themarketingalpha · 1 month
The difference only somebody understands.
What are the needs of your business and how can we help?
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jinalimarketing · 3 years
We are aware of marketing and digital marketing but are we really aware of two strategies i.e. Push Marketing and Pull Marketing Strategy Technique. There is a fundamental difference between the two techniques and that is by using this technique how the consumer is approached by the firm. With Push Marketing, the notion of promotion is to push your product on to the consumer, as the consumer is not actively seeking your product but you have to use your own technique, wherein Pulls Marketing is associated with consumers who are actively seeking your product, in response to direct demand. Let us know more about Push Marketing and Pull Marketing.
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debasisbasurii · 4 years
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Ever thought marketing strategies can be used to push products/services to potential customers or pull them to your products/services? Yes, this has been a very traditional method and it works every time. Tag someone who should know this! #pushmarketing #pullmarketing #pushmarketingvspullmarketing #digitalmarketing #marketingstrategies #marketingtrends https://www.instagram.com/p/B_yzfb_nlXt/?igshid=h3tuipgyxcml
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trexboy76 · 5 years
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#마켓4.0 #marketing4.0 #philipkotler #hermawonkartajaya #iwansetiawan #translated #길벗#connection #youth #women #netizens #earlyadopter #gamechanger #digitaldeclutter #brand #par #bar #b2b #b2c #pullmarketing #pushmarketing 19/8/9-15 구매 결정을 주변에 의존하는 경향이 더 강해진 지금의 #고객 들은 온/오프 라인에 고객 경험을 동시에 전달하며 #브랜드 에 대한 긍정적/부정적인 옹호도 동시에 양산한다 購入の決定を周辺に依存する傾向がより強くなった今の顧客は、オン/オフラインに顧客の経験を同時に伝達する#ブランド の肯定的や否定的の擁護も同時に量産する 부정적인 옹호도 긍정적인 옹호를 활성화시킬 수 있으므로 #마케터 들은 자발적으로 브랜드를 옹호하는 고객을 많이 만드는 것이 중요하고 그 키를 쥐고 있는 것은 #젊은이 ,#여성 그리고 #네티즌 들이다 否定的な擁護も肯定的な擁護を活性化させることができるのでマーケティング担当者は自発的にブランドを擁護する多くの顧客を作ることが重要で、そのキーを握っているのは#若者、#女性 と#ネチズン だ 이 책의 목적은 기계 대 기계의 연결을 인간 대 인간의 접촉으로 보완하여 고객 참여를 강화하는 전략을 제시하는 것이다 この本の目的は、マシン対マシンの連結を人間対人間の接触に補完して、顧客の参加を強化する戦略を提示することだ (Nagoya-shi, Aichi, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1KbPTNAXKi/?igshid=181kfzzqc4b4o
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sustainablemrk · 7 years
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There's more to advertising on the internet and social media then just putting something online largely in part to the volume of content that now exists online. We've seen time and again that it's no longer enough to just be seen even by the right audience, there needs to be a clear incentive and call to action. Building awareness without a call to action is a drop in the ocean in today's content rich world. @torontocommon sees great results with search optimization for one reason.l, we offer great incentive. Viewers search Whisky, they find a time sensitive, guaranteed great value, easy to plan event designed to minimize hesitation. If they cannot make the first event there are 3 others and since the items are regular menu items, they can always go on their own at regular price if the timing doesn't work. Check out the full Atlantic article at http://theatln.tc/2rLzvUy and contact us for more info on how we can help your business grow. #digitalmarketing #digitalbeyonddesign #PullMarketing #contentcreation #socialmediamarketing #socialmediamarketingtips
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disruptivooficial · 4 years
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Diccionario de Marketing y hoy traemos la estrategia #PULL⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ La #EstrategiaPull o “de atracción” consisten en dirigirse directamente al consumidor con la finalidad de atraerlo hacia la marca.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Ejemplos: Activaciones de marca ™️, Publicidad directamente dirigida al consumidor 📢, entre otras.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Vamos a dar un ejemplo o caso para ser más claros:⁣⁣ - Sale una bebida nueva 🥤🥤🥤 pero la empresa se concentra en el cliente final.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ Lanza una #publicidadOmnicanal (Radio, Tv, Redes sociales con influencers) con el mismo mensaje acerca de la nueva bebida.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ¿Qué sucede? Las personas van a querer conocer y probar la nueva bebida, entonces se las pedirán directamente a los comercios para poderla probar.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ La #Publicidaddeatracción logró su objetivo.⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ___⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 📌@Disruptivo.oficial 👈⁣⁣ 📌@Disruptivo.oficial 👈⁣⁣ 📌@Disruptivo.oficial 👈⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ___⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⫸👍 𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 Si te gusto⁣⁣ ⫸🔖 ¡𝐄𝐭𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐭𝐚 A un Amigo/a (s) que necesite ver esto⁣�� ⫸📤⁣ ¡Si deseas Ayudar a alguien 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞 este Post!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ___⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ #disruptivooficial #estrategiapull #diccionariomarketing #estrategiaatraccion #pullmarketing #estrategiaventas #estrategiamarketing #estrategiamercadeo #estrategiadeatraccion #mercadeodeatraccion #marketingdeatraccion https://instagr.am/p/CGf9LoRALy6/
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goodoldgeek-blog · 5 years
A Blog from the 'MARKETER'S DESK' you should know and consider for your next marketing strategy.
Go through our Blog on 'What Is Pull Marketing?' Stay connected to get more updates. Do Like, Comment and Share!
#marketingfacts #marketersdesk #digimarketupdate #digitalmarketing#pullmarketing #marketing #goololdgeek #gog
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schulzundtebbe · 5 years
damals wie heute
Gestern, heute, morgen ...
Letzte Woche hatte ich (Bruno) bei schulzundtebbe im LOFT einen sehr interessanten Termin mit Katja Hilt, der kommenden Geschäftsführerin der Naheland-Touristik. Anlass war die baldige "Pecha-Cucha"-Veranstaltung am 10. Dezember von Fabrice Henninger und seinem Team der hdg Architekten zum Thema Lokal-/Regionaltourismus, zu der wir beide mit unseren Vorträgen antreten werden, neben einem bunten Reigen an Referenten wie dem Fotografen Peter Bender, Eric Barz, dem lokalen Impresario Andreas Schnorrenberger oder auch Dr. Michael Vesper. Eine wilde Mischung, der Fabrice wird wissen, was er macht :).
Der Titel meines Beitrages:
„Wir wollen niemanden kennenlernen“ oder: „wie sich das Naheland erfolgreich gegen den Tourismus wehrt.“
(Über Pullmarketing und den Funnel Circuit im Zeitalter von Social Media.) 20x20 Sekunden. Ich freue mich.
Katja erinnerte sich übrigens an ein früheres Zusammentreffen in einem früheren Leben im Jahr 2002 und dokumentierte das mit Pressebelegen. Mit meiner einstigen Firmenbeteiligung hatten wir seinerzeit die neue Naheland-Website mit selbstprogrammiertem CMS vorgestellt. Die üblichen CMS-Systeme dieser Zeit waren alle etwas schwach auf der Brust. Was damals für Suhrkamp, Carlson Wagonlit Travel und die TUI (Golfportal) funktionierte, konnte auch im regionalen Tourismusbüro Gnade finden. Gott sei dank.
Danke für die schöne Erinnerung.
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thatgee · 11 years
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Sky fire. #clouds #sky #contrast #pullmarketing
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sustainablemrk · 7 years
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Can you afford to set aside one table a month for giving new customers a great experience? @torontocommon creates events designed to win new customers with great events that are about the food and drink, not the hype. And since each event is designed around your business and every ticket is a paid ticket (no free tickets), you know each guest is a paying customer. All we need to do is make it a little easier with a great offer and pricing strategy, our clear and transparent copy and photos, easy to search and find web strategies, regular social media and email marketing. #PullMarketing #digitalmarketing #digitalbeyonddesign
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