#proooobably gonna delete this sometime
shadow-pixelle · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Ta for the tag, @shootingstarpilot!
(These ask games are always so long, so under the cut!)
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
Thirty four! Which is a lot more than I thought I had.
2.) What's your ao3 word count?
475, 955. All hail oneshots.
3.) What fandoms do you write for?
Currently the top one is Star Wars, but I've most recently been writing for DC.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Mission Files, Into the Archives, A Credit To The Order, Lineage Dinner, and Chasing a Beacon. (Three of these are from the same series, lol. Kinda great.)
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yesssss. Comments are great. I sometimes take a month or two to reply, because of a combo of 'I like to let them build up and answer them all at once' and 'there's comments to answer and I have no energy to do it'. But I do like replying to things, it's very fun. People screaming about my work is my lifeblood and I like screaming back.
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm. So the obvious answer would be Shattering Point, the Pokemon minific I wrote a few years back. I'm not much of one for angsty endings, though. Angsty beginnings, sure, but most of the time if I write a fic I'm aiming for a happy ending, even if I'm gonna put the characters through it in the meanwhile. Even Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, my other angsty fic, ends at least hopefully if not necessarily happily.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Proooobably Second Sun, so far. That one's just comfy and I like it a lot.
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Rarely, but yeah. I've had a few sarcastic/snappy comments about the whole 'oh the Jedi suck', but my personal favourite one was when I got an angry comment on an MCU fic- it was actually my first real nasty comment on AO3, which was cool. It's only not deleted because someone else in the comment jumped in to argue back and the entire comment chain ended up like 40 comments of 'angry screaming versus reasoned debate' which was honestly just funny to read through.
(That part only happened because the entire thing went down while I was asleep and then in class, so I couldn't actually do anything to it.)
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've written a few, yeah. Not sure really what the craziest would be... from posted stuff I guess it's the Worm/Pokemon fic, A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm, which is slightly gravebound atm because I am so tired and so busy. Other than that I've got an in progress Star Wars crossover that I will eventually finish and then reveal the whole crossover of, and a very tiny DC crossover I'm working on.
(This does not count the ideas, of which I have several.)
But yeah I guess Worm/Pokemon is my craziest.
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of, no. Thankfully.
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also a no! This would be cool, though.
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yup! A couple of my really old fics (that have been confined to the basement from Early Writing Cringe) were co-written, and a current project, The Spare, is being written with Kali! It's fun, if a bit slow sometimes because we both have the attention span of cracked out squirrels.
silently ignores that I'm the one causing the delays this time
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
Uuuh. Y'know I don't know if I really have a favourite? I'm pretty down to swap ships really. If I find a fic and like the ship, into the box of model ships it goes.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hey I actually have an answer for this this time! As much as I like to say I want to finish everything I write, the real goal has always been finish everything I post. Just that I tend to post most of what I write.
BUT! There is one fic that I probably won't finish because it's very angsty and depressing, and in the end of things I got maybe half way in and never did pick it up again. It's called Letters to the Abyss, and it's a Star Wars fic that deals with a lot of the later Clone Wars stuff.
So y'know. You can probably guess how that goes, between 'angsty' and 'late Clone Wars era'.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
Personally I don't think I'm good at anything, but apparently I'm good at characters and utterly breaking people's hearts with the characters. So yay that.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
I hate writing descriptions. I just really struggle with doing it. Apparently it usually comes out ok, but that's after a lot of work with it. I'm also really bad for keep repeating words in one section and then never using them again.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I'm a disaster for this. I like it, so long as it is either a) sparse, b) frequently repeated words, or c) translated shortly after. My personal method is a mix of A and B, I only do a little really and tend to use the same words more. I also make sure to add hovertext translations; I know those only really help if you're reading on computer, but it's still something. If I knew how to do that thing where clicking a word makes it a different word, I'd use that too.
If I'm doing any writing where it's a long stream of dialogue in a different language, then I either go with a) written in English, but in italics to denote that it's a different language (if the PoV understands it), b) a section of 'X and Y spoke for a moment in (language)', or very rarely option c) where I just have the PoV character summarise the conversation in internal dialogue. I don't do that much because I kinda dislike it, so usually it's A or B again.
Literally the only thing I don't like is 'long stream of foreign language that is only translated in the end notes' or similar, and I try and avoid that as much as I can.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Pokemon! Was fun.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
Hmm. Hard one, because I get emotionally attached to all of my fics. Quick hit list, probably A Shadow, an Eon, and a Worm, just for the length, Meanings of Master as a whole for the worldbuilding, and I'm super fond of Ornithology at the moment because it was super fun to mess with.
(I also like Maskless a lot but that's a WIP. I mean technically all but Ornithology is a WIP but y'know. It's an unposted WIP.)
Some if-you-fancy tags for @kalicofox, @clockwayswrites, and @greentrickster! Have fun!
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musingsofmyown · 2 years
Hey babbbessss
I just gotta get this off my chest- thaanks
fair warning its v bad and deals with politics from my conservative step-father and contains his transphobic/political idiocy.
everything is tagged and you cant reblog
Step-father when I call myself stupid: No no, you're so smart!! You're probably smarter than me!
Step-father when I explain transgender people and how gender is completely different than sex: WRONG YOU FUCKING IDIOT!! YOU'RE JUST BEING BIASED BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU SAW ON THE INTERNET!
Me, internally: No, I just had a college-level biology class that I passed with a 98. Not to mention I am a part of the transgender community, but you'll never know because you have these bigoted view, oh and, you only watch Newsmax (conservative talkshow, probably satire/entertainment). Oh, also my morals dont come from politics and religion, they come from my own mind and guess what; Im a decent human being who doesn't impede on peoples' lives because of my views. Otherwise, you would have been roasted alive, I know more than you ever have because I actually apply myself to critical thinking and ethical standpoints regarding my own life and my effect on others. Also, you calling me a dyke and telling me I was a fucking idiot "with your lesbian shit" for the whole breakup was the absolute worst thing you could have ever done, we will never speak again once I move away, I have no obligation to you. Also may I add that you throw tantrums like a three year old when you dont get what you want when you want it, not a very good way to express your anger when I literally just said "I dont want to talk to your daughter for you, and Im not being friends with her so I can be in the middle again" I dont care if she's family, she's a shitty person and by default, not someone I want to interact with. So please, by all means, keep watching your show with nothing but biased op-eds and I'll be living in the real world and interacting with humans who go through the issues your show chastises. Kindly, never reproduce ever again, and stop telling my little brother (8) that two girls kissing is bad. Yours truly- the child who hated you from the start- Aspen.
P.S. maybe your daughter left you because you're the problem. Just a thought.
P.P.S. And yes, I am biased from the internet because I found people who think like I do.
PPPS stop picking political fights with me, you would fucking lose every time if I actually spoke my mind. Be lucky I love my mom enough to not outwardly hate you and your bullshit.
Me, externally: This is why I can't talk to you about these things.
Him, every. single. fucking. time: I promise I'll listen, I just want to know your standpoint *doesnt listen and corrects me when I say that gender is different from sex and transgender people arent a problem AT ALL*
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