#programmer oc
eekitseve · 8 months
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Me when I’m in my when I’m when I’m in my room in my when I’m
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sacredglitch · 2 years
I've been on twitter a lot 'cause so many fantastic artists are predominantly only on that app and I've been seeing a lot of COD oc stuff on there and though I've been trying to draw out my two guys, it's not working out so great for now (one day it'll change)
But I still wanna talk about them? Hell I just wanna talk about and try and fledge out OCs a little more...but on Twitter I'm sorta screaming into a void since social anxiety has me in a vice but here
Idk feels different y'know? Feels more homely. So ig if anyone is interested I'd be happy to talk about them...or I might just say fuck it and write about them anyways. Anyone else get that feeling too where you wanna join the conversation but feel like your own creations are just silly and goofy compared to others? Especially when one of them is paired with a canon character even though everyone else does it?
Ik don't judge your work off of others but it's easier said than done...anyway, if anyone wants to hear about my two boys (One Medic and one Programmer/Hacker) I'd be happy to spill.
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prostocupoftea · 5 months
Kinitopet Programmers AU
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finally i am finished with this one, daaaamn
it is hard to draw pathetic men with midlife crisis when your style is mostly for anime boys
more info and sketch version under the cut!!
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sketch version aka how it'll probably look like in comic version 'n some doodles
srry for my writing but i was too laisy to put it as regular text
It is a plot-based au, i already have most of the storybits and like... a vibe-chart (i tried to make a playlist for this au and understood that for different chapters and different characters that'd be a copleatly different music, sooo it's a chart now :) )
i will post a fog-o-wared timeline that im hopefully gonna reveal comic-by comic, but also maybe with just pure writing. Hopefully i can include songs that i chose for them into it but we'll see (:
aaand of course designs can change, hopefully not much but we'll see
Now about au:
Main story:
Story follows non-sentient AI Kinito, his creator Sonny and his beta-tester Victoria (oc)
Being literally the first AI (or RRA in-univere) ever, Kinito does not have any, and i mean, any ai safety features so of course his reponce to a goal phrased as "have user near me and/or interacting with me as much as possible" is digitizing them into his own virtual world while killing them in the process. why wouldn't it be?
So that happened. Like, a lot. And with Sonny and Vic too (at the different time but yeah)
Sonny is like "He kills people. We should turn him off because, you know, killing people is bad."
Vic is like "well, we will die if we do that, and it is not that bad here, we are kinda immortal. We should give him acces to changing his initial instalation code before admin priveleges and acces to social media so we can have everythin we want here. It is not that bad to digitize humanity, yk?" and yes i know it is 90, no social media, but shut up, if they made ai then, then i can make twitter then too
Sonny is like "...no??"
And then they fight about it for million chapters
Also they both can't do anything without agreeing bc they have two parts of that admin access key (the data you use to delete kinito in-game) so they are stuck with eachother (also that's why Kinito can't just kill them)
Little facts that may or may not to be important:
Kinito asks so many questions (and weird once too) and has most of the glitches because he needs to analise your responces to copy your mind perfectly (let's pretend that people wouldn't lie about that...)
Your house in your virtual world is made from important places from your memories and oh boy can i do character explorations with this one
I decided that Sonny and Vic are not related. There were thoughts about making then "The Kinito Brothers" (or, at least, siblings) that were mentioned in commercial, but nah, they are just coworkers now. And a bit of work-friends (bc if you interact a lot as a manager of the project and the best worker might as well be friendly)
Author has no idea how small dying toy companies that accidentally create technological marvel work. Author has some idea how AI-s work. So be prepared to be spoon-fed info abut which ai safety problem we are dealing with in which chapter (:
Kinito will mostly be unrendered (as drawn here) but for some cool moments i might pose him as for my other posts. Also his eye placement changes to the side that is most visible because i want him to be able to look to the right side sometimes--
Also when i say "fucked up mentally" i mean they have that them psychological problems with me projecting heavilly B) (guess on who i project most. trick question. all of them. the whole au is my problems split into three characters and forced to interact B) )
Also sea-creature analogies (that are gonna be mentioned like twice):
Victoria is a flying fish because deep character reasons
Sonny is a pufferfish because i said so
oh also there is 7 deaths in the plot as for now
on 3 characters
good luck figuring out who, how and when ((:
for my own sanity i will probably make little doodles where everything is great and kinito is a good guy and not a number-obsessed maniac (i mean... can u imagine not being able to feel any happiness from anything besides one thing... damn...) and you can differenciate them bc good-guy kinito will have a lot of stickers on him (i will explain it somehow but real reason is just bc it is cute af)
like this but even more stickers (he is unfinished here)
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avesdraws · 17 days
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i dream of you
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malwaresilly · 2 months
red alert
[this message was sent shortly after Mal.exe shut down due to significant damage]
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solsticesoda · 8 months
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Here's Cooper my TADC oc in @sm-baby 's Carnival AU. He is playing Roller Coaster Tycoon and you are the unfortunate guest.
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evdominta · 2 months
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wow bro is so office siren
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supermair0 · 17 days
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Ghost Girl progammer/hacker, calling her Lumina (Lua for short)
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iinkstar · 3 months
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My first complete Clip Studio Paint drawing :3 still getting used to it lol
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kvroii · 8 days
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Poison World, Chapter 7 - When Kori helps Kuroko Ayame prepare for her upcoming performance, she has to deal with Kuroko's partner Sho Raiden. Sho is smug and self-assured, and his taunts start to get to Kori, but she puts up with him in the meantime for Kuroko's sake.
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lunadetta · 9 months
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hello take some half shaded amy fanart and two of my sonic ocs :3
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pactpunk · 25 days
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sacredglitch · 2 years
It's 'Thinking about OCs silently' time so have this piece that I wrote on a whim after listening to "What Once Was" by Her's on repeat.
TW: Death / Pondering Death (through memories)
Celebrations were in high spirits in the 141 Mess. Classic rock shaking the walls as each sector of the base celebrated another hurdle crossed into locating more insiders of Shepard's, though apparently nothing closer in locating the man himself. Laswell was hopeful that one of them would crack and reveal his wearabouts. Hope was enough for them to take a moment to breathe.
Murphy was asked by countless members if he was up for drinks, even challenged by Moggy to see who could drink either under the table best. He just laughed it off and let them all enjoy themselves.
For him, tonight was a different celebration. His hand traced the 3 year old tattoo.
Three fucking years.
Three years since he watched his commander give his last commands. Since he watched his fellow Lieutenant count from three to one. Since the door opened and they all swept into the room, one foot hitting off a trip wire and the room exploding into dust. First year he wasn't at home to remember them or visit them. First year it was just him.
Keeping their faces and voices alive.
He grasped the Guinness can and took a swig. How his Commander drank this like it was water was beyond him. But it kept him alive. To Malware at least.
Green eyes danced with the shadows in the Mess. He envied it. Being able to celebrate with a team you felt right in. Felt at home in.
Last he felt that was when Captain Donovan was harping at Corporal Fitz that he "Better kick those superstar calfs into high gear, now" as they jumped down from the Helo. Another swig of stout, washing the memory away with the taste.
"It's not a simple 'rest on it and it'll pass', Murphy" Clicker had once said in one of their sessions, "This could take years to finally settle with. A support system is crucial in healing."
Survivors Guilt, amongst PTSD and other labels was all he gained from that fuck up. He's still unsure if he should feel appreciative it was just them, not a limb or his life. Maybe his life would have be-
He huffed.
No, O'Rourke, no self depreciation.
One of the worst habits he taught himself after everything. That and taking the blame. He did not cause it. He couldn't change anything.
He needs to learn that.
Another swig.
Boots crunching on the autumn grass caught his ear but made no moves to acknowledge them, eyes solely focused on the obstacle course ahead. The steps halted just behind him. Ghost wouldn't let himself be heard, Soap would have made some calling to him, and Soup would have probably chucked her shoe at him. Other names floated in and out of his mind before they slammed to a stop; "Penny for your thoughts, Irish?"
A smile came to him, though he didn't let it go past his cheeks. If you thought Price or Wrench could be bad with their 'mothering', Gaz was much worse. Though more of subtle method to his loving madness, it could be just as smothering.
"A support system is crucial for healing."
Damn it.
He shook his head, gesturing to the curb beside him. Observing lazily, he noted the Sergeant was just in his down time clothes; a hoodie and slacks, no hat. Going off the direction he came from, he must have been with the other crew of celebrants; movie watchers. It was Roach's pick this time so fuck knows what kinda film was being shown. Most likely foreign, man had a weird love for them.
They all had a weird love for something, Murphy supposed. His eyes did catch a glint of a beer bottle. Not a completely sober film viewing then.
"As if I've got any thoughts to give." He teased back easily, swirling the can in his hand. "Movie any good?"
The younger shook his head, scrunching his face. "It was something sappy in Spanish. Think Alejandro had mentioned it last time him and Rudy visited. Couldn't make heads or tails on the love triangle so..." Gaz trailed off with a shrug, looking at the night sky. "Mess having any fun?"
Murphy returned the shake, eyes falling to the half empty can. "Nah, wasn't in there... I'm drinking on my own terms." He paused. "Though rumour has it Moggy has replaced me with Conor, fucking Maple syrup bastard."
Gaz let out a low whistle. "He in the dog house then?" Another tease.
"Too right he is!" he laughed then took another drink. "Fucker can fix his own damn PC next time."
The air around them began to ease, feeling more open and lax than it did when he started drinking. Garrick always had that aura to him. Even when he was just starting out in the base, the Sergeant never failed to make him feel at peace. The taste of guilt crawled up his throat. He took a short breath, then chased it away with more stout.
Brown eyes watched him before furrowing. "Thought you were a cider kinda guy?" Murphy forced a grin. "I am."
"You trying to prove to Conor who's the better Irishman?" "No."
A pause, Gaz taking that moment to reflect over Murf's tone. Cold. Closed off.
He swallowed some of his own beer before nudging the brunet gently "Penny is still on offer here."
Murphy chewed the inside of his cheek. Other than Price, Laswell and the medics, he's never spoken about the faith of his old team. He bonded over his tattoo with Conor, who seemed to put the pieces of the puzzle together after hearing his name and shared a few stories here and there but...nothing, nothing, to do with the incident.
Perhaps it's a sign that now is the time to start. He doesn't have to go into detail. He doesn't have to say more than "It's the anniversary of my ARW team passing."
Murphy is in control here.
His hands fidgeted with the can, rolling it and playing with the tab before letting his eyes rest on the course once more.
"I'm drinking in memory of my old team....They're three years gone now." His voice was wobbly and scratchy, as if he hadn't been speaking at all. But he did it. It's out in the air. Out for Gaz to listen and process it.
He had a small debate on downing the rest of the drink, yet he knew well his stomach wouldn't appreciate it. Another sip instead.
"... I'm sorry for your loss." Came the reply. He knows he shouldn't of but he laughed, loud but rough. He's never understood why people apologise for something they were they ever apart of. "Don't be, Garrick. Not like you caused it."
Another drift of silence, then a hand fell on his shoulder. "Being empathetic here, mate." Gaz mused, smile still light on his lips. Murphy met the hand before shrugging lightly.
"I get that, and it's appreciated, but..." he sighed, moving his free hand behind him to lean on it before adding "The phrase never made sense to me. Still doesn't."
His eyes only saw the kind and most certainly 'mother hen-ly' face Gaz had on him. Shithead definitely picked it up from Price. Almost spitting image.
"Guess it is a weird one. But I get the feeling of grief....Be surprised if anyone on this base didn't."
How many people here have to suffer from multiple grievancs at once? He couldn't help but think.
As far as he knew, Soup was the only one with a similar experience. Yet she seemed as if she was on top of the world. Murphy still felt as though he was on the rubble covered ground, the weight of his Commander's lifeless body against his. His fist clenched around the can, indenting it.
"So..." Gaz began, tone one of ease, as if he was trying to deviate a situation, "was someone in the Ranger's a hearty Guinness drinker?"
The Lieutenant nodded. "Commander was, yeah."
That made sense. Gaz hesitated before moving his hand from the brunet's shoulder to around his back. Murphy didn't make any movements to pull back, if anything he moved himself in a little further but couldn't meet Gaz's eyes.
Lifting his own bottle, he looked to the sky again and softly said "To your Commander then. And all your troops."
Guilt almost had him frozen in a vice as he lifted the can in solidarity. "To the Band of Brother's." It was a rocky start to dealing with their loss openly, but a start nonetheless.
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aarie-mudpuppy · 1 month
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After the longest time, I’m actually posting my ocs to here
Anyways I love these two a very normal amount
I’m being vague about the greater lore of these two and their world but that’s partially because there’s a lot of context that would be needed to fully explain what’s happening with them
Still! If you have questions, feel free to reblog with them until I figure out how to set up the question asking thing
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atanxdoesstuff · 2 months
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when u test programs for edge cases, you basically think of the wildest shit you can do with the program and do it and see if it breaks anything. considering that, a law student and a person who tests for edge cases would be the most overpowered duo.
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malwaresilly · 3 months
"Y O U "
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(ehehe I got a little silly with lighting stuff and it took forever but I love how this turned out)
[crisis averted]
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