#public adjuster philadelphia
claimcommander · 8 months
February 8, 2024
Does Homeowner Insurance Cover Roof Damage? What happens if water enters your shingle roof? If water enters your shingle roof, it can lead to several potential issues: Water Damage: Water entering through the roof can cause damage to the underlying areas of your home, including the attic, ceilings, insulation, and even the walls. Over time, this can weaken the structural integrity of your home…
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aaapublic1a2 · 2 days
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ricekirpsees · 8 months
|| A Harvard Undergrad Becomes Delusional and Has Vivid Hallucinations of the American Revolution: Chp 1 ||
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Synopsis- a Harvard Undergrad becomes delusional and has vivid hallucinations of the American Revolution
Note- i like. history
“The American Revolutionary War lasted from 1775 to 1783, whereby the Thirteen Colonies secured their independence from the British Crown and consequently established the United States as the first sovereign nation-state founded on Enlightenment principles of the consent of the governed, constitutionalism and liberal democracy--”
The pages turn.
“In late 1774, in support of Massachusetts, twelve of the thirteen colonies sent delegates to Philadelphia, where they formed the First Continental Congress and began coordinating resistance to Britain's colonial governance--”
The pages flip.
“In the summer of 1776, in a setback for American patriots, the British captured New York City and its strategic harbor. In September 1777, in anticipation of a coordinated attack by the British Army--”
The book slams shut.
Dropping my head against the cool marble table, I shut my eyes and slump. Hours of studying left me with a raging migraine, an empty mind, and one too many paper cuts. I was exhausted in ways only studying could afflict a person and I cursed myself for my ability to blank out when important information was recited to me.
If only I could pay attention during lectures. If only I could focus on the rolling waves of words on the glaring, glossy sheets of textbooks. I breathed out heavily. If only. Sadly the world said “fuck you” and fucked I am.
Peeling my eyes open, I stared blankly at the portrait of Charles C. Pinckney I came to despise seeing day after day and debated whether or not I should call it quits or push through researching for that damned paper. Quickly, I opted for the former. I sighed. Three hours was good enough for today.
The Boston Public Library was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because I have access to all kinds of documents on America’s history. A curse, because I have access to all kinds of documents on America’s history. There was a sort of obligation to write about it, especially since I was at the heart of the Revolution, the home of Hancock and Adams, and also because I assumed it would be far easier than it was.
I dragged my head to look at the shut textbook and felt my heart crumble. This will be the death of me.
But if I can prolong such death, then I shall. I sat up, stretching my cramped bones, and shoved away the awful books before pushing myself up and throwing on my bag, wincing. The weight of my bag crushed the knot of stress on my shoulder blade, sending an aching pain down my back. I groaned rolling my shoulders while wishing I could snap my arm off to give myself relief.
Maybe someone in the library would just walk up to me and rip it off, but until that day comes I’ll settle with endangering myself with exploration. Giving one final stretch, I began to make my way out of the ancient marble library.
Boston. Boston, Massachusetts. A place deeply ingrained in good old American history from massacres to floods of molasses and my personal city-wide jail cell. As unfortunate as it is to be trapped, it could’ve been worse. I shudder to think what would’ve happened if I had gotten caught in a Chicago or New York tar trap.
I push through the ornate, metal doors of the library and out onto the streets of Boston, beginning the familiar walk to the apartments. Traversing through streets of old and new, there was a certain sense of deep familiarity. It was another lucky thing about Boston being my jail cell.
I only moved here a few months ago and usually one would be stiff and awkward in a place far, far away from their origins, but seeing those brick buildings and cobblestone roads hidden by those of steel, glass, and concrete, I adjusted unexpectedly easily.
Not that I was an inflexible person in general. I’ve had my fair share of traveling every which way, up and down and across the country, staying in brief intervals with restlessness plaguing my every action. No, this was different. How or why, I’m not entirely sure, but I think it’s nice.
Seeing the park centered on Commonwealth Avenue, I sped up and turned onto my side of the street, working my way around tourists and neighbors and crossing over the bustling traffic. Occasionally I gave a quick, polite smile to someone I accidentally made eye contact with, before continuing onwards.
It’s going to be a quick stop at the apartment, grab my gear, and go back out again just before the sun begins to set. A grin makes its way to my lips and a burst of speed pushes me forward. Danger is my happy place.
I arrive in front of my apartment building and quickly walk in, flying up the stairs, before pushing into my section. Throwing my work bag onto the dingy couch I sped into my room, quickly changing and grabbing my gear, listing them off in my head; pants, shirt, jacket; goggles, respirator, gloves, headphones, charger, cash, first-aid, phone, camera, put them in my bag.
I rush back into the living room and throw on a pair of boots. With a satisfied smile, I threw on my bag feeling the knot easing, and back out the door I went. I passed by another neighbor, giving her a little wave and smile. She smiled back and I flew back down the stairs to the edge of the street to hail a taxi. This is my kind of relaxation.
The barn door is ripped open. The hinges cry out, still weary of being used after nearly two centuries of slumber, but they’ll get used to me. They will.
A puff of dust bursts free from the idle inside and breezes past me, some specks brushing against my respirator and goggles. With ease, I waved the dust cloud away with my glove-clad hand, and casually walked inside as though this was my real home.
I discovered the old barn around the time I was brought to Boston when I had attempted to make a break for it.
I just ran. And ran. And ran. Until I came upon this decrepit forgotten beat-up barn in the middle of a field only a couple of miles away from the edge of Boston and it surprised me, I won’t lie, with how praise-heavy of history the city was. You assumed that everything within 100 miles of the city would be tended to with major tender loving care, but that was clearly not the case for my darling broken barn.
And so the only sensible thing to do with such a discovery was claim it as mine! So I did and obsessively explored every single crook and corner to my heart’s content. I had no clue where such adoration for the old building came from, but I didn’t give two shits. It was mine and I was its.
No, I’m not weird.
I made it in the nick of time, arriving just as the sun started to journey its way to the other side of the world to ruin someone else’s sleep. I brought out my stolen 55-dollar flashlight and flicked it on. A good beam of light lit the dusty barn, waking up the sleepy nats that tumbled around in the glow. Time to get cracking.
Throwing on my headphones, I ambled deeper into the barn with a hand trailing lightly on the grooves and ridges of the splintered, ancient planks.
Each step I made was delicate and calculated, feeling each pebble and speck of the uneven ground of dirt and old hay left behind centuries ago. But no matter how much I tried to feel, there was a distance between me and the old barn, easily kept with the heavy protection and gear of my time. And I was far too lazy to take it off; a subconscious fear of accidentally destroying something or something destroying me. Like lead… or traps.
I shook my head, quickly skipping the sad song into punk rock. What the hell was all that moaning and groaning about? I dragged a quick hand over my mask and goggles and picked up the pace to move farther back into the barn, the flashlight staying steady and bright as ever.
I began to berate myself until I saw the ground looking far closer than it should. A shock of panic shot through my chest and I threw my hands in front of me to brace for the brutal impact.
And brutal it was.
I collided onto the jagged gravel and landed with a heavy thud. I could feel the ragged ground scrape against me and I clenched my eyes shut, groaning, the sound muffled by the mask. My arms and stomach ached and burned with a thousand tiny rocks embedded into my clothes and skin scrapes on my knees. I had tripped on… something.
My confidence was hurt the most, not that I had any in the first place, and absolute embarrassment burned fiercely in my chest. Ugh, I felt stupid. Scrambling up from the ground, I dusted off the pebbles and dirt on my now dust-stained jacket, before scooping up my fallen flashlight. I shook my hands loose and adjusted my skewed headphones. Ugh, I felt really stupid.
I pivoted to look back at what damaged my self-esteem, pointing my flashlight at the ground. The light illuminated the drag marks in the dirt from my fall and the hay pushed away from the force and… oh?
A small rusted knob stuck out from the ground, now freed from the years of dirt that built up with the help of my fall. Creeping closer, I crouched down, reached a hand towards it, and began to brush away the rest of the dirt.
Immediately I felt a difference. Below the dirt wasn’t more dirt, it was something else. I placed my flashlight on the floor beside me and a shiver of excitement rushed down my spine.
Brush by brush, I could make out strips of wood that were embedded into the dirt floor, and with one last stroke, a trapdoor was revealed. I leaned back onto my knees, gazing at my discovery in awe. I grinned. Oh, hell yes.
It took far longer and far more strength than I had expected to get the door opened. Shockingly, It was worse than when I tried to pry open the barn door for the first time. All I could imagine was all the grime, mud, and paint stuck deep in the hinges and grooves that mixed themselves into a superglue, refusing to let just anybody in like some dirty glue guardian of secrets.
Luckily, I’m far more unwavering than some false glue and pried that sucker open with pure strength. And a stick. I couldn’t help that swell of pride that blossomed once I was showered in a puff of ancient dust that wooshed freely after being trapped for who knows how long. Hopping on my toes, I nearly leaped into the void of darkness that was the crypt without precaution.
I managed to reel in my enthusiasm and picked up the flashlight before I directed the beam into the hidden cellar. The shining light revealed some highly suspicious-looking steps that led deeper in, all rotted and splintered and utterly unstable.
Immediately, I stepped in and made a quick descent into the basement, ignoring each creak, groan, and shudder from the steps before landing on a dirt floor. I paused my music and pushed down my headphones, gazing in wonder at my discovery.
It was like a pause in time, a portion of history untouched and kept secret. Shifting the flashlight’s beam over the small room, I drag my eyes across every square inch of the cellar. Over every cracked pot, crooked shelf, shattered counter, rickety wooden table littered with old parchment, and every single speck of dust. It was beautiful.
I crept towards the table that sat back against the room, an intense pull of curiosity filling my veins and I stood before the collections of yellowed paper. My heart began to pound the moment I caught a glimpse of the faded stains of ink that swirled on the pages. A long-kept secret for more than 200 years, just inches from my hands.
Fuck yeah. I reached for a page and with the most delicate of touches, lifted it from its dust-framed seat and slowly brought it close.
The thought of accidentally damaging it in some way screaming in my head for brief seconds was not enough to deter me and so, with the flashlight held beneath it, I read the date.
April 1st, 1774--
Suddenly, I was thrown into darkness, pitch black filling my senses. I flinched nearly, dropping the paper and flashlight, as I stumbled back in surprise. What the hell?
I quickly and delicately placed the piece of paper down on what I hoped was the table and frantically shook the short-circuited torch. Mumbling hisses and curses at the thing, I desperately flicked at the switch hoping for something, a flicker of light, anything. I gave it another shake to no avail.
“Oh fuck…” I breathed out, muffled from the labor of my breaths and doused in panic. Fifty-five dollars and it already busted. I paused for a brief moment. That means I was perfectly justified to steal it, I shoved it into the pocket of your bag, it was a scam.
I continued to step back, hesitantly triple-checking each step that was placed. The last thing I wanted to do was trip again in the black void and possibly bust my head open on some rogue stone. Taking a few more steps back, my heel hits the back of what I hoped was the bottom of the stairs and I pivot to face it, leaning forward to lay my hands on the wood plank, before crawling up the stairs on all fours.
I’ll come back. I swear it. But exploring abandoned places with no reliable light source is stupidly dangerous and not the kind of danger that’s relaxing. So much for police-grade utilities, cheap bastards.
Also, the dark is scary.
Each step was a drag and I felt a weight sink in my limbs as I slowly made my way out of the cellar. The darkness was deafening and heavy, weighing down upon you.
Weird, I thought deliriously as I made another slow step up. My eyes started to droop and began to stumble, my head whirling and swooning like I was stuck on a rocket-fueled turn-table ride. I take another leaden step. I was getting closer. And with another step, my head hits the trapdoor.
Sighing, I placed my hands on the door and pushed up.
Instantly I’m blinded, a piercing white light burns into my eyes and I yelp, yanking back into the darkness.
I slapped a palm against my eyes and cursed as a tearing pain streaked across my forehead from the intense light while my ears began to ring. Gritting my teeth, I rub at my burned eyes. What in the world is going on out there, did someone bring floodlights to the barn?!
Squinting my eyes, I climb back out the trapdoor, facing the full force of the light as the ringing grows more shrill. I wince and put a hand out against the radiant beam, finally stepping onto the barn floor.
The ringing ceased. The light faded. Rapidly blinking my burned-out eyes, my vision began to clear and soon what I saw left me thunderstruck.
The barn looked… different. New, as though it was just built from freshly chopped trees, free from any stains, chips, and rot. The musty scent of age was gone, filled with the fresh breeze of newly laid hay. Not only that but it seemed to be smack dab in the middle of the day. The sun’s light breached through the openings between the wood planks and settled its glow in the barn. I furrowed my brows as I looked around the barn I swore I knew. I couldn’t have possibly been in the cellar that long for it to be day.
I swiveled back to look at the opened cellar door and quickly leaned over to shut it, before stepping back and staring at it. Darting my gaze between the trapdoor and the brightly lit new barn, I grew more confused by the second that I pulled off my hood and lifted my goggles to rest on my forehead to get a clearer look at the place. I needed to see I wasn’t losing my mind, and yet the barn still looked new.
Slowly, I nodded and started to accept that maybe I was far more oblivious than I already believed I was and that this barn took it to a whole other level. I waded through the new heaps of haystacks, deciding that I should go back to my apartment and book an appointment with the eye doctor, as soon as possible.
Sliding the barn door open with surprising ease, I tumble out into the open nearly slipping on some mud. A quick leap of my heart made me see the heavens for a split moment before I came back down to face with a horse.
I stared and the horse stared before it tossed its head as it stepped back and to the rest of its fellow equine. To say I had questions would be an understatement. There were never horses nearby, the barn was abandoned. At least that’s what I thought. I needed to go home. Immediately.
Quick as a skittish mouse, I ran down I supposed-to-be familiar path back to the lone tar road that I could follow into Boston. But I paused as I arrived next to the tree that marked its location.
It wasn’t there.
I stared at the wild shrubs and tall grass that covered the unfamiliar land. Why isn’t it there? My gaze darted along each pebble, leaf, and stick. It should be here. There’s no reason why it shouldn’t be here. Slowly, I began to run down what I hoped was the path of the vanished highway only to come across more shifts throughout the area.
Missing roads and metal signs, new wooden fences, narrow dirt roads, far more flora, and a disturbing absence of noise replaced by the deafening sounds of the air and birds. Everything felt different. Everything was wrong.
Every once in a while I would stop and turn in circles trying to find that specific marking on my mental map to find absolutely nothing before continuing to run in what I hoped was headed in the right direction. But as I sped on, it only became more apparent that I must’ve made a wrong turn.
I should at least be able to see the industrial towers and the outskirts of the city line, but nothing. There was nothing. I wasn’t sure how to feel as I slowed down to let my feet mindlessly guide me through the wilderness.
I’m… confused. Which isn’t much of an improvement, but it’s better than nothing. I don’t know where I am, I don’t know what happened with the barn. I wished I had something that could conveniently tell me where I was and guide me back with the safest and fastest route it could provide. A heavy pail of realization tipped down onto my head.
Oh, yeah. I have a phone.
I slid my bag to face my front and quickly snatched my phone from the designated phone pocket. The bag fell back and I opened my phone to Google Maps, glancing at the bars. Only one, that’s fine. I looked back at the screen and sighed, seeing it frozen. It’s not fine. I shut off my phone and shoved it into my jacket pocket, trudging on.
And with that, only one little thought circled my mind: I’m lost.
Somehow, some way, I got lost. I had no clue what happened with the barn, no clue where I was, no clue where everything was, and by golly, did I want to drop to the floor and roll around in the grass. But I didn’t. I put one foot in front of the other through the shrubs and the dirt as the sun shone obnoxiously through more trees than I’ve ever seen near a city such as Boston.
One foot forward, the other followed, a part of me refused to acknowledge my situation fully and was perfectly content to walk mindlessly through the foreign world. One then the other, one then the other, a nice smooth walk through the lovely forest that I chose to walk through. One then the other, oh, are those buildings?
Squinting, I peer at the curved silhouettes that stand apart from the natural forms of the flora that scarcely surround them. Have I finally made it back to Boston? They don’t look like those on the outskirts, though. Perhaps I arrived from a different direction. I lift my head and stare at the pale blue skies. Yes, a different direction, at least I’m back home.
Back home, indeed.
Stumbling closer to the buildings, I come across a dirt road I’ve never seen before that seemed to lead into the city. I ignored the tracks of hooves and parallel streaks and walked along the edge, unclipping my respirator to hang from my other ear. Soon, I began to hear the faint hustle and bustle of people being people and the city going on with its busy life. A cool sense of relief washed over me, but I couldn’t help but furrow my brows as I listened closer to the noise. It didn’t sound… right.
A chill trickled down my spine and I stopped. Something isn’t right. I’m not supposed to be…
Suddenly I became aware of the creaks and rattles of metal against wood trembling over the uneven dirt road from behind me at an alarming pace. My eyes popped open in panic and I scrambled away from the road just before I was hit by a gust of wind as something whisked past me. Alarmed I whipped around to see what could have possibly been hurtling down the road only to stop and stare in disbelief.
It was a cart. With horses.
A cart like those that are displayed in the halls of museums, all broken and rotten and barely living in the 21st century. But rather than the cart crumbling at the mere breath of a butterfly, it rolled on, built brand new with fresh wood like the barn, and carrying large wooden crates stacked heavily atop each other.
The wheels were coated thick with mud and pebbles which left behind indents in the dirt, adding to those already printed into the ground. It continued its journey, clearly heading towards the city and oblivious to the pedestrian it nearly hit.
And I could do nothing but follow after it.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
I was hoping in this article The Grayzone would be able to highlight more individual instances of direct and indirect spending in Ukraine, but unfortunately most of that information remains secret.
But The Grayzone was able to audit some detail out of the documented spending by the US Government and it sure doesn't fail to shock with its absurdity.
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So US Government debt, as always, is only an problem when the money is being spent on American Workers.
Though Joe Biden likes to pretend to be a big defender of Social Security and Medicare, his history is one of someone waiting eagerly for the opportunity to gut and privatize Social Security, and along with his Republican counterparts, has largely succeeded in Privatizing Medicare. Which is, of course, turning into one big scam where Insurance companies charge the Govt whatever they feel like and being largely reimbursed for it.
At every opportunity, Joe Biden quietly reaffirms to his donors his commitment to cutting Social Security and uses the usual coded language of "adjustments" and "saving" the program, in other words, cutting it.
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But when it comes to money for Ukraine, no "adjustments", "changes" or "saving" of the program is necessary, even a year and a half and at least $100 Billion dollars into it.
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This is also important to keep in mind. The CIA's "Black Budget" allows the Agency to spend nearly unlimited amounts of money, ammunition, equipment and weaponry with little to no oversight whatsoever.
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Even as the infrastructure of the United States falls apart from disrepair, we send billions to Ukraine for their own infrastructure needs.
Just as with Social Security and Medicare, it's okay for Americans to die in large numbers due to accidents related to failing infrastructure.
As a NY Times article from November 2015 describes:
"The Federal Department of Transportation estimates that obsolete road designs and poor road conditions are a factor in about 14'000 highway deaths each year. Research by Ted Miller, a senior research scientist at the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, which receives financing from the Transportation Department, put the medical cost of highway injuries from poor road conditions at $11.4 billion for 2013 according to the latest data available."
"The problem extends beyond roads. Research by the National Transportation Safety Board shows that since 2004, about 77 deaths and 1'400 injuries could have been prevented if railroads had installed a safety system known as Positive Train Control. That includes an Amtrak derailment in May that killed eight people and injured hundreds more in Philadelphia."
But that's okay, we're preventing road deaths in Ukraine. We can always feel good about that!
But we're also suspiciously sending money designated for Ukraine to companies and governments completely unrelated to Ukraine, because literally anything can be tied to this war for Govt Lawyers and bureaucrats
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Vast sums are also being spent on various psy-op programs and propaganda efforts through various media organizations, NGOs and think-tanks.
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"The funds were earmarked 'to strengthen the International Center for Ukrainian Victory (ICUV) initiative in implementing international advocacy campaigns to keep high levels of International solidarity with Ukraine' "
AKA Propaganda and psy-ops
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Interestingly, much of the funds spent by USAID earmarked for Ukraine seems to have gone to various programs completely unrelated to Ukraine.
It shows us that these organizations are NOT in fact humanitarian organizations, and they have little interest in actually helping real Ukrainians.
Rather, the point of all these "Humanitarian" organizations, NGOs, etc. is wash public funds and put them into the pockets of Western Oligarchs through a web of programs and organizations that always conveniently hire all the well known Washington DC Law Firms and Consulting Firms, big Wall Street investors, Silicon Valley Tech Giants, and huge Western Corporations to get involved in these regime change wars and "Humanitarian" Interventions, as well the "rebuilding" after war.
Wall Street gets to collect public funds in the run-up to wars, during wars, and after the wars they funded are over.
Rinse and repeat in Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Iraq, and now Ukraine.
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And then there are some expenditures that will raise eyebrows for another reason, because it very suspiciously looks like the funding for the Nordstream Pipeline terrorist attack and the supplies needed for the operation.
The Pentagon sponsors diving contractor with “history of fraud” to send mysterious explosives to Ukraine
The Department of Defense transferred $4.75 Million to Atlantic Diving Supply Inc. as of February 3rd, 2023 for "PRO SAPPER AND EOD EQUIPMENT [CONTRACTING SQUADRON] UKRAINE" and "Marine lifesaving and diving equipment.
Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) and Sapper equipment is exclusively used to blow things up or clear up explosives. And Atlantic Diving Supply is a military contractor originally founded to provide tactical gear to Navy Seal divers.
When a company like this is tasked with a highly specific delivery of explosives gear to any foreign nation, including Ukraine, it should prompt questions about the mission, particularly when US Intelligence is blaming Ukraine's Military for attacking the Nordstream pipelines without the knowledge of President Zelensky. (The payment does not necessarily correlate with the date of delivery from the vendor; in other words the equipment could have been provided at an earlier date.)
Luke Hillier, the founder of Atlantic Diving Supply paid a $20 Million dollar settlement in 2019 to resolve charges that he defrauded the Pentagon by falsely claiming his company was a small business. Atlantic Diving is consistently listed as one of the top 25 largest military contractors in the country.
In 2021, Hillier raked in a massive $33 Billion dollar contract under the same program, prompting fresh accusations of fraud. The pattern of malfeasance prompted a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee to bluntly denounce Atlantic Diving as a "fraudulent company."
Hillier currently owns $13 Million dollar Mega-Yacht in the Cayman Islands, $24 Million worth of beachfront property in Hawaii, and two Bahamas-based companies with murky operations, according to the Project on Government Oversight.
This goes on and on and on and on.
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I mean, I'm literally out of room to put more of these expenditures into this post, so instead I will just write out some more egregious examples I haven't yet included:
The Department of Defense has paid $4.9 Million to BAE Systems GCS International as of September 12th, 2022 for "UKRAINE LCS LW 155 SPARES" and "Guns over 155mm to 200mm." In Navy terminology, LCS means "Littoral Combat Ship" while "LW" refers to the Lightweight Gun. And "155mm SPARES" refers to the Gun mounted on the ship's main battery off the bow.
USAID sent $3 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2022 “to improve health outcomes in drought affected areas in Ethiopia.” The description stated, “partially funded with response funds and Ukraine Supplemental Funds.”
USAID sent 30.9 million to Chemonics International, Inc. for the “Ukraine confidence building initiative (UCBI) 4. A private, for-profit aid contractor, Chemonics’ founder said he launched the company to “have my own CIA.” The Grayzone has documented Chemonics’ role in delivering US government funding and supplies to the Syrian White Helmets, which served as the propaganda wing of the Al Qaeda-tied armed opposition. Chemonics previously reaped a massive windfall from the US occupation of Afghanistan, raking in as much as $600 million from USAID.
USAID sent $20.7 million to PACT, INC. for “USAID Ukraine’s public health system recovery and resilience activity and will strengthen the Government of Ukraine (GOU) capacity to address COVID-19 and other public health threats, sustain health services during a crisis, and protect the health of all Ukrainians including vulnerable and marginalized populations. According to its 2022 impact statement [PDF], “In Ukraine, Pact’s work empowers citizens to push for transparent and democratic governance, advances gender equality and human rights for women and girls, and accelerates efforts to achieve HIV epidemic control.” The contractor’s work contributed to “172 people increas[ing] their net income,” according to Pact.
USAID sent 7.6 million to UNICEF IDA for emergency nutrition response in ASALs (Arid and Semi-Arid Lands) in Kenya. The description stated, “partially funded with response funds and Ukraine Supplemental Funds”
USAID sent $1.2 million to University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. located in Atlanta, GA to “support humanitarian information management through geographic information systems, data analytics and visualizations”. Ukraine was listed as the place of performance.
Washington funnels cash to a private equity firm, Georgian finance corporation, a ‘private entrepreneur’ via Ukraine aid
US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) sent $25 million to Horizon Capital Growth Fund IV, a “leading private equity firm in emerging Europe, “to back high-growth tech and export-oriented [Small and Medium Sized Enterprises] succeeding globally, based on platforms in Ukraine and Moldova.”
US International Development Finance Corporation (DFC) sent $1.5 million to the Gazelle Fund LP, another private equity firm, to relocate Ukrainian businesses to Georgia. Georgia does not border Ukraine, nor is it a primary location for Ukrainian refugee resettlement.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) sent $882'291 to a single individual described as an “private entrepreneur” in exchange for “overseas technical assistance program support services.” The private entrepreneur listed, Igor Lavreniuk, serves as the Program Coordinator for USAID’s Competitive Markets Program according to his LinkedIn.
The National Science Foundation sent 1.3 million to University of Illinois for faculty and curricular development in remote sensing. The place of performance is listed as Ukraine.
The Department of State has paid 8.3 million to Catholic Relief Services (CRS) to help “refugees from Ukraine meet their essential needs during initial displacement.” According to SpendingUS.gov, Catholic Relief Services is listed as having received a total of 657 million from the State Department in 2021, 5.7 billion since 2008 and 670 million during the last 12 months.
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As the war drags on, lawmakers like Sen. Lindsey Graham have marketed military aid to Ukraine in increasingly grim terms. As the senator boasted during a recent trip to Kiev, “The Russians are dying…it’s the best money we’ve ever spent.” Meanwhile, Congress has rejected any mechanism that would guarantee transparency on the billions sent to Kiev, and shunned a war powers debate over the US military’s presence on the Ukrainian battlefield.
President Joseph Biden, for his part, has pledged that official Washington will support Kiev “as long as it takes.” As the potential for blowback grows from Western pressure to push Ukraine into NATO, and a nuclear-armed Moscow is backed into an existential fight for its survival, while economic powers including China gradually decouple from the Western financial system, Americans can only wonder how much will this war cost them when it is finally over.
Of course this is nowhere near a full accounting of Washington's Proxy-war in Ukraine which is surely costing in the hundreds of Billions by now between the direct financial aid listed above, to weapons systems and ammunition deliveries, to the training of Kiev's Forces taking place in secret locations across Europe and the US.
And for all we can see, our Country's oligarchs and politicians seem satisfied to continue on the gravy train until they can no longer suck one more penny of wealth out of US public coffers.
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digitaltravelexpert · 13 days
Travel Creators Find Cheap Flights to Anywhere: 10 Top Hacks
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For those who constantly explore new places, flight costs can add up quickly. As an avid traveler or content creator, what’s your approach to finding and affording flights to diverse destinations? What are the insider tips and tricks that help you score the best flight deals and manage your travel budget effectively? As a digital nomad and travel content creator, jet-setting across the globe is more than just a lifestyle—it's a necessity. However, the cost of flights can be the biggest barrier to living your dream, especially when you're trying to balance quality content creation with budget-conscious travel. The good news? Finding cheap flights to anywhere is an art that can be mastered with the right strategies and tools.
Why Some Travel Destinations Are Harder to Find Low-Cost Flights For
Before diving into the tips, it's important to acknowledge that not all destinations are created equal when it comes to finding budget flights. Many elements shape flight prices, with one of the most impactful being how popular a destination is among travelers. Destinations with high tourist traffic, like Paris or Bangkok, tend to have more competition among airlines, which can drive prices down. On the other hand, less frequented places or those with fewer direct flight options, such as remote parts of Africa or the Pacific Islands, may see fewer deals. For travelers flying from Europe or the US to Africa, for example, whether for a two-week African tour itinerary or a quick seven-day African safari, the flight ticket often becomes the most significant expense, sometimes making the entire vacation unaffordable for some. Now, let’s break down how you can find those elusive cheap flights to anywhere, even if "anywhere" happens to be a remote or less popular destination. 1. Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates Being flexible is crucial when searching for affordable flights. Airlines adjust their prices based on demand, so if you’re able to fly during off-peak times, you’ll likely find better deals. This necessitates steering clear of weekends, public holidays, and school vacation periods. Instead, look for mid-week flights or travel during the shoulder seasons (just before or after peak tourist season). Some websites and tools allow you to search for the cheapest flights across an entire month, helping you spot the best dates to fly. 2. Use Flight Search Engines with Multiple Filters Tools like Skyscanner, Google Flights, and Momondo are invaluable for finding cheap flights to popular and unpopular travel destinations. These platforms allow you to search for affordable flights without specifying a destination, which is perfect if you're open to exploring new places. The “Explore” or “Everywhere” feature can highlight travel destinations that have particularly low fares, which might inspire your next content shoot. Make sure to set up price alerts for destinations you’re interested in; this way, you’ll be notified when prices drop. 3. Consider Alternative Airports If you're willing to get creative, consider flying into a nearby city or secondary airport. For example, if you’re heading to a popular destination like New York City, compare the prices of flights landing in Newark, LaGuardia, or even Philadelphia. Sometimes, a quick bus or train ride from a smaller airport can save you hundreds of dollars. This strategy is especially useful for travel destinations where direct flights are limited or costly, such as certain African or Asian countries. 4. Look for Error Fares and Last-Minute Deals Error fares are the Holy Grail for budget travelers. These are mistakes made by airlines or online travel agencies that result in significantly reduced ticket prices. Websites like Secret Flying and Scott’s Cheap Flights (now known as Going) can alert you to these deals. However, these fares don’t last long, so you’ll need to be quick to snag them. Last-minute deals can also be surprisingly cheap, especially if an airline has unsold seats they’re desperate to fill. While this can be a bit risky if you have a tight schedule, it can be a great way to save if you have the flexibility to book on short notice. 5. Use Airline Miles and Travel Rewards Programs If you're a frequent traveler, you should be leveraging airline miles and rewards programs. Sign up for airline loyalty programs and consider getting a travel credit card that earns you miles on every purchase. With enough miles, you can get free or heavily discounted flights, which is a game-changer for anyone trying to find cheap flights to anywhere. Many travel credit cards also offer sign-up bonuses that can give you a substantial number of miles right off the bat, sometimes enough for a round-trip flight. Combine this with strategies like shopping through airline portals and dining at partner restaurants to maximize your points. 6. Explore Alternative Travel Routes If your destination is particularly expensive, consider breaking up your journey into multiple legs. For instance, flights from the US to Africa might be expensive if booked directly, but you might find a cheaper option by flying to a hub in Europe or the Middle East first and then catching a budget flight to your final destination. This approach requires more time and patience, but the savings can be substantial. 7. Don’t Forget About Budget Airlines Budget airlines like Ryanair, EasyJet, or AirAsia are well-known for offering incredibly low fares, especially on short-haul routes. While they may not provide the same level of comfort or flexibility as major carriers, they can be a lifesaver for the budget-conscious traveler. Be sure to carefully review the terms and conditions, as these airlines frequently impose additional fees for services such as checked baggage, seat selection, and even the printing of boarding passes at the airport. 8. Subscribe to Newsletters and Deal Alerts A highly effective method for remaining informed about flight deals is to enroll in newsletters and sign up for notifications from deal alert websites. Services like The Flight Deal, TravelPirates, and Airfarewatchdog compile and send out daily or weekly emails with the best flight deals they’ve found. This way, you’re always in the loop about the latest bargains and can jump on a cheap flight to any travel destination as soon as it becomes available. 9. Consider a Different Destination If you're set on finding cheap flights to travel destinations worldwide, sometimes you might have to adjust your destination based on where the deals are. If flights to your dream location are outrageously expensive, see if there’s a similar destination with better fares. For example, if you’re looking at a safari in Kenya but the flights are too costly, consider a neighboring country like Tanzania or Uganda. You might discover a hidden gem that’s just as inspiring for your content. 10. Stay Patient and Persistent Finally, finding cheap flights requires patience and persistence. Prices fluctuate frequently, so it’s essential to keep checking, set up alerts, and be ready to book when the right deal comes along. By combining all these strategies, you'll increase your chances of finding that perfect flight without breaking the bank.
Finding Cheap Flights to Anywhere Is No Easy Game
Where is the cheapest place to fly to right now?The cheapest place to fly to right now for a digital nomad or regular flyer can vary depending on factors such as current promotions, travel restrictions, and personal preferences. It's best to use flight comparison websites or apps to explore destinations with low airfare options based on your departure location and travel dates. Additionally, consider factors like cost of living, visa requirements, and safety when choosing a destination.Why is skiplagging bad?Skiplagging is frowned upon because it violates airline policies and can have consequences such as canceled return flights or loss of loyalty points. For example, if a direct flight from New York to London costs $500 and a flight from New York to Amsterdam with a layover in London costs $300, skiplagging involves booking the cheaper flight but only flying to London, potentially saving $200. However, airlines may penalize passengers who engage in skip-lagging by canceling return flights or even banning them from future travel.What is the cheapest day to fly anywhere?The cheapest days to fly domestically or overseas are typically Tuesday and Wednesday. On these days of the week, airlines tend to have lower demand, resulting in potentially cheaper fares. However, prices can vary depending on various factors such as destination, time of year, and specific airline promotions. It's essential to compare prices across different days and be flexible with travel dates to find the best deals.Are last-minute flights cheaper?If you've been wondering how to find cheap flights to destinations worldwide or if last-minute minutes are always a good option, here is the answer. Last-minute flights are often more expensive due to increased demand and limited availability. Airlines typically raise prices as the departure dates approach, making it harder to find cheap deals. Booking in advance or being flexible with travel dates can help secure lower fares.How do I find the cheapest flights without a specific frequent flyer membership?If you're not a frequent traveler, you can find cheap flights by being flexible with your travel dates, using price comparison websites, booking in advance, considering budget airlines, and being open to alternative airports or destinations. What day are United Airlines cheap flights available?United Airlines offers a range of flight prices, including budget options. The cheapest days to book United flights typically include weekdays like Tuesdays and Wednesdays, with fewer travelers and potentially lower demand, leading to lower fares. However, prices can vary depending on factors such as route, time of booking, and seasonal demand. It's advisable to use fare comparison tools and monitor prices regularly for the best deals. 50 Catchy Terms for Cheap Flights and Travel Content Creators - Budget Jetting: Optimizing travel costs while exploring the world, ideal for content creators on a tight budget. - Fare Savvy: Mastering the art of finding discounted flights through strategic planning and research. - Wanderlust Wallet: Combining a passion for travel with financial savvy to secure affordable airfare. - Flight Bargain Hunter: Expertly searching for and seizing the best flight deals available. - Cost-Conscious Traveler: Prioritizing budget-friendly options to make travel more accessible for content creators. - Discount Airfare Specialist: Focusing on finding and leveraging reduced flight prices for cost-effective journeys. - Affordable Getaways: Curating travel experiences that maximize enjoyment while minimizing costs. - Flight Deal Enthusiast: Passionately tracking and capitalizing on airfare discounts and special offers. - Travel Savings Guru: Expert in strategies and tools that help reduce the cost of travel. - Fare Finder Extraordinaire: Skillfully uncovering hidden deals and discounted flights for savvy travelers. - Pennywise Pilgrim: Achieving dream destinations without exceeding your travel budget. - Bargain Flight Explorer: Delving into cost-effective travel options for unforgettable adventures. - Economy Air Explorer: Focusing on economical flight choices to stretch your travel budget further. - Price-Sensitive Voyager: Navigating the world by prioritizing low-cost flight options. - Travel Thrift Master: Leveraging flight deals and discounts to maximize travel experiences on a budget. - Savvy Travel Strategist: Planning trips with a keen eye on finding the best airfare deals. - Budget Flyer’s Guide: Providing insights and tips on how to travel affordably while creating engaging content. - Cheap Flight Expert: Specializing in identifying and securing budget-friendly flight options. - Smart Travel Saver: Utilizing knowledge and resources to find the most economical flights for travel. - Flight Savings Advocate: Promoting and sharing strategies for reducing airfare costs. - Frugal Flyer: Embracing cost-effective travel solutions to maintain a budget-friendly lifestyle. - Discount Voyager: Seeking out and sharing the best deals on flights for avid travelers. - Affordable Flight Finder: Expertly discovering and utilizing reduced flight fares to enhance travel experiences. - Travel Cost Cutter: Implementing effective strategies to lower the expenses of air travel. - Fare Alert Specialist: Setting up and managing notifications for the latest flight deal opportunities. - Travel Expense Optimizer: Strategically reducing travel costs through savvy flight deals and discounts. - Flight Deal Tracker: Diligently monitoring and capturing the best airfare offers available. - Budget Travel Advocate: Championing affordable travel options and sharing tips on securing cheap flights. - Cost-Effective Jetsetter: Embracing a budget-conscious approach to exploring new destinations. - Flight Savings Pro: Expert in securing and utilizing airfare deals to enhance travel experiences. - Discounted Air Travel Expert: Mastering the art of finding and leveraging low-cost flight opportunities. - Budget Air Explorer: Navigating travel options with a focus on affordability and cost savings. - Travel Deal Sleuth: Investigating and uncovering the best deals for budget-friendly flights. - Economical Travel Enthusiast: Passionate about finding and sharing affordable airfare solutions. - Fare Bargain Expert: Specializing in identifying and utilizing discounted flight fares for cost-effective travel. - Flight Cost Analyst: Analyzing and optimizing airfare to ensure budget-friendly travel experiences. - Travel Savings Strategist: Developing and implementing strategies to achieve significant airfare savings. - Affordable Airfare Advisor: Providing guidance and tips on securing budget-friendly flight options. - Flight Deal Finder: Expertly identifying and securing special offers and discounts on flights. - Budget-Conscious Jetsetter: Traveling the world while prioritizing cost-effective airfare options. - Cost-Savvy Voyager: Utilizing financial acumen to uncover the best deals for air travel. - Discount Airfare Maven: Mastering the art of finding and utilizing reduced flight fares. - Travel Price Savant: Skilled in identifying and leveraging the best travel deals for content creation. - Flight Deal Hunter: Diligently searching for and capturing the most advantageous flight deals. - Frugal Flight Specialist: Focusing on strategies to secure affordable airfare for budget-conscious travelers. - Economy Travel Enthusiast: Passionate about discovering and sharing affordable flight options. - Fare Optimization Expert: Specializing in strategies to reduce travel costs through optimized flight deals. - Flight Savings Maven: Expertise in finding and maximizing savings on airfare for budget-friendly travel. - Cost-Effective Travel Advisor: Offering insights and advice on achieving affordable travel experiences. - Discounted Flight Enthusiast: Dedicated to finding and utilizing reduced airfare options for cost-effective travel. Final Thoughts As a digital nomad and travel content creator, finding affordable flights to anywhere isn't just a nice-to-have; it's crucial for maintaining your lifestyle and growing your brand. Whether you're chasing sunsets in Bali, exploring the streets of Paris, or embarking on an African safari, the key is to be flexible, resourceful, and always on the lookout for the best deals. While some destinations may be harder to reach on a budget, with the right approach, you can unlock affordable travel options that allow you to continue your journey across the globe—without sacrificing your bank account. Safe travels, and happy flight hunting. Read the full article
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weather-usa · 19 days
A record number of Americans died from heat last year.
A new study analyzing federally reported data since 1999 reveals that as the planet warms, heat-related deaths are on the rise in the U.S. In 2023, more Americans died from heat than in any other year over the past two decades, according to findings published Monday. Last year was also the hottest on record globally, marking another grim milestone in the ongoing climate change crisis.
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The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), reported 2,325 heat-related deaths in 2023, though researchers acknowledge that this figure is likely an undercount. Even after adjusting for the growing and aging U.S. population, the death toll remained alarmingly high.
"The warming trajectory and climate change we're experiencing are now visibly reflected in rising death rates," said Jeffrey Howard, lead author and associate professor of public health at the University of Texas at San Antonio, in an interview with USA TODAY. "This is something we hadn't previously been able to quantify."
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Howard, along with researchers from the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Maryland and Pennsylvania State University, analyzed death certificate data from 1999 to 2023. Deaths were counted if heat was listed as either an underlying or contributing cause.
The number of reported deaths remained relatively steady until around 2016, when they began to rise sharply. Howard, who studies the health impacts of extreme weather, described this trend as a "hockey stick." This analogy, often used to depict the steep rise in global temperatures due to climate change, reflects the sudden and alarming increase in heat-related deaths in recent years.
Howard's study indicates that the rising human toll of heat-related deaths mirrors the broader pattern of increasing global temperatures. A key metric is the age-adjusted death rate per 100,000 people, which has surged compared to the early 2000s, regardless of age or population size.
The rate has accelerated in recent years. In 2022, 1,722 people died at an adjusted rate of 0.47. But in 2023, there were 603 more deaths, with the adjusted rate climbing to 0.63, the highest ever recorded.
These deaths weren't evenly distributed across the country. In an interview, Howard noted that the vast majority occurred in traditionally hot regions like Arizona, California, Nevada, and Texas.
The study has limitations, particularly in how local governments classify heat-related deaths, which suggests the actual number may be undercounted. Additionally, the data could be skewed as public awareness of the dangers of extreme heat increases. The study also didn't specifically analyze vulnerable groups, such as those without air conditioning, individuals who live or work outdoors, and people with underlying health conditions—all of whom face a higher risk of serious illness or death from heat.
Heat is often referred to as the silent killer, explained Sameed Khatana, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and a cardiologist at the Philadelphia VA Medical Center, who has researched heat-related death reporting.
Khatana noted that officials are increasingly aware of the role heat plays when completing death certificates. “There’s a growing recognition of the subtleties highlighted in research over the past few decades," he said.
Researchers, including Khatana, have previously advocated for better reporting of heat-related deaths.
Ashley Ward, director of the Heat Policy Innovation Hub at Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment and Sustainability, highlighted that how heat is attributed on death certificates varies across counties. “We need to develop guidance and standards for determining when heat is a contributing factor,” she said.
The study published Monday also urged local officials to consider investing in hydration stations, public cooling centers, and additional buildings with air conditioning.
In 2024, summer heat continues unabated. While it’s unclear how this year’s heat-related deaths compare to previous years, recent months have seen multiple heat waves across the country.
For instance, Phoenix has set a record for the number of days exceeding 100 degrees, with the city’s Sky Harbor Airport reaching 91 consecutive days of such temperatures, according to Mark O'Malley, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service office in Phoenix.
In July, California and New Hampshire recorded their hottest July on record, while 19 other states also experienced one of their top 10 warmest Julys, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).
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Globally, late July saw three consecutive days that were the hottest on record, surpassing the previous year's high temperatures. NOAA estimates there is roughly a 77% chance that this year will be the warmest on record.
“Overall,” Howard said, “it appears that conditions are worsening rather than improving.”
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lboogie1906 · 1 month
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Rev. Dr. Woodrow Wilson Goode Sr. (born August 19, 1938) is a former Mayor of Philadelphia and the first African American to hold that office. He served (1984-92) a period which included the controversial MOVE police action and house bombing in 1985. He was a community activist, chair of the state Public Utility Commission, and managing director for the City of Philadelphia.
He was born in Seaboard, North Carolina. His family arrived in Philadelphia in 1953 and lived in the Paschall neighborhood. He was an honors student at John Bartram High School and he graduated from Morgan State University. He was a member of the Reserve Officers Training Corps while attending Morgan State and entered the army as a First Lieutenant in the military police. He returned to Philadelphia and briefly worked as a manager at a building maintenance firm and as an insurance adjuster before he was hired by the Philadelphia Council for Community Development. He became the executive director of PCCD. He and his wife bought a house in the Paschall neighborhood, where he served as a deacon of Paschall’s First Baptist Church. He completed his graduate studies at the Fels Institute of Government at the University of Pennsylvania where he earned his MA in Public Administration.
He stayed active after leaving office as mayor by holding a position in the Department of Education. He earned a D.Min at Palmer Theological Seminary and became a minister and professor at Eastern University, as well as a leader of advocacy for faith-based initiatives. He serves as CEO of Amachi, a mentoring program for children of incarcerated parents. He was awarded the Purpose Prize, a $100,000 award given to exceptional individuals over age 60 who are working to address critical social problems. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #sigmapiphi
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aaapublic1a2 · 9 days
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umangkumari1991 · 4 months
Public Transportation and Infrastructure in Philadelphia Mississippi United States
Navigating Philadelphia, Mississippi:
A Closer Look at Public Transportation and Infrastructurel Nestled in the heart of Mississippi, Philadelphia is a charming town known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and warm hospitality.
As residents and visitors alike traverse its streets, they rely on a robust public transportation system and well-maintained infrastructure to connect them with essential services and amenities.
At the core of Philadelphia's transportation network is the Neshoba County Transit System (NCTS), which provides vital mobility services to the community. Established to meet the diverse needs of residents, NCTS offers fixed-route bus services, paratransit services for individuals with disabilities, and demand-response transportation for those requiring door-to-door assistance.
With a fleet of modern vehicles equipped with accessibility features, NCTS ensures that all members of the community can travel safely and comfortably.The fixed-route bus system serves key destinations within Philadelphia and its surrounding areas, including shopping centers, medical facilities, educational institutions, and employment hubs.
With convenient schedules and affordable fares, the bus system offers residents a convenient alternative to driving, reducing traffic congestion and promoting environmental sustainability. Moreover, NCTS regularly evaluates and adjusts routes based on community feedback and changing transportation needs, ensuring that services remain efficient and responsive to evolving demand.
In addition to fixed-route services, NCTS operates a paratransit program that provides specialized transportation for individuals with disabilities who are unable to use conventional buses.
This door-to-door service offers flexibility and independence, allowing passengers to access essential destinations such as healthcare facilities, grocery stores, and social services. Through partnerships with local agencies and advocacy groups, NCTS strives to enhance accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring that all residents have equal opportunities to participate fully in community life.Beyond public transportation, Philadelphia prioritizes the maintenance and enhancement of its infrastructure to support economic development and quality of life.
The town's roads and bridges undergo regular inspection and maintenance to ensure safety and reliability for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians. Through strategic investments in road rehabilitation, bridge repair, and traffic management, Philadelphia aims to enhance connectivity and facilitate efficient movement within the community.Moreover, Philadelphia recognizes the importance of sustainable transportation solutions in reducing carbon emissions and mitigating environmental impact.
In recent years, the town has implemented initiatives to promote alternative modes of transportation, such as cycling and walking. Through the development of bike lanes, pedestrian pathways, and multi-use trails, Philadelphia encourages active transportation and healthy lifestyles while reducing reliance on single-occupancy vehicles.
Furthermore, Philadelphia embraces innovation in transportation technology to enhance efficiency and convenience for residents. The town explores opportunities to integrate smart transportation solutions, such as real-time transit tracking systems, digital fare payment options, and ridesharing platforms.
By harnessing the power of data and technology, Philadelphia aims to optimize transportation operations, improve service reliability, and enhance the overall passenger experience.In conclusion, Philadelphia, Mississippi, demonstrates a steadfast commitment to providing accessible, efficient, and sustainable transportation options for its residents and visitors.
Through the Neshoba County Transit System and proactive infrastructure investments, the town ensures that transportation remains a cornerstone of community connectivity, economic vitality, and quality of life. As Philadelphia continues to evolve and grow, its dedication to fostering a vibrant and accessible transportation network will remain paramount.
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sadmachine1190 · 5 months
The Unforgettable Moments of Rudy Giuliani's Career
From "America's Mayor" to Infamy: A Look at Giuliani's Most Outlandish Moments
Rudy Giuliani, once hailed as "America's Mayor" for his leadership during the aftermath of 9/11, has had a highly unusual and controversial political career. From his role as Donald Trump's personal attorney to his recent legal troubles, Giuliani's journey has been anything but ordinary. This article takes a closer look at some of the most memorable and outlandish moments in Giuliani's career, highlighting the highs and lows of his public life.
Hair Dye and Press Conferences
One of the most memorable moments from Giuliani's post-election crusade to overturn the 2020 election was the sight of hair dye streaking down his face during a press conference. As he vehemently contested the election results, the combination of perspiration and hair dye created a rather unfortunate visual. This incident became a symbol of the chaotic and often bizarre nature of Giuliani's campaign.
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
In the satirical comedy sequel, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, Giuliani found himself unwittingly entangled in a meeting with a fake journalist in a New York City hotel room. The encounter, captured on secret cameras, showed Giuliani with his hands down his pants as he lay on a hotel bed. While he later claimed he was merely adjusting his trousers, the uncomfortable moment became a talking point and added to Giuliani's string of controversial appearances.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping
Perhaps one of the most infamous press conferences in recent memory was held by Giuliani and his team at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, an unassuming Philadelphia garden center. Despite the obvious mix-up in location, Giuliani proceeded with the conference, discussing allegations of voter fraud. The absurdity of the situation, combined with Giuliani's determination to carry on, made this event a symbol of the chaotic nature of the Trump campaign.
The Masked Singer
In a surprising turn of events, Giuliani made an appearance on the kooky singing competition show, The Masked Singer. Disguised as a Jack-in-the-Box, he sang "Bad to the Bone" and shocked both the judges and the audience. Given the controversies surrounding him at the time, his presence on the show raised eyebrows and led to some judges walking off the stage in protest.
The 'Bill Clinton' Treatment
In a bombshell lawsuit filed by his former employee, Noelle Dunphy, Giuliani was accused of sexual assault and harassment. The lawsuit included outrageous details, such as Giuliani demanding oral sex while on speakerphone with high-profile friends and clients. He allegedly compared himself to Bill Clinton in his enjoyment of engaging in such behavior.
Giuliani vehemently denied the allegations, but the lawsuit added to the controversies surrounding his personal life.
Matt Damon and Celebrity Confusion
In another bizarre revelation from Dunphy's court filing, transcripts of recordings showed Giuliani getting confused about celebrities and making derogatory comments about Matt Damon. He mistakenly referred to Damon as a "f**" and insulted his height, despite the actor's actual height being listed as 5ft 10in. The reason behind Giuliani's apparent vendetta against Damon remains unclear.
The Airport Shave
In a moment that left many bewildered, Giuliani was caught on video shaving his face in the Delta One lounge at New York's JFK Airport. While waiting for his flight, he decided to shave in public, disregarding social norms and privacy. This incident, along with the hair dye mishap, further cemented Giuliani's reputation for disregarding decorum.
The Moment Joe Biden Won the Election
During a news conference on November 7, 2020, Giuliani learned of Joe Biden's victory in the election. His reaction was a mix of disbelief and frustration, exclaiming, "All the networks? We have to forget about the law!"
This outburst, combined with his dismissive attitude towards the media's role in elections, showcased Giuliani's unwavering loyalty to Donald Trump and his disregard for established democratic processes.
Rudy Giuliani's political career has been marked by a series of unforgettable and often controversial moments. From hair dye mishaps to legal troubles and bizarre appearances, Giuliani's journey has been anything but ordinary. While he may have started as "America's Mayor," his recent actions and controversies have tarnished his reputation.
As Giuliani continues to face legal challenges and public scrutiny, his legacy will be forever intertwined with these outlandish moments.
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m5-6 · 5 months
Rudy Giuliani: A Career of Controversy and Infamy
From America's Mayor to Trump's Personal Attorney, Rudy Giuliani's Unusual Political Journey
Rudy Giuliani, once hailed as "America's Mayor" for his leadership during the aftermath of 9/11, has seen his political career take a dramatic turn. From his role as Donald Trump's personal attorney to his involvement in spreading voter fraud lies after the 2020 election, Giuliani has become a controversial figure in American politics. In addition to his legal troubles and infamous appearances, Giuliani has found himself embroiled in scandals and lawsuits.
This article takes a look back at some of the most outlandish moments from Giuliani's long and tumultuous career.
Hair Dye and Press Conferences
One of the most memorable moments from Giuliani's post-election crusade to overturn the 2020 election results was his press conference where hair dye began streaking down his face. As he passionately contested the election results, the combination of perspiration and hair dye created an unforgettable image. This incident only added to the spectacle surrounding Giuliani's demand to be taken seriously.
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
In the satirical comedy sequel "Borat Subsequent Moviefilm," Giuliani was unknowingly entangled in a meeting with a fake journalist. The scene in question involved Giuliani in a hotel room with his hands down his pants. While he later claimed he was merely adjusting his trousers, the uncomfortable moment became a subject of widespread discussion and viewer discomfort.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping
Perhaps one of the most infamous press conferences in recent memory was held by Giuliani at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, an unassuming Philadelphia garden center. Despite the location being a clear mistake, Giuliani proceeded with the press conference, discussing alleged voter fraud. The incident became a symbol of the chaotic nature of the post-election period and further added to Giuliani's reputation for outlandish moments.
The Masked Singer Surprise
In a surprising turn of events, Giuliani made an appearance on the popular singing competition show "The Masked Singer." Disguised as a Jack-in-the-Box, he performed the song "Bad to the Bone." The judges' reactions varied, with some walking off the stage seemingly in protest.
The appearance on the show raised eyebrows and added another unexpected twist to Giuliani's career.
The 'Bill Clinton' Treatment
In a bombshell lawsuit filed by Giuliani's former employee Noelle Dunphy, she accused him of sexual assault and harassment. The lawsuit included outrageous claims, such as Giuliani demanding oral sex while on speakerphone with high-profile friends and clients, comparing his behavior to that of former President Bill Clinton. Giuliani vehemently denied the allegations, but the lawsuit shed a negative light on his personal conduct.
Matt Damon and Celebrity Insults
In leaked transcripts of recordings submitted as part of the lawsuit, Giuliani appeared to insult actor Matt Damon. He made derogatory comments about Damon's height and questioned his sexual orientation. The reason for Giuliani's apparent vendetta against Damon remains unclear, but the incident showcased his tendency to make inappropriate and offensive remarks.
The Airport Shave
In a bizarre incident at New York's JFK Airport, videos captured Giuliani shaving his face inside the Delta One lounge. This public display of personal grooming added to the growing list of Giuliani's unconventional behavior. Combined with the hair dye incident, it highlighted his disregard for traditional norms and decorum.
The Moment of Defeat
During a news conference following Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 election, Giuliani's reaction was captured on camera. Learning that all the networks had called the election for Biden, Giuliani expressed disbelief and frustration. He exclaimed, "All the networks?
We have to forget about the law!" This outburst showcased Giuliani's refusal to accept defeat and his willingness to challenge the democratic process.
Rudy Giuliani's political career has been marked by controversy, scandal, and a series of outlandish moments. From his role as "America's Mayor" to his time as Donald Trump's personal attorney, Giuliani's trajectory has been anything but ordinary. His legal troubles, infamous appearances, and offensive remarks have overshadowed his previous accomplishments and tarnished his reputation.
As Giuliani continues to face legal challenges and public scrutiny, his career serves as a cautionary tale of the perils of political ambition and the consequences of straying from the path of integrity.
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damasaknjigama · 5 months
Rudy Giuliani: From America's Mayor to Infamy
A Look Back at Giuliani's Most Outlandish Moments
Rudy Giuliani, once hailed as "America's Mayor" for his leadership during the aftermath of 9/11, has taken a dramatic and unconventional path in his political career. From his role as Donald Trump's personal attorney to his involvement in spreading voter fraud lies after the 2020 election, Giuliani's reputation has been tarnished. In addition to his legal troubles, including criminal charges and allegations of sexual assault, Giuliani has faced public ridicule for his bizarre and controversial actions.
Let's take a closer look at some of Giuliani's most outlandish moments throughout his long career in the public eye.
Hair Dye Mishap
One of the most memorable moments from Giuliani's post-election crusade to overturn the 2020 election was his press conference where hair dye was seen trickling down his face. As he vehemently contested the election results, the combination of perspiration and hair dye created two black streaks on his face, undermining his demand to be taken seriously.
Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
In the satirical comedy sequel, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, Giuliani was unknowingly lured into a meeting with a fake journalist in a New York City hotel room. The encounter became uncomfortable as Giuliani was seen with his hands down his pants while lying on a hotel bed. He later claimed he was merely adjusting his trousers, but the incident added to the controversy surrounding him.
Four Seasons Total Landscaping
During the aftermath of the 2020 election, Giuliani held a press conference at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, an unassuming Philadelphia garden center. The location, seemingly booked in error, became a symbol of the chaotic nature of Giuliani's post-election efforts. Despite the blunder, Giuliani carried on with the conference, further adding to the farcical nature of the event.
The Masked Singer
In an unexpected turn of events, Giuliani made an appearance on the kooky singing competition show, The Masked Singer. Disguised as a Jack-in-the-Box character, he performed "Bad to the Bone" but faced criticism from the judges, with some walking off the stage seemingly in protest due to the controversy surrounding him at the time.
The 'Bill Clinton' Treatment
In a bombshell lawsuit filed by one of Giuliani's former employees, Noelle Dunphy, she accused him of sexual assault and harassment. The lawsuit included outrageous details, such as Giuliani demanding oral sex while on speakerphone with high-profile friends and clients, comparing his behavior to that of Bill Clinton. Giuliani denied the allegations, but the lawsuit added to the mounting controversies surrounding him.
Matt Damon Insult
In a recorded conversation submitted as part of the court filing, Giuliani appeared to insult actor Matt Damon, calling him a derogatory term and making false claims about his height and personal life. It remains unclear why Giuliani had a vendetta against Damon, but the incident showcased his bizarre behavior and questionable judgment.
The Airport Shave
In a moment of public spectacle, videos captured Giuliani shaving his face inside the Delta One lounge at New York's JFK Airport. This unusual act of grooming in a public setting added to the growing list of eyebrow-raising moments associated with Giuliani.
The Moment Biden Won
During a news conference, Giuliani learned of Joe Biden's victory in the 2020 election. His reaction, captured on camera, was one of disbelief and frustration. Giuliani exclaimed, "All the networks?
We have to forget about the law! Judges don't count!" His outburst showcased his refusal to accept the election results and added to the controversy surrounding him.
Rudy Giuliani's political career has taken a dramatic turn, from being hailed as a hero to becoming a controversial figure. His outlandish moments, ranging from the hair dye mishap to his involvement in Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, have only added to his infamy. As he faces legal troubles and public ridicule, Giuliani's legacy is one of controversy and unconventional behavior.
His downfall serves as a cautionary tale of the unpredictable nature of politics and the consequences of straying from the path of integrity.
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