#public nuisance
khepritheshepri · 5 months
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Some more of khepri at lfm! This time really showing off his fluffy tail!!
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more photos forthcoming, but for now enjoy this group photo with the wonderful michael guy bowman! he was kind enough to drive all the way to our gathering at sacanime summer this year and perform for us. thank you everyone for attending!
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cheekedupwhiteboy · 6 months
why in gods name is tumblr user cryptotheism so popular btw. and has a patreon??? for why?? what does this guy ever do besides leave unnecessary nothingburger comments on other people's posts
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egorax · 1 year
Guess who mowed their lawn at 10 PM? 
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I am the worst type of person
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hanging around lmao
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ztremx · 1 year
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June 6. Tarzana CA
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countesspetofi · 2 years
Every year I forget that I can’t go to a grocery store, mall, or shopping plaza between Thanksgiving and Christmas because it’s Salvation-Army-Jackasses-Whaling-On-The-Bell-Like-There’s-A-Four-Alarm-Fire-And-They-Need-To-Hear-It-In-The-Next-County Season and oh, dear Satan, my teeth are still vibrating half an hour after I got home.
Even if I wanted to donate to their horrible organization, which I don’t, I wouldn’t do it JUST because they think it’s OK to make themselves into a public menace for a month every winter. They ought to be donating to me.
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rastronomicals · 1 month
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4:39 PM EDT August 15, 2024:
Public Nuisance - "Small Faces" From the album   Hello Operator! The Songs Jack White Taught Us (March 15, 2022)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
Giveaway with the May 2022 Mojo
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
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"LOOT WORTH $14,000 PENALTY IS 14 DAYS," Toronto Star. May 15, 1934. Page 3. --- Man Stole Clubbag Which Contained Valuable Stock Certificate --- Pleading guilty to theft of a club-bag containing a certificate worth $14,000 and some clothing, Bernard Brady in men's court this morning was given 14 days in jail.
Detective Ewing told the court that accused had entered the basement of J. K. McCutcheon's apartment on Sherbourne St., and had stolen the bag with the certificate and clothing.
"The certificate wasn't worth much?" suggested the magistrate.
"Just $14.000," retorted the officer. "We found it in his pocket when we picked him up."
"I just walked in, saw the bag. and took it, and walked out again," admitted Brady.
His arrest on a theft charge came as a result of police finding the stock certificate in his pocket when he was picked up on a vagrancy charge.
Pleading guilty to having lottery tickets, Sang Lee, an elderly Chinese, was fined $20 and costs or 30 days.
On a charge of criminal negligence, Walter Dixon was further remanded until June 2. Bail was set at $2,000.
A charge of theft of a bicycle against Murchie Beaton was dismissed, although he admitted he had a ride on it.
The complainant, a youth, said he went in to get an ice-cream cone leaving his bicycle outside. When he came back. he said, it was on the other side of the road and broken.
A charge of malicious damage against Benny Fox was adjourned until May 22.
Besides swearing so loudly that he kept the neighbors awake for blocks away, Claude Oliver, who had been drinking, then jumped out of his second-storey window and completed his trip to the ground by sliding down an eaves-pipe, testified P.C. Kelso in early court to-day. He didn't even get a scratch.
"At 2 a.m. to-day we received 25 complaints inside of 20 minutes," he said. "They said they could hear his roars for blocks. I went over and he, evidently thinking someone was going to beat him up, jumped out the window."
"We'll hand him to the doctor," decided Magistrate Tinker, remanding him until May 22 for a mental examination.
"I want three months," begged William Greenfield, a bedraggled vagrant with no home and no place to go. "All right.," agreed the mag- istrate. "One doilar or three months."
"I had five teeth out yesterday," explained John Thompson, denying a drunk charge. He was remanded until Friday.
Second offenders, Archibald McLean and George Moore, pleading guilty, were assessed $10 or 10 days.
Found sleeping in a office building, on Parliament St., this morning, Emilo Thebeault and Lucien Carlarneav, two youths from Cornwall, didn't even know how they got there, according to an officer who found them. They pleaded guilty to a vagrancy charge and were put in the care of Captain Bunton of the Salvation Army, who will help them on their way back to Cornwall.
Caught trespassing in railway yards, Carol Calderone, Raymond Beauchamp and Armos Beauchamp were fined $2 or two days each. It was $10 or 10 days for Fred Cates, also a trespasser.
Didn't Mean To Do Wrong Taking a friend home in his automobile late at night William Gordon Michael get lost on Paton Rd. and was arrested for reckless driving, it was stated in traffic court.
"He was swerving all over the road," P. C. Hawker stated. Michael pleaded guilty to the charge and paid a $25 fine.
Attracted by a din issuing from a house on Spadina Ave., P. C. Knox entered and found nine in a room drinking, a gallon jar of wine three parts empty, and a number of empty bottles.
Pleading guilty to a charge of consuming as a result, Ernest Tamage pleaded that "he didn't mean to do wrong."
"He hasn't been working. W. в. Horkins, defence counsel, stated. "All he has is $10."
The court took that and warned the accused to keep away from wine.
Finding 12 quarts of beer hidden in the basement of a Gerrard St. home, P. C. French charged the occupant, William Clarry, with having liquor illegally.
The accused's plea of guilty was accepted and a $105 fine with a three-month option was imposed.
Two were remanded to May 22 on reckless names driving charges. Their are Walter P. Challis and Vernor McCallum. Bail of $500 each was accepted.
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Today was great everyone looked amazing! Thank you to the organizers and the person in bunny ears who airdropped me this and everyone else<>
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thanks for coming doc!! your cosplay was amazing, please tell us how you made the mask!
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im-really-confused121 · 4 months
If there’s one thing I was taught by my mother, you can sit anywhere. No land is unseat-able and at any moment you may find her sitting down
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cuntwrap--supreme · 5 months
At the gym and there's a woman filming herself (not allowed in here) moaning loudly while walking on an elliptical. She's louder than the music and the crowd combined. We're all ignoring her, but some old man just yelled back, "Try taking the vibrator out of your ass, you ugly cunt," and is now being escorted out. The moaning woman? Still continuing.
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prankprincess123 · 9 months
Few things describe my family better than the fact that my 14&16yo brothers (📜&🐵) are currently wandering aimlessly around town, at 9pm, by lightsaber light, playing LOTR songs on ocarinas.
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bananarchy4ever · 1 year
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annoying little asshole season
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