#ps im super excited for the emerald wars
attack0npotato · 6 years
listen up guys
Oi guys, if you’ve got a sec i need to show you this.
See this??
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The Story of Lizzy and Darcy is the most beautiful and heartwarming damn thing i’ve read in a long ass time. Its a modern day wlw retelling of pride and prejudice, and before i start, ive got some stats to add for you. 
time to read: about 8 hours, no stops man i was ride or die once i started Seating locations: 4, i could not put this mofo down, i went from sunshine to couch back to sunshine to bed  panadol because my dumb ass thought binge-reading in varying light with out my glasses on for hours on end was a good idea: 4 amount of hugs i want to give Grace Watson for writing this fluffy and angsty and mushy and warm story: all of them. all the hugs 
buckle up bitches we’re in for a ride. this story has pretty much everything. I’ll try to keep it mostly spoiler free
Brown characters? hell yeah you got Bingley, you got Darcy and Jordan Lesbian characters? Bam take Lizzy Bi Characters? Bam Darcy A++ Allies? Boom Charlotte, Bingley, Jane, jordan, cinnamon rolls, all of them. probably Collins too fuck idk Ace Characters? You fuckin bet (Thank you so much!) Trans Characters? Yes we do (it also explores the characters transition/coming out story) -Angst? Yes! -Fluff? HELL YES! -Romance? Bet your fuckin first born. -Drama? bet your second. -love at first sight? Sure why not. -Enemies to disgruntled associates to reluctant friends to eventual lovers? Sign me the heCk up. -Happy ending where no one dies? Sell your soul son, its got that too. shit im sure i even missed some im that damn excited rn
Even better is it focuses on the importance of HEALTHY relationships with others and with yourself
Its got coming out experiences that broke my heart and stitched it back together, i mean hell, when I was 17 I was mark, only i was telling myself those things. its got supportive families, supportive friends, (also unsupportive which creates an important contrast in the narrative) It discusses abusive friendships, the difference of lust vs love, it highlights the importance of communication in a relationship, of offering those you love and care for unconditional support, but not allowing that care to be taken advantage of. there is so much love and validation in this book im surprised i wasnt a mess of tears as i turned the final page
Hell its even got room for some straight couples too.
Most importantly, Grace is explicit in her representation. You arent grasping at straws and tin hats to find a piece of yourself in this book, and she does it so well. its not overbearing or unnecessary, like each ‘coming out’ is relevant to the plot and moves it forward, almost as if they are real people, with pasts and with real lives that interact and influence each other. And each rainbow character is real and important to the plot, they drive the story and are unapologetically real and valid. like you can feel the respect and love Grace has for her creation and characters in her writing, the thought and blood, sweat and tears that went into making it.
if you asked me before i read this book, i’d freely tell you i’m not a romantic, i do not have a romantic cell in my body. i hate most romances, theyre cheesy or too focused on the sexual aspects or just plain rubbish youve read and seen a thousand and one times. and if i said that now.... well now i’d be a dirty fucking liar.
And if none of that is enough to convince you to give this book a go, Lizzy is snarky and far funnier than she’d ever say out loud. Her tone is brilliant and i might have laughed far more than warranted at her quip about her half glass of wine definitely being a glass half empty. 
if you’re still not convinced, idk what to tell you man not even the firey pits of tartarus could melt that frozen heart. 
Side noteeeee: I’d really like to thank @fangirltofangod for pointing me in the direction of @gracewatsonauthor with out you i’d have never found this beautiful story. Honestly, its only the second book ive found with quality ace representation and that means more to me than i could possibly say. you are both amazing people and i can never thank you enough for this. 
I already linked in the title, but just in case you can get it on amazon for kindle or as paperback
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