#mr. beets
alltheghostiesart · 2 years
Covers for my fic series, Learning to Live With Ourselves, which is a rewrite of the ending of the Dream SMP parallel to canon that explores C!Tubbo through the lens of Dissociative Identity Disorder! Each alter is based either upon an abandoned plotline or upon a persona C!Tubbo has!
Links beneath the cut to read!
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mikesbasementbeets · 9 months
happy bi visibility day to mike wheeler!!!!! despite being a full kinsey 7 gay homosexual, you tried so hard to like girls too and i see you. a true bi ally
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mr-beet · 5 months
"Is this thing on? Hello? Yeah, so I'm irate, I'm straight, get used to it. Don't get all cutesy with me about your girly feelings shit. There's only one person I'll humor being cutesy with me and you probably aren't her. Now excuse me, I have a game of football to watch. Go um..." He checked his phone discreetly, muttering something under his breath ."Packers? Sure. Go Packers."
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bidisastersanji · 8 months
Was thinking about French gendered terms and Zoro trying to suss out if Sanji’s into men and I had some thoughts and oops now i wrote a thing so here you go:
In the early days Zoro drives himself nuts trying to figure out if Sanji bats for his team too or not. He listens in intently whenever the conversation steers the cook towards talk of his past dalliances, but, just his luck, none of the words used indicate their gender. And there ain’t no fucking way in hell he’s asking him or anyone on the crew directly, lest they immediately understand how bad he has it for the stupid cook.
He bides his time, surely someday he’ll slip up and mention something about the people he’s slept with, right? And sure enough one day, at a feast, a drunken Usopp starts asking what people’s types are. His face still schooled into a nonchalant, neutral expression, he does his best to hide how desperately he waits for Sanji to speak up about his type, only to once again be met with more general terms about people- someone with a kind heart, dependable, an equal… he’s so concentrated on trying to pick out any gendered terms he doesn’t notice the weird look Nami throws his way at each new descriptor in Sanji’s list of desirable traits.
He’s always known Sanji speaks French, finding it endearing whenever the cook curses (even at him), whenever he goes into small little rants to himself, or the face he makes when he can only think of a word in French, rapidly snapping his fingers until it comes back to him. But it’s only when they get to a town where Sanji starts speaking to a vendor excitedly about his produce that he realizes just how much this thing, this endearing thing that’s always been there, truly affects him, and his face burns at how different the cook’s voice sounds when he actually speaks it, how enchantingly low and throaty the foreign syllables ring in his ears.
Attached to living another day, he decides that stealing a book from Robin is a bad idea, and resigns himself to ask her directly for a favour. He swallows his pride and asks if she can lend him a French learning book and a dictionary, curious as to whether he can learn it a bit, and understand whatever the hell Sanji keeps cursing and muttering about around him, and what kinds of insults he’s been throwing his way. With her ever mysterious smile plastered on her face, a chain of Robin’s arms retrieve two books from her library and hand them to him. “Do come to me if you have any questions, Mr. Swordsman. My French is pretty good if I do say so myself.”
He’s out of the room, red as a beet, before she even finishes that sentence.
Learning the curse words comes to him unsurprisingly quickly given how often he hears a litany of « putain de merde », « fait chier! » and « enfoiré! » spilling from the blonde’s distracting mouth.
He’s very happily surprised when he learns that French is apparently a heavily gendered language- and that he can glean someone’s gender just from whether the adjectives applied to the subject are masculine or feminine. Now if the stars aligned and the cook would talk about his love life in French…
Zoro starts by going through the basic first chapters, taking great pains to hide and quickly dissimulate it in his haramaki anytime someone walks in on him- especially the witch. It definitely changes his usual routine on his watch in the crows nest, he muses to himself.
Weeks, months pass, and he advances further in the lessons, his vocabulary slowly growing, while he often goes to his dictionary for the more… colorful insults Sanji throws his way. He never says a word of French himself, not knowing how he could even justify knowing any without looking suspicious, and pretty sure his pronunciation would be way off anyways. But he starts to really enjoy it, being able to understand even a tenth of the things Sanji thinks he can say without the crew (save Robin) understanding.
And then Saobaody happens. And now he doesn't have time to think about learning French, not if he wants to get strong enough. Not if he wants to protect his crew.
He's at the table with Mihawk and Perona when his mentor asks for the salt (Passez moi le sel, s'il vous plait), and he executes himself without thinking. A quiet settles over the room and he looks up to see those intense red eyes boring into him, unnerving as ever.
"You speak French?"
"Not really," he grumbles, not wanting more excuses to think of the shitty cook, and his shitty cooking, and his stupid curly brow.
"Then you will. Consider this a natural continuation of my trying to beat some manners into your brutish mind."
Two years later, and he can't wait for dartbrow to show up. His pronunciation may still be shit, but he can't wait to use his newfound skill to his advantage.
With his now solidified grasp of the language, he slowly begins to understand that what he at first though was a mistake on his part- that he must’ve missed a part of a sentence, or mixed up some words- was not an error at all. It turns out, some of the French things that Sanji yells at him aren’t insults at all.
In fact… they’re sometimes downright complimentary.
And that's definitely a problem for Zoro, who now not only needs to keep pretending that he doesn’t know what Sanji is saying, but needs to pretend he doesn’t understand it when Sanji screams at him that he has a “stupidly pretty face” or that his “tits are even bigger than Nami’s and how is that even fair” . He doesn't know what to make of it.
And then one day… the stars align.
It’s another post battle party, and the cook has been drinking a bit more than usual, a tightly gripped glass of wine in his left hand, a cigarette in his right. Zoro is nursing his very own barrel of Ale when he hears the conversation turn to more gossipy topics, as it usually does the further into the night they are.
“Chopper was really into that nurse on Zou, wasn’t he?” Usopp starts to poke fun at the crew’s youngest member, laughing as the reindeer turns all red and tries to deny it.
“I mean it makes sense that she’d be his type! Right Nami?”
Nami nods at him, grinning wickedly. “Yeah, not all of us can be into rich little blonde girls can we?”
“You’re right, some of us are into rich blue-haired princesses,” he shoots back.
"At least I had the balls to do something about it before I left her island-"
Zoro is already tuning them out when Sanji sits down next to Robin just a few feet away, across from him and the campfire, his tongue loosened from a few too many refills and unconsciously reverting to his native tongue.
"Ils ont de la chance, ces deux là." he gestures to Usopp and Nami. (They're lucky, these two.)
Robin smiles at the cook, wordlessly prompting him to continue his thoughts.
"Qu'est ce que je donnerais pour pouvoir avoir quelque chose de plus qu'un coup d'un soir." Sanji sighs wistfully, lighting his cigarette. (What I wouldn't give to have something more than a one night stand.")
Robin chuckles. "Ne sont-ils pas satisfaisants?" (Are they not satisfying?)
At this point Zoro has tuned everything out, intensely focused on hearing what the blonde has to say, and not at all feeling a small churn of jealousy in his stomach for whoever shared Sanji's bed. His heart initially skips a beat at the plural masculine pronoun ('ils') used by Robin before remembering its actual neutrality in this context, as it's referring to the ""one night stands", a masculine word. Damnit. French is so dumb.
"Tu sais bien que je ne dirais jamais de mal à propos des belles demoiselles qui ont bien voulu m'accorder ne serait-ce qu'un baiser ou une étreinte. J'ai de la chance rien que d'avoir pu exister en leur présence."
(You very well know I'd never say a bad word about any of the beautiful ladies who've been kind enough to give me even a kiss or an embrace. I'm lucky just to have existed in their presence.)
Zoro feels his heart drop, a heavy feeling settling in his stomach. He's always known the pervert cook has been into women. Why was this confirmation hitting him the way it was? His eye darts up at his two crewmates, confirming that only Robin has noticed his eavesdropping. She opens her mouth to say something but Sanji continues, the glow of the flames dancing against his flushed skin beautifully.
"Et dans mon état normal tu sais que, par respect pour les sensibilités d'une dame, je ne te divulge pas beaucoup de détails sur ceux qui font l'affaire le temps d'une nuit. "
(And in my normal state you know that, out of respect for a lady's sensibilities, I don't divulge many details about those who do the trick for a night.)
Ceux. That's a masculine word for "those", isn't it? Zoro shakily takes another sip of his drink.
The archeologist's smile widens. "Oh, ne te fait pas de soucis pour mes sensibilités. Je brûle d'envie d'en savoir plus, et ne m'épargne pas les détails..."
(Oh, please don't worry about my sensibilities. I'm burning to know more, and don't spare me the details...)
"Je ne suis que ton humble serviteur...si ça peut te faire plaisir" (I'm but your humble servant…if it pleases you). Sanji's cheeks seem a tad more flushed than before. "En vrai ce n'est pas qu'ils ne sont pas satisfaisants...c'est qu'il ne sont jamais... assez."
(It's not that they're not satisfying…it's that they're never...enough.)
"Ah? Et que recherches tu? Qu'est ce qui serait..."assez"?"
(Ah? And what are you looking for? What would be… "enough"?)
The cook exhales another cloud of smoke, and nervously looks around. His eyes settle on Zoro, and indecision flits across his eyes for a second before continuing. Zoro can feel his gaze, can almost make out the deliciously unfocused expression on the blonde's face in his peripheral vision as he continues speaking French. His heart feels like it might beat out of his ribcage.
"Lui." (Him.)
Zoro forgets how to breathe.
Part 2 up now , and part 3 part 4
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luveline · 5 months
Love love love your writing Jade, I must have reread everything a dozen times!
For a dad!character request, what would you think of Single father Remus signing up to chaperone a school event or field trip? Maybe he meets the newest teacher, who happens to be his exact idea of the perfect person for him…
(Lots of love<3)
“Don’t get– forget your coat, dad.” 
Remus grabs his coat from the passenger seat with a self-deprecating sigh. “I’m s’posed to remember things for you, Lia.” 
Cordelia smiles up at him, her shiny coat and boots already taking on rain. “Okay, so ‘member my lunch, then.” 
Remus turns back to the passenger seat to grab her packed lunch from the footwell. “Thank you.” 
Remus is the kind of parent who writes a list every week, budgeting to the penny and laying out uniforms the night before, but he’s off-kilter today. “I wish your teacher could’ve given me some warning.” 
“She’s new, dad. You have to be nice for new people, ‘cos they don’t know– she’s not used to it.” 
Remus locks the car door, already cold to the bone and wishing they could’ve called off sick. He offers Cordelia her lunchbox (which isn’t a box at all, but a padded fabric zip up pouch in fashion with the rest of the girls her age), and tugs on his jacket. It’s not his, it belonged to Sirius a few years ago, but it got left in his wardrobe somehow and he’s been wearing it since. 
“Okay, lovely girl, what’s the rules for today?” he asks, taking her hand. 
“To be good.” 
“Yeah, and what next?” 
“To stay with my buddy.” 
“Yes, and what’s the last one?” 
She beams at him and waves their joined hands. “To have fun!” 
Remus doesn’t think he’ll be having much of it. He isn’t on the PTA, he had no idea parents even went on these trips, but they’re short-staffed at Cordelia’s school lately and now the year two teacher is off sick, and the phone call was a shock. He didn’t have the wherewithal to say no. 
Cordelia’s class are waiting outside of the school gates near a big red and green bus. Remus is the only parent. Why is he the only parent? There are around thirty kids and only two teachers, the newest of which stands at the front, your hands behind your back and a massive smile on your lips despite the bad weather. 
You’re very pretty, Remus has already thought before, and you dress sweetly, happy colours and cute skirts and pants with flowers and hearts and stars. You’re reaching up into the sky as you say, “So they have lots of energy to grow big and tall like us!”
Most of the kids are listening aptly, though pods of them chatter or fight. 
You see Remus quickly and dodge around the children to meet him. “Mr. Lupin! Hello, hi Lia. I have a packet for you.” 
He smiles awkwardly. “Right.” What’s a packet? He looks down at Cordelia but she’s straining against his hand, desperate to go and talk to her friends. “You can go, lovely. I’ll be right here.” 
“Can I sit with you on the bus?” she asks.
He’d definitely prefer it. “Whatever you want to do. Want me to have your lunchbox?” 
“No, that’s okay!” She leans up for a kiss. Remus suddenly wonders if he’s any good at being a parent, knowing you’re watching, but he leans down for a kiss and gives her a quick pat on the back. “Love you.” 
“Love you.” He clears his throat and stands up. “The packet?” 
You’re looking at him funny. 
“What?” he asks. 
“Nothing, nothing,” you stay, still smiling. He’s ninety nine percent sure you aren’t making fun. 
You load the children onto the bus and have him stand at the front with you, squished together in the aisle. “This is Lia’s dad, Mr. Lupin. Can everyone say hi?” He’s sure he’s beet red. “He’s our chaperone today. You listen to him just like you’d listen to me or Mrs. Davies. If Mr. Lupin tells you to stop talking, to stop running, anything at all, you listen. But today is about having fun and seeing all the flowers and bugs, so let’s have lots of fun!” You touch his elbow gently. He smiles. 
Lia forgets that she wanted to sit with Remus by that time, and you end up hip to hip in the front row. The children are immensely loud, and Mrs. Davies has to constantly ask them to be quiet, but it’s not as though Remus would notice; when he woke up that morning he had no idea he’d be doing this, his schoolyard crush for you feels as though it’s written over his forehead, and he’s more nervous than he’s felt in years. 
Remus is cool. He’s the cool friend, the quiet, collected one, who doesn’t stutter nor falter, but he finds it harder to be that way with you when you’ve seen him pick Cordelia up from the yard and kiss every inch of her face and tell her in baby talk that he missed her so so much. 
“I got you something.” 
Cool, Remus says to himself. I’m cool. 
You unveil an informational packet and a small purple box. “That’s just the stuff I told you on the phone this morning,” you say, “and some emergency stuff you can read before we get there. God forbid something happen, but if it does, you aren’t liable. I, however, will get in lots of trouble.” You offer the box. Even your hands are cute.
It’s a rough day. The kids are rowdy, the weather is wet. Lia’s friend Kory keeps stepping in puddles and Lia herself won’t leave Remus alone. She wants to eat lunch in his lap and half gets her way, the two of them holding hands, Remus a big head surrounded by little girls. 
“What’s that?” she asks in a whisper. 
“This?” He knocks the purple box with his knuckle. “This was from Miss L/N.” He opens the plastic lid to show her the treasure inside, a caramel donut with chocolate shavings. It looks expensive and delicious. “Should we share?” he whispers back. 
“Yes, please.” 
Remus breaks it in half, and Lia breaks her half into half again to share with Kory. He feels eyes on his face and looks up to find you watching him with a soft look, but you promptly flatten it and look down. You pick at your lunch, and choke when someone asks you if you’re alright.
Oh, he thinks, giving Lia’s back a quick rub. Chaperoning really isn’t so bad.
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confused-wanderer · 11 months
Batman and superman are their opposite personalities in civilian form.
.. so this gives us a perfect opportunity for the most disastrously chaotic dynamic (and love square) EVER.
ESPECIALLY if they don’t know the others true identities, or even they did and are just being lil shits anyways
Give me:
grumpy skeptical Clark to Bruce’s sunshine playboy persona.
Clark *trying to down as many aspirins as he can, half tempted to throw himself into the sun* : Bruce we needed to surround the enemy, not SEDUCE them!
Bruce *currently on his way to a dinner wearing the most seductive outfit known to man* : Well, you know the saying. We can’t gatekeep or manslaughter our way out of it. Girlboss it is.
Clark: Bruce you are going on a date with a STRAIGHT MAN
Bruce: Give me five minutes and then I’ll let you hear him scream my name
*horrified Clark noises*
Brooding and detective Batman meeting lie-detector and very effective investigator journalist Clark Kent
Batman: Tell me where the bombs are Riddler!
Riddler *currently tied up* : Hehe you’ll never find them~
Clark: Mind if I record this session Mr. Riddler?
Riddler: Who the hell-
Batman: .. Kent. How’d you even get here?
Clark: Irrelevant questions. *waves recorder* so..?
Riddler: Sure..tell the public I’m going to paint the walls red-
Clark *in investigative journalist mode* : So which devastating rock bottom led you to lose your mind and pursue this as a career?
Riddler: hey wait hang on this is a fulfilling career!
Clark *raising a judgemental eyebrow*: So.. you fighting a man dressed as a bat, with that atrocious outfit you must’ve gotten from hell and riddles that you’ll give him the answer to anyway.. this is fulfilling?
Riddler *voice breaking* : .. yes?
*questioning and judgemental silence*
Few hours later
Red Robin: .. why is Riddler crying and why does he also have a career counselling book in his hand?
Batman *just as surprised and kind of disturbed at how methodical and impressive Clark was in breaking down Riddlers plan based on evidence and connecting the dots* : Honestly I thought he was here for me and he started ignoring me so out of concern for his safety I demanded he paid attention
Red robin: And?
Batman: and he said “oh you don’t want me to pay attention to you” and showed me.. a lot of details and screenshots I don’t know how he got his hands on
Red robin:
Batman: Riddler also then attempted to escape and Clark just.. punched him so hard Riddler still doesn’t know which universe he’s in..
Red robin: well it could’ve been worse.. Clark could’ve pulled out a gun
Batman: .. he has a flamethrower
Batman: .. and he told me we should work together sometimes, and I gave him few crime stories and plots to help raise awareness for the public and stop them.
Red robin:
Batman: also he gave me a therapy card.
Give me ray of sunshine and leader Superman with no sense of self preservation Bruce Wayne
Superman: Good evening Mr. Wayne, there’s a credible threat against you so I’ll be on the lookout for today-
Bruce *sidling upto him* : .. damn.. when I said send your hottest stripper you did deliver..
Superman *beet red* : Im not the stripper sir!
Bruce: Really?
Superman *furious nodding*
Bruce: okay then.. hey listen, I’ve been learning about important dates in history lately.. do you wanna be one of them?
Superman. Exe has stopped functioning
Superman: Mr. Wayne there’s a blackout and the building is under attack! Evacuate!
Bruce *running with gunshots behind* : Are you outside? You’re invulnerable right? Nothing can hurt you? Not even gunpowder or explosives?!
Superman *touched and pleasantly surprised* : yes.. so you don’t have to worry about me Mr. Wayn-
*glass breaks and Superman catches the dark mass falling in the air*
Superman: See? You’re safe-
*realises he’s holding a huge bomb about to detonate*
One explosion later
Superman: … you threw a bomb at me
Bruce: What?? You said you were invulnerable! I didn’t know what else to do with it??
Superman: So you didn’t think to tell me? Not even a warning?
Bruce: Listen that bomb was hot but compared to how smoking hot you were I didn’t think it ever stood a change
Superman: Mr. Wayne, listen. You should’ve atleast yelled or said something so I could’ve gotten it away in time. What if I hadn’t?
Bruce: I did! I yelled GET READY FOR A BLOWJOB
Bruce: ?? Did I do something wrong?
And obviously.. the usual golden retriever Superman x black cat Batman that we all know and love so I’m just going to leave it at:
Batman: Someone is going to die.
Superman: Of fun!
Batman: Sure if you consider burning to death fun
Superman: Oh come on be a little optimistic! We must have hope! We will persevere!
Batman: we are literally being held hostages by aliens
Superman: ..listen okay, let me do the talking. We just gotta de-escalate the situation
Alien: You intruders! You will never get our superior defender systems-
Batman *done with this bullshit* : I already hacked into it twenty days ago and found all of your identities, families and now have full control over your systems of defends and weapons. If I wanted to hurt somebody.. I would’ve done so already.
Alien *tries to punch him, gets headbutted instead*
Alien *chuckles* : You have a thick skull Batman..
Superman *frantic whispering*: Dontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayit-
Batman: .. atleast mines protecting a brain. Wish I could say the same for yours
Superman *heavy sigh*
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2knightt · 3 months
CANT HOLD IT IN ANY LONGER!!! i’m utterly obsessed with the curtis brothers.
idk if u do this, but if u can, the curtis brothers with a reader who’s super down bad for them? they make it so clear, too. constantly doing everything for them, making food, buying snacks, just utterly everything. compliments, holding their hand religiously … yk.
୧ ׅ𖥔 ۫ you know i’m a fool for you. ⋄ 𓍯
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…IN WHICH! you think the curtis brothers are the only men on the planet.
tags/warnings: swearing(on my end/once during dialogue.) reader being slightly overprotective or insane, mentions of reader getting hit on, mentions of reader leaving lip stick stains, me not knowing what to write for darry.
ೃauthor notes⁀➷ i’m using ny other accounts layout bc i can’t be bothered rn. also i’m here to feed y’all i’ve noticed the outsiders x reader tag is lowkey dry asl.
Ponyboy Curtis:
like actually. he is TWEAKING AT ALL TIMES! when you first like started complimenting him, showering him in kisses, giggling n’ shit—he thought it was a one time thing.
ponyboy just thought he’d have to thug that shit out once a week or something. he was, in-fact, pleasantly surprised when you continued to do it.
“you’re so-mwah-cute! i wish-mwah-i could-mwah-hold you forever!”
he’s so flustered omfg like actually he’s beet red LMFAOOO. if you were to put your fingers to his forehead it’d be so hot. like ponyboy’s avoiding eye contact, his lips are tightened, etc.
if he were to stay the night at your place—you make him all types of food. like, food he’d never heard of. or food he’d dream about after eating bologna for a week,
“for me? …really?”
“mhm! c’mon, don’t let it get cold now.”
ponyboy is DIGGING RIGHT THE FUCK IN. okay he is SCARFING THAT DOWN. after he’d be a little embarrassed of how quickly he ate but like you just took it as a good thing.
thinks you’re the best cook ever tbh. gordan ramsey has nothing on you type levels.
going on a walk with him to go grocery shopping for the curtis house with your hands intertwined and letting ponyboy ramble about this annoying substitute he had!!! IT’S REAL!!! ALL OF IT!!!
“n’ then he tried to tell me my answer was wrong when i studied last night—I EVEN ASKED MY FRIENDS. so, i know it was right. i just think mr. johnson had a personal vendetta against me.”
“smh…i could do slash his tires if you’d like♡!”
he’d like holding your sleeve or the hem of your shirt as you walk around, looking more awkward above all else.
uwahh showering ponyboy in compliments late at night when it’s just the two of you, twirling his hair as you hold him closer!!!
“you’re hair is so pretty. it’s so soft…i dunno why you put grease in it. if i was you—i’d never let anyone touch it.”
“i don’t. i only let you.”
ur friends are soooo sick of you talking about ponyboy LMFAOOOO like actually. every time you go, ‘omfg did i tell you guys, he-‘ they know to just let you mindlessly ramble.
“and then ponyboy read to me ‘til i fell asleep! he’s so sweet—i dunno how he’s real!”
“i dunno how you’re so whipped.”
“he must be the funniest motherfucker on the planet if y/n’s this obsessed.”
Sodapop Curtis
HE’S usually the whipped one in the relationship…he felt both extremely lucky and threatened when you started attacking him with kisses…
“you’re so handsome. i’m just the luckiest person on earth—ain’t i?”
“why’d you say it like that?😞”
“cause I’M the luckiest person on the earth…I’M supposed to be tellin’ you this…”
but as time goes on—he does take the loss and accepts you’re better at him. for now. it’s only a matter of seconds until sodapop thinks of something insane to show his love for you.
anyways! IMAGINE COOKING WITH HIM OHHHH NY GODDDDD /?:&$:&: he just mainly stands there and looks pretty as he asks what you’re doing but SHHH. HE’S MORAL SUPPORT.
“i’m chopping onions for the flavour, honey.”
“you don’t like onions, though?”
“i don’t like the crunch rather than the flavou—YOU REMEMBERED I DON’T LIKE ONIONS??☹️☹️”
“of course i would!”
gladly holds ur hand 24/7. i’m not kidding. you two are like super magnets. HEHEHE IMAGINE HIM DRIVING WITH ONE HAND ON THE WHEEL AND HIS OTHER HAND HOLDING YOURS!!/!2!
you do take him grocery shopping. only sometimes, though. he only buys junk food rather than actual food.
“can i get these? please?”
“you already have two bags of chips in the cart, soda.”
“SIGH…get them.”
knows you can’t say no to him and that’s like the only time he uses it to his advantage.
soc’s do hit on you under the premise of ‘showing you how a real man is supposed to spoil a lady like you.’ HOWEVER, you look at them like they’re aliens.
“hey, baby. what’re you doin’ around here?”
they’re shocked above all else as they see you turn away from them and quickly walk away without looking back. AND WOOO SODA IS SO PROUD.
Darry Curtis
the gang acts like you two are constantly fighting whenever you start to look at darry with that sparkle in your eyes.
“what the hell are you on about, soda?”
“you’re scaring pony!” “don’t bring me into this.”
“mind you’re own business, soda.”
“y/n, please. these are for my house.”
“so?? my wallet was out first.”
“that doesn’t mean anything. baby, i’m telling you, i’m paying.”
“too late, i already handed the cashier the money.”
you cook and clean for the curtis’ to take something off of darry’s back out of the kindness in your heart and totally not because you want him to pay more attention to you!! NEVER!!
but you do enjoy the fact that darry has more time to sit down and pay attention to you! and darry really likes the extra time he has!!
“you didn’t have to.”
“yes i did! you’ve been so stressed out, it’s the least i could do for you.”
“you’re such a treat, y’know.”
“mh. only f’you.”
you FORCE him to hold your hand. sometimes he forgets that he’s supposed to hold your hand in public so do NOT BE AFRAID TO GRAB IT YOURSELF.
but once you do, darry is the last person to let go. maybe to wrap an arm around your hip—BUT THAT’S IT.
teehee leaving lipstick stains on his white t-shirt accidentally🫶🫶!! it’s all so real to me!! sure, darry’s a little annoyed but it’s okay! he can never be mad at you!
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bedoballoons · 7 months
Don't know if you take crack requests. What if reader thought the guys were females but find out they were actually a dude.
Venti, Lyney, Tighnari, Kaveh
You can add another of your choosing
I take every request I think as long as it's not pedophilia/incest/ or anything with animals/mobs!
This idea had me laughing!! Oh my gosh! I won't lie I thought Venti and Kaveh were females the first time I saw them! I also kept confusing Lyney with Lynette 😭 I hope you enjoy and thank you for the request!
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🍂
{༻~Finally now it's all making sense~༺}
CW: Fluffy! Characters get a little embarrassed cause the reader thinks they are a girl!
(Includes: Lyney, Tighnari, Kaveh, and Venti!)
"You must be thinking of my sister...Lynette?" Lyney chuckled shyly, finding his heart racing and his cheeks flushed. You were extremely cute in his eyes and you'd just complimented him on his magic tricks...if only you hadn't called him miss.
"Oh no I'm talking about you! You're assistant was wonderful as well, but you truly wowed the crowd!"
"Well I thank you for your words of praise, I'm afraid I have to correct you. I'm not a girl haha"
"Oh no! I'm so sorry, I should go now. I'm so sorry."
"No please, I'd like to talk to you more. Perhaps I could show you a few more magic tricks!"
"Excuse me Ms.? Do you happen to know the best medicine for a migraine? I've heard you're good with medications and even make some?" You tapped the fennec foxes shoulder, hoping she could help you with the painful headaches you'd been experiencing.
"Ms.?" He turned towards you and upon hearing his voice you instantly realized your mistake...
"Mr.! I'm so sorry, I didn't- I shouldn't have just assumed!"
"It's alright, it could have been far worse. You could have called me a furry."
"Hi, sorry if this is strange, but as I walked by I noticed your sketches and I just wanted to say they are beautiful ma'am" You shyly stood a bit away from him, hoping that he wouldn't find your compliment to forward...if only you'd known that was the least of your problems.
"Thank you, but I'm sorry, did you just call me ma'am? Did Alhaitham put you up to this?"
Your face went beet red, embarrassment playing on your features, "I don't know who that is and I sincerely apologise!"
"Oh no I'm sorry, I shouldn't have accused you of working with Alhaitham. He's my roommate and...and you probably don't need to know that." He looks away from you feeling flustered, "Can we start over?"
"Ehhh, what did you call me?" Venti scratched the back of his neck, cheeks turning crimson as you chuckled sweetly...it would have been cute really,...if only you hadn't just referred to him as miss.
"I called you miss! Oh I'm sorry is it Mrs.?"
The poor bard sighed, wondering why so many people assumed the wrong gender...did he really look that much like a girl? "Aha, actually it's neither! I'm a boy."
"...I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have assumed!!"
"It's alright, happens more often then you think..."
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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steddiealltheway · 2 years
Rockstar AU in which Corroded Coffin is slowly becoming more and more famous to the point that Dustin and Mike are STRESSING that after this next concert, the tickets will go through the roof with their pricing. So they have to go now.
Lucas isn’t as big of a fan, but he still wants to go. And Will takes any opportunity he can to hang out with Mike so he joins in on the need to go.
They all realize that they can’t drive, and someone will have to take them.
So they go about nagging Nancy who outright refuses no matter what they bribe her with. Jonathan apologizes because he has work that night and can’t call out.
All the boys agree that there’s no way they’re asking their parents.
Dustin reluctantly offers up Steve as their last option.
“No fucking way!” Mike yells. “He’s so fucking lame and probably doesn’t even know what Corroded Coffin is! I’d rather have my mom take us!”
Lucas points out that if Mrs. Wheeler goes, she will tell all the other moms about it, and the lead singer and guitarist Eddie Munson is known for his… unhinged theatrics.
Will hesitantly says, “I wouldn’t mind if Steve goes with us.”
Mike’s eyes snap to him. Will shrugs. Dustin prays that this will be enough.
“Fine.” Mike gives up. “But if they kick us out because of him, I’ll never let you live this down!”
“Mike, that doesn’t even make sense,” Lucas comments.
“He hasn’t even agreed yet,” Dustin reminds them, already heading out the door to ride over to Steve’s and ask. The others trail behind him.
“Like he’ll have any other plans,” Mike sneers.
The ride over is filled with Mike making rude remarks and the other boys asking what his fucking problem is.
“I just don’t want Eddie thinking we’re lame!” He finally confesses, praying that the cool air is enough to blame for the flush on his face.
Will catches his eye, and Mike nearly falls off his bike. Luckily, he can play it off since they’ve made it to Steve’s.
Dustin is ushered forward because he’s the favorite. He knocks and Steve almost immediately answers.
“Steve! Dude! How are-”
“Nope,” Steve immediately says, jutting his hip out, leaning against the doorframe.
Dustin gapes. “I didn’t even ask anything.”
Steve crosses his arms and looks around the group. “I know that look. It’s the ‘we need a babysitter’ look. I’m not doing it this time.”
Dustin pushes past him and the others follow behind him into the house.
“Hey hey hey! I didn’t even- take off your shoes at least!” Steve yells after them.
Will already has his shoes off while Mike rolls his eyes at Steve, begrudgingly taking his shoes off. Lucas apologizes. Dustin doesn’t even bother to untie his shoes.
“You have to take us to this concert. You owe me,” Dustin says.
“Owe you for what?”
“For… for telling me my hair looked good at the snowball dance!” Dustin exclaims proudly, complimenting himself on his improvisation skills.
All the other boys rapidly agree with Dustin while Steve tries to argue that it did look good. The conversation derails quickly into a general argument until Mike unexpectedly speaks up, “Alright! Enough.”
He digs through his backpack with alarming urgency and pulls out a picture of… Eddie Munson?
“We need to see him. This may be our only chance! And when I tell you that you were my last option, I mean that you were my last option. I would rather have my fucking dad take us! But they insisted it be you. You have to understand that begging you like this- this is rock bottom for me. But I beg you. Please take us,” Mike finish dramatically thrusting the picture into Steve’s hands.
“Dude, why the fuck do you have a picture of Eddie Munson in your backpack?” Dustin asks and the other boys join in egging him on.
They’re all oblivious to Steve’s little crisis over the image of the metalhead until he suddenly announces, “I’ll do it. I’ll take you guys.”
Dustin immediately yells and hugs him. Lucas and Will hug each other as Mike snatches the image back and stuffs it into his backpack again - face beet red.
“Wait, when is it?” Steve asks breaking the hug.
Dustin stammers out a few, “Well, it’s funny that you asks… so funny actually. Hilarious. Funniest thing I’ve heard all day…” All the boys make their way to the front door.
“It’s tomorrow night at ten! We’ll be here at nine!” Dustin yells immediately rushing out the door and slamming it behind him.
The boys all laugh as the rush to their bikes, hearing Steve yell, “Always the goddamn babysitter!”
Nevertheless, Steve rushes into his car at 9:05, while Dustin and Mike scream that they’re going to be late as if it’s the end of the world. About ten minutes into the ride, Mike finally notices what Steve is wearing.
“Uh, Steve. Please tell me you have something on under that,” Mike groans.
Steve glances down at his yellow sweater and asks, “What’s wrong with this?”
This sends Mike spiraling while Dustin laughs, “You’re joking, right? Tell me you’re joking.”
Steve shakes his head. Dustin joins in with Mike’s breakdown.
When they get there, Steve realizes what they mean. In the venue - that is on the surprisingly smaller side - there isn’t a single person who isn’t sporting either a t-shirt from the latest album Hellfire or wearing all black.
Steve sticks out like a sore thumb. The people around him give him looks, but he doesn’t really care since he’s never heard of Corroded Coffin. Besides, with him standing a few rows away from the stage, there’s no way the band would spot him.
The opening band is alright and gets the crowd really going to the point where Steve can see why none of the kids wanted one of their parents to bring them. He gets lost in the general vibe of the place, reminding him of a way more intense version of the big high school parties he used to go to. He knows Dustin would kick him in the shins if he told him that.
Once the opening band walks off stage, the lights go out, startling the audience. “What the hell-” Dustin says before loud chords play out with a flash of lights.
Steve catches Will and Mike holding hands in one flash and in the next they’ve broken away with red faces.
Steve would laugh fondly at the pair, if there wasn’t a sudden spotlight on Eddie Munson. And fuck he’s gorgeous. His eyes flicker over the crowd, and Steve swears that his eyes narrow when he looks toward him, but there’s no way he can see anything in the spotlight.
He sings into the mic, and Steve’s heart beats a little faster. Thank you kids for making him take them here.
A few songs in, Steve is relaxing into the music which isn’t his usual taste, but there’s something about Eddie that… makes him want to hear more.
There’s an odd pause between songs when Eddie begins talking to the audience. He pulls his hair in front of his mouth and is… oddly adorable. He seems to get flustered by the crowd while simultaneously radiating with all the praise.
He introduces each band mate and gives them a look before saying, “They’re going to kill me for this, but we’re going to do something new tonight.”
One member - Gareth - gives Eddie a look like not again.
The audience waits in anticipation for Eddie to announce whatever scheme he’s thought up. “Ladies, gentlemen, and everything beyond and in between… we’re going to invite someone to the stage.”
Steve laughs as Mike and Dustin fight to get Eddie’s attention.
Eddie takes his time, holding his hand above his eyes to block out the stage lights and actually observe the audience. Eddie laughs darkly into the mic. “I won’t lie to you guys. I had this person picked out from the moment I saw him. Welcome Mr. Yellow Sweater to the stage!”
Steve’s heart drops in his chest and everyone around him turns to him as if they’re going to murder him - especially Mike. Dustin, Lucas, and Will, on the other hand, excitedly shove him along, ushering him to the stage.
Steve makes his way to the edge of the stage and looks up to see Eddie holding his hand out. Steve takes it and perfectly scales the stage, ending up right up in Eddie Munson’s personal space. “Well, hello there, pretty boy. What’s your name?”
Steve is thankful that only he can hear Eddie’s words. “Steve,” he manages to choke out.
“Steve, please tell me you spilled something on your shirt and this was the only thing left for you to wear,” Eddie says.
Steve looks down at his sweater once again because hey, what’s wrong with his sweater? He shakes his head.
“You keep getting better and better…” Eddie looks him up and down.
The drummer yells, “Eddie! The fans are getting restless. Get on with whatever this is!”
Eddie shoots him a apologetic look and tugs Steve towards the microphone. “Everyone, meet Steve the exact person I pictured when writing this song.” The crowd begins screaming as a few notes ring out. Steve has never heard this song in his life but it somehow sounds familiar.
Eddie pulls a stool forward and whispers, “Take a seat, sweetheart.”
Steve immediately sits down and prays that his face isn’t as red as he imagines it to be. Eddie shamelessly eyes him up and down as he sings some song about a place like Hell called The Upside Down with demobats, strange vines, and what sounds like the budding romance with a stranger.
It’s weird as fuck, but somehow Steve just gets it.
As the final notes ring out, Eddie looks off as if he’s recalling some memory or trying too. He shakes his head and says to the audience, “Let’s give another round of the applause to the poor soul I dragged up here.” The audience roars with applause that confuses the shit out of Steve, but luckily it drowns out Eddie saying in Steve’s ear, “Meet me after the show at the back right door.” He cocks his head towards the back at Steve’s left.
Steve immediately replies, “Okay, but I have four kids with me.”
Eddie’s eyebrows shoot up.
“They’re my… friends.”
Eddie stares at him in disbelief and huffs out a laugh. “You’re full of surprises, Steve. I’m happy to meet them.”
Steve nods at him not knowing what else to do and makes his way to the edge of the stage and hops down. As he makes his way back to the kids he can’t help but think what the fuck just happened.
All the boys are yelling, asking what he said to him and why did he choose him and is he nice and…
“He said he wants to meet us after the show,” Steve says first.
“What did you say to him?!” Mike shouts.
“I told him that we couldn’t because Wheeler here has a strict bedtime.”
All the boys’ jaws drop, and Steve is actually afraid Mike will murder him. “I’m kidding. I said we would,” Steve says nonchalantly leaving out the part where Eddie had rendered him speechless after asking to just see him.
The rest of the concert passes pretty quickly, and Steve tries not to get his hopes up that the winks Eddie gives the audience are all directed at him.
As Eddie wishes everyone a goodnight and makes his way off stage, Steve’s heart starts pounding in his chest. Mike and Dustin are frantically trying to appear cooler than they are while Lucas and Will try to muffle their laughter. Steve guides them towards where Eddie had told him to go, going directly against the flow of everyone exiting the venue. 
Steve looks around, making sure no one else is following them and pushes the door. It swings open and Steve steps through expecting some sort of security to be blocking him but… there’s no one.
There’s a loud shout of “Holy fucking shit!” chanted over and over again down the hall, with more people joining in. Steve follows the noise cautiously until he gets to a door that is slightly cracked. Sounds of squealing, laughter, and floorboards creaking - from what sounds like people jumping up and down - ring out through the crack.
Steve pushes the door open and is met with a startled shout that comes from none other than Eddie Munson. “Man, you’ve got to get better security in this place,” Steve says without thinking but Eddie’s bandmates are nodding in agreement and shouting out things like “That’s what we’ve been telling him!”
Dustin pushes past Steve and gets down on one knee to bow and say, “My lord,” he stands up and continues, “I am Dustin Henderson. Huge fan.” He holds out his hand and giggles as Eddie bows back and shakes it. 
“Pleasure to meet you, Dustin. Never change.”
Dustin’s smile widens into what is an almost terrifying grin of joy. Steve turns to find Mike gaping at Eddie, frozen in place. 
Eddie smiles at Mike and asks, “And you are?”
“Mike,” the boy chokes out. He clears his throat. “Mike Wheeler.”
“Good to meet you, man,” Eddie says, resting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing briefly.
Steve’s heart warms at the interactions, he turns around to find Will and Lucas nearly hiding behind him. He nearly tells them to get a grip, but he knows what it’s like being under Eddie’s gaze for the first time and can’t blame them.
“Eddie, this is Will and Lucas,” Steve introduces them as if Eddie’s one of his friends or something. 
Will blushes when Eddie shakes his hand, and Lucas makes a comment about loving his work which Eddie thanks him for.
“Well,” Eddie says, “I can’t wait to speak to you guys more, but I’m going to request a few minutes with Steve here. If that’s alright?” Eddie holds eye contact with Steve who looks at the other kids first - who are all urging him to say yes with their eyes - then he nods his confirmation. Eddie tries to hold back a smile. “I hope the rest of my band can provide entertainment that isn’t lame.”
“Hey, fuck you, man! What do you mean your band?!” Is the general response from the other members before the four boys are firing questions at them.
Eddie pulls Steve into a small dressing room and closes the door. Steve doesn’t know what he’s expecting but it certainly isn’t Eddie’s response. “I’m so sorry, dude. I- I don’t what came over me up there,” Eddie’s face has dropped and he’s fidgeting with his rings looking endearingly awkward. He continues pacing and going on, “I just saw you, and, really, stage Eddie is a huge flirt, but I’ve never singled someone out like that before. And you clearly aren’t even a fan. Are you a fan?” Eddie questions, eyes narrowed, invading Steve’s personal space.
“I am now,” Steve replies, glad that his charm has suddenly made a reappearance. Eddie blushes and he pulls a strand of hair in front his face. Steve finds him absolutely adorable. 
“I guess I just wanted to apologize... again. You’re just... so familiar, and I needed a closer look. Because... I meant what I said about you. You’re exactly who I pictured and... Fuck, I’m coming on way too strong right now.” Eddie sits down in an uncomfortable looking foldable chair, burying his face in his hands.
“You know,” Steve says slowly approaching Eddie, “I hadn’t even heard of you or your band before those kids showed up at my door yesterday.”
Eddie sarcastically replies, “Thanks.”
Steve shakes his head. “No, that- that’s not what I mean. I mean... I almost didn’t take them here. I truly didn’t want to.”
Eddie looks up and smiles amusedly at Steve. “You’re really digging yourself a deeper hole right now.”
“I-” Steve sighs and grabs the chair closest to him, drags it directly in front of Eddie, and immediately sits across from him, so they’re eye to eye. “I wasn’t going to until Mike showed me a picture of you. And something in me told me I needed to go; you know? That I somehow had to meet you. And that song, man, it was so fucking weird-” Eddie snorts. Steve continues, “But I understood everything you were saying as if it was... weird deja vu or something. I don’t know.”
Eddie holds eye contact with him for a few moments, searching his eyes for any lies. He shakes his head and sighs, “I know exactly what you mean. But maybe we’re both crazy.”
“Maybe,” Steve replies. He boldly grabs Eddie’s hands and holds them in his. He glances down at their hands and smiles. Then, he catches sight of his watch and more specifically the time. He shoots up. “Shit! I have to go. The kids’ parents are going to absolutely kill me if we don’t head back soon.”
Eddie stands and nods at Steve. Neither of them wants to leave each other’s company. Steve frantically looks around and spots a pen. He scribbles his home number onto Eddie’s arm and rushes out of the room. “Guys, we need to head out.”
“What? Why?” Mike asks, and man that kid needs to keep that attitude in check.
“Check the time,” Steve suggests. The boys look at their watches.
“Shit, shit, shit,” Dustin says then turns dramatically towards the group. “Gentlemen, it was lovely meeting you, I can’t wait to see you again one day.” He nods his head and rushes out the door. The other boys hurriedly say their goodbyes and rush out. 
Steve holds eye contact with Eddie for a moment then hurries after the boys. He wonders when he will call. 
(Oh gosh... is this... unfinished??? I meant to finish it. Anyways, Eddie definitely calls Steve and when they meet up again Steve is like “How the hell do you still have my number on your arm?” and Eddie nonchalantly replies, “I got it tattooed so I wouldn’t lose it.”)
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 11 - Fake Date
@wolfstarmicrofic May 11, word count 875
“Eugh, my mum keeps asking who I’m bringing to my cousin's wedding!” Remus groaned as he checked the new message on his phone. “She’s getting worse. Ever since Oscar and I broke up it’s all she cares about.” He shook his head and put on a high-pitched voice, imitating Hope. “Reemuss,” He elongated his name like Hope did with her lilting accent. “Remus, why don’t you have a nice boy to bring to Gwen’s wedding? You should go find yourself someone, Remus.” He grimaced. “Like it’s so easy. She met dad in the middle of a forest when that guy jumped out of the trees at her and dad came to her rescue. Knowing my luck, the would be murderer would fall for me.” He leaned his head back and cursed the heavens. 
Sirius had sat there patiently listening to Remus grouse. He snatched Remus’s phone from his lap and typed a quick message to Hope. 
“There,” He said. “Now you have a date.” He grinned mischievously. Remus paled. 
“What did you do?” He picked up his phone and gasped. “Sirius! What the actual?!” His phone pinged as Hope started gushing about how happy she was and how much she’d always loved Sirius. He had to put his phone on silent to shut it up. Sirius had messaged Hope telling her that he was bringing Sirius as his date. Sirius who he’d had a crush on for years and told his mother every little thing about it. Oh gods, this was going to be a disaster. 
“It’ll be fine, Remus. I’ll pretend to be your boyfriend for the day, and then we’ll mysteriously break up, none of them will be the wiser, and it'll make your mum happy.” Remus groaned into his hands. 
They travelled to Wales the day before the wedding and stayed at Remus’s parents house. Lyall greeted them at the door but then disappeared into his study. He was happy in there and Remus was happy he was in there, to be honest. They’d never quite seemed to quite understand each other and this way was easier, much to Hope’s annoyance. 
Hope, on the other hand, wrapped them both in her arms and cooed over Sirius.
“I knew you’d end up together. You’re perfect for each other.” Sirius lapped it up. The only problem they had was Hope put them in Remus’s old bedroom. They hadn’t thought of that when they’d agreed to stay there. There wasn’t even another spare room. 
“It’ll be fun,” Sirius beamed. “Like being back at school.” 
“We never shared a bed. That was you and James,” Remus reminded him. 
“Well, better late than never then, I guess,” Sirius responded. So that was how Remus found himself in bed with Sirius. 
Thankfully, morning came quickly and then it was time for the wedding. 
Everybody made a fuss about Sirius.
“He’s so handsome Remus,” His grandmother had declared when he’d introduced him. “You ought to put a ring on his finger, so he doesn’t get away,” She’d said loudly. Remus went beet red. 
“Nain, you can’t just yell that out!” He hushed her. 
“And why not? I want to see some great grand kids before I pop my clogs, and you aren’t getting any younger,”
“Oh my god,” He didn’t know how to handle her apart from with a gin and tonic and the bar wasn’t open yet. 
“Don’t you worry, Mrs Howell, I’ll make an honest man out of him.” Sirius said, linking her arm with his and leading her away to her table. He turned and winked at Remus. Remus wished he could turn invisible. 
By the end of the wedding, Sirius had won over all of Remus’s family and all of the grooms. In fact, more people knew who Sirius was at the wedding than knew who Remus was. 
Remus was glad when they were on their way back to his parents house. It had been a long day. “So,” Sirius asked him. “When are you going to pop the question? Your Nain’s promised me her engagement ring.” He grinned, fighting back a laugh at Remus. 
“Oh, haha, Sirius,” Remus rolled his eyes and said no more about the subject. 
That night, much to Remus’s surprise, Sirius snuggled under his arm and rested his head on Remus’s chest. 
“I had fun today.” Sirius told him with a sleepy voice. “Your family is really nice, and I might just steal your Nain. She was brilliant.” He turned his head to look at Remus. “Thank you for letting me come.” He said quietly. 
“You invited yourself. I had nothing to do with it.” Remus huffed. 
He closed his eyes hoping Sirius would take the hint. But instead, Sirius pushed up and kissed him. Remus’s eyes shot open, and he stared at Sirius. 
“I was serious about that ring, Moony. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll be there.” Remus didn’t know what to say, so he dragged Sirius’s face back to his and kissed him deeper than their first. He melted as Sirius kissed him back. “Took you long enough,” Sirius murmured against his lips. Remus had never been happier. He made a note to send a bottle of champagne to his cousin, because without her this might never have happened.   
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dustofthedailylife · 1 year
texting Dan Heng "baobei, come over" when we need help with something,,,,, and him getting all flustered and shy sksksks
(baobei = treasure in chinese)
A/N: pls, the man would short-circuit- This also got longer than I expected... oopsies. Well, I hope you enjoy <3
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"My Treasure"
ft. Dan Heng x (gn!)Reader || [Fluff] -> Masterlist || → Taglist
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"Baobei, can you come over for a sec? I need your help with something."
What would be an entirely normal direct message on his phone in the eyes of anyone else, was exactly the opposite to him.
Why did you call him a term of endearment in his native language out of the blue? Who even taught it to you? And did you even know what it means?
He could feel his face heat up uncontrollably and he immediately locked his phone again, looking around in panic to see if anyone was looking at him right now. He wished to avoid anyone seeing his reddened cheeks at any cost.
Mr. Yang was currently reading through some magazines and Himeko was currently somewhere else on the train, as was March. Lucky.
He quickly got up and headed for your room, halting in front of your door and trying to recollect himself before daring to knock on it.
He was leading possible conversations with you inside of his head to be prepared for as many possible outcomes as he could think of, which in turn made him more and more nervous.
Were you going to ask him out? Did you return his feelings? Are you planning to confess? Did you just mean to tease him and he was overthinking it?
He was most likely overthinking it. Sure, he had a crush on you but there was no way you would be able to know. He made sure you wouldn't find out under any circumstance. He believed March had her suspicions about it since she kept hinting at things, but he made sure to seem as indifferent about you as he possibly could every time.
Little did neither he nor you know that March knew everything and was trying to play the wing-woman for you two; The two idiots being obviously in love but at the same time too dumb to confess to each other.
By now his palms were sweaty and his heart was racing at light speed in his chest and he hadn't even knocked on the door yet. At the same time, he had no idea for how long he had been standing there, just staring at your door, but if someone would spot him hesitating like that, while also being beet red in the face, they could put two and two together.
In hindsight, it probably would've been smarter to just knock instantly without overthinking and getting this over with. Especially since his cheeks had grown even redder while he had done so.
As soon as he heard the door to the wagon he was in being opened he snapped out of his trance and finally knocked. Mostly just because he feared it would be Himeko or March. He wouldn't hear the end of their teasing if they spotted him in front of your room this flustered. Upon hearing your voice call him in he slipped right in as fast as he could without seeming suspicious.
"Hi! There you are finally!" You cheered, running over to him with a tablet in hand.
You were trying to show him something and ask him some questions, but he was too distracted to listen properly. What didn't help was that he felt like he was burning up from the inside with all the blood that was rushing to his cheeks. Admittedly, standing next to you after you called him baobei in your DM earlier, he even started to feel a little lightheaded.
"Hey, Dan Heng?" You looked at him visibly concerned with furrowed brows. "Are you not feeling well? Your face is all red and you look a bit out of it?"
"W-wha? Hmm? No, I'm alri-"
He was, in fact, not alright in the slightest. Especially not when he was cut off when you brushed his hair out of his forehead to feel his temperature. The skin-on-skin contact made everything even worse. For someone who was so put together usually, he currently was everything but.
"Good lord. You're burning up! Come here, lie down on my bed for a second."
He could absolutely not do that. He needed to leave. Fast.
"No, I'll just go lie down in my room instead. Just message me if you need anything from the archives."
"Okay," you nodded happily. "See ya later, baobei."
He winced at the mention of the word directly in person. You too didn't miss it and furrowed your brows in concern once more.
"Uh, did I say something wrong?" You asked, seemingly catching onto the fact that the word you kept saying to him could possibly be the reason for his strange behavior.
"D-do you know what that word means?"
"What? Baobei?"
He winced again before nodding and averting his gaze.
"Well... March said it means something along the lines of 'Bestie', I heard it when we were on the Luofu and thought it sounded cute."
So she was responsible for this. March, you would have some explaining to do.
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Do not repost, copy, translate or edit - © dustofthedailylife || reblogs, comments, and asks about Genshin/HSR or my fics are always appreciated!
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meiieiri · 7 months
❁—SYNOPSIS: suguru geto was never the same after that fateful day at the foothills of mt. mushiroyama. but he was not by any means damned. how could he be knowing that he was so loved and adored by the one he lovingly called his little flickering light?
a/n: help i have five drafts on this page. three of them are 18+ and are practically finished but i’m too scared to post them :<
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it had been exactly two decades since suguru geto first learned that he was different. he was seven at the time, and his parents had snuck out of their humble rural abode at around four in the morning to tend to the fields while their young son serenely slept in the adjacent room, happily drooling away on his childhood pillow, his little head filled with anything but worry. no one could have ever anticipated the sinister things that would transpire that uneventful morning.
it all happened so quickly. the senior mr. geto had just finished watering the last row of beets when a shrill cry pierced through the silent twilight and mrs. geto, the one that preceded you, sprinted towards the house like her life depended on it in a bid to reach her son and put him out of harm’s way. countless thoughts raced in her head: had a thief broken into their home, or perhaps some wild forest wolf?
none of those, apparently.
it came as a peculiarity to the couple to find their son bawling his eyes out, cowering under the protection of the futon’s blanket at an invisible phantom, a mere shadow on the wall of his bedroom. they dismissed it as a nightmare and consoled the then seven-year-old suguru. “it was just a nightmare, suguru,” his mother smoothed her hand down his back, soothing him. “it can’t hurt you.”
unbeknownst to them at the time, that was no nightmare, but an earthly curse born from ghastly human emotions. that was how suguru had been unwillingly dragged into this godforsaken trade. now, twenty years later, and with a family of his own, suguru no longer feared those phantoms on the wall — he loathed them, despised them with every fiber of his being though he was master to countless curses. but there was still one thing that struck fear into his heart like the foreboding doom that came from the heron-like sound of countless heavenly spears raining from the skies during the archaic battles of old he used to read about in jujutsu tech’s library.
he wakes up with a start and the comforter pools at his hips, his eyes darting around the room as if they were in search of something, his breath coming out in pants. it was just a nightmare, suguru, he thinks to himself, echoing his late mother’s words, as he tries in vain to banish the grotesque haunts of his youth from his head, it can’t hurt you.
he helplessly glances at your side of the bed — empty and cold, of course — you were out on a week long mission with your students and weren’t due to come home for another day or so. he pulls at the strands of his tousled hair, frustrated, and before he knows it, a few tears haphazardly slip from his bottom eyelids as he reminisces about his past failures. in his sadness, he does not hear the door to the bedroom open, creaking quietly as he is wracked by another round of painful sobs.
“papa?” startled, he looks up, instinctively wiping away the damp droplets from his face. his eyes soften at the sight. there she was, the petite jailer that held his heart ransom, standing behind the door, her trusty companion, the stuffed rabbit he helped you sew for her, tucked under her arm. she looks at him with sad eyes, hesitant to come in. “you okay?” she asks worriedly.
suguru lets out a tearful chuckle. this wasn’t how it was supposed to be. he should be the one calming her, banishing her nightmares away not the other way around.
“y-yes,” he tries to collect himself to make his way over to her but his daughter beats him to it. akari meets him halfway as he was about to stand up from the king-sized bed, throwing herself against his waist, her arms coming up to hug him as if by doing so she could rid her papa of all his troubles and worries. “oh, little love,” he sniffles at his little girl’s altruism, gathering her into his arms to sit her on his lap. “what’s wrong?”
she averts her gaze momentarily, her dark eyes warily scanning the room. at the tender age of five, she could already pick up residuals (much to suguru’s dismay). when she does not notice anything of note, she mutters out a single word: “nightmare.”
“you had a nightmare?” suguru asks, his hands finding hers, his fingers interlacing with her little ones.
akari shakes her head adamantly. “n-no,” she reiterates, insistent that her papa has misunderstood her. “papa…did you have a nightmare?” she waits for his reply with bated breath.
suguru contemplates on what to say for a long while, his hands absentmindedly playing with her smaller ones, his head bowed, almost in apology. at this age, in his young daughter’s eyes, he was her hero, one similar to those in her storybooks. he was supposed to be the archetypal knight that slayed dragons and laid waste to monster lairs, the prince that would sooner scale the highest towers, racing to the rescue of the princess who had fallen into a death-like sleep. if she was afraid or sad, it was his duty to make her less so. it was his responsibility as a father to take on an image of unrelenting courage. but he fears his own armor had gathered rust over the years, his claymore had dulled in countless battles that left so much ruin in its wake and his noble steed had long since been retired to the stables. he was no knight, nor was he a prince that his daughter could rely on. he was just plain old suguru.
but for akari, that was enough.
“…please don’t cry,” akari mumbles sadly, her tiny hands gently rest on his cold cheeks. she really is your daughter, suguru muses almost in awe at how much the two of you were alike in the way you both are able to keep him from falling apart completely. suguru leans into her touch, pressing their foreheads together, a special thing that only father and daughter could share together. “i’m here, papa.” even at your loneliest.
“…me too, little love.”
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theodorenmyth · 22 days
Kissing ron weasleys cute freckles and braiding his cute ginger hair. Imagine him going around Hogwarts with 2 tiny braids amongst his hair and his friends teasing him about it. And imagine every time you tease him ab stupid shit like "do the curtains match the drapes?" He blushes and if you tease him even more he'd get soooo red it's hilarious and makes you wanna kiss his heated face
Freckles and Braids
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Pairings : Ronald Weasley x GN! Reader Summary : You were giving him a makeover by braiding his hair A/n : Enjoy (⁠・⁠∀⁠・⁠) Warnings) : nothing Word count : 1k+
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The sun was setting over Hogwarts, casting a golden glow over the castle and its grounds. The Gryffindor common room was abuzz with students finishing their homework and chatting about the day's events. Amidst the noise, you sat on one of the plush armchairs, watching Ron Weasley from across the room. His vibrant ginger hair caught the light, making it look like flames dancing around his head.
Ron was deep in conversation with Harry and Hermione, his face animated as he recounted something funny that had happened in Potions class. You couldn't help but smile at the sight of his freckled face lighting up with laughter. Those freckles, scattered across his cheeks and nose, were one of your favorite things about him. You'd often daydream about kissing each one, feeling the warmth of his skin against your lips.
As if sensing your gaze, Ron looked up and caught your eye. He gave you a small, shy smile, which you returned with a wave. An idea sparked in your mind, and you beckoned him over with a mischievous grin.
Ron excused himself from his friends and made his way to you, curiosity evident in his blue eyes. "What's up?" he asked, plopping down on the armrest of your chair.
"I have a proposition for you, Mr. Weasley," you said, trying to keep a straight face.
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And what might that be?"
"I was thinking," you began, leaning in closer, "how would you feel about a little makeover?"
His eyes widened, and a blush started to creep up his neck. "A makeover? What kind of makeover?"
You reached into your bag and pulled out a small hairbrush and a couple of hair ties. "Just a little something to make you even cuter," you said with a wink.
Ron chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't know…"
"Come on, it'll be fun," you coaxed. "And besides, I bet you'll look absolutely adorable."
He hesitated for a moment, then sighed. "Alright, fine. But if anyone laughs, I'm blaming you."
You patted the seat next to you, and he obliged, sitting down and facing you. Gently, you started brushing his hair, the strands soft and smooth under your fingers. Ron watched you with a mixture of amusement and nervousness.
As you worked, you couldn't resist teasing him a bit. "You know, Ron, I've always wondered if the curtains match the drapes."
His face turned beet red, and he stammered, "W-what? What does that even mean?"
You laughed, enjoying his flustered reaction. "Oh, you know exactly what it means."
Ron groaned, covering his face with his hands. "You're terrible."
"But you love it," you teased, carefully parting his hair to make the first braid.
He peeked at you through his fingers, a reluctant smile playing on his lips. "Maybe."
You continued braiding his hair, taking your time to make sure each braid was neat and even. The whole process was soothing, and you found yourself getting lost in the repetitive motion. Ron, too, seemed to relax, the tension easing from his shoulders as you worked.
When you finished the first braid, you secured it with a hair tie and started on the second. "Almost done," you murmured.
Ron hummed in response, his eyes closed. He looked so peaceful, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for him. Finishing the second braid, you tied it off and leaned back to admire your work.
"There," you said softly. "All done."
Ron opened his eyes and reached up to touch the braids. "How do I look?"
"Adorable," you said, grinning. "Absolutely adorable."
He blushed again, but this time he smiled. "Thanks, I think."
"You're welcome," you replied, leaning in to kiss his freckled cheek. "Now, let's see what the others think."
Ron groaned again, but he stood up and turned to face the rest of the common room. Harry and Hermione looked up from their books, and their eyes widened in surprise.
"Blimey, Ron," Harry said, trying to stifle a laugh. "Nice braids."
Hermione giggled. "They actually suit you."
Ron rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up."
But despite his words, he didn't seem too upset. In fact, he looked a little pleased with the attention. You stood up and took his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze.
"Come on," you said, leading him to the fireplace. "Let's sit by the fire for a bit."
He followed you, still holding your hand, and you both settled down on the hearth rug. The warmth of the fire was comforting, and you leaned against Ron's shoulder, feeling content.
"Thanks for letting me do this," you said quietly.
He looked down at you, a soft smile on his lips. "Anytime."
You stayed like that for a while, just enjoying each other's company. Every now and then, you'd steal a glance at his braids, feeling a sense of pride that you had made him look so cute. And every time you did, Ron would catch you and blush, which only made you want to kiss him even more.
Eventually, the common room started to empty as students headed to bed. You and Ron remained by the fire, talking about everything and nothing. You teased him about his hair, about his freckles, and about the way he blushed so easily. And every time you did, he'd turn that lovely shade of red that you adored so much.
"Do the curtains match the drapes?" you asked again, just to see him blush.
Ron groaned, but there was a smile on his face. "You're never going to let that go, are you?"
"Never," you said, leaning in to kiss his heated face. "It's too much fun."
He shook his head, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he wrapped an arm around you and pulled you closer, resting his forehead against yours.
"I suppose I can live with that," he murmured, his breath warm against your lips.
You smiled, closing the small gap between you with a soft kiss. "Good," you whispered. "Because I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon."
And with that, you kissed him again, feeling his freckles beneath your lips and his warmth surrounding you. It was perfect, and you knew that as long as you had moments like this, you could handle anything Hogwarts threw your way.
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mr-beet · 5 months
Mr. Beet, how often do you get mixed up with Mr. Beast?
"Way too often, let me tell you! I mean, we look exactly alike, we sound the same... well, kinda. Okay, mostly it's the names sounding the same. And I think too many people have the whole 'Beauty and the Beast' thing stuck in their heads, so it really gets confusing. I have all these people messaging me asking for free money, free cars, cures for blindness! I'm just a hotel manager, not some fancy-schmancy millionaire. Do you think Mr. Beast gets messages from people asking for hotel reservations? I doubt it! No, this is my burden to bear as the less famous beet in the family."
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sanji x reader
a/n: fluff. UNEDITED.
summary: sanji and you having an unspoken connection but whose going to confess first?
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The Sunny sailed through the night as Sanji placed several plates of food down onto the table; he laid out portions for each crew member and made sure everything was perfect before calling everyone down for dinner. Luffy, unsurprisingly, was the first to enter the kitchen followed by Chopper and Usopp. The cook watched the door behind where Luffy sat, the captain already digging into his food. Sanji’s eyes softened as you walked in alongside Zoro – the latter laughing at something you said. The fact that you could make the idiot swordsman laugh warmed Sanji’s heart, fluttering as your gaze met his. He turned beet red but immediately pulled out the chair next to Chopper and you thanked him.
“This looks so delicious,” you sighed contently, looking up to where Sanji stood over you. His eyes smiled when you reached for his hand and gave it a squeeze. “Thank you, Mr. Prince.”
He chuckled at the nickname and mentioned a second plate he had put away for you. “You know how Luffy is, let me know if you want it.”
You watched for a moment as he started making sure everyone was settled before Robin pulled you into a conversation about a book, she wanted you to read. The two of you talked quietly amongst each other while everyone else chatted and ate. The food, as always, was divine and Zoro had passed around a bottle of sake. From across the table, Sanji sat between Luffy and Franky, but his eyes were on you. Amused by the way your expressions you were making as Robin was speaking, Sanji could only smile. He wasn’t hungry much and casually slipped his plate to Luffy, heart stopping when you noticed the gesture and gave him a small, sweet beam. His entire body went warm, cheeks pink and he felt like he could split an entire ship in two with his foot.
“Where’s your head at, Sanji?”
Frankly nudged the man and he looked away from you, taking out a cigarette from his pocket. He lit the smoke and looked at his friend. “Sorry, just have a lot on my mind.”
“Oh, I think I know what you have on your mind,” Franky whispered, giving a little laugh. “You two crazy kids.”
Sanji said nothing but got up from his seat. Everyone but Luffy was finished with their meal, so he began to pick up the empty plates. Immediately, you got up and started to help even when he asked you not to. Ignoring him, you gathered a handful of plates and went to the sink while everyone else started to pile out of the kitchen. Zoro stuck around with Luffy, waiting for him to finish eating as he nursed more alcohol.
“Those two could out drink and eat anyone.”
Sanji moved next to you at the sink and placed the stack of dishes down, gently moving you aside so he could start washing the dishes. You laughed when he gave you a pointed smile and said how he didn’t want your fingers getting prune-y. “I know Nami just did your nails.”
“You are very thoughtful.” Holding up your hands, you asked if he liked the shade of color. “I’ve never used blue, but it reminded me of…well, anyways – what do you think?”
He grinned; hands deep into the water. “Any color looks good on you, but that blue – that blue is what I imagine the All Blue to look like.”
That’s all you could manage, so you proceeded to hip check the cook and took over the dishes. He frowned but you told him too bad. “You spent so much time cooking for us, the least I can do is wash the damn dishes. Got it?”
The demanding tone of your voice sparked a flame in Sanji’s heart, and he listened, asking if you’d like some coffee. “I can put the kettle on.”
You said yes and continued the task of the dishes, eyes wandering over to the table where Zoro and Luffy resided. The green haired man smirked in your direction as Sanji put the kettle on and then went to the table to finish picking up. Giving Zoro a quick shake of the head, you knew the teasing spark in his eyes and wanted nothing more than to shut him up with a fat dinner roll. He was the only one who knew about your feelings for the cook, and it had become a long running joke to him – any opportunity he would give you a hard time. Zoro grinned and you wanted to throw the wet dish in your hand at him, giving him a sharp look, which made him roar with laughter and you smile. Sanji, witnessing the exchange, frowned.
Had he been wrong? The signs – the looks, the smiles. Was it all in his head?
Suddenly, he couldn’t breathe and the cigarette in his mouth tasted bitter.
Was there something going on between Mosshead and you?
The thought brought a pain in his chest, and he needed air – desperately. Excusing himself, he fled the kitchen through the door that led to the deck, and you watched hopelessly. Eyeing Zoro, he shrugged, and you rinsed off the soap. Drying your hands on a nearby kitchen rag, you pointed a finger at Zoro.
“Finish those dishes.”
He protested but you didn’t respond, heading out to find Sanji. The air was cool, the moon high above the ocean water. The ship swayed as you walked across the deck, spotting Sanji leaning out against the railing to the right of Nami’s trees. He looked pristine in his button up white shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Profile delicate and handsome, a true Prince if you have ever seen one. He stared out to the sea, only turning when he heard your boots against the deck. He straightened up and asked if there was something you needed - the warmth from his eyes gone.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, did you want me to go make that coffee for you?”
Confusion held your tongue and Sanji pushed away from the railing, starting back toward the kitchen. He wasn’t cold but something was off with him, and you grabbed hold of his elbow. Sanji stopped but didn’t turn to face you. Instead, his head turned, giving you a perfect view of his profile – again, so devastatingly gorgeous.
“Out of curiosity, something going on between Mosshead and you?”
Laugh. That was all you could do at the mere notion of Zoro and you being anything other than friends, great friends. “He’s like my brother, Sanji. You know that don’t you?”
“I guess so.”
He attempted to walk away but you held it tight. A million thoughts ran through your head, desperate, anxious thoughts. Were you misreading all the looks? Smiles across the room? God, where you that dense! Maybe it was all wrong, maybe he didn’t feel the way you did. Now you were embarrassed but there was something far worse than embarrassment – not knowing. That would be unbearable.
“Don’t walk away from me, please,” you whispered, releasing your grip on him. Your shaky voice prompted Sanji to finally turn, and he nearly gasped at the tears in your eyes. Any somber feelings he had for himself vanished as he stepped forward to wipe away tears with his thumb. Your hands moved around his wrists, forcing him to look at you. “I love you, Sanji. I have for a while now and I thought…. I thought there would be a chance that you’d feel the same. I’m sorry if this makes you uncomfortable and if you don’t feel the same, please can we still be friends?”
Pure relief.
That was all Sanji could feel as the warmth of your fingers around his wrist comforted him against the cool night breeze. His heart pounded as his eyes bore into yours and he never felt happier in his life. He smiled softly and let out a low breath, kicking himself internally for ever making you feel any sort of sadness.
“I’m sorry for making you cry; it will never happen again.” He slipped from your grip and gently held your face, thumb caressing your cheek. “I will always be your friend, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you more than I thought I could love anyone. I love you so much I was willingly to put aside my feelings when I thought Zoro and you were…”
“Never,” you chuckled, happy tears running down your face. Sanji grinned and begged you to stop crying. Nodding, you slipped both arms around his neck and leaned in for a kiss. He captured it with eyes closed and pulled you closer to him. His lips were soft, he tasted like cigarettes but that was to be expected and you could care less. Nothing mattered now that you were in Sanji’s arms, safe and warm. Loved and at ease.  It felt ecstatic, electric – it felt like you were finally where you truly belonged.
Sanji pulled away and kissed you on the forehead, arms holding you tight. “So, you still want that coffee?”
“Yes, please,” you whispered into his chest. He reached up and caresses your hair, giving you another peck on the forehead before reaching down for your hand.
“Come one, I’ll make you a cup and you can keep me company while I finish up the dishes.”
“Oh, don’t worry about the dishes,” you cooed, dipping your head back to look up at Sanji. His eyes were soft again, loving. “Zoro’s finishing them up.”
The mere thought made the cook laugh and you joined in, allowing him to guide you toward the kitchen. He held your hand gingerly and grinned. “I can’t wait to see that Mosshead doing all the dishes.”
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mynameismckenziemae · 4 months
Paying For It
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Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader/You (name is Row/Rowan)
Summary: You unintentionally embarrass Bradley at the airport on the way to your honeymoon. Bradley makes you pay for it as soon as you get to the resort.
*This is a one shot/bonus scene to ‘She’s a Fire’ but can certainly be read alone!
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! This is pure filth. P in v, oral (both m and f receiving), ass play, impact play (spanking), mean!dom bradley, humiliation, a hint of exhibitionism, etc.
“All set sir, have fun,” the TSA agent says with a smirk as he hands Bradley’s bag over.
“Thanks,” he mutters, face beet red.
The laughter dies in your throat when you see the dark look in his eyes.
You’re in trouble.
The worst best part is it wasn’t intentional; it just made more sense to put the array of sex toys in his bag since he had more room.
He doesn’t say anything as he grips your elbow and leads drags you to a vacant corner. He pins you to one of the pillars with his hips and leans in, “You think that’s funny? Embarrassing me in front of all those people?”
“Okay, it was funny, but I didn’t do it on purpose. Your carry-on had way more room than-“
“Liar. You’re gonna pay for that little stunt, Row,” he breathes against your neck, his tone full of dark promise. You can feel the hard, thick line of his erection as his hands slide down to grip your butt. “You’ll be lucky if you can sit this week without feeling what I’m gonna do to your ass.”
You whimper and shake your head, “No, please! I wasn’t-“
“Flight 1023 now boarding.”
“No excuses. Now let’s get on the plane, have a drink, and get some sleep. You’re gonna need your energy, Mrs. Bradshaw,” he chuckles darkly, patting your butt before adjusting himself.
You do manage to get some sleep, but the last hour is torture with Bradley’s fingers tracing your inner thighs, but never touching where you want them most.
You fidget as he checks in at the resort and sigh in both relief and apprehension when you get to your room.
He backs you up against the door as soon as it clicks closed, kiss you deeply before ridding you of your clothes and spinning you so your front is pressed against the cool wood.
Goosebumps rise as his fingers trail down your back and you don’t even try and hold back your moan when his hand leaves just to slap back down on your ass again, again and again, harder each time until your gasping and tears begin to prickle behind your eyes.
A wave of humiliation washes over you, yet you throb when you hear footsteps pause outside your door after a particularly harsh swat. You hold your breath until they continue on their way. Bradley hears it too.
“Does that embarrass you? Knowing anyone can hear you getting spanked like the naughty girl you are?” He chuckles at your whimper. “Good, now you know how I felt at the airport,” he then slaps the other cheek equally hard. “Now stay right here and keep your eyes forward.”.
You nod, sucking in a breath when he spanks you again.
“Use your words.”
“Yes sir,” you reply shakily.
The heat from your ass settles between your legs and coats your thighs as you struggle to stay still while he rummages through the luggage before coming to kneel behind you.
“Oh God, Bradley,” you sigh, legs shaking as his fingers gather your slick before rubbing circles over your clit, he licks into you a few times and you squeak when he drags his tongue over your other hole before nipping your red cheek. You’re so overwhelmed you don’t hear the click of the lube.
You flinch when his cold fingers start to circle the tight pucker of your ass. “Couldn’t warm it up first?” You sass, instantly regretting it when he pulls the fingers away from your clit, slapping it gently before removing them all together.
Not the finger from your ass though, he just adds another, pushing two in slowly. “I was gonna be nice and distract you while I prep you, but not if you’re gonna be a brat.”
“Prep me? I’m sorry Br-I mean sir, I didn’t mean it. Please touch me. I’ve missed your touch so much,” you whine.
That much was true. You stole Sunny’s idea and didn’t have sex, or even get each other off for the entire month before your wedding yesterday, and while it was incredible (the 2 times last night and once this morning), you still weren’t sated.
“Yes, prep you. Maybe for a toy, maybe for my cock. We’ll see. And touch you?” He chuckles and slaps your clit again. “Like that?”
You huff, annoyed. “No, come on baby, you know what I mean.”
You hiss when he slaps your ass this time.
“I’m not your baby.”
Frustrated tears well in your eyes as you beg but he ignores your pleas and adds a third finger, pausing when you tense with a sharp inhale.
“Color?” He murmurs, unable to resist pressing his lips to the burning handprint he just left.
“Green,” you sigh.
“Keep your mouth shut and take it then,” he taunts, slowly pumping his fingers again.
“Yes sir,” you reply and try to relax but you begin to squirm as the slight burn morphs into pleasure. An orgasm begins to build when he starts gently scissoring his fingers.
“Sir, I-,” you start, trying to warn him but he cuts you off.
“I said keep your mouth shut,” he growls with another slap to your clit and that’s all it takes for you to fall over the edge.
A broken cry leaves you but he ruins your sweet release when he stills the fingers inside you completely.
“I-I’m sorry sir, I tried to warn you,” you pant, tears dripping as you press your forehead against the door.
He slaps your clit again. “You’re not sorry yet, but you will be,” he says before removing his fingers from your ass, replacing them a moment later with a lube-slicked plug.
“‘Atta girl, it’s in,” he murmurs shortly after, nudging the base. “It’s almost as big as me. You’re ready to take my cock here, and you will before the week is over.”
You whimper as your neglected pussy clenches around nothing at his words.
“Stay here and don’t move until I tell you to, got it?”
“Yes sir.”
He washes his hands and then brushes his teeth before digging through the suitcases again before you hear a deep groan from across the room.
You moan in response. He’s unashamedly jerking off.
“Goddamnit Row. Why do you have to be so fuckin’ naughty?” He sighs, “ We could already be on our second round. Come here.”
You turn and bite your lip at the sight of him; reclined shirtless in the chair, jeans still on but unbuttoned to allow the steady pulls of his cock.
You take a step but stop when he shakes his head. “Crawl.”
Oh my God.
Your face burns with humiliation and you shake your head, “Come on, I’ll-“
He stands and pulls his belt through the loops of his jeans, looping it before he slaps it across his palm, making you flinch. “Did I stutter? Crawl.”
“Yes sir,” you reply, dropping to your knees and doing as asked. You fight to not whimper as the movement shifts the plug inside you.
He lazily pulls at his erection and taps the head on your lips when you reach him. “Open.”
You obey and he pushes his cock between your lips, dropping his belt and thrusting shallowly a few times before gagging you when the tip kisses the back of your throat without warning.
He tenses and starts to pull out but you grip his thighs, letting him know you’re okay to continue.
He curses and drops the belt; his fingers comb through your hair before gripping a handful in each as he starts to fuck your face.
Tears again leak as you fight your gag reflex but he must be as affected as you by how quickly his rhythm falters. Soon he’s cumming with a groan.
You moan too as he fills your mouth, swallowing his cum greedily.
“Let me see,” he pants, tapping his fingers against your cheek before he tucks himself back into his boxer briefs.
You open your mouth and he hums his approval. He picks up his belt and nods towards the bed, “Bend over.”
As much as you want to protest, you also want to cum tonight.
You bend over the bed, and arch your back, smiling at his sharp inhale. Then you wait.
But it’s not the belt that touches you next; it’s his fingers dipping between your legs. “You’re fucking soaked, Row,” he whispers, tilting your chin for a kiss. “Tell me if it’s too much.”
“I will,” you reply with a nip to his lip.
“Tell me why your punishment isn’t done yet?” He asks, straightening to stand behind you.
“Because you like me to spank me?”
He chuckles and brings the belt down across your right cheek. It wasn’t that hard but it makes a loud, satisfying thwack. You don’t even try to hold back your moan.
“Wrong answer.”
“Because I came without permission, sir.”.
He rewards you with a spank to your left.
“And I interrupted you-ohhh God,” you cry, fingers gripping the lush white comforter as he gives you another two to the right, one on top of the other.
Your ass is burning but you crave more.
“What else?” He asks, panting.
“I don’t even know! Again,” you beg, your tear-filled eyes meeting his.
“Holy shit,” he mutters under his breath and does as asked, giving you a few more to each side, until your skin is glowing red and hot to the touch.
Your arms shake and tears fall as he drops the belt and flips you onto your back, kneeling at the edge of the bed to devour you. His hands grip the tender flesh of your butt and he pulls you further to his mouth, nipping, sucking, and licking you quickly to orgasm.
He shucks his pants as you come to, and lifts you further on the bed before sinking into you.
“I’m so full,” you whine, but it’s so good with the plug still inside you.
“You’re taking me so well, such a good girl-fuck!” His jaw clenches as you whimper and tighten around him at the praise. “Touch yourself, I’m not gonna last long, you feel too good,” he grits against your ear.
“Yes sir,” you sigh, slipping your hand between the two of you to rub tight circles over your clit.
“Oh fuck, I’m close. Get there, Row. Cum for me,” he groans, hips stuttering as he fails to hold back his release but you’re already there.
You cry out and your ears ring as the most intense toe-curling orgasm tears through you.
Bradley cleans between your legs and rubs aloe on your sore tush when as you finally come back to your body.
“You’re gonna be the one paying for it if I can’t wear a bikini on this trip,” you sigh, melting further into the bed as he massages you.
His lip quirks before he presses a kiss to your forehead. “Promise?”
A/N: 🙈 I’m a whore and I need to be humiliated by mean dom!Bradley.
Seriously though someone needs to take my phone when I’m ovulating.
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