subscriptionflow · 2 years
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excelsior9173 · 1 month
sleep token releasing a limited graphic novel…
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squiot · 3 months
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Irl me?
Like tiny sketch
Im gonna be honest my persona is MY IRL persona but hye it’s good to draw a small ugly ass version of ur self.
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the-mighty-glow-cloud · 4 months
lol i have to pay double rent this month bc i'm moving to a new apartment and the leases overlap, and the place i'm leaving isn't prorating even though my lease ends on the 23rd, and i haven't gotten reimbursed for travel expenses because the university takes literal months to do that, so all told i have a grand total of $30 in my bank account that isn't already spoken for 😀 actually now that i think of it make that -$15 because my internet is $45 and auto processes in the middle of the month 😀 i got paid literally today and don't get paid again until the end of june
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frogl3gs · 1 year
- schedule big item pickup ✅
- de clutter clothes ✅
- de clutter kitchen ✅
- de clutter books ✅
- de clutter craft supplies ❌
- de clutter shoes ✅
- de clutter cleaning supplies ❌
- de clutter office supplies ✅
- scheduled POD ✅
- scheduled move out cleaning ✅
- respond to landlord 🥴❌
- make hotel reservations for our 4 day road trip 🥴❌
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songbirdstew · 1 year
Good news, everyone! Our ISP just emailed me to let me know our internet service was restored, a full two hours after it was actually restored. Why was it out in the first place? Why did it take 7 hours to fix? I'm sure that's none of my business!
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called the leasing company about rent and unsurprisingly the thing i was freaking out over at 2:30 in the morning when i couldn't sleep is not in fact a real problem
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exclamaquest · 2 years
hmm should i make a moving hannukah wishlist
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stonedopossums · 1 year
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i cant keep fucking doing this
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When you have Covid and you need more than the relegated 5 (prorated) days to recover but calling in sick feels like committing a war crime
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fantabulisticity · 2 years
Okay! Stain remover applied! Now I get to shower while I wait until I can blot the remover out.
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faeratil · 2 months
Well fuck.
I have 4 days to pack the house and move because the landlord decided to sell the house after giving us the okay to stay an extra month and now we’ll be mooching off people for 3 weeks until the apartment we were already planning on moving to is done being renovated.
And I work mids every single one of those days, so I’ll be waking up at dawn to pack, going to work for 8-9 hours, then coming home and packing until midnight. I’ll sleep when I’m dead I guess.
Fuck landlords.
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no27-autonation-honda · 3 months
for those of you following our most thrilling saga of “we’re flooding your apartment 18 days before your lease ends”, today the maintenance guys came and pulled up all the carpet in the living area and also took out our bathroom floor. No we still cannot use the shower or close the door to the bathroom. No we don’t know when we will be able to. Yes we still live in a wind tunnel and I have a zoom class tonight and a meeting tomorrow. Maintenance returns tomorrow.
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Xfinty's website is so shitty that trying to load a page might randomly make the login session expiration warning pop up saying you'll be logged out in 60s, clicking "stay logged in" will do nothing, the page won't load, and 20 seconds later you'll get another session expiration message.
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squiot · 4 months
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sideshow-tornado · 5 months
Dealing with an internet outage this morning, ISO claims there is no outage, but I’ve rebooted my entire system no less than six times. Checked all the connections, done all the usual troubleshooting, and it’s just not working. Ridiculous how these companies make you jump through a million hoops before they’ll acknowledge you need technical assistance. Trust me, if it was something I could fix my own it’d already be fixed. I am not calling you just hear my own voice. If the problem is only on my end, it’s something that is beyond my understanding or experience. “Did you try…” YES! “Have you checked…” YES!
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