such as solar power stations, communications towers, and habitats for crew. To sustain a long-term presence in deep space, NASA needs the capability to construct and maintain these systems in place, rather than sending large pre-assembled hardware from Earth.  NASA’s Automated Reconfigurable Mission Adaptive Digital Assembly Systems (ARMADAS) team is developing a hardware and software system to meet that need. The system uses different types of inchworm-like robots that can assemble, repair, and reconfigure structural materials for a variety of large-scale hardware systems in space. The robots can do their jobs in orbit, on the lunar surface, or on other planets – even before humans arrive. Researchers at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley recently performed a laboratory demonstration of the ARMADAS technology and analyzed the system’s performance. During the tests, three robots worked autonomously as a team to build a meters-scale shelter structure – roughly the size of a shed – using hundreds of building blocks.  The team published their results today in Science Robotics. Research engineer Taiwo Olatunde, left, and intern Megan Ochalek, right, observe as robots move and assemble composite building blocks into a structure. The robots worked on their own to complete the structure in a little over 100 hours of operations. To facilitate the team’s watchful monitoring of the robots’ performance, the demonstration was split over several weeks of regular working hours. NASA/Dominic Hart “The ground assembly experiment demonstrated crucial parts of the system: the scalability and reliability of the robots, and the performance of structures they build. This type of test is key for maturing the technology for space applications,” said Christine Gregg, ARMADAS chief engineer at NASA Ames.   The high strength, stiffness, and low mass of the structural product is comparable to today’s highest-performance structures, like long bridges, aircraft wings, and space structures – such as the International Space Station’s trusses. Such performance is a giant leap for the field of robotically reconfigurable structures.  A Scaling Omnidirectional Lattice Locomoting Explorer (SOLL-E) builder robot carries a soccer ball-sized building block called a voxel – short for volumetric pixel – during a demonstration of NASA’s Automated Reconfigurable Mission Adaptive Digital Assembly Systems (ARMADAS) technology at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley. The voxels are made of strong and lightweight composite materials formed into a shape called a cuboctahedron.NASA/Dominic Hart Programmable, Reconfigurable Structures “‘Mission adaptive’ capabilities allow a system to be reused for multiple purposes, including ones that adopt hardware from completed activities, decreasing the cost of new missions,” said Kenny Cheung, ARMADAS principal investigator at NASA Ames. “‘Digital assembly systems’ refers to the use of discrete building blocks, as a physical analog to the digital systems that we use today.”  Many people use digital systems to view photos or text on a display, like a smartphone screen. A digital image uses a small set of pixel types to form almost any image on a high-resolution display. You can think of pixels as building blocks for 2D space. The ARMADAS system can use a small set of 3D building blocks – called voxels, short for volumetric pixels – to form almost any structure. Just like digital images, the ARMADAS system is ‘programmable,’ meaning that it can self-reconfigure to meet evolving needs, with the help of the robots.  The voxels used in the demonstration were made of strong and lightweight composite materials formed into a shape called a cuboctahedron. The voxels resemble a wire-frame soccer ball with flat faces and highly precise geometry.  “It’s surprising how strong and stiff these systems are, given how they look,” said Cheung. “Making large structures from small building blocks allows us to use good materials at the lowest cost. The size of the structures that can be made is only limited by the number of building blocks that can be supplied.” This kind of scalability is revolutionary in comparison to current methods of fabricating spacecraft in factories, or even 3D printing. A Scaling Omnidirectional Lattice Locomoting Explorer (SOLL-E) builder robot carries a small building block called a voxel – short for volumetric pixel – as it maneuvers, stepping inchworm-style, along the exterior of a mechanical metamaterial structure, foreground, while a SOLL-E and a Mobile Metamaterial Internal Co-Integrator (MMIC-I) fastening robot attach a voxel to the structure, background. The highly predictable nature of the structure built by the robots allows them to build very precise structures that are much larger than themselves, unlike typical factory produced products.NASA/Dominic Hart A Reliable System Relies on Building Blocks Building blocks are also key to the robotic system autonomy and reliability.  “Generally, it’s very hard to develop robust autonomous robots that can operate in unstructured environments, like a typical construction site. We turn that problem on its head by making very simple and reliable robots that operate in an extremely structured lattice environment,” said Gregg.   For the demonstration, the ARMADAS team provided plans for the structure, but they didn’t micromanage the robots’ work. Software algorithms did the job of planning the robots’ tasks. The system practiced the build sequence in simulation before the actual run started.  While in operation, two robots – stepping inchworm style – walked on the exterior of the structure, moving one soccer ball-sized voxel at a time. One robot fetched the voxels from a supply station and passed them to the second robot that, in turn, placed each voxel on its target location.  A third robot followed these placements, climbing though the interior space of the voxels and bolting each new voxel to the rest of the structure.  To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video Time-lapse showing robots, working autonomously as a team, to assemble a meters-scale shelter structure using hundreds of building blocks during a technology demonstration at NASA’s Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley. Credits: NASA “Because the robots align each small step to the structure in what is essentially a 3D grid, simple algorithms with low computation and sensing requirements can achieve high-level autonomy goals. The system builds and error-corrects on its own with no machine vision or external means of measurement,” said Gregg.  Future work will expand the library of voxel types that the robots work with, to include solar panels, electrical connections, shielding, and more. Each new module type will dramatically expand the possible applications because the robots can mix and match them to meet specific needs and locations. The ARMADAS team is also working on new robot capabilities, such as inspection tools, to ensure that autonomously constructed facilities are safe and sound before astronauts arrive.  ARMADAS’ technology approach increases what we can do with equipment sent for most deep space exploration missions, and how long we can use them. When a mission completes, robots can disassemble space structures, repurpose the building blocks, and construct designs of the future. This concept shows a team of robots, working autonomously, constructing a solar array on the lunar surface using modular components. Because the angle of the Sun is perpetually low at future Artemis exploration destinations near the South Pole of the Moon, powering a lunar base station with sunlight requires solar panels to be arrayed vertically and high enough to avoid shadows from the lunar terrain. The robots walk on and climb through the open lattice wall structure as they build it. Also shown here is a robotically-built railway system that enables supply of modular components – in this case structural building blocks and solar panels – for the robotic job site. It also functions as conduit for electrical power and data service.NASA This artist’s concept shows landing pads being autonomously reconfigured by robots while cargo is being offloaded from a lander onto a robotically built rail system. Future lunar supply spacecraft will need landing pads with ejecta shields to avoid kicking up dust and debris that can damage space systems. Landers may serve as permanent facilities at landing sites, and infrastructure such as these shields can be repurposed. Here robots are disassembling the ejecta shield (foreground) and reassembling it in a new location (left background).NASA Artist’s concept of an autonomously optimized, assembled, and maintained lunar cave habitat and laboratory complex. Lunar caves could protect astronauts from the most difficult environmental factors governing life and work on the Moon – space radiation, micrometeoroid impacts, and extreme temperature changes. The mechanical metamaterial structures shown in this concept are constructed by simple robots using lightweight and strong building blocks. Desired performance can be achieved using building blocks made from a wide variety of materials, including ones made from lunar soil. The structures support the cave for safety and serve to isolate the facility from moonquakes, which happen often and can last for hours. The system connects to other autonomous surface activities via a robotically assembled rail system. NASA This artist’s concept shows the autonomous assembly of critical infrastructure needed for a long-duration human presence on the Moon. Here robots are using modular building blocks to construct structures (left, center) that can protect crew, science facilities, or equipment from space radiation and micrometeoroids. Robots are building a large antenna atop a tower (right) as part of a lunar communications network. NASA For news media: Members of the news media interested in covering this topic should reach out to the NASA Ames newsroom.
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huageelectronic · 5 months
DSP1904: Collocable with Professional PA Subwoofer
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● Designed based on ADAU1701 sound audio system. Use self-developed DSP software to configure signal processing parameters through an external USB connector on PCB board
● Switchable FULL RANGE / HIGH PASS output modes
If the full-range speaker is properly equipped with a high pass filter, you are recommended to set this to [FULL RANGE]. The default output frequency of [FULL RANGE] is 20Hz to 20KHz.
If the full-range speaker is not equipped with a high-pass filter, switch it to [HIGH PASS] to activate a high-pass filter for output signal. Depending on the range and specifications of the connected full-range speakers, different crossover points can be set to make an ideal match.
● Selectable four customized presets which can be configured in software.
Exp.1: Subwoofer EQ: Used to select different low-frequency extension or bass boost of the subwoofer.
Exp.2: Low pass: Used to select low pass frequency for proper summation with a full-range loudspeaker. The generic low pass settings are 80 Hz, 100 Hz, 120 Hz, and 150 Hz.
Exp.3: High pass: Used to select high pass frequency for output signal to another loudspeaker or subwoofer.
Note: High pass filter only active when switch to [HIGH PASS] output mode.
● Master volume control to optimize gain structure.
● Analog signal input: 2CH*Balanced XLR/TRS combo jack- mic or line signal
● Analog signal output: 2CH*Balanced XLR
● Module communication interface: -12V, G, +12V, LP, HP, G
The ADAU1701 is a fully programmable DSP. Use sigma studio software allows the user to graphically configure a custom signal processing flow using blocks such as biquad filters, dynamics processors, level controls, and GPIO interface controls.
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lowerydowd09 · 6 months
Asic Bitcoin Miners On The Market
If that’s the case for you, ensure you select a cryptocurrency that isn’t too hard to mine and doesn’t require lots of computational energy. Bitcoin mining software program is an integral part of any mining operation. Whether you’re mining solo or as part of a pool, the software is your only way to monitor, configure and connect your hardware to the community. Known as one of the most beginner friendly mining software program out there, BFGminer-based MultiMiner is a graphical, highly effective but simple answer on your Bitcoin mining wants. Nowadays, Bitcoin mining can only be carried out by ASIC miners, so no matter software you choose it has to assist ASICs. However, when you have different miners on your rig and also you want to handle all of them by way of the same interface, you’ll need the correct software to help it. asicoutlet honest review was designed as a coin that could be mined utilizing consumer-grade hardware’s like graphic playing cards (GPUs). Bitcoin however can only mined effectively using particular purpose units known as ASICs (Application Specific Integrated Circuit machines). There are over 7 completely different key elements required to build an ASIC miner. These embody hasboards, heatsinks, cooling followers, printed circuit boards, RAM, PSU, and a rig frame. An increasing number of crypto supporters are actually trying to crypto mining as a technique to passively generate cryptos such as mining Bitcoin and Litecoin. This overly simplistic watermill analogy has many technical points but is an efficient place to begin for a basic understanding. On a 30A PDU with a L6-30P and two 20A built-in branch circuit breakers, two S9's can plug into one branch circuit and the ultimate S9 can plug into the opposite branch circuit. The first department circuit breaker will have a present draw of 13A, the second branch circuit breaker could have a current draw of 6.5A, and the whole current draw at the L6-30P plug might be 19.5A. The 80% rule is revered for each department breakers and everything upstream. To simplify PDU selection, there are two main concerns for compatibility together with your setup. When a puzzle is solved, the programmer behind the screen earns a block reward, which at present stands at 6.25 BTC. Therefore, this high effectivity interprets to better money-making potential. Our article on how blockchain know-how works explains the whole course of in additional detail. Once the web is connected, you can now start to configure your miner’s software, but first, we must find the miner’s IP handle. Now that you have got your miner up and working its time to plug it into the web immediately with a CAT5 or CAT6 cable. In case you do determine to purchase from one of the other producers check to see if the facility supply will get included. Companies like Bitmain require you to purchase their power provide and energy supply twine individually. Out of all the companies I just mentioned most of my expertise has been with Bitmain as they have been the most well-liked for fairly some time. Other than a high-speed web connection this all the core requirements your location must be deemed permissible for Bitcoin Mining. As you can see, we've long handed the edge the place Bitcoin mining can be effectively done at such a small scale. This is considered very loud traffic noise, so be ready to have a devoted mining space with noise isolation on the door. Additionally, it comes with a one 12 months guarantee and integrated AI microchip. As with most ASIC miners, due to high demand, you might discover it difficult to search out however first, take a glance at the official manufacturer’s web page.
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A miner provides values (the nonce) to a block's hash trying to generate a quantity lower than the difficulty target. The Whatsminer M30S++ (yes, two pluses) is MicroBT's newest extension to the favored M30 line. It has better specs than M31 and M32 miners, hashing at 112Th/s with an efficiency rating of 31 W/Th. It prices lower than its Antminer counterpart the S19 Pro, because of a slightly decrease efficiency score (31W/Th compared to 29.5 W/TH for the S19 Pro). The only problem is that ASIC machines are made particularly for one kind of crypto asset somewhat than supporting the mining of multiple cryptocurrencies. You should consider this side and choose the cryptocurrency you need to mine when shopping for or constructing your individual ASIC machine. Bitmain is a Beijing-based company based in 2013 by Micree Zhan and Jihan Wu. It rapidly rose to prominence and is now considered one of the main ASIC miner manufacturers globally. Bitmain’s Antminer sequence, particularly the S9 model, has been a popular selection amongst miners for its high hash fee and vitality effectivity. The firm has additionally been praised for its customer support and the robustness of its merchandise. While an everyday ASIC mining rig ranges between a quantity of hundred dollars to a couple thousand, a USB ASIC miner normally prices underneath $50. Another in style Ethereum mining software back then was CGMiner which is appropriate with GPU as well as ASIC and FPGA. Other than these two there use to be few different miners for Ethereum. But all these miners are outdated and they're now not getting updates. Also analyzed tons of of customers reviews on forums and here we present you one of the best Ethereum mining software program for NVIDIA and AMD. Finding the best mining software program is amongst the major elements of successful mining. If you aren't an Ethereum maximalist, then you'll find a way to choose this Innosilicon T3+Pro ASIC miner for bitcoin mining. This T3+Pro BTC ASIC machine operates at an influence consumption of 3300 watts and may generate hashrate as much as 67 TH/s if the optimal circumstances are met. The T3+Pro is equipped with ASIC chips, which have been developed using superior expertise, and consists of 4 followers, which make cooling quicker and assist obtain excessive effectivity. To make a revenue with Bitcoin mining, returns must be enough to cover the cost of electrical energy power, plus the initial funding for the mining equipment. To give themselves the most effective probability of success, Bitcoin miners concentrate on low-cost electricity, high-efficiency hardware, and a good Bitcoin mining pool.
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