#protective gavin reed
thirium-drinker · 1 year
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Parting ways and Gavin's regression. This is kinda part of my Apocalypse AU. Gavin has so split with the group at one point, Nines tries to convince him to stay, but we all know how stubborn our favorite detective is.
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gavin-reed-is-gay · 9 months
Nines going feral for Gavin will never get old to me.
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shadowgale96 · 1 year
Shoutout to my brain for creating a nice post revolution dream with Connor working with the DPD officially as an officer and wearing a new baby blue suit jacket with light blue dress pants because he decided he likes the formal attire but doesn't want to wear his Cyberlife jacket anymore.
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noshowscon · 1 month
Nines has an obsession with human life. People are easy to hurt, hard to recover. They are fragile, their bodies always show traces after every wound and once broken will never again be the same. He as an android recovers easily, his body is hard to damage and can be replaced. Losing his physical form doesn't mean losing life for him. It's replaceable. He can get massacred and the next day he will come back like nothing happened. Completely different to people. Once they lose their life, it's forever. Something that can't be replaced. People have only one life. One chance. Yet they usually waste it, they don't care about themselves. One of such people is Gavin Reed who never seemed to care about his life and since Nines doesn't need to care for his, his new mission, assigned by himself, is to protect Gavin Reed's life.
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ersatz-ostrich · 1 month
Baby Fever pt. 2: Baby Fever
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Connor x f!Detective!reader (I guess?)
The baby fever takes hold.
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse and drug (Red Ice) use (happens before the story takes place)
<< pt. 1
read here on ao3
“We could be here for a long time. Are you okay going into the room without your daughter?” The woman nodded, glancing into the corridor where Connor was shifting her daughter in his arms. From what she could tell, he was doing it right, supporting her head and neck and all, but he looked somewhat bewildered, like a fish out of water. It was obvious that he had never held a baby before. “We’ll make sure she’s safe and cared for. In the meantime…” You showed her into the interview room and took a seat at the solitary table. From the other side of the mirror, you knew your fellow officers and detectives were watching, recording the conversation, taking notes, and cross-referencing them with their other notes from the ongoing investigations. “...let’s start from the beginning.”
Outside the interview room, Connor softly rocked the woman’s daughter. His system was running dozens of processes at a time, searching the web, employing executables, trying to figure out this new feeling of holding a tiny human in his arms. 
“Tin-can! What the hell are you—” Gavin, passing on his way to one of the holding cells, stopped dead in his tracks. “Is that a baby?!” 
“Yes, Detective,” Connor replied placidly. 
“Did you learn to procreate or something? Where’d you snatch it from?”
“ She is the daughter of Detective L/N’s interviewee.” Connor cast a sidelong glance at the detective. “Until they are finished, I will be caring for the infant.” Gavin made a face.
“Geez, if only Miller were here. He’d know what to do with the kid,” Gavin remarked. “Say, does Collins have any kids?” 
“Hey, what’s going on with you two?” Hank appeared in the corridor, a mug of coffee in his hand.
“Get your alcoholic ass outta here, Anderson. It’s bad for the baby!” Gavin gestured at Connor and the infant. 
“First of all, Reed, I’ve been sober for months now. Second of all, you wouldn’t know how to care for the little one even if someone shoved a baby book up your—” The lieutenant stopped himself and dragged a palm down his face, groaning. “It’s been a while since I’ve taken care of a little kid.” His eyes softened as he approached Connor and the baby. “Well, at least you’re doin’ something right with the way you’re holding ‘em. Have they been fed? Changed?”
“Maybe the baby’s better off at the children’s hospital,” Gavin suggested.
“Her mother explicitly stated that she would prefer not to be separated from her child,” Connor replied. “She is about six months old. Her mother said she fed her some formula this morning. However, according to growth charts for her age, she seems to be somewhat underweight.” 
“Hmm. She and mom must’ve had it rough.” Hank mused. “Tell you what, just keep her engaged. Make sure she’s comfortable.”
“Got it,” Connor nodded dutifully to his partner in the Android Crimes Division. As Hank moved to return to his desk, Connor felt the baby begin to squirm and fuss in his arms. 
“Uh-oh,” Said Gavin, backing away.
“Lieutenant, what’s going on?” Connor asked, panicking slightly as the baby continued to wiggle. He extended his arms slightly, as if to pass off the baby to Hank.
“She’s probably been swaddled like that all day. Let her down, let her crawl and play with her a little. Just,” Hank jabbed a finger at Connor. “Make sure she doesn’t get hurt. Keep her away from the choking hazards and anything that could fall on her.”
“Got it,” Connor repeated, unswaddling the baby from under the thick blankets her mother had wrapped her in to protect her from the elements. Underneath the baby wore a soft but too-big white and pink onesie. Hank sighed and went on his way, Gavin trailing behind him and casting a few glances back at Connor and the baby, who was now exploring the floor of the hallway.
“I’m too old for this,” Connor heard Hank mutter. “Don’t miss it at all.”
“Yeah, right, old man,” Gavin retorted.
Connor returned his attention to the child. Blinking, he revisited the information box in his HUD.
“Alexis,” He said tentatively. He knelt on the ground, observing the child crawl unsteadily. The baby made a garbled sound that sounded something akin to “Ba?” 
Connor questioned the functionality of his auditory sensors. When the infant repeated the sound, he questioned the functionality of his thirium pump.  
“I’m not your father,” He replied gently. “Your mother will be back soon.” Connor sat down cross-legged on the floor, holding his hands out to baby Alexis as she crawled towards him. “Your mother must have named you. She chose a beautiful name.” Alexis made her way towards Connor’s outstretched hand and tried to grab it. He helped her latch her tiny little hands—so soft!—onto his artificial ones. 
“Oh—! Oh!” Connor exclaimed. “There you go!” He gently lifted Alexis to her full height, watching her try to find purchase on her stubby, socked feet. Little Alexis squealed, stumbling a little while Connor tried to support her. Connor found himself grinning with delight at the sight of the baby standing shakily before him. This feeling was new to his software—he had never felt such a bright, warm emotion before, not even when he had first met you, or when he had first become deviant. Perhaps this was why humans valued parenthood so much—or at least, some people did.
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure approach him and gasp.
“A baby!” It was Officer Chen, rushing to fawn over Connor and the infant. “Oh my God! Connor, where did you—Collins, you gotta come see this!” Connor heard footsteps in the hallway behind him, but he kept his attention on Alexis. 
“Chen, what the—” Collins watched in disbelief as Connor helped Alexis stand. 
“Aren’t they so cute?” Tina gushed. “I wish I had my phone on me. This is adorable!”
“She is cute,” Connor admitted. He let go of the giggling child’s hands momentarily to scoop her up, hands under her armpits, hoisting her into the air. Kicking her feet, the girl’s squeal attracted more curious officers, who began to cluster around Connor and the cooing six-month-old. 
Meanwhile, you listened intently to Alexis’s mother, Samantha, as she recounted the past six months to you.
“I gave birth to Alexis alone,” Samantha began. “At Henry Ford. My husband was coming home later than ever. I couldn’t reach him on the phone. He wasn’t there when I went into labor, so I called an automated taxi with what little money I had.
When I returned home with Alexis, he was still out. When he finally came back, I could tell he was still coming off of a high. But then…” Samantha lowered her gaze. “I noticed he had wads of cash in his pockets. He had it in brown lunch bags, plastic baggies…money from his deals. 
I kept Alexis far, far away from him in those times. I doubt he even registered that she’d been born in those first few days; he was always high. So, when he was really out of it, really dissociating, I started taking some of the money from his deals. 
After a few weeks, he started to notice. He got more careful in counting the money he made. He started suspecting me, threatening to hurt me or the baby. He’d never hurt me before, but losing his job and taking up Red Ice really…transformed him. Not long after he started threatening me, I found a gun…” Samantha started sniffling. You reached out a hand to gingerly comfort her, massaging her trembling shoulder.
“It’s okay,” You soothed. “Take your time.”
“I found a gun in the TV console,” Samantha shook her head. “That’s when I knew I had to get out. But I didn’t have enough money to pay for a place to stay. I tried, I really did, to stall as long as I could. Maybe steal an extra ten dollars or so. But he chased us out. Threatened me with that gun. And here I am.” 
“I’m so sorry, Samantha. You and your daughter deserve someplace safe and secure.” She held your hand in a tight grasp as she wept quietly. “Did you know where he was going when he left the house? Who was he with?”
“All those nights, I don’t know where he went off to,” Samantha answered, shaking her head yet again. “But…people kept calling him. Unsaved contacts. I caught some of the voicemails, from people talking about someone called Nate…”
“Nate…” Could it be? “Nathan Lance?” 
“Who’s that?”
“A prominent drug dealer, with control over almost forty percent of the Red Ice going in and out of Detroit. I’ve been on his trail for weeks.” You stood up. “Do you have any idea where your husband could be right now?” 
“He’s probably gone off to get high somewhere,” Samantha answered. “I’m sorry. He could be anywhere.” 
“We’re going to find your husband, Samantha, and take him in. If we can get through to him, we can get to Lance. With your testimony and any evidence we gather, we could press several charges against him. Illegal possession of a weapon and illicit drugs, threats of bodily harm, the like.” You squeezed Samantha’s hand. “He won’t ever lay a finger on you or your daughter if I can help it.”
“Thank you,” Tears welled in Samantha’s tired eyes. “This means everything to me.” She stood from her seat and made her way around the table to embrace you. You smiled sentimentally, returning the hug. 
“You’re a strong woman, Samantha.” You said. “I truly wish for the best for you and your daughter.”
When you stepped out of the interview room, you caught sight of Samantha’s daughter gumming contentedly on a plain rice cake taken from somebody’s snack stash. Someone had also brought a small stuffed leopard from their desk for her to play with. Your eyes lit up when you saw Connor watching the baby gnaw on the puck of puffed rice with a look on his face you’d never seen before.
“She’s cute, isn’t she?” Connor smiled warmly up at you. “Hank left to get some unsweetened applesauce for her.” 
“Looks like she’s having fun,” You replied. 
“I’m so glad,” Samantha sighed. She lowered herself to the ground and wrapped her arms around her infant daughter, running a gentle hand over Alexis’s barely-there hair. “Thank you for taking care of her, Connor.” Alexis giggled. 
“Looks like she likes you,” You remarked, grinning at Connor. You offered your finger to Alexis, like her mother had earlier, and Alexis nearly dropped the rice cake. Connor quickly caught it, leaving the baby to play with you. 
“The baby fever’s spread like wildfire, eh?” Hank emerged from the bullpen with a six-pack of baby applesauce and some papers.
“Who can help it?” You replied. “Alex is such a little angel.” Hank rolled his eyes.
“By the way, Connor, Ben gave me the list you asked for. Women’s shelters around the city, willing to accept Samantha and Alexis for a time.” Hank handed him the list, which Connor leafed through before handing to Samantha.
“Wonderful. You and Alexis should have a safe place to stay until you can support yourselves again,” He addressed the mother as she flipped through the packet. 
Finally letting go of little Alexis’s hand, you stood up and adjusted your clothes. 
“Once the paperwork’s done with, Connor and I can take you to whichever place works best for you,” You offered. Samantha stood as well, scooping Alexis up in her arms. 
“I would like that very much,” She replied. “Thank you.”
“Of course.”
Late that night, you unlocked the door to your apartment. You hung up your jacket, kicked off your shoes, and tossed your bag onto your couch. You flopped onto the cushions with a sigh. Connor followed you in, depositing his own belongings and taking his spot next to you on the couch. 
“So…” You mumbled, resting your head on his shoulder as you felt your tired body melt into the cushions. “...the baby.”
“She was cute,” Connor replied. 
“Oh, yeah?” You teased. “I bet you’re thinking of getting your own baby, huh?” You didn’t miss the slight tint that colored Connor’s cheeks.
“Unfortunately, that can’t happen for you and I.”
“Yeah. Not unless we get one of those YB model prototypes Cyberlife was working on before the revolution.” That had been a weird case for the Android Crimes Division—investigating the project Cyberlife had put on hold when deviancy exploded across the country. 
“Y/N, you know that wouldn’t be the same.”
“Well, there are other options.” You shuffled closer to Connor, who took you into his arms and rested his chin on your head. “Adoption, maybe.”
“Maybe.” You leaned on Connor’s chest, savoring the reverberations of his soft chuckle. 
“Baby fever got you good, huh?” You grinned up at him.
“I may be an android, but it appears I am not immune to this ‘baby fever’.”
I wrote this all in one go in the middle of the night, because that's how I function sometimes (: it was NOT supposed to include mentions of domestic abuse or Red Ice when I first started brainstorming I SWEAR anyways hope you enjoyed! x
Let me know if you want to be part of my general, Connor, or Detroit taglists!
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dochkarauta · 2 months
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au: formula 1 drivers as characters in the game detroit: become human "the day will come when we will no longer be slaves. the end of threats. the end of humiliation. and we will be the masters" p.s. thanks for the likes and replies Max Verstappen - RK200 (Marcus) "I don't know about you, but I have confidence inside that I am more than just a machine. I'm alive, and they won't take that away from me! The days of our slavery are over. People don't want to listen? And we will tell them"
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Charles Leclerc - RK800 (Conor) "I am an android sent from Cyber Life. My appearance and voice were specially designed for harmonious integration with people."
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George Russell — AX400 (Kara) "His father was beating him, and when I saw it, something broke inside me. For some reason, his life suddenly became more important than mine. I wanted to protect him, and we ran away."
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Alex Albon - YK500 (Alice) "Fairy tales always end well, but in truth it's not like that"
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Fernando Alonso — Hank Anderson "I don't need any help. And even more so from a plastic mannequin. So be a good robot and get out of here."
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Checo Perez — Sumo "Sumo! Fas it! Fas..."
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Nico Hulkenberg — Carl Manfred "The day will come when I won't be around. I'll have to defend myself. Make your own choice. The world doesn't like people who aren't like everyone else, Max. Don't let anyone tell you who you are."
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Lando Norris - WR400 (North) "People know one language - violence. If you don't want to fight for freedom, maybe you don't deserve it."
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Daniel Ricciardo — PL600 (Simon) "There is always a choice. We forget who our enemy is. We can't fight."
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Carlos Sainz — PJ500 (Josh) "If we get caught, we're finished! Confrontation is a dead end. Violence will not achieve anything"
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Lewis Hamilton — Elijah Kamski "By the way, I always leave loopholes in my programs. Just in case"
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Esteban Ocon — Gavin Reed "You can always break in a little. Moreover, this is not a human."
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Logan Sargeant - PL600 (Daniel) "I thought I was native to them. That I'm important to them. But I was a toy that you can throw away when you get tired of it!"
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Oscar Piastri - RK900 (Richard) "This is a new model. He's faster, stronger, more resilient. And equipped with the latest technology"
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the end!
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scotianostra · 18 days
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On September 7th 1969 the Scottish naturalist and author Gavin Maxwell passed away.
Maxwell was educated at Stowe School and the University of Oxford, then became a freelance journalist, though ornithology remained his special interest. He served with the Scots Guard in World War II.
In 1945 he bought the island of Soay and described in Harpoon at a Venture he had an unsuccessful attempt to establish a shark fishery there.
Two of his most popular books were the best-selling Ring of Bright Water and the sequel The Rocks Remain about his life with two pet otters in his seaboard cottage in the west Highlands
Maxwell’s prolonged stay in Sicily resulted in two books, God Protect Me from My Friends , about the bandit Salvatore Giuliano, and The Pains of Death, on the poverty-stricken lives of the islanders. A Reed Shaken by the Wind is an account of his travels among the marsh dwellers of southern Iraq.
I return to Ring of Brightwater as this is no doubt the book, and film that you will most remember Gavin Maxwell for, a stone plaque there now marks the grave of Edal, the otter who died in the fire that also destroyed Maxwell's house. Cut into the stone is one of his most-quoted edicts: "Whatever joy she gave to you, give back to Nature."
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weltato · 2 months
Rating: Teen and Up Warnings: None Category: Gen
Relationships: Hank Anderson & Connor, Connor & Upgraded Connor | RK900, Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed, Connor & Sumo (Detroit: Become Human), Amanda & Connor (Detroit: Become Human)
Characters: Connor (Detroit: Become Human), Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Upgraded Connor | RK900, Hank Anderson, Gavin Reed, Sumo (Detroit: Become Human)
Additional Tags: Other Characters Are Mentioned, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Panic, Anxiety, Upgraded Connor | RK900 is Called Nines, Post-Pacifist Best Ending (Detroit: Become Human), Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Has PTSD, Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Has Panic Attacks, Connor (Detroit: Become Human) Has Feelings, Upgraded Connor | RK900 Has Feelings, Post-Octopunk Media's Detroit: Evolution Fan Film, (i use the "i hate you/you love me" thing bc i think it's cute), android interfacing, or whatever their connection thing is called, Amanda (Detroit: Become Human) Being an Asshole, Bad Parent Amanda (Detroit: Become Human), Zalgo Text Used, Snow, Blizzards & Snowstorms, Zen Garden (Detroit: Become Human), Minor Original Character(s), Inspired by EPIC: The Musical - Jorge Rivera-Herrans, Song: Scylla (EPIC: The Musical), Songfic, Hank Anderson Swears, Good Parent Hank Anderson, Hank Anderson & Connor Parent-Child Relationship, Protective Hank Anderson, Hank Anderson and Connor Live Together, Upgraded Connor | RK900 and Gavin Reed are Police Partners, Good Dog Sumo (Detroit: Become Human)
Chapters: 1/1 Words: 3,957
Connor starts getting glitches in his system but can't find the source. The source ends up finding him instead.
-*- OR: Connor has a final confrontation with Amanda.
I listened to Scylla, got inspired, wrote DBH fic :D
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sweeteatercat · 3 months
(That's me!!)
𝟚𝟝+ | 𝔻𝔹ℍ 💙 | ℂ𝕒𝕥𝕤 🐱 | 𝔾𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕤 🎮 | 𝕊𝕟𝕒𝕔𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 🍬 | 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 ☆ ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 ☆ 𝔻𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 | 𝕄𝕪 𝔸𝟘𝟛 🩵
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My Detroit: Become Human Fics ⬇️
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ᴍɪssɪᴏɴ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪsʜᴇᴅ | Mature | Smut |
ᴀ ʟɪᴠɪɴɢ ʙᴇɪɴɢ | General | Fluff&Angst |
ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ | Teen | Idiots in Love |
ʟᴏsᴛ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇs | Teen | False Memories |
ᴘᴀʏʙᴀᴄᴋ | Mature | Blood and Violence |
ᴄᴏɴɴᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ʏᴏᴜ | Explicit | Smut | First Time |
ʙɪᴏᴄᴏᴍᴘᴏɴᴇɴᴛ #8456ᴡ | Explicit | Smut | Character Death |
ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ | Mature | Violence | Mafia/Crime |
ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ɢᴏɴᴇ | Explicit | Rape/Non-Con | Human AU |
sᴏᴍᴇᴅᴀʏ | General | Sumo dies | Matter of Life&Death |
ʙᴇᴀᴜᴛɪғᴜʟ ʙʀɪɢʜᴛ ʙʟᴜᴇ | Teen | Piercing Artist AU |
ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀᴠᴇɴ ᴀɴᴅ ʜᴇʟʟ | Explicit | Smut | Piercing Artist AU |
ʙᴜʀɪᴇᴅ ᴀʟɪᴠᴇ | Explicit | Smut | Medieval / Knight & Royalty |
ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ᴍʏ ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ | General | Connor's B-Day | Emotion | Fluff |
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ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ | Mature | Hangover | Drunk Kissing |
sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴛᴀsᴛᴇ | General | Short& Sweet |
ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇsᴛ ɢɪғᴛ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏs ᴄᴀᴍᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅ | Explicit | Smut | Gavin's Birthday |
ɪ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴍᴇ | Explicit | Smut | Christmas Party |
ʙᴀᴅ ᴅᴀʏ | Teen | Idiots in Love |
ᴅᴇᴄɪᴅᴇ - ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴏɪᴄᴇ ɪs ʏᴏᴜʀs | Mature | Character Death | Sad Ending |
ᴀ ʜᴀɴᴅ ғᴜʟʟ ᴏғ ʟɪғᴇ | General | Fluff&Humor | Cats |
ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴄᴇᴀɴ | Explicit | Mer AU |
ᴇᴍᴏᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ᴄʀɪsɪs| General | Fluff | Cats | Family |
ʙᴇғᴏʀᴇ, ᴀғᴛᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴡ | Explicit | Suicide Attempt |
ғʟᴏᴡᴇʀs | General | Language of Flowers | Fluff |
sᴛʀᴀʏ | General | Fluff and Humor | AU Cats |
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ʀᴀᴡ ᴅᴇsɪʀᴇ | Explicit | Rough Sex | Cannibalistic Thoughts |
ᴠᴇʀʏ ғɪʀsᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ | General | Fluff | Romantic |
ғʀᴏᴢᴇɴ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ | General | Emotional Hurt/Comfort
ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇʟʏ ᴘʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ | Explicit | Smut | Topping from the Bottom |
ᴅᴀʀᴋ ʀᴏᴏᴍ | Explicit | Smut | Dark Room |
ʙᴀᴅ ʟɪᴀʀ | Explicit | Vaginal Sex | Smut |
ʙʟᴜᴇ ᴄʟᴏᴜᴅ | Explicit | Character Death | Violence |
ɪʀʀɪᴛᴀᴛɪɴɢ sʏᴍᴘᴛᴏᴍs | Teen | Hurt/Comfort | Bare Chassis |
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ᴡᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʟᴜʙ | Teen | Angst and Hurt/Comfort | Pre-Relationship |
ᴀ ɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴀʟ ᴛʜɪɴɢ | Teen | Pre-Relationship | Emotional Hurt&Comfort |
ᴛᴏᴏ ʟᴀᴛᴇ | General | First Kiss | Pre-Relationship |
sᴏғᴛ sᴘᴏᴛ | Teen | First Date | Emotional Hurt/Comfort |
ᴡᴀʀᴍ sᴘᴏᴛ | Teen | Kissing | Idiots in Love |
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ᴏɴᴇ ʟᴀsᴛ ᴍɪssɪᴏɴ | Mature | Character Death | Bad Ending |
sᴀғᴇ sᴘᴀᴄᴇ | Mature | Sex | Interfacing |
ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ sᴘᴀʀᴋ | Teen | First Kiss | Protective Markus |
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ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀ sᴄʀᴀᴛᴄʜ | Mature | Feelings | Secret Crush |
ʙʀᴜɪsᴇs | Explicit | Smut | Emotional Hurt&Comfort |
Other ships
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ᴛʜᴏsᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛᴍᴀʀᴇs Luther/Kara | Teen | Nightmares | Hurt&Comfort |
ᴀɴɢᴇʟs ᴏғ ʟɪғᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ Connor/Sixty | Teen | AU Wings |Character Death |
ɴɪɢʜᴛ sʜɪғᴛ Chris Miller/Sixty | General | Fluff and Angst |
ʙᴜʟʟᴇᴛᴘʀᴏᴏғ Allen/Sixty | Explicit | Smut | Semi-Public Sex | Kissing |
ᴀ ᴅᴏᴜʙʟᴇ, xxʟ ᴄᴀʀᴀᴍᴇʟ ᴍᴀᴄᴄʜɪᴀᴛᴏ. ᴛʜɪʀɪᴜᴍ-ʙᴀsᴇᴅ  Tina/North | General | Love at First Sight | Coffee Shop |
ʜᴇᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ɢʟᴀss Fowler/RK900 | Teen | First Kiss | Soft Nines |
No ships (not really)
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ᴛʜᴇ sᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀ | Mature | Character Death | Suicide Attempt |
sᴄᴀʀs | Mature | Child Abuse | Kid Gavin Reed |
ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴀᴢʏ, ᴇᴀsʏɢᴏɪɴɢ ʟɪғᴇ ᴏғ ᴀ ᴘᴜᴘᴘʏ | General | Sumo! | Puppy Love |
ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴀ ᴍᴀᴄʜɪɴᴇ | Explicit | Character Death | Violence | Sixty |
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ao3feed-gav900 · 4 months
Lito Perezito's Reed900 (Tetralogy)
https://ift.tt/hEFIkAw by LitoPerezito First Comic of my Reed900 Tetralogy. After the Good Ending of Detroit Become Human, Gavin Reed is assigned a new partner (RK900) whom he will be forced to work with, despite Reed not being fond of his new partner's look. Their first case? Finding out what Gavin did the night before, after he wakes up the next morning with no memories of what he happened, but more importantly, with his service weapon gone. Words: 4, Chapters: 2/4, Language: English Fandoms: Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: M/M Characters: Gavin Reed, Upgraded Connor | RK900, Hank Anderson Relationships: Upgraded Connor | RK900/Gavin Reed Additional Tags: webcomic, Enemies to Lovers, Sexual Tension, gavin reed is gay, first comic of a tetralogy, Gavin Reed Being an Asshole, Gavin Reed Redemption, Gavin Reed Being Less of an Asshole, Hurt Gavin Reed, Gavin Reed-centric, Upgraded Connor | RK900 Has a Different Name, Protective Upgraded Connor | RK900, Soft Upgraded Connor | RK900, gavin reed is a cat and dog person, Gavin Reed has a dog
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8-rae-rae-8 · 7 months
Regress, Reblog, Regret, Reward.
Read On AO3
Gavin Reed runs a blog for his mental health, specifically his age regression. A certain RK900 finds it.
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Gavin never wanted a caregiver of any sort, the most self sufficient he’d ever felt was when he was regressing. The lack of worries over work, not having to share a space… He happily, and easily, took care of himself. He found it to be his main coping strategy once he learned everything that could be learned about it, influence from an old therapist sealed the deal. One coping mechanism he found that worked consistently. 
As common as ‘tantrums’ were with him, they successfully got out all the negatives and left him feeling better. Crying, kicking, shouting.. It worked and it didn’t hurt the ones he was close to, or used to be close to. He had his moments still, of course. But his coworkers didn’t get the brute of it. The less disciplinary files he had the better. It all worked in his favor.
Over the years, he had started a blog on a site he had already regularly used. Something centered around his regression specifically. Not knowing anyone who coped in the same way, he was determined to find others and settle into a nice community. It took more time than he’d like to admit to block as many NSFW tags and accounts as he could, and blocking more as they popped up. He was cautious. More times than not, he’d scroll his phone on the age regression tags while he was regressing. Just to get that feeling of togetherness in the times he was completely alone, which was a lot of the time. He knew he shouldn’t, really, because of his fragile state of mind and the possibility of coming across triggering content. But aside from shows, toys, and a few games, he didn’t have much.
He was fine being alone, though, even if it picked at him sometimes. That bit of loneliness could sting like a motherfucker on hard nights. Nights were he would debate between a pacifier, a calm show, and smoking some weed for a break from the weight he carried on his shoulders. Sometimes he’d do all three to alleviate the stress for even a few minutes. The weed helped loosen him up most times, but if he had more than his usual, he’d get paranoid. Checking windows, seeing things from the corner of his eyes. Usually he would catch on before it got bad, other times he would sit in an anxious haze, then go get his pacifier and lay in a lit room with his stuffed animal that he had deemed his protector. A teddy with a gold crown, a shield and a sword. Something an old friend got him from build-a-bear. Someone he had trusted deeply, then broke that trust. Even still, he loved that plush. 
The blogged helped that sort of loneliness. With the asks he received, the replies and other interactions let him breathe in a sense of belonging that he thought he had lost many years ago. He grew close with a few of the people on there, the ones he interacted with most. They had a small group of mutuals. As he had learned more, he was very happily accepted into being a little sort of sibling group with them. It was as close as he’d gotten to a family again in a long while. And as he grew a bit more popular, he got comfortable messaging with people he didn’t quite know. But he never messaged or posted while regressed, a rule that was mostly to protect himself.
Those sessions of interacting with followers became more often the more relaxed he got on the site. He, of course, refused to show his face or name whatsoever. He posted under the name ‘little-forest-cub’, with nothing to allude to his job, name or location. But it was inspired by one of his favorite nicknames when small. He’s just a little bear, a small cub. Sometimes people questioned if he was a pet regressor as well with all the bear themed things, and would usually respond with a simple ‘i don’t know’ when he knew he probably did. 
Never once did he tell anyone about any of this at work, the only person that hardly knew barely showed up anymore, even with the addition of the plastic prick- Connor, though he had noticed the difference he had made. It was important that they didn’t know. He was always thankful that the account was under a different email than the ones he would use for work or casual, normal day-to-day things. He had done everything in his power to keep everything separate. 
Never once did he mention it or bring it up at work, nor did he check his account there either.
But one morning, an day he had off work more specifically, he checked his inbox to find a follow notification that made his stomach drop. A new message alongside that. 
The face of his new-ish partner at work. An even worse version of Connor that really got him stirring. He almost made it impossible for him to keep working on his problems of anger issues and still feeling that ‘anti-android’ sentiments. Gavin still swore up and down that the detective models were going to take his job. Out-preform him and render him useless. And as much as RK800 told him, and the other coworkers that the RK900 came to work there already deviant, Gavin still didn’t want to believe that they had feelings and felt them on the same, if not higher, levels. It took a lot of time to get him to warm up to him, but at the very least, he called the android his name and the proper chosen pronouns. 
The newer model was donned himself ‘Nines’, which Gavin had called stupid in a childish fit of annoyance. In no world was it necessary for him to hate the android as much as he did. That hatred faded ever so slightly over time as they were forced to work together. He argued every step of the way, until it hit about the third week. He had gotten injured and the RK900 helped him all the way to safety and waited with him for an ambulance. In that time, he realized that maybe Nines didn’t want to replace him. Because in his mind, he would have let him bleed out if he wanted him gone. But he didn’t do that. Then he realized that he must be doing a little better with his therapies if he isn’t jumping to the worst conclusion ever. 
Nines didn’t seem as bad from that point, he even let the android fight back with him instead of storming out whenever something went wrong or he got pissed off. Sure, the comments could be horrible, but he would feel himself smirk a little when he got a response. A reaction of any kind rather than some dull, stupid look like he usually did after he got pissed. The android stopped feeling like such a threat, with lingering suspicion still, but the subtle shift in Nines’ steel gray eyes to something that felt more human let him put his guard down just a little.
But the follower notice and the message brought a sick feeling back to his mouth. The trust gained immediately felt like it went down the drain. That stupid robot face felt like it was mocking him as he stared at it. How did he find it? Of course the fucking android would, right? The bastard saw everything, he could even see his heart rate, caffeine consumption levels, or stress levels, just by looking at him. Oh how Gavin hated it. 
Of course this is how his off day goes. The one day this week that he was even able to take off, Fowler constantly bitched about how he was on the clock overtime and the higher ups didn’t want to pay him for that, but wouldn’t give him a solid day off. And now he needed to go in to find Nines and throttle him- 
No. He’s supposed to be working on that. He’s supposed to be trying to be civil. It was only just getting better and the android just had to go and fuck it up. If he had just kept to himself.
Gavin’s teeth clenched harder and harder as he hesitated to open the message, until a sharp pain shocked him into releasing that tension. That plastic prick. He wanted to get rid of the evidence, maybe just delete the whole account. If Nines had no proof, he could deny it, right? Wrong. He hated that stupid detective programming in Nines’ hardware, he could tell if Gavin was lying. 
He forced his hand to the screen, pressing the notification and daring to skim the message. Not a word got rid of the sick taste in his mouth. It felt uniquely Nines, dull, characterless, and straight to the damn point.
It read:
“Good morning, I came across your account and I wanted to talk to you about this today. Can we meet at the station at 3pm today?”
Clearly not a care in the damn world from the android, and not a doubt it was Gavin either. As a detective, he should have known that he should have made the account as untraceable as possible, but he didn’t. Something he was deeply regretting now. Bile rose in his throat as he began to think. His one safe space could be so easily ripped away from him. And it was being taken, pried from his hands.
He desperately wanted to just ignore the message, let it rot in his inbox and try to forget. It wasn’t a feasible choice when Nines would undoubtedly stare him down every day until they spoke. So, on his day off, he pulled himself out of bed and went for a cold shower first thing. He waited to reply, just to be the most inconvenient as he possibly could be. 
And when he did reply, he simply sent a thumbs up emoji and blocked the account Nines had used. For now, he couldn’t let the android stay on his page where he wasn’t welcomed. 
Minutes were spent pacing. The last time anyone knew, they abused Gavin’s blind trust. They made his regression impure for months at a time before he seeked help from his therapist, then his community. He couldn’t help but wonder how much Nines had known, how much he had seen. It only made sense he would have looked as far back as he could, he was programmed to learn. That didn’t just disappear when he deviated. 
His comfort jacket was left at home without a second thought, all of his comforting things were left behind. He couldn’t bring it along. He especially couldn’t bring his bag, more of a satchel kind of thing. It held everything he could possibly need. It had what he called his ‘panic paci’, a small sensory square what made crinkle sounds and was nice to touch, a small pack of tissues, and a thin, childish water bottle. A bag with things he kept for ‘just in case’ scenarios. But he had to risk not bringing it to be at least able to get Nines off his back.
He could almost hear the android’s reasons for concern now as he walked out of his apartment. It all made his stomach twist in knots with all the possibilities. Maybe he didn’t look it, but he felt pale. Clammy hands, racing heart, cold sweat, skin cold to the touch. It was almost nauseating how this got under his skin. His stupid coworker with his ridiculously smart fake brain he could so easily blow out. There would be no replacement with Cyblerlife mostly down and not making new androids. And as much as he hated his blue guts, he shook off those thoughts. If he even tried to speak like that with his therapist, they would ask things that always felt dumb to Gavin, ‘think about where he’s coming from’ or ‘listen before you decide how you feel’. Oh how it pissed him off even more, but.. His progress. He found it mattering more in his decision making because his therapist made gave him a reward system. Something a parent or a teacher would give a troublesome child. It bothered him just as it much as it helped, really.
The drive up to the station wasn’t much easier. The automatic taxi he took only forced him to think more about the android he had to talk to. Had to. It would risk his job if he didn’t. As he thought, he repeated that in his head. It would risk his job if he didn’t talk to Nines. That bastard would try to get him under investigation if he didn’t meet with him, Gavin was sure. He would try to replace him, just as he thought. 
He was hot headed as he pulled up, a strong dizziness to match. No food, no coffee, nothing to prepare himself even after being awake so long. His eye bags were heavy, eyes sore. The more he forced himself, the more strain he put on his brain. Of course a headache was brewing the moment he stepped inside and that cold office air was directly on his cold face. 
“Detective Reed.” The RK900 greeted him at their desks as if this was just another day, as if Gavin didn’t look like hell reincarnated. Steely cold eyes followed his every movement and no fear in them when Gavin dared to step up to him.
He wanted nothing more than to pull him into a nasty brawl, a bar fight times ten. 
“You fucking bastard.” Gavin decided to start with. He didn’t bother with greetings, nor did he especially care about if the android was being helpful. The words his therapist would say lingered, but he didn’t want to listen when the plastic prick was right in front of him. 
“Detective, be civil. We just need to talk.” Nines spoke, just as calm and calculated as always. Cold, too. 
“Don’t give me bullshit, you know what you’re doing.” He lowered his voice, hands going to shove the android back by his shoulders against the glass divider that separated the hall and the bullpen. Gavin held a permanent scowl on his face. 
The android hardly reacted while keeping a stare down at the detective. “Gavin, I’m not doing anything. I wanted to discuss your safety, and perhaps some of your history.” 
His safety? His history? Oh hell no. 
“You’re gonna fucking replace me, that it? You want me to spill shit, try and get me feeling soft so you get get me out.” Gavin pressed Nines back, keeping him against the glass with pure anger in his eyes. How could he not be pissed? He snapped with easy conviction. 
“Detective, with your behavior, maybe you need it.” 
Oh he was going to get it. 
Right in the bullpen, Gavin pressed his forearm against the android’s throat and pinned him back against that glass divider. It would be easy for Nines to overpower him. This was a power trip, in a way. A reaction to a trigger. Even though he could fight back this time, he let Gavin have his time.
“I don’t need shit. I have what I need, and you fucking invaded that space. Shut up!” Gavin growled at him, brows pulled into a scrunch that burned at the surrounding skin. 
He let Gavin have his outburst.
Profanities and threats were scowled at him until Gavin couldn’t hold him up there anymore. When he did let go, he pushed his head back against the glass too. Not enough to break anything, not even skin, but to get his point across.
He patiently waited. And waited.
When Gavin was out of breath and finally sitting, Nines looked down at him with some horrible mix of concern and annoyance.
“That’s enough of that tantrum, detective.” He spoke, and that anger flared up again. Gavin’s fists bunched up in his lap. It was a play, he was sure. But then a hand was rested on his shoulder.
“I’m not reporting you, nor am I replacing you.” 
Gavin wanted to call bullshit. Why else would the android have even bothered to find his safe space, and intrude in it, then ask to talk at their workplace of all spaces? His mouth opened to speak.
“Ah.” Nines tsked. “I wanted to talk to you, both because I found the blog and I wanted to know if that was contributing to your new.. behavior.” 
This prick talking to him like he was a child was more enraging than anything else. His behavior… BS. He hadn’t changed outside of a bit of a lighter perspective.
“You don’t get to comment on anything, asshole. You’re the motherfucker getting in my shit then fucking me over.” Gavin sat up straighter into Nines’ space. He remained deflective, accusatory. He needed to. 
“Well, I’m commenting anyway. You’re more lax, you have gotten more sleep, you have consumed much less caffeine, you aren’t snapping as much. Your last unprovoked fight was weeks ago.” It felt like utter lies to hear. He didn’t change that much, did he? 
Tina had commented that she saw him actually smiling at something other than an animal video the week before. He had let Hank talk to him once too. He kept composed in one meeting with Fowler. And he hadn’t had to buy a new coffee grind that week either.
Was he that different?
“I don’t want your fake empathy your plastic brain thinks it has. Nothing is different.” Gavin deflected, again. He didn’t think anything was much different at all, or maybe he was just lying to get away. 
The android seemed truly a bit disheartened by that, a small pang of guilt went through Gavin’s system.
“Gavin.” Nines was much more firm. “I’m not the bad guy here. You’re stressing yourself out. Your heart rate is high and you’re tense. Stay here, I’m going to get you water.” 
And for some reason, Gavin stayed in his seat. Stirring in his anger, but it turning more to annoyance and exhaustion. 
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hrefna-the-raven · 10 months
Masterlist - DBH masterlist
Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9
Words: 1979
Warnings: drunkenness, self mutilation (involuntarily), self hate, kind of smut (18+)
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Chapter 10 - Broken
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Gavin shoved his phone to the edge of his desk and pinched the bridge of his nose. Damn it, why did she have to be chosen for an undercover mission with that despicable captain? Why didn't Fowler pick him for this operation? He was fully capable of pretending to be someone else in order to gather the necessary information. After all, he was always playing a role in some way or another, he even did with her for a long time. To be completely honest, not much had changed in that regard. Revealing his true emotions felt like being locked up in a cage with a hungry tiger, and he certainly wasn't the predator in this metaphor. That blasted captain would seize every opportunity to get closer to her – he had to, otherwise he wouldn't have specifically requested her. She was skilled, but she couldn't have been the only competent agent in the Bureau, worst case he could have gotten that jerk Perkins and played lovey-dovey with him to fool the manager. Gavin continued typing his report, reminding himself not to worry so much. She seemed to love him for real and she wouldn't cheat on him and the sooner he finished his work, the sooner he could go home and distract himself with some booze and a good movie until she was back in his arms. There was a harrumph.
"What?!", he exclaimed with frustration evident in his tone.
The person clearly did not appreciate the threatening manner, as his eyes darted upward upon hearing a loud thud.
“What'ya want Hank?”
Hank was an elder superior of his who remained lieutenant despite his personal struggles with alcohol and the tragic loss of his son and. Gavin was not particular fond of him, but Hank held a protective hand over him whenever shit hit the fan and he had a good heart buried beneath layers of sarcasm and alcohol.
"Come on, Reed. You hardly lift a finger around here, but when you do, you always go overboard. Here's a little gift for you", he gestured towards the bottle of aged whiskey he had left on the table, "go home, get drunk and relax," he turned away and headed towards the door, “and don't even start to think I would like you, you're still an idiot.”
Hank weakly waved as he exited the precinct. Gavin stared at the bottle for a moment before shifting his gaze back to the report displayed on his screen. He was nearly finished, so maybe he should take the old fool's advice to heart, write the last part and relax.
“Argh to hell with it!”, he saved his report, switched off his terminal, grabbed the bottle and left.
It was a chilly yet pleasant evening. The soft illumination of the street lamps enveloped the city in a beautiful glow, it would have been a perfect night to walk around with…he sighed, she was with Allen, not with him and it made him feel utterly miserable. No matter what she told him, all he could hear was the sound of his own jealous heart shattering into countless pieces. After walking for a few minutes, he suddenly halted in his tracks and caught a glimpse of his reflection in a shop window. Normally, seeing himself would have filled him with pride and his usual dose of Reed-ish narcissism, but now all he saw was a tear streaming down his suddenly unattractive face. I am an utter idiot, I don't deserve anything, his mind berated him. His gaze then shifted to the bottle in his hand, and a dark realisation washed over him. Without hesitation, he twisted off the bottle cap and swiftly downed its contents in one gulp. Discarding the empty bottle, it crashed onto the ground with a resounding clink as he continued on his way. His vision began to blur, causing his slightly overweight body to wobble unsteadily, as if the floor beneath him
It was a chilly yet pleasant evening. The soft illumination of the street lamps enveloped the city in a beautiful glow, it would have been a perfect night to walk around with…he sighed, she was with Allen, not with him and it made him feel utterly miserable. No matter what she told him, all he could hear was the sound of his own jealous heart shattering into countless pieces. After walking for a few minutes, he suddenly halted in his tracks and caught a glimpse of his reflection in a shop window. Normally, seeing himself would have filled him with pride and his usual dose of Reed-ish narcissism, but now all he saw was a tear streaming down his suddenly unattractive face. I am an utter idiot, I don't deserve anything, his mind berated him. His gaze then shifted to the bottle in his hand, and a dark realisation washed over him. Without hesitation, he twisted off the bottle cap and swiftly downed its contents in one gulp. Discarding the empty bottle, it crashed onto the ground with a resounding clink as he continued on his way. His vision began to blur, causing his slightly overweight body to wobble unsteadily, as if the floor beneath him seemed to wave aggressively. Maybe emptying that liquor in one go was not one his brightest ideas, but he was a complete idiot and a miserable one at that. So who would really expect him to have any ounce of good or clever thoughts? She would...but she was in the company of another man! Forget her! I c-c-can't, I love her!
“Shshshshut up!”, he hammered his fists against his own head.
However, he abruptly stopped when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.
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She was with another man…after several attempts his phone finally found its way back to his pocket. He stumbled over his own feet, and a vibrant purple light in the distance caught his attention. The Eden Club…that damn awful tin can sex club, where she was or would be soon, arriving in a taxi with that damn captain, probably holding her arm gently, lovingly. He despised him, now more than ever. He had destroyed his entire world, which was her, and he simply took her for this mission. He would show them, both of them. Nobody messes with Gavin Reed, nobody fucks with Gavin's girl. If she wanted to be with the captain, he would prove to her that he would not need neither her nor him ruining everything. After all, he was THE detective. He picked himself up and hurried towards the Eden Club, determined to fuck the brains out of whatever android they would give him. He would show them all that he alone was the alpha male, the one and only. Yes Gavin, do it, come on, you can fuck all you want, you're the best, it echoed hazily through his intoxicated mind. He rushed past the androids on display outside and clumsily swiped his hand on one of the ones in the glass containers in the entrance hall and hurriedly retreated with it into the nearest available room.
"Hello, I am an WR400. How may I assist you?", it spoke in its flawless, lifeless voice.
„Shut up and bend over!“, Gavin slurred harshly.
The android obeyed, as the detective fumbled to pull down his pants and pressed his still slack cock inside its plastic entrance. Deep down, he knew it was wrong, but the effects of the whiskey clouded not only his judgement but also his common sense as he continued thrusting into the WR400, disregarding the fact that he couldn't even get hard. Despite his lack of arousal, he was determined to prove himself to this machine, to show it that he could even bring pleasure to this so called perfect creation and that she would regret leaving for this awful SWAT idiot, oh yes, he would show this tin can, her and the whole world. Gavin continued to thrust at a rapid pace, feeling a twinge of self-disgust but pushing it aside. It didn't feel good at all, not in the slightest. He despised himself, he despised that machine, and above all, he despised the captain even more. How could he have the audacity to steal away the only woman who truly loved him? He was so preoccupied with his obsession to fuck this machine that he failed to notice the door opening, revealing the presence of the manager and two other individuals observing his actions. He remained completely indifferent to everything around him until he suddenly felt a firm grip on the back of his shirt, forcefully spinning him around. Despite his instinctual attempt to pull up his pants and prevent any further embarrassment, his intoxicated state rendered his usually sharp reflexes useless, causing him to fall heavily in front of a stranger, with his pants still lowered and his semi erect cock hitting the floor hard. He writhed in agony, contorting his face and reluctantly gazing up at the person before him, consumed by shame. Normally, he wouldn't two shits if anyone else saw him in this miserable state, but he locked eyes with you – the possessor of the most exquisite eyes he had ever beheld – brimming with sorrow and disappointment as they bore witness to the fall of the great detective Reed, who foolishly sacrificed everything he held dear in a drunken fit of jealousy. His mouth hung open, but no words escaped. I'm sorry , he thought, I'm so sorry and I love you, please forgive me...please kill me. His forehead bashed on the floor, the mess he caused this time was irreversible, this was his fuck up of a lifetime. Hastily, he pulled up his pants, desperate to escape from this place, regretting ever being here in the first place. As he rose to his feet, the liquor tore him down again, his head colliding with the corner of the doorframe. Grunting he steadied himself and moved on, fleeing the club as fast as his intoxication allowed it.
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The door of his apartment slammed shut behind him and he slumped to the ground. With each sob, breathing became increasingly difficult. What had he done? It was like he boffed the love of his life right in the face and the only person he could blame for was himself…or perhaps…if that damned android sex club hadn't been in his path, none of this would have happened. Shut up, I alone did this! Gavin pressed his hands against his head, trying to silence the barrage of insults and self-blame echoing in his mind. His gaze fell upon the mirror hanging on the adjacent wall, reflecting a pitiful figure consumed by sorrow. Falling to his knees, he grabbed hold of the mirror and stared into his own despondent eyes.
„Why did I do this? Why did I hurt her, me, that much? I'm a piece of shit!“, he screamed at his reflection.
In a sudden burst of rage, he forcefully smashed his face against the mirror, causing it to shatter into countless fragments. The broken glass sliced through his skin, inflicting pain that was accompanied by his cries and the sound of the shards cascading to the floor. This cacophony of despair filled the dimly lit apartment, resonating with Gavin's shattered and bleeding heart. As he glanced upwards, a manic laughter escaped his lips, amplified by the absence of his reflection. The laughter reverberated sadly throughout the room, while a warm trickle of blood flowed down his face. A deep gash marked the bridge of his nose, destined to become a visible reminder of this night for the remainder of his existence. He never was a delight to others, but this was the night Gavin Reed finally broke his love and himself, the night that gave birth to the most miserable and awful douchebag the precinct would get to know.
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Chapter 11
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enkisstories · 11 months
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Daniel: "That the android they want to replace you with?"
Gavin: *affirmative grunt*
Daniel: "Well, mate, you got shafted. MY replacement was a lot cuter."
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Hank: "Connor, explain! What's the Park Avenue deviant doing up here?"
Connor: "Detective Reed started getting in my way, so I figured I'd get him an action figure to distract him while we work on the deviant cases. With the tight budget CyberLife keeps me at, I had to use what I had still lying around downstairs."
Gavin: "Aw, hear that, Danny? The poor little android detective prototype whines about not getting enough pocket money!"
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Daniel (whispering): "It wanted us to kill each other, correct?"
Gavin (whispering back): "Pretty sure, yes. Not giving it the satisfaction, though."
Daniel: "You're the big bad cop, I take it? You can protect me from the world... from Connor... but also from myself...?"
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Hank (wincing): "That's always the question, isn't it..."
(Down with a cold, can't focus on playing the game for real, but well enough to play with poseboxes.)
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usbshitake · 4 months
Gavin Reed shares with you:
He steps closer, his demeanor earnest. “I’ve been there, too. Pushing people away, thinking I was protecting myself. But all I was doing was building walls that kept me from truly living. It took me a while to realize that confronting life head-on, even when it’s painful, is the only way to find real meaning and fulfillment.”
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
V2 yandere Gavin Reed? Special event or normal request, whatever you want 😁
I have not done a fic where the Yandere loses in a bit, so, here we go! Keep in mind, this is the first time I'm writing Gavin, hoping everything is in character 😄
Prompt found here!
Yandere! Gavin Reed Prompt V-2
V-2: "I like you best when you're sleeping."
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Stalking, Blood, Violence, Threats and Threats of kidnapping, Dread, Attempted murder, Swearing/Mature language, Demeaning behavior.
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Lately, in your small Detroit appartment, you've been feeling unsafe. Being part of the police department already made you a target for attacks. But this felt different.
It was always the same time at night. You'd feel as though you were being watched. Yet you could never see what, or who, was causing your paranoia.
Your windows were always locked. Yet even if nobody could get in you still felt like you were being observed. There was plenty of freaks in Detroit, you had to deal with them in your field, though...
It would be nice to consider your home safe at night.
You talked about it with people at your work. Hank showed some sympathy towards you and suggested upgrading your security. Connor, being an android who wants to help everyone, even suggested coming over to keep an eye on things. You kept his offer in mind.
You expected no help from Gavin. After all, he was the asshole of the work place. Always acting so demeaning towards you and making trouble whenever he could.
Despite this, he seemed to have been listening in on the conversation you were having with Hank and Connor.
"Hey." Gavin calls towards you, causing a sigh to leave your lips. You wanted nothing to do with him.
"Do you really expect a plastic detective like him to defend you? That is if you truly even have a stalker?"
You scoff, barely even giving him a glance in his direction. He was grinning cockily, trying to get you going.
"Well I'm sorry, Mr Reed, did you have any other suggestions?"
You grin when you hear him grunt out of frustration.
"I'm certainly not allowing someone like you in my apartment."
"You really pulling this right now?"
"I'm not the one trying to make a big deal over considering Connor for protection. He seems like the safest option."
Gavin silently glares at you before trying to distract himself. You smile once his attention is off you and look towards Connor and Hank.
"Whatever... so, Hank. Is it fine if I take up Connor's offer and borrow your android?"
"I don't own him, but sure. If Connor wants to do it so bad."
Connor gives you a small smile, you return it.
"Then I guess I'll be walking you home, (L/N)?"
"You can just call me (Y/N), Connor. Yes, once this shift is over...."
While you continue on with your work, you don't notice Gavin seething.
That plastic prick spends more time with you than him.
It angers him. Irritates him that his plans may be ruined. Unless he gets rid of that piece of junk....
Having Connor in your home was foreign at first. Although with some small talk, you warmed up to him. It was nice to have someone to speak to in your home, it gave you a sense of security.
You thought tonight would be the night you receive sufficient sleep. Once your head hit the pillow, you never felt that feeling of dread. Connor wished you well on your rest and you sunk into the deep darkness of sleep.
You were only disturbed when you heard thumping and confrontation. You quickly shot up in bed, breath picking up. No... the stalker was supposed to be scared off by Connor, not grow bolder.
"Connor!" You call, frantic. You quickly get up and press open your door. Crashing was heard and you followed. You hoped Connor automatically alerted the authorities.
"(Y/N)? Stay in your room- I got this covered."
You peek around the corner, gasping. Connor was damaged, thirium covering the floor along with blood. A baseball bat lay on the ground, clearly not belonging to either of you. Connor was restraining someone, yet you could make out their appearance slightly.
"Is that...?"
"Gavin Reed. I caught him sneaking around armed."
Gavin's gaze swaps to you, a grin on his face.
"Why hello, sleeping beauty. Awake finally?"
Gavin grunts, still struggling against Connor.
"Sleeping beauty?"
"Of course. It's my little nickname for you."
Dread fills your stomach again. There was enough evidence to connect Gavin to the reason you've been losing sleep lately. He's been watching you sleep....
"You're sick..."
"What? You know you look cute when you're passed out, right? Besides..."
He grins at you, obsession and mischief swirling in his gaze.
"I like you best when you're sleeping. You aren't as much of a bi-"
Connor slams Gavin's head into the counter he was holding him against.
"Police are on their way."
You narrow your eyes. Not only was Gavin a prick, but he was a creep too.
"You're disgusting, invading my privacy and betraying my trust...."
"Not like you let me close to you in the first place. Got a bit impatient, I don't regret what I did."
"Why's that?"
Gavin scoffs.
"Liked you for the longest time. Honestly, I would've kept this up if you didn't hire a personal plastic bodyguard. Sure... I'll go to jail."
Gavin laughs softly when he hears the incoming sirens.
"But I'll be back, baby. Back to do this right. They'll never find you again next time. I'll have you all to myself."
"Don't listen to him, (Y/N). He won't hurt you."
Connor gives you a sympathetic look before clipping handcuffs to Gavin. You then watch as he escorts Gavin to the door. Gavin looks back at you one last time before the door closes.
"Love you~"
The door is then shut, leaving you temporarily in a room stained from the previous conflict. The dread never left your stomach, Gavin's words echo in your head.
Were you truly safe...?
Even with him gone?
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scotianostra · 1 year
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On 15th July 1914 Gavin Maxwell, the Scottish novelist and naturalist, was born at Elrig, Dumfries and Galloway.
Gavin Maxwell was educated at Stowe School and the University of Oxford, then became a freelance journalist, though ornithology remained his special interest. He served with the Scots Guard in World War II.
In 1945 he bought the island of Soay and described in Harpoon at a Venture he had an unsuccessful attempt to establish a shark fishery there.
Two of his most popular books were the best-selling Ring of Bright Water and the sequel The Rocks Remain about his life with two pet otters in his seaboard cottage in the west Highlands
Maxwell’s prolonged stay in Sicily resulted in two books, God Protect Me from My Friends , about the bandit Salvatore Giuliano, and The Pains of Death, on the poverty-stricken lives of the islanders. A Reed Shaken by the Wind is an account of his travels among the marsh dwellers of southern Iraq.
I return to Ring of Brightwater as this is no doubt the book, and film that you will most remember Gavin Maxwell for, a stone plaque there now marks the grave of Edal, the otter who died in the fire that also destroyed Maxwell's house. Cut into the stone is one of his most-quoted edicts: "Whatever joy she gave to you, give back to Nature."
The pics are of Maxwell and one of the otters, third pic is the plaque at Glenelg, and finally a statue in honour of Maxwell and his otters at Monreith, Dumfries & Galloway.
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