#pros and cons of managed services
youtubevideopromotion · 10 months
In this week's episode of WHAT THE TECH, we discuss the challenges and drawbacks of managed services in the tech world. Explore real-life examples and expert insights into the impact of outsourcing IT functions. For more visit here
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Kiiiiind of torn about whether or not to accept this job if I get it, I’m ngl
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perfectiongeeks · 10 months
Managed Cloud Services: Pros and Cons
In essence, you get services from third-party vendors or your service provider. In this instance, your service supplier is MCSPs. The services they offer are managed cloud solutions. We hope you've figured out the kind of services that are comprised in these cloud-based managed services. If not, be aware that configuration, optimization, management, and protecting cloud storage are certain technical services that are offered by managed cloud service providers. Companies sign the pact together with service providers to determine if they are effectively managing cloud-based services or not. Then, if they are satisfied with the services' quality, they begin the process of migration and save all their databases in the cloud storage that is managed.
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dieterziegler159 · 1 year
Stay ahead of the curve with Podman's advantages and drawbacks. Unlock the true potential of containers and optimize your development and deployment workflows.
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Discover the pros and cons of Podman, the container management tool, and unleash the true power of containerization. Get insights now!
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Gain insights into Podman's pros and cons and unlock the true potential of containerization. Make informed decisions for your infrastructure.
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rubylogan15 · 1 year
Discover the pros and cons of Podman, the container management tool, and unleash the true power of containerization. Get insights now!
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Here's a compilation of notes on composite charts that I've seen and experienced as well. Composite charts blend the individual birth charts of two people into a single chart that represents the relationship itself. It represents the relationship’s dynamics, challenges, strengths, and purpose. Enjoy!
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Capricorn ASC/Rising: these are the couples that seem to skip a lot of the initial steps in a relationship and feel very serious right from the start. The purpose of this relationship is to learn the pros and cons of tradition. They'll learn the importance of taking things slow, building a strong foundation, and supporting each other's goals. Together they strive to be a power couple. It is also likely to be a very karmic relationship as well, so obstacles and challenges are expected. With Libra ruling their 10th house they care a lot about how others perceive them, and understand that together they can reach for higher social levels than what they were single. From the outside, they might look like the ideal relationship and others think they look good together. They could have met at work, in a social/public setting, or after some difficult situation. The relationship might be or feel more difficult than most, less romantic, and more traditional than any other, but it's also the type to be more grounded, and committed than any other.
Jupiter in 1st House: There is a lot of abundance, luck, and growth in this type of relationships, and the closer to the ascendant, the more noticeable it is to others how the relationship is surrounded by an air of optimism. They love to adventure, explore, and travel together. There's also a spiritual undertone to these relationships because it feels very "meant to be" for both individuals. The connection elevates their knowledge about life and their deepest inner self as well. Everyone perceives them as well educated, privileged, and foreign in some way. Others assume the relationship to be ideal for both individuals.
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Neptune in 1st house: The connection revolves around illusions, healing, inspiration, spirituality, and mysticism. They probable handle their issues by either putting a smoke screen over it or in by taking the spiritual healing route. Others might perceive them as intuitive, unreachable, mystic, or delusional. They might struggle with seeing the relationship through rose colored glasses rather than what it really is. This would be the type of relationship that feels perfect until real issues arise, then confusion appears, and they don’t know how to be grounded enough to resolve it. Misunderstandings between individual expectations of the partnership are often the result of unclear communication.
Uranus in 1st house: There will be a lot of random, spontaneous, and sudden changes in the relationship. It might be hard for them to have a serious long term commitment because there's always some sort of disruption occuring. Both individuals have to learn to give each other as much space as necessary and to be accepting of their mutual eccentricities. These are the couples that people just don't know what to expect from them. One day they might be fighting, and then a few weeks later they might be taking their relationship to a different level. All of these ups and downs can be very challenging for the relationship, and it is very noticeable for everyone around them.
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Path of Fortune in 1st house: Similarly to Jupiter, this is a relationship that has luck on their side but on a smaller scale. They'll notice how their day to day issues are resolved easily if they stay optimistic and trusting of the process. Other's might see them as a couple that met by a strike of luck or fate.
Saturn in 3rd house: The growth of the relationship, the communication between the both of them, how often they make local trips, or even matters related to vehicles might be delayed or difficult in this relationship. They are required to put a lot of effort and be patient with how well both parties manage the relationship. This placement is so uncomfortable because every relationship needs a strong and stable communication, but Saturn here pushes them to try harder than in any other connection. It is a connection that requires a lot of effort, so it will challenge both individuals to consider how badly they want to be together and make it work. If they do put the effort, then the relationship will be very rewarding and give them a sense of “of we did it, and we built this from scratch!”.
Moon in 5th house: This is a couple whose emotional focus, needs, and concerns are related towards the joy that they feel in it, the romance, creativity, and fruits of the partnership. They will also experience fluctuations on these matters as well, meaning one day they might feel very emotionally safe on their approach towards children, and then in another they are unsure about it. They are the type of couple that if they have children (which is often seen in this type of placement) they would be very nurturing, understanding, needy, clingy, and overall concerned with their children’s development a lot.
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Moon in Taurus: This is a very good placement for the Moon as it is exalted, so on an emotional level the relationship should feel very safe and comforting for both parties unless there is any affliction (Mars, Saturn, or Pluto). If there is affliction, then they will find it difficult to fully enjoy the emotional aspect of the relationship, and will be overly concerned with finances, home, beauty, luxury, and stability.
Moon Opposite Pluto: In here we can find deep issues with the impulses of controlling each others emotions in the relationship. There is likely to be a heavy theme of emotional manipulation. They'll play games, and be very emotionally possessive. A lot of monitoring how the other responds or communicates, as if trying to look for a hidden meaning to everything. This can be a very emotionally draining, yet transformative relationship, for good or bad. It might either make both parties aware of their dark tendencies or leave them emotionally unavailable to a certain degree. A lot of emotional baggage can be felt in and after the relationship as well. Honesty, kindness, and patience is needed to balance out the negative aspects. If these difficulties are resolved, then they'll be very good at managing their emotions and reaching depths with each other that would be difficult to achieve in other relationships.
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Juno in 6th house: this is a couple that acts like they are married on their day to day, but the idea of marriage in itself might be a difficult conversation for both. If they do reach a deeper commitment then they will be very practical, exercise together, be very service oriented, and perhaps even adopt pets as well. The sign Juno falls in will color even deeper how their marriage or ceremony might be. For example: If its Gemini, then they'll focus on communication a lot throughout their day to day. The type of married couple that is constantly texting each other, sending memes, throwing jokes, etc. The marriage ceremony might be quick, they'll share their feelings + thoughts, and spend the whole event talking to each other.
North Node in 9th house: the relationship’s shared destiny, purpose, and karmic lessons are related to their higher mind, traveling, philosophy, spirituality, and higher education. It could be that in a past life they didn't get to develop a strong communication between each other or only entertained a basic level of mental connection. Perhaps they didn't get to travel and discover the world, and that stayed as an unfulfilled desire.
Stellium in 10th house: There is a huge emphasis on how others view the relationship, the material goals, achievements, reputation, and career as well. This is the type of couple that gains a lot of fame and notoriety when in public. They look picture perfect in some way, but the dangers lie on looking but not acting the part behind doors. Others look up to their relationship a lot, and think they'll be able to rise to the top easily. All of this is specially true if the luminaries, Mercury, and Venus are involved. Their relationship is very public, in the sense that everyone knows and talks about them, which they are aware of.
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For example: a composite chart with Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in Libra will result in a couple that approaches life through the pursuit of harmony, beauty, luxury, arts, and social status. They act and think that their relationship is what life revolves around, and if they break up it might be hard to replicate that "we can achieve anything" energy again. They could end up working together in a Venusian industry (clothes, materials, jewelry, arts, etc) and be very successful in it. Others have high expectations of them and the way they present themselves to the world. Add asteroid Chiron to the mix, and then the wounds of the relationship are also public. The real downside aside from feeling like everyone knows your business is if any of these planets are afflicted, which then make them see life and their relationship through very superficial lenses. Even if there's no affliction, they might feel like things revolves around material matters too much.
Sagittarius in 12th House: the hidden feelings that might develop in this relationship is the need to become more spiritual, travel more, and expand as a couple. This house also rules the way the relationship ends, so it might be quick and while one or both are traveling. It could be that the hidden difficulties in this connecting is the distance between them, be it physical or mentally. There could be background or cultural differences that leads to the break up. It can also mean that they'll be settling in foreign places at some point as well.
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hlficlibrary · 5 months
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Remember to leave kudos and a comment on the fics you enjoyed to show your appreciation! You can find the library's other recs here.
🩷 Light, Spark and Fire (series) by green_feelings / @greenfeelings {E, 239k}
Life’s pretty ordinary for Harry. He lives with his best friend, got into university just like he’s planned, and manages to support himself just fine for an unbonded omega. If he sustains that lifestyle by getting paid to help alphas through their rut every now and then, that’s nothing to be hung up on. Until he’s hired by an alpha that turns everything upside down.
Or, Harry’s working on taking Louis’ walls down, until he builds his own up.
🩷 Say Something by @kingsofeverything {E, 105k}
At fifty years old and recently divorced, Omega Harry Styles isn't interested in dating. When his doctor suggests a heat and rut matching service, he signs up out of necessity. It’s the only use he has for an Alpha in his life.
Twenty-eight-year-old Alpha Louis Tomlinson aims to change that.
🩷 Ace of Spades (series) by @allwaswell16 {E, 90k}
Living as a sheltered omega in a farming village has not prepared Harry for life aboard the most notorious pirate ship to sail the Atlantic.
Or Louis is a pirate, Harry is his captive, and no one is who they say they are.
🩷 The Pros and Cons of Breathing by @hellolovers13 {E, 81k}
Omega Harry has always known he'd be married off someday, so when he's betrothed to Prince Louis, he's anxious about having to leave his life behind, but hopeful for a happy marriage.
The hope doesn't last long, with his husband avoiding him at all costs and Harry being left to fend for himself.
Can he find happiness even in a broken marriage?
🩷 I like the way you say my name (when you soak it in grace) by louisismycat / @liminalkittyfics {E, 73k}
“It’s like I’m fucking orbiting around you, you know? Like you’re some huge, beautiful planet, and I’m a piece of space junk lucky enough to be pulled in by you somehow, and now I can’t leave, even if I wanted to. And I really fucking don’t want to leave.”
OR Louis is transferred to a new city to temporarily cover for his counterpart while he is on maternity leave for the next six months.
His new co-workers talk endlessly about Harry, the omega who he’s covering for. And Louis finds himself jealous of whatever alpha as snatched him up.
Until he learns Harry is actually an unmated omega three months out from becoming a single parent.
🩷 Si Pudiera Volar by @softfonds {E, 69k}
When Harry’s fiancé leaves him for his cousin, he looks the other way for the sake of his happiness. He’ll do anything to forget about him, including joining a monastery. It isn’t until his cousin’s former lover, a pirate, appears that he realizes everything is not as it appears, and an honest pirate might be the only person worthy of his heart.
Or, a fic loosely based on Corazón Salvaje.
🩷 Little by Little by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense {E, 65k}
Harry Styles is an omega who works at the London Planetarium, has lived in the same flat for ages, and is happy enough on his own. When he gets home from his first (horrible) attempt at dating in years, a new pregnant neighbor knocks on his door after smelling his cooking. He and Louis quickly become close, but their friendship gets complicated when Harry begins questioning who he is and what he likes.
Or Harry discovers figuring out who you are is more complicated than a potato metaphor.
🩷 and i would search the night sky to find you by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain {E, 56k}
Harry Styles is a high class, well-bred Omega attending Bosworth Academy - a prestigious boarding school looking over the small town on Kinsey. He has his whole life already planned for him, learning his place as the potential mate for an important Alpha, practicing his home making skills, and be obedient above all else.
When he attends a school trip into town though, he meets Louis Tomlinson - a blacksmith and mouthy Alpha who doesn't particularly care for the standards of high society nor for the people in it. But things are not always what they seem and a past grievance may change the lives of everyone involved forever.
🩷 Just for Tonight (I can be yours) by @sadaveniren {E, 42k}
Harry, prince of Cestrescir, has been betrothed to Ludvic, prince of Yorvik, since birth. He'd accepted a loveless marriage as his duty to his country, until an accident threw him in the path of a gentle alpha
🩷 crown me with your heart (your love is king) by @perfectdagger {G, 41k}
The universe must’ve had a field day when it decided to plan Harry’s life. There was no plausible explanation for anything that happened in his life anymore. Try as he may, he would never be able to control his life nor predict what would happen next.What were the odds that the one person he was sure he had fallen in love with but had completely let him slip out of his life, already resigned to the fact nothing could ever evolve between them due to Harry’s future with Eroda, happened to be the same person who had Harry’s future in his hand?
A The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Wedding au in which Harry is the Crown Prince of the small island of Eroda and Louis’ uncle is trying to take the throne from him, with a slight a/b/o twist and some more.
🩷 Endgame by @brightgolden {E, 38k}
Harry has been told all his life how grateful he should be for being born as a male omega, and how blessed their people were because the heir to the throne would be carried by The King.
What they neglected to tell Harry was what would happen if he failed to become pregnant.
Where omega Crown Prince Harry Styles is trying and failing to get pregnant for four years, but all that is about to change when courtesan alpha Louis Tomlinson comes into the equation.
🩷 You're Not My Type (still I fall) by Imogenlee / @imogenleewriter {M, 38k}
His mum is going to kill him!
Well, not kill him. Just give him a right telling off, make him admit she'd been right, then try to confine him to his room until they found a hefty Alpha to look after him and rein him in or something.
She wouldn't manage, of course. Harry is only twenty-four and has no inclination to settle down at all, especially not at the behest of an Alpha.
But, as his mum would point out, that was the same stubborn attitude that got him here: in his car, in a thunderstorm, on the side of a forsaken lane of some little countryside town in Yorkshire. His mobile's got no signal, his GPS isn't working, and he's running low on petrol, so he can't even use the heater.
Oh, and most importantly, his car is stuck in the mud, so even if the GPS was working and he knew where to go, he wouldn’t be able to.
He's been in stickier spots; he reminds himself. Way stickier. This is just a bit of rain; it'll blow over. Then Harry will just... well, alright, he isn't entirely sure what to do when the rain stops because he'll still be stuck and lost. But, hey, there won't be any rain, which is something to cheer about.
🩷 dip you in honey by delsicle / @eeveedel {E, 28k}
Princess Harry, the pearl of England, is set to be married to the youngest prince of France in just six months. Anxious about his performance on his wedding night, he enlists the help of his loyal handmaiden Louis to help him practice everything he needs to know
Omega/Omega AU
🩷 It's Been Ages by @2tiedships2 {NR, 13k}
“We need to talk,” Niall said as he plopped down on Louis’ bed. “It’s you and Harry. You like him, he likes you, it’s a match made in heaven and you will one day be mates,”
Louis shook his head in exasperation. “If you’ve been watching, you would see that Harry is interested in, like, alpha alphas. Not me.”
“What the fuck is an alpha alpha?” Niall asked with furrowed brows.
“You know what I mean,” Louis said, giving Niall a pointed look.
“I literally have no idea what you’re talking about.”
🩷 I've Always Liked the Fireworks by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird {T, 12k}
When alphas and omegas reach the age of twenty-one they are required to attend a Proving Day ceremony. Omegas watch as alphas do their best to compete in events, show off their skills, and prove how good a mate they can really be. The whole thing is a bit ridiculous, but Louis Tomlinson has always dreamed of finding his mate. He's got two unsuccessful Sheffield Proving Days under his belt and decides to go for the much more competitive one in Manchester. His goal is to play his best, leave it all out on the pitch, and hope that one of the omegas watching just happens to be his mate.
🩷 Come In and Change My Life by lightswoodmagic / @lightwoodsmagic {E, 12k}
He’d had the same neighbours since he’d moved into the building, a lovely, wealthy couple in their late sixties who had always invited him around for tea on Sundays. Martha had dropped off homemade biscuits the day he’d moved in, so Harry figured he may as well repeat the sentiment. He could hear someone getting closer to the door just as a flush ran through his body; oh fuck. His heat was close, too close to be knocking on a potentially unknown alpha’s door, but it was too late. The door swung open, and Harry’s mouth dropped. He’d never been overly interested in football, couldn’t find the fascination in watching men run around after a ball for hours aside from their uniforms, but he knew who this was. Louis Tomlinson, alpha, captain of Manchester United, star in a number of Harry’s heat addled fantasies, was his new next-door neighbour.
Or, Harry and Louis become friends when Harry looks after Louis' cat during away games, until one night at a party changes everything between them. It's just a shame Louis' going to be away for the FIFA World Cup for three months.
🩷 Just Jump by @jaerie {E, 9k}
Finally, after years of suffering alone, the insurance plan at Harry's new job covered omega heat services. As a grown omega adult, it finally felt like the right time to try it out. And, since taking an entire week of heat leave would really put him behind at work, using a service to shorten it seemed like a responsible decision. At least that’s how he rationalized it. He was nervous about his decision but it was too late. The doorbell rang.
“Hi!” The alpha said again and Harry took the hand he offered and shook it firmly. “I’m Louis from Omega Services. It’s nice to meet you.”
🩷 a body wishes to be held & held by @turnyourankle {E, 9k}
Harry wants to return the favour after Louis helps him out with his heat.
🩷 How Much My Heart Depends by @lululawrence {NR, 6k}
Louis is an alpha working as a fraud analyst who keeps having Bad Days. Harry is an omega working in Quality Support who shares a cubicle wall with Louis and only wants to help. Maybe this is the perfect chance for them to finally meet face to face.
🩷 As one we are everything/We are everything we need by louloubaby92 / @louloubabys1992 {M, 5k}
Harry finally marries the love of his life. He's got the mating mark, he's got Louis' ring on his finger.
And now, he's on his honeymoon. Louis is but a door away, waiting for him.
Honestly, he doesn't understand why he's nervous.
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misguidedasgardian · 1 year
I need to... (7)
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... Solve this
A Targaryen special
Summary: A few weeks with the Targaryens
Pairings: Cregan Stark x Fem!Reader
Warnings: There are mentions of them being Minors! at some point in their relationship, cursing, cheating, angst, depression, inappropriate relationship student/professor, might miss some warnings. I smoked something, and the holiday in the seven Kingdoms is celebrating the coming of Azhor Ahai, aka the princess that was promised, aka our Dany, who saved the au from eternal winter HAHA take away my computer
Wordcount: 3.8 k
Notes: This was hard, and I can safely say this will be the only chapter like this haha I did not check this, like I said, my brain melted jeje
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I never wanted anyone else but my gorgeous girlfriend, ever, with her I had it all. The looks, the brains, the sex, the image. She wanted to go to that frosted wasteland, that was not even ranking in the first three universities, so I convinced her to go in the right direction, it was good of me, not bad, it was what she had to do, to become the best version of herself, the one who was perfect to become the wife of a politician. She was perfect for the imagine of a wholesome family, the one I was going to give to her.
I was Jahaerys, she was my Alyssane 
I had her, she was here with me, in Dragonstone, we were set for forever, I put a ring around her finger, a promise ring, I had my mother’s blessing, my father’s too, her godmother was a powerful friend of the family who gave money for my father and his career 
So what if I enjoyed a bit of female’s attention? So what if now I realize, that, under the right setting, under the proper social circle, I was the most interesting and sought after man in the entire school? 
What if I wanted to test how far I could take it?
Fucking a professor was like a badge of honor amongst guys, at least, that is what Criston Cole told me around campus, that if I managed to pull it off I could be some sort of God, I was just, reaffirming what I already knew
That I belonged at the top of the food chain, in Dragonstone University 
And my girlfriend didn’t have to know, she was already here by my side, with my friends, my school, dependent on me…
If you think about it, all men go through it, the younger version, the older one, this is just like that, a rite of passage 
Sadly, you did not see things as I did, you didn’t see the bigger picture, the future of us together, having a successful career, after letting out steam in our younger years, I thought you were going to be the Cyresse to me Maegor, there through everything, but no… 
Your shortsightedness was very illuminating for me
You did not see things so far into the future, and that was probably my fault for not train you properly for that, for what was expected of me, and now you for being my girlfriend, the picture my parents and even grandfather had painted for me and I was so eager to fulfill. The perfect roll.
My oldest sister was a disappointment, my brother Aegon was a disappointment, Helaena was… barely there
It fell on me
To be the perfect son
And I was gladly going to take that roll 
Because I could…
I was going to finish my degree in politics and diplomacy, I was going to marry my powerfull girlfriend, and I was going to give myself to public service and life, following a political career, it was all laid out for me… 
But this was just fucking great
As I watch her walking away from me in the dorm’s hallway, I knew something was going to be different
This wasn’t like other times, when we fought… no, it has to be, she needed time to cool off, the anger needed to dissipate, and when she weighs in the pros and cons, like she always did, she was going to achieve the conclusion that suited me, that she had to forgive me, there was too much to loose for her. Nothing had to change, not a single part of my plans
What is a politician's life without a bit of scandal?
Now I have other things to take care off
My steps are sharp and decisive, no matter how fucked up things look like, I have to keep my composure 
I know that at this time of day, she must be cleaning her art supplies after her sophomore’s class… And there is exactly where she was, with her back turned to me
“I want a paternity test”, is the first thing I say once I check quickly for undesired ears. She turned around and she looks shocked
“She told you? really? I was hoping to tell you tonight, I… had something planned, I gave her class an entire research about…”
“Before we do anything, I want a paternity test”, I repeat, no, this cannot happen to me, 
“I’m only like eight weeks”, she said, her hand on her lower belly
“I will wait”, she frowned, which by now, I have never seen her do, frown lines were not something that she had on her face 
“What happened?”, she asked, suddenly angry
“She knows”
“I know that”, she said
“And it never crossed your mind giving me a heads up? she had known for a week!”, I growled
“She pulled her threatricks today in my class, and I found out she knew”, she whined back, “but why does it matter?”, she kept asking, “you are finally free”
“For what?”, I ask, “to be with you?”, she looked like I slapped her, my sharp and disgusted tone gave that effect
“I thought that’s what we were doing”, she said, fixing her hair, trying to keep her composure, “being… together…”
“How do I know I was the only one you were fucking?”, I asked point blank, and she moved her hand quickly, I turn my face as her finger collided with my cheek, the sting came after
“I thought what we had was special”, she whined, tears in her eyes
“That I was going to drop everything for this?”, I asked bitterly
“I can be what you need”, she purred, I chuckled darkly
“like I said, I want a paternity test”
“Is yours!”, she fought
“I need it in writing”, I say back
“Why don’t you believe me!?”, she was losing it 
“Because I barely know you, and you said, you were taking care of yourself, and clearly you aren’t”
“No birth control is 100% effective”, she bit
“If the child is mine, the money won’t be a problem”, I said formally
“The money?”, she said back, “what about you?”
“I’m a Targaryen, I cannot be involved in this”, I only muttered, and I left the room
I had finals, I couldn’t be bothered, I had a plan and…
Fuck fuck fuck
The words in front of me, in my book, about the Valyrian republic started playing in my mind, dancing across the page, and suddenly I Was re-reading for the third time the same page because i couldn’t process the words
This is ridiculous
The plain page mocking me, the huge amount of information right then in front of me…
Where are those stupid study cards?
Flashcards, I searched for them in my suitcase and once I found them, with your lettering, and colors for me to learn by chapter, one color a different chapter…
But these were old, for the midterms, not for the finals… 
How hard could it be?, I started rereading, and summarizing, and after four hours and the librarian kicking me out of the library, I had nothing
A day wasted
How the fuck did I became so codependant in a studybody? even if that studybody was you?
The final was tomorrow, and I barely scraped two chapters of the four
This was going to be a long night
Not even Cole could pull me off of this 
The next day, after I barely slept I barely kept myself awake to give the damn test
I was obviously going to pass, but… I was not so sure about the excellency grade on this one
I’m so fucking pissed.
How could you abandon me at a time like this?
So selfish and short sighted
I slip one time, once! and this is how you are supposed to support me? be by my side? 
Two days had passed and no news from her, anything, she had left her ring on my nightstand front he last time we fucked, and she won’t even text me to get it back, and that was worrying… 
So, deciding I should be the bigger person and apologize so we can leave all of this nightmare behind us, I went to look for her…
Alys’ baby wasn’t mine, I knew so, I heard about this sort of thing all the time, I was not going to fall on this, she was trying to babytrap me, and I was not going to let that happen.
And you? you were punishing me, it's alright, I can take it, soon you will be back in my arms, and our lives together were going to be back on track
This was just a slump on the road, and you both should be thankful that happened so early on, so you could control it, and make it disappear in the rearview mirror 
And that is why, when I knocked on your dorm room, I found it strange that your name had been erased from the small white board on the door, and then Maris opened, and when she saw me, her eyes lit up, and her mouth shaped to a sick grin
“Aemond”, she greeted
“Maris”, I said shortly, “is (y/n) here?”, and her smile only got wider
“She told you the other day! she left”
“What?”, I asked
“Yes, she left!”, she opened the door and took a step away for me to look into the room, and her entire side was empty, completely gone, she, was gone, even her bed, Maris had already invaded your side
“Where is she?”, i ask, feeling all blood leaving my face 
“A nice, older lady came one day and helped her put everything in boxes, and in a couple of hours…”
“Fuck!”, I slammed the door no my way out and I cursed the day that nosey Cerenna decided to finally meddle in your life 
She was a poor influence on you, she has always had been
I grab my phone and dialed your number, number five on speed dial
It didn’t even ring.. did you?
I looked up the texting app and…
No photo
I send a text…
And… no double tick
No… no, no, no, no
Couldn’t find you
No, you were just punishing me, you were going to come back, you always did
Maybe you got scared, and Cerenna came and picked you up, but you were not leaving, not permanently, you were coming back
You were
So I wrote the first email
But it rebounded
Even email, uh?
So I created a new email address, and I wrote the first one
No big deal
I had other finals to get to
And giving you time to cool down was the best idea.
So I did my best
The amnio test I had to make Alys take was in about one more month, according to her… so nothing I could do until then, until after Winter Break 
I just had to keep it together, nothing had a turning point, I still didn’t hit the point of no return, I knew it 
Fuck Fuck
The semester was over, and I didn’t even want to join the celebrations of my classmates, or with Cole, who knew the dirty details of the lowest parts of Dragonstone, the whole city
But I didn’t have it in me
In fact, every desire I still held to celebrate the successful first semester of university was killed when I received word from my father, that we were all supposed to spend holidays together in King’s Landing… and all of us ment
Fucking Rhaenyra and all her family
The liberals, the underdogs, the pariahs 
It was going to be interesting
As soon as I arrived, the questioned was asked
“Where is she?”
As always you were expected to spend the holidays with us, and now, not even I had an answer for your whereabouts
“She is spending it with Cerenna”
“But they live in King’s Landing dear, didn’t you invite them? I’ll have to call them”, muttered my mother.
I looked at her intensely as she dialed the number, but it rang and rang, and nothing
No one answered
“That is strange”
“Cerenna mentioned she wanted to take her to a small vacation, you know they both aren’t as festive”
“But dear, is the week before the elections!”, she said urgently
“I know”
It was expected of me to take you back into the fold
So I did as the men before had done, before cell phones existed 
I went to your house
But it was empty, and no, I’m running errands empty
Empty empty as we will not be coming back anytime soon
We all lived in the same neighborhood, at the top of Rhaenys’ hill, a very exclusive palace
And then when I first started to think, you were not going to be so forgiving
At least, not as easy 
If you had been with another man, I would have been difficult to forgive you, I would have make you work hard for my forgiveness, it was alright, I was going to put up the work
When I came back to my father’s house, I came face to face with Jacaerys
“Jace”, I greet shortly
“How is that frozen wasteland?”, I asked
“How is that sticking up your ass they put you in Dragonstone?”
“Feels great”, i mutter
“So as freezing my ass off”, he answered 
That little shit, that because he had other beliefs and wants to fight for survival in his university he believes he is better than me
Tonight the festival in the commemorations of Azor Ahai, the princess that was promised was commencing and it was going to be a whole week long, it was indeed going to be a long weekend, celebrating the coming of our savior, who saved us from eternal winter.
As my mother was performing her prayers, a phone dinged you opened your eyes to look at Jace, who took only one look at his screen and his face lit up, and then looked straight at me, with a mocking grin on his face
He had asked about you
I told him you were taking the holidays to be with your godmother
But something in his smiled and his mocking eyes
That little shit knew something 
“Where is (y/n)?”, he asked out loud, I growled
“I told you, she is in vacations with Cerenna”
“I don’t think she is”
“This is hardly appropriate”, mocked Alicent
“But concerning”, said Daemon, who presence here I still don’t understand, “elections are next week, and the Lannisters are not in town”
“How do you know?”, I ask
“Oh I know”, he mocked, Laena, hsi wife, smiled shyly, mockingly
Where they all in on it
“What does it mean?”, asked Viserys, recently catching up
“It means that neither Aemond’s girlfriend, nor her billionaire sympathizer godmother, nor her family of billionaires and politics financiers are here for election week, and i’m guessing, the reason for their absence has something to do with the fact that your son, has no fucking idea of where her girlfriend is”
“Meaning?”, he asked again
“Iluminate us Aemondd, where is your girlfriend?”
“On travels”, I said
“On holidays? on election week?”, asked Daemon
“Aemond..”, whispered Alicent, “what did you do?”
“Nothing”, I growled
“You did something”, muttered Jace
“You know where she is”, i say angrily
“I know where she is going to be”, he mocked
“What does that mean?”, asked Alicent. I couldn’t take it anymore
You left Dragonstone, you canceled your enrollment, you finished your tuition. You told me you were going North and I didn’t want to believe it
“She left Dragonstone”, i say, “she met a guy from Winterfell University, and she left me, and Dragonstone”
Rhaenyra had been oddly quiet, only looking at everyone, but now, she couldn’t hide her triumphant smirk in her cup of whine
“She left you?”, asked Alicent, horrified, “how could she do that?”
“The better question would be, what did you do baby brother?”, teased Aegon
“She left me”, i defended
“She wouldn’t do that without reason”, muttered Helaena, that, didn’t even seemed she was paying attention to the conversation
“What did you do Grandson?”, asked Otto HIghtower
“I told you, she left me”
“And she managed to convince the Lannisters to go with her? I don’t believe that!”, he said, raising his voice, Daemon laughed, drinking wine
What a great fucking dinner
“I’m sure there is an explanation for this!”, said Alicent
“She left with a guy named Ben”, I defended
“You know what? it doesn’t surprise me, she always looked like a problematic, wanton little tart”, the sound of a cup breaking in millions of tiny pieces made everyone fell quiet as Rhaenyra had crushed the damn thing with her bare hand
“Don’t you dare speak about her like that”, she growled. My mother only chuckled darkly, “she is the daughter of one of my best friends, and my son’s youth companion”
“Takes one to know one”, and that is when Jacaerys stood up
“If she left Dragonstone to follow her dreams clearly Aemond pushed her to do it, I know for sure the Lannisters wouldn’t get involved in all of this if the matter wasn’t serious”
“Jace”, called Viserys
“Call Tyland and ask him why he is not here”, hee demanded, “call him grandfather”
Viserys picked up the phone, and called his political ally, it ranged twice, and then it sounded like Tyland had hang up on him
“What did you do to my friend?:, asked Jace
“You haven’t spoken in years!”, I defended, “what do you know?”
“Enough!”, called Alicent, “we are in holidays”
The appetites were pretty much sated after that
I tried to speak to Jacaerys in the days that followed, but he wouldn’t tell me anything
Than the primaries came, and the Lannisters were a no show
And my father lost the primaries
And when I thought things couldn’t be any better
I was summoned into my father’s office, and when I entered, my parents, and my grandfather Otto were there
“What’s the matter?”, I ask
“Aemond, why did I receive an email about a Professor called Alys Rivers, saying she is expecting your child?” 
My phone ranged in my pocket, a text from Alys, a picture, a picture of us, fucking, a Terminantion letter..
All, in one day
“So now we know why we lost all the founding and costs us the elections!”, growled my Grandfather
It was the most humiliating afternoon of my life 
Alys fired
A picture circulating Dragonstone University
Alys taking me down with her
an email from the Dean asking me to meet her as soon as the vacations are over
And you? never to be seen
Alys claims you took and send the picture around
You had received all my angry emails, at least they didn’t bounce, but still, no answer
Daemon, and now Jace knew where you were and yet, they wouldn’t tell me
My mother lost a chunk of her hair in the reunion where they were berating me. Viserys stood awfully quiet, looking at the table in front of him, clearly calculating how much this was going to cost him.
And Otto was calling lawyers to prepare for the meeting with the Dean
The freedom I had, the reliance I enjoyed from my family, the trust they had in me, the respect, everything was destroyed.
Now, I was no better than my brother who tried to study multiple careers and couldn’t finish one, the one who had multiple ladies and scandals with sex workers, I was no better than him, my mistake had been more permanent, more public, and that, in the world of politics, was unforgivable
And yet
And yet
I needed to find you
It wasn’t even later, after I had my grandfather threaten the Dean with letting me continue my studies or else, even after the time was up and I told Alys to take the test
She tried to tell me she had already taken it, that she had found a lock of my hair…
But I made her repeat it, so I went to the doctor with her.
And while I waited for the results, I started to think, to meditate
Maybe I could turn this around
Maybe, if the kid was mine, I could get married. Alys was exquisite, in looks at least, she was enticing, had something about her, I could train her, to dance to the politics’ song.
You could do it, make all of this worth it. The Lannisters were back, clearly just wanted to give us a scare, they will never support the Liberals, they were just taking a warning shot, perhaps… 
Perhaps this could work
My father had a team, a PR team dedicated to this sort of thing, to spin things to make them look great, to gain advantage from the worst of points 
Yes, if the baby was mine, I could spin this around.
And then the results came
What a surprise… a gold digger tried to baby trapped me and she didn’t even do it right
She accused me to my mother of fathering a lie…
And now…
If you had never found out, if Alys haven't told my mother
But you did, she did, you blew up everything, she also, and now… I had nothing…
As I stared at the results on that paper
“I never want to see you again”, I say to the woman in front of me 
“The test was wrong!!”, she cried
“You tried to baby trapped me, you accused me to my mother”, I growled
“You have to understand”
“If I see you again I’m going to make sure you never get another job teaching”, I threatened, and in tears, she left the apartment I had rented 
My respect from my family was gone
My flawless record in my elite university was gone
My reputation was tainted
You were gone
Since the second I lost you, I continued to lose everything else…
If I win you back, if I take you back, I bring you back to me, all the problems were going to be solved 
So I put all my contacts to work, but I didn't have to look too far…
Jacaerys was happy to share pictures in a pagan party, and you were on them
Winterfell Fucking University 
And who was that fucking guy looking at you in all the pictures that look like a wolf pup?
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lIke I say, my brain melted... I dind't even corrected this, is just rambling, but an insight of what happened when Aemond's life imploded!
@mxtokko @princesssterek @thefandomimagines @iamavailablesstuff @misspascalpunk @sweethoneyblossom1 @ipostwhtifeel @lunamoonbby @ahristata @watercolorskyy @yazzzmints @n4tforlife @littleshadow17 @alexa4040 @speedyballoonpainter @hc-geralt-23 @rayrayredpanda @eralen @yentroucnagol @valeskafics @iloveallmyboys
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haykawas · 11 months
what i think would be their go to halloween activities — ft. satoru, suguru, choso.
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gojo satoru – trick-or treating & urbex.
trick-or-treating is satoru’s favorite, and it’s quickly become yours as well, though it hasn’t always been this way. of course, you love this holiday. however, you used to think adults should stick to parties at most, and never expected to indulge in such activities past your eighteenth birthday.
but it’s to be expected when you hang around the gojo satoru, because that man just doesn’t care. he’s never felt shame once in his life, does what he wants whenever he wants. he likes to show up in the most ridiculous costumes, too, and you often have to take a break to laugh it all out before you begin trick-or-treating. and he loves the sound of your laugh, he adores it – and some might say your smile is the only reason he tries so hard to come up with the most unhinged fits every year.
and it’s not surprising he loves this holiday so much. you know satoru has a sweet tooth, everyone does. and you do too. so, of course, once you’re done with your little escapades, you get back to his and immediately sit on his living room floor to sort out all the candy you’ve managed to gather, throwing out the bad ones and exchanging a few. 
one thing about satoru is that even though he doesn’t say it, one of his love languages is act of services. you’re not surprised when he tosses a candy to you, complaining about how he hates this one while you catch it with sparkling eyes, because of course, it’s your favorite –  and while he’ll never tell you, it’s his too.
another thing you love to do together is explore abandoned places. since you’re both a little crazy, you follow him in his antics quite easily, and it often seems like you two have one brain for two. before you go out, you both spend hours searching for the perfect spots, weighing the pros and cons of every location and going over the creepy stories of every one of them.
of course, you get to play cameraman, while satoru stands before the lens. you both love to pretend like you’re ghost slayers filming a documentary, and it’s sometimes hard to focus when he makes your sides hurt from the things he comes up with. you fool around and scare each other, and although he’ll never admit it, he’s almost shit himself more than once – because, to his dismay, you might be a little too good at scaring the shit out of him. yet he secretly loves it, the smirk you’re sporting when you manage to make him jump. and maybe it’s the quiet of the night, the soft glow of the moon that illuminates your features ô so beautifully, or even the curve of your lips that his eyes try to not focus on that prompts this sentiment, but he feels a bit funny looking at you that night.
geto suguru – making costumes.
making halloween costumes with suguru is always so much fun. you visit plenty of stores together, and you both have this little tradition that takes the form of a contest where you have to find the most hideous pieces of the store and put them together in order to create the worst fit ever. the downside? the loser has to walk around town wearing the winning costume. and one thing about suguru is he doesn’t play to lose, to your dismay. the bright side is that you always get to remind him of the one time he put together something so awful he managed to startle an old woman so badly she fell over, knocking down an entire aisle. he then spent the next thirty minutes apologizing profusely while you failed to hold back you giggles, his eyes sending daggers at you at the same time.
another thing about suguru is that he loves to help you get ready. yes, this man is an absolute gem. he knows how to do hair beautifully, as he’s used to taking care of his, so you let him handle yours very often. he’s very gentle with it, his slender fingers gliding through your locks as he thinks about the style that would fit you the most.
he helps with your makeup too, and takes it very seriously. he’s deeply focused as he doesn’t want to screw it up, his brows are furrowed in concentration and his lips twisted into a little pout as he applies your mascara. of course, you can’t help but avert your eyes. his gaze is always so intense, it just throws you off balance, but he doesn’t let you do so. instead, he takes your chin between two fingers, his tone firm as he tells you to ‘keep your eyes on him’ while he continues to work on your eyelids. oh, and next up are your lips.
kamo choso – pumpkin carving.
pumpkin carving with choso is so domestic. he invites you over because he knows you love manual crafts. you’re not good, granted, but you love it nonetheless. and it’s not just you two! yuuji’s there too, and the three of you first head out to visit the farmer’s market. there, choso tells you how to choose the perfect pumpkin, and you listen to him intently, your gaze soft as he loses himself in details – you don’t want to cut him off and tell him you’ve actually learned all about it before you came, the way he’s so passionate about the subject making your heart jump in your chest. 
he flushes red in embarrassment when he realizes he’s been rambling, asking why you haven’t interrupted his monologue as you shrug, feigning indifference. and yuuji smiles knowingly, snickering because his brother can be so oblivious sometimes.
and once you finally get to it, knives in hand, he can’t help but hover over you, worried that you’ll cut yourself — and he’s right to, really, with the careless way you hold the knife. so he stands behind you, his hand on yours as he guides you, showing you the safe way to proceed and giving you advice on the best way to shape your monster’s features. he chuckles with pride when you look up at him with a happy grin on your lips after you’ve managed to finish a pumpkin without losing a hand and praises you. he’s so supportive it hurts your cheeks from smiling too much, but you don’t tell him you know he’s just being nice, because you might’ve just carved the most horrendous pumpkin ever known to man. 
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fuck-customers · 1 month
I'm sorry this isn't exactly what this blog is for, but I was hoping it could slide. I have something at work that I'd like the opinions of mods and followers, if possible please.
I was wondering if I should ask for/pursue a promotion to store lead, as several people in my life, including friends, family, and a very persistent (annoying) coworker, have been pressuring me to do so. But I have several cons and pros about it. And since all the people in my life are blindly telling me to apply to be a lead, they won't listen to what my concerns are and say that I'm just being stubborn and difficult without listening to why I'm hesitating. So here's why
•it would look good on my resume
•get paid $2 more per hour
•I'd get paid for training. Yay
•it may force me to get better at responsibility, as I'd be in charge of keys and codes
•I'd get slightly more hours per week (more on that below)
•I would get to freely move around the store as I'm doing my tasks vs. being trapped at the register area as I've currently been, which is great for me personally, because I hate being trapped at one station
•I may be able to fix some things around the store that have been driving me nuts as a result of being free to move around (such as changing the godawful music)
•it would probably be a needed confidence booster
•I have several ideas of things we could and should be doing that would greatly improve the store and maybe my manager would actually listen to a lead vs. a regular employee, as she currently refuses to listen to my suggestions (which, for the record, are things like "hey maybe we should put price tags on the products" not only does she refuse to listen, she actively goes out of her way to undo the work I do and tear down price tags/signs)
•store leads ≠ full time and current leads get the same amount of hours that I do, give or take 3 hours or so (for example, this current week I have 9 hours, the lead who has been pressuring me to become a lead has 10 hours, and other leads have between 10-15 hours) I would already be a lead if it was a full-time position, but that will not happen. I'd even consider it if there was a significant increase in hours while still being part-time. 1-3 hours more is not an increase in my opinion
•the store is severely understaffed by design and leads have to do several tasks alone at once, such as: run the service department alone, unlock anything customers need throughout the store, fill online orders, backup the cashier when needed (the only other employee in the store) get yelled at by angry customers who demand a manager and do a daily checklist from the store manager that consists of 20 or so tasks to do in a 3 hour shift.
•store leads have nearly all of the responsibilities of the store manager, except they can't hire or fire anyone and they get paid less than half of what the store manager gets paid while having to do all of the same tasks, minus the fun ones (hiring/firing people)
•there are many signs that the company may shut down in the near future, but the company and my store manager are pretending like everything is fine and refuse to discuss it with employees
•leads are also expected to go to the bank for cash deposits for the store/to get change, etc. and I do not have my own car or license (which is not something I want to mention to my manager, as I'm required to have reliable transportation to work there, I just don't have to specify whose transportation it is) and that is a job requirement of a lead that I straight up cannot do. And the public transport in my city is lackluster and taking the bus to and from the bank would easily be an hour long trip or more, when it takes someone with their own car 15-20 minutes.
•I have a very bad memory and I am not confident that I could remember all of the procedures and passcodes that managers are required to remember. I could technically write it down, but I don't want to draw attention to my terrible memory, as I've been successfully hiding it for years. Nor am I confident that I could be responsible for keys and not lose them. And realistically, I'd lose the book/accidentally delete the notes app I made notes on.
•I've been able to hide it for now, since as a regular employee, I am not watched very closely, but I cut a LOT of corners and there are several store policies that I think are extremely stupid and I either straight up don't follow them or have workarounds for them. Obviously as a lead, I'd have to stop doing that, but some of these policies strongly go against my morals. This is just a whining bulletpoint lol
•I'm not great under pressure, and I'm even worse when someone is yelling/swearing at me or talking down to me. I've seen leads get talked to like they're trash by customers and they have been able to successfully stay calm and collected. In situations where I have been yelled at or talked down to, I call a manager to back me up, but that doesn't work if I am the manager. And I don't mean that I'll cry, because in some situations, that may help. No. I mean that my natural response to stress, especially someone yelling at me, is to fight back. I will cuss them out, yell back and I have been known to physically attack. Not at work, obviously, but that's because up until now, I've been able to push aggressive customers off onto my managers. I've also successfully hidden my anger issues from management and coworkers to the point where they think I am always happy and never get mad. It helps to have someone to back me up/deflect off of, but if I am the backup, no one can defend me.
•There are several things wrong with the store that are completely out of the control of any of us employees at the physical location and are the fault of corporate, but customers blame the employees personally and as a lead, I'd have to answer for the fuckups of corporate that I genuinely cannot answer for. (Such as return policies and inventory inaccuracies)
•My manager is very shitty at communicating with her team. I've personally witnessed several incidents that were caused by her not properly communicating with her leads and I don't want to wind up in a position where I'm responsible for resolving the conflict she caused by not communicating. Also
•I have nearly zero respect for my manager. I think she is an absolute moron, but I've been able to hide it as I don't have to work/interact with her very often. As a lead, I'd have to work with her more and it may slip.
•I don't wear a nametag. I very strongly believe that nametags are a great danger to the employees, especially employees like myself who have a very uncommon name with a very uncommon spelling. Yet as a manager, I'd have to "lead by example" and wear a nametag. I would ideally wear a fake name or have several fake nametags to rotate, but my coworkers obviously know my name and would call it out.
•I'd have to double-check on this one, but I think leads, as members of management, are required to watch potential shoplifters and confront/track them down. I'm not sure if this is a requirement of a lead or if the particular leads at my store are going way beyond their job requirements/have been coached incorrectly by the store manager. I know I, as a regular employee, am not required to chase after thieves and I actively refuse to confront/chase thieves for my own safety. But I am not sure if that would change with becoming a lead. My work does not have a security guard.
•I have several ideas of things we could and should do to improve the store, but my manager is very arrogant and refuses to listen to constructive criticism or constructive feedback in any form. It would drive me insane to have to keep doing things the wrong/difficult way just because she won't listen to suggestions. And this isn't just an assumption by me. I have personally suggested things that she blatantly ignored and so have other leads.
Posted by admin Rodney
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trekmupf · 3 months
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Trapped in a Car With Someone You Don’t Want to Be Trapped in a Car With
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Kirk being torn between his "duties" in the military structure of Starfleet and the duty to his crew / his friends
McCoy waking up and immediately doctoring
The way McCoy sits in the chair; Once again I'm stating the obvious: McCoy is very beautiful in this episode and his winged eyeliner is everything
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We're getting to know Spock better: his problems connecting with the human crew and understanding them (something he learns later on, which is great character development), a new side to his logic, the fact that he's not driven by power (getting command)
Also the fact that the McCoy / Spock dynamic this early on the show is different from later on: the disagreements are less friendly banter and more actual fights, McCoy doesn't know Spock that well (thinking he's interested in power / command is wrong) and they don't work together as well, which is a great way to mark their development in later episodes
there's also a clear separation between Spock and the others, Spock's alone and doesn't have someone to confide in; later on Spock and McCoy are a duo
especially the scene where they're fighting over the funeral service highlights why McCoy, Spock and Kirk work best together and what can happen when one of them isn't around to balance them out
Spock is genuinely so irritated by his logic not working, he's so visibly annoyed several times
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"Strange. Step by step I have made the the correct and logical decisions, and yet two men have died"
Spock's failures as a commander also highlights what makes Kirk such a great captain, as he manages to use logic and command while also balancing the human and empathetic side of it
Spock learning so much and growing during this, technically a great leader but he learns his own limits
Scotty best repair boy, the way he crouches and crawls into spaces to repair the shuttle and then engineer magic!
Also Scotty's attitude in the face of death is so great and telling about him. He realizes first what's going to happen and accepts it calmly, smiles and compliments Spock, having an air of comfort and peace around him
@ Kirk and McCoy in the last scene, how close do you guys need to be to have a conversation?
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Kirk pointing out that Spock's action was based on hope and was therefore human and Spock trying to explain it away as a non emotional and therefore Vulcan action and the others just like him so much while he does so; it's not mean spirited but just lovely and such a great contrast to the tension earlier in the episode
So many of the shots inside the shuttle are accidently funny due to the camera angles they had use because of the tight space
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Direct and straightforward episode set up: We have limited time (medicine needs to be brought to another planet) and the shuttle with two of our main characters gets lost in a phenomenon
Kirks desperation rising during his scenes the longer his crew is lost
great tension by the double plot: the immediate threat on the planet and the time pressure on the ship
I absolutely prefer the original special effects over the CGI remake. Look at how good the shuttle craft looks in comparison – taken from this youtube video which I recommend
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even for Trek the monsters are sort of shit
very minor but I'm annoyed at the uniform inconsistency, its yellow shirts not red shirt dying, the travesty
I know the commissioner is there to remind us of the time frame but his constant repeating starts to be annoying. I'm Kirk, just done with this guy (even though yes, he's right)
everyone but the yellow shirts who die have shit to do and opinions to have except the women who is just scared and doesn't wanna die
Counter: none
Quote "Did I? I may have been mistaken" - Spock "Well, at least I lived long enough to hear that" - McCoy
Moment: When the group sits in the doomed transporter together, knowing they're about to die but they seem collected
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Free Bones because you can see his great make up in this one
Summary: Not quite bottle episode (even though it feels like it) that focusses on Spock and his struggles as a (half-) vulcan working with humans and his disconnect with them using a gripping and tense narrative; Over the course of the episode Spock learns a lot about humans, his connection to them and himself and he and his companions gather more respect for each other Previous Episode - Next Episode - All TOS Reviews
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sluggybunny · 10 days
Smash or pass: Hush Edition
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Gender: Male
Age: 41
Height: 6’2 / 193cm
Neat, tidy, organized. Excellent beauty routines
Very fashionable and artistically minded
Tall and conventionally attractive
Extends his ego to his partner, becomes very protective of them and their image
Big gift giver in exchange for being so emotionally repressed
Hard worker and in upper management despite the popular belief he’s an incompetent hotttie.
Unbelievably vain. His image is everything to him. He checks himself in the mirror several times throughout the day.
He only respects people who are on his level, even not then. Everyone is much too stupid or bland to keep up with him.
Micro manages the shit out of everything. He doesn’t believe anyone else will do it right. Not so much from skill but from a bizarre feeling like the universe it’s self is conspiring to get hip
Nitpicks everything and watches over the shoulders of his employees and comments on their typing.
Sends in hundreds of requests for revisions and ends up picking the first one
Will exploit your weak points without hesitation if it gets him what he needs. Trust him with nothing vulnerable or get your own blackmail material.
Goes ballistic over the even slightest hint of disrespect towards him. Very emotional.
Claims to not be clingy and will openly say he does not do relationships. But he can fall very hard and ramp up a lot of his obsessive and self centered behavior.
Back seat drives like CRAZY. He does this in all aspects of life.
Will offload work onto someone who slighted him and delights as they drown under the weight.
Is snappy and rude to service workers and his own assistant
Will humiliate his employees for small mistakes. Will humiliate his SO but that’s more for sexy purposes.
Absolute snob about everything. Music, fashion, beauty, art, security equipment, his own job.
Never concedes in an argument . Ever. He WILL twist it around somehow.
Was an only child
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dieterziegler159 · 1 year
Discover the true potential of containers with Podman! Uncover the advantages and drawbacks of this lightweight engine in our insightful guide.
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Gain insights into Podman's pros and cons and unlock the true potential of containerization. Make informed decisions for your infrastructure.
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