#proti toku
me-sploh-rada-imas · 8 months
sick jan and nace checking on him [x]
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rbf451 · 10 months
At SaSaZu, Prague Czechia 22.11.2023 ninakockova ig story 22.11.2023
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abokdorazumel · 3 months
ne znam za sebe
sem izgubil svoja tla
in to je stresen dan še preden se zbudim
sedam dana traje ko godina
kam od tu naprej, če že zdaj zažigamo obzorje
mogoče pa ni dovolj jasno bilo, kako sva se bala
ni besed pravilnih, celo noč sem jih iskal
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lemoncake23 · 1 year
We are the biggest clowns, aren't we? 🤣 But, the concert sounded great on the livestream and Proti toku, PROTI TOKU 😍 Oh, I love Joker Out.
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vikersund · 9 months
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c28hunter · 1 year
Can this be a Proti toku appreciation post, because this masterpiece is so often forgotten
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signoraviolettavalery · 10 months
the "jasno jasno jasno jasno" part when they do Proti Toku live reblog if you agree
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calmasyoghurt · 2 months
Oh btw I forgot to say something. During my local pride a few weeks ago I met an old friend of mine that I hadn't talked to in a few years. I asked him if he had been to jo stockholm last year because I thought I remembered seeing him in the queue, he confirmed he had.
I told him I had met Bojan and started going through my phone to show the selfie I got with him. Instead I found this iconic pic
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He was like "haha, talk valentina! btw that was my flag :)".
And I just looked at him like :0. You mean that you're half the reason this, one of my fave pics of bojan, exists? Simply iconic
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rbf451 · 10 months
At Pogon Kulture, Rijeka Croatia 24.11.2023 ksenia.bidenko ig story 24.11.2023
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zadig-fate · 9 months
What still blows my mine about this live album is that we can just... listen to it again. As much as we want.
It's not like going to an actual concert where it was totally mind-blowing but then it's over and I have to go back to listening to the studio recordings or watching crowd videos until the next one.
I can have my mind blown by Demoni live version and then just listen to it again. WHAT?!?!
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fruitybashir · 22 days
okay, since it wasn't one my wip... is "gentle" there somewhere 👀?
no "gentle" exactly, but close enough <3
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giving you a paragraph since i also got so much for mine hehe 😌🫶🏻💖
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leopardom · 10 months
idk if this is the one that you meant but i have this one :]
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YES this is exactly the pic i was looking for! thank you so much 💖💖💖
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sparkly-skies · 10 months
@mondscheinprinzessin I know you don't listen to JO, but are those ballet moves? Or are they both just doing 💃🕺🩰 something?
Well, the person in white is doing a somewhat good spin, with a bit of trying he could make two rounds in one. Good posture. The one in black...I don't know what he's doing, but now I want to see them couple dance.
The one in white is Kris aka @morbid-things's lesbian wife or something, and I think he'd be very happy to hear you say he has good posture (although I don't understand how you can make two spins in one jump, how high do you have to jump for that or how fast do you have to spin? Anyway I wouldn't be surprised if he said he used to dance as a kid or something). The other one is Jan aka the one seemingly always with his head in the clouds, mit den Gedanken wo anders und in seiner eigenen Welt versunken und so, and somehow it looks like that's what he's doing here too, isn't it? He also has the most beautiful cat, behold, Igor the cat:
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knocking over a phone to be in the spotlight
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sleepy baby <3
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frequently used in concert + new song promo
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has his own uquiz and helps with the songwriting process
anyway, I agree, they should do a couple's dance. any specific suggestions? I know you said learning ballet as an adult is very hard to impossible but there has to be something they can do? @ alistair, thoughts on kris & jan couple dancing?
(refering to this video)
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invece-sto-sdraiato · 11 months
hi people, I know I'd disappeared for a while but now I'm back!!
An extremely important question (for no reason at all) for my fellow baby boos!
Which jo song/songs didn't click for y'all immediately? Like it took some time for it to grow on you. Or perhaps it hasn't clicked for you yet?
I would also like to know if there are jo songs you just do not like (though I feel that's impossible, taste is taste)
Mine is probably padam and tokio. I love them now but i just don't listen to them as often as the others.
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deziluzio-nat · 1 year
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my honest opinion
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rosetta-j-stone · 6 months
Me, an introvert, struggling through Slovenian class (we're now a third of the way through Intermediate Level! ONE THIRD! Insane) after giving a presentation (very much NOT in Slovenian lol) to c. 20 colleagues earlier that day: "...sem MALO utrujena..."
(Also we started looking at third case today so I may have accidentally mentioned "Proti toku")
Now we have two weeks of holiday AKA note-organising time. I've brought my books home in readiness.
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