prouvairesuggestions · 10 months
How To Fight Procrastination
I recommend:
Having a planner or a bullet journal to stay in control of what you must do.
Have those post-it notes on the screen of your computer.
Using a writing app on your phone and adding important dates to your calendar.
Having a writing block on your pocket or your backback/bag.
Asking people to remind you that you have to do something important on that day.
Reward yourself with something nice after you finish something.
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prouvairesuggestions · 10 months
I absolutely want fashion advice now. What should I pair with my bright pink jeans and glittery sneakers for the family reunion this week?
This is going to be my best response of all times:
A long sleeved neon green crop top.
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prouvairesuggestions · 4 months
Tumblr media
happy birthday, mes amis! ❤️
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prouvairesuggestions · 9 months
persephone was the goddess of spring and queen of the underworld, you can do both
Oui, exactly. 🌷
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⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Please, don't send me messages mentioning or suggesting certain things that may be sensitive to me and to others. The owner of this blog is neurodivergent and a depressed person, who doesn't feel okay talking about harm and mentions of-
You know.
I've survived four times. I know now that it is a wonderful thing, but it doesn't mean I feel capable of taking people out of a meltdown or a severe depressive episode. I'm not qualified or strong enough.
So, yeah, certain phrases may be really uncomfortable to read. I do care about my friends and followers here, but if you need to vent about your mental illnesses or life issues, then you should seek a professional or a hospital, not a stranger. Trust me, I've been there, I know what I'm saying.
Thanks for your comprehension.
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Pontmercy and I keep trying to learn new languages. I want to impress the Duolingo owl. Pontmercy is afraid of its fury.
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Hello Jehan! My best friend is coming home for a few days! I'm so excited to see her, being apart is so difficult. Do you have any suggestions for what we should do together?
Bonjour! This is wonderful news! A friend at home is happiness guaranteed.
I know how difficult it may be to be apart, I can't always see or talk to Les Amis, but whenever I receive a call, a message or a notification when they update something, I'm instantly glad to see that they're doing so well, I'm really proud of them.
I'd suggest that you catch up by having those lazy and long conversations, maybe gossip a little, it's such fun and it's necessary.
Then perhaps a movie night or a dinner somewhere affordable and comfy, food is better when we share it.
What else, huh... Oh, I know! Pictures, many, many pictures, to immortalize every tiny moment! I love photography. Half my photos are selfies with Courf, Bahorel, R, Enj... Everyone, really.
Do you like karaoke? I've tried with Bossuet, we were absolutely terrible, but the videos were hilarious to watch!
I got tickets to a local museum. If you're into this kind of thing, it's nice to appreciate art when you have company.
I don't know what you may end up doing, but as long as you're together, you'll be fine. Enjoy.
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I'm sorry I've been inactive. I've been going through a lot, but still think of you and I want you to know I'm taking care of myself, the best way I can.
I couldn't write anything for days, but I've been listening to music and drawing flowers on my old school book.
Not going to lie, I'm not a great artist, but I practice now and then and there's a slow, but visible progress.
I may be writing poetry again very soon, who knows...
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My favorite quote that my friend made up is ‘The moment you look outside and the sky was the same as it was a moment before, you know it doesn’t matter that much.’ Of course things can still affect you but whenever something makes me anxious I just look outside and I realize it didn’t change my entire world
This is an inspiring and truly helpful quote. Please thank your friend for sharing it with us. And thank you for sending it to me.
A lot of things have been affecting me lately. Too many things to do, too many issues and the road ahead is filled with holes, dangerous curves and lots of ups and downs.
I appreciate the sky. I can spend an entire afternoon laying down, surrounded by wildflowers, staring at the clouds. They're never the same, but the view is always so beautiful and sooting, I feel like at least one thing is still perfect and still nice to look at.
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jehan is back!! does a happy dance!!! gives him a pressed flower!!
Yeah, I've been reeeeally busy and distant from this space, but I miss talking to you beautiful, amazing people. I hope you're healthy and safe. And thank you so much, I appreciate the flower and the amusing dance! Bonjour!
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monsieur prouvaire sir may i have a hug
Forgive me, it took too long for me to receive your message. If a hug might put a smile on your face, then I shall accept it. I hope it kindles your heart, my friend.
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please tell Thérèse i love her
I just did. Got no verbal response, except for the windows all starting to shake at the same time. I think she said she loves you too.
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🌹Prouvaire/Courfeyrac Fanfiction Masterlist🌹
All stories on this list are available at Archive Of Our Own. This list was requested by anon followers.
The Beloved To His Poet by rose_coloured (Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Modern Setting)
The Philosophy of Sunflowers by rose_coloured (Fluff, Hurt & Comfort, Studying,Modern Setting)
Now Warm in Love by courfee  (Fluff, Mild Hurt & Comfort, Modern Setting)
Joy and Life Inside Our Souls by the_sky_is_forever (Misunderstanding, Mutual Pining, Love Confession, First Kiss, Modern Setting)
Blushing and Butterflies by randomtinyplaces (Hogwarts AU, Fluff, First Kiss)
A Poet and a Flirt and a Night of Carousing by Pthithia (Secret Relationship, Single Parent, Modern Setting)
Roses Mean Love, Right? by orphan_account (Pining, Love Declaration, Flowers)
Bursts Forth In Joy by the_sky_is_forever (Magic AU, Love Confessions, Pining, First Kiss)
Latte Doodles by aislingdoheanta (Coffee Shop AU, Awkward Flirting, Happy Ending, First Meeting)
Blown Here By The Winds Of Chance by torakowalski (Romance, CW: Alcoholism, Slow Build, First Time, Modern Setting)
Figures Dancing Gracefully by jehancourf (Romance, First Meeting, Memories)
Whatever a Moon Has Always Meant by jehancourf (Grindr, Pining, Fluff, Modern Setting)
Carry Our Bodies Safe to Shore by Ibbyliv (Fluff, Nostalgia, Mutual Pining, First Date, First Kiss)
Troublemaker by anastasiapullingteeth (Modern Setting, PWP (Porn Without Plot)
Never Have I Ever by emilyshee (Games, Love Confession, Mutual Pining, Enjoltaire Background)
Five Times Courfeyrac Took Jehan’s Breath Away by orphan_account (Fluff, Five Times Fic)
With Reverence to the Moonlight by TheLordOfLaMancha (Fluff, Character Studies)
World Ain’t Ready by idiopathicsmile (Enjoltaire fic, with CourfJehan in the background)
All the Pretty Ones by satb31 (Clubbing, CW: Alcohol, NSFW, Modern Setting)
Glitter, Flowers and Long Red Hair by nevermindgrantaire (Reunions, Old Friends, Parties, Modern Setting)
Writ in Water by Ibbyliv (Established Relationship, Fluff, Bubble Bath)
Goodnight by jehans (Canon Era, Angst)
Swimming Along by butterflybaby9 (Swimming, Modern Setting)
Ici, Avec Vous by barricadebutts (Fluff, Modern Setting)
Loverless Nights by booksandbalks (Fluff, Modern Setting)
Congratulations On The Sex by jehans (Fluff, Morning After, Modern Setting)
Yoga Pants Have Never Looked So Fine by ratedgrandr (First Meeting, Yoga, Modern Setting)
Flowers by ladylegsenjolras (Fluff, Drabble)
The Haircut by lullabelle_moon (Fluff, Modern Setting)
On Doodled Roses and Poetry by mesozoickara (Fluff, Poems, Hipster!Jehan, Modern Setting)
The Night We Met, by rose_coloured (Meet Cute, Fluff, Modern Setting)
Bloom by jehansflower (Fluff, Modern Setting)
Who Went To Our Heads by templeg (Teasing, Flirting, Modern Setting)
Petals in The Bath Tub by EV Litwin (Fluff, Rated T, Modern Setting)
So This Is Summer by prouvairy (Romantic Fluff)
The Courtship of Jean Prouvaire by shelny18 (Secret Admirer, Flowers, Modern Setting)
Something Sweeter by DiaryofaMadTheaterMajor (NSFW, Cuddling & Snuggling)
In Which Courfeyrac Kisses Everyone (But Mostly Jehan) by orphan_account (Five Times Fic, Modern Setting)
Occupied by MademoiselleAbaisse (Airplane, Dirty Talk, NSFW-ish, Modern Setting)
A Zoo Proposal by AvielleSierra (Zoo, Proposal, Modern Setting)
Unapproachable by cumberpatchcats (Pining, Complicated Relationship, Breaking Up & Making Up, Angst With A Happy Ending)
All Is Calm, All Is Bright by cloudsandpassingevents (Fluff, Romance)
Flowers by Pastel_Teacups (Fluff, Flowers, Modern Setting)
Constellations by astillsoftershade (Fluff, Established Relationship)
A Lover Of Beauty by TheConsultingBarricadeGirl (Fluff, Romance, NSFW)
Silly Love Songs by apolloswinecask0225 (Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Songs, Making Out)
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waddles and flaps my hands excitedly a cute boy is gonna pick me up and make me dinner and im so so excited about it
[raises a cup filled with peach tea]
Here's to pretty boys who went through our heads!
I'm happy for you, darling. I hope you have a nice time together. And I hope he's a better cook than Enjolras!
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toddles over.
gently sets down an assortment of pressed flowers.
Oh, dear Lord...
More pressed flowers? They're different from the first one. The stranger must really enjoy them. Look how carefully pressed they were, so they could stay dry and beautiful forever. I can't leave them around, they'll get dirty and I can't let anything destroy them. I'm going to put all of them inside of my books until the owner comes back!
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jehan i have a blister on my finger from walking with my cane yesterday can you kiss it better :c
Oh, no I'm so sorry it happened, but is it okay to kiss it? Does it hurt?
No? Alright, then. Don't move.
[presses a soft and gentle kiss next to it]
You know, my friend Bossuet sometimes have one or two, that poor unlucky man...
And when it happens, he washes the place with warm water and soap and I get a needle and alcohol so we can get rid of it. Unfortunately (or not), at the last time Joly got a liiiittle angry at us for not seeking for his advice, so maybe don't listen to an amateur!
And if you try something like this, don't tell Joly. And don't tell Combeferre either, he's like a dad, he'll lecture you about germs and other things and will watch you 24/7.
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