anes-tesia · 2 months
Tal vez unos besitos en las mejillas no podrán solucionar mis problemas, pero me darán ratitos de calma y amor.
Misteriosa como el mar.
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tueventodron · 2 years
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“El destino nos puso en el mismo camino, pero desde que lo hizo, siempre lo recorreré a tu lado” PreBoda de “Elisabet & Juan Manuel” 30/7 🏞🌸 Postedición modo: Tradicional New Color CN 👩🏻‍🎨 #PostBodas #PostBoda #Naturaleza #parejas #prometidos #entornosbonitos #casual #Granada #LosCahorros #TueVentoDron #AlejandroFdezVr #photography #Fotoyvideo #Fotografianatural #sinretoques #Photodrone (en Ruta de los Cahorros) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgowY-otSFf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brujyz · 1 year
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linipik · 1 year
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You asked for the possible routes of my Love Letter 💌 Poll Game Comic
....And HERE IS THE FLOWCHART ITSELF!! (click for the image, it is too big for tumblr)
I made the flowchart to set the whole story so you could play and I just had to follow a specific path (and worry about characterization instead of where the story was going to end)
Trying to organize everything is a bit difficult since there are so many ways the story would have gone thanks to the poll system. So I will try to summarize the biggest changes:
There were two options from the very beginning that were going to set the tone of the whole story and if Lance believed the card was real or if he wouldn't entertain the idea of it.
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One of the big differences is that if Lance believed it was real he was gonna ask someone about it...and get rejected anyway
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there was this whole idea of Lance going on about his day and to flight simulator practice (and obviously meeting Keith there)
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so I could get to this part and to a more...classroom location
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If they got into a fight, they would end up in some kind of detention and the WHOLE story would have a sunset setting in the classroom they have to clean (or something, idk what ppl do in detention).
And they would have ended up talking, pretty much like how it happened in the comic. but without any lucky meeting on the rooftop.
The other unused location was Lance's Room. In any of the two cases Lance was getting to his room (Directly after the arcade or after storming out of his fight with Keith) He would have encountered Keith waiting for him in front of his door.
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In this case, it would have been obvious that Keith was waiting for him :3
Also, their final talk would have been just there in the hallway, probably ending up in Lance's room
The biggest change in the resolution would have been this part:
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Where it explains where the Valentine's card came from. If you all chose that the Valentine's card was more important Keith would have gone and explained that it was his dumb idea. BUT the ending would have been open (and no kiss under the stars)
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I think that this clarifies the flowchart, but if you have any other questions, just let me know!
and thank you again for reading and participating. <33
If I had some time in the comic, I would have expanded on the worldbuilding.
It's nothing fancy, but just some of those that mix Space Exploration with some University setting. They are... ON SPACE!!! on something like an Earth-run Space Explorers program. And since Allura was going to be there there are ALIENS TOO (mostly because i enjoy AUs that are just chill)
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think... a mix of Candidate for Goddess with dumbass shenanigans
And since you are here.....SURPRISE! This is a spoiler of the Cover Art for the pdf <3
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mel-loly · 28 days
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00blackbird · 5 months
Soy consciente de que debo doce respuestas pero...
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Sorry not sorry 🤭
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sweethorizon-stories · 6 months
❀ ⋆ ―  「 @xhonoredone  」 ❛ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ❜
Estaba agotada. Restaurar las heridas de Haibara y Nanami, tras su misión había dejado su cuerpo fatigado. Fueron unas largas horas las que tuvo que dedicar a sus cuidados pero todo valió la pena, ambos estaban fuera de peligro. 
Lo único que hacía era un buen descanso, algo que ella también necesitaba. 
Salió del área escolar, casi llegando a la entrada principal de la escuela; quería fumar y ahí nadie le molestaría. 
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― Tsk… ― Para su desgracia, su agradable momento de relajación se vio interrumpido por la falta de su encendedor y no tenía ganas de regresar hasta su dormitorio por el. 
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sosoawayrpg · 8 months
Povo, vcs estão sendo meio reativos nas respostas. Em nenhum momento a galera ofendeu a moderação, sempre falando com respeito. É natural que alguns players se sintam confusos com as mudanças e com os novos skeletons que fogem da proposta original do rpg e o plot tá paradinho mesmo. Isso se chama critica construtiva
é o seguinte, se você como player está confuso ou perdido, fale com nós da moderação no privado que resolvemos isso como dois adultos.
porquê parece que eu tô tentando explicar o porquê de 4+4 dar 8 e você 'ta enchendo nao só o meu saco mas deixando players desconfortáveis da forma que você diz "skeleton que fogem da proposta original"
e construtiva pra você, todo lado tem sua perceptiva
e acabou.
se continuar eu vou ser obrigado a dar block no seu ip, e é uma coisa que eu não quero de verdade.
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lovekindled · 7 months
it's been months since the last time they were standing in the same room together, though the memory still follows him around like a shadow, appearing in his nightmares and clinging to the back of his mind during every waking moment. months that were plagued with uselessly trying to erase every reminder of henry's existence, of holding onto his anger with a tight grip until he couldn't anymore, entertaining different scenarios where things could've turned out differently, torturing himself with their emails until his vision blurred and words stopped making sense anymore. he's been preparing for this moment ever since zahra approached him with the guest list and an apologetic look, except not all the time in the world would've been enough to prepare him for the sight of henry again, tangible and real. alive and breathing, still unable to want him back.
all he needed was one picture with him, to avoid speculations of their falling out. you couldn't pretend to be best friends with someone and then ignore them completely during your first appearance together in months without the media noticing. alex knew they weren't asking him for much, but every fiber of his being screamed with apprehension at the mere thought of approaching him. fingers clung to the glass of champagne he'd been offered before drinking its entire contents alarmingly fast, and he took a last steadying breath before finally moving towards his direction. he made sure to lock eyes with at least one of the photographers, because he wasn't planning on sticking around where he was not wanted.
“ your royal highness, ” the words slipped easily from his mouth, using the correct title for once. he couldn't bring himself to act with the same disdain once held against the prince of wales. the truth was as painful as it was plain: alex didn't hate him in the slightest. he took his hand and felt his touch, what once had sparked excitement now only felt dreadful. “ it's been a while. ” it's sympathetic, meant for the people around them to hear. he smiles into the camera and tries not to flinch at the flash, finally letting go of his hand once the picture is taken. only one, that's everything he promised. he's humoring himself when he turns towards the prince once more, wanting another glance at his features. alex isn't sure what he's expecting to find there, yet he knows it's a mistake when his voice falters, losing all his momentum.
⁽  ⠀  ♡  ⠀  ⁾ ⠀  plotted starter   ,   @andthe6.
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Una fotografía tomada en Irlanda en 1972 de una niña disparando con el arma de su prometido que fue herido en una batalla contra el ejército británico, su prometido herido sobrevivió después de ser transportado a un lugar seguro, mientras que su novia se enfrentaba con los soldados británicos hasta que fue asesinada.
Cuando el comandante del Batallón de los soldados ingleses descubrió que estaban luchando contra una mujer, ordenó a sus soldados que no tocaran su cuerpo y permitió que los irlandeses la enterrarán y escucharon al comandante inglés repetir esta frase:
"Tenemos a una reina que no se preocupa por nosotros. Y esta mujer se preocupa por su amante y su tierra".
La foto fue elegida para el Día de la Mujer en Irlanda y escribieron esta frase:
"No tengas miedo de estar asociado con una mujer fuerte, el día puede llegar y ella será tu único ejército".
ℜ𝔬𝔰𝔞 🖤
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tueventodron · 2 years
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Hoy #domingo 2/10 les toca a ellos…una Encantadora pareja amante de los animales y que se van a dar el “Si Quiero” en un par de horas…y nosotros tendremos la suerte de estar ahí con ellos. 🐾🐶❤️ #velez-malaga #iznate #wedding #fotoyvideo #parejasfelices #siquiero #prometidos (en Santa Fe - Granada España) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjM2Y4ttj3J/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tortademaracuya · 11 months
bueno no llego ni en pedo asi que fuck it we ball
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livrosepub · 1 year
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Neste livro conhecemos Sofia, que vive em uma metrópole e está acostumada com a modernidade e as facilidades que ela traz. Ligeiramente viciada em tecnologia acredita que não saberia viver sem computador, celular e... microondas.
Cética e independente, Sofia tem como melhor amiga, Nina, uma bela jovem que esteve ao seu lado em todos os momentos difícieis em que precisou de apoio. Ao contrário da amiga, que faz planos para seu futuro romântico, Sofia tem pavor à mera menção da palavra casamento.
Viver em função de uma só pessoa, como se sua vida apenas tivesse sentido se ela estivesse por perto? Acordar e olhar para a mesma pessoa todo santo dia! Ter que cuidar da casa, do marido, dos filhos, do cachorro, trabalhar... Casamenro, não seria um tipo de sentença de escravidão? Enfim! Os únicos romances na vida de Sofia são aqueles que os livros proporcionam.
Mas ao acordar em um belo dia de Fevereiro a moça terá uma reviravolta em sua vida. Após comprar um celular novo, algo misterioso acontece e Sofia descobre que está perdida no século dezenove, sem ter ideia de como voltar para casa - ou se isso sequer é possível.
Enquanto tenta desesperadamente encontrar um meio de retornar ao tempo presente, ela é acolhida pela família Clarke. Com a ajuda do prestativo - e lindo - Ian Clarke, que aos poucos mexe com todos os seus sentidos e a faz agir cada vez mais de forma um pouco... desconexa.
Sofia embarca numa busca frenética e acaba encontrando pistas que talvez possam ajudá-la a resolver esse mistério e voltar para sua tão amada vida moderna. O que ela não sabia era que seu coração tinha outros planos.
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katalinakills · 9 months
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6thopps · 2 years
local: aréa dos jardins — academia dos legados.
Depois dos acontecimentos do dia do Salvador, Felicity estava mais aérea do que qualquer pessoa normal. Era como se tudo o que ela viu e viveu continuasse sendo reproduzindo em looping na sua cabeça, e até pesadelos ela começara a ter mas não havia comentado com ninguém, nem mesmo com nenhum Hopps, afinal, odiava preocupar seus irmãos. Sua mente estava tão longe que demorou a notar a presença de MUSE. “Nossa, oi! Me desculpa, falou alguma coisa?” Perguntou balançando a cabeça para os lados, tentando dispersar os pensamentos enquanto fechava o livro que tinha no colo e voltava o olhar para MUSE. “Eu estava um pouco... distraída. Você chegou tem muito tempo?”
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digite um prompt daqui ou daqui ou daqui + um lugar + @ do personagem para um starter com a felicity ! (0/5)
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sweethorizon-stories · 6 months
❀ ⋆ ―  「 @xhonoredone  」 ❛ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ ❜
Iba tarde, sin duda no sería capaz de llegar al ensayo por más rápido que corriera. Ese día le había tocado ayudar en el salón de clases y club de gimnasia; disminuyendo su tiempo libre a casi nada al finalizar el horario escolar. 
La notificación de su teléfono, hizo que lo tomara rápidamente desviando su mirada del camino. 
<< [Text]: ¡Yuna! Seguramente estás corriendo para llegar pero descuida, cambiamos la fecha del ensayo >>
<< [Text]: Te diremos todo cuando llegues a casa (◕ᴗ◕✿) >>
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― Oh.. Así que todo está b- ¡Waa! ― Antes de darse cuenta, ya había chocado y tumbado a una persona por su descuido.― Tsk… Eso dolió ― Se quejó sujetando su cabeza con una de sus manos por el golpe.
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