alltheghostiesart · 2 years
Covers for my fic series, Learning to Live With Ourselves, which is a rewrite of the ending of the Dream SMP parallel to canon that explores C!Tubbo through the lens of Dissociative Identity Disorder! Each alter is based either upon an abandoned plotline or upon a persona C!Tubbo has!
Links beneath the cut to read!
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sparkedblaze · 9 months
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Surprise cameo from the big man pupper too, just for you :)
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cupcraft · 2 years
you know another really fascinating and emotionally destroying part of ctubbo's character is the persona's he has (not sure if that's the right word, so pls correct me /srs). Big Law, Pubbo, Mr. Beets, Scribble, etc.
Like c!Tubbo has layers and layers of denial, it's very spare when he directly gets really real with someone. Notable times of this were like when he said "it hurts wilbur" during the 1 year L'Manberg stream, also when he told c!ranboo about the red festival, also when he deterred c!q from punishing c!ranboo during the doomsday era because of what happened to him after "decorating a festival", to name a few. Other than that c!tubbo hides his feelings behind denial, behind layers of things that are not directly decipherable. A notable example of this is during the c!clingy detective stream him (and c!tommy) kept dropping random lines, referencing that what they were doing was part of their "coping mechanism" hinting that though things seem fine, though they love and care about each other and are friends, they are also not okay, not with that situation nor in general.
And so, a lot of c!Tubbo's personas are a bit of a reflection of that. Like Big Law, notably. Like during the exile conflict i always think about c!tubbo the president acting a lot like Big Law (though i dont think he ever was big law in that moment...i could be wrong tho sldfjsdl), like i always felt a lot like the lines were blurred. Because for c!tubbo, the kid, the president who didnt want to be, the guy who never thought he'd have to make a choice to exile or have his country starve from the inside out under walled in rule, it's probably easier to be Big Law in that moment. It's probably easier, because Big Law comes with a semblance of control over the situation, it comes with strict rules, respect, and an emotional distance. And though he never was "Big Law" in that moment i can't help but always feel like it was similar, and that's why i always get incredibly ill thinking about Big Law.
I also think about the Pubbo stream a lot too. Like it always felt like to me like this was the only way cTubbo could express things to cranboo/hint to him about things that he was not able to communicate otherwise (though not all the things he said were really canon to c!tubbo, i more mean like the l'Manberg crater tour and reference to being on 2 lives).
As always pls add on if you want
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anonymouscreampuff · 1 year
why is Mabosstiff old?
because he's lived a good life full of the love with Arven :)
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plague-of-nice · 2 years
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michellerakar · 8 months
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I decided to write part of one of the earlier Eventures last night so I was re-reading some of the Eventures we wrote around that time. I came up with a new color scheme for El Pubbo so he's not quite the same colors as Pubby. I also came up with a design for his Molee character, Herb. And then I drew an idea for how Clarisse might look.
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radishleaf · 1 year
i'm weirdly invested in the relationship beruka has with her wyvern. does she discipline it like a pubbo? does it push its bum onto her lap for pets only to crush her because it isn't the size of a pubbo? does she try not to treat it like a pubbo despite thinking it of it as a big pubbo?
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Caught a nice picture of Tori sitting side-saddle on Mom's bed
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Happy pubbo, I love when she does this face
Can you believe she's gonna be 8 years old this October??
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terezicaptor · 2 months
i think we should make increasingly recursive au versions of tubbo like they did with sans undertale to facilitate more tubcest
we already have so many canon ones...
Anyway I'm gonna list some tubbos and you tell me if you think these are real tubbo characters. Feel free to list your answers in replies or a reblog before pressing the read more
Mr. Beets
The Chainsaw Man
Pink Sheep
Answers under cut!!!
These are all real tubbo characters. Save me
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rouge-the-bat · 9 months
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i think everyone should see my pubbo after she just woke up
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writtengalaxies · 2 years
Could you do a werewolf!Damien or dark? Idk why but him being a very big pubby is so adorable and just him thinking about the reader makes his tail wag. He's so totally in love but he's tryna deny it
Absolutely! BIG PUBBO TIME!
You knew Damien was getting nervous, always far more afraid of himself during these shifts than you ever were. Granted, you weren't sure exactly how painful they were, and by the way he thrashed it wasn't pleasant, but...Honestly you didn't mind it from your side. Constantly worried about hurting you, even unintentionally. It was never a worry for you, however.
You sat on the floor facing the fireplace in his bedroom, watching the flames flicker as you tried to ignore the sounds of pain behind you. He hated letting you watch him shift. You wished he would let you, wished you could do something to ease it.
The big snout nudged you gently, breaking you out of your thoughts. He huffed against your sternum as you laughed. How dare you get lost in your thoughts instead of giving scritches, clearly.
You ran your fingers through the fur under his chin, softer than the slightly coarser top coat over his shoulders. Big, dark eyes stared at you before another huff and Damien carefully dropped his whole huge head into your lap. Ears twitched, listening to the softest sounds you couldn't pick out yourself, as you carded your fingers through the thick fur. It matched the color of his hair, so dark brown it was nearly black, turning entire sections chocolate brown in the faint firelight.
Like this, you felt warm and safe. Damien did too, you knew, because eventually he would move, curling up behind your back, letting himself become a bed for you for a short while. As you rolled onto your side, fingers starting up the sleepy scritches again, you could hear his tail thump against the floor happily.
Dawn would come, and the man would be embarrassed about you waking up in his arms on the floor again, despite your many attempts to tell him you didn't mind.
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The others warned you of the giant black wolf that roamed the estate sometimes, but something in you, something that couldn't quite remember, said not to be afraid.
So, honestly, you weren't.
Others hid away, but you took a walk, openly and freely strolling through the halls, making your way out to the elaborate gardens.
There, in the moonlight, you saw it.
No. Him.
Part of your subconscious, the very human part, freaked out. Too big, that was bigger than any wolf should be, and wolves were already huge. This was closer to a bear. A big bear. He padded closer, deadly silent, and your brain screamed to do something more than stand there. His head was on level with your head. Too big. Too too big--
The other part of your mind had you lift your hand without thinking. An offer to smell it. Those dark, far too intelligent eyes looked into yours, obliged your motion with a quick sniff...
And a snout nudging your sternum gently, tail wagging as your fingers found the good spot to scritch under the chin.
Others could be afraid, but this was your wolf, and you both knew he'd never harm you.
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wayward40k · 29 days
[ canary ]  do you have pets? if yes, how many and what?
*  ―  𝑪𝑶𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑭𝑼𝑳 𝑰𝑵𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑽𝑰𝑬𝑾. ( send one or more of these to get to know the person behind the blog a little better. )
[[ I do! Two pubbos! ]]
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the-iron-fjord · 1 year
Literally gaslighting this poor pubbo
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mochiwrites · 2 years
I heard you're kinda sad today
take a doggo picture to cheer up a little bit? I hope that your day gets better :)
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WAHHHHHH I LOVE !!!! hello liddol pubbo 🥺🥺 looking very fancy <3 tysm :((
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cupcraft · 2 years
i hope they bring up the pubbo clip
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strangefellows · 1 year
Jeanne d'Arc, Hector, Francis Drake, Enkidu
I did Jeanne already, so I'll just do the others~!
First impression
Hector: haha funny old man, bro you okay you better watch out for achilles lol
Drake: HELLO?????????????????????? HELLO MA'AM?????? HOT???? HOT PIRATE LADY??????????
Impression now
Hector: He's still a funny old man, but I really like him, he's so fucking chill and he's just vibing.
Drake: MY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love her so fucking much, she's so fun and so hot and I'm always delighted to see her. Queen shit.
Enkidu: I'm legally obligated to stan my FGO husband's soulmate, obviously! But no, really, Enkidu is amazing and I love them, they're such a little shithead sometimes, bless.
Favorite moment
Hector: His shenanigans in Okeanos were great and I love his brief scene passing the torch to Mandricardo, but I have to admit his dialogue where he's trolling Achilles by throwing shit at him and running is the funniest fucking thing they could possibly do.
Drake: Her speech at the end of Okeanos for sure, but also her just chugging rum out of a holy grail is legendary behavior. Also her bullying the fuck out of Shinji in Extra.
Enkidu: LISTEN THE FACT THEY YEETED A PIECE OF GUGALANNA AT ISHTAR'S FACE IS THE BEST SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD. But also, their battle with Gil in FSF is so incredible, and their telling Gil's story to Hakuno in CCC as well.
Idea for a story
Hektor: Look I need Iliad details in the Fateverse DESPERATELY.
Drake: The theory she's secretly Queen Elizabeth NEEDS EXPLORING SO BADLY OKAY
Enkidu: On the one hand, what more is there to tell, but on the other hand, I'd love to hear more of their adventures with Gil before they died. ENKIDU TELL ME ALL THE HORRIBLY FUNNY BLACKMAIL YOU HAVE ON GIL PLEASE
Unpopular opinion
Hektor: I don't have too many of these XD
Drake: Uhhhhhhh.
Enkidu: What's even unpopular opinion with these guys XD
Favorite relationship
Hektor: Him and Paris and Achilles, idiot Iliad squad go! But also the brief dynamic with Mandri was amazing.
Drake: I'm not gonna lie, her and Teach is delightful.
Enkidu: GIL GIL GIL OBVIOUSLY GIL but listen, Enkidu and their pubbo Master is so sweet too. And Enkidu befriending Gil's Masters - Tine, Hakuno, Fujimaru - is lovely always somehow.
Favorite headcanon
Hektor: Hektor is torn between his conscience telling him to apologize for Patroclus (he kind of understands the Oof of losing a loved one ofc) and his pettiness telling him to not just because Achilles killed him Like That. He also WILL instigate drama in the Greek Servant groupchat just for the lols and sit back with popcorn.
Drake: She and my Fujimaru absolutely fucked at least once. FWB relationship. They're party buddies. There's no romantic strings attached whatsoever but Drake thinks she's sweet and will comfort Fujimaru if she needs it.
Enkidu: They like vibing with the nature spirits in Chaldea, it's nice. I saw a comic about Enkidu using their transformation skill to be bigger than Gil just to bully him, and yes I love that.
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